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    1. [05-03-2016]

      by , 03-05-2016 at 11:16 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was wandering in a mall with my mother. We were looking for something, until we stumbled upon a massage parlor. Mother's DC friend, a black woman with afro hair offered us a free massage. We went down stairs, there was a hallway with doors to massage rooms. The women that worked there were quite hot. My mother decided to take a session, while I hesitated and declined. I went back to entrance, but then I decided to check what it's worth and went back, but all the women were busy.
    2. [04-03-2016]

      by , 03-04-2016 at 03:08 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was preparing for a school trip. Suddenly I woke up in the bus, my teacher was sitting in the front part of bus, directly in front of me. There was a weird string going from doors of bus. I grabbed it and pulled. It was really long, and placed firmly in the doors.

      Suddenly I woke up again. I was lying on two seats. There were two girls sitting in row in front of me. I looked around and wondered how I changed my position. One of the girls looked at me, she had curly brown hair and green eyes. I tried to lie down some more, but others regulated backs oh their seats that they almost crushed me. The bus stopped and we had a chance to visit a mall. I tried to put on my shoes, but I already had some on. I entered one of the sections of mall. There were loads of junk food on shelves. I went straight to checkout assistant and asked if there's a toilet nearby. I took the door that was nearby and ended up in a hospital hallway. I moved to doctors office and went back to the streets.

      I could see the bus from afar. I went towards it, but someone caught my arm and stopped me. It was a man with short, black hair. He had beard and moustache, and he was wearing industrial era worker clothes. He retired to so me, but I moved on. He drove a bike after me, and when he got close, he left it and charged at me. I jumped and dodged, trying to counter his attacks. I was a bit scared and all sweaty. He took a broad, gladius like dagger and tried to slash me. I felt adrenaline rush, but my mind was still calm. I thought "He should throw that knife at me, and I should catch it.". He did as I thought - thrown his weapon. I caught it and stabbed him in the heart. Then I moved back to bus.

      I got teleported away and had to play a game in which I chose spot and DC bird flies towards it. My goal was to kill a snake that hypnotized whole city and was ruling it. I failed and the game changed into nor sure scrolling adventure than a strategy. It was really similar to Captain Claw game.
    3. #193 - Shopping / Shannara

      by , 01-23-2016 at 06:39 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Shopping
      I remember being outside of the mall chilling out on a seat, I believe I had a bag of stuff I had bought. I noticed my ex girlfriend shopping in a Pagani shop for clothes. There's also a group of random girls (maybe late high school) that she gets annoyed about because she doesn't want to talk to them or something? They're outside and my ex has to wait until they go before it's safe to leave. Mean while she continues to change clothes while I just chill, every time I look back at her I see that she's wearing something new. Short shorts (hot damn), jeans, etc. The group of girls walks into the Pagani shop too now, my ex looks through the window and sees them entering and looks at me showing how frustrated she is with the girls. I decide I'll go walk in and say hi properly.

      Dream 2 - Shannara
      I remember that I'm in the world where the Shannara chronicles take place. I watched the first episode of the tv series yesterday and it seemed to effect my dreams . In the post-apocalyptic scenario I was traveling with Allanon, the princess, the rover and maybe the half-elf Will. Something happens between the characters, there's another group where I think Allanon had travelled with the leader for a time. One of the leaders underlings got upset when someone passed away and blamed it on Allanon. The place we were in at the time was this huge abandoned underground base that was built to protect people from nuclear attacks. One of the characters showed the blue elfstones to another character, who acted stunned and said 'I need some fresh air'. Only, that person then secretly took the elfstones and left.. The underling who blamed Allanon at this point had a hissy fit and set a nuke to rain down on us. Alarms start ringing and the doors to the base close up. There's a certain "Oh no! That person is still outside!" (the person with the elfstones). Allanon looks up at the closing doors, he's flabbergasted.. The idea that so much life will be destroyed saddens him. I also remember a 'space-view' of the weapon launching the nuke, it had these huge hangar doors much like the ones we were being protected by in the base. We're all wondering what to do now that we've noticed the person stole the elfstones. Apparently the rover girl switched them by covering the real stones in black soot and handing the girl 3 other stones. This part confuses me as I was pretty sure it'd be hard to make any pebble resemble an elfstone :/. I don't catch on that it's a dream though.
    4. Anti-Semitism Sentiments

      by , 01-04-2016 at 07:33 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Jan 2, 2016

      I traveled to BGC to a condo unit. I think Rob and/or Lico was there.

