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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Weirdness and bad recall

    2. 34rd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vesterguard's Dream

      by , 09-19-2011 at 08:41 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Vesterguard's Dreams

      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      19-09-11 I am in a wrecked city and the infection has taken over. The scenario is a mix up between Starcraft and left for dead. I am on an elevated road or bridge and ahead of me are a lot of abandoned cars making the only effective means of escape by foot. There are two roads, one being elevated and the other on the right hand side is not, though the situation with the cars is the same.

      We hear a noise, it is an uproar of a crowd, infected. It is difficult to make out but I believe it is coming from the lower portion of the road so we start running upwards to the left. There are also infected behind us so we have to do something. We get trapped on the road and have to abandon it, which I do (now being Kereigan off Starcraft) by jumping off the road onto a lamp hanging (I don't know from where it is hanging and I am too preoccupied to take a closer look) in mid air and running on it onto the adjacent road.

      I then turn right, not sure if Jimmy is with me or not, but it turns out he is. We get cornered with infected all around us and we decide that instead of getting ripped to pieces we might as well take the infection and hope for a cure to show up at some point.

      Zombies come running out of a door to the parking area where we are and as we kneel down they just bite us gently instead of slashing at us etc.

      I am briefly inside the building where the zombies came from, which turns out to be little more than a staircase. But inside the roof is missing and “He” is coming from the top. “He” turns out to be a fair skinned black man, who has developed the infection, thereby crushing my previous knowledge of it being a military development.

      The way he has spread it has been through his normal work as a tattoo artist, where he would use infected needles to get it into the bloodstream of people.


      Looking out over a canal in the city I see a ship operated by infected. The ship isn't your normal type of ship. It's central body and means of propulsion comes from a big wheel in the middle that the rest of the ship is built around. The wheel is made up of paddles. I know the infected operating the ship and I think him loyal to the group trying to find a cure, like me.

      I jump into the water and I see a non-infected human swimming around in the murky water picking up the food that various infected keep throwing in the water unseen. I start swimming towards her (I believe it is a her) in the hopes that her being uninfected could bring me a clue for a cure.

      More fragmented dream. A black woman, again a fair skinned exemplar, is trapped under chicken wire and she is walking around. She is trapped by a group of retard cowboy(ish) types who may or may not rape her.

      She is looking for “the governor”, who is apparently the leader of the gang. She finds him and he is wearing a grey wide rimmed cowboy hat. He is somewhat harsh in his way of addressing her, but he assures her that he will let no harm come to her. However it turns out that he is pretty much stuck under the chicken net construction as well.

      Fragments: Discovering that under the chicken net is an electrical construction of sorts. A mine/pressured gas tank being thrown in and potentially being torn up.


      Spent a lot of my HHs this evening with visualising an small island with gorgeous sandy beaches and sandstone buildings (and general colour scheme) with jungle and trees unrestricted intertwining the city. I sort of decided that it would be my personal playground with Chichén Itzá located somewhere on this island.

      Short FA, where I immediately pull a green lamp that looks like a plant towards me mentally. I get out of bed and do the same with the old school TV on the table in the corner, which take a bit more mental power to make float.

      The dream starts fading though I try and engage all my senses I am unable to stabilise it.
    3. Somewhat-Lucid

      by , 09-19-2011 at 07:16 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was dreaming that I was in a big complex, much like my old favorite boarding school (Talenta). It seems I was doing some sort of missions there, after one was finished I have been assigned to the next one together with a bunch of other people. I was apparently searching for something; I know that some sort of voice explained to me that in this mission, unlike before, everyone could stray through the complex at will to search. At the start of this mission it was day, I saw the complex from the outside a moment, it looked a lot more like my most recent school though.

      Some info: My old boarding school consisted of 2 Buildings which each were constructed out of 2 long blocks, connected through a thinner strand of building. Each of the blocks has one quadratic staircase, where 3 of the 4 sides had a stairway, and the last side was connected to the hallway that led to the rooms.

