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    1. miniature King Kong, kittens, and lizard

      by , 04-29-2013 at 11:12 AM
      I dreamed that I got these pets for our kids: a miniature King Kong (real one), a couple kittens and a lizard. The King Kong was hugging the kittens not gently enough. My husband wanted to know why this choice of pets, and I explained that I thought they would keep things lively.

      I at least know why the kittens. We went to a dinner party last night, and the hostess was telling us about a cat she was watching for friends who used to menace a fish in a bowl (the fish was also those friends). When they came back for their pets, they said they had in the meantime adopted three kittens.

      Updated 04-29-2013 at 11:48 AM by 61501

    2. Mon Dec 24 (2:48-11:39)

      by , 12-25-2012 at 01:48 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Cat Surgery

      I walk into the basement to find an unfamiliar young man sitting with some of my parents. He's holding one of our pet cats, while my dad holds the other. [IRL: The other cat died, actually, about a year ago.] The other cat (a white one) gets away from dad, so I go after it. Evidently something is being done to the cats which they don't like, but which is good for them. Eventually I find the white cat and bring it back downstairs.

      Now the stranger is sawing off the cat's front paw with a hacksaw. My parents assure me that this is a necessary surgery, since the cats' paws never healed right from that time they fell from a great height. I remember that event; it was somehow my fault. [IRL: No such thing has ever happened.] Despite my parents' assurances, I still think that this operation will probably kill the cats. Which is a real shame, because I think this first cat in particular had a long, eventful life ahead of him, in spite of his limp. The man finishes with the first cat, and we give him the second one.

      Later, the first cat jumps up onto the couch next to me. I'm shocked to see that he has both front paws back already, and they don't seem to be paining him at all. Do cats have some kind of regenerative ability?

      Manual Roller Coaster

      Right up ahead, my sisters and I see the entrance of a big covered slide. We dive right in; I'm last. It's a sort of man-powered roller coaster: the idea is to crawl through as quickly as possible. Visibility isn't so good, so sometimes a sharp curve will take you off guard. Then suddenly I reach a long downward segment that I can just slide straight down. This is a blast! A bit later, I accidentally run into my sisters, who apparently just ran into each other. The youngest one apparently tripped because of an unusually long, sharp turn (something like 720 degrees), and then we all crashed right into her. Still, we extricate ourselves in moments and continue the ride.

      At the end of the ride, there are a bunch of computers. You can type in your identification and it will tell you how long it took you to go through the ride, and how you compare to that day's other participants. I got 611th, which I think isn't too bad. Then I talk to my sisters, and it turns out the youngest one got 609th. I hadn't expected her to do better than I did! I'm a bit put out, but good for her anyway.

      Exclusive Buffet

      I'm eating dinner with some classmates at a big restaurant. We're having an important conversation, when suddenly someone comes out on the stage at one side of the room. The person talking to me has his back to the stage, so I try to shush him so I can hear what the woman on stage has to say. I realize I seem a bit rude, but surely he'll understand. A few other actors come onstage, and they start performing a play.

      I have only a moment to feel surprised before a bulky, intimidating man comes up to our table and starts taking away our plates, whether or not we're done with them.

      "I'm sorry," he says firmly, "we're closing now unless you're part of the club." He has a bit of an accent.

      I remember that this place serves a buffet until 8:00, when the actual fancy dinner starts. You have to pay extra to be part of that, or something. And now it's 8:00, so we have to go. On the way out, some of my classmates snag something from the dessert station at the buffet. That's a little rude of them, since technically we're not allowed to eat anything from here anymore. Good thing I got my dessert earlier. Outside on the sidewalk, I hear some other classmates complaining about not having eaten a full dinner because there was nothing good at the buffet. I'm glad I avoided that problem by eating plenty, even if the food was pretty unremarkable.

      First Day of Classes (LUCID)

      I get up later than usual and hurry to find breakfast. I pass one of the dormitory suites, where apparently someone has set up a small continental breakfast. Interesting, to see such a business here. I get some food there. Then it's time to find my first class.

      A lot of time has passed, so when I go back into the hallway, I see a gigantic line of people coming out of the suite's main entrance. It goes all the way down the hallway and down a staircase. I'm glad I missed the line, but suddenly I realize that so many people in line means these are probably the people who get breakfast immediately before heading to class. So I have very little time to collect my things and find my class. I hurry down the staircase, trying not to jostle the line of people too much.

