• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 10/29/10 Pride and Predjudice, Dream Style

      by , 10-30-2010 at 02:26 AM (WarriorTiger's Visions of Misconceptions)
      I was Mr. Darcy. Well sort of. Really I was a woman, impersonating Mr. Darcy. For some strange reason, my goal was to get to Jane. To make her love me. I was going to show her that I was a woman, make her realize that sort of love was okay. I was at a bar, drinking with the rest of the guys. It was actually quite enjoyable. I was tired, so then went to sleep. The next day I was at Jane's house. We were kissing under a tree. Something happened and we needed to run quickly. It was as if we had been discovered. I grabbed her hand and took to the air. I told her it was faster to travel this way. I figured we would just head to the moon when I heard this meow... and my cat licked my ear, waking me up.
      Tags: sexual, vivid
    2. The Possession

      by , 10-30-2010 at 12:39 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      October 29, 2010

      Popped G/C and Melissa. Bit of a waste. Mantra'd "This is a dream." I love this mantra, now. Short, and does the trick.

      The Possession (MILD, I suppose, but I was lucid the whole time)
      There was myself and two DC's.

      Sylvia and I were witches. We were battling some major undead demon that was able to spawn black banshees. We were in a graveyard, and black banshees spawned all around us. We defeated them, and won. We managed to get right close into the big guy, who I called Vlad. Sylvia staked him (not with a cross, but with an imbued, sharpened bit of wood) and I doused him with imbued water. The water, my dream knowledge quickly told me, was imbued with life energy (this hearkens back to a Final Fantasy trick. If you cast a Life spell on an undead, it instantly "kills" them).

      However, something happened in the moment of Vlad's death, and it killed Sylvia also. Back at a house, I was attempting to prop Sylvia up. I still had some life water left from the fight, and I was going to pour some down her throat. Trevor came into the room and saw us. "Oh my god!" he exclaimed.

      "Help me prop her up," I instructed him.

      He came over and held her up. I poured the rest of the water into her mouth. We looked at each other, and a beat later, her eyes snapped open. Then, she started attacking me! "Sylvia, what the hell!" I shouted.

      As we fought, I realized that she was possessed by something evil. "Trevor, hold her down! I need to imbue a different type of water!" I said. He grabbed her from behind and subdued her as I escaped the room.

      I went just across the hall into the kitchen. I pulled a pot out of a cupboard next to the stove, but it was really small. This won't do. I hovered my hands around the sides of the pot, and expanded them outwards. The pot changed shape with my motions, expanding to the size of a dutch oven. I conjured water to fill the pot by placing my hand at the bottom, and lifting it upwards. The water level followed my hand. Then, I needed it to boil, so I wiggled my fingers at the pot and watched the water start to ripple, then bubble, then come to a full boil (I was so impressed with the control at this part, too!).

      As the water boiled, I held my hands over the water and they started to glow. I spoke an incantation. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I basically instructed the water to cleanse whatever evil is in Sylvia, out of her.

      I brought the water (in a water bottle) back in the room, and Trevor had Sylvia held down on the bed. I cleared my throat, and he moved over slightly so I could get the water in her. She glared at me and I told her, "Drink this, now!" I poured some water in her mouth, and she didn't swallow it. In fact, she started gargling it, just to piss me off. I tried to hold her jaw shut and put my hand over her mouth so she would have not other choice but to swallow it. However, it didn't work, and she eventually spit it back out at me.

      I dragged her off the bed and could see that whatever evil thingy was trying to possess her, the good Sylvia was fighting it. She was having troubles standing and I taunted the evil spirit, saying it was done.

      I dragged evil Sylvia over to the kitchen, and put the pot of now cold water on the floor... and dunked her head in it a few times. She finally swallowed some water, and the evil spirit was defeated. We sat for a moment as she recovered.
    3. 2/7 Thu: Good Night

      by , 10-29-2010 at 11:39 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I think I actually had 9 dreams or more. Late in the night, I was having really short cycles, about 15-30 minutes each. After a few, I realized I should try to DEILD chain them and then succeeded in having 2 lucids. But I didn't write anything down so my recall of the lucids to spotty and some of the non-lucids in between are lost.

      Also, one of my best nights on Zeo. Scored 92. 8h 54m total sleep with 3h 37m in REM.

      The Pink Dress
      0914: C. Cycle 3 dream. It's Halloween or close to it. I'm in the Daisetta house. I'm arguing with my sister about something. I walk outside and lay on some couch cushions at the street curb. One of the neighbors is a an attractive young woman. An ex-girlfriend? She's dressed in a hot pink party dress with black trim and sunglasses. I thought of Marilyn Monroe. I guess it's a Halloween costume. She's walking around me, as if trying to arouse me or make me jealous. She has a younger sister of about 10 years who is also in a dress and is mimicking her older sister. The little girl is stumbling around in high heels and it's kinda funny. At one point, the little girls says "I just ate my burning bush." The older girl and I both laugh.

      WBTB, 10 minutes

      Family, TV Show
      1025: D. Jumpy. Not sure of the order here. Sharing a room with my sister. I am folding laundry. She has written on a dry-erase board: "DO PIANO." She says something to my mother about Tai Chi. Watching the Jay Leno show. In the audience are a bunch of women from the army. They play 20 questions with the male actor guest. I recognized him but can't think of his name. In the dream, they call him "Clausen."

      Sleazy Game Show Director
      1111: C. No dreambody for me. Just watching like a movie. Two twin teenage girls wandering in the middle of nowhere. They hear voices coming from an abandoned warehouse. Inside, they find what looks like the filming set of a television game show. But all the people are just cardboard cutouts. There's only one real man who is "directing" this strange show. He's really sleazy. The girls approach him and he tries to convince them to appear on camera.

      1130: D. This is where the really short dreams started. Man has a book of jokes. He's reading them aloud and laughing. In the floor are grooves on in the grooves are marbles. So you can place a chair on the marbles and slide it around.

