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    1. Hanging With Caitlin, a Lucid Flight, The Flooded Forest, and Big Thunder the Alligator

      by , 09-28-2012 at 04:03 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was watching my friend, Caitlin, walk in rhythm down a hallway to her singing the words "It won't take me awhile" over and over again in a deep Jamaican accent. She was wearing light blue bermuda shorts.

      We were then sitting on the couch, watching some late-night TV. I'd say it was probably 1 or 2 in the morning, maybe later. I think we were sitting in my living room. It was dark, save for the light from the TV.

      We were then walking into a kitchen that kind of looked like our neighbor's (from yesterday's dream) kitchen. We were in nothing but our underwear. I think we must have lived there, and were roommates again. I was trying to get my panties all the way on over my butt as we were walking. At the far end of the kitchen were some of our friends from high school, Kayla and Maegan are the ones I remember, though there were more. It was kind of embarrassing, but we were still having a good time.

      Then, all the sudden, I was outside on a wooden porch with my best friend MK's older brother, Adam, whom I rarely see or talk to IWL. Everyone else had disappeared. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Adam looked at me and asked
      "Where did everyone go?"
      I responded
      "The dream must be about to end."
      As Adam was agreeing with me that that must be why, I was thinking wait a minute. This is a dream! Sweet!!
      I didn't even do an RC, since I felt so sure already that this was a dream. I was really excited! So excited, that I wanted to fly with Adam! We walked up to the edge of the porch, and Adam started talking. I, however, was too excited to listen (something I desperately need to work on in my LDs -_-). I kept wanting to ask him to fly with me. He finally finished talking, and I asked him
      "Do you practice lucid dreaming?"
      "Yes," he replied.
      I grabbed for his hand.
      "Would you like to fly with me?"
      "Yes!" he replied, taking my hand.
      I felt our fingers intertwine as I took off. He trailed behind a little at first, but was then next to me.

      I felt kind of out of control as we flew for some reason, I think it may have been because I was losing the dream, and was trying to focus on keeping it. I had to fly in these huge circles. We were flying over a field with grass and some desert-looking plant life. I saw a patch of these purple flowers. Very pretty. Adam then separated himself from me and sank down a bit to fly with another girl. I spiraled down in my giant circle, trying to gain height again, but not being able to. In the sky, I then saw the moon rising in fast motion, though it was still daytime (think about when you can see the moon when the sun's still out--that's what it looked like). It was a 3/4 moon.

      Then, when I was close enough to the ground, my friend Raechel's son, Syler, took me by the leg and started to run with me like I was a balloon. I thought this was adorable, and laughed as he did it. I floated in the air, too, as if I really was a balloon. He ran up the stairs to the porch, and inside, where many people were.


      I was with my dad and my brother, I believe, outside in these extensive woods. It was beautiful. The tree roots were huge, and were everywhere on the forest floor. You could tell it was a sunny day, though not much light came in through the blanket of leaves above. Close by was a house, supposedly our house.

      I was really worried about getting close to any water or anything because of alligators. I was afraid I'd get bitten or killed, though the gators around that part weren't that big, they could still deal a pretty nasty bite. Also, apparently, when we were younger, my dad kept one underneath the stairs that went up to the porch of the house. I didn't want to get near that either, thinking the gator must still be there.

      My dad then told me that the gator was dead, that he had been dead for a long time, but, for my brother's sake, they had kept his body underneath the stairs for some time. Apparently, my brother really liked that gator for some reason. He wasn't around when my dad told me that.

      At some point, we were talking to some woman with short hair who was wearing nothing but what appeared to be a white dress/sack, and black knee-high socks. You could see her naked butt peeking out from beneath the dress/sack. We were standing in what looked like a town square. She took off her dress in one swift motion, and was completely naked underneath. I critiqued it as if it was a movie, thinking to myself that the movie makers did a bad job hiding the fact that she was naked underneath the weird dress/sack she was wearing. She then started to show us all her alligator bite scars. She had a ton of them. She was trying to prove a point with her scars, trying to prove how dangerous alligators really were.

      We were then running through the forest, climbing on the tree roots, having an awesome time! But every time we got close to some water, I'd start to get nervous about gators. We even saw one on a shore at some point. I just wanted to get away from there.

      The woods then started to gradually fill with clear, blue water. I was alright with that, actually, since it wasn't the gators' natural environment. We splashed through the water, which hadn't reached too far over the tree roots yet. The water level, however, kept rising. On the forest floor, below the tree roots, it was pretty deep. But on top of the tree roots, it was relatively shallow, reaching our knees.


      I was walking into my brother's room. He wasn't home. On his desk (which he doesn't have anymore IWL) sat this cryogenically frozen alligator kit. It was in a black box. According to my mom, who was in bed in her room, I wasn't supposed to do anything with it yet, not until my brother got home. It was supposed to be a surprise to replace the alligator under the stairs from his youth.

