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    1. Pterodactyl. June 30th 2012

      by , 06-30-2012 at 07:28 PM (Dream Journal)

      The second this morning. Also the second I had about the old man teleporting me to somewhere.

      I was in the same room as before, with the old man. He teleported me to a sandy area. It was like a desert. It was in 3rd person, like a game. Just like the previous dream. I had some pokemon with me, not sure which ones or how many. Out of nowhere, this green pterodactyl flew out from the bottom left corner of the 'screen' and circled around that corner twice. I then ran over to the left and then it switched to first person again. I saw a fountain built into the wall and walked over to it. I touched the water then walked back to the desert.

      That is all for that dream. Not much to it .
      Tags: game, water
    2. Negligent management, and people are in danger!

      by , 06-28-2012 at 03:52 PM
      Okay, after a night of lost sleep my dreams definitely become more interesting. Of course, my recall isn't any better... I only remember this one dream.

      There's a building here that basically is an apartment building. It has 4, or 5 floors depending on how you look at it. People only live on the first 3, though. Now, where my recall picks up, me and a group of other people are in this building, trying to help people out. The only person that I'm pretty sure was with me was Silver... the rest are fuzzy. We'd come in on the third floor somehow... through a fire escape or something. This building, I should mention, is much larger than your average apartment building. It's more like an office complex with dozens of apartments on each floor. Also, all the hallways are internal, which is important for the plot of the dream. The reason we broke in on the third floor is that the entire building seems to be flooding, for some reason. There's a thin layer of water across the third floor... hardly enough to be a threat, but it implies that the first two floors of the building are completely underwater! Our group starts to split up, and fan out over the whole floor, warning people of what's going on. The general process here is very fuzzy, and I don't remember any specific faces... but eventually we warn everyone on the floor.

      Now, our next job is to get to the higher floors, to speak to the person in charge. The stairway to the fourth floor is locked, so I pull out a keychain that I got from somewhere (it looks just like my keychain IRL) and try all of the keys until one of them works. Then I unlock the door and lead our group in. This fourth floor is essentially just a lobby area... with a mix of officials and non-officials here. Nobody seems bothered by the fact that we essentially just broke in. Now, what the officials are doing here is "guarding" the person who's in charge. This person has some mysterious level of power... people respect him more than a CEO, less than some kind of god... but it's implied that he's somewhere between the two. In any case, he has a LOT of power, and almost certainly knows what's going on already. We just want to bring it to his attention again and ask why he's not doing anything. The officials on this floor don't let just anyone see him, of course... there's all sorts of screening and regulations going on, to make sure that nobody who would want to harm him would get too close.

      Here I have a vague flash of pseudo-lucidity... part of me decides that the paperwork stuff is far too boring, and if I just "fade out" for a bit, I can skip it. Somehow this logic works, so I have no memory of the paperwork, but I know it's done. It's also been long enough that we know we are trusted to see the guy in charge. Now we just need to wait. I look around and, for whatever reason, see Sonic and Knuckles logos on things like soda fountains. To my addled brain, this is proof that they trust us... those logos are supposed to be representative of me and Silver some how. I should probably mention that I think only the two of us are going to meet this guy... the rest of the group is milling around, but it was decided that a large group would be too intimidating and security would never allow it. Unfortunately I wake up before we get to meet this guy.
    3. boarder scale

      by , 06-25-2012 at 05:19 AM
      i stand on the American side of the America - Mexico boarder. for some reason i am fixing to cross boarder. all that stands in my way is a creek (i believe was supposed to be the Rio Grande) a standard metal fence, and a wooden platform with two guards and a scale on it, all this is on the Mexican side. (here a blank spot in my dream occurs...) the next thing i know i find myself on the platform and the two men tell me to step onto the scale and so i do, i look down at the screen and they say to tell them what it says. as i look into the LCD readout i see a skull and crossbones so i tell them "skull and crossbones" then i see a black gun and i say "steel" a white gun and i say "shoot" the black gun "steel the white gun "shoot" i look up and one of the men makes a comment in a half amused manner "man this guy is disgusting." (as my dad walks into my room at this point the dream goes black and my eyes slowly begin to open.)
    4. Psycho Dolphins

