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    1. Gathering knowledge [06/08/14]

      by , 08-06-2014 at 06:45 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      No LDs yet but I can feel that the things I learn from ETWOLD will without any doubt yield a better insight in lucid dreaming. So far I'm on page 75 and I'm almost done with the WILD-chapter which has shed some light on things I didn't understand.

      1. What about me?

      I'm in my own room getting out of bed and I see some of my family walking around eating fries and I ask them where mine are. I get told to get my own, quickly I make my way to my sister's bedroom which suddenly is the place where an old man sells fries. He's not in the room when I'm looking around but somehow I find a small box that has fries in it. It's not a lot and I'm almost annoyed by the fact but I eat the little amount anyway.

      2. Run!

      I'm flying around somewhere in Austria and see a lot of people, a ton of them. They are with millions scattered in large groups throughout the whole region, on, around and at the base of the mountains. And there's a beast hunting them, it's bigfoot. The beast can run extremely fast and devours humans in their entirety, swallowing them like a sausage. Suddenly I'm on the ground and for some reason have the guts to go near it, it doesn't seem to be too smart as I can get quiet close without it even seeing me. But then it suddenly starts chasing me and my visions gets all red and stuff. Then I look down on myself and find out I'm actually a red T-rex...
      I'm back viewing everything from the air and see the beast heading up to the higher parts of the mountains where people have gathered. The people aren't very detailed and merely coloured dots from the clothing they wear. Suddenly I descent into a secret military bunker/HQ and I get a weird and at the same time comedic introduction to the team that has to locate and kill the beast. Suddenly it's time to begin the hunt and I see some soldiers getting into pods that will get them to the surface. When one soldiers gets of the pod on some floor of the base and another one wants to, the other one's elevator malfunction and he panicks in an extremely comedic way. He then gets crushed between the elevator and the floor which I don't see but I can hear the sound of flesh and bone being squeezed. I slightly start to question the fact if this is funny or not.

      3. Are you joking me?

      I have an FA and get out of bed without any DR, make my way down stairs where I find my mother cooking diner. She asks me if I still enjoy the work I put into my (lucid) dreaming and is worried because she thinks I might not be able to stop it. My sister joins the conversation and tells me it's something crazy people do, then they tell me I talked in my sleep. During this conversation I had my plate in my hand and my mother put vegetables and tuna on it, a piece of tuna fell in the vegetables and she put it back on my plate. I suddenly remember a passage of ETWOLD saying that we only sleeptalk/walk in the second phase of our sleep and thus while we're not fully dreaming yet. I tell this to them and also tell them I didn't remember any dreams this night, only darkness. This calmed them and I ate my diner, shortly after I woke up.

      At first when I woke up I only remembered the first two dreams but after following ETWOLD's advice of questioning yourself what you dreamed I suddenly remembered the third dream.

      You know, I decided to include a plan for next night each entry as this is suggested in the book and I think it will help with setting up my intentions. I will probably keep doing this until I get lucid frequent enough which is atleast 1 LD per night. Another reason why I decided to do this is because when I'm in bed I'm usually still thinking about what my strategy will be which keeps me awake and makes me feel uncertain about my chances.

      Plan for next night:

      -Auto-suggest waking up after dreams

      -Using the 'counting to sleep' technique as described in ETWOLD which is basicly an addition to DEILD


      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:59 PM by 69433

    2. Weird House Dream

      by , 08-06-2014 at 05:28 PM
      5/6 August

      I was in what i thought was my living room with 3 people who I don't know
      One girl who was very small was holding onto a metal hula hoop, shaped like a steering wheel or a "peace sign" and was being pulled by another girl around the room
      The third girl who was quite fat decided she wanted to get pulled along as well
      She dived down and grabbed the hoop
      The girl pulling it was able to pull it a few meters before she couldn't pull it more because of how heavy the big girl was
      The big girl was sad
      The little girl climbed inside a suitcase and said we were going to play hide and seek in here
      I automatically waited ten seconds then opened the suitcase and looked for her
      There was many zip pockets inside the suitcase
      After I opened a few a small arm popped out of one and threw a few cards at me
      She climbed out of the case
      I opened the room door and was upstairs
      My living room isn't upstairs, and this room was where my bedroom was
      I went down the stairs and sat on the sofa in the real living room
      My sister came in to the room with a bottle of water
      She sat down on the other sofa
      Once she had finished the bottle she throw at me
      I said "what the hell" and she said since i used the bottle first, it was my responsibility
      I actually did have a bottle in my real world room which i had filled up with water but there was no reason for my sister to have it
      I threw it back at her
      It went back and forth many times until i got very pissed off at her
      I walked over to her with the bottle in hand and said "if you don't Piss off, i will piss in this bottle and force you to drink it"
      I woke up immediately after that
      It was really out of character for me to make a threat so stupid, especially to my sister
      It was however very standard of my sister to try and blame things she was responsible for on other people
    3. Fake Weed Dream