      I was in the second floor of this connection (unlike in reality, in the dream there were three floors in this connection). I walked around a bit and ended in the top of the stairway of one of the buildings. I went down the complete staircase without touching the stairs, only using the handrail and centrifugal force (I think somewhere at this point my awareness slowly started to rise). I went down a bit too far and nearly went into the basement, which was pretty dark; it also was night after that. I stopped, placed my feet on the floor again and normally walked up the few steps, turned left and went into the connection again. Somewhere at this point I looked out of a window, the scene I saw was a real place of my old boarding school (I think I kind of know what window I looked out of). At that part I also remembered that there should be new educators in this complex and that I should meet the new ones. In the night scene I saw an odd moving Zeppelin, that also looked pretty crazy, it had four arrays of strange constructions, and they were slightly glowing (I can’t describe that thing so I’m not going to try further). I finally came to the thought something was off and did the nose-pinch RC.
      I could breathe through my nose so I became aware that I was in a dream. However upon realizing, the scene drastically changed and I was in a big room with a green, grass like floor. There were a bunch of tables and chairs, and also a bar; however it didn’t resemble a pub at all (as far as I can tell it also was day again). On the green floor was a bunch of different Pokémon (pretty odd because I played some of the games but couldn’t consider myself a fan; I remember I first saw an Eevee and Lugia/Ho-Oh later). I remembered the TotM but there was nothing in my surroundings that I could use. Somehow my vision turned black, I still primarily felt like watching a movie, even though I was pretty much completely aware, “and now someone turned off the screen”. I did a reality check again and tried to get the scene back as I remember it, and the “screen was on” again (it was after that that small forms of Lugia and Ho-Oh appeared to be chased or followed by the others). I got to see a little bit more of the odd scene but woke up very soon after.

      Updated 04-17-2012 at 11:09 AM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes , task of the month
    4. Lucid harp playing

      by , 09-19-2011 at 06:02 AM
      I am outside in my backyard or something similar in the winter looking for a large harp with my friend Jesse. We go along the side of the house and I spot it. The french teacher is going to get there first! Oh no, if she gets there first we'll fail! She's about to touch it but I dive for it and grab it. I'm about to play when I realize that this is a dream! I say so, and Jesse is like "Yah man its a dream!" I don't know what to play, but I start to pluck the strings. It sounds beautiful and I'm shocked that I am able to do this. Its a decending scale I'm playing, and I'm plucking two strings at a time going down the scale. Theres a pitch difference between each string in the couple, it sounds really nice like something from ancient greece or something. I start to screw up, and am worried that I'm going to screw up even more, so I do and it starts to sound horrible. I try and convince myself that I can do it but theres just too much self doubt and it doesn't improve. The professor tells me that it will sound much better in real life.
    5. The Lil Wayne video game?, Harry Potter, Cliffs -ending lucid

      by , 09-19-2011 at 05:01 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      This dream was very odd but was adventurous as usual.

      Harry Potter again
      It started with some building and me running from something or some one and I don't remember know why but this is common. I was running through the building trying to find a place to hide when i found the closet (no I'm not going to Narnia). I jumped in and it was filled with coats and clothes. I used to remember when I was a little kid we would play hide and seek and we would hide in the closet and bury ourselves with clothes and we were hard to find. So I crawled into the wad of clothes and then I froze. I waited for the bad guys to come and then the clothes started constricting around me and were attached to the floor. I was stuck in the clothes and stuck to the floor. Then, the closet opened like a box and I was in a cave full of giant spiders. They were about the size of a medium sized dog and were moving all around me.

      I thought I was doomed when a broom appeared like from Harry Potter, and the clothes let go of me. I grabbed the broom and flew away and tried to find a way out. I flew out of the cave and realized I could fire lasers from the broom tip so I started flying in and out of the cave firing lasers at the spiders until I had killed all of them. I flew back outside and then noticed a queen spider inside the cave and flew in after it to finish it off. After killing it, I flew out of the cave and there was a futuristic tank shooting fireballs at me (same shape as a wraith tank from halo). I remember flying away from it and getting in a car with some of Harry Potter's friends and we drove away.