      Of course, being me, I had to push the limit a little. I had a bottle full of hot water. The instructions called for A FEW drops of hot water to unfreeze the kit and the gator. There was emphasis on the "A FEW" part. I dripped a little onto the kit, and the frost started to melt. The whole kit was shortly thawed out, and I opened it up. There was a TINY purple alligator in there. And I mean tiny as in could fit on the tip of a finger! I then proceeded to carry the gator on my right index finger and the kit over to the other side of the room, trying to figure out what to do with him, when he started to float in the air on a string, like a baby spider would. Shit! I had lost him! He was so tiny, it seemed like it would be damn near impossible to ever find him again.

      I then noticed, right in front of me, a medium-sized aquarium tank full of water and little colored pebbles. It was for the baby gator. Shit again! I had been RIGHT THERE. If only I could have made it in time to put the gator inside. Now I was afraid he'd die because he wasn't in the right environment. Plus, someone might squish the poor little guy.

      I told my mom what happened, and of course, she wasn't very happy about it.
      "I told you not to do that!" A typical mom thing to say.

      I was then on a search for the gator, which, somewhere along the way, got named Big Thunder, I think by my dad's disembodied voice (my dad would name a tiny alligator something like that IWL). I was with other people, though I can't remember who right now. We were searching by some rocks and water. It seemed like we were both inside and outside at the same time.

      We then saw Big Thunder (lol this Big Thunder thing was even kind of hilarious in the dream). He had grown quite a bit in the few minutes/hours I had lost him. He was now an orange-red color, was kind of short and stubby for a gator, and had creepy, huge black eyes. He looked less like a gator, and more like something you'd find in the deepest depths of the ocean.
      "Big Thunder!" I exclaimed. I was glad he was alive.
      Apparently, Big Thunder was an aggressive gator. He proceeded to latch onto my leg and bite down. It HURT. Whoever was with me helped me get him off. Damn, fuck, SHIT that hurt! I didn't seem to be bleeding, but you could see red welts where his teeth had been.

      We then wandered and climbed over the big, grey rocks by the water. Something then went to attack Big Thunder, who was kind of following us. We were worried about him, thinking he may not make it through the attack, when a giraffe came and ate the attacker, and at first, we thought he also ate Big Thunder. We didn't watch this happen, but we looked back when the attack was over, and the giraffe had his cheeks full and was chewing. It was kind of cartoonish. It was a big wtf moment.

      We then noticed Big Thunder was alright. That crazy gator and his escapades.

      I was then in my brother's room again, sitting on the floor and working on something, though I'm not sure what, I want to say it was either a cage or an aquarium, when my friend Mike then texted me, warning me he had charged this nitrogen canister bomb and buried it underneath me, and I only had 20 seconds until it detonated, killing me and anyone in the house, which would also be destroyed. The text read kind of smart-assy.

      My view then changed to a sillouhette of Superman with his arm extended going underground. It was me, apparently, and my view changed back as I saw the countdown on the canister. The digital number read at about 14 seconds. I pushed a button on what appeared to be a touch screen that the numbers were also on, and the countdown stopped, displaying a screen in digitized letters that explained how to re-initiate the countdown. I went back up to Blake's room, and called him to ask him what the fuck I should do about the buried canister, whether or not I should retrieve it, or leave it buried, which is what I planned to do. I just worried that the canister would somehow get jossled under there, and the countdown would re-initiate without anyone's knowledge until it was too late. I can't remember what he said. I asked him some other things too, like what do you even buy these things for (they were sold commercially)? Why would you want one? Is the explosion really that powerful? I really can't remember his answers at all.

      Updated 09-28-2012 at 06:13 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. OBE/Lucid: Seeing Myself Asleep, Flying With Brett, and a Fragment

      by , 09-18-2012 at 02:54 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I felt myself falling asleep. I sat up out of my body, and went over to the other side of the bed. I looked around my dark bedroom, and then, decided to look at myself. My body was there, on its back (I fell asleep on my back), peacefully asleep, much different from the last time I had one of these experiences (last time my body was tense and afraid, eyes wide open and terrified). My body wasn't under the covers.

      I went up to my body and stroked its hair, and said
      "You are beautiful."

      Then, I was in a room with Brett, my first long-term boyfriend that I dated in high school. I wanted to fly with him, since he was there with me. I grabbed his hand, and he said something, though I can't remember what; something along the lines of "what's going on?" or "where are we going?" I said back to him, trying to carefully choose my words,
      "This is a lucid dream!"
      He responded
      "Oh right, a lucid dream," like he was agreeing with me that it was, indeed, a lucid dream.
      I thought about whether or not he was a DC or an entity, since most of my DCs give me a blank, stupid stare or just outright deny that it's a dream when I call attention to the fact that I'm dreaming.

