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    1. Blood, violence, etc. (another Valerian night)

      by , 01-18-2011 at 03:56 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I took about 200mg of valerian before bed last night. As often happens, the valerian caused me to have some rather wierd and disturbing dreams.

      Weddings and cruiseships

      I am in the auditorium of my old high school. My brother and I are discussing people that were at my cousin's wedding. To help us remember who these people are, we take turns with a clamp holding pieces of a bench together. At times we break off pieces of it, too.

      My grandparents are there also. The place is no longer the auditorium, but my grandparents' house. They are talking with my aunt about how nobody my age wants to be a sailor anymore. I happen to have been looking for jobs on board a cruise ship, so I tell them that I want to be a sailor. They are reading the requirements for various positions. Meanwhile, I log into my account with a cruise ship job website.

      Flea markets and torture

      I am at a fair. It is also D'ni. It is also a flea market. I am walking with a guy I used to know from a former workplace, who is also the father from "All in the Family" (which is ironic, because the guy I used to know is black). He is telling me that I don't know much about "smokin'", which in this dream is a slang term for buying and selling junk at flea markets for a profit. I imitate the Mask for no reason and say "sssmokin!"

      We enter a junk shop, which is located about where Kadish Gallery should be. It is kind of dark in there, but we browse for a while. I see an old bottle of wine from the 1920's. After a while I see a bottle of something else with the date 1919 on it, and the wine bottle is apparently gone. My friend considers buying this bottle to resell. He tries to give me tips on finding antiques.

      Next to the bottle of wine is a bottle of acetic acid, and some laboratory glassware. My friend asks me what acetic acid is, and I say "It's pretty much vinegar". Then I laugh and say "if we poured some of that into the wine bottle, there would be a nice explosion."

      We leave the junk store, and cross the street. Things begin to change somehow into a laboratory where a mad scientist is operating on living people with no anesthetic. He hacks them up, mutilates them, pulls out their organs and intestines, while they lay on the operating table screaming. He pulls out one guy's eyeball. He slices open the arm of one guy, and puts something in to intentionally infect it. Someone explains that his plan is to let it swell up, and then hit his arms with something. This will both cause the victim pain, and somehow turn him into a zombie.

      Now I see a whole bunch of zombies from the mad scientist's lab, all dancing together like some scene from Hell.
    2. 1/14/11 - The Rev Wants You to End This.

      by , 01-15-2011 at 07:09 AM (In Medias Res)
      I woke from a non-lucid dream, and tried to go back to sleep. I did so and became instantly lucid. I examined my hands, rubbed them together and said, "Stabilize lucidity NOW!" and "I am lucid, the world is vivid." I didn't yell it (until later). It seemed to work. I walked out of the room I was in, along the corridors, and realized a horde of zombies was coming at me from across the hallway. With a sweep of my hand I said, "Make this place a nice place." Everything turned nice - the grey/crimson-ish walls became green and pink, even though the zombie-turned-nice-people were still hunched and going "Groar".

      I turned and walked away, looked at my hands and YELLED, "Stabilize lucidity now - I mean NOW!" I remember worrying if I was actually yelling this while sleeping, and if my parents could hear me. I remember someone in a red shirt, then the dream began to close in. I tried to see my hands, but it was darkness coming from the top and bottom of my vision. I lost lucidity but I struggled and it came back. I went down to the lobby of the hotel. Sex with Syn in mind, I told myself to go to a beach, and fell backwards while imagining a beach dreamscape. But when I hit the floor, a blue error screen with the black pixelated words "The Rev wants you to end this" appeared. I got up, and the black hotel lobby guy also told me it was time to end.

      I was shocked and ran out of the lobby into a skiing place. I ran around the hills yelling, "The Rev! Where are you?" Then I saw, at the front gate, my classmates and strangers surrounding the squirrel in a carriage that I knew was the Rev's reincarnation (from the previous dream). A stranger said, "Don't move!", but I think we let him escape.

      Later I walked up a hill to an exit of the ski park with Victor and a Nathan-like guide, telling them about what had happened. On my way I saw a suspicious-looking guy in a red shirt whose head looked like it was cut out of cardboard. Nathan said that on his way here there was also someone who told him he should "start over". He shrugged.

