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    1. 01/21-22/2012

      by , 01-22-2012 at 04:41 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)

      I am on a flying object with my brother. Apparently, I have won a trip for two on this flying object, whatever it is. I decided to take my brother along. It seems to be a huge structure, thousands of feet high, with a flat platform at the top and two legs stretching to the ground below. As it glides, the legs pass through wooded hillsides. I wonder about the possibility of the legs breaking the trees, or something.

      I seem to know that I am dreaming without becoming lucid. I am able to change the arrangement of the structure's platform by thinking about it, and try to arrange things so that we have a good view of the landscape below us. We walk towards the middle of the platform, where there is a large opening. I try to widen the opening so we have a nice view, but seem to have difficulty doing so. I move half of the floor up at an angle, but we still don't get a great view.

      At some point, we end up on the ground in the woods. It seems that this is our destination. Now there are a few of us travelling, and it is getting dark. We can hear things in the trees around us, and a large creature moves above. The creature swoops down a few yards off to the left from us, and I see that it is a prehistoric "Terror Bird". In reality, Terror Birds were flightless, while in my dream this one had huge wings and flew rather well. It was a pretty bird, although somewhat menacing. It also appeared to have human characteristics, and possibly a face. I theorize that this creature is the origin of the Moth Man sightings, although my scientific explanation for the apparition doesn't lessen our danger any. The bird is a predator, and doesn't look very friendly at the moment.

      We decide to seek shelter. I duck behind a tree, thinking that perhaps this will make it more difficult for the bird to swoop down at me. Someone decides to light a fire to frighten the bird away. I seem to recall this working, at any rate the bird leaves us alone...

      ...I have a fuzzy recollection of a train that I need to get on. There is disaster coming, and the train is like Noah's Ark. People are flooding to get on it, but some people who look religious/important are deciding who gets on and who doesn't. The people who can't get on run away very fast, and I have a feeling that despite the urgency of the important looking people they may still be able to save themselves. As things progress, it turns out that the important Pharisees are actually some sort of scam, and the train won't save anyone. In fact, it may be the opposite...

      ...It seemed like this dream went on for hours. After much travelling, we end up "home" in something like an office building of my old college (which I dream about sometimes) and the hospital I now work in. I am making rounds of some sort, seeing people who were part of the big adventure. We are all exhausted, perhaps some of us are injured, and we have lost everything. It seems like a not so good ending to such an experience, although we are happy to be alive. I and my wife (? I'm not married in RL) have lost our money, and our farm (?). We had hoped to have some kind of a return on our investment through this trip, but now we have nothing. But a letter comes through the mail. It turns out that back in the woods I had a theory that there was lots of gold. It turns out that there was, just where I said. Someone has stumbled across it in the very spot where we were dealing with the Terror Bird. That somehow makes our journey a success.

      Happily, the man is friend or family, and is going to share his white gold (which looks like cottage cheese) with us. We will have all the money we need now.

      Phlebotomy Phragment

      I am in the hospital. I am apparently supposed to either give someone a vaccination or draw blood from them. Heading towards the patient's room, I realize that I have never done this before. The phlebotomist that I am with assures me that it is easy to do, and that people are tougher than I think. Even though my hands are shaky, they won't care if I shake the needle around during the procedure.
    2. Jan 20

      by , 01-20-2012 at 04:38 PM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Nerf Tag

      I have more tattos than usual. One of the tats I remember having was the wing tattoos on the feet. I have those, one on my chest and 2 more on my legs. I was walking around with my dad and my girl friends mom and they were buying something expernive. Or rather they were paying a big motor cycle gang looking white dude to do something. Right before this my gf's mom told me that they had secret dealings with Mexican drug cartels and that she found mexican gang members sexy. At one point I was sitting down and slouching and my [gut] was reaching up and connecting with my chest and this should've freaked me out more than it did. I kept examining it saying "i'm not fat.." Later on...There is a campus wide game of some sort of tag game. It's not my campus and I am in the future but just 10 years or something. I am judging by he clothes. The campus is super modern looking. So this giant game of tag includes every onas a super soaker looking gun full of nerf footballs with the tails (no actual container to house the balls) in my dream, whenever this would could about, I would dodge the whole event feeling too cool or something like that. We the ultimate game is always preceded by a giant party and I'm seeing all of my old friends there and at one point after being antisocial for one reason I go up to a circle of friends and smack one guy on the ass. He was in the middle of telling a joke and everyone walks away from him because of me. he tells me so. Another friend join me and Bobby and we keep talking about how hot emily is looking tonight.

