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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Two nights

      by , 05-08-2011 at 04:02 PM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:06 AM by 44350

    2. Long, freaky, detailed, non-lucid nightmare

      by , 05-08-2011 at 03:38 PM
      I was in a castle where this person was breeding zebrafish. She began telling us (there was a group of us listening to her) that the last time she tried, "a horrible loch ness monster type of thing was born," quoted by her. At this point, the dream flashed to a movie-like close-up of a flashback of the monster as a baby. One of its eyes was closed, and it opened it to reveal a cat-like violet eye. It was kind of a mixture of a sea monster and a dragon. More like a dragon, actually, but it didn't have wings. It had a fierce look to it. Then, the close-up disappeared and it went back to normal. She said, "The only way to kill one of these terrible things is if it is young enough to not be green. If it is green, it is an adult and becomes immortal. If you do manage to capture one when it is young, throw it on a hard surface to kill it."
      Then the egg of the zebrafish began to crack (yes, the egg cracked like a chicken's) and she told us to go outside. There was a lake outside, and a wide, open field that led to a street. So, it looked like a mansion, I suppose. We just sat down and waited, until finally the zebrafish woman came out. But no one really did anything, just sat. Then, I saw something peek out of the lake that looked kind of like an arm with another arm branching off of it. I knew immediately that it was the monster that had just been born. I screamed, "Oh! Someone look! HELP!" No one looked. The arm left, and then I saw a green, slimy back slide through the water. "LOOK!" I cried.
      They looked, and I realized that now we couldn't kill it, because it was green. Everyone screamed and scrambled up, and we ran. I was running with this curly-haired boy, down the street. We heard a roar and a huge footstep in the distance behind us, but we didn't look. We just ran. The street we were on was very suburban-looking, with no cars and only a bit of sidewalk. But we were on the street itself, not the sidewalk. We turned a corner, and another (we were still going downhill), when we saw a park. It had a playground and a baseball field, so we decided to stop there. Everyone else from the group was there, playing football. It never once occurred to me that it was odd to be playing football when a giant monster was after us. Then, a TV appeared out of the blue in front of us. It showed a news channel, with a reporter telling about the monster and showing clips of it.
      The first clip showed it chomping down on an empty van laying on its side, and pulling it up so it rolled on its own. It began following the van. Then something clicked in my head.
      The van was being pulled along by gravity. So if it was rolling on its own, it was only going downhill.
      And the monster was following it. And we had only gone downhill.
      I screamed, and the curly-haired boy must have realized it too, because he grabbed my wrist and started running towards a building. He let go of my hand and motioned for me to go up first. I began running up the stairs of the building, which seemed completely empty except for the long, winding staircase. I kept running, when the stairs stopped, leading to a floor and a tiny room with no door. There were more stairs on another part of the room, so really it was more of a "rest" when you are going from floor to floor. I skidded to a halt when I realized there was no wall on the "room" on one section. Actually, it was more like a huge, open bay window. Had I kept running, I would have zoomed out and fallen a long way into the street below. I made the mistake of looking down at the cars below, and I swallowed and struggled to keep my balance. I ran up the other stairs, but then I gasped with horror and stopped.
      It was a dead end.

      I woke up, but it didn't fully register that I was out of the dream for a few minutes. I wonder what would have happened if the dream had continued. Would the monster have come? Maybe. My nightmares almost always have a bad ending, so the monster probably would have suddenly decided to look in the building. Or something.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    3. bill clinton and bridge; oprah winfrey and event; bugs and light; japanese movie argument

      by , 05-08-2011 at 01:58 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in something like an atrium, at the foot of an escalator, with a big crowd of people. The atrium was gigantic. The walls were made of glass, and they let in the deep blue sky and sunlight, though somehow shaded, maybe because the glass was tinted slightly. The escalator was also enormous.

      Bill Clinton stood near me in the crowd. We may actually have been walking near each other as we had gone down some corridor to get to the atrium. Clinton was wearing a pink polo shirt and kind of pale blue jeans. As we stood before the escalator he said something historical about the atrium, and possibly about the bridge outside the atrium. The bridge was likely the Brooklyn Bridge.

      I thought the stuff Clinton was saying was pretty interesting. I tried to stand closer to him as we all went up the escalator. But I felt like I was being annoying, so I kind of backed away from him. We got up to the top of the escalator. There was a small landing and then another, smaller escalator. I think I took the opportunity of this landing to back even farther away from Clinton, to be less annoying.

