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    1. Hunt for Pokeballs

      by , 01-26-2015 at 02:49 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a room. It was dark. I watched a guy hunt for pokeballs. I went next. I went under the table and chairs, but it was too dark I couldn't see. Then I wondered, why am I hunting for pokeballs in the dark? I remembered I went to sleep because of the blackout. I became partially awake, but not completely. I was just aware I had my eyes open but can't see anything. I can vaguely see the window and curtains but it was hazy. Maybe it was just my imagination and I was still in a dream. I was a bit scared because I might have vision problem. I closed my eyes, hoping I'll be aware in my next dream.

      In my dream, I was in a mall. I was looking for something or someone. I can't remember the rest clearly, but I wasn't aware.
      non-lucid , lucid
    2. Lost Music (DILD + FA)

      by , 01-20-2015 at 09:41 PM
      WTB 3am, woke just before 7:30am. Although I had set no alarm, it must have been intention that woke me, since I needed to take my car to the mechanic this morning, and 7:30 is when they open. So I drove in, did some grocery shopping across the street, and then walked back home since it's not too far. Returned to bed around 9am and focused intention to get lucid since I'd had such a good WBTB.

      I was at a party in some guy's house. (The "party" theme must be WLR because last night I did the party scene in ME3, though none of the details were similar.) I was younger, maybe even a teenager—I think so, since the guy hosting the party was living with his parents—and wasn't really "me" in terms of identity. I was lounging on the floor with some other kids. A guy next to me joked with someone else about me taking my clothes off, and I reprimanded him sharply.

      Vague scene change; it was the next day, and everyone else was gone, but I was still in the house—only now I didn't have my clothes. Obviously I needed to get them before I could leave, but this was complicated by the fact that the host's mother had come home, together with her young baby. I was sneaking around, hoping not to get caught, because I was afraid of how she would react if she found a nude girl in the house. I didn't recall doing anything inappropriate but she would naturally assume the worst.

      I managed to sneak into the bathroom and thought that from there I could maybe call her from the door and make up some story about how I had taken a shower and now needed my clothes—though I worried that it might be hard to explain how my clothes had ended up in another room, and it didn't help that I wasn't exactly sure where they were. But my anxieties about this were resolved when I looked down and noticed that I was fully dressed after all. (Thanks, dream!)

      Now my only challenge was sneaking out of the house. But the dream was even more obliging in that regard. The mother caught sight of me as soon as I entered the next room, and I was afraid that she would respond with horror and alarm at discovering a stranger in the house. Instead, she just called me over in a friendly way as though we were already well-acquainted and she expected me to be there. We went into her large walk-in closet, where she wanted my opinion on some clothes as she changed. She put on a lower garment that was made of two separately patterned pieces of cloth, one for each leg, that fit very loosely like Thai fisherman pants. Attached to the upper part was a horizontal band of cloth, at least six inches wide and several feet long, in a third contrasting color and pattern, that she could wrap around her waist to secure the garment. The cloth and patterns were lovely and I complemented it; she said that she had made it herself. Next, while she was putting on a top, I noticed how beautifully flat her stomach was in profile and complimented her on that as well. She laughed and said modestly that it had just looked that way because she had been holding her arms over her head.

      After that she and her husband went out to an indoor mall and I tagged along. As I glanced around at the various shops, I reminded myself that since we were dreaming I should make sure to attempt one of the tasks, since it had apparently slipped my mind until that point. This made me wonder when I had first realized I was dreaming. I thought back and couldn't figure it out. In retrospect, I don't think I really was cognizant of the dream until that point, but at the time it felt much more ambiguous, like it had been a latent awareness all along. (I get this a lot—I think there is often a latent awareness of dreaming on some level, in which case lucidity requires becoming aware of the awareness!) That might explain why earlier the dream had soothed my anxieties rather than exploiting them, even though I hadn't been aware of directly controlling it.

      I figured that since it was the New Year's holiday in the dream, it would be a great time to try the fireworks TOTM again, since there were bound to be fireworks tonight anyway. Again, it's hard to say if I had really "known" all along that it was the holiday, or if I had only just "realized" this when it was convenient to my goals. I was lucid enough to know that in WL it was much later in the month, but remembered it was still January at least... so close enough.

