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    1. 2 Day Summer

      by , 06-06-2011 at 01:33 PM
      I was back at school after 2 days of summer break. I showed a new girl on my buss the turtle i kept in my back pack all summer. Weird I know. When i got to school I found myself in a white walled classroom, with several people I knew and several new faces. I said hello and i got the odd feeling that everyone changed. I went to the hall way and got intercepted by Billy, a guy who wont realize that he cant beat me up no matter how many times I have bested him when he was dumb enough to try to put me in a head lock or something els stupid. He wanted to fight to "prove" who was dominate. Why couldn't I convince him that we are not friends and that I don't give a crap what he thinks as long as he is far away from me. I accepted the challenge and Billy kept insisting to fight at my house, I tried to tell him that mom thinks that he is no better than pot scum and that she would shoot him if he came within 100ft of the house. He didn't listen The dream ended.

      Updated 06-06-2011 at 03:20 PM by 46539

    2. Letters

      by , 06-06-2011 at 01:24 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Awake Non-Lucid

      I'm walking out of the front doors of school. It's a beautiful sunny day, and my friends wave at me to come over. "Paul's looking for you," she said quietly into my ear. "He told me to give you this."

      She took out a parcel wrapped in blue. I glance around and ask her to put it back into her bag. "What's this for?" I whisper, wishing we were at her house instead of at the school gates. We start walking.

      "He's going to ask you out," said Rochelle, with a teasing smile on her face. I groaned internally. I still haven't made a decision about him yet. It's a well known fact between us that he has a crush on me. I mean, we're friends and in fact I used to like him. Maybe still kinda do. But I just don't know if he's boyfriend material. God...


      I hear Greg behind us. I look around to see a group of guys, all of who I'm friends with, walking behind us. Shit, Paul's there.

      "Open your present!" Greg shouts, the guys all jump about and whoop excitedly. I roll my eyes with a grin and tell them affectionately to shut the hell up. But Sophie pulls the present from her bag and hands it over. I sure hope this isn't embarrassing.

      I rip open the paper to find a bundle of notes. They're sealed in an envelope, with a heart on the front. Oh god, hearts? I blush, but start reading.

      There's a lot to read through, so I skim over it mostly. It's not entirely to do with me, mostly it's a few compliments and jokes. In fact, it's really sweet. The guys behind us cheer and start to act out.

      Greg turns to Sean. "Oh sweet darling, will you be my lover?" He projects loudly, in a clipped, clear voice, sweeping his imagined hair back and fluttering his eyelashes.

      "Oh," begins Sean, looking to the sky and pouting his lips. "Why yes, sweet darling, I shall be yours forever!" He sighs dramatically and they fall into each others arms. Everyone cheers and laughs, and I even smile to myself a little, they're still funny even though they're taking the piss.

      I walk ahead of the others and sit on some steps with Sophie and Rochelle. They mutter insults at the boys, though they're grinning and I hear fondness in their voices. They are really the biggest bunch of idiots i've ever seen, but they're awesome. I hear Paul behind me. Y'know what? Why not? He's sweet and I like him.

      I stand up and smile.

      This has just confused meee.....
    3. Workin' Man

      by , 06-06-2011 at 12:42 PM
      It's the 1890's. I am one of the first union organizers. I am trying to convince a group of factory workers to stand up to their employers for safer working conditions. The trouble is I can't get anybody to attend the meetings. Whenever anyone is seen working with me, the fat cat factory foerman has them beaten or killed. The boss is a big sweaty bald man with a greasy comb-over, an ugly black suit with a gold chain across the solar plexus of his jacket. I manage to finally get a meeting together with 2 other workers at the factory, and as I start to tell them what the effects of the chemical run-off into the working camp water supply, two big thugs crash the meeting. One guy is wearing a black turtle neck, tight white pants a pork pie hat and is slapping an ugly blackjack into his left hand. The other is small in a greasy white suit. With sharp features. They tell me I have one chance to break up this meeting before things get ugly. I tell the other two to run, that I would hold these two monsters off.
    4. singing fake beatles song

      by , 06-06-2011 at 11:37 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a big theatre. The theatre was kind of crowded. The lights were on, but a show was playing. It was apparently the Ed Sullivan show where the Beatles played.

      I was surprised by the songs. The first song sounded a little bit like a Beatles song, but it also sounded modern. It may also have sounded like the "Boss Boss" song, by RC Succession.