      by , 08-06-2014 at 05:06 PM
      5/6 august

      Fake weed dream
      I was at my house i think by myself when i heard a knock at the door
      My friend James is there with Luke, who is also my friend
      He has a metal briefcase/ tray thing
      When he opened it it is filled with joints
      He offered Luke and me one, even though Luke was with him on his way to my house
      James is way too nice/pussy to do weed or distribute, and I have no intention of ever doing it
      Luke is the kind of kid to say he wants to do it but pussy's out when the opportunity comes
      I said i was scared my mum would find out
      James said it was fine and that i would never get caught
      I took it, thanked him and took it up to my room
      I got up to my room and placed it on my desk beside my computer
      I got a text from James telling me to come outside and meet him up beside the park
      When i left my house i realized i had taken a pencil and forgotten the joint
      I ran back upstairs and grabbed it
      When I got out my door Luke was standing there
      I was surprised how fast he had gotten back, because his house is at the other side of my area
      He told me he had smoked his joint and they didn't have real weed in them and didn't make him high
      I thought he was joking
      There was a blank here, but basically i ended up beside the park
      James was there and so was Luke
      I asked him if the joints were fake because Luke said they were
      He said Luke was lying and gave me a lighter
      I smoked the whole thing and never got high, nothing even happened
      Then i woke up
    4. "Wait, wtf?"

      by , 08-06-2014 at 05:02 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Good morning, Dreamviews. Lots of dreams and fragments last night, but in particular:

      2:33 AM: I am trying to win my ex-girlfriend back. I know she will be on a tour of this castle (she is thinking of buying it as a home) so I plan to be there as well and also take the tour. I am somehow under the impression that we planned to take this tour together, but when she shows up, she sees me and then looks away, as though she is pretending I am not there. She tells the guide she is here for her tour. I think about staying quiet and just leaving, but then decide to speak up. I tell the tour guide I would also like to take the tour. She seems uncomfortable now.

      We head up through the castle, until we finally get to a section with a garden walkway and a well. At this point, my ex's mom puts her hands under my shirt and rests them on my torso. Her hands are cold and I squirm. She tells me it feels like I have been working out. I assure her I haven't been She then comments to my ex that "she might as well hold hands with the guy who is trying to win her back." We hold hands, but I am now conscious of her crying quietly.
      Very odd dream, Dreamviews! Any ideas?

      9:52 AM: I am in my mom's dining room. My wife and one of her friends is here. A kid suddenly shows up. He looks a bit odd but I seemingly mistake him for a former coworker. We begin discussing a dream group. I tell him his brother has already signed up, and that he should as well. We talk a bit about lucid dreaming. He says "A girl I work with does that stuff."

      "Have you talked to her about it? I ask.

      "Nah, she is too thick," he replies.

      I ask him what he means. He then replies in a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and then salutes me. I find this exceedingly odd, but don't want to be impolite. I ask him how he is enjoying his job. He tells me he has only been there a few weeks.

      "Aren't you still working for the zoo?" I ask.

      He now looks oddly at me. "Who do you think I am?" All of a sudden, I notice he is not my friend and I nose pinch.
      I can breathe, but all of a sudden, I go deaf! I am now uncertain of my status--is this a dream? I look at my hand: it is wobbly and weird, but when I look again, it is stable and normal. I show my hand to my wife, as though to say, "Look! What do you see??" She ignores me and continues her conversation. I decide to settle this once and for all. I set off down the hallway to find some text. However, I do so discreetly, so in the case that I am not dreaming, I don't act like a nut in front of everyone. I accidentally bump my wife's shoulder as I pass her and I wake up.

      So competition goers, I'm asking you guys: was I lucid? I wrote it down in my paper DJ as a lucid immediately upon waking, but I don't want to take advantage of the system! Let me know what you think!

