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    1. Auts, food, grandparents' house, girls, cereal

      by , 05-07-2023 at 10:14 PM
      I had this dream this morning before getting up. The first part of the dream was two girls of the same age I'm not sure wether they're siblings (twins) or cousins were in a bedroom, which had a layout of what a bedroom that my Materneal grandparents' house had. The room was known as "the stovepipe roomn" because the pipe from a stove on first floor went through the room. Well any the relatives were sleeping-one of the girls wakes up, and she wakes the other one up and they somehow started talking about wanting sugary cereal but someone wouldn't let them have it. I'm can't remember if they're talking about Nesqik, or Timbits cereal. I don't remember the rest of the dream but what I do remember is the ending-that the dream changes over to an adult who is writing at a desk and they get some kind of feeling and looks down there's an ant on their leg and they look even farther down and they see a parade of ants carrying some cheerio cereal and the last item to be parade by was I think a Jelly-bacon donut that some ants got trapped in so that the adult reached down and grabbed that donut and then went to the sink to wash the ants off to eat some of that donut.
    2. Thursday, September 6

      by , 12-29-2018 at 02:41 AM
      I am in a restaurant with Melissa. The restaurant seems to have some self-service element to it, or at least some food on counters behind glass. After we’ve been seated for a little bit, we get up to get some food. There are a couple 20-something girls working behind the counter; I ask one for some of a salad. They say something about it being really spicy, as if I can’t handle it. I think they may not be giving it to me because of this, but I tell them I can handle it even spicier or something similar. This evidently causes some animosity, but I think they give me some. I notice that they all have darker skin, and I’m not sure if it has anything to do with the way they’re treating me (I’m tempted to think it’s because I’m white). When we go back again, we still get poor service, seemingly deliberately. There is one girl in particular (with darker skin and darker, bushy hair) who is blatantly ignoring us. I think we try to say something and another girl (white, with blond hair) defends her. I don’t know what we’ve done wrong. This is enough now to cause this girl to start ranting at us. She starts going off, and things keep escalating until she is out here by us, tirading. I have some dish of food that I end up setting down so I can record her with my phone. I think she almost kicks the food over. I’m not even upset, just in disbelief at how unwarranted her behavior is. After it’s over, I go back to the counter to file a complaint. I tell one of the girls that I get it, I’ve worked in food service, but there is absolutely no reason she should’ve done that to a customer. Oddly, they happily oblige and hand me a form. I start writing, detailing everything, and it becomes quite long. I run out of space on the thick, brown paper that looks more like a menu and end up writing on a table?
    3. Synergism in Liminal Space

      by , 02-23-2018 at 08:36 AM
      Morning of February 23, 2018. Friday.

      In the first part of my dream, I am sitting on the floor of the Gellibrand Street apartment’s porch. (We have not lived there in years.) I am looking through and reading some coupons relating to free offers. By writing down four letters which appear on the coupon, KLRS, and then the next letter after each, underneath, LMST, it somehow causes a package to be immediately sent to our front door, though I do not open it as I focus on the unusual nature of this puzzling technology. I begin to ponder on how the company would know what I wrote in a notebook in my own home.

      I later write LMPR, and MNQS underneath. (Throughout my dream, I clearly read and write uppercase letters which remain the same, which is atypical of the dream state, as writing typically changes in many dreams when looking back at it again.) A handwritten message appears above the letters relating to the activation of a special offer. Similar events occur a few more times.

      I begin to wonder more about how this is possible. The setting changes (without my dream self paying much attention) to an unfamiliar location. It is a large room with a table. Dennis (an older half-brother on my mother’s side ) is present. (I have not seen him in real life since 1994.)

      I tell Dennis about the companies and clubs that somehow cause handwritten messages to appear in my notebook. I look through my notebook and, for a time, cannot find the evidence, though I eventually do and show him. One message is on what looks like black embossing tape with white letters. It easily comes off the page. Dennis is curious, but I consider he may not be convinced of this inexplicable technology.

      “Watch this,” I tell him. Instead of getting a code from a coupon, I make up a sequence. I write NOPQ, but decide to change it to LMNR, as I consider the code would probably not have four letters in a row in alphabetical order as such, even though they are otherwise in an alphabetical sequence. I then write MNOS underneath. A handwritten message appears out of nowhere that displays something like, “Thank you for activating your membership.” I use NORS, OPST underneath, and a similar message appears. I ask Dennis, “How are they doing this?” He does not reply. I use MNOS a few times (with NOPT), each time on a different page, and the same message appears above what I had written, relating to benefits of membership activation, though I eventually get, “You have already activated your membership. Thanks for your participation.”

