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    1. (August 6, 2014) strange series

      by , 08-06-2014 at 04:16 PM
      August 6, 2014

      My rating 4/5

      This dream I was mainly underground in a scary series of tunnel that was haunted by something. First, we would drop down into the tunnels going down an old rusty ladder down a square shaft in the ground. The ground had water covering mainly the middle of it, like a little stream formed, with the dirt closer to the walls that was not submerged. We began walking gown the tunnels, seeing strange things and more tunnels that branch off in different ways. I found an old alligator skeleton in a small dent in the walls, i eventually came across a room with a bunch of shirts in it and most of them had a creepy picture of an eye on them. Then i was instantly at the starting point of the tunnel again, walking through the maze of dirt and puddles, seeing strange mud formations, and finally making it back to the room with the shirts, this time they all had a picture of an eye and the all were facing one specific spot.

      + this dream is not all together in my head but it was a pretty cool setting, wish i could remember more. I was at an old castle at night, with a group of 2 people, and we were trying to defend ourselves from these strange birdlike creatures that were all over the castle grounds. Like being trapped in a haunted house except there are tons of evil live creatures trying to kill us. I remember the last part if it, being outside the main building but still within the outer walls of the castle. Fge castle was tall, had lots of gates, and faded yellow bricks with s little bit of green moss or something growing in the cracks of it. We are making our escape to the main gate but before we get there we see the bird/demon creatures. I take out a handmade arrow with a deer bone tip and we advance. The drop down and begin attacking, and i get one of them with the arrow by stabbing with it in my hand.

      +this dream i was going to the movies with my brother, and we get in the theater and take a seat, it is very dark in here. I don't remember the movie but after apparently is was done we got up and left

      + i was in a certain school setting I've been in a few times in my dreams before, and was walking around a room full of people trying to find one of my friends. The room had bright colors on the walls such as red,orange, and green, and the carpet was colorful too. My friend walked over to me and took out his guitar which had a weird shaped head on it, and he started playing it. Then i woke for good.
    2. The Snow (lucid)

      by , 06-12-2014 at 01:35 AM
      I wake up from my usual night's sleep in order to go to the restroom. Don't recall my dreams. When I get back, I settle in, noting in my mind that this would be a good time for a lucid attempt, and then I allow myself to drift off.

      One of the ways I initiate lucid dreaming is visualization. My particular mode is exploring an environment in my head, in detail. I know I'm entering the dream when the environment becomes easier to explore and more unpredictable. Sometimes there is a sense of "breaking the tension" and moving into lucidity. Sometimes it's more gentle. Sometimes I feel like things are still fuzzy and don't get the clarity I want. Like all lucid techniques, it's a mixed bag.

      I grab onto the first location that drifts into my mind - an old apartment I used to live in. I am outside on the front lawn. I walk down the lawn and across the street and head for a stream that is on the other side of the complex. It is lined on either side by thick trees that were simply never knocked down by the developer.

      When I reach the stream, I begin my explorations. I decide to do something I did there a lot as a child - look for rocks that would look good once they had been through a rock tumbler. I pick up a few rocks and examine them, but don't see anything I like. I continue walking down the stream, splashing my feet in the water.

      The stream becomes larger and deeper. I have reached a part of the stream that no longer looks familiar.
      I note that my visualization has become more intense. I walk from the center of the stream to the bank on the side, which has become muddy. As I continue walking, the stream becomes deeper and more turbulent, and has cut deeper into the banks. The banks have gone from the soft dark brown of midwestern soil to a burnt sienna color, and are gaining more of a texture of clay. If anybody has been to Georgia, they may know the color of soil I'm talking about.

      The stream has become closer to a river. I imagine that a "duck" style vehicle could probably float down it now. For some reason, a roller coaster is now running along the side of the bank, but it isn't full scale. I take note of it. I try to assess my dream state, but it still feels "thin". There's not really much clarity, and I feel like trying to exert direct influence right now may cause it to fall apart.

      The roller coaster has disappeared. I now see a pristine snow drift and a snow-covered hill leading upward from the river bank. I decide to see where the snow leads.

      I begin walking through the snowy area. The snow becomes deeper, and as I continue forward, I start having trouble walking through it. I am heading up a steep hill, struggling through the snow. I look up the hill, and realize it leads up a mountain. I look down and I can see the path I've made through the snow. The stream is nowhere in sight - I'm now on a mountain in a mountain range. This is the tallest mountain. It's daytime, and the sky is very blue against the sparkling white snow.

      I decide to continue heading upward to see what is up there. The sky becomes darker. The snow is almost up to my chest, and the way up is still very steep. I have no climbing equipment, so I flounder and climb the best I can. At this point, I feel like I am "deep" enough in the dream to start changing things, but I'm genuinely curious as to where this all leads.

