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    1. The Diamond

      by , 04-22-2013 at 03:23 PM
      Finally -- Advanced Task of the Month!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #87: The Diamond

      I'm driving somewhere in California, preparing to merge onto the freeway. Some guy in a Hummer blocks me from merging in, though, even steering his behemoth vehicle toward me so that I have to run off the road. I wind up on some semi-abandoned, crumbling old road, following one other car. The road's filled with enormous potholes and huge slabs of the road jut up at crazy angles. The other driver and I steer carefully around these chunks as best we can and I'm very worried that I'll break an axle. I think that this is all cause by California's ever-present budget woes.

      The road ends at a marina but the other car has vanished. I get out of the car and sit by a wooden railing, pouting about my problems. As I look down at the water, I see a little girl crash a jet-ski into a dock, fly over the handlebars, perform three perfect back hand-springs, and walk off as if nothing has happened. I'm impressed by her athleticism and very relieved that she wasn't hurt.

      There are narrow wooden walkways leading in a couple of different directions, but none of them are wide enough to fit a car. I need to keep driving but I don't want to leave my car here. I think that if this was a dream, I'd just go jack one, Grand Theft Auto-style. This thought makes me critically question reality and
      I realize that I'm dreaming!

      I leap to my feet and take flight, soaring high enough to see the top of a nearby apartment building. There's a huge pool party on the roof of this building, lots of DCs milling around, and I decide to check it out. I discard the "Great Wall of China" Task of the Year for now and decide that I'll do the "make a diamond out of coal" Advanced Task of the Month.

      I look for the DC who seems most in charge and central to the storyline of this party scene. A girl that's seated in a beach chair nearby seems to be the focal point of the scene. She's mid-20s, black, very cute, and three or four of her girlfriends stand deferentially around her as they all talk. While it's not an exact match, I notice that she looks a bit like Stacey Dash.

      As I walk up to pseudo-Stacey, she and her friends turn to look at me. I say, "I'm going to give you a diamond." One of her buddies, a brunette holding a slender glass of what looks like champagne, laughs at this.

      "Are you serious?" asks "Stacey".

      "Totally serious," I say. "It's for a task. You just need to hand me that lump of coal that you're carrying around."

      "Sure, take it!" she says, handing me a peach-sized lump of coal. Whew, glad that worked, I think to myself. Stacey and her friends watch me, intrigued. I give the coal one quick squeeze, imagining that it immediately feels sharp and hard like a diamond. I open my hand and yes it's a diamond! There are some lumps of dusty black coal-crap on it, but I quickly brush them away, revealing a sparkling, golf ball-sized, round cut diamond.

      Her friends murmur appreciatively and I hand Stacey the diamond. "Aww, it's so nice!" she says, smiling appreciatively. She holds it up to the sunlight to admire it then stands up and approaches me. "Hey, will you help me out with a question that I had?" she asks.

      "Sure. What's up?" I'm very intrigued about what her question is.

      "What's the difference between..." she begins, pointing toward herself and circling her finger as if to indicate "me" or "all of me". Her voice trails off and I quickly wind up in the void. The excitement of TotM and the anticipation of the question get me too wound up, though, and
      I wake up before I can use the void to travel anywhere.

      I buckle down for DEILD but I feel like I'm not going to fall back asleep. I try to really let go, and after waiting for a bit, I slip back into a non-lucid dream: "Stacey" is in a dark, wood-panelled office, seated across from a severe-looking woman in her 50s. Stacey is visibly upset and says, "You have no right hire someone else to ghost write my story! How can you do this to me?"

      The lady, who I think is her publicist, is unsympathetic. "Not everything is about you."
      I wake up.
    2. 4/19/2013 - rain

      by , 04-19-2013 at 11:55 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment:I'm standing in a baseball field, the baseball players are wearing white with black pin stripes. It begins to rain and all the baseball players pull down this circus like tent from out of nowhere and covers the whole baseball field, but the slopes of the tent go down to where the audience is standing at the side, a big splash of water comes flying off the tarp onto a mans shirt who then instantaneously turns into a woman with big boobs and we laugh as she is in shock from the cold water drenching her.

