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    1. Train Station in Africa.

      , 07-20-2010 at 04:17 AM
      I was planning to meet up with MB at the movies. We were going to go watch something and eat dinner and we also agreed that we'd go and rent some other movies out to watch either before or after the movie.

      Then I mentioned to someone how I needed to apologise to CH, this girl that I did something mean to in year 7 IRL (I still need to do this one day if I ever see her).

      At the train station on the way to the city centre to meet up with MB, there were all these photographs attached to the station platform. They were all photographs of the same thing - some random part of the station platform taken from a specific angle, but each photograph was from a different station. It was kinda cool to see all the differences between each one.

      SM and MM were at the train station with me. We saw that the train was approaching, but for some reason it didn't stop at our platform. And this somehow had something to do with Africa being poor, lol. I think the platforms were named after different African cities or countries. And some of these didn't have enough money to fund the train to run to the city centre, hahaha.
      As they came from Africa, SM and MM got really angry at this, mentioning something about racism. They went to complain to the woman on the platform, but she pointed them to the train warden in the little office next to the station. It was a man with a paper sign on his back and front that said TRAIN WARDEN. So unprofessional haha. They went off to complain, and I saw that there was a train in the distance approaching. I somehow knew that this train would take us to the city centre.

      We boarded the train, SM and MM somehow exited my dream and I noticed that CH was on the train. I really should've gone up to her and talked and apologised to her, but instead I just did that thing where you acknowledge someone's presence by smiling at them, saying hi, and then I sat behind her.

      When we arrived at the city train station, CH was walking in front of me and heading towards Baker's Delight (a bakery shop). I followed her and when we got there I THINK I offered to buy her something. I'm not sure though. I remember that there was heaps to choose from. Different slices and things like that.
      Anyway, I didn't end up apologising to her :/
    2. HTML v1.0 and more Philippines.

      , 07-12-2010 at 09:07 AM
      I had a nice dream last night involving TW and computers, lol. I'm not sure exactly what we were doing, but I was asleeep in bed and TW came into the room and he was like "hey I've figured out why it's not working! The guy that I am living with in student housing showed me. And it was something to do with the fact that it was html v1.0".
      He was trying to show me where "html v1.0" was written on a pencil, which was connected to a firelighter through a keychain. I was barely awake and was at that stage when I couldn't really focus on anything, and he was trying to show me the text which was really small so I was like "okay, wait a sec, my eyes are still adjusting to the light and I can't focus properly".
      I was also thinking "WTH this is kind of a cool surprise visit but this is kinda funny that he is showing me this at this time. Surely he'd show me once I've already woken up?" But I wasn't annoyed or anything, just slightly amused.

      There was more to the computery side of things than this. I have a feeling that it involved being connected to Pallkars using SSH, and stuff like that haha.

      Then there was another bit relevant to the fact that TW had lighters on his keychain; mum was asking for my advice about lighters because we were in Philippines, and asked if the one she was getting was expensive. It was $20.50, I think, and I was like "hell yeah that's really expensive!". She was like "oh, okay" lol.

      And thern there was another part where I was in the Philippines with Shaun and it was early morning, around 7.30 so I took the train to this random place and stayed there because it was slightly exciting. It was also raining pretty hard, and I had my umbrealla.

      I missed the first train there, and the people watching me as I missed it were like "oh.." and had that expression of half-sympathy half-amusement on their face as you do when someone JUST missses a train. One of them was an indian woman in traditional dress.

      The destination was at the top of a hill or something. I think it was some sort of campus and there was lots of student housing there. It may have led to the place where I was sleeping when TW came and saw me.
    3. The Dream of the Girls on Horses and the Gun Fight

