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    1. Wolf and Rain

      by , 03-10-2011 at 08:35 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was in the car with my dad driving. We were on a one way road and had to stop at an intersection. He pulled around the cars in front of us and parked the car in front of a huge, bright screen mounted to the curb. The front of the car bumped the underside of the screen. I looked up at the screen itself, and my vision warped.

      I was in my bedroom on the computer. Like some kind of background train of logic slipped into place, I suddenly realized I was dreaming. I laughed at the strange sequence of events… What did my computer have to do with my dad driving around? I wondered how long I had been dreaming. Not very long, I realized. I immediately felt the dream fading as it always does, but I transformed myself into a wolf to put pressure on my hands and feet. I felt that would help. After a brief jog through a forest, I started flying around the world in one frame of reference. In the bedroom, I was gently floating through the air. I laughed when I saw what I was doing in the room. This was the dumbest stabilization technique I’d ever come up with. I turned back into a human. I had brief sexual thoughts, but I reminded myself not to pursue them this time. I would learn much more from experimenting with the dream state. I drifted down to a sitting position and rubbed my hands together. I brought them into view and saw that I was wearing black leather gloves. That explained why my skin felt so leathery. I pulled the gloves off and tried rubbing my hands again. It worked. The skin on my hands was so finely detailed afterward… I noticed every little stretch in the skin. I reminded myself not to get lost staring into them. I pinched myself in an attempt to inflict minor pain. I wanted to ground myself further in the dream. My hand just felt numb. I tried my arm, too – also numb. Whatever, I thought, at least pain wouldn’t distract me. As soon as I started toward the door, things became fuzzy and blacked out. I patiently waited without mental comment.

      “Furley?” I heard my mom calling Austin from downstairs – that was her nickname for him around the house when we were younger.
      Her voice caused me to lose a little lucidity for a moment. Time to get up, I thought… Wait! My mom wouldn’t be in my dorm room, I reasoned. Vision rapidly came back, and my lucidity was back to where it had been before.

      I “respawned” at my computer desk after a few moments. Chelsea walked into the room and handed me a soft drink from a fast food restaurant. About half of the drink remained.

      “Are you done with that?” I asked, taking it from her. I wanted to try Coca Cola in a dream. I haven’t had it in a long, long time in waking life because it’s so acidic. The taste was convincing, and getting a drink was refreshing since my throat was so dry. I checked my hands… No gloves. Good! I noticed I was really warm because I was wearing my hoodie. I took that off and tossed it on the floor. Keeping myself warm wasn’t at all necessary… If anything, staying cold would keep me alert. Chelsea gave me a weird look when I pushed the chair back. She had been talking to me about something, but I wasn’t listening. I felt a little guilty, but it didn’t seem like it was that important. If it had been, I wouldn’t have been able to ignore it.

      “Come with me…” I said. I grabbed her hand and led her out of the room. We went down a flight of stairs. I recognized our old house in Texas from the general layout, so I knew where to expect the front door. It was wide open. Clearly, I was on the right path.

      “Where are we going?” Chelsea asked. I figured I could tell her she was a dream character, or I could let her see that we were in a dream for herself. I chose the latter option.

      “Don’t worry about that. We’ll see.” I wasn’t sure myself. When we reached the door, I saw that it was raining. I smiled. I love rainstorms. “You don’t need shoes,” I told her, urging her out of the house even though she was barefoot. I didn’t notice I was wearing socks until I stepped onto the wet driveway. Just intending for them to go away was difficult, but I knew it would be better if I could feel the cold driveway under my feet. Chelsea was hanging back by the door to avoid going into the rain. “What’s wrong? Come on!”

      “We do need shoes,” she objected. Sighing, I grabbed her arm and pulled her outside. “Wait!” she objected again. “We have to close the door!”

      “There’s no one else in that house,” I laughed. “Stop worrying. Look at all of this!” Where there should have been houses, the terrain was just flat. It was nostalgic in ways – the same trees were there – but with all the buildings missing, it was so foreign. As we walked into the rain, the dream rapidly faded.

      I found myself in my computer chair in my dorm room. I relaxed in the chair, attempting to go back to sleep. I wasn’t aware that this was a false awakening. A program called Dream Apache tracked my dreams from the previous night. It even listed the durations of each dream so I could determine the order in which I had them. I waited almost a full minute (53 seconds) in this relaxed state before my head seemed to swell. Was this what it was like to cross the threshold, I wondered? Tunnel vision went to darkness, eclipsing the blinking message on the screen that said “DREAM ACTIVE.” The program even told me where my dream body had gone, but I didn’t pay attention to that.

      I felt hands grip my ankles. Interesting… I was dreaming again for sure. The hands were soft, but the force behind them was strong. I felt a forward tug. I was being pulled somewhere.

      The rest has been omitted.
    2. Wake up! This is a Dream!

      by , 03-07-2011 at 05:14 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I struggled to get back to sleep after writing my other dreams down, so I wasn’t surprised when I heard my alarm go off. I got out of bed with no further dream recall, wandered into the bathroom, and saw Nicole’s dad staring at the shower curtain. For some reason, I thought I had time to shower before heading back to my dorm. I understood that there was a leak in the shower faucet recently.

