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    1. WTF (Short but very disturbing) Warning"GROSS"

      by , 10-09-2010 at 06:56 PM
      Starts out there was a man standing there and someone pulled on his arm and it ripped of. I could see hundreds of maggots inside his arm and his open shoulder. After a minute he got up off the ground and ran towards a DC who was wielding a fishing rod. The DC swung the rod at the attackers head and the hook from the rod stuck in his head. His entire face and scalp got ripped off leaving his maggoty brains open. The rod for some reason was able to suck the brains and maggots through the rod and right into the DC's mouth. His head started to expand as it filled up with a vomitish looking soquid until finally his entire head exploded all over the place.The end.wtf

      (i had a feeling of puking while in the dream to give you an idea of how "f"ed this dream was)
    2. Fragment - "3 Hot Women"

      by , 10-09-2010 at 06:41 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in a well-lit restaurant, sitting at a booth. The seats and backings were made of smooth, polished wood, while the booth tables were rectangular like real ones, with picnic-patterned covers on top. I was looking at a menu; it was pale yellow in color, and laminated. The text was pale red, and probably around 17pt, large for a menu.

      There were only a few menu options with no pictures, and then, in even larger text, was an option that said "3 Hot Women", priced at $129.99. No thanks.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 12:40 AM by 28408

      Tags: menu, restaurant
    3. Hmmm

      by , 10-09-2010 at 06:27 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Nothing. I'm in a dry spell since Thursday evening. hope it will pass soon
    4. Dream highschool again

      by , 10-09-2010 at 04:46 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Wow I just remembered a whole long dream I had! I was at a new school! I think I've been here before. I remember all the other kids were being rowdy and stuff in the hallway and suddenly they were all in their classes when the bell rang. I was wonderin around the hallways aimlessly lost.

      There was a very distinct feeling throughout the whole dream, but I don't know what the feeling is. I saw some classrooms and decided to go into one. All the students turned to look at me and I backed out as it wasn't my classroom.

      I found my classroom, and saw some people from my old (real life) school there. One said to me "This teacher used to teach at our old school!" And apparently this teacher was very nice. There was a lot of detail and more to remember, but it's gone from me.
      Tags: lost, school
    5. 8th / 9th October 2010

      by , 10-09-2010 at 04:30 PM
      1) I am in an assembly held by my deputy-headteacher. He says "Now, I'm not trying to spoil your day, but I have to tell you about how many people had unprotected *** or stabbed each other last year," he points out, "But it has got to stop. I'm sure this year will be much better." we all leave to go to our tutor groups.
      When we get there, my form tutor says to me, "Unfortunately ********, you have a very bad case of stabbing (I was stabbed in reality with a pen) With a person like your old best friend (there she is AGAIN!). People with that condition cannot be stopped. You cannot do anything to restrain them. You can only watch the sharp and heavy object sail towards your face..." I see a club coming to bash me.

      2) I am watching a cinema-type screen. It says the names of various countries and their flags come rolling across. I notice that they all look like Sweden's flag. I think that this is strange and miss an obvious lucid chance. The film ends. I and the person who is standing next to me (my English teacher?) are led to a room where there are horses. I have a beautiful white one called snow. We tack up and are led to a stadium (a shop) where there are lots of jumps. Each jump has a flag next to them. I jump Japan and Denmark but Snow then sees cows and sheep being led around and bolts at a fast gallop. I am barely able to stay on, but when I see she is headed for the meat stall, I jump off; keeping hold of the reins and whip her back mid-jump. The man who runs the stall shakes his fist angrily at me. I try again, with exactly the same scenario again.
      Tags: horse, stab, sweden
    6. Just some fragments

      by , 10-09-2010 at 04:07 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      I had a late night last night and wasn't concentrating properly when I was falling asleep, so I can only remember fragments.

      [1] My parents and I are having a conversation with somebody. The subject of an internship I once had comes up, and my mom describes it as “the anti-job” and goes on to explain why. [Which is, in fact, a rather apt description.]

      [2] I'm in a room that looks like my bedroom, except the furniture is all in the wrong places. [doesn't count as an FA because I don't actually remember waking up]
      Tags: family, house #3
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. No more!

      by , 10-09-2010 at 03:59 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I'm just kidding, I do want more. Gimme more, gimme more! I slept for a very long time last night, and I had many dreams. I even figured out what I'm doing in the morning, and I'm actually incubating a dream without knowing it! I will tell you more about it further down.