      Someone needed to take a cab. I wrote down a number for GrabCar or something.

      I was lining up in the MRT. There's a sale in a mall nearby. People are also lining up, but they're on tiles (like in Civilization). I moved a bag on one tile out so people can use it. Or I think someone else took out the bag.

      There was a game of some sort where everybody wins an apple. Literally one piece of apple. I thought that was ridiculous.

      I was on a rooftop of a building. Alex and Bishie were there I think. They're playing around. I can see the height from the edge of the roof of the building. Several stories high.

      A videogame. An old man and a monster. "Panga-yao."

      I was talking with a person about how Jews are gaining power and oppressing everyone else, including Muslims. There's a hint of anti-Semitism and conspiracy theory. I mentioned to the person how hypocritical that is, defending one religious group (Muslims) while demonizing another (Jews). The person tried to it dismiss it and change the topic.



      - Most of the dream was hazy but the last part where I was arguing with the person was very lucid. Too bad it ended quickly.
      - The person is familiar in real life but I forgot his/her name.
    5. Lucids #2-6: Summaries. Flying, pillow talk, texting, a canal, a mall, and more!

      by , 01-02-2016 at 08:42 PM (Pasta time with patches!)
      I'm posting all of these ones together because these are ones I had before but forgot to put on here when I had them. If you think I should split them up, just say so.

      #2 Got lucid and started to fly across a small lake. My body was positioned horizontally like a bird. It was quite vivid. Lots of blues and greens. (lasted 30 seconds or so)

      #3 I forget if this was number 3 or 4. It doesn't really matter. Anyways, I was with this other woman, sitting on a bed, waiting for this one man to come home. We looked in eachother's eyes and said, 'We're dreaming, right?' or something along those lines, and I realized I was dreaming. (30 seconds)

      #4 I dreamt I was texting my boyfriend in Dutch on the computer--then I realized I was dreaming. I tried to type some more stuff when lucid, but it was super slow and pretty much impossible. (30 seconds)

      #5 In this one I was looking at my parents old lake property. After studying it, and noticing how it looked similar to how I remembered, I realized that I was dreaming, because we sold that place to other people. I then realized I was standing on the other side of a small canal (like those on the side of the road in the Netherlands) and I saw my dad sitting on a chair in front of one of the reddish houses that were attached together. On the right, it merged into the old lake property in an interesting way. I told my dad what I observed.

      Then, I tried flying across the canal to my house, but it was much slower than I was used to. It was neat looking at the vivid scenery when I did so though. I did get to the other side, and I think I walked around/looked around for a bit, and then woke up. (5 minutes)

      #6 So I was at a mall, and there was this mood ring display sitting near the exit. It had all sorts of mood rings with cool blue/purple/so on colours. They were personality mood rings, sort of. Let's just say they described certain NSFW identities/roles. I think I looked for one that fit me.

      I saw my dad further inside the store, and he looked like he was getting ready to leave. so I started to walk up towards him but then I realized how vivid it was, and decided to try flying (I thought it had to be reality, it couldn't be a dream). To my surprise but not surprise, I succeeded.

      So I flew over to my dad, around 1 meter off the ground, and told him i'd be checking out the mood rings. He said okay, and I think he gave me a jar of spaghetti. so I took it, and flew back to find the mood rings. I suspected that the stall had probably disappeared, and when I flew in the space between the two doors I saw that it had.

      During all this I was looking around at the vivid mall scene, and occassionally refocusing. It was painfully vivid almost, and it felt like my eyes were open even though they were not. I finally lost focus when I was at where the moodrings were, and the scene went grey. However, I still felt the jar of spaghetti in my hands. I thought, 'No, it couldn't be', and I pressed my hands against it, and it felt real. So I opened my eyes and saw the spaghetti jar under my sheets, with a bit of a spaghetti sauce stain on one of them. I wondered how the heck I took a spaghetti sauce jar to bed, so then I realized I might still be dreaming, and then i woke up--I think?

