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    1. Uncreatively named higher powers and an iron fence

      by , 10-22-2014 at 07:00 PM
      There's a war going on between two factions working for two different higher powers - one called the Authority, the other called the Dark Ones. At the moment, I and two other people are untying a woman from a chair, she's been held captive. She's dressed like a candy striper. One of the people helping to untie her is a woman dressed in an old nurse's uniform; the other one is a man I've been working with. I'm explaining something that this man and I recently discovered - the Authority and the Dark Ones are the same entities. They're not divided at all, it's the exact same entities appearing to us under different names, playing us against each other. It's my intention to end the war by eliminating their influence over us.

      The woman in the nurse's uniform has this look of hate as I'm talking about all this. In the end she says, "I hope you win," but it sounds like a curse. She runs out into the street and throws herself backward onto a spiked iron fence, impaling herself. The woman we'd been untying screams "Laura!", the nurse's name. People come rushing out of the building next door, calling emergency services.
    2. Really Long Night for me (LD #11)

      by , 10-13-2014 at 03:44 PM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      Dream 1
      I am runnning on a bike path in the downtown area of the city I'm in. I take a turn and go to a kind of shady back-alley way, but it's still part of the path. My dad is then there and there is a four-wheeler in front of us. We take it for a ride and have a blast. Then I bring my mom and I let her drive. She floors it and the vehicle flips over. It is dark outside and I get scared of werewolves. A random dude is suddenly there and he helps us try and flip it back over.

      Dream 2
      I am in a group of people and we are trying to catch some bad guys. A truck comes and stops us and we all put down our weapons except one guy in our group who has his gun and flashlight trained on the leader.

      Dream 3
      I am in the desert near an old run-down city. There is quite a big group of people with me. We have to work together but our group is constantly arguing. We are running away from something, and I'm hiding behind a bus. Then, we are back in the city and are at a party. Another group is out to get us and when I confront them, I see a person from our group who I thought was dead. I am totally shocked.

      Dream 4
      I am getting off the front of a train or something, and I'm standing on a platform. I do the nose-plug RC and am instantly lucid. (In real life I knew I was going to LD and I did the same exact thing beforehand in the dream. So I don't know if this is just a dream about LDing but I'd still be lucid I think) I check my hands just to make sure I'm dreaming and I have more fingers than usual. I go into caveman mode and search for some girls from my school. (I don't really remember what happened now...I think I might've found one girl but I don't know who and I don't know what I did.) I had to do a few other RC's to keep confirming I was dreaming.

      Dream 5
      I am standing on a battlefield and 2 Jedi are standing in front of me. There is a male and female. The female offers to help the male but he refuses, and goes on. There are two armies standing by some walls. The army behind the walls is evil, and the army attacking is a new and improved clone army. My view switches to seeing over the wall and that teleports me to the top of the wall. The armies are about to start fighting so I quickly jump down and run to the side. This marks the start of WW3. I am then in Denver, Colorado. Me and my entire XC team were put here because it is apparently the safest city to be, but in that first part I remember that the bad guy said he was going to take out Denver. I always duck when walking by windows and I'm constantly terrified of being shot. After a while in Denver, I wake up one night and see everyone leaving. I am scared that they are leaving me and ask how I'm going to get home. They point and I can see another teammate and I am relieved I won't be left behind.

      We have all left already and are running through a field. We get to a diner and I remember that this is where all my survival started at. Then I am at my house with my parent's. We are packing things to be able to survive on our own. Our neighbors are doing the same and we give them some water because they don't have enough.

      Dream 6
      There are a bunch of people at my house. A guy takes me and a few others outside and is really mad at us. I can't remember what for. He said he was going to make us sprint for a very long time but he lightened up and let us quit after like 2 10 yard sprints. Back inside, everyone had left except this hot girl (T) from my school. I struggle to try and not get it on with it her, because I'd get into a lot of trouble if I did. I finally contain myself but I'm kinda mad because that was a perfect chance to do it. She leaves and I turn on a movie. (it had some sort of government name and was about a dude in government) There is a sex scene and right after its over my mom comes home from work. I think its weird that she's home so early. She hugs me and I shut off the movie. She asked what I was watching and I told her and said it wasn't very good. It goes to the title screen and I go on my computer. There is previews of the movie and my mom sees part of the scene and says, "look at that!" I play dumb and she thinks I hadn't seen anything so she doesn't press the issue.

      I think my lucid last night was a little weird...I didn't remember it as clearly as I usually do. And I also know I had a lot more dreams.

      Updated 06-30-2015 at 08:19 PM by 70090

    3. Dogfight over New York, Lovers' Retreat, Real life FPS, Beach Tailgate with breif lucidity (LD#118)

      by , 10-05-2014 at 02:36 PM (Lucid Time!)
      New york is under attack by another nation, and I am assigned to pilot an experimental aircraft designed for combat in locations like cities where maneuvering and control are more valuable than speed. Their wings can vector the thrust from the engines in any directions, allowing us to fly between buildings.
      I don't remember much of the dream, but I recall doing fairly well in the dogfight and taking a dozen or so enemy fighters before being shot down myself. I ejected and floated down into the city. I also recall the city itself. Most of the buildings were still standing with small craters and damage likely caused by the initial attack.

