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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Tried to make fire.

      by , 09-18-2011 at 05:36 AM
      I was in my room and everything looked normal.

      The dream was unstable, so I rubbed my hands together. The dreams clarity came back pretty well.

      I walked up to the front door, wondering if I was sleep walking and was gonna get hit by a car. I opened the door and stepped out.

      I the jumped up and started to fly. The world became upside down do I was flying with the sky below me. I then tried to cast a fire ball.

      In the effort of trying the dream faded.
    2. 32nd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Evolventity's Dream

      by , 09-17-2011 at 11:50 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Evolventity's Dream
      September 17, 2011

      (Lucid Dream or OBE) Fell asleep by 6AM, woke up at 10AM, and back to sleep until 2PM.
      -I'm laying on my bed. I swiftly exit my body to my right, chest facing downward and arms to my side. As I pass through a wall I fall into a hypnppompic state: There may have been colors or scenes in front of me but I don't recall any specifics. I feel like I'm blinking my physical bodies' eyes in a very deep state of mind, but I can't see anything. After each blink I can only see the blackness and colors that have already been here. I later see a dream in the distance. I try pulling myself into the dream like I would usually try to do. However; I'm stopped at the borderline, the edge of merging. I'm set back by a thought and sense of my physical body. I stay relaxed and attempt again. When trying to pick and hold a dream I want to enter, I feel M* moving in bed with a sensation on top of my body which wakes me up. I stay relaxed to DEILD but enter a regular dream instead:

      (Regular Dream, Fragment)
      -I'm sitting in a public bathroom stall. The doors are white. I pull M* into the stall with me an have him sit on my lap. I see and hear footsteps outside the door. They're black polished shoes. (Skip) I've opened the door to another man in a uniform. He's in front of us with his pants down. He's uncut and we're about to BJ. I can tell M* was uneasy about the decision. (Skip) The stall doors and walls are very short, about 3 feet. The other guy is gone. A middle aged woman walks buy giving M* and I dirty looks. (Two men in a bathroom stall together, OH NO.)
    3. 32nd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Bihon's Dream

      by , 09-17-2011 at 07:48 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Bihon's Dream

      ~ Possibly met my Dream Guide. I was lucid twice, but I failed to remember to go to Chichen-Itza D:

      Order of events are kinda a blur, but I knew there were these monsters after me. At first I was with friends, making candy out of dough-like items, I was stabbing one with a scoopula. I don't remember exactly what, or who the monster was, but I just knew that it was going to do something terrible to me. The atmosphere was light, yet creepy, and there was a sense of danger at every turn. I was then in a car with my mom, we were on a highway at night, and beside us was a large body of water. It was black, same as the sky above us, it was also thrashed with garbage. I had reached over to touch it, singing a rhyme. The dream jumps at some point, I was at this university, a school trip, the building was also beautiful. All I remember was talking to my mom and a couple of my friends while in it. There was also the school bus. Dream jumps again at some point, and the monsters were back, sometime in the middle of it, there was this girl I was trying to protect, and she had a veil over her head. If it was removed and they found the girl with blonde hair, she was going to be in trouble, so I tried to keep it on her, but it was pulled off by the monster later. Dream jumps again (when?), I was in the monster''s house, and he had this servant with him. They had locked the front doors though, just to make sure I wouldn't be able to get out, I ran down the basement, knowing there was a door there. I ran outside, and jumped into a tree, trying to hide. I was in this huge field, seeing kids sitting by the fence, I tried to keep quiet, but the tree I was in was shaking, I was holding onto a piece of branch as I hung there waiting to see what would happen. I hear whispers, the monster asking his servant to check on the moving tree outside. I quickly realized that it was a dream, no RC's, I jumped out of the tree, and tried to change the scene, after a huge flash of red light, nothing had changed about the scenery, except knowing that the monster had disappeared. Quickly, I though of what to do, I did remember about Chichen Itza, but I took the chance to first find my DG. I kept whispering to myself, "I'm lucid," again and again, hoping for it to last. I asked the kids, but one of them had run away, as if not wanting me to find out, I think I screamed at my dream to show me my dream guide, nothing had happened, instead, the dream jumped. I was in this area, sort off like a library/waiting area, there were a couple of shelves, carpeted floors. There was this older woman there, and I asked her whether she was my dream 'teacher', she shook her head, not wanting to answer me, then there was a short flashback, another man had taken her job. Shortly after, the monster had appeared again, entering through the floors. There was then these tables, and I knew they were bombs, they were strangely attached to the shelves, and I knew I just had to get them off. There was randomly a sketchy and chubbier version of Gir (Invader Zim) on it, and I ordered it into changing. It became a small device that had rotating blades at the bottom, attached to a pole, I had to maneuver it. It ate at the wooden tables, and after the last bits, it complained to me on how I was being bossy. I then went back to the older lady, asking her again if she was my dream 'teacher', she shook her head. "Now let me ask you again," I said, "are you my Dream guide?" She looked down at the ground, and she answered yes. She seemed disappointed, and then she showed me a card, that she had finally gotten her job back, but she was going to miss a senior's discount she had for a certain restaurant. I found out her name was "Auntie Fairy" as I talked to her as I sat with her at a table, I was telling her how happy I was to find her, but she seemed so, so disappointed. I woke up at 10:49am.

