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    1. Lucid Dream #37

      by , 04-30-2011 at 06:06 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 8/10
      Length: ~7 Min.

      Me and some guy were standing on a sidewalk. We were both armed with rifles. There was a gate near us so we walked up to it. Then started shooting at people that were next to the gate. There was a gun that he had that let him create barriers so I grabbed it from him and covered him. Some guy popped out just like I expected one would. So I shot the barrier directly at him and he was cut in two. But then someone else jumped out when I wasn't so tense. Going after my partner which easily took that guy down. I gave my partner a weapon of mine and grabbed another. When we were both ready to move on we proceeded through the gate. There was a large open field with some trees here and there. There were many ninjas there such as Sakura who was riding some sort of floating thing upside down. They were heading toward a very large park. So I concentrated my chakra to my feet and ran across water just to try it out. Then I applied more chakra to my feet and flew very high. I could see everything from up there. The park was a battlefield. There was a huge explosion every once and a while. I swooped around and landed near the action. I killed an enemy troop and wielded his weapon. It was a fully automatic rifle. I ran in a hurry across water and wasn't doing as good as last time because I wasn't concentrating on keeping myself up. I made it into the building and started to shoot people left and right. After that battle I wasn't lucid anymore.
    2. 03/11/2011 and 03/21/2011 - "Stack Shack", Fragment

      by , 04-21-2011 at 04:54 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Stack Shack"

      I was trying to help someone get a lot of shit off of their roof. There was literally a teetering column of random junk towering high on top of the house, completely nonsensically. There was an open bag near the top of the pile, which someone was trying to get down. Finally, I just climbed up onto the high platform of random clothes, furniture, etc; trying to pull the bag down. However, no one would help me get it down without dropping it. (Something told me it was fragile, but I can't remember why.) Everyone was pretty much acting like a bunch of stooges. People were jumping from one spot on the roof to another, and I was pretty sure someone was going to fall through, any time, now. It never happened, though.

      Later, I was partying with a bunch of friends, and we were using some battery operated glow-sticks. I remember two girls that I was in the hotel with, and I had invited to dinner. I can't remember who they were, exactly, but I think one of them was LAK.


      I was deep in the woods. I don't remember exactly what was going on, but I was with someone, and we were being chased by some humanoid creature. It had this alien-ish technology, and was blasting away at us, while we ran for cover. I don't remember ever seeing the weapon, or any bursts of light from the discharge. The only proof that he was actually fire at us were that the trees around us were exploding, sequentially, as if some invisible rounds were blowing the slender trunks apart; missing our fleeing bodies by only a couple of feet at a time.

      Updated 04-21-2011 at 04:56 PM by 2450

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Siege of the Sorcerer

      by , 04-12-2011 at 12:03 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      A powerful sorcerer is on his way to a castle. He's on a mission to destroy everything in his path. He's brought with him many different and strange weapons to use and a specific set of spells for deadly booby traps. As an omni presence, I get to watch him closely, see which spells and weapons he brings with him, which he favours. I learn that he is in the castle to destroy a child. I watch as he enters the castle, discovering all the traps that were laid for him - without harm. I know his weaknesses but I am powerless to stop him.

      Updated 04-12-2011 at 12:14 PM by 40720

    4. CIA rocks!

      by , 03-23-2011 at 02:17 PM
      Since the last dream I recalled, I had the impression that I wasn't dreaming anymore, this is quite annoying... Anyway, here's another dream.

      I found myself in a special intervention unit w/ Jack Bauer and some other teammates. I must lead an anti-terrorist mission.

      First, I see a black military helicopter flying over a bright-green lake, then some film-makers who are talking around a table. I see a female who looks like John Galliano (at least she has the same clothing style).

      Then, I find myself into a HUGE party room (with rich people and all, you know), and Jack Bauer is onstage. He chooses his weapons for the mission (on the back of the stage are hung up lots of MP5 and a few AK47s), but he gets angry cause they don't wanna give him both a MP5 and an AK47, and he just goes with the MP5. I'm sitting in the back of the room (which is, indeed, opposed to the stage), in a dark corner.

      Afterwards, my teammates, Jack Bauer and I are in a really dark space, only surrounded with a few red lights (looks like a military place); I hear Jack swearing he's going to take revenge against someone because his sister died. We run towards some small grey-black metallic platforms. I now am in a kitchen, in the morning, with a teammate. The windows' shutters are half-closed, so some sweet bright light comes in the room. We wear some military clothes and have some huge protection & weapons. We find once again two of these platforms and we kick them. They lead us into a yellow room, with the name of a general written on a wall. We once again kick two platforms and find ourselves on the top of a roof.