      I am at college, and I recall meeting this girl who was just crazy about me. She loved me. This was kind of a bother, because I found her to be annoying and overly-hyper. She wasn't very attractive in my eyes either, but I had decided to give her a chance anyway. I don't really recall what she looked like though...
      She took me to her home (that was somehow on the campus). There was a lavish duplex built on the shore of a beach. (Dream sign) Next to it was a pool and a hot tub. She also had a tennis court and a play-place. There were a couple of palm trees around, and the rest of the island was covered in small craggy hills, that looked like miniature mountains.
      This whole dream was set during the nighttime, and it was dark. In a strange way, I felt like the island was indoors. I felt like we might be inside a giant skydome or something, like on The Truman Show. Anyways my new girlfriend wanted to go in the hot tub. I told her I had to go change, and went into the duplex where I had a suitcase. And because it was a dream, I kept putting on my bathing suit and have it turn into something that was not a bathing suit while it was on my legs. So I must have removed a pair of jeans or shorts or boxers five times until I put on an actual bathing suit.
      Eventually I managed to put on a bathing suit and head out to the hot tub, but this girl was totally ADHD and by the time I got finished changing and got to the hot tub, there she wanted to play tennis. We started heading over to the tennis court (without changing of course) and I lost the dream.

      I am having this dream about a real life first person shooter, or some kind of combat training. I can't recall what exactly it was, but I know that it was not a real war. But dirty fighting is still allowed. There are huge teams, I think 16 on 16.
      I am geared up with all of this military gear, such as an assault rifle, pistol and some grenades.
      Me and two other guys who were much less experienced than me were tasked with guarding this pathway that led out of the woods. Supposedly bad guys would undoubtedly come up this path and into our base. Sure enough, guys did start coming. We used some big trees at the end of the path for cover. We ducked and covered for awhile and managed to take them down.
      Then one of the guys I was with started screaming because he saw the enemy commander. The enemy commander was this huge man, about 6'6" and very fat. He wore all black and carried two large SMGs. I told my teammates to give me cover and I ducked behind a fallen tree.
      Now what I did next was a bit strange. I dropped my gun, my grenades, my sidearm (a pistol), my body armor, my backpack, and my army coat, leaving only my pants, boots and the sweatiest, grossest tank top I had ever seen. I then ran down the path, dodging the commander's bullets and kicked him as hard as I could in the groin. While he was distracted my teammates shot him.
      There was this other part where everyone had stopped fighting. Apparently there was somebody else who had the same idea as me, this Chinese guy on the other team. He had thrown off all his gear and the two teams were now forcing us to have a MMA fight to determine who would win. We were fighting on a paved basketball court and both teams were watching us fight. I think the Chinese guy beat me, but he told me that I was still a good fighter.

      I was having some dream that somehow tied back into all of the previous dreams. I was in a gorgeous beach-side town, riding a bike, trying to find my way back to a hotel that my family was checked into. Most of the town was fairly low, with just a few cottages, a small downtown and a lighthouse on the beach. But at one point, I rode down this path and found this huge parking lot with all of these tailgaters parked in it and partying. Beyond that was a massive city composed of these mid-rise buildings and following that were these massive angular glass skyscrapers.
      For some reason, the thing I recall most about this moment was the sky. Okay, yeah there was a small second sun near the first, but the clouds looked gorgeous. I remember looking all around and seeing these amazing cloud formations. Layers upon layers of clouds.
      I began riding my bike into the tailgate lot. I asked myself why it seemed so hard to make it back to the hotel, why does the town seem to keep changing.

      Maybe it's because I'm dreaming. I do a nose pinch just to confirm. I'm dreaming. I decide to get off the bike. I tell myself that I will hop off and begin flying. I leap off to the side. I don't start flying. I just land on the ground.
      I begin walking out toward the beach. I stomp my feet on the pavement trying to get a feel for the dream. I find that the feeling of stomping (and the 'shock') that runs up your leg makes for good dream stabilization. The clarity begins to increase. I rub my hands together and further the clarity.
      I look around at the tailgate, but now it looks more like a school cafeteria setting, but outdoors. I think to myself about how all the dream characters in that setting are just aspects of my subconscious mind. I look out over the coast, and see the waves rolling in. My lucidity seems very clear, and I think to myself how I haven't felt this lucid in awhile.
      I think to myself about what happened last night; the unsolved mysteries and unanswered questions. I begin heading toward the beach thinking that I can somehow use the sand to transport myself.
      The dream clarity falls through very quickly and
      I wake up. I try to WBTB, and nearly get it. I recall some hypnogogic imagery about a robotic claw moving these long, square cardboard boxes. I think the robotic claw was made out of cardboard as well. I recall some kind of designation number on the end of the box. I try to latch onto it and form a new dream. It doesn't seem to work. I give up, and just allow myself to wake up..
    4. The Black Rice Farmers

      by , 09-26-2014 at 07:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I can remember fighting for lucidity during some dream about driving down a dark road at night. I could also tell that I was partially awake as I could feel my waking life body back in bed. I was flying, and doing pretty well. I could feel my DG's presence as well. After a few minutes the dream ended and I woke up.

