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    1. 2015-09-17, 2015-09-16 and 2015-09-15

      by , 09-17-2015 at 10:44 AM
      Now I'm way behind on DJing due to late nights hanging out with our guests and lots of car trips showing them around.

      2015-09-15 very vivid dream
      + I'm walking up the hills in my childhood neighborhood, talking to people, I come across a grocery store meat counter (empty) and I'm saying usually there is meat in there.

      Enter some house and while slightly dark everything is amazingly clear. I'm in a room with two grand pianos right next to each other, and I go "oooh!" at them, I'd love to play them. The owner of the house is clearly a musician, it looks like a music studio room, there are folders of music all around the place. I look down (through a window?) on to an open room a floor below and there is another beautiful grand piano there, and I say "ooooh!" again. I glance out the various windows facing different directions and out of each one I see beautiful views of trees and water in the distance, and say "aaahhh!" at the lovely scenes.

      I'm now down in an large open floor plan area, a kitchen/dining area, there is another piano here (the one I saw from above?), and in the distance I see the realtor scurrying around trying to stay out of my way but also interested in what we think of the place.

      I come to the keyboard and look at it, the keys are very odd, quite thin (like chopsticks) and oddly curved like the teeth of a "Pau'an" alien in Star Wars. I think of trying to play the Beethoven: Sonata "Pathetique" Op. 13 - II. Adagio cantabile movement [which at one point years ago I could actually play all the way through from memory]

      But I can't play it because the keys are too thin, and looking at the keyboard I notice it's not as wide as a normal piano keyboard, either.

      Then the realtor is there with our group and is quoting us a price for renting the house that the owner wants: about $900 per person. One of us says "no, no," that is way too high, for that price we could go to Paris for 3 weeks. I think I wouldn't want to be in Paris for that long.

      The dream ends with me back outside, now DO floating over water, watching two little girls swimming in the water of the Bay, near a rock, just outside the house we were in. I know they are the daughters of the owner of the house. One girl is about 5, and the second one is a toddler swimming with her older sister. I think the salt water might get into their eyes. They are Indian (Asian) ethnicity.

      + (f) (maybe different dream?)
      I'm sitting in some sort of kitchen area working at trying to assemble something on the table in front of me. The owners of the house come by, two Asian women, one of them picks up her keys from a plain set of standalone high shelves, they say something.

      2015-09-16 no recall: fair amount of dream activity, but it all receded just beyond my ability to remember any details.


      + in a parking garage, I'm trying to "reserve" a spot by standing in it, there aren't many cars yet. Outside, a guy becomes aggressive and I have some altercation with him. Later I'm in my apartment and I know he's coming so I go outside to lock my outer 2nd door, and I mistakenly close the outer door and throw the deadbolt (from the outside) and I realize I'm locked outside and the enemy guy approaches. I'm holding my musical instrument which is put together strangely with some sections upside down. I'm trying to reason with this guy despite really not liking him.

      +(f) I'm telling someone where something is. There is a wide mountain/hill range in front of us and I'm gesturing and describing the place as being just on the other side of these hills.

      + "sex" with TZ:
      Spoiler for sort of sexy action:

      + Angband dream! Overhead map view, I was toodling around a map level, decided I should quaff my Enlightenment potion (actual item) to fully map the level and see all items, landed in some "magic dampening" corridor/trap (not in the game), and was reading about a pool of "coagulated" something that produced a scroll that if you read it would boost your mana super high against a particular monster(?). I wondered if there were magic-impairing terrain if there were corresponding melee-impairing terrain for warriors.
    2. #220. Elemental Championships

      by , 09-17-2015 at 04:01 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I'm at some sort of retreat, and I'm on a break outdoors, spending some time by myself. A van with a logo painted on the side stops at the side of the road, and I walk up to ask what's wrong. The driver says that he's making a delivery to the local Co-op, but he can't find it. I look over the hill in a couple of directions, and, as it's a dream, the Co-op appears on the horizon. I point it out to him and he moves on.

