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    1. Apt. 53

      by , 07-23-2014 at 03:48 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So I am in some costal city. It feels like a very dystopian environment, and many of the buildings look to be older and more worn down, with newer, almost futuristic-looking buildings blended in at a few locations. Most of the city is fairly low-lying with only a few skyscrapers scattered about. It was a very dark, gritty dream. I liked it. >
      There seems to be a typhoon or something coming through. It is cloudy and raining heavily. Someone remarked about how the storm seemed to be getting worse.
      I had gotten some note that I was to meet some dream character on the 53rd floor of an apartment tower. I eventually found said tower, a boxy, old brick building. I rode the elevator to the 53rd floor, only to find the apartment empty. It was quite expansive, spreading across the entire 53rd floor of the building. The lights were on, though the rooms were mostly devoid of furniture.
      I eventually found a dream character or two. One of them was a teenager, and the other was a middle-aged man. One of them told me to look down out the window. It was at this point, that from inside, I saw that we were not in fact 50 floors off the ground. More like 10.

      -Time Skip-

      We are evacuating the city because of the storm. We get onto a school bus along with perhaps 10 dream characters, so the bus was pretty much empty. We are driving along a deserted freeway and the bus rolls over due to a gust of wind. The bus seems to roll over in slow motion and nobody is hurt.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:37 PM by 53527

    2. (July 23, 2014) First Lucid Dream! DILD

      by , 07-23-2014 at 03:06 PM
      July 23, 2014

      No supplements or sleep aids used.

      Rating: 5/5 For first LD

      Break through! First Lucid!!!!

      It was short lived but great! It was also on one of the first REM cycle, if not the first. It felt so far back after I woke, and it was the first dream that happened out of a series of many. I did it without needing a reality check. I was outside my friend Jacob's house at night standing next to his dads truck when I saw a flying picture and thought to myself thats not right, I must be dreaming! I got so excited, almost woke my self up instantly but calmed down. It felt as though I was losing my grip on control as well the more the dream almost stopped. I tried to spin but couldn't so i mentally calmed it down. I walked out into the street under the street lights beam if light. Once it got a little better I immediately started flying over all the houses. I still did not have a good grip on the dream as it was my first time. I saw a lot of other houses, different than what would normally be there. The street was not there like normally, just back to back houses with yards separated by fencing, some white picket sone black steel bar. I decided to land in the back yard of one and go inside. I went in trying to summon a DC. I tried the light switch and it came on, so i didn't try to mess around with it anymore. The house was dimly lit with yellow light bulb light. It had dark brown trim and beige walls. I walked through trying to summon a specific DC but a different one ended up coming. but unfortunately, I woke up then due to excitement of finally having a lucid dream. I put all my thought into this, so I only remember small fragments of a few later dreams.

      Updated 07-24-2014 at 12:55 AM by 62947

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    3. Disaster, underwear, and clutter with toys

      by , 07-23-2014 at 11:46 AM
      There was some sort of disaster, and an astronaut needed to investigat what caused it, whether it was natural or man made or caused by aliens. It was hot there, and she wondered whether she could leave out her bra to be less hot (and when she came back down to earth she stopped wearing underwear all together).

      At work there was too much stuff and clutter. I tried to help dealing with it and so did a former coworker. I had to buy some supplies myself and wondered whether I would be reimbursed. Among the supplies I bought were cardboard boxes with a round metal weight at the bottom, and I did not know why that was there, but I knew that was better than regular boxes. I tried to stuff more clothes into a bag my former coworker had packed, but I decided I could not stuff any more in. Suddenly the office was in undated with my kids' toys, both under and on the table. There was this giant yellow plastic turtle I did not recognize, so I inquired, and my mother in law said that the kids had inherited that from their cousins.
    4. Death River Mission Frag, Going Out to Eat, and The Internet Rack

      by , 07-23-2014 at 11:42 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was watching this girl from my old job, Chelsea, get swept away and killed in this river current that she was sent out into by someone, maybe our old boss, but I'm not positive. It was in a jungle-type setting. She was sent on some mission that was doomed from the beginning. I think a lot of people were sent on this same mission before, and no one came out alive. I feel like I was a passive observer in this dream.