      I start to consider that there may be hidden cameras everywhere. This seems to “explain” it, though I forget about the unlikelihood of writing appearing on paper from no discernible source.

      I write MNOS again and NOPT underneath. A large moving image of a Doberman Pinscher’s head appears on the wall. It is as if a film is being shown; the aspect ratio is square. The dog is apparently barking, but there is no sound. I perceive this as some sort of function to express a warning about repeatedly using the same code to activate something that had already been activated. There is no sense of threat at any time or any genuine wariness. In fact, I find it somewhat amusing even if it is inexplicable.

      Again, I ask Dennis, “How are they doing this?” There is now also an unfamiliar male in the room who I do not see as an imposer or related to the inexplicable events. I consider that he may be puzzled as well.

      Dreams are mainly ascending reticular activating system mediation (and modulation when the dream self by way of subliminal conscious self intent attempts to remain asleep) between transient dream self and whole conscious self identity, primarily being autosymbolism for consciousness reascension while subliminally exploring the dream state. Why so many people completely ignore this truth in favor of asinine pretense (often focusing on negative dynamics even where there are none) has baffled me since childhood. My development since early childhood, in understanding the dream state (and dismissing the tripe of books on the “meanings” of dreams while even marrying my literal “dream girl” in real life), has resulted in an extraordinary virtuous circle effect as seen in this dream, even though my dream self remains puzzled about the communication from my conscious self. Yes, that is what is happening. My conscious self is sending threads of communication (by way of the ECF, emergent consciousness factor, in RAS mediation) to my dream self to enhance skills which typically do not exist in the dream state (though some asinine individuals make the ridiculous claim that one cannot read in the dream state at all). It has nothing to do with “messages from the subconscious”, as my dream self IS the subconscious (and the subconscious is a dynamic band that has no viable temporality or consistent intelligence). Aside from that, only the conscious self has viable reasoning skills, including coherent perception of the written language, and yet here, my dream self maintains (again through the virtuous circle effect of having devoted much of my life to dream state study and enhancement of the dream state) some extent of control and feasible discernment regardless of not being viably lucid.

      The dog in the final scene represents the obedience factor (as I have explained in my journal many times before) as well as this dream’s WAF (waking alert factor) by way of my subliminal attempt to sustain the dream state. The wall is a liminal space divider between dream self and conscious self identity. The (transpersonal) preconscious personification (the unfamiliar male in the room) remains passive in my dream self’s subliminal activity until I wake.

      Updated 02-26-2018 at 08:37 AM by 1390

    4. The Roof Factor

      by , 12-20-2017 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2017. Wednesday.

      I am writing a booklet in my dream about a factor which has remained consistent since early childhood. It is called “The Roof Factor.” I am not lucid. In reality, I had thought about writing an entry on the concept. I focus on dreams about open ceilings and roof repair.

      Before I was nine years old, I came to understand some dream features signified the level of consciousness. I noticed dreams featuring open ceilings were more likely to occur in a certain level of awareness, in a particular part of the sleep cycle, when my conscious self identity was present to a greater extent than in other dreams (more than when such as a porch is rendered to represent the waking space). Most open ceiling dreams feature my current address and most often have more common dream state indicators. (Most of my non-lucid dreams have less conscious self connections and distort in anachronistic composites of various places I have lived in the past). It validates a ceiling or roof as representing a specific level of consciousness in a similar way as a wall or fence in relating to liminal space division, though with viable threads of conscious self identity. That is even more so with dream state indicators such as beds in being potential exit points or focal points of emerging consciousness factors. (I do not typify a ceiling or roof as a dream state indicator, as it does not directly relate to bedrooms or beds).

      I do a lot of writing and reading in my dream, going back over at least a dozen dreams with the roof factor. Eventually, I wake to feel vaguely annoyed at having “lost” all my writing. Experiencing a long dream while writing about them while not aware that I was dreaming was amusing and ironic.

      There were more dream references here than in other dreams in recent memory. They had an interesting connection with the replacement of our roof in real life after the storm had torn it off over a month ago, which was the scariest event in our lives.

      Readability score: 61.