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:32 PM by 69552

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    5. Dinner with a homeless man

      by , 08-06-2014 at 04:44 PM
      4/5 august
      Normally i don't Eat dinner with my family, i take it up to my room and eat it while watching youtube videos.
      I was sitting at a dinner table in a huge room with my family and a homeless man who was sitting at the other side of the table to me
      My mum put out the food on the table
      When we finished eating our food my mum said "Its time for salad"
      I don't eat salad and there would be no reason to eat salad after the meal
      The homeless man was shocked that we could eat so much, as he had never eaten so much in his life
      I felt very sorry for the homeless man
      I woke up
    6. (August 6, 2014) strange series

      by , 08-06-2014 at 04:16 PM
      August 6, 2014

      My rating 4/5

      This dream I was mainly underground in a scary series of tunnel that was haunted by something. First, we would drop down into the tunnels going down an old rusty ladder down a square shaft in the ground. The ground had water covering mainly the middle of it, like a little stream formed, with the dirt closer to the walls that was not submerged. We began walking gown the tunnels, seeing strange things and more tunnels that branch off in different ways. I found an old alligator skeleton in a small dent in the walls, i eventually came across a room with a bunch of shirts in it and most of them had a creepy picture of an eye on them. Then i was instantly at the starting point of the tunnel again, walking through the maze of dirt and puddles, seeing strange mud formations, and finally making it back to the room with the shirts, this time they all had a picture of an eye and the all were facing one specific spot.

      + this dream is not all together in my head but it was a pretty cool setting, wish i could remember more. I was at an old castle at night, with a group of 2 people, and we were trying to defend ourselves from these strange birdlike creatures that were all over the castle grounds. Like being trapped in a haunted house except there are tons of evil live creatures trying to kill us. I remember the last part if it, being outside the main building but still within the outer walls of the castle. Fge castle was tall, had lots of gates, and faded yellow bricks with s little bit of green moss or something growing in the cracks of it. We are making our escape to the main gate but before we get there we see the bird/demon creatures. I take out a handmade arrow with a deer bone tip and we advance. The drop down and begin attacking, and i get one of them with the arrow by stabbing with it in my hand.

      +this dream i was going to the movies with my brother, and we get in the theater and take a seat, it is very dark in here. I don't remember the movie but after apparently is was done we got up and left

      + i was in a certain school setting I've been in a few times in my dreams before, and was walking around a room full of people trying to find one of my friends. The room had bright colors on the walls such as red,orange, and green, and the carpet was colorful too. My friend walked over to me and took out his guitar which had a weird shaped head on it, and he started playing it. Then i woke for good.
    7. Sensei's Competition Night #10

      by , 08-06-2014 at 03:28 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      Non Dream

      Lucid #5 (DILD, FA #4)-"I don't have much visual recall right now, that's the problem," I said, continuing my conversation with a dc from the previous dream about my dry spell. I found that I had woken up in my bed. I do a nose plug and I can breathe! Yay! I get on the floor and start to crawl, trying to transform into a dog. I crawl to the glass door so I can see my refection. I'm not making any progress. I see a small cat behind me. Stupid cats! I turn around and bark at it, still trying to transform. It approaches me and bites me. I grab it's mouth shut and throw it around. We continue to fight for a bit before I wake up.
    8. TILD Attempt

      by , 08-06-2014 at 03:05 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      This time, on the toilet at work. Barely even 2 minutes in, my mind started to drift all over to things I was doing earlier in the day. I was watching a video of some crazy mountain bikers riding down mountain spines and doing back flips off huge jumps on the mountain.

      Suddenly, it takes a turn into fiction, and I see the announcer before me speaking into the microphone as he looks at me through the camera. "Unfortunately, he killed his daughter..."

      The camera cuts to a mountain biker in mid-air half way through a back flip. He lands it a little rough, but no one seemed hurt. Then he becomes pregnant, and in the next moment, the baby girl is on the handle bars, and then flies off the bike in front of him from the force of the landing and hits the ground.

      Mid exclamation, "Holy Shi-" I wake up, still on the john.

      Maybe lasted about 10 seconds. Longest duration yet.
    9. Bat Bite, The Talking Stag, and Being a Dude (Semi-Lucid)

      by , 08-06-2014 at 02:26 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in a very large room with many people. The walls were a cream color. We were singing in some sort of choir. I was standing towards the front, and turned around to look behind me. There were people ducking and screaming.
      "It's a bat!!" I heard someone scream.
      I then saw a bat swoop down behind me. I was trying to get away from it myself, when it landed on my hand and bit me. It left three small puncture wounds on my hand. I was panicking a bit, because I knew I needed to go to the hospital.

      There was more to this one, but I can't quite recall.


      I was working in a jewelry store. I went to open shop. I got there, and Rachel was there, too. Her parents owned the store (I worked for them at a coffee shop 7 years ago IWL). They were there as well.

      The store opened, and a girl I knew in high school, Amanda, came inside. I think she was returning something. I thought about it, and thought I had heard that her fiance' was dead. I didn't say anything to her, but approached her and gave her a hug. She didn't hug back or say anything, but I wasn't offended. I finished hugging her and walked the other direction.

      I then remembered that I had forgotten something at home. I asked Rachel's parents if I could run home and get it real quick. They said I could. I left the store.

