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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Lucid dream within non-lucid dream

      by , 11-29-2011 at 09:14 AM (Lucid Lucy's Dream Explorations)
      Colour Legenda:
      Setting| Technique used | Dream (lv1) | Dream (lv2) | Lucid Dream | Notes
      ************************************************** **********************

      This is my first DV DJ entry.. I do keep a blog about my dreams (because I can blog from my phone, so I won't have to bother turning on my computer, waiting, and losing dream details), but I really wanted to share this one.

      The main dream was about my mum and i having an operation. When we were put under, i had a lucid dream. But when i woke up, back into the main dream, i did not maintain my lucidity.

      Which is a bit stupid, because NOTHING was rational in the main dream. ..the operation room was a field, the sky was Orange and the doctors were skelletons. ..noooothing weird at all about that which might suggest being in a dream, right? XD

      It kinda looked like an Iron Maiden poster, which is weird, because I hardly ever listen to Iron Maiden. I like them, but lately I've been more into J-rock and haven't listened to them for a while.
      Maybe my brain went operation=doctors=nurses=women=virgins=maiden=iron maiden?

      Updated 12-01-2011 at 08:37 AM by 51317

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Just a quickie this morning.

      by , 11-29-2011 at 05:30 AM
      I had a very odd LD situation happen this morning.

      My daughter leaves for school around 7 am so I am up at that point but then fell back asleep. I have tenants that decided to move out this morning so they woke me up again and again and again after that.

      At some point I fell back asleep, realized I was dreaming, got very excited and tried to interact with someone in my dream and woke up.

      But then I remember lying in bed and something didn't feel right. So I do what I have been trying to train myself to do... see if I could fall out of bed like fluid. I remember feeling like I was moving but not really... then I slid out of bed, hit the floor and when it didn't hurt I realized I was still sleeping and stood right up.

      I do what I always tend to do in this situation, I flew up through my ceiling and tried to enter the second floor of my house. I remember having to rip through something and made it to the second floor but I woke right up.

      I fell back asleep and had a very odd non lucid dream where I was second in charge of this company. (I watched horrible bosses a few days back and think I was incorporating part of that.) It was actually a really great dream and I remember waking up because I had to go to the bathroom and muttering, "No... damn it. Why did that have to be a dream?"

      I used the bathroom, laid back down, put in ear plugs and tried to fall back asleep but never did.

      I figured I would log it in because I promised myself I would keep track of them all no matter how short they are.
    3. Strange Closet. November 26th, 2011

      by , 11-27-2011 at 10:16 PM
      There won't be much today because my mom woke me up early.

      First, there was this dream where Anthony and I were in this Egyptian pyramid. We were in a golden, stone hallway just hanging out. Behind me, there were two sarcophagi, although I never actually looked at them. There was a supporting pillar in front of me, and the place was lit by many torches. I went around the pillar because it was in my way, just in time to see Anthony do this weird ballet jump. I looked at him and said, "What the hell was that?" We both laughed and this became an inside joke. We both then did a bunch of half-assed mock ballet jumps to make fun of him.

      There was one dream that involved a game show I think, and Butch was there, but I don't remember the details.

      The next dream I had took place at this lady's house (may have been Ms. Ward). She was either a friend of Mom, or some relative. We were on a road trip to various states that had family in them, and Mom and this lady, who was very big and in a red sweater, were talking about where she would go next, and how long each trip would take. I don't remember the exact states, but I knew that there was one we could have went to out west that would take 18 hours to get to. There was another one more south that would take around 14 hours. Mom thought these rides were too long, and the lady mentioned that it was only 8 hours to New York (we were already somewhere west of New Jersey). To emphasize how easy the trip was, the lady mentioned that we would only have to "land the plane right on the bay." When I heard this, I became slightly apprehensive about the trip. I didn't want to get all of my bags and everything wet. This whole time, Sean and I were eating platefuls of meat. There were ribs, meatballs, pork, and other stuff. The meatballs were the most important, like they were the lady's specialty or something. Sean was having a hard time getting some of the meat off of the fat from the ribs, and to show him that he had to use his hands, I ripped a big chunk of meat from one of the ribs, and showed him, as if to make him jealous that I was doing it right or something. The plates of meat were on the counter of the kitchen we were in. The whole room had a very cozy vibe to it, with the walls being dark in color, and all the cabinets having a log cabin aesthetic. The counter that had the plates had doorways to the left and right of it. The one to the right led to some sort of living room, where I could vaguely make out a fireplace (I think). The doorway to the left was very dark, and I couldn't see where it led, but I knew that it wrapped around to the other room. There was a giant table behind me when I was facing the counter, and that was where Sean and I were eating. There was also a counter/table in the middle of the kitchen (one that you could walk around), and that was where Mom and this lady talked. The house looked very nice.

      I might have had a false awakening here, because I think I looked at the clock, and I saw that it was 4 pm. I thought to myself out of frustration, "how is that possible? I didn't want to sleep that long, but I'm still tired." Then I went back "to sleep".

      In the last dream I had this night, there was an eerie closet in my room where my dresser would be. my room looked pretty much the same except that next to the door to my room, there was another door that led to this enormous walk-in closet, which looked a lot more like an empty basement than a closet. Inside, there was just a big, empty space with mirrors on all of the walls. The room inside was about 20 feet by 20 feet (however, I'm bad at guessing measurements) and had about 6 dusty, old support beams scattered around evenly. One of my cats kept going in there, although I don't think this really had anything to do with the dream, so much as it just being something the cat would do. Mom thought the room was haunted, and I didn't want to go in there, mostly out of the fact that it was completely dark in there, and just creepy looking. I'm sure there was a door to the room, but it was always open, or maybe there were saloon doors or something. But anyway, whenever I tried to look inside the room, I couldn't see anything, as if I had taken my glasses off, and my room suddenly became dimly lit.

      Mom woke me up around the second or third time the cat went into the closet.