      There are two terrorists; there's one in a cage at the left of the roof, with a little black/white globe (it looks very pixellized) near him. We shoot him down. There's another terrorist, in a cage as well, at the center of the roof; he leaves before we can shoot him. His cage goes down a huge building structure. I jump in an attempt to follow him even though I don't see the cage anymore, but I hit myself and a health-bar appears (just as in video games) telling me I've got 1 HP remaining. Then I don't stop falling, but I wake up.
    5. Jumbled Dreams

      by , 03-09-2011 at 06:52 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Took 0.5 mg of melatonin before bed. Did a visualization MILD, visualizing my University.

      Lucid Fragment

      I am walking down the street near my university when I discover that I'm dreaming. I am able to change aspects of the landscape as I have visualized myself doing while awake.

      Beautiful Women (fragment)

      I am once again walking to class at the university. As I cut across a parking lot, a bunch of beautiful women show up. They are either African or African American, and look like models. I walk along with them, or they walk along with me, or something. Maybe this is even part of the above dream, but I can't remember.

      Kids in Danger

      I am in my own home (which also seems to be another place, maybe my old church). There are a bunch of kids with me. There is some kind of adventure going on, like a Boxcar Children story, or Tom Sawyer. I am a kid in this dream, named Taylor, or Huck, or Oliver or something like that. The other kids are out in our main living room, and there are bad guys outside. There is an adult with us, who leaves to do something that is supposedly important. I don't trust this guy.

      Upon leaving us kids alone, the man says "keep watching out this window. Don't go anywhere or do anything, just keep watching. If they come, this is the window they will come through."

      I know that there is a window upstairs that the villains may come through. I also have a feeling that the man is in with the bad guys. I decide to go watch out the back window. On the way, I stop in the closet to get a gun to take with me. I look in the closet, and see my 20 gauge and my father's 12 gauge shotgun. We have a couple of .22 handguns in there, but the shotguns are more powerful. I pick up my father's shotgun, and look for some ammunition. There is a box of shells on a kind of wooden ledge above the guns, but they seem to be fishing lures. I root through and find some shells I think will work, and drop them into the shotgun.

      I run back to the back door (also the front door of my RL home) with my gun. I look out the window, and apparently see something. I dash out the front door, snapping the shotgun shut. Then I run a little ways, in pursuit of the bad guys.

      While I'm running, I notice the shotgun seems awkward to carry. I look down, and see that it has more than the one barrell it usually has. As I look, I first count 2, then 4, and finally 6 or 8 barrells. Not only that, there are two triggers.

      "How strange," I say to myself. "I know that this gun only has one barrell. What could be going on?" Immediately the thought comes to my mind
      "I must be dreaming. There's no other logical explanation."

      I look around. Everything seems so real, it doesn't seem possible that I am dreaming. But there is no other explanation for the gun, and I know that I often think my dreams seem real. I turn around and head back for the house. "I'm dreaming," I say again, trying to grasp the idea. It just seems so real.

      On my way back to the house, the plot and the realism overcome my realization that this is a dream, and I loose lucidity again.

      Private Eye

      I am a private detective. I have an office in a large city, which is also my current university, which is also my former university. Inside this office, you can walk into a sort of screen which hides your image from the outside. While I am hidden like this, my partner goes out onto the front porch of our office with a beautiful woman. I know the woman is trouble, but it's his decision. I watch from the inside, hidden behind this screen, while the woman shoots my partner. Then she shoots a few witnesses.

      "We'd better shoot all the witnesses," her accomplice says.
      "I don't see anyboy else around," she says, "nobody is in the building. Come on, let's get out of here."

      I pick up my gun, and dash out the front door after them. They travel down the road, and turn left. I follow. They go down an alley, and I pull out my gun to be ready in case I come across them suddenly. Looking down the alley, I can see a house at the end that they are headed towars. It is one of the houses that I lived in when I was little. Apparently, this is their hideout.

      I inspect my weapon, and notice that it is not a gun at all, but my set of throwing knives. I guess that's better than nothing, so I pull one out in case I need it. I look again, and I see it is once again a handgun. Then I remember that I never put bullets in the gun. At first I think that I keep the gun loaded, but upon closer inspection I see that the chambers are empty. I grimace with disgust at my oversight. What kind of detective am I?

      I turn back towards the office. As I walk, crowds of people fill the street. The street is also a hallway now, I am at one of my colleges and classes are just letting out. I turn towards my office, which is now the maintenance section where I used to work. I need to get back, but some girl I know comes up to me. She wants me to look at her pictures, by which she means she wants me to go to her adult website. I don't really want to do this, but she keeps insisting. She shows me some rather obscene pictures of herself, but I manage to push past her to my office. Around here the dream ends.
    6. Lucid Dream # 28

      by , 03-02-2011 at 02:36 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 8/10
      Length: ~8 min.

