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    1. The Devil Tells A Story

      by , 04-30-2015 at 07:52 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a mall at night. I was in the entryway. I sensed that someone or something is after me. I started to run away. I went to the back part of the mall, and it's no longer night. It's daytime. The place just opened, and there's a small crowd gathering during the ribbon-cutting ceremony, which concluded just as I arrived. I vaulted over an obstacle and jumped around. The place looked like a mini-forest and obstacle course. I passed by (I was moving around all the time) a lot of net and adventure-like structures.

      I was then kong-running (quadrupedal) along the road at night. It's a small two-way(?) road. I was running on the road itself, so I moved to the side (right) to avoid vehicles. I got tired and had to pause but worried that whatever was chasing me would catch up.

      I ended up in some dorm or mini-mall. It was dark inside but daytime. I was hiding. I saw some people run. I also ran and jumped up a fence with spikes. Daytime. That's where the thing chasing me caught me. It turned out to be a devil. It wanted to kill me or possess me for some reason. I didn't feel fear but I felt so sad that I cried hard. I said something like I don't fear dying but I dislike the fact that I will no longer know/hear/learn of stories. I told the devil that I will willingly die if it will tell me a story.

      He told me a story, I think, but I cannot recall. When it was time to die, I complained at first that the story wasn't done yet. He gave me some sort of ice-pick-looking knife with a flat and thick black handle. I was about to pierce my chest with it when the devil disappeared, cursing (or shouting?). I was in the living room in our hometown. I saw that the VHS tape got entangled. I got frustrated that it happened. My sister was there and asked her if she played that before and she said yes. I told her the last part got entangled.



      - Slept at around 2 a.m., woke up at 8 a.m. due to alarm, slept, woke up at 11 a.m.
      - Drank milk before sleeping
      - Slept listening to Sam Harris' 26-minute meditation audio

      Updated 04-30-2015 at 07:58 AM by 47454

    2. Secret group dream

      by , 04-28-2015 at 02:33 PM (Pasta time with patches!)
      I was shopping for clothes. I got a hundred and twenty dollars worth of clothes in two stores. Later on, I saw a woman in the mall who had baby huskies from her adult huskies. When we went to a place in a mall hallway to pick them up, they weren't there. The woman by the dogs told us that she wouldn't say which dogs were where, but we could go to the other place to pick them up.

      So I ran across the mall and took a shortcut through a hockey rink, but there were hockey players skating around the part I was going through. Eventually I got noticed, and I think someone gave up shooting or following me and gave me the gun or blade instead. They acted like it was a joke. However when I found a trapdoor with a screw to open it and started opening it, they said, 'Hey!' and someone chased me. I got open the door, shut it somewhat behind me, and found a set of stairs which I awkwardly started to run up. There was someone's dorm bedroom or something at the first flight of stairs, so I thought about going out that way. However this red headed girl was chasing me up the stairs, in the middle of the staircase opening some how, so I pushed her head down so she fell a flight or two.

      I went up a couple more flights and pushed her down again until I got to the top. There there was a group of people. One said something like, 'Amelia. Definitely not on our side' and Amelia shouted up that, 'British tea is better than Russian tea because we make our tea exclusive!' or something like that. Then the woman at the top loft--the leader, said, 'likely on our side' in reference to me.
    3. Looking for the Office

      by , 04-21-2015 at 05:27 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a mall, looking at the stores along the corridor. There were restos, offices, and an art room. I went into the art room, looking for someone. It was supposed to be an office of a friend, but she wasn't there. The color theme seems to be light green. I also thought there's a hidden doorway there.

      I took a jeep going... somewhere. I was following the lead of another person I don't know. He went down, and I went down, but I have no idea where we were. I started walking in a direction that I thought was correct. The place is reminiscent of the area near Dimasalang in Sampaloc.

      I was in a park party with co-workers. I was walking around. I was thinking of talking about important matters.

      I was watching Mario jump around, and there's a spiny fish that always annoyed me. I thought that Yoshi should be able to eat it. I also thought about how easy it is now to finish the game, unlike before.