      so the party ends and its time for the game. So I go and hide somewhere so I don't have to play but after a time I want to join. I grab a single nerf football (didn't get a gun) and start running around in the night pelting people with the ball and catching it as it bounces back to me. It's a beautiful show of athleticism and everything's going in slow mo to emphasize how awesome I am at this point. Near the end of the game (I'm eliminating hundreds of people) I head into a tunnel to finish it, get a little over zealous and after killing two guys, smash down one guy's corn dog and steal the other guy's skittles. I'm a dick but I don't know it. I'm stuffing my face full of skittles as they complain to me and we all walk back (them up front and me trailing about 10 ft, not secretively but more so because we weren't friends) to the headquarters of the game. I was shoveling skittles into my mouth, feeling like I was expanding as I did. There were counting our class members out loud then I woke up. I could still taste remnants of the skittles...
    3. 01/10-11/2012 (missed class)

      by , 01-12-2012 at 12:03 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Missed Class

      I go into a college office for some reason or other. I come across a professor that was teaching a class that I was going to take this past semester, but ended up not needing. In the end, I forgot to drop the class. It didn't count against me, but I feel bad because I think it caused my professor more work. I tell her I am sorry, and offer to make it up to her by doing some work.

      She (in real life one of my new coworkers) thinks a bit, obviously hurt by me not telling her I was quitting the class. "I could pay you for the work..." she mumbles. Clearly she wants me to do something but also feels bad about making me do too much. She goes behind some structure to think about it. I wait for a while, but start to get annoyed because she is taking so long. And besides, I start to think that I didn't do anything really bad. Maybe I was too hasty in offering to work. I decide that if she doesn't say something in a few minutes I will just leave.
      Tags: college
    4. Jan 4

      by , 01-05-2012 at 02:37 AM (Doctor's Dreams)
      I Got A Brick (FRAG)

      I was back in college but it was very confusing because nothing resembled campus and that was very noticeable. My girlfriend wasn't there and that was really bugging me also so I was constantly thinking about her. I then tried to figure out something to do since she was not there so I could fill in my time. I remember I was wearing my green windbreaker sweats and boots. I pulled out both of my pant legs and my calf tattoo was showing but for some reason it felt uncomfortable. (I've noticed in my DJ hiatus that a dream sign is when my tattoo looks weird or is fuzzy). I then went on an adventure to find the mail room and I walked into Walking around trying to find the mail room. I then ran into jordan (not sure which one) and one of his friends. I thought that was weird, especially because in this reality of my college there was an upperclassmen side and an underclassmen side and they were on the upperclassmen side. That side was a strange throw up yellow paint on a strange bare feeling cement architecture. I kept walking and saw a guy with a sunflower tattoo on his right arm (he was wearing a wifebeater) I kept going in search of the mail room and ran into Austin C and one of his friends. They were talking about a recruit from the first week of school and I couldn't remember who they were talking about. More walking. The sole of my right boot started peeling off. Austin is gone now. I keep going on my search which leads me to an underground tunnel thing. It was all painted a strange blue and it was still weird barren cement architecture. I finally get to the room which is considered the mail room. There is an old lady, fat and hunch back and she either has a mask on or she is actually a monster. I talk to her about trying to find my mail and she laughs, wanders to the back of the room, and comes back with a thick envelope. I open it up and its a brick. We joke, we laugh.

