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    1. Dream Graduation '(again) + Lucid Awakening + Fragments

      by , 04-11-2011 at 02:57 PM (The book of mars)
      Dream Graduation

      I’m in school. Graduation is getting set up RIGHT NOW. Hallways are empty except me and a few other “left overs” who can’t graduate for whatever reason. I have a bottle of wine in my hand and start running and screaming: look at me! A cup manifests and I pour it, chugging the bottle and then the cup, bottle then the cup until I’m in the rotunda, drunk and everyone’s looking at me.

      I follow some other left overs through dusty abandoned hallways so Mrs. L doesn’t see us and find us out. We all have this plan to graduate anyway so we go way up into the theater storage attic and try our best to hide ourselves. Me under a big blanket with someone and I’m drunk and my eyesight is like that of when I’m so tired I can’t keep my lids awake. So for most of it I do have my eyes closed and just listen under a blanket stacked on top of theater props so I almost touch the ceiling.

      Someone tries to peep into the hallway and a little Asian girl who ate all her hair off (really) is the “hall monitor” for graduation sees that someone. She sends in this bulky girl, a real bully. She’s got a trick. She pulls the first kid she sees to her and licks that student’s lip, touches it and then taps her temple. She screams and falls down, not dead but just painful. She does another little trick to someone (pulls their lip ring over their nose!) and says she won’t tell Mrs. L. She’s gonna leave but first wants to show off another trick, looking for someone she pulls me over to her! No way, I hate pain (who doesn’t); she spins my chin into a tight spiral and every time I un-spin it a little, shit it hurts. But someone tells me there’s a trick to her trick and just un-spin it all at once: I do, and I feel just a little tug and I’m okay.

      A few of us go further into the attic and we find that there’s a desk and under the desk is nothing, it’s a free-fall to the ice arena where they graduate so you can watch the whole thing. They’re almost ready! A teacher, Mrs. Smith (4’7 or something small!) sees us peeping and comes marching over. We all run out of the attic, oh too late, and Mrs. L is standing waiting for us.

      She’s a lovely lady sometimes and says we can all graduate, so everyone puts their gowns on. I don’t have one. At the final door to the ice arena, its time to graduate, I don’t have a gown, but there’s a box with a white Freshman gown. I’m a sophomore in my dream (hey wait, why were all the different classes graduating instead of just the seniors!) and our color is green, so I’m a bit embarrassed. We walk out and I run over to Autumn so she can take my picture (it’s mandatory). When I get over to my class, they’re all wearing white and I’m the only one wearing green.

      Lucid Awakening

      I’m downtown, walking in a little drizzle. I plan on going to the community market to volunteer when I see a little nook between buildings with a candy store built in. It doesn’t have a door or a cashing machine, it’s just a bunch of glass jars with a ton of bright colored candy. I’m pretty delighted but wait! We don’t have a candy store downtown. And why is downtown so tiny? I’m lucid. I walk into the center of downtown (as I said, everything is tiny and compact, like 50 feet). I look around and notice:

      This feels real. This is REALITY to me. Everything is solid and I am perceiving it just as I do waking life.

      (This single lucid fragment has created something in me that has helped everything I've been doing dream-wise DRAMATICALLY. I understood before that dreams=reality while waking life=hazy and unreal while you're dreaming, but I never FELT and EXPERIENCED that completely. Now that I have, something has clicked. My reality checks take up to five minutes or more, not because I feel that more time is necessary or anything, but that's how long it takes me to discern my reality. REALITY has a new meaning. I become lucid more often (though write more in the hard copy of my dream journal, less on here). I thank my subconscious for letting me explore this feeling.)


      I make a sandwich for myself "when I wake up"- WHY WASN'T I LUCID?

      Autumn and I are being obnoxious in school, so Heather leaves without saying a word to me. Crushing.
      NOTE: Autumn told me today that she had a VERY SIMILAR dream, of her and I and Heather (who she has never met or talked to) all in a classroom.

      Updated 04-11-2011 at 03:53 PM by 42137

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    2. Jumping between Planes of Existence

      by , 04-11-2011 at 06:33 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Jumping between Planes of Existence (DILD)


      I was in bed about to have sex with my wife. She told me she wanted to have a baby in that moment and get into business. I turned lucid, as we do not want to have kids so I realized it was a dream. I am aware that sex does not destroy my dream/lucidity, so I had sex with her (I will avoid details) My dream was blurry and a little distorted, so I flew for a while until it was stable.

      I remembered to attempt to Astral Project. However, I did not put a lot of effort on it, I knew I could blow the lucid dream and wake up, usually, I do not care as I get a lot of lucids, but for some reason, I did not feel like it. I started to fall on my back like in slow motion, I was not focused as much so I failed to project.

      I was in a house with some friends. I started to wonder if I was in my Astral Body. I did not feel the energy I feel when I project. I also touched myself and felt that my body was solid. I realized I was in my dream body and I was still dreaming. My friends were playing some cards. I attempted once more to project.