      Mocking Note-Taking
      1145: C. I'm in my own bedroom with friends H, B, and D. H is explaining something. My television screen has been unplugged and moved on to my desk. I have a pen and am pretending to take notes on what H is saying on the palm of my hand. I'm trying to make B and D laugh. The conversation gets sidetracked by my prank and H is interrupted.

      First Lucid, Angry
      Method DILD (prospective memory)
      Lucidity C
      Control D
      Vividness C
      I am in the bedroom of the Daisetta house. H is also here with a bunch of other DCs who I suppose are his friends. I don't know them but we are all hanging out and it's cool. I am wearing pajamas and at some point I rip my pants. The DCs all tease me and I get really embarrassed and angry. I storm off to the kitchen and sit in a chair to stew in my anger. Occasionally, the DCs would pass by on their way to the fridge and would tease me more. As I'm thinking, I remember my intention to become lucid and become lucid. I nose-plug RC. Then I grab one of the mean DCs, lift him up, and throw him out the front door. I do this with a couple other of the DCs. Now everyone is upset at me. I walk outside. It's dark of night. The street is lit with the red and blue flashing lights of police cars. Dream fades.

      there were some short non-lucids in between here, but I can't recall any details

      Second Lucid, Task Attempts
      Method DEILD
      Lucidity C
      Control C
      Vividness C
      From a non-lucid, I DEILD into this one. I was trying to re-enter the scene from the earlier lucid. The scene ended up being similar but not the same. I'm on a dark street in a residential neighborhood. Across the street is a gas station. I try to remember my goal for today. I was actually summon a bunch of my friends and have a party. But in this dream, all I remembered was to try summoning. So I try summoning S from work with the turn-around technique. I try and fail several times. Then I think to call her. I don't have my phone. I walk to the convenience store in the gas station, hoping to buy a prepaid cell phone. There are two attendants inside. They are arguing over something. I'm reminded of a scene from the movie Encino Man (wow that was a long time ago). I get impatient and just steal one of their personal cell phones. I don't actually know S's phone number so I just dial a bunch of random numbers. It rings and goes to her voice mail. Her outgoing message is weird. Half way through it, I start to will the message to be more personal. At the end she says "I love you." Not very satisfying.

      I decide to do something else. Many of my recent lucids have been kinda weak and unfocused like this. I walk through the neighborhood and find a group of DCs sitting in what looks like a line of roller coaster cars. But they are just on the ground on the sidewalk. I talk to one pair of women. I think they are in their 30s. One has long black hair and is wearing a blue blouse. I don't remember what we talked about. Here, lucidity fades and I don't recall any more of the dream.

      a few more short non-lucids that I don't recall anything detail about

      Updated 10-29-2010 at 11:46 PM by 35793

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. A couple of thoughts, not an entry.

      by , 10-29-2010 at 08:34 PM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Time: 2:30 pm.

      This isn't a dream post in the regular sense, this is more of food for thought. Different (not new) ideas about dreaming. I mention God, and soul, but there isn't a specific religion, and this isn't me preaching. I don't mean to offend anyone, or take anyone's enjoyment out of Lucid dreaming, if you don't agree, that is perfectly fine, but this post is more for the thinkers on the sight. Also I don't take on sides of Astral Projecting/OBEing/Lucid dreaming. Instead I think of them more of experiences than any kind of category. I will post a link to a new thread, so please do not comment here. Comment on the actual post. Thanks, and enjoy!
      What if lucid dreaming was more than dreaming while being conscious What if it was a gateway to another world? Think about it, all of the dream characters some of them you have never seen before, what if they were actual beings? Sure some of them are just DCs representing you, but what if there were others that weren't? Today I took an hour long nap, a successful wild! After several failed attempts at realizing FAs, I finally started to think, I ended getting out of my bed at my place of work. From there the rest were LDs. This isn't going to be a post about my specific LDs (coming shortly), they are about my ideas that I ended up with during the dream.

      I want to make a few notes about what I have discovered in the dream world today. First DCs are representations of yourself. What ever your thinking, that DC will be saying. I noticed several times when I was thinking or talking to myself, a nearby DC was repeating it, at first I didn't think anything of it, since it always happened, but now I paid attention to what I was thinking, and who was talking. The exact same thing. Now this idea goes further with, whatever your doing (just not controlling the dream world, instead just letting it happen) will be done to you. I noticed a DC eating something, but for some odd reason my mouth felt like it was full of food and I couldn't do anything. I didn't put two and two together until today as I have had that happen several times. Other properties about yourself can be manipulated by a DC along with the DC can manipulate yourself. You almost trick yourself out when in a dreamworld. Once I understood this, then I could control anything I wanted. I could fly at will (no arm flailing), summon tornadoes, breathe underwater, run super fast, read minds (my own haha), shoot energy blasts, and tons of others when the other night all I could do was explore. Flying was the best one I got the hang of it, no more butterflies, just the excitement to be able to fly! I used to walk my dog at night, and looked up into the sky and said I wish cool nights like this were in my dreams, and that I could fly! Today it happened! More to what I accomplished in the actual dream journal entry!

      Have you ever heard a radio in your dreams? For me I never noticed until now, but there were always some kind of background noise somewhere. Once I started listening to it I found the source. It sounded like rapid clips of commercials, shows, and songs put together, and having it play super fast. Kind of sounds like channel surfing. You have the white noise, and occasionally you'll come across a channel that works and hear it for a second until you switch it. Now imagine there are hidden messages within it. It seems like your being is being contacted (no pun intended) by another being through this. I listened closely at it. First I thought it was just everything I heard today being played at a super fast rate, that my subconscious was playing it out. Then I thought it was all of my thoughts playing at a super alarming rate, since my dream is within my head, people can speak as fast as they think! there are no physical limits.

