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    1. This Is What Pikachu Is!, Did The Dream Change For You Too?

      by , 02-22-2012 at 06:49 PM
      #1 - This Is What Pikachu Is! [Non-Lucid]

      There was something going on in the dream up to this point, but this is where my memory picks up. I was standing outside and there was a kid disguised as Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh! standing high up on a tree branch. I started talking to him and he asked me if I liked Yu-Gi-Oh! and I was saying I've been a fan before, and he transformed me into Kaiba and gave me a duel disk. I think part of me didn't believe this was actually happening, but I wanted to draw my hand so I closed my eyes to imagine the duel disk being there and did it, and I felt the cards between my fingers. I think closing my eyes is where things went wrong here. When I opened them again, I was myself and I was sitting on the ground dueling this kid with our cards just on the floor and no duel disks. This kid seemed so normal when I talked to him before, but now he was acting really childish and unstable, and he seemed to have an obsession with Pichu (the Pokémon). >.> He had a big Pichu doll and picked it up and ran into the corner of the room and embraced it in the fetal position. He started repeatedly yelling "This is what Pikachu is! This is what Pikachu is!!" I looked down and noticed that both his deck and the deck he gave me consisted almost entirely of Pokémon cards with a few Yu-Gi-Oh! cards here and there. I looked at my hand specifically, six cards. The first two were Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, of Pichu. And the last four were Pokémon cards, also of Pichu. -_- A guy, J, I used to know shows up to watch the duel and tells me that we're apparently at some after school event, and a girl I recognize but I can't remember where from goes over and tries to calm the kid down. And that was it.

      Fragment - There was something about Phantasy Star Online somewhere in here (third-person control as if I was the character), but I can't remember anything else about it.

      #2 - Did The Dream Change For You Too? [DILD]

      Outside some diner, my friends D, O, and I are getting into my car and it's being robbed by two men (and maybe a woman?) and we stop them, but they end up coming after me with knives but I kill them in self-defense... or at least, one of them. If there was a woman then I killed her too, but one of the men survived and got away. This part of the dream is really hazy and hard to remember. We get warped to some huge department store (it looks kind of like a Sam's Club) fused with a library (I interpret it as the library from a University close to where I live that some of my friends go to). An old friend, N, is there so O and I go sit down by him after noticing some really shady looking guys working at the store that I think may be connected to the robber who got away. Suddenly, a voice comes on on the overhead speakers calling me out specifically by reading a letter, but I didn't listen to it. I noticed that the call was coming from one of the shady guys using a walkie-talkie-like thing, and I went jumping up and down (like several feet ) around the isles to taunt him and make it really obvious that I know it's him. I go and sit down next to D (where O and N were a minute ago) and ask him what the letter said, but then a girl walks out from behind the shady guy and says it was her letter, and reads it again. She says that the robbers I killed (the man and woman) were her parents and now she's challenging me so she can get revenge. I say that it's them who attacked me and it's their own fault, but I won't deny her a fight. I walk up to the back wall with D and everyone vanishes on the way, and I stop to look at a bunch of purple posters on the back wall. There's a very strange perspective change, the posters vanish and suddenly things get really vivid. I had an unbelievably brief moment of lucidity here, and said "The dream just changed...." Then things got a little fuzzier and I turned to D and said "Did the dream change for you, too?" He stares at me with a really creepy smile, and I blast off toward the ceiling. I'm bouncing off all the walls at extreme speeds and there's a black line being drawn behind me to follow my path. I remember feeling like this line being drawn was expanding my consciousness to infinity and I assume that I'm on some drug now, but then I woke up.

      Updated 02-22-2012 at 10:52 PM by 50803

      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    2. Hijacked House Party, Crazy Food Fight, Exploring The New House

      by , 02-14-2012 at 07:02 PM
      I'm on a roll with lucids lately! This night turned out to be more interesting than I had anticipated. (Not that I suppose I ever expect certain things out of my dreams....) I smoked a bowl of wormwood before going to bed so I'm sure that helped, though it's hard to say because I've never used it before. But anyway, on with the dreams!

      #1 - Hijacked House Party

      The dream starts with my parents and I having moved into some enormous new house that looks like only extremely rich people could possibly live there. There was a good amount of time in-dream spent with me wandering around the house checking things out, but most of it I don't remember other than sliding around the floor in one room because it had a smooth wooden flooring (like a school gym or something?) and two gigantic TVs, one on each side. I saw my dad walking around in the room next to me and overheard that my mom was going somewhere and saw them go outside, so I went outside through the other door in the room I was in (there were two front doors right next to each other ) to say goodbye to her. After she drives off I walk back inside to find that there's a party going on with loads of people over. :O I walk around and go to one corner of the room where some people are talking about a new Pokémon game pre-release. There are a bunch of (imaginary) Pokémon games on the floor and I point out that the one they're talking about now being "pre"-released I've already had for a long time, as well as a bunch of these other games. They just brush me off and keep talking, and I pick up one of the games and pull a Game Boy Advance out of thin air and put it in. I believe it was at this point I became lucid, it's hard to remember exactly (but I'll get to that). I'm walking around the party watching the game load up and laughing because it's happening so terribly, it doesn't even remotely work correctly. Eventually I just drop the GBA out of my line of sight, never to be seen again, and start focusing on my surroundings. I tried to stabilize by looking at a table with an interesting oak pattern on it and touching it to see how real it felt. After that I started listening in on conversations and heard that the party was being thrown by this girl D who I went to high school with. I decide to shift the attention to myself so I change everyone's perception of me to D (I don't think there was any actual shapeshifting involved accept maybe some clothes switching, everyone just suddenly saw me as her) and they all started complimenting me on having such a great party. (This actually made me sad when I woke up because she died of a drug overdose not that long ago, but I didn't remember it in the dream.... ) After that I woke up.

      Or so I thought. I'm in bed in the middle of the night and I still have the perception that my house is the huge rich house we moved into, but my room seems otherwise normal. I open up my phone to start typing up notes about the dream but music keeps mysteriously turning on and getting louder each time so I have to get up and turn it off or it'll wake up my parents. Whenever I would get up I would notice there were a bunch of strange things and gadgets in my room that were not normally there, like a camera aimed directly at my bed. However, of course, it didn't clue me in to anything and I brushed it off. -.- Then I actually woke up, cursing myself for not doing RCs whenever I wake up, and almost entirely forgetting the dream. Luckily I managed to get it back, obviously, but it's still kind of faint in my memory.