      Either that, or while I had the jar I started to chat on my phone in the dream and maybe tell about the rings and me randomly holding a jar of spaghetti. I think gab reacted to it somehow (in the dream chat). Anyways, and then I woke up! (Probably lasted 5-10 minutes).
    6. Food, Movie Theater, and Planning a Trip

      by , 12-13-2015 at 07:28 PM
      I remember only fragments. There were some images of random women eating junk food. Then there were three identical model-looking women at a table, sitting side by side, eating small bowls of junk food.

      Next I remember finding a bag of soybeans in the refrigerator. I thought they were supposed to be in the freezer but I think maybe they have thawed out and I can eat them now. I start eating the soybeans but they are not good cold and are not thawed all the way.

      Then I went to the movie theater with my boyfriend. It must be a movie theater in a mall because on the way to the theater we pass by a cute dog shopping with people. It's not big, but it is like a medium sized dog with white and brownish-orange fur. It's fur isn't long but just kinds of sticks out a little bit and is soft and silky. I tell the dog it is cute and then look to see who the dog is with and it is two women who are busy shopping and looking at clothes. One of the women is holding the dog's leash.

      Later me and and my boyfriend pass by the dog again, but it is just with one blonde-haired, tall white woman in her 40's. The dog breaks the leash and runs. The woman is frustrated as she is holding up the piece of the leash. My boyfriend goes to help the woman with the dog as I walk into the theater.

      Before the movie starts there is a pre-show. There are three boy singers. I call them boy singers because they look like they belong to a boy band but they are solo singers and they are not boys but either teenagers or in their early twenties. Anyway, they are not a group but are doing a collaborative singing performance. The theater is kind of crowded. I am wearing a black mask over my eyes and am wondering what people are thinking about me, like if they are thinking that I have eye injuries in both eyes and if they are wondering why I am coming to watch a movie if I can't see it. But I actually can see it because I peek out from under the mask and eventually take it off. (IRL I was wearing a black sleep mask while I was sleeping but in the dream didn't find it odd at all that I was wearing it in the movie theater.)

      The movie starts and it is some kind of Rugrats Christmas movie. It didn't seem like the kind of movie my boyfriend would want to watch. The movie is not all on one big screen but on two smaller screens on two different walls. After some time the screens turn off. A chubby white woman with puffy, curly, blonde hair walks in and says something about how someone is in the wrong theater. It is me. I walked into the wrong movie theater and my boyfriend must have told the movie theater people I was lost. They say my name and I raise my hand but then feel silly for doing that but I think no one notices so it is ok. I wait a little bit and then walk out of the theater. Later I check my email and my boyfriend has sent me a picture that he drew. It is a very pretty picture and the message says that the picture was inspired by the raccoon retreat.

      Then the last dream I remember is having a map out planning a trip but the map is wrong because the states are in the wrong places. I am wanting to go somewhere near the coast. The map has lines and colors and I am wondering what the lines and colors mean. The colors are temperatures and I think the lines are elevation but that doesn't seem right.

      Updated 12-13-2015 at 07:31 PM by 89446 (had to pick the category)

    7. #174 - The Mall / Animal Alarms

      by , 12-06-2015 at 08:28 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - The Mall (02:00)
      I remember sitting at the mall thinking that I had a chance to be chosen for something. There seemed to be limited spaces (about 4) and they were selected by a god-like figure. I think the area I was sitting in was the outside courtyard in the new segment at the mall. There were some emotions of anxiety I think about whether or not I'd be selected, I knew I had a chance, but I was still nervous because I wanted to be chosen.

      Dream 2 - Animal Alarms (07:00)
      In the same courtyard as the previous dream I'm at a meat restaurant that me and my parents went to yesterday. My mum was to my left and my dad was in front of me (the same as the seating was in RL). We had asked someone about these animal shaped alarm clocks and they went to get someone to explain it to us. Hmm? A little girl comes up and explains everything to us, she starts listing down the different colours and shapes of animals available. I think she had to do it as like a learning thing for her school or something, but I was impressed by how she memorized so much. I only recall 2 of the different animals, the beetle and the giraffe, but there were many others. I don't think I was listening properly and zoned out when she was talking and then zoned back in when she was finished.