      In a hall made of stone from the floor to the ceiling, Dumbledore gives instructions about the tournament. At the beginning of each round, we pick an element, and then we have to use that element in a free-for-all to tag the other players. If you're tagged, you're out of the round.

      I start the first round with a more difficult element that I'm used to (air, I think). I'm mostly focusing on complicated defensive uses of the power, and I'm out of the round fairly quickly. Irritated, I prepare for the second round, bringing up a wall of flame.

      I'm visiting the IT department, and I realize that they actually have a desk for me there. I tell them that I've had a desk upstairs for some time, and that I'm actually leaving the company in a week (in 2013), so they can probably give the desk to someone else. The desk has years-old mail that's been waiting for me, so I start going through it.

      There's a certain type of fight that exists in fiction just to show off how overpowered the major players of a setting are, compared to the main character. This is one of those fights: Maleficent versus Dumbledore. Only... Dumbledore hasn't shown up, and I'm the only one standing in her way. I drop my hands to the side, palms up, and burn with power, until suddenly I'm Maleficent as well. (I have a moment where I go through: wand, wandless, crook staff, staff with bobble on the end—perfect.) I bang the staff into the concrete, sending up a shockwave at my opponent, and twirl the staff around into a ready pose, lime-green light streaming from the tip. Bring it.

      My brother talks me into following him to a pool, but it turns out that once you've entered the pool area, you can never leave. I walk calmly over to one of the glass windows, face it squarely, and punch it. A crack appears in the safety glass. I punch it again, and again, until we're running over the roof of a park canteen/cafeteria to get away.

      I realize that I forgot to post in the class discussion forums this week to get my participation mark (even though the class is over...)

      I've left my glasses somewhere, but I know that searching for them the traditional way in a dream is a lost cause. "Accio, glasses," I say, and they fly into my hand from wherever they were hiding.
    3. Pretty cool lucid dream, though probably boring to read

      by , 09-17-2015 at 03:24 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninõ Casinõ)
      Read only the last 2 paragraphs if you want the part that is not extremely boring.

      I had a vehicle from another dream, I am not sure if it was lucid or not. The vehicle is round and only 1 person fits inside, it has some buttons for flying. and it doesn't have a window. You just sit inside and fly. It goes faster backward and forward, it's a bit slow and has clumsy controls. At least in the 2 dreams I've used it.

      I am not sure how it started, or how I got the flying vehicle, but I just started flying. Then there was this guy in a black suit and black helm on a black bike chasing me or following me. I don't think I was running away from him, he was kind of following me around. I stopped somewhere because there were 5 girls. I wasn't planning to have sex, I don't think I was planning anything, I was just like "hey, girls! Let me take a look" and I was trying to judge them to see who I should take with me. I wasn't clear headed here, I should've known that she wouldn't fit in the vehicle, or maybe I wasn't interested in flying anymore, I don't remember. My vehicle was parked on the side of the road and I think it looked like a bicycle or motorcycle.

      Then the guy in the black suit walked to the vehicle, I think to steal it. Then I got onto the vehicle and raced away. I thought he wouldn't be able to catch up with me but he did. He had a pretty cool bike. So I went up in the air so I could go diagonally whereas he had to follow the asphalt road and go like this _l But he was still too fast so I just went back and forth in this block. So he kept going _l and I went back and forth across this block in a diagonal line. The block was a grass field with trees, probably a picknick site. Then he somehow started flying too.

      This is where it gets weird because I don't remember what he looked like. At the end of this he was a black bird about the size of a large pillow, I don't know what happened to his bike, if he flew with it, or if he flew as a person, I don't remember his shape at all. Just that he was all black (I saw no skin). I tried to fire a magic ball at him and I spent some effort to charge it but I don't think it worked. His name was with a Z and I realized that it was 1 letter short of a bird name. We were fighting but somewhere he became a dead black bird.