      "I'm getting beat by my own imagination, that's pretty stupid, huh?" I said. Everyone else looked at me and said "yeah, go kick his ass Austin!" So then I was given a special shotgun and a new nano suit. The nano suit that my friends gave me was pretty cool. It was partial gold. Then I found the guy that was trying to kill me and I ran after him as fast as I could. Almost tripping every once and a while, for about 2 minutes. Then I caught up with them and jumped on the car. I killed one of them and the other 2 grabbed a gun. So I saw that they were about to crash and jumped off of the car right before it blew up.
    7. Gladiator, Redneck Style

      by , 01-26-2011 at 12:53 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      Finally, after 4 days, some recall worth mentioning. I hope this means my dryspell is cured.

      1- Gladiator, Redneck Style
      I am standing in a line in the middle of a field with my mother and some other people, facing a crazed farmer who is talking about the Arena Games that we are about to fight in. The girl beside me mentions "respawning at one-third power." Oh good, I think to myself sarcastically, That way we can suffer painful deaths all afternoon.

      The farmer introduces this enormous truck/tractor hybrid whose headlights resemble big angry eyes. The hood pops open and it's "tongue," a powerful bulldozer arm, tastes the air hungrily. "Meet Bulldozer, the tractor god!" the farmer thunders. Bulldozer picks the man up with his tongue and sits him in the control seat. "Here's a little demonstration on speed, for those of you who are thinking about running off." He drives around us in circles; it's clear that you won't be able to outrun the thing. Suddenly the games are starting, and zombies crawl up through the ground to double our problems.

      Bulldozer kills my mother almost immediately. Fear pulses through my veins as I face the monstrous vehicle, but I ignore it and leap over the hood, kicking the farmer in the head. He laughs at me, saying I watch too many zombie movies, then embeds a knife into my forehead. It doesn't hurt that badly, so I continue to kick him, trying to break his neck. The knife falls from my head to the ground behind us.

      Just as I'm about to deal the finishing blow, one of the farmhands (or possibly one of the other challengers) picks up the fallen knife and stabs me in the side, digging the blade across my stomach. The pain is agonizing; blood pours from my mouth as I die.

      ((Despite the pain and everything, this was a really fun dream!))
    8. Dreamviews, and An Epic Quest

      by , 01-17-2011 at 04:40 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Took 100mg of B6 before I went to bed last night, then another 100mg during WBTB. I also decided to do my self-hypnosis technique, but that didn't work out very well when my cat kept stepping on me every five minutes.

      1- Dreamviews of the Future
      ((Note: this was a very abstract dream and most of it is really difficult to put into words.))
      Dreamviews is a physical place; I am exploring all of their new "features." I walk past a long line of people carrying musical instruments, whom I discover are all trying out for the new Dreamviews Marching Band.

      Next, I am looking at some dream journals. Each journal is it's respective member's private home, or inner sanctuary. I visit at mine first and am somewhat disturbed to find a long and very explicit dream written out for all the world to see. Why would I post that in such detail?

      I think of where I want to go next. I have been talking to Alice (from Resident Evil), and we have grown to be pretty close friends. So I decide to see what her journal is like. I should have known; entrance to her journal is painful and treacherous, as it is guarded by an imposing mound of thorns. Her "inner sanctuary" is more like an internal Hell, imprisoning her within her own dark thoughts. Poor Alice... I want to comfort her, but she resides in the very core of this prison. The dream ends as I am working my way towards her.

      2- Saved by the Goddess
      My getaway will be simple. Ditch these clothes, change into the ones left over by those imbeciles, and escape through the window. I have thought of everything; except, however, drawing the shades. One of the Emperor's cronies has spied me from the open window and has called for backup. My means of escape has quickly become my downfall.

      I leap out the window anyway, and break into a run. There is still a chance I can get away, though now it will be far more difficult.

      I make it as far as the road, a dry stretch of unpaved dirt, before I am surrounded. The Emperor and his men have me covered on three sides; the Dark Forest, brimming with werewolves and other man-eating atrocities, stands imposingly to my remaining side. They do not expect me to risk such a fate.

      An Elven girl a few years my elder, one who I used to call Sister, grabs my arm and secures a handcuff around one wrist. "Come quietly, Princess. There is no way out." Before she can cuff my other wrist, I kick her roughly away, dodge around the Emperor's men, and take off into the forest. They dare not follow, but they don't need to. Almost immediately I am faced with a Hunter; a soul-sucking once human that reeks of fear and decay. One of the Emperor's favorite pets. He actually sent the Hunters after me? I don't know whether to be hurt or flattered.

      Rather than have my soul taken, I quickly dart back to the edge of the forest where the trees are less dense. Hunters, along with all the other forms of Demon-spawn, would burn in this light. However, it also means that I am once more vulnerable to the soldiers...

      To my amazement, a voice in by head booms, "Stay behind me!" Suddenly a large brown creature is running in front of me, which I recognize instantly as one of the envoys of the gods. I follow him without hesitation as he guides me through the treacherous forest. The sound of the soldiers' bewilderment from the forest's edge makes me smirk.

