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    1. Candy store

      by , 03-07-2015 at 09:58 PM
      Backlog: 18 Feb

      Yet another time where I couldn't make myself do a wbtb. Went to bathroom and took some lecithin in the least.

      Slight alertness and not immediately falling asleep, but not quite a wbtb.

      Fragmented recall:

      At some very low level of lucidity, I see these DCs walking backwards, in a way I am playing the forward and backward in time by thinking about it, it's kind of subconscious (but I can relate my attention to that). Then, I decide I want to control back my own movements and go in the middle of the street to jump back and in time. My back jump doesn't quite follow the right trajectory so I jump forward and try to reverse the movement. Some cars are coming but I know it's ok.

      Other stuff happens and get distracted and lose my lucidity. I then have major issues with gravity, in the meantime my awareness goes up. It's super strange it's like I am weightless, floating up and can't stop the movement, so have to hold on to a street pole. For a while, I am like a balloon going up no mass whatsoever. I get lost in thoughts about posting about gravity in lucid dreams and that I am having this weightless problem. Thinking seems to distract me from the issue and I acquire normal weight and am back at street level.

      It's a nice day in some foreign looking town. I remember the candy store task, but at the same time feel that am running out of time. There is a street store with an indoor as well as outdoor section just ahead so I hurry towards it. The outside section has all sorts of nice sweet stuff like sweet rolls, mini panettone, etc. The indoors section sells more candy-like things. There's a DC working there and I tell her to quickly give me the strangest candy and she hands me a pack full of roasted coffee beans with sugar. Not exactly what I was hoping for, I make a mental note and wonder about the taste. Just about to consume them when I wake up.

      A time travelling dream scenario with semi random elements. I see my friends as their younger selves and pay attention to one of them. His present self now appears in front of me and I tell him what I saw.

      Fragments. Awareness gradually goes up as I discuss another time related change of personal in this cafe ahead. What's notable is I see myself in the mirror as a completely different person.

      Can't remember more details but as my awareness gradually increases I detach myself from the situation and just continue walking around with no goal in mind. I end up in some sort of underground/tunnels that look a bit game like (think dwarf city, castles). The tunnels are averagely lit. My eyes tell me I've taken the wrong fork but I become more confident continuing ahead. I feel I am losing lucidity so just for the fun of it, decide to self assert and shout out loud that my body is asleep at this moment. I continue down the tunnel.

      Slight apprehension as I feel something coming - just round the corner is a DC with two weird looking creatures much like wyverns. I pass right between them, they pay no attention to me. At some point in the tunnels I remember the candy store task again. Right ahead is a closed retro door and I think: "Why not, a candy store could be just behind it, think about this purposely and go ahead". I am happily surprised to find that the room indeed turns out to be a magically looking candy store. It has lots of colorful items, gemstones and candy, looks very fairy talish. No DC is working here, so I just grab the nearest weird looking small glass bottle full of gem-like looking candy.

      Cute little aquamarine opaque pieces of this gem candy mixed with some sesame/flax seeds. I quickly pour them down my mouth making sure to empty the whole little bottle (meanwhile wondering did we have to consume the whole thing, remembering the bottle of wine task). I feel relieved at this point that I am able to properly chew them, taste them and not wake up. They taste really nice, like a caramelised sesame bar. I enjoy the moment a bit longer before the alarm wakes me up.

      Think there was other cool stuff but can't recall.
    2. Dreamer Vs. Dream Guide (LD #166)

      by , 02-05-2015 at 03:37 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I dreamed of my old family beach resort. That is strange, I haven't dreamed of that place in a long time.

      I was in my art history class. I had forgotten to do the homework. We still had [a large amount of time] before class to do the work. I thought about trying to do it, but instead decided to get up and leave class.


      I somehow found myself in a martial arts/combatatives shop. They sold everything relating to fighting here. Guns. Bows. Swords. I remember seeing some of the weapons on the wall and thinking I wanted to get one. I knew that I was in some sense or another 'allowed to'.

      The front room of the store was cramped with all the weapons and gear. I made my way into the back room that was almost completely empty.