      [about 6 classes later . . .]

      My next class is titled something like "Practice Session." My guess would be that that refers to a free slot for me to practice my instrument, but that doesn't make much sense, since I'm not a music major and this is not a conservatory. But in any case, I have to find the classroom, which is called the MUSIC room, appropriately enough. But the name "MUSIC" is actually some kind of alphabetical index of where to find the class. Like, I need to find floor M, then hallway U, etc. I suppose the music department thought they were very clever when they designed this room numbering scheme.

      I'm hurrying down a surprisingly dark corridor, feeling rather lost. I think I'm on the right floor, but I can't find "U" anywhere. Suddenly, I come upon a library, where my orchestra conductor is talking to some of her students. Well, it's good to find other live people here, but I don't really want to talk to her right now, so I avoid them. Consulting my class schedule again, I realize that my next class isn't even in the MUSIC room. I've had about three other classes in there today, but this one is somewhere else. That's a relief, until I realize that the room shouldn't just disappear if I don't happen to have a class in it right now. But I don't have time to worry about that; I have to find this other place.

      It strikes me that today has been an inauspicious first day of classes. I had been hoping that after last quarter (which was very stressful) I would have learned something about avoiding stress and staying calm--but alas, it seems like I have not. Especially since I seem to remember that I skipped most of one of my classes this morning because I had to finish an essay that was technically due last quarter.

      My map has a sort of sticker on it, labeled with the name of the place I'm looking for, but it's way out in the middle of nowhere, and the map doesn't show any route to get there. I'm not convinced that's the right place, so I wander around some more. Then I realize I'm just pretending that it's not the place because it's much farther away than I expected. I should just suck it up and go there, even if it will take a while. Looking at the syllabus for this class (which is a small, staple-bound book with a brown cover), I notice that there's even some advice printed on the back cover: the professor says we should leave for his class within ten seconds of the end of the previous class if we want to make it to his class within ten minutes of the alleged start time. I start walking, but then I realize I'm not carrying a backpack or any school supplies at all. And I have only fifteen minutes until class starts. I might make it on time if I keep walking there, but I'll definitely be late if I go back to my room first. I wish I could just "Accio" my school supplies so they catch up to me while I'm walking. Of course, that's just wishful thinking--

      --but then I realize that I'm dreaming! Sweet! Okay, I can fly back to my room, get my stuff, and fly to class, and still be there with time to spare. So I set out to do just that. [On my way to class, I lose lucidity.]

      The route to class turns into a dirt hiking trail. I try going straight to the classroom, but the path leads under a giant boulder, and I discover that there's not enough clearance for me to squeeze through. Backing out, I make my way around the boulder instead. There are two young boys jumping around on the rocks, shooting at each other with what I identify as laser guns. One shouts at the other, "Mister, show me your ID card!" Clearly, they're imitating the adults from around here, the security guards that watch the entrance to the secure facility in which my class takes place. Okay, I should try to find the guardhouse so I can gain entrance to the facility. There's a small wooden cabin across the road that looks promising.

      Inside the cabin, I find the teacher for my class. In order to pass the gatehouse, every student has to sign a contract. All of the contracts are hand-written (by the professor), and I can't read mine at all--it's totally illegible. But one by one, all of the other students are leaving the gatehouse to go to class, and in desperation I finally just sign the contract.

      The classroom seems rather like an art studio. There are a lot of heavy-duty tables spread around the room; some of them are pushed against the wall like booth seats at restaurants. It is at one of these latter tables that the professor is sitting, and he invites the class to gather 'round his table while he explains what we'll do in today's class.
    3. Mon Oct 29 (11:07-8:09)

      by , 10-29-2012 at 02:53 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      • a few different dreams involving swimming pools
      • something about my family's pet cat
      Tags: pets, water
      dream fragment
    4. Thurs Oct 25 (11:59-7:05)

      by , 10-25-2012 at 02:37 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Close (7:05)

      I've just come from a formal-attire event, so I'm pretty well-dressed for this birthday party. I'm introduced to a relative of someone from the year above me in high school; they look uncannily similar. In general, I'm seeing a lot of people here whom I haven't seen for a long time. Several of the girls are giving me smiles and hugs and other forms of physical contact. It's a good feeling.

      I walk around the house and find an acquaintance alone in the kitchen. I don't know him too well, so it's a bit awkward trying to make conversation. Later, I run into that relative-of-a-friend again, but she introduces herself to me with a different name. I realize she must be a twin--I seem to recall them telling me something like that. "You must be ____'s sister," I say.