      Dream Fragment 2:I'm outside and I jump into the pool, people get mad because I got my clothes wet, I apologize a ridiculous amount of times and no one forgives me. They throw me a towel and it gets in the water and everyone gets mad at me for letting the towel get wet. Finally I get out and I take my clothes off and change into pajamas and ask my grandma if she can dry my clothes before the party and she said no, and that the drier doesn't work in rain storms and that a rain storm is coming, so I go get a blow dryer and try it manually.

      Updated 04-19-2013 at 11:57 PM by 61831

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 2 detailed regular dreams

      , 03-30-2013 at 06:16 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Saturday 3/30/12 Bed 1am - 9:30am

      DR 1 - It was long and very detailed.
      I was walking around town with someone. We have a destination in mind and are in a hurry. We are tired from the long walk. Taking shortcut, but turns out it's and entrance to movies, so have to backtrack.

      I come to a indoor swimming pool. Roof is not covering the entire area, so it's kinda indoor - outdoor pool. There is a walkway around the pool, made out of tiles. Pool is separated into 2 parts, 1 larger and 1 smaller. I walk around. Lots of people in the water, that looks like ocean size of a pool.

      I see dark shadow with some white patch. It's a great white shark and I start yelling at people to get out. But there is lots of noise and they can't hear me. I keep yelling, telling people on shore to yell, looking for a lifegueard.

      Then there is another shadow. They are coming closer to people and swimming all around. I squat and now I can see as if I was in the water. I see one shark coming to surface and grabbing a toy pail. He dragges it with him. People still oblivious. I keep yelling until i think the start noticing and come out.

      Now the shark made it into the adjacent pool through some opening, and since one pool was higher than the other, I cann hear him splash as he dropps to the second pool.

      DR 2 - Very long and very detailed.
      I'm in a house with people that owe me money. I know they can't pay me, so it surprises me, when he says "here is $500" and gives me cash and gift cards. I start looking at it to count and see one gift card is for $9. Then the woman starts counting them.

      Now i'm on the run from there. Going through open areas and other houses, keeping out of sight.

      3. dream just before I woke up can't recall at all.
      Tags: money, pool, sharks
    4. The yard sale heist adventure 2/27

      by , 02-27-2013 at 10:44 PM
      Sleep: 5:00 am
      Wake: 11:45am 12:50 pm 2:00 pm

      First dream I had me and my friend James were hanging out. This guy had stolen his stuff and was selling it at a yard sale. Apparently the bad guy was either Jim Carey or a guy that looked like him. So we steal it back and Jim Carey says to call 911 and we run away, but we already have a plan for escaping. We have ropes and we jump down this well to a sewer and Jim Carey says "You gotta be KIDDING me!" and we run through the sewer to the other side and on the other side we have to climb out then climb up this big wall. The wall looked like storage crates you see on a ship or plane and we had to claw into the metal on the way up. Half the way up the wall we hear Jim Carey fall down the well and scream all the way down. We assume he is dead and that is the last of him. My friend James was using a crowbar and he threw it down for me to use after, I had trouble climbing up the wall so he went back down to help me, and saved me before the metal bent too far and broke. This was all during the day. The crowbar fell on something that was coming out of the wall of the same material, so it could rest almost half way up the wall while still laying there for me to use to climb up the wall. Once we got to the top there was a door into a room. We opened one of the coffins of James relatives and she was really old and also very rude. Her eyes and hair were disgusting and her eye kept getting tangled into her hair when she talked. She kept talking about how bad a family member James was and that was the end of the dream.

      The second dream I had I was going from door to door in the neighborhood first trying to ride my bike. I kept riding it through peoples garages and when a garage closed I had to bike around their house. Eventually I ended up with a boogie board and I got a running start then slid on the boogie board all the way into a pool where a bunch of people there. I saw my old Co-worker Sam and a bunch of people there and that was the end of the dream. The pool was way too crowded.