      Lil Wayne fps video game
      I remember getting out of the car and seeing a crowd around a video game store. I went inside with my friends and then a lady came out and pointed to us and said Lil Wayne wants to see you. Everyone in the crowd looked disappointed that they didn't get picked. When we went into this room, there were recliners, beanbag chairs, and food stands around the room with Lil Wayne sitting on one with a PS3 controller in his hand. He said wassup I'm Lil Wayne and Immunah give you an exclusive preview of meh new game! I had never heard of it and I forgot the name but it was a first person shooter! We all sat down and started playing. It was a weird game. It was like planes, guns, experience points, tons of different weapons, etc. The best first person shooter ever but I was terrible at it. It seemed that everytime you kill someone, you get killed by someone else. There weren't many places for cover. After that we said thanks and walked out the door and went to sight see around the city until I was reunited with my family.

      Odd thing is, I don't care for rap music and I only saw an album cover of Lil Wayne on a Jukebox yesterday and that must be how he got in my dreams.

      Restaurant on a cliff in paradise
      So my family and I were sight seeing and I was tired and starving the whole time (completely normal). Then we found a balcony that led to a rocky cliff side on the ocean. Everyone decided to jump in and swim for a bit despite my starvation. I jumped in and complained we need to get food I am starving. They said that we were already on our way to the restaurant and it was at the top of the cliff. I looked and everyone was climbing this impossible cliff and I went with them. I started climbing and it was easy at first but then the cliff got steeper and steeper to climb until i was practically leaning backwards unable to hold my feet against the wall.

      I said that I'm not going to make it and everyone else was doing fine and said I was just complaining and then I looked at the water and realized I was dreaming and said okay I'll just fly. I jumped off the wall and glided to the water like a flying squirrel. I was trying to fly out of the water but I would just jump out of the water a foot high and then go back in. I then found a small square foot of concrete that was an inch thick and got an idea. I focused on it and turned it into a firebolt broom from the Harry Potter movies.

      I started flying around and then I woke up to my phone ringing in my room.

      Odd how I've had so many Harry Potter dreams recently... 3 in 2 weeks.

      I have been lucid 3 times within 5 days and that is a record for me. My average before was 1 per 2-3 weeks!
    6. 50 Cent, modeling gone wrong and the dude at the Store. ( *MATURE CONTENT* )

      by , 09-19-2011 at 04:38 AM (Visions of the night)

