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    1. The Skytower

      by , 01-19-2013 at 08:01 PM
      I was going skydiving with my mates, but it was somehow from the skytower. I was really scared, as I'm scared of heights.
      When we go to the top bit, I was somehow picked up by the wind and flung against one of the walls. I was so scared, I was shouting to my friends to give me a hand. Two of them stretched out their hands, and one after the other, as soon as I got close to grabbing their hand, they pulled it away and laughed.
      Then the wall I was flung against broke, so I was blown out into the open. At this point I became Lucid!
      (The feeling of falling is a dream sign for me) so I started to fly around. I flew down and just before I hit the ground I pulled up. Can't remember anything after that.
      nightmare , lucid
    2. Underground Facility, Reactors & Strange Babies in Incubators

      by , 01-19-2013 at 06:59 PM (David's Dream Journal)
      I was in an underground facility of some sort with "someone". There was concrete everywhere and it was dark and seemed damp.

      I remember walking up a ramp and looking through vertical windows in a very large door and seeing what looked like reactors, glowing green. They had honeycomb patterns and windows on them and in the windows, the green glow was more intense. They looked like half spheres sitting on the floor.

      I then remember walking past three or four incubators with babies in them. Alive, but not moving. The incubators were more advanced than a regular hospital one, with lots of lights and gadgets everywhere. One of these babies was huge, I would say four feet long.

      After seeing these the dream ended.
    3. Abandoned cinema and other crap

      by , 01-19-2013 at 05:40 PM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      - An abandoned cinema, a bunch of my classmates. We went outdoors, there was a beautiful beach and it got dark fast. I took my watch and put it in my pocket, didn't want to get it wet, though I still went swimming fully clothed. Later, we returned to the cinema, we ate gummy bears and sat in the middle of everything, just chilling. For some reason, I really wanted to talk to a classmate but I didn't want everyone to hear what I had to say to him. (lol?)

      - I tried playing Brother John on guitar but it was very much out of tune and I kept pulling the wrong string. Then the bitchfriend of my bro came over there and we got in a fight about something, not quite sure what happened.

      - A supermarket, I was in a back room with someone and an annoying kid kept on trying to get in there. I had control over the music being played in the supermarket and I kept replaying some song. The kid turned into a little bunch of bananas and I put it back to the shelf of bananas, on the verge of tears as sad music played on the background.
      Then I went to take a look at the map of the whole place to find an electronics store, but there weren't any. Whoever I was with, showed me which stores we still had to go to, they were all located on the second floor.
      We sat down in a table with a woman and two guys, the woman took her pink iphone (pls.) and played a song from Avenged Sevenfold. They spoke in some unknown language, but it seemed like polish to me. The song was also in polish. I was not amused. My wallet was lying on the table and they were exploring it, I loudly asked what the fuck, got up and left. They said something else and I yelled something back at them.
      Change of scenery, just stepped in from the front door, see my brother and his gf in the living room. I was still pissed off that he had broken up with his previous girlfriend, because this one was a total bitch. Anyway, I was disappointed that the bitch was still here.

      Brother never left his current gf. Idk why'd I dream about something like that.
      inb4 i see da future
    4. How very bad “jaw drops”…

      by , 01-19-2013 at 05:37 PM (The world of Lyseno)
      Everything is so dark, do a RC this time and become lucid, force the dream to form and then make a new seal so I can stay in here, start to modify the one that doesn’t allows me to stay in dreams slowly but wake up.

      Back to sleep.

      Playing in this kind of factory, it feels weird so RC right away… this guy doesn’t knows how to craft dreams for me, they should be as mundane and common as possible. Oh well make a barrier and then extend it over to the factory, his seals so far seem to be puzzle based and pretty sure he used the same thing again on me, start to solve the puzzle using scan.

      A total of 200 people in the factory and they all work on making the same thing, the thing looks like a key of sorts but isn’t finished, will convince the workers to do it for me so just teleport over to the speaker and tell them we are moving onto the next phase of the work, but they just don’t listen and continue doing the same piece over and over again… great, wake up before being able to do something.

      Back to sleep.

      I am sitting on the floor looking well… at the floor, do a RC while getting up and the dream starts to fade, quickly make another barrier and then decide to finish this once and for all and since the factory people won’t hear me out, will force them.