      by , 06-26-2010 at 10:21 AM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      So I was with this other girl who was my little sister, and we left a group to go on a journey on horses. We were in the country. The landscape was pretty, although the sky was cloud-covered: gentle hills covered in grass and moss, and sorts of pine trees.
      At some point I went behind a tree to pee, and I noticed a chain-link fence not too far to my right, and black puffs of smoke rising behind it. I told my sister about it. Suddenly, a man appeared behind the fence, and I recognized him as our enemy. He started to shoot at us with his rifle.
      Me and my sister sort of played hide and seek with him and his mates, hiding in the large trees. While we were doing this, the landscape morphed slowly. A row of low buildings/shops appeared in the distance behind us, and a mini horse-riding centre/sports centre appeared right behind us.
      The guys on the other side of the fence had found a way to cross it and were getting closer to us. We could do nothing but hide. At this point, a friend from the original group (another teenage girl) joined us. She had a gun too and started counter-attacking. Then, more people joined us and the bad guys were defeated.
      All the good guys gathered in the nearby building, which at this point looked like a greenhouse. The building was well developped underground, with a nursery, a cafetaria, etc... (in fact, it looked like a bunker).
      Several people on our side were wounded, among whom a close friend (possibly my sister) who needed blood. So I decided to inject blood in her with a tiny syringe. There was some air in the syringe, so a friend with some medical background warned me against injecting the air in her bloodstream, which could kill her.
      Then, I carried an unconscious girl in my arms. I stopped in the cafetaria to chat with some of the guys, then went on my way, wit the girl in my arms, to find a place to lay her down. I thought of a little train wagon we have near the bunker. Many of our allies were there (some of them were actual soldiers), I think I saw Captain Picard too. I had to ask Robert Downey Jr to move his arm so I could let the girl rest on a train couch.

      - The Mammoth Hunters, by Jean Auel, for the horse-riding journey bit
      - FallOut 3 for the raiders attack and bunker bit
    4. The Train and...

      by , 06-22-2010 at 08:14 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Dream 1 - The Train

      I was on a train. You know, one of those passenger trains with the multiple cars. It was very cozy yet airy inside, and there were maroon leather seats on either side of the car I was in, almost like a luxury bus. There were also round tables covered with white tablecloths near the back of the car. It had very large windows so people could look outside; these windows made up nearly the entire sides of the car.

      I became lucid almost immediately. I exclaimed out loud and did a little dance because I hadn't been lucid in a few days, and immediately decided to do something (although I wasn't sure what yet). I wanted to exit the train but I knew it was moving, pretty fast too, but I didn't want to go all the way to the conductor and ask them to stop it manually. That would have been silly. So, I punched a large hole in one of the windows (no one was around to witness it) and looked outside for the first time. The train was not on a track, but in the middle of traffic, moving along smoothly with the other cars. There wasn't much traffic though, so I jumped out, landing on my feet in the middle of traffic.

      I looked down the lane and saw a forest-green colored car zooming towards me at around sixty miles an hour, so I leaped on top of it, causing a large dent and feeling the top of the car implode. The car stopped abruptly, as soon as I touched it, but I didn't get thrown off. I then jumped off the car and onto the sidewalk. I tried to do the second jump stylishly but I failed miserably. I had to balance myself a bit, and almost felt pain as my feet contacted the cement sidewalk. I walked it off.

      I spent the rest of the dream flying around because that's one of my favourite things to do.

      Dream 2 - "Why'd you do that?!"

      As soon as the train dream ended, I found myself in my bedroom, all tucked into bed. My room was situated downstairs; I was in a queen bed with mint green covers, a polished dark brown nightstand beside it, and an oak artist's desk in the other corner of my room.

      I was suspicious of this, though, because something felt wierd. I got up a bit, still covered in blankets, and looked at my alarm clock. The first time I looked, it said 1:00. Nothing strange at all. However, I looked back and forth a few more times, because sometimes in dreams my clock tricks me. Caught it.

      The next sequence of numbers was 2:00, 3:00, and then 4:04. I immediately got up and said, "a second lucid dream!?"

      By now I was pretty excited but I knew better than to go around destabilizing the dream. I went out through the door to my room and ran upstairs, towards the front door to get out of the house. Through the window next to the door, between the blinds, I saw that it was dark. But I knew, through expectation, that I could make it light outside. Before disregarding the window, I looked at the door and expected it to be light outside. I turned the doorknob and it was light. Perfect.

      I walked down the driveway and was about to fly away.

      Then my mother woke me up, and I was back in bed. I was sure I was awake, so I asked, "why did you do that? I was in the middle of a lucid dream." A few moments later, I woke up for real.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:52 AM by 28408

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    5. Failed Vision Quest

      by , 06-20-2010 at 10:58 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am young than I look now and wearing a grey and red poncho. I am in some sort of museum or cultural center focusing on North American Aborigonal Societies. I am there to participate in a vision quest and arrive late in the afternoon to recieve instruction on what to do. I am told by some Elders that this vision quest is more like a savenger hunt because I have to obtain seven various items from safes that are hidden around the facility. The safes are locked with complex systems that require finding the right item to open them, and not all of the items are plain keys, which are also hidden from plain view.

      I see that there are several other young people in the meeting room, some I know in real life and some I know in the dream. They have already completed their vision quests and are just visiting the facility. One of the coditions of the vision quest is that I must find and do everything alone and cannot ask for help from anyone. I go over and say hello to some of the people I know but many of them outright ignore me or are reluctant to talk to me.