      Wrote my dream down, and tried WILDing. Almost made it to OBE, when I tried again, I fell asleep. I was in my school, walking down the corridor, and the moment I questioned whether I was dreaming, I did a nose plug, and I was able to breathe. I was then lucid, and I was looking for someone at first, then I ran into a classroom, yelling at everyone to get out.. (?) I then plan to meet the person somewhere else, and I was soon in this place. It was dark, and it seemed like an abandoned movie theater. The place was also dirty and rusted, and as I walked around, I entered this door, and in it was a huge computer. People in lab coats sat in front of it with smiles on their faces, and I was amazed at the place, it looked clean and modern. I continued to walk, and upon going up a staircase, I found myself in an office. It was dark because of the closed curtains, in the middle of it was a huge desk, and behind it, was the woman from earlier. My dream guide (?), she started to lecture me, telling me what I did was wrong, and as she explained, I agreed with her, knowing she was right. I asked her about the people downstairs, what research they were conducting. She said something about the dream characters being random, and there was no way a real research was going on, but somehow, something about it seemed like a mystery. She was wearing work clothes, a pastel aqua blazer and matching skirt, one she wore in the previous dream. The dream jumped. I found myself in a plaza, my lucidity gone. I had taken a wrong bus, and I asked to be dropped off, but the driver didn't listen to me. A lady in it felt bad for me, and had pleaded for the driver to drop me off. Woke up at 1:11pm.


      I have to remember to get to Chichen-Itza!!
    4. A lot of fragments and a short lucid

    5. I think I was Lucid

      by , 09-17-2011 at 06:28 PM

      I haven't had a lucid dream in months last night I got home from a cross country meet because I'm on the cross country team in my school. I was exhausted so I just took a shower watched t.v. for about 10 minutes and then i just T.K.O'd. I can't remember the first half of the dream but the second half I can.

      My mom and I were driving down a road, and she kept asking me what type of game do I want a Funny or Scary game. I was confused and kept asking what are you talking about. She just kept repeating the question so i just ignored her and looked looked out the window. We were passing this wall about 6 high and at intervals of about 10 feet there were like mid-evil towers behind the walls that were split down the middle. I didn't question it much we finally took a right and were behind the wall. Behind the was was a massive store and we parked in the parking lot at the moment I plugged my nose closed my mouth and tried breathing it worked. "So I'm dreaming hmm it sort of feels like I'm dreaming but I doesn't." We get to the store entrance where the owner opens the door and as I walk in iI wake up.

      I didn't put anything as lucid because I'm not sure I was really lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. car crash, restaurant, grandparents' house, Oliver Twist, etc

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:59 PM
      I had three dreams last night..the 3rd one was a dream I had once before.

      Dream 1:
      I was in a restaurant that looked like a Bistro, but just with a tiled floor instead of a carpeted one, with weird rules like "no chairs on the speed bumps". i was having supper with a man and a woman at the table across from us, kept glaring at us like I was a "boyfriend stealer" after that the man and I went into a car and somehow there was a crash and the next thing I know i woke up in an hospital..and was told I was the only survivor of the car crash which killed both the "boyfriend" and the "jilted girlfriend".

      Dream 2:
      Same restaurant expect this time it seemed to have been placed in my grandparents' home. I guess I just got married it seems since I saw a glimpse of a veil on my head and at the reception. There was an obese woman with a young kid and then there was someone who looked like a former librarian at my library and the obese woman asked me to move..and the other woman said something rude (I can't remember what she said) but I got very angry said "I'm going to go eat in the dinning room by myself" even though my parents who were there pleaded me to stay at the table.