      Then, I saw this scene of a stag in a beautiful forest. He was sitting in a tall grassy area. Sunlight was peeking through the treetops, and everything it touched shimmered. I then saw some glowing thing. I do not know what else to call it but that. It was a round shape and was glowing in faint rainbow colors, but you could mainly see white. There was another one in the back room of the jewelry store too. I think it also acted as a portal. Rachel touched it, and turned into a scarecrow. She could then approach the stag. She stroked his fur, and he let her.

      It then got to a point where I did the same thing. At first, I could see myself in third person being the scarecrow and approaching the stag. But then, it was first person, and I was stroking the stag's fur. At first, I was expecting him to run, but he didn't move a muscle. I started to speak with him. He spoke to me in a deep, male voice, talking about scarecrows and how we came to see him (he did not realize that all the scarecrows who had seen him were all different humans). We spoke of other things as well, though I can't remember.

      Eventually, I went back to the jewelry store.

      Then, I was shopping at a grocery store in the produce section. I was looking for grapefruit so I could eat it with my breakfast for a healthy kick. I saw these small fruits inside these circular holders, kind of like the ones cups are in at fast food restaurants. I went to pull one out, and it was cutting it into a square shape as I pulled it. I saw that it was a type of melon, so I decided I didn't want it. I went to put it back, but it wouldn't go back in now that it was cut; it kept sliding out. I then kept looking, and spotted a bigger white fruit in a similar holder, but I read the sign and saw it was cantaloupe. Ugh, why couldn't I find a grapefruit? Someone, a female I believe, came up to me and asked what I was looking for. I responded
      "A melon. No, a cantaloupe. No, a grapefruit."
      I think she showed them to me. I can't quite recall.


      I was laying in my room, but it was a part of a much different apartment than the one I'm living in currently; it actually seemed to be a mixture of my apartment and my dad's old practice. It had many rooms all lining the same hallway on either side. In fact, my old roommate, Cherie', still lived there. So did her boyfriend, Jeremiah. I was debating on whether or not I had time to get up and shower.

      I then got up, and walked into a bathroom (there were a few bathrooms in this apartment). Jeremiah was in the shower. I got in with him and started washing my hair. We were laughing and having a good time. I think I put my arms around his neck. I noticed that the water was kinda cold. I guess he liked showers the way my husband likes them. I didn't mind the cold much (though I do IWL).

      I then had to get out, I guess Cherie' was coming home and was going to shower with him. I had only washed my hair though, and still needed to shower more. I saw my reflection in a mirror of my hair. It was already dry, and looked very wavy and shiny. I figured I could get by with just shampooing my hair and it wouldn't be a big deal. I needed to wash my face, though. I couldn't get to my shower stuff anymore because Cherie' and Jeremiah were showering. So instead, I pretended that I had my bottle of face wash in my hand, and started to pump some on my finger. I felt nothing. I kept trying however; I put it on my face, rubbing it around. I felt it a little, but not much. It felt dry. Probably because it was.

      I then walked by another room, which was actually an office. I saw a computer on a desk in there. It had a flowery background. Now that I think about it, it really resembled my dad's old office, though the furniture was switched around. I saw my therapist in there. She smiled and closed the door. I guess she was working. I think the bathroom I normally used was in there. Crap.

      I then found myself showering in another bathroom in the apartment. I looked down and I was standing on a couch/lounge chair.

      Avatar? Whats urs about?-audrey-bella-navy-chaise-chair-42b87405-9e4b-431c-9c78-1f4776a1c8ee_320.jpg

      It looked similar to this, only it had two cushions instead of just the one, and had a curtain-type pattern on top of the navy blue.

      I watched the water hit the chair.

      I then was out of the shower, and approached a mirror in the bathroom. To my surprise, I was looking at the reflection of a young skinny guy with a white tank top on and short, dark dreads. I knew who I/he was in the dream. At this point, I became semi-lucid. I noticed that behind me, stood...me. When I moved in the mirror, the guy me moved, but the other me, the girl me, was moving of her own accord. This part was extremely vivid.

      I then turned around and saw Cherie' was there too, but she also was a guy! She looked similar to me. I knew who she was supposed to be as well. I said to her
      "I wonder if I have a penis."
      I looked down to look. I didn't see a bulge. I did notice I was standing in a white bathtub though. I then pulled open my basketball shorts and saw...my vagina. I even saw my birthmark on my belly that I have IWL. Boo. No penis for me.
      Cherie' then checked to see if she had one, and she did. She said, in her voice, I might add,
      "I do. It's long enough to impregnante someone!" I saw a glimpse of it. It was hard. Damn, son. She was right.

      Then, either I woke up, or lost my semi-lucidity.


