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    1. Escape

      by , 11-20-2010 at 05:22 AM (Guessadoodle's Dream Journal)
      Escape (Non-lucid, supplemented by melatonin)


      Took half a pill of melatonin before bed. I think half a pill works best for me, since I had an awesome sleep (if not were for my do hogging up the entire bed). Actually I had 2 dreams, but I forgot the first one.

      I was in Kovan and I was trying to run away from my friends who were trying to force me to do something. I ran down from Mavis Tutorial Centre, all the way to Heartland Mall, bumping into people on the way. I ran up the escalator, pushing and shoving.

      "Ah, I'm so sorry, I apologise!"

      On the way, I quickly morphed myself into a female so as a disguise. Finally I reached the end of Heartland Mall and ran into a cafe and quickly sat down on a stranger's table. The girl on the left was eating from some kind of cup that looks like cappuccino.

      "Is that cappuccino?" I asked.

      "No, that's lasagne," the woman on the right replied.

      Apparently the DC on the left was learning how to cook and was asking the DC on the woman for opinions.

      The waitress of the cafe was my friend, G, and she knew I transformed into a female to avoid being recognised. She walked over to my table.

      "Hey, can you buy something at least?" G said.

      "Alright, give me a hotdog."

      All this while, while the DC on the right was eating from the cup, she kept grinding her legs onto my feet, and yes it hurts.
    2. 19 Nov: Spies, food, feeling trapped and a fairy tale

      by , 11-19-2010 at 11:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      21:45 GMT

      Not yet quite dreaming, but thinking (as I sleep) about the NATO summit and Obama and meditation (?) Whatever.

      23:00 GMT

      Spy games
      I’m at the train station just outside an airport, watching, as some cool guy with a guitar case is coming up some escalators. On top of the escalators is another guy who seems to be waiting for him. They spot each other and the guitar guy tries to go back, pushing everybody who’s on his way. He is kind of spy, but I feel he is actually doing a very heroic work and is not the villain. But this other guy is government and for all they know, this guy’s a spy and a bad one. They chase each other and the guitar boy manages to reach the train platform. The chaser starts shooting, thinks get ugly and some guy tries to play the hero by trying to jump over the guitar boy, but misses and ends up falling on the train tracks. This causes a lot more chaos and the guitar boy manages to escape.
      I watched all this and I watch the boy moving away by getting on a train and jumping from it a bit further.
      I am hovering somewhere above all these scenes and my mom is by my side and we discuss calmly how people not knowing the intents of each other, end up hurting each other and creating mayhem.

      Being a nag at the canteen
      I arrive at a canteen where I’m going to have lunch with some girl friends. I think mom is also still around. The soup plates are filled with soup, but instead of being side by side on the counter, they are stacked over each other. I say “Gross!” but take one and get all dirty with soup on my hands and soup dripping all over. The main dish is tofu with rice and potatoes. They also have omelette sandwich as alternative and I take one. The line is taking a lot of time to move and when finally it is my time to hand over my lunch ticket I conclude maybe I will take the dish, because it’s included in the price anyway – so I go back and try to fill a plate, but then it breaks in half. I finally get my food and to hand over my ticket, but then I can’t find my wallet – I had left it on the counter back in the beginning of the line. Once again I have to quit my place and go fetch for it. People are really getting annoyed at me.

      TV show
      Then I’m sitting on the floor with my back against a couch where my mom is sitting. We’re watching TV as we eat and there’s a new talk show, which is in fact not new but an old one, from the 60s or so. It’s about informal conversations with famous people. They also sit on a living room and in this case this actress is sitting on some pillows on the floor while responding to the questions from the host sitting on the couch. The topic they are discussing is New Age. The actress is explaining how her “religion” is not yet well accepted, especially in the USA, but she believes it will in the future. I’m a bit bored and my mom hands me some pieces she said she bought so I can fix the cat water fountain. OK, cool, I’ll be right on it!

      2:20 GMT

      Princess on a fairy tale
      I need to descend into a sort of deep and large well, to save my mom. But inside this well lives a monster. He kidnapped my mom so he could lure me into the well. He wants me as his companion, for endless times. I am trying to go down without him noticing me, but it’s basically impossible and he captures me. He is a strange ugly creature which scares the hell out of me at first contact, but after a while, I start sympathising with him. He just feels lonely.
      But then I discover there’s a whole new story behind, with intrigues involving two royal families. So, I am the princess of one kingdom and there’s a princess of another kingdom. And the monster originally captured this other princess, but her family made an agreement with the monster and so they kidnapped my mom and offered me in exchange. Then my own family comes in my rescue and the two kingdoms start fighting. But I can’t stand all this violence and hatred and meanwhile I’m sort of friend with the monster and bring him along with me to stop this nonsense. A crazy guy from the other kingdom freaks out, thinks I’m nuts for bringing the monster along and wants to shoot me. He is pointing a gun at me and I try to defend myself – only thing I find around is a stapler, so I shoot staples into his groins and he howls in pain.
      When everybody calms down and we’re quietly sitting under some trees after the war is over, just admiring the sunset, one of my friends or sisters says “Look, I can see fairies.” I tell her it’s not fairies, just some moths translucent and shiny because of the sunset light hitting them. And at first that’s in fact all I see, but then... “I can see them to!!!” Little orbs of light are floating around us and they become more and more numerous until they fill the entire space. I feel bliss emanating from these creatures of light and they heal our wounds.

      3:45 GMT

      Lost on my way home
      I’m the town right after my home village and I head to a bus to get home. I hop in to ask the driver if he is going that way, but he closes the door and drives away before even replying to me. “No” he says, he goes to the opposite direction. He then tells me I can get out in the next town and come back to get the right bus. Nice, thanks... But then maybe he realises he was uncool, so once we arrive at next town, he comes outside with me and walks me by some road to explain where I should go to get back. He is actually flirting with me and says he is so sorry. I say “No, I am sorry for causing so much trouble!” (really?) Then I see that a 19-year old girl and a month-old baby are following us and people come out of the bus screaming thinking that we were kidnapping them. Crazy people.
      So I just keep going and encounter a small village on top of a hill, with really cute white houses and an amazing view over the river, which never looked so good to me. I see a harbour and people bathing in the river, on the base of the hill. The sun is shining an I feel so attracted to the water that I consider bathing just after taking a photo or two of this place. But then some guy appears and he is cranky for some reason and distracts me from that intent. Instead I go up some street and get engulfed by a sea of people crammed into some alley.