      I walked back to the front doors of the mall, which were transparent glass, and looked out over the landscape. I didn't see any fireworks yet—it was dark out but it seemed like it was too early in the evening—and I hoped my intention could make some appear. I scanned the horizon but nothing manifested. I decided maybe it would be easier to spark them directly from my hand, so I turned around and started walking through the mall again, willing some kind of visual display to manifest from my palm. This should be easy, since in the past I've practiced summoning all the basic elements, and fireworks just seemed like a variation of this. But again, nothing happened.

      I tried to figure out what the problem was, and wondered if maybe I was too distracted with the music. Here's another case where I can't say for sure when I started singing. Often I deliberately use music in dreams as a way to channel focus into particular tasks, a method that has worked very well in the past, but right now I felt like I was singing for sheer pleasure, and the music was of unearthly beauty. Now that I noticed it, I put aside my other goals for the moment to pay attention to what I was singing. I was using my voice, but there were no real words, just abstract vocalizations emerging spontaneously in a lovely, lilting melody. The most distinctive thing about it was that I was singing in harmony with myself, as though I had several different interweaving voices, at least three, maybe more. I've sung like this before in dreams and once again had to wonder: what does it mean? When the music manifests like this, so complex and ethereal, it feels like it has some primordial significance.

      Most of my attention was now focused on the song, and nothing else seemed so important. I wanted to be in the open air, so I returned to the front doors of the mall and walked through them. I sang for a while longer, until the world around me faded in color and substance and I knew I was waking up. My first impulse was to grab my phone and try to record some of the melody as best I could before I lost it entirely. However, my phone seemed to be stuck on camera mode, and although I was insistently pressing the button and even trying to close the window manually by clicking in the upper right corner (a PC reflex, obviously this doesn't work on phones!), I couldn't get back to the main screen. Problems with tech like this are a dreamsign so I even wondered if this was an FA. However, my main concern right was to preserve any shred of the music intact, so I didn't want to distract myself with an RC, but tried to keep as much attention as possible on preserving the song.

      Even though I now only had a single voice, I was surprised how easily and spontaneously the music was still flowing, and figured it was because I had just woken up and retained lingering traces of the dreamstate. More than traces, I realized, when I woke up again and knew that it been an FA after all. I once again reached for my phone and was gratified that I could now access the main screen. But I was still having difficulties: I looked through all my apps for the voice recorder and couldn't find it! I went back and forth from screen to screen, cycling through them all three or four times, and it was nowhere! I was forced to question if this was yet another FA, even though I was now sure that I recognized everything around me from waking life, and the dream memories and music were fading rapidly. In the past I've sometimes had trouble recognizing the voice app icon because it has such a bland appearance, but I had made a point of remembering that it resembled a microphone.

      After taking more time and deliberately examining every icon on every screen, completely baffled by my inability to find it, the mystery was finally solved. I found it at the very end of all my apps, where I had placed it deliberately with the notion of making it easy to find, only I had misremembered its appearance: the last OS upgrade had completely changed the graphic to some wavy lines. It was too late to salvage the music. I tried to record the one line of melody that I could still vaguely recall, but it sounded completely wrong. I couldn't get my real voice to match the way the song sounded in my head, either in terms of the general register or even the specific notes.
    3. Dark Night Waiting for the Bus

      by , 01-16-2015 at 05:31 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was walking on the street. Or waiting for a bus. Or someone is waiting for a bus at night. It was dark. The waiting shed. Bruno is waiting for the bus or a car. A car light shone on him as a couple of foreigner show concern about him being there alone.

      I was watching some sort of zombie movie. There was a bus careening down the street without the driver. The zombie somehow became much more muscled and was clinging on the back of the bus. The guy inside has super strength despite being of a smaller frame than the steroid zombie. He punched through the "door" at the back of the bus, ripping apart the oversized arms of the zombie in the process.

      I was in a mall. I was a guard? I was carrying some stuff from outside (not within my view as I can only see inside the mall) helping some people. I saw a toddler walk inside and was concerned that she's alone. I "heard" the "word" that meant "being with" and "a couple" (two people, not romantically. I think). I saw her stop near a small set of wide stairs (just two steps up). She walked toward the right (looking from "outside" the mall).

      I was in Rob's place. I was talking to with Rob about something, and he said a word or some words that are inappropriate around kids. Sarah was there as well. Forgot what we were talking about. Rob was sitting down, Sarah was standing up. The kids were moving about.
    4. Malate at Night

      by , 01-12-2015 at 04:38 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was walking down the road at night with some people. We were gonna buy something. The place has lots of lights. Malate?