      I am watching a history program, something to do with a man who was famous for leading an army and conquering a large area of land. The man looked a little like king Henry, but I was told that he was not in fact king Henry.
      So anyways, his army is cutting a swath across the countryside when they come across this small tribal village that grows some kind of black rice. The village is in this river valley surrounded by these tall exotic trees.
      The king Henry conqueror seized the village instantly. The women were raped, then killed. The children were taken to be brought up as soldiers. The men were enslaved and forced to continue farming the black rice as it was very nutritious and helped the conqueror's soldiers fight better.
      I can recall the narrator of the show talked about how the slaves were actually paid in dirt. This was a joke done by the conqueror's soldiers as more dirt meant that they could farm more.
      I can remember some shots of his army being stationed in the village. They have this massive wooden tower on wheels that the conqueror rides in. The tower is also equipped with catapults.
      The dream glitches and I become one of the conqueror's soldiers who is responsible for watching over the slaves. I guess the dream made a mistake there, because unlike the conqueror, I actually had morals.
      I come up to one of the men while he works in the feild. I think he was the leader of the village. If not, he was important to the farming village. I 'Remember' there is another village that we did not conquer because it was high in the mountain, and did not normally make contact with the outside world. I tell him I will lead him to a safe village high in the mountain. He says he wants to gather the rest of the men in the tribe and escape with whoever is still alive. I tell him that it is too dangerous as the other soldiers still want control of the village.
      I recall seeing some of the black rice in my hand. The dream glitched a little here. I can also recall that for some reason, there is this big mound of sand in the middle of the black rice farm.
      The man tells me that I have somehow 'worthy' of his trust, even though we haven't gone anywhere yet, and I begin to lead him out to the edge of the fields. Once we make it into the jungle, we can feel a bit safer because we are not as easily spotted. We walk along the edge of the river, following it upstream. At one point, there is a massive stone bridge/dam that we must cross in order to continue. The bridge is broken at one point, and we must jump across. The man I am helping goes first. I am a little afraid that I cannot make the jump, but I manage to do so as well.
      After I land, I am taken OOB and see myself and the man. We begin walking upstream again. Faster now, and knowing that soon we will be climbing a mountain.

      I become partially lucid and realize that I am losing the dream but am fascinated by the story that is playing out, and I really want to see what happens next. I manage to hang on a little longer.
      Some of the conqueror's men are heard coming, on horseback. It's just a random patrol. We duck behind these standing stones that are nearby, hoping that they do not spot us.
    5. Fallen angels

      by , 09-23-2014 at 06:25 PM
      There's a group of people camped out in a field. One of them's a veteran of multiple wars, very old now, and she's berating a young man who wants to leave. He's frightened; he's heard of traps, innocuous-looking pieces of paper which will curse the reader to be killed, or else to kill others until you die.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      A mother and daughter in the center of a crowded throne room, with a royal baby (not either of theirs) in a basket. The daughter quickly steps to the basket and announces that like a sister she'll tend to the child with loving care. This is a calculated move. She wants it to appear to the crowd as if she's being a good loyal subject, and to appear to her mother as if it's part of their secret political power grab. The truth is closer to the former - the daughter has no interest in ruling and is trying to spare the child's life without making her mother suspicious of her.

      Fragment - I'm someone describing the differences between those who fell more recently, the Grigori, and the first fall "for pride or love or whatever we're calling it now."

      False awakening. I'm writing down a previous scene. In it, I'm someone in the lobby of a place where I work, and Satan's just walked in to see me. There were a number of things I wrote down as being off about his appearance - the last thing I wrote was that there was snow still on his shoes - he'd become human. I'm kind of torn about how to react to this. On the one hand, this is bad news for me - whatever happens to him affects me too. But on the other hand, this is hilarious.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      I'm someone in an abandoned warehouse, talking with a fallen angel about his plans. We don't get along. As he's talking, a portion of the roof caves in, and through the hole I can see a human woman up there who's been listening to us. He knows her; she's part of his plan, but she's been opposing him. They have a brief shouted conversation; he says, "You won't hurt me, Jane."
    6. 8/19/2014

      by , 09-15-2014 at 03:08 AM
      I was playing counter strike but the game had battlefield-like mechanics. I was flying an anti-air tank and shot down a few jets. I went up a ladder and used a rocket launcher on some enemies. I laid down on an enemie's bed and he got mad and killed me with a chainsaw. I was then waiting on my results for my clearance.

      I was walking through a suburban neighborhood at night with Nikki. Nikki escaped and I chased her, looking into a few houses. Some of the houses were empty, some with only a few things in them like couches. I saw one of Laurie's friends and I also knew that I was at the apartments where I live. I came up on my sister and she had just bought a horse. There was a small reunion going on and I saw Amy and helped her with her computer, which I started playing after I fixed it. I played Halo: Combat Evolved and even though it was laggy, I still played it. There were a lot of new things in the game and it eventually changed to X-Men on an island surrounded by water and I was trying to kill some things that looked like robots. They grabbed me but I was able to escape. I tried killing them several times but didn't succeed. I was having a hard time escaping them so I Blinked through the map. My dream ended shortly after in a Walgreens. We were talking to an Asian man that knew how to defeat the robots and help us win. All we had to do was go to the top of a radio tower in India.
    7. Nicotine Dreams (DILD + FA)

      by , 09-14-2014 at 08:34 PM
      Ritual: I got fed up with the dry spell I've been having for the past couple weeks and took drastic measures. Back in 2010 I experimented a couple times with nicotine (in patch form) as a lucidity trigger, but quickly gave it up because I found it impossible to fall asleep with even a very low dose (half a 7mg patch, so 3.5mg). These days my problem—and the main thing hampering my lucid attempts—is that I've been falling asleep way too easily, so I thought there would be a good chance I'd be able to fall sleep wearing the patch and see if it had any effects on dreaming after all.