      I slept super well last night, and I know there were more dreams, but I can't remember them all right now. I just kept thinking about how I needed to sleep more. I was dog tired.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 03:21 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Distorted names

      by , 08-06-2014 at 02:18 PM
      Morning of August 6, 2014. Wednesday.

      I am in an undefined space (although seemingly aware I am “sleeping” in bed at one point in real time) contemplating a false memory of something I had supposedly just been watching on television earlier, perhaps the news, but I am not focused. There are a few names that come to mind with seemingly “real” associations, which also seems to be ongoing at one point even though I had not been up yet (or even fully awake) this morning.

      There seems to be a girl who is gambling relative to an important story, though I am not sure if it is a movie or relative to a documentary about a real person (possibly an actress, though) and for some reason I believe it is February through my distorted ongoing “memory” at a point where I am nearly awake. Over time, I am aware that the girl is quite well known as a supposed gambling celebrity (as if gambling were actually a type of entertainment for the public when either actors, actresses, or lesser known people do it). Her “real” name - that is, the name her parents gave her - is “Rollemtine”, which is a play on gambling (her parents apparently being known gamblers with possible celebrity status) and being born on Valentine’s Day, which does not make as much sense in reality as in the dream world. However, it may be related to fictional “reality television” - a show that just shows people gambling - which basically would not surprise me at all and of course even typical game shows of various themes as far back as the 1950s seem to “fit” at one point.

      After “knowing” of Rollemtine, and even being falsely aware that my two youngest sons had just been watching a cartoon featuring her character for whatever reason, I focus on some other distortions, one of them being “Valenstein” - Valenstein, of course, being the name of a monster created on Valentine’s Day or more likely a reference to a fictional neurosurgeon of that time, though that is likely another story and not complete in the false memory.

      Using Google, I was surprised to find there actually is an Elliot Valenstein who is “a professor emeritus of psychology and neuroscience”.

      Dreams are funny, though I found no reference to “Rollemtine”.

      I could have tagged this as postcognitive I guess, but I have decided not to since it is possible I saw the name at one point in the past.
    11. Competition Entry # 10

      by , 08-06-2014 at 01:59 PM
      I didn't tell about the second hypno-session I did, because I had included recall, and was graced with the worst recall of the comp the following night - but knowing as it usually takes a day or two to seemingly do something - I have to consider it has to do with now having one of the best recalls of the comp. Maybe not many more points - but the dream from which I woke up at last is so clear - I could write 2/3 pages about it, with all sorts of details. So much that I feel like procrastinating on it and hope, I won't for so long as to forget again.

      Dream #1: With two women, I know, and we are in preparation for a theatre show, getting into costume and make-up - and there's an obviously gay guy doing the ironing of a dress for me, and leaves the iron on too long and ruins it. He gets told off anyway - but I get a bit hysterical and holler at him - well - then everybody hates me, and I have to fall all over myself to apologize, the others are angry, he not so much. Actually he takes me to the side, and asks if I would like to take part in his pornography project. He gets out a smart-phone and shows me what he has in mind. I did dictate this dream - but I dictated - naa - won't describe this now, not that I don't delete it...
      As I thought - I still see it all in my inner eye - two guys, one woman and hopefully red paint. I'll leave the rest up to your dirty imagination.
      Ah - but that was it - don't know, how this would have gone on - but it didn't.

      Dream #2: I find on the street a very expensive but ugly looking watch and think about if I should just sell it or try to find the owner and maybe get a bit of money for bringing it back. There's a jewellery/watch shop directly on the corner. A friend tells me, I should bring it back, rather, and I do. When we bring it in, it is suddenly something else, something which unfolds and then is a funk receiver or something other secret-service like. They let it disappear instantly and we don't get money for our niceness, are supposed to leave - so the friend of mine steals another three watches. But when we look at them - they neither have special effects, nor do they look valuable. Tough luck...

      Dream #3: The old motive of moving into a flat - this time one with four rooms and four people already living there, but nobody seems to mind this, including me. It's set in a certain city, where I used to live for a while, and I can describe the house - something turn of last before last century, one side going out to the right middle of the city, the other side to the river, and there's a garden in front of that side. It's strange - on our level, like a balcony, second story. And in one scene I climb out the window to remove the excess snow there so we can see the river, and get stuck, and somebody has to rescue me from there. Then there is an older woman, maybe in her 50s, a bit on the crazy artist/late onset hippiness side, and she has a dog, which manifests out of a toy, hanging on the wall, and likes me a bit too much, won't leave my side. Also she loves knitted blankets and they are everywhere. There's the young gay guy from the prior dream there as well, with a depressed ex-boyfriend hanging out around him, to his displeasure, and another two woman live there. Most is about getting to know each other, showing each other things, like the toys, one woman creates and sells - nice little plastic figurines, which also form a puzzle for example. I tell them I will plant some datura stramonium on the balcony and they really love the idea! I have lots more little scenes - like me testing the sink, and finding it is not meant as kitchen sink, but some sort of old-style appliance, which nobody knows the original purpose of, and while trying to make coffee, I get to cleaning out the place, and it's not nice - in some sort of sieve I find what looks like rotting worms - I won't go further - but I know, how every cup and thing looked like, smelled etc. The gay guy was later wondering, if I might not be a man after all because he liked me - but nothing much comes of it. I'll stop it here - not patient enough.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 02:12 PM by 66050