      Night: Party
      I'm sitting at a table at a big party and I'm talking to a girl who looks very much alike my girlfriend's friend. Let's call her Emo. Emo and I are having a very long and interesting conversation and after ten minutes or so, she picks up her handbag and heads for the bathroom. I'm left by the table and I finally got time to think. "Omg I didn't tell her I've got a girlfriend!" I think for myself and I start feeling bad. She comes back and I tell her that I've got a girlfriend. "Oh that's ok, I'm not interested in you anyway" she tells me. I know she's lying. "Yeah right, well I would have taken you if I didn't have one" I tell her and walk away. I walk up to Monica who's standing just a few meters away and I hug her. We start talking.

      I wake up and it's 10.00. My mind starts wandering and instead of seeing things, I imagine I see them. I use to do this when I'm supposed to write a dream down but I'm too lazy to do it. I then end up thinking of doing it but somehow it gets so real that I think I am actually doing it.
      Monica goes to the bathroom and comes back to bed and I write down a dream. My dad and I are having a conversation about a song. "It's so awesome!" he tells me. Apparently he has just discovered it.

      10.00: Fragment
      *I'm reading a comic book. It's genre is action and something about a tank of some sort.

      I wake up again and I realise that I've incubated a dream involuntarily. I decide to try it out and I think of the desert and how awesome it is. I try to imagine there being a huge palace there and I spend several minutes exploring the place.

      11.00: G the crybaby
      I'm at my friend G's house with my other friend Felix. He's been really lazy the last few days and he's in bed. "Come on you lazy fatass!" I tell him and he starts crying! I get really mad and I walk up their stairs, talking about how friends say stuff like that and don't mean it. Felix follows and G's dad is sitting in the stairs, talking to us about respect or something like that. It's almost as if he's asking questions than making statements and I decide not to listen to him. We're about to go down the stairs with our snowboards when I realise it's no use. We walk down again and enter the room G's in. Felix removes all his clothes except his underwear and lie next to him. "Omg not so close you homo" G starts whining and pushes Felix off the bed. "But I got alot on my mind at the moment..." Felix complains and I ask him what it is. "Well Becci mostly..."

      11.00: Measuring stuff
      I'm holding out my arms and a girl is walking around me, measuring. Suddenly she takes off all of her clothes and she's completely naked! I look at Monica and I can see she's blushing. The girl continues her work and she's now shaking for some reason. I can see blonde hair going up from her stomach to her chest on her otherwise perfect, tanned body.

      12.00: Snowboarding
      I'm at a skiing resort with my friends. "This slope looks too easy" I tell them and we take a watch at the map for a better slope. Suddenly we're in the slope and I'm on my snowboard. I have to dodge some kids in the end but it doesn't feel right. I look down and I see that my strappings are fucked up.

      12.45: Winter
      It's freezing cold outside of my parent's new house. I'm standing next to a large field filled with waist-deep snow. I can see an excavator and I walk up to it. Instead of Snusknicke from work, I see my cousin Micke. He has to struggle to keep his eyes open and I ask him if it's harder working than being in school. "Yeah... I'm constantly tired now" he tells me and I decide to climb high up. While being up there, my brother Martin comes up and starts shaking the thing. "Cut it out! I'm dizzy all of a sudden" I tell him and I can't remember having any breakfast. It's a sunny day with a blue sky and it's all very nice from up where I'm at. I try to get down and after a few tries I'm on the ground.

      I leave the excavator and walk inside the house. I'm greeted by my dad and I tell him my feet are really cold. I remove my shoes and I can see that they're whiter than normal. Plus I can barely feel them. My mom is watching TV and I walk over to her. I notice it's something about Lucid Dreaming. "See? I told you. Awesome isn't it?" I ask her and she agrees with me. My dad shows me his arm which has a huge half-healed scar on it. It's the shape of a dogbite and I ask him what happened. He explains to me that their dog Igor was fighting another dog, and he came inbetween them. He re-creates the scenario in slow motion by using his hands, pretending they're a pair of jaws slowly closing in on his arm.