      I also had a dream me my friend trey and my brother Joey were in the basement playing call of duty. My brother said we are all atheists here even though my brother is not an atheist in real life. Don't remember any other part of that dream.
    5. 2/24 Bars, Cruise ships, Video games

      by , 02-24-2013 at 09:08 PM
      Non-Dream [COLOR="#4B0082"]Dream[/COLOR] [COLOR="#DAA520"]Lucid[/COLOR]

      Ok well haven't posted in a while but here goes. I don't really know the chronological order of these events so my dream may be told out of order. The facts and events are what actually happened in my dream, although they might be in the wrong order, and some parts are also missing as I don't remember the entire dream.

      Sleep: 4:00am
      Wake 2:15pm

      1. [COLOR="#4B0082"] My first dream was in the basement of my moms house, where I live. For some reason instead of one bar under the stairs there were two smaller bars next to this great view of a window thats the size of a jacuzzi? It went from the ground to the ceiling and there were two bars on the side. Both of them had this green tile on top like the bar we have in real life. I realized I usually spent time at one bar and I just was getting comfortable to the other bar when something happened and I went into another room where my mom put in a third bar that was much bigger. It was a big oval and stretched as far as a schoolbus lengthwise. On one side there was beer on tap and my grandparents were testing it out, I asked my mom what happened to the old bar and she said she got rid of it. I felt sad and that was the end.[/COLOR]

      2. [COLOR="#4B0082"] The next dream I remember is I was on a cruise. Apparently it was a pretty shitty cruise now that I think about it because it only had rooms on one side and pools on the other. Apparently we were docked in Japan and I was walking in my bathing suit to the pools side of the boat. I was just trying to find a hot tub to get into. The architecture was weird[/COLOR] let me explain the top of the boat in MS Paint.


      [COLOR="#4B0082"]At first I saw a father helping his daughter down the waterfall steps, which was cool and cute at the same time. Then I got into the hot tub, and there was this family in there. The father was sitting across from me, they had a daughter to both of our sides and the mother was sitting on the top of the hot tub. The father started telling me this amazing cop story and I was trying to pay attention so i tried to get comfortable. I tried to get comfortable but I kept leaning towards his daughter and he kept getting more suspicious, I tried to move away but it was just awkward. I looked to the wife and she filled in some of the story while the father told it. I eventually left the hot tub to go look off the side of the cruise ship. It looked like a Japanese harbor, and then for a few seconds[/COLOR][COLOR="#DAA520"] I went lucid. I didn't even try to do anything my subconcious already knows that I am going to wake up if I do anything exciting. I decided to just sit there and enhance the view. It suddenly turned to night and the sky had so many stars and there was a beach way down below me. Shortly after that I lost the lucidity[/COLOR] [COLOR="#4B0082"]and my dream continued.
      3. [COLOR="#4B0082"]I had a dream me and my brother were playing call of duty, and we decided to play this other game. We looked like little slime people, like yellow gum drops except everyone had white hair and glasses, which were supposed to portray they were old. At first me and my brother were racing against each other, and you had to press A fast to win the race. I ended up doing the trick where you put the sleeve over your finger and rub the button across to be able to press A extremely fast. My dad was in the background and said something then asked if he could play. After that we watched another team of two try to beat my and Joeys added score. I handed my dad the controller and that was the end of the dream.[/COLOR]
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Mr Suave-cruise-pool.jpg  
    6. 1/2/13 - The Journey Begins

      by , 02-03-2013 at 02:05 AM (An Oneironaut's Travels)
    7. Feeling ugly at the swimming pool

      by , 01-13-2013 at 10:07 AM
      A boy(I felt like a child/teenager in my dream) I liked was going to take me to a special place. He showed me a lake with an island in the middle. The way to get there was by a wooden boat. I remember becoming slightly lucid. I wanted to cross the lake but the water was dirty and I didn't trust the boat enough. I tried to make the water clean but it didn't work.