      Then I heard the word God a couple of times and sat down next to it and listened. It brought up all of my concerns about dieing. It even said I had till Halloween night, or right around it until I was going to die. Then an announcer came on the speaker phone of were I was at and asked if there was some body named something was there, I couldn't remember the name. And the radio laughed and said never mind. They said that i was afraid of being just short of making it into purgatory and that I was afraid I would end up in hell. That was correct, that is what I am afraid of, not death itself. They said something about cleaning up my act, and that I would make it to heaven eventually, I just have to make peace with God. Then I tried asking a question but the radio shut off. It turned back on after a couple of minutes and said that what I was experiencing was part of the afterlife, since we have a soul we are able to just barely connect with other souls. But there are still DCs that were just DCs made up by my mind.

      Then I met two people who escorted me around my dream, I asked questions about this afterlife thought, and said it was true. I just thought back to when somebody on here said DCs tend to try and trick you into believing your not dreaming. So I denied it for a couple of seconds until I thought of something. I asked well aren't you two apart of my dream, so I can control you, and I attempted to control them and their actions, but I couldn't. I could do it on everything else, but couldn't on them. So I began to wonder about it. They said we were able to control what we called a "dream" by physical manipulation of the environment. Since there were no laws of physics, I could fly, but it was me flying, it was the environment bending to what I wanted. Objects can appear, because the environment put them there, not us. That is why we have to turn around think of something, then turn back around and it is there. Then shortly after all of these thoughts I woke up, but with brand new ideas of what the meaning of our dreams, and why we have them.

      Updated 10-29-2010 at 10:17 PM by 35811

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , lucid
    5. A quick nap leads to several observations about LDing.

      by , 10-29-2010 at 08:31 PM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Time: 2:30 pm.

      This isn't a dream post in the regular sense, this is more of food for thought. Different (not new) ideas about dreaming. I mention God, and soul, but there isn't a specific religion, and this isn't me preaching. I don't mean to offend anyone, or take anyone's enjoyment out of Lucid dreaming, if you don't agree, that is perfectly fine, but this post is more for the thinkers on the sight. Also I don't take on sides of Astral Projecting/OBEing/Lucid dreaming. Instead I think of them more of experiences than any kind of category. I will post a link to a new thread, so please do not comment here. Comment on the actual post. Thanks, and enjoy!
      What if lucid dreaming was more than dreaming while being conscious What if it was a gateway to another world(Not the astral realm, but the after life!)? Think about it, all of the dream characters some of them you have never seen before, what if they were actual beings? Sure some of them are just dream characters representing you, but what if there were others that weren't? Today I took an hour long nap, a successful WILD! After several failed attempts at realizing false awakenings, I finally started to think. I ended getting out of my bed at my place of work. From there the rest were lucid dreams. This isn't going to be a post about my specific lucid dreams (coming shortly), they are about my ideas that I ended up with during the dream.

      Getting started: I want to make a few notes about what I have discovered in the dream world today. First dream charactersare representations of yourself. What ever your thinking, that DC will be saying. I noticed several times when I was thinking or talking to myself, a nearby dream character was repeating it. At first I didn't think anything of it, since it always happened, but now I paid attention to what I was thinking, and who was talking. The exact same thing was being thought, and said. Now this idea goes further with, whatever your doing (just not controlling the dream world by manipulation, instead just letting it happen) will be done to you. I noticed a DC eating something, but for some odd reason my mouth felt like it was full of food and I couldn't do anything. I didn't put two and two together until today as I have had that happen several times. Other properties about yourself can be manipulated by a DC along with the DC can manipulate yourself. You almost trick yourself out when in a dreamworld. Once I understood this, then I could control anything I wanted. I could fly at will (no arm flailing), summon tornadoes, breathe underwater, run super fast, read minds (my own haha), shoot energy blasts, and tons of others when the other night all I could do was explore. Flying was the best one I got the hang of it, no more butterflies, just the excitement to be able to fly! I used to walk my dog at night, and looked up into the sky and said I wish cool nights like this were in my dreams, and that I could fly! Today it happened! More to what I accomplished in the actual dream journal entry!

      Have you ever heard a radio in your dreams? For me I never noticed until now, but there were always some kind of background noise somewhere. Once I started listening to it I found the source. It sounded like rapid clips of commercials, shows, and songs put together, and having it play super fast. Kind of sounds like channel surfing. You have the white noise, and occasionally you'll come across a channel that works and hear it for a second until you switch it. Now imagine there are hidden messages within it. It seems like your being is being contacted (no pun intended) by another being through this. I listened closely at it.

      First I thought it was just everything I heard today being played at a super fast rate, that my subconscious was playing it out. Then I thought it was all of my thoughts playing at a super alarming rate, since my dream is within my head, people can speak as fast as they think! There are no physical limits. Then I heard the word God a couple of times and sat down next to it and listened. It brought up all of my concerns about dieing. It even said I had till Halloween night, or right around it until I was going to die. Then an announcer came on the speaker phone of were I was at and asked if there was some body named something was there, I couldn't remember the name. And the radio laughed and said never mind. They said that i was afraid of being just short of making it into purgatory and that I was afraid I would end up in hell. That was correct, that is what I am afraid of, not death itself. They said something about cleaning up my act, and that I would make it to heaven eventually, I just have to make peace with God. Then I tried asking a question but the radio shut off. It turned back on after a couple of minutes and said that what I was experiencing was part of the afterlife. Since we have a soul we are able to just barely connect with other souls. But there are still dream characters that were just made up by my mind.

      Then I met two people who escorted me around my dream, I asked questions about this afterlife thought, and said it was true. I just thought back to when somebody on here said dream characters tend to try and trick you into believing your not dreaming. So I denied it for a couple of seconds until I thought of something. I asked well aren't you two apart of my dream, so I can control you, and I attempted to control them and their actions, but I couldn't. I could do it on everything else, but couldn't on them.