      Then I encounter my aunts’ house and stay there for a while. Their house is gigantic, rich and fabulous, but maybe with too many “bibelots” and souvenirs from their travels. Shelves and shelves of stuff. My friend Zilla is also there.
      For some reason at some point I want to go away, but I don’t find any door and each window I cross just leads to another room. I’m getting a trapped feeling and my friend Zilla is following me around, asking me why I want to leave. The urgency to leave goes up and I find a toilet with two windows leading outside. I try to open the first, but it’s jammed, so I go to the second just to find a huge, scary spider on an enormous spider web blocking the window. If it was an ordinary spider it wouldn’t stop me, but it was huge, and fleshy and looked really dangerous, so I gave up, or at least went to look for something to take it out of the way. This was on a basement, so I decide to go upstairs but the spiral stairs going up are now a spiral of a continuous sand bag that we had to climb up. It left me tired but didn’t stop me. Then on top floor I see one of these shelves with a beautiful Buddha on it and because I stop to admire it, my friend Zilla then lures me to stay by saying there’s a whole section of Buddhist souvenirs my aunts have in a room. I go to see it and it works, because I no longer think about leaving the place.
      Later on I wake up in a bed and my BF is just by my side, writing in the dark on some notebook. When I look at the window, there’s a very dim light coming in and I think I see the Italian Tower of Pizza just passing by. How can that be? Then I see Godzilla, a T-Rex and a Triceratops passing in front of the window, but they have this look of a 50’s sci-fi movie. I shake my BF “Did you see that? What is that?” He laughs and says it’s just a movie. Either the window is a screen or outside the window a movie is being projected on a wall. Either way, I cool down. I get up and I see a model of the Kyoto Pagoda on the bed-side table. My BF says it is nice and then I see a button and some monk figurine on the base moves and the whole thing starts making a sound, like chimes. We find it kitsch to say the least. Then my aunts appear on the other side of the hallway to this room and I have no clue what they want from us.

      5:10 GMT


      I’m walking on the city with mom and BF. We enter some fashionable clothes but we notice a big movement outside and we remember it’s the anti-NATO demonstrations. We decide to join it or at least check if everything is calm and safe. It doesn’t look so calm. As we go downhill, we see lots of police and they seem to be taking position for something. We follow a group of activist but keep a safe distance and are ready to come back if things get ugly.

      6:30 GMT

      A kitty accused of treason
      Then I’m walking the sidewalk from my old school in my home village, when I see a group of kids calling for someone. I instinctively know they are looking for a kitty. I spot the kitty on top of a brick wall and I fly over there. I also feel they might not have good intentions, so when I see the kitty about to jump to meet them, I grab her. They then see me and ask me to let her go, but I ask them back what do they want from the kitty. They say she is their friend. I insist. They also insist she is their friend. “And...?” And then they say “But she is a traitor!”. I remind them it is just a tiny kitty, but they are seriously mad at tell me I don’t know her. Ooookayyy....!

      Then I enter a house with my BF and we head to a room on a mission to make a baby. But the room is geminated and there’s another couple in the second room. It’s my cousin Sara with her BF, who is a Eastern European guy who is in bed with his laptop. I have a short conversation with my cousin and smile that she’s so growned up. She is a bit upset that the guy won’t put down the computer and I offer to help him out, so maybe he gets it done faster – he is with some software problem. But my BF (I think) tries to discourage me and in the end just drags me out of this room. But when arriving at our room, it’s now a dining room and lots of family is there having some meal. We sit down and I remember passing on something.

      8:00 GMT
    3. 18 Nov: Trying to go to the moon

      by , 11-19-2010 at 10:49 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      So I have decided to just post the more intesresting nights. I just have so many notes on my paper DJ and have no time to type them all to post on DV. It's a pity, because many potential shared dreams are left out, but it's just impossible for me to keep up...

      23:30 GMT

      Fighting a sinister character
      The feeling I have is that I’m aware I’m dreaming and I’m experimenting something with the dream and with the DCs, but I don’t remember being lucid.
      I remember from the point in which I’m in a very dark room with a very gloomy DC. I’m not afraid, because I have this underlying feeling it is a dream and because it has something to do with freeing other from the illusion that he can hurt them. We’re maybe measuring forces, but he wins, because all of a sudden he manages to kidnap all other DCs (I think they were dreamers) and lock them inside some sort of pitch dark dungeon. I’m left outside on some dark corridors and I can feel their presence behind a thick and humid stone wall. I can’t cross this wall, but I find a spot where I can send a rope through it in the hope people will grab it and use it to escape out. But it doesn’t work and at some point even that week spot (kind of portal) closes in and they are totally isolated.
      But I don’t give up. I climb the wall and near the ceiling I find it is a kind of false ceiling and I can enter it and crawl over this room where they are imprisoned. For a moment everything shakes violently but the place holds on. I find some entrance point, just by some big lamp hanging from the ceiling. Using again the rope, I go down and I find in there my parents, grandparents and some kids with their own families. My grandpa is proud of me, but when I say up is the only exit, he gets disappointed.
      Then the bad guy comes in and we fight and there’s some nonsensical scene with toy choppers and dinosaurs. I think he wins, because then he controls where we go next and he takes us all by car to my home village. There’s some sort of happening there, very public and he intends to humiliate me. There’s a group of kids dressed in a funny way singing some strange song about fruits –their group name is something like applepearnutsandgingerbread – and the guy tells me my job is to go join them and sing along. I say no way, but I’m not really feeling mortally embarrassed, I just find it stupid. But I go and I kind of sabotage the whole thing for not being so upset – it was meant to crush me, but I actually find it embarrassing-funny. And all of a sudden thousands of people appear out of nowhere and invade the village with banners and posters and they disrupt the whole thing. The bad guy disappears and me and my family take refuge in a building just on top of a staircase in front of us – like the town hall or something.