      Evening comes and many people leave but I want to stay as late as I can and get as much of my vision quest done as I can. I walk through the facility and looks along all the walls and corners for hidden safes. I find one but it is locked and I do not yet have the key to open it. At first I am closely observed by some Elders who follow me around and take notes on my progress and discuss it amoungst themselves, but I lose track of them at some point and left to explore on my own.

      I find by self on the second floor of the building and come to an area that is open to the floors below and is crisscrossed with wooded suspention bridges. The only way to the other side is across the bridges and as I start to cross I notice two Tolkien inspired elves standing in the middle of one, observing my movements and loudly discussing me. One elf looks like Peter Jackson's version of Elrond and the other is a dark haired elf with a stern look on his face.

      I cross the bridge and explore some of the rooms that have many indegenous artifacts on display and see two of my friends who are First Nations peoples. One of them I know completed their vision quest years before and the other says that he is just starting his, which confuses me because I thought I was the only one. It dawn on me that this is now a race because if he obstains the items before I do than I will obviously be unable to collect those items. I do not tell him that I am also on my vision quest. They move on and I continue searching the display cases until I find a gold token, which I hope can be used to open a safe.

      Finding nothing more of unterest in the remaining rooms of that area I head back towards the wooden suspension bridges where the two elves are there and still watching me. They are having an argument about something and as I cross the bridge and walk past them, the Elrond looking elf grabs my arm, leans in and tells me tells me where to find the next safe and how to open it. I pull away, plug my ears and run because I am not supposed to recieve help from others and I don't want to get in trouble.

      Back on the ground floor though I go straight to the safe he told me about but it will not open. Nearby in a potted plant I find another gold token. I wander around some more and find an arts and crafts room that has a safe sitting on a table. Down the hall from this room is a women's bathroom and another safe. The safe on the table contains a coin operated locking system but which I put my two gold coins in, they are immediately spit out. Ayoung boy working on a craft in the room tells me that I need three tokens to open that safe and the the item and key inside will open the safe down the hall.

      Just then my friend who is also doing his vision quest walks in the room and inserts his three gold tokens into the safe which pops open and reveals a green jadestone medallion and another key. He then uses that key to open the safe down the hall and loudly declares that he has completed his vision quest. Several Elders and other people enter the room and congradulate him and they all walk out to celebrate somewhere. Just then the public announcment system plays a message that the facility is closing. I watch everyone in the building leave via the main exit, but I am crushed by my failure of the vision quest and I hide in a women's washroom that contains a lounge and cry.

      I suddenly have a backpack with me and I open it and find several key chains with lots of keys on it, some stones and shells, a picture of my first cat and various other random crap that seems pointless and meaningless to me because they would not have helped me on my quest anyway. Many hours pass and a cleaning man discovers me sleeping in the bathroom and alerts security. A friendly brown haired security man wakes me up and offers to drive me home. We hop into is light blue 1956 Ford pickup and drive through the country. I don't talk to him because I am very despondant and depressed. We approach some train tracks and despite the warning lights that a train is coming the security man just keeps on driving. I fear that we will be hit by the train but cross just before it does and it misses the truck by just a few feet.

      Updated 08-30-2010 at 02:12 PM by 6048

    6. 06/13/10 Raging Fire

      by , 06-16-2010 at 03:49 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I have never actually been to Houston, but the pattern of my dream and what I saw fit pretty close to the paths I have marked on these Google Earth maps. It was a very vivid dream and I remembered it very clearly.

      I was sitting on the couch watching some kind of documentary on television. I watched it for a few minutes and realized it was about pilots involved in stressful situations such as equipment failure, bad weather landings, etc. They showed an airliner flying toward Houston. The plane was flying over thick clouds. It was a very calm scene, nothing seemed to be wrong there. I got closer to the television and touched the screen. My hand moved through the screen and into the show… uh… well, this should have been good reason for a RC, but instead I thought this was just a new form of interactive television. I pushed my way into the television and the next thing I knew I was flying outside in the air, keeping up with the airliner with no difficulty, and approaching Houston.

      The clouds below were what represented the dangerous situation for the pilot of the plane. The plane started to slowly descend through the clouds. I followed suit. I slowly descended into the clouds. This dream was so very vivid that I could feel the small beads of moisture that the cloud was made of. They were cool on my face and exposed arms. I was surrounded by fluffy whites and grays. I lost track of the plane in the clouds. As I descended down below the clouds I could feel larger drops of water. Now I was out of the clouds and into the rain. It was raining rather hard in Houston. The rain sprayed my face and arms, and it still felt good. I was thinking I had just come from a baking hot Arizona day into this pleasant rain storm, of course it felt good to me.