      Upward, in the distance, wind is picking snow up off the drifts and driving it in swirls across the mountainside. Through the wind and snow, nestled under a massive overhang in the rock of the mountain, I see... a fortress? Castle? It's made of stone. There are no lights; even though it is aesthetically beautiful, in a cold way, all of the openings look defense-oriented - places for archers or people with spears. The only place I see a dim light is what I assume is the entrance.

      I reach the door. There is a flat area of stone that forms sort of a "landing", a level area carved out of the rock and laid with decorative stonework. A large, wooden door leads to what I assume is the interior of the fortress. The aesthetic is quite Gothic (but think of something in the style of Rheinstein Castle, not something like Cologne Cathedral). There are lights on either sides of the door, but interestingly, they seem more like gaslights than torches. The wood is stained a warm brown color and the fittings look like they are made of bronze.

      There is a lever to open the door in front of it. I ponder how that really isn't very, you know, secure, but I get the feeling that not everybody is actually able to pull it. Only certain people can. I pull it with no problem, though. The door opens.

      I walk into a gallery with an extremely high ceiling. There are massive chandeliers lit with huge candles, I count about 8 of them, and each one looks like it is the size of a small room. They look a little... Victorian. The whole thing seems cathedral-esque, but when I examine the gallery, I see that there are actually walkways high up on either side where archers could perch. Anybody trying to march through here could be easily sniped.

      I'm not sure what I'm expecting. There are 2 doors at the very end of the gallery. The one to the right is open, and in the room there is a small screen, and it seems to be a bedroom of some sort, which I think is kind of weird. Then I realize it's a place for guards to rest, where they could easily access the gallery, so this might be an area that also leads to barracks. I still think it's a really weird layout. I go through the door that is right in front of me, though.

      It leads to a dark room with stone walls and outlets to a hallway on either side. I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't this. The scenery still feels blurry and not 100% real, which is also a bit frustrating.

      I walk through the door directly across me. I am in another room with high ceilings and a large chandelier. Things are getting blurry and kind of falling apart. The architecture is getting weird and I feel like it's getting "wrong". I begin to feel frustrated. I'm still trying to look for a throne room, or something, but I keep encountering weird rooms like this that just don't seem to fit the layout right. I'm looking for a dream character of any sort of significance, at this point, since I haven't really seen anybody.

      There's another screen with someone behind it... I look around for a person. I'm actually looking around for what my dreamscape would consider to be the "leader" of this place, but instead, a woman who looks like a nanny appears. I don't know what small children she'd be minding, I assumed the ones of the head of the castle. At the time, I assumed there would be some, but now that I think about it there don't seem to be any. I think they might be around, but I don't see any. I should have talked to her, and asked what was up, but I didn't. I have an irritating tendency to stay silent during these dreams.

      I can't get the DC I want to appear. I wake up.

      The castle is cool, though. Once I've been to a dream-location, it seems like it can be a little easier getting there again (cottage is still hard, though). I wish I had spent more time examining individual parts of the fortress, rather than just pressing onward. If I end up there again, I probably will.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Grog

      by , 06-04-2014 at 07:42 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      May 08, 2014

      Dream within the dream: A smurf-like girl (she was blue and had a hat) and a human boy met on a beach. It was dark and red-tinted.

      I woke up from the dream within the dream, and found out a young boy was going to live with us. It was the boy from my dream. We were to protect him for a couple of years and give him tests to see if he would be ready for the prophecy that was said about him; he and that girl would save the world from a tyrannical rule.

      So we moved to a small house in the middle of nowhere and gave him the series of test, all of which he passed easily.

      By the time of the prophecy, we left the house in the middle of nowhere and took the boy to Grog (where ever the frack that is). It was on a beach; it felt like it was a beach in the northern side of Lake Michigan. As we passed the enemy camps to get to the beach, we were ambushed and captured, and taken to one of the tents in the center of the camp. We were tied to posts and gagged to keep us quiet.

      But it turned out we had an insider there. He was a Kung Fu master, and singlehandedly laid waste to everyone there, while carrying me, still tied up. He freed us all and untied us, and we made our way to the beach as he continued to strike down everyone in our path, easily.

      When we got to the beach, the sky was all prismatic and rainbow, a bit like oil gets when it spills on pavement. I got out my phone to take a picture, and I remember I was thinking only in hashtags for a good five minutes of the dream. For instance, while I was taking pictures of the rainbow oil sky, I was thinking #nofilter and #wow.

      Then, the lake caught fire and the sky turned deep orange. I took a picture of that, too, and noticed a large, dark castle out in the water. There were rocky spires around it, and a giant dragon statue out of black stone at the front gate of it. There was no bridge to the castle. My mom called the castle Grog when I asked what it was.

      We all turned West and walked along the beach, where we found the smurf-like girl from my dream. She stood at a big stone gate. Our boy walked up to her, smiled and hugged her as if they were old friends (even though he'd never met her before). He embraced her very awkwardly, though, too. Since he was a young boy still. They held hands and each touched the gate, which opened with a whirring sound. Some white mist gets released from behind the gate, which spreads over the whole area, lifting the fire and returning the sky to a normal sunset.

