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    1. Supernatural Djinn Attack

      by , 05-28-2015 at 05:43 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I'm scaling a steep cliff on the side of a mountain fortress with a large group of medieval soldiers seeking to take over the castle up ahead. It is a difficult climb, and all progress is halted as the defenders unleash a massive deluge of boiling hot oil that spashes down the cliff. Fortunately, it's steep enough that we just press ourselves flat into the rock, and the oil flows just over us all, missing us by just a few feet. Then some sort of god flies out of the castle and levitates above the stone walls as he laughs at us. He thinks it is barely worth his concern, but nevertheless throws a few fire balls at us. Several people are killed instantly.

      He looks over at me, and now seems threatened somewhat. With a spin, he disappears from sight, and I am immediately teleported to a small town inside the castle walls. Somehow we breached the castle and there is utter chaos as people are running everywhere. It turns out everyone is running because there is an army of Djinns (the kind from the show 'Supernatural') - a kind of genie that puts people to sleep, fulfilling all their wishes in their dreams while draining their blood and killing them in the process. Just one is scary, but there are over a hundred here.

      I am immediately surrounded by about a dozen of them. I'm not quite sure what to do about this. Before I come up with a plan, one of the female Djinns (and quite an attractive one I may add) tells the others to step aside and watch. She holds out her hand and uses telekinesis to spin my body around. I want to fight it, but just go limp as all my muscles relax. She softly lays my body on the packed dirt ground and closes my eyes all with telekinesis. This is the part where the nice dream is supposed to start. I'm given a moment to choose, but can't decide what to dream about.

      The moment is gone, and there will be no pleasant dreams for me apparently. Since the Djinns are psychic, they know that I'm awake in my body, even though my eyes are closed and I cannot move it. I can still feel everything. They take delight in knowing that I'll be able to feel all the pain of being slowly drained of blood until I die, with nothing I can do about it. I feel a sharp stabbing pain as a large gauge needle is roughly stabbed into my arm.

      Rather than languish in pain as I am slowly killed, I imagine that I'm someone else. Someone very alive, and experiencing blissfully pleasant feelings. I know it's not real, but I decide to believe it anyway because the more I do, the more real it becomes, and the more this excruciating painful death seems like a distant memory than a current reality.

      Right before I fully switch to being someone else, I wake up.
    2. Castle Infiltration (WILD)

      by , 04-24-2015 at 07:52 AM
      Ritual: WTB 12:45am, woke 6am and felt rested enough to do a solid WBTB and WILD attempt. Read LD books for an hour then returned to bed at 7am. I took bacopa, L-theanine, alpha-GPC, and even ventured to add a little galantamine to the mix, breaking open a Galantamind capsule and adding half the powder to my alpha-GPC solution. I lay on my back and counted, also deciding on my intended tasks: muto herbam and my lucid dare. For the hell of it I added in a short mantra on the off-counts: inspired by the DC's weird question last night ("Who is your mantra?") I was using the name of an intriguing DC from a prior dream. I started losing the count quickly and after picking it back up a few times, drifted off somewhere in the 30s. Eventually I woke back up, used the bathroom, and checked the time before lying down on my left side to sleep. It was 7:30am. Woke up at 8am with dream.

      WILD: I quickly started to feel promising bodily sensations, able to move in ways I was sure weren't "real." At one point I felt my husband's face very close to mine, thought I could feel his breath against my face, and was afraid this distraction was going to wake me. Feeling a bit rude, I pushed him away. After that he got up and I hoped he had understood my reasons—recognized that I was in the middle of a dream attempt—and wasn't annoyed. Of course in retrospect, I'm sure that none of this actually happened; not only does the geography of the bed make it physically unlikely, but my husband was still fast asleep on his side of the bed when I woke up to write this report.

      As soon as I felt I had full bodily control, I started trying to get out of bed. I threw caution to the winds because I've started to suspect that a lot of the barriers to transition are self-imposed. So I got out of bed as soon as I could manage it, and although I felt awkward at first, moving very herky-jerkily as I tried to walk out of the room—a bit like a marionette whose puppetmaster is still figuring out the right use of the strings—I soon got back into the feel of it.

      I walked into the kitchen, where my attention was caught by what looked like a big wad of gauze or lace, about 18 inches in diamter. In shape it resembled those scrunchies you use in the shower, but it was much larger and made of lacy white gauze with silver sparkles. The texture was wonderfully detailed, more distinct than anything else in my field of vision, so I decided to pick it up and use it for my first experiment. The simpler of the tasks I had planned was to practice a bit with transformation and with plants, so I held the gauze in my hands and commanded, "Muto herbam," envisioning the form of a long-stemmed red rose.

      The material was resistant at first, so I repeated the command a few times and intensified my will. Eventually it shrank compliantly into a red flower, but the blossom appeared to be that of a tulip, so I continued staring at it sternly until it manifested more layers of ruffled petals. I studied it to make sure it was a proper rose and not just an ambitious carnation, and when I was finally satisfied with its form, I lifted it to my nose to smell it. It actually did smell like a rose! This impressed me all the more because I so rarely have any olfactory impressions in my dreams. (Then again, I guess I don't spend much time sniffing things.)

      I wondered if I should leave the house to perform my next task. I'm still working on my lucid dare, which requires me to find an camp of elves in the forest and join them in making music. My initial impulse was to leave my house and look for the forest, but that hasn't worked well before, so this time I thought I would to try a different approach and transform the environment around me rather than bodily leaving it. I looked around the room for another plant suitable for my experiment and was pleased to discover a spindly sapling with lots of thin twigs tipped with narrow yellow flowers growing in a pot. I went over to it and commanded "Rego herbam," commanding it to grow into a tall tree. Nothing happened at first, but eyeing its numerous twigs I had another idea for how to use it.

      The sapling was slightly taller than I was, so I backed up against it and pulled its flexible branches around me to create the visual impression that I was surrounded by a thicket, once again commanding "Rego herbam." The trick worked! The twigs filling my field of vision became a real thicket in which I found myself hiding on a hillside, trying to remain unseen as I peered down at a large camp of about two dozen people occupying a cleared basin just below me. I hoped they were elves! But they didn't seem merry, and I didn't hear any music. They were dressed in muted earthtones and went about their business grimly.

      I can't remember if I actually observed the camp being raided, but by some means I understood that this was a camp of rebels whose people were being oppressed and frequently captured and sold into slavery by the inhabitants of a nearby castle. I was aware that had several been taken away recently, and decided that the best way to ingratiate myself with the camp would be to rescue them. So I transported myself into the castle dungeon and began to search for the captives.