      A man told us there were other boats on the other side. Suddenly I was at a swimming pool with two of my cousins. The youngest one was way younger than he is now. Nobody was flirting with me and I thought that was strange. (sounds so arrogant now I'm awake) I felt ugly and was wondering how I must look like today. I also felt very white and thought I must have had break outs all over my face. We wanted to rent jet ski's to go to the island but it turned out to be fake ones for children. I became a little bit lucid and wanted to turn my plush monkey into a real one. -I have no idea why I had a plush monkey with me at a swimming pool-
      It didn't work.

      I was sitting next to a woman in the pool and she took my legs over her lap and the man next to her start massaging my feet. I wanted to leave but they told me I didn't have to worry. I looked stressed and I was their 'sister'. I asked them if they were going to convince me to become religious.

      The swimming pool was closing and I wanted to finally see how I looked. When I was walking to the mirror I became lucid and did reality checks. -While awake the first reality check I always do is pinch my nose. I never done this in my dream.- My hand looked very weird. I couldn't stop myself of looking in the mirror and I saw myself with a big forehead and the vision(?) was hazy.
      It was hard to control my dream. I tried really hard to change things but It didn't work too well.
      I tried to stay lucid by spinning around and rubbing my hands together. The thing I did manage to do after that was to make a car appear and drive with my friends. After that I woke up.
      Tags: mirror, monkey, pool, ugly
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Vanishing football player and pool

      by , 01-11-2013 at 12:01 PM


      I am in some apartment that I believe to be Mohammed's. I am trying to WILD but I keep getting disturbed. I eventually realize that this isn't Mohammed's so it must be a dream.The next time I am roused I RC. I was able to breathe through my nose, but it took me a little longer than normal to realize that is the dream response. I head downstairs, trying to decide what to do.

      I head to an enclosed front porch area, and I see someone sitting in a chair. I decide I want to ask him some deep questions. He is sitting next to a TV, which I don't pay any attention to. He had short dark hair and was sitting cross legged. He seemed fairly intelligent. I get halfway through my first question when I realize he is gone. I look over to the TV and he is on it! He is a field goal kicker, going for a last second win. He shanks the kick pretty badly and they lose. Ethan shows up and is complaining because he had that guy in fantasy. I head towards the back door. The walls are made of wood and are covered in pictures.

      The dream restarts and I am in a pool. It is fairly crowded. I had remembered my last dream where I went to do something real in the dream, so I thought it would be okay for me to look for a girl now. I go over to the edge and there is a girl and her sister. I say she looks very cute, and she says my neck looks cute. They continue the conversation as I poke her under the water with my Poseidon Staff. She quietly nods to me. I start playing with her underwater, trying to appear normal above water. A waitress comes over and asks if we want anything. She starts ordering as I am still playing with her. She is trying (poorly) to hold back pleasure-faces while speaking to the waitress.

      I FA in a bed in some weird studio flat. I am trying to write down my past two dreams in my DJ. My mom keeps interrupting and talking about some travel books that are laying next to the bed also. There is a TV on the other side of my. Colbert has the Gorillaz as a musical guest. O' Green World starts playing, and my mom keeps talking over it. I get upset with her.

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 02:03 PM by 41128

      Tags: field goal, pool
    9. WILD outside Connor's

      by , 01-11-2013 at 11:43 AM


      The sensation during transition was slightly different than normal. More adrenaline than vibrations. Solely in core of body. (Possible false-WILD but failed test.) I had been reading on consciousness/awareness that day so I was prepared for it.

      I was laying on my side. I felt pretty focused, so when I felt some strange lightness, it didn't phase me. It was kind of like an adrenaline feeling in the chest. I tried to merely be an observer of my body state. After it faded, I didn't feel anything abnormal. I tried to make my body float without moving. It didn't work. The lightness returned for another round and I continued to wait.

      I was suddenly on the street outside of Connor's house. The dream was pretty unstable so I sat down in some grass and felt it for a second. I reached into my pocket, looking for a lucid pill. I pulled out a dead leaf (I had taken a dead leaf off one of our plants IRL that day). I reached in again and found an oddly shaped pill. It had a bit of an abscess, making it lop-sided. I broke it open and took it. My vision cleared up a bit. I reached in for another. It felt normal this time. I broke it open and took it. My vision cleared up pretty good. I stood up and turned around in the street. I remember walking forward and having some goal in mind. I am not sure how far I got toward that goal because I lost memory of it.