      We all leave the boy and girl together, for some reason. Like they had a lot of catching up to do. Like, thousands of years of catching up to do, even though they were only 10 at most. While they talked, my family, the Kung Fu master, and I all painted bright, colorful, happy pictures over all the symbols of the tyrannical regime we could find.

      Updated 06-07-2014 at 06:52 AM by 69491

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Sleeping in the Oven.

      by , 06-04-2014 at 04:49 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      March 12, 2014

      I am a traveler in some olden Europe-esque land. I met Zukin on the road, and we decided to travel together. We talked a long time as we traveled, and I found that she, like I, could not live in her own country anymore because of some political strife.

      Along the road, we met with Kebab (who is actually someone from the group we both went backpacking in Texas with. The whole group appeared in this dream), who joined us in our travels. I think he was some sort of dwarf or mine-worker. We were walking along a wide open field with hills when we met a Japanese (Or at least, this dream's equivalent of Japanese) Prince. He traveled with us for a few days and then asked Zukin to marry him. She said Yes right away, and we all four traveled back to his home country.

      We almost got lost at one point, while we were traveling at night (Sound familiar, Zukin?) because we were behind schedule, but luckily the Prince knew where he was and was able to find the road again.

      We got to his palace, and the wedding was planned for five days from our arrival. The main hall was long and tall, with huge windows lining one entire wall. There were red and gold tapestries hanging from the ceiling along the entire length of the hall. The kitchen was at one end of that hall, through a concealed door.

      Zukin learned Japanese (again, dream equivalent) really fast and was texting the Prince all the time, even though we were in the same building (also, I don't know why we had cell phones...). For some reason, I was put up in the kitchen; my bed folded out of the Oven (haha!). I started thinking it was strange that with a whole fracking castle full of rooms, they put me in the kitchen instead of a real room. It was then I realized I must have been under some sort of spell, and so I started snooping around. I got Kebab to help me by keeping an eye on Zukin while I stalked the Prince.

      Then, I overheard him speaking with his attendant saying some really horrible things about me. I got even more suspicious, because he was always perfectly normal and kind to me, even when Zukin was not around. I did some more digging around and it turned out he was soooooo fracking corrupt; he extorts money from people, is abusive to his subjects, and apparently he needed to marry within the week or else his inheritance would be withheld from him.

      But by now it's the day before the wedding, and there's not much I can do to get Zukin to stop the wedding, because she's been brainwashed or put under some sort of strong spell. I was plotting in my Oven-bed when I met another member of the backpacking group (Let's call him Ivan), who turned out to be a spy from another country who was there to overthrow the Prince and reveal his corruption. We decide to work together to stop the treachery of the Prince, and at intervals, the rest of the backpacking group also ended up in my bedroom (aka the Kitchen). They were all from different countries and all were trying to stop the Prince. they'd all pretended not to speak English to infiltrate the Castle as workers. They were all under cover, and so well all devised a plan to save Zukin and stop the Prince.

      My role in the mission was to go on a "Double Date" with Zukin and the Prince, with Ivan as my date. (Can't say that wasn't self-serving, as I had a huge crush on him in the Waking World). While we were all on the date, the others would get what they needed from the Prince's royal office/bedroom or where ever he kept his incriminating documents.

      I woke up as Ivan and I met up with Zukin and the Prince.

      Updated 06-07-2014 at 06:58 AM by 69491

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Apocalyptica levitation

      by , 05-13-2014 at 11:11 AM
      Ok, so this dream was one of the longest, most realistic, and lucid dreams I have ever had. But I will try to make it short, without skipping any detail. So the part where is remember the dream started, was on a bus. Myself and a few other people were going into a jungle (something like the amazon). We were part of a movie, as far as I remember, and before we know it a two men that looked like mayans jumped down from the ceiling of the bus and landed at the front, In front of me and my crew. As soon as they land they start to throw huge sharp knifes towards us, and all of sudden it turns into a sort of game. Of course this is still all too real and I'm still not lucid. The knives fly past me, missing me but slowly by slowly hitting and either injuring or killing my crew. I at this point am shitting myself but at the same time able to dodge all the fast flying machetes. They realise they had killed all of my men and look towards me with hate and despise, because they were unable to hit me. So they both start throwing knives at me and I jump out of the windows of the bus, and watch the two mayans fall to their fate off of a huge cliff. I'm surprised I'm still alive at this point but I continue my journey into the wild to find a huge school, that resembles hogwarts but is 5 times bigger. There are majestic, magical lions tied up like regular pet dogs, colorful red stands where you can but things like hotdogs and different foods, and also there were trailers parted in the field. I head inside to check the castle out.. The first floor is quite, without a sound. People are just walking around in this library like floor, all just doing there business. I got on some magical elevator and found myself on the fifth floor. But when I got out of the elevator I found myself with a girl. Unable to still understand it's a dream the girl and I walk down a floor, as if we were trying to get to the bottom again. But on the third floor it was dark, and cold.. Drops of water would fall from the ceiling and there was a huge beast that came galloping towards, with a murderous roar while at the same time crying. This shit was fucked up. But anyways with the two of my hands I focused on stopping the beast and what do you know.. It worked! I levitated the best and threw hin against the wall. After that point I knew I was dreaming but here is the weird part. Whenever I Know I'm dreaming and turn it into a lucid dream I always get excited. Almost kicking myself out, but this just felt normal. In the dream I said to myself "ok, so it's a lucid one.., "and I carried on. On my way down the second floor, my powers of telekinesis were getting much strong and the dream became all the more vivid. I emobilised many enemies and found myself in a tent full of girls. And with heavy focus I was able to give them a spectacular show with my powers and of course I got laid. I won't go into detail.. All I will say Is the sex was amazing and very very real. I remember when I was a kid and had a wet dream, I wouldn't be able to" stick it "'into anything because it would hurt or I'd wake myself up, but this was just full on" in out in out".. So after that I found myself in my house, which is my real house in the real world. And I do some magic for my mom and her husband, and they just don't understand what's going on. They are absolutely stuttering now.. Then I wake...
    6. Fog (lucid)