      I was in the neighborhood I grew up in. It was very small and fairly new, like when I moved into it in 1995. I remember saying something about how it was a new neighborhood. I ran down a street that ended because it hadn't been built up to where it is now yet (IWL the part that ended in the dream actually did not end even then when the neighborhood was new).

      Then, I was waiting on my brother, Blake, and his fiance', Sarah, to get back from being out to eat. They were at a restaurant somewhere. I remember texting them. I was getting impatient, because whenever they finished eating, Dallas and I could go eat.

      I guess they were finally done and heading home, because Dallas and I were then at a restaurant. The lights were off, however. I remember thinking that they were closed. Wherever we ended up going, we ended up there for a long time. I think my mom was getting worried about us. I remember being at the restaurant, and having this huge pan of dinner roll dough that was left over. We were going to take it home, but we had some loose extra roll dough as well. The pan was covered in ceran-wrap, and was quite full. I peeled back the wrap to stick some of the dough on the ends. I got one piece of the dough on there successfully, but it didn't look attached. I then said we needed to let the waitress do it.

      Finally, we were heading home.


      I was with Dallas at some store. My friend Leigh worked there. We were going to buy this huge rolling rack that resembled the ones we use at work to put multiple pans of baked good in the oven. We were checking out with her.

      She then offered that we have some kind of internet service with them. The rack had something to do with the internet? And to have service with them, they would fill it up with these things that resembled white plastic or dough that would get a slit cut down the middle? Yeah, idk. Anyway, the offer was really good, so we agreed to it. They started to put the things on the rack.

      Then, I thought about it a little. This company used to do that and let the wireless network be open free of charge, but now, I didn't think they did unless you paid a lot more. I asked about it, and Leigh said we would have to pay extra to open up the network. I pictured a screen of lots of different servers opened up to play a multiplayer game online. We would not have that unless we paid a lot of extra money. I wasn't too terribly upset about not being able to open servers, but Dallas was. He didn't want it like that, he wanted it all for the price they were offering. He was arguing it.

      Updated 07-23-2014 at 12:08 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Lucid #4: Fragments + SP

      by , 07-23-2014 at 09:57 AM
      A couple more stabilization fails, but my first SP!

      I'm on my way to meet my friend A when I pause across the street from a tall house with beautiful chamber music coming from an open window. Suddenly the scene darkens and shadows begin to roll down the vines of ivy along the wall. I start getting scared until I realize it's only dark because I'm wearing my sunglasses.

      I take them off but then it gets dark again, and I discover I'm squeezing my eyes shut and can't open them. I recognize that as a dreamsign, and start to do the finger push RC. But even before I start, I feel this floaty sensation and
      I realize I'm dreaming.

      I think this may send me into the void or SP, but the next thing I remember is being in a brightly lit room with my girlfriend. We're talking about something, when again I feel that happy, floaty sensation and realize I'm dreaming.

      I decide to phase through the window and go exploring. I tell my girlfriend, "I love you, but I'm having a lucid dream and I really want to go out there." She seems happy for me.

      Then things start to get a little blurry and I remember I have to stabilize. I decide to try NyxCC's advice and take a bite of a chair. But part of me doesn't believe it's going to work, and I close my eyes as I bend down. When my jaws close, there's nothing between them.

      Then I'm briefly in the void, and I try to spin. I end up lying in my bed, hearing incredibly loud electric crackling noises. I recall having heard these before, perhaps earlier in the night, and conclude I'm experiencing SP. I attempt an OBE exit by trying to will my dream body to move. The crackling intensifies greatly and I feel like I almost escape my body, but it doesn't quite work and the crackling fades.