      I then ran into a group of about a dozen martial artists, proudly wearing white uniforms and black belts. They asked me how good I was with a bo staff and gave me one. I started spinning it around, as I did telling them that I've never had any formal training or practice with one. I just used to have a stick and I would use it for play.

      They then asked me if I found it funny when I was teaching new students if they got [two similar stances] mixed up. I told them about how (IWL) I've been attending Taekwondo lessons for four years, and I still got [those stances] mixed up sometimes. Because I was making mistakes and open to learning I didn't find it annoying.

      They didn't seem to happy with this answer and left me there.

      Then the shop owner came up and told me that I was here because someone had challenged me to a fight. He said that he couldn't tell me who because my challenger had chosen to remain anonymous until the fight.

      I asked him what the rules of the fight are. He told me that it was totally open. Any moves were fair-game. The only rule is I am not allowed to bring other people in with me.

      He gave me a different outfit, a black martial arts uniform and told me to head up to [some cave] where the battle would take place.

      I teleported outside. I became lucid around here and realized that I wanted everyone to hurry up and get this fight on, with all the short-lived
      lucidity I've been having, there was no way we were going to see some action.

      The cave was out in a snowy tundra in the mountains. The only way into the cave was a rope bridge. It seemed to be made out of these tough vines of some sort. I couldn't really tell. It led into a cave. Inside the cave was mostly filled with water. (Very cold water, since tundra and all) but there was a small platform, about 20ft around in the middle that the bridge connected to. There were a couple of waterfalls coming into the edge of the cave and a couple of holes in the ceiling where sunlight shown through like a spotlight onto the main floor.

      There was another bridge that came from the opposite side of the cave. There were all of these people on the opposite side that were watching, including the guys that were in the back of the shop from earlier. It didn't take them long to send their opponent across. Some of them had even set up tents and what not.

      So, you already know I was supposed to fight Manei, my very own dream guide. But I didn't know that just yet. (TBH I didn't pick up on it until halfway into the fight.) Because when she came across, I hardly recognized her. She had cut her hair short (not really short, just short enough to lay flat on top of the head.) She wasn't wearing her headband. Though I guess what threw me for a loop was the idea that Manei had picked a fight with anyone. She's always given me the vibe that she was something of a pacifist.

      But the reason I didn't recognize her was the fact that her energy/aura that I usually felt seemed completely absent. It was strange, and I am still not 100% sure that the character that I fought was her.

      She tried to taunt me into attacking first, but I remained quiet and motionless. Eventually she just charged right at me, winding up for a big punch right in the face. It was like facing down a charging bull.

      I simply sidestepped and tripped her with one foot as she came in. I honestly did not expect that to work at all. She fell forward but managed to catch herself. She got to her feet ready to fight again. She went in for a couple kicks. I noticed that her form was horrible, she wasn't guarding her body and seemed off balance.

      When she moved in for a punch I was able to duck under her. I was coming around to elbow her in the back when I realized that I was fighting Manei, and what I was about to do could really hurt someone. I tried to think of another way that I could end this fight quickly without really hurting her. I for some reason thought of how in Avatar, that one girl (Ty Lee was it?) can Chi-Block her opponents and paralyze them without hurting them.

      I threw a couple of random quick jabs to her back and (Because lucid dream) it worked. Her right arm was completely paralyzed, hanging limp at her side. She came around with her left and tried to punch me. I grabbed her with my left and twisted her wrist around so that she was off balance. Two more jabs with my right arm and both arms were paralyzed.

      I stood back and looked at her. Her hair was long now, but undone and messy. For some reason the dream became really detailed here. I could see every detail in her. Her facial expression, full of aggression. Her arms, that she was already starting to get feeling back in them. She was opening and closing her fists. I could even see her breath in the cold air of the cave. The cave itself became more detailed too. I could now hear the waterfalls and see little crystals inside the stone floor.

      The fight dragged on for a few minutes of interlude combat. She didn't manage to land a single solid hit, despite giving it her all. I didn't land many hits either, I was being very careful not to hurt her.