      by , 06-23-2012 at 06:04 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Well, some of this is fuzzy since I'm just NOW typing this, but I'll remember what I can.
      "The great, big ocean! AAAH!" I said, breathing out a sigh of contentment. The ocean was the place to be, the perfect place to explore. What's that? Nothin' out there? Avast with ye!
      Okay, so no, I'm just pirate talking because it sounds funny. Let's get this ship on the move!
      Since I've never piloted a boat of any kind, I didn't really know what the hell I was even doing.
      I turned the whatawhat and pushed the giggamajag and set sail. My crew...eh, who were they again? They were staying down in the lower parts of the boat. The boat itself wasn't anything special, but give it some time, and I'd have her upgraded before you know it. It was a pretty small ship, all in all.
      As we sailed farther and farther away from the shore, I started to get this panicky feeling, but didn't know why.
      "Eh?" I grunted, looking out from the front of the boat. Rising out of the water were about 8 or 9 dolphin fins, circling around the boat. At first, I panicked, thinking them to be sharks, but on closer inspection realized that they were indeed simply dolphins. I calmed down and tried to steer the ship forward and out of the ring of dolphins. As soon as the ship passed over one of the fins, I could see a dolphin jumping out of the water out of the corner of my eye. I turned towards it.
      "AAAAAAAH!" I screamed.
      The dolphin flew straight at me and hit me like a cannonball, knocking me off the ship and into the water. I could feel myself resting upon the back of the dolphin, and could sense it swimming impossible speeds out deeper into the ocean. I could barely breathe, the water constantly covering my face, only surfacing for a milisecond of breath, then back down again.

      And then I woke up. The weird part was that I woke up breathing hard, as if I really was running out of air like I was in the dream. I've had that kind of thing happen before in certain dreams. Blah. All in all though, pretty funny dream when you consider the ninja psycho dolphins.
    5. 21.06.2012 - 1 x non lucid dream and some fragments.

      by , 06-22-2012 at 12:04 PM
      Date: 21/06/2012
      Place: My holiday caravan
      Time of getting into bed: 00.22am
      I took 100mg B6 tablet before bed

      My notes claim I woke up at 2.55am after a dream, but forgot the dream instantly.

      Dream 1 - Non Lucid dream - 3.51am

      Myself, my partner, and two of our closest friends are talking in a room. I am discussing dreaming with one of my friends, although I don't remember mentioning lucid dreaming, I do remember talking about dream signs. We decide to try and share a dream, and look out for each other in out dreams. I do remember talking about how dreams were another life while you slept.
      Suddenly we are on the streets of Manchester, England. We are walking over a large, old stone bridge, very wide with old stone buildings up either side. It is a beautiful place, but very stone and grey. I am still talking about dreaming, and telling them what to expect. I do tell them a wave of water will crash over us, but not to worry because it cannot hurt us! Soon enough, a huge, crashing flood of water rushes onto the bridge, like a tsunami. I climb with ease up a telegraph pole, and the water just wets my feet. I am not scared, but the others are a little. They get washed away a bit by the water (so they are now behind me) but are not hurt. After I climb down, the water has passed and I now tell the others that what happens next is called Hypnogogia, and although it can be frightening, it will not hurt us and will pass. (How I did not get lucid I do not know) and then, a mist-like wind (like the spirit, or ghost of the water) rushes by, it makes a noise like screaming, tortured human voices shouting out. I am alarmed but know it is safe so I just watch. There appears to be neon, glowing, shadows of people (the people screaming) they are not real, just like holograms or visions. They soon pass and it is quiet again.
      We are now back at the room (where we began) but now we all have beds and sleeping bags on the floor. We try to settle down for the night, but one of my friends has a young girl (8yrs?) at the bottom of his bed, sleeping. He cannot sleep because she is taking up room making him uncomfortable. Eventually I ask her politely to go on her own bed, which is empty. She agrees, but only if she can have a sleeping bag as she was cold (hence her being in said friends bed) we agree, and we all fall asleep.

      Dream fragments - Non Lucid dreams - 5.08am

      Here my notes are very sparse.

      'I was eating something... and thinking that I wasn't eating when I was falling asleep, so where did I get this food from...?

      Me and my partner are naked, in bed with someone else. Although there is no sex or sexual intentions, we do accidentally 'rub' bodies with this other person and make jokes about it.'