      Somehow I ended up out on the Brooklyn Bridge. The bridge was colossal. I could only see portions of it as I traveled under it, either via car or subway. The road was covered in dark shadow.

      I was then on a subway train that was running above ground. This eventually turned into a bus. There were only two other passengers on the bus: both were male friends of mine. We, or they, also knew the bus driver. He was driving us through a kind of quiet part of town, like some area far out in Queens or farther out on Long Island. The sun was shining orange-yellow like it was early morning.

      The guys and the bus driver were talking back and forth with each other. The bus driver finally asked me, "Hey, should I be dropping you off at the college with these guys?" I couldn't think of any reason why I'd be going to the college, but I didn't want to disappoint the guy by saying no. I may have been really curled up in a seat, so that my knees were against the back of the seat in front of me.

      Dream #2

      I was in a department store with Oprah Winfrey. We stood at the end of a bunch of clothing displays, at a wall which was a window looking down at some other section of the building of which the department store was a part. There were maybe one or two other people around us.

      We finished watching some event down below. I turned to Oprah and thanked her forf inviting me to this event. She was very friendly, but I don't think she said anything. She was gone.

      I walked away from the window. I was probably heading out of the store. I saw a black woman looking through some clothing.The woman's back was turned to me. But, for some reason, I thought she was Oprah. So I walked up to her and said, "Oprah, I just want to thank you again for reminding me about this event. If it hadn't been for you--"

      But now the woman turned around. She was really short and round. She had very dark skin, and she wore dark sunglasses. She looked pretty mean! She wore a pale denim jacket, jeans, and hat. She yelled at me, "Why are you calling me Oprah? Just because I'm black, I have to be Oprah?"

      I was scared, and I backed off pretty quick. I didn't know how to respond. I kind of forgot whether I'd thought the person I'd thought the woman was was Oprah or my old friend and co-worker, CL. I figured it must have been CL, even though I couldn't remember her name. But she didn't look like the mean woman either.

      I had walked back to the window I had stood at with Oprah. I think I had figured out that CL had reminded me about this event, and that I had met Oprah there. I figured that if I really wanted to thank CL, I could write her a letter. I either held a letter really close to my face or saw a letter in my mind's eye. The letter was on notebook paper, in pencil, and in really big, loose, scrawly handwriting. I may finally have seen CL's name.

      Dream #3

      I was in a bedroom in the dark. There was, for some reason, a towel rack right near the light switch. It was my blue towel. In the dim light I saw a bug crawling across the towel. The bug was either a smallish roach or a gigantic bed bug. I was really grossed out, and I wanted to see what kind of bug it was before I killed it.

      So I stepped back and flicked a switch on a small wall a couple feet away and in front of the bedroom door. The bedroom light bulb flickered, popped, and went out. To solve this problem, I walked a little bit into the room and pulled a string from the ceiling to turn the light on. The only thing that happened was a little bit of plaster falling on my head.

      So I went to the closet to see if I could find a light bulb or some other source of light. I flicked a light switch in the closet, but it didn't turn on, either. But then, somehow, I found some source of light. This light source became like a light bulb inside the closet.

      I was looking directly into the top shelf of the closet. There were a lot of lamps, all arranged as if in a shop. The lamps were all small, wooden, on a square base, with a candle-like, wooden cylinder running up about 8cm and ending in the metallic fixture for the bulb.

      I grabbed a couple of these, figuring that if I placed these lamps strategically, I could get decent light in the room, though not so much light as I'd get if I had the ceiling ligjht working.

      I then saw behind the lamps. There were all kinds of canned foods -- things like SPAM, cocktail weiners, and corned beef hash. I might have seen other provisions. I suddenly realized that whoever had put this room together had put it together as a kind of shelter in case of some kind of disaster, possibly including nuclear war.

      Dream #4

      I was sitting at a table and eating with my friend H. The table and the lighting of the room remind me of a fast food restaurant or a cafeteria in a place like a school. We may have been eating something like fries and mayonnaise.

      H said, "You talk about -----'s (can't remember) movies so much, as if you were such a big fan of Japanese film. But when was the last time you actually went to the theatre to watch a Kurosawa film?"

      For some reason I kept getting ----- confused with Ozu. But this director was much more recent. But I also wanted to tell H that I actually had seen Kurosawa films lately. I may have had images from Ran and The Hidden Fortress in my head, though I couldn't actually get their titles correct.