      3rd dream (dream I had before):
      I seem to be in my grandparents' house and my grandparents aren't the ones who own it (In the dream) but a middle-age man and wife. I was in the kitchen (with two other people) ...(Technically I should say that besides me..there were the "dream owners", the two people in the kitchen with me, and two in the living room who got knocked out or something but the last two tried to grab me) and I do something and somehow people came through the door of the kitchen and it was like a indoor version of the famous chase scene from Oliver Twist..just that I wasn't caught..the other 4 people were. I guess a couple of years later I go back to the same house..and..I use the kitchen's sink, and the "dream owners" now elderly came rise up from nowhere in slow motion, and the woman had a flying pan. But instead of hitting me, They made me a pot of tea.
    7. !st lucid dream (8/31/11)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:39 PM
      I remember waking up in my bed.I did 2 reality checks and it worked. i knew i was dreaming. I remember trying to go outside. i was at the door and rushing to put my shoes on. i knew that if i didnt hurry up my mom was going to call me. i guess that was mistake number 1. the fact that i considered my dream mom my real mom. so as soon as i grabbed the handle to leave my mom called me. i went to go see what she wanted. mistake number 2. that was the ball buster. thats when i went back to my nd. therefore it didnt really feel like a lucid:(:?
    8. Successful Waterwalking (FINALLY!)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:38 PM (A Long Strange Trip... into Ashraen's Twisted Psyche)

      I am at a party where there is dancing and music. The guest of honor is announced as 'Adam Sandler,' but it's really my old soccer coach Joe, who actually looks alot like Adam. The spotlight is put on him, and he's trying to take a nap, which everyone thinks is hilarious. I am swordfighting with some people with long balloon swords.

      I walk outside to get some fresh air, and it's dark. There are some people here and there, milling about, doing the types of things that people generally duck outside of a party to do, and I decide to start walking home. Suddenly, it's morning and I am driving down the road. There is a limo pulling out, and I slow down in order to let them on the road.. but the driver waves me on. As I pass the limo, I see that Mayor Royce from The Wire is riding in it, wearing a tuxedo with the tie undone and all disheveled looking.

      When I see my turn off the road, I start to slow down, but I realize I'm not slowing down fast enough to make the turn. I try to slow down more, but it doesn't seem to work. This type of thing is common in my dreams, and it hits me that I might be dreaming. I quit trying to slow down and try to fly instead... the car lifts off the ground and I become lucid

      I shed the car and keep flying for awhile, passing farmhouses and livestock, streams, hills, and fields. I'm looking for something but I don't seem to know what. I see a tall white tower on the side of a hill which looks very out of place, so I fly down to check it out. When I land on the roof, it becomes clear that the tower is very small - on a different scale than me. I am far too big to actually go inside.

      I try to scale myself down - and it's working - but I can't seem to get quite small enough to actually go inside. The building seems to be scaling down a little as I do, altho I'm definitely getting smaller faster (in other words, the building was shrinking, but not as fast as I was). I decide to give up on this little adventure and find something else to do.

      I fly over to to a large tree stump where a hispanic guy with a hat and sunglasses is sitting. I say 'Hola amigo, como estas?' He looks at me and says 'You must finish the quest.' I am confused by this.

      NOTE: Upon waking, I realized this was my subconscious telling me to finish the quest I started the night before in the Serial Dream RPG. I even went to bed trying to incubate this... but sadly I didn't realize it in this lucid.

      I look over and see a small pond with a rail fence around half of it. I have been trying (and failing) to walk on water for several attempts over a few months, so I decide I should walk on the water. Successfully this time. I fly over to the water, wave my hand to send a couple of sheep flying off in the distance (this is almost force of habit now. If I have a DC - human or animal - near me while I'm about to attempt something, I dismissively send them flying away from me immediately).

      I had an idea of how to make the water walking work while in the waking world. I'm good at flying/floating, so I figured I would start by floating on the top of the water, then try walking. I grabbed the rail fence and stepped onto the water, keeping myself hovering over it. I lowered myself until I could feel the water touching my feet, then I let go of the fence and started to walk.. It was working! Finally!

      As I crossed the pond, I began to every-so-slowly sink into the water a bit. I focused on levitating myself up a couple of inches, and continued to walk until I crossed the pond. At the other side, I took a deep breath, stabilized, and repeated the process. This time I made it back across without a hitch. I was so excited that the dream started to fade... I sat patiently, telling myself that it would come back as my world faded to black..


      I was now awake, laying in bed, but I still hadn't moved or opened my eyes from the previous LD. I knew if I was patient, the dream would return. I began to hear sounds in the distance, and a dreamscape (my room) began to form out of the darkness. I got up, levitated the fan on the desk in my room just to be sure I was dreaming (it worked), and walked to my door. I decided to walk through the door instead of opening it (sometimes I can do this easily, sometimes not). As I pressed against the door, the door resisted and I felt my dream fading. I stubbornly kept trying to force myself through the door... and I woke up.