      Then I had a false awakening in the hotel room where the dream had started. I remember picking up my dream journal and seeing it shared with my math notebook. There were so many interjected math notes between the dreams that I tried to find a new DJ. Then I actually woke up and realized I didn't share my DJ with any other notebook.

      Updated 01-15-2011 at 07:11 AM by 36534

      lucid , false awakening
    3. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 01-10-2011 at 10:23 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      Plush Slayer (Non-Lucid)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      On a raised platform, in the dead of night, I slayed hordes of plush zombies with the help of family, friends, and cold steel; Puffin made an appearance.
    4. Lock In party...Legos?

      by , 01-09-2011 at 06:32 PM
      So right before I fell asleep I was texting my friend, and he said he was at a lock in party at a skating rink. (i really have No idea)

      I began dreaming that I was at the skating rink at the lock-in. However, the place wasnt a skating rink at all. It was a huge gym-like room with a tower of enourmous legos at the end. I walked up to my friend KW (lets call him that) and told him HAH, I'm here >8D (i was mad that he wouldnt let his friends text me, i was bored) NOW I can talk to your friends! So I walked towards the big mountain, where most of the other kids were. They seemed to be climbing it, but I couldnt tell what else was going on up there, so I climbed up. The legos were eneourmous, so it seemed like we were all lego people. I found small treasure chests but ignored them. Others were climbing up around me, and people seemed to be coming down too, but they were lego people, and they were zombies or pirates. Others of my kind were fighting them to the death, with swords and fists and ninja stars. There was blood all over the lego people, and all over my people, but not on the ground. We all began working our way towards the center, which seemed like a fortress of some sort.

      I stabbed a few zombies and worked my way up, and reached the fortress thingy. There was a lego king man there, and he was fighting too, but he was really powerful. Finally all of us fighters got to him and took him down. Everyone then started jumping down from the mountain, and it ...respawned, i guess. It was a different layout and the king was somwhere else, and we did it all over. I have no idea how long this went on, maybe all night.
    5. Zombie Course I have dreamed about 3 times: Zombies with 5 second lucid ending

      by , 01-07-2011 at 06:02 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      It seems I have created my own zombie course similar to the kinds of zombie courses from Call of Duty's Nazi zombies layouts

      I have created my own course randomly generated by my brain one day in a zombie dream i had and ever since I have had many zombie dreams on that same course. It seems I have created a dream I can't stop reliving. This is the first time I have had this happen more than twice.

      The zombie Course has a bunch of metal shop buildings on hills with farm machinery spread around (like back-hoes and dump trucks). There are perk machines and gun outlines on walls too (just like nazi zombies from Call of Duty). In the back of the course on top of a hill there is a single roomed house with a staircase to a second floor but no roof and the windows are all just open squares in the walls. The second floor is good because in case of emergency, the zombies come up the stairs and we jump out the window of the second floor and can make a quick get away.

      I enjoyed this level because of the huge wide open area to run around and the trucks and tractors I could drive to run over zombies.

      Anyways... On to the dream.

      Mostly just killing zombies with my dad next to me and we started running out of ammo and had to jump out the window.

      I remember me and my dad each using a different tractor to run over a bunch of zombies until they ran outta fuel so we ditched the machinery and ran to a metal shop building.

      In that building I remember running into a small room about the size of a 3 car garage. A zombie dog which looked a lot like my old dog that died 2 years ago (which is funny cause the dog died and now in my dream its a zombie) along with a huge group of zombies came into the room and we had no ammo.

      I suddenly felt this odd feeling and I don't know how, but I realized I was dreaming because of that feeling. The dog jumped with its mouth wide open and fangs facing me and I raised my hands and pushed them forward (like using the force) and the zombies all stopped like time stood still and the dog slowed to a stop in mid-air with its evil eyes and fangs still facing me.
      BTW: My dog was huge. Chesapeek retriever and she was all muscle.

      Picture is close to it but not as evil as the one in my dream.