      Use the same curse as with Bai and let them taste something worse than a never ending cycle of boring work, they quickly get on to finish the piece after that, too bad it takes a long time and I barely manage to break the thing and make a barrier at my house before waking up.

      Back to sleep.

      I am home picking up the trash, do a RC become lucid and oh right, get out of the house. Once out start to fly a bit and then make a new barrier, send a letter using teleportation to Nathan and tell him to come over here, we have to talk things out.

      While I wait think he will really want to fight this time so go search for a good place to start before creating a different universe just for this fight, think the roof is a good place to; go over there and then wonder why the next house is bigger, try to go up but then the next one becomes bigger, typical of my dreams won’t bother with going higher.

      Go back down and send a telepathic message so he will hurry up, in the meantime go down and eat and other stuff, pretty long dream and he still won’t show up geez, fly again and make a seal to force him to move it and then wait, the dream is about to end dang it, wake myself so I can fall asleep faster.

      Back to sleep.

      I am on my room checking some stuff, do a RC become lucid and then just go over to the window, I remember a trick and will have to check if this will work out. Try to phase but it won’t work at the start so calm down breathe in and out and then go for it again.

      I can phase the window and the scenery starts to change and then someone interrupts, is he finally here? Get over to the other side and then see a new room on top of the house, it wasn’t this big before. “You should calm yourself, he isn’t one to not come” he says, I recognize that voice… what is HIM doing here, I didn’t invite him, just Nathan.

      Anyway he tells me to come up and have some tea “Don’t like tea thank you” he just goes in and then I wait on the garden. The door opens itself and then someone comes in, and the dude is fucking sexy, recognize his energy right away but the difference in looks forces me to ask “Who are you?” he casually responds “I’m Nathan” and I am like (No fucking way…) is he a girl or what? He took so fucking long because he was changing and all that stuff? Like seriously, from horrible afro to completely straight black-like hair, and his horrible clothes are now pretty much new and nice and he isn’t all dirty anymore (For someone who claims he hates being in my world he sure abuses the nightmare to his favor…) didn’t even realize it but I was with my jaw wide open, dang it.

      He makes the other door open and then heads upstairs, no wait! “Hey, come down here I was the one who called you” he does come down “I will break the seal alright, let’s just talk” he looks weird at me and says nothing, seriously so difficult to communicate.

      “So, I know you hate me and all but we could make a deal no?” “I don’t hate you; you are the one who intrudes on my job” he starts to fly so I follow “Uh it was because someone told me you and… well that doesn’t matters, I just wanted to pay off for doing the whole seal thing, can’t you be more considerate?” he stops and then asks me if I am stupid or crazy “Both of course” I answer quickly “Do you really want to talk this while drinking tea where everyone can hear you?” he looks at the people inside the room and then at me, he goes down again, follow.

      “Alright so… ugh… I am sorry?” he says I don’t sound sorry, well excuse me for sucking at apologizing! Just hug him “Is that better?” he says it’s better, good because I am no good with that either. Anyway explain to him what I really want is just to fight him and help, just thought the way Coco was sealed was unfair, same for his so that’s why I took him out. He thinks about it and goes over to the washing place “I can’t fight you” he says “Aw come on, we can make a deal, I have lots of things!” he says nothing he desires so no “But why not, it’s not like I have any intentions of killing…” he laughs as if I have no chance to win against him (Oh thank you…) “We just don’t feel like fighting seriously with anyone who comes asking for it” he says “Well then don’t fight seriously” he says nothing and then shakes his head, I just undo the seal that keeps him in my world and sigh “Alright… just don’t go back to jail alright?” he seems surprised so answer before he asks “Didn’t I tell you? The seal was to be broken regardless of your answer” oh well, about to wake up anyway.

      Back to sleep.

      I am on my room, go out of the room and do a RC then hear a lot of people up, go over there and see Nathan still there “Uh, I already broke the seal?” tell him, wasn’t expecting him to be here “So I have to go?” “Not really, you will always be welcome here” go take some food and wonder if this means he will fight me but no.

      He goes over me and asks me if I want to go to his world “Oh yeah I want to go!” he grabs my arm “Don’t try to scan please, that would be rude” but… but… oh whatever will go with it. He makes some kind of seal and then something opens up in front of us so I close my eyes, just watching how the lock works is enough for me to get info and he didn’t want me to know how to get here so yeah.