      I was able to pick up following the plane again. It headed in towards the Houston International Airport… which I looked up and found it to be called the George Bush International Airport… The plane circled the airport a few times and then came in for a careful landing. I didn't see any sign of problems at all. I wondered why that should've been stressful… but then again, I hadn't been on the plane. They might have had equipment failure along with the storm. After the plane came to a complete stop at one of the gates, I got bored of watching the planes and flew off in what I felt was north or north west. I flew in and around some small buildings, not sure what they were. I was just flying in the rain and having fun. The rain was beginning to slow down a bit now. My flight path carried me over an intersection where there was a rail road crossing.

      As I flew down over the intersection I saw a car in the middle of the tracks. Both of the gates were down, and the car wasn't moving. There was a train approaching in the distance. Now if that wasn't just a Murphey's Law moment… I landed near the car and looked over. There was a woman in the car trying in vain to start it. Ok… a cliché moment of a car getting stuck on railroad tracks with a train coming… and now the driver was really going to be too retarded to get out and just abandon the car to save her own life? She finally got out of the car as the train approached. I thought she had finally gotten a brain, but she instead went to the back seat and started struggling with something. What was going on? I went over to her and told her she had better get out of the way… a train was coming… She said she knew, but her baby was stuck in the car. Wtf? I looked in the car. There was a kid in a car seat. The kid was securely strapped into the car seat. The mother was struggling with the belts holding the car seat into the car and the belts holding the child in the seat. None of them wanted to come free. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my knife, popped it out, and cut several of the belts quickly… and then the mom took the child out. We both got out of the path of the train just before it plowed into the car with a loud CRASH! The car was dragged a short distance down the tracks and then tossed aside, a total wreck.

      The woman didn't seem to be able to stop thanking me over and over again. She wanted to know who I was because she said everyone would know me as a hero… but I don't want to be known by anyone… so I took to flight and left her standing there in the rain with her kid. I flew north, following some kind of a highway, the rain slowed to a stop.

      The air was still cool and crisp. I flew a good distance. I flew until I saw smoke that was not too far off. I headed in that direction, which involved turning to my left for a while. I flew over a lake, and then there was an area of forest. In the area of forest there was a fire raging. I wondered how the fire had gotten started. A bolt of lightning? I hadn't seen any lightning… a careless camp fire or a carelessly disposed of cigarette butt? Maybe, but with it being so wet I didn't see how the fire could have gotten started. Arson? Maybe, but why? I figured it didn't matter how the fire had gotten started… I was going to check it out and figure out how to help stop it.

      I flew down to an area not far from the fire. There were animals fleeing the site of the fire. I was hovering over them as they headed away from the fire as quickly as they could go. I could also see the fire approaching. I saw some animals had gotten trapped by the fire… I didn't want them to get burned. I flew in and grabbed a few small animals and got them to safety… but there were animals too big for me to lift. Deer… there were several deer… I flew back and lifted a fawn. It was surprisingly easy to lift. I took the baby deer to safety. I lifted mom… also surprisingly easy… and dad… a sizable buck… also easy to carry… I moved some more animals out, snakes, squirrels, deer… some animals I don't remember what they were, a few of which were rather ugly… but this wasn't helpful… the fire would still catch up soon… getting rid of the fire was the main goal.

      I wondered how that could be done. I landed near the lake. I could still see the fire from there. If only I could move water as easily as I moved the animals… I tried to lift up a section of water… and it worked. The water lifted in a small sphere. I did only a brief double take (and no RC) before gathering a much larger sphere of water and carrying it to the site of the fire. I dropped the huge sphere of water over the fire. The sphere immediately broke apart and doused the fire in a huge puff of steam. It never occurred to me that I was dreaming… I thought this was easily explained by the fact I had finally developed my telekinetic powers. That was enabling me to fly, enabled me to lift heavy animals, and transport water. I was flying away from the site of the fire when I woke.
    7. Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (DV version)

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:41 AM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Quote Originally Posted by Hazel View Post
      1- Etheric Murder
      I am with Shelby and Taylor at their relative's house, and I keep seeing a creepy little kid walking through a certain hallway. Upon asking, I am told that there are no little kids there. Eventually someone else sees it too, so I know I am not just imagining things. I somehow find out that it is a type of ghost, and I end up absorbing it's energy into my MP3 player.

