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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. August 18, 2012 - "Military Base"

      by , 08-25-2012 at 03:49 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      2:14 a.m. Listened to subliminal audio hours before bed. LaBerge #6 doesn't seem to help with LD.


      Some sort of military base. Entrance. Others. Some don't care.
      An ice floe. A small entity. Calling out for another entity. Mi? Mic? A small female entity went out. She knows me or the other character. She jumped happily seeing me. She knows me. white blond hair. Lithe.
    2. August 17, 2012

      by , 08-25-2012 at 03:47 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Dorm. Animals. People. Hazy. Forgot most. Travel. Going somewhere.
    3. August 15, 2012 Dream 2: "Ouroboros"

      by , 08-25-2012 at 03:46 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      A symbol. Ouroboros. A store promo. Two drinks. I bought a lot already. Supermarket or grocery. Nonfood items. 125 + 150. I talked to a woman who looked like some sort of executive. She said she's busy and ignored me.

      A room with a cute young boy. He went out the bathroom. I brought me and my laptop to another room. A house. After celebration. Drinks. 10:30 a.m. Song: nothing but your t-shirt on.
    4. August 15, 2012

      by , 08-25-2012 at 03:39 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Walking along the street with Lico or Ranulf. Evening. Rain. Contact with PATAS. They're eating breakfast at 7-11. It's 3:15 a.m. I told them I can make it. Road. Street. They went ahead. Ranulf went another way. He signalled to "us" to go ahead. Where. I saw a resto. Street buildings. Early dawn. Pre dawn. Didn't find the rest.
    5. Familiar Apartment

      by , 08-25-2012 at 01:50 AM (Exterminate)
      Okay, I had a previous entry about a "familiar apartment", but that looked a lot like a cabin, this was about an actual apartment.

      I do not remember what brings it up, but I took this apartment that I owned, and made it into a house. It was big, nice, and expensive. I rented a room out to a young couple. I can recall all of this happening before the dream, and the apartment seemed very familiar, as if I had made it in a previous dream. How long ago, I have no clue. I go inside, recall some things I had done to the place: painting it, making little Bibles with different designs, etc. Apparently the couple had gotten married and had a child there, so I had been gone a while. I decided to give them the whole place. I then remember saying to someone "I recall a memory perfectly in full detail..." then I go basically back into this false memory(must be a dream memory o.O) about my dad getting in a motorcycle accident. I do not know how much of this is what happened in the dream, but I was sitting in the front seat of a car, and my dad gets out, goes into this "college"(didn't look like a college) that had some mean looking guys in their twenties in front. He comes out after a few minutes, then on the way to the bank(which we were parked in front of), they beat my dad up and threw him into a motorcycle. The dream ended after that..

      This all seemed to happen pretty quickly, it was mostly a memory of previous dreams I think. It was weird that as I recalled memories I then entered into those memories as I was telling them. Also, when in the car I was really young, I'd guess 3-5.

      Updated 07-24-2018 at 07:01 PM by 57282

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Cardew garage museum

      by , 08-25-2012 at 12:43 AM
      In back yard of Cardew house. Some friends there. Enter garage from rear. Like a museum inside, talk with friends about how we might use the old things in there.
    7. Fixing car window with string

      by , 08-25-2012 at 12:42 AM
      Driveway of Kingscote home, wife and me fixing car window with string and knots. Neighbour comes and asks about quality of wood in our cars, type of fuel. Makes veiled threat about cars and if authorities were to investigate them. Gave him our old pram after he peered into our garage.
    8. Attempted Flying & Exporing + Soda Machine Hack (Lucid, Reality Checks, WILD)

      by , 08-24-2012 at 07:39 PM
      Woke up on 8/17/12
      *Only remember fragments of some dreams
      *Before the following dreams I had other lucid dreams. However, since I can’t remember the old ones I will only count the ones I remember into my total.
      *My lucidity carried over from previous dreams, so I tried to remember to do reality checks in the following dreams.