      I think the animal alarms dream happened a bit earlier in the night but I managed to remember it when I was getting out of bed. Also my dreams seemed to be restricted to the mall, probably because I spent almost my entire day having to meet people there. I had a few beers which affected my recall too ^_^. The intensity of waking up and writing a full dream out on paper is a bit strenuous on the sleep cycle, but it seems to be working really well.

      I didn't manage to get 3 dreams (it was the last night needed to complete my dream goal) so it's reset again.
    8. Parkour on the Train Tracks

      by , 11-25-2015 at 10:26 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a house/apartment. I was looking for something. I was supposed to just stay there temporarily. I think it was after the death of the owner, an old man. I'm not sure how I'm related to him. It was night, and I was looking for the bathroom. For some reason, I can't find it. Then there were ghostly apparitions and then a vampire-like monster. I was able to turn it "off," as if a game, although I wasn't scared. More like annoyed and frustrated for not getting to a bathroom.

      I was able to visit a friend (who?) and I used their bathroom. The water was warm. Then I'm not sure whether I was peeing in the right area. It might be their sink, but it was made of solid cement.

      I was looking at a small representation of some hills and a lake. It acted like a game map. I saw lines and arrows of where I'm supposed to go but it keeps changing and mixing because I'm "clicking" all over the place.

      I went outside our building. I climbed up to the train station, but not through the stairs. I climbed up, easily, through the walls and to the elevated tracks. A train just passed by but it was going the opposite direction (south) of where I was going (north). I was thinking whether I should walk to the station (a bit north). I decided to run on the tracks instead. I parkoured my way over obstacles. It felt liberating, especially when I saw how high I was able to jump up and landed precisely on a small ledge. There was a nice background music playing while I was doing this, which made it even more awesome. Not quite opera voice, and there were background instruments.

      I arrived near my destination (SM Megamall though it doesn't like anything like it). I got a little lost first but quickly found my way. I was in an area where there are some construction going on. I arrived at the area where they have sci-fi human-art installation. Basically, there were monks/priests and nuns and KOAs, and they were "attached" to sci-fi art (spaceships?) that are, in turn, attached to the ceiling/trees. One monk was even moving a bit, and the person holding him doesn't seem to be making an effort.


      - I was tired and sleepy. I was also hungry, but my sleepiness and tiredness overpowered me before I slept.
      - I slept around 3pm. I had instant coffee around 10am though.
      - Last night, I slept a good 7 hours.
      - I took Bioflu (paracetamol + phenelephrine) around noon coz I felt like I was going to get sick. Might have caused the sleepiness.
    9. #26: Councillor / Toilet shower / FA / Family Fight

      by , 11-05-2015 at 11:33 AM
      » I'm in my student room. I believe I'm standing in front of the couch and sort of leaning over it, because I'm kissing a girl that's on the couch. Then my girlfriend enters the room. She stays in the door opening and when I turn around I'm surprised to see her and have an 'ow shit' moment. She is clearly upset. The girl I was kissing was her though. She's there twice.

      » I'm in a big shop or more likely a mall. I'm by myself, though there are other people in this mall. I remember seeing some clothing for sale as well as an escalator that goes up. I don't specifically recall taking the elevator, but I do recall being on a higher floor at some point. There's a big playing area. It's colourful and I remember the colours red and yellow. It looks a bit like a bouncy inflatable area. There are no people and there is glass in front of it. I'm standing behind the glass. I am playing somehow through using the controls which are placed there. At some point there are 2 or 3 people standing besides me. On the right is a girl who works here. There's something about there being semi-dried up yoghurt on the control table. I don't remember spilling it, but I believe I apologise.

      » I'm sitting on the edge of my mother's bed. My 1 year old cousin is in the bed. She crawls out and onto the ground, where she stands up. Then she decides she wants to be in the bed again, so I lift her up and place her back. I cover her with the blanket. I don't remember why, but she says my name. On the one hand I feel it's weird/impolite that she calls me by my name, without adding uncle in front of it, on the other I don't mind too much.