      12.45: Russian nightclub
      I'm in Russia and I'm looking for a nightclub. A guy tells me where the best club in town is, and I go there. It must have been illegal since I couldn't see any sign. I can see a guy standing in a hallway infront of a white door and I walk up to him and ask him where the club is. He walks past me and out on the street, disappearing. I knock at the door and a huge Russian opens right away. He's got blood-shot eyes and is atleast 2.5 meters tall. He asks me something in Russian and I agree. I'm let into this club filled with anabolic guys and I don't feel safe at all.

      The dream gets really weird and it's like I'm watching a movie instead of being there. But a Chinese guy comes rushing in, there to rescue me! He screams while running down the hall and jumps up in the air, trying to do a fly-kick. The Russian starts running towards him and I expect them to crash into eachother right away. The Chinese guy is still in the air though, and he has to round a corner. He does it and crashes into the Russian, all while being airborn.

      They start fighting eachother. The Chinese picks up a sandbag and holds it to his chest. Then pushes the Russian into a fence. Blood gets everywhere but the Russian won't give up without a fight! He pushes the Chinese against a fence on the other side, but it's not as effective. The Chinese does the same again and this time, the Russian gets half imbedded into the fence. He dies instantly.

      12.45: Fragment
      *I'm watching a guy and a girl. The guy is halfway buried in snow and the girl has a leash in her hand, with the guy attached to it. He starts yelling while going even further down. "Hmm that's a nice magic trick" I think as I watch the girl laughing.

      Amount of sleep: 12˝ Hours

      Food before bed: 100mg B6, 2 omega-3 pills.

      That's it! Awesome night. I woke up with a headache at 12.45, so I couldn't sleep more. I'm gonna try DEILD'ing more often and also to incubate dreams while waking up. As I've done it pretty often before, it shouldn't be too hard. It's just that it's hard to focus on something you want, without getting all excited.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: snowboard
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Lucid Dream #15

      by , 10-09-2010 at 03:07 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 5/10
      Vividness: 8/10
      Length: ~5 Min.

      I was on a school bus and I was trying to put toothpaste on this girl named Tristan. After I did, she appeared up a few seats. Then my friend Kaleb asked her if he could see her boobs and feel them. She let him. Kaleb was sitting next to this girl named Trisha. The seat next to them was empty so I sat there. I looked at Trisha and she looked at me. She smiled and asked me a question. I asked her to face me and spread her legs so I could see her Vagina. And to my expectations she did. I also expected her to be wearing Jeans but she had panties on instead. It was very realistic. I said "I don't have forever!" And tried to grab her panties. Just then I woke up and I tried to DEILD but failed. The End.
    9. Why online backup services are crucial

      by , 10-09-2010 at 02:53 PM
      In the modern era information saftey is quite important as loss can cost organisations quite a lot of capital. Due to the expanding use of portable computing and use of various devices, the data is kept throughout the different computers. This causes the strange issue of the inability to archive data from multiple points, in reality there are many information centers in diverse places.
      This has spurred numerous online backup services to arise to bring you remote top online pc backup services.

      A sample amazing attributes of a online backup services

      Can make backups from any location with a web service
      Undertakes automatic rescue files
      Stores rescue files in an external site
      Online backup services would not be achievable without the posession of speedy up to date internet connections which can send and receive data at reknown transfer speeds. What's catching is that despite the fact that buyers reject web based services, online backup services decrease the monotonous task of keeping physical archives stable and closely guarded as well as making sure that hardware are up to date. Online backup services cost on average of $59 annually which is a lot lower cost than strenuous rescue files in both price and time and e-commerce backups could be a lot more reliable.

      Although the main justification buyers are sprinting out to get online backup services is because of its capability to accomplish backups out of any place. as this is big contrast to conventional backup systems as this required the conclusion client to operate and also keep rescue files manually.

      Online backup services likely to grow into more and more usual in the subsequent years, as end owners become more remote and the necessity to have content available anyplace is more crucial. Online backup services will be a godsend for mobile employees who work off their mobile computers and are concerned about stealing and failure of computer hardware which may lead them to cut all their work. In an age where data means the world, and having the most up to date data from that a few days old is like night and day, online backup services find a appreciated cradle.

      Most excellent online backup services tends to provide unrestricted data capacity so buyers can backup as data as they want, they will additionally come with a small footprint archive program, and speed control so that the store software only uses the web service when it isn't in operation, a few suppliers of online backup services should have data syncing attributes which enable buyers to sync backup between computers. The most apt online backup services also have secure connections and storage.