      The second song sounded even more modern. I could also hear it very vividly. I was really surprised by this song. I was surprised I hadn't heard it before, and that the Beatles had chosen it for the Ed Sullivan show. But I really liked it.

      I was now getting up on stage. I was taking part in some kind of performance show, like a karaoke show or something like that. I felt like there was a band somewhere, but I didn't see a band: only a couple of guys leading me up on stage. The stage was empty and seemed to be made up of two or three tiers of some kind of beige-colored, polished material.

      I knew I was supposed to sing the Beatles song I had just heard. But I didn't know the song. I thought that maybe all I was supposed to do was lip-sync with the song. I figured that if I paid enough attention to the words I could do that on the spur of the moment.

      I now faced the crowd. The song was playing. The song was full, so the singer's voice (don't know which Beatle it was: didn't sound like any) could be heard. But I was actually supposed to sing out loud with the song.

      I actually got through the first verse pretty well by sticking to the sounds as I heard them sung. I ended the chorus of the first verse pretty loud, with a lot of enthusiasm. I had a feeling that sooner or later the singer's voice would be withdrawn, and that I'd have to sing all by myself.

      The second verse was starting up. I was really afraid I didn't know the lyrics. But I figured that if I heard the first words from the singer, I'd probably recall the rest of the song.

      At some point I may have been back down in the crowd, or I may have had the view of a camera looking into the crowd. I may have realized that the crowd was really a group of my peers and that I didn't have to worry so much, even if I did a bad job.
    5. The Zombie Invasion!!!

      , 06-06-2011 at 11:19 AM
      This is just a non-lucid dream that has been fragmented.
      I was at my house, and needed to go out, so I did, then I met with a friend-------We was running from zombies, then saw some people with guns, they killed the zombies and ignored us, I needed to go home------We was walking through some woods-----I arrived at home and spoke to a relative about the zombie outbreak, they acted like they were pretty much already dead.
      Then I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 06/06/11 - Nightmares, all kinds

      by , 06-06-2011 at 10:45 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Every dream I recall from last night/this morning was a nightmare or close to it. Even the fragment which I'm having trouble recalling, had a very sinister feel to it and I woke up all sweaty from it.

      02.00: Sleep

      05.00: Zombie apocalypse
      I'm standing on a small mountain with a couple of trees nearby. There are shelters and stuff all around me, and people are running around. No wonder they are running around, the zombie virus has been released! I gather some things necessary for survival out in the woods. A very long fishing line, some plastic bags, etc. "How will we sleep?" someone asks me. "We will be huddled together for warmth" an older man says. I pack some last minute stuff into my already stuffed bag and throw it over my shoulder.

      We start walking, but don't have to go very far. A kitchen, without roof or two walls appears and there's two people in it. Except for the missing walls, the kitchen looks very new. This place will have to do for now. I greet with the guy sitting at the table. I sit down and we start talking. I look over his shoulder for any zombies incoming, he's got his back towards the "entrance."

      "What will you guys do when the electricity goes out?" I ask him. "What do you mean, the lights?" he replies. "No, the food in the refrigerator will spoil right away". "Oh, well, I dunno, we'll take it as it comes then" he tells me. I'm frustrated he has no plan and I don't think everything will be alright just like that. I look over his shoulder again and he gets frustrated because I'm so paranoid. "Well, you should be too" I tell him and take another look, this time I spot something.

      A woman in a white, hospital dress is limping towards us. Her skin in her face is starting to turn a bit yellow at places, like it's rotting. "She's infected, get away from her!" people starts yelling. The woman doesn't seem to be a zombie fully yet though. She reaches out with her arms, trying to grab me. I jump away and try to find a knife or anything to kill her with. She chases me around the table, luckily she's not very fast. I see a couple of forks and dining knives but nothing will do.

      I spot an orange working knife and I grab it. I grab the woman and shove the knife straight into her skull and twist the knife. She starts whining and screaming. Brain matter splatters all around us and I hold her over the sink to not get it on the floor. I keep my mouth shut tight to not get infected myself. Even though she should be dead she's still alive. I drop her on the floor and she stops moving finally. "Alright, this knife is mine" I say all riled up. Fucking retards who can't get things done. Good job letting the guy with the injured wrists do it.

      08.00: Fragments
      *Something about the game Terraria. Woke up all sweaty.

      *Ants, they were all over the place.