      Also, I wrote down "club/closet in room" so I guess it was also a club of some sort at one point, although I don't remember that part.
    4. 11/22/2011 and 11/23/2011 - 1) "Everybody Out of the Deadpool!", 2) "No R.I.P. for the Weary"

      by , 11-26-2011 at 08:19 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Woo! Been taking some B6, 5-HTP and Melatonin before bed, for the past couple of days, so my dreams have been coming back in full force.

      Dream Fragment
      'Making it Rain'

      Dream One
      "Everybody Out of the Deadpool!"

      I was disembodied, watching Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds version) being led through some industrial facility. It was being run by an evil syndicate and I believe it had an oil refinery to use as a front. The villains had taken Wade captive, and were going to perform all types of experiments on him - whether he liked it or not - to turn him into their mutant weapon: Deadpool. I could see a screen that was showing what mutant abilities they were going to be adding to his own, and I saw that it once referenced something about his 'motor-mouth', as if it was something that they were assessing. Wade was walking with this woman - who obviously didn't want to hear a thing he had to say - and he was just cracking all types of jokes. The woman was getting very visibly annoyed. It was rather hilarious. From the way he was acting, you wouldn't have been able to tell that he was being held there against his will.

      Sooner or later, there was a battle going on inside this facility. I believe Wade's team had come to bust him out, and to take down the syndicate, but I'm not exactly sure. I do know that a plan was devised to destroy the facility by some sort of nuclear device. I remember panic, as people were trying to stop the explosion and/or escape the facility. At the very end, the initial device had been disarmed, but someone else had set a back-up plan into motion, that caused the oil running through the facility to be channeled up into one single tunnel, where it began to well up. I could see someone running through the hallways, trying to escape the facility, and the ground around them was shaking. Telephone poles near the exit were wobbling. These were ominous signs that there was a massive explosion building beneath the facility. Then, the oil burst out of a single [manhole?], spraying an enormous geyser of oil into the air. My view pulled out, showing the full hundreds of feet that the black fluid shot into the air, piercing a large layer of green clouds that hung over the city. Gravity soon began to take hold, once the geyser hit its apex. The green clouds turned out to be a thick layer of methane gas that was hanging over the city (exactly like the scene in The Mask where Stanley and Tina are overlooking the city from the park, and it shows all the green methane emissions in the air).

      In what I believe was slow motion, I witnessed the villains watch this jet of black oil fly up into the air, blooming into an umbrella and falling back down toward the layer of methane that over the city. At that same moment, a fire was ignited in the facility, a trail of fire streaked up the oil geyser and toward the methane gas that the upward jet had broken through, and that the downward arc of falling oil was about to re-enter. I saw the look of impending doom on their faces. They knew what was about to happen. The fire - doing what it does - surged up the geyser, through the hole in the green gas, up to the apex of the oil fountain, and then began to rain back down toward the cloud of flammable methane. After a short moment of dramatic silence, the entire methane cloud combusted, creating an explosion, across the entire city, that would have rivaled any destructive blast that the team might have used to blow up the facility. The enormous mushroom cloud over the city was the last thing I remember of the dream.

      Dream Two
      "No R.I.P. for the Weary"

      I was in my old house in Canterbury. GV was gone, and I was in our room, with her father asleep in his own room, across the house. It was nighttime outside, and I was getting ready for bed. I had some kind of figurine or something that I was moving from one spot to another, and I suddenly began to feel eyes on me. I looked toward the window, still holding the figurine. Through the curtains, inside, and the bushes which sat outside the window, I saw a face and two eyes staring back at me. It was JJ. She gave me a mischievous smile and moved away from the window, as if to try and undo the fact that I had caught her spying on me. A little excited by this, I decided to go to the front door and invite her in. (Even though I was still living with GV, in the dream, I was single, just as we were for the last few months of our living together, IRL.)

      When I went to the living room, I went to open what I thought was the front door, and it turned out to be GV's dad's room door, which had switched sides of the house. I apologized to him and then went to the other side of the house, closer to where the front door should be, given this (new) layout. When I opened this door, it was the door to the carport, instead. I realized how strange this was. When I turned back to the living room, I realized that everything was backward. The house was set-up completely differently than it had been in waking life. It occurred to me that I was dreaming. What I didn't know was how long I'd been dreaming. I remembered that JJ was supposed to be coming in/over, and I'd wondered if I had fallen asleep before she arrived. Unsure about this, and quite anxious see where things were going to go with her, I tried to wake myself up, to make sure she wasn't really coming over.

      I "woke up" on my bed - completely oblivious to the fact that I was still dreaming - and went to the door (still in my old house, not my present one). JJ was there, and I let her in, happy to see that I hadn't missed the opportunity. She hung out in the room for a while, and then we inevitably started to fool around. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I went back out to open it, and my ex MJ was standing there. I knew that MJ and JJ didn't really like each other, so I was trying to stall MJ, so that she wouldn't know exactly what was going on here. It wasn't very long after this awkward moment, that I involuntarily received the most perfect distraction...


      Out of nowhere, a small band of zombies made its way into the house. (I had been talking with KC about The Walking Dead, the tv show, last night at work.). We all scrambled to get out of the house, grabbing whatever make-shift weapons that we could. Passing by the kitchen, I remember turning back to grab the knife set from off of the counter. We made our way through the laundry room and into the carport, and I had to frantically stab at some of the undead that were trying to clamber over the fence to get us. While my arm was extended, one of the zombies reached its head up and opened wide, aiming to take a huge chunk out of my arm. I saw the teeth come down toward my arm, and I thought to myself "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" knowing what was in store for me. All of a sudden, as if because of that moment of panic, the zombie's mouth froze in place with its teeth just resting around my arm, having not bitten into it. It was literally just hanging there. Only taking a short moment to wonder 'what the hell?' I then got myself back in gear, and we began to move away from the house.