      Had a dream that I was involved with the rapper 50 cent.. I was in his house.. the floors were an eggwhite marble color and he had a white round table. I was standing there with him as he was talking and handling business and he winked at me.. I felt good about that wink and he grabbed my hand we held hands and started walking out the room.. he had on a black shirt with grey stripes going down and the top button was open I saw his muscular chest.. his hands did feel real in the dream.. they were strong but tender and walking with him I was in love..
      Everything I thought about during my dream happened in my dream.. I thought about kissing him and it happened.. he leaned down to kiss my lips. We ended up in a bedroom that was a navy dark color but walls were of velvet texture.. He is laying on the bed and I am laying across his chest.. I see his bare chest and felt so many feelings it was definitely sexual. He is talking but I don't know what he is saying.. and it starts to get quiet.. in my dream I am thinking I should kiss him before I wake up and I start kissing his lips rubbing his chest and I slip on top of him we are kissing heavily and we started to make love.. felt real he is asking me if I love him and I answer with my moans.
      Scene switches and I am at college holding two black books and few white folders these books must have been important because i kept counting them. There are other women around me and they are laughing and talking I felt that maybe they were friends and we all sit in front of this vintage restaurant ordering lunch. I was asked how my relationship was with 50 Cent I am smiling feeling good.
      Scene changes I am in a room getting dressed and I am about to take a photo shoot I want to look in the mirror and it is foggy from the steam.. I move my hand over it and say it was not me.. the girl in the mirror didn't look like me at all. She was shorter and her eyes were a dark color and they had more of an oriental look to them.. I walk away do the photo shoot
      50 cent walked me asking me did I hear anything and he didn't look happy I asked what was wrong and he told me if I saw the nude pictures of myself. I get upset and ask what nude pictures? He shows me pictures in a portfolio and I shake my head. I told him the pictures were for myself as a gift to him and the only way it had been leaked was through the laptop that was on the table when I had lunch with those women.
      I felt betrayed and told him the girl did it and I said her name, how she was the one who betrayed me because she scanned the photos that were in my portfolio. He look hurt like his heart was broken. I tried kissing him but he just moved away and kept rubbing his face.. he sat down said how he loved me and didn't want anything to happen between us
      Scene switches and we are at a clothing store and were greeted at the door with champagne. He is still arguing with me about the pictures I took and I am trying to tell him what happened. I get on this cell phone that had a red glowing screen and I was able to see the person I called in 3d it was weird and I am screaming at the woman who is suppose to be my friend.. she is on my screen in 3d trying to deny and I told her she was fired and had security grab the laptop from her to check any evidence of my pictures and to destroy them. I look around and I am now walking by myself I see this long skinny guy come towards me flirting.. trying to pick me up and I said no because I was engaged. This guy starts bad mouthing at me calling me a bitch and demanding why I didn't want his number.. I am trying to find 50 cent who was no where to be found and this guy becomes violent towards me. He had on all black and had jewelry he asked who was my man I said 50 cent he walked away and I am starting to really look for 50 cent the guy started to follow me and was whispering something I couldn't hear and I saw 50 cent who was putting stuff he got me away and said he had it with me because he saw me talking to the guy.. I told him what happened but unfortunately woke up.

      Updated 09-19-2011 at 04:47 AM by 32355 (mispelled and Had to place Mature content)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    7. 9/18/11

      by , 09-19-2011 at 04:15 AM (Dreamscapes)
      long lucid. Kept seeing dead people and having spooky vibes at my house. I kept waking up and having the same type of dream where Kara and I would see dead people. Eventually I just realized I was dreaming. Started walking around with kara for a while exploring the surroundings and stabilizing. After that I practiced shooting energy balls from my hand. At first it was really slow but eventually it became really strong and had a rainbow glow to it. I tried shooting it out of my hands, but it did not come out and break the wall. I kept trying and only succeeded in creating them. A dream character laughed at me. I decided to just open the door and go outside. It was super super vivid and full of light. I used telekinesis on boulders to blow them up. It started out kind of hard to blow one up. Eventually I was blowing them up as fast as I could point my fingers. Hundreds were blowing up everywhere igniting the sky. I woke up after that. A voice told me "don't move" I listened. He told me to twist my body a certain way and I was back in the dream. I remembered that I wanted to try spinning my staff to see if I could learn any cool moves. I was disappointing because I could barley spin it and it was super bendy and melting. It looked exactly like my light staff. I just walked around the dreamscape for a while. I tried to create a portal like usual, but failed this time. I worried about not remembering all the details and phased out to record the dream.
    8. Dreamviews dinner table

      by , 09-19-2011 at 02:18 AM

      I did a wild tonight. I experienced SP vibrations for the first time and it actually happened. I believe i went straight into lucid dream in my parents house. When i woke up i tried to DEILD back in the dream. While also trying to remember key parts. But i decided to write it down. Waking up makes it hard to remember anything but i've got a good chunk/impression of what happened. Writing this down makes me feel more distanced from the dream itself but i'm very glad i did now.

      There where loads of people in the house. All friends from dreamviews (i think, i can't recall this part). I had a little chat with everyone. Conversations where a little rough. Some where even annoyed by me. But that's okay, shit happens.

      In the kitchen it was busy, people going about their business and Oneironaut was standing there. He didn't say anything until i started talking. And he was glad i finally acknowledged him and we kept talking. I was having trouble speaking to everyone in the room but not with O. Actually we had a great talk. It was very nice.