      Later, I am running with my brother late at night along the side of the road when it starts to rain. We take shelter underneath a bridge. It feels really cool being under there with cars speeding past and rain clouding the air. Suddenly some cops show up and jump out of their cars, about to arrest us. Stevie takes off, but I have the feeling that they think we're squatters, and I want to explain that we're just taking shelter from the rain.

      Instead, one of them grabs me and says, "You are under arrest for the murder of ((name I cannot remember))." I am about to protest that I haven't murdered anyone, when
      I suddenly realize I'm dreaming. Finally, I think, a dream that's not boring. This should be fun.

      The cop drags me to the station house, and as soon as we get there I break free and make a run for it. I am doing flying jump kicks into the cops' heads and punching them fiercely, and although they cannot get a grip on me I am doing no damage to them whatsoever
      . ((Can't remember what happened after that, but there was more.))

      2- Little Kiza
      I am talking to a little kid who happens to be Kiza from the past. He is already on DV with another account, and I am giving him advice on how to seem like he meets the age requirements. He is a short, red-headed 7-8 year old who is missing his two front teeth. ((Awww!))

      3- Trek to Ohio
      I am trying to take a shower, but it is not working out very well. It is way too small, and I can barely move.

      Later, we have to go to Ohio for some reason, but we can't take any vehicles. My mom is leading my brother and I along the road, asking me to guess which direction we should go in. I point out one road, and she says it's getting too dark to go that way, because it leads to a bad neighborhood. Instead, she takes us to the railroad tracks and tells us we just have to follow them.

      As we walk along the tracks, I say, "What if a train comes?"

      "It's too late for trains to travel," she says.

      Just as she says this, a train is suddenly headed right towards us, and another is coming from a place where the tracks split. "Well that's ironic." I say, doing my best to side step the danger. This seems like something that would happen in a dream," I remark offhandedly.

      We make it past the trains and
      ((I remember nothing afterwards.))

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 10:13 PM by 10998

      lucid , non-lucid
    8. The invisible chinese dragon

      by , 11-26-2008 at 12:18 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      The beginning and middle of this dream are too fragmented to remember. Here is what I can remember from the ending.

      I am walking my friend's dog (a sheltie) at night. It is snowing and there is a frozen fountain to my right and a throng of people to my left. The people are lined up along a train track with digital cameras and photo capable cell phones in hand, waiting eagerly in the cold for a train. There is supposed to be a dragon riding on the train but it is invisible and will only occasionally appear on camera. I drop the dog leash and join the crowd, suddenly having my own camera, just as the train approaches. It is a freight train and all of the cars behind the engine are flat slabs. The night sky is suddenly aflame with hundreds of flashes that make it difficult to see but I just close my eyes and click away. When the train is gone, eveyone reviews their photos. One by one they discover that the dragon has not appeared for them. I check my camera and find that in some shots there is an image of a long chinese looking dragon laying on the the flat freight cars. The dragon has black and grey scales, and white fur(?) and claws. In some of the pictures the dragon appears to be fading in and out of visibility. Since many people in the large crowd are angry that they waited in the cold for nothing, I am reluctant at first to reveal that I have captured the dragon's image because I fear a violent reaction. Some people walk away in dissapointment, but others stick around and congratulate me.
    9. Little Black Train

      by , 09-28-2008 at 03:28 PM
      Morning of September 28, 2008. Sunday.

      I am back in one of my old apartments at the King Street boarding house, this one being the larger middle room on the eastern side of the hall (on the second floor). I am involved in some sort of unusual semi-lucid “ride” which takes up much of the central area of my room, which is being in the second train-car of a small black train, which at one point is more like being inside a larger solid box that tips and moves - and with me being unsure of my destination - there is a very vague awareness (but not a fear or stronger concern) that it is coffin-like. At one point, the miniature train (about the size of one at a park for children) moves out beyond the east wall, seemingly out into the night or very early morning, yet not falling. At one point, there does not even seem to be a wall. There is a vague awareness of how the little black train is “death” in reference to the Woody Guthrie song which I had listened to a lot in the recent past. However, the unusual orientation does not seem that eerie or ominous in-dream. It does seem unusually familiar at one point. There is no one else in the dream. The movement of my train seems automatic.

      On one level, this is probably just a metaphor for the dreaming and waking process itself as many dream events are in addition to just being a song association.