      “Is it working?” I asked Phil. He nodded.

      “What, are you planning on taking a shower?” He said something else, but I didn’t quite catch it. I unclothed myself in a few seconds. Immediately, I remembered the door was still open. Was he coming back? I grabbed a towel off the wall to cover myself just in case. What was I going to wear? There were pants in the bathroom, but I quickly realized they were Nicole’s… They didn’t look like any she owned, but they were the right size. I didn’t have anything to wear except the clothes on my back. I supposed I could just wear those back to Nicole’s room and change after the shower. I closed the door. As I looked up at the mirror, I scrunched my eyebrows. There was a bed in the mirror. The door was still closed, so I knew I wasn’t seeing another room. I looked behind me in disbelief and found nothing but a white wall. The bed was still in the mirror when I looked back. I laughed as I realized what this meant. I looked at my right hand. Even though the hand was perfectly normal, I knew I was dreaming.

      I walked out of the bathroom (still naked, but now unashamed of my nudity) and made my way into Nicole’s room. Maybe if she was dreaming, I could contact her and have a shared dream! A lucid shared dream would be a great start to my week. I stood at the end of her bed, observing that she was sleeping in the dream, too. I tried speaking to her telepathically. She didn’t seem to hear. Hm… I figured I would try communicating the “normal” way.

      “Hey!” I shouted – except not really. My voice came out as a hoarse whisper. For fairies’ sake, not this garbage, I thought. I rubbed my hands together, swallowed, and tried again. “Hey, Nicole!” It didn’t help my voice much (just made the phlegm in there drain), but the dream was less unstable. I decided to confidently continue shouting until the dream gave in and let me project my voice. I didn’t want to let a little loss of dream control hamper my experience. Nicole rolled over in bed as I continued shouting at her. She murmured something in her sleep – how cute. “Nicole, wake up! This is a dream!” I laughed at the irony of telling her to wake up when I wanted her to partake in the dream with me… “Get out of bed!”

      At this point, I thought about how well the dream was holding up despite being so late in the morning. Usually, by the sixth hour or so of sleep, my dreams are kind of unstable – much like those early in the night. Thinking about it was a mistake; the dream began rapidly fading, and although I rubbed my hands together to try to stabilize it, there was little I could do. When it collapsed, I waited a few moments for another dream to begin, but I realized I couldn’t have much time before I was supposed to wake up anyway, so I decided to get up.
    3. My 7th WILD

      by , 03-06-2011 at 09:18 PM
      I WILDed during my afternoon nap again. I'd say it only lasted a mintue. I was trying to ground myself in the dream by feeling things when I woke up. I noticed that I felt tired and when I tried to shout "increase lucidity!" it came out weak.
    4. Minecraft, Piracy, and a Mental Hospital

      by , 03-06-2011 at 08:07 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      Nicole and I were playing on a Minecraft server together. We ventured into an unexplored area and found some strange, circular platforms floating in the ocean. They looked like targets. Assuming the administrator had plans for these, I decided building on them was pointless; the buildings would just get destroyed. We walked back in the other direction, and I found an old cabin I had built previously to survive a night. I decided I would stay there until morning. I was glad I found it when I did since skeletons were already patrolling behind it. I looked around the cabin and quickly discovered the basement. I couldn’t remember why I abandoned the cabin… Until I saw the creepers hiding in the basement, that is. There were at least seven of them, and they all noticed me. Only one jumped up to the ground level, though. I backed into a corner to try to force it to blow up where the damage would be minimal. I knew I couldn’t fight a creeper in this small space. Unfortunately, the creeper knocked out nine blocks on the south wall, exposing me to roaming zombies! The open space was three blocks high, so I quickly placed a line of wood across the middle to keep the zombies and creepers at bay. This didn’t protect me from skeletons or spiders, though. I tried to find materials to use without going into the basement. I tried typing “/give Nephanim diamonds” to see if I had operator rights on the server for whatever reason. The dream didn’t seem to care that I typed the command incorrectly. As I worried that someone would see the request for items and complain that I was cheating, I got a red error message back from the server. It said that I had received a warning from the staff, and the item request had been denied. Boo… I decided to brave the basement for some dirt. To my surprise, it was now empty. Dirt was better than nothing… I don’t know why I had thought to put diamond blocks up instead of something less valuable. Anyway, while I was down there, I found these long, skinny lego blocks and put them together to form a red and yellow striped wall. It still wasn’t wide enough. The corners of the hole were still open, and skeletons were shooting me. I saw that my health was empty. I was alive, but not for long. Another arrow hit, and my items burst from my body. Apparently, my spawn point was close tot he cabin even though I expected to have to run across the island. I carefully returned to the building, collected my belongings, and went on my way.