      I was sitting at a large dinner table with Oneironaut next to me. Or not, There was a couch there from my grandma's house and peope where sitting there. There was this girl eating chips or something. An old friend of mine; Aziez. A very dark and very skinny guy came in from the backdoor. He was acting goofy. Stuffing his mouth full of french fries so that he can then try to eat it and most of it will fall on the floor. Making faces all the while. I laughed very loudly. Everytime i laughed he would look at me and be amused and he would do it again. I told this girl on the chouch that this guy is sooo funny. She smiled at me, she didn't laugh at him but she was amused that i thought it was so funny. Oneironaut was sitting next to me on the dinner table and even thou i wasn't looking at him, i felt his energy. He was a bit annoyed by me thinking it's so funny. He maybe even thought it was a little racist. Even tho it was not. Just plain funny.

      I sitting at the dinner table with Oneironaut across me and we where talking face to face. I was talking bout my issues with Oneironaut. I said stuff like, well i am smart and i understand a whole lot of stuff. Very interesting stuff. But i can't share it with anyone because nobody will understand/believe me anyway. I don't know how to formulate things either so usually i end up looking stupid and dumb. But inside i'm not. I only talk with a few people. To the rest of the world i keep my mouth shut. O agreed i'm a pretty smart guy, and he gave me advice. We talked about a lot of things but this is all i remember

      He didn't look like he does in the pics i've seen. In fact, he had a fatter face. And his face was old and wrinkled. He had grey spots all over his face. But i knew for sure it was him. When i acknowledged him and shook his hand he said : "Aaaah. He finally recognizes me." Even tho i knew all the time it was him.

      At some point a glass vase dropped on the floor. The floor was covered with granules of glass. And i was lying in it. Glass was penetrating into my hands and all over my body. I was frightened. This amount of glass will hurt a lot and maybe even kill you. But i remembered reading someone's dream with something similar. All you have to do is remember it's a dream and that nothing can actually hurt you. I stood up awkwardly and still scared. But it was okay, i wasn't in pain anymore. I walked into the kitchen and this is a point of my dream where i can't remember the transition.

      But i was going outside of the house, And i had to be somewhere. (Probably Chicken-Pittza) I knew where but as soon as i was outside and seeing all kinds of people i forgot where to go. But in my defense, the scene was completely out of this world bizzare strange and most of all. INTERESTING. What a giant mystery lol. Walking around in a lucid dream you see people all going about their business. But they are doing the most weird stuff. I was captivated.

      Right in front of my parents house there is a broad busy street. There where 3 people. I think 2 guys and 1 girl. One of them was wearing an orange raincoat. They where riding bikes and staring at the same direction. They all pointed there and where amazed by what they saw. I did not care, i was trying to figure out their origin. Are they dreamers? Are they lucid? Why are they riding bikes when this is a dream? I tried telling them ; "Hey guys, this is a dream you don't have to ride bikes you can do whatever you want." "Look at me, i'm flying!"
      No success. They where to absorbed in whatever was going on across the street to even notice me.

      I was walking/flying/riding a bike and gradually losing lucidity. I watched as people did weird stuff. I passed a van and they where putting stuff in the van. It looked like they where burgling.
      A few meters i passed the Phamacist. And there was a crowd of people there. In the middle of the crowd was a beautiful girl wearing a brightly coloured woolen sweater. All the people where trying to touch her and pulling on her clothes and stuff. She looked bored and annoyed but she didn't do anything to stop them.

      I witnessed a lot of things and i noticed that, Everything that was happening around me followed some theme. Everything i saw was somehow relative to me, and the thought got confirmed by something that someone said around the corner. But i can't for the life of me remember what it was.