      Updated 01-13-2012 at 01:51 PM by 24049

    5. points for 31/12/11

      by , 12-31-2011 at 02:47 PM
      1 dream, 1 false awakening

      I was at college and it was my lunch break on a Tuesday, so I was wondering around the campus. Then I got picked up by an ambulance for some unknown reason, as we drove along we passed this huge tower of wood and straw/hay. It was then set alight as we drove past and I was told it acted as a signal/beacon. We drove around a corner and alongside a river, the river I recognised and it was then I realised I was in town. We continued to the end of the road which was a dead end, they asked if anybody knew the way out so I told them. After a bit more driving it dropped me off outside of a massive indoor play area and my family were waiting for me. Also stood at the door was my friend K.L and as I was about to walk in I remembered I needed to get back to college because I had a lesson that started in a few minutes. She grabbed my arm and pulled me close, she then whispered in my ear that somebody was trying to kidnap me. I looked behind me to see and old battered blue car where the ambulance had pulled up. The person inside was watching me very closely, so I whispered back that she be the distraction whilst I run away. I sneaked past the car while she popped her head up at the window, unfortunately I was spotted, grabbed and pulled inside the car. I was then driven off at high speed. We swerved around corners and across roads, it was almost like the driver couldn't control the car. We shot across a main road and the driver tried to turn but the car carried on going and smashed through the front of a bath store. When I came to everything was black, I couldn't see. It was like my eyes were closed, but I could feel the smashed bits of the baths around me and I think I cut myself on one of them. I got out of the store to the blinding daylight, the dream ended here. (Full dream- 1 point)

      The false awakening happened at some point before my alarm went off. I woke up and looked at my clock and it said 7.15am, for some reason I didn't question this and fell back to sleep. A few minutes later I was woken up by my alarm going off again but this time it said 3.00am so I did a reality check and it was real life. I then attempted a WBTB but just fell asleep. (WBTB attempt- 1 point)
    6. Walking with The Cast of Everybody Hates Chris

      by , 12-28-2011 at 12:25 PM
      Dream 1
      I was walking in a futuristic tube thing that went up. Like the Decker user.net in Row:The Third. There were holes in the tunnel that led to classrooms I saw Tyler James Williams and Vincent Martella in the chute and called them.

      I called Martella "Greg" in the dream as I forgot his name. They didn't see me at first so I called louder and walked with them down the street. It was a normal looking street,nothing hinting at a dream our anything.

      We went to a corner shop and went in there loads of intimidating guys outside of the shop like a hooligan firm. I remember saying "we shouldn't be here". The shopkeeper was Daniel Mays. It ends there.

      Dream 2
      I was in college from that tube thing in the previous dream. Some guy was there and we cheated on a test. I avoided the checkers or enforcers as I called them and we escaped to the chute/tube thing.

      Fragment 1
      I was fighting waves of zombies in a pretty futuristic city with nothing but a shark I was waving around. Hitting them all.

      Fragment 2
      I was getting shot with lasers in a spaceship hangar. I died but sicne its a dream I came back and went lucid.

      I really can't remember.
    7. One of my more Adventurous dreams

      by , 12-27-2011 at 11:16 AM
      Dream 1
      I was watching WWE Smackdown where Wade Barrett was facing Randy Orton. They fought to the stage and then Wade Barrett went too far, he started beating down Randy Orton and then hit him with a back suplex on the metal stage as referees tried to seperate the two. I thought that Barrett would be suspended.

      Dream 2
      I was in college with my friends, talking about Hispanics in the WWE. I said that they're mostly grouped together recently. Such as Hunico and Epico and then Hunico and that guy on the bike. See WWE and you'll understand.

      Dream 3
      I was outside a bank near college with a teacher. I started flirting with her even though I don't find her attractive in real life. I went on the street of my college and students were there just walking around then I went to a high-rise tower and remembered when I used to fight a guy in armour.

      I always give the guy more power till I get and upgrade during my fighting. I then got an upgrade(more armour) and defeated the warrior.

      I then talked to my companion and we both left, as I was still asleep I decided to go back and do it again but I couldn't be bothered to go through it again.

      I was shooting The Deckers in Row:The Third.
    8. 46th shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 12-24-2011 at 07:14 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Whiterains dream

      college again. with 2 girls in my room. then another one comes in to take some pictures for some project we are doing. its still light outside so i suggest going outside for the pics while we have the chance. she has a snazzy red camera/phone that someone comments on. as we walk past 2 blokes on the stairs she says that her roommate is a great cook. i exchange a look with them that says winning and thats about the only fragment i have for now
    9. 12/10-11/2011

      by , 12-12-2011 at 02:00 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Once again I was unable to journal when I woke up this morning. I had a lot of dreams last night, but I can't remember so much of them.


      I am in a big building, which I think is my former college. I go to a little cafe to buy some supper. I get a pizza or something. It seems to be a big decision.

      More food

      My family and I are somewhere, in a hotel or something. My parents want to buy a trailer/camper. They spend a lot of money on something, and we go to check it out. It turns out that what they buy is a little box, or a microwave, or something like that. Meanwhile, we look at a girl's pickup truck. The paint job on the pickup truck is weird, and has a strange texture that looks really weird close up.