      So I began to wonder about it. They said we were able to control what we called a "dream" by physical manipulation of the environment. Since there were no laws of physics, I could fly, but it was not me flying, it was the environment bending to what I wanted. Objects can appear, because the environment put them there, not us. That is why we have to turn around think of something, then turn back around and it is there. Then shortly after all of these thoughts I woke up, but with brand new ideas of what the meaning of our dreams, and why we have them.
    6. 28 october

      by , 10-29-2010 at 06:26 PM (awesome ninja dream journal)
      this was a pretty cool lucid for me.
      Im sitting in the living room with my little brother. Its around noon and for no reason I do an RC and become lucid. I phase through the window and fly out of the room laughing my head off. I hear my brother laughing right behind me, while flying. So Im bouncing him like a basketball while I fly to mess with him. We both land and we start fighting. We fight dbz style and I grab his ankle and throw him like ten metres. While he tries to get up im imagining a hot chick walking down the driveway to meet me. I grab a stone and turn my hand into stone so I can KO my brother. Instead these three dogs that look like my dogs come running at me.

      I remember a nightmare exactly like this so I drop the stone and run up the driveway. Im running so fricken slowly. Im punching the dogs to keep them at bay when I see someone on a motorized scooter going in the same direction. I grab the guy and throw him into the dogs. I get to the gate and look in my pocket and find the remote. I open the gate, escape and close it before the dogs can escape. I turn around and theres this security guard waiting there smoking a joint. Hes holding an Uzi and he tells me that my dream should have ended with me being mauled by the dogs. I think to myself “im bulletproof”, and he replies” no you’re not bulletproof”. He pulls the trigger and riddles my chest with bullets.

      They fly through me like a knife through butter. My chest feels wet. Then I remember something I read on dreamviews that mzzkc wrote where he regenerated. I look up at him with this fricken crazy look and scream “ im regenerating motherfucker!” he gets really scared and asks if I know how to kill him. I put my hand on his face and concentrate my energy there. He starts falling backwards and I grab his gun and shoot the sh!t out of him. The my alarm goes off and I wake up.
      Tags: lucid
      lucid , memorable
    7. 18 october

      by , 10-29-2010 at 06:23 PM (awesome ninja dream journal)
      I ‘wake up’ in my bed and try to turn off the ceiling fan but the buttons wont work. I RC and become lucid.i fly through my bedroom window and land on my roof. Its dark outside and my dreams starts going fuzzy. I imagine going around in circles and stabilize the dream. All of a sudden im floating in the air face to face with ulquiorra from bleach. We immediately start fighting without swords and im pawning this guy. I try to use that demon art where electricity shoots from my fingers but I miss and he flies away. I wake myself up to record this dream.
      Tags: bleach, lucid
      lucid , dream fragment
    8. 17 october

      by , 10-29-2010 at 06:21 PM (awesome ninja dream journal)
      Woah what a night. The dream starts off with me in my old primary school buildings, walking in the corridor playing music on loudspeaker. There’s a bunch of people walking around me so it must have been a corridor or something. I see a teacher walking toward me and try to turn off the music but it wont stop. The teacher tells me to hand it over and I outright ignore him. I try walk away from him but he follows me and I eventually give it to him. Then all of a sudden my teacher transforms into someone else. I ask him if he would have still taken it if Meyer was around and hes like obviously not.
      So I walk into the toilet and im greeted by this horrific scene. Theres a dead person lying in the urinal, but I ignore him coz I need to piss. When I look back at him hes turned into my dog(which is missing its head) so I walk out of the toilet and end up outside. Im walking up a hill. I see my sister from far and become lucid.
      This crazy lady with a dodgy looking hyperdermic needle comes to me and starts stabbing me with it. Im lucid so I know it wont hurt me. I try to fly away but this sudden gust of wind pushes down on me. Eventually I overcome the wind and fly off into the sky. I end up back home and my dad says something about me being a threat. I know that hes going to want to fight so I fly through the ceiling. I keep going through layer after layer until I end up in space. I figure the reason why so little people on dreamviews have come here is because this place is so hard to find. I lose lucidity here and the dream ends with these army people fighting each other on different planets.
      Tags: lucid
    9. Back to school, lucid style.

      by , 10-29-2010 at 04:38 PM
      Jeeze a loo, ANOTHER LD?! Not that I'm complaining, but man alive if they aren't downright frequent at this point! Actually, this marks the longest LD I've had in a long time, though it was split up into two dreamscapes. Once again, Elly (My sub) maintains her crafty nature... Assuming it's not just me looking for her in places she wasn't.

      Anyway, this actually may be the longest I've traveled in a dream in a long time. I left my house, thinking of asking my grandmother for a ride, but instead deciding to walk. Our front gate is broken (It's our current house.) and lying on the sidewalk, I notice my cat is home and let him in through the front door (I've done that, in actuality, one time in my life.). i pass the mailman and comment how he won't have to worry about that gate for awhile, jokingly. Most people have trouble opening that particular gate.

      So I'm walking to collage, actually, it's the same school as I dreamnt about not too long ago in a Non-LD. Except it's not for Super Humans and Other worldly beings. I pass a school as I'm walking, and given how frikkin' often I dream about school, I'm not content just going to the school I'm supposed to, I have to stop at a random school on the way that vaguely looks like my old highschool. @_@

      So I end up at a class taught by my second grade teacher Mrs. R. Though the students look to be about 5th or 6th graders. Anyway, the teacher is having a heck of a time with them, as they are absolutely enamored with chapter 1 of something... I think a book, and so much so that they're reluctant to continue. I'm mainly just observing at this point. Though I see some kid bully another kid, I follow him into the bathroom (Which is oddly attached directly to the classroom.) and basically threaten him if he tries to ever bully that kid again. Double standard? Yeah. @_@

      Anyway, Mrs. R reminisces about a class trip me and my friend P went on (Which never happened IRL). Something about my friend P jumping off a boat after being dared or something.

      Some more things about that Chapter 1 hoopla. Then I realize the time, that I'm late as all hell for my collage class! I have a trapper keeper which the above bully gets for me, but accidentally (Ha, 'Accidental' sure.) spills the papers all over. I pick up the stuff, joking with him about the accidental part and head off towards the exit. The class is sad to see me go. I breifly think about asking Mrs. R for a recommendation in regards to the collage? something like that.