      At some point i decided to go flying and i wasn't paying attention to anything anymore. I was just enjoying the thrill of flying around the city when the thought occured that i will probably slip into non-lucidity like this and i might forget all about the dream. I'm not sure how i woke up but i remembered my physical body. At some point i became aware of lying in my bed with my eyes closed. The dream lost it's vividness because of it and i was desperately trying to get back in the dream. (DEILD) While also trying to hold on to the memory of the lucid dream i just had. I kept repeating the words ; Oneironaut, LD, people on the street.

      Soon after i was going to have the most intense wake up of my life. I just moved to a new place but i was lying in my bed under the impression that i was in my old room. Actually the furniture was dispositioned and it looked like the room i am in now. But the door was white like my old room. I wasn't quite myself, and i don't remember this. But it seemed like there was some guy standing across my bed. I was still trying to remember the dream repeating those words in my head but for some reason i started screaming. So loud, so real (i have yet to confirm with my fellow house residents if this happened) i screamed : "SHUT THEEE FUCKK UPPP!!!!!!!!!!!"

      Then i realized, i just woke up from a FA and i screamed for no reason at all. My dad was downstairs and he heared me scream. He was extremely pissed and i heared him running up the stairs. With loud noise he made his way over to my room. I was frightened.. Paralyzed, frightened. Scared shitless. What was he going to do to me? He might not listen and hear me out that it's a dream punch my face in and maybe even kill me. I was beyond frightened. I tried to scream; Don't hurt me. I was dreaming, i can't help it. But no words came out. I was too paralyzed. All i made was high-pithced noises of fear and helplesness. I was desperate, he was almost in my room.
      I wanted to wish the whole scene away. Fuck this, the entire world is a dream i can wake myself from this one even tho it's real life. I tried changing the scene, and the whole scene was shaking. I saw the my old room's white door shaking and just before my dad opened the door all noise stopped.

      A white ghost floated through the door. It had white cloth, like in the movies. And i'm not sure if it had a face but it had a cross in the middle of his face. Leaving an impression of an actual person. But definetly a ghost. It moved trough the door and through the bed. Not interacting with anything. At some point i thought it stared at me and it was going to murder me. But it did nothing. It completely ignored me and floated right though my body. I was still paralyzed and frightened. I wished this ghost away aswell. It was probably going to float through the wall and it would be gone. But because i wished it away i stopped seeing it just before it passed trough my face. I was both relieved and disappointed.

      I looked around the room, and i noticed i was in my actual room where i really live. People where outside, laughing. I heared people coughing in bed . And maybe they heared me scream and i woke them up. This is the point where i went outside to smoke a cigarette and evaluate what just happened. It was fucking crazy.

      Updated 11-01-2011 at 10:53 PM by 39772

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    9. Crazy Train

      by , 09-18-2011 at 09:10 PM (Land of Amanda's Head)
      (Side Notes)

      (I am just going to post some small fragments from a dream I had last night and the day before.)


      - I was brought to a semi-dumpy psychiatric hospital. I remember screaming and crying because I knew they were going to do experiments on me and use pills isolation to try to alter my mind and personality.

      - I was in a medium sized dorm room, except my bed was in a rectangular nook area. I looked to my side and saw a black guy laying in the bed next to me and I remember asking: "They let boys and girls stay in the same rooms together?" then I said how I didn't mean that in some perverted way. He smiled and said yes, then went to sleep.

      - I was in a large office. A head psychologist who I'd been fighting with off and on about treatments was talking with me when I guess I collapsed and was coughing up blood and blood was also oozing out of my head. I remember him saying that I had some sort of infection and that the only way to get rid of it was...for him to find a dried up hornets nest, pee on it then shove it in my mouth??? My P.O.V was like I was watching a movie, then switched back to first person view where I noticed the hornets nest in my mouth and yanked it out. I started screaming how he was crazy and I remember (as if I had another body) thinking that he felt horrible about what he was doing and was scared I was going to die.

      I don't remember much else from that


      - I was on a plane full of people and someone had a gun. They were going around picking people to shoot off and I eventually got shot int he shoulder ( I think ).

      (From the 16th or 17th, I believe this was...)

      - False awakening. I woke up in bed, looked around and came to the conclusion that I was dreaming. I did the "poke finger in hand" RC and it worked. I plugged my nose and I could breathe, so I decided to move onward. I walked through my house and out to the car where I drove into town (which changed to a complete different town) and ended up waking up for real a few moments after.
    10. 9/18/11 Supervillain Magic League and Walking the Streets of Old

      by , 09-18-2011 at 08:22 PM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      1) I am some sort of supervillain, playing a game of Magic: the Gathering, Elder Dragon Highlander, with other similar sorts. Starting off the game, I draw much too many cards, finding new ones and supersized versions. (one was a 10ish mana green spell to put a named 14/14 into play, other was a 4 mana spell that got more mana). I comment to the player next to me, "Yeah, these games last a while and are absolutely chaotic. It makes them fun. I've always wanted to make a red deck just to screw with everyone else." On a woman's turn, she brings in 4 or 5 lava monsters into the room through the front door. I place my hand on my wrist, a teleportation device I apparently have. Think about trying for Chichen-Itsa pyramid, but didn't become lucid...

      2) WILD. I am walking through a hotel or casino like building, looking for someone.

      3) I am LUCID, in old, roman like city. White granite buildings, a large multilayered fountain. I jump up on the edge, walking along next to the water. A storyteller is weaving a tale on the opposite side of the fountain. He makes a mention of Kreig, which is a fantasy world I've been making for years. I smile, as he talks about the Dragons of the Game.
    11. 8/19/11 - 24th LD: First WILD

      by , 09-18-2011 at 07:33 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I was in my room. I sat up in bed and RCed, just to make sure that it was a dream. It was! I tried not to get too excited. My room was dark (since it was nighttime), and I tried to "turn on" the lights. I yelled, "Light!" Didn't work. I closed my eyes, pointed at the light, and said, "Light!" Still didn't work. So I gave up, and walked around in the dark. As I walked down my living room stairs, I saw these weird bomb-omb looking animal things. They were different colors. I assumed that my mom made them.

      Where my kitchen was, there was a tropical bar; and in front of that were little pools of clear water, with candles and lily pads and flowers on top of the water. It was pretty. I saw my sister and told her that I was dreaming, but she didn't think anything about it. I walked into the little bar place and tried to summon.. guess who.. Taylor Lautner.

      I looked up at him. He was ugly. So I tried again. This time I closed my eyes and thought of his face, then summoned him. He was just a tad cuter this time; but still not good looking. So, I summoned a chocolate bar instead, which kind of looked like Hershey's, but had a yellow wrapper.

      I looked at the words and entertained myself by looking back and looking at it again. I eventually ended up throwing the chocolate bar away for some reason Lol. My mom was outside, and she was talking with my friend's Aunt. They looked a ton alike, except she had longer hair than my friend.

      I wanted to fly out in the same spot; which I noticed we were on our church's sidewalk. The Aunt stood by me and yelled, "You can do it!" So I ran, closed my eyes, and jumped. I felt gravity flip me over in the air as I hovered. It was awesome. I didn't open my eyes which was a bummer.

      Somehow, I had flown back into my own bed. Or transported there. My "dream" bed that is. I looked out my window, to see lights in a circle like fireworks, and I wanted so bad to go out there. I was thinking of breaking through my window, but I got sleepy.. and lost some of my lucidity. I sat there thinking about it and eventually "fell asleep" and found myself awake in my real bed.
    12. 8/6/11 - 23rd LD: Possible DEILD

      by , 09-18-2011 at 07:29 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      This was really cool. I may have not set my alarm last night, but as I was falling back to sleep at around 5:30 a.m., I was daydreaming. Eventually, that daydream turned into a dream! Then I realized, wait, I'm not imagining this, my mind is doing it for me! So I "pretended" to RC. I "thought" about RCing. (I didn't want to actually do the movement, because I was afraid that I was still awake)

      So I started daydreaming about something I can't really remember, then it turned into a dream. There was this cat like person who had a "time out" outside on a dock with a humongous shark! I remember sitting at a window about 15 feet above her. The dock was floating on the water, and she was able to escape, but she could not. She didn't mind the shark, she actually talked to it. The shark was as big as the dock.

      I turned around from the window and saw two nerds playing a game or something. Can't remember. I turned back to the window and wanted to go save my friend on the dock, so I jumped from the window (stupid thing to do, I know) and lounded on the dock. It hurt my legs. I stood there for a second with a weird expression on my face. I said, "Ow."

      Then some more people ran ahead out from the house to the cat girl on the docks. This time, more docks appeared. Sometime during the dream, I thought, "I think I'm dreaming now. Let's RC!" So I thought about the feeling of RCing. I thought about how it felt to breathe through your nose. I think I did it, but I can't be sure. I don't really remember what I did next.
      lucid , memorable
    13. 33rd shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 09-18-2011 at 06:09 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream

      can only really remember a brief bit of lucid flying from last night. also a little bit with a group of people talking about fighting techniques and teaching each other things. damn im sure there was alot more but i had to get up
    14. second lucid dream

      by , 09-18-2011 at 06:03 PM
      [COLOR="#2f4f4f"]Non-luci[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00bfff"]lucid[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="#2f4f4f"]I am at my apartment. I am hiding from this guy who is out to kill me. i do not know exactly why he wants to kill me, i just know that he does. i see him slowly searching my apartment looking behind couches and what not. i my porch and decide to jump down to the floor. when i jump down, i see that exact same guy but from the past. I think about if i were to make him not hate me now, would he not try to kill me in the future. then i wonder if that would be possible or would it just make a paradox. [/COLOR] . [COLOR="#00bfff"] Then i say in my head, " this must be a dream". as soon as i thought that the whole scene changed to this blurry snowy white scene. now i know it's a dream because scenes spontaneously changed so i do not need to do a RC. I want to make the vividness and lucidity more, so i say out loud " i am dreaming" and i start rubbing the ground. this really helped. i am at a snowboard park. there is snow everywhere. i somehow have a snowboard (or atleast expect a snowboard to already be on my foot) and i start going down the trail. I see some dream characters also snow boarding and i see him break his legs. i help down the rest of the way down the lane. after helping him down, i walk away and see a sports bike. i decide to steal it. I saw the owner right next to his bike but still decide to take it. a few seconds after i get on, he pushes me off and he makes his bike shoot at me. like the bike had some build it machine gun or something. the whole seen was like saints row 2 because i saw my map at the right side of the screen. ( or my vision) Also i kinda just dangled to the ground when he killed me. I wake up soon afterwords. [/COLOR]
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    15. Yet another Lucid Dream

      by , 09-18-2011 at 04:19 PM (It's all about Awareness.)
      Here I am waking up from along dream after I went back to bed earlier this morning, I went to sleep and had a long dream like I said, Woke up after that and I felt like I couldn't open my eyes, So I drifted back into a dream. So I was in the dream, I was in a bedroom. I noticed something was off. I saw some water falling down a door that looked like a shower from when you take a shower. It was falling and everything. I was thinking something was off. So I didn't know if I should walk through it or not but I did it any way. I ended up in the living room and I noticed a glass table with game consoles sealed in it. I went up to it and saw my parents around. I felt soaking wet when I walked passed the water.

      Any way. I noticed the glass table. I saw a purple PSP, it looked like a game boy colour. And something triggered me. I noticed. Wait a moment this is a dream! Then after that I begin to stabilize. Again with the hand rubbing technique. I got fully lucid. I saw my DC dad looking all mad at me, He got angry with me for no reason and came after me, He looked all pissed off, He tried to come after me, I got a Japanese fan with some rice in it. I tried to turn it into a sword but it didnt work, Instead it turned into a sword like stick. I got mad and when he was coming after me I told him I'm not afraid of you, He walked pass through me and I woke up. I woke up feeling with confidence and thinking wow this is really neat.