      The first door I opened led to an empty room, though it definitely looked like a classic dungeon, with rough-hewn and filthy stone floor and walls. Returning to the corridor, I saw that there were lots of identical doors, and I didn't think I had time to try them all, so I let instinct guide me to another door across the hall. At first this seemed promising: there was very little light filtering in through the tiny windows high in the wall, and in the shadows I thought I saw four figures manacled to the walls around the room. As I walked in, planning to free them, I found that either my eyes had decieved me, or the dream had shifted: the manacles were there, but this room was just as empty as the last. It made me wonder if what I had seen were the ghosts of past prisoners.

      As I went to leave the room, I was startled to discover that the door was now half-blocked by a chest-high mound of stone rubble. I started to climb over but it was too steep, and afterward the blockade looked even higher, taller than I was. If I didn't act soon I would be completely walled in! So I mustered my concentration and simply pushed through the pile of rocks. The stone felt very resistant and I had to use all my strength, but finally burst through into the hallway. I was surprised how exhausted I felt after this feat. Given that it was a dream, it shouldn't be any harder to move "rocks" than anything else, but I felt completely spent. While I paused to regain my strength, I heard people approaching from around a corner to my left. There was no time to get away, so I simply held very still in the doorway and concentrated on being invisible to them.

      There were three people in all. One person passed by without giving any sign of seeing me. Two others followed, walking together, and to my consternation they stopped at the door, right in front of me. Although they didn't seem to see me, something appeared to have caught their attention (the dislodged rocks?) because one of them pulled out a handheld device and started waving it in my direction as though scanning something. I wondered what would happen if they tried to walk through the doorway. I still seemed to be invisible, but would they be able to pass right through my body? Or would they bump into me? I decided not to risk it, and I was also a little worried that the scanner might detect my presence, so I reached out and grabbed one of the people with each hand. I willed them both to fall unconscious, and they slumped to the ground. The one to the left was a woman dressed in "business casual," while the guy to the right appeared to be a uniformed security guard. I immediately knelt down and hastily stripped the latter of all the tech I could find on his body: earpiece, cellphone, and a few other little widgets that I didn't recognize. I thought I heard another person coming down the hall, so I transformed into a bird and flew out one of the small barred windows high up on the walls.

      The castle was on a gently sloping hillside, and I was now flying over a wide rural landscape. At the base of the hill was a wooded region, and far beyond that I could see the curve of the ocean shore. I figured I would still be able to find my way back to the camp, since I had just come from there, so I let memory or instinct guide me. Meanwhile I focused on making sure I was flying properly, since I haven't spent much time in bird form. I alternated between flapping my wings and holding them stiff and outstretched so that I could glide on the wind. I felt like a large bird of prey, and I was clutching the tech I had just stolen in my talons.

      I flew over the forest until I saw a clearing below that looked familiar. Descending felt very realistic, because I was circling just like a raptor would, wide at first and then in a narrowing spiral until I landed. To get the attention of the people in the camp, I decided that I should not be an ordinary brown eagle, but a white eagle. Apparently this drew a little too much attention, because on the way down I discovered that someone was shooting arrows at me. I decided I could use this to make my entrance particularly impressive, so at the very moment that I touched the ground I not only turned back into a woman, I also grabbed an arrow that was about to hit me right out of the air.

      Earlier I had not made sure whether or not the people in the camp actually were elves, and now that I look around at closer range, I see only round human ears. I approach a couple people who are talking authoritatively, like leaders of the group. One is a capable looking woman with short, dirty-blonde hair. I ask her if there are any elves in the camp, thinking to myself that if I do find some, I'll give them the tech I stole as a friendly gesture. No one can specifically point to any elves, so I ask, well, who was shooting at me? I figure that if there is an elf, it might well have been the one lobbing arrows. The woman points across the camp. Following her gesture, I notice a slight figure huddled on a bench, completely wrapped in a dark grey blanket.

      I walk over and lean down in front of the figure, trying to gently tug the blanket aside to reveal its face. It seems shy, hiding its face under the blanket like this, but I soon discover the reason. As I begin to reveal its features, they are the last thing I would have expected. The head is made of molded transparent plastic, with a suggestion of human features on the outside and circuitboards within. It is an android!

      The android has a high, almost childish voice, and evidently feels very bashful about its unusual appearance. It tries to prevent me from pulling back the blanket, protesting, "I look repulsive."

      I completely disagree, and tell it so: "No you don't. You look amazing." It reluctantly lets me tease aside the blanket to reveal its whole head.

      At this point a man walks up to us. He looks to be in his forties, balding, a bit stocky in build, and with rounded features, kind of resembling Rob Corddry. From his dress and demeanor, I immediately intuit that he is the creator of this android. I realize that he would be the ideal person to give the tech I stole from the castle guard.

      "I have something for you," I say without preamble, and fill his hands with the little pile of objects.

      He looks delighted. "This will be really useful."

      We start chatting a bit about the android, and I ask if he knows where to find any elves. He's not aware of any in the camp, but I overhear a snippet of conversation from people standing nearby that I think might be relevant to my question; one of them mentions a place called "Junkyard Bay" and I resolve to check it out.

      "What's your name?" I ask the inventor. I feel a bit silly always asking this of DCs, but I like to know.

      "Dira," he says. That's how I assumed it was spelled, but from the pronunciation it could just as easily be "Deera." He asks mine, and I tell him.

      Dira is looking at me like he finds me really familiar, but can't figure out where he knows me from. "We haven't spoken before this? No beer? No comfort?"

      I am perplexed by his laconic queries until I realize that he's asking if he might have met me in a bar or a brothel. I might have been offended at the implications if I weren't so fascinated by his distinctive manner of speaking, so unlike my own speech patterns. How could a DC, a projection of my own mind, demonstrate linguistic traits so utterly unlike my own, to the point where it took me a moment to make sense of what he was saying? It was one of those moments that make me wonder if my reductionist assumptions are correct, but I'm not ready to go down the path of madness without better evidence than this.

      I shake my head, since I'm pretty sure I've never met him in either dream or waking life. He asks my name another time, and I repeat it. I've been using my WL name, having forgotten my former resolution to use an alias with DCs.

      Dira starts explaining something about the locals: "What's particularly important for the native Ukaran communities is the..." there was more, but it was complicated, and I was still trying to figure out what was going on.