      I feel relaxed and decide to try and WILD I seem to be trying for some time and decide I am too awake. At one point I enter SP, but fall asleep. I wake and try again a few times, hazily between sleeping. Perhaps I wasn't really sure what I was doing. At one point I enter SP and my partner moves around, waking me up. I am too annoyed to try again. I seem to not be able to fully relax inside my head, maybe the B6?

      I believe I was being woken by my partner's movements, and the sounds of birdsong outside when trying to WILD, my mind wandered frequently, maybe the B6?
      Dreaming about LUCID DREAMS didn't make me lucid!
      I was reading about SP and Hypnogogia during the day
      I was a little ill (eaten something bad) before bed
    6. The Cove Cave with Cage...

      by , 06-22-2012 at 07:46 AM (My brain and I)
      dream : comments : lucid
      22nd of June, 2012

      I discovered with Nooks a hidden cove beside I mountain that, when you went down into the water, had a sweet shallow-water cave leading off it. We swam into the cave and, when we emerged from the water, were suddenly involved in a film shoot involving Nicholas Cage. I had this cool DSLR video camera to film with and was looking through all the footage on it which showed all these amazingly shot, elegant, beautifully colored scenic scenes of waterfalls and rainbows. So for a little while I was the cameraman on this film which had basically no story line but involved Nick Cage in houses and other random places..

      Somehow that faded and I was driving in a car with my Nana on a dirt road above the cove from before. Suddenly she swerved and the car fell into the water but became a jet-ski which we rode into the cave again. On entering, we began placing mine-cart tracks and riding along the rails while digging out the walls all Minecraft style. The cave slowly filled up with people also mining away and then Professor Snape began to make these two Barbie-type dolls have sex. I told him he was being childish and that he should be more professional.


      Ahh man! There was another awesome one this morning which I forget now. I'll update this later if I remember. Watch this space!

      Edit:I remembered!!

      Okay, so I was floating/swimming in this large harbour area "eating" boats and harbourside buildings. Eating basically involved me reaching out toward the object and trying to touch it which would make it slowly start disintegrating from where I touched. Even though things looked far away, I could reach them all- almost like we were missing a 3rd dimension or something. Anyway, I ate a couple of Cruise Ships and some buildings and a sea plane and then I got full from eating too many things. (lol, just writing this is making me weirded out!)
      So I climbed aboard an Aircraft Carrier where I helped land some more sea planes, and then went into the cafe, which teleported me to a similar cafe in a small town. There I ordered a spring roll which I was told would take about 2 minutes to cook, so in the mean time I went and had a small party in the dining area. Now that I think about it, I think it was some kind of Uni lodging or something.

      It was strange.

      Updated 06-22-2012 at 12:56 PM by 52392

    7. Tuesday 12th June 2012

      by , 06-19-2012 at 10:31 PM
      Last Nights Dream
      Dream 1

      I'm on a hillside that has a river running through it, there is a group of people who are also here with me. I feel very close to one of the males, I love him so much . I'm rescuing birds from the water but one of them turns out to be a bear, just a small bear who's feet are sewn together . I keep it safe on my shoulder but it falls back into the water, one of the group jump in and rescue it and they decide to keep it. I'm now speaking with all of them and they say they have to go, they also tell me that I'm doing a great job with the animals that I rescue. They now all give me gifts, just silly thinks like toys for a barbie doll etc lol, they then hug me tight and say their goodbyes. They wave to me as they all run across the hillside. The male I am close to leaves last and says "we will see you again soon" END

      I now wake-up in SP, I have the vibrations etc. and feel really trippy I must hav then just fell back into a normal dream..bugger lol
    8. Monday 4th June 2012

