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    1. 31st Janurary

      by , 01-31-2019 at 01:22 AM
      Tonights dream wasn't very interesting but oh well.
      I'll write what I remember,

      So, first off it started off with me in the living room, and my mum wanted to get mcdonalds?.... i say ? because she was asking what toy I wanted, which lead me to say some sort of pokemon then there was a problem, she asked what pokemon i wanted again and I said sylveon then she repeated it a few times angrily. then she went back to the phone and said sylveon angrily.

      i dont remember what happened, but all i remember is that i was on reddit and i made subreddit for girls about a certain thing but i dont remember what, just leaving that in here, anyways moving on. [yes im a girl but i leave my profile on male cuz i like it]

      further on, i teleported to school, we were in the hall and i felt really weird cause I wasn't meant to be at school, sitting there everyone performing waiting for it to stop.. then it stopped, i left and started walking to the exit of the school.

      these kids asked me where i was going, i said i wasnt meant to be at school and they were getting mad at me and they stole my bag, i kept running to go home, tehn i saw my class outside doing a play thing, and i ended up running all over the place, going in 3d person mode too it felt like i was holding a controller, after running around for so long i saw one of my school mates tied up, i knew it was for the play but i just ended up untying her anyways.

      then i owke up
    2. 30 Jan: Miami Vice mixed with other movies and witness of a crime

      by , 01-30-2019 at 10:06 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A Miami Vice dream. Sonny is in trouble, there is a bomb under his chair, pressure activated. A team comes on helicopters and he is saved. A rich guy offers Sonny a high tech helicopter that looks like Millennium Falcon in black, but he has some trouble learning how to fly it and at first he bumps against everything. Then the helicopter turns into a Transformer and while morphing, Sonny is left hanging outside the helicopter as it goes away.
      Then a chase on yachts and helicopters, I am on a yacht. On another yacht is the dead guy from Weekend at Bernie's.
      Then I also get on an extremely high tech flying gear. Some secret agency hasn't found good pilots for it and I kick ass on it. It does vertical flying, instant speed changes and is controlled mostly by the mind.

      Go down a hill to a riverbed, some kids playing there and freaking out over a tiny frog. I put the frog back in the water before they hurt her. Some dudes on horse are coming fast to where we are and I scream to the kids to get out of the way and take cover in the bushes nearby. The guys have assault weapons and carry someone's bloody arm. We're not sure they saw us or not. We go tell the police. Then we all take a bus home together and these guys hop in and sit by our side. The kids freak out.

      A dream with my guru. (secret)
    3. 19-01-30 Resident Evil

      by , 01-30-2019 at 07:23 PM
      I've been playing a lot of Resident Evil 2 lately (the remake), and it shows. I was dreaming that I was an Umbrella Corporation exec. I was in a room on a massive cargo ship. We had a girl tied up by her hands and legs, sort of suspended in the air like the Vitruvian man (with ropes extending from the floor and ceiling). A captured rebel, I guess. I was with two other Umbrella bigshots, a man and a woman. We were interrogating her. The female exec was very violent, and wanted to sodomize the poor rebel with all sorts of objects. I was pretty grossed out by this. I told her we should just kill her and be done with it. Torture was a waste of time. The other man agreed. We decided not to discuss the rebel's fate in front of her, so we retreated into a little meeting room right next to the cabin we were in. I had a henchman dressed in a bunny suit guard the prisoner. I was quite 'genre savvy' so I warned the henchman not to get too close to the window, or zombies could burst through and pull him through (there was an outbreak in progress on the ship). I also told him not to get too close to the prisoner. Heroes in movies always escape because the villains are too stupid to keep their distance. I didn't trust this mook. So we had our little private meeting, but the dream ended there.

      In another scene, there was a zombie outbreak. Some guy ran off in the wrong direction and got ganged up by zombies, giving us a window to escape. I was the 'good guy' in this scene.
    4. Trigger warning, comments disabled.

      by , 01-30-2019 at 02:58 AM
      last night I had a really depressing dream, Even a little hesitant to write this but I'll do it anyways.
      if you suffer from depression or have depressing thoughts or are sensitive to suicide and stuff dont read.
      if u wanna read the non depressing part do Ctrl + F and write 5600 then goto that part

      So, todays dream starting in the living room, i was laying on the floor on my computer, then my mum came in and called me stupid and insulting me and telling me she wanted me to die, I began to think about this alot and then just came to the conclusion I should die

      i went on the internet and told all my friends how I was gonna kill myself, thinking about what my mother had told me and then bringing it to myself and building it up with reasons as to why I should.