      I decide to relax for a little bit before I wake myself up. The crackling begins to transform into creepy music and I start thinking of SP horror stories and becoming a little frightened. But I remember that SP is completely harmless and will only get nasty if I let myself get scared, so I calm down.

      Then, my IWL girlfriend moves in bed and
      I wake up for real.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Updated 07-29-2014 at 07:06 PM by 70064

    6. Busing // Birch Forest

      by , 07-23-2014 at 05:13 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      July 22, 2014


      I was at the Elementary school again, and it was time to get the kids on their buses at the end of the school day... except the kids were putting us on buses. One of the little girls in my class of rising 3rd graders for math was putting me on my bus, but I couldn't remember which bus I was supposed to get on. She didn't know either, and decided to just leave me all alone. It started raining really hard, and I ran underneath a structure on the playground. I found Q, A and E there, and asked them which bus I was supposed to get on. Well, more specifically, I asked "which bus does L get on? I'm on the same one."

      Q hid behind A and said something like "how am I supposed to know?"

      Then E said, "It's raining :D," and sat down on a bench under the structure. She crossed her legs, and said, "It's good because I'm left-footed."

      (Don't ask me how that's supposed to make sense...)

      (I screwed myself by taking a 4-hour nap today. It was so nice to sleep, but now it's past when I should be in bed, and I'm wide awake D: anyways, it was a mostly-dreamless sleep, except for this fragment)

      Birch Forest

      All I remember is being in a beautiful, sunny birch forest. I just stood there and looked. I may have sat down in the grass; there was something soft underneath me, I know that. It was so peaceful. I wouldn't mind going back there tonight.

      Updated 07-23-2014 at 05:54 AM by 69491

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    7. The Ghost Cats of Star Trek

      by , 07-23-2014 at 04:10 AM
      So I'm in this orphanage which is pretty much just a medium-sized house with a lot of people in it, and I'm planning to brighten their day. I know that I can control things, and I dimly know that it's not real, but I don't really know that I'm dreaming, so I don't think I'd call it lucidity. I tell them all that I'm going to summon two of my favorite characters (Kirk and Spock from Star Trek) and we're going to give them... money, or food, or something like that, to support the orphanage. However, as I try, nothing works, and they look at me with looks that say, "you can't really do any of that." So I try opening the door and expecting them to be there, but that doesn't work either. So then I tell them all to pretend they hear a doorbell (because I can't make that happen either) and then I'll open the door, but not all of them accede and they weren't very organized about it, and it didn't work. I tell them I'm better at it when no one's around, and I go outside. The driveway is long and steep and made of black asphault (like the driveway of my childhood home, I now realize). There are a few little kids playing outside. I go down to the very end of the driveway and, when imagining a portal through which the characters come through doesn't work, I get down on all fours.

      I know that sometimes, when I act like whatever I'm trying to do is really hard and painful, it's easier to do it. For example, I can't will myself to become a wolf, but I can act really dramatic like it's an excruciating transformation from a werewolf movie or something, and it works. So I... well. I try to vomit the characters up. But that didn't work either, anyway. So then I realize that for some reason, ghosts are easier to summon than living people. So I imagine killing the characters and voila! Their bodies are on the ground before me. I reach down and pull out their ghosts but it turns out that I've somehow accidentally made them into cats. Kirk's cat-ghost is blue and Spock's is green. Not wanting to make the orphanage-people wait any longer, I deem this turn-out acceptable and usher them inside. I don't really remember what happens for a while, but later...