      After that, I felt some pride and strength inside of me and then everything suddenly started to become blurry and then disappeared.

      I did not wake up but do not remember anything dream wise after that.
    6. 1/6/2010 - Rather Large Update

      by , 01-06-2011 at 11:08 AM
      My internet at my house has been out for a couple days, as people weren't around to pay their bills. Therefore, this is going to be a pretty long update - 5 updates since the last time I updated!

      12/26/2010 - First Person Shooter and Real Time Strategy

      I was on a space station. I entered a large room and picked up a couple weapons (one of them was a gun like the ripper in Unreal Tournament). I entered a large chamber that was open to space. I recall looking up and seeing a number of stars and the planet that the space station was rotating around. I saw a large creature that was channeling what I can only assume was the power to destroy our galaxy. Needless to say, I engaged it.

      Since we were open to space, there was little gravity, so I was able to flip around all of the elevated floating platforms in the area. I began flipping about, him remaining stationary while shooting beams of energy while I was firing my Ripper. Sadly, they were ineffective. I switched to another weapon to continue shooting him, but there was a tingling sensation as his channeling began to become powerful. I could feel the hairs on my arms begin to stand on end.

      I landed on a platform high up, and spherical orbs of light inside a ring began to converge on the center of the platform. I knew it was too late. The disks circled the platform..the orbs shot out and then converged. There was an ear-deafening boom...and the galaxy was gone. I woke up.

      12/28/2010 - Helping a Brother

      I returned home again, and sadly my dream recall suffered, as I was sleeping on my house couch again.

      I remembered that Eric had asked me a few nights before to wake him up and make sure that he went to the airport to pick up his girlfriend. I assisted him in waking up and helped him get all of his stuff together. I then woke up, realizing that this was a false awakening.

      1/2/2011 - Dream Fragments - Free-running and Lightsaber Duel

      I had two dream fragments this night. I know that in my 3rd dream of the night, there was a lightsaber duel, but I can't recall specifics. I also recall that I was free-running around an Arabic city in my 4th dream.

      1/4/2011 - Zombies (again)

      I was traveling through an abandoned city with James, Lane, Shane, and I. Lane was wielding double pistols. I was carrying something tech related, but I didn't actually have weapons (bad call, I know). James was decked out in odd vagabond clothes and double Uzis. Shane had a shotgun and a metal bat.

      We fought our way to a safe room that was in a room high up in an apartment complex. It looked like a hotel room, however. There was a device outside the room that apparently controlled the heat exhaust for the entire building. I was concerned with the level of energy that the building was putting off, and realized that if I were to change the settings, we could conserve energy - but make ourselves more visible to zombies (apparently they have heat vision in this dream). The setting I picked helped us save energy. However, a zombie ran up the fire escape to confront us. I ran inside.

      I slammed the door behind me with the zombie's upper torso and arm stuck in the doorway. I shouted at Shane to come over, who readies his bat and bashed the zombie's head in when I opened the door. Lane and James then ran out of the room upstairs in order to apparently take care of more zombies. Shane shotgunned the zombie's lower jaw off.

      I changed the setting on the device, and once I had changed it James and Lane returned. Lane was bloody and said that he had been bitten. I saw his inventory with 17 bullets in his double pistols. We yelled at my brother to make sure that he wasn't bitten either. Lane hands me his pistols and takes off his arm guard. I wake up to a text message.

      1/5/2011 - Australia

      My dream started with an intricate flyover of the white, sandy beaches of Australia. We (myself and I'm not sure who else) were having a good time on the beach. We talked about all of the animals there and I recall looking down in the water and vividly seeing an eel that I walked across in order to not get shocked. I wanted to take pictures, but I forgot my camera back with my family. I was really devastated. I started to call my mother in order to ask where the camera was when I woke up.

      I stood up and glanced around. I then made my way to my computer tower to look for my camera. I realized that it didn't make much sense for me to look for the camera and I did a reality check, but it was just me sleep walking.