      - Slept at around 2 a.m. Woke up to alarm at 8 a.m., but stood up at 8:30 a.m.
      - Listened to Sam Harris audio on meditation upon sleeping.
    4. Gym at Home

      by , 04-15-2015 at 03:09 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in our living room in our hometown.

      I was on the second floor of a mall. On the ground floor, there's a gym. On the second (or first?), there's a grocery store.

      I was looking for the comfort room. I was told by someone there (a friend?) that they might not have one in the grocery store. It might be outside.
    5. War Games

      by , 03-21-2015 at 04:12 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #424 - DILD - 5:33AM

      My sister in law M has a runners backpack on. It looks a lot like the picture below but it all white with red trim and is made of soft, dry-wick, polyester. I really want one of my own for when I start cycling back up as well as trail running. I tell my wife I really want one as I look it up on my phone. The brand is called 'Calender 3' and the model is 'Delilah'. Hmmm sounds girly, but I still like it. I see it costs $30 and I tell my wife that it's not a bad price. I wake up really hoping this backpack is real.

      Another Newbi-ueewndt.jpg

      it's almost 4am so I get up, use the bathroom, and get a drink — generally milling about for a few minutes. I decide to lay back down and spend some time meditating but pass out quickly.

      I am playing some sort of war game on an arcade machine, but I realize that everything I am doing is actually a real battle. I see several other arcade machines lined up next to me and I decide to call in the others to help. Everything is set up outside in near a war torn, dilapidated building. I round a corner and shout, "Hey." someone fires a shot but misses. I use my cell phone to signal so they know it's me. I call out for 5 troops and the come. I realize only 2 or 3 are left so I tell them all to come. One looks like an Imperial Officer from Star Wars.

      Another Newbi-review_scpiett_still.jpg

      My daughters come to join the war game and I set my older up on a fighter jet game. My younger is going to be my co-op player 2 on my game. I have some issue with the buttons and the front has extended like a long table. I have to climb to reach the player 2 button. My son gets in my seat and falls and hits his head. I yell harshly at my younger daughter because she didn't stop him. Then I feel bad for yelling and apologize to her as I hold my crying son on the couch. My older daughter is player her game but she is attacking the wrong country, Japan. I know they will for sure break from the alliance now. Think she may as well do as much damage as possible. I watch as she is flying close to skyscrapers and shooting out windows. The fires off a few rockets but doesn't do much damage. She finally crashes into a building and laughs.

      I stand up and now I am in the living room at home. My daughter and I have some conversation about what just happened and somehow I decide this is all a dream. I say, "I've decide this is a dream." The world almost crashes here, but I stabilize by jumping up and down around the house.. The sensation brings everything back to vividness. I randomly decide to do pull-ups on the chandelier over the dining table. I feel my muscles tense and I wonder if I am some how benefiting from this exercise. I decide to make it 'harder' so I extend my legs forward to the ceiling as I continue pull-ups. I feel physical muscle strain now. This almost wakes me up so I stop and swing off the chandelier into the living room area (it's actually all one big room).

      My son is trying to get outside and I stop him at first, but remembering its a dream, I take him outside with me as we adventure. I decide to have fun in the car and I take time to put him in the car seat. I know it doesn't matter, but it makes me feel better to do this. I wonder if I will have difficulty and waste time fumbling with things, but everything goes smoothly. I hop in the driver seat and turn the key. The car is positioned wrong and I have to back up and turn around. I reverse it and then slam it hard into 'drive' and peel out as I leave the drive way. I drive fast without stopping at intersection and make several random turns. I come to a traffic light and weave around the stopped cars, cutting the others off. I quickly lose interest in driving and my visual weaken. I have to focus the dream back and decide I need to bring the joy ride to an end. I see the road ends at the doors of a department store so I floor it. The effort of the gas pedal make my foot extra tired.

      We crash through the glass and now I am standing in the mall holding my son. There is an extra large RC car about the size of a shopping cart in front of me. It's plowing through kiosks and stands. A young woman in a grey dress screams and runs away. Jerry from work says something about my driving a car into the mall again. Again? I've never done this. A security guard runs up to stop the car shouting the same thing as Jerry. I wake up.
    6. Hill in the Park

      by , 03-06-2015 at 01:52 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was walking away from a place. I saw buses. I was trying to choose one to ride. It's daytime. I see many buildings to the side, but no skyscraper.