      by , 06-19-2012 at 10:18 PM
      Dream 1

      We are outside by a big Market, we are standing by a tunnel. There is a big crowd around us and all the people are pushing past trying to cause mayhem this way 2 men that want to grab my youngest J can grab her without me noticing and take her from me. My hubby and my other Daughters are with me. One man says something, my hubby replies sarcastically "yeah mate" the other man now says something and my hubby says "come on then!!" but the 2 men carry on through the crowd and they go into the tunnel. Me, my hubby and my eldest L need to try and catch the men and other baddies. L is in a room with my hubby and my hubby ties L to a chair as bait for them. I do the same but I have to sit on some sort of stapler and cover it up with flowers. Myself and L are both in seperate rooms but I can see L. I'm feeling really depressed and I'm making flowers up. My hubby tries to talk to me but I don't talk back, he's being really nice to me but I'm feeling so depressed and won't respond. ((Dream Skip))
      My hubby takes us somewhere in the car and my Mom & Dad pull up beside us. I get out the car and run to my Dad, I hug him tight & cry. ((Dream Skip))
      We are now back in the rooms. L is on the chair in one room and I am in the room next to her. I try and sit on the stapler to hide it ((it's our weapon )) I put flowers over it aswell but the flowers suddenly catch on fire, I move them and they are ok again. I look at where I'm sitting and realise that I'm actually sitting on our big silver bin. I put the flowers back over the stapler again, and again they set on fire, I move them and they are ok again. I think to myself "the metal bin must be too hot for them!" there is lots of smoke about from the fire and I'm trying to waft it away. My hubby comes in and says "where's all this smoke come from?" I'm scared incase he goes mad because I burnt the flowers but he's not angry he's just nice to me. My hubby pouts for a kiss and says something funny and I almost smile.

      Dream 2

      I'm in a house and there is a man trying to kill me. Someone now says that the House is Haunted and I think it's his fault. The House now shakes and everything moves, I say "ohh my god look at the floor, it's wrecked!" the floor is all cracked and split. I am now sitting in a car inside the house, the bloke driving rams it into the wall of the House. Everyone gets out of the car but they have to lift me out. I pretend to be dead but a girl says "look, she's alive" so after a few minutes I pretend to come round. I get up and rub my eyes, I see the mans keys hanging from a hook high up on the wall so I fly up to them and hover above him and I tease him with his keys . I now see an opportunity to kill him so I get close behind him and snap his neck. I'm so angry with him that I pick him up ((he's now turned into a small doll)) and I squeeze the dolls head untill his eyes pop out!!! ((Dream Skip))
      I am in a hallway and there is water everywhere, it's a market place but in the isles full of water people are paddling and swimming, the water is quite deep. My hubby is in the water next to me, he dives under and I quickly move away from him, I'm scared he might pull me under. I go to the sweet stall and look at all the sweets, I look for the old TCP flavoured bubble gum that I used to love as a child, after a short search I see some. I now see my Mom & Dad in a camper van, my Dad asks what I'm up to but I don't answer and just wander off.
    9. Stardust

      , 06-18-2012 at 08:01 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I haven't posted in a while.
      It's kinda difficult to find the time to do so with my current health issues. (It's nothing too serious I think, but it impedes me from doing activities that require a decent amount of brain power)
      The few moments where I feel alright and I'm motivated to write, I spend it trying to somehow finish my masters thesis in time.
      It's quite frustrating to know that it is going to take some more time until this will be resolved, because apparently it's perfectly normal to have to wait 10 weeks to get an mri done in this country. :/
      Then again, we got fantastic healthcare, so I shouldn't complain.

      Anyways, I don't really have the motivation to properly write down things that have happened in relation to the Templar story arc, but I figured I'd at least post something.
      Something that is much easier to write.
      So here's a random dream from last night which I thought was really cool, though I now realize that I'm going to have a hard time explaining why.
      It's weird how that works, sometimes a seemingly normal event can be very emotional in dreams.

      I'm in my bed, trying to fall asleep, when I notice that something is off with the lighting.
      Normally my room is really dark at night, there's a few very faint green and blue lights from a switch and a file server in the room, but that's about it.
      You really have to navigate the room by memories (if you don't turn the lights on), because it is too dark to make out anything.
      But for some reason I can distinguish everything clearly, even though it's all pitch black.
      What a contrast!

      Fortunately I know this look very well.
      Dark dreams! In my dreams darkness is usually compensated by a ludicrous amount of contrast, so I can see very clearly, even though it is really dark.
      It is rather astonishing how many shades of black there really are, and how easily they can be distinguished if you aren't limited by the human eye.

      I get out of bed and start exploring the house.
      I don't bother thinking about my current situation or dream stabilization because I'm under the impression that I'm fully lucid.
      This is however not the case.
      I'm not thinking clearly, as I would in a "fully" lucid dream.
      Yes, I'm aware that this is a dream, but I'm not thinking about doing cool stuff. No epiphanies or anything.
      Just a mindless zombie strolling through the house, hoping to catch a glimpse of something extraordinary.