      When I try to leave, I need to recover an ID card from somewhere. But when volunteers at the event were going around using the cards, they managed to switch everyone's around, so we're all walking around comparing cards and trying to find our own. I wish the volunteers had been more careful. I end up holding a set of papers held in sheet protectors, fastened by a key ring. Later I give them back to someone who lives at the house. Apparently they're letters he's received. He keeps them in sheet protectors because of their emotional significance.

      Legacy (7:05)

      Suddenly, Dad speaks up from his workstation to announce that he can't maintain the Quantz website anymore. (This website has to do with geology, not webcomics.) He goes on to explain that he forgot to add a "--" to a statement decrementing a variable, and he considers this a sign of his age. He doesn't want to keep coding, and he thinks it's time for me to continue the legacy. He's going to give me an administrator login. Behind him on the computer is the splash screen for the website, which currently shows an animation of my name, a password field with a blinking cursor, and the word "Soon. . . ." Family-run business, indeed.

      I decide to humor him, so now we have to go outside and perform maintenance on the system. There's a sort of crawlspace near the driveway which is covered in cat litter. Dad says the inventor of cat litter lived here before us, so this crawlspace was the first of its kind. I can't see the bottom, so I take my time lowering myself into the area. It's awkward. The entrance is sort of like an oversized staircase, except that the ceiling isn't high enough so you almost have to slide down on your back.

      Companions (7:05)

      I'm in a neighbor's house. They have a lot of pets. I might even say, too many pets. There's a bird's nest in an upper corner. I can't see what's going on, but from all the noise, I suspect maybe the birds are having sex. There are some cats and dogs, and also a giant rabbit. The rabbit is vocally angry about being locked in a cage, except it's not actually in a cage, it's just lying in the middle of the living room. Someone who lives in the house comes over, and the rabbit hops away. I hope I didn't offend the person by implying that they don't take good enough care of their pets. The rabbit poops out what looks like a hot dog, and the person tosses it into a nearby pen containing yet more pets. Presumably they will play with it. I suppose it would be expensive caring for this many pets, so you would have to be stingy about things like pet toys.

      At one point, I'm playing with my family's cat. He's lying on his back, swiping at me with his claws. I've never understood why this cat never learned to play less violently.
    5. tumblr / Looking After Pets / Dream Lesson

      by , 10-15-2012 at 03:10 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I have a friend whose dad shut off the Internet at her house, so she only has Internet access when she's at her mom's house. She went back to her dad's house yesterday. Anyway, I had a dream last night that I was on tumblr and saw a post she made saying that her dad turned the Internet back on again. I woke up disappointed because it was only a dream (we mainly only see each other online because we live a couple hours apart).

      I went back to sleep and had a dream that I had to look after a few pets for my friend Giana (even though they aren't her pets IWL). I had to look after five various rodents (a hamster, two very tiny chinchillas, and two jerboas. They were kept in a big cage, which I was keeping in my room. The problem was that they kept escaping from the cage; they managed to squeeze through the bars and out of the cage pretty easily. The chinchillas (which were roughly the same size as the hamster and jerboas, as opposed to actual chinchilla size) especially liked to escape. One of them even tried to bite my thumb when I carried it back to its cage (again); it was kind of uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt.

      In another dream, I had to select a "teacher". I chose Kayleigh, my tulpa. She started throwing dodgeballs at me, and I didn't know why, so she told me she was doing it because I had to learn that nothing could hurt me because I was dreaming and that I shouldn't be afraid in dreams. I guess I was supposed to take that advice and make myself believe that, though I still didn't really get what was going on. The dream felt rather vague when I woke up, too.

      I know she was only trying to help me improve my dream control, but I don't think I really learned anything from that "lesson". It does seem like something she would do, though...
    6. He was happy down there...

      by , 10-12-2012 at 11:06 AM (Voyages of a Skywalker)
      Two-two scratches at the door. The sliding glass door. I let him in. I am so happy and shocked. No one else seems to want to give this miraculous event any attention. Am I lucid? I pick him up and give him all of my love. He seems disturbed, not himself. I am reminded of Buffy's second coming (laugh out loud). He is in pain. I now notice a large hole on the right lower side of his tummy. Holding him, cradling him in my arms, I turn to my family for some help or advice. Something! They all look down, shaking heads nay. They tell me that he may be alive and that there may be hope, but it is not “RIGHT”. They gave me the feeling that helping save Two-two was immoral or corrupt. I turn to Brian, the same reaction from him. A sad, firm, absolute; NO. I am so distraught, lost, speechless. I've snapped. I'm yelling and screaming and raising hell. My heart is broken.