      So I took the corpse of the bird, spread the wings and assumed the same position it did and started diving downwards. I did this because I was high in the trees and I always have trouble flying downwards, I actually got very irritated, thinking "awww damn it I am up here again and can't go down", and I find it scary to fly high, so I was afraid that I'd go even higher, which is what always happens. But I was very excited to find out that the bird allowed me to fly downward in an angle. I could feel the wind and the speed was picking up and right before hitting the ground I went back upward, quickly made a backflip-like turn so I wouldn't go back up too high. But I was pretty high above the clouds, and the awesome thing was, I was not scared! And it felt nice and the view was awesome. And somehow I could fly properly now without the bird so I looked around to see where I should go and I went to a water theme park. I didn't do anything there and it ended. I felt like I gained some flying skills when I woke up = D

      The dream lasted about 15 minutes I think.

      I had 2 boring non lucids which I wrote down on my phone in order to get better at recalling dreams but I won't write them down here and delete them from my phone.

      Thank you for reading!
    4. 20-25 minute lucid dream. Please read if you love boredom.

      by , 09-17-2015 at 02:56 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninõ Casinõ)
      I repeated this mantra before sleeping: "If I see a girl I am inside a dream" Which makes a lot of sense because it's been that way for a while...

      You might be wondering why I include insignificant details, I do that to improve my recall. I feel like every detail I record adds some experience/skill points.

      The night before last night:
      I don't remember how or when I became lucid. I remember it as though I was lucid from the start. It was not very vivid (it was like a room lighted by a fairly weak light source, but not exactly) and I was not very lucid. (With lucid I mean clear headed/self-aware/knowing that I am dreaming and can do anything I want) Some people would call it half lucid. The dream lasted about 20-25 minutes I'd guess though it may be about 30 minutes.

      I was just walking around at first and remembered to not get excited and just breathe, try to be aware of things, clear headed, and remain lucid for as long as possible. Which is my only real dream goal, even though I have things I want to do, for now I just want to improve the stability and length of my dreams. But ofcourse I'll kiss/hug a girl (or have sex) if I see one or I'll fly/use magic if I need to/feel like it.

      About 3-5 times in this dream I felt it slipping away (I don't remember why) and I was going between FA and the dream. I was able to will myself back into the dream by relaxing, breathing and somehow immersing my mind in the dream landscape or my dream body.

      So in my half-lucidity I forget my objective and just went looking for a girl. I found her in a big house/inn/restaurant, she had non-volumunious blonde hair (I don't remember what style), fairly small green eyes, she was a bit shorter than me and didn't smile much (0/1/2 times) and it was explained or I somehow knew that she was the girl who accompanied lucid dreamers. Not as an escort, but just as friendly company. We walked around a bit, not doing much. 2 Or 3 times she somehow disappeared. Once we were wearing coats and when it wasn't so cold anymore we took them off and when I took her coat off she wasn't in it anymore. Weird. I found her back, and one other time she just walked away. She also didn't talk and seemed to be bored :P We sometimes held hands.

      I went outside and saw a fight going on between some people. I don't know how I spotted the bad guys. I tried teleporting but that didn't work so I ran toward them. I threw some small projectiles, I had 3 or 4 sharp objects but I don't think they were knives. I concentrated to aim and throw hard but I missed all throws. I don't remember how the transition happened, suddenly I was fighting 2 hollowified Ichigo's (different forms). So I tried charging a Getsuga Tenshou (from Bleach) and I thought "if I see any red around the sword I'll shoot it" and I didn't get any red. But I swinged my sword anyway and somehow even without the red it did some damage. They had some long weapon or long white thing and I attacked that with 4-5 Getsuga's and somehow it did enough damage and I felt like I won and the dream ended. I think their weapon cracked open a bit. I don't remember carrying a sword either, I was just swinging my arms. Dreams are weird...

      A nonlucid dream that night was with waterslides, it was boring and I don't recall it clearly.