      I'm at my uni. I just arrived somewhere to meet with a student councillor. There is a long grey desk and I'm talking to my councillor through Skype. It feels weird to talk to a councillor who I don't even know on Skype. It feels so informal. I ask her some questions about my thesis and perhaps also some other stuff. At the end I think she asks if I have any more questions. I jokingly reply that I don't, unless she has good ideas for my thesis subject. She doesn't like the joke and would like to stop the conversation now. We kinda sit there awkwardly for a few seconds because she doesn't hang up, so I press the hang up button. Usually when I use a screen (tv/laptop/etc) in my dream it is fullscreen and I don't see anything else. I don't think that was the case this time.

      Toilet shower
      I'm in my room at my mom's house. My desk is standing where my bed is supposed to be. This is the way my room was arranged years ago. I'm sitting at the desk, using my laptop, which I don't see in fullscreen. I have Chrome open; one regular window and one incognito window. I open a porn site in the incognito window. At least that was my intention, but there is sound playing and I have no clue from where it's coming. I switch back to the regular window to find the porn site there. Then I suddenly get an extreme urge to pee. I don't recall going from my room to the toilet, but that's where I am. I'm standing in front of the toilet peeing, I think with the seat down. I can't recall aiming wrong, but in the end there is a puddle on the right side of the toilet. Somewhere high up on the left is a knob which I turn to turn on the shower. The pressure is high. I think it's a bit cold, but I don't really mind. I distinctively recall hearing the song Ghetto Gospel by 2Pac & Elton John playing somewhere in the distance.

      I have a FA. I climb out of my high bed and perhaps even perform a RC at some point, but it fails. The idea of it being a dream is present, but not that strong. My room is definitely not what it's supposed to be. The window is made up of a huge amount of tiny windows which can all be opened/closed and the windowsills are made of wood. I see a row near the top which are all left upon. Ahh so that's the reason why my room has been cold for all these years.
      There's more to this, but I can't remember what. Nothing much happened, but the window seemed to be the focus of this dream.

      » I'm in my taekwondo class. We're running laps for the warming up. There's a row of shopping carts placed in the room, so I move them to the side. I'm a bit scared of doing taekwondo, as I'm doubtful about my knee being up for it.

      Family fight
      I'm in my mom's living room. She's there, as well as I believe 2 of my cousins, a guy (20) and a girl (21). My cousins are sitting on the couch, I'm standing in the middle of the room and my mom just entered from the hallway. I'm messing with her a bit and the situation escalates. I think she's laying on her back on the dinner table. My guy cousin takes a hold of my left leg and raises it quite high, leaving me standing on my right leg. I tell him to watch out because I can't handle this situation well due to my knee surgery. In reality my right leg is my good one. This idea is present somewhere to the back of my mind, but I want him to let me go either way. I tell him that if I get injured because of this I will knock him out. My mom's boyfriend enters the room too. He's the type of guy that is always talking and always knows best, so of course he has something to say about all this. Eventually I'm walking out of the living room into the hallway, with my mom's boyfriend standing there in front of me. I'm grumpy and I don't wanna talk to him right now.
    10. #140 - Gym / The law

      by , 10-26-2015 at 08:58 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream 1 - Gym
      I remember being on the pathway near the gym and looking out over the nearby green grass rugby field. There are the typical huge trees that are spaced alongside the walkway, but I don't recall actually doing anything

      Dream 2 - The law
      I forgot the better part of the dream and only remember the ending. I seem to be running after someone in the mall. I think I might be a girl? O_O. There is someone who is with me and while we're on the chase we pass through a clothing store. The store clerk is a young person who does something rude (like purposely gets in our way or pushes us).. This pisses me off, there are apparently laws against people like me hitting people like him (possibly sexism related?). My partner thinks we should just leave but I get this sudden 'I ain't taking shit from you' attitude . "Let's get him for that" I say, and trip up another young guy (he had a surfer kind of blonde afro hairstyle and a few pimples) who was just walking into the store. The guy stumbles forward and slams into the store clerk. The store clerk is on the ground in front of a changing room so I step over and casually open the door, slamming it into his face brutal. Apparently if a shop door hits someone then it isn't the fault of the customer, it's the store clerks fault ^_^ there are some weird rules in this dream. I seem to be a guy again (phew) and I need to go toilet. I'm with a few friends (John, Dave and another guy called Fraser) and I tell them I'm going to the restroom. I use the urinal and the others decided they need to go to, they all come and take a leak. For some reason I keep on going for ages, I started first and finished last ^^ such a weird dream.