      Online backup services have been in use for a endless time in the business community. Indeed the consumer market appears to be to be more profitable due to its larger dimensions, as well as its witnessing a surge in size. Before signing up for an annual membership it is shrewd to review some best online back reviews in order to ensure sure consumers have made a good choice

      Updated 11-16-2010 at 09:25 PM by 37350

    10. Wave 64: Long dryspell

      by , 10-09-2010 at 02:22 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      Im getting anoyed. Its really been a while!

      Playing Troud cul with my friends outside on the toit vert. While walking I spot Zeng and ask if he wants to play.

      Still not much :S
    11. Drawing portals

      by , 10-09-2010 at 02:20 PM
      Dream of October 9th, 2010

      Well….. I’m making progress. ^_^

      Last night I attempted a WILD, but it didn’t work, although later I ended up having a DILD. I can’t quite remember how it happened because I had two dreams last night and in the first one I was lucid.

      In the dream I was at a house where a lady was and maybe my sisters. The lady that was there ended up chasing me, but I can’t remember why. To escape her I flew, which caused me to suddenly realize, “Hey, I’m dreaming”. Strangely, I started to feel almost like I was dreaming and awake at the same time, like I could feel light near my eyelids in bed, so I tried to concentrate on the dream and make it stabilize, and I tried to remember my goals. After flying for a ways I either teleported or my flight just brought me to a different area. The area I was in was quite dark, and I think I was in a building. I tried thinking about my goals again.

      The first thing that came to my head when I was thinking about goals was making a portal, and going to Hyrule. I had imagined many times in waking life how I would make a portal. I would draw an oval like shape in the air and then the air would shimmer inside the oval and on the other side I would be able to see my destination; it did not go as I had planned. When I went to draw the portal a blue marker materialized in my hand. I used the marker and drew an oval in the air. The air did not shimmer like I had wanted, and when I put my head through the floating oval I found that I was still in the same area, but I was determined to make it work.

      I took my head out of the floating drawing of an oval and then I focused my will and tried to rub the area inside the oval as if I were trying to defog a window; it worked. The area I had rubbed started to become a semi-transparent image of a underground tunnel. Rubbing the air was difficult, for I had to focus to keep my hand from just going through the oval, but I managed. Eventually I had a big enough area to go through and there was now a clear opaque image of a scene on the other side. Now I had to figure out how to get through the floating window; I decided that I would break it.

      I smashed the floating window and bits of glass, or something of that nature, fell onto the ground. Now it seemed like there was a big hole floating in the air. I jumped into the hole. Once I was through the hole I saw that I had indeed made a portal, for I was now in a completely different area, but unfortunately not in Hyrule. I remember running or flying down the tunnel after that and meeting some enemies but I can’t remember what happened after that, and think it might have been because I had woken up.


      My second dream involved a game. There was this shadowy inky stuff that infected people and somewhat controlled them. I was flying around in the area, which was a valley with a crater lake on one side and a tower on the other. I flew by the tower when the black goop tried to attack me. The goop was trying to control me but I wouldn’t let it. I flew away and saw a group of people who appeared to have been infected by the goop and some other people who weren’t infected. The two groups started fighting each other and I could hear the infected telling them “Join us, give in”, or something of that nature.

      After that the dream turned into even more of a game, well, more like a game editor. My sisters were there and they were telling me what to make. I was able to use the characters and set them up in different areas, change their personalities, and basically just change the whole story. My sisters and I ended up deciding on a story about a large black dragon, and soon after I woke up.
    12. PLEE Day 5

      by , 10-09-2010 at 02:17 PM
      I can't recall any dreams I had while asleep. But then again, the whole night felt like a dream, so maybe I used up all my seratonin receptors. It's all good, there's always tonight.
    13. Meh

      by , 10-09-2010 at 02:04 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being at my dead grandparents house that doesn't exist anymore. I was washing my hands, and trying not to get the sink water on the dishes. I also remember being in some store, and someone was trying to get me to buy some sort of pumpkin seasoning to add to the foods I baked.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. LONG dream [Fights, Flights, Zombies, Clarity]

      by , 10-09-2010 at 01:52 PM (The Odds and Ends of a Crazy Person!)
      October 9th, 2010
      LONG dream [Fights, Flights, Zombies, Clarity] (MILD)


      [[Warning: This IS a very long dream]]

      So, as is my custom now, I go to bed with the mantra (I guess this makes it a MILD? I dunno. ) that I will become lucid. I don't specify how, but hey, it worked.

