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    1. 7/27/13 - I Love You, Hannibal

      by , 07-28-2013 at 06:18 AM
      I'm sitting in Grandma's dining room. Grandma is walking around, passing out and serving things. Grandpa and her are bickering about the wrong hamburger buns being bought, though it doesn't matter because we aren't having hamburgers. As they continue to bicker, I look across the table, from where I'm sitting, at Hannibal. He's sitting quietly with an amused look on his face, watching Grandma and Grandpa. While he watches them, I watch him. I like to look at him. He's very beautiful. My eyes move to his perfectly tailored, midnight blue, three-piece suit. It makes me think I'm under-dressed in my simple t-shirt and jeans. I look back up to his face and notice his eyes on mine. He wears a small, fond smile and I can't help but smile right back, so happy to have his smile directed at me. In an instant, Grandma and Grandpa disappear and a small, disc-like device appears on the table between Hannibal and I. He picks it up and hands it to me. I take it. "This is the only way to find me," he says. "Throw it to the ground and it will give you my address." he watches me as I study the device, rolling it around in my hands. I look back up at him and throw it to the ground. It lights up red and starts beeping. Suddenly we are standing side by side on a balcony over-looking the ocean. There is no artificial light, so the night sky can be seen perfectly. "We'll be alright," Hannibal says, taking my hand in his.
    2. 7-7-2013 The Unmeritable Unmutable Organization of Vagueness

      by , 07-07-2013 at 06:15 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

      The Unmeritable Unmutable Organization of Vagueness:
      Me and some other person are driving up the driveway of my house at night. We pull up and there's this weird old man standing there. We get out and give this old man some pictures we found, they were painted by this old lady ( who i assume was also weird because her paintings were weird ). The old man sits down and goes through all sorts of pictures, he seems very sad and focused, i believe this lady was someone he knew but died and these pictures were the only thing that was left. Either way, next thing i remember, i'm in my room staying the night at the house of this old man ( which is my house irl)

      Now, you might be asking why i pulled up to my house in the first place or why i decided to stay the night there with that old man. Well, i vaguely remember something about me being the savior of the universe last night so i'm just going to assume this has something to do with that.

      Now, it's night and i'm in my room and the creepy old man is in his room. I walk out into the hallway and i see a basket full of possum skeletons and intestines, that is absolutely disgusting. I somehow figure that this basket is a chinese shrine to his cat and he plans to put shrimp on top of the skeletons and have his cat eat them. Okay, well that was messed up. Stupid old man.

      After that, i see an advertisement or something on my tv and it basically tells me that if i kill this old guy, then one of my friends will have to give me a video game. Now, i'm not sure if i killed him but i remember the old man dying.

      After that, i find myself standing on a highway at night in an urban area talking to some other people, we're part of some rpg game and i'm picking my class and then there was also probably some other weird dream concepts involved with that but i don't remember. Next thing i see is this guy making his way to rescue me. The guy is in some rank nasty looking water, now imagine an ocean full of that nasty water. That's what he's in right now, and behind him is a settlement on the water, there's a couple of people on the dock next to him and an abandoned battleship, it's also night here.

      The guy is in the water connecting boats every two feet. The guy just wants to get to his destination so he asks the people on the dock why he has to tie the boats and the people tell him that its because the water rises 3 feet. As the man said that, i instantly become the guy i'm spectating and the water starts rising fast, and before i know it, the darn water sinks that old battleship fast and it creates a big wave and it drags me under the water. Before i went under, i looked at the big wave coming and my face was like ' -_- really, the water has to rise now".

      I eventually come up and i'm there laughing with a bunch of friends. I get out of the water onto the dock area. There this guy invites me to some organization with a funny name, but i forgot the name so i just named it The Unmeritable Unmutable Organization of Vagueness.

      Once i join, i got to move over to the other side of the dock and hang out with the members. There was a bunch of people i know and it was really fun, then one of my friends takes me down a corridor into a room.
      As he does this, i start to focus on my sleeping body and start to lose the dream but as i'm doing this, i also gain lucidity and as that happens. I yell in the dream really fast "Are you lucid?" at my friend, The idea was to focus my mind more on lucidity and the dream and well it worked.

      I then found myself looking at the floor, i looked up and my friend had turned into a child. Then i notice something written on the floor, it says "Valve: 91% happy". I thought this was hilarious and started laughing but it woke me up.

      Deal Breaker:
      I had remembered a lot of this dream and was going to log it last night but i fell asleep. The basic concept was me making some deal with this person but then he betrays me and starts trying to kill me.

      Vampires - Survivors:
      I'm a vampire and i'm in a group with other vampires. We are in this suburban area, the settings appears to be 1930's ish , the buildings are no more than 2 stories high and it's mostly residential.

      However, almost all of the residents are gathered not too far off in the town square for some big party. What the residents don't know is that the government are slowly approaching the town square and are going to kill everyone.

      Our vampire group is a little ways off from the town square, we are running fast, we're trying to escape the government. But first off, we need outfits to blend in with the current population. So we go into an alley in which i find some people, my group goes on ahead of us and i kill the people and take their clothes. i meet up with our group outside a hotel. Me and a girl in our group go into the bathroom and start changing into the clothes i picked up. The other members went into different rooms.