      by , 04-23-2014 at 07:51 PM
      Fell asleep meditating on the idea of lucidity, and a particular location ("Home Base"). I don't generally expect to attain lucidity during my first few periods of REM, nor do I really want to. Zoning out and just letting sleep happen is nice, in and of itself.

      I had some new forms of success and ran into some familiar problems...

      Had dreams. Don't recall them. I need to get better about writing stuff down, but don't want to disturb my boyfriend, either. I still don't feel like they were particularly vivid, coherent, or noteworthy... dreams from the first few hours of the night generally aren't.

      Settled back to sleep meditating on home base. Slipped into gray fog. At some point, attained lucidity... had the sense that it was near the very beginning of a dream because I have no recollection of a dream up until that point, but suddenly I was sitting at a table with a pile of colorful alphabet-letter magnets on it. I touched and examined them, and then the grey fog reclaimed the dream. I slowly woke up.

      Settled back down and began meditating again. Body slowly settled back into sleep; my limbs became numb and I felt like I was drifting.

      This is normally the point I'd have trouble with a WILD. At this point, I would normally try to start moving, sit up out of my body, and feel a way that I can only really describe as feeling "tangled in a blanket" - mentally flailing around but unable to really get anywhere or do anything, still stuck in the fog. Sometimes, it's instinctive, so it's been hard to shake the habit, but last night I was actually able to remain mindful and stay still.

      I felt as if I was drifting in a river. My body was numb and the idea of being attached to or "in" it was going away. I tried to sink into the river even more... I felt my head sink through the pillow and my body sink through the bed, and sank down into the gray fog.

      Drifted for a while. I watched the fog so that I didn't end up drifting out of lucidity. I waited for shapes to appear in the fog. Sometimes shadowy shapes would appear. This is normally where I might have trouble again - trying to will them to BE something, without anything really coalescing... wanting them to BE something... getting frustrated and exerting myself too much mentally and waking up as a result. This time, I just let them fade in and out. I still paid attention to them and tried to examine them, but I tried to remain as objective as possible - trying to see patterns and shapes in them without trying to force them to "be" anything. I knew that if I kept doing this, eventually I could coax one of them into reality.

      Eventually a shadowy room came into being, and became reality. I was standing in the living-room of my mother's old apartment in Florida. It didn't have any furniture and was fairly empty. The alphabet magnets from before were scattered on an end table in the center of the room. It felt pretty "solid". I examined the brown carpet and patted the wall. I walked through the room, toward the hallway, running my hand along the wall so that I didn't lose lucidity. I wanted to do a scene change - this place wasn't where I wanted to be, and it was boring. I walked up to the door and willed it to open to a location I actually wanted to be in (again, home base).

      I opened the door, and there was... another door? I opened that door, and behind it was another door. I felt irritated and opened that door, willing it to be the location that I wanted, but it opened into the apartment atrium.

      I walked across the atrium and opened one of the doors to another apartment. That door led back into the atrium. I got an idea - something told me to try to dive through a door and use it like a portal. I dove through a door and
      opened my eyes to my actual bedroom. I should have known that this was potentially a false awakening, but instead I just went back to sleep.

      I dreamed I was hanging out with a few of my friends. We were going to Full Throttle Bottles, but in the dream, Full Throttle was not the store I was familiar with, and it was not in the location where it would have normally been. Instead, we were all walking down a street full of nothing but liquor stores. We went into one of them and a friend bought a bottle of vodka that was in a bottle like a soda bottle and tasted like orange-flavored cream soda. I liked it, so I bought one myself. I kept thinking that it was odd that the store clerk hadn't carded any of us, but didn't manage to figure out that it was because this was a dream.

      We walked up to a place that looked kind of like a castle. It had brown, smooth bricks. I jumped down a wall and my friend grabbed my arm and jumped down with me. I remember thinking it was a very long way to jump and was surprised I hadn't hurt myself a lot, but reasoned that it was because my friend was taller and had held me up kind of like a balloon.