      I had to withdraw from an ATM. Not sure if there was one nearby. We were inside the mall. Food court?
    5. The airport turns into a mall

      by , 01-10-2015 at 07:52 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The airport turns into a mall (Non-lucid)


      I was in an airport about to travel. I went through a counter than said, "Latino, Hispanic" I wondered why I went through there, since I am a US citizen. As soon as I went through the gates, I found myself in the locker rooms of a gym. There were a lot of females, some of them naked, a few of them tried to flirt with me, but I was in some sort of rush to catch my plane.

      I never managed to catch my plane so I re-winded the dream (I was not lucid) as I felt I could just go back in time (happens sometimes on non-lucids) This time, I was talking to a friend about going through a different counter. Now, the airport looked like a huge shopping mall and I saw a counter that said Galician/Spain and wondered if the service was better there. It seems I had to book the hotel and a car rental for when I arrived to my destination. A friend advised me to not go that counter because the employees were lousy.

      I visited a few counters and I tried to find one fo US Citizens, but I was unable too.
      Tags: airport, flight, mall
    6. Working at Winn Dixie, school, aliens invade my house and more whacky adventures

      by , 01-01-2015 at 12:24 AM
      I had a dream that I went to go apply to Winn Dixie (because my irl friend works there), I remember talking to some dude and he gave me the job on the spot, and him and my friend went to go arrange stuff neatly on the shelves and I decided to help to hopefully get a good reputation. It seemed kind of like a good will with random stuff just thrown on shelves and we were straightening them up going down aisles.
      Soon after I remember driving home with a different friend, we were down a road that's in our neighborhood adjacent to our community center. irl its paved, but in the dream it was still a dirt road. It also had a large dip in it, and plants overgrown around it, and rocks around it, too. He would drive down the road, but the truck was spinning yet still going straight down the road. it was actually kind of fun.

      I also dreamt that I was at school, and during lunch we had to go to some assembly and we would miss 5th period, I was sort of bummed out because I liked my 5th period and didn't really like my 6th period. I don't remember an assembly at all, but I remember being in a class, it was my math class and surprisingly the desks were in the right order, but I was in my old desk at the front of the class and I was on the last row. I think there was another desk in front of mine, though. I pull my tablet out of my backpack and realize I forgot to put teamviewer on my computer so I could play on my computer from my tablet. Somehow I still manage to play civ 5, though. It's me and my friend, Trent, at my house, my kitchen. We settle a city in the living room, and the living room has a brown couch, it is also kind of dark, it's light in the kitchen but the rest of the house is dark. But then we start to get worried on who is in the game, we go in to my dad's room, who isnt home, and hide in the corner, hoping we wont be found. My friend says Attila the Hun is in the game, and he enters our house and that automatically triggers our meeting. He walks in to my room. We get up and go back in the living room and I see Kim Jong Un coming up my porch. (btw, attila and kim both have some companion with them). We meet and Kim is walking towards me, I don't know where my friend went and I see Attila come out of the darkness and Attila rips kim's head in half by his mouth, there was no blood though, it looked like clay. Attila's companion also kills Kim's companion and they shapeshift into Kim and kim's companion. I grab my friend and tell him that Attila is a shapeshifter and no one is to be trusted. My friend disappears off somewhere again, and I'm standing in the kitchen and in the shadows I see some white, ethereal creature, it's one of the shapeshifters, they kind of hide behind a wall but are still very visible, I tell him that I see through his disguise. I think he backs off, but later some lizardman in a black robe, one of the shapeshifters, comes at me. I run at him, move to one side, he follows, move to another, hes slow but follows, and then again I move to another side and I juke him out, run past him, and now I'm on the other side of the couch. I insult him like "dude, you cant even fucking play football". The lizardman tells me he will be back, but I'm not really worried. He goes to my room. I'm walking around, now the whole house is dark, and I'm worried. I go and look down the house to where my room is, and in the hallway the light is on, and illidan stormrage is standing outside my room's door, I go back and I start to get worried, and wake up.