      Another ND where I saw something in the distance, momentarily the treetops seemed to become purpleish and/or change shape to show some eyes. Me and someone else got closer and it was an invisble monster but I somehow decided it was Metalgreymon, about house-sized. Then it sort of become less invisible, like when you see the outlines of something camouflaged. I don't remember much from this either.

      Another ND where my aunt had made some tasty foods and asked if I wanted to take some home and I liked it but I was a little shy so I said no.

      Another ND where some police was telling kids about a thief and that they should watch out for it. And maybe they can catch the thief when they grow up.

      Another ND with a girl I had a crush on last summer. I tried to make some jokes and catch her smiling, because her smile was what I liked so much about her, but she didn't laugh.

      From now on I won't record these boring ND's, it's not worth it.
    5. #115 - dream fragments

      by , 09-16-2015 at 11:15 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      -I remember mountains in my first dream
      -The second dream had like 4 stages of something... I can barely remember more than that. Some fat guy walks past me in a room that I was sitting down in.

      Had massive trouble recalling these dreams, I managed to recall that last one 5 times because I kept forgetting it. It was honestly pretty brutal trying to recall my dreams for some reason.

      Had tried out a new 'technique' which didn't work, I don't think it's the kind of technique I'm compatible with. It was something along the lines of falling asleep while thinking about something new you wanted to do in a lucid dream, something that really excited you. One try isn't enough to fairly decide but I just can't see this as something that would work for m
    6. Dark Room with Girl; College-High School, Drunk, Stoned Orgy, and a Fight

      by , 09-16-2015 at 05:47 PM
      Dream 1

      I was with a girl in a really dark place. I was trying to type in the password to her computer, and I figured it out. Also there was a mansion somewhere, with a huge atrium. That's all I remember.

      Dream 2

      I was in college high school, where it was sort of like high school in that everything was in one building, but it was also like college in that everyone could choose to go to class at different times or not at all. I remember one of the people I went to high school with (he was also possibly a nazi, but he didn't really do much as one). After one of our classes together, he invited me to go smoke weed with him and his buddies. I said yeah. He gave me his number and said he would give me more details about it later. I then started walking to a town farther than my weed-buddy's condo (i think it was one). It was downtown of a town, and there were lots of stores and crap there. There was also a big tower that looked like the one in Seattle. Eventually, my weed-buddy texted me back to be there at five. I realized I had a class at that time and said I'd be there anyway.

      I remember it almost being five and walking back to his condo. I went in and found him in the lobby or something. There were a few girls with him (one of them from my college hall irl, I'll call her V). We all went up to our friend's place after talking a bit and started smoking weed and drinking a bit of alcohol (possibly). Later on, we all started talking about having sex (in an orgy). Soon, we did have an orgy, but I never took my pants off. I then started 69ing V, with my pants still not off.... Later, after the sex, we went to a party in a lounge, and I told someone I never had a girl touch me. Then a girl with glasses and a blonde ponytail said she would give me a handjob, and she did. It felt good.

      Later at this party, there were a shit ton of people. Everyone got drunk and we all started playing that game where the floor is hot lava, and we were jumping on couches and what-not. After the party was over the next morning, I needed to find my school stuff, and I asked a guy where it was. He responded with hostile remarks and said that "I wasn't good at 'floor-lava.'" I then became semi-lucid for a few seconds and said "die." I threw a couch at him, and he flew away from being hit by a couch. I was sucked back into the dream, forgetting it was a dream, and was transported to the principle's office. I was telling him about the incident. The end.
    7. Why Am I Carrying That Around?

      by , 09-16-2015 at 04:38 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)

      A bedroom

      I wake lying on my side, which is uncommon. I am greeted by three zombies scratching toward me. Ugh, not this. With a gesture I push them away. The room is lit by one long window opposite me, so the zombies are only in silhouette. They obey my command, turn and walk at an orderly pace toward the window. There is a shelf below the window and the zombies climb on it and sit, like a row dolls. Further away, I command. They crawl out the window and out of sight.