      Successful WILD
      Successful reality checks

      In no particular order:

      1) The first thing I can remember is that I was in some plain area with fencing around it (The floor was probably just dirt). I remember being lucid in previous dreams so I attempted to hold on to my lucidity. I did a hand reality check and my hand seemed normal but because I was already lucid I tried to force something to happen. Soon my hands attached to each other and I had four fingers on the left side and three on the right. I don’t understand why I was so determined to perform a reality check when I was already lucid. I probably just wanted reassurance. I attempted flying first by jumping a few times, and I got higher and higher like I expected. Somehow, gravity was pulling me down and though I tried to fight it by jumping over and over I was unable to overcome it. It was as if there was a height limit and I wasn’t able to pass it. I was back to where I began my flying attempt and this time I tried to swing my arms up as hard as I possibly could. I did this a few times and went up higher than I expected, but after a brief moment of floating I could feel gravity pulling me down again. Once again I was back where I started and I began jumping again, but instead I turned a little to the left so that I was looking at the corner of the fence and I jumped forward bouncing myself over the fence and over a few small pieces of scenery that I cannot remember clearly. There was one obstacle that I believe was a wall. It looked green and I remember thinking that I wasn’t going to make it over, but I don’t remember what happened. The dream must have ended.

      2) Like the previous dream, I was lucid from dreams that happened early in my sleep and tried to hold on to that lucidity. I was in some building with gray was walls, though the mood wasn’t at all scary or depressing. I was standing in the middle of what I can best describe as a doorway without a door in it. It was simply an opening into another room. The opening was about 10 feet wide and the walls were about half a foot to a foot thick. I looked down at my hands once again, trying to assure myself that I was lucid. I tried to concentrate on something being wrong with them and I think that eventually they did become odd in some way (I think I just keep looking and eventually I could see another finger on my left hand). The dream faded before I knew it.

      3A) I was in my taekwondo class and people were practicing with nunchucks. I don’t remember many details besides the people who were there. When we were done my mom gave my friend a ride to our house. I went to the bathroom while he used our computer, but the view was of him at the computer.

      *The following dream is somehow connected to the previous dream. It may be an alternate series of events starting from getting in the car.

      3B) I am outside of a supermarket (I assume it is a Wal-Mart. This is explained in the dream notes in Section 3.1B). I get in my mom’s car and we are about to take someone home (Instead of being the friend from taekwondo he is a guy who used to go to my school). He gets out of the car and starts talking to his friends. While we are waiting he turns into a female dream character without me realizing it. I ask if she is coming and she waves us off. My mom begins driving and as the dream went on, I went from traveling in a car to pushing a shopping cart on foot. At one point, I push the shopping cart into a thin wooden board that was resting on a wire fence at a steep angle hoping to drive it over the wire fence by using the board (I don’t realize how odd my attempt is. The board was almost parallel to the fence). It doesn’t work, so I decided to back up to get more momentum. I run faster attempting to push the cart over the fence once again. It goes higher, but I am still unsuccessful. I leave the cart behind and easily climb over the fence. Behind it is a type of junkyard area with tan-colored dirt and a couple of tall huts made of some material of the same color (maybe even the same dirt) surrounding the area. The huts rest on a wall of dirt that surrounds the small area. I find it boring and proceed to different areas. As I explore I see elaborate playgrounds in different directions. One was in the distance in a wooded area. The playground was made of tall logs and had pointy roofs. I kept exploring and the biomes changed very quickly (in a way very similar to how biomes change in Minecraft. I’m in a grassy area one moment and ahead I would see a circular area of sand connecting to the beach; once I’m off the sand, there would suddenly be grass again. I eventually make it to some playground for a short period of time then start traveling again. For some reason, I’m looking for my school at one point. I reach it and the dream gets gray; it looks like it does on a cloudy afternoon. I go down one hallway and walk inside the office, though it looks nothing like the office in my school. I see two soda machines and two snack machines and I end up with wet paper towels in my hand which I try to stuff up the change compartment of the vending machines (This is explained in the dream notes in section 3.2B). A student next to me is doing the same and I make a comment about how I am surprised that he has also heard of the trick. I then say that I heard about it yesterday from a guy I knew. Behind us was a room with glass windows surrounding it. There were thin support beams in between the windows. My mom was sitting at a table in the room with two sodas.

      Dream Notes:

      General: The previous day, I performed more reality checks than I have ever done in one day. This contributed immensely to my lucidity and high level of awareness.

      3.0B) I watched an episode of Wildest Police Videos the day before this dream. In one clip a man and his son were pulled over, but shot the cop and drove away. The police surrounded their car outside of a Wal-Mart and shot them. The scene in my dream was exactly the same as the scene in the clip (aside from the violence, cop cars, and guns of course).

      3.1B) I volunteer at Habitat for Humanity. A guy I know there who is doing community service was getting a soda the day before this dream. He started talking to us about how he used to stuff paper towels up the change compartment to catch the change and take it out at the end of the day to see how much money would come out. This is what I was doing in the dream.