      Updated 10-13-2012 at 03:21 AM by 40320

      memorable , lucid , nightmare
    7. MMA Class/Evacuation

      by , 09-01-2012 at 12:41 PM
      Last night I dreamt I was in a classroom and the instructor was teaching about MMA. One of my good friends is interested in MMA so that must have been where this came from, he wasn't in the class with me though. There was one other female in the class sitting next to me. She said something to me about the rules of choking another person. She said you can't put your hands around their neck to high or too low. The instructor also did stretches with us.

      After that dream I dreamt I was in some sort of crisis at my house. I had a few different pets and I was with a couple people (can't make them out) Some kind of officers kept coming in with nets trying to take the pets away. I kept releasing them and finaly it became too much. I know I needed to escape so I left the pets behind and felt incredibly guilty. I then went back for them and I just couldn't manage to free them all and get in the car with the people I was with and go. Finaly I decided to leave with a few people and a dog that was my pet in this dream. As I drove away I felt super guilty again because I realized that I had left my younger sister behind.
      Tags: class, fighting, mma, pets
    8. Lots of entries...all in one!

      by , 06-22-2012 at 02:55 AM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      Unknown Date
      Spoiler for Click Here:

      June 6, 2012. Nap.
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 6, 2012. Bedtime: 3:15 AM; Time of awakening: 9:35 AM. No WBTB.
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 8, 2012. Bedtime: Midnight. Time of awakening: ??? WBTB: ???
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 13, 2012. Bedtime: 12:30 AM. Time of awakening: 7:30 AM WBTB: N/A
      Spoiler for Click here:

      Unknown Date
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 19, 2012
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 20, 2012
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 21, 2012 Nap
      Spoiler for Click here:

      Oh yes, before I forget: one more dream. I didn't write it down because it scared the shit out of me and I think I just wanted to forget it at the time.
      Spoiler for Click here:
    9. Viper/ fanged snake

      by , 03-31-2012 at 08:56 PM
      I remember cats being in my dreams, possibly because it was here, where I live, wehre there are a bunch of free roam cats.

      All i can remember is being at the vehicle, when some little girl comes looking for her rabbit/whatever, turns out it had hopped into the vehicle while iw as cleanin or something. For some reason the rabbit turns into 2 rats, and I decide im gonna get a cage for her to house them.... I can remember them nibbling on my fingers a little roughly occasionally.

      I remember standin gi my room, when... a snake I vaguely remember having caught in the dreamer earlier.... just darts out from my behind/right n goes for my left foot, my right raising as my.... arm comes down and snags it right behind its head, stopping it mid bite as its mouth hang over, and its fangs stare right down at my foot only a inch or two lower... I remember like for a second trying to properly grab it, so it couldn't turn and bite me but damn.... crazy looking snake, a silver one that seemed to made out of grey pointed diamond shaped stones.... its face resembling that of a horned viper.... just grey
      Tags: bite, pets, snake
    10. Crossing the River, and the Talking Cat

      by , 12-05-2011 at 03:24 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in a river in a canyon, surrounded by rock walls. The sky was grey. I want to say I was in Oregon. The water was pretty shallow, but it was moving pretty fast; some of it looked like white waters. There was a girl with me, and there were other people around as well.

      I remember also telling someone that I had Gyrados (a Pokemon) at home. I was worried about moving to a top floor apartment because the water that he required would leak through the floor. Weird.

      I got into the river. I felt the water rush around me; I was about waist deep. I was going to climb over one of the rock walls to the other side of the river. This girl that was with me was being so annoying. She kept telling me everything to do, what I was doing wrong, etc. It was really pissing me off.

      I got to the wall and started to climb. The rocks were damp, dark grey, and mossy. I wasn’t afraid of the climb at all, surprisingly. In fact, I discovered that I loved to climb, and it came to me very easily.

      I got to the top, and the girl was still being annoying. I can’t remember what I did; in all honesty, I think I just ignored her, or maybe I told her to be quiet. Anyway, I climbed to the bottom the same way I did the top. I got in the water, which was rushing very fast; the current was extremely strong.