      "Ukaran?" I ask, to make sure I heard correctly.

      "Yes, the Ukaran and the Utankaran."

      I had the impression that he was implying that the Ukarans were the people in this camp, and I'd already seen the problems that they were facing—oppression and human trafficking on the part of the people in the castle. I wondered if the oppressors were the Utankarans. The similarity in their names suggested that they were closely related but (in the manner of such things) probably deeply opposed social groups.

      Updated 04-24-2015 at 08:50 AM by 34973

      lucid , memorable
    3. [07-04-2015] Non lucids

      by , 04-07-2015 at 10:38 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in school. I wanted to go to the toilet. For purposes unknown I took a chair with me, and went to the uppermost floor. Then I realised that the toilet is one floor down. I left the chair and went there. I finally reached the men toilet, but it was full of girls, and there was also PE teacher with them.

      The teacher told me to go away, so I washed my hands and went away. I met another teacher, that told me that I should go to the directors office. I went there, and saw my older brother sitting there. Director said to me that my brother quit his job, and cam back to school.

      I went to tell about that my older sister, which was in the toilet with PE teacher. She already knew about that, so I went to the classroom. I sat in near my brother, and waited until the lesson ends.

      Outdoor lesson

      I was with classmates and teacher on the backyard of my home. For some reason we had a lesson there. It was the first day in work for that teacher. I tried get a good opinion with him.


      I was walking near a castle of some sort, when apocalypse started. I ran towards the castle's main hall,to get into safety. Everyone was dead. There were no bodies, people just vanished. I walked down the dimly lit corridors, and found a staircase.

      Following it, I went to a small chamber upstairs. In the middle of the room, there was a pedestal with book on it. I saw also a bed and chest to the right, and open wardrobe to the left. I looked through a window, and saw rivers of fire, red sky and smoke.

      I took the book, and started reading. There was some kind of a prophecy, and information how to save the world. I needed a robe that was in the wardrobe. I took it, and went to ruins of my old school. It was neccessary to retrieve something from a locker, to continue with the quest.

      I moved prone under the cracked concrete. When I got inside, I had to sneak past zombies, and found the locker. I couldn't open it, but suddenly a zombie appeared and did it for me. I went outside, and ran back to the chamber. I touched the book again, and I was in different world.

      Everything was black and white. Only rivers of fire kept their crimson colour. I was in hell, running away from demons, finally gathering enough power to kill them all. Then I ran to the hearth of evil, to stop the apocalypse.
    4. Lucid Dream 526 (Yoshi is back from the dead...again!!!)

      by , 03-06-2015 at 09:08 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      I'm back...again . Hopefully, my stay this time is longer than my brief period almost two years ago.

      I have been way out of practice and really want to get back into lucid dreaming. I have missed it and feel like I'm at a point in my life where I can get back into like I used to be.

      Anyway, lets throw up the dream I had recently...

      Unknown Date
      Lucid Dream 526: Love Will Find a Way
      Series: 108 Stars of Destiny, Episode 13
      Technique: ADA

      The first parts of the dream I remember, I was in a village. It appeared to be back in a America 1700's colony type era, but there were some old looking vehicles/automobiles, neon signs, and several other modern technologies mixed in. I was in a group of about 7 people. We had some sort of importance. Government officials maybe? Anyway, at some point we arrived at the gallows and two attractive females were there with ropes being put around their necks. One was short with silvery-blonde hair. The other was tall with Maroon-ish/red hair. I could see they were crying. They were side by side and holding hands. They were, apparently, being hung for being in love with each other and both being female. Once we got to the stage where the gallows were fastened, I jumped up and started talking to the large crowd that had gathered.

      I can't remember my exact speech, but I was trying to convince them that we all had no right to deny love, no matter if they were both female or not. I ranted about this for a while and broke out the Jackie Moon saying (from the movie Semi-Pro)..."ELE, Everybody love Everybody, C'MON!!" The crowd was starting to take my side and I felt like I was going to save them. Then I told the crowd to go against "the church" and save these girls. I then stated how "the church" was corrupt and full of hate, but that was the wrong move. The crowd started throwing rocks at me and yelling at me in anger for talking bad about "the church." I then got strung up beside them. The floor was just about to fall out from underneath us when I thought, "I'm about to die in this dream." It hit me like a ton of bricks and I became lucid. I was thinking, "It has been ages since I became lucid in a fantasy/alternate setting like this."

      I didn't want to lose the dream as things got a little blurry when became lucid. I quickly did a nose pinch RC, took a couple deep breathes and focused for a second to stabilize. I no longer had a rope around my neck, so I cut the rope from the two girls and freed them. the crowd started rampaging toward the stage and all of them had very distorted and demented looking faces with red eyes. Like demons/monsters. I told the girls to grab a hold of my hands. I then leapt into the air in an attempt to fly away. The weight of the girls was too much for me, being out of practice from lucid dreaming. I came crashing to the ground, but luckily, I flew far enough to get passed the crowd. I told them to follow me and we ran toward a wagon being pulled by horses. The body of the wagon looked like a wooden sports car, but had big wagon wheels on it. We jumped in and I commanded the horses to run. They started trotting pretty slowly, lol. The crowd was getting close, so I looked for the reigns, but couldn't find any. There was a metal bar in front of me like an amusement park ride would have. I gripped it tightly and began to ull up as I used my mind to lift into the sky. The Horses and wagon began flying away.

      I just experienced the moment for a bit as I hadn't done this in a while. I looked back at the girls and wanting to ask where they wanted to go, and the taller one replied before I could even ask, "We just want to go somewhere that we can be together and love each other in peace." I told them that i would take them to the end of the earth and back if I had to. I asked their names and the tall one was Athena and the shorter one was Bianca. Athena had a scar on her face that I didn't notice before. She appeared to be athletic and toned while Bianca was short and angelic-like. I decided to land the wagon which had now turned into something that looked like santa's sled pulled by horses with wings.

      We got out and I looked around for something to explore. I noticed a huge castle off in the distance and it reminded me of my own castle from my previous dreams. I turned to the girls and asked them to join my Dream Army and live with me in the castle where no one would question their love. They agreed to join me. As I was taking them to the castle, I lost my lucidity along the way.

      The next thing I remember is being in a pub/bar that had one of those punching bag games that measures your strength. The setting was now very Wild West-like. There were some rough looking outlaws bragging about the punching game and I went over to challenge them. We argued for a bit and made some bets. However, the dream began to fade just before I was about to punch the bag and I woke up.