      I was inside a mall of sorts. I went to a fruit stand.

      I was with Emman. We were in a park. He was walking up hill/bridge. He was wearing really short shorts.

      I was trying to fly using an airball (Avatar Airbender reference).



      - No alarm, slept at around 1, woke up at around 7 am, but got up at 8.
      - Slept listening to Game Theory. I let it finish.
    7. Water and Earth

      by , 03-03-2015 at 01:36 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was on an adventure. I was traveling on a canoe over icy waters. I was being chased by... something. I entered a cave ahead, and there were two allies. One was an old man and the other was girl. From afar, I heard the wolves howling. I also saw the outline of their handler, a guy with a beard and coat (like a hunter).

      I have to leave the area so that they'll chase me instead of my allies inside the cave. I swung a rope out of the cave and up (coz fuck gravity and physics) and over the cliff outside. I started to climb up and one of the two greywolves (specific) jumped up and bit/clawed me. I felt the pain on my butt (IRL, upper body to neck hurt like hell, but not butt and below) as it did.

      I was able to climb over the cliff. I was above and I tried to save/filter what little water I have left/found. I was debating with myself what was best: using the saucer or using another saucer. Somehow, I felt like I was just wasting the water.

      It felt like I did this adventure before in the same dream and it was just reset, and I somehow knew I should fly down into a cave (a different one?) to complete the quest. I flew down and entered a cave, and inside it was being... bulldozed? There were huge mobile machines that were turning dirt over along with huge, round, rusty coins with a hole (square?) in the center. A huge old man (huge in a cartoonish way with cartoonish proportion) wearing a... lab coat? Anyway, he went out from the inner part of the cave and waved and closed the entrance like a mouth, so whatever was outside wouldn't be able to get in.

      I was led (forcefully?) into the inside part, supposedly like a prisoner/captive. I arrived inside and saw some allies making themselves at home although the looked like a military area with its similar beds and similar lockers. My female ally was dark-skinned and tall, with her ponytail braided. She looked like a Latina Lara Croft. There was also a guy, light-skinned, jock-like. I couldn't remember much of him.

      I was in a mall, grocery store or mall. Red color theme, like National Bookstore. I was buying some stuff. I saw Ivan with a girl outside, and I was expecting to meet him by the entrance, but they weren't there. I thought of SM (mall) and passing by that area. (deja vu about another dream)



      - Fell asleep at around 5:30 p.m.
      - Woke up almost 8 p.m., no alarm
      - Upper-body-to-neck pain, none from the hip below, from parkour training
      - Was watching Cosmos (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)
    8. The Arcade Where It All Began

      by , 02-26-2015 at 08:59 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was lying down on a sofa in the living room of our house in our hometown, the place where I also had a lucid dream. I hear poetry/music. It was my voice. It was rhyming. The words were clear but I worried I won't be able to remember when I wake up. I tried to semi-wakeup to check if I was really dreaming or if it was music. I realized I was dreaming. I tried to remember but got worried, and the last two lines became unclear. The voice was clear but the words weren't. It then suddenly stopped.

      I got stuck in the dream lying on my left. I can't see anything but a pattern of sorts. A clothing pattern? A corner? I heard a voice asking me what I was doing with my eyes. It was my sister. I told her I'm dreaming right now so this happens. I knew I was dreaming so I calmly waited out the vision impairment problem. It cleared up but I "woke up" in another dream.

      I was in some place. A mall? It was night. I played a game or a few games at the arcade. (reminiscent of the first scene in Animorphs book series) I played some fighting games. Somehow, it affected reality.

      I was on the road. I was inside a car. I saw a u-turn ahead, although I think I heard myself or someone else say it's a circle. There's a superhighway above us. All the cars ahead are going our direction including those that are supposed to be on our lane, which caused a traffic problem.