      Updated 07-18-2018 at 07:16 PM by 1390

      Tags: reading, roof, writing
    5. 09-08-17 “Responding to the call – Guidance, Bridging & coming home”

      by , 08-09-2017 at 10:59 AM
      Yesterdays “opening of the lion's gate” in astrological terms had me set some intentions throughout the day. These were primarily poised in the directions of letting go of limiting fears and beliefs, while also opening up to the power deep within me, centred around my heart and solar plexus area. I accepted to work with energy, light energy, accepted whatever life needed of me I would oblige, despite fearing what this might be.

      In practical terms it involves committing deeper to the energetic and spiritual work in contributing to the world and its beings. This is fear provoking for me since it involves disclosing publicly to the world that I have strong spiritual and shamanic experiences.

      Ha! In a way this forum is golden as it is a sort of cheating platform to disclose secrets and try it all out.

      As of late – maybe the past 1-2 weeks I have experienced a tremendous kind of release. A release in limiting beliefs, physical fear sensations as well as attachments to concepts – particularly in the area of relationships and romanticism. I feel stronger, a resurgence in my confidence levels and a readiness to start giving more of myself to the world. It feels good saying “more” as I have also started recognising more and more that some of the voluntary conversations and modes of operating in the world for me are valuable contributions.

      Well that is enough context, on with the dreams:

      Dream (and waking visualisations) 1: “Sexual exploration”

      I find myself in a large living room. I am sleeping on the sofa, it is my father's brother and wife's house. It is in the middle of the night and I look up on the wall towards the massive television on the wall. I know that if I turn it on there will be porn on pretty much all the channels.

      I decide to turn it on, though before the image appears after having turned on the telly I turn down the volume all the way to minimum. I am a little surprised to find that there is still sound coming through, yet the sound isn't horrible so I allow the porn scene to keep running.

      It is an orgy of sorts. In particular I find my attention dwelling on a guy wearing a leather hood, while he is fucking a woman lying below him as he is standing up.

      I get aroused and go to the toilet to make preparations. While there I decide to try and observe how my arousal and dick respond to simply watching the porn without stimulating myself.

      I wake up

      As I am awake I find myself aroused and hard. I don't masturbate, but massage my perineum and find it interesting and somewhat easier than normal to circulate the sexual energy around my body. In particular I notice that I am extremely connected down the front, where I am in touch with my body.

      I then start focusing on Cille. I think of her “hole in the back” and I see how there are shadowy finger marks around the hole. So I visualise and start clearing the hole with fire, ask Raphael for help to seal the hole, which I do with the opposing triangles that compose the visual representation of the heart chakra.

      I further start healing Felix, if he wants to accept it of course, and ask for assistance in burning out the things he doesn't wish to see or that are preventing him from being happy and present in this life.

      Dream 2: “The magical island, climbing surface and an elven bridge”

      I am standing in a cave, which opens out over a big lagoon where in the middle is a small island. This island is composed mainly of steep cliff sides and a forest in the middle. Just before the main island there is a long, narrow rocky cliff side coming out of the water. The weather is bright and sunny, there seems to be a clear blue sky above the water.

      An arrow appears above us, and a small humanoid figure jumps up and catches it and slaps it in the cliff side above us, there are transparent fishing lines attached to the arrow. Following an elven figure swings across the gap between the cave and the water, maybe a mile or two. The elven figure is wearing green and orange and is like a ferryman, there to swings us one by one across the water.

      There is some talk about the attractiveness of the climbing cliff side – 700 metres facing the water of the island.

      There is some discussion that the journey has taken too long, about 4 hours and that it could be due to the elven “swinging ferry man” can only take on one passenger at a time.

      Dream ends.

      Dream 3: “Lost at sea, coming home”

      I am at sea in a dingy boat, lost and at the mercy of the sea. I am there with Mikkel L and we have been there for some time. It is mid day and we are drifting along the waves.

      We sail past a boat, which we initially hope can rescue us, but find that it is full of refugees and for some reason it doesn't even become relevant to be rescued here.

      I sarcastically remark that it would be a good opportunity to practice broadsiding this ship, opening up with all four canons on one side of our ship.

      Out in the horizon, far away, I see a sail ship – looking from the silhouette like an ancient Viking ship – and a small blotch of a ship. I hope that this is ships that can assist us.

      From a far distance the ship that started out as a small blotch shoots its cannons. One on one side of our boat and another on the other. I feel them as being warning shots, but I also feel afraid.

      As we approach the ship I realise it is the largest one I have ever seen. It is black and probably around 30-50 metres tall from the water. I wave my arms in surrender and declare an interest in wanting to be saved, all the while I think about how nice it would be if I had access to white clothing.

