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    1. The party

      by , 03-13-2015 at 05:13 AM
      I was at my grandmothers sitting in a weird room with a couch. Everyone in my immediate family was there except my mom. We were wondering where she was when all of a sudden we found out she died. Then I was really sad. Then I must have had a slight FA or even a real awakening because I remember sitting in bed sad because of what had happened. Then she came to the couch and she was missing her legs, but seemed happy. Then I remember the dream changed to a different place. Then their was a party going on in some weird room at my grandmothers. It was a dark room with accent lighting, dark brown/black walls. There was chairs all around the room and in each of them was an adult. They sat there drinking beers. Then they started to go crazy. They said mean things to me and then I said something mean back to them and heard them laughing as I left the room. Then I was in another room I do not recall, one of the drunk adults came out of the room and then smashed his fist on my dads head. This scared the heck out of me and then sent an intense fear response in the dream, and I even felt it in real life.

      What an odd dream. My attempt at WILD failed.
    2. competition night 11, Tue 3rd Feb - Sailing and 3x pseudo-FA

      by , 02-04-2015 at 10:55 AM
      Dream one:
      I'm with my brother and a couple of randoms and I'm tying a knot to keep a sail tied onto the top of its mast, I do a clove hitch and a loop round turn with a highwayman's hitch to hold it in place, explaining to the randoms that it's a good idea to have a quick release knot in case of emergencies.

      Jofish takes the small boat and starts sailing it around the very shallow lake we're in (I'm still standing in the water watching him do turns and even a couple of jumps in the boat)

      [I wake up to my alarm and then fall back to sleep in what I guess was technically not a FA because I did actually wake up and turn my alarm off.]

      Dream two:
      I'm trying to get up but I'm lying in bed with my eyes really struggling to open. I take the fact that I can just about see what looks like reality as an indication that I'm awake after all even though struggling to open my eyes is a dream sign (it usually means my light box is shining in my face and my dream imagery is struggling to be seen). I get up and start telling Jofish about the dream he was in while trying to get up to make breakfast. I go downstairs and have to step over my dad who's sleeping on the floor in the dining area on the way to the kitchen - I'm back at my childhood home and am not surprised to find him here. Mum's got a large light box and I "remember" that she got prescribed one. My dream logic tells me that this is why I'm struggling to see.

      I get to the kitchen and start rifling through the fridge to find breakfast things, but it's full of housemates' stuff, then turns out to be the oven, but the fridge next to the oven is in much the same state of cluttered mess. I throw out some obviously moldy stuff and am giving up on finding what I'm looking for when I realise there's another fridge on the other side of the kitchen and that does contain useful breakfast things.

      I start trying to fry some bacon still seeing through the slits of barely openable eyes. I manage to get some bacon onto my flat griddle thingumy and start frying it. I decide I need to add some more bacon so I try to arrange the bacon so that the already started stuff doesn't over cook, then I add an egg and have to shuffle everything around again. I just about manage to find the plastic fish slice I need to flip things over without scratching the nonstick pan, after getting a little distracted by piles of washing up and having to feel my way around because my eyesight is so poor.

      In the process of shuffling items around the pan and adjusting the heat of the hob, and moving the griddle pan around to ensure the heat is under the items that need it rather than under the things that don't, I've somehow ended up almost sitting on the hob and realise that my left knee is getting uncomfortably hot and I almost set my trousers on fire.

      [Again, I wake up to my alarm (it's on a 10 minute snooze) and again manage to fall asleep straight into a dream.]

      Dream three:
      Again, I'm telling somebody about the stream I just had, again I'm trying to make breakfast. I remember telling the egg that I have to cut its yolk in half to make it cook at the right speed to be ready at the same time as the rest of the food. Again I'm struggling to open my eyes.

      [Again, the alarm thing! This time I roll over to face away from my light box half thinking I might attempt a WILD as I'm obviously in the right timing for it to work]

      The dream that arrives is yet another one of me telling somebody about my dream and the frustration of missing two dream sign crammed FAs in a row, and I don't realise the irony that I'm doing it again. I realise that I can't keep prattling about dreams because after that many alarms, I need to get on with getting ready for work, so I wake up to get to and ready for work.


      Updated 02-09-2015 at 10:13 PM by 69407 (I got my nights mixed up and missed one out!)