      The dream restarts in the same place. I had remembered my "real" goal in the previous dream so I thought it would be okay to try and find a girl. I see someone lounging on the stoop of some house. I go over and we fool around.

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 11:47 AM by 41128

      Tags: lucid pill, pool
    10. Pool Care in the Temple of Zeus

      by , 12-18-2012 at 06:05 PM
      This was one of two lucid dreams that came out of an experiment with caffeine during WBTB that I tried last night. (Thanks, Xanous!) My beverage of choice was green tea.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #44: Pool Care in the Temple of Zeus

      I'm standing outside of a pool where people are swimming around having a business meeting. They're fretting about the now-green condition of another pool that's one story down and perhaps 100 feet away from the one where the meeting is taking place. I jump into the clean pool, swim toward the meeting, and explain that all we'll need to do is get the Ph and stabilizer levels fixed up and then shock it with liquid chlorine or even household bleach. They're relieved and grateful, and I have one moment of contentment before I realize that I jumped into the pool wearing a backpack with a laptop in it and have probably ruined it. I'm pretty distressed by thus until I realize that I'm dreaming.

      "Got to go, everybody! This is all a dream." The other swimmers seem mildly surprised by this but they quickly accept it and go back to their meeting.

      In the distance I see that the pool ends at what appears to be a sheer drop-off. Past that, I see the skyline of a city in the early morning. Eager to explore, I try to rise out of the water but somehow have trouble getting into the air. I yell out that I am going to fly into the air and nothing will stop me. I employ some probably-unnecessary profanity in my speech. I shoot out of the water, knifing through some overhanging tree branches
      (where did these come from?) and land on the roof of a stone temple in the style of Ancient Greece.

      I'm overlooking a large, open-air courtyard that's surrounded by Doric columns. Past the courtyard is miles of grassland and a sky that's dark with storm clouds. The clouds are lit up with occasional bursts of sheet lightning and I hear low rumbles of thunder.

      There's a strange platform of gray stone suspended above me and it's hung low enough that I can't stand fully upright. I decide to phase and begin pushing my hand upward against the platform, which feels solid. I push harder, and my fingers start digging chunks of stone out of the platform. I'm somewhat pleased by this but I decided to refocus my efforts on phasing through the platform.

      I push my hands and head into the stone and this time it feels cottony and insubstantial. My vision goes black as my head disappears into the stone and I feel my feet leaving the temple roof. I float upward through the "stone", gradually becoming disoriented. I feel like I'm in a bed now, but I don't believe it. Still blind, I reach out, grabbing onto a pillow. I suddenly become very aware of my sleeping body and
      wake up in my real bed.

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 06:51 PM by 57387

    11. Hotel California

      by , 12-07-2012 at 07:03 PM
      I experienced some challenges in this LD and, sad to say, I didn't exactly pass with flying colors. I need to be confident with producing a light source and finding my way out when I'm lost in some building. I wish I'd remembered darknightedlady's observation that "Exit" signs seem to work well for me in navigation. They're a reliable tool for me and I need to keep them in mind.

      Not my best work, but I very much enjoyed the exploratory romp anyway!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #37: Hotel California

      I'm business partners with my good friend "Leroy", and we ride a bus to a conference at some sunny resort. We pass by a nice pool complex on our way in, and many DCs are soaking up the sun poolside. I recognize MS, a friend from high school, but she disappears into the crowd as we draw closer.

      Leroy and I walk through the hotel entrance and move toward the elevator. There are smashed eggs all over the floor in front of the elevator door, and I say, "[Leroy], I'm tired of walking on eggshells around you." Two things dawn on me: a) That joke was terrible and b)
      This is all a dream.

      Leroy has disappeared, but momentum still has me reaching for the elevator button. I stop when I see that the elevator only goes down. I remember that I'm trying to either witness the Trinity test or relive the Apollo 11 mission. Neither of those are likely to be in the basement, so I start looking for a way out.