      He tells me to open my eyes and finally let’s go, we are in some kind of crystal palace I believe, and maybe some other material but I would have to wait another hour for the reflection to tell me. I grab him by the shoulder again because there is something wrong with his walking, use a special skill and find something interesting; he himself got a seal on his chest with the mark of a green dragon but anyway I should just go along with things.

      The tallest building is in front of us, there is a corridor made of crystals that leads there and to the left/right, as there is one building at each side, to the back there is just a jungle, I so want to go explore… people greet him as we go to the big building and then a gate opens halfway, a big guy comes out and tells him something I don’t understand, so freaking hard not to scan everything.

      He turns around and tells me we are going to the one with the form of a skyscraper so walk along with him, some woman tags along, think she is his girlfriend/wife, ask him that and he laughs and says I am wrong, she is a family member “Oh I see” we go through a lot of rooms, I hope he is going to take me to some amazing place, get easily bored inside buildings and even more so in dreams.

      We arrive to some room with a big window with sight to the jungle, yay! Run over there and watch outside, so many kind of plants! Don’t need to scan in order to learn about this world, wonder if it’s alright if I go outside and learn about it though, turn back and see him talking with a much younger girl, he addresses her as a student of sorts, she looks at me smiles and waves so wave back confused and feeling uncomfortable, don’t like to be with many people.

      The girl asks him excited if he brought a friend; it’s rare for him to do so or something “I have lots of friends” he says “Not from outside our realm” I wonder what he will say next, he looks at me and then tells her I am not a friend, just not so bad either, AW that’s enough for me.

      Go back to watching the jungle and expecting some exciting creature to show up, so much to learn from this planet and I can’t scan so even better! The woman he was with before approaches me “Do you like jungles?” “Just nature in general” I tell her.

      The woman goes over to the middle of the window and tells me to go over there then shows me a blue plate and she throws something in, it starts to glow and then some strange birds fly from the trees, awesome! We start to talk about that and then the woman tells me that he was under a lot of stress lately and heard he got in trouble with the head but is glad he is better now and that was just a rumor “Not really a rumor, more like I got in worse trouble than him and his problem was overlooked” I tell her, she wants me to explain and then Nathan comes and interrupts us, so he doesn’t wants others to know alright.

      Grab him and drag him over to the hallway “So do you want to make a deal for that fight or what?” he laughs and tells me I can’t blackmail him so I punch him “I wouldn’t idiot, meant to make a deal about something else” he seems angry that I hit him but says nothing then asks me what kind of deal “I can break you free from the seal in your chest” he seems surprised I know “Didn’t scan…” tell him right away and then touch the seal on his chest.

      He thinks about it for a while and then tells me we have a deal “OMG REALLY!?” think I was a bit too excited, but a fight YAY! While we are moving out see someone drag him to a room, this person seems to be a bother because Nathan just wants to get away and tries to push him but it kind of fails, go over to the guy and grab his face then threaten him “Get your hands off him or I will make you regret ever being here” tell him, he laughs and then leaves, oh well I wanted to get them angry and get more fights.

      We feel some sort of shock and then Nathan runs towards the window, I go along with him and see a giant silver creature YAY! It opens its mouth and some kind of whirlwind makes the building shake again, Nathan makes a seal and the thing closes its mouth but the seal doesn’t lasts long, it starts to be sucked into its mouth, that big girl seems to be very angry.

      They prepare to shot her head and kill her so I step up and when it opens its mouth use super gravity to hold it down, link the gravity to my body so it will be harder to break and continue to increase it to keep the creature on hold “Don’t kill her” I tell them then note it starts to move, it kind of hurts so increase gravity again and put it down “She is just searching for something” the woman asks me how I know and is all in panic and says we must kill it “If it wanted to hurt us the first shot would have been the last for the building, it wants something we have” tell her and then it hurts more, kneel and try to increase the power of my bind, at this rate will have to go into black-hole mode and don’t want to do that.

      Nathan opens the window and goes over to the creature then touches its head “She just wants a ****” don’t know what the heck the word meant, maybe son as they then proceed to give her a small silver thing that looks like a cocoon, I let the bind out and then sit down, its tiring to restrain and hurts when I make a link but it was well worth it, he comes back and closes the window.