      Tonight I'm going to try to record three dreams and attempt to wake up enough to WILD during that third dream cycle. We'll have to see how it goes. This next weekend is going to be stressful, as I'm going to be doing conferences and retreats, so I might not write in my journal for a couple days!
    7. December 2010: more slack one less dream and another lucid..when im lucid my dream loves to deny me.

      by , 01-06-2011 at 01:31 AM
      Dream 1: Chased by zombies in timesplitters-esque mansion. I was with a group, but me and an old friend matt mueller found a tower room behind the large wall door that whipped open as zombies came through the door and caused several people in the group to shrink into to fear and not realize me and my friend found a door. me and matt went up to the tower room that had a staircase that curved rightwards, the building had large grey bricks for the build of it all. once we got into the room that had old arcade games, green cushion seats and a light of some sort. Matt talked about sharing a graduation party with me and Pat Frankenthal.

      Dream 2: Mortal kombat between mileena and kung lao, i cant remember for sure if it was mileena though. They fought on stage that looked like hell from earthworm jim. then I became more involved in the dream, becoming semi-lucid as well. I was under them above shed, it seemed like I was teleported there. I then froze half the top of the partially red shed. Then I also used a low lying sheet of fire that quickly melted the ice(but there was no steam?)I then became more lucid than before and hopped down of the shed next to a large barn on a steep elevated hill. I swung both my arms around to try to gain energy from the atmosphere to create a windy ice energy ball, but my dream denied me and yielded no activity.... soon after I awoke.
    8. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:09 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Feeding Time (Non-lucid)

      Darkness covers the deserted outpost. Grey walled, black roofed buildings, dot the area, each a relic of the past. Though, the architecture, old-west in style, seems to be the norm across this post-apocalyptic wasteland. Shuffling through the first floor of the Inn, my sisters and I cast shadows on the murky glass. They're coming. . .

      “What's that movement? In the window,” a woman points and whispers through hushed sobbing. A group approaches from up the grassy, wet, dirt-laced hill. They haven't slept for days. I motion with my flesh-torn arm for my sisters to cease their movement, close to the door now, out of sight, we're in perfect striking range.

      “You're hallucinating,” warns the portly man with a broken staff and scruffy shadow of a beard. He saw it too, but hunger, the possibility of food, and a lack of sleep disrupt his reasoning. Unsure as he approaches the loosely hinged door, he warns the others to stay back.

      It's likely these people have never seen one of our kind before. Never had to fear our bloodlust, our thirst for human flesh. No, these poor travelers have no idea what's waiting for them, just inside the darkness. We have the advantage.

      They're unlucky, really, terribly unlucky. We could have come to any world, any universe, in the hunt for our true prey. I never had to steal that alien craft in our home dimension; the resistance would have gotten along fine without it. Sure, some key leaders would have been executed, but the fight would have continued.

      Instead, out of character, I took a risk, and here I am now, in another plane of existence, dead and rotting, kept moving only by a powerful virus, or magic, I can't be sure. My intelligence, my self, remains intact. A true zombie, I am not, but my craving, my need to feed. . . all too real. Even as I bite down on this man's fleshy leg, repulsed by the taste, the dirt, the grime, I can't stop biting, tearing, where the others can't see him, can't hear his muffled cries.

      I really hate it when they don't shower.

    9. Zombies, eat some shoe. Sept 19...Im behind :/

      by , 01-04-2011 at 03:58 AM
      It's night, but not necessarily too dark though. I was outside kicking zombie ass near a man made lake about the size of lake arlington in a more natural setting. I ran to the left side but realized i needed to activate a gate. so i ran back the path to the right side kickin zombie ass along the way. then i ran back after i did whatever to the left side passed through a grassy and natural area almost covering the nights sky, I headed toward a highway and saw a coyote come, i scared it a little, but it kept coming back more and more pissed. eventually i got bit, so i kicked it.
    10. Hunted by zombies and being a gangster

      by , 12-29-2010 at 02:42 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a LAN with my brother last night, so I didn't get the "quality" sleep I would have wanted. Anyways, had a few dreams.

      04.00: Bedtime

      05.30: Fragment
      *I'm with Felix, his new girl and some other person. I comment on his girlfriend's toenails. Something about the story "Greta and Hans". She seems to be offended, what a stuck up one.