      Updated 08-26-2012 at 04:43 AM by 57415

      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. Fri. Aug. 24

      by , 08-24-2012 at 07:13 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Summer School

      On Monday, we have an orientation. Then I go to bed to get rested for classes tomorrow.

      For the first day of classes, we have to get in line for some kind of check-in. The line moves slowly, and by the time it's 8:25 I'm still a few places back from the front. My first class is at 8:30, so I think I need to go. I pick up my bags and leave the line, but one of the check-in ladies intercepts me.

      "Oh, I'm sorry, did you have an early appointment today?" she asks.

      I'm confused, because I don't think class counts as an "appointment," and doesn't every student in this room have class at 8:30? But we go through check-in anyway, and when we're finished, suddenly I remember that I was supposed to set back my watch by forty-five minutes. So I'm actually not late at all. No wonder no one else was worried.

      I head to my morning class, thinking I'll be early. But when I get to the room, there are already a lot of people there. What? It's not even 9:00, and this class doesn't start until 10:00! But then I remember that this class is usually MWF, and we couldn't have class yesterday because of orientation. So the professor is squeezing in an extra session on Tuesday morning to make up for it. Hmph. Maybe he ought just have planned to have one less day's worth of material in the course.

      The morning class involves a running game where there are a lot of items strewn around a medium-sized room with a grid-patterned floor. Sometimes new items appear in the middle of the grid squares. There are certain items we're looking for, worth more points than the others. We're competing to see who can collect the most points.

      The first time I play the game, I think I did pretty well. But it turns out another guy actually won, because he grabbed the items worth the most points. I hadn't even known what those were, but now that I do know, I want to play again. The second time, I notice that there are people stuffed into lockers along one wall of the room, and some of them are worth points. The animation for the game is pretty good, and rather charming.

      Now it's time for the afternoon class. I'm skeptical about this one, because the subject seems like total hocus-pocus. I'm not even sure what it is, actually. The professor tells us to take out our textbooks, and the whole class groans. We remember this book from yesterday. The title is completely nonsensical, and by now I'm pretty sure this class will be full of New-Agey crap that doesn't have any business being taught in a university. Good thing I'm sitting in the back.

      During class, I notice that the girl sitting on my left is resting her head on my leg and dozing. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, because it's almost like cuddling, and I'm glad she feels that comfortable around me. I'm also amused to confirm that she's just as bored as I am. She notices I've noticed, and she smiles. But it doesn't last too long, because the professor has the class break into groups for discussion and disperse to different rooms.

      After discussion, there are still maybe twenty minutes left of class, but I don't feel like going back to the lecture hall. Everyone else leaves the discussion room, but I just spend a long time re-packing my backpack. I'm enjoying being lethargic, but I also hope that the professor doesn't take attendance at the end of class, so I don't get caught.

      Later, I'm startled by a student coming into the room. But he's just there to move the front table back to where it was before discussion started. How responsible of him. Anyway, I guess that means class is over. Time to leave.

      Seven Keys

      A middle-aged man hands a young boy a pistol, warning him never, ever to speak a word of what has been done with that weapon. Presumably it was used to commit a murder of some kind.

      In the very next scene, the boy brings the gun to another, older man, telling him mischievously that something terrible has been done with it. When the man asks what, the boy says, "We blue'd it," and takes out another of the same kind of pistol, except this one has been painted blue. Amusedly, the man pretends to be horrified by this action. The idea is that the color blue isn't very aggressive or serious or anything, so it has no business decorating something like a gun.

      The boy pretends to aim the gun behind himself, but then coincidentally a spider the size of a small dog comes running into the hallway right where he's aiming. The man's face abruptly becomes very serious. Fighting these spiders is the main purpose of this community, and he says to the boy, "You may fire." But the boy, not having seen the spider, is just confused. Instead, the man lifts his own gun, takes careful aim, and shoots the spider.

      Now, I'm in the final stages of a game involving these spiders. The building I'm in has seven levels, and in order to get a good score for the game, I have to collect one key from each level. The trick is that in order to reach the next level, you have to use the key from the previous level, and in the process of using it, you have to leave it behind. So there's got to be some kind of secret passage I can use to go backwards from the end and pick up all the keys. I'm running all over the building trying to find this passage, and I have to restart a few times from a save point near the top of it. There are about five or six other people helping me out with this.