      We didn't get very far before a black van (identical to the one GV used to drive IRL, actually) came screeching around the corner, directly toward us. We scrambled to dive out of the way, but the van ended up smashing into MJ and then crashing into the house. I ran back over to the accident and saw that MJ was in really bad shape, but just barely still alive. Her body looked pretty mangled, and her face was all bloodied and bruised. She needed medical attention and fast. I knelt over her, trying to tend to her and make sure she was still alive, and some bratty kid (a crowd had gathered after the accident) was teasing me by saying something like "Awww, look at G taking care of the wittle baby..." or something like that. I told the kid off - but really wanted to kick his ass - and went back to care for MJ. There is a bit of a gap here, where I can't remember exact details, but it turned out that the driver of the van was someone from the syndicate that was holding Wade Wilson captive, in the first dream.

      JS, another neighborhood friend of mine, showed up, and we were able to take this guy down, after getting him out of the wreckage. He'd tipped us off - somehow - that there were more of them coming after me, because I had allegedly helped Wade escape, earlier (though I don't actually remember being in the previous dream. Just watching it). Another set of headlights beamed into the area, notifying us that someone else would be coming around the corner soon. I told JS that they would be coming for me, and to get MJ out of there. I knew that the zombies were still in the area, but I had to draw all attention away from my friends. Just as the next vehicle was coming around the bend, I took off and ran around to the other side of the house. Moving around the far side, to circle around the building and let the car pass by where I had once been, I looked to one side. There, leaning up against the wall, was Robocop. He was just...standing there. It looked like he was in a sleep-stasis mode, with his head down, hiding back behind some bushes as if he had been placed there. I thought to myself 'damn, I could really use his help right now', but had to keep moving, because I was still in the open, and knew that any vehicle passing by my house would see me, once they looked around the corner.

      I rounded the back side of the house, and then came back around on the other side. From there, I could see JS helping MJ down the street, holding her up while walking beside her. I took one more look around the corner, to make sure the coast was clear, and went to meet them, knowing that the car had already passed where we'd once been. Just as I reached them, though, I was attacked from behind. A man who reminded me of Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes) from the movie Demolition Man was all over me. We started fighting in the street, and this dude apparently knew what he was doing. He had counters for almost everything I threw at him, and I was beginning to think that I was going to lose this match. Suddenly, I got a hold of a pair of handcuffs - though I can't remember where I got them from. It took a bit more struggle, but I was able to get them fitted on his wrists. He wasn't done, though. He kept fighting me, tenaciously, and was boasting to me about how he could pick his cuffs. He said that once he got his hands free, he was going to kill me. We struggled some more - both of us now lying on the asphalt - and I had to hold his wrists apart to try to keep one hand from reaching the other cuff. Eventually, though, he overpowered me and snapped one of the cuffs off. Before he could act, I grabbed the fingers of one of his hands. I could see the shock grow in his eyes as I began to push backward on the fingers. He was silently pleading with me not to break them. In my heart, I really didn't want to break them. I knew it was going to be a sickening feeling, as I had never broken someone's bones before, IRL. This was a matter of life and death, though, and this guy had to be immobilized. With one final push, I snapped all four fingers backward, to where they literally folded back on his hand, severed at the knuckles and leaving only bloody stumps attached to the palm.

      The man screamed in pain, but kept on fighting. Even with a broken hand, he ended up overpowering me and kneeling over me, pulling out some kind of weapon and making a gesture which telegraphed that he was about to introduce me to a world of hurt. Just in time, though, gunfire rang out, and the man stopped. He looked from me to JS, nearby, who was holding a machine gun (that I immediately just assumed he had taken from one of the villains). We then looked from the gun barrel to the spot behind my opponent, where the gun was aimed, just in time to see a zombie - which was just about to attack me and the guy I was fighting, fall to pieces, its body practically split in half by the short burst of gunfire. Spouts of blood squirted up from the split torso, which then fell to the ground. My attacker looked just as shocked as I was. He looked back at JS, who had just saved his life, and then down at me. Seemingly having a change of heart, he stood up and reluctantly backed off.

      Then, another set of headlights. Another van came roaring around the turn, and we all scrambled away again, before it could run us over. I jumped to my feet, borrowing the gun from JS and running after the passing van, which rounded another corner and tried to make a U-Turn. Running up on the van, I let bullets spray into the driver's side window, killing the driver and throwing him out of the van. I then jumped inside and brought the van around to pick up the others. We hauled ass toward the front of the neighborhood, just as another van was passing us, presumably driving to where we'd just been. I knew that they would be turning back around shortly, once they realized we were no longer there. Gunning it toward the intersection at the front of the neighborhood, and looking back in the rear-view to see if the other van was behind us, I nearly froze when I looked back in front of us again and saw a fighter jet heading straight toward us, in the night sky. Before I even had a chance to react, a volley of missiles streaked out from the jet, flying directly over the roof of our van and blowing up the van that had been coming up behind us. The jet screamed through the air and flew over top of us, trailing the missile exhaust. I recognized that the help had come from Wade's team that had come to stop the evil syndicate, before (but still wasn't able to piece together that these were dreams).

      I was momentarily relieved, but then I realized that we were driving one of those same vans, and that the jet would probably be coming around to make another pass and take us out, not knowing who was driving. I told everyone that we had to ditch the van as soon as possible, and I sped through the intersection to get as far away from the neighborhood as possible before stopping so we could bail out. I don't remember ever actually leaving the van though, before waking up.
    5. Friday, January 28, 2011

      by , 11-26-2011 at 04:46 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      When the dream started, I was a baby.
      The initial setting was my grandma's house, accept for it was a lot more updated in the dream.
      Apparently, my eyes began to itch, and I scratched them. Then they started spewing blood. Then I started crying and the whole house flooded, and everyone made it out ok, except for this puerto ricin guy's son, whom I have no idea who he is or what he was doing there. But after the house flooded, it spontaneously caught fire. This man's son then died.
      My family and I ran away from this guy as he shouted vows for revenge for killing his son even though it was unintentional.


      The setting then changes to present day and I was again my current age. My mom, dad and I were at a nearby sonic eating dinner when a red Prius sped up next to our car.
      Then the puerto ricin guy in the driver's seat said
      "It's time."
      We all knew what this meant and and slammed on the gas. We sped down the freeway.
      Suddenly, my dad's car was speeding parallel next to our car without a driver.
      We told my mom to save herself as we jumped into his car.