      Next thing i remember. It's about 12 years later and i'm in an area in the northern part of the town. I walk into this dark hotel place. I'm there with just a couple of other members. They stay in the lobby room and i head down a hallway lighting up various rooms, i get to the end of the hallway and see a very creepy looking room, i decide not to look into that room and head back to the lobby. As i get there, one guy says he will join and we should head down the hallway.

      Well, with him here, i suppose we can investigate the room. We find the room and once it's lit up, it's apparently the room of a beautiful vampire princess. After that, we check out the two remaining rooms, one room is a secret garden that contains magical properties that we must protect from the werewolves. As i meet back up with the remaining members in the lobby, the girls decide to go into the room of the vampire princess and start changing clothes in her shower.

      I try to explain that the princess can see them changing in plain sight but they take their clothes off anyway. After that, i go to the airport where some members are waiting there for me. I find out that they got a plane taking us to vail colorado, nice!. As we get on the plane, this cute girl walks up to me and i grab her hand. Next thing i remember, the plane crashed into a mansion with an outside garden. As we crash, i receive objectives to complete. One objective was to collect some objects and i start doing that, one of the other objectives was to kiss something. For the kissing objective, i immediately start trying to find that girl that got on the plane with us.

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 02:04 AM by 63517

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    3. LD: Flying, Free Falling, Kissing, Flying over the Ocean at Night

      by , 07-06-2013 at 04:38 PM

      Lucid Dream:

      I was at what was supposed to be Emily's house. I was just leaving and saying goodbye when I noticed that the mountains by her house seemed all wrong. It occured to me that I might be dreaming. I felt a little disappointed at first because I felt that the dream was almost over. But then I thought, "Why do I think that? Just because I am leaving Emily's house?"

      So I took off flying. I flew between some rocky hills/cliffs. I tried to fly higher than them, but seemed to stay the same height. Then the ground dropped below me. I could see it sloping down toward the ocean. I flew out and over the water. I then remembered the Task of the Month where we are supposed to skydive off a sky scraper. I didn't have a skyscraper nearby, so I just decided to free fall into the ocean. I was up a good ways, so this felt like a big deal to do this. I could feel the wind rush by as I prepared myself for the cold wet water.

      I hit the surface and sank all the way to the bottom, which was actually maybe only 12 feet or so down at the place where I landed. To my surprise the water felt neither cold or wet. It just felt "thicker".

      The next thing I remember I was back on the land. I saw a very good looking guy. He had light brown hair, blue eyes, and a little stubble. I went to him and started to kiss him. The kisses felt very real. I then took his hand and started flying with him. We flew back out over the ocean. It was dark now. I could see the very last bit of light at the very edge of the horizon. So I could just barely make out where the ocean and sky met.

      We flew out a ways. I suddenly had this little chill come over me as I remembered how creepy I find the ocean at night, and here I was flying out over it so far that I couldn't see anything on the land behind me. I even asked the guy, "Isn't this creepy to be way out here over the ocean in the dark?" I think he agreed. Finally I saw some lights of some ships ahead of us. They looked like cruise ships. I flew up to one and landed on it.

      The guy and I stated making out again.

      And that's all I remember.
    4. LD: Flying over Ocean

      by , 07-06-2013 at 04:20 PM

      I was at the beach and seeing all kinds of cool sea life along the shore. I pulled out my camera to take some pictures. But when I pushed the button to take a picture nothing happened. Plus the battery was almost dead.

      I said to myself, "Dang....why does this always happen to me?"

      Then I thought, "Doesn't this always happen to me in dreams? Too bad this isn't a dream. This is way too real."

      And then I thought, "Well, maybe I should just make sure....."

      And I took off running for the water and jumped...and I started soaring over the water.

      And I thought....."Well...what do you know....it's a dream after all."

      I flew over the ocean for a moment then dropped into the water.

      And then....my alarm went off.

      I had about 15 seconds of lucidity.
    5. I Become a Ship to Help Many People Escape

      by , 06-27-2013 at 12:27 PM
      Morning of June 27, 2013. Thursday.

      In my dream, from my orientation and viewpoint, I seemingly remain a normal human being despite what my role is.

      I start out being in some sort of makeshift prison or refugee camp. There seem to be only men. The rooms are dirty as if the building had been abandoned long ago, at least for its original purpose, yet used for many years after as it is now seemingly not maintained.

      Two men bring a third angry-looking man up to me, a man holding each of the held man’s arms, one on each side of him and with both their hands. I do not like the situation. It is understood that even though I am not a part of the group (as most of them seem either Irish or English), my job is to get them all to safety in another country somehow. Still, that does not explain why this man is angry. Perhaps he does not want to escape with the others, or maybe he is a spy.

      There are some odd perceptual changes and scene shifts when I become more annoyed by my location, which seems to be a composite of a very dirty large open bathroom and gymnasium. There is something known about everyone getting out and all going to an area where it will be easier to get to the UK, which is where everyone is escaping to. I am unsure if the UK is their original home, or a place where they will all claim asylum. I am also unsure of what country or city we are in. At times, it seems that I am already in the UK relative to names of areas and later hearing members of the public who speak with a British accent.