      09.20: Collapsing at work
      I'm at work. I have to do some concrete work and I try to find an old concrete bag with the right kind of concrete. I know it's supposed to be here somewhere but I can't find it. I see several other bags which are red, but not my bag. I decide to head up to the establishment and get a new one. I check the clock as I walk in. "8.30." I've still got time to do some work until the break at nine. I pick the concrete bag up and ask my coworker if he wants to help me carry another one, he doesn't. My boss shows up, he starts telling me how we have to speed up work, and that it has to be done by the next week in May.

      "Next year?" I ask him. "No, next week." God damnit. "Alright we'll step it up" I tell him. He starts telling me how it's better to get a job done fast rather than do a good job. I agree and head back out with my concrete bag. I run all the way back and I'm really sweating by the time I arrive at the gates to where I was going to do my job. The ground consists of loose gravel and I trip in it and fall over. I see a few worms crawling further down. I relax for a second, my leg is cramping like hell and I try to soothe it by rubbing it.

      A trucker girl nearby watches me, she looks a bit worried. I shake my head and get up. For some reason I'm very dizzy. I grab the fence next to me and try to stay up, but I fall down on my back. The girl runs up to me. I mumble something. "What text message?" she asks me. I have no idea what she is talking about. "You just said something about a text message" she tells me. "I must have been dreaming" I tell her. Wow I'm sweaty! I wipe my forehead but it still pours down into my mouth.

      After a while I get up, my machinist Krull is there. I tell him what the boss said. "Basicly we can just pour the concrete powder in there and just spit at it" I say. He laughs. We head back up and I try to walk as steadily as I can, don't want to show that I'm weak.

      10.30: Maths class
      I'm in my new maths class. It's the next one after the one I've just taken, and I spot a few people who was in my old class. My coworker Valdis is there aswell, his name gets called out and I ask him about his surname, it doesn't sound right. He repeats what the teacher said. I look at the problems we were handed out. A guy next to me is doing an earlier course's final exam. I solve my problems within seconds but I realise I've done a mistake. I erase it all while the teacher is watching. I notice that there are more numbers than I first had noticed, and it's actually a very hard equation. I'm worried I won't pass this class.

      10.30: Fragment
      *My friend G has nothing but shorts on. He's got hair all over his body and he's laughing like a maniac. He intends to shave it all off. He flexes his legs. "Look at all that muscle mmmmmmmh, yeah!" I flex my own leg. "Yeah, look at that!"

      10.30: Freaking bears!
      I'm with my younger brother Morgan at my mom's house. We're on the upper floor and watching the forest on the backside through the windows. I spot something moving up there, and I realise it's a big brown bear! My brother Morgan opens up a window and starts to annoy it. I've got a camera in my hands and I take a few good shots. Suddenly the bear rushes towards us and climbs the ladder beneath us. There's a hatch going into the room we're in. Morgan runs out while I stay to try to fend it off. The bear destroys the hatch but the hole it's made is too small for it to crawl through. I take a lighter and try to burn it. The bear's enormous claws almost rake me and I jump back.

      The hole gets bigger all of a sudden and I close the door, but it won't shut properly! I leave it and run down the stairs. I see my mom, she's only wearing a bathrobe and a towel on her head. "Hide!" I yell. "Where? I can't hide" she tells me. "Just go into your room and shut the door then" I tell her and run into another one. The bear comes crashing down the stairs. I head out back and close all the doors behind me. I don't go very far though, as I'm sure the bear will come around the corner any second. Ofcourse it does. What a smart fucking bear. I run back in and close the door behind me.

      I head upstairs. The bear has gone away finally. I look out the window to make sure it's not coming back, but it is, and it brought a friend aswell as a cub. For fuck's sake! I run to the front of the house and jump up on the roof. I head to the neighbour's roof and lie down. I check if they would be able to see me if they came down the street, and they would. I go to the next, and the next. After a few houses I'm comfortable enough to stay. I lie there for minutes, just waiting for the whole scenario to go over.

      I start hearing voices. "Strange that no one has ever reported it to the police, they should have shot the bear right away." "Yeah, oh well it's taken care of now luckily." After a while I can hear gunshots, so I head back. I climb on the rooftops and next to my mom's house is a huge house with black tiles on the roof. I take a peak around the chimney, and look down the backside. "It's all over, they're dead" my mom tells me. Relief washes over me like never before. I almost start to cry. I try to get down from the roof, all of a sudden very clumsy and slow.

      10.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 8½ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! What a night. I hate bears, they've always been my mortal enemy in my dreams. One day I will make one appear in a Lucid and ask it why the hell its kind hates me so much. Perhaps they just want to make friends?