      Luckily the ship understands our gestures and predicaments and they start throwing down ladders we can grab onto. I find however that the ship is practically racing across the surface of the water in the opposite direction to our boat, but I nevertheless jump into the water and swim for the boat.

      I can't latch on to any of the ladders, but a door just above the waterline is opened, and a wooden entry plank is pushed out and I prostrate as I enter the ship in deep gratitude.

      I am met by the captain – Tim Smith – who asks me if it was Mikkel on the boat with me. I acknowledge the affirmative and Mr Smith continues to ask: “Is it true that he has a blog running about his journeys across the sea?”, to which I reply “yes” and then Tim asks “Has he written a book about it?”, “No” I reply.

      Then I see pages lifted up before me in a completely different scenario, sort of a beach bar with trees and sunshine in the background. On the pages a story is being written in bright red, it seems to be a draft from the blog to the book.

      Dream ends.

      There are a few interesting themes at play here.

      The first dream is highly sexual in nature, and incorporates both the animalistic nature – as displayed in the orgy – but also the renunciation of traditional friction based sex, as I attain pleasure through massaging my perineum and working with circulating energy. It is interesting that the man is hooded, representing a hidden aspect of myself that I have been trying to neglect – a yearning for the sexual exploration of the animalistic that I have particularly not mentioned to Cille, where I have emphasised the tantric, energetic unity aspect of sex.

      This aspect of a hidden yearning to explore is also symbolised in wanting to keep the volume down, so I am not noticed as I go on with my explorations. I have an instinctive feeling that this pertains to wanting this phase of my life to remain hidden from Cille.

      From an astrological point of view, this aspect of the dream seems to be an encouragement. There is an opportunity now to explore my sexual nature – again not being with Cille here being significant – in particular the more playful and kinky aspect of it. This is further symbolised by my approach towards it “wanting to observe what it does to me” rather than starting to masturbate straight away. It would seem like there is a gentle reminder to continue working towards embracing my sexuality and that it is coming up as a point of focus (which is also symbolised in the Elven figure, who acts like a bridge, dressed in Orange and Green – bridging the sexual/sensual chakra with the heart chakra.

      The second dream I see a lot of myself in the elven figure. A bridge between this and that world – symbolising my shamanic aspirations. The number 4 appear, which to me could be a pointer towards the four elements – accepting the spiritual – but also 4 quadrants of the mandala, and thus the complete and fully realised self. The fact that the number 4 appears as an irritation, that the journey is taking too long, point towards a disturbing element in my current workings. This I intuitively feel is related to how I worry about financial stability – which isn't to say that it doesn't matter, but that I am spending too much energy thinking about this instead of following my heart. There is a slightly greedy element to how the elven figure charges for the ferrying, which is an affirmative of this. I believe it points towards the fact that I want to open up more towards group oriented practices in my vocational life, as opposed to individual style therapeutics.

      I do find myself comfortable in the role as a bridge between worlds, serving as a guide between the somewhat disturbing emotions that can arise on the spiritual path (Orange) and in accepting and coming to grips with newer senses of identity in a loving manner (Green).

      Dream 3: This pertains to my acceptance of a more spiritual and energetic mode of operating and giving to the world. I have long been caught in the emotional flux caused by wanting to adhere to both a strict scientific and fluid spiritual identity – I have been lost at sea (emotionality) and seeing refugees (fleeing my call) can no longer serve me. Again I see the number 4 – as in broadsiding the refugees with 4 canons, which again points to the 4 quadrants of the mandala – here symbolising that I am no longer in the process of fleeing or escaping my true nature or my purpose with being here on the planet.

      There is an interesting theme in converting the blog/notes to a book, with the text being red as this could symbolise that financial security could come about through writing about the journey. The fact that it isn't me the journey is about could point towards the opportunities lying in writing about others, where both Cille and Nils are on the table.

      This session turned somewhat long, and I would like to cut it off by at least and hour. However it is the first time in a while that I write down my dreams and adding an interpretation didn't actually take as long as I recall.