      There's not much else to tell about the room. The window is covered by a sheer white curtain that lets in filtered light. I compel the sun to rise outside and the window gets brighter but it doesn't improve the ambient lighting in the room much. How about some better company? A woman appears on that same shelf in front of the window, again in silhouette. I notice her long legs most prominently. She begins to walk toward me, but she looks like just a shadow. A bit uncertain, The Dreaming shudders. My lucidity slips and time skips.

      Another bedroom

      Now I am in a different bedroom, but still lying on my side. The light is a bit better here. I make out some furniture. It seems like a child's bedroom. The window has moved to the wall at my feet and there is a door to at the head behind me. Through the door I hear my mother and sister. I groan. I should have stuck with the zombies. I roll out of bed and through the door, which opens to a dining area and kitchen.

      A kitchen

      There are my mother and sister. My sister is panicking and arguing, as she always does. My mother is making excuses and casting blame, as she always does. I have trod this corner of my psyche much too often. And while I don't like it, I've learned not to fight it. My sister is my Self-Righteousness. My mother is my Cowardice. It does nothing to fight them, as it only fuels their insidiousness. Instead I have learned to counter them by cultivating their opposite positive forces: Empathy and Courage. But I am no saint, so often the best I can muster is Apathy.

      Their bickering is briefly interrupted by a woman who seems to be the owner of this home. We are guests visiting from out of town. The woman is middle-aged and has two kids. She explains that it is time for their family to go, but we three should stay and look after the house. They will be gone a few days. I intuit that the reason we are visiting is so that we will all attend a big party, like a reunion. The woman and her kids leave. Mother and sister resume bickering.

      Time skips ahead another day. My sister brings in the mail, which includes some thank you cards with photos from an event.

      "Look at the times on the photos!" My sister gripes. "This was yesterday. They went to the event without us!"

      "No! We didn't know!" The mother retorts. "The WiFi was off and we couldn't see the date."

      "Maybe they don't like us and they ditched us." I offer, partly with sarcasm, but also an invitation to look inward for the reason. "Or maybe it's our fault that we didn't know to drive separate yesterday." Not wanting to say or hear more, I return to the bedroom and lay down.

      A bedroom

      The family returns. There is commotion in the next room, but I don't catch all of it. More about the WiFi is all I hear. My sister enters and hands me my wallet and Social Security card. "We need to get ready to leave," she orders. I put them in my pocket but maybe they get lost in the bed sheets. I find it odd that I would be carrying around my Social Security card.

      Then the two kids enter. A girl and a boy. This must be their room. The girl looks at me through the headboard, which is a metal frame with narrow vertical bars. "Is this your bed?" The girl asks. Before I can say anything, she teases, "If it is, AT&T must not like you because you've only got three bars!"

      I look at the bars of the bedframe. Indeed, many of them are broken or gone. I look to my sister and ask "Wasn't this your bed a long time ago?" trying to move the conversation to something light. The bed reminds me of her old daybed and I suppose it to be a hand-me-down we have given to this other family.

      "Yes" my sister replies and she goes on talking with the kids about who-knows-what.

      I roll out of the bed, careful to refind my wallet and Social Security card which fits in a little sleeve. I wonder about what the girl said. I get bars but why AT&T? They don't make beds. Beds. Bars. Oh, bars like signal strength bars. I turn to her: "I just got that. Three bars."

      She gives me a goofy face, as if to say "Duh" and turns back away. What a brat. It was a mildly coherent joke and occasionally dream characters surprise me with their wit so I do try to acknowledge them when they do. I could do without this girl's sass though. Oh well. Nothing to get bothered about.

      I turn to the boy, who is the younger sibling and sits of the floor playing with a toy. He is quiet. I form no other opinion about him, but can say that "quiet" is a good trait for a child.

      The dream is fading. My sister gives me a look like "It's time to go." I double check my wallet and Social Security card. I still wonder, Why am I carrying that around?