      This time, I try using a sort of wooden fire escape on the outside of the building. It's very reminiscent of a treehouse, spiraling around a tree and built entirely out of two-by-fours. There's one other person following me down. On one landing, there's a dead spider, lying in a pool of its own fluids. "Watch out!" I call over my shoulder. "Spider juice!" (It's very dangerous.)

      Once on the ground level, I go inside to find a lot of people in a large room. They want something from me; they're expectant that I've gotten the keys; or something. In response, I start taking off my shirts. I'm wearing seven of them, one for each level in the building. But taking them off is actually very difficult. I can't quite seem to pull the first one over my head. A thirty-ish woman, someone I know, asks me what's wrong. I reply that I don't know. I tell her that apparently my arms just feel very tired and I can't muster the force necessary to take off a T-shirt.
    10. Two days, too vague.

      by , 08-24-2012 at 04:27 PM (Inner Sanctum)
      This is my first dream journal in a while. I remembered two dreams from last night, but both of them were pretty vague. At first i was with two of my friends from back home. The crazy part is, we were hanging out in my next door neighbors house from my OLD neighborhood. Even weirder, was the fact that my neighbors weren't there at all. It was just us. I don't remember what we were doing, but i remember asking if i could stay the night because i didn't feel like going back home. My friend went to ask his mom, but hesitated. After that, the dream faded..

      Then there was one where i was with these two girls that i kinda' grew up with. We were all hanging out in some house, for some reason, i feel like it was my grandma's house. One of them was laying on a bed on her stomach, and the other was walking around. I was talking on the phone, and i saw her walking around. She had some tight shorts on lol, and i noticed how good her ass looked in them. Like any guy, i stared for a second lol. My other friend noticed me checking her out, and she made some smirk/tongue face at me. I started laughing and walked away for a second, and as i was walking away she went to tell our friend that i was checking her out. That's when i noticed how childish that scene was, and the odd combination of location/people. Normally i would've became lucid, but i haven't been DJ'ing and meditating like i used to. So i ended up just fading out of the dream..
    11. Frags, Odd Half Asleep Dream, and An Unfinished Project

      by , 08-24-2012 at 02:47 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in my car, looking at my gas gauge. Close to empty, even though I just got gas. I pulled into the gas station. I thought about my dwindling funds.

      I then remember seeing an above view of two old men sitting in chairs across from one another. One passed a magnifying glass to the other. I think they were reading with it.

      Then, I remember panic, and seeing a white cat clock with the arms going haywire. Something was going on with this, some kind of torture or something. I put my hand on the arms of the clock to stop them.


      I was trying to fall back asleep this morning after being awake for an hour or so.

      I slipped into a dream, and I was concentrating on staring at my laptop screen. I thought I was still trying to fall asleep. As I concentrated on the background, I could see "behind" the current picture that's there, and there was a picture of my cat sitting in my messy room. I felt like that meant I was falling asleep. I then started to feel the SP buzz in my head, but I got to excited, and lost the sensation.

      Then, I was standing on an overhang overlooking the top of a staircase. I heard a conversation between a man and a woman, the man I think was the woman's son. They were fighting. The man, who reminded me of Jake's dad and one of my old friends, Alan, said
      "Well what do you think I'm doing up there all the time? Smoking?" I could feel his anger, but that's precisely what he had been doing. He was going up the stairs as he said this. I was worried he would lose his temper and someone would get hurt.
      I don't remember the woman's answer, or if she even did answer.

      I then looked at the wall beside the staircase, and there were these small square patches cut out with white and green cloth inside of them. I then felt like it was Austin's grandparents' house, and I knew why the wall was like that: They had been trying to fix the wall, or tile it, but they had just never gotten around to finishing the project.

      Updated 08-25-2012 at 12:38 AM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Bank Statements (SDE 10)

      by , 08-24-2012 at 02:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Bank Statements (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a completely different house consisting of dark cool colors, and most of the major features inside of it were blanked out, probably to make me pay attention to my father and mother instead. My father is holding a sheet, and is looking at me seriously for some reason. I look at the paper and saw that I spent $10 on one day and then $2 on another.

      Oh god, here it comes....

      He starts asking me what these payments were for, and I already had the answers, but how he asked me made me stutter a bit. It's as if I wasted on a Ferrari or something lol. I eventually told him that one of the payments was for some drawings that were of interest to me. I can't remember what the drawings tried to represent, just that they were mostly line art and/or graphite portraits of random people.