      I then dreamed about a flying cartoon skunk whose super power was smelling so bad that the odor killed evil things.
    7. 3/17/2014

      by , 03-17-2014 at 06:26 PM
      False Awakening

      In one of my dreams last night I was flying a helicopter through an obstacle course in what looked like a mountainous desert. I think there was water to the right. The course was to see if I was a good pilot. After I finished the course, a big monster started attacking people and I started shooting it with my helicopter.
      In my other dream, I dreamt that I was being held captive in a castle along with a lot of other people. We then managed to escape and were free. I remember walking through a town with some of the people that were captives and they were happy.
      I had a false awakening. My GF's alarm went off but it wasn't coming from her phone but from the TV.
      I was with the student flight class and in a classroom setting. A guy was telling me he was gonna kick my ass and when he grabbed me, I took him down and was going to handcuff him. I let him go and he was butthurt. We then sat down so the instructors could say something but no one in the class was paying attention and were being disrespectful. I got up and told them to show some fucking respect and they turned up the air conditioner to drown out my voice. I turned off the air conditioner and started yelling. I told them to get up and line up against the wall outside the classroom. I went to get my backpack and only a few of them remained where they were.
    8. Invisible Skeleton

      by , 03-09-2014 at 02:00 PM
      The beginning is a little confusing. I entered some sort of castle - it was not really a castle, but some sort of ruins of a big, ancient building. The stairs seemed to be made for dwarves, as I could barely go through them. One of them was destroyed so I had to use a rope to go up to the next floor. When I arrived to the top somehow I was in my old house, and a skeleton told me that he had to kill my father. I agreed with that (?) and he touched so I could see him (he was invisible for other people). I could barely see him, only a tiny reflection in the air.

      I went to my father's room and my grandmother was there, making the bed to go to sleep. I helped her as the mattress was too heavy for her. She starting arguing with me about how bad that mattress was, and I told her that that was the most expensive in the store. She went to sleep and I started looking for the skeleton. Not here...neither here... What are you doing behind the curtains? That's fucking creepy you know?

      My parents arrived home and entered their room to go to sleep. I understood that it was not correct what I was doing, so I told my dad to go out of the room for a second, since the skeleton who wanted to kill him was standing there, waiting for the precise moment.

      Okay, come with me and don't ask me anything - I told him as I indicated the main stairs to go outside. My mother went out of the room and I asked her to shut up as I was fearing that the skeleton would come out and kill everybody. I followed my father downstairs and when we were almost out I started to feel anxiety because there were a lot of bugs and leaves in the bottom floor. The thing is that all that was being told to me mentally, like somebody's was narrating an adventure story. We went out of the building.

      I saw my father going upstairs again. The hell are you doing?! - I yelled at him - come the fuck down you dumbass he wants to kill you! He went down again and I told him to go to the boat and to be prepared for us to escape. I went to the top again, but this time climbing with a rope, since I didn't want to meet the creepy bugs and snakes again.

      At this point my father enters into my real life room and I wake up. ''I just dreamed about you''.
    9. $300 Prize

      by , 03-01-2014 at 04:31 PM (Into the Ether)
      The three of us were able to meet up at what we're using as a Home base. Next objective we wanted to try was talking to the people there, since we all recalled at least 6 or 7 additional people with us who we didn't intend to see.

      1. Almost tantric like coitus with man I love but don't actually know.

      2. WG is with her sister (?) and I'm tagging alone. They both seem to want to color their hair.. and pick up boxes to do that.

      3. There's an event, I'm trailing behind Wg and her sister when I had to fall behind. I finished and caught up with them but they're turning a corner. I consider catching up and at least saying 'goodbye' before I head off on my own. Yet they seem pretty immersed in their conversation that I decide not to.

      4. As soon as I turn around, the coitus-tantric-sex man reappears behind me. He pulls out paper and has a confused expression on his face. We figure out that he won a prize. It was covertly placed into his jacket pocket (black tie-ish event). The paper had three red letters on a white rectangular shaped paper. T-I-F I think. Never figured out what that meant.

      5. I work with him to to claim the prize, he doesn't know what he should do. I speak to a nearby event staff to get the info with claiming the prize. There was a sequencing of events and not much time left to get it done. I place the guy in a nearby line to buy some ticket (buying a second ticket for something was the first step). There was one or two things left, we got to the last part and we're near train tracks now. He scratches off part of the ticket to reveal the even larger prize and he doesn't win it. I don't even think he wanted to win it, lol.

      6. He's done and laying on the ground now, facing toward the sky. Laughing, I tell him to go claim the prize. It's still $300 which he seemed to be able to use. That and the contest itself was the big deal, not the prize.

      7. We get to the area for him to claim the prize and I notice there's a man in a pink ballerina outfit sitting on his knees, he's also wearing a goofy smile. Turns out there are two men who are having a discreet discussion underneath the man in the tutu. I peek under because it's strange and notice a waaaaay too revealing set of pink undergarments and quickly remove myself.

