Type: DILD.
Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dream 1 - The Train
I was on a train. You know, one of those passenger trains with the multiple cars. It was very cozy yet airy inside, and there were maroon leather seats on either side of the car I was in, almost like a luxury bus. There were also round tables covered with white tablecloths near the back of the car. It had very large windows so people could look outside; these windows made up nearly the entire sides of the car.
I became lucid almost immediately. I exclaimed out loud and did a little dance because I hadn't been lucid in a few days, and immediately decided to do something (although I wasn't sure what yet). I wanted to exit the train but I knew it was moving, pretty fast too, but I didn't want to go all the way to the conductor and ask them to stop it manually. That would have been silly. So, I punched a large hole in one of the windows (no one was around to witness it) and looked outside for the first time. The train was not on a track, but in the middle of traffic, moving along smoothly with the other cars. There wasn't much traffic though, so I jumped out, landing on my feet in the middle of traffic.
I looked down the lane and saw a forest-green colored car zooming towards me at around sixty miles an hour, so I leaped on top of it, causing a large dent and feeling the top of the car implode. The car stopped abruptly, as soon as I touched it, but I didn't get thrown off. I then jumped off the car and onto the sidewalk. I tried to do the second jump stylishly but I failed miserably. I had to balance myself a bit, and almost felt pain as my feet contacted the cement sidewalk. I walked it off.
I spent the rest of the dream flying around because that's one of my favourite things to do.
Dream 2 - "Why'd you do that?!"
As soon as the train dream ended, I found myself in my bedroom, all tucked into bed. My room was situated downstairs; I was in a queen bed with mint green covers, a polished dark brown nightstand beside it, and an oak artist's desk in the other corner of my room.
I was suspicious of this, though, because something felt wierd. I got up a bit, still covered in blankets, and looked at my alarm clock. The first time I looked, it said 1:00. Nothing strange at all. However, I looked back and forth a few more times, because sometimes in dreams my clock tricks me. Caught it.
The next sequence of numbers was 2:00, 3:00, and then 4:04. I immediately got up and said, "a second lucid dream!?"
By now I was pretty excited but I knew better than to go around destabilizing the dream. I went out through the door to my room and ran upstairs, towards the front door to get out of the house. Through the window next to the door, between the blinds, I saw that it was dark. But I knew, through expectation, that I could make it light outside. Before disregarding the window, I looked at the door and expected it to be light outside. I turned the doorknob and it was light. Perfect.
I walked down the driveway and was about to fly away.
Then my mother woke me up, and I was back in bed. I was sure I was awake, so I asked, "why did you do that? I was in the middle of a lucid dream." A few moments later, I woke up for real.