      I met up with Nicole again, and we found a water purification plant beside a street. We filled buckets with water from the clean end and sampled it. The water was horrible… On top of that, we were stealing it. We laughed about all of this as we roamed some more. We found a car, I guess… Some people called Nicole and told her to pick things up from Chick-fil-A. We went there, but we didn’t buy anything for these people. Nicole spent $14 on something applicable to her diet. I saw that $5 of it went toward adding extra bacon. That plus my food and two drinks came out to $21.45. I misheard the amount, so I only pulled out a $20 bill. The drive-through was reversed as if we were in Europe, so I had to pay. To my immense surprise, when we pulled up to the window, the cashier handed us $21.45 instead of taking our money. Speechless, I put the money away. She passed our food over and closed the window. As Nicole drove off, we argued about what just happened. Nicole seemed to think she had gone to the wrong service window, but there was only one.

      “They just paid us to take their food,” I said. “That’s all there is to it. It’s not really stealing if they don’t ask you for money… They didn’t ask you to pay when you ordered, right?” Of course not – the woman just said the total was $21.45. It really was our lucky day! Free water, free food, free money! As we continued driving, I became aware of another reality overlapping with this one. I was on a modern pirate ship as we sailed away from the coast. The farther away we went, the more I worried about dying and being too far away to retrieve my belongings. I remembered that I could set up to ten warp points, though, so I kept resetting one warp point as we continued south of the shore. My crew mates discovered stitches on my arms just below the elbow. I explained that I cut them off in order to switch my arms with Nicole’s. I would probably have scars for the rest of my life. For some reason, my crew decided this was traitorous, so they dragged me toward the back of the boat. I was shoved overboard. As I flailed in the ocean, I returned to my former reality. I was in the same car, but my mom was driving instead of Nicole. Nicole and I moved from the middle seats to the back and sprawled out on top of a bunch of Chelsea’s stuffed animals. I kept lulling Nicole into sleep so I could carry her. It worked. She almost fell into a sea of stuffed animals behind the seat, but I caught her.

      Meanwhile, I swam back to the ship in the pirate reality. I don’t know why I bothered to go back there, but it was the only place I knew to go. Once I was safe, I switched realities again. Nicole stirred. She looked like she had lost all sense of time and place. She wasn’t wearing a shirt, either. I told her about the overlapping realities. She seemed impressed. I tried to have my way with her, but she refused. I kept asking until she suggested something else. She turned me into a child and herself into a babysitter (although we were like small action figures instead of people). We were going to roleplay. While we entangled ourselves together under a thin blanket, I began to wonder where we were going. We had been driving in one direction for a while. I looked at my mom beyond the shadows of the blanket. She made eye contact with me in the rear view mirror. I saw an infinite stretch of interconnected highways in front of us. There were street signs all over the place, and no matter how far we drove, the dream was always able to fill in the space with the same amount of detail. It could continue indefinitely, I realized. We were in a dream. If nothing changed, my mom would keep driving forever! I tried to use my intent to bring us to WritersCube’s canvas void by car so could get out and try teleporting to his Monolith Gardens dreamscape. I didn’t want to bring the car along. Strangely, I lost some time here… That doesn’t happen very often. The next scene I remember was non-lucid, but there wasn’t a rough jump in the dream like there usually is.

      I sensed that a police car would pull up beside us on the highway soon. I was lying across the area behind the back seat with all of Chelsea’s stuffed animals. I knew this wasn’t legal – for one, I didn’t have a seat belt on – so I tried to keep still to avoid drawing attention to myself. Sure enough, a cop car merged onto the highway right beside us. My mom ordered me to come sit in the middle seats once we passed the patrol car. She explained where we were going at last: to a mental hospital. I understood immediately that I had been tricked. I grasped at fleeting questions in my head, but I didn’t know how to respond. I would be kept in solitary confinement for my own good, she said.

      “This will keep you from polluting your mind on the computer all day,” my mom continued. “Think of it like this: you’re decontaminating your mind and body until you can function like a normal person in society. You don’t need all that bacteria.” I wasn’t sure I agreed (if I even understood what she meant). It didn’t occur to me that I was free to say no. Rather, I wondered how I would finish school… We pulled onto the side of the road beneath an overpass where a bunch of other cars were parked. My mom and dad got out of the car (when did my dad show up?!) and started moving luggage to a man sitting on a white couch. My dad put all of Chelsea’s stuffed animals in a suitcase.

      “Do you really need all of this?” he asked me.

      “Those are Chelsea’s, not mine. Ask her.” I looked over and saw that the guy on the couch hand his hand on a zipper. I thought he was opening a suitcase to see what was inside. “Don’t screw with my stuff!” I yelled. Everyone stared at me, clearly prepared for me to attack one of them. I realized the guy was just zipping up a compartment in the bag that had been open. “Sorry. I thought you were going through my stuff.”

      “Don’t you want these gloves?” my dad asked, showing me a pair of new winter gloves. I saw an old pair of gloves on top of one of my suitcases. “Those old gloves are falling apart… These are flame-resistant, too, so they won’t burn in the summer.” I quietly accepted the gloves. I still felt awkward because of my previous outburst. I walked over to a woman sitting in a chair. She had a computer monitor for a head. She asked if I had any questions about the hospital.