      Anyway, I get to the exit of that school and see my first girlfriend S and her boyfriend (Though, oddly enough, S doesn't look anything like herself and neither does her boyfriend.). I say "Ms. S.R. (Her full name.) I presume?" she turns her head and gives me the cold shoulder. I'm a bit sad by this and just exit, saying "I'm sorry, more than you'll ever know.". So I'm walking on the sidewalk along the school, there are students (About high school age, maybe collage.) all over outside. I check my watch (Of which I don't have one IRL.) and see it's 7:15.

      As I'm walking, i get it in my head to do a reality check. So my MILDing must really be paying off. I do, it fails, and I'm lucid. At this time, i notice S.R. is there smiling. (Probably Elly, whom I, once again, forget to summon. Blargh!) First thing I do is drop down to the grass on the boulevard and feel it, and even smell it. It's all quite realistic. Soon after, things get extremely blurry, so I stare at my hand, and say to myself "I want to stay in this dream a bit longer.". It doesn't save the dream, so I fall backwards to try and salvage staying asleep.

      I fall for what seems like a good 6 to 10 seconds. Eventually I find myself at a different street. I notice a power pole most prominently at first, then I'm looking down the street. I preform another reality check (Yay me for remembering.) and it fails, and thus I'm still lucid. There's a large white car in the street, people all around, at the end of the street it gets very Minecraftian, with a hole and Minecraft dirt at the end of the street.

      Anyway, i try and experiment and find a lady amongst the crowd and kiss her. She doesn't seem to enjoy it much, but she lets me kiss her about 3 times on the lips. I kiss another lady, even tasting the lipstick on her lips (She wasn't wearing lipstick...), the crowd kinda gets angry at me, so I don't peruse it much. This was mainly a test on expectations.

      So, I find myself in an airport or mall type setting. No jump cut or anything, the scene just changed without me noticing. There are two restroom doors labeled very oddly, I only remember one as... Rantata? Or somewhere along the lines, I remember thinking it was Spanish or something. Somewhere in the mall/airport, I did at least a few RCs just to keep lucidity. Mainly nose breathes, but I did change it up with a finger count (5, if you're curious, but my hand itself looked odd, so it still kept me lucid.). Anyway, I enter what seemed to be the womens bathroom, though there were other men within'. I only took a look around, everything seemed normal (Besides this being a unisex public bathroom.). Well, there was one oddity, an apparent bathroom attendant in a white animal suit (Think mascot-esque.) whose sole purpose was to open the door to the bathroom.

      I check out the other bathroom, after being cautious of the drains in front of the toilets. (I honestly don't know why.) In the 2nd bathroom, Mr. Guy-in-white-animal-suit is there, and I help a lady out by pointing out a map to the mall/airport that is on the wall. Anyway, the place seemed to change focus from a bathroom to some kinda... Automated dispensery or something. I notice someone, in a VERY awesome way, quickly using their foot to press a button and just barely eak out using a booth before person. It was a rather portly looking african-american girl, so I walk up to her and comment on the awesome move she pulled. (In retrospect, she looked like an older version of someone I knew in grade school.) She's apparently getting bullets from whatever dispenser thing she's using. I comment how it should be like a serve-yourself soda fountain and the bullets are dispensed in a cup as well. She gets a mild chuckle outta that. I think I really wanted to jump her bones or something, she mentioned using Zyrtex to 'keep it up'. 6o.o;; I agree, saying it shouldn't be too hard to get some.

      Anyway, she packs up her bullets in a box (There looks to be well over 100 in the box... Possibly 200. I think they're just 9mm.) and I follow her out. We walk near a very familiar looking metal railing. A few steps later, in front of what seems to be bleachers? She turns around and throws her arms out to her sides. I wake up.

      Sheesh, I guess that's to be expected in subconsciouses... But Elly really does like toying with me! >:C
    10. 10/27/10 Plane 2 - Death Trading

      by , 10-29-2010 at 12:11 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      So preparing for battle, the three of us enter into the portal… and are instantly swept into a divergent dream of epic proportions, the following dreams all took place simultaneously on different planes, in different parallel worlds…

      I emerge from the portal in a different place, and it appears I am the only one of us to have made it here. I wonder where Asuka might be, I guess I'll have to find her on my own. I wander around what looks like a large harbor, there are many shipping crates all over the place being moved onto and off of large cargo ships. Wait a minute… Nomad had said Asuka was in a dungeon of some kind, so am I now in the wrong place? That wouldn't make any sense, so I start looking around again for some sign of Asuka. I start wandering through the many shipping crates until I finally spot some sign of life, there are quite a few people up ahead. They are transporting a couple of specific shipping crates. I notice I can see what is inside these two crates, the sides are just bars instead of solid… most likely to allow for air to flow freely so the people in the cages can breathe. There is a crate being lowered to the dock with a bunch of naked women in it, all chained together, it looks pretty clear that they are slaves. A dock full of slavers… could Asuka be hidden among the slaves? Either way, I figure there are slavers that need to die. There are more slavers on the ground surrounding another crate with more slaves in it, this one is full of men and children chained together. There are slavers with weapons ready to unload their cargo.

      I am about to go out and kick some slaver ass when I hear a voice behind me, and I realize I have been so caught up in the slavers that I hadn't been scanning for energy signatures around me… someone had approached me while I was distracted. The voice says something about getting to work, I wonder if this person thinks I am one of the slavers and expects me to help unload the slaves. I turn quickly to see who is there, and I do a quick double take as I recognize the person there with me… Mzzkc? Ok, I figure he is talking about kicking some slaver ass, so I say I am ready to kick some ass. I form my Witchblade into a sword and I am about to attack, Mzzkc is already on some of them. He draws his sword and slices through a slaver only to turn quickly and remove another slaver's head and then dissecting a third slaver before skewering a fourth and slicing a fifth completely in half at the waist. And this is all before the slavers have even had a chance to fire their weapons. Mzzkc says he's going to free the prisoners, so keep the slavers off him. He is going after the crate with the men in it, so I don't take the time to say anything about the possibility of Asuka being in there. If she is there, she would be with the women.