      For the future group processes setting the context isn't going to be as extensive, as that will be done in process groups and dealt with through ongoing communication. Honestly 45-60 minutes of the time spent on this entry probably goes for procrastination on Facebook.
    6. Dream - The TAFE Bully & Holidaying In Miami

      by , 06-10-2017 at 12:53 PM
      Date of Dream: SAT 10 JUN - 2017

      Dream No. 130 - Separated Sections

      Dream 130 A - The TAFE Bully
      I was in TAFE but weirdly, I found out that BrB from primary school was also in this class. When I was in the main foyer of Building W, >> Sensitivity warning, for men especially, read at your own risk: it was then that I noticed I was on my period. Then there came BrB, he picked up some sanitary pads off the floor that were all bloodied, rolled them up... And threw them at me!! << Now earlier on, I remember that BrB had asked to sit next to NN in the class, so the arrangement was JC, me, BrB, NN. But then I entered the classroom and saw that no one was sitting next to NN, BrB wasn't even in the room. I had the idea summed up in my head that NN didn't allow him to sit there... NN already that there was something suspicious up with BrB.

      I then went to look through the window of the classroom and saw BrB in another room. He was sticking his head out the window and calling names at me. Apparently BrB was now in our classroom again and our teacher KHa mentioned that there was a test at 11:05. All of sudden, BrB's phone is heard ringing and so we call keep quiet to let him take the call. On the other side of the line was an authority member of the TAFE. She was asking BrB questions about the “First Aid” course he was doing but she said that they were kicking him out due to his bad behaviour. When the call was ended, I just knew that NN was the one behind everything. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 130 B - Holidaying In Miami
      I don't remember where I was exactly but I do remember the exact outfit I was wearing. It was a long blue cardigan with a yellow singlet and really short shorts. The place I was in had a mixture of shops and restaurants but didn't look like any shopping complex in the real world. After a while, the place started to get really crowded, which overwhelmed me, so much so that people were even talking at me but they weren't talking to me... It was like they were talking over me to try and talk to someone else on the other side of me. So I decided I had to leave but I did take two people out of there with me, one was a stranger African man that I don't know and the lady might have been his wife.

      My mum was waiting outside the building and I had explain to her who these two people were with me, despite the fact that she looked angry and suspicious about these people. I kept reiterating to her that they were my friends. It took me a few attempts to get her to settle down but she eventually did. I was then walking around the town by myself for a while, that looked nothing like the places in America but was supposedly called Miami anyway. I then recalled that Logan and Chilly from SML were next door in the town of Pensacola. I came up a lake with a strange red sign that said “Pensa” in white writing... I knew this was short for Pensacola. This didn't insinuate that Logan and Chilly were living at the bottom of a lake, did it? I don't remember anything else in regards to this dream.

      Updated 01-01-2018 at 06:35 AM by 93119

    7. Writing That Makes The World

      by , 04-01-2017 at 10:01 AM
      Morning of April 1, 2017. Saturday.

      This dream falls into a similar theme as a dream of September 2016 where whatever I write becomes part of my dream (rather than saying an affirmation to create dream scenes). Still, I never become lucid.

      In one scene, my wife Zsuzsanna and I had been together for a year or more but, according to my dream’s backstory, we had not been married. I write a sentence that reads “Zsuzsanna and I have a legal marriage license”. I do some sort of hand motion over the writing, and then slap the wall (“Supernatural” television series influence, it seems). A sheet of paper that looks something like a certificate appears out of nowhere on a picnic table. It is apparently our marriage license. An unknown female claims it does not seem real, as certain writing on it is not raised (or embossed). However, looking at a real marriage certificate, it seems of the same (correct) design.

      In another scene, an aircraft carrier moves towards a beach. It is tipped to one side and moves out and in with the waves for a time, lengthwise to the shore - the top facing towards land. It is vivid and dramatic but there is no threat to me. (It does not seem to be sinking.) Oddly, the airplanes do not move or slide off at any point. There is vague concern that one end or the other may cause damage to buildings near the shore, but this does not happen.

      In another scene, I decide to eliminate a large portion of the world’s population. I make sure to include “except for me and my family”. I am outside at a picnic table and George C. Scott (October 18, 1927-September 22, 1999) approaches. I have not yet slapped my writing (which is on the surface of the picnic table) to instigate the event.

      An unknown male is with George C. Scott and gives me advice on how to utilize my idea. I am to write that George is my uncle and that he will be going back in time to just before humans came to exist (though I am not at all aware of what the situation implies). The unknown male tells me that the name is written with two S’s, inferring that it is George C. Sscott, which does not seem right to me, but I write it anyway, though it still somehow comes out as “George C. Scott” and he complains about the spelling. I make a couple mistakes and have to write it again, one being “George S. Cott”, another being “George Scott”.