      I turn toward the hotel entrance and see that it has been replaced by a solid, slightly reflective metal plate. I try to phase through it the way I do with glass, but it feels totally solid. Unwelcome anxiety starts to creep in and I set off down a nearby hallway, hoping for an easy exit. A set of double doors at the end of the hallway takes me into a tunnel that's built of concrete blocks. I feel like I'm descending in spite of my best wishes. There's a door further down the hallway but it's one way and offers no handle.

      I step through an open doorway into a dimly lit room. An unseen door closes gently behind me and now there's barely enough light to see. I hold my hands out, saying "Illuminate!" Nothing. "Illuuuuuuuuminate!" I squall, but nothing happens. Fear is growing in me, a helpless sense that there's no way out of this hotel. I try to shake that off, instead imagining that there's light coming from an unseen side tunnel... yes, I see it now.

      I start crawling through this new tunnel on hands and knees, but it becomes a tighter and tighter squeeze as I move forward. There's light ahead of me, though, and I shimmy desperately forward. Anxiety begins to slip out of my control and
      I'm soon awake.

      Updated 04-25-2013 at 03:50 PM by 57387 (m -> leroy)

    12. Natural Pool and the Beach

      by , 11-29-2012 at 02:55 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      9:17 am

      The dream is very colorful.

      I was traveling with sis in Bacolod. We were looking for mom. The jeep passed by the lagoon area, and I got confused. Was it supposed to pass by here? Sis looked back at me confused as well. I signaled her to just stay put. We continued going south of Bacolod. Then the jeep continues, and we were in Silay.

      I told her how the place seems organized. Then I'm walking alone. The street I'm walking in is a one-way street. There seems to be a parade or carnival in the area recently. I kept walking.

      I ended up in some strange sidewalk. It's sloping at an angle to my left, with low plants and grasses, but after that, there's a cliff of sorts. Who's crazy enough to build this area like that, without at least putting a fence? I kept walking.

      I ended up in a hospital area. I asked the person present if this is the exit. He said yes. But as I go in, the person from the other building told me that's not the right place. He said I should pass by his area. I told him the other guy said it's the right place. He said, yes, but it will take you a lot more walking. The first guy just nodded. I went with the second guy's suggestion.

      I ended up in some area with some sort of pool in the middle. A natural pool, not cemented. Nearby, I can see the beach. I walked around.

      I was pushed by a friend into the pool, but I didn't experience it. It was a memory. I am still on the path around the pool. I told him he's crazy. I would have electricuted the fishes. We were fighting some enemies. I used various magical moves. One was turning a hammer-like weapon into different shapes. Shape of an egg or whatever. I look like Genie. All bubbly and stuff.

      After a while, the enemies started to escape. They ran after the others. I chased after them. For some reason, they don't attack me. So I changed skills and turned into E. Honda, and used the multi-palm technique. They ran.

      I am in a forest with some friends. There's a huge chasm between us. The bridge (land bridge?) broke down.
    13. The Poolside Pyramid

      by , 11-26-2012 at 08:27 PM
      A short lucid, but it featured some of the most arresting visual imagery I've encountered so far. I'd wanted to see the Great Pyramid, but this was well beyond what I'd had in mind.

      I like to think of my conscious mind as the "coauthor" of my dreams, but sometimes I have to wonder if it's anything more than a proofreader.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #33: The Poolside Pyramid

      I'm swimming at a pool party. Rather than relaxing and enjoying the moment, I'm scrubbing furiously at algae blooms along the pool walls while trying to make sure that my two kids are keeping their heads above water. A tall, gray-haired man swims up and makes some unflattering remark about my scrubbing technique. First a flicker of annoyance ("this isn't even my job!"), then one of realization. He stops talking as soon as I'm lucid.

      I want to go but I can't make myself leave until I'm sure my kids are safely out of the pool. Fortunately, when I check for them, I see that they've already disappeared. I tell the guy I've got lucid stuff to do and he responds, "Oh sure, man. Go for it."