      “Yeah, will I have internet access…?” I asked. No response. “Because… Well, that’s how I keep in touch with people… And I keep a dream journal online.” At least one good thing came of this, I realized. I would be able to devote most of my energy to dreaming. I had argued briefly with my mom about this in the car, but the more I thought about it, the less I felt like struggling. If everyone felt I belonged in a mental hospital, I wasn’t going to fight it… The computer woman still didn’t respond to my question, though! I scrolled through a list of frequently asked questions on her screen. It seemed the hospital made every effort to provide patients with internet access, so I was basically content. An IRC window popped up. I saw “Tande” at the top of the chat and thought Kelsey was running the hospital until I scrolled down and saw Nicole’s IRC username in the user list, too. “Oh… IRC just recognized me as Elita.” I closed the chat and walked away from the computer woman.

      I heard a girl screaming behind a closed door. When I opened it, I saw a large rat jumping around in a garage. The girl was terrified of it. I grabbed a broom and said I would save her, but I had to wait for the rat to move away from the door so it wouldn’t see me. The rat chased her into the corner. Then, it came back toward me. I slammed the broom down on its back, pinning it to the ground. If I could just hold it there, I could kill it with something… It was a perfect hit, but this rat was tough; a broom wasn’t enough to bash the life out of it. The rat squirmed free of the broom. It went straight to its attacker, jumping onto my chest and sinking its teeth through my clothes. I swatted at it. As I awakened, I sat up frantically in bed to get away from the dream rat. I did this twice before I realized I was in a different reality.
    5. Preparing for a Cheap Scare

      by , 03-06-2011 at 08:04 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was chasing Austin around our parents’ old house in North Carolina. I lost sight of him upstairs, so I started checking hiding places – our bedrooms, closets, under beds and desks… I saw that it was oppressively dark in the hallway bathroom. Where else could he be but in there? I approached the shower curtain to draw it back. I knew what would probably happen, though… I would find some kind of shadow creature instead of Austin because this was a dream. My mind enjoys those kinds of cheap thrills, I thought to myself. I braced myself for the shock and pulled aside the curtain. I heard Austin’s laugh echo all around me. I couldn’t see anything in the shower except a twirling puff of smoke. Right… I walked out of the room.
    6. Practicing Focus and Specific Recall

      by , 03-02-2011 at 06:10 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I found myself in what I knew to be a fleeting dream in between states of wakefulness. I was about to get out of bed and write down my dreams, but then I saw what looked like a can of coffee grounds on my mattress. A picture of Santa Claus was in the middle. There was writing above and below the image, but I knew the dream wouldn’t last long enough to read all of it, so I focused on the bottom and committed it to memory. I would only have to remember it for about thirty seconds to record it in my journal.

      “And so, only one thing is for certain. My angry colony will become bad if something were to happen.” I understood that this was a threat from Santa Claus to the United States. He was raising an army of ants to attack us. As predicted, I woke up right away.
    7. Dissolving Dormitory and Glimpse of a Rainforest

      by , 03-02-2011 at 05:04 AM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was reading something on my computer screen when I realized quite abruptly that I was dreaming. I moved my hands via thought alone. A moment later, everything became fuzzy. I reminded myself that it would come back if I focused and relaxed my thoughts. I got hazy visuals of the computer screen fading back in (I was no longer on the same website), then my dorm room. I was sitting at my computer desk again.

      “Increase lucidity!” I shouted inside my head. Surprisingly, this didn’t work. My dream control’s usually pretty good… I tried morphing my bedroom into a lush rainforest full of sights and sounds to engage my senses. It worked! I got about halfway through the transformation before I lost the dream.
    8. Scattered- Completely lucid

      by , 02-26-2011 at 09:56 PM
      So I did have a couple of dreams last night, and most of them I knew I was dreaming.One of them I actually manipulated a little. That's one of the first times I have ever done that as far as I can remember. I tried doing it more, but wasn't quite as successful.

      Anyhow the dream pieces go like this:

      In the first part I was in a store, setting up the back. There was another person with me who I was sort of competing with, seeing who could get the most done without going into our designated spaces, and I was winning. I paused and thought, I think I'm dreaming. I opened up a small notebook that had a title and no words. As I put it down I noticed some writing appear on the paper. I heard a dog barking, and I was getting close to the other person when the owner came over and told us all to return to the front to discuss our service skills. First she asked us to bring out or resume's, and then she asked us various questions about the job. She asked the first person, and after talking about the bikes the person left. Then she went to me and told me that this was a tag she found on the floor. I think it was a dog tag that had to do with the FBI. I took it and looked outside to see someone I know with his arm around this girl. I nearly dropped the tag, but went back to the floor and got a tag. Then I went back to the desk and the owner was talking to someone about my resume. She asked her questions and the girl was really confidant and professional. She went by Katherine. Then the woman went to me and started asking me questions, saying that we all shared the resume. I answered a little, but before I could complete the interview we heard a loud noise come from outside a round door/wall. We ran to it, and opened the door up to a black platform high above the ground.