      Went to bed at midnight, woke naturally at 3:30am and stayed awake until 5am, mostly reading, but finishing the WBTB with a brief seated meditation. I googled to make sure using nicotine patches well past their expiration date was advisable, but was reassured by what I found. So I took 200mg L-Theanine to make it easier to fall asleep, and applied a 7mg patch with half its surface covered, so 3.5mg total (though the dose might have weakened with age). I also worked on my mental motivation, not just intending but vowing to get lucid tonight.

      When I returned to bed I felt my heart beating faster than normal, though I wasn't sure if it was the nicotine (if so the patches must be exceptionally fast acting, because this was only minutes later) or just a consequence of the excitement and anxiety of trying something new. The feeling reminded me trying to fall asleep on galantamine, which also has a very powerful stimulant effect. However, I started counting and was reassured (and somewhat surprised) when I began to lose my place already by the time I hit "ten." I reset and kept counting, rarely making it as far as "ten," and often not past "one," until I felt my mind had reached a place where I could easily fall asleep, then turned on my side to do so.

      I fell asleep very quickly, although my intention to remain aware of the transition went nowhere—I just zonked out. I woke up almost two hours later with the memory of a DILD and least one FA. The dreams were definitely atypical in tone: the plot was epic and confrontational, which I attribute to the nicotine. The dream awareness was spontaneous rather than triggered, but the lucidity was at very low level. Worse, my dream recall was unusually vague and fragmentary.

      DILD: The dream had a complex narrative that I can't satisfactorily recall. The most notable aspect was that my husband was in it and my dream logic concluded that it was a shared dream and that he was actually there and trying to learn the ropes of lucidity from me. We were trying to summon spirit allies, and he wanted a gryphon. The first version looked cartoonish, reminiscent of the monsters from Where the Wild Things Are, but it wasn't a proper gryphon. Neither were the next two, though they were massive, monstrous creatures that reminded me of the kinds of avatars you would summon in the later Final Fantasy games. When I summoned my own spirit ally, I was surprised to find that it was just a somewhat transparent virtual version of me.

      (Source: I think this was day residue, as last night in ME3 my Shepard came across the holograph AI of herself on the Citadel. The notion of iconographically incorrect gryphons might have been inspired by the poor versions I saw in the astonishingly bad—so bad it was almost good, I couldn't stop laughing—film version of Hercules I caught the last fifteen minutes of on cable yesterday evening.)

      I wish I remembered the plot of the dream more clearly. There was a group of entities that we were in conflict with, and they were insisting that I was breaking the rules of dream in some way. I disagreed, as I felt justified to do as I liked in my own dream, so I countered by exerting a massive field of control over the environment that made the ground shudder and shattered buildings. It wasn't quite an earthquake, more a gravity-reversing vibration: I have a mental image of dust and dirt rising and hovering in the air accompanied by an almost subsonic drone. It felt good to do this, powerful, though something of a guilty pleasure.

      (Source: I was sure there was a waking life source for this image of dust rising from the earth in the wrong direction but couldn't remember; now it occurs to me that it might have been from the movie Transcendence, which I saw last month.)

      At one point I had the presence of mind to wonder, or maybe someone asked me: was I actually hurting anyone by doing this? But I pointed out that you can't hurt DCs merely by disrupting their physical bodies, because the dream state does not have that kind of continuity. I demonstrated this by plucking my own spirit ally from deep in the rubble where she had been buried and reviving her.

      I might actually have remembered somewhere in all of this to try the Patronus TOTM, which had been my intention before falling asleep, but if so I don't recall the outcome, unless that was somehow connected with the idea of spirit allies. Too vague to be sure, unfortunately.

      FA: I woke up next to my husband and wondered if it had really been a shared dream, so I watched his reaction carefully. He gave me a look which led me to conclude that it had been. But before long it began to dawn on me that this might be a false awakening, and soon I was sure of it. I decided to review the events of the previous dream in my mind before I forgot, but as I was doing so, I became aware that my mind was interpolating new ideas, and whole new scenes were even taking place, spinning off from my memories of the previous plotline—this is the risk of reviewing dream memories while you're still dreaming!

      For instance, when I thought about our spirit allies, a girl showed up at the foot of the bed who I took to be a transformation of the gryphon in the previous dream, only now she looked human and very familiar. I tried to place her face and decided she resembled the character "Marnie" from Girls. Not sure where that came from, as I haven't watched an episode of that since the last season ended.

      Then when I was trying to remember the main plot, it became confused with a new plotline in which I was worried that war was imminent and that if it took place, the spirits of mythological creatures would fuse with nuclear bombs to create a weapon that was as devastating to dream as to the waking world.

      I was out trying to investigate and prevent this outcome, and found myself in the house of people who had melee weapons shaped like real or imaginary animals. One was a rod with a sculpted head shaped like the head of an animal that mingled the qualities of a lizard and a single-horned rhinocerous. Another was a club shaped like a narrow stylized boar, and while my husband was handling it, I noticed that it could also be fired like a crossbow. Again, very random imagery.

      Conclusion: I would call this a partial success at best, as the low-level awareness and limited recall made the overall experience less than satisfactory, and I didn't actually succeed in doing the TOTM that was my original goal. Still, breaking my dry spell by any means is reassuring. It definitely felt like nicotine had an effect on dream content, and I attribute the unusually "epic and confrontational" quality to its influence. However, after waking up I felt almost as uncomfortable and unrested as I do after using galantamine, so while I might experiment a little more along these lines, I will not be making this a frequent induction method—which is probably for the best, nicotine bad and all that.