      #2 - Crazy Food Fight

      This one I remember less of, just some key details. There was some kid trying to take over the world, we found him in a bank where we broke into a vault and discovered a restaurant in it. We sat down and started eating with him, but then it broke out into a food fight, then a fight where we were just throwing anything we could find, then half way down the line it turned into a third-person view of a really crazy Dragon Ball Z fight. The kid had both of his legs blown off, but he pressed some button that allowed him to escape and left Goku and Vegeta to train for several years while they awaited his return.

      I have no idea where that came from, I never watched Dragon Ball Z and I haven't even thought about it in at least months.

      #3 - Exploring The New House

      I'm back in the new house we moved into from the first dream and I'm exploring it some more. I remember this one sort of in snippets. First I in my parents' bedroom at night and my mom was sleeping, and we discovered that there was a family of teacup pigs that lived in that bedroom. They were so cute!! Next was during the day some time and we were having a close friends and family party. Still in my parents' bedroom, Hammond Druthers from How I Met Your Mother (Bryan Cranston! ) couldn't stop marveling at how amazing the bed was. I walked out into the kitchen and found a cat who was apparently left by the previous owner, Lady Gaga. (We're living in Lady Gaga's house!! ) The cat was fat but cuddly and loving, he didn't mind that I just held him for a long time. :3 In a rare case of me actually remembering other senses from non-lucid dreams, I can distinctly recall how fluffy he felt. Though it did disturb me a bit that we seemed to have left our old cats (one of whom is actually not with us anymore in real life) behind at our old house too. :\ I went and found my dad to talk to him about it and some kids kept following us everywhere and making it hard for us to have a private conversation, but we finally managed to ditch them. I don't remember what my dad said, but I think it revolved around us just leaving the cats behind. T-T Heartless! (Though I guess that's what Lady Gaga did, too. >_>) I went walking back out in the kitchen, which I'm pretty sure was a separate kitchen from before, and talked to some family members briefly before wandering down another new hallway. The kids from before followed me down there and tried to attack me! They had these Q-Tips that would apparently give you an ear infection if they were put inside your ear, and they were trying to use them on me. I managed to overpower them and stuck one inside both ears of the first kid and one of the second, then it became a third-person view of some kid named Crush, those two kids, and a couple other random kids. They were still in the hall but it became dark and trailed off into oblivion and apparently a portal to hell opened up. Everything went monochrome and the kids all started hanging on to these ancient-looking stone columns which had appeared on the walls of the hall to resist being pulled in. Demons were manifesting from the portal and reaching out toward them, but none of the kids seemed frightened except Crush. They all tried to get him to look at the demons and called him a scaredy cat when he wouldnt, but then finally one of the kids left to turn on the lights and it all disappeared. Next, the two kids who attacked me were sitting under a tent in front of an empty grave dug in sand on the beach of the jungle. Another kid with a tribal look and a heavy African accent emerged from the foliage and told them that they needed to get Crush and tell him to go to some area and do something (the details of which I've totally forgotten) so that he can complete his destiny. They begrudgingly agree to do it, but it seems like they may be plotting something against him because they clearly don't like him, and I think they blame him for the ear infection thing. After that I woke up.

      What is going on with my mind and this jungle?? I need to get lucid in it again and explore it more fully.
    3. Fragment 3/3 - Pikachu with a Freeze Gun

      by , 02-13-2012 at 08:42 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      These three fragments are all from one long-ass dream about a war being waged between two sides. I'm not sure what these "sides" were, because the characters and scenarios were so random. I don't remember much of the content that happened between the fragments.

      The entire dream must have been fifteen minutes in length. It's one of the longest non-lucids I've had.

      This was the coolest of the fragments, but unfortunately I waited to record it last... In doing so, I've forgotten just about all of it. Derp. Let's see what I can salvage.

      I was positioned in an indoor battlefield which consisted of the same type of woody and metallic rubble as described in my last two entries, but there was more brown dirt, almost like soil, this time. You could also see patches of shiny, light metal flooring underneath the dirt and debris. Above me loomed a dome-like, curved white canopy roof; the building itself was a long half-cylinder in shape which was really only made up by the roof, which curled all the way to the ground on both sides, with two half-circles of metal wall on either end of it, sealing off the openings completely. The building was at least a hundred feet in length and twenty feet in width, and the lighting was dim, but not dark, as there were flashes of light going off in every direction. Some flashes were from explosions, others from gunfire.

      Somewhere along the ground, in the middle of the room, was a square-shaped system of trenches that averaged about two feet deep. I was with my father and sister; we were crouching down and trying to hurry through to one end of the trenches as quickly as we could. They only took up an area of maybe ten by ten feet, so it didn't take long before they ended and we peered up over them. The ground with the trenches was raised a few feet by a naturally-occurring hill, and right before the hill sloped down (at the edge of the trench) was a line of concrete barricades.

      All three of us were sitting beside one another: my dad was on my immediate left, with my sister on the other side of him. My dad was wearing a basic olive green army helmet (I can't remember what clothing he had on), but I didn't really see much of my sister. More than anything, I just knew that she was there, although I did hear her voice a few times. My dad was holding a shotgun with a beautiful polished wooden plank on the side of it, and I was carrying a small handgun. I stared at it, and then I realized we each had to choose "who we were going to be" for this war, before we started fighting and shooting.

      "I call Pikachu", I said, turning around to see a pale blue, detached door that was sitting in the trench behind me. There was a rectangular mirror on it, with the length of the mirror going perpendicular to the length of the door itself. In the mirror, I saw a blurry outline of a Pikachu which looked more animated, but also had a slight realism to it; I could almost see fur or something.

      "Haha!" I said. Then I turned around, picking up a large gun that had somehow appeared on the ground to my right while I was looking away at the door. I made a few "Pikachu" sounds, which came out exactly like how Pikachu sounds in the Pokemon anime. I fired the gun, which had a normal-sized handle but a large body. It reminded me of the shrink ray from Despicable Me, except it was mostly metal/silver, with a more rectangular frame and a cyan color only used for accents, not the entire gun.

      I pulled the trigger, and the gun blasted a short stream of very pale blue light, which turned into a large blueish ice cube. I fired it at someone who was running at me (he was wearing brown clothes and, like my dad, a green army helmet), and he froze in place, with some of those "motion lines" of ice behind him.

      That's the extent of what I can remember.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 07:01 PM by 28408

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Back In The Jungle, Strange Decisions

      by , 02-09-2012 at 06:27 PM
      Woo! I had my best lucid yet. It was first one I ever had where I wasn't even bummed when it ended because I was satisfied by it lol. Unfortunately my memory of everything else from the night (and I know there was a lot) is totally gone, it picks up exactly where I started stabilizing. :/ Oh well, worth it!

      #1 - Back In The Jungle

      So, I'm back in the jungle/forest area. I vaguely remember becoming lucid and I'm pretty sure it was like it always has been for me lately, it just kind of happens without me going through a realization process and I feel like I just already knew it from that point on. I notice that the dream is starting to fade, so I start rubbing my hands together and continue to do so as I walk around and closely inspect the environment. And it worked! I was next to a little shack that couldn't possibly have held any more than bathrooms and had some cement floor with a wood covering extending out maybe ten or fifteen feet from it. Around that, it was all very foresty area, except for through some trees I could see down a hill and there were kids playing on a playground off in the distance. At first I just sat down in the grass I looked at the dirt and the grass and touched them to see how real it felt. It was all incredibly vivid, and I could've spent the entire dream looking at the ground. I thought about staring up at the sky but I noticed out of the corner of my eye that it was somewhat oddly textured and tinted and I had a creeping feeling that if I did the dream would end, so I decided against it. The foliage was so beautiful that it was hard to convince myself to actually do something, but eventually I got up and walked over to a VHS tape box that was left on the cement area. It looked like a mix between Star Wars and Spaceballs, and the text on it was vanishing as I was reading it but I managed to pick up on the fact that it was all nonsense. I saw a water bottle on the ground so I went and picked it up and took a drink - delicious. Afterward I spit on the ground because I had a lot of moisture in my mouth, then marveled at the fact that the dream was so vivid that I actually felt the need to spit. I wanted to go walking through the forest but didn't want to have to carry the water bottle. At first I was like but then, I realized I was in a lucid dream. I stuck the water bottle behind me where I couldn't see it and said "Put water away!" and dropped it. I could feel a weight behind me like it was still in my essence, but had physically disappeared. I walked for a minute then reached back and said "Grab water!" and clenched my hand to feel the water bottle suddenly there. I chuckled to myself, took a sip, and then put it away again. As I was walking into a deeper and darker area of trees, I saw a school bus drive out but didn't pay much attention to it, I was still amazed at all the plants. Suddenly, after a turn the area had turned into what looked like the back of a small store. Also, during the transition at the end of the trees I'm pretty sure I saw Erii's avatar come to life with all three cat heads staring intently at me. In the store area I laughed to myself some more because there were people moving around cardboard boxes and the boxes all had more nonsense written on them. After that, my vision quickly faded to white and I could tell the dream was ending, but I didn't really mind, I had my fun.

      #2 - Strange Decisions

      I was playing an online game and watching a new Pokémon movie in the den, a strange room of the house for me to be doing this in, but my dad kept distracting me so I moved it into his office, an even stranger room for me to be doing it in. That's it for that one.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    5. Hypnagogic Delirium, Just Another Middle School Dream, Just Another High School Dream

      by , 02-01-2012 at 06:19 PM
      Well, I didn't really get to remember too much last night, but I did have some interesting lead-up into it. After I kind of almost accidentally did a WILD, I went to bed and had a good amount of random hypnagogic imagery before I was actually able to fall asleep that was made a little more solid by my lingering dissociative feelings. What I remember of that was that I kept seeing my living room form around me, so at first I would think I was in my living room sitting on the couch where I normally sit when I'm on my laptop. I had American Dad! playing in the background so I know I was still awake at this point because I never stopped hearing it perfectly fine, I just wasn't really registering it. After a while it would become apparent to me that something wasn't right and I'd snap out of it, then it would start over again. At one point I definitely saw Ash and Pikachu running at me, pretty much exactly like this but with Pikachu on the other side.

      And half way through the run they started doing some really weird and jittery dance, and the setting behind them which I hadn't focused much on crumbled and I snapped out of it again. XP I know there was more, but that's all I can really recall from before I actually fell asleep. So anyway....

      #1 - Just Another Middle School Dream

      All I really remember from this one is that I was at my middle school with my cousin who's six years younger than me for some reason, though at some point I start thinking that she's actually Mew (the Pokémon), and whereas I had originally left her in the front office, at that point I was thinking I had left her in the Box 2 storage on my game file. One of my old friends was there and acting really depressed, and after class got out he started smoking one cigarette after another (even though he doesn't actually smoke) and half way through each he would just give up trying and sit there as they burned away, and I had to make sure the ashes weren't getting all over the floor and making sure he didn't start a fire by just letting them drop out of his mouth.

      #2 - Just Another High School Dream

      This one I don't really remember too much of either, except that I was in a class that actually took place in a huge tent covering a king-sized bed and nothing else. The class was Treasure Hunting, and involved me looking around the class (like just sitting in the corners of the room or digging under the bed sheets) for treasure. I found a good number of random things, but all I can really remember getting were Pokémon cards and two of the chaos emeralds from Sonic the Hedgehog. I was pretty sure I was going to get an A in that class, but next I had to go to History, and I was afraid I was going to get an F because I had no idea what we were supposed to be discussing and I forgot to do the homework. :T And that's it from that one.

      So yeah, not the most amazing night. The first part was interesting, though lol. I wonder why my mind was so focused on Pokémon?
    6. Waterbeds and Giant Cheesecake

      by , 01-28-2012 at 10:02 PM (redisreddish's mess of dreams is still messy)
      ~Had one of those dreams that make you facepalm once you wake up. I was in a room with a waterbed, so I got on the bed and laid down, thinking maybe I could fall asleep and have a lucid dream. Didn't even RC. It felt amazing, though. I closed my eyes and imagined floating in the ocean, and it was the most relaxing, soothing feeling.

      ~I was in some kind of restaurant, looking at a display case full of all their desserts. One of the employees came up next to me and pointed at a chocolate bar in the case.

      "If you eat that, you get a special prize," he said. I told him okay, and he took the chocolate out and handed it to me. After I took a bite he informed me that it was filled with hot sauce, mashed peppers, and ranch, but it tasted fine so I kept eating it. After I finished, another employee walked in with a HUGE piece of cheesecake.

      "This is your prize," he told me, dropping it into a shopping cart that had suddenly showed up. Then he grabbed a doughnut from the display case. It was pink, with chocolate frosing. It looked yummy. He started to hand it to me, but then said, "Oh, wait. This has cotton in it--are you a Christian?" Apparently if you were a Christian you couldn't eat cotton. "Ah, nevermind. Just eat it." He gave me the doughnut but then the dream ended.

      ~Just a fragment, I was in a very dirty, flooded place with sad looking stuffed animals floating around.

      ~I was walking around in my yard when a very large, reddish-brown dog came up to me. He was probably about five foot three from the ground to his shoulder. "Hey, I want you to look in the newspaper for me," he said. I couldn't tell if he was nice but a bit creepy, or if he was about to eat my face off. I tried to walk away but he kept up with me, his nose touching my face.

      "Yeah, I can look," I told him.

      "Look in the newspaper for a dog." He licked my face and loped away. He was scary.

      ~In what looks like a castle courtyard. There are Pokeballs laying everywhere, and armored guards trying to chop my head off. I pick up every Pokeball I pass and open it. Pokemon pop out all over the place, attacking the guards, until finally all the guards are knocked out. Then I just pick up Pokeballs to see what's inside.

      "No, no!" A little boy runs up, looking terrified. "Don't take that one!"

      I look at the Pokeball I was about to pick up. "Why?"

      "It's my Jigglypuff. I hid it here so they wouldn't steal it."

      "Oh. Okay." I leave the Pokeball and continue walking.

      ~I'm running from a killer with Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei. We're hiding out in a random house, talking about how we think we lost him. I see a white van pull in the driveway.

      "Oh no, I think that's him," I say, pointing at the van. Joe and Marisa drop to the floor like they're expecting gunfire, but I figure the killer is just going to walk in, so I run upstairs. Somehow I just end up downstairs again, though. The killer is in the house and "he" is actually Elizabeth Gilles. She raises a gun and points it at Joe.

      "It's time to stop running," she smiles.

      Joe rolls his eyes. "Ah, screw it," he says, raising his hands in defeat. Elizabeth shoots him four times and he drops to the floor. Marisa has completely lost it and is screaming her head off in the corner. Elizabeth shoots her, too. I run into a different room. The house is now flooded with several feet of water. I dive under and pretend to be dead so Elizabeth doesn't shoot me. Eventually she catches me coming up for air.

      "Hm..." she says, running a finger along the barrel of the gun. I wait for her to hold it up and kill me, but she doesn't. Instead, she puts it away and tells me to go get her some cookies. I hurriedly run to find a pantry or some other place where there would be cookies, and find my friend Gabi moving around containers in a fridge. I run up to her and we're both terrified, wondering when we're going to die.

      ~I'm exploring some sort of huge abandoned house that also resembles a shipwreck. A man in a tan trenchcoat walks in and offers to give me a tour, but I decline, saying I already know where everything is.
    7. 01/25/12: The Magic of Pokemon

      by , 01-26-2012 at 12:13 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      School of Magic
      I am in a large building with a group of people, we are there for a class. The instructor is a man I don't recognize, and he is teaching us about magical energy. The school seems to be some form of Hogwarts. The room we are in is a sort of auditorium. The instructor fires a blast of magical energy into a designated target at one end of the room. He says it is time for everyone else to show what they can do. A lot of the other students don't seem to know how to create the energy blast. I hear a woman's voice through some kind of speaker system. She is standing up on a balcony looking down on us. She says she will vaporize the lot of us if the instructor doesn't come up there and face her like a man. He clearly doesn't want to but decides he has no choice.

      He goes through a door that leads up to the balcony from behind. I follow him, and several other students come along as well. A couple of them are saying I need to stay out of that, let them deal with their own problems. I ignore them and we get to the top of the ramp. There is a room off the balcony where the woman and the instructor are facing off. They both fire a beam of energy at each other, the energy intercepts in the middle… but hers is clearly stronger. I get closer to them and I focus on drawing some of that energy out of her attack and into me. Her energy beam actually curves off and heads into me, allowing the instructor's energy beam to get through and hit her. It was apparently a stunning spell of some kind as she is knocked unconscious. Now everyone is staring at me in amazement. I am feeling quite energized. Everyone seems speechless.

      Card Depression
      I am in a card shop that is in a large mall. I go into the shop and start looking around at the various things on the shelves. Most of it is too expensive for me to buy, but I am enjoying just looking. I wonder if I might be able to jack something small… maybe just a pack of cards or something. I glance around and I don't see anyone looking, I grab a pack of Pokémon cards and slip it into my purse. I feel I have done enough stealing here. I look around a bit more and I see there is a gaming room in the back. I go in there and people are comparing their Pokémon cards. Hey! I have Pokémon cards! I see the others are using their cards to summon real Pokémon. Cool! I open my pack of cards and I find I got two cards with Pokémon on them. The rest of them are assorted effect cards and other stuff I don't know what it is. The two cards with Pokémon on them is a Pikachu and an Espeon. I summon both of the Pokémon and they join a few others that were summoned by a couple other people in the room. All of the Pokémon are playing with each other. One of the others wants to have a match between them… my Pikachu indicates he is not interested, my Espeon seems to be trying not to laugh.

      So my Pokémon follow me out of the card shop and into the mall. I wander through the mall for a while. I leave the mall and find there isn't really a parking lot, but there is a lake there. There is also a large dump truck pouring trash into the lake. The trash turns the water black. I tell them to stop doing that, they're poisoning the lake. A man driving asks why that should matter. Pikachu zaps the truck with a bolt of lightning, Espeon telekinetically throws the truck into the air where it disappears from sight. I look at the lake, there are dead animals floating in the water. I find that sight to be so depressing… I am wondering what I can do, and what good will it do if no one even cares? Pikachu and Espeon seem to be trying to cheer me up, but it doesn't help.
    8. Mall adventure

      by , 12-14-2011 at 12:34 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was in a room with some kind of club. They told me to go look for someone named O-something, I can't remember. I went next door and there was another club. They had no idea where he was. One of the members suggested detention, so i went off to look for the detention room.

      But when I left their clubroom I was in a mall. It was reall busy, everyone rushing around. I wandered aimlessly, looking for the o-something-or-other person. I walked along the halways looking at all of the items in the store windows. I got to a desk that was like a store, but more like a stand or booth. There was a long line, but I stayed. When I got to the counter I asked the lady working there where I could find the guy I was looking for, but in the dream at that point I had forgotten his name. She said detention was on the floor below, which is why I couldn't find it.

      I decided to stay here for a bit, so I asked the lady what she was selling. Most of it was junk, but there was a really cute turtwig plush pokemon. I asked her how much it was, and she said she got it for Ą500. She only charged me $3 for 3 of them. I picked a groudon and kyogre and left. I saw an escalator, so I walked onto it without even noticing the sign next to it. I looked back and saw that it was out of order, and it began moving very fast. Then I woke up.

      Updated 12-15-2011 at 12:40 AM by 32129

      Tags: club, mall, pokemon
    9. November 9th, 2011

      by , 11-11-2011 at 04:50 AM
      Still sick, so no WBTB. No LD.

      We'll go from vague to vivid on this one.

      There was one part that had something to do with Jenn, and a phone or something.

      I remember one part I was in the old house, and we had this puppy, and it was defective or something, so I threw it in the trash. I remember seeing the trash wriggle around as the puppy was jumping around inside. Don't worry it was DE that it was not a real puppy, so no pets were harmed in the dream. Then I went to the living room to watch TV with Sean. We had a crap ton of channels, and we put on something about music, or boxing. Something like that.

      There was also this part where Brian, Mom, and I were in this multicolored hotel. Each wall had a different color, and the color was bright and very solid, like Microsoft Paint colors. The place was very blocky as well, so every time the walls would curve or something, they instead formed a corner, and a whole new flat surface. And each flat surface was a different color. Magenta, lime green, and yellow are the first ones that come to mind. Anyway, These bad guy(s) with gun(s) were coming to the hotel. Brian tried to stop them, but was unsuccessful. I called 911, and I told them I was at this hotel, and they said they were on their way. But when I hung up, I realised that I never actually told them the address of the hotel. There was also this one part with cartoon characters or something.

      Then, I had a pretty interesting dream where I had a bunch of pets, and they were all Pokemon. This part of the dream took place in my house (I was living on my own) and it was late at night, raining outside, and very dark. I was in the kitchen, and the only light that allowed me to see was from the moonlight outside, and it bathed the kitchen in a dim light, but the color wasn't pale. It was more like there was just a dim light on inside the house. The one half of the kitchen was vaguely reminiscent of the kitchen in my current house, but with some alteration in the position of the cabinets. the second half was completely made up. If I face away from the counters and cabinets, I could walk forward and go through a doorway on the left, which led to a hallway and stairs instead of a living room like usual. There were only walls on the right of me, and past the door was a white fridge, not unlike the fridge I used to have in my old house. Beyond the fridge was a window, and it was darker than you could imagine outside, yet this was the window that let the light in, strangely enough. The only Pokemon I remember seeing were Rattata and Zapdos. I looked over by where the fridge was and noticed that Zapdos was laying motionless on the floor. Next to him was the Rattata. Anyway I wasn't sad that my favorite Pokemon died because I thought, "Hell, I'll just make another one." I know there was a part where I had this cook book-like instructional guide on how to build another Zapdos, and his legs were a main ingredient, but I don't remember much else. Anyway the next part of this dream had nothing to do with the first part, but you could tell it took place in the same setting, with the same vibe in the air, and the same dark night. Mom found out she had cancer, and she came into my room to tell me. My room had a BUNCH of posters everywhere, but they were all the same, but they were giving off a more "decoration" vibe than useless posters. Sean and Brian were in my room as well. I asked Mom how we would be able to afford treatment. Then she told me we would have to move very far away because of all of this. Then there was this weird part where there was this weird visual filter that made it so you could see sound via waves. So if you heard a C note, you saw this metal wire wave across your vision in the correct frequency.

      The last dream I had started out with Darth Vader and I, along with some mutual friend, and we were in this restaurant. The place was very spacious, and had a lot of TVs all over the walls, the same way Applebee's has knick-knacks all over their walls. The spaces where you could see the walls were light blue, and there were also giant windows in which you could see outside. The table we were sitting at was square and very small. Darth Vader and I were play-fighting with fake light sabers, and I swear I chopped off his arm like ten times. We got into an argument about this he told me he has this invisible shield that covers most of his front upper torso, and his hands were in that area, so they didn't get chopped off. I said he should have mentioned this in the first place. Then I was outside in a bunch of snow with class at school. We had to slide things down this hill into this little mound of snow for some reason. Then I was in school, and it was the second day, so everyone was still getting used to their schedules. The school was set up differently, but oddly, it was the same setup as in a previous dream. The main hallway was unnecessarily wide, as was the lunch room. In my dream, I was a pretty popular guy, like in middle school. Anyway, I was still used to the schedule I had the year before, so instead of going to class, I went to lunch. In my dream, Kate, Stephanie, and Jenn were all best friends or something. I was sitting in lunch for a while, and I realised this wasn't where I was supposed to be, and I looked up at Kate, Stephanie, and Jenn, and I said something like, "Oh no! I didn't miss much did I?" or, "This isn't the right class, is it?" I got up and went to my real class, which was this elective writing class. Kyle was in this class (why does he feel the need to make a cameo appearance in all of my dreams?) and so was Cassandra. Our assignment was to draw these UFO's and a lot of people were copying each other, even though we had a template to copy. Cassandra came up to me, and said something about the assignment, or made some sort of joke. Then, I was thinking about something (it wasn't important) and then Kate, Stephanie, and Jenn, who were also in the class looked at me. Jenn said, "Is everything alright?" It's interesting that this happened because in real life, back in 9th grade, I felt like my friends were ditching me (spoiler: they were) and I never found out why. I'm sure it was nothing personal. It was more like we just drifted apart. But anyway, I was spacing out one say in class thinking about this, and Jenn asked me if I was alright. I had a huge crush on Jenn at the time, and I didn't want to seem like a debbie downer, so I said, "No, I'm fine, why?" She said, "Because you look worried." I replied with, "No, I'm good." I always wondered what would have happened if I actually talked to her about it. But anyway, in the dream, I responded with one of those wobbly hand signs that mean, "Ehhh...kinda so-so." Then I said, "Not really," and they gave me this worried look. Since I was actually feeling fine, I reassured to them, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me, I'm good." Only this time, I meant it.

      Feels good, man.

      Oh, also in the same dream, Iyannah and Martha were in the class, and both were really hot, but they were sisters, and both of their names were Ibouku, and they had different last names. Martha caught me staring at her, and she thought I had a crush on her.

      I don't mean to bring my personal life onto here, I just felt the dream needed explaining.
    10. Catching Up On Dreams

      by , 09-30-2011 at 09:33 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      EVE: War Sucks
      I am in a game of EVE Online. I am flying my drake in low security space, I know I am looking for trouble. I wonder if maybe I should've brought a smaller ship. Griefers might be afraid a drake might fight back. But I'm looking for a specific griefer. Back Hoe is his username. I finally find the system he is in. I call him out in local. I say I challenge him to a fight, my drake vs. whatever he has. He agrees to a one on one. I arrive and find there are somehow three of him all out there at the same time. So much for one on one. Well, I also got a secret. I launch my Fire Valkyrie from my drake. He can't seem to hit that no matter how many of him there are. I blast all three of his ships and then triple pod him when escape pods launch. Ha! The joke is on him. 3 vs. 1 but it was him that didn't have a chance!

      EVE: Betrayal
      I am in low sec space in my drake, looking for someone to fight, preferably some asshole who likes to pick on those weaker than themselves. I scan the system and locate a tengu. That's a pretty powerful ship so I warp to the location to see if he attacks. It turns out the player is Xenoace, who is a member of a friend corp. Oh, well. No fight there. But I was wrong. He attacks me and blows up my drake, this took me by surprise. My Fire Valkyrie ejects instead of my escape pod. This clearly surprises him. That's a fancy pod, he says. Now it go boom. He's trying to warp scramble me, but I don't have any intention of running. I attack Xeno's tengu an blow it up. His pod ejects. I hesitate just a bit too long and it warps away before I can pod him. Why was Xeno attacking me???



      I Am Sailor Moon
      I am Serena Usagi, also known as Sailor Moon . I am meeting with the other sailor scouts and we are discussing how to keep the silver imperium crystal safe. Every time I start an idea Rae says it's a dumb one. She follows that by insulting me a lot. No one is objecting. I get pissed. I finally throw the crescent moon wand at Rae and tell her fine, if everyone there hates me so much, I quit. Rae can be leader, she can be the new Sailor Moon. I'm out of here. I leave in a huff, almost in tears. I am near a plant shop when I hear something. I follow the noise. A weird mutant plant woman is attacking Rae, who is in Sailor Mars form now. The plant woman has Rae cornered. Hey! Double ugly weed bitch! Over here! She glares at me then comes at me. I turn and run, I have no wand to transform with. I go to the plant shop. Where is your weed killer? A shelf of Weed-B-Gone. I take several. Plant bitch is here. I spray her with weed killer. The weeds all over her die, leaving a disoriented woman. Rae comes. She says that was the second dumbest thing I have ever done... the first being when I left... I interrupt. The dumbest was ever thinking I could have a real friend. Fuck off, I'm still out of here. I leave, I am still pissed. I ignore Rae calling me to stop. I wake up feeling so very isolated, so alone.



      EVE: Revenge
      I am once again in a game of EVE Online, I am in my Fire Valkyrie. I am hovering outside a station where I know there are several assholes holed up. The list on my screen shows Back Hoe, Menardii, Draco, Marley... and a couple others. They are all showing as war targets. I wait for a bit and finally Back Hoe tries to leave. I blast him... ship and pod. I wait some more. Draco tries to leave. I blast him, too. Ship and pod. This is amusing. They are cursing at me in local chat. I don't respond. I warp away. One of them tries to leave again. I warp back so fast. Boom, I blast Menardii... ship and pod. You guys are screwed. Whenever you step out of the safety of that station I'll be here to pod your asses! I will be here and POD YOU every time! How do you like it, assholes? It sucks to be you!



      Pokémon Hunt
      My mother and I are in a forest searching around for pokémon, my mother is looking to catch herself one. My mom says what she really wants to catch is a pikachu. I remind her we already have a pikachu back at the house, in fact we have several of them. She says one can never have too many pikachus. We have pokéballs and my mother asks me where she should look. I tell her most of the pokémon will be in the tall grassy areas and in the bushes, most of them will be hidden from sight. They don't realize we aren't there to hurt them. My mom and I look for a while longer, I really want to find a feline pokémon. My mom surprises me when she throws her pokéball. It opens up and successfully captures a pokémon, though I don't get a good look at it before it vanishes inside. She asks how she's supposed to convince it she will be nice to it. I tell her she has to be friends with it. She opens the pokéball and reveals the pokémon she caught. It is about the size of a house cat, but it is a bug type… it looks like a lady bug with iridescent spots. The pokémon flies around my mother a few times as if assessing her, deciding if it will trust her. It apparently decides it likes her energy because it lands beside her and seems relaxed. My mom is ready to go home even without a pikachu. I say I'm going to keep looking for a feline.


      Summer Gift Day
      I am at school, it is like a high school, and it is the last day of the year before summer break. The entire school is participating in a secret gift-giving event. Everyone will draw the name of another student and then give them a modestly priced or homemade gift. I figure that since I am so extremely popular (NOT!) I'll probably get someone's dogs shit wrapped up in a brown paper bag. But I'm not going to do that. I don't know what the person would like… I get a name of someone I don't know. Gloria. I decide to get her a gift card from somewhere that her money might go a bit farther than with new items. I will get her a gift card from Bookman's. If she likes books, she's set. Music, movies, video games… Alicia is there with me and she thinks that is a good idea. We are leaving for Bookman's when someone tells us not to be late for graduation.



      Cleaning House
      I am in a large house, more of a mansion than a regular sized home, and I am exploring the place. The entire house is really creepy, it looks abandoned and haunted. But I somehow know it isn't supposed to be like that, there are people who live here, or there are supposed to be. I wonder if they are still here with the mess. I start cleaning up some of the mess I find around, doing so seems to brighten the place up a bit. I open a door that is on the third floor, thinking I will find a room. But instead the door leads to empty space, an exterior door on the third level of a house that doesn't lead to a deck or a stairway, just to a three story drop. Well, that seems odd, I wonder if I should put a warning sign on the door or maybe board it up so no one opens it and strolls through… only to find themselves in mid air. Outside it is dark, there is a breeze blowing through some large trees. A rather nice view if someone would just put a deck there. I go inside and continue cleaning the place up, I am actually making some decent progress. I wonder where the people who live here are… have they left? Will they come back?
      Note: After I woke up I got the feeling I had been inside MoSh's inner world.



      Save Me
      I am in MoSh's inner world, this is something I do not question at all, and it doesn't lead me to do a reality check. It seems perfectly normal for me to be there. I look around, trying to get my bearings, wondering where MoSh and Asuka might be… and their kids, too. Right now I don't see anyone… but wait… I do. There is a strange woman standing alone in an open area of dirt. I can hear her crying. She says she only wanted a safe place to hide, she didn't mean to cause any harm… really… she just wants to be safe… I wonder what she is talking about. Is she somehow responsible for the problems going on in here lately? Could it be an accident? She says she needs help, someone to save her… but she's not sure if she is worth saving. She says probably not. Some weird things erupt from the ground at her feet, wires and such are forming all over her body, it makes her look like some kind of strange robot. She is screaming the whole time that happens, then she suddenly attacks me. I am forced to fight her, and I finally use a water based spell that is shorting out the robotic circuits. The wires retreat, pulling back into the ground. The woman is also gone, now there is a little girl huddled on the ground sobbing. I try to approach the little girl but she disappears before I can reach her.
    11. Somewhat-Lucid

      by , 09-19-2011 at 07:16 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was dreaming that I was in a big complex, much like my old favorite boarding school (Talenta). It seems I was doing some sort of missions there, after one was finished I have been assigned to the next one together with a bunch of other people. I was apparently searching for something; I know that some sort of voice explained to me that in this mission, unlike before, everyone could stray through the complex at will to search. At the start of this mission it was day, I saw the complex from the outside a moment, it looked a lot more like my most recent school though.

      Some info: My old boarding school consisted of 2 Buildings which each were constructed out of 2 long blocks, connected through a thinner strand of building. Each of the blocks has one quadratic staircase, where 3 of the 4 sides had a stairway, and the last side was connected to the hallway that led to the rooms.

      I was in the second floor of this connection (unlike in reality, in the dream there were three floors in this connection). I walked around a bit and ended in the top of the stairway of one of the buildings. I went down the complete staircase without touching the stairs, only using the handrail and centrifugal force (I think somewhere at this point my awareness slowly started to rise). I went down a bit too far and nearly went into the basement, which was pretty dark; it also was night after that. I stopped, placed my feet on the floor again and normally walked up the few steps, turned left and went into the connection again. Somewhere at this point I looked out of a window, the scene I saw was a real place of my old boarding school (I think I kind of know what window I looked out of). At that part I also remembered that there should be new educators in this complex and that I should meet the new ones. In the night scene I saw an odd moving Zeppelin, that also looked pretty crazy, it had four arrays of strange constructions, and they were slightly glowing (I can’t describe that thing so I’m not going to try further). I finally came to the thought something was off and did the nose-pinch RC.
      I could breathe through my nose so I became aware that I was in a dream. However upon realizing, the scene drastically changed and I was in a big room with a green, grass like floor. There were a bunch of tables and chairs, and also a bar; however it didn’t resemble a pub at all (as far as I can tell it also was day again). On the green floor was a bunch of different Pokémon (pretty odd because I played some of the games but couldn’t consider myself a fan; I remember I first saw an Eevee and Lugia/Ho-Oh later). I remembered the TotM but there was nothing in my surroundings that I could use. Somehow my vision turned black, I still primarily felt like watching a movie, even though I was pretty much completely aware, “and now someone turned off the screen”. I did a reality check again and tried to get the scene back as I remember it, and the “screen was on” again (it was after that that small forms of Lugia and Ho-Oh appeared to be chased or followed by the others). I got to see a little bit more of the odd scene but woke up very soon after.

      Updated 04-17-2012 at 11:09 AM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes , task of the month
    12. 31st Shared Dreaming Attempt - Evolventity's Dream

      by , 09-14-2011 at 09:12 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Evolventity's Dream
      September 13, 2011

      (Regular Dream, Fragments) Fell asleep by 10:30PM, woke up ~8AM.
      -I'm trying to smother people dressed in a "scene" fashion as they bulge from my sister J*'s bed underneath the blankets.

      -I walk to my bedroom. My younger cousin Mi* and two other kids are laying in my bed trying to sleep. It's night time. The TV is next to the window and I ask them if they would like to watch a movie. I suggest Care Bears or Pokemon. They agree on Pokemon so I go to the living room to grab the VHS tapes. I can't find them, I ask my mom, sitting on the bed, where they are. She says we don't have them anymore, got rid of them.

      -I'm with the Criminal Minds crew standing outside of a building on fire. I enter the building with excessive smoke. I think I helped save a person from dying.

      -Something about bots and my cousin Na* in a library.
    13. Super Hero?

      by , 09-06-2011 at 01:31 PM
      8 Aug 2011

      I was trying to steal something from a guy at the top of a multi-storey building. This required finding secret ways up through the floors. The bottom few levels were a shopping centre with office floors above. The layout of the building was similar to many buildings in Sydney's CBD but the shopping centre was similar to a dream I had many months ago. On climbing various devices such as ropes, escalators and swing bars etc. When I was on the private floors I had to be covert in order to evade attention. There were various staff trying to prevent my passage. It gave the general feeling of a Team Rocket base from Pokemon. On reaching the top I found the item which I was intending to steal and the boss was in the room. I thought he didn't see me but as I was leaving, he made it clear that he knew what I was doing and was allowing me to pass in the hope that I would learn from his generosity. He was a Superhero and I was the villain but we were both forced to accept that we were friends not enemies and could drop the stupid charade.
    14. [Sep. 3, 11] Pokemon or something

      by , 09-03-2011 at 03:33 PM (Eeveon's Dreams and such)
      Notes Non-Lucid Lucid

      Very bad recall on these. And, the dream skips are mostly parts I don't remember.

      Dream 1:
      Okay, so, I don't remember a whole lot of this. Considering I had woken up and had another dream. So, yea, my memory of it is very fuzzy. And, I only remember tiny fragments from it.
      Anyways, me and a Pikachu were walking or something. And, somehow, we were knocked unconscious at some point in time. Then, I woke up because Pikachu was shocking me. I saw a little health bar flash in front of me for a moment to show that I lost all my health. And, I went unconscious again. Then, the dream skips and me and Pikachu (By now, I thought he wouldn't be here anymore. But, meh.) We were on top of a small building with a weird slanted roof. He told me that some iguana-looking thing left some kind of burrito things out before he went to bed. We were spying on him and I saw him walking slowly towards a door. When he makes it in, a few people come out of nowhere and grab the burrito things. I grabbed 4 and went somewhere.

      Then, I woke up. Stayed awake for 2 minutes or so, then went back to sleep.

      Dream 2:
      This one I also don't remember to much of. Again, I remember only bits and pieces from it.
      I believe it starts out with me and some other Pokemon. We were sleeping some kind of a tepee thing. Except it was pretty wide and very dark inside. Anyways, dream skips and I'm looking at some Pokemon in a metal cart or something. They get thrown out somehow and land in some mud. I levitate them out for some reason and fling them somewhere. Dreams skips, and I'm laying on the ground close to where those burritos were at in the first dream. I'm being shocked awake by that iguana thing. I wake up and he walks away, laughing maniacally. Dream skips again, and I'm back in that tepee again. I get out of it and walk beside that Pokemon that was sleeping with me. I say "I really need a Pokemon."

      And then, I don't remember the rest. But it was probably more random stuff that makes no sense.
    15. What am I doing at work? Oh - I'm dreaming!

      by , 08-20-2011 at 05:25 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in the parking lot of the office complex where I work. I suddenly think: I distinctly remember going to Toastmasters yesterday morning, then to work, but I haven't had any time off work since then. [I go to Toastmasters on Friday mornings, and I have the weekends off.] How did I get here? I'm here out of sequence, and I don't remember coming here. Oh, s*** – I must be dreaming. I pinch my nose and can breathe. Yep, I'm dreaming.

      I decide to climb the outdoor stairs to the back door of my office. It only takes me four strides to get to the top of a staircase that I know has 14 or 15 steps.
      [Again, this was an example of that dream phenomenon where you focus on arriving at your intended destination and quickly arrive there, having “fast-forwarded” through the act of getting there.] I figure that the door is probably locked because it's not business hours, so there shouldn't be anyone inside. I attempt to use my dream ability to become intangible and walk through things to get into the office, but it doesn't work. The door remains solid to me. However, I quickly discover that the door is, in fact, unlocked, and just open it. [Apparently, my brain likes to do things in the simplest way possible.]

      The office looks exactly like it does in reality, except that there is a large, round, pink toy Jigglypuff sitting on the reception desk. This makes me laugh. [In real life, that desk is decorated only with pictures of the occupant's kids, who are now young adults, and some artificial plants. The occupant would never even own such a thing, much less display it on her desk.] I think, That's a random thing for my brain to put there!

      I wander into my boss's office. There is a small, clear plastic bag of broken crayon pieces on his desk, mostly blue, orange, and green. It makes sense for them to be there, because he has young children. I pick up a crayon piece and contemplate eating it, but I think that that wouldn't be very nice, because these crayons belong to the boss's kids. Then I think, The real $Boss is never going to know, and pick up a small piece and swallow it. As in my previous lucid, I can feel it, but the sensation is weaker than it would be in real life.

      I go back out to the main room, where the reception desk is, and stand just to one side of it. I hear my boss's voice as he comes up the indoor stairway. Then my boss comes into the office through the front door, followed by his entire family. I'm naked
      [as I have been throughout this dream, but I haven't felt the embarrassment that I usually feel in my dreams that involve nudity]. At first I stay where I am, thinking, I don't mind if he sees me. It's just a dream, after all. But the force of the social taboo overwhelms me, despite my conscious effort to resist it, and I try to hide behind the reception desk. He doesn't appear to take any notice of me at all.

      I run back out the back door, down the stairs, and into the parking lot. I see that it's nighttime. I say aloud, “Well, I can bloody well make it daytime!” I attempt to change the dream scene from night to day by closing my eyes, turning in a circle while thinking about what I want to have happen, and then opening them again. It doesn't work. It's still nighttime.

      Then the dream shifts. It looks like the new scene is rising up from behind the foreground of the first scene, then replacing it.
      [That's the best I can describe it; I don't remember the transition really well.] I say, “Cool!”

      I'm now indoors, in a portable classroom filled with school desks. I'm wearing regular clothes again, too. There are students and teachers here. One of the teachers starts singing “Amazing Grace,” and I sing along. We sing the entire first verse. I think, Cool. I've been wanting to sing an entire song in a dream. I know there' s more than just that one verse, but I feel like I've accomplished that goal.

      The classroom starts to fly. It flies over a cityscape that I know is in China. We're heading out toward the ocean.

      [There was another dream scene after this one, but I don't remember much about it. I know it was indoors, and I think it involved me and my mom searching for and trying to identify the perpetrator of a crime.]

      Updated 08-20-2011 at 05:34 PM by 37356 (I forgot the color-coding guide)

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