      I may have felt, in some way or another, like I was shrinking, or maybe hunching over more and more.
    4. End of Serendipity, big window, coffee shop, job search and Nick Sam

      by , 05-08-2011 at 01:50 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      *I am moving houses. Everything is somewhat related to Serendipity. I am chatting with some girl. We chat about why my relationship with Serendipity ended. I tell her that it was short but good relationship. I am moving the house because in the place Serendipity was meant to live with me. We chat about how am I going to move all the stuff, probably by train.
      **I run in to the house. There is a big glass window. Then I go to the bathroom, where is another big glass window to the corridor. Suddenly I see through the window that someone walked in to the house. The person I see has his face totally damaged. The person tries to ask me something through the glass.
      ***I run to some coffee shop where I am going to play cards or so. There are stairs leading to two different coffee shops. I want to go only to one of them. There is my friend George with me there. There are more people that I know there, such as Helenka Sarounova, because many of them live in the area. Most of them is smoking. I am chatting to someone on the bar and suddenly everybody is gone. I notice just a wall board there...
      ****I am looking for a job as a reporter for local newspapers. I go for an interview but they don’t want to take me because I am inexperienced. I feel that it is not true.
      *****I meet Nick Sam, I am not sure where this is. When I see him, I say in a bit of an arrogant tone “Ahhhhhh, Nick Sam??”. He acts overly and fake cool, and it feels pretty awkward. He smell like sweat (reminds me of my old teacher Hradecky).
    5. Fragmented dream.

      by , 05-08-2011 at 01:24 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I could only remember a very short bit of this dream.
      For some reason, I was a lucid dream teacher in a school. I wasn't grown up or anything, still just a teen. I had to teach these two students named Hank and Jane, and help them become good at LD'ing.
      Sadly, that's all I remember. But this is good, because I haven't remembered a single dream in months now. My recall is finally going back up thanks to everything I've been practicing. ^^
      Where I was:A classroom at some random school that I've never seen before.
      What I was doing:Teaching people on how to lucid dream.
      Who was there:Two odd dream characters named Hank and Jane. Sucks I didn't go lucid. I wanted to talk to them more. But who cares, I'm going lucid tonight~
    6. World War Two

      by , 05-08-2011 at 01:02 PM (Just Dreaming)

      This dream was really really really weird. I wasn't in it- I was just floating around and follow the voice of a narrator. For some reason, I also feel like I've had this dream before or maybe it feels like its not the first time the narrator told this story.

      "Back in my day, the planes where a lot different. If they had two boosters on them, they would also blow up faster then the speed of light."

      There was a metal plane that was just sitting there broken up in an old swamp. It lifted out of the ground as the narrator talked about it. It started to spin around in the air, then when it stopped it had two boosters on it. The plane caught on fire and blew up like he said it would. After it blew up, the plane turned back into its normal self, only this time with just one booster. It worked fine and flew around a little bit.

      "[I forget the men's names] had a plane with two boosters on it. When they were flying over [forget the area name], it blew up and they had to take cover in the hidden area that was saved for just this purpose."

      These two men started to walk out of the wreckage of their plane, and walk towards a cave. It was dark inside, but as they walked into it, it got brighter. You could see there were skeletons of dead people in the cave, but they just kept on walking past them. They opened up another part of the cave, and they found a girl inside part of it (I never actually saw her, the narrator just talked about her).

      "The girl was trapped in here for 7 years. Things like that happened all the time during the World War Two. People didn't think it would last this long."

      One of the soldiers went into another room that someone dug out, and he took a can of tomato sauce and started to eat it.

      The dream morphed into me being in the stairway of my house- but I'd rather not write down that dream.
      Tags: narrator, planes, wwii
    7. Emergency Landing

      by , 05-08-2011 at 12:25 PM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 08-19-10
      Length: 30 Minutes
      Vividness: 10/10

      I was sitting on an airplane with my girlfriend Dakota to my right, and a mother and child to my left who were watching T.V. together.

      I was on my iPhone registering for this website about condoms, when the "fasten seatbelt" sign came on.
      The pilot announced that we had to put on our seatbelts and that we couldn't watch T.V. at the moment so the mom told her son to say goodbye to the man on T.V. and he did.