      The white scenery changed to a scene with European cottages, crowds, cowboy hats and fireworks. Apparently, we were in old town, but it was no part of Old Town that I had ever seen. I had walked down a little ways when I heard a guy I knew calling for me. "There you are," he said and he put his arms around me before giving me a kiss. I remember thinking I wish this wasn't just a dream, and we walked towards the stage where tons of people were at. When we got there he got up and reached his hand out to me. I smiled and took it but just as we clasped hands, the dream went black. There were no sounds or anything, but I could still feel his fingers on my skin. I thought again, why does this have to be a dream? I had a false awakening.

      I saw a shadow of the man i had been with slip away, and in his place two huge wooden peg legs tromping about. I was kind of weirded out and I told myself that this was my dream. I attempted to make some changes. I told the peg legs to get smaller and they did, then I said to lose the blue outside. The outside started to peel and I looked at the small wooden pieces curiously. What am I supposed to do with these I told myself, and said I want them to disappear. The wooden pegs did. I tried to summon the guy back, but I had no success, and tried to summon back the stage again, but still had no success. Finally I just wished someone would show up and I heard some talking out side the room. I closed my eyes and got up, wrapping a thin black robe around me as I did. I opened the door to see two men in cowboy hats looking at me curiously.

      "Hey little lady," they said, "what you doing up so late?" I shrugged and found myself inside a different place. I looked out the window and saw the men talking. And one of them was like, "I don't know what to do about that kid, since he found out about his old man all he's been doing is drinking, drinking, and more drinking."

      The other guy said "He's been at the scoreboard non-stop for the past five days, if he's there much longer he might become part of the permanent decor."

      I pulled my jacket tighter across my chest and sunk down to the floor and knowing what kind of person he was, thought "Don't you dare drink yourself into oblivion." The scene faded.

      I was sleeping on a bed, when I heard some voices. I woke up and was startled to see myself on top of a brown motor home/RV. I didn't know how I had gotten there and when I looked around I saw myself on a paved road with small houses and trees all around. I wondered why I was on top of an RV instead of inside. A black SUV stopped next to me, and four friends stepped out. I was embarrassed to be on top of and RV and wondered if they knew what was going on. I stepped down the ladder and one of the people I knew asked me about a drink. We got into the black SUV.

      I was back at the building from the first dream, talking to some of the people I worked with. One of them went out a door that led to a bar. Someone else mentioned going out to drink, and asked where to go. A girl mentioned Jules and I knew it was the bar that was next door. After clocking out from the position I went through the door that led to the bar. It was kind of old school with various people from all different backgrounds, rough wooden pieces for walls and decor that went from shiny red and green lights, to old school guns and machete's, lasso's and animal heads. There was even a thorny crown made of bone like material. The counter top was oak, and the other parts a cherry wood like color. The stools were wooden with black cushioned tops. After having a glowing green drink, I looked out the window to see scoreboard a couple blocks away. A girl I knew named LM walked up to me and asked me how I was doing. A couple other people I knew from high school also joined, including a guy with Bieber like dark hair, a girl with chin length magenta colored hair, and another guy with spiky black hair. I talked with them a little and then went outside where LM joined me.

      "Hey," I said, "Can I tell you something?" and LM took a tequila shot, leaned against the table and nodded. I told her about my friend.

      "What if you had this friend who had just lost someone and started drinking constantly. This other friend worries that they're going overboard. But they know that the drinker always does something like that when stress hits him. When the friend ask the drinker if they can help, the drinker says they're fine but need a little time. the concerned friend agrees to let them be, but things don't seem to be getting any better. This friend knows where the drinker has been going every day, and can easily go there, but they said they would wait for the drinker to contact them before they did anything. Should the person go, or continue to wait?"

      LM looked curious about that, and said something, but the words weren't understood. Nonetheless, I did feel slightly upset. Then the guy with the Bieber hair approached me and said, " I think what she means is that you should do what you feel is best." I nodded.

      The dream faded and I woke up on this bench. The day was bright and quiet, and there were no animal sounds anywhere. I was sitting down in a tank and shorts when my brother came up in an old clunker.

      "Hey" he said, "why don't you try this out?" And he threw me what looked like a giant salt less pretzel stick. I broke it in half and tried to eat it, but he stopped me and gave me a French roll that had been partially scooped out and stuck some cheese and jalapeños inside it. Then he put the salt less pretzel stick in it and opened up a bread roll that had a square cut in it. He put the wrap, or gyro as it called it, and stuck it in the bread roll, and started eating it. He tried to get me to do it, but I said I didn't have the other bread and he said it was fine.

      As i was creating my little gyro he mentioned that he heard that a certain someone had been talking about me all over the place. I asked him what he was talking about, and he mentioned the FBI dog tags, and Connor, the man who had been drinking after his family tragedy. I paused at that and looked at him curiously.