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    3. #49 - Cliff fall accident/Offerings...?

      by , 11-06-2014 at 11:41 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - Cliff Fall Accident
      Me and my dad are talking on the edge of an outback road and we're look over the cliff next to us. Below us are a bunch of trees and bushes on the hill, and below that is a wave cut platform and then the ocean. I see a couple people sprint down the edge. I ask my dad "How are you supposed to run down a cliff?", "well how do you think?" he replies, "I mean you could let the momentum carry you and then slingshot off a tree branch to slow yourself down or something". There was a cat on the cliff-face behind us, I remember that my mum had been climbing down the hill, I look around for her but I can't see her. I look back for the cat but it's gone too. I move a couple branches out of the way and spot a slumped body by ocean. I enter a panic-overdrive state and somehow just catapult myself down the cliff, slingshot off a branch and land next to her. "MUM!!!" I screamed, tears rolling down my face. There's an eel caught on a couple branches and it starts wriggling free, it has 2 beautiful blue stripes along its back going from head to tail. My mum gets up and snatches at it, "damn, almost had it". "I thought you were dead mum"... "Nah I just scraped my hand", she shows her left hand, it has a 1cm deep flesh wound in it. I offer her some bandages from my right hand (I don't know how I got them) she says "No thanks, I want some real bandages", "These ARE real bandages...", "No they're not" "Argh damn it mum -.- you're being immature".

      Dream 2 - Offerings...?
      So there is this ancient queen, we make offerings to her to open these conduits that will bring her back into the material plane. There are 5 conduits, they look like giant eyes, and they're situated on the top of a wall. By this wall is a deep black shadow, he is the king, and he is orchestrating the summoning of the ancient queen because they're lovers. Their shadows kiss as some point, it seemed romantic. I then accidentally kicked his TV (Which was a projection onto a cardboard sheet, nailed into the wall), he gets pissy at me. He's trying to tell me off but the connection is bad on the TV and he has to re-tune it, like tuning into a radio station. By the time he finishes retuning the TV we're over it.
    4. #45 - Poetic Racing/Geology Field Camp/Airport

      by , 11-03-2014 at 09:50 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Couldn't write this up yesterday, had trouble getting onto DV.

      The whole night of dreaming felt stressful, like there was just some part of each dream that made me stressed out.

      Dream 1 - Poetic Racing
      Intensely sporadic images of random animated over-the-top car racing, similar to the movie 'Redline' (which I had watched before going to bed). Insanely nonsensical, there was poetry too that felt unfinished. Like the sentences had been started but were left hanging.

      Dream 2 - Geology Field Camp
      Out in the paddock there's something like 50+ tents full of students. We're camping out on farmland for the 2 week field trip as part of a university paper. I get up during the night to go take a leak, but I just couldn't find a good place to go. I ended up going further than I needed to, and I must have woken some of the other students up. They came up to me and asked me where I was going and I told them I was looking for a good place to go, they joked around a bit saying stuff like 'why'd you walk out so far man' and I agreed, since I thought it was dumb and odd too (possibly an inkling of the feeling I may be dreaming). I then head back to find a closer place to go, they kick a shovel my way that I can use to dig a hole or something, and I whistle back in thanks. Unfortunately, my whistling triggers a super loud alarm which wakes everyone up! "Oh come on Alex! Jesus what the hell man", I just feel super stressed out, like 'oh god...' I just knew it was going to piss everyone off and they'd be talking shit about be for ages.

      Dream Fragment
      Somewhere at school, my friends showed up but it was really awkward due to an old 'love triangle' we used to have. The guy was dating the girl and we nearly had a fight because of the history.

      Dream 3 - Airport
      Me and my mum are driving to the airport, crazy random stuff starts happening to some of stuff the in the scenery, it just changes each time I look. The planes at the airport change into words, the change into vibrant colours, they stretch out, shrink, flatten, enlarge, and move to random places. The then change into beautiful retarded white horses, one of which was walking backwards with its head on the ground. We arrive at the airport and try to find a parking space, but they're all taken. We see a car back out and move in to try take the space, but we're outside the car now and the car has shrunken to the size of a book. I position it in the parking space which just feels to narrow, and there is an Indian man with his daughter sitting in a trolley, he's texting and is oblivious to our efforts of parking. He also happens to be quite close and when I finally manage to re-enlarge the car (first I had tried to wet it by rubbing saliva on it. Weird. Then I threw it on the ground) it nearly clipped the daughter in the trolley. The Indian man had a rant off at me and I had to remind him it was his fault, since he was texting and should have being paying attention (Sounds pretty harsh, but he wasn't very nice). Me and my mum continue into the airport, which appears to be more like a supermarket. I tell my mum that we should check out the horses and see if its safe to show to my daughter, we head over there but now they've changed AGAIN. One of them looks like a unicorn, one of them has a rhino horn. Some of them have long blonde flowing hair. Some of them look like rhinos, one had a fake rhino nose and long blonde hair. There was also a pygmy horse with stumpy little legs galloping around, all of the horses + rhinos had white fur. My dad shows up with my daughter and she's had her hair done, my mum is impressed and asks if he did it but he said no, it was her other grandma that did it.