      The actor Bruce Willis is in the refugee camp, appearing unkempt and desperate. He is not a main character; just a homeless person I see only in the background a couple times.

      I seem to be walking on my own later, yet somehow I am “carrying” all the other people from the refugee or prison camp. Not only am I supposedly a large ship, I am a large ship on land, moving fairly fast, yet still fully human of my normal size from my viewpoint, just running along, on my way to freedom, helping many others to get to safety. I stop at the edge of a steep bank of a larger river near a forest. An unfamiliar man and woman of about thirty or more, who appear to be English, point out where I should go (to my right) because that is the general direction of where the “Brit Rivers” are that will eventually lead “us” to freedom, apparently across the ocean, yet the name somehow also seems like a resort or hotel where they had stayed in the past.

      From my orientation, it seems I may actually be in Nova Scotia (Canada) and moving north, possibly in Sydney (not in Australia, but the Nova Scotia Sydney - some sort of confusion with the other Sydney, perhaps). It eventually seemingly turns out this refugee or prison camp was in Sydney, Nova Scotia (or somewhere just to the south) for some unknown reason (a vague backstory of England and Nova Scotia at war or dealing with too many refugees), and the plan is to get to the ocean north of Sydney and then swim east from there or, as a ship, to get to the UK. I am a walking human “boat” that is somehow “full of people”, yet again, still normal and human-sized and seemingly on my own.

      The most vivid part of my dream starts, with a few dangerous thrills, though I feel wonderful. I jump into the river, vividly feeling the cold water and motions and current - but the current takes me westerly and in the wrong direction - and at times, I barely keep above the surface. Eventually though, I end up going in the right direction. I vividly feel myself moving through the water, again, just barely above the surface at some points, though I am not actually struggling because, after all, I am apparently a boat and just being tossed around like a boat on the rough waves. There is one point when I move swiftly through tunnels a lot like the scene from “The Goonies” (from 1985), which is really thrilling but also a bit worrisome (somewhat claustrophobic and without certainty if it will come to a dead end with no way to get back - a sparsely recurring dream concept). I am then back moving through the ocean on my way to carrying all the escaped prisoners to either their old home or a new one.

      Updated 08-14-2017 at 07:32 PM by 1390

    6. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-26-2013 at 05:39 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Enough (DILD)

      The waves came in hard, sweeping me off my feet. Swimming against the tide at an angle, I try to regain my footing near the shore, but the unusually steep dropoff made things exceptionally difficult. The best I can manage is to grab hold of my baby sister’s raft and circle my father who hadn’t been phased by the tide.


      I make chase. Through the palace, the ramparts, the temple--merely a game. By the end, I’ve claimed two of the three boars...but I had never been invited to play.


      A crowd had gathered. My father lay upon the throne, sword through his throat, feast laid before him--still alive. Tears hit my cheeks and anger welled from the pit of my stomach. The culprit stood near my dying father, cold, emotionless--I understood why. Falling to my knees at his side, he managed a smile, telling me not to worry, he had been bested and that was that. But I in turn consoled him, pledging vengeance, pledging to finish what he started, assuring him of my abilities.

      And so I turned to the warrior without a name, the warrior who possessed skill enough to slay my father... The challenge I set forth: first to seven hits, or last alive. Solemnly, he agrees, pulling another sword from his side. I grab a pillow sitting beside the throne. In a flash he strikes, slashing high--jugular to hip. I step out, parry with the pillow, and push away. A quick turn precedes his follow-up, but I’ve already trapped the reverse-handed strike, allowing me to parry again and make a hit on his midsection. “Hit,” I clarify, now standing a few paces away, pillow in hand.

      Surprised, he takes a more cautious approach, circling me slowly. “You don’t know what I can do.” I tease, almost mockingly, before teleporting behind him. But he’s ready for it, dodging my feathery attack while launching his own counter. I jump back, putting us both right where we started.

      Dropping the pillow, I broaden my stance and stomp the ground forcefully, tossing up a few small stones into the air. With a few quick jabs, the stones fly towards him; two make contact. “Hit. Hit.” Sensing an opening, he closes in, but I move backwards gracefully, bending water from the earth to deflect his blows. I flick my fingers. “Hit,” and again “Hit,” the water splashes against his face.

      Clearly flustered, he fights water with water, pulling it from the earth as I had done. But I capture it in the air, whipping it around in a gust of wind: “Hit.” And that was that. He walks over to congratulate me on my win, sword still in hand, but then I remember, That was only six. Before he can end it in a single blow, I teleport into a flanking position and strike him with another pebble, sealing my victory and fulfilling my pledge...
    7. 'I remember mama...'

      by , 06-25-2013 at 06:58 PM
      Date: June 24, 2013
      Bedtime routine: MILD & WBTB (No WILD attempts tonight, just MILD)
      Total sleep time: 8-9 hours


      I was back in the city I was born in and I was showing my current family where I grew up and how beautiful it was. The quality of life was much different back then...very relaxing. I was showing them the ocean as the sea gulls flew over, the old buildings still standing built hundreds of years ago, and explaining to them the meaning of happiness. As I was talking to my family (in the car) one of the sea gulls flew in the car and out of the back window. This happened several times, so many times, that we became use to the sea gull flying in the car as we would dunk our heads down in an attempt not to get hit .