      "How'd you know about that?" I asked and he said he had met the guy himself.
      "Tell me," he said to me, "What do you think of that person?"

      I didn't tell him anything, and my brother said, If you had to choose between family and the guy, who would you pick. At first I didn't say anything, but then I mentioned Connor and my brother looked at me curiously. "Then why aren't you with him,"he said.

      I asked my brother what he meant, and my brother said that Connor had been going through a lot but hadn't seen me in awhile.

      I told A that that was want he wanted, and he didn't seem to think of me in any special way, and A smiled.

      "Sure about that?"

      "Yes," a pause, "Why would he? He hardly pays me any heed."

      Then A was like, "I don't know, but I do know that the few time's I've met him, he's pretty happy when he talks about you. ."

      I looked hesitant, and A gave me a hug. "Sis," he said, "You're important to us," he paused, "but you're also important to him, and I think you know it"

      "I think he may have used to care, " I whispered, " but now"

      "He does." A said, cutting me off, "He talked about going on dates with you a few times, and seeing you to bed."

      "You know about that?" I asked and A nodded. I bowed my head and smiled slightly. Why does this have to be a dream?

      And that's it!

      Connor is a real person, but his name's not Connor, and the beer and relative tragedy is also true. Also LM and the other three are real people from high school. don't know where they are now...but you know. Everything else...meh, but I may try that jalapeño thing. Sounds yummy

      Updated 02-27-2011 at 04:23 AM by 41283

      false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , task of the month
    9. What a WILD Night

      by , 02-26-2011 at 07:01 PM (Living the Dream)
      What a WILD Night (WILD)


      So I woke up at about 6:30 and began to write down my dreams when about halfway through I stoped and lay own for a while. So after a bit I remembered how some people would RC in the morning to check for a FA so I did too. I pinched my nose and could still breeth. So I realized I had WILD'd and began to roll out of bed. I fell out and felt nothing when I hit the ground. So I got up and looked around. I was in my house, and nothing seemed to be different. I remembered not to look at myself in bed (whenever I do, I wake up instantly) and decided to see what I could do. I stuck my hand through a wall and phased through the whole thing. I began to wonder if this was a dream, or if I was Astral Projecting. I had heard that Astral Projecting was just a realistic WILD and I wanted to test that theory. I went to my sister's room and saw that there was another person there, someone I'd never seen before. When I turned around and looked back he was gone. So I thought, "Guess it is just a WILD." I decided to see if anyone would notice me and started to jump up and down infront of my sister, but she didn't notice. Then I woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    10. My first lucid dream.

      by , 02-26-2011 at 05:30 PM
      So I've been trying to lucid dream ever since I saw the movie inception, which was about a month ago. I'm too lazy to write in a dream journal everyday so I just thought about my dreams after I woke up, and later I drew an A on my hand which stood for awake.
      Two weeks later I was having a dream that was particularly unrealistic and I was falling off of a cliff. I realized that I was dreaming and before I hit the ground I woke up. That motivated me even more to start thinking about lucid dreaming right before I went to bed. So last night I went to bed thinking about being lucid dreaming. In my dream which was very vivid I was in a bright red room with some of my friends. I was talking with a friend saying that we should hang out again when I realized that I was dreaming. I was so stoked that I started jumping up and down exclaiming 'I'm lucid, I'm lucid!". My friends didn't know what I was talking about so I demonstrated that walk around freely. They were still skeptical, but I was too excited to care. I immediately flew right through the ceiling and the roof by doing an upward breastroke sort of thing. I looked down and continued to fly, I was very high up and thats when I think the adrenaline woke me up.
      Tags: dream, lucid, story
    11. Lucid at Last

      by , 02-25-2011 at 04:29 AM (Living the Dream)
      Lucid at Last (DILD)


      So I'm at my school again, when something prompts me to RC. Probably the fact that the school is empty. I pinch my nose and go lucid. So I feel extremely happy and satisfied that I'm LDing and stay calm enough that the dream doesn't destabilize. So I decide that my first priority is to clear up the dream. So I start to rub my hands and focus on the dream. It clears up, but I notice that only the things I focus on become super clear, which disappoints me a little. (I had been hearing about how when you focus on a dream it becomes super real) So I decide to test my dream control and make one of the passing DCs give me his gun (???). So suddenly I wake up and fall asleep almost instantly after waking.
      I guess I fell asleep fast enough that I retain lucidity. I am in the same area and see what would happen if I jumped down the big ass stairs at my school. I fly down them and wee that the next room was replaced with a room with a banner that says "Welcome, Lucid Dreamer!" I think alriiiiiggggghhhhttt and fly around the room, which it turns out is hosting the Oscars. So the host is talking about who won what award when I fall to the ground and wake up in the same position I fell in.
    12. Dream Within a Dream Within a Dream

      by , 02-23-2011 at 04:22 AM (Living the Dream)
      Dream Within a Dream Within a Dream (DEILD)


      This was actually a fairly recent dream. I had it a few days ago, and thought that it was fun enough to post .