      I might had a partial astral separation, but I lost consciousness on the process

      I cannot remember if I actually did or I just lost lucidity, but I was with some made up friends talking about football. One lady showed me the photo on a computer of a Colt player (not sure who, I follow soccer, not football and I do not even follow the Colts, but the San Diego Chargers. She pointed at the Colt player and said he was dreaming with her.

      I turned lucid again for all the non sense. When I was about to take off, I woke up. It was 8am and time to start the day.
    3. "OM" Meditation to Astral Project

      by , 04-10-2011 at 06:57 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      "OM" Meditation to Astral Project (DILD)


      I was walking outdoors. It was sunny and warm. I was in a different city where I currently live. It was a city made out of buildings on about 4-5 stories each. The buildings were red, dark read brick colored.

      I remember a street that was going uphill. The street had stairs and buildings on each side. There was a big taller building in front of me. I met with a gal who kissed me a few times. I was going to this building for some psychic convention or something. I was excited. On my way I found some made up friends until I made it to the building.

      I entered the building. There was large walk-in refrigerators and some showers at the bottom. I knew I was going to spend there several hours, so I took a shower. I decided to eat something. I opened one of this refrigerators, made out of stainless steel. Inside, I found a big chocolate cake, a lava cake and some muffings. I did not feel like eating sweet, but I had no other choice.

      After eating, we were going to do some group meditation. It was probably a, "OM"session. We were attempting to Astral Project. I think I was the only one who was actually succeeding. I started to feel my body numb and I felt some vibrations
      (they were not like real vibrations while I try to AP, but dreamed ones) I was feeling my wedding ring too heavy on my finger and it was disturbing me to AP. I told by telepathy to other psychic to remove my ring. She did slowly, but for some reason I said something I cannot recall and lost focus. The lady said,"I felt very bad while I was holding your wedding ring and you said that."

      I ended the meditation session. Now I was in a room where the ceiling, walls and floors were made out of wood. The room was pretty empty and I decided to leave. I walked through this home and I felt someone was looking for me. I decided to check my hands when I saw one of my fingers was broken.

      I turned lucid. I flew away breaking up the window as usual. It was partially cloudy and I was in downtown. The buildings were very high and most were black. The dream was pretty stable so I decided what to do.

      I recalled the Tasks of the Month, but they were done already so nothing. I also recalled I never missed a task of the month so I was good there. I recalled several Tasks of the Year, but I passed, I did not feel like doing them. I decided to put my thoughts in order and plan a few things I needed to do work related and metaphysically related.
      (Too bad I forgot to attempt to jump to the Astral Plane from the Dream Plane... oh well) I stood floating without doing anything "dream related" for several minutes. After while, I spotted a huge dog on the top of a building. I flew to the dog and started to pet it. It was a Boxer, but it was huge, about 5 feet tall.

      I also spotted another dog in other building, so I flew to it and played with him for a while until
      I lost lucidity. I saw a giraffe, but it was all gray and it had huge elephant ears. When I approached it, it was more like a rhino. It trampled me and pushed me out to some sort of garbage disposal. A female employee pushed the button of a small door that said, "Not animals" It was a yellow sign with a black cow on it. I started to get sucked by something and flew away to the interior of the building.

      I realized I was still dreaming. I found my wife who was afraid of something. We went to the top of the building and told her we were in a dream. I told her she was probably going to forget the dream, but that I wanted to try anyway. My wife was acting like if she had waking limitation and vulnerabilities. I told her we could do whatever we liked as we were dreaming. I proved jumping very high, but she was not convinced. I also explained to her that everything in the dream was also material and touchable. I punched a car and made a hole in the door. I told her that even I could do something I could not on waking, the car had some resistance and did not vanish.
    4. The Word that never was part II

      by , 04-09-2011 at 06:05 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)

      The transition was weird. Complete blackness, but I was spinning to the point where it was nauseating. I'm finally in, and I started outside of my house this time. It was nearly pitch black, but I could see parts of the dream forming. The house was there, and the tree right next to it, but everything else looked like the void. I jumped up on the roof, and saw nothing but black clouds. I started wondering about what I should do next. I haven't done a task in ages, and I don't even have a clue what they are. I decided to work on the last thing I was messing with, and tried to summon a keyblade. It appeared floating in the air but it wasn't kingdom key type. This one was red, white, and black. It looked like it could have been constructed out of the remains of a battle mech, and it didn't resemble a key at all. I reached out my hands, and it floated in between them, and started glowing. The key was about dagger size, and I was slightly disappointed.

      I turned my attention away from the floating key, and to my surprise I saw The World That Never Was behind me. It looked like it was a closer distance than the last time. I jumped up, and flew though the smoky clouds and landed when near some structures. "Just a little farther" I thought to myself, as I made my way though this small town. I jumped up, and flipped, and it looked like it had nearly vanished. I was little angry, but my intents on heading that direction remained. I came up to a stable with unicorns on it and decided to get on one for transportation. When I got on it, it had turned into a goat. I rode it, and asked a DC dressed in all black if I was heading in the right direction. She said I was and I continued on. The rest of the dream is a little personal, but I had an interesting conversation with someone.