      Dream Frag:

      Saw a boy put a gun to his little sister's head and pulled the trigger (Note: I saw a picture of this in real life this week on facebook, so it must have followed me into my dreams as it was terribly disturbing).

      Dream Frag:

      Someone singing "I remember mama," so intently, so focused, and so emotional.
    8. Take One Take Two Take Superman Out

      by , 06-21-2013 at 12:21 PM
      Morning of June 21, 2013. Friday.

      Here are a couple dreams of the same date with a few different scenes.

      There is a flood again, but the water comes mostly from large tidal waves that somehow move more inland. Some people are looking for survivors as there is still a danger from more flooding.

      There is a strange scene of riding the fast, powerful waves just to get to another area, perhaps to our house, as I was getting my youngest son and oldest daughter from some sort of group meeting or visit in a building from a room that was a bit like my old apartment on King Street.

      A woman is looking for her young daughter of about four or five years and I help a few people dig through the mud near a curb. She was trapped under a lot of mud near the curb and must have somehow gone through the storm drain, which is also filled with mud, and yet she is somehow still alive. However, it would be impossible in real life to take pieces out of the street and sidewalk so easily, although it is broken up a bit in my dream. The girl’s breathing makes bubbles come up through the mud and a thinner layer of water over the mud. Also, it seems there are several storm drain chimney-like sections very close together.

      In another dream, I have my old snub-nosed revolver and end up protecting a few people from another person who has a gun, but who sort of becomes a friend. This was probably heavily influenced by a two-part episode of “Deep Space Nine” I had just seen (“Past Tense” parts 1 and 2).

      There is trouble with another person who seems to be a threat to the area, but then Superman arrives (I have not seen the new “Superman” movie yet - “Man of Steel” - but may in a few years - also really tired of hearing the word “reboot”, which is mindless, way overused “trendspeak”).

      There are about five repeating “takes” in a row in this dream that are mostly the same. I shoot Superman on the right side of his stomach, and he seems surprised and is badly injured (but not dead). People are amazed. All I did was use a Kryptonite bullet, which anyone could do, really.

      I have tentatively decided to classify part of this as precognitive (I never do this unless it is verified with at least a few details involved, but this still happens continuously and has since earliest memory), as my young niece in the USA had to drive through flood waters around the time I was dreaming this - around the same streets as in this dream - and I last saw her in real life when she was very young. Could be coincidence in this case, though, as floods are a fairly common theme, both precognitive and somewhat symbolic, perhaps. However, almost all my dreams contain at least a few clearer implied precognitive elements of one kind or another.

      Updated 12-04-2016 at 08:54 AM by 1390

    9. Long WILD nap

      , 06-20-2013 at 06:11 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Thursday 6/20/13

      Last night bed 11pm - 5:40am WBTB 5:40 - 6:20 Nap 6:20-8:30

      DR1 2:40am

      DR2 5:30am This is a weird one. Tons of details. It some kind of a feeling, that I can't identify.

      I'm watching kids at night. House is huge, one story, lots of rooms. There is one boy and at least one girl. I put them to bed, bud boys bed has sand on it. I know mom won't be happy about me not doing good job. I brush it off. Night is weird. Something happens and girl calls her mom, before she even tells me what's wrong. I feel out of the loop.

      I think she called on my phone and now I can't find it. Dad comes home and he decides to go get his wife, who is someplace farther away. Then mom is home and I'm about te leave, since they are home now. Can't find my phone and keys. I look everywhere. Dad pulls out wad of money to pay me for babysitting. he gives me one bill, looks like a 20. I tell him that's enough. He gives me another one, this is a 100. Now the first one looks like a 100 too. There are also some coupons in size of the bills. I think he won it all in casino.

      The dream has some kind of a dark undertone. Like it could all turn really bad really fast, if I was to realize that. Untill I'm clueless, I'm safe.

      Mom finally finds my phone in a yellow manila envelope. Girl put it there when she called her from the yard. Girl doesn't seem to give a flip about what she caused.

      I pull out my two bunches of keys and I'm taking of some small key I got from family. I'm returning them. They are surprised. They are asking if I'm not gonna babysit for them any more. I know I have to be carefull with my answer. They seem nice on the surface, but I know they are bad people. Dad looks like he didn't shave in a while and he is drunk and mom looks also disheveled. I carefully tiptoe around the answer.

      Then I ask them where is the exit. I walk through the door, but it leaves into garage. I try another one, that's not it either. i finally get out through some small door. I realize it's not used frequently, because they usually go through the garage. I find myself in a huge yard. Looks like farm. Dirt ground with some worn out grass. There are a few farm animals. A horse, some goat. I come to another door and behind it is another yard. More farm animals. I know I'm still not safe. Try to containg my panic, so they don't know I'm on to them. I finally get out of there somehow.

      There were more details to this, like kids rooms, dads valet, how the parents look like. I like this dream because it was detailed, but on the other hand, it was kind of dark for some reason.