      After awhile, She didn't want to fight anymore, she wanted to wrestle. I put my hands into my pockets. She ran right at me ready to grab me and take me to the floor. When she got in close, I jumped back, and landed on my back, feet in the air. She jumped for me and I kicked her up and behind me. I heard a splash sound. By the time I got up I saw the spot in the water where she had gone in.

      I began to notice that she wasn't coming back up. Either that kick or the cold water had knocked her out.

      "Huh... man... that water looks cold!"

      I jumped in and fished her out. Despite being fully lucid, she seemed impossibly heavy and I was barely able to lift her out. I managed to get her back up onto the arena. She coughed up a bunch of water.

      For some reason or another, I had to carry her across back to her family. And my oh my, I wish I had a smaller dream guide. One of the martial arts guys came over to me, the oldest and most experienced. He told me that it was customary for dream guides to fight their dreamer at least once. He gave some reasoning behind it, but I didn't find it very valid, or think that it applied to me and her.

      He also told me about how you might expect that most of the time the guide would win, but in reality it is actually about 50/50. In most cases it really depends on the personality of the dreamer/guide rather than their position.

      The last thing that I remember was her little sister of about six years old (or who I assumed was her little sister) running up and asking if she was okay. She had gone unconscious again. I told her that she would be fine. The dream ended and I woke up.

      Updated 02-05-2015 at 03:40 PM by 53527

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    3. Taking a nice flight

      by , 02-03-2015 at 10:58 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Taking a nice flight (DILD)


      Full Dream (1 pts)
      First DILD (10 pts)
      Advance Flight (10 pts)
      Stabilization (1 pts)
      Advanced Telekinesis (10 pts)
      Invincibility (4 pts)
      Bet (5 pts)
      DC Interaction (2 pts)

      Apparently I was in a shopping mall. We were driving to some place for vacation and we needed to pump gas. As we were in the gas station we found a shopping mall that sold Japanese stuff. We saw a Pokemon store and they had a lot of gadgets. There were some pokeballs and the store owner told me they were real and they had real pokemon. My wife opened one of the Pokeballs and a bastiodon came out:

      I was excited because it was my favorite pokemon and I was wondering if I could take it with me. My wife told me, "Well, this is worth a reality check, because I did not thing they actually existed." I laughe and I said, "I know right?" And kind of looked at my hand making a joke out of it, while I was convinced it was real.
      To my surprise that I had a missing Index finger and realized I was indeed dreaming.

      I think my wife might have left, but I decided to start flying to make my dream stable.

      I wanted to fly at high speed because it always feel very fun to me. I flew very high and I started to see stars, but I did not want to go to space because I wanted to do other dares. I decided to fly like a Kamkaze airplane and see what happened when I hit the ground. I crashed in the ground a little shortly and the ground felt the same like a jumping bed, it was very soft and the ground bounced, even though I did not bounce.

      I wanted to look for a store and find Pandora's box, so I entered a (indian store I believe) and asked for a Pandora box. The retailed said that they did not have that. I was almost insulted saying that it was a lot of non-sense and that I could not buy that anywhere. I then got pissed at him and I wanted to make a big mess in the store. I tried to use Telekinisis but did not work at first. I started to do small jumps and imagined that all the stuff would fall to the ground. A lava lamp, I believe, fell to the ground and the store employee told me I had to pay for that. I kept concentrating and little short after I saw several small items (lavalamps, some soccer balls and I believe, some vases) were flying all around moving randomly around the store. I was laughing and I was told he was calling the cops. For some reason (maybe loosing lucidity) I felt uncomfortable so I visualized all the items crashing to the ground. Most of them crashed but I think some either vanished or just kept levitating.

      I left the store looking for another store to find a pandora's box. As I was trying to find another store, I felt the dream to get very fuzzy and even though I tried to stay in the dream, I failed.
    4. A Decent Chardonnay (DILD)

      by , 01-26-2015 at 04:09 PM
      Ritual: Lately I haven't been dreaming much because I've been staying up too late (after 3am usually) playing computer games late at night. I've noticed that the later I go to bed, the less awareness I have in my dreams. Tonight for RL reasons I went to bed two hours earlier than usual, at 1am, and wondered if it might cause me to LD naturally. Sure enough, without any special intention or practices, I woke at 6am with the following...