      - Slept at around 2 p.m., woke up at around 3:30 p.m.
      - No alarm
      - Listened to Kelly McGonigal's default mode meditation, fell asleep in the middle, woke up with it finished already although I thought I didn't fall asleep
      - The visual meditation might not be a good idea for dream recall and lucid dreaming...
    9. So, decided to come back with dream recalling!

      by , 02-19-2015 at 09:01 AM
      Don't recall much but my dreams are getting vivider so I guess this is what I gotta do now :3

      Dream 1 :[COLOR="#800080"] I'm in a bus with a muscular asian guy that seems to be my husband. There's a kid (boy) jumping around on all the seats. It then suddenly transforms into a baby and I hold him in my hands. I can't stop staring at him and at the asian guy and then we start to compare our looks with the baby. Seemed like it was ours. After this, all I remember is going to a wedding with them and everybody welcomes me, my asian husband and the kid. We seem like a pretty respected family. [/COLOR]

      Dream 2 : [COLOR="#800080"]I am with my sister in a pet shop. I look around and I see an old woman petting and kissing some swimming hamsters. I suddenly hear a loud sound and the owner of the shop tells me that something bad happened. I see a necklace on the floor, I grab it and then run. I get teleported in this hall that has one room at the end. I run and open the room and there's another hall with ANOTHER room at the end. I open that too and then I see this white room with some keys inside the keyhole and when I try to open it this dude with a bazooka shoots me in the head. [/COLOR]

      Dream 3 (fragment) :[COLOR="#800080"] I'm in a mall that looks very futuristic and there's some old lady near me drinking hot chocolate and I beg her for something.. don't recall what.[/COLOR]

      Updated 02-19-2015 at 09:04 AM by 61851

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Land of the Dead

      by , 02-17-2015 at 04:14 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was a spirit. Dead? I'm on the "other side." I was looking for someone. I saw accidents but they look more like a picture: still and unmoving.

      I found a woman. I went back to the world of the living with her. We had to go through a "portal." It's not a whirling "hole" on the air though. It's like... a field, where everything is hazy, where the land of the living and the dead overlap. I saw the place where the woman will end up, in a camp in the middle of the woods. I thought of how it will be difficult for her to go back to her life since she's already about to be buried. While thinking this, I saw another woman, older than her, inside a tent. The older woman is stopping her from going back. I had to fight her. I used a spear. Eventually, she got torn apart, with her face on a paper/poster on the door (to our garage). I tore it a bit more before opening the door and going outside.

      I was outside a mall. I looked for people I know. They're in the cinema. I went in. There was a talk. I saw Arfel and I talked to him. He looked sheepish for some reason. I went outside. I was in SM Megamall, right in front of EDSA. It's night.
    11. Taking a nice flight

      by , 02-03-2015 at 10:58 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Taking a nice flight (DILD)


      Full Dream (1 pts)
      First DILD (10 pts)
      Advance Flight (10 pts)
      Stabilization (1 pts)
      Advanced Telekinesis (10 pts)
      Invincibility (4 pts)
      Bet (5 pts)
      DC Interaction (2 pts)

      Apparently I was in a shopping mall. We were driving to some place for vacation and we needed to pump gas. As we were in the gas station we found a shopping mall that sold Japanese stuff. We saw a Pokemon store and they had a lot of gadgets. There were some pokeballs and the store owner told me they were real and they had real pokemon. My wife opened one of the Pokeballs and a bastiodon came out:

      I was excited because it was my favorite pokemon and I was wondering if I could take it with me. My wife told me, "Well, this is worth a reality check, because I did not thing they actually existed." I laughe and I said, "I know right?" And kind of looked at my hand making a joke out of it, while I was convinced it was real.
      To my surprise that I had a missing Index finger and realized I was indeed dreaming.

      I think my wife might have left, but I decided to start flying to make my dream stable.

      I wanted to fly at high speed because it always feel very fun to me. I flew very high and I started to see stars, but I did not want to go to space because I wanted to do other dares. I decided to fly like a Kamkaze airplane and see what happened when I hit the ground. I crashed in the ground a little shortly and the ground felt the same like a jumping bed, it was very soft and the ground bounced, even though I did not bounce.