      I'm McCoy and I'm a blue cat-ghost (by this point Kirk's color has changed to yellow) and although I still feel human, my view is low to the ground and it's very easy for me to walk around and act like a cat. Kirk, Spock and I are just kind of hanging out and living as cats in this orphanage? There are more old people than kids, even though it's an orphanage. So when it's night-time, I look around for a place to sleep. I go into this bathroom where there's a little cushioned footrest type thing by the tub, and the tub is filled up with a mattress, with a small desk at the end of the tub. I hop up onto the footrest, then onto the tub-bed, and I'm planning on curling up and going to sleep when I catch a glance at the desk. There's a sticky note that says at the top: "McCoy" with instructions that I don't remember. I freak out. This was the bed of a former small girl that got adopted. How did she know that at some point the three of us would die, turn into cats, and come live there? I search through the desk, and there are other references to us. I go and get Kirk (who is simultaneously one of my friends from real life, who I'll name C, for rememberance's sake) and I show him the stuff. When he first sees the sticky-note he says something about how I'm over-reacting and it can't possibly be what I say it is, but I keep showing him more and more things and it convinces him. He's unsettled and doesn't know what to do. Spock wanders in while I'm showing Kirk the things.

      Updated 02-14-2015 at 04:03 PM by 55779 (should -> show)

    8. C4 Assassins, In Pour Taste, Pallet Life, Antics Before School, Paranoid (23.7.14)

      by , 07-23-2014 at 02:36 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 3:30am

      I'm in the game of Battlefield 4. I check the score board and I notice that it's 5 vs 0. I decide to change teams with another player. We're in a tank together and we're getting snuck up on by the enemy which are trying to use C4 to send us to the heavens. I see them on a pile of rubble and hit the gas and make a successful get away.

      I'm walking down a street where the Beavers live and I see a scene of a person acting like they're a bouncy ball. They are bouncing back and forth through a tight spaced area. It seems as if it keeps going through a cycle.

      Dream 2
      Recorded at 7:44am

      Im walking with Germain Ivanks and maybe his brother. Germain brings up convocation about Lachlan and that he is getting kicked out of his own house that he built due to being behind in payments. The building company will take money out of his house until he pays. He is going to be moving in with his parents again. Germain also mentions that his Bungalow isn't finished which I thought is where he would be staying [It has been built IRL].

      Germain talks about Hayley Ball and that she looks amazing since losing weight. I agree with him and mention she's pretty smokin' these days. I tell him that we use to talk to one another in Facebook now and then but eventually I started ignoring her.

      We're now in front of an open fridge.I see a Facebook comment area in my vision and notice that Germain has uploaded 2 photos. 1 of a minor trophy and the other a major trophy. Meaning that Hayley has upgraded from minor to major. I pour myself a shot of something. I put in which looks like dirty water with a shot of spirits. I take a sip and it tastes like absolute shit.. I scrunch my face up to it. I let the other fellas try and their reactions are pretty similar.

      Dream 3
      Recorded at 7:44am

      Im working at my old job at Hafele. I'm looking at a pallet of goods. I see some eye glasses which don't have any lenses in them. The pallet looks pretty heavy and I'm worried it may be over the weight limit. I see a truck pull up which confirms that it doesn't matter too much about the weight as it's going via truck and not van.

      Dream 4
      Recorded at 9:00am

      I'm at my house sitting in my Dads lounge room with him. Someone is on the computer across from the lounge room.

      I see Luke Brea come through the garage entrance and we have a little chat. He walks over to the computer and talks to whoever is on it [think it may have been my brother sitting at the PC]. Luke says he's going now which was strange considering he had only just got here. I thought maybe it was because Josh wasn't here yet and didn't want to be here without him. Josh arrives shortly after and I mention to him about Luke making a brief appearance. [I think we're all meeting up before school starts].

      I'm now in a shopping centre in my home town. Im with a few people. Josh and maybe Dave Clarke are the only ones I remember. We are playing around and doing some silly moves to the music in the background, outside a cafe. I break out into a "what I think of" as a bit of a stylish dance. A couple of girls in the background which are sitting at a table smile and laugh at me. I feel happy that I made them laugh. There is 2 girls, 1 with blonde and other with ?brown hair?. The blonde hair girl looked like a mans.