      So I get into the dream, and I'm with a group of about 50 people and we're all fighting these giant suits of armor gladiator style. Looking back on it, I'm glad I didn't go lucid here. It was much more fun without it! I was some kind of magic person that could shoot iciles out in a wave around me. Anyways, I got seperated from the group and it was just me VS a giant armor guy. . . So we talked. We stopped fighting and just talked about civilization. He mentioned one of my friends going to college just like me and remarking on that. But here's the creepy part...
      When I woke up this morning, that same friend had JUST sent me a friend request on Facebook... WTF.

      Anyways, after a nice chat, the event is over and I go walking outside with the huge group. We're all talking and having a bit of fun and walking out of some kind of Hotel. I meet up with my brother. As we get to the parking lot, I notice our car and go to walk towards it. Apparently, though, we went over the time limit for parking there EVEN though we had a permit to do so. They ended up moving our car to the furthest part of the lot. This happened to be so far away that we had to get a hotel room for the night. We unpacked bags that we suddenly had, and as I unpacking, I thought, "Man, this would be cool if it was a dream. Wait, what if I am dreaming? I'm dreaming!"

      Boom baby, Lucid activate! I stood up and looked out our window, which had almost nothing outside of it. I yelled, "Clarity now!" Suddenly, this hotel was a port-side hotel with a beautiful bay next to it. I could see people walking and everything! The water shimmered with the sunset, too. I actually spent a while just admiring the landscape and touching everything. Lots of touching. The walls were soft, my hands made friction, the bed compressed when I stepped on it (Laying down in it might bring me back to waking life.), etc. I can't remember how it happened, but I got myself outside the hotel room, but to the left of the window I looked out of. I was in some kind of survivor camp. There were roofless structures that looked like high-tech RVs with a floor on top of them and stairs leading to the top. I knew one was mine and walked up that. There wasn't much there, toothpaste, a watch, maybe a dresser drawer or something.

      Getting kind of bored, I turned around and saw another camp tower (I'll call them that.) grilled some hotdogs on theirs. I jumped over with a low-gravity thing and tried to talk with them, but their were biker-type people who liked to talk with fists. They kind of stared at me angirly, but didn't do anything. I got off their little camp tower and saw the point where me and my brother waited while their unfairly moved my car. But this time, there was a door behind it. I opened the door and casually walked inside. By the time I reached the end of the hallway next to some thin, cast-iron stairs you would find going to a boiler room or something, I felt something... I turned around and a disfigured, horrible zombie (Why did I want clarity?!) was limping VERY quickly towards me. I could go into detail, but I won't. Lets just say it was very clearly missing some of its organs...

      "Guns!" I thought, but all I got was a knife-fork: a blade with prongs like a fork at the end of it. I stabbed it in the heart, and it went down surprisingly fast. Then, the door I walked through burst open quickly with a girl running through it. Also, it was now pitch-black midnight. One of the biker guys, kind of slim, sleezy face, long black ponytail, covered in leather, etc, charges the girl and pushes her down, then stabs a sword right through her (It was in complete shadow, but it was implied that he stabbed her.). Okay, I was starting to think following this dream wasn't going to go anywhere nice. I thought that, and instantly the guy stared at me and practically teleported right in front of me.

      Next thing I know, I feel like I've gone back in time. I'm back outside with the camp towers and it's daytime again. "Allll right..." I had a few things stolen from me, but I didn't mind. I was dreaming! I felt a little shaky, so I did some RC to stabalize everything. Hands rubbing, plugging my nose (It is the weirdest feeling to breathe like that. I usually skip this RC 'cause it's easy to fail), and then checking the number of fingers I had. I already knew I was dreaming, but my dream tried to fool me... I had 7 fingers on my left hand and 3 on the other. I just started laughing. A second later, I saw that I couldn't see too far over this cliff conviniently located next to me. I just flew over it, and soon I was covered in a fog. I tried "Clarity!" again, but it didn't do much. I arrived at a huge door made of various food products. The knob was pretty big, but I opened it. Inside, an empty room yet again made of food and another big door. I did this cycle about 3 times until I got to a pitch black room. I said, "Lights on." and blip! Lights came on. Somehow, I was no longer flying, and the room was like a janitor's closet with empty shelves. The furthest wall from me was made of cakes. I walked in and saw that it was getting gradually darker behind me.