      2:00 GMT

      Gibberish, gibberish and Buddha’s blessings

      I’m in Australia or New Zealand or even the Cayman Islands... I don't know, but people speak English. And I find my ex-friend Vera. We talk briefly about what we’ve doing with our lives and then we take a bus to go home together. Our home town is suddenly just a bus ride away from this remote place we were visiting. When we arrive there, there’s a tornado ripping it a part, which hits the bus very briefly. People are in panic and I open the bus door and tell everybody to get out. I run to the door of my mom’s building. When I get there I look back to see if anybody else is coming so I can hold the door for them, but nobody’s coming. Then a friend comes but to say “Hey, you left the bus without paying for your ticket”. “Are you kidding? We’ve been hit by a tornado and you’re worried about that?” He says everybody else paid for their tickets, that’s why they are taking so long to arrive. I think that’s totally absurd and I think I’m about to become lucid, when I see my black cat escaping through the door I left open. I run after him and catch it. I head to the elevator and intend to go to the 9th floor (although in reality, my mom’s only 4 floors). Anyway, I open the elevator door and it’s a fridge with shelves. I take away the shelves so we can enter it but then I have to put the cat on the floor and that’s when I notice this cat is totally white and with blue eyes – not my cat at all, I could I have made such a mistake? I let the poor kitten go his way and he jumps right out of a window that is on my side. Then there’s some guy packing the elevator with books. He says he is moving and I say I need to go to 9th floor and ask for priority – he can ship his books later. He disagrees and says I can go with the books. “How do you do that? No space!” He insists and pushes me in, trying to fit me with the books and hurting me in the process. I say I give up. I look through the window again and I see a park outside, green grass. I think I float outside the window and as I walk this park, this book guy ends up joining me and we’re having a very melancholic kind of walk – I’m still mad at him but at the same time I like him a lot, and we walk in silence. Then two ladies I know touch me in the shoulder and tell me there is some Buddhist event taking place just nearby and I decide to follow them. I turn back and see a bridge on my left and a building on my right. In front of this building and facing the bridge, there’s a kind of alter with something being shown – among other things, there’s a special box which I’m told contains the cornea of a Buddha. It does looks like a dried cornea and I think “If it is genuinely the relic of a Buddha, then may the blessings from seeing it shower down on all sentient beings.” I had no time to get lucid, but I was then fully conscious when I made that wish and I felt those blessings flowing to me like an electrical current, when I woke up.

      6:00 GMT

      Jumping mirror portals
      Doing tourism in what seems to be France. I’m loosely following a group, but I get stranded and just roam alone for a few streets. Then I encounter a second group and because they seem to know where they’re going, I follow them. They are being guided by a French girl who leads them into an old church. We pass a front door and an entrance lobby and there’s a group of steps to go down to a desk to buy ticket. I start floating and I look to my right and I recognize one of the guys on the tour. He looks at me like he also recognizes me and I get lucid. I decide I will not simply sit down and instead I want to go to the moon, because I haven’t been there. I can then meditate in the biodome, by the koi pond. Why not? I turn back and on my way out I see a mirror on the wall and use it to jump. First I try to summon my warrior me, but the way I look doesn’t change and I don’t care, as long as I arrive there. I jump and all goes black. I have this freefall sensation for a little longer than usual and I start feeling SP effects. Strangely, instead of loud horrible noises, I start to hear amazing celestial music, like I never heard before. I am totally high with this music, when I feel like I landed somewhere. I feel I am there on the moon, but all is still dark and when I try to open my eyes I feel my “real” eyes opening, so I stop and just wait. Then a place forms in front of my eyes but it is not the moon, but some room and there’s a couple there. The guy is lying down on the bed and she is tending over him. They are surprised to see me and are about to address me, but I’m like “No, this is not it! I have to go!”. So I get out of the room and on the hallway I see another mirror and jump again, thinking once more about the moon. Same SP effects and I feel my awaken body on the bed. Once again I wait for the image to form and I find myself again in the same room with the same couple! Bullocks!
      I decide to see what they’re doing anyway. The girl is cleaning up his wounds he has all over his body and when she is about to pull his pants down to reach his leg wounds, he grabs it, in a mixed feeling of shyness and arousal because I’m there. I also feel a bit uncomfortable and aroused and for a moment a threesome crosses my mind, but I decide to turn my back on them and focus on something else, like trying to aim to the biodome or meditate somewhere else. There’s a mirror on the room and I jump a third time. This time I wake up.

      8:00 GMT
    4. Kaomea's Armor

      by , 11-19-2010 at 10:17 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am with Kaomea at Waikiki School. We are about 10 years old. We are at recess. We are sitting across from each other playing this chanting game called "Numbers." I mess it up. She corrects me.


      I get and fly to the basket ball court. I grab the basketball from the other kids and fly away with it. The kids jump and wave their hands at me, shouting for me to give it back. I slam it into a basket, and in bounces up really hard.


      Kaomea says I am not being very nice, and TK's the ball out of my hands. I make it burst into flames, and turn into ash and laugh.


      I turn into a rabbit, and shake my tail at her, then kick dirt in her direction. She puts her hands on her hips, and stomps her foot. I open a portal and jump in.

      She grabs my tail, and it becomes long like a kangaroo tail. We end up in my Inner World. NeverWonderHell.

      She turns into a cat and pounces on me. I kick her off. She scratches my ear and it bleeds.



      I don't care. I AM INVINCIBLE!

      I turn into a Donnie Darko Rabbit, and grow bat wings. She looks terrified, yet fascinated.

      Why don't you ride on my back?

      I crouch down. She turns back into a young girl, and hesitantly climbs on to my back. HOLD ON HAHAHA!

      I fly to the volcano on my island. We swirl around the crater. There are demons in a circle chanting.

      What are you doing, Nomad?

      We are going to DIVE IN!



      I dive into the lava.

      We go through a thin layer of lava, about one inch, and are in a secret cavern in the volcano.... Kinda like the Batcave, but the NomadCave.

      We land on a large platform.


      Well, look, now you're in my secret Lair. Don't you think it's cool?

      Why do you have a giant penny? That makes no sense.

      I thought it would be funny.

      Ok... Oh! Cool Costumes!

      She looks at the different "costumes" in glass.

      They are not costumes, Kaomea, it's armor.

      Cool! Can I try one on? I like that green robot one that kind of look's like Poison Ivy's costume!

      It's actually biorganic mech armor.

      Huh? What does that mean?

      It's a plant based living robotic armor that enhances every physical thing you do in dreams, and encases you in an earth energy armor that heals itself. But, be careful because...

      Kaomea greedily opens the case and puts the armor on.

      NO WAIT!

      The armor grows and wraps itself around her.

      Nomad... I feel like a tree... a banyan tree... mourning... angry vines... thorns... poison... ancient rage...