      My dad and I then proceeded to the best place we could think to hide: Barnes and Noble.

      Once we were inside the bookstore, a man's voice on the intercom announced that he was after me, we were all surrounded and were about to die. He then said that we had 15 minutes to live.

      My dad and I gave up and tried to call my mom to say goodbye, but I had this impossible to work phone and I couldn't figure out how to call her.
      I pleaded my dad to let me use his phone, but he wouldn't allow me to use it.
      Finally, at the last second, he let me use his phone and as it was ringing, a bright red light flashed in front of me.

      There was a flash and then darkness.

      There was complete darkness and I was completely alone.

      I knew that I was dead.
      I was screaming at the top of my lungs for help, but it remained dark and quiet. I couldn't even hear myself shouting.
      I was in this stage for what seemed like forever. I temporarily awakened for a second, but then quickly fell back to sleep and I was still dead.
      But this time, I was in my room and I saw my mom sleeping in my bed. Then a female voice said
      "You will only see me in that place between where you are awake and asleep."
      And then I woke up.
    6. Eye Scribbles

      by , 11-26-2011 at 01:45 AM
      I started off with a lucid in some dark bunker, where I had a false awakening after a few seconds. I thought I was still awake, so I got the thought "maybe if I lie still, I will go into SP". So I was still, staring at a spot on my blanket. Then that spot started flickering into scribbles of eyes. It kept doing this and some other scribbles for a while, before I then woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    7. Fight Against the Giant...Dog?!...11/25/11(Early Morning)

      by , 11-25-2011 at 03:31 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      The nonlucid parts of this dream I can't recall. But the lucid part is clear enough. I become lucid at the point when I giant dog begins attack. Honestly, a fucking giant dog? What the fuck is this shit? Clifford?! Well, the dog isn't red...nor is it friendly. People with guns right now are attempting to kill the dog with guns. Not working out. I try showing off, by slightly undressing, and I try some hand-to-hand combat. Not working unfortunately. Dammit! I should be winning! I'm lucid! Why can't I win?! I soon retreat to coupe. I run until going down a rocky path into a cave like place. My aunt and my cousin are in there. My aunt leaves for no apparent reason. For the hell of it, I have my cousin why dogs age faster than humans. He tells me he isn't to sure, but he knows that clipping their tail, nails, and shaving their hair shortens their life. Wow, what a load of horse shit that sounds like. I now "thank" him for the info, and I go back outside. The dog is still running around attacking. He passes by me, and I fire off a full power ki blast barrage. It doesn't do anything. Shit! He now knocks me over and keeps running. At least he felt it. I get up and fire a full power energy wave. But it does nothing either. I now notice a skyscraper by us. It says "Empire State Building Estates." Never heard of that. But, I now talk to a girl who looks really smart. I tell her to meet me up there on the roof. I have an idea now, and we can beat this giant-ass dog. I now fly up and land on the roof. I wait a little while before the girl gets up here. I explain that everyone looks at this dog like a sweet innocent animal. This is causing them to hold back. We can't hold back! We could've won by now! The girl understands and leaves. Damn DCs. Hardly ever any damn use. I go back down now, and the monster has turned into...Godzilla? Okay, what the fuck?! I start spreading my plan, but everyone suggests we just badly damage him. Argh! That won't work! Godzilla can fucking regenerate people! I swear! I can't even remember the last time I found a useful DC that I didn't make myself! Now, I go back out into the battle. That smart girl comes back now. And she has...a giant fucking flying battle cruiser! Holy shit! That'll do just fine! I'm not sure whether I'm impressed by her or aroused by her now! She lands the craft, and I get in. I take the main pilot and gunner chair. She tells me there's a very high-powered blaster gun on the ship. Hm, very high-powered? I like that I idea. I now fly us into space. I realize one of the back doors is open. So I close it. That could've ended badly. I now turn the ship towards the other planets. I see a shitload of planets that don't even exist, and ones that do. I aim the gun at a very large green planet. There's also purple splotches on it. What a weird-ass planet. "Let's see how strong this gun is." I say. This planet is far bigger than Earth too. I now charge the gun to full charge, and release the trigger. A good-sized red beam now fires at the planet. When it hits, the planet explodes! Holy shit! I am aroused now! I now turn around and head back to Earth. I charge up the gun again.
      "Wait! You can't blow up the Earth! You have to go down there, and angle the shot so it goes off into space!" the girl cries out. Well, I guess I shouldn't be a douchebag and blow up Earth. I now take the ship down, and I stop and point blank range of Godzilla. Sorry buddy. You're my favorite movie monster, and always will be. But when you're in a dream, don't be a dick man. I now finally release the trigger, and a huge whole is in Godzilla. Dammit! This chick didn't think to make the beam wider! Fuck! I now begin to continuously fire and fire. This is proving to be effective. I still think just blowing up the planet would've been resourceful. To me anyway. Soon, all of Godzilla is gone. I stop firing and relax victoriously. The girl gets out and cheers with her friends. Cool. Imma go blow up some planets now! I take off into space again, but then I unfortunately
      have a false awakening. Then I soon awake for real.
    8. japanese doll; alex' friend dies; haunted bathroom; cemetery drive; chicken mouth; old co-worker

      by , 11-23-2011 at 04:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was walking through the hallways of a school, possibly walking faster than usual. I headed into one classroom, off to my right. The classroom was big and bright, partly with morning light and partly with fluorescent ceiling lights.

      The front half of the classroom seemed empty of desks. But right at the front were three microphones, spaced about two meters apart from each other.

      One or two girls, maybe around twelve years old, may have been standing at the microphones. The girls may have been dressed very primly.

      The girls were going to give some kind of presentation for this class, which was a Japanese class. The presentation would be some kind of recital, maybe even a mini-concert.

      One of the girls may have asked me about my presentation. I realized I had to give one, too, even though I probably wasn't prepared.

      I was now "upstairs," in some room with my sister. The room had furnishings in it like might be found in a bedroom or living room. My sister may even have thought of this room as her bedroom.