      Updated 09-14-2014 at 08:37 PM by 34973

      lucid , false awakening , side notes
    8. 09/04/2014 and 09/05/2014 - Fragments

      by , 09-09-2014 at 03:51 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      The main thing I remember is that I was hanging out with an attractive friend of mine and a male ‘friend’ of hers. They were getting increasingly close, to the point where I thought they had something going on, but it was all really ambiguous. Later, she had told me that he was "part gay" and that there was nothing between them. That night, she and I were hanging out. I was about to give her a back rub, which she said she was all down for, but she ended up talking herself out of it, which was irritating…

      Fragment One
      "Robot with a Minigun"

      There was a war going on, and we (humans) were on the run from heavily-armed, tank-like, killer robots. I was hiding out with someone, in a trailer or a small, elevated home, and one of the hunter robots were coming down the street, firing indiscriminate, large caliber machine-gun fire into every new trailer-thing it approached. When it eventually came to where we were trying to hide, my ally and I knew had to make a run for it. Bright flashes of tracer fire started ripping through the structure, and we charged through one of the walls, running across the dirt road and fleeing among the hail of bullets.

      Fragment Two
      "Backseat Zombie"

      Zombie apocalypse. My family and I had to leave the house, getting in the car and peeling out of the driveway with zombies slowly lumbering after us. After a few moments of driving down the street, a zombie grabbed me from behind ( I was in the passenger seat), and began trying to bite my head and neck. I thought it might have been my mom's boyfriend, assuming he had been bitten earlier, and the last thing I remember is trying my hardest to fight him off.
    9. Not lucid, but epic mecha war

      by , 09-06-2014 at 02:02 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I really had the cards stacked for a lucid last night. Went to bed at 9:30, attempted 3 WBTBs, all of them failures, and lets not forget the brute force autosuggestion.

      I can recall some dream where I in photoshop was retouching a photo of some beautiful woman standing on the beach at sunset.

      I can recall that there had been a house developed in the soccer feild by the middle school. I later discovered that, In fact there were a couple of small buildings homes connected by a dirt path. I was walking around them looking for my bike or something.
      I thought that the houses were abandoned, or waiting to be bought, but I eventually I found that there was a big group of people having a party inside one of the houses. A few of them came outside and nagged me about being on their property.

      But by far the best of what I can recall was a dream about a post-apocalyptic world. Me, A and some of my other friends were a part of a mech fighting corps. In this corps, there were squads of 5-10 pilots. Missions were often very difficult so an entire squad was needed. Also, every squad had a matching emblem and a unique coloration to their squad.
      Our squad, I think had a skull and crossbones emblem, and we all used an ice-blue digital camo best suited to missions in arctic. In fact, I think our squad had a reputation for our effectiveness in tundra and arctic missions.
      We geared up for our mission in a huge hangar bay. My mech was actually out for repairs, after having taken heavy damage on our last mission. A was injured and unable to pilot his. so I had to pilot A's mech. Our squad was deployed to a foggy mountain valley area, and from what I can recall it was only me and S, piloting his own mech. S was also the commander of our squad.
      I think that our last mission had involved heavy losses on the part of the squad, many of our members had been killed and/or had their mechs destroyed. But the nation we were working for was deploying the two of us out of desperation.
      I can recall our mechs walked for some time. A's mech that I was piloting was a medium weight design that could 'run'. It had huge missile racks on either side and two machine guns for back up. I can recall the machine guns were designed for long missions and had a large ammo stockades mounted on them. I was grumbling a little about the design choices in his mech, having been more used to my own custom design.
      We arrived at the rendezvous point. My view went into a 3rd person chase cam, like I was playing a video game. We were in a mountainous region with huge boulders and steep cliffs creating a maze of passages. There were rivers in the canyons, but they were shallow enough that our mechs could easily traverse them. It was foggy and visibility was low.
      Our mission is to defend a vital communication outpost from enemy forces. The outpost is a huge satellite dish based atop one of the mountains. There is also a large derelict concrete pyramid that used to function as a base and and had room for a single mech inside. I had 'flashbacks' to the early days of the war. Before entire squads of mechs were common. I had been one of the very first pilots, and I had been stationed at that pyramid structure.
      S went inside of it and explained that the concrete channeled his radar and he would be able to easily pick up incoming enemies.
      "You got two scouts coming from the east!"
      "We just got here!"
      I turn. The enemy has very simplistic mechs. I get the feeling their technology must not be as advanced as ours. I open fire, testing the weapon systems on A's mech. I make a note that the rocket pods do not carry much ammunition. Their armor sucks too, I tear them both apart with a few good hits.
      S calls out more enemies coming from another direction. I turn and see what I 'remember' being called accelerator tanks. They are large four wheeled vechiles with their wheels on long struts that can bend and compress thanks to springs and joints. They are designed to go fast, even in rugged environments like this. They do not however have very powerful weapons or thick armor. I dispatch them rather easily as well.
      S calls out more enemies. I turn back the way the first group came and see both enemy mechs and more accelerator tanks. I unleash a hail of missiles thinking this is their main force and take them down just as they come over a nearby hill.
      "Uh... we've got a problem..."
      I turn and look. Cresting a hill nearby are about three dozen enemy mechs and several more accelerator tanks. They open fire. I run behind the pyramid and S backs out of the hangar bay. His mech has some type of mortar weapon. Using the pyramid for cover, we are able to hold our own. The enemy is advancing on us, but just as it looks like we are about to turn the tide, there is a blinding flash of light and a huge explosion, knocking my mech over.
      I turn to see where S's mech once stood there is now just a pair of mechanical legs with burning stump atop them. A glowing plasma trail highlights the air. I follow it to see an advanced enemy mech, a huge six legged beast, painted all black with a massive rail gun mounted on top.
      My mech gets up and the rail gun resets and prepares to kill me. I'm already pinned by the enemy squad we were fighting, and am pretty much doomed to die by the hands of this enemy.
      Just as he is about to fire, an artillery round strikes him, causing him to miss. An allied squad of 8 or 9 custom mechs from our nation enters the fray. This squad has a red and orange camo and uses a yellow falcon with a gun in it's talons as their emblem. This is another squad, one that I 'remembered' being very famous. The commander of the comes on the radio, who I think was a female, and asks if I could use a hand with these guys. Of course, I say yes.
      What followed was a full on battle. Now I'll admit that the dream up until this point was pretty cool. But a 10v100 battle in ten story combat mechs. What could be cooler?! The battle was insane, and this red squadron is really good. Some of their mechs have these advanced laser weapons that are cleaving the enemy mechs in half and cutting their legs off and such. I am more than holding my own though, using the machine guns to take out as many as I can. I think I may have started to get too overly excited after awhile. I can remember the dream fading out to a chaotic crossfire of machine guns, rockets and lasers.

      Updated 09-06-2014 at 02:05 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. In some random bot-war

      by , 08-30-2014 at 10:39 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      In some random bot-war (Non-lucid)


      I boarded some sort of train, as I planned to go to some place that I cannot recall. As I was about to get to the place, I was given an assault gun that was exactly like the plastic ones they use against Magneto in one of the movies. But not as toy like:

      I was wondering what was going on and why in heavens I would need a gun. I realized that we were going to some sort of war and I was dressed like a military.

      I got out of the train and there were some war-bots wandering around, so I destroyed a couple of them. One of them, had a cable hanging on its butt, so I pulled it and destroyed the bot. Some other bot said, "Pull his cable then" and they pulled out something from my back and I lost focus for a few moments.

      From here, I went to some sort of war court, as apparently, I did a war crime for some reason. There were a lot of generals who appeared pissed, but I had no idea why was I in so much trouble. But I saw a friendly face, one of the judges that was surprised to see me there.

      He told me to speak with him, just the both of us. We entered some sort of mobile building. In the office, there was a calendar with a schedule that said:

      Monday - Kill
      Tuesday - Kill
      Wednesday - Murder
      Thursday - Murder
      Friday - Murder
      Saturday - Kill
      Sunday - Kil

      I started to worry, I did not want to fight any war and my gun did not work well, sometimes, it would shot by itself.

      I shared with the general that my gun was not working and that I got there by accident and I wanted to go home. I told him I am a Psychic Medium and not a Soldier and that I could not do anything being there at war.

      He appeared to understand me and he gave the order to ship me home. I was relieved.
    11. Semi-Lucid: Government Drones and LDing Crystals

      by , 08-14-2014 at 01:53 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Boy is this a cool one.

      Me and S are invovled with something lucid dreaming related. We need to find all of the lucid dreaming crystals scattered around the globe to prevent um... something bad from happening. I can't remember what. We have already collected two of the crystals, a green one and a blue one. The crystals themselves are tiny but they go in these oriental metal storage boxes with open sides, making their apparent bulk considerable. The crystals we have collected are actually hidden at my house.
      We are on a school bus, the only ones. Somebody had to be driving though. (And they were driving like a crazy person, crashing into cars and such.) I didn't even think about that until we got off. Also, it turned out the government wanted to control these crystals to make weapons. So they had sent a drone to kill us.
      A copter drone comes down. It is perhaps 8 feet wide with four rotors on the sides and an assault cannon on the bottom. It shoots into the side of the school bus and we duck down. Broken glass and metal goes everywhere.
      S tells me to get the Minigun. I look and see a large armored box, open it, and sure enough there is a Minigun inside. Now IWL, I probably couldn't even lift a Minigun much less use it effectively, but supposedly as a part of finding the lucid dreaming crystals, some of our powers carried over into the real world. Thus, I had the power of super strength and could lift it. I battled the drone back and fourth. I would fire, and it would pull out of view. He would fire, and I would duck and hope I didn't get shot.
      The driver pulled into a woods with a high canopy. The drone couldn't follow us there. We got out of the bus. I then learned that the driver was in fact Manei (My DG) and apparently as part of finding the crystals, now only had my powers carried over, but my DG as well. But she looked a little strange. She looked like my DG blended with my crush from sophmore year HS. Whatever. No time to ask her out on a date, this is way more exciting anyway.
      She says she is going to hide the Minigun under some branches and leaves in the woods until we need it again, and walks off leaving me and S. We walk into my sub very nonchalantly, as if we are no longer being tracked by the government. One power that carried over from S's dream is that he can fuse two objects to get a better one. He says he will fuse the bikes together for me to use since I am faster on my bike. He does so and makes this really cool looking racing bike. S then fuses our cars into a sports car and says he will take this.
      S drives off.
      I start flying after him. Supposedly at this point we were supposed to go our separate ways to look for more of the crystals.
    12. Fragments

      by , 08-07-2014 at 02:25 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So I was in my kitchen. There is some strange man there trying to convince me to eat a cold eggo waffle with chocolate chips and cheddar cheese on it. I tell him this is the single most disgusting thing that I have ever seen and that I refuse to eat it.