      Series Details
      Welcome to the epic dream series known as, "The 108 Stars of Destiny." Follow me as I build the most powerful army the dream world has ever seen. Along with the help of 108 key recruits, I take on the dream world and elevate to god-like status! Will anyone stand in my way? Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      108 Stars of Destiny
      NEW 19 - Athena - The Yuri Star
      NEW 20 - Bianca - The Hope Star

      Updated 03-11-2015 at 02:00 PM by 22654

    5. Childlike Subconcious (LD #178)

      by , 03-05-2015 at 03:58 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Bedtime: 12:20

      Well, I guess bedtime doesn't determine everything.

      It started off with some dream about driving and walking through an urban area trying to get my cousins to a baseball game.

      Somehow or other, I wound up in what felt like the woods behind my neighborhood. It was tropical though, and everything was green. The dream was very clear despite being nonlucid. I was showing them houses that had been overgrown and abandoned many years ago. We were talking about how we would have liked to live in them in their prime.

      We came to this one house, a huge four story mansion. (Or the frame of one anyway) A massive tree, about 20 feet in diameter and easily 500 feet tall had cleaved the entire frame in half, leaving only two smaller sections standing. Myself and the party of DCs (there were two or three of us total.) were hypothesizing about how the middle must have once looked.

      We made our way around back, climbing over fallen trees. We saw that a river ran along the back of the house. There were waterfalls flowing from the cliff-side into the river.

      "How cool would it be to live with 3...4 waterfalls in your backyard?!"

      I then made an observation of some of the tropical flora. There were fern trees all around us.

      This for one reason or another made me become lucid.

      I stabilized briefly. I then decided that I wanted to go and see my subconscious and tell him/her/it that I wanted more lucid dreams. I shouted "I want to see my subconscious right now!"

      I saw that there was a small double door between two large boulders on the forest floor. The two DCs that I was with walked through it.

      I opened the door after them. It was nothing but blackness. I let myself fall in. I fell for awhile before arriving at this location suspended in the blackness.

      There was a throne chair with a small child sitting in it. Built up around us was the back wall of the throne room, made out of castle stones, and the floor, made up of tiles. This crumbled away about a hundred feet from the chair in every direction, as if this one slice of the castle had been removed from the rest and placed into this void.

      The child (who I guess was supposed to be my subconscious) was wearing a red king robe, golden crown and had a long scepter. Though none of this quite fit him because he was so small.

      There were a couple of guards in strange white armor positioned on either side of his throne. I think Manei and Marcus manifested into the room behind me. I could feel their energies.

      SubC "I am your subconscious, and I am very busy! Each time you say something to me, it's gonna cost you [some kind of special money]. You have 1,800 of it. Go!"

      Me "How come so many of my efforts to lucid dream fail?"


      SubC "Because you didn't do the work I gave to you. Remember Jonathan? Why is he not dead?"

      Me "I did the right thing. He said that he wanted to go peacefully, so me and Manei agreed to let him go."


      SubC "But that wasn't what you were supposed to do!" His tone of voice started to sound a bit whiny at this point.

      Manei "If there is one thing [my name was garbled] taught me, it's that you shouldn't let other people decide who you are. You should [follow your own path or something.]

      I saw that Manei had some kind of money counter for talking to this guy too. She only had about 600 of it. Marcus had no money and therefore wasn't allowed to speak.

      SubC "What? You're taking his side?"

      Manei (mad) "I wish I was never on your side to begin with."

      SubC "Guards, show of force."

      Me "Look at you. You try to control people and [mold them into what you want or something.] And when they start rebelling against you, you threaten them. [If you want people to respect you, you have to earn that respect, not force it out of them or something.]" (My ability to recall dialogue is horrible.)


      SubC "Stop it! Stop it! It's not true! Guards, Seize them!" (He started sounding more and more like a whiny child.)

      The two guards began to advance on me. The dream started to fade. I saw my 'money' was starting to tick down.

      Me: "The way you choose to remove me from your presence rather than learn from me proves just how weak and immature you really are. When you [grow up a little], you will see that I was right about everything. I see no way we can come to an agreement if you are going to act like this."


      The dream cut to black here. I had an FA, but somehow still remained semi lucid. I was on the steps of one of the dorm complexes at my college.
      Spoiler for Sexy Toys:

      There was also a part where I dreamed that I was trying to send one of my cats away in a cardboard box that would float like a boat on a lake. I felt like the lake we were at had taken the place of my old middle school.


      I really don't know what to make of this. I don't know why my subconscious was so childlike and closed-minded. He wanted things done a particular way, his way. He wanted no part of anyone else, and didn't want to earn their respect. (Sure, sounds like a much younger me, but I'm sure a lot of us acted that way as children since we simply didn't know any better.)
    6. Hooping, Food, and "dueling"

      by , 02-07-2015 at 06:50 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      February 07, 2015


      I was entering a sort of church with my mom and dad. It was in some foreign country, probably Germany or Austria. I knew in my dream that I had visited this church before, with Zukin, but she wasn't here this time. As we enter the first room, we spot Jeremy from Top Gear sitting in a chair at the far end of the room. He talks to us a little, but doesn't say much, and I can't remember what little we did talk about. I had the feeling I was a little scared of him, maybe it was more awe-struck. At the front end of the room, where we had entered, there was a table against the wall with two hoops on it. I had picked them up and was about to start hooping with one of them, when a young boy ran into the room and tackled me with a hug. We had met this boy last time we were here, and he said he had missed me. He asked where Zukin was, and I said she wasn't here this time. He then asked me to do that thing we had done last time. He meant a thing where Zukin holds a hoop in each hand and twirls them around. It's fascinating to watch and I've tried it before, it's pretty tricky to do. I told him, "It was Zukin who did that, I'm not very good at it." But he insisted, and handed me to lighter hoops than the ones I currently held. I gave in and attempted the trick. At first I was doing it all wrong, but I knew what I was doing wrong; my wrists were bending the wrong ways. I fixed it and was about to really get in a groove when I woke up.


      When I fell back asleep, I entered back into the same dream (I was trying to enter it lucid, but it was a normal dream). The boy was gone, and Jeremy was also gone. My mom and dad and I went through the big double doors at the end of the room and entered another large room with tables all over the place. there were people all over, too, and it turned out it was a potluck day. I was excited for food, and realized I was ravenous. The back wall of the room had tables against it, covered with main dishes and sides. I got a plate with the best looking chicken I had ever seen, some pees, corn, and some bread and potatoes with gravy. I put my plate down next to where my mom was, to save a spot while I went to the dessert room. There was apparently a whole other room for desserts.