      Updated 11-04-2014 at 10:30 AM by 71238

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. #35 - Obstacle course race/Looking after my daughter

      by , 10-21-2014 at 08:55 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Didn't really attempt a proper SSILD last night, turned off all my alarms so I could try and get a good sleep, which I did . Recalled 3 dreams but the last dream I had was forgotten while writing them into my DJ.

      Dream 1 - Obstacle course race (~4am)
      Me and a lot of other people are involved in some kind of race. The scenery is typical New Zealand green bush, the track we were running along mazed around with streams on both sides. The first part of the race involved everyone running along this track, it branched off in a few directions, I decided I could try the direct route by just jumping into the shallow stream. I didn't anticipate it slowing me down so much, and eventually I climbed back up onto the track. Shortly after I reached the second part of the race, where there were rails stretching left to right along the ground, spaced about half a metre apart with tall grass and puddles between them. Everyone had to jump from rail to rail, the alternative was that you'd just trip over them trying to run across to the end of this obstacle (I seem to remember a few people breaking their ankles when they missed a rail). I leaped from rail to rail, building momentum until I had a good stride going, I became quite focused on this and nearly fell over when I bumped into a woman. We both hurried onwards, some sense of urgency kept us going in the race. I reached the end of this obstacle, and there stretched an expansive short-grass field. At the end was a playground which I identified as the finish line, to left of it I could see the corner of a fenced off tennis court (I didn't seem to really look at it, hence the corner being in my peripheral vision). Everyone that had made it to this point was sprinting off, giving it everything they had to reach the end. For some reason my running was a bit 'weird', I seemed to be skipping and flailing my arms back and forth (I believe I was trying to create a swinging momentum with each skip to propel myself further). In the dream I thought this was the best way to maximize my speed, everyone else seemed to be running normally though. I had a feeling that everyone else was worn out by now, and I managed to spot my friend M and A (I haven't seen A for a long time, he was a childhood friend who moved overseas). M was running pretty damn fast, he shouldn't have been able to since he has asthma and is pretty against exercise. To my right I noticed that it seemed like a nice sunset was happened, and the hill sloped upwards in its direction, in retrospect I wish I had gone up and seen it. I seemed to come in the top 10 or the racers, and it resets to the start of the race. I'm now standing with a bunch of others in orange overalls on the top of a hill, at the bottom of which are a bunch of police setting up the race. We're convicts. A friend is next to me and starts saying he's going to make a run for it and jump onto the race track and escape that way. He bolts off down the road and I follow, knowing that if he was to succeed he'd need a good distraction, I think my plan was to yell out I saw something in the opposite direction he was going to go.

      Dream 2 - Looking after my daughter
      I'm in my parents house, my mother and wife have gone out shopping and have left me and my daughter to play. It was a really nice dream, she and I were playing with her toys and I was talking to her good feels, not a particularly long or eventful dream though, but definitely memorable.
    6. #27 - Dream Fragment/Oil Volcanism/Homeless shelter for students/2nd Lucid Dream

      by , 10-13-2014 at 12:29 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Day 6 using SSILD
      I decided to refocus my intent after reading an old thread about getting out of a dry spell. I knew that I had to build the confidence, so I tried super damn hard, telling myself that I CAN do it, I WILL do it. I kept telling myself to be a natural lucid dreamer, to make myself think that I know it can be done. I got good results and have now broken my dry spell.

      Dream 1 - Dream Fragment (00 35)
      Very short, I briefly remember that there was something about lucid dreaming, then I promptly woke up.