      See Nathan standing in front of me so look up at him “Are you alright?” “Yeah, it’s just that I am not very good at restraining without putting some strain on my body” he helps me get up and asks me if I still want to make the deal “Obviously” we go over to the window again “Seal portal, I bet” he says nothing so I close my eyes and wake up.

      Back to sleep.

      Feel slightly sick and can’t see, do a RC and open my eyes then see how the world is going into a spiral, lucid now so don’t worry much about it but wonder what happened to Nathan, oh maybe this is his power. I wait for us to appear at the other side and close my eyes again.

      When we appear see how he took the two girls and a guy with a strange ship, touch his chest right away and make the seal appear in front of us, it got five important locations we have to destroy for now, it should be easy not counting the time limit and the fact that teleportation won’t work not any kind of non-ship based speed, including flight.

      They take out the first two shooting with the ship but then we have three more that are at the other side and getting there at this speed will be impossible, tell them to move over the energy to speed and I will concentrate on breaking the last three. Prepare a fire arrow and when we have sight just shot it and propel the thing with a bio-machine I just created for shipping, Nathan makes a seal in front of it which increases the speed and power so two less.

      Go over to the kid and ask him if he can make a 90° turn before we crash with the next seal, he says we can try and he goes right towards the thingy. Make a new energy arrow and infuse it with saliva that will devour the seal, he makes the turn and I shot it then jump as high as I can and shot the last seal. This thing was pretty big for a common seal, at least the size of Australia but floating in the sky, no wonder it was difficult to move around, they catch me and then we hear some roar, oh the dragon is about to appear! Wait for it, the seal starts to loosen and the red parts of it start to swirl, the golden ones change shape and some go out as a spike and others just swell and everything starts to open up, I am very excited and then feel the light on, someone turned the lights in waking dang it “I will wake up soon” tell them Nathan says it’s alright “But what about the deal” he says he will think about it even if I didn’t do all the job so oh well, just let my body wake up.

      Updated 01-19-2013 at 05:41 PM by 20117

    5. 19 Jan: Monster storm and the princesses from hell

      by , 01-19-2013 at 05:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A real-life storm hit us and I had a hard time falling asleep because of the noise of the violent winds and rain. So I dreamt about it.
      I am trying to keep my family safe from the storm, so I check all windows and doors. Then I realize this storm has something evil in it and is trying to break in. I can hear and feel the monsters outside breathing and scratching. My aunt is somehow hypnotized by their calling and tries to let them in. I fight to stop her, but she manages to open a window. As I run to close it, I see the shadows outside. They are getting closer and closer.
      Meanwhile she goes downstairs to open the front door. I run after her. My humble home seems like a huge castle now. At the end of a huge staircase is a huge wooden door, 3 mts high and she is opening it. I scream "Nooo"! but arrive to late. After a moment of silence, they start coming inside. But instead of demons with fangs and claws, I see Snow White and Cinderela and other characters of the kind. I show surprise and when Snow White is right in front of me I say "So, you're the monsters?". She looks into my eyes and says "You bet. We're gonna fucking kill you." and she tries to hit me. I stop her punch and say "No way, bitches!" and I punch her back and then I have an epic fight with all these Disney princesses from hell.

      Updated 01-20-2013 at 06:11 PM by 34880

    6. It's Already Over

      by , 01-19-2013 at 05:09 PM
      It's the end of the world as we know it. I was in no need in a hurry to get it over with. It was already day light and some of these people were already started to panic when we first heard about it. I didn't panic as much as them. We were in a store, across from this store there was another building with a ladder attached to it. My job was to climb the ladder to help save the world.

      I had this small piece of gasoline in my hand, I was supposed to use this to ignite some fire somewhere on top of the ladder. Sometimes I would never reach the top though, the gasoline would always fall out. There was people watching as well, they helped me refuel the gasoline tank every time I dropped some.

      I kept dropping gasoline on the floor, by then, we all gave up and some of the people were even throwing gasoline on me just because I couldn't reach the ladder. It never bothered me, but I still tried to ignite the area on top of the ladder.