      In that room, there were two or three tables all pushed together in the center, piled high with plates of cookies and brownies and cakes and whatever kind of dessert you could think of, basically. I walked around it once first, taking it all in and deciding what I would pick... There was a whole section of three or four different kinds of red velvet cookies. One of them was apparently red velvet but without the food coloring, and it had tiny chocolate chips sprinkled on the top of it. But I didn't get that one, I went for a more traditional red velvet cookie. I got two of those, and then I noticed a table at the corner of the room, and there was a bag on the table. The bag had two compartments; in one were smaller red velvet cookies with a weird looking frosting, and in the other were HUGE red velvet cookies with a delicious looking cream-cheese frosting or something. I took one of the big ones and put it on my plate. But now it was full, so I needed another (they were small plates).

      I got another plate, and looked at the layered goodies. There was a piece the size of my hand of this layered fudge and chocolate and either coffee or peanut butter stuff... It looked delicious, but I assumed it was a tiramisu and I don't like those, so I left it. Next to it, though, was a foot-and-a-half tall layered thing of chocolate and fudge and vanilla and soft cakes and mints and it just looked so good. So I cut a super thin piece (maybe about half an inch thick, because it was so tall and I didn't need a shit ton of the stuff) and had to kind of scoop it out into a messy pile on my plate. I started from the top and scooped out 4-inch parts at a time because I was worried that if I just took it from the bottom, it would all topple and get all over the place.

      I drab one more cookie, and then they announce that the food lines were going to close up pretty soon, so I left and found my spot next to mom. I realized I had forgotten the other plate, though, and tried to get back in. The door to the hallway leading to the dessert room was locked from my side, though. I waited for someone to come out, but no one was, so I knocked on the door. A young man peeked from around the corner (I was looking through the small gap between the double-doors, or there might have been a window in the door...) and tentatively opened the door for me. I thanked him with a hug, and went to find my other plate. It was on the table in the corner that had the bag on it. I grabbed it, went back to my seat

      And then I started to eat. And oh my god, it was amazing. the chicken was the most flavorful and amazingly moist chicken I have ever had. I moved on to that layered thing, and it was so good. It's hard to describe what exactly it tasted like, but it was EXACTLY what I was craving (and am still craving right now). Like, think of your favorite childhood dessert, and it was that taste, pretty much.

      I was sad to wake up from that dessert.

      Romeo vs. Me: "Dueling"

      When I fell back asleep, I dreamed I was in a car on the way to a small town in the mountains of Germany or Austria (there was a theme this night... I was thinking hard about castles and balls all day so I could increase my chances of remembering some tasks when I got lucid). We were almost there, I could tell, but there was still another mountain to get over first. Right now we were driving in a valley, with the mountain to our left and farms and scattered rural houses to our right... But the building were all torn down. It looked like there had been a tornado or some other really destructive storm... and so I was worried about the town we were headed for. I was hoping it was an isolated event and that everyone I knew in this small town was alright.

      When we got to the town, I got out of the car and walked to the main town square. Someone was breathing fire (it was sunset, getting dark) and this was so fascinating but weird that I did a reality check... My left hand's middle and ring finger were kinda webbed-looking...

      I was dreaming!

      I looked around and started rubbing my hands together because my lucids have not lasted long lately... I felt the dream getting stronger, and I also took note of my surroundings. I remembered right away the challenge task for week two, and shot into the air to hover above the town square. I looked around the town for a castle that looked like it was having a party; it would probably be the Capulet's ball.

      On the edge of town, on the hills leading to the mountains beyond, I saw what looked like a fancy villa or something, and there were lots of lights around it, lighting up the grounds and whatnot. I assumed this was the Capulet household, and was about to fly off toward it normally, when I remembered my last three-part task. I thought about how fast would count as "advanced" flying, and pretty much decided jet-speed would do. I'm not really sure that I did anything special, I just kinda expected to be going super fast, and I did. I shot off in a bee-line for the castle and was there in pretty much a second. It actually kinda reminded me of Lord of the Rings, when Sauron zooms in on things happening far away.

      I land at the front door and because I am a Capulet, I just walk right in. I was greeted by a servant at the door, and handed something to drink. It was in a fancy glass and looked bubbly, so I downed it and continued into the main room. It was beautiful, really. There was the main floor, which was large, and then there were stairs on either side leading up to an upper balcony level where people were milling about and talking. I looked around, expecting to see Romeo. He was supposed to crash this party, yes? And then I thought, "My teammates and the other team should be here as well." So I called out the names I could remember: OneUp, Pickman, StaySharp, Spellbee, FryingMan. Five young men walked toward me from the crowds, and I asked who each of them were. "Which one of you is OneUp?" The one in the middle raised his hand. Though he also raised his hand when I asked who was StaySharp, and so it was a little bit confusing about which ones were which people (but my subC pretty humorously inserted clues about who was who). I eventually sorted it out, and grabbed OneUp (he had an arrow on his forehead, a little like Aang, but it pointed up, not down), Pickman (he had a flower sticking out of his head and wore an all red suit) and StaySharp (he was pretty nondescript), pulling them to my side. "You three are Capulets, right?" They nodded. "And you two are Montegues, correct?" I asked Spellbee (he was buzzing the whole time so I'm pretty sure that was him) and FryingMan (he actually had a frying pan on a rope around his neck). They nodded, too, and seemed troubled.

      I was about to try to convert Spellbee and FryingMan, when Spellbee's buzzing got louder and he grabbed FryingMan's frying pan and tried to hit me with it. "Hey now. Be nice." I made the frying pan shrink so it was the size of a normal necklace now. "You two should totally join the Capulets. We have awesome parties." They both looked a little uncertain, so I kept going. "You will join the Capulets." I waved my hand, trying to use Jedi mind powers. They squirmed a little and then both said, "Okay," and stepped over to stand behind me. "Now let's find that Romeo guy." They agreed to help me find him.

      I was walking around, expecting that I would bump into Romeo eventually, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the Face. "Do you know where Romeo is?" I asked him. He just shrugged and took my hand, taking me to the balcony. "Wait, I have to find Romeo," I said. He looked back at me, oddly silent, and just giggled a little, then disappeared. I watched the DCs around me, wondering which one of them was Romeo. Then I heard someone (I think it was Spellbee) say, "Oh, Romeo," behind me, and I turned to see who he was talking to. The young man I assumed to be Romeo had black hair and wore a fancy outfit, but beyond that I don't remember much about his looks. I approached him and said, "You're Romeo, right?"