      Dream 2 - Oil Volcanism (02 55)
      I seem to be on a road trip in a car, driving towards the beach with my brothers gf's family boat (I don't think they have a boat). It feels like I'm in the South Island, and the sky is overcast. Somehow the boat gets into the water and I'm on it now with a friend and a boat guide. I don't really make any contact with the boat guide, he's in the background, I think he was wearing a life vest. There is a board or frame on the wall of the boat, I touch it and know that if I lift it up too much then the boat will fall apart. I turn around at some point to see my friend touching it and he lifts it up too much, subsequently disassembling the boat. We're in the water now, I feel a bit worried about sharks but I don't think too much about it. We try to bring together a sort of 'shield' of boat parts to protect our legs in case there are sharks though, since it felt like there was no way we could get on any of the floating bits without falling off. Next thing I know, we're somehow getting this makeshift 'raft' thing with us in the centre (still in the water though, imagine a barricade) to move towards the oil 'spill', of which was the original goal for the road trip. The oil spill itself is more like an upwelling of oil, it feels a bit warm and is viscous. The plan now is to get back to shore using the flow coming from the upwelling oil, so we wade our little fort on the top of the spill and go down the slide as if it were a slide, gaining momentary momentum. We make it to the edge, I think something to myself along the lines of staying within the boundaries of the oil spill because no wildlife like sharks and stuff would be able to get us. I see the shore in the distance, I start thinking that it isn't that far and so I shouldn't worry about sharks, next thing I know I'm getting out of the water and walking along the shore to the car. As I walk towards the car I see my mum, brother, and my brothers gf drive past, my brother is laughing at some joke. I decide I better go say hi, and walk up to the car. They're standing in a triangle talking, they're here to go see the oil spill too. I try to get into the conversation to apologize to my brothers gf but I can't seem to get into it, I then wake up.

      I stay awake for the next 2-3 hours, unable to fall back to sleep as my insomnia seems to kick in. Nearing the end of this (between 5-6) I could hear birds chirping outside, I started trying to make myself fall asleep and focusing on my hypnogogic imagery. I had two intense hypnogogic sounds, one was an amplified bird chirp that boomed down my ear, the other was just a boom.

      Dream 3 - Homeless shelter for students (between 06 00 and 06 30)
      I had made my way to a house where lots of people who didn't have houses would sleep, it was free accommodation. Everyone would either be sleeping on the floor, couches or beds, and the house was more like one room. I conversed a little bit with the DC's but I don't recall any of the conversations. I remember thinking that it would be convenient for a student to live here, you wouldn't ever have to pay rent, and for some reason I think that most of the people there were actually students. I decide to lie down and go to sleep on the floor. I wake up during the night and think 'oh shit, I should be going home', knowing that I would have to walk up a huge hill (the image I had of the hill was the exact same one as the one I walk up to get home from my friends house). After this imagery, the house takes on a different tone, kind of resembling an experience where my friend would have get-togethers at his place and we'd crash on his couch. Upon thinking that the hike back will make me sweaty (it's incredibly humid in the place with the hill) I take off my long-johns - this felt like a struggle for some reason.

      I try to cement this dream to memory, and as I'm doing so I end up falling asleep again into what is now the 2nd lucid dream I've had.

      Dream 4 - The thief who wants our stuff for some reason (07 20)
      Almost like a continuation of my journey in the past dream, I'm now home. I'm conversing with my family in the family room about how a thief is going to try and steal chess pieces from us (they're super small too). I remember something about them having a special power when they're all brought together. We decide to keep them in a chest and protect them, we have to go away somewhere so the thief can't find us. The king piece isn't with the other pieces though, it's been completely forgotten by the others. I walk into the sitting room (I think Americans call this a lounge) and look around for a while. I seem to be on my stomach on the floor, I notice that at the bottom of a 1m tall, 15cm wide wooden stand thing is the king chess piece. It looks like a knight though . I think to myself that I should keep it to myself and that way no one will know where the last piece is. It is in a glass box container, I open it up and take it out, I seem to still be lying on my stomach and decide I should probably get up. I hear my mum coming into the lounge, and I barely manage to get up in time and put my arm behind the curtain and the figurine in my mouth, obscuring them both from view. My mum walks through, "Hey mum" I say, it comes out metallic because of the figurine in my mouth. She doesn't pay any attention the weirdness of my voice. Unfortunately I had forgotten to turn off my alarm that goes off at 06 45, the glass box behind the curtain is next to my head and starts vibrating loudly. My mum says "what's that sound?" as she walks towards me with a confused look on her face. "It's just my phone, I like the feel of it", I rub my head against the curtain to what I'm pretending to is now a phone behind it. She then says "Is it coming from behind the curtain?". This felt like an incredibly weird response, I start having an internal monologue: "What? Why would she ask that, I just told her that it's my phone and she can clearly see it's coming from behind the curtain. Is she not satisfied with my answer?" I start to realize that this has to be a dream, my feelings about the current situation flow away as I realize none of it matters. "I'm dreaming" I think to myself. I walk towards the doors that lead to the deck, on my way I do a RC to make sure, pushing my thumb onto the palm of my hand and stretching it elastically. I open the doors and fly outside, it's night time, I fly up a bit and get blocked a bit by the power lines. I decide to go up a bit and hover over the house, and for some reason that I can't recall, I closed my eyes. Big mistake. I think 'oh shit, if I open my eyes I'll be awake >_<'... Then I tried to open my eyes and be in the dream but it didn't work.