      One out of the forest, I am met with one of my comrades at the outskirts of an old town. It is nighttime now, and avoiding the Demon-spawn will be more difficult. The envoy wishes me luck and is gone.

      As soon as he disappears, we are attacked by a small shadow creature. A church is nearby, emitting light from it's stained glass windows. I throw the creature into the light, but it merely cackles. "That won't work on meeee!" it screeches. "I am not a mere shade! HE gave birth to me from his very flesh!" The creature flies directly at my face. I hold it back as my companion opens a vortex in the ground, which makes quick work of the enemy.

      "We need to get inside," I instruct. But as soon as we enter the church, we are met by something potentially more dangerous than shadow creatures: crazed religious fanatics.

      "Witches!" the ladies cry. "Burn them! Kill the witches!"

      "Wait!" I protest. "We just want shelter here, same as you."

      The ladies continue with their cries of death and burning until the oldest of them calls them to silence. She looks at my friend and I knowingly and points to the wall. "What does it say?" she asks me.

      A single, three letter word is etched into the wall. Her. I repeat the word with some amusement. This church was once a temple to the Goddess. How ironic.

      The lady details a story in which Merinia, an earth Goddess, was kidnapped and taken prisoner by the Demon King. Her power could easily have defeated the demons, if only she'd had her staff. The sacred object, however, had been stolen from her and lost somewhere in the world.

      I stare at the lady in shock as she hands me a beautiful, intricately carved staff. "Is this...?" She nods.

      "Save her," she tells me.

      I exit the temple/church. Demon-spawn emerge from the ground almost instantly, but the incredibly power of Merinia's staff kills them all with a single blow. I am in awe.

      Time passes. I have rescued the Goddess (though, it's more like She rescued me), and am now celebrating with my friends.

      ((Note: I don't think the name in the dream was given as Merinia. I know it started with an M, but I couldn't find an actual earth based goddess with a similar name, and since I couldn't remember it I had to make one up.))
    9. Independence vs. Companionship

      by , 01-05-2011 at 09:51 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      1- Getaway Car
      I am living in a mansion with my haughty mother who expects me to be perfect for the party we are throwing. However, I have learned that some unknown villain wishes me harm, so I spend the entire party sneaking around and spying on people. My pursuer is no one at the party, as I find out. He is a very powerful magic user. If it weren't for the help of Alice (from Resident Evil), I would never have made it out alive.

      I become separated from my rescuer and must now go solo. ((I end up going on this super long quest that I unfortunately only remember bits and pieces of.))

      *lapse in time*

      My point of view flashes to a man walking around in a greenhouse. He is examining some plants that have been psychicly altered and is contemplating eating them. Suddenly the man's face is torn off, by a friend who had been possessed by the evil magician after me.

      I flash back to myself. I have made a pit stop at my Aunt's house for supplies. For some reason I get in my car from the passenger's side, and am crawling through to the driver's side. Suddenly my Aunt hijacks the car and starts laughing like an evil maniac. I panic for an instant, believing that she has been possessed. Then she laughs normally and asks, "How could you possibly think I was evil? I'm hurt."

      "I don't have time for this!" I mutter, taking the driver's seat and shutting the door. "Goodbye." Suddenly, the evil magician walks up with a little boy. He hands the child a gun and tells him to point it at me and pull the trigger. Before I can get the car started, I have a bullet through my arm. It hurts, but not as bad as I would have expected. The boy tries to shoot me again, but the trigger jams. He looks down the barrel of the gun and experimentally pulls the trigger. His brains blow out the back of his head.

      I drive off as fast as I can, ducking low as more shots come.

      My pov flashes to this spider lady. She is facing the evil magician, who appears to be working for her. "Tell me," she says in a seductive voice, "Do you find me attractive in this form, or am I grotesque to you?" The man stammers incoherently. "Be honest," she murmurs.

      Back to myself as I stop at a cafe of some sort. I walk inside, ending up at a wall painted with strange creatures and odd phrases. Near the bottom of the wall was the phrase "Paper due. Sad day." Beside it was a picture of a hotdog with a face, sticking its tongue out. After examining the wall with some amusement, I turn the corner into a secluded area where Alice is waiting for me. "I thought I might find you here," I say, sitting down at one of the booths. Apparently we had met here sometime in the past.

      "Of course," she answers. "I couldn't leave without you."

      One of the waitresses (the one who "usually" waits on us) is sitting nearby. I examine the bullet wound on my arm--- it isn't as bad as I would have expected. Must have just grazed me. "What happened to your arm?" Alice asks me, her eyes intense.

      "I was shot."

      The waitress obviously thinks I'm joking. "Did you cut yourself with those long fingernails?"

      "I was shot," I say again, this time more forcefully, "by a two year old. Who then proceeded to shoot himself in the head."

      Much to my disappointment, I awaken at this point.