      07.00: Zombies
      I'm standing behind a car with a friend, watching a crowd of people running by. I can see several of them are infected, but they haven't become aggressive yet. We head down into a narrow alley, most likely leading down towards the sewers. Opening a massive steel door, we find a hatch under some pipes. There's an even narrower path going from here. We try to get down the hatch, but suddenly I hear something. "Shh, quiet! Stand still" I whisper. A man comes around the corner, it's Peter from work. He opens the door and heads out, just as he's about to close it, he notices us. He closes the door. "Wtf? He's so slow of thought that he didn't even notice us haha!" I exclaim.

      The dream skips. I'm holding up another steel door, looking into a large dressing room. There's another door on the left side of the room and a few old classmates of mine is changing their clothes or whatever. I can hear the zombies howling nearby. "Hurry up! We have to go!" I yell at the people. They don't hurry up at all, and I can hear the zombies closing in. A girl is standing close to the door I am holding up. The zombies come bursting through the other door and I grab the girl and toss her into our room. I close the door, but too late. Just as it's about to shut, the zombies get a hold of it. I release it and give up. I know I will die, but as they are behind me, I load the dream and is now back where I started. I start yelling at my old classmates for being idiots.

      13.15: Gangster
      I'm with a few other people, standing outside of a large glass building. We are about to blow it up. Using walkie-talkie's we try to synchronise the blasts. A few goes off, and later on two more. I'm waving some kind of flag. Dropping everything, we walk towards the building. The cops haven't shown up yet, but we are not about to wait up for them. We enter the building and walk into the glass elevator. "Who will take care of the dog? We need someone crazy to do it" just what I need. "I'll do it, I need a gun though" I say and find one in my pocket. "Oh don't worry, I brought a spare one just in case" I pull it out, it's a beretta. I can feel my pulse rising, hyperventilating I make it beat superfast.

      "Worst case scenario, I'll just fly for real instead of in a dream" I say and laugh. We reach the top of the building. I look down and get a tingling sensation in my toes from the height. I spot a green helicopter. Apparently we're not that high up, because suddenly we are all jumping down the buildings, roof after roof. Everything is in slowmotion, like I'm in a movie. A girl tries to contact me, but I ignore her. I start taking off my jacket and hat, and is just about to walk back to our appartment when I spot a girl talking on the phone.

      I hide in the sunlight. She gets very close but she doesn't notice me. The sun is blinding her. She hangs up. "You know how much trouble you will get into if they see us together?" she asks me. I jump off the ledge and hide behind a wall. She laughs. "You'll break your neck one day if you continue jumping around like that.

      13.15: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 9 hours

      Supplements before bed: 200 ml applejuice, 2 x Omega-3

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: zombies
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Left 4 dead?.... Hardly! =P

      by , 12-27-2010 at 02:43 PM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      Note: This was very long so have tried adapting a more "to-the-point" format to try and fit it all in without boring the face off the reader. hope you enjoy.

      27/12/10 The dream starts out with a snow storm, and there is a lot of snow.

      I am at a friend's place, which also happen to be the place where I grew up.

      The snow keeps on falling and towns and cities are being closed off gradually.

      I stumble out in the snow although I am safe in my friend's place. I need to see if there is anyone out there in danger.

      I get stuck in a little roadside bunker of sorts. I ride out the storm.

      The next day the snow is smelting and there is a lot of water on the roads. And I notice how many issues it will cause if it freezes up again.

      There is a drama between two men and women who switch partners during the dream, it causes a strain on their friendship.

      The two men join opposing sports teams. We are in a pub at the conclusion of this. It is getting dark.

      The dream changes plot.

      Zombies. Thunder.

      There is a radio in the roadside bunker and I overhear some communication between a captain of a ship and the governmental control that has to allow it into Danish national waters.

      Zombies come out and I am in a place where I have to leave the safe house, walk up a tunnel while zombies swarm down. It is hard to get out.

      I am back in the roadside bunker, there are two of us there.

      We shoot zombies like there is no tomorrow. I get reminded of Mikkel (an old school friend) who is stuck in the tunnel safe house.