      Then I teleported to school, still feeling the way I was, still on my phone telling others venting, except this time my Toxic friend was sitting with me, being annoying and such and rude and pushy like usual. i finished my work quickly, then went to my dorm so i could get away from her.

      I was getting dressed for some reason, then I realized I accidentally took someone elses skirt, and had three white shoes instead of two, I brushed it off and was like 'wow im so silly hehe'. I looked to my left where a closet was, and i saw an eye peeping out staring at me, I opened the closet and it was my old school friend, I was wondering what the hell? and he said he was hiding from something cause he was scared.

      I closed the closet, then I woke up in my bed [in dream]. and saw my mother looking in my room angrily then walking back to the living room, i stood out of bed and checked the time on my computer, it was 9:12 pm. So, you know what I did?

      I got my sleeping bag, went outside, sat on my front porch stairs, and put it on and slept, and this bus went past and looked at me [the people in it, not the bus lol], then i got out, ran across the corner and I saw my backyard, it was sooo huge!! there were no fences either btw but it was humoungous! it was a huge mountain and stuff it was so epic..

      Then, I heard giant foot steps and scary growling.. so I started running away, but really slowly cause its a dream and in draems you run really slowly. then I a helicopter picked me up, and we flew to the monster and I said 'Say sorry!' then the monster looked down really sad and said 'okay...' while sad.
      then i woke up.
    5. 29 Jan: Underground lab, prostitution ring and my dog turns into a man

      by , 01-29-2019 at 09:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      My attic turns into an underground lab where a large team of crazy people are doing experiments with different gases. I have a little room in there, don't know why, but I leave when I start to see that their gas containers are not containing the gases and many different ones are escaping. A few are affecting the scientists and technicians minds, they laugh and make even more mistakes. I get as far away as possible, but there is a huge underground explosion that affects the entire city nearby. The gas spreads though the subway tunnels and the hole city implodes. The floor underneath me also sinks, but I am fine.

      I am hostage and being exploited for prostitution, but an elite ring of prostitution. We are drugged with a blue liquid and mentally enslaved. There's a new virgin girl of only 16 years old being sold for a million. I get a nice girl as a client, we talk a lot, she tells me all she knows about the whole scheme and how she is trying to rescue us, buy she paid for me and has to keep the cover, so we have some kisses and cuddles. Meanwhile, a black girl has some kind of small explosives and tries to kill her client. She is punished in front of me and maybe killed when they take her away.

      My dog Hachi is lose and fighting a wolf on the neighbor's land. A couple of men get in the scene before I do, he runs away and the wolf disappears. I look for him, the men tell me he is hurt. I find him kind of lost in the nearest town, I call his name and he sees me but keeps wandering around for a while. Then he becomes a man, a pretty sexy guy with long hair, a bit scruffy. He finally lets me approach him. I see he has blood in his arms and a couple of horrible bites. I tell him he has to go to the hospital or some clinic and we look for it. I hold him tight, very protective of this big man and feeling very attracted to him, but he is my dog and very innocently he calls me mom and I feel awkward.
    6. Monday, January 7

      by , 01-29-2019 at 08:17 AM
      I am outside somewhere. It seems dim or dark. It’s almost like I am watching this scene, as opposed to in it. There is a horse, and the horse is pulling a cart or something. There’s someone on the cart, directly behind the horse. I now watch as the horse begins to give birth. Once the foal is birthed, the scene (and me too?) rises into the night sky. Something slowly changes into an image of a rabbit/rabbits. (*this scene is oddly psychedelic and definitely inspired by the little bit of Watership I watched last night). Now I am laying in bed or asleep. There are OBE sensations for a while, until I open my eyes. There is something slightly different, either the scene or my perception. I know that this is an OBE or a dream state. I walk out of the room and into the dark kitchen, where I see on the oven that it is 1am. I then make my way to the front door and open it. It is night, but with the illumination that comes with heavy snowfall. There are a few inches on the ground (*just like in real life) and it is still coming down. I walk out on the dry strip under the roof’s protrusion. I have the notion to rise up into the air, but when I try I cannot. Now, I think I wake up in bed.
    7. Friday, January 4