      She screams in terror and delight as hot white bluish light shoots out of her eyes.

      The armor grows roots into the floor of the cave, and sucks water in from the ambient air.

      I NEED LIGHT! she roars.

      I flip on a bunch of UV lights.

      Kaomea calms down, and returns to normal. She walks around and feels the armor. Hmm... I like this! Let me borrow it!

      You can have it. I can make more.

      Really? Kaomea gives me a hug. It feels plant-y.

      Listen, this armor is special, but it's also alive. It needs sun, earth, and water. There is a special fungal armor I made you can wear at night. This armor works better during the day. The fungal armor works better at night.

      Oh, I see. Fungus? Gross but cool. Let me see it.

      I spin the case around.

      There is a black suit, like a wetsuit, but much thinner. It has glowing spots on it moving around.


      Listen, now. There is glowing and black fungus encased in this armor. This will make you invisible against the night sky. Also you can dim the glowing fungus to the point you can't see it, making you like a shadow.

      Turn up the light fungus to deflect attacks, and the black fungus to absorb attacks. Something special about this fungus armor:

      You can turn the energy it absorbs into any kind of energy you want.

      This armor is alive, and it needs food water, and darkness. Keep it out of the sunlight.

      So, now you have a day armor and a night armor. Here is a special box for the Fungus Armor. The Plant Armor will fit in this pot on a windowsill when you are not using it.

      At dusk and dawn you can wear both, but try not to wear either too long at the wrong time.

      I can take you to the Danger Room so you can explore your armor and how it works.


      Kaomea puts on the Fungus Armor. I turn off the UV lights. The Armor glows and darkens with her will. She appears as a shadow in the darkness, then is a ghostly blue, grinning at me.


      I shoot a small ball of light energy at her. She bounces it back, and I eat it.

      COOL! Take me to the training room thingy!

      I teleport us to the Danger Room. I leave her there, and then teleport to the Control Room.

      "Your Plant Armor is in your pocket. If you choose to use it, just will it."

      Uh, what do I do Nomad?


      Enter Scenario: Zombie Wasteland

      Kamoea is in a zombie wasteland. Hordes of zombies come at her. She shoots dark and light energy at the zombies, cutting them in half. The top halves squirm around, they jaws moving, crawling toward her.

      She changes into the Plant Armor. She grows a pod on her head. It bursts open, and smaller pods come out, rolling toward the zombies. Flesh eating beetles burst out of the small pods and burrow into the zombies' heads eating their brains.

      Kaomea laughs maniacally.


      Enter Scenario: Infiltration

      What am I supposed to do?

      Kaomea is on a snowy mountain near a base. She looks down at her watch, and hits a button. A hologram of me appears and explains her mission: Infiltrate the base, and rescue the prisoner.

      Kaomea puts on her Fungus Armor, and becomes like a shadow. She teleports around the outside of the base, killing all the guards with a small knife.

      I see her scanning the base. She makes herself really tiny and sneaks past the guards. She pulls the fire alarm, and they run outside. They see the dead guys and freak out. She finds the prisoner being interrogated. It's a young man that is wearing what is left of a suit in a chair, tied up, while two soldiers torture him.



      They stretch one of his eyelids open, and threaten to drop lye into his eyeball.

      NO NO NO!

      Kaomea extends an limb like Mr. Fantastic flattening her hand like a big paddle, to protect the lye from dropping into the man's eye. She then smacks the guy in the face with her paddle-arm.


      I laugh my ass off.

      Then, she makes the paddle's edge like a knife, and cuts his head off. The other guy backs away in fright. Shark teeth pop out of the edge of the paddle, and now move around the edge like a chainsaw's chain. She growls gutturally, and says something in Hawaiian. She sounds like a demon.

      The other guard backs up against the wall. She pounces on him, turning into a were-shark, and bites his head off, and spits it on the ground.

      She roars, morphing into different Hawaiian animals. Then she turns into a pure Lemurian Alien.

      WTF? Abort Scenario.

      Kaomea is floating in the center of the empty Danger Room. She is speaking to me in some alien language. She bursts through the roof of the Danger Room, and flies through a portal. I grab her ankle, and follow her.

      She growls at me in the alien language. She doesn't want me to follow her. I do anyway.

      We pop out the other side of the wormhole on the Mu planet.

      The people there are tall blue glowing people with large eyes and small mouths. They have long tails, and are long limbed. They have huge webbed feet, and their legs are like a goat's. They have faint green dots in two vertical rows on their forehead.

      They ask me what I am doing there. I said I followed my friend. They say Atlanteans are not welcome here. They open a portal behind me, and TK blast me into it.

      I fall back into the wormhole, but I form a spider web behind me which bounces me back through.

      They are talking to Kaomea now, telling her to stay away from my ilk. She looks confused. I tell her to ignore these assholes, and I grab her hand to take her back.

      No, Nomad, these are my people.

      I roll my eyes. See you later! I guess I am too Atlantean for these Mu snobs. I don't even know what that shit means!!! PEACE!

      I make a portal to my Inner World, and sit on a mountain alone. I roll up a joint. I smoke it and think.... looking around at the flowers and trees. I gaze across the sea to my volcano island.

      I view Kaomea's dream. The aliens are training her, and teaching her their culture.

      Someone accuses her of being impure, then they kick her out of their dream planet. She falls out of the sky into my Inner World.

      "Oh, Nomad, some of those aliens are fucking assholes."

      "Haha! Let's eat."

      We sit down and eat some fish, poi, and bananas. She eats some kalua pig, and offers it to me. No, I don't eat pigs.


      Cool dream!

      We hi-5, and the dream fades to black.
    5. Untitled

      by , 11-19-2010 at 06:45 PM (Clockworker's Dream Journal)
      Driving to a local videogame store, I had my friends with me. They seemed to be my children, and I feared my shitty driving skills could endanger them. We got to the shop, bought the games and went out, heading back to our car.
      An airplane was flying ridiculously low, and I knew it could crash at any time. The weather was not any help at all, either, for the sky had gotten a much more dark and unusual look, as if it had been set on fire.
      "It will fall down anytime now", I said. There were some people on the streets watching it, expecting something 'exciting' to happen.
      The plane performed a loop to avoid trees and a mountain. By the time it was out of our sight, we could spot a flaming piece of metal being torn apart, just above our heads.
      "Holy crap."
      We ran toward it, where we saw it had crashed into a ship, causing it to start sinking and leaking water (?), conjointly raising the water level. Trying to help the people on the plane, ship, and buildings around it (which now were filled with water), we got into an elevator, and searched for survivors inside a gray building.
      We got in some rooms and found nothing but sharks and empty places.
      Where'd everybody go? We got back to the elevator.
      "Man this shit is slow. Wait, what, eighteenth floor already?! The fuck." I was confused. How'd such a slow and useless thing got us to the 18th floor so quickly?
      "Oh, not again..." I was somewhat disappointed by the thought it could be a dream, and suddenly remembered my friend's techniques. I stared at my hands, hoping them to transform or mutate into something else. Nothing happened, though I knew I was dreaming.