      Ok, now on the the lucid nap.

      It came on fairly quick. I remembered "oh, so this is what Opheliablue talked about". Not sure what I ment by that, but she was saying IWL that she just feels the dream coming on soon after some motion sensations.

      So I got the brightened view and as I saw the dream, I got up. I don't think I ever exited like this before. I either wish myself into the dreamscape, or get up when I see my room. This entry was a mix of those two.

      I'm on a long, sandy beach. There are some holes in the ground going a long way under the sand. They are partially filled with tidal water. i see a tiny seashell and I pick it up. I used to have a hermit crab in a green turbo shell just like that. I put him down.

      I set my clothes on the ground in some kind of a beach shack. But the water has risen and coming in through the closed doors. I pick up my stuff so it doesn't get even more wet.

      The dream goes dark and i decide to get to another one by going through a wall. I can't get to the other side, the wall is too thick. So I decide to grap the other side of the wall and push myself through it. I'm finally out.

      I remember getting up from bed at least 2 times.

      I walk around a lot, remember thinking what a nice long lucid. I come to the parking lit with all kinds of buses and passenger vans. I decide to go and offer my services. I promised myself not to do this anymore, but I just can't help it. I keep telling myself that I won't wake up this time and it keeps going for a while.
      Tags: ocean, water
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Damn sx

      , 06-18-2013 at 07:12 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Tuesday, 6/18/13

      Last night bed 11pm - 5:45am WBTB 5;45 - 6:30 Nap 6:30 - 9:30

      DR 5:45am
      I'm at home, standing at the kitchen balcony door. Looking outside, where my mom is showing me this beautiful place beyond neighbors house. She points out, that we can see it now, because it's winter and tree has no leaves blocking our view.

      There is a small lake sitting deep inside a crater. Steep walls on all sides, except in the front. Looks like the crater is man-made. Drag marks from the excavator are clearly visible on the light brown hills. Nice trees growing on the top. Sunshine is just perfect. Deep yellow light, like in late afternoon or early evening.

      I get my camera and as I point it there, I can tell I'm running out of light, as sun is setting fast. I take a picture and I'm hoping it will still have enough light.

      (I have a feeling, with these places I see in the distance, that they are someplace else, further away. maybe not in real life, but as if I had binocular vision in the dream)

      I see some low lying tropical island. They are small and there is lots of them. Beautiful light blue waters between them. Then I'm in my living room, pulling out a really old atlas and showing those islands to someone.

      Nap, woke up from LD at 9:30
      WILD and series of transitions and maybe 2 more WILDs

      I'm on my bedroom balcony. Looking to the left I see a shallow ocean. From the color of the dark water I can tell places with sand or coral. For a second, color of water changes to gorgeous tropical blue. Now I can see the sandy places much better. But I guess sun is behind a cloud again and water is dark. This happens a few times. I really want for water to stay tropical blue and to go there. The water is nice blue now and I find myself wading in it and trying to dive to swim under water. i'm too boyant and I think maybe I should spawn some weight belt. Don't want to waste my time and dive again. Water is going in my eyes and nose and I surface spitting watter from everywhere. But I make it and manage to dive. See all kinds of bubbles around me and to my shock, water is filthy. (Once I saw a documentary with a jar of water from open sees. It was so full of tiny peaces of human junk, like plastic). This looked just like that.

      For transitions, I got some light behind my eyelids and did the falling sensation with my head pushed back. A few time I got up from sofa in my brothers bedroom.

      Oh yeah, the longest LD of this series - I was just so happy and giggling uncontrollably. I flew out the window, for a split second telling myself not to get too excited from the beauty, but that was futile. I was exstatic. It was actually kinda long, but I was just so happy the whole time.

      Another one - I was preoccupied with sx again. I have to put it in my mantra. My mantra was "when I see my room, I get up".

      Oh yeah, one transition was really new. I thought maybe I'm getting OBE, because my feet just shot up in the air as I was laying on my sofa and I tried to get my body to follow. Not clear what happened next, I was too far gone by then I guess.
      Tags: ocean, water
    11. 06/13 Captive, 06/14 Battlestar Galactica

      by , 06-16-2013 at 06:16 AM
      This one felt strange because for most of it I was a ghost. In most dreams, obviously, I switch characters seamlessly and hardly notice that it's happening. This time however, I consciously make the decision to become her.