      We then flew up into the sky, where either the sun was setting or the sky just had those sunsetty colors in it. I remember vividly feeling Brett's hand inside mine. We talked as we flew, but I can't remember what about. I then looked up and saw a starlit night sky and a beautiful, vivid red galaxy. I pointed it out to Brett. I thought about how this was the first time I had been able to fly with anyone hand-in-hand. I've tried before, but the person "weighed" me down, or someone else took me up to fly, and while we were ascending, I'd wake up.


      I was in some mountain river or stream or something. This dream occurred during both the night and the day. This guy I went to high school with, Jason L., kept pushing me down into the flowing body of water, onto the rocks, etc., saying things to me as he did so. I don't remember what it had to do with, but it had some sort of purpose. I then remember seeing a body, not sure if it was mine, his, or someone else's altogether, but he/she busted their head on a rock, and bright red blood started to pour out. I started to freak out.

      I remember talking to Jason L. civilly in this dream, and I remember trying to get out from under some rock and my vision kept shaking, like I was trying to get out from being stuck underneath a block in Minecraft.

      There was a point where I became lucid again during this dream, but I quickly lost it.

      There was more to this dream, but that's all I can really recall.

      Updated 09-19-2012 at 12:55 AM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Giant Jellyfish (LD #13)

      by , 09-15-2012 at 08:57 PM (Lucid Time!)
      When I was a kid, I used to always have these dreams about being in a pool or lake and huge waves would start coming and I would be drowning and gasping for breath. I made that a dream sign, but I rarely dream about that sort of thing anymore.

      I cannot really remember how things got started, but I was treading water in the corner of this aquarium. The pool was sort of long and thin and I was trapped in one end.
      There was this giant yellow-brown jellyfish, now I mean huge. It must have been three stories tall. The top, sort of domed shaped part poked up above the water. The stingers hung down into the aquarium, so that I could not dive under it.
      To the left, there was about 6-8 feet of clearance for me, and I tried to squeeze around that way. But there was this strange thing floating between the jellyfish and the wall. It looked like a bunch of bloody goat horns kind of in a spikeball. When I went close to it, I was repelled away.
      I thought about swimming though the jellyfish tentacles, thinking that maybe they wouldn't sting. I decided that was a risk that I wasn't willing to take.
      After a little while, all of the creatures in the room rearranged into a maze, almost.
      There were a bunch of the horn spikeballs and a few more of the giant jellyfish. I made my way to this computer terminal mounted in the wall, just above the water level.
      When I came onto the computer, a popup appeared on the screen.

      "Would you like to realize you're dreaming?" With a yes or no option.
      I clicked the "Yes" and started to fly above the maze of jellyfish and spikeballs. Then I woke up.

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 03:19 PM by 53527

    4. Tues Sep 11

      by , 09-12-2012 at 01:54 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Gaming for Health

      An elderly man is playing a video game, because it'll be good for his mental health. It's a story-based FPS: he has to break into a compound and prevent the men inside from setting off a bomb. I'm watching. I hope he does well.

      Stuff happens. By the time he reaches the bomb, the timer is counting down from seven or eight seconds--far too little time for it to be defused, especially since there are still people running around trying to shoot him. Instead he dashes over to a small but deep pool (I think it's connected somehow to a nearby lake or river) and dives in. From several feet below the surface, he looks upward to see the air above the water turn red and orange, blossoming with fire. I think that was a good decision: if you can't stop the bomb, at least save yourself. But it was only half a success, so he has to come back tomorrow (in game time, not real time) to try and stop them again.

      Somewhere along the line, I start playing instead of the man. As I approach the complex, I see that there's been a flood. Most of the parking lot is covered in water. But as I look more closely, I realize that the pool in front of me isn't very deep: there's still a road under it. So I splash across.

      Black Dragon

      A girl my age is playing some kind of Minecraft/Skyrim/Portal hybrid. She's opened some portals to travel away from the base of operations to the island where the black dragon sleeps. At first, they're not sure if the beast is there or not, but gradually they realize that they can hear it breathing on the other side of a long, low ridge. They try to carry out their job quietly.