      Updated 06-18-2016 at 07:19 AM by 1390

    10. Hags

      by , 05-08-2008 at 02:48 AM
      Original dream dated May 7, 2008:

      I had a dream about a skinny boy who was tormented by a hag, she sat on his chest and licked his face - eventually, he was able to shake her off and take off on his bicycle, where he raced a train that longer and longer, but not like trains are usually long - like silly putty. It also had the front end of a truck. Eventually, he reached a castle full of the ghosts of old soldiers who had to act out their final battle again and again, and was recruited into their ranks.

      I also had a weird vague dream that was sort of like I was at work, and there was another person, a young blond French man, who was sort of my friend. My boss was being a jerk about stuff not getting done, even though it was impossible to do so much. Then I dreamed something about owls, only the owls were not owls, they were big beautiful black and white birds that looked more like hawks, and they had chicks. Then, something about photographing another type of bird with chicks, using my cell camera. The dream ended with an earthquake and firefighters rescuing two little girls from their house, which was falling down the side of a cliff.

      Then, for some reason, I was a large, muscular man. I had just gotten out of my jeep and waded across a river, I think I was trying to keep someone from tracking me. The landscape was like woods in perhaps Colorado or Northern CA.
    11. Tidal Wave, Knights and Cats

      by , 05-15-2006 at 10:12 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I was standing at the waterfront of a beach that had lots of sharp rocks and debris shrewn about. It looked like it had recently been devastated by a hurricane or something. My appearance in the dream was young and slender and with flowing silvery white hair. I was wearing a lavender-coloured dress and a white apron and my feet were bare.

      There were random people standing amongst the rocks and garbage. They watched and did nothing as a huge wave came suddenly from the sea and almost washed me away. I somehow regained my footing and turned to see another wave coming. It was bigger then the previous wave and I yelled at the people on the beach to run and get away from the water - but no one seemed to take me seriously (or even acknowledge the approaching wave for that matter) and I assumed that the people were all washed away while I ran for my life away from the beach. For some inexplicable reason I could run faster then the incoming tsunami.

      When I was too tired to run anymore I found myself in a grassy field. I could see the beach in the distance behind me, but there were no huge waves or flooding or even debis anymore; it looked like just and ordinary beach. In front of me there was a small Mideval looking castle and beyond that - maybe a mile or so away - there was another small castle. There were armored knights on horseback riding between the castles but they were not attacking each other or anything. The knights would just gallop their horses from one castle to the other and then turn around and do it again.

      I went into the castle closest to me and most of the rooms were devoid of people - but the people I did come across were seeminly paralyzed in mid-action and could not move. They were like statues but they were neither made of stone nor frozen like ice. I came across an old man who was holding a letter and though frozen in place he could still talk. He asked me if I could take the letter to the other castle across the field. I said that I would and he asked me if I would bring him some tea from the next room. I went into the next room to get the tea but when I picked up the tray that had the tea silverware on it, one of the horseback knights came galloping through the room and told me to leave. The knight then grabbed the tray from me and spurred his horse out of the room.

      I apologized when I returned to the old man but he said something that upset me so I ran away. I ran seemingly endless halls until I found some stone stairs leading down into thick darkness. I ran down the stone steps and found what was very much like subway station. There was a small group of people waiting on the boardwalk and I joined them just as the train was pulling up. The subway train did not look like a standard "subway train" by more like a large submarine made of thick clear glass.

      The glass train flew up out of the dark tunnel and out into bright daylight. It soared over a vast "s" shaped lake where the water was crystal clear and the lake's fish and other water creatures could be seem swimming around. There were also many small fishing boats in the water and I was jealous because I wanted to be down there. I remember commenting to someone sitting beside me on the size of the fish. The train suddenly entered another dark tunnel and when it came to the station it was not a modern platform but a thick undergroud forest.

      The trees were oversized and deciduous, the roads narrow and maze-like. I wandered aimlessly at first because I was lost. Eventually, I ran into a male elf that appeared to have come from Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings triliogy, but I was upset because it was not Legolas. I followed the elf for a while as he walked through the forest because I was lost and I figured that he would lead me somewhere. Eventually he dissapeared up a tree at a fork in the road.

      There was a left and a right path. I headed left because I could see open sunlight and that direction felt warm. I came out of the forest into a trialer park that was occupied by domestic cats and not people. The first three cats I saw looked sort of like dark grey occelots with glowing, firey orange eyes . I walked down the singe gravel road until I came to a hill. I turned around and there was a large pet superstore. The trailer park dissapeared (faded out) and now there was only the superstore floating in space in front of me with the front doors wide open. I did not have a choice but to go in really.