      We are in a small basement apartment and is an entirely new construction, which is odd for me. Most houses are, in some way, ones I
      have lived in. The walls are dark red, the carpet beige. Immediately to the left of the front door is the bathroom, three steps in there's a couch sitting across from a loveseat. There is a floor lamp with a simple glass bell shade. I'm crouched by the loveseat.
      On the couch is a thin woman in an ankle length light brown dress. She has extremely curly hair, it's a wispy pale brown. A man pins
      her to the cushions, she is still mostly clothed, so is he, but it's still obvious that he's raping her. She issues soft, breathless sobs and negations, her blood smeared hands push ineffectually at his shoulders and chest.
      I want to bash his face in. I urge her to grab the lamp shade and hit him with it, and after a moment she looks at it and considers following my suggestions. As she is reaching for the neck of the lamp, he finishes and stands up. I get a view of his back as he zips up his fly and tucks in his shirt. I glare at him. She watches him with fear and uncertainty. She sits up, lowering her skirt back over her knees.
      He says that he has to leave for work, and explicitly outlines what will happen to her sister if she tries to leave. He muses that she can't
      possibly expect the police to believe that she was held captive and raped, after all, he is a police officer. He turns to face her, looking out the high narrow windows, buttoning his cuffs. He's about 5'7" with short black hair, a cruel face with black, dead eyes. She can't stand to look at him, and when he begins to walk toward her, she darts for the bathroom and slams the door behind herself.
      We can feel him on the other side and how little her flight has affected him, how very little she can do against him. She feels like
      screaming or crying. We hear the front door shut and lock, apparently it locks from the outside too. Just in case she became adventurous.
      My eyes settle on the single window above the toilet. I urge her to look out. She pauses to wash her hands and then does as I say. She
      has to climb up onto the toilet to look outside. The bathroom, like the rest of the house, is painted red. The window is more like a screen on a hinge, and on the other side is a cramped tunnel.
      I watch as she stares outside, between the hedges to where he's standing talking to my boyfriend. I hear him say that he has lost his car keys. Which is true, but he's also a police officer ((complete fabrication)) from out of state. Something has made him suspicious, but he can't put his finger on it.
      "Sorry buddy, I can't help you. The manager inside might have a phone you can use."
      My boyfriend heads inside the apartment building. The woman's captor stands beside the car there, talking on his cell phone.
      Her hand falls limp to her side. I press my boyfriend's keys into her hand. She doesn't even question how she got them. I urge her to go, but she's too terrified. I step up and become her. I open the window and squeeze myself into the tunnel. It is a little more than one length of my body, I scrape my elbows wiggling forward. I reach the other side and wait until his back is turned, I separate from her and watch her crawl out. I follow after. We hide behind a solid backed bench on just the other side of the hedges.
      She freezes, and she can't anticipate his movements like I can. I join with her again. He pivots and we go to hide behind a black Dodge Avenger. We hear our captor get into a car and drive away. For a moment I'm confused, and think I'm looking for my boyfriend's old car, a teal Sunfire. I hesitantly click the unlock button on the key and the Dodge Avenger bleeps from behind me. I separate from her hand urge her to get away before my boyfriend comes back. She opens the driver side door and slips inside...

      Battlestar Galactica
      The house we're sitting in feels like my childhood home in MA, except that it is only one level, and beside the front door there is a
      raised part of the floor, like a single step. Across from that is a low, dull gray table.
      I am Cally, Chief Tyrol and Boomer sit on the raised section of floor, grimly regarding the table. I walk to the Chief on my knees, my eyes are burning and my throat feels thick. Our story has run its course, and yet we find ourselves here all over again. Running from the Cylons. I get a sense of where we are in the story, sometime before the settling on New Caprica.
      Chief has his arms cross. I tug one of his arms free and he looks down at me with mild surprise.
      "Cally." His voice holds the trace of a warning, but now is not the time to worry about appearances.
      "Chief, could I...?"
      He lifts his arm and a curl up by his side, he drops his arm across my shoulders.
      "Chief, does this mean that we have a chance to do things differently? To make better choices?" I ask, it's difficult to speak.
      "Yes, I suppose it does." He replies thoughtfully.
      The relief that brings me is amazing, it's such a gift, to start over. The chance to treat people better. Knowing how the story ends, would we make the same choices?
      She should be here soon." He says softly. We lift our eyes from the table to the darkened doorway on the other side of it.
      Starbuck appears, there's something wrong with her face but I can't figure out what it is. She's also pregnant. Just far enough along that it's obvious. She leans heavily on the table then lays down on it, clutching her belly.
      I leave Chief's side and go to hers. Hesitantly, I stroke the hair away from her face.
      "Are you feeling alright?"
      "I think I'm miscarrying." She says. The look on her face, and the fact that she's Starbuck makes me wonder if she's making a joke.
      "Are you kidding? Is she kidding?"
      "Help me sit up."
      I oblige her.

      There's a lapse. I'm standing in front of Starbuck who sits with her legs dangling off the side of the table. Another woman has arrived
      but I can't look straight at her, even out of the corner of my eye she disturbs me.
      Starbuck trembles violently and then her mouth moves of its own accord, speaking words I don't understand.
      "Avre ein en Novem-ah."
      The disturbing woman laughs at her. "Oh yes, your vast knowledge of forgotten history is astounding. You only speak of the Novem, how can you possibly know what it is to call the Novem friend?"
      Starbuck can't seem to look straight at her either. Her eyes shift away uncomfortably. The disturbing woman doesn't speak again but I
      get a sense of timelessness from her, wondering at the vastness of her existence that stretches across aeons. Starbuck may know these things too, because of the child she carries, but she has not lived it. Not like the Queen. This knowledge deeply chills me. This is the house of eternity, there are other paths to walk besides this one.

      Then I am outside. I am a fit and unpregnant Starbuck. Admiral Adama gathers us to him on the lawn and we walk together to the road which is wider than I remember. There's a 5 foot tall wall where the woods should be. It isn't smooth, it has uneven grooves all along its length.
      We walk to where the crew has broken through a 3 foot thick ice road block. We file through the ragged opening.

      The oddness of what stand on the other side strikes all of us. The wall curves gently, to the right of the wall is the ocean, to the left is a dusty courtyard with a rickety wooden structure that has a roof and thin support poles, but no walls. At the far end of the enclosure is a leaning ladder of long branches, fastened together.
      "What is this, ice?" Adama says, touching the wall as though we have never seen it before.
      "Bet your ass it's ice, I like it!" Colonel Tigh exclaims, picking up a handful of slush and throwing it. His reaction doesn't seem child-like or whimsical.
      I wonder what they were doing, obviously the wall holds back the ocean. What were they doing, forcing the ocean to recede?

      We fan out and walk toward the ladder. We all start to climb it, but the top of the ladder is no longer tied down, so people keep falling off. I'm Starbuck though, and I'm certain I can climb it. So I haul myself up. I can feel the texture of the branches under my hands, and how the ladder sags outward. I reach the top as Admiral Adama and Tigh do, trying to figure out a way to leap the gap from the last rung to the next section of ladder.
      I drop down and run a few paces back, where there's a thin twist of rope. I grab it and lift myself up with one arm, it holds my weight but starts to fray.
      I had hoped that I could use it to cross the gap.

      I wander away and start taking note of other things under the canopy. Maybe there are things that we can take away, supplies. There's a pick-up truck parked in the corner and a chest. They're full of yellow bags of dog food. Who were the people that came before us?
      I watch the others, frowning at their behavior.

      The next part I can't remember very well. I see flashes of what happened to the last people who found this place. They were a family of three, and a couple of farm hands.
      I watch the mother, a tall brunette with short hair, wearing a red shirt, command her eight year old son to find the secret of the letters they found carved in the wall.
      The task sounds like a threat. His father has gone missing, and at least one of the hands has died.

      Updated 06-26-2013 at 02:02 AM by 54746

    12. Up, Up, and away...

      by , 06-16-2013 at 04:50 AM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      Lucid, but still stupid!-para.jpg

      Advanced Task ii - Find an ocean and go parasailing.

      I was attempting to V-WILD when everything started to spin. It felt like I was on a roller-coaster! It felt like my body floated up to my ceiling and then was crashing down into my bed. This went on for a few minutes when it finally stopped and I found myself climbing a tree. I didn't even realize I was climbing a tree until a branch cracked and I fell to the bottom. Ow..I definitely felt pain.

      It took me a moment, but I realized I must be dreaming. I remembered trying to V-WILD, the spinning, and I somehow ended up here. I did a reality check and confirmed that I was dreaming. I looked around and saw an array of pine trees spreading in every direction I looked. My goal was to go parasailing and that's what I was going to do! I assumed I was on an island and expected if I kept walking I would run into the ocean.

      Sure enough, a couple minutes later I saw a small, dirt beach with the waves crashing against it. The ocean was not a natural color. It was a BRIGHT, bright Turquoise/Cyan. I saw a couple boats floating about and teleported to one. The driver fell out of his chair and looked at me like: xD

      "Let's go parasailing!" I said

      The driver pulled out a parasail and hooked everything up. It could fit two people but none of the other two passengers wanted to come. I sat down and strapped myself in. Then the boat just went full speed and I shot into the air. You know that feeling when you're in an airplane with the engine running loudly and then it becomes a little quieter and you have a sudden feeling you are going to fall? That's exactly how I felt strapped into the parasail. It somehow managed to stay flying and the wind was rushing in my face.

      I kept rising higher and higher. The boat looked like an ant to me and as I looked up I could see a puffy cloud about a foot away from my face. I reached out to touch it and it was surprisingly warm. Someone touches my shoulder and I quickly look to the left to see fucking Edward Scissorhands grinning at me. My dreams sometimes... He bends over and slashes the rope tying us to the boat. The parasail stops going forwards and starts to rise up like a balloon!

      We rise into space and by the moon I can see Saturn. I tell Edward to get us over there and he somehow steers the parasail (if you can even call it that anymore ) to the rings. Basically we start go-karting on the rings of Saturn xD.

      Anywho, the dream goes on for quit a while after this but I don't feel like typing it all up. Quick summary: we end up finding life on Saturn (even though it's a gas giant in real life, it wasn't in my dream), turn into wizards, and use magic to add more life on Saturn. We create a forest and basically build a whole bunch of homes up in the trees where the people of Saturn could live and that's about it!

      Updated 06-16-2013 at 05:39 AM by 27913

      lucid , task of the month
    13. 12th June 2013 Island, Battle, Ritual, Dragon

      by , 06-12-2013 at 09:30 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was in some place that was built of simple colored geometrical shapes.