      Updated 11-08-2011 at 08:19 PM by 10773

    5. Lucid Zombies and the basic task of the month with false awakening

      by , 04-08-2011 at 04:26 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      *I tried to post this on 4/7/2011 at 6:30AM but the site wouldn't load*
      Small cabin on a hill
      It started with a small cabin on the hill that was supposed to be my Aunt Christine's house. Many family members were at the cabin. The setting was a bunch of hills and a road going through the bottom with a big open field at the bottom. We rode in the truck around the hills and rode ATV's a bit until the zombies showed up to wreck the day.

      The zombies just appeared at random. The zombies were stupid and slow thankfully. They walked slow and were shriveled up with pieces of their body missing (kind of like a cemetery zombie who has decayed overtime). I then got a gun from the cabin and a long thick stick from the ground. I killed every one of the zombies near the house, in the field, but the road was as far as I went. I then left the field and walked up the hill to the cabin and told everyone that they were gone and they said well that's a relief. They all went back outside. I went inside and talked to Aunt Christine and my cousin Rhonda who were washing dishes from lunch (which I must've missed while killing zombies). They asked me about how I was doing and I said fine (just a normal conversation).

      I went back outside and in the field the zombies were back. I was mad. I went over there and kept saying out loud I already killed you, NOW DIE! As I was killing the zombies I got way too close. I looked at them and I suddenly realized Holy Crap I'm dreaming! *now lucid* I then raised my hand and said STOP and the zombie froze in place. I looked around and I was still dreaming so I continued with the others saying STOP to make the last 5 or so zombies STOP in place.

      I then went back to the house and noticed this man named Veskov or Resnov or something (probably Resnov because of Call of Duty) and he was walking around talking to people and writing on a clipboard. Anyway, Resnov looked like a therapist. I asked my Aunt Christine who it was and she said it was my dream doctor. She said he was using my dreams for research. He glanced at me from the corner of the room, not in an evil or angry way just looked at me. I followed him outside and he was writing things down about everything from trees to chairs. I asked him why are you in my dream? He said that I wasn't dreaming. I said okay then explain this and I pointed my hand toward a table and chairs and hoped to levitate a chair and suddenly the clouds off in the distance morphed into master hand from super smash bros and came towards me and I could freely move it. It formed into the master hand and started doing movements in midair until I let go and it disappeared into a mist. He looked at me and wrote on his clipboard while saying Very Impressive, Not Bad. I asked him more details about his research and he said we were in his office right now asleep and hooked up to a machine. I said well okay I guess I'll let you continue and I will look around a bit.

      I was walking around thinking what do I want to do now that I am in a dream and then remembered... TASK OF THE MONTH!!! I was then looking for flowers everywhere but couldn't find any... I checked inside for vases or pots and then went outside a while until finding a small garden pot with tulips in it. I picked the Red tulip and couldn't smell it. I examined it for a while and noticed it had very defined lines and had a solid metallic look to it. It also had sharp looking spikes all the way around it sticking out along with the very sharp looking pointed petals. I thought, I wonder what you taste like... Then, I took the flower off the stem and threw it in my mouth. It tasted like red dry icing and had this strong vibrating feeling I can't hardly describe. It felt like bees were flying around in my mouth.

      I then walked it off and went on to talk to Resnov about my flower adventure and I falsely woke up in his office and continued the dream unlucid in the doctors office explaining what I had just seen and talking about dreams. I don't recall anything after that but woke up soon afterwards.
    6. Lame Thing to Do.

      , 04-07-2011 at 09:41 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Key: Non Lucid Lucid
      Random LD
      I don't remember how I became lucid but I was at a dinner table and I knew I was dreaming all of a sudden. Then after some time I rubbed my hands together and my vision went all weird... Then I jumped across the table and punched or kicked my cousin, Zack. He pushed me back or something.

      Then I was at my computer and since DV is in my bookmarks bar on the first spot I clicked it. Then my bookmarks kept changing and I kept clicking on them. That's all I think I did.
      Verrryyy lame way to spend a lucid dream lol.

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 10:06 PM by 42776

      lucid , dream fragment
    7. I assassinate the assassin, find some flowers and catch a ghost

      by , 04-07-2011 at 08:40 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I assassinate the assassin, find some flowers and catch a ghost (DILD)


      I was going to a big building that had a bar on the top of it. I needed to go to that bar to complete a compliance audit. That building was well populated with assassins. I was worried that some assassin would spawn from somewhere to try to kill me. The cash I was going to receive was worth the risk. I told to myself that I was good at sensing energies, so I would be able to detect the assassin before he stabbed on my back.

      I entered an elevator. All walls were made out of steel. It was a very old school elevator. The ceiling of the elevator was like a regular home, white ceiling. There was a small hole on the ceiling, but it was just a few inches wide.