      Updated 10-27-2015 at 12:41 AM by 71238

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. #132 - Landslide / Horrible Scream

      by , 10-17-2015 at 10:45 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream Fragment - an ex
      Seem to remember being in a tent or something, a girl I knew in high school that I hooked up with once was there. Her bf was around and I remember thinking that I would have to reject her or something?

      Dream 1 - Landslide
      I'm at my parents house (I think this scene is coming up more because I'll be heading home in a month), and I get the feeling the house is unstable. I was looking at the house and the wooden support beams seemed so weak, I thought of how we would need to add more support to counter the chances of it sliding downhill. Then something crazy happens, it's like the dream doesn't even know what it wants to do. The house apparently undergoes a landslide, but it's more like the lawn has been ripped up in a strip parallel to the house. The apple trees are on this strip of lawn too. Me and my dad immediately jump into action, we absolutely have to push this strip of land back uphill. He's on the far left and I'm on the far right. We lift it up and push as hard as we can, this thing realistically must weigh more than a couple elephants. So strong O_O. It's weird because when I look over to my dads side we've reached the top of the slope around the middle of the lawn, but the apple tree is still where it originally was on the lawn. We have to push the apple tree on the lawn strip over the apple tree on the lawn itself... We have two apple trees in RL but this still doesn't make sense. My dad shouts to roll the lawn over the top of the tree. It's an epic struggle but we succeed. My mum is apparently stressed out and having a glass of wine inside the house to calm down . We have such rotten luck apparently (in RL my parents got charge some several thousand for some screw up with a company that wasn't their fault) and my dad says that we must be cursed. When he says this I think of Japanese customs and how in our western culture we don't pay respect to house gods. The dream scene changes, now there is a little house god (I seem to be thinking of it as a little childs ghost) next to me who I interact with, I seem to be inside too. The place doesn't look like my parents house and has a nice wooden floor. There is another child ghost that intrudes into the house gods territory which it isn't supposed to do. This ghost has black hair.

      Dream 2 - Horrible Scream
      Argh... This dream I woke up from with this horrible scream echoing in my head. I was at the mall in Auckland and my daughter and dad were with me. I was looking after my daughter for the day but anytime that she got upset she would let out the most annoying cry, it was more like the most frustrating alarm clock sound. It was a shrill pulse-cry that wasn't even slightly like how a child should cry. Anyways... We were around the entrance to the mall after having been driven there by my dad. My daughter was upset because she wanted to be with her mum. I remember feeling the sudden gaze of the people around being drawn to the public display of my crying child, I've mostly grown to ignore this kind of judgement in RL. I comfort my daughter and let her know she's okay, she still cries a little bit though. I see a baby walking past behind her, it stops, looks in our direction and its face starts contorting into a crying face. My god, what the hell? I absolutely can't let my daughter see this as I think it will make things worse. My mum (my daughters grandmother) shows up and my daughter calls her "Kora" which is supposed to be her mums name with a weird accent. I don't click to the fact that she called her by the wrong name. My mum seems to be able to calm her down a bit. This dream was somehow nice but stressful ^_^
    12. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 08-24-2015 at 08:10 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Have been out of state on vacation this weekend. Picked up a cute little pocket-booklet that I can easily bring to work and jot down quick notes about my dreams. Had notes for a couple, but I didn't feel like trying to type them out on a phone, because ew. Am home now, which means it's time for another....



