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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. video game, card game, chestnuts

      by , 02-23-2011 at 03:39 PM (Sehnsucht)
      Don't remember well today, was woken up harshly.

      I played this videogame, it was like a combination of Mario 64 and Zelda OoT. My hero runs up a stairway in a tower, at the end he faces a very big room filled with lava, he is at the top of it. He jumps down, landing on a piece of wood. Then he jumps on another swimming platform, fighting a being made of jelly. While fighting, my hero was also jelly, and did a move where he jumps up and floats rotating to the enemy, repelling it. A flying, rotating ball of jelly. Yeah.

      Then there was something about duel monster, a friend of mine complained that his deck was not well-built.

      In the last dream, I was on my way to my school, with my family. But I was holding a bunch of chestnuts in my arms, They almost fell down. My brother was annoying me, he threw a chestnut ino my left eye. I had it closed, it didn't hurt, but I got mad at him and tried to throw him down, still with the chestnuts in my arms. After a few attempts the chestnuts fell down, at this point I also realized that my father was yelling at me. I yelled back at him, even had a justified explanation, but can't remember it anymore.
      This dream reminds me of "Why can't I hold all these limes?".
    2. Dresden in the Bathroom

      by , 02-23-2011 at 03:00 PM (Rawracookie's DJ)
      More Dresden premise. I seem to be Harry Dresden. (Molly is his apprentice.) I'm teaching Molly and two young men in an elongated version of my real bathroom. I remember remembering more of the dream before now. Although I'm a wizard, I don't do any magic in the dream. At some point I say to Molly, "Don't worry, Actresses are safe when their masters are dead." No idea why I call her an actress. Maybe because she is acting in my dreamland. I think I am about to do something dangerous. Molly is not amused. I wake up just before my alarm.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. TV, Racist Politics and Muppets

      by , 02-23-2011 at 02:22 PM
      Quite the strange combination, I know...

      23rd of February 2011. Non-lucid, Lucid, Extra Comment

      1) Dreamt of a TV show in which some dude I know was being told by his parents that they wanted him to leave school. The guy was in the actual studio, which for some reason was very reminiscent of the studios of RTL. His parents were at home, and communicating via some a giant screen in the studio (Much like news readers talk to correspondents in the field). His parents were cussing him out, calling him incompetent and weak. I felt really strange at that sight, a mix of feeling sorry for him whilst also deeply enjoying his pain (I used to hate that guy IWL).

      2) Dreamt of some gigantic political ruckus caused by someone who did not want to eat a Milkbreak Biscuit with chocolate filling because he said it reminded him of black people, whom he claimed were lesser beings (Where have we heard that before? He has a moustache, black hair, and could be pretty much always be found with his hand raised...). Stuff gets even weirder as Christian Parties get involved and accused of racism. I begin to realize that the man that made the claims about black people was an actual politician IWL, one that anything but racist.

      3) Short dream filled with muppets making music. But there's something wrong with the muppets. They either have the wrong head attached or they are simply lacking one. One comes up to me and says I'm dreaming, I ignore it. (HOW THE HELL DID I DO THAT?!) Shortly after my alarm goes off and I wake up... Damn...

      Something is screaming in my face that I'm dreaming, and I fail to notice it... That aint cool

      As an extra note, I only write down what I remember of my dreams. The 'racist politician' is a politician too IWL, BUT HE IS NOT A RACIST. Just to make that clear.
    4. Modding a ps2

      by , 02-23-2011 at 01:38 PM
      I was modding my ps2

      god my recall is rubbish
      non-lucid , side notes
    5. Trains and Travel - kissing a DC

      by , 02-23-2011 at 12:53 PM
      23/02/11 I am travelling on trains. Lots of times. we encounter policemen and guards who are supposed to control tickets. We climb to the roofs of the trains in motion to avoid detection. At a certain train station I get left going out of the train to take a breather, twice. I am not a happy bunny. I throw a litter bin onto the tracks in hopes that it gets destroyed as a train will run past it. My ticket is still valid for the next train though.