      We go to a tire store. In this store, there are cookies for sale. The cookies look really good to me, so I pick a few up. We go to check out, and the person behind the counter starts to add up the total. With each cookie (I only bought about 4) the price gets higher. The total comes to about $30, at least. It may even be more like $100. I get a little annoyed, but there isn't much I can do. I don't have the money, so I leave the cookies at the counter until I can come back with it.
    10. Seven old dreams.

      by , 12-05-2011 at 06:20 PM
      Alright, here are some dreams I've been too lazy to record that I've had since my last major entry, I'm finally getting them out of the way so I can post some actually interesting stuff that I'm dreaming about now. I don't remember exactly what days they happened anymore so I'm just going to number them.


      I was walking around college (although it looked like a fusion of my junior and senior high schools) with O but got separated from him, so I was searching around a hallway for him when Neil Patrick Harris ran up to me! I see that he's wearing a lab coat and instantly think "Oh, he must be part of the alien studies project." He grabs my wrist and starts pulling me while running so I have to run to keep up with him, and he starts talking about how they're starting some alien autopsy study where they're doing the testing on human volunteers first... for some reason. He looks back at me and says "Thanks for doing this." to which I respond "I never agreed to do anything." He ignores me and starts talking about how all of the other human volunteers they've had so far have ended up having some horrible aftereffects that I don't really remember much of, but they generally sounded terrible. He stops running so I do too, and he looks back at me and squints and just stares for a second, then says "...You'll probably be fine." We start running again as I say "Probably??" He starts explaining the mechanics of what they're doing, which I also don't remember well, but I remember him saying "I don't think this causes too much blood." (Causes too much blood? ) Then he goes on to describe how the machine they use was having some really bad malfunction in all of their previous tests as well, and there were even more terrifying things happening to the volunteers as a result of it, but after he stops talking he stops running again and stares off into the distance and says "I think they fixed that." As he was explaining that last part we had entered a science class room, and then he took me through a door in the back into a small office-like room where there was a woman in a lab coat sitting at a desk. Then he turns to me and goes "But first, I'm gonna do a magic trick! " He makes himself turn invisible, and then reaches over (but of course I don't see it) to a bowl on the desk that's filled with cherries and grapes, still on branches. He picks them up and starts tying the branches together and the woman (his assistant) says "It looks like Arby's food!" and I laugh and say "It's just cherries and grapes!" and she SLAMS her hand down on the desk, points to me with a pissed-off look on her face and yells "You have been warned!!" (I have?? ) He finishes tying branches together and I realize that he's made a dragon sculpture out of them, and he even opens the mouth and starts making screeching sounds (and of course it looks like it's doing it on its own because he's invisible). I'm laughing hysterically at this point and dropping a large number of couch pillows which suddenly appeared in my hands. He makes himself visible again and hands me a piece of paper that tells me not to be so worried about my future, and just take life as it comes.


      I'm teaching a class and I'm doing my best to make sure that all of the kids behave, but they're all pissed off at me for some reason and they start stealing my keys and things just to torment me for hours until they finally hand in their homework to force me to do it for them and I realize that my dad's been making extremely hard extra homework for them to make them angry so I grab my keys from them and fly out of the room so fast that I leave a trail of demonic fire in my wake. (Flying has always been my strongest dream power for as long as I can remember, in non-lucids I generally travel at a normal speed but I can go pretty frickin' fast, the first time I tired it in a lucid it was accompanied by a sonic boom and the speed was so intense that it woke me up in about a second and a half. ) I make it home and start to cuss out my dad for being so irresponsible because's he's a teacher in real life! Then I walk out to the kitchen and see my mom there and say "Oh, mom's home." Somewhat anticlimactic of an ending lol.


      I'm in a plane crash with a group of people that I went to public school with, although most of whom I didn't normally associate with. I remember that part of the dream because it was intense, but after that there's a lot of blurriness until the point when we're finally getting back on a new plane to go to... well, wherever it was we were headed in the first place. But still, we're understandably a little freaked out at the thought of being on a plane again. J checks his bags ahead of me and then walks off to the seats (which are conveniently located about ten feet away from where you check your luggage ), and I check mine and plan to go sit next to him but I'm told that I have to go take the seat up in the cockpit behind the pilot because I'm "being a troublemaker." I say "Damnit, does this mean I have to talk to A the whole time?" (Referring to myself in third person, literally thinking it's someone else, who I guess I'm annoyed at the thought of having to talk to. ) The guy responds "Are you serious?" and points to the cockpit. I go sit down and I'm watching out the front window. The plane is already in the air and is doing some serious loops through the sky, but it seems like a normal way to fly at the time. I watch as our view goes back and forth between the sky and the ground (we're flying REALLY low!) and at one point I look at a billboard and see the face of Charlie from Lost, although his face wasn't actually on the board... it just invoked the image so intensely in my mind that I saw it as clear as day, but it didn't actually enter the dream scenery, it was just kind of on top of it, like my mind's eye vision was exactly as clear as my normal vision... kind of hard to explain. Anyway, I'm starting to feel a little anxious and sick, so I go to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror and see if I look like I'm sick or if I'm losing color or anything like that. When I get there, I see my face literally rotting, melting off, and turning to stone (especially my neck), and the grim reaper(!) is standing behind me. And I mean really detailed, with a fiery flowing black robe and blue and black swirls of smoke and a gigantic evil-looking scythe and this aura of pure darkness. I inspect myself a little closer and say "Nah, it's probably nothing, I'm just letting myself get psyched out." I walk into the cabin instead of going back to the cockpit and everyone screams and someone points at me and yells "Fridge neck!" I start freaking out again and go "Oh no, does it look bad??" and start scratching at my neck, while everyone starts making these D: faces that start expanding to be bigger and bigger until they cover their whole faces and then their jaws starts enlarging so that the face can keep expanding (which looks really, really cartoony), and then I wake up from an adrenaline rush.


      O and I and some other students from our college are eating in the cafeteria of some school other than our own, and one of the guys who goes to that school starts getting really pissed off saying that we're not allowed to eat any food except from one small area, but everyone does anyway. I like messing with the guy because he's being a prick, and eventually he's so angry that he starts going on this loud, ridiculous speech, that ends up having some religious undertones, about how it's THEIR school and THEIR food and THEIR right to eat and yadda yadda yadda.... O comes over to my table and laughs at him with me while we eat our food and I browse the internet on my laptop.


      This one is a little fragmenty. My log starts with this first part I don't really remember much about that reads "Save the world, emotional texting with M mad at dad to not be sad for him (crying)". After that my memory starts to pick up. I was playing a game, but I had to put it on hold to drive a friend of mine (M, but a different M from the first part) back to their car in [a nearby city] so that I could get back in time for the DMT revolution. I go to the back fridge we have to get something to drink, and when I get back there there are bottles of shampoo and large, empty glass mugs on top of the fridge for some reason. I just end up staring at them confused until I wake up.


      Somewhere before this dream I had a dream that happened in anime format, I wish I could remember it.

      I'm having a sleepover with O, M, and S. Originally it was at my grandparents' house and we were listening to dubstep and it was making me sleepy so I eventually passed out. I had a dream-in-a-dream about doing some intense dance moves with an old friend, C, in some big fancy kitchen. But it didn't last long, and soon I woke up at the slumber party again when everyone else had already fallen asleep, although the scene had changed to my house. Everyone else starts waking up and we talk about music that we heard in our dreams (mine was "Here We Go" by Bassnectar) and it starts transitioning from night to day. We hear a noise outside by the window, so I slowly creep over to the door to look but I don't see anything, but not long after that the curtains magically open by themselves and we see a creepy man peering in. o_o We all start freaking out and the man comes to the door so I open it and ask him what he wants and he says that he needs to speak to my dad and that "it's a matter of presidential importance!" O says he'll go back to tell him, and I turn back to tell the guy to hold on and close the door. I turn around again and see that O is now in the back room getting something to drink (lazy ) so I go tell my dad instead. I go to their bedroom and walk in and see that my parents are both awake, so I tell my dad he's needed and run back out to the door. When I open it I see the guy with a bomb strapped to his knee!! I run back yelling "He's a bomber, he's a bomber!" and everyone scatters and jumps down into the furthest-away-from-him corners of the house while he detonates the bomb, and I close my eyes and the sound of the explosion wakes me up.

      Another fragment that I remember from right after this dream, I was sitting at my computer watching a fractal generator in action, VERY cool. I wish I remembered more!