      Ugh, this always happens when I need to do it in real life. In and out of bathrooms I go, unable to find relief. My anxiety over using restrooms in public doesn't help matters. Neither does finding that all stalls in one of the bathrooms are weird plastic pod things with seats that are pretty much totally exposed. Even when I finally score a suitable stall--a nice roomy one against the wall--and lock it, somehow another girl barges in right as I'm sitting down. I consider waking up, but decide trying to scrounge up a shirt to use the actual bathroom isn't worth the trouble, and instead head back into the theatre.


      This can't be happening. No. No fucking way.

      I hurry out of the car, reaching for my phone, as the man who just shot my father notices me and steps around the vehicle. Black jacket, spiky white hair, he's obviously a punk. A punk with a gun leveled at my head. I manage to get the police on the line and quickly relay the fact that my dad has been shot, but realizing it's going to be several minutes before any help arrives I hastily toss the phone to the tiled ground.

      For my dad's sake, I take matters into my own hands.

      Dipping behind a triangular structure, I bait the punk, pointing my finger at him like a gun and saying "bang!"--like a damn child. Nothing's happening, so I consider switching to a sword, but decide No, I can make this work. At this point, the punk has fallen for the bait, following after me as I swing around the freestanding obstacle. He's on the other side now, expecting to catch up to me around the corner, but he's also an idiot, so it's only natural he looks so dumbfounded as I seemingly defy gravity and vault over the barrier. As I descend in a long arc, I pull from my Modern Warfare 2 and Halo Archetypes and fire a few rounds from my finger gun, which has taken on the properties of both a Desert Eagle and M6G Pistol. One of the shots connects with his shoulder and I hear that trademark soundclip signaling I've made a hit, but he's still standing.

      Running even.

      Leaping down, into an atrium.

      I leap after him, but he's landed and already taking aim.

      He shoots...it's a perfect shot.

      I'd be dead to rights, the bullet taking me between the eyes, but this is me we're talking about.

      My perception slows as I track the searing lead. Moving at inhuman speeds, I dart my head to the side, avoiding the shot completely. Again, the punk seems surprised. Landing on one foot, I immediately push off towards the walls, dashing and gliding along them whilst unleashing a flurry of bullets. Most find their mark and punk finally goes down...

      Later, at the police station, I embrace my father. He's alive and healthy, and I couldn't be more relieved.

      Updated 08-24-2015 at 09:34 PM by 25167

    13. #195. Keeping Up Appearances

      by , 08-13-2015 at 04:10 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Mulcair kicks Harper out of his office, and the group of politicians and staffers watch a jug on the desk to see whether their party actually won the election. If the jug fills up with mostly orange liquid, the NDP definitely win.

      They do, and the newspapers are printing stories that are all about the doom of Canada.

      I'm apparently one of the staffers. Mulcair seems nice, even though (in the dream) he has a reputation of being quite cold and ruthless.


      There's a family similar to the Queens in the first season of Arrow. The younger sister is angry and hurt because she's being deliberately shunned by another member of the family. They're in public, but she runs away from the group anyway, despite the paparazzi that are around. Some of them follow her, and she ducks into a seller's tent that is inside the mall to hide from them.

      Later, a group of us are in an elevator. I'm examining the multiple security cameras, which apparently aren't operational because the family demands a lot of privacy.

      There's a problem with the elevator. On the main floor, about half of us pile out quickly before the doors slam shut behind us and the elevator quickly starts going back up. The technician is working on the elevator so that it will come back down and let the other people out.

      I briefly see the person that I reported to directly in a job that didn't work out very well earlier this year.

      Beyonce is performing inside the mall.


      I'm a teenager having a sleepover. We're all girls. There are three of us. One of the girls might not have asked her parents if she actually was allowed to sleep over.

      We talk about how one of the girls really didn't like the imagination game that we were playing. I said that maybe we should play Gargoyles or something. She asks if that's a computer game? I say no, we could just pretend we were gargoyles, that would be more exciting than pretending we were in school (or that we were having a sleepover?)

      That girl goes home in the morning. I ask her to tell her brother to call me (while making the "call me" hand gesture.)