      Note: I didn't feel overly excited and destabilize the dream like I did in my first lucid, instead I just cocked it up somehow.

      Updated 10-13-2014 at 01:06 AM by 71238

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Missed Easter

      by , 04-06-2014 at 06:11 PM
      I awoke with the vaguest memories of flower vases.

      Three hours later a conversation with my mother in the waking world suddenly reminded me of a dream i forgotten about, that i had missed Easter.

      Nothing much to say about the dream aside from the fact that i kinda knew easter hadn't happened, but i dismissed the notion instantly. The dream took place in the living room by the back window. My mum was there, and i remember seeing easter eggs, but thats about all i can recall, very hazy dream recall this morning.
    8. Losing A Loved One

      by , 10-04-2013 at 12:04 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was at my old house in blacks land, and my Mum was across the road at Janette's house. Mum wasn't doing too well, I think she was terminally ill. There was mattresses set up on the ground with blankets. There was a few people on them, including Mum. I wanted to spend as much precious time I could with her, and try and make her feel comfortable. I must have left and came back shortly after, and I could hear her talking to the person next to her. She said ''I was her favourite son''. I think Mum was now Kayley, and her problem had to do with her eyes. I wanted to start a charity/fund for the illness that was going to maybe take Kayley and Mum away from me.
    9. Accordion Duke Nukem/Doom style game.

      by , 05-03-2013 at 07:48 AM
      It starts off with me in this maze type thing, I can see the sky and the hedges and fences are really low two my right and left, I walk forwards and then right into this closed off room, I pick up an accordion and start trying to play it, I then leave to room and go straight down the corridor, to the left of where I started out.
      As I was walking, some blue, pixel art style, text came into view, saying "This truly is the best day ever."
      I then carried on through a building and was having a lot of fun trying to play this accordion.
      Then these 40's style Nazi soldiers in black/grey uniforms came and I had to run back to the start.
      My mum was in the dream and told me that I had to get rid of the accordion just in case they want me to play it but I can't or something along those lines, she then told me that after this I could learn it.
      The Nazi's then took me to play their version of the game, and it had really weird pixely/chip tune music and it was all black and white, the writing then came up saying "this is the best game ever" and this time in white, "posh", font.


      All in all, I actually really loved this dream, haha.

      Updated 05-03-2013 at 07:50 AM by 62566

    10. Asian Sister

      by , 10-25-2012 at 04:13 AM
      Gavin was riding a bike in my old backyard and he rode up the back wall and crashed. He was injured but ok. Mum me and gavin were in backyard and mum was on a plastic white outdoor table. She knew every Geelong Cats football players name. This was odd as she normally doesn't know any players names and she goes for Collingwood.

      We all went to a retreat with Jordan and another brother. We climbed up a terrifying log and we all egged each other on once we got up there the other two boys jumped down into the waters below. I chickened out and slid down. We got back to our resort and Jordan put on a blue Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gi and tried to be tough. He was annoying. I remember a fragment of rory getting mince out of the fridge. I went to my room and was afraid that I destroyed or lost my usb and keys but they were ok.

      I went to a pub and saw my sister there. She was talking with friends. I went up to her and told her about what happened. She wanted to tell me about horror story gavin and mum had told her about previously but I didn't want to hear it. My sister looked Asian. It was around this time I became suspect that I was dreaming. I reassured my self - yes I definitely am dreaming! However, I became too excited. I sort of panicked and tried some dream control techniques like touching objects and spinning. However, I had trouble visualizing spinning. I began too panic the reality of being in a dream, everything went wierd (almost psychadelic) and I woke up at 6:12am.