      As I'm trying to explain him what I made on these small purchases, I walk around this house that I barely even know about and pointed to him that the drawings on the walls are what I bought with the money, most likely with the $10. I do recall one drawing where I see myself, and there's a bunch of muscle on me, which looks deformed.

      I'm doing the archer pose on the left side of the drawing, the one that Usain Bolt does. I looked so weird, seeing my big head and then a larger deformed muscular body on me. Then when I'm done explaining things to my father, he suddenly calms down and leaves.

      I really hate it when this happens in the dream, he's suddenly boiled up and the moment I say something simple, he just calms down. I mean, sure I want the dream projection of him to calm down, but how he goes through it is way too abrupt that it looks like he's bipolar or something.

      After that little episode of unnecessary acts of anger from him, I go into a room to play a game. I don't pay attention to the controller I'm holding, I just know I have something in my hand. It's a weird game, but the objective is to try to match the words on top, and then you'll have an individual square for each letter than you have to scroll up or down really fast to go through the alphabet.

      There's a timer for around 5 seconds for each letter, which is why you have to down or up so fast. I think the word I'm trying to match is:


      Though I don't know why I needed to do that, since I felt that even though this is a game, something tells me this was something as a hint for me rather than a randomly generated word. Anyway, I have trouble matching the word "TALES" and ended up with the word "TRAPES" or something like that.

      But I'm still not sure how it ended up, it's just the first thing that comes to mind.

      I think me, my mother and father were planning to get ready to go somewhere, since I had feelings that I had to finish this quickly.

      That's all I remember, I didn't get much sleep last night.

    13. Tubing with my sister and dad

      by , 08-24-2012 at 02:01 PM
      I'm on a boat. There are several strange phenomenon of which I remember one. A bull crashed through a window and into a room where there was a nurse. It is on a rampage but then falls down a deep hole out of sight.

      I go onto the deck of the river. My dad and sister are there. We start tubing down the river. I am on the edge of a mass of people; a pyramid of tubers. Minding my own business this muscular, black, teenager guy comes up to me and starts threatening me. I am trying to remain calm and not get angry back (partly because I will not beat him in a fight). He punches one of my tubes (I have three stacked up) and then punches the other one, deflating them both. Finally, he leaves me alone and goes back to the edge of the river to walk down it with his grandmother. My sister and dad are still present as we drift further down the river. I am separated from them. I go up a kind of "reverse waterfall" that is reminiscent of the ascent on a log flume ride, but the water is moving upwards against gravity; I am floating on the water. Some experts explain that eels and tunnels are making this strange thing happen. On the other side of this water-up is a delta type scene. I relax on the banks and here somebody talking about Atlantic City.

      Traveling down a river with my sister is a recurring theme in my dreams. Also, it is common for me, my sister, and my dad to be on a trip together without my mother.
    14. Creepy Elf Doll

      by , 08-24-2012 at 01:39 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      There were a bunch of elf dolls. They could move and talk, and they would also sing Christmas songs if you played the piano for them. They looked kind of creepy, though, but I wanted one anyway.
    15. The Circus

      by , 08-24-2012 at 01:22 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      The Circus (Non-lucid)


      I remember being in my house that I used to live in when I was little. I remember putting my iPod on Pandora, and putting it into the iHome connected to all of the speakers in the house. I put it on "Quickmix" So I could get a mixture of all of my favorite artists and genres.

      I remember there being this very cute guy. He wore a white muscle shirt and black pants. His hair I think was a reddish brown and it was slightly curly. And I think he talked in a British accent.

      The cute guy left my house, and I followed him. He walked faster than me though (for some reason I had transformed into a smaller girl) and I lost him.

      I came across a circus. It was a fairly odd circus, the tent was just like a camping tent.. and there wasn't very many people there.

      A boy walked up to me. He was about my age in this dream, (my age being about 10 or so, based on my appearance) and he talked to me for a while. We walked side by side and looked around the circus together.

      Almost towards the end of the dream, I was in "3rd person", where I could see myself as well as the boy walked beside me. All of a sudden, a huge firecracker landed and exploded right beside him, where I was. He wasn't hurt, but I was no longer there. He looked around, and shakily called out my name. He called it out again.
      I emerged from the bushes on my side, trembling in fear. I just escaped death. We hugged for a minute, and continued walking down the road.

      I found myself back at the circus. There was a special tent that would lift itself up and tickle the people's feet that were standing outside of it. It was called the "Monkey tent" or something.

      I made it back to my house. I was standing in my living room when the cute guy from earlier came back. He walked inside my living room and winked at me. :3

      Then I woke up.