      Updated 01-13-2011 at 01:27 AM by 10998

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. The House of the Dead

      by , 12-11-2010 at 07:26 PM
      You know, I have a lot of zombie dreams. Good stress reliever?

      The House of the Dead -I found myself in some sort of giant mansion. It was sunny outside and I was wondering what was going on. I had an M1 Garand and a boatload of ammunition. I kind of took this as a sign that there was going to be trouble. As I explored the house I started to hear these load moans coming from outside. Just then I turned the corner and I saw the front of the house being invaded by the undead! Some zombies, some completely rotted and simply skeletons. When they saw me they screeched at me and the skeletons could sprint! I sighted up and began shooting, aiming for their heads. I walked backwards and retreated around the corner as I got one, two, three, four.. and they kept coming! I ran back down the hallway and killed the last few runners and then I had to deal with the slow zombies. They were very easy, and soon the entrance to the house was clear. I decided to go outside, as being cooped up in a house alone, it was only a matter of time before they got me or I ran out of ammo. I ran outside and was about 20 feet outside of the house, looking around. I was surrounded by vast gardens, but there was some sort of an enclosure to my left. As I looked around, a group of undead appeared right next to me, and a skeleton was withing breathing distance. Thankfully in the dream I had my size and height I do in real life, and I stood head over shoulders to them. I spun quickly and rammed the butt of my rifle into it's jaw, breaking the jaw and sending the skeleton to the ground. I quickly shot it and zig-zagged my way through the group of slow moving zombies that remained. I ran up some stairs to the large enclosure I noticed. It was very strange, it was about as large as 6 football fields, and there was a group of about 30 survivors with an ammo dump near the back of it! However, there was several thousands zombies slowly making their way into the enclosure, and the survivors were doing what they could to kill them. I was trying to get to them, but there were zombies on the pathway I was taking. I sighted up and began shooting, taking out most of them before they could turn to shuffle towards me. I began slowly making my way down the pathway killing as many as I could, until I ran out of ammo. Now I simply had the gun. I charged into the last group, swinging my rifle into their jaws and being careful about their bites as I began picking them up and throwing them off the pathway I was on. Finally it was clear to get to the group, and when I got to them they had split into four teams. I ran by each team and they seemed glad to see another survivor like themselves. Two teams were on the left pathway, above the main grounds, and two teams on the right. They were slowly being overrun! I ran to the ammo dump, grabbed as much ammo as I could for the M1 I currently had, and decided to grab a Thompson machine gun just in case. I ran to the right side, and for some reason they were just sitting there! A zombie had managed to get right behind one of the men, and was going in for the kill. I sighted up quickly and shot twice, killing the zombie and saving the man. It seems that woke the teams up, and we began trying to take as many zombies as we could with us. It was obvious we would not make it.

      The next thing in the dream I remember is everyone being dead, and flames everywhere, destroying the garden. I was the last one, and using the Thompson to mow down as many as I could. I stood by the ammo dump as they came at me from both sides, and there was still several thousand zombies. At that point I woke up.
    11. Warrrrrr!

      by , 07-21-2010 at 02:41 AM
      I was walking through the forest when I ran into some ancient weapons. Those weapons were a blue sword & dagger, my dad and my sister came in a big truck.My dad told me to put the weapons in the truck and that we
      would need them later. As we drove into the driveway I said to myself,"I just know I'm gonna have a weird DREAM about this." That's when it hit me.I'm dreaming !!!!!!!! http://www.dreamviews.com/images/smilies/a_doh.gif " Yea" said my sister. I said," Well why didn't you tell me?!?" "Because I wanted you to find out." she said. http://www.dreamviews.com/images/smilies/a_furious.gif Then I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to loud noises outside my house. I opened my door and saw an army attacking us. http://www.dreamviews.com/images/smilies/ohnoes.gif My sister was already fighting them. She said."Get a bow and start shooting!" so I did. The cool thing was that I was dry firing and it was actually killing them. Then I picked up an invisible sword. I tried to kill someone with it, but it didn't work. I yelled this is MY dream and YOU DIIIIIEEE! Then he died. And then I woke up.http://www.dreamviews.com/images/smilies/icon_sad.gif

      sorry I don't know how to do smileys

      Updated 07-21-2010 at 02:44 AM by 34010 (I forgot something)

      Tags: lucid, war, weapons
    12. Boda borg

      by , 07-09-2010 at 01:01 PM
      Me and Fred was going to boda borg with the church for some reason. We weren't really excited about it since we both agreed on that boda borg is quite dull (it is fun irl). Besides, we had already been there earlier not long ago. We discussed if we were going to pay it or if the church would. Fred said that he wasn't going to pay anyhow because it was not worth it.

      The boda borg in the dream was more like a fun house with connected rooms that contained weird stuff. I don't really remember any in particular though. The memory gets fuzzy for a while and then I was in a room. Possibly still in boda borg. Everything suddenly became like an anime. Naruto in particular. There were some bad guys there and one huge boss bad guy who was on a boat in an ocean that was in the room somehow. The good guys (I was one of them) all had different weapons. I had a wooden sword. The purpose of everything was to find the real weapon. Not any of the fakes. The boss had the real one among with fakes. He handed out weapons to the good guys as soon as one of the good ones weapons broke. (lol sense: it makes none)

      I had an idea that I thought seemed epic so I proposed it out loud. That was that all of us should wear traditional japanese samurai clothes. Because it would enhance the feeling or something. xD No one really cared. I

      I accidentally broke my wooden sword by sitting on it, so I went to the boss boat to get a new weapon. I took two boxes from him and I was hoping that one of them was the real one. On my way back in my boat I opened one box and saw a golden sword that flashed with green light effects. I had a convincing feeling that it was the real one! This was even made of jade (golden jade or what? xP)! I was excited about it.

      I remember no more.
    13. A Normal Day in Dreamland

      by , 06-23-2010 at 02:35 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      We had a REALLY tough practice at Karate yesterday. So, as I expected, I was far too tired to write any of my dreams down whenever I woke up. (Surprisingly good recall for such conditions, though.) During one of my early sleep cycles, I kept waking myself up practicing my kicks. Seriously, I must have done this five or six times.

      1- Weirdness... As Usual
      My brother and I are taking a walk when we pass by a dog pen. We know for a fact that the owners of these dogs have moved, so we worry that they will die here. "I'm taking this one home with me," he says, petting a big gray dog that resembles a wolf.

      "We already have two dogs at the house, Mama will never let you keep him."

      "So? I'll just hide him in my room."

      That is a horrible idea, but at that point my eyes fall on the other dog; He is a small pit bull mix... and so adorable! He gives me those sad puppy dog eyes, as if to say "You're not going to leave me here all by myself, are you?" No, of course not. I take the dog home and hide him in my closet.

      About a day later, I am thinking to myself about how much trouble Steven is going to get into if he gets caught with that dog. Wait a minute... didn't I get a dog, too? GAH! I jump to my feet and run to my room, opening the closet door. My dog is sitting huddled up in the corner.

      "I've been trapped in here for a whole day!" He whines, shuddering.

      "I'm so sorry! You must really need to use the bathroom, don't you?"

      He nods, whimpering. I can't take him outside, because my parents are in the other room. I'll just have to get some kind of container... I find a long, rectangular food container and tell him to go in that. He raises his leg, and...

      "You're missing!" I say urgently, not wanting to have to clean up dog pee from my closet.

      "Oops..." he finally manages to go in the container, but it fills up so much that now he's up to his shoulders. He tells me it feels like a nice, hot bath. WTF?

      "Um... Now you need a real bath. Wait here." I get another one of the containers and fill it with warm, soapy water. I bring it back to my closet, glad to see that he hasn't caused any more trouble. "Okay, now get in and wash yourself off." As he is bathing, my grandmother walks in. ((Why is she here?)) She says I'm going to be in trouble for having a dog in the house.

      2- Beware the Spider Queen

      I am lying in bed, when I notice a HUGE spider on the wall above me. This thing is about the size of a cat, and it's giving me the look of death. Normally, I like spiders. I don't even mind when they crawl on me. But this is a different story. Freaked, I jump out of bed, eyes on the spider. It turns it's body, following my every move with it's eight beady eyes. It looks like it's about to pounce... I run from the room slamming the door behind me.

      My grandma is here again. I learn that she is with an ancient demon slaying society, and that she is here to pass the legacy on to me. She tells me that the spider can only be killed if it's web is destroyed. Otherwise it will just keep coming back to life.

      *time lapse* I think we've killed the spider by this point, but my memory isn't very clear. My grandmother gives me a weapon that resembles a giant metal boomerang. It instantly reminds me of Sango's Hiraikotsu.

      3- School Days
      I run from the house as the bus nearly leaves us. Once inside, I go to the back where Shelby is sitting. It's the first time I've seen her since the... incident. We talk about it; she tells me all the harsh things that her mother said about me.

      4- Forgotten Dreams
      I am in a video store with my aunt. There are some phones on display, and I see that I have typed some dreams up on one of them. Woah, I don't remember these at all! When did I write this?

      Suddenly I look up at the screen that shows previews for various movies. It is showing a preview for a sequel to Coraline, called "Revenge of the Other Mother." Wow, I have to see that!

      5- Pattie and Wilhelm (fragment)
      ((Uh, I'm not really sure what this is, to be honest... It seems like it must have been epic in it's entirety, because I have several memories after this of telling other people about it and posting it in my DJ.)) Something about a ghost named Pattie mourning for her lost love, Wilhelm.

      6- Pokemon (fragment)

      Vague memory of Pokemon. Pikachu doesn't look like it's supposed to... Looks more like a Shroomish.
    14. My Anti-Social Dream Guide

      by , 06-17-2010 at 01:24 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Sometimes, my dream guide really irks me. But yay, lucidity!

      1- Scary Lucidity
      I am listening to a song on my mp3 player that was written by someone on MM. It's very creepy... Makes me think of Alice in Wonderland. Eventually I get tired and turn it off, intending to go to bed. As soon as I lay down, the song starts playing. Ugh, not THIS song again. Wait, didn't I take my earbuds out already? I sit up and RC. Lucid!

      Suddenly it is very dark in my room. I vaguely think about lights, but I cannot focus enough to make the darkness go away. An aura of fear, of pure terror, weighs down the air, making it somewhat difficult to breathe.

      Annoyed, I walk to the center of my room and stand perfectly still. I picture what I will do to any attacker, even Leroy (who I know is behind this), for coming to me in such darkness with the obvious intent to scare me. But it's just so freaking dark, I can't hold the dream together.

      ((Note: I know it was Leroy, because fear is his "energy signature." Why he has to be so anti-social, I don't know.))

      2- A Dream of Wakefulness
      I am in MM chat, telling everyone about the lucid dream I just had. Moonbeam tells me that the person who wrote that song is banned from MM, because he stole our "void game." I am appalled. How dare he!?

      Later, I am a guy wandering around a college campus. I hear a "Hey, you," behind me and turn around. A girl is standing in the doorway, looking at me. "The manager told me to look for a Junior, and you're the only Junior around here. Even though you look more like 17 than 20. If you want to join our ranks, go meet Nelson by the band house."
      ((This is pretty much an exact quote of what she said, as I woke up afterwards and wrote it down as quickly as possible.))

      3- Alice in Dreamland
      I am cleaning out my grandmother's house; apparently she's moving. We fight all sorts of strange things in there, my favorite being some type of primitive war machine. It is a cart, with a catapult attached to one side, a removable spiky club attached to the other side, and spikes in the front. Useful for both long ranged attacks and ramming into enemies.

      Later, I am no longer myself, but a girl named Alice. I am standing in a graveyard with friends, sanctifying the grave of our deceased friend, Whisper. I say a spell which animates the concrete Angel used as her gravemarker. It now has her spirit. She thanks me, and offers to help in times of need.

      I am following some weird storyline as I wander further into the graveyard, away from my friends. A narrator says I will get attacked by the thugs who are after me, and my friends won't be able to hear my cries for help. The rational part of me realizes that I could leave now before the thugs find me, but this Alice part of me isn't aware of my future predicament.

      I see my (Alice's) father walk around the side of the church.

      Rational me: *gasp* My father has something to do with those thugs!

      Alice: Hm, I wonder where he's going?

      As I sneak closer, I spot the thugs loading some things into a car. Too late to hide: the short fat one has spotted me! I run, and he give chase. How can he run so fast!? I see my friends over the hill, leaving the cemetery. As predicted, they cannot hear me calling to them.

      Suddenly another of the thugs is standing in my path. This one, however, I know to be friendly. "Alice!" he cries out as I collide into him. He catches me and holds me with my back against his chest.

      "Being... chased..." I pant. Shorty walks up to us.

      "Neil! Good, you got 'er! Let's take 'er to the boss!"

      Neil doesn't move; I can tell he's debating with himself about what to do. Set me free, or follow orders? Right now, I don't really care which one he decides. I know that he'll save me eventually, if not now. Besides, I'm feeling very comfortable in his arms... "Neil, what are you waiting for?" Shorty growls impatiently.

      Neil suddenly lets me go and puts himself between me and the other thug. "Go! Run!" I don't want to leave him, but I must follow the storyline.

      "Thank you," I say, taking off down the sidewalk. I think I am going to get away, but at the intersection I am intercepted by another thug, who looks like Fabio. Damn it! Neil got in trouble for nothing!
      ((At this point, my mom's phone goes off, waking me. No fair... I was going to end up having a romance with Neil...))
    15. Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (DV version)

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:04 AM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Quote Originally Posted by Hazel View Post
      Back, after a VERY extended absence. Hopefully I'll be coming here more often. (And WOW, the place has changed!)


      1- Blood, Gore, and the Dinosaur
      The dream begins at a church, where I am attending the funeral of someone I don't know with my family. One of the ladies is supposed to sing a solo in honor of the deceased, but the people in charge of the music accidentally play a really joyful, upbeat song which makes everybody laugh and ruins the melancholy mood.

      I find a lot of money in the pew, which leads me to believe I may be dreaming. Although my nose-pinch reality check fails, I still have my suspicions...

      Later, I go to the bathroom and start coughing up blood. It's not coming from my lungs, though; it's more like a reverse nose bleed. I'm beginning to fear that I'll drown, because there's just SO MUCH of it. (And let me tell you, it looked, felt, and tasted completely real.) Alarmed, I leave the bathroom to tell my parents... only to discover that I'm completely naked. "Okay, I HAVE to be dreaming," I say to myself and do another RC.
      This time it works, and I am officially lucid.

      I immediately remember that I MUST speak with Leroy, so I try to summon him. Instead, I am greeted by a Lady who is dressed in White. She tells me that she's wounded, and that I need to kill the creature that's chasing her while she heals herself. I try to explain that I don't have the time, that I'm looking for someone important. Apparently I don't have an option. The creature chooses that moment to burst into the room and start attacking us. Weaponless, I am barely able to defend myself as the Lady bolts from the room, telling me to let her know when it was dead.

      This is not an easy beast to slay. Our battle carries over outside, where the Lady is watching. She is "encouraging" me to kill it, asserting that she hasn't much time to waste. Finally, I grow spikes from my shoes and stomp on the creature again and again, grinding my heal and mutilating it beyond repair. It's still making noises, though, which worries me.

      "Is it really dead?" I ask the Lady anxiously.

      "It doesn't matter, we have to keep going."

      "You don't understand. I can't help you anymore, I have to look for Leroy."

      "Leroy..." she murmurs vaguely, "I think I know him."

      I ask if she can help me find him, but she insists that she has to overcome everything that's after her in order to become immortal. Just then, we encounter one of these "things" and are forced to fight again. This time she's a bit more help, although now I have no real memory of the incident.

      Afterwards, I am now armed with a butcher knife (the square-ish kind) as we take shelter in a rotting tree house. The walls are set up to only be high enough to prevent you from falling out, so there's about four feet of space between the walls and the roof. I am about to ask her what we have to fight next, when I see a HUGE T-Rex charging straight towards us.

      "You've got to be joking! How the hell do you expect me to fight a dinosaur!?" I obviously have no other choice, however. As the T-Rex (who, according to my "comrade," is named Leo) growls loudly and says something in a deep, angry voice about how us "cave people" took over the world. Resigning myself to the fact that I'd have to fight to live, I quickly rush the dino and slash at him with my knife. His tough hide prevents any damage from being done. Leo slashes my arm open, and I am forced to back up against the opposite wall.

      I begin kicking the walls out to secure an escape route if the situation called for it, though I don't plan on retreating. I cannot describe how intense this situation is at the time; it lasts for quite a while, and I am cursing up a storm as I attempt to fight this gargantuan lizard. My companion temporarily dies at one point, leaving me to fend for myself. (Not that she was much help in the first place.)

      Somewhere along the line, the dinosaur is replaced by a crazy lady who, of course, is bent on killing me. For the moment, however, she is forcing me to dance with her as she describes in vivid detail how she's going to kill me. (We're in a kitchen, though I don't remember how we got there.) As we dance close to the counter, I attempt to grab a knife behind her back... but miss and get a fork instead. On my second try, I succeed in acquiring the knife, but she notices and throws me backwards. Fed up, I charge toward her and stab her repeatedly (and somewhat psychotically) in the stomach until she dies.

      Her blood is really warm, almost hot, and my hands are slick with it. The Lady in White comes back as I am attempting to clean up the crimson mess. "Good job," she tells me. After I get all the blood off my hands, I brandish my knife and manage to transform it into a razor sharp sword. I slash through the air a few times to test it, then turn to the Lady.

      "Are we done yet?" I ask her.

      "Not quite. First we have to make it through the Zombie Apocalypse."

      "WHAT!? How long is THAT going to take?"

      "Only about three hours."

      "Three hours! I just fought a dinosaur! Can't I rest first?" That question is answered by the sound of approaching zombies. Cursing, I quickly follow the Lady into a creepy looking abandoned building, but
      the dream ends before I can fight anything else.


      1- Gary (fragment)
      Somehow a naked picture of Gary from Pokemon has found it's way onto my laptop, and no matter what I do I cannot get rid of it. I am commenting to someone that it's not even a good picture of him. ((Weird, considering that not only has it been ages since I've seen Pokemon, but I never liked Gary in the first place.))

      2- The Evil Virus of Doom
      I am in Chemistry class with a bunch of raucous, misbehaving students. Our teacher has left the room for some reason. Several of my classmates run out into the hallway, because it is rumored that one of the students in another classroom is suffering from a horrible skin condition (or some similar ailment) and they want to check it out.

      When the teacher returns, all of the students have made it back except for one. The teacher yells at him furiously, nearly bringing him to tears.

      Later, a deadly computer virus is going around, and I am desperately trying to keep my laptop away from all of the infected computers. The virus is after people as well. One of my friends lays down across a bed in some hotel, and a little mechanical voodoo doll walks out from the headboard and stabs her in the head with a needle, infecting her. Alarmed, I pick up my laptop and keep away from the walls as I hurriedly exit the room to get help.

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 10:41 PM by 10998

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
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