      Homer Simpson takes large amounts acid, shrooms, and morning glories and possibly other things at a nighttime hippie festival by [my middle school] and I see it as I'm walking by through the park, but somewhere down the line it changes to my cat, T, doing those things at a shamanic ritual in the same place. The next day O and I are at my house, and we're talking about how T must have tripped balls, and for some reason we have a white dachshund who's a little bigger than they would normally be, but I think she was actually representing an old cat we had, because we were aware that she was female and that T didn't like her, just like that cat. But now, T went over to her and started scratching her on her stomach (standing up with his paw outstretched, like a human ) until she gets up and happily runs away, and O and I talk about how T must have been humbled by his heavy experience. I feel inspired to take some mushrooms myself, which of course appear directly under me when I reach down to grab some. The dog comes over to me all happy and starts licking my nose while I'm laying on the ground waiting for them to kick in, and I wonder if she got a contact high from T. When I stand up everything is surrounded by rainbow auras and I'm starting to get heavy tracers, after I moved my arm there were three or four copies of it in different colors and levels of transparency. I follow O, T, and the dog into the laundry room and everything is starting to feel very dreamy (heh), then when I'm starting to feel some come-up energy building I turn around and walk away, and then I got woken up by the feeling.


      And there's that! Now I can get caught up to date with my next entry.
    11. West Ham Fight

      by , 12-03-2011 at 02:46 PM
      Dream 1
      I was playing Need For Speed:Most Wanted and for some reason I had unlocked all the stages of Rockport, which is strange because I hadn't unlocked all of it before. I first saw the part on the left and scrolled down to see the rest of the unlocked map I then drove down to the last part of the map that you unlock and free roamed it.

      Dream 2
      I was with some friends from college, they were on my street and were going to somewhere. They let me come along.

      Dream 3
      I'm on a train to Upton Park (West Ham's Stadium) which is weird because I only live down the road. I start singing "West Ham Til'" but I don't finish it. I'm sitting in the train with my Dad and other "West Ham fans" (Neither me or my Dad support West Ham we both support Manchester United) another lady starts singing.

      We get off the train and walk to the stadium. I give someone a ticket and sit down. It's weird because there was a huge gap between the stands with no wall. When I sat down I was thinking "Where's the other stand?". I can just see the pitch and a little stand.

      The match has barely begun and I see a guy run through from outside waving at somebody, he's wearing red and there's writing in a weird language I think it's a European language and as he waves loads of other fans come running into the stand and start fighting with us (I don't know where my Dad is by this point) I kick some down and wake up. I thought we were facing Millwall.
    12. A Nice bit of Recall

      by , 12-01-2011 at 06:43 PM
      Dream 1
      I was in my living room and my family was there, the time was early morning. I picked up the sky remote and pressed a directional button, I believe it was up and I saw the info bar it said Old School Cartoon Network. I pressed the info buton and it said something like "Watch Old School Cartoon Network for shows like Ed,Edd & Eddie and Dexter."

      I changed the channel and saw Megan Fox swimming in a nice ocean. She was wearing a black bikini. I was surprised that her voice in the dream sounded the same as her voice in real life.

      Dream 2
      I came home from college for break and saw that my whole family was there even my grandma. I was there with 2 of my friends. I had to move something with my Dad and when I went back to see how much time I had until my next lesson started, I was late.

      It's a bit like an FA.

      Dream 3
      I'm now a white guy in a storage room wearing overalls. I spoke to a guy who wore grey overalls, he went on a bit of a rant of some sort.

      Then a group of teenagers burst in and I fought them. I have no idead what they wanted or why they came but 2 of them ran away and one of them, who looked like Chris Smalling got a Stone Cold Stunner from me. I turned around to see him on the floor motionless.
    13. Lots of Fighting

      by , 11-29-2011 at 06:38 PM
      Dream 1
      I remember being on a long train open flat trucks I spoke to a girl I knew "Do you remember when we had a thing". There were loads of people fighting for no reason and I spotted an old guy he was black and wearing a shirt with a really small mohican. I started fighting him and loads of people started fighting, it was really dark and the train was at the station.

      False Awakening
      I was at the gate to college and one of the guards was checking my ID.

      Side Notes
      I've been wanting to fight in my dreams for a while so I'm glad I got this one.

      I was lucid at one point and told someone. "I'm dreaming right now."

      "No you're not."