      Updated 11-19-2010 at 06:50 PM by 32284

    6. more ugh

      by , 11-19-2010 at 06:18 PM (Somewhere Over The Rainbow)
      I'm telling my coworker that I've figured out who she sounds like. I'm about to tell her she sounds like Tina Turner, but then I realize she only LOOKS like Tina Turner, and she actually sounds like Kelly LeBrock from Weird Science.

      Water....ocean...my friend's mom...I think me and a couple of friends crash her place for a few minutes....
    7. (11/19/10) - Inception

      by , 11-19-2010 at 06:02 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      So I finally saw Inception last night, and to say the least it has really kind of redirected me in my lucid dreaming and put me back on the right path. That's not to say that everything in Inception regarding lucid dreams is 100% accurate, but it really put the joy back into the act of becoming lucid for me, making it an achievable goal rather than a constant frustration.

      Of course, Inception being the last thing I saw last night, I had a lucid dream, and it was very Inception-themed. In fact, I spent the whole time in the hotel from the movie. I was in there for a few dream hours and did quite a bit, including testing out Cobb's totem (which I found on a table in the hotel hallway) and indeed it did spin indefinitely. Unfortunately, all else is very unclear due to my rude awakening...there was some loud noise outside that jolted me awake and absolutely destroyed my recall. I have only bits and pieces of the dream in my head still, but I know I was lucid.

      Since the totem thing worked for me last night, though, I've started using a real one. It's much different than Cobb's, and has several different details that I can watch for and try to find inaccuracies with in the dream. Let's hope having a physical reminder always with me will get me to do RC's during the day again. I MUST get back into this 100%! I've missed having decent lucid dreams...
      Tags: inception, totem
      lucid , dream fragment
    8. A church bell and an aggressive man at the mall

      by , 11-19-2010 at 05:35 PM
      I was walking towards the mall. I was at a small parking lot nearby and had someone with me (likewise to extremely many of my dreams this was a kind of ally/friend that was more in the background). As we were approaching a crossing I saw something above me and looked up. There was a bronze colored church bell hanging there! My friend and I stood there, looking at the church bell which was now tolling. Apparently someone was pulling a rope tied to it, like a bell-ringer. I was amazed and looked up at the bell while listening to it. I felt a strong feeling of liking and appreciation for church bells and their incredible sound. I thought that this was perhaps why I loved Infected Mushroom's "B.P.Empire" so much. However, as I continued looking and listening the whole thing felt rather ominous as if something bad was going to happen. I now sat on the ground and I thought that what if the bell would fall down on me? I was not afraid, but I had a sinister feeling. I jokingly told my friend that "one beautiful day a bell might fall down on me". Then I added a bit exaggeratingly "or an UGLY day!".
      I was just going to say that it must be someone strong who could make this bell toll, when I noticed the one pulling the rope only a few meters away. He had a kind of ninja outfit and even his head was covered in black cloth. He had revealed his face for a second, but had quickly put the cloth on again. Nevertheless, I had seen his face. He was a small, young, thin boy with blond hair and round glasses. When he realized he had been discovered he jumped forward, took of the cloth covering his head and stopped in front of me. He had a lot of energy and seemed to want to fight me, but I ignored this and kept walking towards the mall.

      After doing some other stuff when walking down to the entrance of the grocery store, I entered it. I felt a bit confused when I was in the beginning of the grocery store and forgot what I had already found in there and what I was now looking for. I held two products in my hands and decided to put them down in my shopping cart before continuing. However, I was not completely sure I had actually brought a shopping cart, but since this one stood next to me and was empty I figured it was mine. I therefore put the products in there, but right after I did that an angry, old man came walking and angrily told me it was his. I felt even more confused and a little embarrassed and removed my things. Instead I thought I could go and get a shopping basket, since I was not going to buy that much stuff. When I was at the piles of shopping baskets, however, the man was still very upset and angry. I said something and he got even more furious. He told me something about where the baskets were and angrily pointed. However, I now noticed that it was extremely dark in the store and I could not see a thing, while the man could apparently see everything. I soon found two light switches next to each other. As I approached them I asked in a loud, sceptical and irritated voice how the hell he could see this well when he was so old, while I could not see a damn thing. I pressed both buttons. It became a little brighter, but not enough. I then saw that the right button was not for lighting up the store, but rather for making the light weaker. I pressed this button again to undo the effect and - lo and behold - the store got just as bright as it normally is! The man had not calmed down, seemed to feel insulted and also appeared to hate me just because of the fact that I was young. He kept saying irritated things and making upset gestures. I did some back and for example poked his arm a little. Each time I did something small like that he did something worse, such as grabbing my wrist rather hard. I got an idea and continued doing and saying little things which apparently made him even more upset. My goal was to make others (for example security) see a really angry and violent man and do something about him. This way he would get what he deserved, I thought. I therefore rather innocently continued, making him even angrier. When he roughly grabbed my arm I screamed "Waaaaaaah! He's attacking me!". Then I woke up.
    9. High School Dream, Again and Again!

      by , 11-19-2010 at 03:52 PM (Morbid's Abode)
      High School Dream, Again and Again! (Non-lucid)


      - Saint Louis School of Mandaue
      - I slept around 1:00pm - 4:00pm, I guess it's the only dream I rememebered during the whole sleep.

      Dream Characters:
      - KC
      - Fred
      - Davi
      - Nikki
      - Ivan
      - Joshua
      - Charity Worker

      I slept at around five in the morning after finally reading a series of manga. I woke up around twelve noon, still sleepy, to have brunch. I slept again around one in the afternoon, making it the longest sleep I ever had.