      There's narration, and a set. I'm both in the story itself and the story is being filmed. It's all about a whole bunch of "darker" characters interacting with one another. One of the characters who exists in the light is fascinated by the idea of talking to a couple of the characters who stay in the shadows.
    14. June 13th 2015 Green Eyed Dream Girl, Sex in Restaurant, Riding Roller Coaster Through Mall

      by , 07-28-2015 at 01:10 AM
      (forgot to add color coding)Looking at my past LD journals with pictures inspired me to get back to doing that after taking two months off. I can quickly relive those nights by scanning through the pictures I find that remind me of the scenes. I will at least try to catch up with my favorite LD's not logged here over those last two months.

      June 13 2015
      Sex in void materializes after scene with beautiful green eyed bright blonde dream girl!!! (hair's wrong, but otherwise, pretty good representation)

      Starts with kissing very realistically and on to sex.

      Uncle D, dirty jeans tall old guy fight I blow myself bigger and taller and face him down after realizing I'm dreaming again. I can and I play with getting taller and then getting smaller, up and down.

      then about 20 guys show up after a brief thought of the possibility of getting overwhelmed, I calmly punch one at a time, I am in control here!

      Restaurant sex one main partner but multiple women
      Spoiler for sexual content:

      I look for other cute DC's and float through the restaurant and towards the far end but start uncontrollably floating up through the roof and into the void. I stay calm and do different motions until the next scene forms. One is kind of an undulating swim like a dolphin and the other motion is a funky walk.

      Arcade some look looking for girls right age..most too young.

      One little boy in black shroud somewhat creepy but no fear I pick him up

      and mom comes and hand him to her she's cute and looks a bit gypsy or mystical with heavy eye liner. I think of past nld's with hoards of coins and go to change machine and just materialize coins, two fist fulls.

      I see a big screen game and think about Sensei or someone who mentioned playing a game in dream and throw some coins towards it. Two game guns materialize, revolver style, and I shoot at objects and characters on the screen

      and then turn my arcade guns on the arcade patrons with varied effects. None bloody...either fall down or look at me silly. Bored with anymore of that I walk further down and start thinking ok this being an arcade let me make this an amusement park and I walk forward and say OK when I turn left then the entrance to the

      Roller coaster will be here. Sure enough there are two swinging wooden and metal gates kind of small

      but I say okay I'll sit down in front of these gates and mentally push the gates open and the rollercoaster will start all this mentally of course and sure enough I start zooming out and up a steep angle fast swooping around before some slower parts of the roller coaster. I can see the track forming in front of me.

      It's a fairly impressive and narrow track but that is not important it's the motion and excitement of a roller coaster. I am in the front car or perhaps the only car of the roller coaster. I soon find that the coaster has taken me into the middle of a huge open area in a six or seven story mall at least

      and I'm going up and down and every direction mentally changing the speed when its not going fast enough and mentally changing the ups and downs when I want it to be more thrilling. I am laughing out loud in the dream and feeling true joy and amazed and how I can experience all of this in my dream at will!!! I look around more to take note of any stores and they seem mostly like mall food court restaurants and none of them seem recognizable but there are some retail stores mixed in.

      After a bit more zooming around and
      finally feel myself back in bed I'm smiling your ear trying to stay sleepy and dreamy while I recount my adventures and try to figure out if I can go back to sleep without getting up to pee. Counted this series as #339-340

      6/7 Female is naked and I become lucid. I turn her into Girl Friday. 337

      6/12 DILD seemingly out of the blue with no induction and a poor day. The way the car is not driving straight despite keeping the steering wheel steady cues me in that I am dreaming. 338

      Updated 07-28-2015 at 10:13 PM by 61674 (add color coding)

      memorable , lucid
    15. #99 - lots of familiar people

      by , 07-14-2015 at 01:10 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      I had a lot of dreams last night... At one point I was helping some friends who got their kayak stuck in a river, I jumped around acrobatically and reached it, then pushed it down towards them. There was a wooden deck with a roof next to this river which we sat down on, my daughter sat on my lap and began singing to me while we were all just hanging out.

      Another one is where I was with my close friends Sam and Daniel, I can't recall much but I think we were in a mall and were walking around into shops, I saw my mum there too while she was looking at jewelery..

      A lot of familiar faces last night
      Tags: arya, daniel, kayak, mall, mum, river, sam
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