      I always qualify that I am not really a Freudian but I think it's interesting to look at it from that point of view. The symbolism of my mother and sister is nothing new, nor is my detached reaction to it. The stuff about Self-Righteousness and Cowardice come from years of introspection, not spontaneous to this dream. The idea of signal strength and WiFi/network failing is a recurring dreamsign. I'm not sure exactly what to attribute it to. Maybe my level of lucidity? Maybe. The SS card is new. I suggest it might symbolize this near-useless baggage about my family and younger life that I don't need to carry around any more. It is part of my past but it is an identity that I no longer relate to and would prefer to leave it behind.
    8. No Situation is Bad

      by , 09-16-2015 at 02:16 PM
      We are all hanging out together my cousins their wives and a few friends. We are in a doctors surgery and Tim is the doctor. They are all hung over badly including the doctor except me and maybe Tim's wife. I am kinda bored of all the jokes about feeling sick when all of a sudden another person rushes out to the toilet to vomit. Everyone laughs. Seeing that there is not much happening I decide to do some spiritual practice quietly. I fold up one of the cushions on the bed feeling its softness and the way it is not folding exactly as I want to make it higher so I can sit well. I feel the feminine support of Tim's wife and I guess the fact that we both think it is ridiculas because we both don't drink. I start practicing and I can here the first chant in my mind. It is so beautiful and my perception changes. They are all my friends again no difference between us no judgement just happiness like it always is with cousins. I start teasing them asking them would they like a pint of cowshit to drink or a cup of grease with black heads in it. They like this and surprisingly nobody gets directly sick as I say it . I could see pint of cow shit filling and the cup of grease as I said them. My sisters used to tease me like this when I was small on time when I was sick !
    9. Epic Beach Dream

      by , 09-16-2015 at 02:13 PM
      Epic Beach Dream

      Came out of small natural room onto beach. Funny looking thing almost floating on top of hip-high flat rock on beach..

      I say "That prooves this world was once Heaven!" because that is the last heavenly creature to remain here with us.


      Emoo Emoo Emoo (Emu) pronounced eeem-you

      A lady emu being amorously chased, down the beach, by another, then another, then .. maby 20 hopeful male emoos running behind a "lady emoo". Then tall sand dunes happened. It was the lady emoo's magic, to lose the unwelcome train of suitors, and settle down with the Lead eemyou. Only he will father her young.


      Let me tell you of an interview
      with an Old Man Emu

      He's got a beak and feathers and things
      But the poor old fella ain't got no wings

      Aren't you jealous of the wedge-tailed eagle - Um-ba-da-lip-ida-da-da

      While the eagle's flyin' round and round I keep my two feet firmly on the ground

      Now I can't fly but I'm tellin' you, I can run the pants off a kangaroo
      Ba-da-doo-doo, da-doo-doo-doo, doo-da-do-do, doo-doo

      He can't fly but I'm tellin' you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo

      Well he was the model for the fifty cents - Um-ba-da-lip-ida-da-da
      The designer should have had more sense - Um-ba-da-lip-ida-da-da

      If you take a look it'll prove to you (ha-ha-ha-ha), I ran the pants off that kangaroo
      Ba-da-doo-doo, da-doo-doo-doo, doo-da-do-do, doo-doo

      Take a look, it'll prove to you, he ran the pants off the kangaroo

      You can't loop the loop like a cockatoo - Um-ba-da-lip-ida-da-da
      Swoop and toss like an albatross - Um-ba-da-lip-ida-da-da

      You silly gallah, I'm better by far, than a white cockatoo or a budgerigar
      They squeak and squawk and try to talk, why me and them's like cheese and chalk
      Ba-da-doo-doo, da-doo-doo-doo, doo-da-do-do, doo-doo

      He can't fly but I'm tellin' you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo

      Well the last time I saw Old Man Emu - Um-ba-da-lip-ida-da-da
      He was chasing a female he knew- Um-ba-da-lip-ida-da-da