      I fly up out of the pool, thinking vaguely about my goal of reaching the top of the Great Pyramid. I'm shocked when on the horizon I see an entire pyramid complex, fully formed. In front of the Pyramid, in even more vivid detail is the sphinx and a towering statue of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Incredibly, the statue stands even taller than the Pyramid.

      Rather than the dull sand-colored stone that I imagine when thinking of the Pyramid today, it's clad in brilliant white. The sphinx's face and body is either painted or perhaps decorated from top to bottom with colored stones, the eyes specifically ringed in deep blue, like lapis lazuli. The statue of the pharaoh is gold, similar in style to King Tut's burial mask.

      Everything that I see ahead of me is far, far beyond what I'd incubated (or even imagined) for the Great Pyramid, and I'm thrilled with the idea of exploring it further. A little too thrilled, it seems, because not long after I start flying toward the pyramid complex,
      I'm awake. My heart rate is elevated (though not quite racing) and I can't seem to settle back in for a DEILD.

      Ayiee! Let me back in!

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 06:55 PM by 57387

    14. A Full Day

      by , 11-25-2012 at 02:59 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      9:00 A.M. A Full Day

      I was at work, though not my work IWL. It was a new job I think. It's fuzzy, but I think I had enough experience in the field to be coming in higher than ground floor.

      I ended up going out to get some stamps. I asked the lady how much it would be to get forever stamps. She said it would be extra. I told her that that really isn't fair because I am paying for a product today--

      She interrupted me and wouldn't help me anymore saying that I was making a scene or something. I looked and saw another customer. I went and said in a low voice that she could have just said that I needed to wait a moment to talk to her about it, so she could help the next person, and then we could finish...and I could finish.

      She said, "OK, go wait over there then." I looked down, I had my stamps and my change on the counter, though I hadn't paid the lady.

      My change was in Eisenhower dollars, silver halves, silver quarters, and the like. I was so excited, and I thought I'd recognized this change from somewhere. I dreamed of it because I recently saw some coins at a pawn shop.

      I put the change in my pocket and decided I would pay for the stamps later, though I was nervous about showing her the change she'd given so that she would know how much I owed her. I didn't want her to see the valuable change she'd given me.

      I went over to a table to wait for the lady and started to look at my coins, but now I had so many coats and bags that I was carrying, I didn't know how I was going to carry everything out of the "Post Office / Bank" place I was in.

      I soon started collecting all my stuff to leave just so I could figure out exactly how I would get it all together. As I left, I found two baseballs. One had deep grooves as though a bear had clawed through it. I put my fingers in the grooves. It was from where a real pitcher had pitched a certain type of pitch and it made those grooves.

      The other baseball was blue and green and more of a toy ball. I bounced it and had a hard time catching it. I then saw my surroundings very clearly to see where I was going home. I was cutting through someones land on a public road. They had workers spreading mulch all around trees. they had one machine spreading and another pushing it neatly along a path.

      I walked on to get back to wherever I was going. I ended up cutting through a public pool. I had some big balloon type things I was carrying now. I had about five of them.

      I started talking to some of the people, then jumped in the pool. I put one or two of these giant, awkward balloon things in my trunks, and asked if a girl could help me stuff the others in my trunks so I wouldn't have to hold them. I also wanted her to stuff her hands down my trunks, but I didn't say anything about that.

      As one or maybe two of the girls were going to help me, I saw a third girl. I told her she was cute, and then went with the two girls who were going to help me.

      I don't remember the transition, but I started seeing all these people's faces. I went over to a cute girl and realized I was dreaming.

      I quickly found a girl that I thought was cute and went to kiss her. She said, "What?" I said, "I'm dreaming, aren't I?" I did a reality check so that I didn't make a huge mistake. I was happy to see too many fingers, didn't bother to count them all, and went in to kiss this girl. She didn't question it this time.

      For some reason that was done and I looked for another girl. I found the cutest one I could find and leaned in to kiss her. This was great. I started trying to make it with her. I held her close and kissed her well.

      Then some guy came up to me to fight me because of what I was doing. Stupid me lets him interrupt my dream. At first, I went to hit him. I thought it would be fun, but I had quicksand punches. FUCK!