      I am half asleep. I think about train tracks as I have dreamt of these. Slowly a blurred image of me moving in a vehicle besides train tracks appears. it stabilises. I don't dare take my eyes of the window yet. I need the dream to stabilise a bit more. I finally get a crystal clear image and take a look around. I am in something best described as a very short bus. Except there is no driver. I see that the weather is still grey. I fly out through the window, not breaking the glass. I fly a little upwards and start overtaking cars that break as they see come flying past them. The wind is strong, and I stop up mid air. I get blown back heavily and I get a passing anxiety of falling over and hurting myself until I think otherwise. I think this is going to be cool demonstrating how you can go from heavy momentum to a slow walking speed without any problems, so I do just that. there are now people on the streets and it is sunny. I see a lady walking by n a yellow top with massive breasts. She turns me on a bit and reminds me of the monthly task. I keep walking and ask the first woman I see “hey lady, could I borrow you for a second?” she gets a bit shocked when I kiss her. She asks why I did that and my reply is something as lame as “happy new year”. She decides to follow me and asks if I ever had sex with random travellers, to which I reply that I haven't. She says she has and although she is a bit plumb and I don't really find her attractive I decide why not. We head towards a house and as she is turning slightly around I place my hand on her stomach and slims her down a bit.. I guess she really is a DC then. We try having sex, but I have some blocking and can't get in. I keep trying to focus on her eyes, but soon the dream destabilise.
      Tags: sex, train, travel
      lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    6. marathon woman and zookeeper; water ride and Disney ride

      by , 02-23-2011 at 12:45 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      An old, black woman was running something like a marathon. The woman was overweight. She wore a brightly colored (orange?) skirt and a red t-shirt. She was really having a tough time running the race, but she kept at it.

      At the halfway point, everybody took a break. They sat down in a huge, crowded area of folding chairs. I saw a close-up, like video, of the woman as she stopped at the halfway point. I could tell she was exhausted. When she sat, I could see that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to get up.

      The old woman was now back on the road, getting ready to run again. There were other people out on or near the road, but the woman seemed like the only one who was actually getting ready to run again. She looked afraid, like she didn't think she could make it.

      I went up to the woman. I patted her left arm and told her that she could make it, that all she had to do was keep up her confidence. This seemed to cheer the woman up. I now started running.

      At some point I and a few other racers were in a room like an indoor area at a zoo. We had to cross some zigzag maze-line made out of metal poles and wooden handrails. I jumped up in the air and flew over the maze-line, touching down to and bouncing back off of the handrails with my (right?) hand occasionally.

      The end of the maze-line was the exit to the room. There was a lot of sunlight coming through the doorway. I saw it as if I were flying toward it from a stomach-down position only a few inches above the floor. The doorway wasn't too far from the start of the line. The line just worked itself through the back of the room and then back toward the front.

      As I approached the exit, I kind of lost myself again and passively saw another man getting through the line by running through it. I then tried to imagine how the old woman would get through this line in her tired condition.

      I now had a weird vision of some man standing in the air, up above the line. He was some kind of zookeeper. He had been taking care of some kind of animal, which may actually have been a little, blonde, white boy. But the boy was also some delicate kind of monkey-like animal.

      The man had taken care of the little creature by giving him human books and games to stimulate his mind. But this zookeeper had had to leave the zoo. The next zookeeper just thought of these creatures as animals. So he gave the little creature only toy's you'd give to monkeys. The little creature lost interest in everything and soon died.

      Dream #2

      I was standing out in some area like a seal habitat at a zoo, with a big pool and a stage made to look like a rocky landscape. But this whole area was like a line for a water ride at some theme park.

      I was video-taping everything, including the water hitting my feet, to prove somehow that this was actually a good water ride. In the distance, under an arch of fake rocks, I saw waves rise up and crash together.

      I was then in a big room like a museum. An older man was giving a group of little kids some kind of tour. Apparently this was some kind of museum about old amusement park rides.

      I wandered off by myself and found myself between two rows of mirrors. The mirrors all faced me. They had holographic images on them. I suddenly recognized them as images from the Disneyland haunted house ride. I waited for some face to pop up and surprise me in the hologram. But I also wondered why Disney had taken down the haunted house ride. That was a really fun ride.

      Suddenly a face popped up on a mirror and said "boo!" I acted scared, and I did a fake scream, which sounded a lot more weak and frightened than I'd intended. I looked over and saw that I'd gotten the kids' attention.

      I looked back at the mirrors. A lot of faces were now popping up. The designs on the mirrors were also a lot clearer. One image looked like river stones, except fleshy, like organs.

      At some point a little girl from the group came over to make sure I wasn't really scared. I knelt or reclined and held the girl with my left arm. We watched the mirrors together.
    7. Slippery Track

      by , 02-23-2011 at 12:08 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm riding down this highway with my brother. It's dark, and cold, and it looks like it just started snowing. I as we continued on, I noticed several parked cars that were wrecked on the side of the road. We avoided a pileup, but lost control of the car. We had to dodge oncoming traffic while attempting to regain control of the car. Eventually a car hit us, and it sent us over a bridge. As we plummeted, I took a deep breath for oxygen, and tried to keep my body relaxed as possible so i could take the impact.