      I was in some kind of zombie apocalypse, driving in a Jeep-like vehicle with another man. He ends up driving into a wall, crashing and dying. I get out of the car and see a zombie horde coming down the hill. The world we are in looks like fallout.
      I start running back the other way we are driving. I have a large machine-gun like weapon that fires some special type of ammunition. However it seems as though I can only harm the zombies when they are within say, 50 feet of me.
      I retreat under a highway overpass, where I end up getting cornered. My machine gun runs out of ammo and I switch to my secondary. A small handgun that fires some kind of special bullets. Supposedly it was supposed to be used by the president for defense during the zombie apocalypse, but the president had died and I had found the weapon.
      There were only a couple of zombies left by this point, so I figured I could finish them off then hopefully find some more ammo. I started shooting but realized that the pistol was completely ineffective. The zombies pushed me onto the ground. One of them started talking, saying that it was going to take a lot more than that to kill them. He has one of the special bullets stuck in his head. The special bullet has these radiator fins on the side.

      Then the zombies came down on me and just as they were about to rip me apart and eat me, I lost the dream.
    13. Stubborn Food Cart in War Zone

      by , 07-24-2014 at 10:33 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      In a sandy environment, not much green anything around, I am with a few military people and we suddenly come under attack by people who have their faces and heads covered with big thin scarves. We are behind some sort of make-shift wall, with a few sand bags on top, and return fire. Outnumbered, about 30 to 5, we're not that confident we'll survive. Huge rockets and mortar shells fall from the sky nearby and explode, sending one of us flying through the air.

      I look to my right and a massive space ship takes off, but drops the main thrusters too soon to get to space. It flies back and forth across the sky overhead. At least 3 times, it passes by, not that far off the ground. It looks like someone is using it to escape the conflict here. The shooting stops, and we are briefly left to prepare for another possible attack. We're too few, and too poorly equipped to venture outside of our defenses here.

      Walking into a walled off back-yard type area, I look for a gun. There are a lot of single shot rifles, but I'm looking for one with a big magazine capacity. I find one, but it shoots smaller caliber bullets. Well, it'll have to do. I also look for more mags, but only see 1 extra. I load them fully. A little strange how they are all squishy like they're made of gelatin. I can force more bullets in, but they squish around and look like they'll jam the gun, so I take a few out until it looks like it'll work smoothly. Then I look for a hand gun as a backup. I see a few on a table, and then notice a rather large hand gun, with a forward grip on it, almost like a sub-machine gun, but more so a hand gun. A little bigger than what I wanted, it looks like it'll do the trick, so I attach a sling to it and swing it over my shoulder, making sure to load it fully, and grab an extra mag for it as well.

      One of my friends tells me that these guns don't use the same ammo as everyone else. I'm okay with that, I'll just have to scavenge ammo from the bodies of our attackers if I need it.

      I take my defensive position again and notice there are some local people setting up their mobile food cart right in front of us. I walk up to them and tell them it's not safe to be here, and they have to move it further away. I walk back, and notice they only moved 10 ft to the right. So I return, and tell them to move further! They argue about it and I tell them that if there's another attack, our attackers will no doubt use their truck as a place to take cover, and we'll have to shoot everyone in it. They must move further away. They still don't want to move, so I raise my voice telling them, "You will be shot if you stay here! I don't want to shoot you, but you are in the line of fire, and you have to move!" They listen, and move out of sight.

      Walking back toward the main wall, I end up in a tunnel where people are training to be extra tough. Rather dark in the tunnel, streaks of light come in through an air vent on the side, leaving most of the room in a dark blue color. Some guys are hanging from spiked ropes that they grabbed onto, and someone shoots live rounds nearby. Accidentally, one person is shot in the leg and falls off the spiked ropes. Everyone is hanging at the end of the tunnel, where there is a 30 ft drop over some sand. I run over that way, and jump down the hole, landing in the sand below. The guy is alright, and still really happy with the training. We both grab onto some of the bottom spikes on these long ropes, and pull ourselves off the ground.
    14. Epic Fantasy Battle.