      I started to realize that an assassin could get through the hole and I was trapped in the elevator. I realized as it was a dream, the assassin could shrink and then grow back. I told to myself to not think in an assassin otherwise, one would probably spawn. I tried to focus in reaching the top floor.

      The elevator's door opened and I had a big bar in front of me as I was expecting. It was as big as a cinema. Where the screen was supposed to be, there was the actual bartender with the drinks. All the remaining area, had cinema seats. I was going to seat next to a guy. The place was pretty crowded. I could see a couple of 40'' TVs that where showing a Boxing fight. When I was about to seat down, a guy told me, "Don't seat here or he will get mad" I realized it might be the seat of a mob or something. I sat somewhere else. I took a few photos and tried to leave.

      A guy told me that if an assassin would spot me leaving while the boxing fight did not end, he was going to kill me. I left the area and there was no elevator. I started to walk down the stairs. The entire building was made out of iron. I found a room that looked alike some storage room. I helped the guy with a few boxes and left.

      I was now at the street. I saw an assassin who looked pissed at me. I told the assassin I just needed to wait for a friend. He told me to wait there and not leave. The assassin ran to a far away car, so I decided to run like ever and get the hell out of there. The assassin spotted me and he outran me. He had a sword on his hand and started to hit me with it. I felt like he was cutting my neck, but it did not hurt.

      I had one of my huge knives from work (for Serrano Ham) and one tiny (for the machengo cheeses) I decided to keep hidden the big knife. I fought the assassin with the little knife. The assassin got confused for a second and I stabbed him with the big knife. I repeated several times until the assassin was no more.

      I saw a few more people running at me. I was worried they would be more assassins. I started to walk home as I did not remember where my car was. I crossed a forest, a river and I got to the Hwy 805. I felt I was far from home, but I had no other chance but walk. I attempted to fly with success. I found funny I could fly in waking life.

      For some reason, I re-spawned at the top of a huge building. The sky was very blue and the building was huge.
      I turned lucid because I realized that I got there magically. I jumped out of the building and started to fly to make it stable. However, the dream was pretty good and I remembered I needed to find a bouquet of flowers. I saw a few of them by the windows of the building, so I picked up one. It had mainly roses and some weird brown flowers. Basic completed. I took flight again and threw the flowers away.

      While I was enjoying the flight, I lost vision. I could feel the wind on my face, the sound of the freeway (wtf) and the smell of the sea. I suddenly felt double consciousness and started to wake up. I increased the speed of the flight and entered the ocean. After a while, I decided to exit the ocean. I had my vision back.

      It was night now and I was flying over a huge town. All the building where very tall and the imaginary was very dark. There was no moon. I could hear some crowded city noises from the far distance. I enjoyed the tranquility of the sky at night. Suddenly, I saw something over a building, shaped like the Empire State. There was a human shape, but about 8 feet tall and with more than one arm. It was invisible but I could see the imaginary blurry behind it.

      I saw this thing was eating souls of some sort. I realized it was a ghost. He was pulling stuff from the Empire State Building, but it was like ghostly stuff, because the building itself never became damaged. I felt he was a threat so I wanted to capture it. I also remembered it was the advanced task of the month.

      I decided to crease a PSI Ball. I was sure that as I was dreaming, I could make it visible. I did within seconds. A second later, the ghost was surrounded by my PSI Ball and it was trapped. I made the PSI Ball smaller. I could see how the ghost was also smaller, trying to get out without success. I made it vanish.

      I lost lucidity at some point and I decided to go to a beach. I saw some wild animals that were attacking humans. I saw a couple of wild-boards, a tiger and a walrus walking (wtf!!) I also got to some tiny boat that I owned in the dream, but it was rocking extremely hard. Harder that if there was an earthquake. The sea was nuts.

      Something else happened with me and a copy of me that was like a sculpture of ice.
    8. First decent lucid

      by , 04-05-2011 at 04:36 PM
      April 4/5

      First decent lucid with questions. Dreaming Lucid

      It starts out with me and a bunch of other kids in my HS in a dark house and were trapped. Everyone is scared. Then I'm with some of the girls of my grade. I have an urge to urinate. So I say "yeah guys I gotta go pee." I use it no problem. I leave the bathroom and one of the girls are missing. Then one girl says "So you were subject a and she was b but you went missing so she got killed!!" Then I again didn't care and noticed there were traps on every bed.
      No one was laying down on them so I dont know why I was trying to deactivate them. There was some kind of rube Goldberg contraption and every thing that was setup that i tried to stop ended up activating until I saw a multi outlet on the ground and I unplugged everything but everything worked still. And I got pissed. So then all the traps activate and I again try not to care. But when I get up no one is there but me.
      They ditched me! "Those Bitches!!!!" Then I hear foot steps coming up the stairs and I want to hide in the darkness to attack them. But it turns out I cant because the place was now somewhat more light. Then it turned out to be a kid I know and his twin. And they were laughing.
      They pulled on me and I resisted but they laughed more like he does IRL.Which was really annoying. I noticed no malice in him so I just followed them. Then they lead me outside to a park of some sort with many people playing frisbee and other activities.