      I have a dream that I'm at the mall, I go in to a store with blue wall paint and a metal door, and there's two chicks from my school working there, I ask for an application, they hand me one and I go sit down at this long, metallic looking table parallel to the counter. I'm sitting there filling it out and it changes to some test. I know some of the answers. These guys from my school (named dominic, carlos, and some other dude -- for my memory) are sitting there now, and they are also taking the test. And there's also a bunch of clutter on the table, like backpacks and stuff. Carlos already took the test last period but he said he has to take it again. He tells me someone wrote down the answer key where I'm sitting and told me to tell them the answers. For some reason I have a hard time telling them the answers, they are weird anyways. I have to bubble them in and it's not letters but weird symbols. Carlos says "Screw it I already took the test" and turns his in and leaves. When I'm done with the test I notice the room is a lot brighter and looks more like a classroom, and the door is wood instead of metal.

      Last night I had a dream that I was at school, some kind of event was going on. A lot was going on, but I only remember being in the lunchroom and a friend of mine, max, who no longer goes to this school is in a booth with a few others, catching up. I go over there and start talking to him. We're going on about games, and other bull crap. I ask him for his steam, he tells me I have it, then I tell him I made a new account (all true). He tells me his steam, sfp>kill, or something like that. In the dream I forget it aswell and I keep asking him, but I don't say it loud enough because of all the crap going on in the dream, it's loud. I remember even a computer monitor at the booth and trying to find him on steam. I get up and go to grab lunch, the lunch room resembles my elementary school lunch line. I'm leaving and I see people just walking off with lunch like it's free. I'm going and I ask a lady sitting outside the lunchline door at a table "What's my lunch number?" she looks confused, and I remember lunch is free, and I walk back to the booth. That's all I remember,
    7. Backlog, 12/22: "Lucid in the Mall #2"

      by , 12-25-2014 at 10:29 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      A vivid NLD of me playing an arcade game with my wife (similar to something like Double Dragon, back in the day, but with a Golden Axe flair). The joysticks are old-fashioned (plastic and stiff). The game screen slowly becomes more panoramic and immersive, so that I seem to be right on top of my character, watching fight an enemy. I wake up from this, and then DEILD. The transition rolls me over several times. Unfortunately, I do not remember what happened in this dream but I wake up, and DEILD again. The transition is once again the same (rolling across the mat) except this time I fall out of anonexistent bed and onto the floor. I sit for a moment. Am I asleep? I nose pinch.With lucidity comes a raging hard-on. I imagine some beautiful woman appearing in the bedroom. She does not show up, so I go in search of her. The doors to the bedroom are folding closet doors. I phase through them. I pass through the wood, but my body doesn't want to go through the metal hinges. Now I am dragging a set of closet doors with me as I walk through what looks like a dark, empty shopping mall. I break the metal joints apart, and more continue to form (there end up being like seven hinges) but I finally break all of them and get the doors off of me. Now where would a beautiful be? I walk down the thoroughfare for a bit, and then turn and head back the way I came. On my left is a store with closet doors as the outside walls. I walk a ways, thinking I will find the entrance. Just more closet door-walls. I think to myself that these doors could go on forever when I wake up.

      Updated 12-26-2014 at 08:17 PM by 69552

      Tags: deild, mall, tangled
      lucid , false awakening
    8. Batman, Catwoman, Blue Grass, Penguin, & Booby Traps

      by , 12-21-2014 at 05:55 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Batman, Catwoman, Blue Grass, Penguin, & Booby traps (DILD)


      I’m apparently Batman, and I’m walking through a large field of sky blue grass with a slight hue of turquoise. It seems fairly ominous, but seeing how the pathway seemed very clear, I went ahead with confidence. It seems a dream character that looks like Catwoman in the Arkham Asylum game I never played is joining with Mr. Penguin to try and lure me into a trap.

      Not sure why Selena is pairing up with Mr. Penguin, but it’s completely irrelevant at this point because I know what it is they’re trying to pull by shifting into a grandiose spectator view to see what will be ahead of me. After going through the blue grass field, I will encounter a group of random dream characters that look human that will try and gang up on me, and an onslaught of traps would come after me should I avoid those dream characters as well.

      For some reason while I’m still in spectator mode, the more I go through this environment, it sets off a chain reaction as if the dream body I would be in if I shifted awareness to it actually traversed through these areas. It was somewhat hilarious to dream characters trying to gang up on someone that isn’t even there.