      I got in anyway. The water was a little deeper on this side of the wall. I saw other people in it, families even, who were not getting swept away because they were on the outskirts of the river in the more shallow parts. I started to get carried away, but I saved myself before I got swept too far. I fought the current and made it back to the wall.


      I was at my house, in my room. The lights weren’t on in my room, and it was grey outside. I think Leslie was there with me. I had all these pets...tons of cats and a dog. They were all kept in the playroom where I keep my cat in waking life.

      I went out into the hallway, and there were 3 identical orange, fluffy cats there. All of their names were Ginger, except for one, who I called Ginger White (why I have no idea…the cat was all orange just like the others). One was in the middle of the hallway, the other right behind it and to the right, and the last by the door.

      I went back in my room, and the phone rang. I answered it, and heard a small voice on the other end. I asked who it was, and they said
      “Ginger White!”
      “Oh! I couldn’t tell it was your voice!” I said back. I can’t remember what else was said specifically.

      Weird. My cat called me.

      I then went in the playroom. The dog in there was in the brown laundry basket beside the door to the game closet. He was a short haired small-medium sized dog with brown fur. He was jumping up and down, trying to get out of the basket, which also had some dirty laundry in it. I brought him some food and water.

      Then, I went downstairs into the living room, and there was a mother cat in a cat bed with lots of kittens. The cat bed was sitting on the far end of the couch on the arm. They were so cute! Some of their ears were flat, like the Scottish Fold breed of cat. They were dark grey with black stripes.

      I laid on my stomach on the couch and started taking pictures with my phone of the cats. I kept trying to zoom in and out, trying to get the best angle I could. Every picture I took was pretty good, but it wasn’t perfect like I wanted. The mother cat was being very good and looking at the camera every time I tried to snap a picture. I kept thinking about how photogenic she was.

      Updated 12-05-2011 at 03:26 PM by 32059

    11. Weirdest Birthday Party Ever. November 2nd, 2011

      by , 11-04-2011 at 09:03 PM
      Tried WBTB, no LD. Sorry if this one feels rushed. It's mostly because it is.

      First, there was this Halloween party I was supposed to attend. It was at one of the houses I see on the way to Alec's, but it was Jing was going to be there too, and this other Asian chick who I don't know lived there. I was supposed to go there with Ephraim. I also wrote down "green/red", "strawberry", and "yuigoh", but I don't remember their significance, although I do remember that they had to do with this part of the dream. I also wrote down the word "plants" in quotations, meaning there was weed somewhere in the dream, but I don't remember that either. Anyway, suddenly I was in this other house with Sean, Onyx (school nerd), and some other faceless people. Onyx started talking about twitter to me, saying that everyone in school uses it to remember their homework. I said, "Why would I do that when I could just type it on my phone?" Then I got up in his face and said, "You jelly?" In case you aren't familiar, that's internet lingo for "are you jealous?" Then I realised how stupid this was and went to go sit down, embarrassed. As I went to go sit down, Sean gave off the vibe that he was one of the nerds or something. On Onyx's computer, he had this list of names, and it had something to do with LAN. I saw names like Abe Lincoln, Linkin Park, Sean Connery, etc.

      Then I had a false awakening in my room. It looked like my room, but I still knew that this was before the Halloween party. It was DE that I took a nap before going. I didn't do a RC because my brain hates me.

      At the party, which now took place in this swag mansion/restaurant, there was a guy who was supposed to be V from V for Vendetta, but he wasn't wearing a mask, and he was a well-known DE actor. All of a sudden, when this one guy comes up behind V, V turns around around shoots him. The guy didn't even have any bad intentions. Anyway, one of the shots fired missed, and went outside and some guy outside dodged the bullet. Andrea and I saw this, and we agreed that this was impossible (NO RC? WHY?!?). Back inside, V had his victim on a table, and he just kept shooting him, but he just wouldn't die. He shot him like ten times, then turned around to walk away, but then the victim would muster up all of his strength to raise his own gun and shoot back. Then V would turn around and shoot him again, like ten times. This repeated for a while.