      My sister was getting ready to go "downstairs" to school. She was going to bring a baby doll to Japanese class, as a kind of show and tell project.

      My sister had the baby doll sat up on the floor. The doll's legs were stretched out in front of it. My sister put a diaper on the baby doll. But the diaper was huge on the doll -- so huge that only the doll's head poked out.

      I didn't want to make my sister feel bad. I wanted her to feel like she'd done a good job of putting a diaper on the doll. But I may have made some joke about how the doll looked.

      I may then have told my sister that she should use a smaller diaper on the baby doll. But I couldn't think of what kind of diaper would be appropriate.

      Dream #2

      An episode of the 1980s TV show Family Ties. Alex Keaton was in the kitchen. He'd just heard that one of his best friends had died, right after leaving Alex' house. Alex was upset. He made some kind of sarcastic comment in a shaky voice.

      Alex was about to leave the house, either to go to the hospital or to go to the funeral. But his family stopped him. Alex' mom Diane told Alex that the family would leave the house together. Diane told Alex he wasn't to blame for his friends death. So he should just relax and go with his family.

      Everybody in the family left the house. They were all -- including Alex -- wearing hooded sweatshirts or hooded parkas. The hoodies were all in pale or pastel colors.

      The family was now in front of a door to what looked like another suburban house. I knew this wasn't the hospital or the friend's funeral. I was wondering if Alex' family wasn't purposely trying to keep him from going to his friend's funeral.

      Diane again, while waiting for the door to be answered, reminded Alex that it wasn't his fault his friend had died. So, she told him, he should just relax and take his time in getting to the funeral.

      The family all now walked in through what looked like a mix between a fancy restaurant and a living room, lit by natural light coming in through a big window at the back of the room. They all sat down -- probably at a couple different tables.

      The family was waiting for some kind of social engagement, possibly having to do with someone who would give the family money. I knew this had nothing to do with Alex going to see his dead friend at the hospital or funeral.

      Dream #3

      I walked into a school bathroom. The walls were a brown-painted concrete, and the walls were of glossy, pale-tan, wide bricks. The light was a greenish fluorescent. I had to walk through a tiny passage to get to the main area of the bathroom.

      I felt like I was all alone. But then I heard somebody's voice. It sounded like the person was annoyed that I was in the bathroom, so they were trying sigh and breathe out loudly to make me feel bad for being around.

      Out of nowhere some faucet on the wall to my right sprayed me with a bunch of water. It only hit the outside of my right leg. And it was only on for a second. But the force of the water was so strong that my pant leg was soaked.

      I was a little afraid. I didn't know how the water could have turned on and off, all by itself. For some reason, I assumed that only a poltergeist could have done something like that. (???) So I now thought the bathroom was haunted.

      I walked back into the main area of the bathroom. There were toilet stalls on the back wall, to my right, and either urinals or sinks on front wall, to my left.

      I heard the man's voice sighing, like the person was annoyed that I was here. Suddenly one of the bathroom stall doors slammed violently shut. I had been looking toward the urinals or sink. When I looked at the bathroom stall doors, they all looked equally shut.

      The slam of the stall door, though, had been so violent that I was sure the person wasn't just annoyed, but was really angry that I was around. I was pretty sure I was going to get attacked. I thought the person had hid in one of the stalls so that when I went to a stall, I would get surprise-attacked.

      I looked under the doors of the stalls from a distance. But I didn't see any feet. I thought the person may be hiding from view by standing on the toilet seat. But I suddenly felt like there really wasn't anybody here after all.

      I thought I would use the bathroom. But I felt like if I went to the urinal, I would get surprise-attacked while my back was turned. So I just decided to leave the bathroom.

      I walked into a school hallway. I was walking really fast. My pants leg was still wet from the faucet spraying on me. I didn't want to be seen like this. I wanted to get to wherever I was supposed to be, so I could just sit down and hide my leg.

      A black man, who I guessed was a teacher, came walking down the hallway. He was a bit taller than me, skinny, with long dredds covered in a hat and wearing a white t-shirt. As I walked past him in the hallway he seemed to try to indimidate me in some way or another.

      I got toward the end of the hallway. There were a couple of fat, black women, who I also thought of as teachers, gabbing with each other in the hallway. They saw me and seemed to peer at me, as if they were thinking of some way to bother me.

      A really pretty black woman, also a teacher, I thought, in a purple tank-top and tight blue jeans, walked down the hall. She got directly in my way, so I moved all the way to the right, out of her way.

      But she got back in my way. I walked really fast, figuring I'd just have to bump into her if she didn't move. But she got out of the way just in time so that we only brushed against each other.

      I was kind of turned on by how smooth, and slightly muscular, the woman's arm was. But the woman only seemed to be annoyed that I didn't try to get even further out of her way. I had been right up against the wall as it was!

      Dream #4

      I was in a National Park with my family. We were at the visitor's center, which was a complex of one-story buildings and a long, narrow-parking lot surrounded by a Southwestern kind of forest of pine trees. It may have been late afternoon -- the sky was dim and silvery grey-blue.

      My mom's old boyfriend, N, oversaw this park. He was, apparently, going to be busy doing some stuff with my mom and the rest of my family, like showing them around the park. So either he or my mom asked me to take care of something for him.

      My job was to take an urn with the ashes of somebody who had just died to a cemetery in the park. The person who had just died may have been a friend of N. But it may have been N himself. (???)

      So I took either the park-owned pickup truck or N's personal pickup truck and drove it down some wide path in the park to get to the cemetery.

      The pickup truck was really big. But the path was wide enough to accommodate two of these trucks, like a two-lane road. I kept to the right side of the road, as if I were driving on a regular road in the US.

      The path was asphalt, but it also had a coppery, gravel- or cinder-strewn look to it. On either side of the path were dense stands of tall, leafy shrubs.

      A white mother, tall, blonde, and pretty, though with a kind of worn-looking face, was walking back down the path, back toward the visitor's center.

      The mother's little girl, maybe two or three years old, had come toddling up ahead of her. The little girl wore a black dress that didn't go much farther down than her waist, and exposed a big diaper. The girl's blonde hair was done up in a top-knot, or a ponytail on the very crown of her head.