      The world was now seconds away from ending. I appeared back at my home, the front yard and waited for the world to die. At that moment, I raised my right arm an pounced it in mid air to try and see if I was strong enough to destroy the world with my fist. It didn't work.

      I climbed halfway a wall to see what was on the other side. I seen no sign of danger anywhere, it all seemed calm. I then got back on to the ground, turned around and started pouncing my fists some more. It still didn't work. I walked over to the grassy area in front of my house. That's when it hit me. I was laid down and felt a breeze between my legs. I extended my hand out towards it and knew it was fire! I quickly tried to put the fire out by tapping on the fire but the fire was too fast! The fire quickly made its way up towards my torso, at when I realized, I don't care, my parents are going to have to find me dead on the front lawn. The fire eventually made its way up to my head and I woke up.
    7. Zombie Holocost

      by , 01-19-2013 at 04:54 PM
      Humans have advanced beyond comprehension, we enslave other humans and compete for survival like animals. We get loaded up into trains into pods tied with string barely hanging from the ride. almost like the yoyo at the country fair. When the train would move, we would be hurled in circles going in-perplexed speeds. My family
      /\ isn't on the ride they are traveling next to the ride. Stopping at the mall zombies break out as I get off, my parents make it out but im forced too climb up the ride
      / \to a safe spot.
      / \once I get to a spot the ride takes off and it starts swinging, the string killing anyone who touches it. We start swinging odd fashions and were forced too kill
      -you- eachother, I knock someone off the ride and I immediately jump off too finish him.
    8. Jumble of Stuff

      by , 01-19-2013 at 04:40 PM
      Hardly remember much now. I'm in my living room and a guy drives by and shoots randomly in the neighborhood, so I hit the floor. He leaves, but I know he'll be back. I go to the basement. Dad says it's even more dangerous down there for reasons I don't remember. Later, the basement is suddenly at ground level. Later, I'm in some kind of obstacle course or space ship or something with a bunch of other people on my side. We're doing something...

      Later, I'm escorting an old woman through a dangerous place with my friend. One of the enemies briefly becomes/controls a spinosaurus and my friend and I have to shoot and kill it before it gets to us. We almost make it, but not before it injures the old lady (only a small cut on the foot, but it hinders her walking and we have to fix it). I get the idea that this black paint we have that makes you grow a beard could also heal her cut, so I lather some on, but it seems to make the cut hurt even more. I try to combine it with the sponge we have (all the things I have are in an inventory like a video game), but that doesn't make it work any better. Then the enemies arrive and something happens?

      I'm texting my friend as I arrive at the biggest grocery store/mall in the world. She offers to play some computer game with me, and I say I can't, I'm at the biggest grocery store/mall in the world. I text her again when I see someone leaving the store with a BUNCH of groceries, including a jug of strawberry milk that is about three times as big as a regular gallon.
    9. Gladius and Darkness

      by , 01-19-2013 at 04:40 PM
      This lucid was long enough that I became legitimately concerned about remembering it. This worry wound up being a bit of a downfall, but it still took me in interesting directions.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #57: Gladius and Darkness

      I'm experiencing deja vu as I walk through an airport terminal, sure that I've dreamed of this place before. I note all of these little details that I believe my mind left out of the dream version of this place -- the color of the carpeting, the man arguing at the ticket counter, the way that the ceiling curves into a dome in this room. Then I hear the sound of hurried little footsteps. Someone tells me "E is looking for you!" (E is my oldest son.) Now I'm lucid.

      I hear E shout playfully from somewhere further down the terminal: "Looking for Daaaaddy!" I know that we're playing hide and seek. I eagerly set off, loving the idea of playing like this in an LD. I move through the terminal and wind up in a series of twisting, narrow office hallways. Other children run by me, possibly engaged in their own games of hide and seek.

      As I'm moving through these hallways, a little hand swipes the back of my leg and E declares, "I got Daaaaddy!" I move toward E to scoop him up but he laughs and runs in the opposite direction. I follow but almost immediately I've lost him in the hallways.

      I wind up back in the airport terminal and wander through there a while longer before coming to a craft table. Wife is standing at this table wearing a smock and molding some sort of clay. I walk up to the table but she doesn't acknowledge me. I grab a piece of clay and tell her, "I'm having a lucid dream." She responds in essence that I should "show her" what that means. (I don't remember her exact words.)