    9. Notes

      by , 12-07-2014 at 02:56 AM (Lucid Time!)
      This dry spell just keeps dragging on and on. Considerable lucidity might mean it's finally coming to the end.

      Something to do with three lasers of a particular frequency meeting at 90 degree angles creates a fourth-dimensional bridge.

      I am with a few friends and Katniss from the hunger games movies, making our way through the woods. We are talking on headsets as if we are playing a game/in a virtual reality. Somebody asks if we want to end the match and we say no. We then come under attack by an army of small monkeys.

      I am in an art supply store with my mom and we are buying paper for an art project. The art supply store is very small in a mall, no bigger than the inside of a CVS (In fact that's what the general feel of the art supply store was; a drugstore). It seems to only have one or two employees.

      An employee leads us in the back and begins showing us what they have available in terms of paper. It's not much. What they have looks like shoddy blank newsprint and printer paper. I notice that there are drawings of my cartoon characters on the paper. They weren't mine, but they were committed attempts to recreate some of my most iconic characters.

      This prompts me to reality check. A couple of nose pinches settled that. I tell my mom that I am dreaming and that I have to leave.

      I step outside and see dream characters walking by. The area outside the shop isn't like a mall, it's the side of a busy road with a downtown New-York ish feel to it, skyscrapers and all. I asked to see Manei appear. At first nothing happened but then she ran up to me as a little girl wearing raggy clothes.

      "What happened to you? Why are you so little?"

      "Dun Dues Se Carlo."

      "Dun Dues Se Carlo?"

      "Yeah, Dun Dues Se Carlo."

      "What the heck does that mean?"

      "It means we caused a problem and now we have to-"

      I need to get back down there with some serious lucidity and get these lucid issues worked out.

      Updated 12-07-2014 at 03:08 AM by 53527

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    10. #53 - Wandering the school-mall

      by , 11-11-2014 at 08:12 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Last night I nearly had a WILD, felt myself going into the dream and then I was like "Um what do I do" since I haven't got a clue how to WILD and it kind of just happened by accident. I got caught up in a conversation inside my head with my girlfriend and I thought she was there with me (she is in another town atm) so I tried to tell her that she was distracting me. I then got really fidgety, I need to itch and scratch my arms and neck and hair, then I felt like I had to roll over and in less than 30 seconds with all this occurring I had completely lost it
      So I still haven't had a WILD yet :/. Also I had terrible dream recall last night, only recalling the last dream I had.

      Dream 1 - Wandering the school-mall
      I'm in school and it's lunch time, I saw my friend leave before me and decided I'd try find him and hang out, since I'm a transfer student and he's my only friend. I seem to remember him having tanned skin and short black hair but I never saw his face. I walk upstairs and see a group of people I'm familiar with, they're playing ball, I continue on up another flight of stairs. Now I'm in the mall, which is a part of the school apparently. I walk through the mall, it's got calm yellow lighting and the scenery is quite nice looking, like it's been polished or something. As I'm walking I meet a couple of guys who want to play ball, and I seem to be holding 2 balls, 1 is a basketball and the other is some other kind of ball that I didn't want to use. I throw the ball to one of the guys but he couldn't catch it and it went behind him and crashed into a shop. He runs and picks it up, then throws it back, I catch it then throw it to the other guy and yet again it crashes into another shop. I no longer want to play the ball game, since I don't want a teacher to tell me off. The guys are annoyed at me and say something like "We want to keep playing!", I turn around and see a teacher where we had just been playing so I continue on again and ignore the 2 guys. As I'm walking back down the mall to the stairs, I pass by a window where I realize my friend is in, catching a peripheral vision glance at him. I think that he's having dinner with his girlfriend so I don't want to intrude and continue on (this time the friend looked like my flatmate O too, instead of the randomized classmate at the start of the dream).
    11. #38 - River, rain, and a cave/In my robe at the mall

      by , 10-24-2014 at 10:22 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Tried SSILD again last night, set my alarm for 3:25am. I rolled around in bed a while trying to coax myself to get up, 20 minutes later I did.