      I make a dash for it to go help him out. With my assistance he gets out and join us in the roadside bunker.

      Zombies are everywhere. There is a sniping zombie in one of the windows. I take his head clean off with a SPAS 12 shotgun. He turns out to be a cyborg zombie, and the other zombies try to get him working again, but it is useless without the head. I feel proud and we all joke about it in the bunker.

      We are running out of ammo. We retreat further back into the bunker.

      There is cable car leading out the back.

      The problem with this plan of escape is that there is a massive zombie, a golem of sorts, in the yard below.

      We attempt it anyway.
      I am starting to become aware of the fact that I am dreaming.

      Our combined weight in the cart makes it skip across the surface of the snow, but we make it to the end.

      The golem turns for us. We panic and start to run. We prepare to take shots at it. It speaks.

      I call for my mates to hold fire. The golem explains that the virus just “left” him for some reason. I have a feeling that it is due to his level of intellect, but I speak to him, get a sample of his blood to see if a cure can be manufactured.

      I encounter three smokers (Big tongued mofos that pull you in with it and want to eat you) and I take them on with nothing but bare hands and sheer defiance, and I win!

      There is a montage (I swear to god (or any other non-specific deity of your choosing), there is a literal montage of us three taking out the elite crowd, while administering the cure to the lesser zombies, all perfectly narrated with a “and the future looks a little bit brighter” remark in the end)

      I am now free of the plot and can do as I choose. I jump off a building. I jump from balcony to balcony downwards. It is quite tall.

      I take off into flight. Can't quite manage it although I can keep afloat it is more of a floating sensation. I take great notice of the sea winds against my face. You gotta love being lucid!

      I keep hearing my parents (in particular my mum XD) wanting to wake me up because we have to go somewhere. I will it off and continue just flying looking at things.

      I eventually wake up. Although I am in my flat and there is no way my parents could have shouted at me.

      Note: There might have been a FA that I recollect nothing off. It seems like I had to recall the dream through a third party.
    12. Back to dreaming for a few days

      by , 12-26-2010 at 02:34 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning. Had a few dreams yesterday, but I was too hungover to be arsed to write them down haha. Last night was pretty cool, since I managed to re-enter a dream. A zombie/survival dream again, was awesome but weird.

      05.00: Bedtime

      13.30: Double dreams, zombies in a store
      It's dark outside. I'm with two or three other people on the roof of a grocery store. There's a scaffold next to us, and some emergency exit stairs in metal. I run down the stairs and get to the bottom. There's an awful smell in the air. I spot the huge dark mass lying in the snow. It's some kind of dog, and I take a carpet of fur and put it next to the dog. Running back up, I wonder why it didn't attack us. A narrator voice tells me. "Even though the monster is incredibly strong, it has one weakness. When you use psychic powers on it once, it will obey" We start to lift up a metal hatch on the roof. It's all dark inside. I know what I need to get.

      I wake up, and wonder if I should write the dream down, but I don't.

      I'm inside the store. My sisters are there with me, and I think it was Felix. A strange sound, like a calling sound comes from a zombie woman standing nearby. She starts to walk towards me, and I jump around. She is VERY slow, and I got plenty of time to reload my gun (which is some kind of surringe/party bomb/toy gun thingy). I take away the cap which allows me to fire one shot. I aim it in her face and fire off a tiny blast of air and some water. It has no effect, but it all feels like a game. I look behind me and my sister has become one of them! She is walking too fast though. "Hey! You gotta slow down, you can't move that fast" I tell her. She complains a bit.

      Dream skips. The store has been cleared. I'm with a few other guys now, Linus from work is one of them. I've packed my bag with all kinds of stuff, and I'm ready to leave. I climb up on the huge food storage to my level. One guy is ready to go to sleep and is already in his bed further away. I decide to stay for the night. The store is pretty messy, with ketchup on the floor and a crushed jar which I threw earlier. I remember the satisfying sound of glass shattering. I quote "Laserturken" for a while. Linus asks me why I even bother to go out if I don't have fun and dance or something. He mocks me for not wanting to go all the way to the city to party. I am given a drink. It's white russian. "I've already had like a litre of this tonight" I tell them, but I just chug it.