      As I begin molding the clay, it starts foaming and fizzing until the entire surface is covered in a layer of foam. I wipe the foam away bit by bit and underneath is a carved image of a human face. Wife looks astonished. I tell her, "I'm telling you, being lucid is the way to go."

      She hands me a round piece of glass. "Make me a picture of a Christmas tree." I nod, take the glass from her, and rub my hand across it once. Instead of a Christmas tree, I produce a little stained glass picture of an eye.

      Wife looks at it. "Nice. But that's not a Christmas tree. I thought you said you were having a lucid dream."

      A bit baffled, I shrug and say, "I don't know what to tell you." She goes back to her crafts and I walk further along in the airport terminal. I'm loving the experience of being lucid again and I suddenly fret that I'll forget everything that's happened. I try to recall everything that's happened up to this point, but this destabilizes the scene. Everything collapses into darkness.

      I remember that Xanous had talked about handling "dark scenes" by acting out some action like riding a bike or running. I want to perform a Task of the Year, so I will myself to have a gladius in my hand. (The gladius is a sword of ancient Rome.) I swing the sword back and forth in the darkness, imagining that I'm locked in a dark tunnel underneath the Colosseum. I can hear the crowd now, and I know that the gates will open any moment to let me out for my match. I'm nervous with anticipation. I try to remember whether I have to kill for this task, and think that I do.

      I see a blob of light forming in the corner of my vision. I'm filled with fear and nervous tension. But just as I'm bursting with anticipation, the crowd noise dies down and the blob of light forms into a high window in the hallway of a university. My vision is badly distorted around the edges, almost as if I'm wearing a shredded contact lens.

      The window is about 15 feet above me, and I float up to it to start phasing through the glass. The phasing is difficult and awkward. It feels like I'm dragging my body through thick plastic wrap. I finally make it through and then I'm flying over a park in the mid-afternoon. The dream feels thin now, and I fly only a short distance before
      waking up.
    10. Wife's Doppelgänger

      by , 01-19-2013 at 04:38 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Pre-bed mild alcohol consumption
      WBTB - 3:30AM
      Ultra low dose of caffeine <=25MG, 200MG B6
      Changed location to recliner to WILD. Failed.

      Was on the verge of a DILD. I was becoming analytical when I was awakened by a crying baby at almost 4:40AM. Yep right at peek time. I think the dose was low enough to stay asleep that time too. I was very groggy.

      Back to bed at 5:45AM.
      Wife's alarm goes off at 6:00. I lye perfectly still and wait for DEILD. Nothing happened right away so I started to recall the dream. I slip back into sleep. Curious thing here. Perhaps I am not giving enough time to DEILD. If it doesn't happen right away I give up. Next time, I will wait at least a few minutes if I can. The problem is that I am certain to lose the dream recall if I attempt DEILD and there is no guarantee that I will hit DEILD. I have fallen back into non-lucid dream with zero recall while failing DEILD. I suppose its worth trying a few night a week even if it kills recall. 1 lucid is worth 100 non lucids.

      So, I fall back to sleep non-lucid but I end up having a very brief DILD. The fact that it was so short is due to the fact that I temporarily chose to give up lucidity as a way to keep the current dream going. I was actually trying to postpone my awareness for just a bit but I lost concentration for obvious reasons.

      Wife's Doppelgänger

      Since the alarm went off I was thinking my wife turned it off and got into the shower. I can hear the shower water running. But when I roll over I see my wife lying next to me. For whatever reason we begin to have sex.

      In the throws of passion I wonder about the woman in the shower. How can my wife be there and here. Something about her feels off. Not physically but more like an extra sense of discerning. I almost felt like I was cheating on her with someone that looks like her while she was just in the next room. Then I think, "Of course, I am dreaming!"

      At that instant the dream goes black. I really didn't want what was happening to end so I acted on instinct instead of thinking straight. I let go of my awareness a bit. I said, "No no no no no.. OK not yet. I don't have to be lucid now. Afterwards I will be lucid."

      The dream resumes and we pick up were we left off.
      I briefly wonder what the interruption was but have no memory of being lucid. I dismiss it with other explanations.