    12. LD #102: A false sleeping...?

      by , 08-06-2014 at 12:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Sorry I was gone these past few days, I was on an awful, awful dry spell.

      So we have all heard of a false awakening, but what about a false falling asleep?

      I was having a dream that my life had reverted to the year 2003, meaning that I was a small child once more. My subdivision looked a little bit different. All of the cars looked extremely square and boxy. (Not to say a lot of older cars look boxy.) But I mean these cars looked ridiculously square.
      A false memory rolls in: Apparently this was not the same reality as the one that I had experienced in 2003, but I had simply traveled to a different one, and in this alternate world having the most boxy car was considered prestigious. Our neighbors had a rotating table on their yard with an extremely square car on it. The car looked something like a miniature box and was one large red cube with windshields, windows, wheels and a radiator on the front. They were trying to show off the square-ness of their car.
      I get very excited at the thought of having many years of my life back, and forget about the boxy car fad. I begin thinking of things that I want to do differently in this new life. Just as I do, my mom comes outside, picks me up, and takes me inside to go to bed. As we walk inside I notice that the sun is setting. I lay down and notice how sleepy I feel.
      Then I think to myself, maybe in this new life I can start lucid dreaming earlier. Lucid dreaming is supposed to be very easy for young children to learn as their dreams are of better quality, and their minds are more awake. I lay still and begin thinking to myself that I will lucid dream tonight.

      After a minute I find myself in a 'lucid' dream. (It was kind of funny, because I knew that this was a dream relative to the boxy car reality, but I didn't know that the boxy car reality was in fact a dream.)
      The dream is that I am in a city street. There are a bunch of large white cylinders of varying heights made of a metal like material juxtaposed in the street. There are no cars or dream characters anywhere from what I can tell. I begin thinking about what the cylinders might be. Perhaps they contain something. I approach and touch one. It feels cold, it is covered with condensation.
      The city breaks away but all of the cylinders remain. I am now floating in reddish-black a void with the white cylinders still scattered about. They begin to drift in random directions. I begin to hear a screeching noise growing louder and louder.

      False awakening. Back into my 2003 alternate reality bedroom. It is morning and the sun is shining through the windows. I lose recall for some time after that.
      I am at my grandparents house with K. My grandparents want me to eat some strange new food, but I tell them I am not hungry.
      I false awaken into my bedroom, and my heart is racing as if something time-sensitive is going on. I am being shook by someone. Manei is leaning over the side of my bed trying to get me up.
      "Wake up, Hurry!"
      "I'm awake!, I'm awake!, Stop that!"
      "No! Wake up!"

      I look into her eyes for a moment then wake myself up.

      I am on a beach. There is a terrace made of packed sand at the upper end of the beach with several small drainage creeks running into the sea. I realize that I am still dreaming and wake myself up once more.
      Wheu! Not dreaming anymore.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:21 PM by 53527

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    13. Recall getting bettererer, lucid moment

      by , 08-06-2014 at 12:04 PM
      First Dream

      Me and a few others were in this area in which behind some massive wooden skirting boards there was this greenish-yellowish powder and some insects and other stuff that you wouldn't wanna touch. One of the guys had a torch and crawled in there, and then another guy, who I presume was in charge, ordered us to close the hole by putting the boards back on. So we did, shutting the guy on the other side. The guy said that once you get that close to the "cordiceps" you can't go back. And that we'll be hearing the guy's sobs on the other side for days to come before he turns into a zombie. Nice.
      I then remember walking around a WoW-like MMORPG world and talking to the NPC's to get weapons to kill these things that the cordiceps fungus already mutated into zombies. I remember there were these weird small scorpion things.