      We hit the water, and the car slowly started sinking. My brother got out right away, but I was having troubles with my seat belt. As the water continued filling the car, I decided I had enough time to take enough breath, because the car wasn't full yet. I did, and was able to unbuckle my seat belt. I opened the door, and started swimming to the surface, but woke up before I got there.
      Tags: nightmare
      non-lucid , nightmare
    8. Dream 4 - Food Exile

      by , 02-23-2011 at 12:05 PM (Struggle for Lucidity)
      Dream Lucid Sleep Paralysis Non-Dream/Side notes

      This dream was odd because even when I was awake I didn't realize that I remembered it as a dream. But then I did that thing where you think how you got there and realized it was all a dream.

      I was sat with a group of friends in the school canteen (for any americans that read this, 'cafeteria'), with a row of chairs dividing us. My friend was on a table with a girl she hates (she has reason to) looking all stranded, and my other friend (her boyfriend) was sat on the table with her. On the other side of the wall of chairs was me, my friend's welsh half-brother (or some shit like that) and another friend of mine. There were various other people scattered around as well. I remember having a conversation with my friend's brother (I'm not typing half-brother all the time) about something or other and then I encouraged my friends to move to our side of the chair, away from the people that they hated. Skip forward a few minutes.

      I dropped my food all over the floor and I think I burst out laughing and then some angry lunchlady came over and told me to get out of the canteen (cafeteria).

      I stayed though, and got a second chance. Some more conversation went on (I forgot what was being said) between everybody, and then I dropped my iPod on the floor. I burst out laughing again (I think) and the lunchlady grew muscles or something (I vaguely recall) and dragged me out.

      The sky turned dark, to nighttime. I walked in to a house which seemed to just pop up in the middle of the school and began suiting up or something and then walked back in to the canteen and sat down (it went to day again at this point).

      I remember another dreamlet as well, which was bought on by my non-stop Scrubs marathon over the past few days. JD and elliot were in a banana farm with some rows of neatly cut bushes, and they walked down the banana farm with baskets full of bananas. I was watching it on my PC like I've been watching scrubs recently, which leads me to believe that if I keep trying, reality checks will flood through much like Scrubs has and I'll finally have a second lucid dream.

      I've also added a dream goal in my dream journal to recreate the lunchlady and brutally murder her the next time I become lucid.
    9. The bananna room, and a childhood friend

      by , 02-23-2011 at 10:09 AM
      I met up with justin and his father dave. They seemed excited to see me which I knew was strange, because dave is quite an introverted guy. Very quiet and rarely shows emotions like that. I remember a table sitting some where in the middle of the room. Which at first seems frightening, then calming because I realize its in a familiar place. The warehouse I work at in the produce section near the bananas. I told them both I saw them often at my old job, and wanted to speak to them, but felt a little afraid. They remained friendly and inviting throughout the rest of our conversation.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Psychological muffins, and old friends

      by , 02-23-2011 at 10:05 AM
      I was in someones basement eating dinner. Miranda and Jerry were there. Jerry's hair was bigger then usual, it seemed closer to victors. Miranda starts taking to me about whatever, and Jerry keeps making these absurd but hilarious faces and noises at us. "Do you see what hes doing?" "ahaha oh my god!" I was literally crying because what he was doing was so hilarious. Jerry continued to make us laugh for quite some time. I remember the basement being a mixture of the piano room from unleashed, my aunts basement, and my uncles kitchen in his old house. The owner of the house walked in, I felt like I was intruding at this point. he was big and bald. A heavy feeling of needing to leave washed over me. I got up and started to head up the stairs to leave. I noticed that my old psychology teacher from grade 10 was standing behind me. I walked over to the kitchen sink and saw two muffins caught in the drain. They were both chocolate chip, and looked delicious. I picked one up and asked her "Can I have one of these?" She seemed puzzled saying yes at first, then said she wasnt the owner of the house, and it would be better if I asked him instead. "No no thats okay!" I yelled. I didnt really want them that bad anyway, and he really creeps me out I thought. I thought it was better to avoid as much contact with that person as possible.

      Now Im in the upstairs level of the house, and it now has elements of chris's house. That strong sense of needing to leave still lingered with me. Chris walked over holding his dog, who seemed alot more giant than usual. He put him down and started to hold and hug him on the floor. "You dont need to leave now you know" he said to me softly. By this time, environmental aspects of a show home we once saw while looking for a house awhile back seemed to take place. The feeling of needing to leave vanished because I thought I was now in chris's house.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Soccer field Mcdonalds, and the uninvited guest