      Then I run up a hill then suddenly become lucid.YAY. I immediately do a RC. I stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands together. And it make a sound like "beep beep". But I don't care and keep rubbing, I want this dream to last. I start to walk around this place and I meet some siblings. This is the first time family came into my dream like this. Then my older bro explains what happened in the house I was in and what's goin on outside. There's suppose to be an alien invasion and I was like 'cool beans'. He then talks about the Quran. And how I'm like fuck that shit. Then I argue when the he'll did I say that??
      Then a small flash back comes to me. We were at the old house we used to live in and him, dad, and I were at the living room and my dad gave me some odd heart filled with black coffee. He wanted me to put it in my mango tropical drink. I thought it was horrible and at some point me and him almost fought.
      Anyways. So then my little bro starts holding on to me because he is scared of the invasion. Then I told him get off of me angrily. Then my older bro says see I hate you kind of people that act that way. I knew I was dreaming so I didn't care about the invasion or how I treated my siblings. I also didn't even want to waste any time explaining that I'm dreaming. I run to a pathway that led to a forest. When I saw a bear I immediately turned around and didn't want to risk ending the dream with a fight, but that's exactly what happened.
      When I turned around I somehow ended up I a basement type thing with some pyro technician. He looks a little hostile so I'd decide to fight him to reach the exit. He swings his flamethrower, I dodge and grab it, easily pointing the tip to his face. As I'm about to squeeze the trigger he puts his mouth on it and somehow stops the flame then smiles. I get angry and shove it down his throat then pulling it out forcefully stunning him in the process. Then I go for the shot again and burn his face to smithereens. Then when the flames clear he looks unharmed and he smiles again. I notice he's tough but I wanted to escape so I don't risk ending the dream. I turn and run though what seems like a labyrinth and see the exit. When I push the small exit open the guy is behind me but now looks like a little different and again is smiling the same way. And I nod my head like "we're done" and he gets the gesture. And stops and walks away.
      I get through and see my sis and at the the field. I got into a house and the dream starts to destabilize and I feel my eyes opening but I don't resist and just rub my hands. And luckily the dream stabilizes. I talk with some friendly DCs about lucid dreaming. Apparently they saved me from destabilization. It was a young woman, a middle aged woman with a chipped tooth. and some young guy around 21. They were helping me with my lucidness. Giving me some food. I thought that this whole time the dream didn't feel very real like, like the stories everyone makes on dream views so I want to stabilze more by spinning. But the house was crowded and I wanted to go outside. I ask the DCs will they disappear if I don't have my attention to them? Then they take their sweet ass time talking about it. In the end they ignore it completly and give me some kind of sandwich. I put it in my mouth and didn't really taste anything and then woke up instantly
      . That dream must have lasted max 30 mintues.

      Updated 04-06-2011 at 02:01 AM by 43725 (typos)

      Tags: lucid, nightmare
      lucid , nightmare
    9. LD 3: Broken Vortex

      by , 04-02-2011 at 08:39 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      I'm sitting at the dinner table with my family, when I suddenly and randomly become lucid. Thinking back, I'm sure I wasn't fully lucid, but whatever. I stand up from the table and ask to be excused, so I can go explore my dream world. Everyone at the table (including Ernie from George Lopez who is just randomly there) is very encouraging and say "Yes! Yes, go explore! Go on!" with smiles on their faces. I walk down the hallway and enter my room. I see a kitten with a piece of Scotch tape holding up on the wall. The kitten quickly breaks free from the flimsy little piece of tape and darts past me and out of my room. I remember the kitten being a bit big, and it was brown tabby and white. I try to pet the kitten, but it's too fast and dashes away.

      I shrug it off and I'm now standing in the middle of my room. I decide that since closing my eyes and willing my surroundings to change doesn't usually work, I'll try something new. I try to create a vortex to jump through on my bed. It comes out as a blue and pink swirled circle. I crawl onto my bed and attempt to jump through it, but it doesn't work. It was like I was still standing on solid ground.

      I randomly lose lucidity for a little while. I hear an announcer's voice shouting, "How will she choose to get through the vortex?" and I see different buttons with pictures of stick figures jumping through a vortex. I think it's all a games, and I press a random button. Everything goes black for little while, and I'm suddenly on the set of Whose Line Is It Anyway. (It's an old comedy sketch show. If you don't know what it is, google it. You'll laugh your butt off.) I realize the announcer's voice belonged to Drew Carey, the host of Whose Line. I see Ryan Stiles dressed as a wedding groom, blindfolded. Suddenly, Wayne Brady appears and he's dressed as a Wookie. Ryan had to try and guess what Wayne was. Oh, I don't know.