      Take that water walking!! I was so sick of mastering all kinds of crazy dream powers (even successfully made a portal the other night) and not be able to do this one simple thing.. but now I've done it and I have the confidence of knowing that I can. DEILD chained me into a very short LD unfortunately, but that was because of my stubbornness with the door. If I had stopped and stabilized, it would have extended. All in all, good morning of dreaming

      Updated 09-17-2011 at 05:01 PM by 48576

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    9. The Dream, The Lucid, and the Five FA's

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:37 PM (The Mind of a Dreamer)
      Non-Dream Dream Lucid

      I was at school and I was in class, I stepped out to use the restroom. The dream skips and I walk back into the hallway and class was over. I looked at the time and it was 9:03 P.M. Scool was over 6 hours ago! I freaked out and ran to the front doors, cars were still picking up kids and I walked outside and saw my dad drive around and he drove up on the side walk and almost crashed into the school. I stared at the car for a few seconds and then the dream stopped.
      I was riding in a car down a road surrounded by trees and I did the nose plug reality check and realized I was dreaming, I rubbed my hands (which was a new experience for me) in an attempt to stabilize but the dream disappeared and it everything went black. I went with the flow and opened my eyes. I was in a school hallway and did a reality check and verified I was dreaming. The dream yet again went black and when I opened my eyes I was in the same car, on the same road and doing the same thing as the first FA. And of course the dream went black and when I opened my eyes I was in my room, but I was so tired even after I did the reality check I didn’t want to do anything but sleep. So I closed my eyes, then I opened them again and found that I was on the road in the car AGAIN, I did a reality check and validated it was a dream. I quickly got out of the car in fear of the dream faded and closed my eyes to teleport; I imagined a city, when I opened them I was looking down on a small portion of a city from about 300 feet up. I could see a large body of water hugging the city through the darkness of the night. Apartment and business buildings were everywhere. In the middle of my view was a 50ft lamp pole lighting up a four lane street. Then I teleported to the ground and into a bar, I see two men just standing around and hanging out. I wanted to get a task done so I approach one and start delivering punishing blows to his face and abdomen, followed by a finishing kick to the stomach, and he hit the ground. I did the same thing to the other guy. I casually left the bar and walked along the sidewalk next to the bar and saw a little shop/bistro thing. I walked inside and approached the empty reception counter. I reached into my back pocket and grabbed a red pill out. It was a magical pill that would allow me to use powers in case I needed to. I popped it into my mouth. It had that nasty plastic taste, so I imagine the flavor as watermelon, and it became watermelon which allowed it to go down easier. I walked over to a table where the clerk was standing. I decided to give him money for what happened to the people in the bar. I reached back into my back pocket again for some cash but instead just felt two other magic pills. I looked up and saw he was waiting for something. So I imagined a suitcase filled with a million dollars in my hand. When I looked down, I saw a black suitcase, no bigger than a laptop and no thicker that a shoebox cradled between my arm and side. I grabbed it and plopped it down on the table, filled with a million dollars. The man was ecstatic about it. I walked out and teleported to my school, I was facing some doors that lead outside. I was about 15 feet away and I wanted to summon my dream airship I have been creating in waking life, I imagined that and walked outside, but I got a surprise. I looked up and an airship was floating down against the blue sky. It almost silently landed on the road next to the school; you could hear the propeller lightly rotating. Everybody was amazed because it was unmanned. I was so fascinated by what I had summoned. It was only fit for one person to ride in , It had a “T” shape, with the cockpit in the front, decorative balloons stretched out from each side like wings, and a large fin used for steering. At the end of the fin was a small propeller. It was a neat little device but I teleported back to the city. I say the open doorway of the shop which was showing a re-run of what I was previously doing in there, I walked in and the “past me” ran past me, bumping into me before heading out the door. I looked over at some counters and saw a blender, perfect to make a smoothie. I turned it on and it buzzed to life, but it was making cotton candy. I asked myself “Why the heck is this not making me my smoothie?!?!?!?” So I inspected it and upon further inspection it was on cotton candy mode, I picked it up and flipped the switch and it turned to smoothie mode. It already had ice, so I added bananas and strawberries and before I could turn it on I had to get the lid. The room was filled to my chest in water. I was holding the machine up and I saw the lid floating in the water, I tried to walk forward but I couldn’t, there was too much water, annoyed I used telekinesis to bring it towards me. When I put the lid on and turned it on all the water dried up and disappeared. Within a second the smoothie was done. It had the consistency of yogurt though. Still holding the thing I want into a line of my peers and asked if they wanted any of my smoothie. They replied no. I shrugged, and, not finding any cups around, I just drank out of the blender. It tasted like strawberry at first, then banana, I didn’t really care for the taste though so I tossed it aside and went towards a wall and ripped a rectangular hole in it. There were two hobos in a room sitting next to one of those barrels with fires in them. I didn’t much care for them so I tore another hole through the next wall and found a tiny office room filled with shotguns, I realized I had stepped into the wrong room because people spotted me, I quickly picked up a shotgun, but it had no ammo. A man burst through the doorway chasing after me. When I got back inside the store he took shots at me, but instead of me getting buck shots embedded inside me, they fell to the ground and started making weird noises. I asked him “Why are they doing that?” I laughed and then I woke up for real.
    10. Spontanious Lucid