      I need to go over this article: http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/ninas-...torial-118317/
      in order to extend my lucidity duration.
    11. Tyrannosaurus rex and skying

      by , 09-18-2012 at 08:37 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      It was a winter time. I was skying down hill along some road. It was progressively getting from just snow and nothing but snow.... to a muddy frozen road. I was filming the whole skying experience. Not sure for what reason. Then when I got home I realised that we kept Tyrannosaurus rex as a pet at home. It didnt surprise me much. I know that during that hard winter we found frozen cow somewhere and we still kept it. So I told my mother that I will cut it in half with chain saw and feed the Rex with it. She thought it was a good idea. But then I found myself mixing a bowl with flat pasta and a bowl with some red sauce. It was also for the Rex and my mother was to show me how to feed it. She took a knot of the pasta and spilled table spoon of the red sauce on it. Then she threw it to the mouth of the rex that was behind a wooden fence. And I continued doing that as she showed me.
    12. Fish tank and weird german guy

      by , 08-31-2012 at 11:33 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I am with Martin S in some little, almost one room house. It is a night time and I am not sure why we there. There are some two other guys. One of them is very drunk. Marin is doing something on the side. I look at the other guy, he is blond and has blue eyes. He reminds me SS soldiers from WW2 movies. He also looks at me and I am ask him if he is german. He asks me the same thing right at the same time. I tell him, I am not. Then I realise that he is gay and is trying to hit on me. I tell him right away I am straight and to back off.
      He then starts touching the other drunk guy. Next thing I see is that the guys is lying on his front with his ass exposed and the other guy is rubbing him. I dont need to see this I think to myself. Then out of nowhere, or as if from under the blanket, some other person appears and starts vomiting! It goes everywhere! I get really angry as bits land on my trousers!! SHIT! Lets get out of here I tell Martin. We walk outside, it looks like its some kind of celebration. New years or such! There are many drunk people outside.

      I am in my room in Czech. I have quite a big aquarium with golden fish. Suddenly my mum comes into my room chasing a little dog. There is Vet also coming in and my mum says they have to kill the dog. I am surprised as it is still a puppy.
      But I mind my business with my fish. I need to feed them. I have a handful of dead fish and I stick it on the aquarium wall at the water level. They disappear in seconds, all eaten. I am very surprised. I look properly into my aquarium and see some of the fish are huge koi carps!! I think they will eat my other fish and I should get them out of there!!! There is one big gold one and one big white one. The white one is particularly cool because it has only one eye in the centre! I think it must be some rare mutation. It reminds me of start track for some reason!!!
    13. 25th August 2012 - 18th Lucid Dream [Meeting my mother in her childhood]

      by , 08-25-2012 at 07:12 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Light Purple Text = Partially Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      As expected, my dry spell finally broke when most unexpected. I went to bed late last night and was worried about dream recall, let alone lucidity. I woke up for my WBTB and remembered no dreams but shortly after I tried to go back to sleep I was disturbed by my Dad. Apparently we had a power cut and he wanted me to call the power company to find out when it was back on. This resulted in a much longer WBTB than I usually have (About 30-40 minutes, as apposed to my 10-15 minute normal ones). I went back to sleep after a lot of rolling around trying to relax after waking myself up so much and the following dream occurred.

      I was in a supermarket of some kind queuing up with my mother when we bumped into my aunt, my sister and my niece. We all decide to go for a picnic and as we're heading to the park my niece picks up a blade of grass, attempting to perform a grass whistle but doesn't seem to be succeeding. I laugh and figure I'd show her how to do it later on.

      We get to the park and we set up on this picnic bench. My sister pulls out these cards and wants to try this game with me. I'm not entirely sure what happened with the first game, she had some Pokemon drawn on these cards and it was something about matching their colours to country flags. Really confusing.

      The second game was much more interesting. The cards now had moving images on them of old 1950s style streets, with retro cars driving around them and the game was to count all of the cars in the scene. At some point I just became part of the scene, I was no longer looking at the cards and watching it, I was walking around the streets myself. I then noticed on the side of the road a lime-coloured extremely modern car which first prompted my awareness.

      As I continue walking I enter a sort of layer zero mindset, somewhat knowing what I'm experiencing wasn't waking reality but not fully lucid yet. I'm heading down this street and keep trying to pull my awareness forward, it's really hard to describe, almost like flicking switches in my brain to become lucid.

      I finally reach a point of awareness where I know I'm dreaming. Everything looks amazing, the wind against my skin and the vividness of the trees around me. I even notice the warmth of the sun and how it makes me squint as I walk into it.

      At this point I remember to reality check, just to stabilise myself more into the dream state. Something I've been forgetting to do in any lucid experiences recently which have resulted in them quickly dying out or fading back into non-lucidity. I lift my hands and my fingers had their normal odd lengths so I knew I was dreaming. I got really exciting, finally I was lucid again!