      8. I go back to the man who won the prize, he looks at me with such a playful smile as he tells me he didn't want the prize.

      9. I return to Home base and find a small room inside. I'm trying to fix something, it almost looks like a toilet but for some reason it had a really weird shape to it (heh, maybe a fountain?) There was a porcelain part and a wicker top part. NH shows up and tries to help me, but he's moreso not helping.
    10. Home Base - 1st Experience

      by , 02-28-2014 at 04:44 PM (Into the Ether)
      A couple friends and I are working on a shared dreaming project. One which involves a still standing Castle in Europe and using it as a home base.

      1. Visiting a place near a body of water. Looked like our Home Castle, yet different in certain ways. I never went inside, but there was water surrounding the property, clear water, fresh (didn't look like the pictures we viewed.) On the edges of the water had a lot of plants and vegetation, it actually could have passed for a luxury hotel. I'm with others. We board a medium sized water vessel with a group of people and visited a nearby island. Sen (?) and I went swimming underwater, think Wg was nearby too. I watched as someone transformed themselves into a barracuda type fish. Other fish swam away, haha. Then I changed too. Shortly after the island adventure I'm standing in front of a woman with another man. She tells him that it's too bad he's not taller with blonde hair. Odd.

      2. When we were done we went back to the Castle. I was running around searching for something. Forgot what. Eventually I find a puppy and recall floods in. I realize I was at the Castle earlier in dreaming and now I'm trying to figure out a way to keep the recall (lol), thinking that none of this will be remembered (LOL). I'm also either trying to get a message from the puppy or I'm trying to give it a message for Wg and Sen. It was small, mostly white with brown spots.

      3. Some point along the night I was in Egypt. There was a ceremony but also a disruption. I vaguely recall racing through corridors trying to escape something (come to think of it, that may have been the caves.)

      4. Then at another point I'm driving and manage to crash about three vehicles, moving from one to the next. When I crashed the third I realized perhaps driving isn't the best thing for me to be doing. I seem to be having a bad string of luck with cars/motorcycles. The final vehicle I crash I'm able to move with my mind to get it out of the way of other traffic (I was in a one-lane area of a very busy highway.)

      5. I'm on a stretch of road and climb into the back of a parked truck. There's something inside I'm going after. I find it, it's a clear large vial/jar. I read the label on it, it's a lethal virus (can't recall the name.) I'm careful as I open it, vapor streams from the opening. I hold my breath, thinking that might help. I remove the lid completely, invert it, insert a long tube then replace the lid. Hop out and run back to a waiting car (think Sen was driving).

      6. I make my way inside a nearby university/Castle? I talk to a few people, then a male professor, then I find an Indian woman sitting in a large open room on the steps. I sit down near her and we speak respectfully. (Felt like the Priestess). She's heavy-set, older, tan skin (first time I've seen her in human form, usually it's whispy ethereal forms.) She shows me something, she takes a piece of what looks like coal and ingests it. It enters her body and I can see the reaction in her, smoke begins pouring from skin, it's eating her flesh from the looks of it. I'm concerned at this point, standing up about to try and assist, when she stands up and then shits out the piece of coal. Her body returns to the prior healthy appearance and she smiles at me. Again, I think this was another lesson for me but again, the lesson is difficult to grasp. A woman of very few, if any, words.
      lucid , memorable
    11. Pokemon & Train Traveling with May, Offering Guy Something & He Spanks Someone, Trying to Drive

      by , 01-24-2014 at 11:59 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Pokemon & Train Traveling with May (DILD)


      I’m walking within an area that resembles Phenac City from Pokemon Colosseum. I believe I’m just trying to avoid interacting with NPCs that may want to challenge me, and I eventually shift into a scenario where I’m in a train with May.

      For some reason, being in the train, sitting down, and just relaxing was kind of soothing. At least with how smooth the train went at high velocities, and the slight vibrations every now and then with the bumps and the click-clank sounds from the train tracks.

      Offering Guy Something & He Spanks Someone (DILD)


      So I’m walking down a path by the edge of a castle, and it seems like it’s almost sunrise within the dream environment. An Asian man wearing a black trench jacket, white fluff near this collar with a blue dress shirt with black vertical stripes questions me.

      Apparently, I wanted to ask him if he wanted a sandwich, and he starts getting bothered by this. I don’t know why I’m asking him the question in the first place, and an Asian lady behind wearing a black latex suit warns me that guy might try to kill me.

      The guy is inching to me, and I turn around to prepare to run, and then the dream shifts me to where I’m next to him and the Asian lady. The Asian lady is wearing nothing but a light sky blue bra and panties, and has her arms extended vertically while the Asian guy prepares to spank her.

      And I just watch.