      by , 09-17-2011 at 02:27 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      I am sitting off to the side of a dirt road, a man whom I know is a dream character passes me with a glazed look in his eyes. I stand up and begin walking down the dirt road, contemplating the purpose of dream characters. I chuckle to myself, realizing how funny it is to be thinking about the nature of dream characters while inside of a dream, or at least how funny it seems funny to me.

      I continue walking and thinking, I am in an almost trance like state, lost in my thoughts. I stop and look around me, I smile and take the scene in. everything is brown, there is a dead tree off to my left, beyond that, a field of emptiness. far out in front of me to my right, there is a bridge, again, brown in color. somehow the desolation is calming to me, but there is something missing... slightly bored, I call out, "Are there any non Dream character entities around!?" a few moments of silence, then I hear a faint, "Yeah" from the direction of the bridge. I begin walking.

      The dream skips to me in front of the bridge, then I use a small amount of power to speed or warp (not sure which one) to the source of the voice, the center of the bridge, when I reach it, my trance is broken, I feel my stomach drop.

      The voice had come from E, a kid who drops by my house unannounced, and stays there until he gets bored, I don't particularly like him. I tell E that he needs to stop showing up to my house unannounced, because I don't particularly like him.

      False awakening.

      I meet E, tell him the same thing.

      False awakening.

      I am in a replica of my house, at the time, I thought I woke up. E shows up, my dad answers the door. I go down the stairs and repeat my message one final time before I wake up for real.
      false awakening , lucid
    11. 32nd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vesterguard's Dream

      by , 09-17-2011 at 11:21 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Vesterguard's Dreams

      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      17-09-11 Some wizard is channelling a spell into a prison, controlling some inmates and guards, they are casting a black magic spell that will make one of the wizard's enemies' hart explode.

      I can't help myself, I am somewhat addicted to the magic and I continue. I hear a voice telling me it is dark stuff, but I am too intrigued.

      I am not supposed to be in the prison I am walking down the stairs to the right until I get down to the bottom. I then look over my left shoulder where the target is standing on a platform surrounded by 6-8 people who are helping with the black magic.

      Someone on my team is apparently releasing the other prisoners from their mind control. I think it is too late.

      Something about Bradley Cooper and Bob Downey Jr. We are part of a movie and it somehow involves a road trip. We are sort of re enacting a film and at one point a I get this comment, “no we shouldn't be holding still here, but rather arrive spontaneously from the other side”. Something about how awesome, yet unexpected if Bob Jr actually comes, but he ends up saying yes.


      A discussion takes place with Bradley Cooper who on drugs has seen a naked man shave his penis that looked more like a Christmas tree (or an elf). Then I see the vision and think there is nothing to be worried about.

      I am in some sort of resort I think, close to the beach and with trees all around and a shopping centre. My family and I are there.


      The dream jumps to me in the house of a private investigator that is following me for some reason. I meet an Asian woman in the house who after a little while, I think I threaten her a bit tells me where I can find this private investigator.

      I find him and now they are two against me and he is quite a bit bigger than me as well. He is Caucasian with broad shoulders and fairly long blondish hair.

      I start punching him in the face and alternate a bit between hitting him and the Asian woman while thinking something along the lines of “Evil bitch, you want equal rights? face equal consequences!”. Doesn't actually take a lot of rationalisation to justify punching a woman in the face. I think I get the message across that he should stop following me around


      Back at the supermarket it is daytime and I notice the small van of the PI. I see him standing next to it and start running towards him, I notice he has a knife in his hand but I don't care. I charge him, think punching him I the stomach and he stabs me high in my right arm.

      I briefly think that the pain is far milder than I expected, before I pull out the knife and look at it and notice the blade is fairly short. Then I charge further into grabling range of the PI (where he should have the advantage over me) and bury the blade in his throat.

      He doesn't resist for that long and I push him down to rest in an elevated bed of flowers knife still in his throat. Then I take his van, I wonder where my family has gone, but I need to get away. I get inside the van which is very small with only one seat and hope the key is still in, which it isn't but it can still start.