      13.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 8½ hours

      Supplements before bed: Lots of alcohol

      That's it! The alcohol suppresses REM, which then rebounds if I sleep enough. Sadly I didn't sleep enough, but it will definitely rebound tonight! I will try some Calea out during a small WBTB tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can get lucid. Also the dream I had was completely random. I'm sure it was longer and more intricate than that though.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 04:06 PM by 36346

      Tags: survival, zombies
    13. Last dream I can remember

      by , 12-25-2010 at 09:11 AM
      The last dream I can remember was something along these lines: I was in a school with my girlfriend and other classmates. The class was going into town to do something, but i don't know what. When we got there my girlfriend and I were behind the rest of the students. They turned right on a corner and were out of our site. A few seconds later they came running back and were being chased by what looked like (and I kid you not) ZOMBIES. We ran away but i cant remember much else. So yeah, that was like 2 weeks ago
    14. Snow Dragons & Zombie Corridor

      by , 12-18-2010 at 03:04 PM
      Snow Dragons:

      I was in a quaint wood cabin. It was nice and colourful. I walked up some steps, to the front door, and went outside.
      It was snowing, although the ground was only covered by a couple of inches.

      In front of me, two small dragons were playing in the snow. I never got to see them properly, and sometimes they weren't dragons.
      "Want to come to a place with really deep snow?" I asked.
      They said yes.
      "Get on my back, I don't want you to be uncomfortable" I said, knowing they were only young, and a long journey wouldn't be good for them.
      One hopped on my back.
      I looked to the left - there was a huge cliff wall, sparkling blue. It's hard to describe, but all I can say is that it was beautiful. I motioned that we should go up there, so we all started flying.
      Up and up we rose, me carrying one dragon on my back, and the other flying by my side. As we flew up, one of the dragons started conjouring blue torches by the hundreds, the odd thing is they looked like Minecraft torches - they flew away from him and dropped to the ground. Then I awoke.

      Zombie Corridor:

      This dream is from another night. I typed out the dream in my journal, but forgot to post it. But I still remember what happened and I'm posting it now.

      I was in a corridor, similar to the one pictured below, except whiter and a little wider:

      Somehow I knew there were zombies about, lurking in each room, ready to devour me.
      I stepped into a room, nervously - it was a child's room. In the corner sat a young girl, next to a baby's cot.
      "Where's your Mummy and Daddy?" I asked.
      She told me she had no parents, and she was alone and scared.
      "Don't worry. If we make it out of here... I'll be your Daddy. It's OK, I'll protect you," I reassured her. I didn't want any harm to come to her.
      Nervously, we walked back into the corridor, and I feared for my life.
      Suddenly, the girl ran back to her room.
      I quickly caught up with her.
      "What are you doing?" I said.
      "I was scared..." she mumbled.
      I grabbed a knife, knowing I would need to defend myself if we saw any zombies. I spotted a bigger kitchen knife, and took that instead. I saw my acoustic guitar, and thought it would make a good shield, so I held it in my left hand.
      "Let's go" I whispered.
      We shuffled back into the corridor. On my right, a door was slightly ajar. I noticed a zombie crouching inside the room, its horrible eyes glaring at me.
      Terrified, we kept walking, only to have another zombie jump out at us. I tried to defend myself, but behind me, the zombie from before was swinging a cleaver at the little girl. She was helping me fight the zombie in front.
      "BEHIND YOU!" I said.
      I tried to move, tried to parry the attacks, tried to swing my knife, but my arms moved as if they were swinging through thick mud.
      Too slow.
      Too late.

      I awoke.
      Like I said, "Zombie Corridor" happened a few days ago. Shame I didn't manage to post it then.
      I thought it was a pretty memorable and scary dream.
    15. Zombie Apocalypse & A Living Exam

      by , 12-15-2010 at 08:16 AM
      As I read some of the DJs I always read about zombies and they seem pretty common, so much so that I think "oh not more zombies!" I haven't had a zombie dream in a very very long time. So wouldn't you know that my dream world would have to bring on the zombies.