      The dreamscape abruptly changes to my front porch. It's nighttime.
      I realize I'm dreaming again. My dad is sitting on the porch chair, looking at me and laughing. I faintly acknowledge my brother and sister playing in the yard. I try to read my hand to see what it says, because I write things on my hand in real life for this kind of thing. I can't, though, because my dad is desperately trying to distract from doing so, by poking me and waving his hands in front of my face. I finally break away from him, though, and realize my hand says "MISSING" with a box drawn around it, and some words underneath that I couldn't quite make out.

      I wake up. That was a weird dream.
    10. LD 2: Inception?

      by , 04-02-2011 at 08:23 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      I'm sitting on the floor, next to my friend, J. We're writing stories or something. Suddenly, I notice my hand has a weird message written on it. In real life, I had written "DREAMS!" on my hand with pen, so that when I looked at it in my dream, I would notice it said something else. Well, it worked. Looking at my hand, I became lucid, because now it said something else. It still said "DREAMS!" on it, but underneath that, I saw the sentence "It's an oracle!" I performed a reality check, and sure enough, I was dreaming. J, who is still sitting next to me, suddenly becomes angry. Her face gets rounder and her eyes are further apart. She starts growling. I hardly have any time to be scared before I'm suddenly lying down in my bed. It's not a false awakening, because I still know I'm dreaming.

      My vision is blurred, and I slowly and blindly step out of my bed, trying to walk around. That's when I notice I'm standing on the ceiling. Weird, I think to myself, as I slowly flip around and land on the ground the right way. I will myself to have clear vision, and I do. Not knowing what to do next, I walk over to my window and look outside. It's daytime. I randomly see Leonardo DiCaprio standing there, as his character Cobb from Inception. At first I'm afraid that he's gonna try and steal my thoughts and ideas like in Inception, so I try to scare him away. I do so by making scary faces at him through the window. He slowly backs off and runs away.

      I almost immediately regret scaring him off because I wanted to interact with my DCs. So, I walk into the backyard and see him standing there by the bushes, towards the woods. As I begin to approach him, I am interrupted by my grandpa's friend, P, walking towards me. P is carrying my crying brother and asks me if I could help figure out what was wrong with him. I agree and take my brother, and P is gone. I ask my brother, "What's the matter?" Still crying, he says "The Xbox won't let me be Player 1!" I shrug and decided to help him, just because. Following him inside, I realize the Xbox is set up in the kitchen, and the TV is attached to the fridge. I don't know how technology works in the dream world, so I randomly press a few buttons on the controller. But it seems to work because he stops crying and runs off to go to the bathroom or something like that.

      I start to go back outside but remember to check my hand, just to see what else it says. It still says "DREAMS!" and "It's an oracle!", but now it also has random scrambled letters written on it, too. I step outside, and as soon as I do, my vision gets blurry again. I suddenly hear voices around me and I know I'm near people, but I can't really see them. I recognize some of them as people from school. They are frantically warning me that I've entered the 2nd dream level, the dream within a dream. They told me of how there was an explosion and everyone was in danger. Looking at the ground with my vision still blurred, I could barely make out what I guess were supposed to be fragments of blown up bomb. I kept struggling for clarity and finally achieved it. As soon as I did, I remembered how Cobb was still outside, and I feared that he'd been harmed.

      I shouted out, "COBB!" and ran over towards him. He was still in the same spot by the bushes, except he was lying on the ground, half dead. He looked weird. He was blue, with a bleeding face, cracked skin, and he was wearing a Native American headdress. I kept reassuring him he'd be ok, and he didn't respond. Suddenly, a group of about 3 or 4 people ran over to him (I don't know who they were) and revived him. He was fine.

      It was now darker outside. Randomly, my best friend H appeared next to me. We were looking on our phones for a new tuxedo for Cobb, because he was going to Vegas for vacation, apparently. H found a snazzy looking suit and showed it to me. Of course, the suit model was Eames from Inception. I agreed that it was a nice suit. H disappeared.

      I decided that I would once more try to change my appearance like I have in other dreams. I closed my eyes and made a mirror appear in front of me. I remember the mirror was one of those big full body mirrors, with an intricate design on the gold frame. I closed my eyes and told myself that when I opened my eyes, I would look like Zooey Deschanel, who I failed to look like in another lucid dream of mine. When I opened my eyes, the only thing that changed was my hair. Then I decided that since everything seemed to be going along with Inception, I'd try and change myself to look like Ariadne. This time, all that changed was my hair and my clothes. I even got Ariadne's little scarf she always wears.

      I woke up. My first thought was, "Nooooo! That dream was too short!" But as I reviewed the dream in my head, I realized I was very lucky I lucid dreamt at all, and I had an amazing lucid experience.
    11. LD 1: Exploring My House

      by , 04-02-2011 at 07:51 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      I am standing in my bedroom, and it's nighttime. I look at my bed, and notice something strange. I can't really explain it, but I see what looks like one of those colorful decorative window stickers kids make, but it was in the shape of a cartoonish old lady, and it was big. I realize I must be dreaming, because what I currently see is never usually there. I do a RC, and suddenly everything becomes vivid, because I can still breathe through my nose even though I'm pinching it shut. I'm not sure what to do, so I slowly walk out of my room and into my hallway.

      As I'm walking down the hall, I remember reading about how reflections look weird in the dream world. So I poke my head into my bathroom and look in the mirror. The only thing that's different is the fact that I have lots of bangs covering my face. I shrug it off and continue walking down the hallway, into my living room. I'm standing there and I decide I want to try and change my environment. I close my eyes and concentrate, telling myself that when I open my eyes, I'll be in a completely empty, solid white room. Err, I failed. I was still standing in my living room.

      Then, I wanted to try and change my appearance. I look in the mirror in the living room, and (probably because I had just watched Elf in real life) tried to change myself to look like Zooey Deschanel. Well, that didn't work either.

      I also remembered how technology usually doesn't work correctly in dreams. So I see my laptop on the table and try to turn it on. It does, but the internet isn't working and Google is wacky. That's when my brother walks out of his room, eating an apple, and keeps bothering me, trying to figure out what I'm doing on the computer. I want him to leave me alone but he keeps irritating me. Yep, he's pretty much being exactly how he is in real life, even the apple eating. Suddenly my mom walks out of her room, and yells at my brother to go back to bed because it's too early. But she doesn't seem to see me.

      I wake up, very happy.
    12. 4/2/11

      by , 04-02-2011 at 04:52 PM
      DILD + SP

      what an amazing night. I swear I recalled each dream from seam to seam as they transitioned. In the middle if the night I had a dream where I was walking through my school. The school didn't look the same, and there was an unusual amount of light streaming in from all of the windows. This is the second time I've been in my school, which makes me want to start maping it out after reading dreamviews recent cartography thread. Anyways, I decided I might as well reality check, and found I was in a dream. I turned to go down a hallway and saw a friend at the end (Tabitha) I ran down to go see her and was deciding what to do first when my dream sort of melted away. I had dreams after this that I remember well, almost like when I have valerian root capsules before I go to bed. In one of these dreams I was jogging through a cool dark humid forest, watching red and yellow light stream in through the woods at a distance, I'm not sure if I technically gained awareness here because I felt a certain amount of awareness in all of my dreams tonight. It was at this point I decided to admit to myself I was dreaming, and weirdly enough, entered sleep paralysis from there which was awesome. I wanted to get into a deeper state before I tried to move or roll out of my body, but slowly over time I was being dumb and worked my way out of it *facepalm.

      On a side note, I won't grade my short lucid dreams on clarity lucidity ect.

      Updated 04-03-2011 at 06:23 AM by 42316

    13. 4/1/11

      by , 04-01-2011 at 02:42 PM

      The way that I gained lucidity today was very bizarre, and under weird circumstances. I looked at a clock as a reality check, after my friend pointed out a tiny fish swimming in the murky water of a dirty bucket/bin that was sitting on my track field at school which I found odd above all the otter totally bizare things going on around me. Long sentence. Its hard to explain but I only mentioned the part above so that I will be ableto remember later. Upon lucidity, I noticed my dad start to say weird things to me about lucid dreams I believe, tips or something, but I wasn't listening. I also think it's worth noting that this has been my only LD that didn't start in my bed. Anyways, I found it interesting when I looked at a clock too; it was flashing numbers like usual, but this time it was even flashing videos of football games. I dont know why, but I decided that I should jump up and try and fall/sink through the ground to a different location, and as I was doing so, my alarm went off.

      What happened leading up to this dream was bizare too, this is (I believe) the first time that I've had a long dream leading up to lucidity. I was at our schools soccer field-which was where I had a track meet yesterday- and I was actuall on the soccer team. We had went inside the high school, and I was being extremely rude and cocky towards the Otha younger leagues that were listening to their coach in the halls. It was like I had to earn my respect from them, I even bumped into one with a stiff shoulder, knocking him over, and holding him on the ground by his kneck. When we arrived at the bathroom, which was our destination, my conscience set in and I started to cry. One of the little kids on our team told asked me what position I played, and told me I'd be great no matter where I was. I then went back to the coach of the younger kids team and apologized, causing him to forgive me.
    14. Lucid Dream #29

      by , 03-29-2011 at 09:59 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~5 min.

      I woke up in a lucid dream car. Then I tried to fall asleep again, and I did. Then I was just walking around and just enjoying the feeling of the lucid dream. I did try to emagine Tania having sex with me a couple of times just because she's perfect!
    15. Cryptic Lady

      by , 03-28-2011 at 10:57 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was just waking up. My dad had parked his car in my bedroom, or my bedroom had became the garage. Anyhow, there were people hiding behind cars and in the shadows. They smiled when they met eye contact with me.

      I didn't bother even getting ready for school and just hopped in the car.

      "Hey," I heard a dark whisper of a man. It was still dark outside so I could barely make out the silhouette. Apparently, this guy was my exboyfriend.