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    7. Sex and the city?

      by , 06-06-2011 at 10:23 AM
      It was as if i was watching a movie sex and the city. I was in 3rd perspective. I saw Charlotte, Samantha, Miranda and Sarah and some other guy from pretty little liars. I seemed like they were ready for some kind of an foursome? And that guy looked pretty happy and they were getting at it and then it switched to something else. I was somewhere and there was this guy i knew and we were suddenly getting at it and then the scenes switched again. I was still at the same place but the guy was gone and I was sitting on the bed with my grandma next to me and I turned on the tv. My grandma was like put the sound lower and i did because she was afraid that we would wake grandpa. And then grandpa woke up and came into the room and my granny shot me a look like 'i told you so'. I said sorry to my grandpa but he was like no, it wasn't you, I woke up already.
    8. Task of the Year for 2011, The 300 Spartans, 35-40 minutes

      by , 06-06-2011 at 09:54 AM
      I am in a big room. It has a swimming pool in it. I see a friend. Someone is chasing her. They run around the pool. When they are on the other side of the pool, an identical copy of her appears. Some monsters attack us. I take a gun and start shooting at them. One of them gets close to me. We start fighting. Soon I manage to get on top of it. For some reason I don't want to kill it. I look around me. There are two or three monsters and two people fighting them. I take scissors and threaten the monster: "Stay there or I'll shoot you with these!". "You can't shoot with those", it replies. I get off from top of it. On the other side of the pool a friend is surrounded by people. She is holding her hands high and black bolts of shadow are raining down around her. I become lucid. That looks cool, I think. I'll have to try that some time. She turns around and starts walking towards me. Why does she go to the pool when she could levitate? I turn away from her. Now there is a laser crosshair in the middle of my field of view. It is the sight for the rocket launcher I'm carrying. Theres a boy peeking from the window through which the monsters came. "Don't go anywhere!" I order. The boy doesn't obey. I levitate on the windows level and launch the rockets. After that I turn, have a final glance at the pool and teleport away. I appear in a stairway. What should I do next? How about the 300 task? I teleport again. This time it worsens the dreams quality. I remember fighting people with spears with a shillelagh. Damn, the dream's going to end soon. I'll have to do some other task. "Is this the right battle for 300?" I ask. "Yes". (both the answer and the question appeared as text). I teleport back. I decide to do an imaginary task where you have to become the managing director of a company. My mom shows me brochures of three companies. I point at one of them. "I'll take this one. It has the picture of the managing director in it so It's easier to teleport to him". I make the managing director step out of the black-and-white image. He makes me the managing director and we go driving. Soon after it the dream ends.
    9. Twoshadows' Dream Journal

      by , 06-06-2011 at 06:23 AM

      I was at my childhood friend Jenny's house. Suddenly I could see there was a tornado coming. It was a skinny twisting tornado, but it was headed right to this house. I saw my friend's little sister who was about 4 years old in this dream I grabbed her and got under a table and lay across her. The torado ripped off the roof of the house, but left us unharmed.
      Tags: tornado
    10. First Lucid Dream in 14 Long, Dreary Years. (Or months... ish)

      by , 06-06-2011 at 05:47 AM
      Setting: Bright, sunny day, comfortable day. Wide open area with sparse deciduous trees; the grass was well kept and green. An open park-like area with a white stone walkway.

      There was a small wood house near the path, I was outside the rear of this house when I gained lucidity. I was with one other person, whom I don't remember well at all. I do remember that this person was all about me being lucid and was down with my lucid shenanigans. I told him I wanted to set the house on fire. He apparently shared my complete disregard for the lives of the DCs inside, agreed, then informed me we didn't have any lighters. With a gleam in my eye I said (hoping to summon one) "Well, I've got one right here in my.. pocket!", reached inside... nothing. 'It's all about willpower' I thought. I remembered there were some shelves just outside the back of the house, so I walked around the corner (we were at the side), blindly reached up to the top shelf, and found a couple lighters. I applied the flame directly to the wood of the exterior of the house, and it caught fire astoundingly easily. I walked around to the side and lit it again. I remember the flame being absolutely gorgeous, but only recall this specifically when I was concentrating on it, trying to set the house on fire. By the time I set the side of the house on fire, the flames were leaping high about the roof from the rear. I then started down the path on foot, taking in all the scenery and verbally commanding the dream to increase lucidity and clarity, it worked.
    11. Spirit of the Wolf

      by , 06-06-2011 at 01:08 AM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:40 AM by 39215

      non-lucid , memorable
    12. On The Bus...6/5/11(Mid Morning)

      by , 06-05-2011 at 11:32 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      NOTE: My new dream sign along with Lauren is school because it's over now.