      DILD: I was moving through a grocery store, picking up some items and observing what else I might want to gather, until I reached a row of cash registers and knew I was in the last room. I had already picked up a bag of assorted stuffed animals from a whole bin of them. I recall making the same kind of obsessive comparisons I do in WL to decide which bag to pick. There were slight variations in all the stuffed animals so I was looking for the set I found the most appealing. I decided relatively quickly, the decisive factor being a stuffed bat I liked, and was carrying the bag with me.

      I turned around and walked back through the store to pick up some remaining things I hadn't fully decided on the first time through. I was considering getting some food, and glanced at what was on offer in the seafood section. I think I ended up going back out the front door at this point and found myself at a bus stop. The bus came and I didn't think I wanted to leave yet because I wasn't finished in the store. I was planning take the next bus if it were going to come in an hour, but I know sometimes the schedule is slower on Sundays. I asked the ticket seller when the next bus would be, and she said, "1:40." This startled me because it was already around 3:30pm in the afternoon. The next bus couldn't come earlier than this one... did she mean the next one wouldn't be here until the middle of the night? I asked about this and she nodded. I decided I'd better scrap my plans and leave on this bus, because I didn't have enough I wanted to do here to occupy a whole evening. I yelled at the driver not to leave yet and quickly slipped the ticket-seller a twenty dollar bill, which I figured should be enough, though I didn't know the exact price. I grabbed the change without counting it and jumped on the bus. But then I remembered I would also need a ticket for the guy I was with... there had actually been no guy with me earlier in the store scene but now the scene shifted.

      I was sitting next to a really hot guy and trying out a computer game he was showing me. This is how my mind accounted for the scene shift: I had been playing a game. Now I was distracted by our conversation. The guy was trying to figure out if he should go to—I think he was calling it "Burning Man," but I knew he meant a big festive parade through the city. After talking to him a few minutes I realized that I hadn't been paying attention to the game. I looked back at the screen and didn't recognize where my character was. Fortunately it was easy to restart from a save. But then my conversation with the guy took an even more distracting turn when I noticed how hot he was, felt an attraction that was apparently mutual, and started kissing him. After a few minutes of that I remembered the game I was playing and worried my character would have gotten killed, but I looked back at the screen and everything was fine... my character was actually going around doing things on his own.

      "This game plays itself!" I commented in surprise. But I didn't want to miss any part of the story, so I restarted again, only this time I was disappointed to see that the game had apparently been creating its own saves too, and now even the save point was well past the spot where I had gotten distracted. I wondered if I should just stop playing for now and start over from the beginning later.

      The scene shift at this point is vague, but the next thing I knew I was bodily in the game, back at the grocery store—though it looked different than the first one—this time with two companions, a guy and a girl. We were engaged in combat with the store employees, and everyone was throwing bottles. I didn't like this, so I called a halt to the bottle-throwing and my friends and I went outside. I was trying to explain to them what my objections were. "Too much broken glass," I complained. Even out here, the ground was littered with it, and on looking at it I felt a tiny sharp pang in the sole of my left foot. It seemed like I might really be feeling this with my physical body, so I continued my explanation: "The problem is, when there's too much broken glass, then you can feel it in the real world. Some kind of psycho-physical complex." The pang in my foot, which I could still feel, seemed like a great example: here I was in virtual reality, but stepping on broken glass made my real foot twinge. (Interestingly, I think a sensation in my physical foot was actually bleeding into, because I thought I could still feel it faintly when I woke up.)

      Up to this point I was not lucid, rather I was convinced that I was bodily immersed in a computer game (I think my brain often explains dreaming this way to itself), but as the pang in my foot made me contemplate the connection between my VR body and my physical body, I realized that I was actually dreaming. I was about to walk off with my friends, but it occurred to me, "If I'm lucid, I should do something useful." I remembered the wine TOTM. I'd just been in a store where we were smashing bottles of wine, what a waste! And we left on such bad terms, they might not like me going back in there... not to mention all that broken glass... but I guess I'd better hazard it. I turned around and half-opened the door, but then I realized there might be an easier way.

      I turned back to my friends. "Does anyone have any wine?" The girl immediately pulled a bottle from her backpack and gave it to me. Then I realized there might be another hitch. "Do you have an opener?" I asked her dubiously. She actually did! She pulled out a corkscrew and was waving it in the air at me, but I had already realized that I might be making things more complicated than necessary. I glanced at the bottle of wine and saw that although it was still sealed, the top covered in light blue foil, under the foil the cork seemed to be protruding three-quarters of the way out of the bottle. I tried to pull it out manually and was able to do so easily. There was still a small piece of cork in the neck of the bottle, but this shouldn't be a problem. My other friend was holding a butter knife, so I grabbed it from his hand without ceremony and used the handle (as the blade was smeared with butter) to push the cork inside. Lest it bob up and block the flow of the wine, I kept the knife handle in the neck to hold the cork to one side as I lifted the bottle toward my mouth to drink.

      "You guys don't mind if I drink the whole bottle, do you? I'm supposed to for my task." Without waiting for a reply, I tilted my head back and chugged. I was finished in seconds. Fortunately, even though the bottle had been full, it didn't feel like I drank any more than a glassful. My immediate reaction was surprise—that it tasted so convincingly like real wine. "It's actually a decent chardonnay," I commented to the girl who had given me the bottle. I focused my attention on the taste that lingered in my mouth: very buttery, rich, even ambrosial, with a hint of something sour around the edges but not strong enough to be off-putting. As I thought about what words I should use to describe it, I felt myself waking up.
    5. Pandora's Box? It is classified. Have this Sorin's Box.

      by , 01-26-2015 at 11:44 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Pandora's Box? It is classified. Have this Sorin's Box. (WBTB + DILD)


      Dream happened after WBTB (+2) Successful (+0)
      Full Dream (+1)

      I was having dinner with my wife at a large table. The restaurant looked very dark and it was cold. Appaently, we were eating nothing and waiting for food, but time passed quicky and sudenly, we already ate and were about to leave. We had two tables in front of us and soon random people started to sit around us, claiming they were our family. Soon, we had a huge party going on and I felt tired and not looking forward to do "family" dinner, especially because I just ate.

      I realized that everything did not make a lot of sense, so I realized I was dreaming. I was going to skip on my reality check, but a point is a point, so I looked at my hand to RC (+1) and I had nine fingers in one single hand. People started to talk to me, but I just walked away and decided to take a small flight (+4) to make my dream stable (+1) which I successfully did.

      I planned to score a few more points, so I saw a Dream Character and decied to have a short chat with him
      (+2) he said a lot of nonsense and that he needed money. I decided to basic summon cash from my pocket with success (+4) and I pulled out a couple quarters and handed them to him.

      I started to flying away above a large street with a lot of street lamps until I saw a very old store. It was odd and mysterius and I recalled the ToTY for Pandora's box:

      When I entered the store, I asked the owner if he could allow me to see the Pandora's box. He told me it was classified and I was not allowed to. I saw other employees walking around some long aisles behind the register. I was sure Pandora's box was in there and I could fight for it.
      (Dream quality fades rapidly here, and so my lucidity) The owner says, "We can give you a Sorin's Box over there." I figured if it would be valid, but then I figured it wouldn't as it is not Pandora's box. I saw a few huge dogs that were guarding the door and I felt they could be a thread, as I was forgetting I was dreaming.

      From here, while I was examining Sorin's box, I woke up.
    6. Short Lucid, First president in Space (LD #159, 160)

      by , 01-19-2015 at 04:12 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with me working on a small private space station. A spacecraft arrived with two scientists on board that were eager to return to earth with valuable scientific data and samples from other planets. The president (Yes, Barack Obama) was also on-board.

      Ground control told me that I had to make getting the president home my first priority. There were only three seats in the return pod, so I couldn't fit both scientists. I asked if they could just go down the three of them and I could wait in orbit, but they stated that was probably a bad idea because I was the only pilot on the team.

      I eventually flew the president and one of scientists down, and when I got on the ground I saw that they were already preparing a return mission for the other scientist. They had this big parade celebrating the presidents successful return from space.

      The mayor of our town had to give a speech about me and Obama. Then his head fell off. I caught it. He apologized to everyone present saying that this just happens sometimes (he had some sort of health problem), and politely asked me if I would place it back onto his body. I did and he continued giving this speech. But it was having problems staying attached. He kept having to nudge it with one hand to keep it from falling off again.

      I became lucid as I realized how ridiculous of a health problem this was. But I woke up. Goddang layer 1's

      I was walking around a large supermarket/store. Wal-mart or Target vibes here. One of the aisles was labeled 'For caveman mode, go here' or something. I recognized 'Caveman Mode' as a lucid dreaming term sometimes used here on the site and became partially lucid but fell out of it before I could grasp that I was dreaming.

      Some lady bumped into me, and I started to wake up, but found that I was still clinging to the dream. I was between being in bed and being in the store. I then realized that I was lucid and that I could use this. I began aggressively stabilizing my walking around the store.

      I went to the freezer aisle and opened the door. Cold air hit me in the face, grounding me further to the dream. I then walked to the front of the store, walked out the door and formally announced to myself that I was completely in the dream.

      Then lucid auto pilot kicked in and I decided to look for Manei. I looked around and saw a brick post out the front of the store.

      "Er... okay, let's say that Manei is behind that post."

      I walked around to the side and saw a blonde girl. She was topless and looked really confused to be here. She started trying to talk to but nothing was coming out of her mouth. I ignored her and decided that if Manei wasn't going to show up, I should just fly.

      I looked up. It was foggy/overcast kind of day, no good for flying unless I could get above the clouds. Some teenager mocked me for staring at the sky like a 'retarded moron', only to eat his words when I lifted into the air on a column of flame.

      I started to spin out of control before I could get more than a few stories off the ground. I then looked over and saw Manei. Or part of her, she seemed to be having difficulties anchoring herself to the dream, glitching in and out of existence every few seconds. Her movement seemed to be glitching too, she seemed to acquire random velocity out of nowhere.

      At one point she manifested right in front of me and then shot off in front of me tumbling through the air at about a hundred miles per hour. She disappeared in the fog and then shot back and struck me, knocking me off of my flying jets. As I tumbled through the air, I saw a random old lady in the parking lot of the story reach out her arms to catch me. I managed to orient myself and lower myself gently in front of her.

      I thanked her for trying to catch me, but told her that I had this handled. I was getting ready to fly off again when I woke up.
    7. Car Crash (minor)

      by , 01-08-2015 at 02:09 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I'm driving my mom's car for the first time in a while, and am having a grand old time doing 360s on the snowy road, while avoiding crashing into the other traffic on the road. I turn up a hill to my right and the back end of the car whips around half way, I turn the wheel the other direction, slam it in reverse and put the pedal to the floor, causing the car to do 2 complete spins. I'm heading toward a big snow bank, so I turn the wheel the other way and keep the pedal to the floor. The car starts going back down the hill toward the road. It's really slippery, so I start turning about a hundred feet before the road. Sliding sideways pretty fast now, I keep my foot on the gas and power slide out into the main road. Another car is coming the opposite direction. I do some fancy maneuvering with the steering wheel to get out of the power slide and just barely avoid the oncoming car. Close call there. Now on the main road, I'm just driving normally. Another car comes, but it is really straddling the center line. I move over to avoid it, but it's too far on my side. I spin my car sideways to avoid a head on collision, and just tap the front headlight of the other car with the rear bumper of mine. I pull over into the nearby store to see if the other car is damaged or not. She has already pulled in, and the store owner and her are looking at the car. I get out, turn the car off, and walk up, seeing a bunch of fluid pouring out of the other car. It looks like radiator fluid. At least it's coming out of the radiator, it really looks just like water. The store owner says, "You might want to add some oil or antifreeze to it." The other driver looks at her, gets a really upset look on her face and yells back, "Really?!? Obviously I'll have to add more coolant to it! How could I not?" I notice a pipe has come completely loose. If that pipe could just be welded back on, she'd be good to go. I think about possible repair costs and mechanic labor. Looking at the pipe again, a new pipe might not be that expensive, it's a straight tube going between two fittings. So one pipe, one fitting, and an hour tops to weld it, can't be much more than $200. I'm relieved that it won't be very expensive because I'm broke. Although it's really ironic that I didn't crash at all while messing around, but only when I started to drive safely that something happened...
    8. Closed Shop on the Second Floor

      by , 12-25-2014 at 01:55 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a place jeep station of sort. I rode the jeep to go somewhere. There were other options/directions. I arrived in a different area with stores/shops. Someone suggested to me not to rent a store on the second floor because the location isn't good. I was on the ground floor with other people. Atheists? We were waiting for the store on the second floor to open. Or rather, the wood staircase was taken down because they were still closed.


      - Only had around 5 hours of sleep
      - I've been waking up around 15 minutes before the alarm the last few days.
    9. Notes

      by , 12-07-2014 at 02:56 AM (Lucid Time!)
      This dry spell just keeps dragging on and on. Considerable lucidity might mean it's finally coming to the end.

      Something to do with three lasers of a particular frequency meeting at 90 degree angles creates a fourth-dimensional bridge.

      I am with a few friends and Katniss from the hunger games movies, making our way through the woods. We are talking on headsets as if we are playing a game/in a virtual reality. Somebody asks if we want to end the match and we say no. We then come under attack by an army of small monkeys.

      I am in an art supply store with my mom and we are buying paper for an art project. The art supply store is very small in a mall, no bigger than the inside of a CVS (In fact that's what the general feel of the art supply store was; a drugstore). It seems to only have one or two employees.

      An employee leads us in the back and begins showing us what they have available in terms of paper. It's not much. What they have looks like shoddy blank newsprint and printer paper. I notice that there are drawings of my cartoon characters on the paper. They weren't mine, but they were committed attempts to recreate some of my most iconic characters.

      This prompts me to reality check. A couple of nose pinches settled that. I tell my mom that I am dreaming and that I have to leave.

      I step outside and see dream characters walking by. The area outside the shop isn't like a mall, it's the side of a busy road with a downtown New-York ish feel to it, skyscrapers and all. I asked to see Manei appear. At first nothing happened but then she ran up to me as a little girl wearing raggy clothes.

      "What happened to you? Why are you so little?"

      "Dun Dues Se Carlo."

      "Dun Dues Se Carlo?"

      "Yeah, Dun Dues Se Carlo."

      "What the heck does that mean?"

      "It means we caused a problem and now we have to-"

      I need to get back down there with some serious lucidity and get these lucid issues worked out.

      Updated 12-07-2014 at 03:08 AM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. 11-26-14 Salivating bad guy

      by , 12-04-2014 at 08:50 PM
      Someone was making a new version of Lord of the Rings. it was turning out horrible. The orcs were basically people dressed up in chimpanzee suits. Sauron was a huge ugly monster and he had a wife. He ate his own spit.

      I was sent to live in a bookstore. There was an all-boys' section. As sort of a personality test and to see if I had what it took to live there I had to fight a Pokémon boss battle. I did horribly. Some obese teenager pushed me over from behind. I remember being a bit surprised by that.

      A screaming man came riding over a hill on a tractor and started shooting maniacally at me with a machine gun. I ducked underneath a car for protection and started saying my prayers.
    11. Went to sleep around 1, woke up around 4 or so

      by , 11-16-2014 at 11:17 AM
      non-dream dream lucid

      Would be the perfect WBTB actually.

      Nonetheless I do remember a dream, just not with too much detail.

      I am in a store, running around.
      A DC is with me as well, telling me what to do.
      I remember walking out of the store and it's during night, but the parking lot is well lit by the lights?

      Updated 11-16-2014 at 02:15 PM by 24562

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 11/11 and 11/12/14 Awareness DILD, Fade Saved Once

      by , 11-13-2014 at 06:04 AM
      11/12/14 Turning left and next thing I know I am walking and follow a group of people into a store where a few guys are looking at ties.

      I look down a stairwell and see a woman and turn away when I hear someone call my name from down there and it hits me I am dreaming. While lucid I think that this is a result of my recent adjustments to my awareness work but I notice the dream seems to be fading but I am determined to keep it going! I rub my hands and the rail as I go down and at the bottom is a cabinet with french fries and junk on it. I grab the fries and junk up and just start stuffing them in my mouth chewing them up for the sole purpose of stabilizing the dream.

      It works and as I turn the corner I am in a parking garage.

      To my left is a blue Volkswagen Bug. There are life size wood carvings/statues of two older women sitting in the front seat and two even older women in the back seat. I am studying the details and making a mental note to get a good guestimate of the ages of the women depicted in the statues. I settle on an age of late 60's for the women in front and 80's for the women in the back. I feel the dream fading again but much quicker this time...too quick and I think about the NREM conversations and try to stay in some form of sleep
      but quickly realize I am fully awake and have a strong urge to adjust my position in bed. I think it was too close to my normal time to get up. Now I have to consider if it is better to let the dream fade into the void and teleport since I have had some of my most memorable LDs that way or save the dream like this dream in case I don't get to the void but instead inadvertently "follow the normal path to waking" which I definitely don't want. Notes: previous awareness notes apply but also putting a larger sense of wonder in my RRC interaction statement leaving a hanging question as part of it and thinking about if it makes sense where I am at...where was I before...does that make sense? Did quite a bit of this while driving back from my league game. If CL is reading this, didn't you have a VW in a lucid? 231

      11/11/14 Sexual LD with older woman. A "hot young thang" in fancy but classy lingerie then seduces me. Some fading lucidity. Afterwards I whip it out for my Wife. 230
    13. Fragments

      by , 11-08-2014 at 02:45 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I’m in the Wal Mart parking lot, I look on the ground and see a fast food cup. I think I must have dropped it, and hesitate a moment to pick it up, but then do. Then I see a straw and go get it. Then I see a small piece of another straw but end up not getting that, because I don’t think it’s mine.

      I have a hard time carrying the stuff so I spot a box like from KFC and pick it up to use. Mom comes over reaches out to help, but I worry she’ll see what’s written on a piece of paper I have, but then I figure she’ll just think it’s from someone else.

      Something about taking a pill and finding myself in some room along with someone else. We’re standing there looking around when one of us goes over and starts lifting blue rocks off the ground that were piled up, which covered something underneath them. We realize it’s a trick, fake room.
      Tags: medicine, mom, store
    14. Bad Recall :P

      by , 10-27-2014 at 12:51 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Unlike last night, where I know what went wrong, I don't know what didn't work last night. I did everything that consistently wins a lucid.

      Something to do with me eating at this cafe. Somebody who was out to assassinate me fired a grenade launcher through the window. I yelled everyone to get down and dove away from the table. The grenade exploded.
      I ran down the road into a suburban area and my assailant followed me. She was this shorter black girl with an army uniform. After running a few blocks, I looked back and saw that her grenade launcher had vanished. She looked confused. I came back after her to fight her in hand-to-hand combat but she vanished when I got closed.
      Somehow connected to a dream where more people were out to kill me. I was purchasing a gun and the owner of the gun store was showing me how I should load the bullets with a little piece of toilet paper in-between. It's supposed to make the gun much more accurate.
      Somehow connected to a dream about my parents when they were young and had first met.

      I was semi lucid and I 'remembered' that I wanted to visit this record store that my friends were into. I remember crossing the road and there was this big group of fat guys wearing matching shirts who were apparently the band that the record store was known for.
      When I got inside I saw that the entire store was empty 'cept for a cash register and a couple of racks of candy. The cashier was really cranky and told me that I wasn't a 'true fan' and that I should get out.

      There was some full-on lucidity in here somewhere, but I can't recall what happened.

      Well there is always tomorrow night...

      Updated 10-27-2014 at 05:33 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. 10-22-14 Little Ghost Antique Shop

      by , 10-25-2014 at 09:55 PM
      I owned an antique shop called Little Ghost.
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