      I wanted to look for a store and find Pandora's box, so I entered a (indian store I believe) and asked for a Pandora box. The retailed said that they did not have that. I was almost insulted saying that it was a lot of non-sense and that I could not buy that anywhere. I then got pissed at him and I wanted to make a big mess in the store. I tried to use Telekinisis but did not work at first. I started to do small jumps and imagined that all the stuff would fall to the ground. A lava lamp, I believe, fell to the ground and the store employee told me I had to pay for that. I kept concentrating and little short after I saw several small items (lavalamps, some soccer balls and I believe, some vases) were flying all around moving randomly around the store. I was laughing and I was told he was calling the cops. For some reason (maybe loosing lucidity) I felt uncomfortable so I visualized all the items crashing to the ground. Most of them crashed but I think some either vanished or just kept levitating.

      I left the store looking for another store to find a pandora's box. As I was trying to find another store, I felt the dream to get very fuzzy and even though I tried to stay in the dream, I failed.
    12. Perfumes in the Mall

      by , 02-03-2015 at 12:50 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a mall with mom. I was trying out the perfumes. I put one on on my wrist and tried to smell it but can't. I asked mom to smell it and tell me what she thinks. It was too strong. I asked the guy in the perfume area to let me try another one. I put it on the back of my hand and tried to smell it again: nothing. I let mom smell it, and she said it's "okay" but nothing special. Those were original perfumes, too. I told her for some reason, I can't smell them. Must be my cold. We left the area without buying anything.

      We passed by a table that lets people sign up for colleges abroad. I forgot which colleges, but I thought of signing up. I thought that mom might not allow me to study abroad.


      - I very rarely dream about perfumes.
      - I tried focusing on my breathing as I fell asleep, hoping it will help me transition to lucid dreaming.
      - This dream happened as I was waking up already. I woke up a few times in the evening and failed to write my dreams.
    13. I decided to go to the light

      by , 01-30-2015 at 04:55 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I took a jeep to the mall. Or did I miss the jeep? It's lunchtime so I'm hoping the library/bookstore is empty of people. I went inside. I saw that Jollibee is closed. I was next to the escalator.

      I was on the second floor or something. It was a school building and everything is dark. There are zombies. There are also sadistic humans who capture others to torture or feed to zombies. I watched the masked human attack a zombie and a captured human. I slipped away silently. I went to the ground floor. I saw a room with the lights on. It was night. I had a voice in my head that asked what choice should I take, like in a video game.

      I decided to go to the light.

      I went inside and saw a boy and a girl, either teenagers or young adults. They're siblings. They seem nonchalant, as if they're not worried of zombies or sadistic humans roaming around. I somehow knew they had another person out in the grounds. I kinda showed them I'm no threat and they seem to accept me, but the other guy who went in is not so sure about me. He looks rugged, and he has a shotgun. He asked me if I have useful information. I told them some stuff (can't remember) and he said they're too generic. He told me to go out and find some useful information.

      I was out in the night on the field. Some light. I saw one zombie and stayed out of its way. Then I saw the boy... fighting? Or is he leading the zombie away? Then I turned back and saw that there's a zombie slowly approaching me. I jumped over the fence.

      It's morning, or at least daytime. I was looking at a beat-up van. The setting looks... suburban-western. The trio are going to the big city or something. I asked where exactly we can find gas. I had a car but it ran out of gas. Somehow, I ended up joining them in their van. I saw a scene of me taking the bus and mom saying bye, as if I'm just going to the city for a visit and there's no zombie apocalypse.

      I was watching a 2-D scene of "us" running from left to right of my vision, cartoonish. We jumped on a bus that's on a boat. Then we jumped over to the pier. The other person needed help being pulled up. I thought of arm training for pushing up the wall and saw Ivan F stretching his arms.
    14. My twin flame helps me with a scavenger hunt to enter a synchrotron

      by , 01-28-2015 at 01:12 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      My twin flame helps me with a scavenger hunt to enter a synchrotron (Non-lucid)


      Full Dream Recall (1 pts)
      Non Lucid Dream from WBTB (failed) (2 pts)

      I was in a big hotel and it was spring. The hotel had huge gardens and a massive pool. Around the gardens, there were smaller pools just to wet the feet and there were tons of flowers and grass.