      He looked at me, nodded, and said, "And who are you?" I told him I was Juliet (Romeo will obviously fall in love with Juliet), and he pretty much just leaves what he was doing, grabs my hand, and stands there holding my hand silently. It was like we were school kids playing date on the playground. I turned to him and said, "Romeo, do you love me?" He looked at me and smiled, nodding. "Don't you want to kiss me?" I asked, and he blushed, then carefully kissed me. Well, this should be enough for that task, right...? But I was also going to do the other option, which was to duel Romeo. "Romeo, I challenge you to a duel!" I said.

      He perked up a bit, grabbed my hand and lead me to a door. The DVers I had found followed us, whooping and yelling encouragement to me. Then it turned into this really weird sex battle. Apparently that's what a duel means here. Romeo pushed me down onto a bed and tore off his own shirt, and one of the DVers yelled "BULLSHIT!" I decided to let this kind of duel continue, and pretty much flipped Romeo on his back so I was on top. I think that was how you won. So yeah. We "dueled" for a while and I'm pretty sure I won because I was on top at the end and my DV following was ecstatic and jumping around and hugging each other as if their team had just won the superbowl. I was barely lucid at this point,
      and then I woke up.
    7. Castle and Gold Dust - Jan 31, 2015

      by , 02-03-2015 at 01:53 AM
      I was standing inside a castle (lucidly inspired by Dawneye11’s castle quest). There was a huge gothic room, displaying many ornate objects, and it spanned for at least 40 yards. There were a few dream figures standing around me, and I decided to take a flight to the other side of the room to help stabilize. I picked a spot on the far wall, and focussed on being there, and I quickly flew across the room, and then I returned back to be with the dream figures. One of the dream figures asked how I flew across the room, and I replied, “I can fly simply by focussing on where I want to go, and zoom, off I go!” I didn’t mention anything about the lucidity being a contributing factor. The other dream figures watch and listened with interest. Then a man dug a big hole in the floor and started to pull out piles of gold dust! I lost lucidity because I was totally enthralled with all that gold. The rest dream was spent trying to get the gold out of the castle.

      Updated 02-03-2015 at 02:12 AM by 71173

    8. The House of Berevity (Lucid)

      by , 10-29-2014 at 01:56 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at work, and a man with black hair and a foreign accent came up and asked me where just plain loaves of bread were. I went to go point out the ones against the wall, but...they weren't there. I got very disoriented, not sure where I was anymore. I then told him aisle 13 had other bread on it. He said it didn't. I said that it did and walked a little ways to see if I could see aisle 13, but...it wasn't there either. It looked more like I was in a mall than the bakery. He went towards the area aisle 13 was supposed to be.

      I thought for a minute...I was really confused. I then realized I was dreaming. Doh. Makes sense now. The dream around me started to change; I could see another scene peeking through the top right corner of my vision. I then was somewhere completely different. I was outside a large castle that had a forest around it. I was then inside said castle. The stone was blue steel colored. It wasn't smooth, but it was natural looking stone. I was standing by a spiral staircase that went upwards.

      In front of me, there was then a man, a big, older man wearing a suit. He told me I was in "The House of Berevity" (he may have meant 'brevity', but he pronounced it 'berevity', I'm not entirely sure). He then was telling me why I was there, and I can't remember what he said, because a question popped up in my head that I wanted to ask. I then asked
      "How old am I?"
      He seemed a little irritated that I interrupted him, but answered anyway, saying something about 'young', but that's the only word I caught, so I interrupted again and asked
      "No, like how old am I?", referring to my soul, not my body, though I didn't specify.
      he answered,
      "Eight billion, seven hundred trillion."
      I liked that answer.

      I wish I could recall more of the conversation. There was a reason I was there, but I can't recall what he told me. I feel as if we were walking up the staircase as we talked, or if not, we somehow ended up in the middle of it by the time our conversation was ending.

      We were then about to part ways. He started to go up the stairs even more, when I asked him
      "Wait! How do I forgive myself?"
      He turned back around and looked at me, smiled a genuine smile, and said
      "You already have!"
      I laughed out loud to express my joy. I was so happy to hear that!

      I then woke up briefly, didn't move and went back into a dream. It stayed in blackness for awhile while someone was talking me through it so I wouldn't wake myself prematurely. I then started to have images forming around me, then the dream. I was good now. I started to walk around, feeling something that was there so I could stabalize the dream. I then noticed that I was in a field. It was daytime. I started to walk towards a patch of different colored African violets. There were some black ones, some yellow ones, and I believe some purple ones. I was afraid of being stung by bees at first, but then remembered that it was a dream, and I would be fine. I walked through them, feeling them brush against me, completely unharmed; no bees in sights. I kept walking through the field of flowers and started to weep because it was so beautiful.

      I woke up briefly again, feeling as if I really had been crying, but again didn't move and went back into a dream.

      This time, I was standing on the edge of a very high cliff. It was daytime and so vivid. Below me was nothing but clouds. I could tell there was a very high wind. To my right, poking through the clouds was a building with columns. Out from the building, there were hundreds of balloons flying out. There were huge patches of them, and then only a few at a time would come out. They were all red, orange, yellow, and black. I decided to try flying into this. I stood at the edge of the cliff, scared at first, but reminded myself that, again, this was a dream, and even if I fell quickly and to my "death", I'd be fine. I put my arms out and let myself fall off the edge. I fell for a bit, but the wind caught me, and I flew.