      I was appalled by the conditions in which the baby animals were kept. They were in cramped honeycomb shaped crates (with one baby animal to a cone) behind large panes of glass without food, water or litterboxes and all of the little animals looked absolutely miserable. I started crying because I could not do anything for the suffering baby animals and I was also upset because no one else in the store seemed to care about the poor conditions in which the animals were kept. It was set up almost like a museum display: each crate was numbered and people stolled along gazing at the crates behind glass at their leisure.

      I came across a side corridor and followed it until I found myself in a large warehouse or barn or something. It had a corral for sick and deformed baby animals and on the inside the coral was an oriental woman. She handed me a thin bamboo stick painted black and told me to start beating "the black one," pointing to a listless long-haired kitten. I was appalled and horrified and I picked up the kitten and cradled him in one hand and grabbed the long switch from the lady and hit her a few times with it. The dream ended here.

      The large wave coming out of the sea, almost washing me away is parallel to my near drowning incident that happened when I was about 4 or 5 years old.

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 10:52 AM by 6048

    12. A Very Strange Train

      by , 05-14-1995 at 11:14 AM
      Morning of May 14, 1995. Sunday.

      I seem to be the director of an unusual comedy-drama-science-fiction movie. Prior to the movie-like sections of my dream is a long section about getting friends together and equipment set up. There is no fear at any point and although at times I seem to “direct” my “movie” or dream by mental will, I am not actually lucid at any point.

      The first part of the “movie” is about another world that is like a swamp where a tribe of seemingly African people live. This is connected with yet another world where blue-skinned people live in wealth near a beach. Some of these people have half the side of their body a darker blue. It seems that the people of each world sometimes bring gifts to each other that have religious or social-status-related implications.

      An unknown female from the African tribe somehow enters this world (“my” world where the filming is taking place). A giant alligator also somehow comes through and causes a lot of problems. I get to a roof with several other people but certain other people climb a tree instead, which is pulled down by the alligator, and as a consequence the people are eaten.

      Later, there are both comedic and sensual scenes, including a restaurant where people make love in public on tables but with mosquito nets over them. Supposed comedy involves police attempting to track down the alligator by reading different outdated files rather than where they are actually seeing it.

      Later, there is an oversized man-eating train to have concerns about. It still only travels over some of the normal-sized railroad tracks. This seems to happen after the alligator gets hit by a train and there is an explosion that somehow combines the alligator and train into one living creature. It has a ribbed appearance and looks like an H.R. Giger design.

      Eventually, the train has “babies” that are much smaller than real trains; about one-quarter the size. One person kills one and notices that it looks edible. It seems to have a marshmallow texture and banana flavor as I join the hunting party.

      This dream is quite similar in some ways to another dream; “Alligator Train?” of 1989, which was before my first contact with Zsuzsanna and my move to Australia in 1994. There was a shorter “prototype” of certain aspects of this dream (including a sort of “origin story” involving an African priest) on May 12th (1995). I find it curious that H.R. Giger died on May 12th, 2014.

      Updated 09-11-2016 at 01:01 PM by 1390

    13. Old West Train Rescue

      by , 10-11-1988 at 09:07 AM
      Morning of October 11, 1988. Tuesday.

      I am on an old-fashioned passenger train (as if from an episode of “Gunsmoke”, though a few people here and there are dressed rather anachronistically relative to more modern dress as well). I seem to be dressed typically as I often am in reality. I have a strange atypical focus, as if I am in a type of ambiguous faux lucidity and am trying to work out how I got where I am and with a vague ominous perspective. A younger version of the “mystery girl” (the female archetype that represented, in almost every accurate way possible - my wife-to-be - something “normal” people would never believe no matter how many hundreds of dreams had already clearly established it for me since birth).

      Being on a train may or may not be a good thing, I contemplate “realistically” in-dream. There is some sort of “anniversary” premonitory thought in-dream related to both the scene from “Twilight Zone: The Movie” from June 1983 (where the Jewish people are being taken away on a train), and “Love My Way” (by The Psychedelic Furs) from June 1982, with the line “They’d put us on a railroad, they’d dearly make us pay”…which seems to relate to how I knew things (and proved to be correct) when everyone else was always in denial, which has been mostly the theme of my entire lifetime since early childhood, always giving me a weird advantage in some ways but pure puzzlement in others (yet again remembering that “normal” people, especially the cop-out mentality when facing the unexplainable, always baffled me far more than the unexplained or so-called paranormal, now more than ever).