      "Yeah I am, look I can change my clothes."
      I changed my shirt but I don't know if I was legitly Lucid or I was unlucidly? saying it.
    14. Primary School College

      by , 11-23-2011 at 10:04 AM
      I was in college but it was like a primary school because there were little kids and helper there. I went to my teacher and told him that I needed to do some work in my sketchbook. He helped me and I had done 8 pages. As I left I saw a little being stuck-up and rude and what-have-you.

      I gave myself a shape-up
    15. Navigating the Beauracracy

      by , 11-20-2011 at 08:29 AM
      I'm in a basement with washing machines. I'm talking to my dad about college. I waited until late, almost the last day, to register for, uh, registration. They were almost fully booked. I had to sign up for whatever's available. They had an opening. I took it.

      I'm waiting outside a building in the dark, near the concrete steps. I'm talking with someone. I touched a dead baby duck (it looked like a stuffed one with a broken pullstring). I feel dirty. I need to wash my hands. I go inside without my stuff.

      I look for the bathroom, but I get stopped by two security guards. They tell me there's an opening right now. I say ok, just let me go get my stuff (and wash my hands). They say no. I need to hurry before the guy who was supposed to have this appointment time gets here. So I go.

      The building is a bit maze-ish. There's a stair going down in the middle of a room. There's a lady down there, typing at a desk.

      I go to another room for registering. It's an interview. I sit across the desk from a guy who looks like that guy who says 'inconceivable' in The Princess Bride, except he has hair. Or maybe he looks like the mayor from Buffy the Vampire slayer (the one with the todo list saying: eat lunch, become invincible, PTA meeting). He asks me a lot of questions and writes stuff down on a form. Then he asks me what I plan to do for my essay. What essay?? I didn't know there's an essay. And I still need to wash my hands. He explains. There's an essay now, about a computer science topic. I tell him I plan to do it on open source software or linux. He doesn't hear me. I repeat myself. He still doesn't hear. He closes one, but not both, of the doors to the room, limiting the background noise. He hears me this time, and asks me why. I tell him these subjects excite me.

      I write something on the form? I don't remember but later it's got my handwriting on it.

      I suddenly realize the interview is being filmed. I am nervous. The guy is like 'of course it is.' I realize I am not fully dressed. I try to cover up, then decide to try to act nonchalant.

      There are others in the room. The guy whose appointment I got because he was late is one of them, I think. There is a small bed with no mattress off to one side.

      The guy is testing me on something now, only now he is a slender dark-skinned chick. Some porcelain animal cracker shaped things are dropped on the floor. They have the devil in them. You can't touch them, she says, or the devil will go into you. She attempts to clear them up, but it's risky work. The devil will go into objects you touch them with as well, apparently. Afterwards, I am supposed to have noticed something, but I didn't. I feel embarrassed. I missed the social (cultural) cues. She walks around tapping her face making disapproving noises. But the interview is done. I am supposed to take the form... where? The basement? Oh, I get it, to the lady at the desk at the bottom of the stairs.

      I take the form to them. As I am leaving up the stairs, the desk lady (there is another lady there too) gets up. She is commenting on my writing, that my v's are pointy. There is some sort of (hand) writing test that takes a lot of time/pages? The way they are talking makes me uncomfortable, as if they were criticizing.

      At the top of the stairs, the room I am in has two doors, at opposite ends of one wall. I walk to the left door. Both doors are open. Down the hall, I see a guy, but more urgently, I see a dog, painted red and yellow. It's a hellhound! I shut the door quickly, before the dog gets there. It's running. I am just in time. It growls and presses against the door, up on its hind legs. I growl back. Then it goes around and comes in the other door. "Fuck!" I grab a chair, to defend myself with. I'm panicking. The two ladies are nearby, but they won't be able to get to me in time to help. I wake up.

      WILD attempt. No or little SP. Possible brief lucidity. Very fragmented.
      In an elevator. Poisoned. The bottom of the elevator goes up independent of the top, hits the ceiling, and goes through.

      On a bus. There are two kids. I only saw the one with the ugly face. Someone tells me I am the one who taught him to dream (lucidly?).

      I'm in a sitting/kneeling position, falling asleep, worrying I'll hit something and wake. I feel momentary intense arousal. Something about getting a tattoo.

      Updated 11-20-2011 at 08:37 AM by 51129

      non-lucid , nightmare
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