      Sorry I haven't been around much. I have other things that I am currently focusing on, and need a break from concentrating on and writing out all my dreams. I have actually had some vivid NLDs lately. I also dreamed more last night, but did not want to type out all the NLDs. This one was a must share. I'll be on occasionally still if I have dreams that are interesting like these were (it will probably mostly be LDs when I have them that I will update with).
    9. The Prince's Love's Mom's Chocolate Cake // Zukin's Library // Future Society // Mom's Shop

      by , 09-15-2014 at 10:22 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      September 07, 2014

      The Prince's Love's Mom's Chocolate Cake

      I was the main character in a Disneyesque princess story. I and my mother were taken into the castle and treated well, since we were poor, and the prince fell in love with me and gave me a beautiful necklace. I was working in the nursery/child-care facilities and one day there was a rumor that the prince was sleeping with a redhead. I trusted him and didn't worry about it, but a little girl took my necklace to play with and I got frantic and she broke it. I was angry and just wanted to be alone. While I was trying to fix it, the evil mother of the redhead had basically spread rumors that the prince and the redhead were to be married and that he thought I was trash ()it turned out the evil redhead-mom was the one who started the first rumor, too. The prince denied it all and ran away because he apparently couldn't handle all the drama, and the evil mother took over. The prince's best friend had been making a potion to track my feelings or something, and people had called me his kitten but then when I was all depressed someone told the Prince's bestie, "your kitten has issues," and he replied with "my raccoon apparently..." (he thought I was like a raccoon?) And the potion was reacting to a bottle of some liquid, acting like a magnetic liquid they have at the Hands-On Museum in my town.

      Flash forward a year or two, and I am in a room with a ton of bunk beds. All the old nobility were forced to sleep in there and work their asses off, even the redhead daughter. I woke up from a nightmare one early-morning, and the Prince's little sister had comforted me, and so I hugged her. Then, as I walked back to my bunk passed the redhead's bunk, I pulled her hair. And then felt bad about it because she wasn't a bad person. She was actually pretty nice, I had learned. It was just her mom that was evil.

      Then I find out a way to find the prince and stop the mother. I cut my hair and put on a baseball cap, and head out to find my own mother, who had left the castle to become a cake-baker.

      My perspective changes rapidly from my mother's and the prince's here, so I'll just describe what happened:

      The prince saw my mom one day, and there are flashes of hope in his eyes and he runs to her to ask about me. His bestie is with him and tells him to calm down, but he's too excited and tries too eagerly to help her lift a huge crate, and the contents all spill. They were all her cake ingredients, basically her living. People gathered but the bestie tells them there's nothing to see and calmly picks up half a chocolate cake. I become him at this point, and look down at the chocolate cake. It looks really good so I take a bite and it's soooo yummy. I take bite after bite until it's a little sliver of cake-crust in my hands. My dream self has really enjoyed eating things lately.

      The prince payed for new baking materials, and then walked away sadly when he found out my mom didn't know anything about me. Then, he goes off into the field next to us, and starts singing in Adam Levigne's voice about how sad he was that his love is gone. But I saw me (I am still in the Prince's Bestie's POV) come up to my mother just as he started singing and everyone was all gushy and I, as the Prince's Bestie, was thinking "wow, I really missed something not having watched this movie!"

      Or something like that, at least.

      Zukin's Library

      I was in library after a huge storm with Zukin. I think her room was somehow in the library. Either that, or her co-op had suddenly added a library in most of the rooms.

      We decided to go to a theater to watch some kind of show... Maybe it was a presentation about a group? The girl next to me starts climbing the wall assassins creed style (or maybe it was more Legion-Style). She ties a curtain in a knot at the bottom and top so that people can climb up it. And then people start climbing it like crazy. One after the other. Kinda creepy, like moths to a flame...

      I realize Zukin's not there anymore so I snapchat her "where you at?" and go to find her... But I go around the building and where her room should be there's just another library and I'm like "WTF" and I get really confused. I walk around looking for her room but can only find libraries and workout rooms (?!)

      Then I realize that I'm at the library on campus, not Zukin's house. I was walking down the stairs to find her and stopped in the stairwell to look out the window at another storm coming in, and two Asians are in the stairwell and I scoot around them at the corner when I am suddenly in her room. She had gotten my snapchat and summoned me there. Except then I realize I just woke up in her room and it was a dream. A lot of my stuff was in her room too, and she was telling me to wear my brown Mary-Janes with my long brown pants so it would match AND my pants wouldn't get ruined on the ground. She's telling me about a dream she had just had where she was in the library, and I was there, but only for part of it.

      I'm like "OMG me too!" and I tell her that she summoned me from the dream and that we had shared it or something.

      Futuristic Society

      I was in a futuristic society where classes were extremely uniform but drastically different. There were the well-to-dos, who were all the same, and the rogues, who were more like our society today, all different and colorful and lively. I was Iron-Man for part of the dream, and learned a secret code for a group that wanted to demolish the classes and make everything the way it used to be. I was in a rogue market that had the same vibe as the fish market in Seattle. A family came in and the little boy sat on the Iron-Man-Spot of the couch, and I said the secret code I had learned previously to the dad. He knew the code but was weary and cautious because the group was radical.

      Then I heard a large boom and everyone started panicking. Next thing, I was flying through the air, watching this HUGE piece o' shrapnel that had fallen from space. It was a piece of a spaceship and it had collided directly with the huge church tower in the center of the well-to-dos city. I woke up just as the impact had started. I got to watch what bit I did see in super slow-motion. I could see the ripples and waves as the shrapnel completely obliterated the huge church spire.

      Mom's Mall Shop

      I was in an old mall with my mom and apparently she had a shop there. But it had been closed for a long time.

      She opened it up and apparently it sold lotions and scents and shampoos and there was a little room for massages or something. The main part of the store had a lot of random items. A lot of people started coming in and shouting, "it's open again it's open again!!"

      It reminded me of a shop downtown... There was also a hotel behind it that my mom ran. There was a little girl who went through the door to the rooms, so I followed her to bring her back to her mother, but she got lost in all the rooms. The hallways were tall and wide and all antiseptic-white, and the lights were blue-tinted; it was like in some kind of abandoned hospital or something. I wandered around the creepy-ass halls, looking for the girl, and then woke up.


      I must have dreamed that I had written down another dream from that night, because I couldn't find it when I woke up again.
    10. 11/09/2014 Castle, videogame

      by , 09-11-2014 at 01:02 PM
      This dream was like a videogame, i entered a castle in order to fight a witch.
      Then i showed my sister another videogame, but she didn't like it.

      I could not remember any more because when i woke up i noticed i was late for college and that made me nervous
    11. 7/28/2014

      by , 09-01-2014 at 03:41 AM
      I was at a casino while it was raining. The casino didn't have a roof so I was getting wet. There was a river and I saw some people swimming but noticed that a girl started drowning. I jumped in the river and swam towards her. I got her out of the water and remembered that my phone was in my pocket but it wasn't broken from the water. The girl's mom asked about my gun and I worried that I dropped it in the water but I didn't I went under again and it was like I was playing a video game. I was exploring the bottom of the lake and went into a castle I found through a cave. My character started drowning so I had to restart and was mad.
    12. Getting back into the dream journal habit

      by , 08-23-2014 at 03:55 PM
      Just started to record my dream journals again, lets hope I keep this up.