      Suddenly, we sky-rocketed downwards, watching the altitude meter race downwards.
      It wasn't very scary, somehow I knew we were going to be fine right before we hit the ground.
      It felt as if I had done this before.

      As we were falling, Dakota told me she wished she had an iPhone like mine to give her hope, so I gave mine to her.
      Right before we hit the ground, the captain pulled upwards and we rolled towards an enormous tree.

      Everything was suddenly in third person and the plane was tiny, and very far away.
      It jumped over tree roots and landed in a field.
      Suddenly, a gigantic mutated chicken came out and started pecking at the plane.
      It was about 5 times the size of the plane.. And extremely ugly.
      A few mutated crabs were crawling around the plane as well.

    8. Eloise

      by , 05-08-2011 at 11:37 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 08-11-10
      Length: 5 Minutes
      Vividness: 6/10

      This dream was taking place in 3rd Person point of view, as if it were a movie.

      There was a man and his girlfriend living in a motel/shack type of house on the harbor, literally hanging over the water.
      The man hated the place.
      He went on about how it was too small, his head would touch the roof when he was standing on the patio.

      One day, a man pulled in.
      He told the man living there about this woman name Eloise, I believe she was his mother, yet also related to his girlfriend in some way.

    9. The Addiction

      by , 05-08-2011 at 11:01 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 08-06-10
      Length: 10 Minutes
      Vividness: 10/10

      I was in our vacation home in La Baule, France.
      I was in the living room sitting on the orange couch by the window.
      My sister, Marin, was sitting at the table, my girlfriend Dakota was right next to me, and my youngest sister, Manon, was on the white couch, opposite to the one I was on.

      I had a lit cigarette in my mouth, and I began smoking it.
      I remember preventing myself from inhaling the smoke by just blowing it out without actually sucking in.
      I've never smoked before, but in the dream, it was a very casual thing, like I had done it many times before.
      I kept telling myself that I wasn't addicted, and I could stop when I would want.

      After a couple seconds, the cigarette went out and I realized it was because I was smoking the lit end.
      I got up to get a lighter and found one on the table across from the bar.
      It was a sleek, metallic one that stayed lit when you press it down.
      I found Dakota's scorpion one next to it and thought I should tell her.
      I walked back over to the couch and Manon said she had something to show me, but she wouldn't.

    10. Crypto Card (fragment)

      by , 05-08-2011 at 10:54 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: May 8, 2011 – 5:15AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am working in some kind of top secret facility, assigning crypto keys to each person as they walk through. Each person walks up to the desk and swipes their CAC card. Once the card is read, checked, and approved, a crypto key is written to a memory card which I hand to them.
    11. Gameshow

      by , 05-08-2011 at 10:47 AM
      I was watching tv with S. It seemed like a harry potter movie. We paused the movie several times so the UPC thing was recording a bit. When i wanted to switch it on again, I pressed on the wrong button and then we lost the rest of the movie. I panicked and tried to rewind to get the movie back. Somehow it worked (in real life it NEVER works). We started watching again and suddenly i was in a sort of a game show. I saw a girl and I said, wow you've got bangs now? It's been too long since i've last seen you, you've got so much to tell me still. Apparently I was gone with some guy for a very long time.
    12. Dinner With Strangers

      by , 05-08-2011 at 10:12 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 08-04-10
      Length: 2 Hours
      Vividness: 8/10

      I was in a house with some random people, including Dakota (my girlfriend), my family and I.
      We went out to dinner and took the metro.

      We got to the restaurant and took our seats.
      My dad sat across and to the left of me.
      Dakota went to ask some question to one of the waiters, but when the waiter answered the question, everyone around them screamed out "way to spoil the answer!"
      While Dakota was gone, a random British boy sat next to my dad and started talking to him about girls.
      A girl then sat down next to me and I got nervous because I thought she was coming on to me.
      She left, and Sam Adams (a class mate), who I've known since 5th grade, sat next to me but left shortly after because she realized it was somebody else's seat.

      Suddenly, I was watching a commercial, but it was as if I were in it.
      It was talking about twins and their "guardian angel".
      There was a rather fat boy on a bed, my mind kepy flashing on things in his room; two pairs of shoes, a pair of something else, another pair.
      Pairs of everything, relating to some twins he was friends with, like he was made to serve them, or protect them.