      So while Mzzkc is freeing the men and the children I am attacking slavers, using my sword to cut through a couple of them and then sending a tendril of Witchblade through a slaver who has apparently decided that running is the best option. The tendril cuts through the target slaver and then through a couple more before returning to Witchblade. Of course this has gotten their attention, they aren't paying much attention to Mzzkc now, they are in a bit of chaos. Many of them are already dead, and the ones left seem to not know what to think of the fact they're being attacked by someone with a sword and some kind of a whip that cuts through flesh like a knife through butter. One of the slavers has his senses enough to fire an automatic weapon in my direction, the armor of Witchblade forms into a shield that blocks the bullets. I pull an Alex Mercer, putting spikes down into the ground which emerge, one beneath each slaver I could see, impaling four of them. I look around to see if there are any more slavers… the only one I can still see is the one operating the crane that has now lowered the cage full of women to the ground. A Witchblade tendril finished him off. I then go over to find Mzzkc by the cage full of men, using a blue energy field to heal them. I am about to say something to him when he disappears… I assume he woke up.

      So now I go over to the cage with the women inside it, they seem to have barely noticed the fighting going on around their cage, they are just sitting there lifelessly… except one of them. Asuka stands up from the middle of the group and comes over to the side of the cage, looking at me, recognizing me. Asuka says something about being brought here and sold to a bunch of slavers, but someone was using mind control on her… they used mind control on MoSh, too, is MoSh ok? I tell her MoSh is fine, just worried about her. I cut into the cage and then remove the chains from all the women before I use a healing spell on them. I tell Asuka I can take her home now, she is glad to be going home. I open a portal to MoSh's inner world and lead Asuka through…

      To Be Continued…
    11. 10/27/10 Plane 1 - Demonic Fusion

      by , 10-29-2010 at 12:06 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      So preparing for battle, the three of us enter into the portal… and are instantly swept into a divergent dream of epic proportions, the following dreams all took place simultaneously on different planes, in different parallel worlds…

      I emerge from a portal with MoSh by my side, I wonder where Nomad has gone off to. I decide maybe not all of us will be in each instance of this dream to take place. So now I look around the place to see if I can find Asuka, since my portal led us here she must be somewhere around. All I see at first is a green grassy area with some rocks lying about.

      MoSh says he knows this place, and it looks like Nomad was wrong this time. I ask him what he is talking about, he doesn't answer me, instead he calls out to Kaomea as if he expects her to show up somewhere around the place. He is not disappointed, she comes from behind one of the larger rocks and says she has been expecting MoSh to show up. MoSh says he is looking to get Asuka back, so let her go now. MoSh says that even if Kaomea is mad at him, she shouldn't take it out on Asuka, she hasn't done anything. Something about the entire situation doesn't feel right, but I'm not sure what is wrong. MoSh doesn't seem to notice anything strange, he is clearly annoyed with Kaomea.

      While MoSh talked to Kaomea I look around the area a bit more, trying to find the source of my strange feelings. I find nothing out of the ordinary, so I wander back to MoSh and Kaomea. MoSh is clearly getting more upset by the minute, demanding Asuka back. Kaomae is just putting the moves on him, she says something about Asuka will be fine as long as MoSh gives her what she wants. I say to Kaomae that she had told me if Asuka was with her, she wouldn't give us any problems taking Asuka home. She gives me a dirty look and asks if I am really that gullible as to believe that, but now MoSh belongs to her unless he wants something to happen to his precious Asuka. That sounds completely wrong for what I know about Kaomae, who has always been friendly towards me. She finally says MoSh can have Asuka back after he pleasures her, and she starts taking her clothes off and behaving in a sexy manner… apparently not even caring that I was standing right there watching. She beckons MoSh to come closer, I know this can't be right, so I focus on a rhyme spell I have used before… "This illusion will no longer be, your true form is what we'll see…" I repeat the rhyme spell a few times, and sure enough, 'Kaomea' begins to change form into some kind of demon… soon there is a naked female demon standing in front of MoSh trying to seduce him… She seems honestly surprised when MoSh responds to her advances with a, "Yuck! Who the fuck are you and where is Asuka?!"

      The demon finally looks down at her own body, at first she seems surprised to see she was in her demon form, and then she looks pissed about it. She hisses loudly and then begins to get downright ugly as her mouth opens up impossibly wide revealing rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth that look like those of a shark. She lunges at MoSh, apparently intent on ripping a large bite out of him, her fingers are razor sharp claws aiming to tear MoSh apart. MoSh tells the demon he should tear her apart for coming after Asuka, she says to go ahead… she is merged with both Asuka and Kaomea, so go ahead and tear her apart, she would revel in their pain. MoSh hesitated there, tells her to let them out now, she laughs some more. She says he should make her, it would never work. I said how about if I make her let them out? She glares over at me and says no one can do it, because she won't let go until there's nothing left of them. I don't bother listening to any more of her threats, she is back to paying more attention to MoSh than me. She gets downright ugly, her mouth splits impossibly far open to reveal rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth like those of a shark, and she is drooling… yuck… it looks like she wants to take a big bite of MoSh…

      I decide I have had enough of being ignored, so I focus on the song "Come Out and Play" by the Offspring, focusing primarily on pulling the demon to come out and play, to keep her separated from Asuka and Kaomea. That gets her attention away from MoSh, most likely because it is working, I can now sense three individual energy signatures inside the demon, and I am focused on separating them. The demon is hissing at me and starts to move in to attack, but she is stopped as the two she is merged with are pulled out of her, tearing their way out of her, the demon collapses to the ground after the separation. It seems the separation has taken much of her power away. Asuka runs over to MoSh, getting behind him looking for protection. Kaomae is apparently much more pissed off than that, she turns into a large black panther and pounces as the demon is starting to recover, tearing into the demon with teeth and claws in a very vicious display considering she had said she was the spirit of love… there is no love going on there. There is a brief and vicious battle, then the demon gives one last hiss of anger, says this isn't worth it, and disappears. MoSh wants to know why Asuka was with Kaomea in the first place, Kaomae says Asuka came to her for help. Before any more questions can be asked or explanations can be given Kaomae disappears, I figure she woke up. MoSh asks me what that demon wanted with Asuka… I say it seems everyone wants to get their hands on Asuka…

      To Be Continued…
    12. 10/27/10 The Portal to Everywhere

      by , 10-29-2010 at 10:21 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: Asuka seems to be missing again. Last night MoSh had a dream where some creepy guy used telepathic tendrils of some kind to control his and Asuka's mind, at which point he tried to swap out the version of Asuka that has been married to MoSh with a twinner from another dimension. He used the mind control so he could walk out with Asuka and not actually have to fight anyone. Additionally one of those who had taken Asuka had appeared to MoSh to be Kaomae, someone we have been sharing dreams with recently… so my goal for tonight was to track down Asuka and see who had actually taken her. Nomad was suspecting Templars… I was tending to agree with that… so I was focused on finding Asuka as I slipped into a WILD.

      I am in the biodome on the moon, which is where I said I would meet up with Nomad. I remember that I am also going to go get MoSh so he can come with us and help get Asuka back from wherever she is. I look around to see if Nomad might be there already, but there isn't anyone there at the time. I look into the pond where the koi are swimming around, rainbows of fish in the water… maybe I can go get MoSh before Nomad even gets there. I open a portal to go find MoSh and bring him along to go find Asuka.

      I exit the portal into MoSh's inner world, to the place I usually enter. I go up to MoSh's house and knock on the door, I'm not sure if MoSh is still inside or not, but it is where I feel I should go. The door opens and MoSh is there, he says he can feel that Asuka is in danger, she isn't just over there visiting Kaomea, she can't get back home. He turns invisible and says he will watch to make sure nothing goes wrong, just in case my energy reacts badly to Kaomea's energy again. I tell MoSh to become visible again, it really doesn't look like we are going to find Asuka with Kaomea. I tell him that I spoke to Nomad last night, and Zaphor had told him the Templars are responsible for grabbing Asuka this time. It makes sense that they would try to make MoSh think Kaomea had something to do with it, to get us looking in the wrong place. I tell MoSh it doesn't matter who has her, I will track her down and find out who has her. I tell him Nomad is waiting to help us with this, he is waiting back on the moon, so let's go pick him up first. MoSh agrees to that, so I open a portal back to the moon, back to the biodome.

      Sure enough, when we exit the portal back in the biodome Nomad is there waiting for us. Nomad says he wants to go by the Temple of Angels for healing before finding Asuka. MoSh says that will take too long, we might end up waking up before we get Asuka back. Nomad says that's not going to happen since we can dilate time, MoSh says that doesn't always work for him. Nomad says he feels it is very important to go by the Temple of Angels first, I decide to add my input that in the time we might spend arguing about it we could have already been to the Temple of Angels and now be looking for Asuka. I know that's exaggerating, but it seems to bring the argument to an end. Nomad opens a portal, and the three of us go through the portal to the Temple of Angels.

      Once we are in the Temple of Angels the healing part doesn't take much time at all, there is a room in the temple that is filled up with golden energy, a room that is meant for healing and for enhancing healing abilities. Even though I don't remember ever being there before, I remember what it is for. When we leave that room there are several angels that meet us and are talking about something, but I am distracted for some reason and I don't hear all that they have to say. I am currently pondering why it might be that everyone and their aunt and uncle are after Asuka, the only conclusion I can reach is that it gets really annoying that all of these enemies won't just leave Asuka alone. After a bit of thought, Nomad snaps me out of my reveries and says we can go find Asuka now if I am ready. I focus on opening a portal to find Asuka, after a bit of focus, a portal opens up in front of us. Nomad says that once we reach her he will let out allies know where to come if we are going to need their help, and he says he has the feeling we might need all the help we can get. So preparing for battle, the three of us enter into the portal… and are instantly swept into a divergent dream of epic proportions, the following dreams all took place simultaneously on different planes, in different parallel worlds…

      To Be Continued…
    13. Sleep Paralysis, Hallucinations and Lucidity

      by , 10-29-2010 at 08:12 AM
      So I decided to post up a journal today since I finally got around to having a nap which I almost always lucid dream while I'm napping.

      Well I ended up lucid dreaming and I had that weird sleep paralysis affect where I feel myself being paralyzed before I fall sleep. I have sleep paralysis quite a lot but I'm used to having it happen before I wake up.
      Anywho, It's weird feeling yourself going into a dream while youre conscious.
      Also when I woke up later I tried going back into the dream and was actually able to go back into it for a little bit...or at least until my mind grew too conscious and brought me back into reality.

      The dream was of me in my room...I got up out of bed and I was walking out into the dorm hall because I was going to put a guy friend of mine into a room so that I could "do stuff" with him. I saw a couch and chair in the room and my mind almost made this black thing on the chair into some random person, but then I looked at the couch and made whatever I could make out on the couch into my guy friend and then the naughtiness began from there. Sadly I grew too conscious during it all and couldn't hold onto being asleep. Gotta work on that.
      Any thoughts on how to hold a dream longer without losing lucidity?
      lucid , memorable
    14. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 10-29-2010 at 06:09 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Dirty Deeds (DILD)

      I'm awake. Or, at least, I feel awake. In the sense that I'm completely aware of my body, lying beneath these two thin sheets of soft fabric, dark room closing in around me as I start to drift.

      It's a dream.

      But I'm awake. . . I think.

      My mind has a different idea as a hallucination—no—a dream, forms around me. Lowering onto the dock, directed by a crane as it teeters about, is a large shipping crate. Inside, dozens of harrowed, dissolute, half naked women sit, defeated, resigned to their fate. All of them are products to be bought and sold in a perverted underground market. Raven Knight and I don't quite
      like that idea.