      I was walking on the school grounds of my high school, along with some of my friends at my hometown (none of them ever laid a foot at that school in reality), towards the cafeteria. Suddenly, I realized I was topless, except for my khaki pants and black leather shoes. Feeling confident that no one is laughing, I continued walking. Along the way, I saw a very familiar girl. She's pretty, has long, shiny black hair, and round eyes. I fought the urge to go near her, and instead, I made the "F" hand sign to her. To my surprise, she replied the same. "I'll deal with you later.", I said to myself.

      Instead of heading to the cafeteria, we we're now walking towards one of the school buildings. One by one, my friends left until it was only me, and Fred. Then there's this another girl, this time a younger one (just the way Fred likes a girl). Fred approached her, and I stationed myself a little farther away from them. I was like watching out for bypassers, so I can warn them if ever somebody might see them. Few minutes past, and I grew tired of standing and complained, "Are you guys not done yet?" Fred just told me to relax, and wait a little more. Instead of waiting, I told them I'll just leave them alone and find something else to do.

      I was now walking towards a large staircase, followed by some of my classmates (later only I knew that they were, indeed my classmates, in high school). A girl passed, I noticed a greenish, waxy subtance, in a form of an upside-down triangle in her hair. I turned to asked one of my classmates. Looking at my puzzled face, he instantly replied, "That's common this days, some kind of fashion." Then I noticed, that most student who passed me by, had the same weird substance on their hairs, may it be a girl or a boy. I found it really weird, and thought of something else.

      As I reached the first landing, I saw David, hand in hand with his girlfriend (who I never knew who she was). I called him and walked alongside him. Just then, I realized and identified the people walking alongside me.

      "Nikki! Ivan!", I yelled.
      "Stop shouting dude, you irritate me.", Nikki said, smirking.

      We were on the second floor already and continued walking. As few minutes past, the corridor became narrower until we were in one line, me in the lead. We were approaching near the faculty room, when my surrounding was like I was in a castle. We past by the room, and I looked out through the windows. I couldn't describe what I saw in that room, but it surely made it look creepy.

      "Just yesterday, Jeffrey was scolded for shouting near that room", I told Nikki and Ivan.

      We were now in a corridor just outside a room, which I realized was our classroom during our fourth year. I sat on the floor beside Joshua, and Nikki and Ivan were opposite us, and listening to someone in white long-sleeves, black pants and shoes. He was telling us something, like he was doing a charity, and was asking us for some donations. He was talking animatedly, doing some hand signs to let us understand more. As his speech continued, he was getting creepier, and everything he said was becoming senseless. He did a rude movement and stared at me, and instantly, I woke up.
    10. two

      by , 11-19-2010 at 03:15 PM
      In which I'm an epic bad guy...

      The first was some sort of epic fantasy type dream. I can't remember much about it except that it involved battles and tricksters. I got the feeling that I was the bad guy.

      In which I'm too ethical to snoop...
      The second was that I opened by email only to find that my account had been swapped with my husband's cousin HC. At first I was alarmed that someone else must have my account. Then I realized that there was nothing personal or important in my email anyway. So I decided to snoop around in HC's email account. After about a minute of this, I started to feel guilty and logged out. I called him up and told him about it. This was a very boring dream, but I thought that maybe the emotions in it might be linked to the first. In the first dream, I was some sort of bad guy. In the second dream, I first got alarmed when I thought someone else might be reading my emails then realized I don't have anything to hide. I start to snoop and then correct myself like a good girlscout. So I just wondered if the two were related, emotionally anyway.

      In which my father and I are in a jail cell with some thugs and my high school boyfriend...

      My father and I were arrested. Apparently we'd done something stupid and illegal while drunk, but this took place before the dream plot started so I never knew what it was. The dream starts with us sitting in a holding cell. It's a wide cell like in old Western movies. There are iron bars on one side with a brick wall exactly opposite. The two short sides connecting the bars to the brick wall each have a small wooden bench. We are drunkards, snoozing on the benches. The bars slide open with a loud noise and we wake up, hung-over. We ask the cop if he is going to let us out, but he ignores us as he pushes in three other men. One is a chubby guy with curly hair. One is short and lanky. The third one, I can't see. The chubby guy sits down on the bench next to me, the lanky guy sits next to him and the third guy sits in a shadowed corner on the bench by my dad.

      We've never been in jail before so we aren't sure how to talk to new cell mates. I ask what they are in for. They explain that they've beaten someone up and leer at us menacingly. I'm not afraid of them as we are in a jail cell and there are police officers all around. They give us the details of how they jumped a guy and beat and kicked him until he spat blood, broke his ribs and his teeth fell out. They think it is funny. This makes me feel really sad, down deep in my gut- the way I feel when I hear about serial killers or people who torture animals. It's sort of a sick hopelessness. I decide to ignore them and think about something else just to avoid how horrible I feel when I think about their victim. To distract myself, I start looking at the cops who are processing some more people- standing them in front of the camera for the mugshot and taking their fingerprints. I think to myself that I must've been really drunk when I got arrested because I can't remember any of that. With a shock, I notice that one of the new people the police are processing is my ex-boyfriend from high school- a guy I have not seen or thought about for years. We make eye-contact: me behind the bars and him standing for his mugshot. I look away fast and try to pretend that I didn't see him.

      Meanwhile my father is telling the violent trio about how if they don't just shut up right now, he will beat each of them until their teeth fall out. They laugh at him and he laughs too, but his laugh is so crazy that it makes them get quiet. Then he stands up and in a maniacal way starts to act out and describe exactly how he will beat them up if they persist in talking about their victim. My father is not a violent guy and I've never seen him fight anyone, so I was really surprised to see this. He told them, "First I'll attack you, Big Curly Man" and then he explained how he'd jump the guy so fast that he wouldn't know what was coming and he'd be kicking in his skull by the time his friends tried to intervene. Then he'd impale the "Creepy Guy" with a piece of pipe he'd found in the cell and squish the "Little Fellow" with his free fist. By the time he'd finished acting this out, all the while shouting and laughing hysterically, the trio were silent. Nobody knew what to think of the display.