      Second Dream

      This dream was far more lighthearted. My brother, my dad and I were at some log cabin by this river in some field. We had our bicycles parked in front of the cabin. It was dark and we were outside, my dad and my brother were looking at something on the laptop. My dad says something about his compass on his bike not working because it required power from the dynamo on his bike, and obviously his bike wasn't moving. I told him I had a working compass and went over to my bike. On the right handlebar there was indeed a little circular compass with a grey compass hand in it.It was pointing the same way that my bike was - North, towards the river next to the cabin. I turned my bike around but the compass hand also turned to keep pointing to the river. My dad looked like he didn't hear me.
      Then somehow we were inside the cabin, with the lights off. Then sounds of engines and voices could be heard from the direction of the river. I looked at my brother who looked surprised and scared. The sounds passed us and we went outside, and there was train tracks running along the river, only the river wasn't there anymore. The tracks had forest either side of them, and our cabin was in the woods too. A train was speeding away from our cabin and my brother and I sprinted after it.
      We caught up and jumped on board, and inside were Germans with semi-automatic guns. They looked very surprised to see us. My brother pulled an emergency train stop lever (with his tongue) and pushed me out of the door. The train was going quite fast so I rolled on the floor for a while before getting up and running in the opposite direction, in the direction of the cabin.
      I looked back to see the train stopped unbelievably fast, and my brother was on the floor next to it, face down on the ground, and they were putting handcuffs on him. One of them turned around and saw me and shouted something, but I turned my head and kept on running. I didn't pass the cabin. I thought of maybe running into the forest on the right of the tracks, but just then I ran out into a city square. And I suddenly had a flag pole in my hand, and I was running with it, getting increasingly tired. I saw behind me a black van pull up on the road, and another one in front of me and then one to my left. They had "Top Gear" written on the sides and I saw Richard Hammond getting out of the one to my left. I suddenly knew I had to get the flag to a specific point of the square and that it was all a game. I looked in front of me and there was Richard Hammond again, and about 15 metres behind him Jeremy Clarkson. I managed to run past Hammond but then Clarkson got me.
      I then remember looking at the square from the side and seeing three Polish flags on one flag pole standing where I lost the game. The pole was much longer than the one I had been carrying.

      Third Dream

      My family owned a massive mansion with loads of staircases which sometimes led to nowhere at all and swimming pools and slides and such. We had invited over loads of kids for some reason, and I was eager to show them our mansion, except I myself had only been in there a couple of times at best and I still got confused as to where things were. I went up a flight of stairs but then they led to nowhere so I turned and there was another staircase leading off the staircase I just climbed, only I didn't see it before. So I went up those stairs and got to this narrow corridor in the wall that you had to almost squeeze through. Behind that was an even narrower pipe leading to the swimming pool and slides and all sorts of fun stuff, except that it was filled with water and very, very narrow so I didnt go in because I was afraid I would get stuck.
      And then the children came, a few boys aged around 12-13, and some younger girls, all in their swimming gear, and started going into the pipe. Which wasn't safe, since I knew that it was easy to get stuck in there and that it was completely underwater. I went to get a lifeguard, of which there were two and both female, and they were at a smaller pool at the foot of the stairs. My mum was already telling them off for not being at that pipe and they were arguing. Then we went back upstairs and it seemed everyone was having fun except my mum said that an 11 month old girl drowned in the pipe. So then I lied down and started crying because I felt guilty for her death, and everyone was telling me it wasn't my fault. Yeah. Go figure. Weird dream.

      Fourth Dream

      It was some kind of school prom and I was sitting next to some girl who wasn't exactly fat, but chubby, and quite pretty. The whole of the dream was highly inappropriate. At one point I even became lucid, but willingly gave the lucidity up because I was having so much fun and didn't wanna think about lucidity. And we didn't even get to finish because the dream screwed me over, so now I'm kicking myself for not keeping the lucidity. Still, the dream was fun in a very adult way.
    14. Lucid #7: The Styrofoam Taste of Success

      by , 08-06-2014 at 10:44 AM
      I'm sitting in class and interrupt the teacher two times in a row. I resolve not to do it again but find the urge almost overwhelming. I also notice some jaw pain, which is one of my dream signs, and decide to do the finger-push RC. My hands end up in a configuration with weird geometry and I realize I'm dreaming.

      I leave the classroom, which has become a room in my childhood home. My goal: finally take a bite of that Krispy Kreme burger. Things appear a little flickery, and I attempt a light stabilization by feeling my forearms and paying attention to the scenery as I walk. This seems to work, and I realize that the flickering is just a result of the fluorescent lighting.

      I briefly attempt to look for the burger in the fridge before remembering I don't want it to be cold. Next I try the pantry. Before opening it, I close my eyes and picture the bag the burger will come in. But then I get nervous that I'll wake up if I keep my eyes closed for too long and stop. I open the pantry and the bag is there. But by this point I think I'm rushing, and things are not very vivid.

      I look inside the bag, but instead of the fat donuts and juicy patty I'm hoping for there's a really sloppy burger with a disheveled, stale bun, a greyish patty, and two tiny strips of limp bacon. I'm a little disappointed and resolve to re-try the summon, with more concentration.