      Drewam 1: Zombie Apocalypse
      I am walking to a road in a big city with a guy thats a buddy of mine [never seen him before] and on the other side is our female buddy. She has a few guns on her to keep the zombies off but we have nothing. We are trying to get across this heavily traveled highway to her. Apparently it was the start of a zombie apocalypse which had zombies on the street walking around but people still drove in their cars. She waited for us to get to the intersection but for some reason we thought it was dangerous to cross. She didn't want to move much or yell cuz the zombies wouldn't attack unless you looked lively. She yelled at us to moon the cars, to get them to slow down for us, so we could cross. This sounded strange to us and I looked at the other guy with a scrunched up face and we shook our heads as our hands were on out pants. She then yelled and waved her hands in frustration and we felt guilty enough to dodge the traffic but when we got to the other side her waving had attracted several zombies. She waited till they got close and put a shot gun up to their faces and BOOM BOOM, click click BOOM, and their zombie heads were vaporized by the blasts. While I was in a little shock and my ears were ringing she yanked my friends arm "come on!" BOOM, shot one square in the chest, "click click". The shooting was attracting a lot more zombies and we ran for it. Unlike the movies though these guys ran too, well slow running but still. Soon there was a mob behind us of at least a hundred. We ran to a building's doorway where its a safe-house but you are supposed to enter slowly so zombies don't follow you. Apparently zombies don't open doors and search around, they just walk around unless they see a meal. For us there were 200 zombies behind us! We ran in and up a hallway to the 2 hardened steal doors at the end, the zombies couldn't get in at all. The people on the other side were not happy with our huge zombie posse but they were ready for this but they would also have to clear them out at some point. We left their glaring eyes and walked up a hallway. The girl with the guns broke off and went into a room inside a room cuz the zombies would never go in there and they could jump out the windows if things got crazy. Me and the guy decided to find the exit on the other side of the building.
      Once out into a hall way there were 2 zombies coming towards us as we lightly ran. He had a knife on his belt which the zombies grabbed at. We then ran faster till we were outside. There were 2 zombies out here and they look surprised to see us. There was a huge chain-link fence (20 feet high). This was good because zombies were the slowest climbers and would probably fall. He pulled out a grappling gun that was spring loaded, he hit back end of it on the ground and the hook shot in the air and over the fence connected by a black rubber rope. I jumped on the fence but couldn't get a hand hold on the fence and a zombie was right next to me. He looked at me unsure how to get a jumping target. I got a hand on the fence and climbed up. My friend was over it already when I got to the top. I saw it was a double fence with an inner fence so zombies would fall between them if they could ever got to the top. I couldn't span it either so I shook the fence till it fell down a bit and jumped to the ground.
      On the inside was a zombie free enclosure where people were playing baseball.

      Dream 2: Florida House
      Not very lucid but with extreme vividness.
      I came home to my house which was a single level ranch in Florida [I've seen them and they a very common little white houses made out of cinder-blocks]. I walked into the garage which didn't have the car in it cuz I could pull the car in the neighbors driveway cuz that house was vacant for years and I could pull my car around into my driveway facing the street [I saw myself doing this]. Once inside the very clean and kind of new garage, I found a piece of paper on the floor and picked it up and took it to the garbage pail. Once there I saw that the cabinet was open and there was a piece of paper on a shelf. It was a sticky note of the contact info for a scam artist. 3 thoughts shot through my head, call the number from a payphone and find out what it was about or throw it away. As I reached my arm out to drop it in the pail I thought that I should report this scammer to authorities.
      Satisfied I started to walk away but saw my old humming bird feeder in the garbage too. I thought to leave it but I actually felt sad to do that so I took it out and put it back on the shelf. Another thought shot through my head, "we are what we have." I felt proud of myself for having achieved something. I felt that I had finally became who I wanted to be.
      Upon awakening I remembered I had this dream twice before. It was exactly the same place and each time felt like the only time during the dream. One dream had me deciding to call the scam artist and another had me throwing the info away. This one I cared about other people and decided to help. Did I set up a test for myself to see if I would do this? I have had 2 other "test" dreams something like this.
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