      I had to brake fast to avoid hitting the little girl. But I stopped in time. The little girl ran off to the left side of the road. The mother called to the little girl and seemed grateful that I politely stopped and didn't make a big deal about the little girl running all over the road.

      I drove on a bit more without encountering anybody else. I was proud of myself (???) for not having hit the little girl. But suddenly a gnawing suspicion came into my mind. What if I'd actually hit tons of little girls with the pickup truck so far -- but the truck had been so big, and the girls so little, that I hadn't even noticed?

      I now came on a group of black people, mostly fat women. They were spread all over the road, talking and laughing with each other. I kept to the right side of the road. But now they all veered over into the way of my truck!

      I pulled as far over as I could -- there was now a shoulder of grass to the side of the road, and I was trying not to hit that. But the women seemed to be trying to "spook" me into driving into it, by getting in my way.

      I decided to just stop the truck altogether until the women passed. As I did, I twisted the truck (or else the truck slid as it braked) so that it took up half the road.

      The women saw that I wasn't going anywhere. So they'd either have to walk onto the grassy shoulder or move over to the left side of the road. They all moved out of the way of the truck. I started driving again. But as the women passed me, they all gave me the evil eye.

      I drove on a bit more. I was now kind of worried that those women would sic some men on me to "pay me back" for having made them move.

      I just wanted to get to the cemetery and take care of my job. But I realized that I didn't really know where the cemetery was. I hoped it was close. But I didn't know if it was going to be far down the path, deep into the forest.

      And, I thought, once I got to the cemetery -- if I were even able to spot it -- what would I do there? Would someone be waiting to take the urn from me? What was I supposed to do with the urn?

      I thought I might even have to "bury the body" myself. I imagined myself having to dig a six-foot-deep grave. But then I imagined that there was already a hole dug in the ground for me, and that all I'd have to do was fill it after I'd put the "body" inside.

      I came up to a fenced-off area to my right. I could tell this was the cemetery. I stopped the truck on the side of the road.

      I looked at the cemetery through the pickup truck's window. The area was a well-groomed lawn about the size of a football field. Through the middle of it ran a concrete path, about the size of an average sidewalk. In the center of the cemetery was a huge, concrete column. The lawn was dotted with flat, plaque-like grave-markers, most with colorful bouquets placed on them

      I opened the car door, as if I were getting out to go into the cemetery.

      Dream #5

      I was somewhere -- possibly in bed! -- eating a chicken drumstick. I was eating it in some weird way, like taking swiping bites off of it, so that I'd bite down at the tip of the meaty part and then tear down all the way to the bony tip.

      But in one bite I'd rubbed the greasy joint of the bony tip against the left corner of my mouth. I was disgusted. I could feel that the corner of my mouth and a good section around it were now all gross and greasy.

      I got really panicky and decided I needed to go wash my face off right away. I couldn't seem to get enough motion into my body, though, to do this, and I just got more and more panicked.

      Suddenly I "woke up." I sat up in bed in the dark. I knew the whole "chicken leg" scene had just been a dream. But I still felt really gross, and I still wanted to go wash my face.

      But all I could manage to do was thrash around in bed, going from a sitting position to one where I was half-crawling and half-laying, facing the bed.

      I somehow managed to look at my alarm clock. I saw that it was only 2:37 AM. I told myself I should really be getting back to sleep.

      Dream #6

      A view of my old co-worker, DC, possibly as he stood over me while I sat at a desk.
    9. Fawn at Office / Telephones / DV Members

      by , 11-22-2011 at 02:27 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: November 22 2011 – 7:45AM (USA Eastern)

      1. I am walking around at the office and hear a strange sound. I walk into our accounting/HR person's office and she has a deer fawn hanging out in there. It comes over to me and tries to climb up and lick my face, just like a dog.

      2. I am working in a small room with two other people. We are setting up a bunch of telephones on a relatively small table. I keep saying that there is not enough room for 8 phones on this little table, but one of the other guys insists that it has to be done this way.

      3. I wake up and realize that I am still logged into DV chat. I look at the screen and see that several more people are online. GavinGill, Erii, and Saltyseadog are rambling on about things and Seroquel is still online. I look at my desk, but there is no keyboard. Then I *really* wake up to the sound of a phone ringing and go to my computer to find that Seroquel is still online, but the other 3 are not. Also, there was no phone ringing.
    10. To the moon baby! - level 4 lucid dream and awareness from talking to a person in my dream.

      by , 11-21-2011 at 07:22 PM
      I had a friend stay over last night so I wasn't really expecting to have anything interesting to journal today. However once I was alone I decided to lay down and give try to fall back asleep.

      I put on a movie and lay in bed and slowly I started to drift off.

      What happened then was a complete surprise. My bod started to slowly tingle. I don't remember if it ever began to vibrate.

      I started to feel myself turning in my bed to weird angles and positions. It felt completely "normal" at first but then I decided to try "waking myself up" and seeing what happened. To my surprise I woke myself up and realized I had been in a very light sleep and dreaming of myself turning.

      I fell back asleep and began turning and shifting positions until I basically melted off the bed and onto the floor. I remember thinking how it should have hurt hitting the floor and that the angle I was positioned in was awkward and too tight a space. I should not have been able to fit in there and it should have hurt badly.

      I realized I was dreaming and struggled to stay asleep but was successful. I remember my eyes were closed and was afraid if I opened them I would wake myself up.

      I slightly opened them to find myself up against the wall near a window in my room looking down on my bed. I was still asleep. I tried to see if I could see myself sleeping but remember it was very blurry.

      I floated up the wall and plunged up into the ceiling and into the second floor of my house. I remember it was "blank" and I defined the area of what it should look like as I walked around.

      Looking at the color of the paint on the walls told me that I was in the past because the color is different now. So I focused on the paint colors and the walls changed to various different colors until they settled on what I recalled the colors should currently be.

      I noticed that the second floor had no people and no furniture. It was empty. In real life there are people living there and it is fully furnished.