      Suddenly the dragon wakes up! The girl dashes back through the portal, knowing that the dragon will be intent on killing her. She goes through a second portal, then pauses to catch her breath in a hillside cave miles away from where she started. She's hidden from view, so it's all but impossible that the dragon will find her here. And yet, with a roar, it soon thrusts its head through the entrance to the cave. It knew exactly where she was. They must be bonded somehow in a way she did not understand. Wasting no time, she runs farther back into the cave, considering taking out her pickaxe to dig even deeper. The dragon will soon reach her, so she decides to go into a dungeon--right into the middle of a battle. Other explorers like her are fighting against a band of skeletons. A couple of the skeletons come at her with swords, and she fights them off. It's dangerous in here, but less dangerous than trying to fight a dragon on your own.
      Tags: dragon, gaming, gun, water
    5. Dead Cats, Being Chased, and Rescuing a Jonah Hill Lookalike

      by , 09-11-2012 at 04:58 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at my house. It was like I was in a video game, and I was lucid. I don't remember at what point I became lucid, I just remember that I was.

      I went into the piano room. It was very dark. I walked up to the piano, and faintly saw my mom sitting there, playing, though I didn't hear any music. I sat down on the piano bench next to her. She stopped playing. For some reason, I thought she was going to be upset with me. Instead, she put her left arm around me and hugged me. We pulled away, and in her mouth, I saw a light blue pacifier.


      I was, again, in a video game. I was with my mom, dad, and my cat, though I'm not sure if my brother was there or not. We were outside in a field with trees, like a more realistic, less blocky-looking Minecraft. The sky was blue, but it didn't look sunny. My dad was holding something the whole time, I think it was my cat.

      Also with us was JP. I didn't know how we got into this situation with him, I didn't know why he was there. He was being his sly, charming, shady self, and for some reason, we were following him around. I kept wanting to tell my dad that JP was bad news, but I didn't want to do it in front of JP, in fear that he would hurt me or my family. I was surprised my dad couldn't tell something was wrong with him, since he's a psychiatrist. Maybe he did, but had the same fear as I.

      At some point, we met JP's dad, whom I've never actually met IWL (I don't think he ever met him either, actually). He had the shaggy brown hair and mustache, but he looked a bit different than my guide, I think. I only ever saw him at a distance. I want to say he was in some other "dimension" of the world.

      We were then underneath some white stone pavilion. JP wanted access to the "rainbow realm", and my dad had the means to get there. I knew it was bad, bad news if JP had access to that world for some reason. But my dad gave him what he needed anyway. All I had wanted my dad to do was pull his gun and kill him, but I knew JP had a gun too, and I didn't want anyone else to get hurt who didn't have to. I then watched as JP put together the rest of his portal or whatever it was, and he was surrounded by a rainbow glow. I think it made him more powerful.

      We were then in what was supposed to be the "rainbow realm", but it looked the same as the original dimension, save for JP's dad was there too. The next thing I knew, we were running from them. My mom and I were both holding a different Belle (my cat). The one mom was holding was white, like IWL Belle is, and the one I was holding was a smoky grey with some brown speckles mixed in. As we ran, JP and his dad threw knives at us. One hit the Belle that mom was holding. My mom tossed her dead body aside. As she did, I saw the body as it came by me. I saw the stab wound, and the cat was no longer white, but looked like the one I was holding.

      I was getting tired; my legs felt like they were going to give out. JP's dad, the one pursuing me the most, threw a knife at me that narrowly missed. I then tripped and fell, exhausted. As I fell, to save the cat, I tossed her aside and hoped she ran away. JP's dad closed in on me, though I kept trying to crawl away.

      I woke up before he caught me.


      I was in my house in my brother and I's bathroom. There was something inside the shower behind the half-closed curtain, but I wasn't sure what it was. I took a brown Kroger shopping bag with some objects in it, and hit it, whatever it was; I never saw what I was hitting. I then saw Belle, my cat, come out of the shower. She looked like she had a little nick in her fur on her neck, but there was no blood or anything. She was just fine. I pet her a bit.

      I then walked into some gym-type room with lots of exercise machines. Not where I needed to be, and as I was leaving, I saw a ton of machines on the wall, as in suspended on the higher parts of the wall. On one of them, an exercise bike I believe, I saw someone I went to high school with named Jason.

      I was then back at my house. I went into my parents' bedroom. None of the lights were on, but it wasn't pitch dark, just kind of dim. I started to go into the bathroom, when I saw two white cats that looked like Belle right outside of it, one pouring blood from a wound in her head/neck area, and the other dead, her eyes lifeless and cloudy. I touched the dead one, who looked more like a kitten than a full-grown cat, and her body was cold. I looked to the other, a more grown up cat, and she was trying to keep walking on, trying to keep going despite the bloody gash in her head. I started to get very upset, because not only was a cat dead and the other critically wounded, I knew I had done it when I hit the thing in the shower. I knew it, and I knew that the Belle that I pet in shower did not get hit. It was weird. I started yelling for my brother to call someone so we could get this cat to the animal ER. I didn't have very high hopes of her making it.