      Then I start driving up the pavement and people move out of the way (think the car can only drive about 10 MpH anyhows. The dream ends when I get stuck trying to drive into a tunnel, though the scenery returns in a latter dream and maybe even the pesky PI.

      I am by the same spot of land with the PI story line and now it is night time and windy as fuck.

      Someone is already in a plane waiting for me to return. The area has to be evacuated and has been a long time ago. I notice the PI's van is there and there is a man trying to get in it. He is no ordinary man though. His legs are gone and you can see his spine and guts hanging out. Besides his facial features looks slightly skeletal, maybe more like his has been flayed from his face.

      He doesn't seem to mind too much, he can still leap a good 10-15 metres and is shouting in a mad voice. I explain something to him or one of my companions that it will probably take him about 10 years to fully recover due to his innate mutant healing factor, but that he will recover none the less.

      He notice us and become interested and shout out cackling “You have a means to get out of this place?” He starts making his way towards the plane and I hope we make it before he reaches it. The dream ends.

      In said plane it is more or less on auto pilot and Bob (the actor version from the Dresden Files series) is guiding a child who is flying the plane.

      The kid has to dodge quite a lot of obstacles in the form of hangar ships out on the water, and sometimes he is selecting quite dangerous routes through tunnels and barely avoiding parked planes.

      “That is why we say Cari..Bou” emphasising the break in the middle of the word that is the name of the plane. The kid has a habit of pulling straight up or straight down and Bob wants him to focus on softer turns.

      I find two ducklings that are tiny. They can both fit in the palm of one hand. I decide to raise them so I grab a big bowl of water for them to swim in. After putting the first in and looking at it as it realise that it is pretty much a natural boat the other one loose both it's legs, which terrifies me.

      I grab it and put it in the water and the legs seem back.

      The entire dream is oriented about the trouble I am having raising these ducks and my family doesn't seem to care.

      I return and the water is being brought to boiling point and I find the small duckling on the stove without its legs again. (actually I remember writing down this fragment in a FA from the lucid I had).

      I return and the ducklings are now swimming around in minestrone soup.

      I am lying in my bed after a brief moment of being awake. I start talking to myself, just let the HHs roll. They don't really intensify that much, but instead I am faced with the feeling of starting to fall deeper into my bed and shortly after I wake up and immediately look at my hands. Surprisingly they look human, though something is off, they might be too chubby or something, but it is difficult to describe.

      I can't really trust it, but I am positive I was just falling asleep so I find a pot and drag it towards me telekinetically. Nothing happens the first second, but then the pot falls to the floor as I continue the mental pull.

      Chess! dream confirmed. I walk to the window and bump against it, but walk through it with a bit more effort and trust in the fact that it is possible. Right what do I want to do, “Blasting rod” I decide and walk over to some bushes and start rummaging through the shadows.

      I think I better not find some sort of lame drumstick like the televised Dresden series, but this is of course exactly what I find. I keep looking through the shadows of this bush and find scorched furniture wood that seems promising at first until I discover it is made of plywood.
      I feel the dream wobbling a bit and I start touching the grass and leaves towards the ground and trying to see if I can smell something. The leaves look fairly detailed, though I notice they have a tinkling spark to them that seems a bit off. Otherwise the colours of autumn are represented in the leafs green, red, brown and yellow.

      Rasmus B, an old school friend comes walking towards me from the direction of the house I was just in. I look up and point the blasting rod towards him to see if I can make fire. I wake up.

      FA: My flatmate comes back from holiday, his face looks weird, but I wonder if it is just because he is tanned.

      I look down and see my new blasting rod, though it is a bit more curved and have some semi-scorched colourings “Oh would you look at that” I think to myself “My blasting rod has manifested from the dream world” (DOOOOOOH!!! XD)

      I start carving in it and is amazed that I can make markings like a hot knife through butter, though the material seems as hard as ivory. I start cutting a small sigil that eventually becomes a big rather deep “V” to indicate that it is mine.
    12. 17/09/11 - Couple of mini LD's

      by , 09-17-2011 at 10:25 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Man it feels good to sleep until you can't fall asleep anymore. My back always hurts when I do though, but I get plenty of dreams. Had a few LD's this morning, sadly none of them lasted very long.

      23.30: Sleep

      09.00: Short lucids MILD
      *I'm in a house. Can't really recall how I got there, but I need to get out of town so I figure I might aswell live in the woods. I know there's a safe out on the porch and I head out there. It's dark out and snowing. I realise I'm dreaming, but decide to go with the flow. I open up the safe in the wall on the porch and check inside. I find warm clothes, a blanket of fur, a bag that seems to be full of supplies and my snowboard boots. My feet are getting really cold so I take the fur and stand on it. I put the boots on one by one. When I'm done, I haven't realised the dream is fading.