      As we're sitting down chatting, I see Eddy Ivanks. I think that we may be late to school and see that it's almost 9.00am. I'm drinking bottled water the whole time I was sitting down.

      Not to far away from where we just were, is where you buy frozen ice blokes, which are in all different shapes and sizes. We all line up in a single line with the rest of the crowd. I remember that I've been drinking un-distilled water and feel not too happy about it. And to make things worse, I forget to bring it to school with me.

      I see Jordan Chichi near us and we greet him. I think Ben Forskin mentions his old nick name to him as he greets him. It brings back memories and I think it's great and laugh.

      As we leave the area I see a small shop selling food. Inside the shop is some kind of stage play going on. It's pretty high class stage show they're putting on. The food they're selling is only a small range. It's set up similar to sushi and I see a savoury piece with orange stuff in the Center of the savoury shell.

      As I'm about to leave the area I see Dave Clarke come by and he's wearing one of the most coolest suits. It really suits him, perfectly fitted. Dave's waiting at the small shop and he mentions about him being in a good head space and I agree with him and that I've noticed it in his persona and to continue doing what he's doing.

      As we all leave the area we're all feeling pretty hip and cool. Kind of have a certain swagger to ourselves. Those two girls from earlier are chasing Dave. They look as if they're in love with him and won't leave him alone. Dave doesn't want a bar of it and tells them to go away as he's not interested. I walk up to the girls and talk to them. They actually look a lot better then I first thought when seeing them earlier. I tell both girls, especially the blonde one that they both have majestic looking eyes, which they did, they really stood out, and that I wasn't trying to cut in on Dave but just had to let them know not too feel too bad about Dave as they could get a lot of guys no problems.

      We continue walking and reach a crowded area and have to stop. I continue talking to the girls and I feel quite small and hunched over for some reason. I hear about a fight break out in the distance and try and get a look but I'm too short to see over everyone. I catch a small glimpse of who was fighting.

      Dream 5

      I'm in court/street where Germain lives. I'm on the lawn of where we used to kick the light post. I have some devices set up on the lawn and using the power from the house without the owner knowing. I think I have a couple girls with me, or they're just observing. I start to feel a bit paranoid about the owner knowing what I was doing, as I am pretty close to the window. I see the certain's move as if someone is taking a little peak out the sides of the certain's. This makes me even more worried. I can now see the blinds nearest to be open up. I'm convinced they might be able to see me and decide to pack my stuff up in a tightly together and hope that they don't see it.

      Side Notes

      Pretty happy with my motivation last night. Coming off a poor night the night before last, I've now recorded the most dreams in one night since getting back into lucid dreaming.
    9. 6/30/2014

      by , 07-23-2014 at 02:25 AM
      I walked into a McDonald's and when I went into the bathroom, I found a little kitten. I wanted to keep it and so did another girl. I went to the counter where Laurie was and asked if they could let me borrow money to get a pet permit I would take the kitten. They said no so the other girl ended up taking it.

      I was at a movie theater with people from work. We were about to start watching a movie but I went underground with some military people. It was a place where they kept people who were doing community service. After I got out, I left with some guy and we came up to my car. We loaded up some groceries and the car started moving while in park. I tried to make it park a lot of times but it wouldn't and it almost ran into some other cars. The guy I was with told me that there might be a rock in the breaks so I drove around trying to fix it.
    10. 6/28/2014

      by , 07-23-2014 at 02:22 AM
      I was driving my car with someone and we came up on a gate that was half open. A car went by and passed through the closed part of the gate so I drove through the open part. I heard something and wondered if I hit the gate. I got out and there was a huge gash and lots of scrapes on the right side of the car. I freaked out and said "Let this be a dream" and counted my fingers. I counted 5 so I freaked out even more. I drove and wondered how much it would be to fix.