      So, right now I'm on a school bus(DS) with some schoolmates(DS). I'm sitting by Lauren(DS) and my good friend Eternity. Lauren(DS) is being random, while Eternity is being quiet. Soon, we get off the bus(DS ) and see the school(DS). I look at my watch, which says 1:23. Oh shit! Time to go to 8th Period(DS)! Odd, it's 1:23 P.M. but it's evening skies. Weird. So, we all start running. I'm running like a total queer. Then, I awake. Dammit! Do a fucking RC!
      Tags: dream, missed, signs
    13. Fixing Cars...6/5/11(Early Morning)

      by , 06-05-2011 at 11:26 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I am going up a hill in my old neighborhood. I'm on the sidewalk by a row of houses and the street. It is currently early evening. The sky is a beautiful shade of crimson. The summer heat really feels good. Then, I see a white minivan drive by. I see Lauren M.(DS) in the back seat. Then, the car loses control and crashes into a white house. Holy shit! I run over to see Lauren(DS) and her parents get out without any injuries. Phew! That's relieving. Her Dad comes over and asks me to help fix the car. I agree. More time with Lauren(DS ) is fine with me. I help fix the car until I awake.
      Tags: dream, lauren, missed, sign
    14. Friend or Foe?

      by , 06-05-2011 at 11:05 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Awake Non-Lucid Vivid

      Where is he?

      My sister has been taken.
      (I don't actually have a sister. One brother who's not in this dream) I know who took her. Where is he?

      Anger is bubbling inside me. I rage I've never felt before. I'm wandering around Touch. She's just a kid for crying out loud. Who else is there to protect her but me? And that bastard has taken her. So I will go flush him out. He's using her as bait, and it's working.

      I get my other sisters, all of them younger than me, and we begin the search. We go in and out of buildings, look under and over things, mostly I am alone. I am fiercely determined. When I catch that wanker I'm going to string him up by the balls.

      Eventually I see him, standing on a roadside. Everything seems grey. I run at him. I want to kill him. I jump, hitting him, and we both topple to the floor. I pin him down with my legs, hands tightening around his throat. He chokes and I try hard to hold him down, but he throws me off.

      Suddenly I feel incredibly weak. We both stand, facing each other. He smiles calmly. "I assume you're looking for your sister, hm?"

      My eyes narrow, and I snarl at him quietly. This seems to amuse him. It annoys the hell out of me, but for some perverse reason I want him to like me. I instantly write it off, but the feeling is still there. "Where is it, Kor?" the smile remains on him face, which scares me to no end. I falter slightly, but still keep quiet.

      His face twists and I see anger flash across. I recognize he's going to hurt me. I've never been hit before.

      As soon as I think this, he punches me across the face, hard. I fall to the ground, stunned and in pain. I feel as though the energy has drained out of me. He strokes my arm. "Kor... Why do you make me hurt you? You know I don't want to, but you make me. Just tell me where it is."

      The hit has confused me and I can't make out what he wants. I sit up, feeling entirely numb, feeling as though I'm going to pass out at any second. His hand travels across my scalp and tightens on a bundle of my hair. He tugs my head down painfully and seeths into my ear. "Where. Is. It?"

      I can't even remember what it is.

      I raise my eyes, panting slightly, to see we're on a rooftop. My sister's playing near the edge with another girl. She looks unhurt, but something's off about her.

      I look into the his eyes, I can't get behind the terrifying fury there. They go back to calm. It's fucking with my head. I feel like he owns me. I want to please him but he makes me so afraid.

      This was an uncomfortable dream. It kinda unnerved me.
      memorable , non-lucid
    15. 6-2-2011

      by , 06-05-2011 at 10:42 PM
      Was at q grocery store with allen and leo. It was late at night. There was a man there with 2 grand in cash standing in line. Allen and leo decided to jump the man and take his cash. They fled to my car. My job was to destract the man while they hid in my back seat. They put my old stuffed animal roberta as a dummy driver. The guy thought roberta looked like allen. She's a monkey btw. I finally convienced him she wasn't. When I drove the guys and me home I felt I was being fallowed. I had to go down crazy paths. We got hone and we lived in a beautiful large modern house that was under furnished. I complained about the evening to them so they didn't give me any of the cash