      I was excited because even though it was warm, there were no bees or other flying insects. I saw a few spiders but I like spiders so I had no problem with them. I saw some signs around announcing a Yugioh tournament with the photo of Pegasus

      I also saw Olga, my twin flame who was hanging out with a friend, and I believe her boyfriend was around there too
      (15 x 2 = 30 pts) and it seems there was some activity of a scavenger hunt going on. I was very delayed because I just noticed it. Olga came to me and kissed me a few times and was very amotional. She told me she would help me to catch up.

      I had to get some coupons to be able to join a synchrotron and do some stuff in there

      I had to go to fast food restaurants and do surveys in exchange of coupons. I needed to rush because Olga's friend was a bit rude with me and she did not want to get delayed (it seems she was in Olga's team or something.) As I did the survey, it was five pages long, but most was text. I also had a folder with a ton of paper masks that apparently I used in a different dream (note: I was not lucid) so I tossed all the masks. When I gave the survey, I could say that a lot of papers were scratched. The guy from the place gave me a ton of extra coupons because he liked my energy as well as 100 euro because it was the payment for the survey. I felt it was an easy way to do money. I went to two or three places more. It was getting close to 7pm, due time to enter the synchrotron. Olga went with me to a mall while holding my arms and her friend was grumpy. We went to a huge mall and we needed to go to a five story store called "Dohuwk"
      (this store was made up, it seems not to exist) and it was a clothing store. I just had to do a small purchase to get the last coupon. As we were walking to it, I said something about Oklahoma. Olga's friend said it was to be said with a different accent and she said it in a strange tone of voice. She also said that she was going to buy a Nissan 15.
    15. Only Three Short-ish Dreams

      by , 01-27-2015 at 03:58 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      January 26, 2015 (With CZ)

      I could NOT sleep last night. Figured I was being good and going to bed early around 10:00... nope. Didn't fall asleep until 11, then woke up at midnight and was awake, trying to fall back asleep, until 4 am, then woke again at 5, and was awake for another hour or so attempting to WBTB and only have about another hour and a half of sleep before my alarm went off D:
      Nevertheless, had a few interesting dreams:

      Cave Tour (between 4:00 and 5:00)

      I was on a tour of a huge cave system. I was with Zukin, a few other people I know, and at least one anime character, though I can't remember which one. I distinctly remember the ceiling getting higher and higher as we climbed up. It was reminiscent of the Carlsbad Cavern if you walk back up. At the top, though, there was a small amphitheater and a projector, and a door in the wall at the very, very back top corner. The projector was supposed to display the night sky on the cave ceiling, with a short presentation about something, but the projector wasn't working. We tried to get it to start working, but nothing was helping. Zukin suggested finding a ranger to help us, but there were none to be seen. In fact, we were the only ones in the whole cave...

      Sleep Over (between 6:00 and sometime before 7:30)

      I was with my mom, and we were visiting Zukin's house. We were in a room divided by a book shelf that was about shoulder height. Each side had a couch, but there was only a TV on one side. We were arguing over who got to sit on the TV side and therefore decide what to watch. I am pretty sure I wanted to watch Doctor Who. On the side without the TV, there were about fist-sized holes along the bottom of the wall, every two feet or so. Zukin's mom mentioned them being homes for the rats she kept as pets.

      The dream shifted a bit and instead of my mom and I visiting Zukin and her mom, it was just me visiting some guy. I was about to leave, but it started storming and my bus was canceled. So I had to stay the night. He was saying that I would sleep on one side of the room, and he would sleep on the other side so I wouldn't feel lonely but also wouldn't be worried about him doing anything. Such a gentleman, though I wanted to sleep on the same side, though I didn't tell him. We stayed up pretty late watching a movie on my side, though, and both ended up falling asleep on the loveseat reclining couch.

      Mall School (right after dream 2)

      I was in a class about dinosaurs. I was listening to the professor get all the information wrong, though I can't remember how it was wrong. I got fed up with all the misinformation, and got up to go to the bathroom. I exited the classroom into what seemed like a mall (I've had a few dreams with malls that have classrooms instead of shops...) and turned left to the bathroom. I skipped the toilet and just went to wash my hands, and might have gotten lucid if my alarm didn't wake me up right then D:
      Tags: cave, mall, school, zukin
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