      I start out in a abandoned building with some of my RL classmates. We're just standing around waiting for someone, I can't remember who. The person we were waiting for arrives and explains to us that we are now in a "Dreaming Compotation." We're going to be divided into teams of four and sent into a dream together where we will try to kill the other players on the opposing teams and wake them up. So we are divided up and I get with my teammates to enter the dream. We all get in a circle and the person pulls out an Inception suitcase for us to enter the dream.
      (I'm going to count this as Lucid because I knew I was dreaming and I had all the powers that LDing entails)We enter the dream. It's a sunny day without a cloud in the sky. I'm in the parking lot to a nearby Safeway. I see a wooden car nearby and dive in with my group. I sit in the back with another student while the last two take up positions in the front. I look around and see all the other teams are also in similar wooden cars. We're trying to race to a certain building. I remember that this was challenging because the steering wheel was on one side of the car and the gas and brake was on the other. So we start the race when all of a sudden, both of the people driving were killed by getting shot. I'm in the back trying to find out what killed the drivers when my other teammate is also picked off. I see that next to the sun is the moon. Upon closer inspection, I see that there is a sniper on the moon, killing every player he sees. So I know that I need to escape and I jump to the front seat with the gas and brake and scream, "STEERING WHEEL!" This instantly puts a steering wheel in the right place. So I drive off and crash into a wall of a nearby building, which I believe I need to go into. I phase through the wreck and wall into a single room without a ceiling. One of my teachers is there, waiting at a table in the corner of the room. There are a few other students there, about 15. She says that we passed the first layer and we can now go into the second. I see that there are various gameboards in a circle in the center of the room. She splits us up again, this time into teams of 5. She also says that the gameboards are what we will go into when we fall asleep next to them, and that they are all somehow connected. So I talk to some other students before going to my gameboard.
      I fall asleep next to it when suddenly there is a flash and I am in a room made of concrete and with only metal desks populating it. Suddenly, I think of the sniper, and how I might be sleeping where he has a clear shot at me. So I wake up into the first layer and move to where I am near the gameboard, but where I can't get sniped.
      I re-enter the second layer and see that it is the same. I get my bearings when one of my teammates, apparently named "Sam," teleports in. She makes a microscope appear to examine something. I ask her something when she freezes and says that "Real Sam" was killed and that she was now just a DC. This worries me as to what is happening up above. So then I turn the room into a fancy party and fill it with DCs to make it less suspicious to opposing teams.
      I see that some Indian girl has entered the room and was approaching me. I knew somehow that this meant trouble, so I summoned a pistol and gunned her down. None of the other DCs seemed to notice/care. This old woman then enters and says she captured all of my teammates and killed Sam. I get pissed and say, "I want my teammates back now." This makes them appear behind me. The old woman starts to make the room shake and I know I have to kill her. I try a machine gun, but the bullets just bounce off. She then grabs me by my neck. I think of a way to escape before choking to death. I scream, "GRANADE," and she shoves me back, thinking I do have a grenade. I laugh, and summon an actual granade. When it explodes near her, she just shrinks instead of blowing up. Thinking of Inception, I get a granade launcher and start laughing my ass off and quoting Eames with, "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." Me and my teammates then fire at her repeatedly while running around the room. She is finally shrunk to a level where I just crush her. I laugh with my team and start to walk away when the room shakes again. All the DCs stop and turn on us. I think, "Shit. This must be the old lady's fault," when I'm grabbed by a DC and thrown on a table. They then proceed to cut me in half with a cake knife.
      I then woke up IRL. It took me a few moments to affirm that I wasn't bleeding. Or dead.
      lucid , memorable
    13. Reading With My Eyes Shut

      by , 02-22-2011 at 12:54 PM (Reading With My Eyes Shut)
      My Notes

      The first dream began outside my friend's old house. I'm at the bottom of the hill, when I find an old and very rusty watch. It had a small key with it that went into the back. I bring it home and try to unlock it. It doesn't unlock, so I jam a screwdriver into the back.
      I'm at school, outside my lockers again. The watch looks different. It now is shiny, and it glows. I show everyone how it has strange little mechanicals under the glass. I drop the key somewhere and can't find it. I look up to find my teacher, Mr T, passing it to me with a grin on his face.
      I'm in a new building I've never been in before, still with the watch. It now has a large wide-screen on it which has a red button on it to the left. I press it to see what it does. Two people pop up on the screen, kissing. I then realise it's a porno button. "That's odd," I think, and do the nose-plug RC. For a moment, everything is in third person and I'm watching myself do the RC. The first few times my hands slip, but then I get it right, and I become lucid. Although I was lucid, it was a very low level of lucidity.
      I turn around and see a window the size of the wall. The sky is completely blue, and there's a great big beach-city below me. I'm at least 100 floors up. I turn back around and see two people. One dares me to jump off. I say I'll parachute down. I think the dream ended either then and there, or a few moments later just as I jumped.