      I was at some house party with a bunch of people I didn't know. It was nighttime. I had been talking with some guy right outside the house, and apparently, I was being a smartass. In fact, I was an asshole apparently, according to everyone at the party. I don't think I was trying to be, really, I was just coming off that way.

      They all started to kind of gang up on me, calling me a jerk and stuff, telling everyone who didn't know that I was a jerk. I took it by being a smartass back to them. Then, I decided to be nice and polite to everyone instead.
      "I can be nice too," I said.
      The main guy whom I had been talking to before said something like "Oh yeah?" back.
      I then started to reintroduce myself to everyone with a huge, genuine smile on my face.
      "Hi, I'm Krista, it's nice to meet you!" I said to the people around me, each individually, shaking their hands. That seemed to be working!

      I then remember being inside the house for a little bit.

      Then, outside again, I introduced myself to a guy that looked like Jonah Hill. I think someone brought him up to me so he could meet me. We chatted for awhile, and started to kind of like one another. I knew he was kind of getting a crush on me.

      We then were on a brown, wooden boat on this very big lake. Things started to get Minecraft-y here (so who can guess what game I've been playing lately? ). The boat kept almost overturning, and then, I fell out of the boat. The water was very, very cold. So cold, my legs were going numb, and I could barely move them. The guy who looked like Jonah Hill (I'm just gonna call him Jonah from now on) helped me out of the freezing water and back into the boat.

      The boat then overturned, and we both fell out. I remember being underwater and seeing him. I was trying to reach him before he went over a waterfall that was not far from us. The current would take us there if we weren't careful.

      I then pulled out a dirt block (Minecraft) so I would float, and while underwater, picked up another dirt block, and swam more quickly to Jonah, who was heading straight for the waterfall. I gave him the dirt block so he'd float too, and pulled him to safety.

      Then, we were back at the house where the party was, and he cutely asked me if he could have my number. I smiled and said
      "Yeah! Hold on, let me go get my phone."
      I went back in to get my phone.

      Then, I woke up.

      Updated 09-11-2012 at 11:25 PM by 32059

      memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    6. Dangerous Water Park. September 5th 2012.

      by , 09-08-2012 at 07:25 PM (Dream Journal)

      It may sound fun to people, but actually it was scary as hell.

      I was in a water park, by myself. I could see other school students on the slides, but I was by myself. I climbed up the stairs to one of the slides, then sat down and started going. I was going slow, then suddenly I just zoomed down it and went round a corner. I slipped up the side and went over. Luckily, I landed on another slide, which was level with the slide I was just on. I zoomed down the other slide and landed at the bottom safely. I then spoke to some people at the top of another slide. It was really cool being able to land on the other slide, but still scary. I tried again, still zooming down the slide at a fast speed. This time, I jumped onto the other slide, then went around a corner and fell off the side, causing me to fall and land in the water. I woke up straight after I hit the water.

      Think what you want, but I still shit myself .
      Tags: school, slide, water
    7. Mission Followed by Restaurant. September 4th 2012.

      by , 09-08-2012 at 07:09 PM (Dream Journal)

      Not very well recalled, but I got something down, at least.

      I was walking through, what looked like, a secret lab or something. There were guards holding lasers everywhere in the corridors. I slipped past 3 guards and then reached another corridor. I found a door, with water currents pouring out. I stepped on a current and went flying back to the start of the lab. There was a basketball coach, a net and some people. The first one to get the ball in the net gets to go through a door. I went to throw the ball, but the currents were taking me off my feet. I managed to get past the the currents and score the ball in the net. The door opened and I went through. I was with my dad and his girlfriend at this point. I then started to fight a man with my dad, who looked like he was guarding another door. After beating him up, we all went through the door and sat down at a table in a restaurant. We waited at the table for a while, then a guy came and put some food on the table.

      That's all for this dream. Not very interesting.
      Tags: family, slide, water
    8. Cutting Belly Buttons, and Flooding the Bathroom

      by , 09-06-2012 at 02:18 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was outside, I want to say I had been on some kind of mission. I was at the end of it, and the last thing I had to do was make a cut on some thin film of skin that was supposedly covering the bottom of my belly button...? I saw an example play out in front of me, and of course, there was blood. There were two ways you could do this, I don't remember the first, but the second was just simply using the scalpel to make the cut. They were illustrated by these icons in my vision, kind of like a video game screen. I didn't want to do it. I was too much of a chicken for the pain and the blood. I had gotten all the way there, and now, I was too afraid of a little cut.


      This one is kind of jumbled...let's see if I can make sense out of it.

      I feel like I was living in an apartment. I remember it being nighttime outside. I was supposed to be meeting with my friend Samira (whom in waking life I only know via the internet) for some reason. Apparently, we hung out a lot.