      Once I am downstairs I notice that the scenery outside has changed rather dramatically.
      This is not where my house is in waking life at all!
      I go outside to explore more, and find that my house is now placed right next to a rather large lake.
      It is perfectly still and reflects the sky like a flawless mirror.

      I start walking over it, something I often do in dreams.
      Walking on water is really pleasant, if you do it barefoot that is.
      The water is really cold and I get chills up my spine during my first few steps.

      The sky is cloudless. It is perfect! There is no light pollution whatsoever. What a sight!
      But then I realize that I'm not really lucid.
      Or rather, I realize that I'm not thinking.
      Exploring your own thoughts is an amazing thing to do in dreams, and has become my favorite way of stabilization.
      If you're thinking clearly, dreams receive a huge boost in stability.
      It's also a good way to calm down if you are easily excited.

      Anyways, after some thinking I feel like I've gotten my brain to work adequately.
      But oddly enough I'm not in the mood to leave this place, even though I am now fully aware that I can.
      There is something very special about this scenery, and I'd like to stay for a bit longer.

      I take off my t-shirt, noticing that it's a bit odd that I'm wearing one.
      I never wear shirts to bed, especially not in the summer.
      I lie down on my back.

      It feels sooo good. My back touches the extremely cold water surface, which carries me easily.
      I feel very floaty and stretch out my arms.

      But even though this sensation is very enjoyable, blissful even, I cannot help but feel sad.
      Because in this sky I can see so many stars.
      Billions of them. And beyond them are billions of galaxies, containing billions of stars each.
      And I'm here, on this rather insignificant piece of rock: planet earth.
      Insignificant. That's really all I can think off.
      In comparison to the size of planet earth we have explored less than a single grain of sand.
      I feel alone. I feel stuck. I want to leave this planet.

      I stretch my right arm out and grab onto the stars in my field of vision with my hand.
      It's odd how I feel compelled to make this gesture even though nobody can see it but myself.
      I want to go there one day. I want to go within my lifetime.
      I want to explore this seemingly endless space.
      But I realize that I have most likely been born too soon.
      Why could I not have been born later, in an age where we are space explorers?


      Well, that is just fucking depressing.
      What is wrong with me?
      I'm dreaming. It's all about experiencing the unimaginable. It's about having fun.
      Yet here I lie, acting all melancholic.

      But then one of the stars becomes slightly brighter.
      For some reason I know that this is a super massive star that has just reached the end of its lifetime.
      Its core has collapsed, releasing a massive shock-wave. A supernova!
      During its lifetime it has fused hydrogen into heavier elements.
      Helium, Lithium, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and many more.
      And now, as its final act it is launching all of it into the vastness of space.

      But these elements will inevitably find others. They will attract each other and slowly but surely clump together.
      Some of them will turn into planets over the course of millions of years.
      And with a lot of chance, one of these planets will be at a certain distance from a sun.
      Maybe another smaller body will orbit it. A moon.
      And maybe, if everything goes right, some of the elements this planet consists of will combine in a certain way.
      And then there will be life... there will be another earth.
      Because that's what life is.
      That is what we are.
      We are all made from stardust, forged within the cores of super massive stars.

      And that is a really beautiful thought.
      Because even though we might appear insignificant compared to the vast size of the universe...
      we are special!
      I mean seriously. What are the fucking odds?

      And that makes me feel really great and I cannot help but smile.

      Updated 06-18-2012 at 08:05 PM by 37117

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    10. coyote creek

      by , 06-18-2012 at 02:37 PM
      my Dad, two other people and i are standing outdoors in a surrounded by hills and streams of running water. one of the other people tells me "bang your hair, i want to see if you can move water"
      then the other person says "shouldn't he do it over at that coyote creek?" referring to a calm waterfall
      then the former replies "no, over there" pointing to a more airborne and misty waterfall.
      (at this point my dream is put into darkness as my Dad walks into my room and wakes me up)
      Tags: hills, water
    11. coyote creek

      by , 06-18-2012 at 02:37 PM
      my Dad, two other people and i are standing outdoors in a surrounded by hills and streams of running water. one of the other people tells me "bang your hair, i want to see if you can move water"
      then the other person says "shouldn't he do it over at that coyote creek?" referring to a calm waterfall
      then the former replies "no, over there" pointing to a more airborne and misty waterfall.
      (at this point my dream is put into darkness as my Dad walks into my room and wakes me up)
      Tags: hills, water
    12. Woah.... ADA?!? warn: sexual situation

      by , 06-16-2012 at 07:20 PM
      So, past 2 days have been thinking on the ADA, all day awareness.