      Dream 1 - River, rain, and a cave
      I'm inside a cave, the ground has dryish dirt on it, it's pretty dark inside because there isn't a light source and it's a rainy day outside. I walk to the exit and look outside, the entrance is blocked by a flowing shallow river (knee-thigh deep). I apparently decided I wanted to leave the cave, and headed into the river which had rounded rocks on the bottom, making it hard to wade through. The river only spanned a short 10 metres wide. I looked back down the river and at the cave behind me too, the cave I was in was apart of a large rocky wall, it looked almost unnaturally hollowed out. I managed to cover about 8/10th of the river and was about to reach the riverbank but woke up.

      Dream 2 - In my robe at the mall
      Me and my close friend D are at the shopping mall walking around. I suddenly realize I'm in my robe! I head to a nearby store and buy a blue shirt, some shorts, and a red unbuttoned flannel shirt. For some reason this dissatisfies me, and I tell my friend D to go on without me while I go get some 'cool' clothes. I head off to a different clothing store, this one has nice wooden floors and tall wooden shelves, the shop is quite big. I see to my left a bunch of shirts on sale, but they look like they're for kids, so I go further into the shop and keep searching. I either forgot the rest or woke up.

      2 exams are over and I got 2 weeks to go until my next one, I started doing RCs again today and will be firing up my determination too
    12. Sarek likes me

      by , 10-22-2014 at 03:50 AM (Delenn's dream journal)
      I haven't been paying attention to dreaming much lately. Life has been getting busier. But last night I thought, "I'm going to lucid dream." And I did! It was a little different from other LDs I've had; there was no point at which I consciously thought, "I'm dreaming!" I just gradually became more aware. It was a very long dream.

      I was part of a group of people who had to recapture some kind of relic from an underground place. It was being held by enemies of some kind, maybe orcs. I see it--a small glowing thing--on a ledge about 50 feet away. We manage to sneak by the orcs and capture the relic. Suddenly Sarek of Vulcan appears. I say something like, "Sarek, it's an honor to have your here." He replies, "Your name is no less esteemed." (Seems like a very Sarek thing to say.) I get the impression that we are doing a good job on our missions vs. the bad guys.

      We casually walk out of the place without anyone stopping us. We might've had disguises; I don't remember. Just as we're going through some large double doors, there's an uproar behind us. One of the group, a white woman, shoots up in the air and starts flying. I think for a second that, "Whoa, she just did that. Maybe I can too." So we leave all our bags behind and just shoot up in the air.
      It was around this time that I became lucid. I was thinking that my dream-flying was different from any other time I've done it, that I was more "floaty". I was really enjoying myself. I thought about how I was really lying in bed, and I knew I was starting to wake up. I focused on the face of the woman beside me, in an attempt to stabilize the dream. I don't know her face. The stabilization works, and I stay asleep!

      Later we are in a shopping area, a cute strip mall or something. I think, "I want my backpack." (The one I left behind.) I hold out my hand and make it appear beneath me! This is another 'first' for me. I felt like Q from Star Trek, making something appear just by willing it to happen! Later we are in a different shopping area. I remember the pumpkin challenge for October. There's one pumpkin right in front of me, but it's already broken open and there is trash inside. I go looking for another pumpkin. There's a nice orange one. I plan on using my hand to cut it open, but then I think, "This isn't my pumpkin.. maybe I should ask if I can cut it open." I smile at this person, a black woman. I ask if I can open the pumpkin and she says yes. But at that time the dream abruptly ends.

      I have some funny dream logic. What do I need with bags in a dream, anyway? And do I really need permission to open a pumpkin in my own dream? Silly brain.

      Updated 10-22-2014 at 03:53 AM by 32584

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    13. 10/2/2014

      by , 10-08-2014 at 07:28 AM
      I was in some mall library with my aunt. There was a ghost in the wall that had to do something with dreams. I tried defeating the ghost with someone but I couldn't.

      I was at work walking on an intersection. The light was red and I was putting on some boots. As I did, I felt how comfortable they were. The light turned green and Alberto honked at me and said "You're not in a hurry are you?" and we walked into a mall. He explained how I could get a few stops before depleting the time. We walked into the Hudson stop, where Alberto turned into Dale and started complaining about the wet floor and his bad knee.
      Tags: dorina, ghost, mall, work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Being Skeptical of a Spiritual Healing Store, Murder?, and Topless/Carrying Kids/Real Life League

      by , 10-05-2014 at 02:26 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at the mall with I think my friend Ashley. She had gone off to do her own thing. I was thinking about coloring my hair something crazy, like light blue or pink. I "remembered" when my hair had been very short and straight and a bunch of different colors at once, like in vertical stripes. I remember pink and light blue being two of the colors. I thought my hair had looked quite cute that short.