      I just had one large dream last night, it started at a place I have dreamt before. It was kind of a big castle where you could get innertubes and go into big groups with a giant lake below it. You could descend unto this gateway ramp that would lead you straight into the river. Most of my family was there and also some of my friends. Apparentlly we had just finished something and my friend and I wanted to go innertubing but I told my friend maybe next time because we were heading to go do something else. I do remember from the last dream that the place was a ton of fun, maybe I will have to try it out in my next lucid.

      Anyways the next place we went to was a huge banquet room and we were eating a meal. Towards the end of the meal there was some game we were playing with a red button that flashed at each persons table and when you pressed it someone else had to answer a question. My uncle pressed the button and someone else far away had to answer a question, then somehow I guess the game was rigged and my uncle had to answer the next question. He said something sarcastic about Barack Obama (even though in real life he is pretty liberal) and everyone in the banquet laughed and I felt kind of bad for him. Then after the meal was over we went outside and someone in my family told me two guys wanted to talk to me about a prosecution or something. They said "and we will be investigating" and so I said investigating what? they would not respond and talked about something else then left.

      At this point I went back to the room at the table where to help the man clean up from the meal, but I saw that he had it under control. I then realized I was naked and looked for a towel to wrap around myself but there was none. So I just decided there was nothing I could do so I just did not conceal myself whatsoever and walked proudly (lol) through the hall, the rest of the area looked like a movie theatre and not that many people actually saw me until I walked to the nearest bathroom, where as I was walking into the bathroom a cleaning lady (who was rather attractive for a cleaning lady) told me I should be dressed lol, and I went into the bathroom and found a towel. I don't think I remember much after that.
    13. Lame Bat Man

      by , 08-19-2014 at 04:58 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am the new batman, just finishing up the right bat costume. Unfortunately, I still have white socks, drive an old Buick, and work at a lousy low paying job. On the way home, I drive through the park, and see someone getting mugged. I'm too tired to stop and do anything about it after work, and have to work again early tomorrow, so I drive past, trying not to let them see I'm batman. Both of them see me, especially the white socks and white undershirt. I park the car in front of my house, and blow up an inflatable decoy batman to leave in the drivers seat. Going inside, I don't yet notice that the inflatable batman has somehow managed to start the car and put pressure on the gas pedal, slowly driving away down the street.

      I run downstairs, and get on the motorcycle to chase after my car and recover it. Going way too fast, I nearly crash a few times, and get some good air time off speed bumps in the road. Finally, I crash the bike, it launches off a hill, and smashes into a stone archway leading down to the ocean. I go air-born, and slam into a castle wall. Not really hurt, just stunned, I lay there for a bit. The butler comes out, and yells at me furiously. I see the car! Running to my car to get away, the butler is in hot pursuit.

      He chases me through town, and tries to ram me off the road. I slow down and dodge him, also slowing to avoid the river and cliff up ahead. He keeps going full speed, like he is going to turn around up there and come at me head on. Not knowing about the river and cliff, he careens right off the edge, smashing his car to pieces and being thrown out of it, down a hill thick with trees.

      I walk down there to see what happened to him, and see no sign of him at all. Suddenly, he appears behind me with a garrote and tries to murder me with it. He exclaims something about being a well known bad guy by the name of ___ (forgot it). I grab the wire from around my neck, and flip him over my head, onto the ground, and kneel on his neck to choke him out.
    14. In line to go to Disney Castle

      by , 08-14-2014 at 02:46 PM


      I was in line to go to a Disney park that looked like a castle. I saw my friend B. We talked about the castle. I remember talking about it being a great fortification if there were a bunch of machine guns on top of it. But also it would suck in an air attack. B didn't seem to care. I remember thinking about it in terms of Arma 2.

      Later, I got into the park and went on a roller coaster and that high tower chair ride.
      That's all.
    15. "Wait, wtf?"

      by , 08-06-2014 at 05:02 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Good morning, Dreamviews. Lots of dreams and fragments last night, but in particular:

      2:33 AM: I am trying to win my ex-girlfriend back. I know she will be on a tour of this castle (she is thinking of buying it as a home) so I plan to be there as well and also take the tour. I am somehow under the impression that we planned to take this tour together, but when she shows up, she sees me and then looks away, as though she is pretending I am not there. She tells the guide she is here for her tour. I think about staying quiet and just leaving, but then decide to speak up. I tell the tour guide I would also like to take the tour. She seems uncomfortable now.

      We head up through the castle, until we finally get to a section with a garden walkway and a well. At this point, my ex's mom puts her hands under my shirt and rests them on my torso. Her hands are cold and I squirm. She tells me it feels like I have been working out. I assure her I haven't been She then comments to my ex that "she might as well hold hands with the guy who is trying to win her back." We hold hands, but I am now conscious of her crying quietly.
      Very odd dream, Dreamviews! Any ideas?

      9:52 AM: I am in my mom's dining room. My wife and one of her friends is here. A kid suddenly shows up. He looks a bit odd but I seemingly mistake him for a former coworker. We begin discussing a dream group. I tell him his brother has already signed up, and that he should as well. We talk a bit about lucid dreaming. He says "A girl I work with does that stuff."

      "Have you talked to her about it? I ask.

      "Nah, she is too thick," he replies.

      I ask him what he means. He then replies in a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and then salutes me. I find this exceedingly odd, but don't want to be impolite. I ask him how he is enjoying his job. He tells me he has only been there a few weeks.

      "Aren't you still working for the zoo?" I ask.

      He now looks oddly at me. "Who do you think I am?" All of a sudden, I notice he is not my friend and I nose pinch.
      I can breathe, but all of a sudden, I go deaf! I am now uncertain of my status--is this a dream? I look at my hand: it is wobbly and weird, but when I look again, it is stable and normal. I show my hand to my wife, as though to say, "Look! What do you see??" She ignores me and continues her conversation. I decide to settle this once and for all. I set off down the hallway to find some text. However, I do so discreetly, so in the case that I am not dreaming, I don't act like a nut in front of everyone. I accidentally bump my wife's shoulder as I pass her and I wake up.

      So competition goers, I'm asking you guys: was I lucid? I wrote it down in my paper DJ as a lucid immediately upon waking, but I don't want to take advantage of the system! Let me know what you think!

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:32 PM by 69552

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
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