      by , 02-23-2011 at 09:54 AM
      I was in a field area that was a mix of tuscany, arbor lake, and silverado. Im buying food from a drive thru mcdonalds in the middle of a field. All I see is the menu sign, it seems to take up my entire field of vision. I dont remember if there was an actual building or not. "hello, welcome to mcdonalds, may I take your order?" I hesitated for a moment, did my friend mike want anything? In an almost panic state I took out my phone and started to dial his number. An overwhelming sense of taking too long started to encumber me. I started thinking to myself, I have little time left to make my decision, so I ordered a big mac meal, small drink, and large fries. I remember thinking that cutting down on the drink size would make my meal a little more health conscious. "Your order comes to $1.99" "Damn fast food is so cheap" I said out loud to myself. Then I thought about going more often if the price of an entire meal is only $1.99. The scene changes. I get a cell call from mike saying that he is at the bus stop not far from me. I realize that I forgot my food at the restaurant pick up window. That thought quickly passes with the fact that my friend literally showed up at my house uninvited. I walk over to bus stop to greet him, mildly annoyed. "Hey mike, we didnt talk about you coming over?" I said puzzled and worried about my dad showing up to take me back to his place, and that there was school tomorrow. "yes we did" he replied. " we talked about it around 4:30 today." "but mike, how is that possible, its only 2:30 pm?" He seemed to drop the subject immediately. "So I bussed all the way down here, and you want me to go home? Ugghh okay atleast Im at my dads house and its close" The day seemed to change from day to night at this point.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Dentist pills, and hallucegenic candy

      by , 02-23-2011 at 09:43 AM
      I got these pills from my dentist to help with my mouth pain from my wisdom teeth surgery infection. The pills were white and had little weed pictures on them. I had jarrett over, and he was telling me about these candy gummies that he got that made you totally trip out. And how there were different kinds with different levels of intensity. At first they seemed like regular candies, but at a closer look they were all covered in theses crystals. I had a strong feeling that jarrett wanted to take my pills that I got from the dentist, it seemed like he was acting how he was back in grade ten. Really needing an escape. I took my pills out of the container, and was holding them all in my hand. Jarrett was describing the effects of his candies further, I suddenly felt like I was holding alot more pills then I originally took out of the container. But I didnt think anything of it. Then I noticed that I took a piece of a gummie, and started to eat it. I felt the effects almost instantly. It felt like sharp fast energy was flowing through my body. It really freaked me out. When I looked back at my hand that was originally holding my weed pills, I noticed a large amount of the lsd gummies has taken their place, but there were still some of the original pills still there. I looked at jarrett, and he has a smirk on his face. I got mad at him for switching the pills on me, and realized that the rest of the pills were slowly transforming in my hand. Now all I had in my hand were gummies.

      I remember kurt telling me about jarrett lashing out and deciding to go out tonight and doing every drug out there. He also told me that his younger brother chris was involved. I saw chris in their kitchen, and tried to convince him to not go out tonight. He seemed very distant, and set on his decision, but I also had a sense that somehow, he had no other choice. I remember feeling very scared that chris was going out to do very harsh drugs with jarrett.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. The concert

      by , 02-23-2011 at 09:31 AM
      Me and shaf were walking down a pathway that seemed to be a mixture of coventry, and macewan. The weather was very mild with sunshine. Then I remember us singing in a heavy metal band, and me holding the final vocal scream perfectly. But, not exactly feeling like I did. Then we jumped over fences located on the same pathway environment as earlier. We were saying how much fun it was
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Getting High

      by , 02-23-2011 at 09:27 AM
      Non Dream

      This dream skips around a little bit, so im going to put spaces between where scenes change

      I was getting high with daniel, and his pot had fantastic effects. His house was located in a combination of MacEwan, the back pathways of coventry, and was still a reasonable distance from my highschool. We got back to his hosue and decided to jam. I knew that I had spare right after lunch, and got excited about having time for the pot to were off, and jamming. Daniel picked up his guitar, and started to play the most amazing music I have honestly ever heard. I was completely blown away. I remember his room looking very similar to wyatts. And the front entrance way to jordans.

      Daniel and I were walking over to his house from getting high, it felt like everything was on fastforward, it gave me such a rush of energy and felt fantastic.

      I had to leave his house to get back to school, and forgot my running shoes. His dad seems familiar when I saw him, but I cant seem to pinpoint why. He was cool with us smoking up.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    15. first WILD (chakra meditation) LD

      by , 02-23-2011 at 08:49 AM
      This entry is being made 1 day late, It should have been made on 22nd Feb 2011.
      I was retrying to get an LD and found out about this certain WILD technique. I tried it and every time the dream scene started I woke up. About 4 times of this, I finally got a short LD recorded below.

      I was with 2 of my employees, I was telling them to put a certain item in the trunk of a car. Now in real life the trunk of that car was almost full, as we had already placed some items in there. As I opened the trunk I found it empty. I said to one of my employees "I told you to put the items here, but not to take them out." Suddenly realization hit me: I must be dreaming. I got too exited at having an LD after such a long time and woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment