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    1. The Yacht

      by , 07-27-2012 at 03:15 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      So yesternight was another first, nothing too epic. Mostly just odd.

      I was traveling down an interstate of some kind that was suspended above the water. With a few friends I couldn't make much out other than a girl in the van with us kept eyeing me funny.
      When we reached the end of the highway there was some sort of transition and I gathered that we were all on a mega-yacht now. It was owned by Pakistani business men and there were beautiful women all around who were the entertainment.
      The only one who really stood out to me was a blonde, with slender frame, teased hair and multiple colorful bracelets on. I understood she was 'The head boss's' girl, though he cared not too strongly for her.
      She was all about me, we were all over each other. The amount of detail that was experienced during our 'hook-up' was borderline erotic. She had striped panties on under her miniskit wrapped in leather studs. Holding her leg up on my side I could feel the warmth of her hind against my palm.
      Nothing too sexual occurred before we were found out. Amazing it took so long as we were in an open patio surrounded by people. He was furious with her toying and banished me to a small platformed support beam under the highway. It was slippery and hard to hold onto, I was readjusting my grip watching the boat motor away when my perspective shifted.
      Somewhat shocked I looked back to the pillar platform where I was just standing, and no one was there. Looking down at my hands I noticed they were smaller and dainty, with multiple colorful bracelets on both wrists. I was standing on the boat motoring away from the interstate, I was now the girl I was just hooking up with moments before. The crowd watching the whole situation was starting to disperse and business continued on as usual. Completely confused as to my switch, I just knew that they couldn't find out I wasn't really her. I tried talking to some of the girls and realized my dialect was off but the sound of my voice was higher. I decided not to talk much thinking her friends might wonder why my behaviour was off.
      Realizing I was a girl, I kept trying to pee sitting down. Trying at least three different toilets I couldn't go any of the times. Until the last toilet which was joined next to a shower. The 'main boss' guy came over to talk to me, and he turned on the shower while I was sitting down. It got me wet, he smiled perversity and I told him off. He left and I continued to adventure around the now aged boat.
      Sitting down at a row of computers I decided to look myself up. The keys I was pressing weren't the letters that showed up on the screen. It confused me as I experimented with the obviously broken keyboard. I thought maybe the keys were just switched around so I leaned over to the girl next to me and asked to see her keyboard cause someone must have been joking around on this one, changing keys and whatnot.
      In the smalltalk I told her I was looking for 'Noah' because he was the most amazing guy I'd ever been with. She giggled, and so did I because I momentarily realized that I was Noah, talking myself up to random girls in guise .
      The keyboard wasn't working for me cause every time I looked down it degraded and looked older with more and more keys missing. I was so focused on trying to work the keyboard I got frustrated and woke up. The end.

      Updated 07-28-2012 at 09:09 PM by 51110

    2. Wendy's Meal

      , 07-25-2012 at 03:16 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Me and my buddy Eric were hungry so we drove to Wendy's and got two Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers and two medium fries. Then we were driving aomewhere and I at all the food except for one burger. I was getting full while trying to eat the last burger, and I said we needed some drinks. He agreed and we drove into some busy city and stopped at a mall. Inside the mall we bought some large sodas. (Like the ones you buy at McDonald's, they were empty cups which you could fill at a soda fountain.) Mine came full of water, so I poured it on the floor and got another drink.

      Also I remember sitting in an office with some lady on a computer. She was on some news site, and she was also talking on the phone. While on the phone she said something like, "Yeah I can look at SlickDeals right now."

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 10:05 PM by 42776

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. The lucid of achievement

      by , 07-24-2012 at 06:37 PM
      (I do not recall doing a RC, in this dream I was simply lucid) the dream begins and I already find myself trying to fly. I close my eyes and begin slowly floating into the air, as I open them I am extremely excited (flight has been a long working goal for me) I turn and float through the air head first. I can feel the cool wind on my face, and the smooth sensation that comes with this mode of flight. I come back to the ground and gracefully land, I am in what appears to be an abandoned carnival, but I do not mind by surroundings, there is Optimus prime and star scream from the movie transformers here, however only about half their suposed size. I try to take off in flight again, this time by forming metal around myself, however it fails and I end up simply jumping. So I try the first way and I succeed, I take off into the air for the second time. I cut swiftly though the air and then I reach a wooden platform suspended in the air high above the ground. Written all over it is wretten "Top Secret, you can not see" ignoring this I just phase through it and teleport to ground, I nope stand nexto a large body of water with a group of people in tubes near me. I leap tward the water and land in a tube. The water is dark in color and the sun will be setting soon. I then see the two transformers from earlier and one says "we are re entering the dream" as a yellow car drives into the water and floats, I hear it speak again "the wheels are indestructible" I look away and back, all of this has vanished. I begin paddling (as the dream fades out I say) "who wants to race me" to the other tubers. Before I try to stabilize be rubbing my hands together. ( the dream ends anyway)
    4. Lucid flying around

      by , 07-23-2012 at 04:34 PM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      A DEILD. I woke up from a really pleasant dream this morning and after I woke, I didn't feel like getting up, so I fell asleep.

      [COLOR="darkslateblue"]I am at my neighbour's place with a few of my relatives. I look at the walls and [/COLOR][COLOR="seagreen"]suddenly the room looks very minecraftish.
      A helicopter crashes through a wall and my cousin yells "OMG, THIS IS A DREAM!" and everyone starts talking excitedly. We fly out through a big window, the world outside is fully minecraft themed.
      I land by a small lake and dive into the water for a sec. Feels gut man. Then I fly around the large mountain and come back to the lake.
      This time I stay underwater until I wake up. I couldn't breathe at first, but then I thought "this is a dream, damn it, I'm supposed to be able to breathe!" xD[/COLOR]

      I was already kind of aware when the dream started, but I became really lucid when I stared at the walls.
      It lasted for ~35 minutes in real time.

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 09:49 AM by 50369

    5. Bike Fail

      by , 07-22-2012 at 11:35 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Bike Fail

      I am riding my mountain bike in the woods. I come to a point were I want to take a canoe with my wife. I try to get set up. I notice how big the bike is and how little the canoe is. I set the bike aside and try to just get the canoe in the water there is some strange guy in the water and his canoe.

      I get the canoe set and notice the guy built a fire right next to my bike. It melted the cables off and the bike felt hot. I have no breaks or gearing now. I am so pissed. I tell the guy what he did and how he should pay me some money. Hes says, "what you want a loan." I say, "Oh yeah imagine that. Someone being responsible for what they do."

      I get the bike to our camp site and show my wife. Now the bike is worse. The nut holding the tube fork is gone. I say, "This is just dead weight now." I get the idea to lock it up at the visitor center nearby and get it when we leave.
    6. Jesus cloud? wut.

      by , 07-20-2012 at 12:58 AM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      This dream is quite messy, cause it was all scrambled up in my head..and my DJ. Hmmkays.

      [color="#483d8b"]I'm sitting in a dark classroom with some classmates when my old geography teacher steps in, late as always, and turns on the lights. Then she starts talking about something I did not pay attention to.
      After a while the lights turn off again and we're outside, sneaking behind a house. Don't remember what happened then..
      We're by a lake (i think?) and it's winter. We jump down into the water and laugh hysterically.
      Then I stare into the distance, there is a forest and some clouds. I notice that a cloud is shaped exactly like a human and I point at the cloud and yell "Hey guys, look, a cloud like Jesus!" They only stare at me weirdly and ignore what I said.

      I lol'd

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 09:49 AM by 50369

    7. Trying to LD, I Don't Want To Die!.

      by , 07-18-2012 at 10:41 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Aids:1/8 tea peppermint oil WBTB
      Methods:MILD - Half assed
      Morning Supplements:500mg L-Lysine, 500mg C, 595mg Potassium Gluconcate, 1 Super B-Complex
      Sleep Quality: Felt refreshed in the morning. Slept solid. Solved pillow issues.

      Trying to LD 2:00AM
      I am jogging down a familiar street. I see Jeremy and Becki. I invite them over. We are now in my house. But this is my first house. Jeremy talks about how he can tell me how many ghost are here. I tell him I don't want to know. I feel happy and safe here and I don't want to ruin it.

      Then I am in my first truck. I am in the passenger side trying to sleep. My wife is in the driver side sleeping but tossing and its bothering me. I am trying to WBTB. I have an audio induction and I want to hear it. I adjust my headphones and try to sleep. I couldn't help but notice that my headphones feel like underwear on my head. Then notice that is light outside and rainy. I see Chris driving up to her daughters house who happens to be my neighbor. I am a little surprised. I hope that she doesn't notice me and my underwear. She is all but starting at me now. I just sigh and close my eyes. All I want to do is have a lucid dream and If I have to do corny things like listen to my underwear then who cares. I actually hear some music. It is a Ke$ha song believe it or not.

      *I hear the intro music*

      "Maybe I need some rehab,
      Or maybe just need some sleep
      I've got a sick obsession,
      I'm seeing it in my dreams"....

      (Very appropriate! Except Lucid Dreams is my drug. Bahahahaha LOL)

      I feel irritated and tune the music out. I feel like I am being watched and I just want privacy. The truck drives around the block. I don't notice it but I am driving it with my mind. My wife is in the driver seat but I am controlling where to go. Then I remember we left the kids in the house alone. And I think we should hurry even though we are just going around the block. I look out the window to the right and see a distorted iPhone. It says Brooklyn on it. The woman in the truck with me is now my ex-wife and she starts bitching about how much money she spent on that phone for my niece and now its ruined.

      Now I am in a bed trying to WILD. Something wakes me and I look to the left and see my sisters husband with a bed pan under him. He is squirting shit through his clothes.
      He jumps us and runs to the bathroom. He slams the bed pan on the floor and I see chunky shit splatter up on the wall. There is shit on the bed. I am disgusted but I feel sorry for him at the same time. I know he is sick and can't help it. Then my dog goes sniffing at it. I grab her too me and hold her. I lay there not wanting to deal with the mess. I half expect to smell something horrid but there's no smell. I close my eyes and wake up.

      I Don't Want to Die!
      My wife and I are in a hotel. She is not pregnant and we are partying. We are drinking and she starts to smoke pot. I am shocked but I'm like well we don't do this often. She leaves the bong on the couch and my dog daisy starts to hit it. She runs through an open door into a yard. Then she howls as she ex-hails. I find it strange that I see really black smoke come out. I am surprised at the color of smoke but I just laugh. She is trying to get more. I hand the bong to my wife who is in the recliner watching TV. Then I say wait let me. I take a long drag. I notice that there is no smell no burring in my throat and no taste. Then I ex hail. I instantly feel fucked up. I make a comment about how fast that hit me. She says she knows.

      I leave the room for some errand. I walk outside and see a nice area with a pool. There are only a few people. I jump in and then leave.

      I go inside a bar and walk through to the bathroom. I notice a bartender and a dart board in my periphrial vision. I sit down to shit in a stale but the toilet is so high people can see me. Some take notice and just sigh and finish up. When I walk out of the bathroom I am now in a church and service is about to start. I take in the whole scene. I notice people to my left conversing and greeting. I see a crown scattered about and people in various conversation. I see all the pews and the stage up front. The stage is blurry and I dont focus on it too much. I see another bathroom down a ways and too the right. For whatever reason I walk to that. I walk past the womens and enter the mens. It is dimly lit and there is one toilet on the right and a sink on the left back wall. The entire right wall is glass. I can see through into the womens bathroom. The bathroom is identical to the mens and I see a large woman pulling her pants down and sitting on the toilet. It seems that she cant see me and it think it must be a two way mirror. I try to respect her privacy and advert my eyes and quickly leave the restroom.

      Then I am in an elevator. The interior is minimalistic, plush and cream color. (now that I think about it... like a casket!) I push a button. The elevator begins to malfunction. I feel it tilt back and get smaller. I an now lying at an incline. I push some other button. Then it compacts into a ceiling with metal beams. I hit the stop button. I am so stuck I can't move.

      I quickly WILD to have an OBE to go get help. I see a lady at a desk. I tell her my body is stuck in an elevator and I need to get it out before I die. I move out of my body. It feels so natural and familiar to do this. I go through the wall and see a lady at a help desk. She is an African American woman in a red blose. I quickly explain to her that my body is trapped. She tells me a bunch of instructions. I dont remember. Maybe I am still stoned?

      I go now to do whatever it is she told me. I am now walking through the spot where the pool is. I see a lot more people there and I don't bother to take a dip this time. I walk to a concrete walk and spot an elevator door. I feel that this is where my dying body is. I pry the door open with my hands. There are more doors behind the first. They are red with purple trim. I get through a total of four doors and my body slips out. I catch... me. My body is limp and cold. I find it very odd to touch my body from outside of myself. I drop... me. And I try to use my mind to enter back into my body. It does not work. I am getting panicky.

      I scream, "I don't want to die!"

      I lay down next to myself and try whatever I did to exit now to re-enter. Nothing is working. I look to my right at myself and see a hand with a respirator to my body's face. I see hands doing chest compressions. I am still not back in my body. The light fades and everything goes dark.

      *Holy Shit. I think I will avoid elevators for a while.

      Updated 07-18-2012 at 11:46 PM by 5967 (I forgot to mention the song. I had to look it up to be sure.)

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Fish Dog, House Sitting

      by , 07-15-2012 at 03:24 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Aids:12.8mg menthol before bed
      Methods:Attempted WBTB WILD - Failed
      Morning Suppliments:500mg L-Lysine, 500mg C, 595mg Potassium Gluconcate, 1 Super B-Complex
      Sleep Quality: Heavy sleep. No RLS. Tired still this morning. Pillow not comfortable

      Fish Dog
      I am walking outside and the world is flooded up to my calves. I have this fish that is following me. It is my pet but it is behaving like a dog. It is jumping up at me and swimming around me and wanting my attention. I smile at it and continue to walk. I look up briefly and check the sky to do a sky RC like I do in waking life. I see nothing unusual or odd so I shrug it off and continue.

      Then I get an underwater view of the fish swimming. Like a camera is following from behind. The water is clear. The fish looks like some sort of evolved fish with legs and large teeth. Kind of alligator-ish. It is just dog paddling and half turns its head to acknowledge me.

      Then I am inside my house. Or a house. I am walking around and the Fish and the water are still present. I wonder how I could have all this water in my house and not rot everything out. I assume it is built to handle it. I look closer and start to see odd things like there is carpet and the floor is not level. I think that this really needs to be fixed and I worry some about it. I am really questioning why there is water everywhere but I just don't think about testing reality.

      Then I am looking at a fake rock pond. I see a large golden Cichlid. I recognize it as one of the same fish that I had in an aquarium long ago. (I feel guilty because I remember that I flushed it down the toilet because I got tired of it. It wasn't even dead.) I add more water with my mind because I notice the fish didn't have much room. It keeps trying to swim upward.

      Damn lazy ass didn't write it down!
      Damn lazy ass didn't write it down!

      House Sitting
      My mom and I are going over to my Aunts house to check on it since her and her family are gone on a long trip. We go in the front door and look from room to room. The house is familiar but different. I tell my mom it looks a lot like my first house I bought but they really changed a lot of stuff and it looks really nice. The kitchen has a door and it is partially sealed. We get it open and the first thing I see is dirty dishes that have bee sitting for days. I half expect it to stink but I smell nothing. I look and see really nice title floors and counters. I look down a hall and see a bath tub and linoleum. I am turned off by that and go back the other way. In the living room we decide to leave.

      We get outside and I see a man in a truck in the yard yell at me to let him in. He is the exterminator and needs in. My mom and I wonder why an exterminator would come so late in the day. It is about to get dark. Before I could do anything I get distracted by my older daughter and my two mini dachshunds. We all go back inside and I worry that one of the dogs will pee. I tell my daughter not to touch her because she will get too excited and pee on the carpet.

      Interpretations: None at the moment

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 03:33 PM by 5967

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Long Lucid: Underwater Attempt, Lots of Stuff Done, Failed TotM

      by , 07-09-2012 at 09:55 AM (Zoe's weird things)
      [So dream happened at around 8:20AM or so...]
      [Ugh... so how should i get to this... i really have to try hard to keep the pieces of this dream in the correct order... and i'm not even sure it's correct like that... my recall is so bad these days that it takes me lots of effort to remember everything, but some smaller parts are still missing]
      [Also... i think i found out a way to create bigger things that i couldn't before... you'll see ]
      [Oh...and i took 3 Negros (candy) before going to bed after the WBTB, so i feel like it might be relevant now to this lucid...]

      So i was just in a regular dream where an around 30 years old blonde girl was supposed to be my mom. She was also a murderer and i helped Columbo to catch her. I was just hugging her and telling her to stop killing people and not hurt me, when i realized how stupid this is.
      I got lucid and started looking at my hands and waving them around like i always do when i become lucid. [It's a good test to see if you are in control for real].

      I was happy that finally i got a lucid as i was trying for 3 days without success, althrough the dream was a little like it was in sepia... or just the colors were somewhat lifeless.
      I looked around and noticed some asian girls... maybe Chinese, i couldn't tell. There was a nun-like asian girl in front of them, like she was their teacher. That girl was waving her hands and was showing some kind of tai chi to the others.
      I walked up to the teacher and grabbed her hands, then pushed her away from the students. They all looked weirdly at me and i felt bad for doing that, so i started walking away.

      There was people walking in all directions in this hallway i was in... I remembered that in the regular dream i got to this place through a secret "hole" in the wall in the back of our garden. So i flew through the wall and found myself in our garden once i was outside. [Oh the garden again... nooo ].

      I immediately flew up into the air and moved towards the streets. I ended up on the long street that crosses ours. I started flying in the exact direction of the street and all that was in my mind is to find water to get underwater and complete my goal finally.
      As i was passing by other streets, i noticed that they all looked like ours... like they were just looped. Well, that was kinda disappointing, but i didn't mind it too much.
      I flew above one of the houses on the left side and as i was passing by the dream started collapsing.
      [Went back with DEILD].

      When i was back, i found myself in a classroom like place, but it didn't look like classrooms in my country at all. There were 8 old classmates of mine sitting there and watching some kind of movie from a projector.
      I thought about my goal again and as i was wondering, 3 of those classmates laughed at me for some reason. Maybe because i was in the way of the projector...
      I though that i'll try something fun, if they are laughing at me anyway. I recalled how i read a trick about creating an explosive chainlightning in the book, Dissolution that i'm reading currently.

      I started focusing on my hands, until there was a little bit of spark in it... I couldn't see it too clear because the colors were still in that old tone... not too colorful.
      I aimed the spark at those 3 laughing guys and thrown it in the middle of them. A suddenly explosion and they all were laying on the ground helplessly, their bodies were even steamy. I knew they were just unconscious though.
      I started moving towards the door, when another guy, R, started laughing at the others that i hit with the lightning explosion.
      I charged up again a little bit and let out a single lightning towards him and he hit the ground too.
      The 3 others that were left were just sleeping in the back of the room, i didn't want to hurt them.
      [Maybe i'm not so nice towards my DCs, but if they earned it... ].

      [I think the dream collapsed again after this and i got back in, since i don't remember how i got outside].
      So, i was walking on an unknown street outside and i remembered my goal again. I didn't want to give it up, so i thought of a new way to get to water... For some reason i remember the washing powder brand "Whirpool"... or maybe i just made that up, but during that time i thought it's real.
      I've seen a shop close to me that had all sorts of stuff in it's showcase. I walked up close to it and realized that there was actually a Whirlpool branded washing powder in there... I found it funny that i already summoned it unintentionally.

      I didn't even go into the shop, i just put my hand through the glass and took that powder. It was somewhat in liquid form, but in powder too at the same time... it looked weird.
      I was about to go and find a place where i can work out something with this. [I imagined that i could create a real whirlpool out of it and that would take me into a watery place].
      But just as i turned around, some really tall, mean and primitive looking guys stood in front of me.
      One of them said something like this to me:

      - Where do you think you are going?
      I found it funny, that they are trying to stop me:
      - Wherever i just want.

      I grabbed the guy with one hand and thrown him up into the air so high that he disappeared in the clouds. I looked at the others while smiling and went on my way

      I got to a sandy place... like a beach or something. There was a metal tower close by and it was small, but it had enough place to fit inside there. I walked up to there on a small sand hill and sit inside the tower. I reached into my pockets to take the Whirlpool powder out, since i knew i lost it somewhere, but i could recreate it from my pocket. No, it didn't work. I just couldn't see it. I held something in my hands, which was really blurry, but it wasn't the powder... i think i just imagined it to be there and it was some weak illusion.

      Well whatever, i thought i'll be on my way now and try to find another way to get to water. I was just about to climb out of this metal tower, when i noticed that my environment completely changed in the meanwhile.
      I was sitting in a concrete tower or something similar, it was bigger now and i was looking out of a framed window.
      I recognized the place as the city that's closest to my hometown, althrough it was a little different somehow.


      Just as i was thinking about this, something really weird happened. Everyone on the streets, including dogs, birds, humans, every living thing... just looked like they were sliced in two at their waists. There was blood around them and it looked freaky.
      I had no idea why that happened, but i jumped out of the window onto the street. When i landed, everything was back to normal. No blood, nothing... just people walking around happily.
      [Now that was weird i tell you O.o I didn't experience stuff like this before... and my lucids are not bloody usually, but now there was lots of blood around the half corpses].

      I flew up to one of the nearby roofs because i planned to do something there... i think i wanted to conjure something, but i don't remember it anymore.
      [Skipping a little, since i forgot this part].

      I was in our house now, althrough i don't remember what i wanted to do there. I checked into our small corridor and noticed some dark figure in a fully dark room... I got scared and flew through a wall into another room and was just about to run away when i realized: i have no reason to run!
      I turned around and felt so powerful at that moment. I looked into the face of that shadowy thing and it disappeared. I was happy.

      I flew out of the window and it was getting dark already... so i decided to try a new idea.
      [Since i can easily get back to the dream with DEILD, which basically consist of getting dark as the dream collapses and me focusing on the place where i want to find myself... or just the dream itself. Now, i thought, what if i intentionally close my eyes, to let me "wake up" (maybe, not sure if i really wake up) and focus on what i want to change about my environment...].
      So, i closed my eyes and focused on it becoming daylight again. I didn't even need to open my eyes again, soon the darkness disappeared and i was in the exact same place as before, but it was day again.
      [Yay! ].

      So i started flying towards the garden, thinking about trying to create water there with this same method.
      I reached the fig tree and looked at the garden. It was depressing to see it in this sepia-ish color, so i remembered how ASMR helped me stabilize the last time around. I started inducing it again and it felt even better than in real life. The garden soon came to life too... everything became colorful and the earth was even red-ish instead of brown, like i overcharged the colors. I did this for a while, but then remembered what i wanted to do.

      So i flew up a little higher and was looking at the ground. There were some in real non-existant trees blocking my view a bit, but it didn't matter. I focused on the ground and closed my eyes. It was dark again, like when i wake up, but i focused on creating a little lake under me, on the grassy part.
      Soon my vision returned and there was a small lake down there, althrough it was shaped like it was created by human hands. The only problem with this was that the water was totally black... like it was oil or something.
      [I unintentionally thought of Lucy because of the scary dark water... i imagined as she would pull me underwater into that darkness if i get close :/].

      I didn't want to get into that, so i closed my eyes again and imagined a clearer lake. My vision returned yet again and now there was a tiny-tiny "lake" down there. It was as big as a smaller puddle of water, but it looked clean at least. I descended down to check it out... it looked fine, so i didn't hestitate much... i considered it big enough to make me fit into it.
      I jumped into the puddle and at the same time i woke up.
      [Back with DEILD again].

      When i was back in, i was underwater somewhere... the water was clean enough for me to look around. The sides of this "pool" were made of bricks... there was basically nothing underwater, only those ugly bricks.
      I noticed a part on the top of the water where i could get out to somewhere, so i started swimming towards it. As i popped out my head, some kind of priestess [who reminded me of Lolth's priestesses and she was a drow] looked at me with wide open eyes and started yelling "We have an intruder" or something like that. I went back underwater again because of this, but for some reason i held my breath automatically, while before i could breath in the water. So as soon as i realized that i'm holding my breath, i started choking and it felt surprisingly real. I popped out again, while the priestess was running to alarm the others. I jumped back in and didn't hold my breath now, i swam to the other way, where i found another exit out of the water.

      I popped out of the water here again. This exit was looking onto a hallway which looked totally like part of a dungeon. I liked this place, so i jumped out of the water. I imagined that i could complete the basic TotM here... since i could just find a potion somewhere in the dungeon... it seemed like a really good idea and i focused on summoning a potion somewhere deeper in the place, just to not make it too easy

      I was about to start going deeper inside, but some ugly orc-like barbarian looking baddies showed up on both sides. They had axes and swords and looked really angry that i was there.
      I didn't get scared at all though. I let them get closer to me and i let out a force push from my hands, pushing the biggest orc away in front of me.
      Now there were still like 10 of them, 6 of them coming from in front of me and the others from behind. I charged up a bit and let out an even bigger force push towards the ones behind my back, while i jumped out of the way of the attackers from the front. I started smiling at how awesome this was...

      The big orc was pushed into the water further away and the group from my back were also pushed into another part of the water, they didn't seem to return, but there were still 6 enemies coming towards me. I force pushed those away too, but 2 of them didn't fall off the cliff and stood up, then started marching towards me.
      I thought that i can just get past these guys now, so i jumped above their head and jumped through small floating platforms to the other end of the hallway. They didn't seem to be able to jump after me and was just staring at me angrily. [I think i'll need to arrange more fights like this later on, i enjoyed it that more enemies tried to corner me ].

      I was in front of an altar here and there were more altars like that a little further near floating platforms, but those were too far to jump to. The altars were somewhat spider shaped, which isn't surprising as i've seen a Lolth's priestess here already.

      I checked out the altar, which had white gummybears on it... I was surprised, as i expected a potion to be here or something more dungeon-ish... but i took some of it and ate it anyway.. how could've it leave it there? I flew towards the other closest altar and checked out that too.
      It had gummybears as well, but black ones... Now i thought that maybe if i eat them along with the white ones then maybe it creates a potion in my mouth. [Lol what an idea... ].
      I started chewing on these and even while they were black colored, they tasted really good.

      I flew back to the other altar, but the gummybears were black now there too... I took some anyway and started chewing on them while imagining that they turn into a potion and that i'll just pull it out of my mouth... Just as i was doing this and felt something crunchy in my mouth, i woke up.
      I couldn't go back anymore.

      [Oh well, this was a really really long post haha... it took me 1 hour 40 minutes to write this o.o I'm not sure how i managed to spend that much, but it was fun remembering the dream]
      [I had long dreams like this already, but not since i was on DV, so this is for you all of your enjoyment now ^^]
      [I can't tell if the Negro with it's menthol helped me get this long and somewhat weird lucid, but i have a feeling that it did ]
    10. Scratching Hotel. July 5th 2012.

      by , 07-08-2012 at 03:07 PM (Dream Journal)

      This dream was kinda fun, but a little painful too.

      I started off walking down a corridor to a hotel reception. It seemed like the same reception as the one in another dream. I then bought a room from the woman and she gave me a card key. I turned around and my room was only a meter away, so I walked over to it and attempted to insert the key. When I placed the card key in the slot, I felt a rough scratch on my thumb. It felt as if I scraped my thumb on a brick wall. I got annoyed and walked around a little bit, then kept trying to open it. I soon managed to open it up and get inside. There were stairs leading to nowhere and a mysterious entrance behind a wall, which I walked over too and went inside. The hotel had transformed into a huge outdoor hotel with water fountains and white stone columns. It was almost night time, which made the water fountains glow and produce different coloured lights. I had the urge to fight this girl who looked like OctoberWind. She started shooting me with a bow as I ran up to her with a sword. I killed her and then walked back inside the hotel room. When I arrived, I found myself wlaking with 2 weird guys. One was on the stairs and the other was in front of me. I decided I would want to go out of the room. I walked over to the door and it kept scratching me, but I managed to open it with the ruined card key. After openening the door, I thought I should go back to where I killed OctoberWind, so I did. When I arrived, I noticed OctoberWind was still alive, so I chased her up the stairs by the large glowing fountain and then saw two people dancing naked. One was a woman and the other was a fat guy with giant moobs. The dream then ended with a close up of his chest .