      by , 01-29-2019 at 08:12 AM
      I am with Melissa on top of what seems to be a pile of toy boxes. They seem to be of different sizes but still arranged more or less in a large rectangle. I don’t think it’s that tall, but it feels like we’re high up. It should also be much more unsteady than it feels; I can feel the boxes move slightly apart but stay together. Some or one of the toys is talking to us. We seem to be held hostage or otherwise in some sort of altercation. I let it keep talking as I slowly slide off the side. I grab two pocket knives and give the thinner one to Melissa. I worry about it being too thin and therefor easy to slip in her hand. I then use my pocket knife to puncture a box (and the chest of the toy inside?). I think the one puncture should be enough. There’s also large teddy bear? I think I stab it once also. It is just the skin of a teddy bear, almost human sized, laying flaccid over some boxes. I’m not sure if it’s really ‘dead’ or just feigning.
      Tags: knife, toy
    8. Childhood rage

      by , 01-29-2019 at 05:51 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      This was non lucid but vivid. My sister who is now 50 was young and so was I. She maliciously tore a poster on my wall. I start yelling about this being the second time. The image of her tearing it replayed in the middle. She said something to push my buttons and I was in a rage.I felt like pushing her hard, but controlled myself sort of. I used my knuckles and rapped on the top of her skull twice, about as hard as knocking on a door. I then left. Now 2 female DCs are following me and yelling for the police. I told them all I did was knock on her head and it could not have her her much. One of them joyfully said she had been recording me admitting I did it. The dream faded. I woke up angry.
      I did have problems with my much bigger sister picking on me, but that was long, long ago. I love and respect my sister and enjoy spending time with her. Very odd that feelings from childhood came out in the dream.
    9. NSFW... Also what the freak

      by , 01-28-2019 at 09:42 PM
      in last nights dream, it was pretty much a blur but from what I can recall... warning semi NSFW

      I was at this place, and they were selling these potion doll things? now just a note, these things were popular but im not sure why exactly but i do remember they were, and i got one for speed then I left, I thin it was my daydream character again, but I went into his car.. with skydoesminecraft.

      So, skydoesminecraft was sitting at the back I was sitting in passenger, while this dude was driving they were talking and such, then we got home, the guy parked, skydoesminecraft left the car but still talked to him outside the window, then the guy kneeled down in his chair, rolled the window, put his pants down, put his genitals out... then skydoesminecraft kissed it then walked off.

      not joking, I literally dreamnt this wtf..

      anyways, I went into my house and saw my little brother on his laptop, but he was looking at porn?! at 7 years old?! i looked again and he was using bing search engine but he put so many viruses on it that the background was literally horrific BDSM and torture porn in the background and whenever you searched anything that's all taht came up.

      anyways heres togniths dream
    10. 28 Jan: Enacting Star Wars and seduced by a monk

      by , 01-28-2019 at 09:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Going to the movies with Riverstone. He thinks it's Star Wars, but it is some parody sketches on Star Wars. And the sound is shitty. Then I am the actor playing it live on the theater. But the other actor that should be there interacting with me did not appear and so the whole thing falls apart. I try to invite the audience to enact the jokes with me but it is a total disaster.

      I am with my guru, sort of accompanying him. He doesn't sleep, he also doesn't stay around much, is always going somewhere, meeting people. A monk comes to keep me company, talks about alien abductions and some book author we both seem to know but whose name we don't recall. Then he gets too fond of me and wants some action, but although he is actually cute, I don't want him to break his vows and I say no. Then a giant wave comes from the sea outside, doesn't break the windows, but engulfs the building which gets under water. We pick cell phones and documents and leave. We go to higher floors and get out somehow to dry land. Then we see Rinpoche's students heading to a town square, all dressed up and I ask what's the occasion but nobody says. I sit alone at a bench and I realize I have my cat Buddha hiding in my purse and I hug him.