    8. Directing Godzilla with the Book that Controls the Universe

      by , 09-05-2016 at 09:22 AM
      Morning of September 5, 2016. Monday.

      I find myself in an unusual balanced composite (more integrated than usual) of my Cubitis family home and the Barolin Street house (to where the Barolin Street house’s porch is integrated with my Cubitis bedroom in atypically smooth orientation). I have a large hardcover book which seems to be meant to be a notebook yet has the look of a novel.

      I am aware that Godzilla is approaching from the west (Cubitis orientation) and will reach the house within a short time. I am clearly focused and write in the book how Godzilla will not damage the house and will pass by without destruction.

      As I write with a pencil, more like making annotations above my previous writing at some points, I hear Godzilla approaching. Soon, he is somehow in the house but only about as tall as the ceiling. He does not bother me and instead, ducks down and goes through the doorway. He turns to the left and shuffles through another doorway after hunching down. No damage is done. I find this interesting but I also realize that he may come back in his full size and with a more monstrous presence depending on how I write the events in the book I have.

      I get the sense of there being an island in the distance (northeasterly), which Godzilla will mostly destroy all the buildings on, yet I am not focused on the idea of a body of water separating it from the region where the house is. I write about how Godzilla will march in a rectangular path so that he will eventually come back from the same direction, but supposedly not near the house. I walk to an area that is like an underground cavern but still seems part of the house (and “actually” above ground). In Cubitis orientation, this cavern would open to the north and is probably analogous to the hallway of that house with a vague bilocation. An unknown dark-haired female approaches me from the mouth of the cave while holding a pillow horizontally (obvious dream sign) with a black gemstone with an emerald cut sitting horizontally on it. It is about six inches long. This character seems like an odd composite of Xena and Kira from “The Dark Crystal”. (There is an association with my wife Zsuzsanna here. Her middle name is Gabrielle, which is also Xena’s friend’s name. Kira is also the name of a “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” character and “Star Trek” featured in another dream of today.)

      She seems very concerned about the supposedly inevitable approach of Godzilla and yet is also wondering if the crystal should ever be used to control such creatures, as it is implied to be of great power and may fall into the wrong hands. She talks about hiding it instead, so that no one would ever be able to use it for anything.

      “It doesn’t matter at all,” I say. “I can control everything in the universe with this book. In fact, I made everything in the universe.”

      The girl eyes me curiously while seemingly dismissing that the crystal has any consequential aspect at all but seems puzzled and somewhat wary about being an entity I had created or she may be uncertain how I may shape events concerning Godzilla’s approach towards her people or alternate world. I wake before writing any more.

      This was interesting in that I had total control by what I wrote in the book yet was not even slightly lucid at any point. A book represents the nature of consciousness (or the transmuted conscious mind within the dream state) and the critical thinking skills on the conscious identity side of liminal space.

      A pillow is an obvious dream sign, not at all a symbol, that is, a residual memory of having fallen asleep (as is a bed and being undressed in public). The crystal seems to symbolize focused lucidity here (as it is dark and sits on the pillow and thus is analogous to the sleeping mind), yet full dream control is still present without lucidity or even a greater perceptual clarity. As Kira has wings and is a muppet, this is an atypical form of the otherwise very common “return flight” waking metaphor which also reflects the artificial nature of the dream state (and a puppet or muppet obviously represents potential dream control).

      The cave represents the dreaming side of liminal space (or the depths of the unconscious while sleeping) and thus on the primary level the emergence of the female character symbolizes my wife Zsuzsanna waking up next to me. Godzilla was the base coalescence metaphor (dream-swallower for the return to whole consciousness yet also represents heartburn in this case which I had to a small degree after waking, especially as Godzilla hunches down with his left paw on his stomach at one point), yet something within my dream self focus was able to shape my dream differently without being lucid.

    9. 07.15.2016 Feeling like Celebs

      by , 07-19-2016 at 04:52 PM
      Bed at 1am. Lots of running around with my bff all day today. Very productive Saturday- we worked out a lot. I attended my niece's quinceańera, which had a lot of family drama. My bff has been in a lot of my dreams lately, because we've been spending a lot of waking time together.