      The cops pulled open the bars a second time and pushed in my high school boyfriend along with another guy who I didn't get a good look at. My high school boyfriend is a loser and an odd-looking guy, but I have a soft spot for him even though he is a creep. It might be pity. He looked terrible- dirty and haggard with rough skin and wild hair. He obviously hadn't shaved in days. I glanced at my father to see that he did recognize him. At first, my ex just pretended that he didn't recognize me, and I thought that was nice of him. He was giving me the opportunity to ignore him. But I decided to be mature and civil, so I stuck out my hand and shook his and told him that it was really weird to see him here. He agreed and lit a cigarette. I thought that it was really bad for him that he is still smoking since he has asthma, but I didn't say that. He looked sickly and coughed. I have asthma too so I asked him not to light up in the cell. It was a small space and if he smoked, it would make it difficult for me to breathe. Besides, I was pretty sure it was against the rules. He complied and put out his cigarette, but the member of the trio in the corner lit one up almost immediately afterwards as a sign of juvenille defiance. I rolled my eyes and went to stand by the bars to breathe the fresh air. I was going to let it go, but my dad stood up and walked towards him, snatched the cigarette out of his mouth and then stomped it out with his boot. The shadow guy said nothing.

      Then the police came over to say that my husband had bailed us out. Things get fuzzy after this. We left the cell and had some discussion about what we had done in our drunken state the night before. We'd have to appear in court. I can't remember this part, but I remember feeling like it was something really stupid and dangerous though not harmful to anyone. My father went home, and my husband and I went to my mom's house. She was having some sort of party and asked us to help her curl the ribbons on the balloons using scissors. We sat on high stools at a tall round table that was full of craft supplies in a room that looked like a school workroom with lots of cabinets. There were a lot of people there, but I couldn't identify any of them. We worked at the ribbon curling and I told the story of what I did while drunk and how I got arrested. People were amused but also disapproved. I can't remember the rest very well- there was more after that but I don't remember it.

      Taken with the other two dreams below, there is an obvious emotional link between them all. In all the dreams, I've done something wrong. In this one, I broke a law. In the boring one, I did something unethical. In the mostly forgotten one, I'm a bad guy in a battle.

      Updated 11-22-2010 at 03:21 PM by 38879

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    11. Master your lucid world my first post

      by , 11-19-2010 at 02:49 PM
      I entered my dream in the city where I wanted to talking with my brother, we were on top of a high rise waiting for a chopper, I used my gateway to become lucid but to make sure I was I jumped off the building, I dropped fast as I fell I pushed harder to drop faster, before I hit the ground I flew, I flew hard and fast.
      Since I learned how to fly in my dreams I try and push it harder and faster every time, I flew back up to the top of the helipad….lol…..my brother asked what was that?....we walked back down the stairs, I asked him if he were going to come we my friend Luis and I and get some drinks Luis was waiting for us on the 7 floor he said no…..for some reason I was dropping out of lucid so I started spinning to re enforce my surrounding but of course everything changed…..so I said ok let’s have fun I turned it into a military assult….my wife and I had to defend my home, I made it a little too challenging ….lol….my wife was killed…..so I had to defend the house myself…it was very fun I lifted a huge chunk of earth with my mind and eliminated about 60 soldiers……I opened the earth swallowing a huge armored assault ….
      If I continued it would be a book…lol…I did have to spin a few time to re-enforce my lucid dream and this did change my surrounding a bit but more to what I wanted it to look like…and all 3 times that I did the spinning I performed a reality check…..i have been fooled before…lol..

      This is my first dream journal post enjoy
      lucid , memorable
    12. Recently

      by , 11-19-2010 at 01:23 PM
      I had a false awakening about an hour ago, I was next to my girlfriend and thought I heard her talking to me and I was trying to tell her to wake me up, but she said I was just laying there mumbling in my sleep and then jerked awake. lol.
      I had a few dream fragments though over the last day or 2. One with with an x, won't go into details , and the other was with an old friend. I seem to feel things in dreams that I can never feel in real life, I feel this kind of peace with my environment. Another one was I was in a huge downtown building like the one in Inception, and I was walking with my girlfriend. The one after that I was swimming in this cold water (I had the window open), and I was trying to navigate around an old ghost ship. I picked a huge tarantula from the water, and realized it might still be alive so I squished it in my hand, and then woke up.
      I have a lot of short dreams at my girlfriends, I can never stay asleep there, i've had 2 false awakenings in the last 2 days there.
    13. spy hotel, manager fired, tel aviv girl

      by , 11-19-2010 at 01:02 PM
      Good morning, everybody. These dreams probably all occurred in the early morning, maybe after 2:30 or 3 AM.

      The first two dreams had a weird visual quality, as if I were reading them or half-reading them. I think this comes from the fact that last night I read Oe Kenzaburo's story "Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness, in which one of the characters is a boy who can't see very well.

      The emotional difficulty the boy's father has with this and other things is so vivid that I think my unconscious tried to put me in that boy's position in one way or another.

      Dream #1

      I was half-reading and half-watching a story about a man and a woman at a hotel. The man was in danger, and the woman was trying to protect him. The man and the woman were both spies. The man had probably gotten caught in the act.

      The woman had brought the man to the hotel for hiding. She may now have been explaining to the man that he was a spy. This may have come as a surprise to the man, who didn't actually want to be a spy.

      The woman may then have made some sort of flirtatious gestures or comments to the man. The man may have understood that the woman wanted to have sex with the man while they were at the hotel. But the man didn't want to have sex. The woman may have, reluctantly, gotten the point, after which she turned to talking about some "serious" topic with the man.

      Dream #2

      I was reading an email from one of the bosses of my department, M. M's email was written in regular black text, except words and phrases that he wanted to emphasize, which were in bold and colored brown.

      The first part of the email had to do with the fact that our larger company was getting to celebrate some royal wedding from a number of decades ago. An old, royal couple would be visiting the offices.

      I could see the couple in my head, as if looking at a photograph from the late 1800s. They woman was dressed in a Victorian dress. The man was dressed in a military suit and medals.

      M wrote that we had to treat the royal couple very nice because they were major investors in our company.

      M's email then went on to say that M was going to be let go from the company in just a little while. He was going to stay on to make sure a couple of big events were taken care of. He wasn't bitter he was getting fired. He understood.

      I now saw a tall, thin, old, white man in a lonely office hallway. The man stood before a copier that was set into a niche in the wall. The copier had a strange-looking top. It looked like some kind of animal trap, covered over in a metal shell and painted the same color of grey-beige as the copier.

      I knew that, to make copies, you had to drop the papers onto the top of the strange device. The papers would then fall into the copier, as they would fall into a garbage can.