      by , 07-03-2014 at 02:17 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Setup: There is some conqueror traveling across the land taking over land and calling it his own. He looks like Genghis Khan and rides around on some kind of reptilian horse creature. His army consists of:
      -His sorcerer wife that can raise a skeleton army.
      -Roughly 20 human lieutenants.
      -Roughly 100 large ogre-like creatures clad entirely in invincible armor that leaves only the face vulnerable.
      We are the native tribe looking to defend our homeland. Everyone in the tribe has tan skin and dark hair. We have roughly 200 warriors, mostly armed with spears. We also have roughly a dozen 'leopard men' on chains. They look sort of like Tai Lung (The villain in the first Kung Fu Panda movie) if he were a bit more realistic looking. Now I am not the leader of the tribe, more like second in command, or some high ranking position close to the chief who wore a large headdress. Every warrior had two blue stripes painted under their eyes.
      We are hiding in the woods on the edge of a farm field. The enemy army is marching perpendicular to us, through the field. The chief gives the signal and we release the leopard men and run in. We expected to catch them off guard, but the ogres didn't go down by our spears. (Well nobody hit the face) The ogres kill all of the leopard men in a matter of a few seconds, and knock out a few of our tribe members too.
      And about 30 seconds after the chief gives the order to attack, we're all running the other way.
      I run back into the woods. I get about 50 feet in and see an ogre positioned in the woods.
      "Surrender! Drop your weapon!" The ogre has a deep thundering voice.
      I had a bow. I was the master archer in the tribe. I drop it on the ground. The ogre steps on it, breaking it. He laughs briefly.
      So me and the remaining tribe members had been taken prisoner. We waited around for some time, and we were forced to watch the conqueror's army ransack a civilian town. (Not the home of our tribe, which was supposedly in a secluded location.) He was merciless and tortured all of his prisoners, including children and the elderly. I don't really want to harp on this, but it was the WORST torture imaginable, not by a long shot, but it was pretty nasty.
      Then the conqueror and the tribe chief meet. The chief gives one of those numbers about how the conqueror does not fight with honor. The conqueror gives and evil laugh and makes a deal with the chief. If they can defeat his skeleton army, then they are free to retreat to their home. That or he can just kill us all now. Given no better option, the chief decides to take the fight with the skeletons.
      So the conqueror makes this setup. He puts us in a square field with a large hill in the center. He surrounds the edge of the field with his ogres disallowing anyone from escaping. Then the sorcerer comes out and throws blue fire on the ground. It burns away all of the grass in the field and skeleton warriors bust through the ground. Thousands of them. The conqueror orders them to attack.

      At this point about half of the tribe turns and tries to escape. The ogres positioned on the end of the field kill about 80% of the escapees but a few manage to slip by. Okay, there is No way we are going to beat ALL of these skeletons, we're outnumbered probably 50 to 1, and that was before half of our guys tried to escape. Plus we're unarmed.
      Then I got an idea. I charged at one of the skeletons, dodging the arrow he shoots as I get in close. And do an epic kick of doom to his face. He breaks down into bones and I pick up his quiver, but his bow is broken from my kick. I turn to another skeleton. He is about to fire at the chief who is fighting the conqueror. The conqueror has a katana-like sword with a magical green energy conduit going up the side. The chief has a rusty iron sword that he likely picked up from one of these skeletons.
      The skeleton turns to me at the last second and fires. The arrow just glances the left side of my chest. I don't feel any pain from the wound, so I charge at him and kick him down anyway. I pick up his bow and pull the arrow out of my chest. I turn to the one of the ogres and line up a shot.

      And then my dad shouts 'I'm going to work!' and wakes me up.

      Fragment: I lived in Atlantis. My mom, who had left me when I was a baby had just returned. I was showing her new building around the city. For some reason, Atlantis has an art deco construction style, Kind of like New York used to be.

      Fragment: I am partially lucid and climbing to the very top of a sand dune. It is covered in cacti and other exotic plantlife Sand dunes must be a new dream sign.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:45 PM by 53527

    15. Trying to get back to lucid dreaming:LD #91: Semi lucid adventures in ... Skyrim?

      by , 06-03-2014 at 04:14 AM (Lucid Time!)
      My god this dream is groggy and fragmented.

      Anyways I cannot recall the exacting details of what was going on, the surroundings were very blurry in the beginning of the dream. I was in what felt like the basement of my own home, but it felt larger and more spacious (That or I had become smaller). The basement slowly began to mesh with a dungeon looking space.
      There were a couple of dream characters leading me away from some supposed danger. We get to the 'upstairs' that looks like an open tundra, just like Skyrim. But strangely it still feels like my own home as well. A kind of crappy groggy mesh the dream had created. Furniture was scattered about, and the hills and valleys somewhat mimicked the shape of the rooms.
      Some attacking army came upon us, composed entirely of archers. They unleashed a hail of arrows. (Hey I thought those dream characters were leading me away from danger, not twoards it.)
      I see one of the 'helpful' dream characters take an arrow to the knee. ._.
      The dream started to get much clearer, and became the interior of my house. The feeling of the meadow was gone, but the general of the army, some barbarian and a handful of his archers were still present.
      Manei (My dream guide) appears next to me, and just seeing her makes me partially
      lucid. Also something weird, she usually has really long black hair, but it was buzzed really short in this dream. The workings of my dream guide will probably never be fully understood.
      Anyways, we are ducking behind the kitchen counter and the barbarians (for whatever reason) are not merely flanking us. Manei says she can execute some spell that will take away all of the soldiers, but she has nothing to deal with the general. So she does the spell.
      The barbarian general approaches. He announces that he has only one arrow, but that he will make it count. He fires it and it ricochets around the room bouncing off of several objects before flying past Lia, slicing the side of her face. It looked kind of like that scene from 300 with King Xerxes. (Hangon, I thought dream guides were supposed to be immortal and unable to be injured. I saw her get punched through a concrete roof by a giant robot and she shrugged it off like it was nothing. But an arrow, Kryptonite!)
      So it is at this point she tells me that I am in
      factdreaming. (Oh now you tell me.) Okay, so I guess I have to fight this loser. He pulls a pair of small axes from his cuirass. I merely stand and allow him to charge me. Once he is about 10 feet away...
      FUS RO DAH!
      The barbarian goes flying, smashing the front door of my house. I look out the door to see him land and tumble around in the street outside my house. I am suddenly awoken.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:56 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
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