      Updated 05-27-2019 at 09:47 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. I hate school! also tea towel pelvis anime owo

      by , 01-28-2019 at 12:29 AM
      Hola Senoritas and Senors, heres tonights dream, I was highly scared that I forgot the entirety of my dream last night! but then it came back to me.

      So, in tonights dream... I was on my phone looking at someones instagram, then I noticed that the stuff in their room appeared in my room, I got my little brother to look at all. We noticed that most of the items in there were items we already had then I said 'I guess we can't take items we don't have already.' but we took everything we could get, then the person that we were taking the stuff from came in, and put all the stuff back. i looked back on it again, and she was pretending to be a baby and all that stuff and I was just like what the hell?.

      after that, I left the house and went to school at 4 am on sunday, then I noticed everyone started coming and I was freaking out, apparently i checked the time and it was already Thursday! what!. Thankfully, my social worker picked me up then took me to this place to just talk to me and stuff, then she took me to this room in this building and it had these 3 guys in it and her,

      I'm pretty sure one of the guys was from my daydream life, to elaborate: I'm always daydreaming, even now I am, and I usually imagine I live in this house with these people in it and we're all friends and stuff, though I don't really control it it just kinda happens y'know?, So it's just a second life happening in the background, anyways other than my craziness..

      they were playing this game, it was like a 3D anime game, and they were choosing their characters, and one of them was this 3D anime girl with long black hair and a japanese swimsuit, then they decided it'd be funny to add a tea towel on the front of her pelvis, then we all laughed hysterically at this tea towel that was placed on her pelvis. After this I left with my social worker, and it was like 9 pm.

      This guy came with me too, not sure who it was, I have a feeling it might've been my internet friend Gavin again but not too sure, and we went to the backyard and it was snowing and everything and it was amazing, I got some ice skates and told them to put it on and told them ''if you put these on you can skate across the snow'', we happily did so then I woke up.


      Updated 01-28-2019 at 09:55 PM by 92351

      non-lucid , memorable
    12. 27 Jan: Fugitive in a Dune like scenario

      by , 01-27-2019 at 09:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Big buildings, a sense of being wanted and chased down. I see agents coming for me, run to a car and drive off. On the fringes of the city I meet some other fugitives, we head for a desert area, where people mine and have an independent life. They welcome us to their city. The whole place seems like a scenario from Dune, We decide to just stay hidden at the mines (working there), until we gather some money to then leave to even more far away. We know that agents infiltrate this city looking for fugitives and we can't risk it.

      We owe taxes. A lady goes in our place to settle the debts for us and once all is paid, we finally go back home. (Not sure this dream was continuation of the other)

      Updated 05-27-2019 at 09:32 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Replay Attempt.

      by , 01-27-2019 at 06:46 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      Remember very few details, but it was an interesting lucid in that I had watched a sequence and then attempted to steer the dream to allow me to experience the scene in person. The attempt sort of failed. I did manage to create on of the DCs and get the city to kind of conform to the layout, but when I attempted to walk from one place to another I just kept walking expecting to arrive at a lake. Someone mentioned the lake was that way, but I never got there.
    14. Vampire Lucid

      by , 01-27-2019 at 06:39 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      Long crazy dream where I sailed along a cliff and found a tiny tunnel. I wormed my way through the dirt tunnel and came out in a tomb like church. I eventually end up across the street in a two story house. Lots of interaction with DCs until I figure out they are the thralls of a vampire. I was lucid by this point and created two big guns and had to defend myself. Later the actual vampire came in. A female wrapped her arms around him and told me to fire. This involved shooting through her. Some how I knew that her blood blasting into his body had killed him because of her self sacrifice. The weirdest part comes where I am in the front room but had to just watch through the eyes of the person I had been playing. A woman came in and he did not know if she was part of the bad guys. She approaches as I watch through his eyes. He is terrified and pointing both guns at her begging her to not make him shoot her. She says something soothing and gently pushes the guns aside and hugs him. He breaks down in tears.
    15. Mercedes.

      by , 01-27-2019 at 06:24 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      I was talking with a female DC when she became a girlfriend from 30 years ago. She sat on my lap facing me and was topless. I was lucid by this point and did not touch her sexually. I was more interested in the warm feeling of friendship and closeness. She kept giving me signs of affection like tiny kisses on the cheek.
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