      I walked around the apt. for a while and don't recall exactly what happened next.

      I remember waking up and falling back asleep several times but I was fully confident that I would return to my lucid state.

      Next thing I can remember I was floating outside of my house however it was the house I grew up in during childhood. There were no people, just houses.

      It felt so intense. I felt so connected to everything. I remember seeing a person at that time and I said two things to him.

      1. "I realize that I will never be any more than I already am"
      2. - I can't recall the exact words but it had something to do with me being connected to everything. I think the idea was that I was already more than just one person.

      I rose up in the air floating / flying and laughed as I realized I had full control over the world around me. The feeling was so intense that I remember fearing I would become crazy and possibly lost in this world. (I think this realization and validation through a person in my dream state shot me into a level four dream)

      I don't recall if I actually woke myself up to make sure that I could or not. I may have but it was only for a moment and I was right back in the same situation flying. If I did or not, something reassured me that I would be ok and I continued my dreaming.

      I flew up into the air and decided to fly to the moon. I remember seeing it small and ahead of me and as I approached it grew no bigger. It was the size of a small asteroid. I knew this wasn't correct so I tried to change it's shape to what I knew the moon was supposed to look like. I tried to give it craters and increase it's size.

      I don't think I was fully successful. I remember looking around and seeing dot's all over the place, I suppose they were stars.

      It reminded me of my "sandbox mode" dreams that I had yesterday. Except things were "real" not made of color. I was trying to create the world around me as I went and was doing a better job of it... but not hitting the mark exactly.

      I woke up and ended up falling back asleep into a regular dream. I was in a mall area with my family. I recall trying to buy some things at the register but something rang in at the wrong price. I complained to the cashier and we looked at the prices on the register tape. The prices were ambiguous. We couldn't tell.

      The cashier went to get the manager and he came over and refused to do anything about it because he was literally about to go on vacation THAT MOMENT. SO he walked off and left.

      I remember being angry and telling him I would be calling to complain to the people who ran the place and I made sure he knew my name.

      I went out in the parking lot full of cars and it occurred to me that I could fly. I remember just lifting up and flying around the parking lot. Landing and flying around some more.

      I think I was lucid at this point but it faded in and out. The next thing I remember was seeing a huge amusement park in the parking lot. With a crazy big huge gigantically large roller coaster. It was so abnormally large, towering up into the sky, that there was no way I was going to get onto it.

      I think my mother told me at that point it was closed and I felt some relief that it wasn't an option.

      The lucid portions of my dreams were so intense. I feel like it was "part two - intermediate level" from my dream yesterday. These are a brand new type of lucid dreams. Ones where I am creating the world from my imagination rather than them appearing already fully developed.

      I watched some videos last night on the five stages of lucid dreams and I am quite sure this had an influence on my dreams. He talked about touring space and alien planets. It never occurred to me before that I could fly myself up into space.

      Based on the level theory he presents I have a vague idea of what may be happening.

      Yesterday, I was not sure if what I was experiencing was an OOBE because of how different it was.

      But now I believe what may be happening is I am jumping right into "Level Four" lucid dreams and encountering a "blank slate" situation. This would explain why I am entering a dream state that seems empty and why I have to create the environment around me ahead of time.

      Waking up and falling back asleep into normal dreams where I attain lucidity by realize I am dreaming, brings me back into a lower level lucid dream where the environment is already established and I am able to move around in it.

      Then that lucidity eventually brings me back to a level 4 LD where I flew into space and created the moon and stars myself.

      This makes sense because of my conversation with that person. It validated that I was in a LD and it pushed me into the next level. I remember feeling so intense that I may be going crazy. This is similar to "breaking through" where the last time I did it I reached a level four dream state also.

      Totally amazing. The entire experience was from approx 10 am to 12 pm noon.
    11. frag

      by , 11-20-2011 at 03:46 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was in a drivers education class. My Speech class teacher was teaching it. A was there, and we ended up finishing everything a day early. Mr. M wasn't there so we had some random guy watching us, and I decided to teach A how to play craps. Eventually the sub guy told A to go outside with him. I was going to tell him he just needed to let us go home since we didn't have anything else to do.
      Tags: school
      non-lucid , false awakening
    12. Stop Bugging Me, I'm Trying to Solve the Puzzle

      by , 11-20-2011 at 07:41 AM
      I'm trying to solve an interesting puzzle. I keep stumbling across clues, wandering around the wilderness (of Runescape). I find chests and kill goblins and collect the pages. Each one has one red letter on it. When put together, the letters form a message. Some of the goblins have throwing knives. There's a lot of fenced in areas. It makes it hard to navigate (why the hell did they add fences? ngh). Eventually I get close to the last page (I can guess the missing letter). I am in a fenced in area with a goblin, which I kill, and a female friend. We talk. I forget what about.

      I finally solve the puzzle, collecting all of the pages and revealing the secret message: "Say friend and ?get food?." I comment on how lame and unoriginal the first three words are.

      I go to the one building. There are quite a few students there. I walk up to the table that has two people at it. They are part of the puzzle thing somehow. I show them I've solved it, which somehow leads to to getting the two magic words (they are like the magic words from the Demon Slayer quest in Runescape: gabindo and orindum or something). I am about to go test them out when the table guy stops me. There is some confusion. He says I signed up for a group shopping trip (for groceries and such) and never showed up. I explain to him that I always take the bus, by myself, to get groceries. He won't accept it and keeps pressing the issue, and I keep explaining. It's very frustrating. I just want to get on with the puzzle thing. Eventually switch to talking to a supervisor type (possible he changed into the supervisor). I decide to walk off at some point.

      I go into the other room. It's dark. There is some sort of poster or clue there. I try out the first magic word. It takes me to a room with a bunch of levers. They are connected somehow. Pulling one moves another, but only a certain distance and then it's stuck because they are at right angles with each other. It's meant to be solved with a group, but I'm alone since the guy delayed me. I leave.