      Then, I was going to get in the shower. I turned it on, and the shower head was messed up, so if the curtain wasn't all the way closed, water would get all over the floor. Well, water got all over the floor, semi-flooding the bathroom and soaking the small, white Mickey Mouse towel placed by the tub for one's feet when they got out of the shower. I think the towel was supposed to be Samira's. I started trying to clean it up with another towel. I picked up Samira's Mickey Mouse towel, and it was absolutely sopping wet. I remember talking to Samira about the towel, but she wasn't there. I guess it was kind of telepathically? I'm not sure. She laughed and said not to worry about it. We talked about other things as I got in the shower, but I can't remember what.

      One of my neighbors was someone I know from the internet as well, but it was someone I don't talk to at all anymore, someone I'm not particularly fond of. Let's call him Sam.

      I remember all the talks and stuff with Samira, who in the dream I called something else, something that started with a K, like Kera or or something like that, being very pleasant.
    9. Dangerous Plane. September 3rd 2012.

      by , 09-05-2012 at 08:32 PM (Dream Journal)

      Fun, but dangerous. Very, very dangerous .

      I was in a plane, that was flying very low. Maybe about 30 feet from the floor. We were flying over the beach that appeared in the previous 2 dreams. Ahead, I could see a countryside, with a road and a few trees. The captain of the plane was JoeyBelgier, and he decided that we land in a narrow path surround by trees. Nice one Joey. We were just about to land, then the ground turned into a small slope. We landed later than we expected, but we finally felt that bump. As we landed, we were still going very fast, trying to stay on the narrow track. We turned around a corner, my stomach left my body and I held on for life. After turning that corner, we had to turn again, but slower this time. We saw some people under the wing. Finally, there were steps, which I was bracing for. I thought we would bump down these steps, but we gracefully floated down . There were another set of steps and Joey told me we would be fine.

      Hope you enjoyed . September 3rd was crazy.
      Tags: field, forest, water
    10. Minecraft Beach. September 3rd 2012.

      by , 09-05-2012 at 08:18 PM (Dream Journal)

      A very cool dream! It's a replica of what I imagine when I'm at the beach.

      I started off in a house, with the blue haired girl that I see often. She seemed to be teamed up with me to find some African kids. Inside this broken house, were a family of young African kids. They were reading books and talking to each other. Didn't look too bad, but the house did. It looked more like an abandoned hut. We both went outside onto the same beach that I ate the kebab on. I looked out at the ocean and noticed that the tide was completely out. I looked closer and noticed the tide was coming back it at a fast speed. I looked to the left and saw a load of people being evacuated from the wave that was coming on. The wave was only about 5 inches high, but it still scared us all. I looked back to where the house was, but instead was a wall of pebbles and stones. The blue haired girl was gone, too. Just me and a lot of people. I walked over to the wall and attempted to climb it by struggling my feet over the pebbles. I got pretty high but it crumbled below me and I fell, about 2 meters. I tried again and managed to get to the top (probably about 3 meters high). I ran further forward and everything changed into minecraft graphics. The beach was still real life, but everything else was minecraft. Apparently I was meant to be gathering supplies to survive this tiny wave. I was with 2 other people, who were in the wooden hut (NOTE: everything is minecraft) at the end of the grass patch. To the right was a large hedge and to the left was a huge empty field. I was told to go and gather seeds, so I ran back to the beach, but along the way, I saw a small little farm area. There were 5 blocks of moist soil, each planted with something. Opposite these blocks, were 5 moist blocks but with nothing planted. I planted tomatoes, a huge seed and something else. You can't obtain these in the game, but I did . The dream then faded quickly.

      This is the second out of the three dreams I had, which took place somewhere near that one beach shore.
    11. Messed Up Food. September 3rd 2012.

      by , 09-05-2012 at 07:59 PM (Dream Journal)

      This dream would probably seem more messed up to you, but I enjoyed it a little...

      I started off walking on the beach shore (It explains why I had 2 other dreams here). I found a house located north of the sea, so I went in. I was greeted by Freddy Krueger. He was sat down frying bread on a barbecue. He offered me a piece and I ate it. Tasted nice! . He told me...more like forced me to follow him. I followed him and he gave me a kebab, the ones where you put different food on a stick. I started to eat the "chicken". Tasted fine, but then I suddenly knew that it was made of my own, cooked flesh. I looked at my stomach but it was fine, I'm not sure where my flesh was taken from. I then moved on to the mushrooms, which tasted exactly like them. I sure hope they were not my balls or something. Everything tasted nice, so the joke was on Freddy. He saw that I was fine, so he took me back to the bread and gave me another piece. I'm not sure what the bread made from .

      As messed up as you thought? Probably.
      Tags: water
    12. Spiders in The Blinds

      by , 09-05-2012 at 04:21 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in the bonus room at my house, and noticed that all the blinds were swarming with spiders. I couldn't believe I had actually ever touched or messed with those blinds. Something about a little girl and the blinds, I think someone was filming her for a movie or something.