      First dream
      Started with me n my bf just chilling in our room, n.... he started fapping me XD with the door wide open as usual. I told him to stop because i got paranoid his parents might walk back.... n just after I told him to stop, his dad calls him, n steps infront of the door. I guess he got some huge dog or something... XD I just remember (well among a few other things I won't mention XD).... the dog was standing up like the whole time.

      This dream went to one of this city or something.... one from aprevious dream. This kind of town on the ocean with waterways inbetween houses/buildings. I remember once I got to the start of the area (area i remember from before) I started floating n started flying around the town. I came upon this black guy (dun rarely see people, let alone of other races :/ ) , n started asking him about these crazy murlock lookin things. He told me how they fought one another n stuff. I can remember looking down n seeing a large fish floating in the water, dead. After he was done talking I took to my floating again for a moment until, I stopped at one end of the city, there was this big tower with a monorail going across the sea. As I got in, my mind reminded me of this hate article on the dangers of rollar coasters... cause when I went to sit in the thing... there was this huge woman sitting in the back.... which made me wonder if I was gonna get crushed when the ride slowed n what not XD.

      That ende dup not being the case, on top it was train like, riding on a rail, with a platform undereath the rail, so it felt somewhat safe despite the height. All I can remember is it picked up speed, and was just heading in a downward slope faster and faster.....

      Then I was at some recreational center, with polls n stuff, I remember that I was there trying to get my medical card. When the elderly woman was done doing some shit with me I cannot recall, some kind of evaluation, she told me the charge for that day (200$ O.o wtf? for an evaluation n day at the center?) I asked for the year n she said 7000$.... I pretty much said that wasn't gonna be possible to which I looked off to the side disappointed, she then pretty much said i wasn't going to be able to get my card. Need-less to say, I got upset, I was to pay 200$ for the day and wasn't gonna get my card.... I pretty much blew up on her in tears, pretty much explained my week n then said "ya know... fuck you, you don't give a fuck, you just want my money yadda yadda yadda" n went outside... I eventually thought fuck it.... n went inside n sat down just being my sad tear-stained face self ya know.... hoping she'd come to me n tell me that she was sorry and would take care of me.

      This dream faded like my dreams generally do. I was with my cousin at my grandma's house and I guess some place we'd burgled in some dream i'm trying to recall, the people were on to us from. I just remember a few moments of being outside in the snow with him talking about it (he strangely had shoulder-length hair), we were back inside n I was dreading about it n such. At one point I was back where we were talking outside.

      It wasn't a snowy field anymore, now it was hill, to which I started riding down.... not on a snowboard, but in a snowboard like fasion, i remember hoping up, n using one of they fly-suits like they have in SSX n landing at the bottom. At the bottom there was a bunch of people waiting, some having already finished, that dream became the next with me at a gamestop, same people in the same positions, just the environment having changed.... I looked at a few games.... like this one with marvel super heroes on it, with like Goku and Vegito in the backround smiling, like it was a mix up bash kind of game. After that.... I woke up n just had to get up.

      Having finally had plenty of time to rest I was able to get some major dreaming in, and i'm rather impressed by the general intensity it kept and for how long.

      Of all of it, I liked going back to that town, gonna try to think on it some more.... it was rather beautiful.
    13. Meeting with friends at the beach

      by , 06-14-2012 at 04:37 PM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      I had nice recall that morning, so I thought I'd post some dreams.

      [COLOR="#483d8b"]I was in my old hometown, thinking of this meeting in the beach on Saturday. I think it was the beginning of the week. All I planned on taking with me, was my DJ.
      So, Saturday came and we went for a walk with a few of my family members. It was sunny, but it had just stopped raining, I remember seeing the drops of water on the park benches. There was this old man, he couldn't sit down cause the benches were wet :D.
      We were walking in the shade, there were big trees blocking the sunshine. I told mom that I'm going to that meeting now and she gave me a bus ticket that can be used 35 times. I took the bus to the beach and I went inside this dark, wooden hotel. The place felt really familiar, like I've been there thousands of times.
      Three wooden steps went into the sand from the back door of the hotel, I wasn't wearing any shoes and the sand felt warm and nice. I saw a table in the middle of nothing, nobody was there. I walked to the table and thought that I really should've taken other things than the DJ as well.[/COLOR]

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 09:45 AM by 50369

    14. In the river - Black Mamba

      by , 06-12-2012 at 07:04 AM
      Looking down on a river where my brother, Lian, was on the other side in a "island" type part. I saw a black eel like thing in the water and was explaining to him how we could go fishing. I was doing so and as the eel like thing came past me from the left I could see it was a black snake. By that time it was already caught by some device I had that wrapped, like a noose round its back end. The snake made sounds like a rattle snake when moving through the water, but only after thats what I realised it was.