      I tried again with no luck. Now I was trying to get my shirt off and I couldn't. This sucked. I eventually ended up in another scene
      . I was getting cake for some reason, but I was giving mine to pretty girls. I gave some to this girl, but then implied that I get to hug her for giving it to her. I held her close with her breasts in my face. I didn't want to let go.

      I then had more to do about the cake. I found another piece and gave it to the girl who let me hug her and hugged her some more. Then I was finding cake that wasn't mine and it was a bunch of blah blah blah.

      The end.


      10:45 AM Driving in a Half Time Parade

      I was told that either a friend from work K.K. could drive a tram at the Football game. I raised my hand and was chosen. I was given a beer and the keys (?). I drank the beer. It was pretty good for a dream beer. Then I took the keys and got in the driver's seat. I was next to a pretty girl.

      I looked up and the tram was already moving. At first I was afraid as though I had not been responsible and gotten in the driver's seat right away. I started to drive, and thought it wasn't even on. I had the keys, but there were keys in the ignition, and I couldn't tell if the ignition was on.

      Someone questioned me, so I turned it over. OK, now we're rolling. I needed to turn the heater on or off, but I couldn't figure out where the button was. I started pushing lots of buttons, but they weren't normal buttons. They were all close to each other and they weren't the right shape.

      Someone asked about it so I handed them some book. I said, "Here, find it." I wanted to know where the heater button was and where I was going. The person asked me again and I said, "You find it." They got it then.

      I asked if we should take the highway West, then corrected myself to East. I was feeling really drunk from the beer. I couldn't believe I was driving.

      The girl was looking at the book. Our cheeks were touching. Then she took the book and started looking up the directions.

      The End.

      Updated 11-25-2012 at 04:57 PM by 41873

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    15. outside

      by , 11-10-2012 at 11:06 PM
      amusement park
      i was walking through a really crowded amusement park and following a random person while my 2 youngest siblings followed me....we were going to go on the bounce castle.....there were a few with different things in them....i looked down because there were steps...and my feet weren't touching the ground...more like low gravity than flying.....i got lucid but got so excited and my dc distracted me that i lost it....the one bounce thing had slides, and arcade, and a washing machine in it...i screwed up the laundry by accidentally burning it with the iron

      i was swimming in a small lake.....and i kept finding small boats underwater....so i took them out so i could fix them...i was after a canoe and found myself standing on the ground of the lake...which turned out to be a pool.....and the water was held back by a golden light so he could paint the place and people could still swim.....i took the rest of the boats easily (the ground was dry and there was no water in them) and walked them to the opposite shore without getting wet or needing to breath.....then i helped him stir paint....the whole thing was in a building and fully painted when i took the last boat out

      i was in a pool like the one at university..there was a lady who had pool noodles and was teaching a group of about 7year olds how to swim...and there was another guy at the other end of the pool doing the same thing...but no one from the class wanted to be near him.....there were 2 guys holding a this dc guy under water....he turned into a teen and i got him back out.....then they did it again..so i got the guy out of the water and at the same time took the rope he was using to tie the other guy underwater and tied him down.....the other guy rescued him but it gave us enough time to get out of the water safely.......then this lady saw us asked what happened and i told her but left out the bit where i did what the guy was doing back to him......and i got a lecture about revenge not being good because it's just going to keep going and that i should have told her.....she was a lifeguard or swim coach or something

      i was with this dc....and we were at the house of an old lady who wanted us to help someone....there were bikers outside that we had to avoid by hiding....and we found her on the ground with a bunch of smashed glass and blood on the ground....i directed large trucks around us because we were in the middle of the road.....i carried her inside and put her on a chair while the dc i was with went to tell the old lady she was fine....than the girl locked me in her living room and said she was going to burn the place down (she thought it was my house)....i petted the cats and took out my cell phone to text the dc that went out that the girl is an arsonist and woke up irl

      the most normal and likely to happen dream (the amusement park) is the one where i go lucid....but the ones where i breath underwater are seen as not dreams to me....but yay on my first lucid in a while

      note: xanax
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