      I then was in this place where the people there did some sort of spiritual healing ritual. It was very expensive, and I felt like the things they were saying to the customers were generic and recycled; it had no meaning, therefore it held no weight. I didn't want to try it, but they talked me into it. The main person doing it was a man. He said something about my aura being purple. He was using this machine/crystal thing that had a purple glow to concentrate my energy. As it was happening, I felt different, but I wasn't sure if the thing was working or it was just the power of suggestion. When it was over, I didn't want to pay as much money as they were asking so they gave me a discount. I don't remember paying or the amount I paid.

      Something about me getting left at the mall. I believe Ashley had left because we had been there for so long.


      The store from the last dream that did the spiritual healing was somehow a suspect in the disappearance and death of a girl. I was at my friend Grace's house with some other people. The people from the store had brought all the stuff from the store to her house in the living room. We were going to question them. We were then in the kitchen and Grace was pouring us all a glass of milk. I didn't have the heart to tell her I don't drink milk. She was getting glasses out of a cupboard that was very high up. She left a small thing of chocolate milk up there with a tall glass. Everyone else had gone in the other room but me. I opened the cupboard to get the milk out and take the glass, but I then remembered that Grace is picky and was probably putting it up there so no one else would take it. I left it there.

      We were then in the other room with the store people and all their stuff. I think we were trying to play it off like we weren't questioning them or anything, just having a house call or whatever. I felt nervous about it though because I didn't want them to play the game back. I didn't stay in the room for much of the dream.


      I was inside of this pen outside with some other people. It was like it was my job, though I'm not sure what we were doing. There were other pens around as well. I was topless. I hoped no customers saw, but I'm sure they did. I finally put on a light blue t-shirt that I own IWL. I did not put on a bra, however. I then put on the white button up I usually wear to work IWL, though in the dream, it was a much tighter version. I stepped into the shirt instead of unbuttoning it to put it on. I thought I had slid my arms into the sleeves. I then had a jacket or something on over all of that, and I could see that the white work shirt was crooked. I took the jacket off and saw that I hadn't put my arms in the sleeves. I started to do so, and the damn shirt felt so uncomfortably tight around my tummy! I commented about the tightness of the shirt. I put the jacket back on and it was less crooked now, but still kind of crooked. I kept trying to straighten it. You could also see these black circles/stars from the blue shirt (that aren't on the IWL version) peeking out the top of the work shirt.

      I then was in a pen with some little kids (the pens seemed to be segregated by age). One wanted me to pick him up, and I awkwardly did. I was holding him in the middle of my body. I couldn't see while holding him, but I carried him around the pen. After putting that one down at some point, I picked up a smaller, younger little boy. He was probably only a toddler. I decided to try to pick him up another way, the way I usually see people carrying children: On their hip. So I picked him up and carried him on my right side. It was much easier, and the right way to do it. I could see and everything. I carried the child around the pen and gave him to his mom. I then noticed that his mom had one arm and a small stump mid arm for her other arm, as if her arm hadn't fully developed. I then noticed that the child had a leg like that. I hadn't noticed at all. I was proud of myself for not noticing and looking past physical deformity.

      I then wanted to play League of Legends...in real time, though it was much different than real LoL. I watched these kids running around a pen playing it. It was nighttime and dark. The kids all had a light blue spark following/around their heads. I heard this crazy monster noise and one of the kids was attacked and "died". Something happened to the blue spark, though I can't quite recall what. It moved. I didn't see this part, but I knew the kids would respawn. I was then "remembering" the death/respawning happening to me. I couldn't remember what it felt like to be "dead". I wanted to play with the kids, but only certain age groups could play together; I would have to play with adults.
    15. Anti-Rape Movement, Tornado at Disney (Lucid), and Zoning Out at Work

      by , 10-03-2014 at 02:21 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was outside somewhere in a parking lot. I noticed a car with lots of little signs propped up on the hood that said things like "Blow me!" and other similar statements. Upon further examination, I noticed it was an anti-rape thing that people did. It was like you'd put all these vulgar statements about oral sex on your car while it was parked, and it was supposed to be an anti-rape thing.