      When it realised it was caught it became agressive and went for my brother, who I warned about the snake. He dived into the water to swim away but the snake caught up to him. It bit him on the finger as he tried to grab it on the head. I jumped in to go and save him and had a flash of statictics come up about how many seconds he had to get to shore before the poison would kick in and he would not be able to swim. They seemed inaccurate as he made it to the shore, though it took longer than he had.

      I got there just as he made it to shore and took the snake from him, as I did so its head came free and I pulled its head towards me from around my right hand side where its fangs dug in. I took hold of the head and pulled it out, looked for a rock to kill it with and found a square concrete tile. I had the thought that if I had not been fishing non of this would have happened as I did not want to kill that snake, but it would kill us if not.

      I pounded its head and went to assist Lian, who was ok. I had the thought of some leafs that would help draw the poison but non were about.

      We seemed to be both ok, as I knew after 2 min if we were still standing we would be fine
    15. Water Tree Spirit. June 5th 2012.

      by , 06-05-2012 at 01:40 PM (Dream Journal)

      So this morning I had a magical dream at last. I usually dream about school or non-magical dreams, but I felt this was one of the best I have had in a long time.

      I was in a field, similar to the one near a pond in my area. I was walking through it and saw a tree a couple of meters near the lake. I somehow got into a fight with this tree, I was determined to beat this tree for some odd reason. I was slicing the tree with an orange chainsaw, branch by branch, avoiding the attacks it made. The tree was gradually moving away from the water so I ran away from it and reached a small hill with a decent spot to hide in. I think I remember a fragment about a guy hiding in this particular spot. It was like a small crack in the hill, but wide enough for me to sit in. I then ran back to the tree and continued attacking the tree with the chainsaw. I then retreated back to the spot and watch the tree transform into a large stump. I was scared to go near the stump incase it attacked me. I then decided to go up and stab the tree with the chainsaw, but ran back for the third time. I watched it transform again, but this time into a floating tree. It was almost as if it was hanging from something. It was just under a meter from the ground and was longer than it was wide, but still smaller than the last two forms. I then saw the tree fall to the ground and transform a fourth time. It was similar to the stump, but had a red haired girl half in it. She was wearing green clothes and was not moving. For the last time, the tree transformed again, but back to the first form. There was a beautiful blue-haired girl half in it. She seemed alive and was welcoming me to talk to her. I walked over to her and noticed she had scaled clothes on. They were coloured with all sorts of nice colours, like cyan, light green and purple. She also had some of these colours in her hair to match her clothing. She looked like she could be a goddess or something. She made the tree disappear and I walked with her to the lake, where we sat down in the shallow water and observed the lake. I asked her if we should build a bridge across the lake. I said something like "Shall we build a bridge across there, then to the platform?". She replied with a nod. We then changed the topic and noticed a McDonalds appear on the left hand side. It was flooded from the lake and there were a few woman sweeping the water away. By this point, a guy had appeared left of me, but he was quiet and I didn't pay attention to him. We were discussing about working at this McDonalds, then the dream faded.

      I loved this dream, it had many wierd things happen in it. First it seemed like I had to tame the tree in order to talk to the water spirit. The water spirit seemed hard to get, but she eventually came to me. I sure hope she is my dream guide, so great to look at . I have always been interested in water anyway, so it'd be a bonus. The other weird thing that happened was when I went to the spot where some guy hid before. It seemed so familiar when I woke up. Maybe the guy by the lake was him? That'd be really wierd. I mentioned in my workbook that the blue haired lady (the water spirit) was someone that I wanted to know more about. So from now on, she remains 2 titles. The blue haired lady and the water spirit. I also think that the tree abducted her and the other red haired girl was the wood spirit or something. But either way, it was great to have met this woman.
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