      Second dream (this was one of those dreams that made no sense whatsoever): I'm in my bedroom. In my cupboard I have lots of board games in a black vertical board game rack. I really loved owning them all. A black tower, the same height and diameter as my board game stack, appears in the middle of my room. I'm concerned that it's going to replace my board games.

      Third dream:I'm in my bed, but I'm in the top bunk instead of the bottom. I become lucid straight away. The first thing I notice is how dark it is (darkness is much more scary in dreams I think). I close my eyes and expect it to be day when I open them. This doesn't work. I try a second time and notice the the wall to my right has a very feint glow, but still there was no real light, so I decide to just leave it there.
      I run out of my room, reminding myself to stay lucid. I run into the front room. My older brother is sitting in the main chair. I manage to say "Hi," before the dream ends.

      Fourth dream: I'm on a computer, sitting next to some guy I don't know. I show him someone's youtube account. I notice that page has 31 dislikes. I didn't know you could even dislike a channel. I find out that I had accidentally gone into my channel. I notice he writes down my username. Embarrassed about him going on my channel, I contemplate deleting it.

      Fifth dream (only a fragment): I see nothing but a page of a book. I know that my eyes are closed. I try to read it, but it eventually gets harder and harder to read. As I read it out loud, I notice that I'm barely paying attention to what I'm reading and won't remember it.
      This may not have been a dream, but me seeing HI in a daze, just after waking up. It was most likely a dream though.

      Sixth dream(also a fragment): I'm at the Year 9 Centre at my school. Some girl walks past with dark green hair. A person tells me how green is now an official hair colour now. What she meant by that was: people can now be born with green hair and have it in there genes. Even though it's different, I like the new colour.

      Seventh dream:I'm in third person, watching two young Asian girls walk around an abandoned dock. The eldest one walks inside the building, which had walls that appeared to be made of a bright wood, and finds a switched-on laptop. She goes further down and discovers two more switched-on laptops. For some reason this gives her the impression that the owners of the laptops must be in danger, and she panics. They both climb the roof and start yelling and waving to a boat in the distance.

      Eighth and final dream: I'm inside... somewhere. Two people are standing next to a narrow tunnel that goes up on a 45ish degree angle. One of them keeps throwing little stones up it. He says it's to distract someone who wants to steal an important orange stone. I remember thinking to myself how, in this strange and big world, police would never know how to deal with this, and these guys are right to deal with the situation themselves.
      I climb the narrow tunnel. At the top is a dark blue ocean at night. There's a lone wooden boat with only one man on it. He looks a little bit like a demon. I get on board and wrestle him into a headlock. One of the guys instructed I drown him. For a moment, he turns into a purple book. He's now in his true form: a young looking man with blond hair, and light-brown body hair. He looks just like one of those half animal half human anime drawings you see all over the internet. I finally get him in a headlock and put my hand over his mouth. I see by the look on his face, he's no longer an evil person, just scared looking. As I have him in the headlock, I can feel all over my body his warmth. It was equivalent to leaning against your partner, only dream-amplified. Straight away I feel connected to him, then I feel sorry for him, as I now have to drown him.
      I pull himself and I overboard. I watch him closely. I can't let him go till I know he's lost conscientiousness. I begin to struggle to hold my breath. I try to distract myself from the need to breath, and then I wake up.

      Eight dreams... New personal record?

      Updated 02-22-2011 at 01:02 PM by 25794

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    14. First Lucid Dream - Saturday, August 27-28th, 2010

      by , 02-22-2011 at 05:22 AM
      Fisrt Lucid Dream (DILD)


      I have no log for this dream, because it was so long ago.

      The dream starts in a green, grassy park, sourrounded by giant mountains and tall trees all around me. I was with Walker, Hannah, and Izzie and we were all hanging out. I became lucid all of the sudden and it wasn't intense, but it was sudden. The reaosn i became lucid was because someone mentioned flying, and i snapped to attention. When i started looking around, being so detail oriented already, i knew i had to examine something, so i immediately crouched down to the ground and picked a blade of grass. I looked it over and i was smiling with joy as i took in the vivid detail and i was ecstatic with happiness. I was still not lucid enough to realize that my friends were dream characters, soi was talking to them. I told them that this was a dream and that they needed to stay calm. As i kept trying to tell them to stay calm, they ran away, causing me to be ever so slightly frustrated with them, causing me to disregard my own advice. And as soon as that happened, the dream was over.
    15. 4th Very Short LD

      by , 02-21-2011 at 10:15 PM
      I went to bed saying out loud "I will Lucid Dream, and I will remember my dreams when I wake up." It kinda worked.

      I was kinda chilling around at a supermarket, where I did a reality check, holding my nose. It worked, and I immediately started clapping really hard to lock myself into the dream. I walked around, and tried to change up some really small things, like colors of balloons, but it didn't really work. Then I made my girlfriend appear. I hugged her, and then I lost lucidity. We proceeded to hang out the rest of the dream, but I forgot I was dreaming.
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