      I re-stabilize and go into the living room, expecting to find a better burger on the piano bench. It's not there. I take a couple of seconds to visualize the kind of burger I want and tell myself it will be under the bench, but again I get nervous about closing my eyes and rush the summon. The burger is not under the bench.

      I decide time is running low, and I should just take a bite out of the burger I already have. I do. If it had a taste at all, I don't remember. Likely I wasn't focusing on it at all.

      My goal achieved, more or less, I don't know what to do next. I notice a small package on top of the piano. After doing a quick RC just to verify I'm not going around opening other peoples' mail, I open it up. There's a chocolate inside! I take a bite, and this time I think it does taste like chocolate.

      Now I don't know what to do, and decide to try to summon my girlfriend. But before I can, I feel myself start to wake up. I prepare to do a FILD/DEILD but my IWL girlfriend is moving around and
      I wake up for real.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid
    15. Competition night #10

      by , 08-06-2014 at 10:21 AM
      I'm outside a building I don't actually turn around to see but appears to be a train station. I have my bike with me and I'm planning to cycle home, but feel like I should show my train pass before I go anyway. I hang around in a fenced of area just over the road where a bus is due to arrive to replace a missing train, muttering under my breath about how poorly arranged this train station appears to be (I do this in real life, too!)

      When the bus appears, I have to squeeze past to get to the door to show my ticket (thinking back, the location if the door means this bus was left hand drive) The conductor chap is puzzled by my explanation of why I'm showing him my ticket, and I feel like a chump for waiting around when it seems I needn't have bothered.

      I go back across the road to get on my bike, noticing that it's just starting to get a bit dark, just enough that I'd rather have my lights on to avoid SMIDSY.

      I reach over to get my helmet (hanging on the fence) and when I turn back my bike has been replaced by a large silver car (a Mondeo, I think) This doesn't phase me at all. (I have a memory of going to buy the car but I think this is a retrospective justification or an insert from a different dream) I get into the left hand side of the car and have to reach quite far forward to pull the door shut.

      I think I ought to drive super gently because this is a new car and because I don't want to give Emma any excuse to criticise my driving. I briefly think that I should put my bike lights on, but remember that my bike is a car now and has headlights!

      I head off on a dirt track, because it's too tight to turn around and take the obvious route home. I try to work out how to get from the dirt track to the main road and see several other cars on a parallel track looking like they know the way but I can't get to their track. I decide that I can just keep going on this track and that eventually it will turn into a residential area and beyond that will be a main road. I have to dodge a couple of mutters coming the other way at high speed. Just as the track gains tarmac, I catch up with a couple of other cars, who then look like they're turning off to the left into a race track. I can't resist joining them out of curiosity. I think this might be a prefect chance to satisfy my need for speed in a low risk environment.

      Coming up the drive I have some difficulty with the gears, accidentally ending up in third at very low speed, then struggling with clutch control, feeling like a early as I hold up the car behind, given that I'm trying to drive impeccably.

      I get to the track and park my car as out of the way as possible so I can find somebody in charge and find out what the costs are etc. They'd a sign up saying entrance is free, so I have a look over the fence to see what's going on. There are people racing around on skateboards, so I won't be able to drive today and I turn around to leave.

      My car seems to have taken on board my desire to park out of the way and had shrunk down and transformed into a motorbike helmet. I briefly pounder the dream physics of getting into the car on is reduced form and turning around when the full sized firm would be overlapping with the building I parked next to. I turn the helmet sound and move it away from the building so that there won't be a conflict when it returns to full size.

      I drive off on a tarmac road, following a series of junctions while trying to get a grip on this new car. There are a variety of controls around the steering wheel, one of which spears to be some kind of military device, but I can't work out what. There's a key for it in the driver's door pocket, and even the key has a little lock on it. I have no idea where the key for the key lock is. Also in the door pocket are some audio tapes, the car soars to have a take player, how quaint.

      After following the road around a bit, I pull into a supermarket carpark over a huge speed bump. The car skids a coupe of times barely missing boards and other cars. I manage to react to the skids and avoid crashing, but only just. I think how it would be a good idea to find a nice open part of the carpark to practice, but it's a very small carpark. I head out passing an employee of the supermarket on the way out.

      I wrestle with the gears again, the clutch send to be reluctant to grip at low speed and I think about what people will think about me buying a car without checking such basics. The dashboard of the car has lots of gizmos, glowing lights that react to my driving, a fuel consumption disk that shows me when in using too much, a radio that appears to be from my old Mondeo and is still tuned into my choice of station.

      Discussing the former dream with my dad, then waking up to find I'm running late because I turned my alarm off instead of snoozing!


      Updated 08-06-2014 at 11:55 PM by 69407

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