      Holy shit... I turn around and I see Death with huge, torn, flowing black robes and all. So I did what any sane person would do; punch Death, steal the Scythe, teleport away. The punch actually worked and I got hold of a weird scythe made of bones and wrapped in cloth. I could only think of one place to go; the camp towers. But something had changed. . . Each camp tower was now themed based on a school I had been to. It now seemed more militaristic, too. I played around with Death's scythe a bit, but didn't wanna go murdering DC's, so I dropped it and it kind of vanished. At this point not too much was happening, so I tried something new. I struck a pose like Ryu from Street Fighter and tried to get a fireball going. After a few seconds, I could hear the fire in my hands, feel the warmth, rotating my hands to contain it and feeling it grow with each passing second. The I let it loose! Aaand nothing was there. Damnit! So close...

      By this point
      I kind of lose lucidity as a girl from my high school camp tower points a gun at me and tells me to sing a song from the school to prove I'm not a zombie. I laugh that I can't think of any songs and she goes away. . . But then a bunch of soldiers from the game Modern Warfare 2 start to pop out and I defend myself with a sniper rifle until my dream fades away... But hot damn was that a long and awesome dream! Sadly, I wouldn't call this 10 minutes of FULL lucidity, seeing as I like to go along with my dreams. Usually they're interesting.

      Kind of weird, but included in my little night-time mantra, I try to picture the place where I will become lucid. I pictured myself in some kind of room facing a corner at which two windows meet. HUH. SOUNDS FAMILIAR. LIKE A HOTEL ROOM I WAS IN. Yea, I'm kind of freaked out that it worked, but also incredibly excited that I did that. Perhaps I can start out my dreams in different locations like that. I dunno. Dreams are weird.
    15. Cannibal Unicrons!

      by , 10-09-2010 at 01:29 PM
      I haven't been on in a while, but last night, I randomly had a LONG LUCID DREAM!

      Lucid Unicorns! (Non-lucid)


      I was downstairs, and I knew something was a little bit off. I tried to do the nose pinch reality check, but it did not work. I decided to try my own little test, which I now will call the Phone RC. I picked up the phone, and without pressing any buttons, I asked to speak with the operator. All of a sudden, my grandma was talking to me on the phone. I knew I was dreaming.

      I asked my grandma to make a unicorn appear for me, and she said she would. A unicorn did not appear, and I was pretty angry. Instead, my dog appeared in front of me. I commanded him to turn into a unicorn, but he turned into a cat. He turned back into a dog, and I commanded him again. He turned into a bat. I gave up on him, but there now were two DCs with me. I think one was a young boy, and one was a girl. I said "CLARITY NOW"! All of a sudden, things went blurry.

      I ignored the blurriness, and walked upstairs with the two DCs, and they told me they found a job for me. I thought it would be call to have a dream job, so I looked at the newspaper. I knew something was wrong. All of the jobs included killing people. The girl told me that I shouldn't take up a job then, and she told me how a lot of cannibals took over the world and now kill and eat the people. She said her and her little brother are forced to eat flesh.

      I found it interesting, and I realized that my vision was no longer blurry. I looked down the hallway, and I said "When I turn around, a unicorn will be there!" I turned around, and when I looked back, there was a white horse there. I was proud that I got that close to it. I then said "When I turn around, the horse will have a horn on it!". I turned around, and when I turned back, the horse was a unicorn. I was happy so I ran up to it, and it licked me.

      The father of the girl took the little boy and made him eat a Grilled Cheese sandwich (I didn't see this, but I assumed it was toast with organs on it). The father offered me and the girl some food, but I refused. I decided that I wanted to go to Quebec, so I told the girl, and she told me a way to go there. I told here I would use that way, but I have a unicorn that I can use to fly me there. We said our goodbyes, and I rode my unicorn through the sky. It looked very game-like while flying. There was a huge city on a hill that was being under attack. Then, all of a sudden, I appeared in an auditorium. A female doctor that I know I saw before from a TV show welcomed me and told me to get on the ground. I was floating, and everything was realistic. I lost lucidity.

      I walked around the auditorium to see anyone I know, and I found my friend Kailey. I sat next to her and told her that I switched out of a certain college class and now was working to be a doctor. She thought that was cool, but the guy next to her said only girls should be doctors. Next to me sat some other people, and he spilt mustard on his pants. I did too, but it later was clean.
      lucid , memorable