      I decided to stray away from the path of the dream and phase myself through this hedge on the side of the road that I'm standing on. I enter somebody's yard, it's huge and inside the house I see a man cooking dinner but decide to ignore him. As I'm walking down the side of this house, tracing the grey cobbled wall, I remember that I wanted to summon a dream character. I also remember that the best way to do this would be passively.

      I come to near the end of the wall that I'm tracing and I say to myself "When I get around this corner, my mum will be standing there." for some reason at this point I look down to the ground and the wall seems to extend further beyond its original point, my subconscious obviously toying with me. I pay more focus to this wall and finally reach the end.

      I turn the corner and I'm disappointed, nobody was standing there! I'm about to walk back behind the wall to try again when I see a character running towards me from a distance. I recognise that it's my mum immediately, although, she looks about 6 or 7 years old and tagging along behind her is her twin sister and my aunt. I'm completely baffled at my subconscious power to do this without me even suggesting it or having anything to prompt it!

      They're running around me laughing and I can't help but laugh with them. The hilarity of meeting my mother as a child was just too much. I go to sit down with them on a bench and again am insanely glad that I'm finally lucid!

      I start thinking about where I fell asleep, for some reason while lucid I thought I fell asleep in the park from my non-lucid segment before this DILD. I was going to wake up and not have my dream journal to write the lucid down in! Thinking about waking must have shocked my subconscious because the dream sort of "jumped", as if it briefly zoomed in and then zoomed back out rapidly before fading to black and the dream ended. I didn't have any time to stop it.

      I fade back into waking life, and at first I'm somewhat confused that I'm in my bedroom considering I thought I was in a park in my lucid. I jump up and immediately write down my lucid in my dream journal, ecstatic that my dry spell was broken.

      Updated 08-25-2012 at 07:17 PM by 54730

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    14. Village house and dinner with my family

      by , 03-11-2012 at 10:44 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I had 5-HTP before sleep 0:15..... then woke up at 3:30 (too early) then at 4:30 and somehow I fell asleep again..... and woke up at 6am... then I took 8mg of Galantamine and 500mg of choline... and went to be right away...

      It took me a long time to fall asleep.... probably as I slept too much....... I was getting frustrated... I was on my back first... then on my right side and then on my back again..... I am repeating my intentions and lucid goals at one point as I am on my back.... I see sky with some ornament made up of clouds... and I feel intense sensation of falling.... and I am thinking to myself Wohoooo this is it....!! but I feel my waking body again...

      Then I am in the sky more like levitating rather then fling of falling...
      I instantly know I am lucid (I attribute this to the high level of wakefulness when attempting lucidity).
      I start experimenting with different types of flying, or better to say arm positions. First I spread my arms and imagine jet our of my palms.... I achieve pretty decent speed... then I stretch one arm forward (it seems unusually long) and it speeds up a bit.... and a little more with both arms forward.
      At this point I am pretty high approximately 3km... and the speed of flying seems like 60km/h.
      I fly closet to the ground and it seems like some Czech village that I don't know. I am flying around a bit and then I spot a girl (27-30, with dark hair, not necessarily hot but charming, a little chubby)... I remember one of my LG is to have lucid sex and see how it feels. I fly around the girl a bit, she notices me but pays very little attention to me. I say something like "hey, where you going? You wanna lift?".... to my surprise she says yes. I land and pick her up and I take of. Its easy..... I am not sure where to go, at one point it goes through my mind, whether I will be able to fly with her and at that time, my flying power weakens. I stumble through some tree branches and electricity cables hanging in between the buildings. She complains a bit. Now I hold her face to face in front of me.... and pull het towards me a bit, why still in the air.It is pretty obvious what is going on and she points down to a big house and tells me to land there. So I do so. We start to mess around a bit. I pull up her skirt, and see her pussy. I look closely, as I am interested how realistically it looks. PRETTY REALISTICALLY I have to say. Just her clitoris is a little big and sticking out and the whole pussy is bright red. I do not worry about it. I am lying on my back now with my penis ready for action... and she is about to sit on me... to my disappointment she turns around facing away from me... then she sits on me. I pay close attention to how it feels. I can see myself going in... vary real life like! I am impressed! But there is a road some 30 meters behind us and there are some kids playing. I am not really worry about it, but she seems to be. So we stop. Thats ok with me, I have a long list of things I want to test. She then walks around the house, here, as I understand, she lives. There are some men there, looks like her brothers and father. I take off again, she looks at me and I say something like.... I come back in a minute. (what am I concerned about????).
      Then I land in front of different house, although it seems like its the same one just the front of the house. I think that the girl is there again. I get intrigued by the front door of the house as I want to try to change environment by walking through the door with an intention. I tell explain to the girl that if I intend so that there is different scene when I walk through the door, it is likely to happen. She looks at me blindly. I come to the door (that has a glass strip in the middle) and I think of a beach to be there when I walk through.... I open the door and walk through..... and there is just a corridor in old fashion. I think "damn". There is another door, so I try the same... and again when I am walking back outside. Nothing. I think to myself, maybe it is because there was the glass strip and I could actually see what is behind... so it was even harder to imagine!....In from of the house is a slope towards the road... with some cascade like gardens and right on the level of the house, there is a door that must lead to some storage room in that slope. I see it as another opportunity for my experiments. I come closely to the door, but as I look at it, the paint is all pealing off and there are spider webs everywhere, thinking none opened it for ages. Then a thought of a huge spider jumping out when I open it crosses my mind...we I know how the dream world works... so I chose not to open the door LOL.
      I then climb up the cascade garden. There are some cats playing around. When I am almost on the top, there is a green-liver cat that starts attacking me. The father shouts something from the main door. The cat is like crazy, I dunno why, I am not scared, I find it quite funny. I grab it in my hands and keep it in distance. I am amazed how green its eyes are. I turn back to the father and shout "it has amazing green eyes! unbelievable"... to my shock the cat stops attacking me points at its neck, as it likes to be stroked there. I stroke it a few times and let go. I climb to the road, and see another big house with wooden parts in front of me. It looks abandoned. I see another door, come to it and open them, there is just dusty, sun lit corridor. I leave the door thing for now... and fly away.