      Then I was in Anthony's living room, but he wasn't there. It was just me, and Dad, and the one couch was on the other side of the room, and everything was white. Dad kept making these comparisons that I didn't understand, like he was referencing things that came before my time or something, and I don't remember what he was comparing, but it had something to do with me. Then I was on Family Guy, except I think I was just watching this part. Stewie and this other character were racing, and they had to race without teleporting. They were in this futuristic looking park, and the whole place looked like a gigantic jungle gym. Stewie, who was sort of me, won, and he said, "This is the greatest moment of my life! Aaaaaand...now it's gone." I guess the feeling wore off quickly.

      I woke up at 7 AM.

      Back to sleep.

      The next dream I had was started a sequence of dreams. I don't remember what I was doing before hand, or if I was doing anything before hand, but I was stuck on the side of the road. It was raining hard, and there were major floods. The side of the road was completely flooded to the point where you could swim in it. In my dream, I don't know if I couldn't swim, or the water was just too violent, but I was drowning. There was a lot of dirty grass all in the water. There was this guy not too far away sitting with some of his buddies in lawn chairs. They had a tent up and they were just enjoying some beers. Keep in mind we are on this desolate road in the middle of a serious weather situation. I yelled for help, and at first this guy didn't want to help because he didn't feel like getting up. The guy also looked familiar, I think he was a teacher at my school. I yelled for help again, and he finally got up, and it was DE that he was only doing this for fame and fortune. There was another person drowning with me, and the guy who saved me, only grabbed my hand, so I thought fast, and grabbed the other guy's hand to save him too. Then the dream told me the tide was low, so I started to walk home. I saw Rocky, my cat, and I was worried about him, so I picked him up and took him with me. As I was walking this group of kids were walking on the right side on the road. I told them that they could get hit by a car on that side since they can't see behind them. However, every time a car went by, they miraculously didn't get hit.

      Then I was at the old house. I'm pretty sure Avatar: The Last Airbender was on TV. The show's plot had something to do with the planet about to explode, and Aang went into outer space to-I have no idea. Anyway, Anthony, his mom, and his sister, Alexis were there, and suddenly, I was in this room with Alexis. I was supposed to talk to her because for some reason, Anthony, and their mom couldn't get through to her, which would never happen in real life. We were in this room (sort of DE that it was inside the TV, but not really) that had plain walls, some art tables, and a door leading out. There was a clothes line that was holding up some papers with art on them. Anyway, we were talking about her interest in art. She was saying that she likes art, but she doesn't see the point in going to school for it, since she knows how to paint. I told her that she may think she knows everything there is to know, but she will get to school and realise that there is so much more for her to learn. As I was talking, I saw Anthony and his mom walk past the doorway to the room, so they could peak in to see how I was doing. This part of the dream could have paralleled my predicament in music, which was similar to Alexis's in the dream.

      Then I was back on the road still walking home, except now, I wasn't there, and I was replaced by Alann, and some of his friends. They were late for a party that I was already at. I went inside the house for the party, and I was pretty nervous because I didn't know anyone. I remember it being very sunny outside, like after a storm, and there was a brilliant garden out front. When I walked in the door, there was a room to the left, and if you walked forward, you found the kitchen. Jimmy Neutron's mom was the host of the party, and when I walked in, she offered me this cake that had chocolate on top, vanilla ice cream in the middle, and Oreo cookie on the bottom. It was DE that the father was going to be late for his own kid's birthday party. The father in question was Alann, but now he was some other guy. The dream cut to this guy, who looked like a modern version of Fred Flintstone. He got sidetracked on his way home, even though he was like a block away, and he went to this amusement park. The only thing at the park was this roller coaster that had three or four different tracks, so that four different trains can ride at the same time. Suddenly I was on this platform at the top of the roller coaster, and I saw Rocky on the tracks. I was worried about him again, and I climbed onto the roller coaster tracks to save him. The tracks were very thin, and I could sit on them, as if sitting on a horse. I looked down, and I realised that I was very high up; all I could see were the very small tops of the trees of a forest down below. For some reason this didn't bother me, as I had to hop from track to track to avoid the roller coaster as they went by. The trains were only one car in length.

      Anyway, we all get back to the party, and the dad got there JUST in time. Then, we all ate. The host was suddenly Anthony's mom, and I kept dropping food on my lap, and looking over out of the corner of my eye to see if she noticed. I saw that she did notice, and I was pretty embarrassed. The food we ate were these very large trays of steak, peas, carrots corn, and various meats. The vegetables were scattered all over the whole thing, and the steak was in cupcake form. The tray next to that had a bunch of meat that looked like sushi, and it also had these circular rolls of ham (it was DE that they were like my mom makes, although she doesn't make rolls of ham lol). Someone on the other side of the table told me that there was also ham, not just steak, so I tried some of it. This food was the best thing I have ever tasted in my entire life. It was so juicy, and tender, and it just tasted so amazing. Everything at the table tasted great, and when everyone else was done eating, and they went into the other room, I was still at the table eating. Since it was a dream, I couldn't get full, and I just kept eating for a while.