    13. Dear Old Friends

      by , 05-08-2011 at 09:53 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 08-02-10
      Length: 15 Minutes
      Vividness: 8/10

      My friends, Mitchell, Graham and I all went to this Crèpe restaurant and were hanging out like we used to.
      It was raining outside, and we had just finished eating.

      We walked to the car to drive back home, but I realized I forgot my bag back at the table, so I went to go get it.
      I started freaking out because I remembered that I left my computer in my bag.
      When I got back up to the table, Graham and Mitchell had left a bunch of their stuff too.

      I tried carrying everything, but it was way too heavy, so they came over and helped.
      I remember small fragments of being at Graham's house, but it was different, and a lot bigger.

    14. Ticketed at Dairy Queen

      by , 05-08-2011 at 03:22 AM
      Non lucid, I did have control over the dream though and it was quite vivid. Don' bother reading the first paragraph it's fairly boring but it's something I need to note.

      The dream started with me driving down a dark road, it was raining outside or at least felt like it was cold. I was smoking a cig driving down the road minding my own business. I suddenly drove by a Dairy Queen I don't remember if there were even any other buildings around it but it was there I saw a friend that I'm trying to avoid in real life through the window, she took a glance at me so I knew she saw me. It meant I had to go in and say hi to her I walk in the back door for employees only, this place is huge for a DQ lol it feels like I walk through 10 different areas or hallways. I was meeting all sorts of people managers, workers, and everyone was friendly and said hi. The manager that I saw in there was the manager of a Carls Jr near my house in real life. I finally came up to the girl I was trying to avoid and said hi to her she wasn't mad like I expected but was very happy to see me. We talked for a moment she asked where I'd been and how I've been. I just shook it off with saying I was ok and asked her how she was. At that moment something interrupted the conversation, I think it was a customer that needed help so she said she had to go.
      When I was about to leave she asked me to hang out with her and go for a run.. I said sure and that second she started sprinting out of the place, I kept up with her until I got outside which is when I saw my cousin Trevor. he wanted to go on a room with us also, so we started running together and the girl suddenly starts to sprint again and gets way the hell in front of us, we were running in a dark park like area with a paved trail about 15 feet wide. My cousin was like damn that girl can run, I was running as fast as I could to keep up but couldn't. I didn't feel tired or anything, but it felt really good to just run full speed. we never ended up catching her and all of the sudden very quickly someone appeared and said I had broke the law and gave me a $300 ticket, it was a voucher like ticket that listed my offences and the amount I owe. The figure told me I had to appear in a court and pay this off right away. The charges were ridiculous, it said I was going over the speed limit running.... and that I had been caught with maryjane on me (lol). The weed charge was a lot less than the speeding charge for some reason :x So I had to navigate my to the stupid court house and pay my fines, I finally got there and there were tons of people standing in an airport like setting waiting in line to pay their tickets. I was comparing tickets with my Cousin and his was only $23 I was pissed. Other people around me had very small charges also. I should have known I was in a dream because the amount I owed kept going up and down, like I was making up for some of it and also accumulating more debt at the same time. That's the end not an exciting dream at all but it was very realistic and vivid while in it, I woke up several times in this dream back into real life but I honestly just needed sleep and didn't feel like trying a DEILD, though I thought about it.

      Updated 05-08-2011 at 06:18 AM by 31830

      memorable , non-lucid
    15. Him

      by , 05-07-2011 at 11:01 PM
      There was this huge line. I was following some friends and we were sort of cutting lines. Anyhow, when we stopped i stood in frond of G. Then he told his friend in dutch, she is standing on me. I turned around because i was astonished, first because he spoke dutch (fact is he is german) and second because he said i was standing on him whereas i wouldn't know how. I said no i am not standing on you I got pushed.

      We were watching a competition of some sort and I was sitting and enjoying it. Then G sat next to me and started to talk to me. I remember I had dry skin so i took out some cream and put it n my face. Afterwards he picked up my cream and looked at it and he touched me cheeks. He said aaaw, your cheeks are so cute and then started to poke them.

      I was at a gas station (the one i stopped at yesterday) and we were walking towards the car. Then we hugged each other and I was a bit cold. He had a black leather jacked and i reached underneath it. I remember feeling the contours of his body, I remembered his well shaped body (and ass.)

      I was at a very uptight school and every on was wearing uniforms. I was with someone who got all freaked out and said that if we didn't leave now we would be late. So we started to move but then she froze and was like, our uniforms were not correct and we had to change but i said that if we did we would not be on time.