      Dream 2:

      I was browsing forum games on another forum and decided to join one, there was some discussion about starting conditions and soon i was actually in it and it was like video game/another dimension. I was on some kind of paradise island, talking to some people about this dimension. Soon the ocean got filled with countless amount of people swimming and jumping out of the water dolphin-style, i commented on that and then i grouped with an squad and we teleported somewhere else. I had some abilities(which i can't recall much) and we were going through a few places, some of them were steampunk style corridors, and we were fighting enemies.
      Then we finally reached huge outdoor area, sun was setting and there were two sides fighting each other in huge battle near the temple ruins. At first we were helping in the battle but then we got to the temple. We were discussing something while going through ruins and soon we have found some kind of chamber, we did the ritual and summoned some kind of god-like entities, then after talk with them we went outside, there was an enormous dragon in the sky. View switched to more cinematic cutscene camera and the enemy forces were wiped out by the dragon.
    14. 2 WILDs, 5 transitions and message to my neighbor

      , 06-09-2013 at 06:03 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Message to the neighbor - Is there any reason why you can't use the door knob when closing your freaking door? Every freaking time? Oh yeah, I know, you are lazy and inconsiderate prick. And just because you are outside, you can still use your indoor voice when talking to someone standing 2 feet away.

      Sunday 6/9/13

      Last night bed 11:15 This is second day of drinking water before bed and each time that wakes me up. Great recall again.

      DR 1 - 1:15am
      I'm an actress, standing with 5-6 others for a group picture on a set of a movie. Director is there too. I'm writing some translation notes on a small piece of paper and director takes it away from me thinking I'm an industrial spy or something. I assure him I'm not, but he is not happy. I tell him name 'Anderson' is a common name and it is also a first entry in a picture dictionary. He sits down on a sofa to look at it and asks me to sit next to him on his right. So I'm slowly flipping first few pages to get to the entry, while he is looking at pages with interest.

      DR 2 - 1:15am
      I'm in a back of an armored, futuristic passenger car. I keep looking back, because we are either chased already, or expect to be. We are going through hostile territory. Someone shows me a tall apartment building and tells me that in about 6 min, lights should turn on on the 6th floor. That's our clue, that's where we going. I'm watching the black window, expecting a granade to be thrown in, or me laying down suppresive fire with and automated rifle. (Watching Book of Eli that night in WL.)

      Got up at 4, didn't feel like have enough details to write down a dream.

      DR - 7:00
      I'm on a beach in Australia. Someone tells me that the sand is coarse, like ground black pepper. I pick up a fistfull and really, it's like salt and pepper, and it's moist and plyable. I walk to the water and find 2 coins. Then I tell kids that I will be exchanging US coins for australian, 10 of each, 1:1.

      7:10 - I lay down on my sofa to WILD. As soon as I do that, a dream pops in my head from the night. It's really cool so I get up to write it down.

      DR from night, unknown time
      I'm laying on a single bed with white sheets and a blanket. It's a narrow room and bed is along the long wall, from where I can see the front door. Light colored wood. It's someone elses house, I'm visiting?

      The front door opens and 4-5 people walk in. Dressed in black and white, some machete hanging from their hands. I know I'm in mortal danger, but all I can do is pretend I'm asleep. I hope they will believe that and don't feel a need to kill me, since I won't see how they kill the guy in the house.

      After they are done with this guy, I sense 2 of them standing over my bed. I know this is it. They start slashing me with slow, deliberate cuts.

      Next image I get is a girl with hair and face caked with blood, sitting on the back of an ambulance. I don't understand how she is still alive. She is me. Despite of everything, this was more exciting than scary. Or maybe not even exciting, but I knew I can't get scared or it will be even worse.

      7:15 - nap to WILD - woke up at 9:00am

      I got 5 falling down transitions. There was maybe a minute between them, so it was not DEILDs, but WILDs.

      I entered LD in first 3 transitions. In rest of them, I just could not fall asleep on time.

      WILD 1 - I wake up in my brothers room, get up and walk through kitchen and through window shades and glass door to the balcony. I lose it here.

      WILD 2 - Wake up and walk out the same way. This time I hold it together as I'm standing on the kitchen balcony. It's very early morning, low dark clouds and sun rays peeking at a very shallow angle. In the direction of a WL tree park and behing it is an ocean. It's dark waters are twinkling in the sunlight. There are a few huge cargo ships near the shore. I really want to go and see it up close. Then I remember, I never look around in my lucids, so I start looking around and that's when I wake up.

      This is second time I saw an ocean there in my dreams.

      WILD 3
      This one was kinda sexual. I'm not gonna talk about that, just gonna mention this bug that was walking on the purple wall. Someone told me about it earlier, that the pink spots I see on walls are left by this bug. And really, as he walks, he excretes something and leaves a pink line everytime he touches the wall with his butt.

      Updated 06-09-2013 at 06:09 PM by 50242

      Tags: chase, killed, ocean, water
      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Fast weather, strong wind.

      by , 05-23-2013 at 05:58 PM
      I wanted/was to kayak down across the sea in my dream and as I made it to the other side the wind got extremely strong and I was having trouble walking along the coast. I spotted a woman walking towards me with a blue coat by the looks of it, so once I got up to the person I asked them if they lived around here for some reason(Can't remember why, maybe for directions) and a guys voice replied with "No.." and then there was a sort of group of these people with this tattoo of a triangle on the backs of their heads and most of them were bald and I didn't know who they were.

      I remember being cautious of them.

      End of fragment,
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