      *I'm driving a car in another country. It's so foggy out that I can barely see the road infront of me. Luckily I have a gps. I turn lucid. I decide to focus my vision on the fog. After a few seconds I realise I'm staring up at the ceiling in my own apartment. Damn! I woke up. Hold on, this doesn't feel like real life. I check my fingers and can see through half of my hand, like I'm crossing my eyes.

      *I'm at work and is giving out orders to all the truckers. My boss shows up and asks me a few questions about the area and I tell him I'm going to do it a bit differently. He seems pleased. A coworker of mine, Smålle, shows up. We start walking down a road. He asks me a question as I get a weird feeling. I put my hand up and do another RC. Once again I can see through half of it and realise I'm dreaming. "I'm still dreaming?" I ask out loud. I ignore Smålle and his question.

      10.00: Fragments
      *I'm in a huge mall with someone else. We walk around and check out all the stuff that can be bought. I realise this must be a rich man's mall. I see two blondes who looks really stuck up. I laugh and head out of there.

      *I'm with Monica at a big tent. People are drinking all around us at different booths and tables. Somehow Monica can see into the future and tells me there's going to be a huge fight. I get instructed to smash someone's bottle and I do, breaking three other too. People start yelling and fighting and we run out of the tent, somehow Monica gets shot and I have to carry her. I put her down in a ditch not far away and tell her to calm down. For some reason she's not in any real danger, and I tell her about a rare druid leather chest she can try, but I realise it says: "Druid leather" and rogues can't use it (wtf?).

      *I'm standing outside of the establishment at work and I want to get in. I bang on the big rusty gate. I've gotta go so bad and luckily I spot a toilet just next to the door. I get in and can hear someone coming down the stairs next to me.

      10.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! I really need to start stabilizing for real... Not sure why I don't do it. I'm telling myself that the first thing I will do is stabilize, but somehow that doesn't go through. Oh well, next goal is to stabilize only.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Thank you FA!

      by , 09-17-2011 at 08:24 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)

      [COLOR="silver"]Before bed I read about technique to keep your mind awake, but your body asleep.
      And how to not fall asleep while meditating. One of the tips suggested that I was going to have a comfortable posture, but it should be a little uncomfortable to keep the mind awake. So I put two pillows behind my head, so I had a straight back, but my legs were still in their normal position. I concentrated on the blackspace and looked between my eyebrows and I started to think about normal things just to see if I could stay awake, and everytime I lost focus I didn't looked at that spot, so I just looked back again.

      But somewhere I just blacked out. :)

      [COLOR="blue"]This whole dream was weird, but cool at the same time. Because it tried to convince me over and over that I was awake, it eventually did, but I got lucid.

      I woke up in my bed and heard weird noises, normally I would DEILD here. I really thought I was awake, but instead I did the noseplug reality check in my bed and it worked![/COLOR]
      [COLOR="red"]I was now laying lucid in my dreambed and I went to see my parents. Everytime I talked to my dad I was overwhelmed with feelings or something that tried to convince me that I was awake.
      Then I went out of my house and I admired the vivdness of the dream. I thought to myself "This feels more real than the physical world!" and it did! The dream was vivid enough for the sensations, so I didn't had to stabilise that. But my mind wasn't stable enough so to speak. I can fix this with spinning, but I wasn't aware in my mind enough to do that. so somewhere here I was aware of that I was dreaming, but I wasn't aware through my conscious, but through my subconscious.[ so that makes it a normal dream again.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="blue"]I was filled with joy and I didn't had to care about anything, I started to climb up to the rooftops and I ran. I tried to stabilise the dream by running in a straight line and it worked. The dream was super vivid. but then I woke up.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="silver"]I was now in my real bed and I wrote this dream down, then I fell asleep again.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="blue"]I was eating lunch with my friends and a girl there that my friend likes was there too. We tried to make him talk to her, but he was to shy. So we started to talk about random stuff, then for some reason we went into a store and we met some other guys, then I woke up.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="silver"]WILD before bed is really hard I admit that. But I am trying to find the perfect way to keep your mind busy without falling asleep. I'll keep trying.[/COLOR]
    14. I finally did it! Yesh!!!

      by , 09-17-2011 at 07:14 AM
      I got my first Lucid Dream last night! Yesh!
      Okay, I had 2 FAs:

      I found myself in my bed. It was dark, so I turned the light on. I'm sitting in my bed, and suddently I remembered, that I had to do a RC. I blocked my airways, and tried to breathe.. And I was breathing!! I became lucid. I saw how the light became brighter, but my room wasn't so vivid. I could feel, that I had got too excited, and that I probably would wake up soon. I wanted to do something funny. I pushed my hand through the wall. It was so weird, it was an amazing feeling! I laughed.
      I "woke" up in a castle. I was alone. I wanted to tell someone about my LD, but I couldn't.
      And then I woke up for real.