      I dreamt Desirae was texting me.
      Tags: car, desirae, panic
    11. 6/26/2014

      by , 07-23-2014 at 02:18 AM
      I was in Venezuela, which looked crowded and dirty. I walked into a store where a lot of people were talking about soccer. I was looking for an Italy jersey, which they didn't have. I walked away and talked to a girl I recognized and asked something about something or something. She was being sort of rude so I left. The scene changed and I was playing Child of Light with Ignicus unlocking some things. Instead of Aurora, it was a boy and he was flying. An angel came up to him saying something about helping him in his dream. She told him he helped him destroy a meteor with a missile or something. The missile, controlled by the boy, passed a bird, a plane, and when it finally hit the meteor, it destroyed it, along with some houses.

      I was swimming in some sort of lake with a girl. The lake was surrounded by green mountains and we came up on a few waterfalls. I gladly jumped down the waterfalls and when I did, the force caused me to go under and I would see corals and reefs. I kept swimming and emerged on a pool, where I showed my mom something I grabbed. She told me to go show it to my grandma and I went to look for her.
    12. 6/22/2014

      by , 07-23-2014 at 01:29 AM
      I was driving around and did a reality check. I counted 6 fingers but didn't snap to it. I counted my fingers plenty of more times but still didn't snap. Some old lady, which I think was my grandma, went to my car and yelled at me and even opened my door. I pushed her around and was gonna beat her up but then she got in her car and drove away. I was then in an underwater base when the world first started according to evolution. I was with a few people and we were singing around getting food and stuff. While we were eating, Ace showed up so I ran out and saw Christa's car leaving. I went to get my phone to call her but woke up.

      I was walking down a street and into a parking lot where there was a huge gang of Bloods with their red hoodies and uniforms. I was freaked out because I was the only white guy so I said "I don't want any trouble" and kept walking. I saw another gang but with orange colors. I took out my phone and they all started fighting so I recorded the brawl and saying "World starrr". The guy that was winning the fight got jumped by some fat black girl and he slammed her to the ground twice. Some guy yelled out that the cops were coming and everyone split. I ran into a nearby Walgreens store. The door to the Walgreens was open but the shutters were down, so they were just barely about to open. I looked at the time and it was 7:50. I grabbed a cart and started getting stuff and heard the manager talking crap about me saying I could get hurt by the equipment they were using. I told him I wasn't going to get hurt and that I just wanted to get my stuff. As I was shopping around, I started humming a song. It was Alejandro by Lady Gaga. As I would sing a verse to the song, an employee would sing the next verse and then the manager sang the next verse. My turn came up and I sounded amazing. The song started playing on the speakers and we would sing along with it, each with their respective verse and turns. The bridge to Hips Don't Lie by Shakira started playing and I sang what I knew of that part. A black guy came up to me and high fived me saying I did great

      Updated 07-23-2014 at 02:11 AM by 67773

    13. 6/21/2014

      by , 07-23-2014 at 12:40 AM
      False Awakening

      I was playing Counter Strike and beating the other team pretty badly. There were plenty of new weapons and grenades. After the match ended, I was in a room with my mom and she was preventing me from leaving or something and I called my dad. I woke up and had all kinds of pimples and hair on the bridge of my nose. I thought it was disgusting. After a while, we were on a talk show and the guy running it was an ass. I was then in a warehouse and challenged some fat tall guy to a boxing match. We got the gloves and he took off his gloves and pulled out a knife. I punched him in the face then got behind him and punched him in the gut. He went down and this black guy came up talking reckless so I grabbed his arm, twisted it twice, and took him to the ground. I yelled out for someone to get my belt and handcuffs but suddenly the guy turned into a beautiful woman. I handcuffed her and laid her on a bed and asked her to stay still so she wouldn't get hurt.

      The sun was setting and I was in a large school doing parkour. I had all my gear from work on and someone stopped me and confiscated all of it, telling me S. Orona had snitched me out. I eventually got the gear back and headed back to where my backpack was.
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