      Afterwards, This version of my wife disappears and I have a FA. I think I about the dream I just had and get out of bed. I hear my wife get out of the shower and lay back down pretending to be asleep. She asks me rather disgusted, "What were you doing?"
      "Nothing. Why?"
      She walks around the bed and picks up a towel. "What were you doing with my towel? Look at it. It's a mess"
      Embarrassed, I think I must have humped the towel in my sleep.

      I jump and sit straight up when my wifes snooze alarm goes off. I am shocked to see her next to me in bed still.

      Updated 01-19-2013 at 07:25 PM by 5967 (The :hump: was a bit too much I think.)

      lucid , side notes
    11. Long, long lucid dream

      by , 01-19-2013 at 03:14 PM

      It was 4 am in the morning and the dream began in the same way my last lucid dreams have started

      I have the feeling that I'm being dragged back from ny head and then I feel that the bed rotates clockwise. Suddenly (without any respect for my person ) I am thrown to the ground. Lying on the floor I begin fighting an entity that tries to keep me from moving. I do not see it but I can feel it. . All I can do is try to bite it. I choose to keep quiet and then the entity fades. Then I get up and head for the door of the room . This time I choose to go out using the back of the house and into a lake. Since I know I'm dreaming I jump into the water. I can walk on the water without sinking and I can hear the sound of water and feel it on my feet. I leave the lake and notice that it is dark and it strikes me that if I use a flashlight I could see better. . The flashlight works effectively. I can see quite far from the lake. The dream continues for a long time, I go to the neighbors but the people inside are alien. Finally decided to finish the dream and wake up. It lasted 20 minutes more or less.
    12. Finally become lucid

      by , 01-19-2013 at 03:07 PM
      I think maybe this is the second time becoming lucid since I made this account, could actually be the first . I normally have a lot of lucid dreams but it just didn't happen until the morning of yesterday. I am walking in a desert and am half lucid until I spot this hidden path. I think I want to explore this way then I notice I can control myself and become fully aware of my lucidity. I start off down this path with rocks assorted out like a small pathway. There is miles of nothing just desert around me, with some huge rocks in the distance. I see this path lead to a way to climb up a mountain in front of me, and there is a waterfall coming down it as well along the way. I can't wait to start off my journey and I wake up shortly after. I am still sleepy so I close my eyes to go into another scenario. I do the HI thing and an image of a corner of a room and a ceiling shows up with the wallpaper peeling off the wall. I am fully focused and go into it and am on a couch now looking up at that exact spot I was picturing. I sit up and notice the room I am in is almost too small for a normal human being, having to duck my head a bit. I try rubbing my hands together to bring some clarity which sort of works at first. I think it is good enough and get up off the couch. I look down in front of me and see a small brown dog lying there. I lose focus and it goes black. I go back into another one and am in a battle zone. It starts off like an online war game would and we all disperse at the same time to go out into battle. I fly up onto a house with a woman lying on her side. A small inappropriate scene happens and I wake up. I try to go into another one which almost works. I see the image of where I want to go which is out in the woods with a huge electricity tower thing in the background. I am planning a nature walk but I don't have enough focus to go into it and lose it pretty quickly.

      I then go out of LD mode and go into some normal dreams.
      I wake up in living room and see mom with someone else's baby in her hands so I go back to my room. Mom meets me back there asking me what type of pizza I want showing me this piece of pizza with the texture of what looks like a carpet design. I wake up IRL wondering if I actually came back to my room realizing that I slept in my bed like normal. I try to go back to sleep and have some weird hallucinations. I see them almost as if I didn't even fall asleep, directly upon closing my eyes. I see a kid get up in my face in one next to my bed. Wake then see a hand feel my forehead. I see another one of a person next to me checking my health like a doctor all only for a very short amount of time as they disappear seconds upon seeing them. I think they are the visual hallucinations you get from sleep paralysis even though I didn't go into SP as I seemed aware and awake when they happened. Then I fell asleep for realz. I was in my room and Levi had his bong. I told him not to smoke it with my door being wide open and it being daytime. He persists saying we won't get caught, which was totally fucking stupid to me. He hits it anyway and I'm pissed. I hide in my bathroom hiding all my shit expecting to be in serious trouble anytime now. It switches to me being in bed and there is a bag of weed laying on the bed next to me. Mom walks in and I do a horrible job at trying to keep it from site with my dream journal which I also keep on bed.