      Trying to Drive (DILD)


      • Driving in an environment akin to the waking life environment I reside at currently

      • Trying to drive the vehicle and actually being able to feel the sensations of driving

      • Relative gives feedback on driving, then I respond saying I'm not going to intentionally crash into something. Thought they would respond back aggressively, but they seem to be bothered with something else, or they didn't know how to respond.

    12. 22 Jan: Reversing time

      by , 01-22-2014 at 11:42 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am revisiting my kindergarten. It is now fully modern and totally different. I see one of the teachers from my time. I avoid her before she sees me. It connects directly to an art school. It feels familiar, but why should I know it? When several guys in the common room start looking at me, like they know I don't belong here, I hide behind a book shelf and pick up a large comics book. A boy appears and talks to me. He knows me, says he didn't expect to see me there again, I do feel like we've met before.
      We go for a walk. A semi-rural area, it's pretty, but he says the surprise is still to come. At the top of a narrow street sided by old stone walls, we encounter an entrance to an old castle. He introduces me a couple of hippies who have reclaimed this abandoned site and are slowly making it their home and reconstructing it.
      I leave and find myself floating through the air down to the urban area. I become aware and watch an open area, with concrete floor, a few trees, people walking in a hurry in different directions, heading to their jobs. It's a grey, rainy day, people look somber and mindeless. I am lucid and don't have a clear goal, so what I decide to do is reverse time. Don't know why, but I do it. I watch people walking backwards, the wind blowing backwards, the clock moving anti-clockwise. Then I stop it and time resumes it's course, forward. Most people don't react to what just happened, they do exactly what they had done before, repeat the same steps. But something amazing happens, a few of them remember! And whatever they are feeling changes their perception of everything. A couple of friends who is crossing paths again, they walk slowly to each other, with lucid understanding in their eyes, they stare with a smile in their faces and then they hug, with no rushes. Others stop walking and swirl around, like dancing, or stare at the sky or look at others admired that they haven't seen what they saw. They experience a small enlightnement with the realization of the relativity of reality.
    13. Chariots in the Sky

      by , 12-17-2013 at 11:35 PM
      This dream is from the morning of 12/15/2013.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #176: Chariots in the Sky

      I have a false awakening in a fancy hotel room. My kids E and R are running around as I sleepily come to my senses. Wife gets out of bed first and I think that I should get up to help her with the kiddos. But I somehow “jump” to being on my feet and I realize that this is the start of a lucid dream.

      I head for the window, phase out, and find myself clinging to a steeply slanted rooftop under a dark, cloudy sky. Everywhere I look are other rooftops just like this one, very steep and dotted with lit windows. The texture on the roof shifts oddly, jumping from one repeated pattern to another.

      I leap to another roof. There’s nothing but dark void below. Each building is about 50 feet apart and floats freely through the sky. I make a couple of more leaps, and as I look around I note that there are flying chariots with large passenger cars flying through the sky. These flying chariots feel like my ticket to a less hostile scene, so I leap onto one.

      As I crash onto the floor of the passenger car, the DCs on board look at me with surprise and shuffle away before returning to normal. Most of them are dressed in a mix of medieval and classical Greek garb.

      I’m willing the chariot to encounter something handy for me as it flies through the sky, particularly something I could use for Task of the Year. I’m mainly looking for the Great Pyramid or the Colosseum. We fly past lots of cool-looking buildings (including the Temple of Zeus and a series of huge medieval castles) but they’re not quite the ones I’m looking for. I’m contemplating just jumping for one and exploring when we pull up close to an arena that looks like a shorter version of the Colosseum!

      I glide off of the chariot toward the Colosseum when I see an attractive but angry-looking woman in her early 30s dragging a red-haired teenager off of the chariot by his collar. She’s dressed in what looks like a Roman toga and she’s giving the kid an earful: “Do you know how shameful it is to have a knight running around in an enemy chariot?”

      I don’t know what she’s talking about, because the kid looks way too young and (frankly) wimpy to be a “knight” of any kind. It also seems like she’s a little young to be his mom. The kid’s cowering and whimpering as she drags him along. I turn back toward the Colosseum and move only a bit further before
      the end of the dream.
    14. Apocalypse Elf; Dwarves and Apartments

      by , 11-22-2013 at 11:25 PM
      Original journal entry dated July 16, 2002:

      There was an elf in my dream, and a big castle, and the castle used to have people in it but didn't any more. So the elf, apparently, kept on living there, even though it was a little kid. Something about one parent being a goddess or something. In any case, I don't know what made all of the people leave, only that they came back and found the elf, and assumed that it was a harmless orphan when it probably could have killed them just by pointing at them. Then there was something about the cellar of the castle, and everything in my dream changed so that it was like Harvest Moon (the game), and for some reason the cellar was massive and there was a lot of wheat, and the characters had to live there for awhile because their own houses had flooded. And then I dreamed that we (we being me and some group of people, or maybe I was the elf this time?) were going through a toy store, only it was all salvaged stuff from before some big apocalypse (something to do with the castle), so it wasn't n horrible condition but some of the stuff was old and beaten up. Then I dreamed that they stuffed me into a toy rocket and sent me to the moon. The end.