      Dream #3

      I had been in a room full of people, mostly women, doing some kind of small workshop or conference. The room had emptied out largely, with just a few people around. Now, even though I stood in the room still, it was like a number of months had passed since the conference.

      I was looking for somebody to celebrate "the holiday" with. The holiday was like Christmas, but it wasn't Christmas. I asked a short woman if she would like to celebrate the holiday with me. She probably said she couldn't. But then she remembered that another girl, an Israeli girl, was looking for someone to spend the holiday with.

      The Israeli girl called me on the phone. I could see the girl in my mind's eye. She was short, with olive skin, and long, black hair. I was really happy I was going to get to go out with her.

      The Israeli girl told me something like there was no way she was going to be able to get back home "to West Tel Aviv" (I'm not sure if people make such an explicit distinction as "West Tel Aviv" in waking life). I thought of Tel Aviv and told the Israeli girl how much I wanted to go there. One of my favorite psychologists, Erich Neumann, spent the final years of his life there.

      I told the girl something like she must hear people say stuff like that all the time. I told her it must get annoying to hear people talk about her home like it was so perfect, when it wasn't actually very easy at all to live there.

      I (false) remembered a conversation I'd had with a woman from another country. The woman had told me about how naïve she thought some foreigners were. They'd say how much culture they thought her country had. But they didn't understand that it was really a scary place to live.

      I was now in a big room, sitting on a couch so that my legs were propped up on the back and my back lay on the seat cushion. A pretty, blonde college girl stood before the couch. The girl was tall, thin, slim, and tan, with blue eyes. She wore a pink sweater and dark blue jeans.

      The girl was giving a speech about different media-propaganda campaigns made by certain regions of the world to make other regions of the world look bad. She was giving a lot of really interesting examples. It sounded like dangerous information to have. But it also sounded like she was referencing Hollywood in almost every example.

      I tried to pay closer attention to the girl's speech. But there were a bunch of girls getting up and leaving, walking between me and the girl and making such noise, talking with each other, that I couldn't get what the girl was saying. Her last example had something to do with New York carrying out a smear campaign against Chicago.

      Other than the girl and I, there was only one woman now in the room. She was like a professor and like the girl's mother. She was working at a big desk off in the corner of the room.

      The girl now flopped down on a couch near mine. We were something like good friends. But I was now really sexually aroused by her. So I rolled off the couch and crawled over to her couch.

      For some reason, I asked the girl, "So now what are you going to do with you life?"

      The girl's belly was a little exposed from under the sweater. I had intended to roll up and see if I could get away with snuggling with the girl on the couch. But, seeing the girl's belly and waistline, I just decided to stick my hand into the girl's jeans.

      So I lifted up the girl'ls waistline and began feeling her. I was surprised to discover that the girl was wearing a baby's diaper. This didn't worry me too much. I moved my hand farther down toward the girl's crotch.

      Suddenly the girl demanded, "What are you doing?"

      I thought, Oh no! She doesn't want me touching her. I was so embarrassed that I woke up.
    14. #168. Exploding Bridges

      by , 11-19-2010 at 08:55 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      ...because burning them just isn't dramatic enough.


      A sleek metal bridge extends over the choppy sea. I stand near the center, unable to see the shores on either side, obscured as they are by mist. Rain lashes out in sheets and the wind impedes my movement - block, parry, slash - as I slice through an imperial guard with my lightsaber.

      Something is speeding towards me, about to impact. I catch the missile with Force Grip, send it spinning into an enemy tank. There's a bridge running parallel to this one, and stormtroopers are setting up missile launchers on the edge. They fire -

      A wave of my hand sends them careening back into the shooters.

      A spider-like droid, twice my height, uses the distraction to scuttle towards me, using its legs as blades. I dodge, jump over the droid and land a glancing blow to its head. Its head swivels towards me as it prepares for another run.

      A purge trooper takes a swipe at me. It misses, barely, and I go on the offensive with a flurry of lightsaber strikes. Seconds later, it collapses to the ground, spent.

      I keep a wary eye on the spider droid, but it's smarter to take out the smaller enemies first.

      ...and I'm skating down a barely frozen river. I'm on skis, I'm on a toboggan, I'm holding on to some sort of ski lift as it takes me up, no, down the river.

      And I'm stealing some sort of precious coffee grounds. Or beans. One big pile, holding together only because it doesn't occur to me that they shouldn't.

      And I'm running through a house, up stairs and through hallways and secret passages.

      This room, says a voice, my voice, Was created by my father as a haven for me. No one else can enter it. And I'm laying down behind the couch so that no one can see me through the window in the door.

      And then I'm me, for just a moment. I look at the door and I smirk, knowing that the family that's following me will find me, only because that's what I'm expecting. I don't care. It's a dream, and not a particularly awful one. I just want to rest and not think and play through whatever game my subconscious is dreaming up...

      I wake up to the family pounding on the door, yelling. I pick myself up from the ugly, floral brown couch and pad across the room. I open a closet door methodically, pull a gun from the rack.

      I'm standing in front of the door, holding a crossbow at the ready, pointing through the window. The banging has stopped, and the father asks me if I'm really going to shoot his son.

      Everything's all right. The gun's not even loaded.

      Exploding Bridges. Scare Factor: 2/10

      As an interesting aside, I have not played the game that the picture is from. Before today, I have not seen any pictures or previews, so you can imagine my surprise when I come across an actual spider-like droid from Force Unleashed II, which the dream was based on.

      Granted, mine had more legs.
    15. 11/17/10 - Arrowheads and Pottery Shards - Fragment

      by , 11-19-2010 at 07:16 AM (WarriorTiger's Visions of Misconceptions)
      SilverWolf is at my house. We have decided that we are going to go to the desert to go looking for Indian artifacts. We have planned to go near the Mexican border. My dad says to look near his boss, Rachel, house. Apparently she has found artifacts there before. We say that it's a great idea and finish getting ready to leave. He says to be careful because we could cross over to Mexico without realizing it.

      We are then in the desert. The sun is beating down and its a little hot. I wipe the sweat from my brow. I see something shinny on the ground. It is a pottery shard. I yell for Silver to come over. She walks over and says now we just need to find an arrowhead. I look up and see train tracks. I hear the train and see it coming. It starts to go by when I hear my dad say, "Allison its a quarter til 7, time to get up." I mumble something as I wake up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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