      "I'll drive you to school hun" He said. I didn't really remember this guy too well, was he even ever my boyfriend? I didn't trust this guy. He hopped in the car anyways and he drove off.

      He was speeding, swerving, and not even driving the right way to school. I told him to turn around or else I wanted out of the car.

      "Ok!" He cheerfully yelled, slammed his foot on the break and did a U-turn.

      As soon as I thought that PERHAPS I would be on time to class, he made a wrong turn (it was right for him, ofc) and he laughed saying that I should know him better than that. It was an awful drive.

      I finally made it inside the building and swore to myself that I would never let that freak in the car again. I looked at the time... 7:34 ... I was going to be late! I realized that I didn't even have my books. Grrr.

      I took off to first hour, but started flying up in the air...Huh..Interesting!

      I thought to myself how this only happens when I am dreaming and that this is a dream sign. I did a reality check and I had six fingers!

      I continued to float around for a bit, enjoying the zero gravity. I did summer salts and flips. Then I realized - Oh! I am DREAMING. I have some stuff to do!

      I knew that I had to find Nephanim, but I wasn't sure how I was going to do that. I wandered out of the building and looked the the sky. Our plans were to meet on the moon, but it was a perfectly clear day so there wouldn't be much in the way of reference points. I could always make reference points, but the thought of trying to fly up there still shook me a little.

      I decided to find other means. At first I walked into the building again and tried calling him, but there wasn't much success. The strange thing was that I wasn't calling him by Nephanim, but something else. It may have been his dream name, I'm not sure. But I remember thinking that I should probably start calling out Nephanim instead of this other name.

      I walked back into the school (which really wasn't a school anymore) and found a fridge. I told myself that inside this fridge would contain useful objects, stuff I could use to perhaps find him.

      I opened the fridge.


      Being lactose intolerant in real life, I gladly took this opportunity to drink the chocolate milk to my heart's desire. But I also had other plans for the jug of chocolate milk.

      I took the jug of chocolate milk and flew outside and on to the roof of the building. The roof was about 2-3 stories high. People were outside enjoying the sunshine. When people came out of the building, I would pour my chocolate milk on them. It was entertaining.

      Oh...right...I have to find Nephanim!

      I flew back down from the roof of the building and landed on the pavement. I noticed that people were gathering outside for a marriage ceremony of two men. I realized that pouring chocolate milk on people in marriage might look bad on any kind of dream analysis...

      I went back to my Fridge, spawned more items inside of it, and opened the door again. This time, there was vegetable oil, my cell phone, a strange fruit drink mixture and a decapitated head. I picked up the decapitated head and the fruit drink and left the other two objects behind. I examined the head closely...She was alive! But dead. She looked very old, I could see all of the wrinkles in her face and her eyes looked like a brown and blue supernova. She had white hair, but her countenance resembled that of a bird. She looked mean. If I made a facial expression, she would copy it. She wouldn't talk to me, but just mimic my expressions. She looked like someone I know...But I couldn't figure out who...I kept staring into her eyes, they stared back into me daringly.

      "She thinks that I am Russian just because I have a Russian accent!" I heard a lady from behind me. I turned around to see a woman (who looked Russian despite her protest) standing with a small girl. I wasn't sure if the woman was talking to me or the girl.

      "Hey," I greeted the woman. We walked down the hall together. I told her about my fridge of useful items.

      "It's pretty cool, but I realize that the objects are only as useful as I make them." I explained, thinking of my chocolate milk fiasco.

      "No. Your mind makes the items only as useful as you allow them to be." She responded in her think accent. She talked very cryptically, and sort of looked that way too. She had brown hair that was in a bun, and her cheeks had a pink blush. She was wearing a black outfit.

      "I was able to spawn this drink, it tastes really cool. You should try it." I handed the drink to her. It was red and yellow.

      She instantly moved back, repulsed.

      "No no no! The fumes, they are choking me!" She exclaimed.

      I was in shock for a moment, then puzzled at how a smell could choke someone.

      "You're lying, a smell alone cannot choke someone," I replied, in a bit of an accusing manner. She continued to act out as if the smell of the fruit drink was hurting her. At first I thought that perhaps it was, but this wasn't logical unless she had some allergy to it, and even so it couldn't truly "choke" her.

      "LIAR!" I yelled out, mad that she was putting on a scene.

      She stopped her fit immediately and smiled.

      "So, you do think and understand," She whispered as if this were an epiphany to her, or some kind of test.

      Realizing that there was a chance that this DC could perhaps possess some intelligence, I asked: "Do you know where I can find Nephanim?"

      "Yes! Turn around, and I will draw the map on your back." I turned around and felt the ink pressing against my skin. I knew this was some kind of riddle again. I wouldn't be able to see the map on my back, so I tried my hardest to picture what she was drawing inside my head. I tried to make out the shapes from the pressure of her hand. This is what I saw in my head:

      The two triangles may have been two domes, I wasn't sure.

      "You are ready to go now." The lady said in her thick accent, and I awoke.
      lucid , memorable
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