      A mixture of feelings in this dream. Started off annoying and painful then to a great relaxing atmosphere and ending with boobs. Thanks for reading .
      Tags: water
    11. Tuesday 3rd July 2012

      by , 07-06-2012 at 11:58 PM
      Last Nights Dream

      I am at a mans house and I'm here to clean for him. He takes me into a room now and it's really weird in here. There are like swirly lights around and they are all different colours. The floor is made out of glass and there I water underneath it. The walls are also made of glass and they are also full of water.
      I feel like I can't really breathe in here so I open a door in the glass wall and walk through it. I now see a man and a woman in a tank but there's no water in it, the man is dead and the woman is lying on top of him half dead. I get some bread and shove it down her throat to kill her, it actually felt quite good when I done this!
      I now walk out into the garden, I see a bed and lie down on it. My stomache now feels really tight and painful, it feels like I have a belt pulled very tightly around it but there is no belt. I'm saying to people "I can't breathe, it's so tight, god what is it?" a man says "sit down there and see how that feels" so I sit down on the chair but get straight back up saying "ohh god it's soo painful, it's so tight, what's wrong with me!!" I'm holding my stomache and can't stand up straight.
    12. 30.06.2012 - 4 x non lucid dreams

      by , 07-04-2012 at 10:07 PM
      Date: 30/06/2012
      Place: Friend's bed
      Time of getting into bed: 3.50am

      Dream 1 - non lucid

      A girl I know in real life (E) and her friend are in a caravan, in a caravan site. Me and I are driving around the site rather fast in a car, we are making lots of noise and throwing things out of the windows. E starts to complain about us, she is not happy at all. We start making rude shapes out of our shadows, and I blames someone else's child for making the rude signs. However I think it's funny and we keep doing it. We then go and sit inside an old, abandoned car. It is silver colour. We sit inside, which is all overgrown with grass, and there appears to be a huge pile of copper coins inside. I find this really cool and keep trying to take pictures of it.

      Dream 2 - non lucid

      We (me and my friends) have done something wrong and there is some sort of man-hunt after us. There are helicopters in the sky searching for us, so we try to hide. At one point we are hiding on some stairs, we are kind of scared. I have written in my DJ that we may have seen someone we shouldn't have seen.

      Dream 3 - non lucid

      I go to work at a Pizzeria. While we have not been at work, there has been a leak from a tap and there is water everywhere, the whole place is flooded. I worry because I think the boss will be angry. I am shown how to make Pizzas.

      Dream 4 - non lucid

      I am waiting in a queue, I think for some building to open. I have a cheap pushchair, but I get annoyed with it because it is so cheap and tacky, so I throw it on the street next to me and decide to get a newer, better one. The building opens and we go inside, there is a small makeshift stage, with a live sex show being performed on it. They are performing some very XXX acts. Some people join in, which is allowed in this place. Will Smith was there also, but not doing anything sexual. I don't do anything sexual, just watch. There is a photographer taking photos of people in an artsy, portrait way while they are having sex. He then offers to sell the photos back to them.

      I rarely bump into E
      I watched a program about sex fetishes before bed
    13. Elemental Guards. July 3rd 2012.

      by , 07-04-2012 at 05:04 PM (Dream Journal)

      Another funny dream that night. Had a great time in this one .

      I was running through some rooms which had a theme of elements. The first room was the wind room. It was empty with green and yellow patterns, but for some reason it was the wind room. I managed to get through that pretty quick because there was no guard. The second room was the water room, guarded by a purple clothed man. He had no hair and was pretty bulky. He was slow so I got past him pretty swiftly. In this room there were purple walls with small waterfalls leading to little pools of water. The next element was eletric, but it was in a corridor. There were sparks flying everywhere. I didn't quite see what the guy looked like, nor the walls but I got past him in a flash. I felt like I was going to get caught soon, so I sped up a little bit. The final room I reached was the fire room. The walls were red and the floor was made up of grey lab panels. I looked at the man, he had black hair and red monk robes on. I turned around back to the eletric room then ran for my life. I slipped past all of the guards and noticed a man had spawned in the wind room, and he ran in front of me and caught me. I said "Trust me to get caught by the black guy hahaha."