      Then I met up with everyone in the next room. There was this robot on the couch, and he had a yellow, pointy head, with a visor over where his eyes would be. He had a round body, and was pretty short. The host of the party powered him up, and we all became miniature, and we went inside this robot dummy. It was supposed to be a simulation of a real body, but for party purposes, it was a rental robot. Inside the body, which reminded me a lot of Bowser's Inside Story, there were there monkey bars made of organs, and there was this ball pit and slide made of organs that all the kids were playing on. But then, I realised that we were trapped. There was this one exit to the body where we were suddenly under this surreal (think Little Big Planet) ocean, and the water was too high (because of the flood in the beginning) so we couldn't leave. I try calling Plankton for help (from Spongebob) on this phone, but it didn't work. Then I went back into the meaty, organ room that we were all initially in, and I saw that everyone else was still having their fun, oblivious to the fact that we were stuck in here. The host, at this point, now morphed into a pink fish. I realised that we needed to call Plankton so he could save us. And I also realised that if you ate this certain kind of food, it changes your urine, so that it can power the phone. A lot of the parents there were suddenly bloopers from Mario (the squids), and their urine would be the most potent. While they worked on this, I went back to the under-sea spot. I found a giant metal pole that I tried to stick out of the ground so that this spider that was on it could crawl up, then onto this tree, and go get help. When the spider was crawling up, I could feel the vibrations through the pole. It was pretty weird. Debbie, my mom's friend, was suddenly there next to me, and she was worried that we wouldn't get out. Then the tide was low again, and I walked out. I walked towards the ocean, which was now an under-sea beach, and to the left, and up a hill. Everyone was disappointed because they ate all of that special food for nothing. When we were out of the body and back at the house, I realised that the host fish had this slot on her stomach. It was for a pole attachment, so I took the pole, put it in the slot, and held up the fish, like a balloon. I showed her around the house, as if she was a guest. Then I showed her outside, as if she was unfamiliar with our world. The seasons changed right in front of us, so I could show her each season.
    12. 10/15/10 Pet Babysitter, The Storm

      by , 10-16-2010 at 01:35 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Pet Babysitter
      I had a dream about caring for an old lady's pets. She had a lot of little ones. These weren't kept in her house; these were kept in her car.
      The car was enormous. There was a regular front and passenger seat. In the back you could stand up without hitting your head. I think Sam was with me. The back of the car was about 10 feet long and 5 feet wide inside. I saw a whole bunch of little pets (they could have been puppies) running around. I remember saying to Sam, "Is that all they get, having to stay in this car for their whole lives?" I looked more beyond and saw a food and water bowl. Then I saw a doggy door. "Oh." I said.

      The Storm
      I remember another dream where it was my mom, Sam, and I. We were walking around outside on a playground.
      I looked up and saw the sky. It looked like rain. Then it started raining. I could feel the drops hit me. Then I heard thunder and saw lightning. I yelled, "Okay, time to go!" Then I remember running. That's all I recall.

      Updated 12-11-2010 at 04:00 PM by 32984

      Tags: pets, sam, storm
    13. Anchor?

      by , 06-13-2010 at 03:13 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      Anchor... (Non-lucid)


      I was going to a glass tunnel that was really frosted up with Tristan and I said to him as we were walking "I really hate you and I hope that when the Rapture happens. AND IT WILL. That you go to hell and burn for all eternity" No response. He enters first and then I enter and it's really cold. It leads to a bus for school. And the seats are all weird and they sway to the side. Someone said to "Put your books on the armrests of your seats." (To create a cold spot or something to help warm us up) Then after a minute some lady came in to show us something. It looked like a miniature gray Antlion creature that can fit in your hand like in HL2. And when she squeezed it it lunged its head forward and opened it's mouth and bit at the air and pulled it back. The lady called it an "Anchor" She brought out a bigger antlion creature roughly the size of a dog and squeezed the mini one causing it to bite the big ones throat... Killing it. She called the bigger one a "Shark" we are all given a message to keep our pets safe from Anchors....