      I also remember being in the shower, and seeing the water being stained red with blood, and I was falling in and out of sleep as some guy told me he was worried about me because of how much blood was in the water. I felt very tired and out of it, and didn't really care too much about the blood.

      Did not get much sleep last night, feeling pretty rough this morning. Bleh. -_-
    13. Thurs. Aug. 30

      by , 08-30-2012 at 07:55 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Water Damage

      It's time for my lesson to start! The instructor and the one other student are already swimming out from the shore. I hurry after them, but then I realize that I'm still carrying the 600-page novel I've been reading. Water damage! I panic and get out of the water, extremely grateful that the covers of the book are laminated. Only the first quarter inch of pages seems to be wet. I don't know how many pages that is, but I sit down and start peeling them apart one at a time, blowing on each of them, for all the good that will do. This is a library book, and I have to save it, and my lesson can wait. By looking at page numbers, I notice that sometimes the pages are stuck together so closely that I flip three of them at a time without realizing it. That just goes to show how dangerous water damage is.


      For the last week or so of class, the instructor is alternating days between individual work and group rehearsal. There's one piece that we'll all play together as an orchestra, but all the other ones we must each prepare on our own. Today's for individual work. I feel like I've been pretty productive so far, but I'm still worried that I only have half an hour of class time left. My project doesn't feel close to finished.

      I get an unexpected call on my cell phone, so I walk over near the doors to the auditorium while I answer. It's a young boy, I'd guess about thirteen or fourteen years old, and I can't quite figure out what he wants. He says something about a ScanTron, and he seems to be asking my permission for something. He's not very coherent, and whenever I ask him a question, there're about five seconds of silence on the line before he answers. Other people in the auditorium are staring at me like I'm being rude, so I leave to go pace around the hallway instead.

      Eventually this boy says, "Your answers were very helpful," and with a shock I realize what he must be talking about. Not long ago I took a short quiz for this class, and I turned in my ScanTron by dropping it into a slotted box in the room. This kid must have taken out my ScanTron and copied my answers when he went in to take the test, and then his parents found out about it, and now they're making him call me. I hadn't realized that the test I took--questions from the 11th grade ACT--used the same set of questions as the actual ACT for eleventh graders this year. This is not a good situation. But I don't see that there's anything I can really do about it at this point, so I don't react strongly one way or another.

      Another voice comes on the line. It's an older man, probably the boy's father. "You've been surprisingly nice to my son," he says.

      "Nice?" I ask.

      "Yes. We were worried you might press charges for theft."

      Theft? Wait, did this kid actually steal my ScanTron without putting it back in the box? That would be bad news; that test is a significant portion of my grade for this class. I ask the boy if he put my test back. He doesn't seem to understand the question. I sometimes hear an indistinct voice in the background, as if his dad is coaching him about what to say. I try asking him other questions, but he has trouble with all of them. Eventually I back up and ask if he's even in eleventh grade. That, at least, he answers in the affirmative, though he doesn't enunciate very clearly. He eventually says something that reassures me that my test is still safely turned in. That was all I wanted to know, and I'm fed up with this horrendously ineffective conversation. But I don't like this kid, so before I hang up, I give him an angry, rapid-fire lecture about everything he's done wrong. I tell him to answer more quickly when people ask questions over the phone, and I tell him never, EVER to take anything out of boxes with slots on top. I also threaten to come after him if there are any problems with my grade on that test. I hang up without waiting for him to answer (though I wonder if maybe I spoke too quickly for the slow-minded fellow to understand anything), and I go back into the auditorium.

      Another student is just finishing giving his presentation (a slide show about something from physics), and people are packing up to leave. Crap. The instructor must have asked for volunteers, since presentations weren't supposed to start for another day or two. That this guy was already prepared makes me feel even worse about my own project.

      A friend of the presenter's drops some review worksheets on the seats at the back of the room, near the exit. I grab one on my way to get my things, even though my chances of being able to do the worksheet without having heard the presentation are very low.

      When I try to put the worksheet into my backpack, I knock a hose loose from a glass jar, and the hose starts filling my backpack with water. I'd stuck the hose in the jar earlier because I couldn't figure out how to turn off the water. And now it's ruining everything in my bag, taking my progress on the project from "very little" to "absolutely nothing."

      It's too much. Maybe I should try to turn off the water or control the damage but it's too much. I give up. I seize one of my juggling balls, hurl it across the room, collapse tumultuously into a chair, and start sobbing. Some of the nearby students are looking at me; others are trying to ignore me. I see people throwing my juggling ball around the room. At my feet, the water coming from the hose thins to a trickle, then stops, and I know the instructor has shut off the water supply. Moments later, he comes to look at me from the next row forward, frowning.