      Dream skip

      I am with Levi at my house and we are by ourselves when suddenly we hear a Razor motor vehicle thing driving outside. There are three guys on it. There start running into the side of the house purposely trying ti fuck it up. We go out back and then they are in the house and they have guns. We go to grab Levi's guns and I grab a chainsaw. There are two booths with security officers in them out of nowhere and they are calling police. The police take away my chainsaw. I wake up at some point.

      I somehow achieve lucidity again and am in my house. I walk up to the refrigerator and look at one of the pictures on there. It shows a woman with a weird look on her face and I take it off the refrigerator door. I see both of my brothers as DCs. I show them the picture and they think it is weird to. Wake up.

      I keep on waking up at Levi's house, I literally believe I am staying there for the day as I spent the whole day there, until we went to bed in the dream. We are wanting to make something to eat. I had this box of shrimp that I brought over and I see there is only seven left. We are bummed out, I say we can mix it in with something else. Then all of the sudden we look in box and there are shrimp in all four corners, one on both sides directly from each other in the middle, and one sitting directly in the middle of all the shrimp making another seven pieces. We are then psyched and then split the shrimp. I remember dropping one on the floor and I tried to hurry and pick it up. Those are all the details from it. Other than that I am glad I finally experienced some lucidity once again.
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Some weird/sad dream scenarios

      by , 01-19-2013 at 02:16 PM
      We are out in front yard of our house. It is night time and we have a fire lit. My friends and I are planning to take our lives (which is weird because I don't think suicide is right). We kill my dog Bullseye and I see his body lying next to the fire. I am greatly saddened and at some point realize we don't need to do this. I look over and see my dog get back up barely alive and I am calling out to him still crying but happy. Wake up not liking that dream.

      I am playing some sort of Dragonball Z like game with guns in it at my grandma's house. I am raping at it.

      I am at school again and am with my friend, Levi. We teach this kid a lesson, who fucked with a family member of ours. We end up becoming friends with the kid so he doesn't decide to go on a killing spree or something. We are sneaking out the back of the school a little bit before the end of the day. We walk outside and it is night time. There are fireworks going off in the sky and we are celebrating the end of school I think.

      I am sleeping over at my friends house (not the same IRL). I am on the couch and he is on the floor. We get up and at some point given a lot of money for some reason. We go to my grandma's house. That's all I remember from yesterday's dreams.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    14. Pothead's nightmare

      by , 01-19-2013 at 01:59 PM
      I am in a parking lot from high school and am in a black SUV. I am buying some excellent bud off my friends. We smoke this round joint, he doesn't think his bud is that good. I tell him to hit it again and he changes his mind. Now picture a circular joint connected at both ends. In one side there are six small holes poked in the paper to smoke through and the other side is lit and burns down both sides. That is what we were smoking.

      Dream skip

      I am in a road tunnel place and I somehow fall out of my car as I am driving and lose it as it continues to drive away itself.

      Dream skip

      I am in some strangers' house with my bud that I bought. I have most of my bud laid out and I figure out the family is against all drugs. I slowly put back in my medicine bottle (what I put it in IRL) as one the kids (a teenager) watches me with an angry look on his face. I am trying to shove all of it in at once. It switches to us being out on the roof of a building. The kid is there and tied up to something, I think a red pole maybe and is laughing crazily. The bud is still lying on the ground where I left it. As IRL I would be shitting myself, I try to walk towards the amazing bud to retrieve it but the wind is blowing hard. I am trying real hard to make my way towards it and I wake up before I can get to it. I was so fucking pissed that I didn't get to it after that.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. First lucid failed badly! D:

      by , 01-19-2013 at 10:55 AM
      -First lucid fragment? I realize I am dreaming on a beach and proceed to touch a palm and spin a little to stabilize it. It works, but is not very effective. I look at my hands, and shortly after that the dream collapses. It was no more than a few seconds. Wai. Is this the way it works for first lucids more often? PM me please!
      -Watching a TV show where a big pterodactylus throws a little rhino onto a smaller pterodactylus that was laying on the ground.
      -A girl strokes my leg. Then I kicked her. What.
      -I am in the testing room from the Incredibles movie. It faded to black, so I probably died.