      The things were then on my car, though in the dream, I had a mini-van or an SUV, not the car I currently have IWL. Dallas didn't like it at all. It made him mad. At one point, I believe he was taking the signs off the car.

      Then, we were inside a mall. There was a table that had all the signs on it. For some reason, I went to go pick the signs off, and noticed there was a necklace at each place. I started to pick up all the necklaces. Some were gold, some silver. I particularly liked one with a large elephant pendant on it, but I knew it would be way too long on me. I then noticed that the table was set for a dinner that was going to take place that had something to do with the anti-rape thing. The necklaces were gifts. I started trying to put all the necklaces back.


      I was at Disney World at Hollywood Studios, though it didn't look like it at all. I was with my mom. We were walking when I looked behind us and saw that The Tower of Terror was collapsing! I also saw other tall buildings collapsing. I thought maybe it was a tornado. I then saw one off the the right destroying more buildings. At this point, I started to question where we were. Was it Disney? It must be. My mom and I started to run the other direction, and I was thinking to myself that you probably shouldn't try to outrun a tornado. We then came across some tall grass and somehow figured that was the best place to go.

      I then was walking towards the ruined Tower of Terror, thinking about how many people had died in the tornado, when I figured out I was dreaming. I did some finger counts, and only came up with 6 once. The rest of the times I came up with 5. I also noticed that my nails were painted. I then tried to stick my finger through my palm, and it went through.

      I knew I didn't have much time left for this dream, so I decided to fly a little. I was right next to the ruined Tower. I was jumping, trying to get into the air. I then remembered to just let myself float, and it worked. I floated effortlessly into the air. I didn't go very high, but I wasn't trying to. I did let myself float a tad higher, and would start slowly sinking down again, so I'd have to do the floating thing again to gain my height back. I floated into the ruins of the tower; it was literally just the base that was left and nothing more, not even a ton of rubble or anything.

      I then couldn't think of what else to do. I decided to talk to my mom, whom I suppose was nearby somewhere, though I didn't see her. I said
      "Hey, you know I'm lucid dreaming, right?"
      She said
      "Yes, but only for like 5 more minutes!"
      "Less than that!" I said back.

      Nothing else exciting happened. A few minutes later,
      I woke up.


      I was walking through a mall, looking for a particular clothing store. I walking through this laser tag place where kids were running around. One little boy was trying to shoot me. I don't even have a vest on, I thought to myself. I then walked out of it and back into the mall. I was at a dead end. I felt as if this is where the store should be, but it was the same stores that I had already passed. I felt silly for going in circles.


      I was at the bakery. Barry, an older man who works there, was in the freezer getting something. I was standing in there as well in front of the open door. I was messing with my phone and just plain zoning out. I then walked out of the freezer and Barry followed. He was carrying a box. Had he needed to get out of there this whole time? I then wondered how long I had been standing there. He hadn't said anything to me about moving, though.

      I then was in a room that doesn't exist IWL. It was dark in the room, but only the colors of everything around me; there was enough lighting in there. There was a chair in the middle of the room. On it, there was a box of what looked like donut holes. It should have been in the freezer. I picked it up, and it was room temp. Wow, it had been out for awhile! I went up to Barry to ask him if I should put them back or what he was doing with them. He told me he was going to eat them. When he said this, along his bottom teeth, I could see this whitish cream that I could only assume was the filling of the donut holes.

      Shannon, my manager, was then there talking to someone, telling a story, but then she switched her attention to telling the story to me. I couldn't really hear her or understand what she was saying, but she was smiling, so I assumed it was a funny story. She then pulled her phone out to show me something on there. I wasn't sure whether I should just go with it, or tell her that I couldn't hear her.

      I then was out in front of the counter. There were these velvet line dividers up like you see at the movie theater that were leading up to the bakery. These two teenage/early 20s guys came up and were asking me something about getting hired, but I couldn't understand them either. I said
      "I'm sorry, what? I can't hear very well."
      They smiled, and I then quickly added,
      "But you don't have to yell." to make sure they weren't going to start talking too loud. My hearing isn't THAT bad.
      They started to speak again, and I still couldn't understand a word they were saying, though I could hear them. I just felt so zoned out. So, logically, to escape the situation, I just fell onto the floor, knowing that it would actually work and I would be somewhere else. I somehow had an inkling that this wasn't reality, but I wouldn't say I was lucid.

      I then woke up.
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