      The supervisor harasses me some more. I just want to be left alone. I HATE being called a liar. He says I've been acting odd. Others have noticed. He says I'm withdrawn lately and everyone thinks I'm acting coldly. Eventually he comes out and says he thinks I'm a sociopath. I am outraged. I am walking away outside and he is following. I tell him he has no right to judge, as he's not a psychologist or psychiatrist or anything of the sort. My actual therapist says I've got major depression and dysthymia, he can ask her (but I'm a little afraid she will turn on me too).

      I'm running away holding laundry (where did the laundry come from?). I borrow a friend's car to get away. I park the car to mope, with my head in my hands, bowed over the steering wheel and laundry. A guy thinks I am weird of have money or something. There are a lot of jocks and cheerleader types walking past. The guy forces his way into the car and harasses me about hiding money or something. The car moves forward a bit. I tell the guy to get the fuck out and leave me alone. I go back to moping and am thinking about using the second magic word (they have an effect when going through doors) to get away. I'm upset and depressed about being misjudged and falsely accused.

      A different dream, I think. I see my friend's dog, but he is all black instead of black and white. I pet him, but he growls at me and lightly bites me. Then he turns into my brother, D. I think, hang on a minute, I must be dreaming. I get much too excited and wake up. But I don't check if I am actually awake, and I have more dreams after that, so it was probably a false awakening.

      Fragments. A lot of people are into a book that some guru type wrote. I remember something about driving and tall buildings. A microwave that is on while open. I hurriedly get out of the way and turn it off. There is a guy who keeps rolling down staircases. A friend would warn me about it, but one time he warns me too late, and I get hit. The power is out. A friend shut off the power, a bit at a time.

      I somehow hurt my gums, and there is a bit of loose skin. I yank it out. It hurts, and I taste blood. It seems I hurt myself worse than I thought. I look at what came out, and it keeps getting bigger the longer I look at it, until it ends up looking like a handful of strands of ground meat. I tear it apart and throw it away. That was very alarming and gross and worrying.

      Updated 11-20-2011 at 07:47 AM by 51129

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    13. Lucid, back garden antics.

      by , 11-19-2011 at 02:36 PM
      I wake up in my bed, decide to nose plug RC I can breathe!
      I get up out of bed, walk out of my room, its still really dark, I float down the stairs, my dad is slumped at the bottom, against my front-door. He mumbles something to me as i pass him, i ignore him and carry on.

      I walk through my living room to the doors that lead to my garden, when i reach them i start punching the glass in the door, it doesn't break and i can feel my hand connect, i try again, harder and harder but still nothing happens. I give up and just open the door to walk outside, its light out now, i walk down the patio section and try to fly, i manage to float a few metres forward but thats all. I'm determined to fly so i start jumping hoping that i will get higher and higher, but i don't. I decide i want a fight and see my mother appear from my bedroom window at the top of the house. She looks stern and angry (which is just NOT like her) She throws a small brownish like box at me from the window, i raise my hand and stop the box in mid-air with TK and send it flying back at her. She disappears from the window so i try to bring the entire side of the house down with TK, i manage to make it shake and dust and steam flies out of the top but other than that, nothing happens. My mum comes out of the double doors that i just used and steps onto the patio, sword in hand. I need to find a weapon and reach into my pockets, after a few seconds of feeling around i can feel a sword-hilt, i take it out. The sword is very small, but its all i got.

      We start to fight with the swords, faster and faster, until they are just a blur and i wonder how i can keep up with this. Then i start to hear noises, screams and shouts, from a few gardens down, they don't sound bad, they sound like a few people having fun. "enough of this, i want to go over there, it sounds like fun" my mum walks back inside while i walk to the end of my garden, listening to the noises.

      I wake up in my bed, but its outside in my garden, its daytime and i get up and walk towards my house, on the way i find a huge sword, laying on the grass but cant make sense of it.

      I wake up for real.
      Tags: fight, lucid, sword
      lucid , false awakening
    14. The Final Boss is Weak Against Lilac

      by , 11-19-2011 at 06:33 AM
      I'm controlling four protagonists in a video game. I'm searching through a dungeon to find items, which I find. The final boss appears. I panic and realize I've forgotten the controls. I wing it. The boss has four weaknesses. I must decipher each. They're written in code, and the game won't pause so I can look it up. The first one is lilac. I'm running and dodging through rocks, now through a theater. I find a lilac bomb and use it. Now I have to figure out the second weakness.

      I have a false awakening and am working on trying to remember my dream. Then I actually wake up. But I fall back asleep. Er. Probably.

      I'm in the garage of my old house, fetching something from the freezer. My mom wants tomato. I cut one up for her, but she isn't happy with it. Something about cutting onions and video games. The way M's mom cuts onions is weird, and I shouldn't do it that way.
    15. dreams are getting back to normal!

      by , 11-18-2011 at 06:56 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      dream 1 - I am back in Korea with my old friend on a tour bus. we go to a restaurant and my brother and I confronts 4-5 American gangs? at the entrance... or some gloomy place. I try to avoid them smiling, and saying 'hey woah woah.. lets be all friends!' but they try to fight with us... anyway we get into the restaurant and sit besides the table. I see big white plates.

      false awakening: in the morning my brother and I talk about those American gangs in dream with our mom. I think that my brother and I had shared dream.

      false awakening: I dont know when I dreamt this but I am doing the internet pming Katsuno on DV in the morning..

      dream 2 - I am in typical American village. its warm summer. next to me, there's a man who's an animation/ film director.(Brad Bird?) we are observing the backgrounds to get inspired for filming. I am holding a digital camera to film the houses. the village is really beautiful and sort of fairy. the director says 'isnt it nice to recall 1960's?' and then we go to a lake along the houses. I walk closely on the shore, but I'm scared of falling into the water so I shout 'somebody lend me a hand!' above the ground.(there is a little cliff next to me and there are bunch of people up there, maybe partying?) a man grabs my hand and I go up. the man looks like he's in ill. sunddenly that man slips my hand and I fall into the lake. I am puzzled. the water is deep. I float on the surface of the water and the man grabs my hand again. I acted as if this was okay..
      non-lucid , false awakening
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