      Original journal entry dated July 17th, 2002:

      The first dream had to do with baseball. We were all sitting in a field outside of a baseball diamond, watching the team play. Professional teams were playing the first half, but then the people who were watching were going to take over and play the rest of the game. But when we were going to switch, the professionals didn't want to because the game was so close. But they had to give up the field. I was the first up to bat on my team, and I quite unexpectedly hit a home run. Then I was back in the field for some reason, waiting my turn or something, and Lexa drew a comic strip about how the Desk Monster, who was a sentient pile of garbage who lived in a school desk, took over the classroom. It was very funny.
      Then, for some reason, I was walking through an old apartment complex.
      I was walking through the old building... and it was horribly dirty and broken-down. There was dirt and roaches (both the insect and the other kind) and crack-heads and such on the lower levels. There was the atmosphere of hunger and general hopelessness, aside from the smoke and narcotics.
      But there was a level of the building that I had never noticed.
      When I went up there, it was ten times worse than the rest of the building. The walls were rotted through and in some place there were simply gaping holes in the woodwork. What furniture there was was moldy and dirty, and home to myriad disgusting little critters. There were a few people, but they were all in drug-induced stupors. I think I had someone with me, but I can't remember who. The light was dirty and yellow (well, this wasn't much different than the rest of the building).

      The last dream was sort of weird, in a way. In it, we -- we being a random group of adventurers that I don't know in real life -- were lost in the mountains. It was cold, snowy, and glacial. We were all looking for our master, basically our boss, who had gone to investigate a claim in the area. One of the party members, a dwarf, was hoping that it would be a silver mine, since he was a silver-dwarf - that was his caste, I guess - and he mined for and worked with only silver. He talked about the "gaudy" gold-dwarves, but I think he was sort of jealous. I assured him that silver was MUCH prettier. Incidentally, this is another dream in which I was male. Anyway, after much wandering around and a good deal of almost freezing to death we happened upon a rangers'-station and they took us in, warmed us up, etc., and reprimanded us for wandering around in an area we were unfamiliar with. But our master was there! He was very busy in a back room with something. He was a dwarf, I think. Anyway, the silver-dwarf went to watch him work. He was working on a ring. It turns out that the "claim" he was investigating was a special stand of trees with magical wood. You could forge the wood like metal, and it would become stronger than steel. The only thing you could carve it with was another piece of that type of wood. It was a beautiful rosy color, too. Anyway, he was going to make his magical ring out of this. The plans looked VERY complicated, though, and he called it his "masterpiece". But it turns out the piece of wood he was working on actually had the ring he was envisioning INSIDE of it. I briefly wondered if the ring was evil (a la "Lord of the Rings").
    15. Clocks and Castles

      by , 11-20-2013 at 01:56 PM (HunterX's Dream Journal)
      I am carrying a broken grandfather clock around the local town centre (albeit slightly distorted as my dreams tend to do with familiar locations), looking for clockmakers to repair it. The first one I find is closed, and the second one may or may not have been able to fix it. At no point was I at all concerned with how much it would cost to have the clock fixed.

      The dream shifts, and I am visiting a castle with at least one friend. The castle has a large (at least the same width as the castle), flat, square-shaped moat surrounding it that is typically empty so that people can walk across it, but can be filled in times of danger. At present the castle is under attack, and the local army has been sent out onto the moat's surface to deal with the invaders. Someone of authority (possibly the king, possibly one of his advisors) deems the battle to be lost and decides to flood the moat, but the princess expressed concern that this would drown their own army. I venture underground into the tunnels beneath the castle, and come across the control system for the moat - a pair of large sluice gates, one which draws water from a river into the moat and one which drains it. The first gate is open and the moat is partially filled, but the progress is slow. As I head over to the control system for the second gate another group from the castle arrives, including the princess and an advisor who looks like Loki from Thor. Apparently whoever decided to flood the moat should not have done so, and the princess and I raise a stone slab from a slot in the floor which opens the second gate and drops the water, then I jump across some platforms to reach and close the first gate. The moat progressively drains (and some large stone mechanism shifts into place as it does so) and Loki-advisor refers to me as "misinformer" as it finishes - I'm not sure why, but given it's Loki it may well be a compliment of some sort. I am hailed as a hero and my friend (who now looks like Samwell Tarley from Game of Thrones) reminds me that we still need transport to our next location, presumably implying that I should request it from the castle now that I am in their favour. The dream shifts before the scene can continue.

      I am entering some kind of cross between my flat kitchen and secondary school science lab to make my dinner, but the room has been commandeered for a film event of some sort. I speak to the guy setting up the event, explaining that it would take me only 15 minutes to cook my food and another 30 to eat it and clean up, but he refuses to let me make my dinner. Some of the conversation is garbled, but I make the assumption that since it is currently 11pm it is not likely the event will be over in time for me to make my dinner that night.

      I am then woken up by a knock on the door.
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