      "I've seen a lot of reactions like this in the past few days," he says.

      It didn't work, I realize. Despite my complete breakdown, he's refusing to show me any extra sympathy. What an unfeeling world this is.

      My dad comes to drive me home. Suddenly I realize that, in my distraction, I've forgotten to put on my seat belt, and my dad is careening straight towards some cars stopped at a light. With my free hand, I seize the strap and pull it across my body, hoping that holding it in place will be useful even if I haven't managed to fasten the buckle. Dad swerves out of the way, narrowly avoiding an accident, and explains that he was trying to do a live performance arrangement of "Jingle Bells" using sounds that a car makes. Shaken and annoyed, I tell him irritably that that was a really bad idea. He seems to think it's my fault, though, since I was humming the tune earlier.

      Back in my room, I decide to do something really simple to convince myself that I'm not a complete failure at life: I put on my glasses. But the glasses don't work. I can't make the world come into focus. I can't even do that. I try reviewing some German instead. I stare at the word "ssssssssut" for a time, but it doesn't make any sense even though I know it should. At this point, basically the only emotion I'm feeling is despair.
    14. Waterslide, Knowledge

      by , 08-28-2012 at 08:24 AM (Into the Ether)
      Entering a classroom setting, a group of us are instructed to find a seat and begin the test.

      Test? What test?

      After a few failed attempts, I manage to find a seat and flip open the booklet.

      Ah, bubble answers, I can do this.

      I bubble in a few things; I seem to know what I’m doing when the test format changes to a computer.

      Uh, what exactly am I doing?

      I glance over to my neighbor and he doesn’t seem to have a laptop yet suddenly I know what to do. There’s a first person shooter game I’m supposed to ‘play’.

      Alright! Game playing, easy as pie. Picking up the mouse, I begin executing a hoard of virtual zombies. Strange, but completely doable.

      Game ends. I wait for the results, my score. I can’t seem to read the numbers? Or are they letters?

      Now we all sit and listen to a lecture. It’s interesting and the speaker is in the field I want to be in. He’s also decently charismatic until he says something funny about not liking vegetarians.

      Oh, that’s right, I’m slowly transitioning into vegetarianism… sort of. Guess I’m included in his statement.

      The girl I happen to be sitting next to is giving off a strong vibe. I look at her a moment. She has brown hair, tall, athletic, vibrant. Do I know her? I feel like I know her.

      Dream transitions and now it’s post academic setting. We’re bonding at a hotel, with a large water slide. My new friends are shouting at me to jump down the slide. I feel a little foolish but decide I should have some fun. I kick off the boots I happen to be wearing, remove my cell phone from my pocket, then take a running leap through the entrance to the large water slide.

      Practically flying down the slide, I can feel the rush of the cool water, the wind against my face, my breathing quicken. I haven’t done this for ages.

      Seeing the end in sight and a friend nearby, I attempt to fly backward, mid-flight, and head over to my friend. However, once I hit the water, sinking into the middle of the pool, I hover there a moment. Treading water underneath the surface, I look around and take in the refreshing environment. I feel the beauty of the place.

      I get out and wander around the hotel at some point, still with the same group of people.
    15. July 11, 2012 - "Back To School in UP"

      by , 08-24-2012 at 02:08 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Horse. Water. An underworld. Running. The "saved" are just watching from their safe havens, jeering on a battle. Son Goku and Vegeta, Trunks. Vegeta was absorbed by some humanoid cyborg to gain his power.

      A hallway. I was looking for someone. A guy. He gave me what I needed for the enrolment. Also, a talisman. Amulet. He told me to pray "Hail Mary" 15 times. I had quesetions but decided to go with the enrolment. I walked through the school hallways. I was happy. I'm back in school. Schedules, teachers, classmates, cute boys. I thought this has to be a dream, an illusion. I started to do reality check, and wondered how I got here. The answer was scholarship (wow). And I readily accepted it.

      I was in UP. I recall the guy asking if it was UP Kalaw or something. I told him the UP near there. I walked around lost with many students. I saw the PATAS members across the hallway and waved.

      I continued down to the back, where I was told I should proceed. Checked the back area. Rich was there but calls himself Jason. S & A? UP high school. An interview. A man asked why I was late. He said they could have sued me. I said that's impossible because one, that was not a suable offence and two, I'm a minor (I act like one at least), so it might not be applicable coz I don't have money yet. He almost laughed at the second point. Then he said something about the law. I wrote on paper, saying I'd be grateful if I can learn how, because I never appreciated it before. I saw a small list with colored words. Mine is in bed with a number 5 beside it.

      NOTE: struggling with the stupid Bayantel broadband.
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