      And danced my chandler-dance!
    15. Successful Portal + Failed Waterwalking + Weirdness in the Market of Denn

      by , 09-17-2011 at 02:57 AM (A Long Strange Trip... into Ashraen's Twisted Psyche)

      I was in a restaurant with my family eating. It was time to leave, and I left in my car with my mom driving. The parking lot was crowded, and my mom was squeezing over to the side to get by some cars. There was a large tree overhanging into the parking lot, and I was worried that we would wreck. Instead, we just drove right THRU the tree. I thought 'that was weird,' and as we got onto the highway, I tried to levitate the whole car into the air (a little RC I've been doing on my looooong weekend trips for work). It worked, confirming my suspicion that I was lucid dreaming

      I moved thru the car door (without opening it) to the road and stood there for a minute, stabilizing. The road stretched out ahead of me, and the sky was a beautiful pink-orange, so I started running down the road, trying for super-speed. It wasn't working, when I remembered that it was much harder for me to do if I was actually moving my legs. So, I started floating forward, imagining the world moving quickly past me, and I began to pick up speed until I was cruising very fast!

      After a bit of this, I stopped and thought about what to do next. I was standing on the road, with scrub land spreading out all around me. I decided to try to make a portal. I have tried this before with no luck, but I tried to eliminate doubt and expect it to work. I wanted to continue my quest in the Land of Aud, so I attempted to make a portal that would take me to the Market in Denn.

      As I watched, a blue mist began to materialize before me in the air, expanding into a circle about 4 feet in diameter. I closed my eyes and backed through the portal (for some reason, at the time this method of entering seemed like the most promising for success )

      It worked! When I backed through the portal, the sounds around me changed, the temperature changed, and when I opened my eyes, I was in the marketplace in Denn! The sky went from clear and pink-orange to cloudy and purple. There were small shops criss-crossed by dirt paths, with small rectangular pools of water smattered about. I walked over to a pool and looked at my reflection. I wasn't in character, so I changed into my brown wide-brimmed hat, white linen shirt, and brown leather pants. It's getting much easier to do this

      Because I've been having a tough time walking on water (made 2 attempts even before it was the TOTM), I decided to give it a quick go while I was staring at some... and failed. and failed. and then said screw it!

      Now, I needed some armor and a weapon. I ducked down an alley and found several aisles of armor. I walked down a couple of them, surveying the selection. There was mail, plate, boiled leather, and things I had never seen before, all in crazy colors (even polka dot). I found some burnt-orange colored armor that looked interesting. It looked almost like a robotic suit of armor, but lightweight.

      As I slipped my legs into the bottom part, they snapped tightly around my legs, forming to the contours and glowing slightly. They were lightweight but felt very sturdy. I still had great flexibility. I put on the breastplate and gauntlets (this was all hanging together as one suit), and began to jump around and move, testing the armor. I was able to move like I had nothing on, but I felt incredibly well-protected, and everything was lightly glowing a dark orange. There was a helmet but I decided I didn't need it

      I remembered that I needed a weapon. I realized that the armor I was wearing resembled the 'shardplate' armor suits that I had read about in The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. In that book, shard bearers (those wearing the shardplate) were able to summon a shardblade with their minds. I closed my eyes, took three slow breaths (actually, I think it takes 10 breaths in the books, but this didn't deter me at the time), and opened my eyes as I felt something in my right hand.

      I was holding the grip of a brilliant orange sword, glowing. The blade came out of the grip and curved around my hand and out in front of me. It was about 3.5 feet long and looked kinda like the sword from Halo. I took a few practice swipes, and it whistled as it sliced through the air. I just stood there for a few minutes, sort of in awe at the whole situation.. feeling pretty invincible

      It was time to find a beast to slay! I took off back up the alley I had ducked into to find the armor. When I reached the place where the broad street had been before, it was now a stream bordered on the other side by a forest. I headed in a trot and made a flying leap to cross the stream.. and woke up.. d'oh!

      This was really fun. I'm so glad I found this site, because I was pretty bored with my lucid dreaming when I last focused on it (a few years ago). The creative adventures of the peeps on this board have given me all kinds of new ideas, and I have developed dream powers I had never even thought of in the brief couple of months I have been a member. Damn that water walking tho.. I'm gonna get that one eventually!

      Updated 09-21-2011 at 05:32 PM by 48576

      lucid , memorable