      It dawns on me that the “mystery girl” may be in danger, though I do not feel threatened in any way, as I seem to be “invulnerable” in the setting for some reason I cannot quite focus on. The girl turns around and smiles at me but looks quite puzzled. She is wearing a black veil of sorts and a black dress. Some sort of unknown military character chops off my right hand with a sword, but being curious as to this unexpected affront, I look down and see my hand is floating in the air, attached to the end of my arm with a yellowish silk ribbon. It “spirals” back on, almost as if I was in a gravity-free environment for a very short time. There is no blood and it is slightly transparent. I am strongly reminded of M.C. Escher’s “Rind”.

      This will not do. I feel I must take the girl and myself away from here. I go to get her and hold her to my front without resistance, attempting to lift her, and as I do, I lift both her and myself (with some sort of in-dream telekinesis) from the floor of the train, hovering in a fetal position. As such, I remain in place, passing through each train’s wall as it continues on until it is then beyond us on the track (and it keeps going). We then fly to a “familiar” location. It is familiar somehow in that it seems to be the “fictional realm” of an older dream from June 1972 which involved a deer’s “ghost” in an abandoned mansion, which was located in a forest fairly close to a truncated section of railroad tracks - therefore creating some sort of odd but “stronger” relationship between two sixteen-year-apart dreams - not that common of an event - though it is possibly loosely based on the old train at Copeland Park in La Crosse (as there have been several other more intense associations along this theme, including synchronicity with the “mystery girl”, such as the one where the Mississippi River lowers to reveal an old railroad, which becomes active again). There is a vivid sense of late autumn. Also, these supposed “barriers” between in-dream locations have often occurred before, almost as if each (fictional) dream location was part of a system of “bubbles” where you could go from one to another with some sort of particular focus or “portal”.

      There is a unique perspective at this time. I figure that I can leave the girl here in this environment (until she “safely wakes” into her “real” location somewhere) because there is some sort of “barrier” between it and other facets from later dreams (oddly, even though I am not lucid as such). I also feel a bit odd about leaving her, though. In the back of my mind is the very early childhood association with seeing her in a tree in a park (on my family’s real-life trip from Wisconsin to Florida) and being threatened by wild hogs. Still, she has survived, although she was “older then” (which of course is faux “dream logic”).

      Of course, there is more as there usually is. My wife had taken a train to get to school, and she had (when we first started writing) sent a photo of herself feeding a deer…
      Tags: train
    14. Rock into Swan

      by , 02-05-1979 at 04:11 PM
      Morning of February 5, 1969. Wednesday.

      There have been numerous dreams throughout my life which featured ambiguous modes of transportation; for example, of being on a flying school bus which is also somehow an airplane in my dream (yet has the appearance of the inside of a school bus, with the same orientation of the driver and such). There is sometimes a lack of clarity (based on scenes outside the windows, typically) on whether I am on a bus, train, airplane, or even a boat, which of course, sometimes changes (the “morphing” so common in dreams being only one of many reasons why “dream dictionaries” mean nothing to real dream-workers). Also, windows become paintings or vice versa.

      In this case, I seem to be “rising” in being on an aircraft, but no, I realize it is likely a bus, which then resolves as a boat, as we seem to be on water (with no awareness of a road). However, just because there is no hint of a road and we are on water does not mean it cannot be a bus (faux dream “logic”). For example, it may be an extremely narrow road over water.

      At any rate, I am somehow with a larger rock (which I first take to be a turtle but then it is a rock but which then starts to “wiggle” again), which has somehow come to me through a solid glass (closed) window. There is something in the back of my mind about “The Ugly Duckling” but it is not that clear. Also, there is some sort of fairy tale, I reason, where a swan is actually a girl. Being a black swan, it represents my future wife, as I was familiar with the stamp. There is a “strange tickle” of a type that occurred in other dreams, in my lower stomach area and as the swan wiggles a bit, which may prove to be problematic.

      Curiously, the scene with rocks in the water from the “window” then turns out to be a painting (typical of mixed two-dimensional and three-dimensional in-dream elements which other people have told me is fairly common in their own dreams) and I am sitting in a museum after all. However, the “painting” is then that of “The Birth of Venus” (Sandro Botticelli) though she has dark hair and the “angels” are replaced by a white swan and a black swan.

      “She’s HERE!” yells a thin old man, seeming terrified and running from the area, going around a corner. The painting starts to glow blue (mostly around the head and shoulders of the dark-haired “mystery girl”) and I fall back empty-handed with a strange “comfortable” oscillation in my ears (always the exact same pitch throughout my life for the most part), falling into nothing, “falling” into my bed awake.

      Curiously, shortly before my wife first wrote me in 1991, a new black swan stamp (43 cents) was apparently issued on Valentine’s Day…
      Tags: painting, swan, train
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