      There's another crate, already on the ground; this one is filled with men and children, chained at the wrists. I notice they're being processed by a good number of goons. “Let's get to work then, shall we?”
      Raven looks at me, almost surprised by my presence.

      “Sure,” she nods quietly, witchblade already formed into a long ornate, claymore.

      In a flash, I cover the ground between me and the first goon, tearing my white blade from its place at my side, slashing through his chest as I move past him, into the throng. He falls as I thrust, rip out, severing my next victim's head from his shoulders. Another flash and I begin a barrage of quick strikes, whirling slashes, cutting into my foe like a tender slab of meat. In under three seconds, I had already downed five of these despicable excuses for human beings. I'm getting ahead of myself, I think as I notice Raven watching me from where we stood moment ago. “You can take care of the rest, Raven. I'm gonna work on freeing these people.”

      Tending to the men and children, I see Raven out of the corner of my eye just as a spiky tendril fires out of her witchblade, impaling one of the runners. Refocusing, I find the thick rusted chains binding these drugged victims aren't cutting as well or fast as I'd like. So, I conjure up some bolt cutters and get to work. Darting between the shambling bodies, I cut chain after chain, before finally handing it to one of the few men who seem to be in control of all his functions.

      As he worked, I extend a bubble of green healing light around the entire group. It's just enough to break the stupor of the group, bringing them to their senses. Very soon, Raven is finished with her work, and joins me as everything slips away and I lose all visuals. . .

      Updated 01-05-2011 at 07:12 AM by 25167

    15. I am thankful of my Astral Body and psychic abilities!!!!!

      by , 10-29-2010 at 04:45 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I am thankful of my Astral Body and psychic abilities!!!!! (long lucid) (L-DEILD)


      Hi guys!!

      I had recall every single night, but I do not have time for anything... However, I am going to try again to report my dreams daily (they are all on paper) I completed the lucid task for November (it is posted already on the Lucid Club) plus other lucid and a regular.


      L-DEILD once more works and keep being a 100% success (also for Serenity )

      I fell back in the dream. I was in the sky falling to the ground. It was funny because I spawned back in the same place, but I was falling as I was technically not flying, just spawning. I took flight easily and I remembered the tasks of the months. I was still on the air and I remembered I needed to see something not online about "DV" I went to downtown and I saw a ton of buildings and hotels.

      One of the buildings was owned by Alex, and the building was called "DV" It had a huge logo on the top of it that said, "DV" That was easy!!! Advanced done!!!

      My dream was very stable so I decided to land. I saw a few guys who wanted to have a breakfast buffet on the top of a fancy hotel. They were driving a monster truck (but it was about two feet long, one foot wide and one foot tall) I wondered how the hell they fit in there, but then, I remembered it was a dream. I grabbed all both of these folks and the car and flew to the top of the building. I placed the car in a corned and the DCs in front of the host. A waited dropped his tray and he was very shock. In fact, all the people stopped talking. The host was surprised too. I told him, "Here, these folks wanna eat!" I jumped away the building and took flight again.

      I saw a nice building who was like a cylinder. It was empty in the middle and it had a pool. It was a very cool building. I was happy with the advanced task and I tried to Astral Project again. I landed, closed my eyes and told myself I wanted to Astral Project. Darkness appeared and I could not see nor move. I felt my body in the dream, but I knew I was failing to Astral Project this time. I did not want to end my lucid so I started to fly up and fast. I could not see a thing, but I knew I was going to glue myself to the dream. I flied high, very high. I felt I was out of the Earth. I started to descend, head first. I was going as fast as a meteorite. I tried to open my eyes really hard, suddenly, I saw a few beams of light. Yay! I was still in the dream!!! I kept flying until I saw everything very clean. The sky was blue and the buildings were in the same position.

      I was in front of the DV building again. In the door, it had the DV logo as well. I was wondering about meeting with Alex inside of it. I knew I was an admin of the forum, so I was sure I would have access to all the restricted areas of the building.

      I saw a very hot DC. I wanted to have sex with her and try not waking up. I approached at her and she laughed and moved away. It was funny, I remembered reading somewhere that sometimes a DC might opposes a little bit. I tickle her a little bit and pushed her panties down. Everything was up to the last detail. My heart started to race and I breath deeply. We started to have sex and I saw my dream quality decrease a little and my heart race. I kept moving my eyes and I looked into the sky. There was a huge full moon, a black void, mars and a green planet. We ended sex and I was still in the dream, yay!

      I decided to go to that blach hole in the sky. I found it very amusing and interesting. I took flight and I suddenly saw like a giant metalic bunny flying around and a flying boat coming at me. I could not fly at maximum speed, so I decided to ride the boat instead. I landed on the boat and talked to the guy to drive me to the vortex.

      During these flight, I encountered odd constructions. We went to some ruins and I left the boat there. There were some evil guys around messing up with something. I saw the logo of my own business (FerPC) but it said, "Ferpc2218" It was like 200 years after. I was surprised in what my business turned into in my dream.

      I found another DC and started to talk with him about my current business. Suddenly, I found three quarters. I told him, "This is funny. I am taking them but they will not come with me to waking!" He agreen. I said, "Turn into Karma!!!!!" The coins started to vanish in my hand and became white vapor. Then i said, 'That will work well with my Astral Body!" The DC smiled and said, "Sure will do!" I replied, "Yeah! You know! I am very thankful of my Astral Body and my Psychic abilities. I am very happy with my gifts" The DC replied, "Sure, you must be!" I realized I did the basic task as well.

      I entered in a different room. It was like a bathroom. I was doing nothing during that moment and wondering how long the dream was going to be. I thought in attempting to Astral Project again, when suddenly a zombie appeared from nowhere. I destroyed him with energy, it was a small one. I was hopping that a bigger zombie would not spawn, as I had no gun. I bigger zombie appeared but when I was going to try to kill it. I woke up.

      Missed dream signs:
      - None.

      Spotted dream signs:
      - None.
      lucid , task of the month