      Next I am in a room that I have not seen before. I am sure it is still the same village though. It is a living room from which you can walk right out. There is my auntie, and this is her house as I understand. Also there is my mum, Michael, and Alpasan and some other man, maybe even my brother but I am not sure. I think that my auntie is celebrating something, because there is quite a lot of healthy snacks on the low table... like celery stick, cream cheese, tomatoes, some crackers, etc. My auntie is eating and Misa is standing in the corner by a counter and she has baguette cut in half and filling it up with loads of cream cheese and bits of vegetable. My mum says, don't put so much in there (as my auntie is damn stingy)... michael says that its not just for her... and at that point in notice, under her white dress I can see her belly forming... as she is few months pregnant. I think to myself, well, now I can talk to dream figures and perhaps ask them about the dream guide..... considering its my family, so they should be helpful.
      I ask them collectively, "where can I find a dream guide". They look at me bluntly, asking what it is. I think "damn". So I tell them, you know this is a dream right??? They don't pay much attention. I say, what if this was just a dream. No response. I come to the glass door outside and first try to put my fingers through the concrete pillar between the doors and the window. It feels solid. I look at the glass door, there is a curtain with flower motive hanging in front of that. I reach my arm towards it and close my eyes and walk though....... I shout, did you see that???? Could I do this if this was real??? They do not pay attention. I just straight back..... and see Apl sitting by the corner of the table. I kneel to him, telling him...I notice tattoos on his forearm, it look like little flags in black and white..... I tell him.... alps you are an intelligent man, you must understand what I am saying..... he looks at me.... I feel dry mouth so I just swallow and open and close my mouth to moist it a bit...... and I feel my waking body again... and my dry mouth........
    15. Running in Czech

      by , 03-10-2012 at 02:25 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I was having short afternoon power nap testing my REM-Dreamer...

      I am in Czech, but seem that only for a short time....
      It is a beautiful sunny day... it feels like spring....

      I am coming from Pavel and thinking that I want to go running.... I actually run home and its lovely and effortless... I am taking deep breaths and it feels just amazing... the freshness and the joy of activity....
      I am thinking that I should contact Zbisek Lhota and we could go for a run.... I also think to myself what clothes did I pack with me.... did I take some shorts???... Then I remember that i did...

      I get home and run upstairs to my room to get ready and to put my phone on the charger...... As I am passing through the corridor, with the corner of my eye I notice my mum and my sister sitting in the living room having a chat. I hear just a fragment, but it makes me think..... my mum is saying something like "it is like if he said... In that night top you look like... (some bad compliment)...." .. i think you pushed a bit too much with this..... (i know that my sister probably said something to her boyfriend.. and now he is upset about it... and my mum is trying to explain to her.....

      I get in my room, putting shorts on and getting ready...
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