      I Find myself on some street looking for pets in danger. I see a couple of pet beds in a dumpster gate with one dog in it. I thought the dog was an Anchor in disguise but I continued my search. I stumbled across a weird house with a big front porch I get on it and see Andraya next to this guy which I assume is her boyfriend. But it turns out to be her brother I get offered a cup cake by her dad. It is chocolate. I eat it but it falls ALL OVER the place! Huge piles of crumbs and chunks everywhere! It looked like 20 cupcakes worth! I bent under the table the guy was sitting at (Reading the Paper) to scoop some up. He asked what I was doing and I said (Emberassed) "Oh just cleaning up a bit" (Or something like that)
      Tags: andraya, game, pets
    14. Armageddon, Cat Cooking

      by , 02-20-2006 at 05:26 AM
      Original dream dated 02/19/2006:
      I had this dream that a whole bunch of people were back from the dead. Not zombies... just suddenly not dead either. Including my old pet cat, Abby, whom I loved more than anything on the face of the earth.
      However, all of the people who had returned were also going to die again soon. For some reason, in my dream, I thought that the best way to commemorate Abby's passing (and soon, her passing again) was to eat her remains. Hell if I know what goes through my head, it was a dream. Except that we put her in the pan and started cooking her while she was still alive, and when I realized "oh my god, what the hell am I doing?!" her paws were all charred and she was halfway cooked. She didn't seem to be in pain and she didn't seem to hold it against me, but I knew that she was going to die again very very soon because of what I'd done... my mom rationalized it by "She was going to die anyway" except that it wasn't good enough reasoning for me because it meant that she was going to die sooner than she would have died on her own...
      So anyway, I held my half-cooked cat for a while and cried. On to the next dream...

      So then I dreamed that there were 2 teams of people. All of them were female. One of them was 3 different people, and one of them was composed of a team of one person, cloned 3 times. The second team sat on top of some very tall poles and had little white explosive balls that bounced off of everything and anything. The first team's job was to get the balls from them. The second team got no weapons or anything at all, but their position was very secure. The first team got a whole bunch of gadgets and toys.

      So, the first team got really close - they had to because their weapons didn't have much range (one of them was a fan attached to a rope). The second team threw 2 of the 3 balls at them, which they managed to whack away from themselves with a flashlight, and the explosions the balls made were really big. The first team managed to kill 2 of the 3 clones, but the third one was impossible to get to.

      Finally, after talking with the clone for a while, it came down from the pole. It had originally been a girl, but now for some reason was a boar. The leader of the second team talked to the boar and told it that she wished that it could see something really beautiful so it would appreciate life.
      There was also a cat. The first teams' supervisor came up, and the boar was afraid of him, so it ran back up the pole. He wanted to talk to the cat, but the cat was also afraid of him.

      Then I woke up.
    15. Lupus and Lee

      by , 06-02-1979 at 12:02 PM
      Morning of June 2, 1979. Saturday.

      This is a much longer, almost movie-like dream in some ways. The main idea is that I have two very friendly and faithful pet wolves. They are both males (perhaps twin males), I assume, and their names are Lupus and Lee. They save me from problematic events a few times, sometimes from just standing around, based on how potentially trouble-making people react to their presence. At one point, I am in the hospital, which seems like some sort of “replay” of when I had the surgery on my right hand back in 1976. They somehow end up in my room in the hospital and I eventually leave with them a bit earlier than I am supposed to, I think, but I am very healthy later on, and for some reason, apparently had recovered more quickly from being out of the hospital sooner.

      They save me from drowning when higher waves rush in when I “fall asleep” on an isolated beach. They are even allowed to be on a city bus and travel with me at one point. Their presence is very vivid and “realistic” and even though I feel like my “true self”, the unlikelihood of having two pet wolves never dawns on me.

      There is a seemingly unrelated scene with my best friend making a response of why he supposedly does not have to listen to the teacher. This is the ninth grade class we actually went to (northwest corner of the main high school building), and my last full year of public school. His reply to her is “Because my father is Lucas Taylor, that’s why”. (This was actually not his father’s name in real life.)

      This is a time period where I had first begun to find it curious that dogs had usually been more threatening in dreams than wolves and coyotes. In this particular dream, it seems that Lupus and Lee will be my companions and helpers for life - the idea seems very clear and almost like a long-term false memory (even for a brief time after waking).
      memorable , non-lucid
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