      DR 1
      I am having a conversation with my mom in a new house. We have just moved in. My sister is on the floor getting comfortable, laying down and trying to take a nap. Her kids are running around, exploring, in the background. I tell my mom that I am pursuing a career in art. (?) She's kind of confused, and says I'm a B student in art. I tell her that there have always been people better than me in everything I did, but that none of that should stop me from doing what I want to do. She seems surprised that I have already discussed this with myself, and she agrees.
      I begin to explain a project to my mom. One of my projects involves using myself as an installation, hanging from a tree. (?) I'm camouflaged like the tree, but I have large leaves painted on me that will glow in the dark at night and will match other leaves. Of course, in third person, I can see myself on the tree. As I am hanging I am telling my sister about it too, and I reveal to her that I have a crush on some celebrity and I'm secretly wishing he'll see it. (?)

      DR 2
      I am on a plane, sitting in first class. Everything is white- the seats the floor, the walls of the plane. Everything feels calm and relaxed. My best friend is doing big things and they are treating us like celebrities. I am writing a book. All of a sudden, my best friend touches my stomach as I'm stretched out in first
      class. She tells me that its hard and that she needs to work out. I laugh and say something to the effect that I still need work. As I'm telling her about the book I am writing, a guy keeps darting back and forth behind her.

      She is standing in front of the seats in the aisle ( I am stretched out on what seems like 2 reclining chairs) and she is wearing a black mink coat. She has full makeup on and earrings. Apparently, the guy darting back and forth behind her is a Fed Ex guy, which has to be around her all the time because she keeps having stuff delivered, and keeps having to sign for it. (?, lol) Someone asks her about so much spending - her husband has sent a message about and he's worried. She laughs it off and waves her hand, she's not worried at all. We continue talking.

      No clue about the art dream. Again obvious dream symbols, but presented in a completely different manner than usual.
      No clue who my celebrity crush was!!!!!
    10. [06-05-2016]

      by , 05-06-2016 at 08:14 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in my house. It was late evening, I was working on a history essay til midnight. Next day in school, that crone of history teacher didn't even wanted to check our essays and wanted to make an exam instead.

      Second dream

      I was a writer, writing a story for a horror movie. I've written about a zoo with deadly, mutated animals. The complex has closed down for some reason and nobody was able to leave. The only way led through crocodile pens. A group tried to escape, while manager stayed to wait until the way is open again. The group was eaten quickly by mutants, while manager was still inside, playing hide and seek with them. As I was writing, I could see everything like in a movie.

      Third dream

      Dark late evening. With my sister we were carving something in vegetables for a big party that she was organizing. I carved out some letters, as she wasn't able to carve properly. Then we were out of fruits and vegetables, so she left to get some. I waited and waited, a few people entered the house and told me about some horrors incoming. I noticed that doors were taken out of their hinges. I went outside and stood on stairs, watching as ominous fog was getting closer. I decided to put doors back on their hinges, but when I touched them, bought turned into day and fog disappeared. Them sister came back with others and I had to help them bring furniture inside. Next day I was working with father in his workshop, but then siblings with pals and a girl from Finland that once stayed with us when I was in a student exchange a few years ago. We were talking and laughing.

      Fourth dream

      I was wandering a city, heading to hospital to get some important papers from doctor. I noticed a woman really similar to my previous teacher, and she was heading to hospital too. Crossing the road I heard someone calling me, it was my sister with her classmates. We went to hospital, but there was enormous crowd and no one was able to get to a doctor. I decided to take my car and drive to her house. It was raining, doctor lived in a village inside a jungle and had a cottage made of bamboo. I entered it as doors were open and looked at a desk. At first I looked at ringing phone and saw that my mother was calling. Then I found my papers on bamboo desk. Research showed that I'm not a male, but a female. My body started shifting and I woke up.


      I was back at drivers license course, driving around a city. I talked with someone who said that I have only an hour of driving left.
    11. [30-04-2016]

      by , 04-30-2016 at 08:37 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      It was dark, cold evening. I was inside a ruined bunker, thinking about finally going outside and facing a wasteland that the world has become. The bunker was mostly empty, everyone left before, only I stayed inside. I finally left it and saw a barren wasteland, devoid of any life. After a while of wandering I went back to bunker, thinking about a way to immortalize the bunker and everyone that sheltered here before. I have it a name "Tecturne" and tried to write it on paper. My younger sister was there too, she gave me some paper. I couldn't write it perfectly as I wanted.

      Second dream

      I was in a forest, it was a warm afternoon. With group of classmates we had to make some measurements of wood volume. Instead they were mobbing one of the girls, going as far as stripping her from clothes and trying to rape her. I tried to stop them.
    12. [26-04-2016]

      by , 04-26-2016 at 06:12 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Two dreams about writing a forum game that I can't quite recall.
      Tags: writing
    13. [24-04-2016]

      by , 04-24-2016 at 09:20 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First fragment

      I turned on my laptop and started working - I was making textures and models, then used them to make maps for a Half-Life mod that I was creating.

      Second fragment

      I was writing a forum RTD game set in S.T.A.L.K.E.R games universe. A first reply was about another game like that, only a few days older and quite worse.
    14. Competition night 8

      by , 04-18-2016 at 04:30 PM
      6.45 Lots of things going on in my head....I feel I'm waking up....I say to myself: "Remember it all", but it slips away I lie still for a while, the only thing that stays is: writing something down. Like the day before yesterday... (maybe it is "writing down my dreams"???????)
      Tags: writing
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Indoor UFO Events

      by , 12-02-2015 at 06:02 PM
      Morning of December 2, 2015. Wednesday.

      This dream is about as illogical and distorted as they come relating to perspective and focus, though there are a few vivid parts (such as when I read the writing on our ceiling - and for some reason, ceiling writing has only appeared in dreams over the last year or so). The location is unknown. It may be a distorted version of our first apartment on Gellibrand Street in Clayfield. The rooms are all in a line with at least two doors opening to a public hall.

      Over time, there is a focus on UFO events. This makes no sense, as I am only ever inside our apartment looking at our wall (on the other side of the public hall’s wall only) and ceiling. Still, it is somehow as if I am seeing into the “real” sky at times (though not at all consistent in perspective and awareness). An egg-shaped light moves on our ceiling and down our wall and at one point, seems to direct a ray into a “military building”.

      This “military building” (to my left - on the other end of our apartment) turns out to be our television. I go over to it and see a young male (who reminds me of classmate Steve J when he was a teenager). He seems to be in a radio station and there are no other people visible. The ceiling at his location seems to have been damaged and he ducks a couple times as if the ceiling is unstable or shaking, but the scene is not very dramatic. Oddly, I am able to talk to him as if he can see me directly through the television screen. I ask him if he saw the ray of light come down and hit his building but he says “no”. Still, static and distorted horizontal bars appear on the picture after a time and I am wondering what is going on. (As far as I recall, this is the first time I have dreamt of talking with someone in a television broadcast. I do question the logic of him being able to directly see me with no evidence of a camera anywhere on my side - as again, he seems to look directly at me from the screen - but I do not become lucid. We talk for awhile but my dream shifts slightly).

      I am then in a conversation with two people that remind me only a little of my sister Carol and her second husband Mel (and there seem to be aspects of other people’s faces integrated, though I cannot be sure who they are). I explain to them how I watch the sky at certain times very late at night or very early in the morning prior to sunrise and always see mysterious lights (lifelong dream focus) - some of which seem natural and some of which seem based on unknown technology. Yet again, this seems “true to reality” as happening all the time, but in reality, such events only happened twice (once in Florida with a slowly moving egg-shaped pale light and once in Wisconsin where it looked the same but was immediately followed by an “explosion” of the aurora borealis).

      Eventually, I notice a large lump in our bed, implied head (under the quilt) nearest the wall (our bed lengthways out from the wall near our kitchen door when assuming our Gellibrand Street apartment). I become wary and uncertain how this seeming stranger got into our home and wonder if he is dangerous and I also notice our kitchen door to the public hall is open. I go and get my barbel and hit him hard on the shoulder from the side of the bed though not hard enough to badly injure him. He moves out from under the blanket a bit (without getting up) and it turns out to be my brother-in-law Robert S. This is a surprise but I apologize and ask him if I hurt him that badly and he says “no”, though seeming quite groggy.

      When farther back from our open kitchen door, I see writing on our ceiling directly above our bed, in three rows of hand-printed felt-tip marker ink. I read it closely and it says “First faking by Bob. It ain’t here.” Looking back a couple times later, it shows the same text as before (which is atypical as writing often changes when looking back). Apparently, Robert (Bob) had somehow caused all the UFO events due to being annoyed with people believing in such things - but this is not certain because when I ask him if he wrote the message on our ceiling, he says “yes” but later says that he did not do it.

      From here, the couple that vaguely reminds me of my sister Carol and her second husband approach me. The male asks me what I want to eat, showing me a large serving tray (what is it with serving trays in dreams lately?) which reminds me somewhat of the layout of a cheap and virtually inedible TV dinner (though about twice the size). I am not hungry and not keen on eating right now and this realization, along with a slight frustration on knowing how to say “no” to the other male, shakes me out of my dream.
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