      This was a fast paced, fun dream Hope you enjoyed.
      Tags: chase, water
    14. Zen Garden

      by , 07-03-2012 at 12:56 PM
      My life has been quite hectic recently and I've been under a lot of stress, so last night I incubated the idea that I wanted to have a peaceful dream where I can just enjoy the scenery and relax.

      As I was approaching lucidity yesterday (by focusing on flickering hypnagogic imagery) I experienced the famous 'light at the end of the tunnel' effect. I told my unconscious to direct me anywhere I would find peace and quiet. At that moment I felt a tremendous feeling of transcendence as my dream body flew across the world (more like astral projection than actual flight though). I 'flew' past sunsets and sunrises, oceans and savannas and ended up in a Zen garden high up in a mountain range somewhere. It was so high up that in the garden itself, there was a thin stream of mist which swirled around along with the wind, giving the whole place a new touch of elegance. The layout of the garden was very simple. At the center there is a rectangle patch of gravel and sand. On this patch lay two rocks, a large one placed on one end and a small one on the other end. There was a crystal clear pool of blue water in the middle of the patch. All of this was surrounded by a wall. Outside the wall was the actual 'garden' feature of the Zen garden. There were flowers, pruned bushes and trees planted throughout, with a walkway that led all the way to the entrance of the whole place. It was a miniature landscape designed to imitate the virtues of nature - peace, tranquility, beauty and harmony. A true place to relax the mind.

      Updated 08-07-2017 at 10:57 AM by 45106

    15. The World of Furries, The Problem With Water and The Horror-Fest

      by , 07-01-2012 at 11:46 PM (The Realm of the Child)
      This is a weird, kinda gross dream, not only because it involves furry sex, but me puking near the end from the sight of monkey poop. Anyways, here we go.

      The World of Furries

      I portrayed this sort of world as a video game of sorts, though it seemed real for the most part. Nonetheless, I wasn't human. Not at all. I was some sort of lizard... bird thing, and there was this island that we went to, and it was somewhat small, though it could fit around 30 people I'd like to think. I took a small boat to this island, and when I got there, other's were partying, and they were animals to. In fact, I don't think there was a single human in the crowd. Eventually though, I met up with this fox chick and somehow in very quick events, we swooned each other to the point of her giving me oral sex, which was incredibly awkward now that I've come to think of it. I kept coming back to this island, wanting more sex from her, and I got it, though it was always her just giving oral sex, and my supposed penis looked quite human considering, and she always stayed clothed no matter what. Though, as much as I wanted to keep coming back to this island, there was water. I have an immense fear of the ocean, and of course, that leads to bad things.

      The Problem With Water

      I was going to the island again, except I was scared out of my wits only now for some reason, because I was in the middle of the ocean. I fell off the boat for some reason or another, and I was underwater, and boy was I scared, horrified even. I began to get used to it after a while though, seeing as though I could breathe underwater for some reason, though that would all change when I suddenly stumbled upon two large and round sea monsters that began heading my way. I swam fast up to the surface, and what do you know, I was at the island again! Suddenly though, I was in real life, my dad's apartment. This was all on a computer, and though I don't remember what I was doing, I was trying my hardest to hide this computer from the rest of them, and they were all starting to get suspicious, I could tell. I went to my mom's house, which is how the next part starts.

      The Horror-Fest

      My dad came to my mom's house with me and my brother, which would be completely unlikely in real life, though my mom's house on the inside was actually a large station for trains or subways, but I continued on anyways. There was a large auditorium where a bunch of square like bath-bed mixes stood. They would hold no more than one person, and even then they would have to maneuver themselves to sleep because they were so small. I took my place, which was at the far left corner of the room (yeah, thanks mom) and I was suddenly nude and in a bath, lathering myself with a lot of damn soap. There was a young woman in front of my bath though, and she was beautiful. She had long, feathery black hair and a natural, mystic looking face with tan skin. I was in love with her, though I strangely didn't try to get a peek at her goods, despite her nudity. I went on cleaning, until I decided to get out, which I then had clothes on. I went to the bathroom, which was exactly how the bathroom at my mom's house looks like. I took a dump, though I was constipated. I simply couldn't poop. There was a TV in the bathroom, it was playing some sort of animal channel about monkeys. I tried to simply take the poop out manually with toilet paper, and it got all over my hands. I looked at the TV and thought my hands were covered in monkey poop, which is when I looked down at the trash can next to my toilet and vomited an orange, solid mushy substance. I washed my hands and left, even though I was still constipated. I went back into the tub room and just wait. Soon enough, I was back in the station room again, and from there my dad was chatting with a few other people, talking about how there's going to be a lot of screaming and scaring tonight. One of the men made a joke about another person in the room. My dad did this screeching laugh that scared the hell out of me, and my brother suddenly was next to me, only saying "Looks like he's the screamer..." he said. That was the last i remember of it.
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