      As he shot past I heard him say
      She can't fly but I'm tellin' you, she can run the pants off a kangaroo

      Ba-da-doo-doo, da-doo-doo-doo, do-da-do-do, doo-doo

      She can't fly but I'm tellin' you, she can run the pants off a kangaroo
      Well there is a moral to this ditty - Um-ba-da-lip-ida-da-da-acapo



      Some time in the dream I was giving an emu bits of bread. Oh, no, I was giving the funny flat wavy animal on the hip-high flat rock the bits of bread--- then "it" turned into an emoo. BUt it rumbled at me ●like an Ancient Casawarry●. ODD?

      This is a Casawarry rumbling


      Here is AMAZING Youtube of Magestic Ancient dinosaur "Raptor" (Casawarry) on our sacred dream-beach (maybe?)


      Under the Youtube (below)

      Southern Cassowaries (Casuarius casuarius) at Etty Bay, Queensland, Australia

      EpochCatcher*6,502 views

      Published on Apr 14, 2014

      The southern cassowary is one of Australia's most endangered animals, and it only lives in the mysterious, prehistoric rainforests of Far North Queensland. Due to habitat loss, road building, and feral animals consuming their eggs, only 1,500 to 2,500 wild cassowaries remain. They are very rare, but in Etty Bay, they are frequently sighted. Because the Etty Bay cassowaries are accustomed to people, they are not nearly as aggressive as other wild cassowaries.

      Song credit (royalty free):*
      "Willow and the Light" Kevin MacLeod

      Listen to the haunting music accompanying the beach Casawarry's


      ♥(3:13) 6,502 views
    10. Double date gone bad

      by , 09-16-2015 at 12:00 PM
      My husband and I were planning to do a double date with people who in my dream (not in real life) were my mother and a new stepfather but who seemed around our age too.

      First of all we rented the Kayaks. But we forgot to ask my mother and stepfather whether they were available to go out with us. When we arrived to pick them up, they were just leaving for a date just the two of them, but graciously my stepfather suggested that we go through with our plan despite no notice because we clearly went through so much effort plus being a new stepfather he wanted to get to know me and for me to like him.

      Then we forgot where we were going but since it was a park that they had recommended, my stepfather remembered.

      Somehow though my mother wound up tied up and wrapped up and among the luggage. She was furious when we untied her. My stepfather still wanted to salvage the double date but there was no way given how furious she was.
    11. Tag all in Yin(2B) + DILD

      by , 09-16-2015 at 12:42 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself in my father room seeing the video game called tomb raider playing. I decided to stop watching and get off the bed to see my brother not too far. Before I could ask him anything the room got a bit darker and I could tell someone else wasn't too far from me. I turn around and could see a boy in a dark blue hoodie walking about with no a type of mask. I look to my brother direction and ask him could he see this child as his attention appear to remain focus on me. He replies with a no, this made me question myself. I started saying I must be hallucinating as my body began getting a weird sensation. Suddenly I got push out of my dream body but someone who also appear to be me. My mother looking to be asleep then appear out of thin air and was sitting in a chair at the back of the room. This other me knocks her to the floor before I could regain control of the dream body. My mother irriated had awoken and tells my brother to leave me on the floor as they both walk away. I wake up soon after.
    12. Super powered argument with... my future kid ?

      by , 09-15-2015 at 11:38 PM (My Lucid Dreams)
      So I've been trying out DEILD again
      This time I feel I've got a better way to learn it though
      Dunno wtf is up with me and premature awakenings lately... Also I got lazy and waited till this afternoon to journal it so my record sucks :/

      Lucidity: 6/10
      Control: 6/10
      Vivacity: 8/10

      I'm unsure of what the first part of the dream was about, or why I became lucid... but I do a finger counting RC and become lucid. I'm in front of a park, behind a tall, black metal fence. By my side is a redhead girl, she's got her hair in a pony tail. In front of me is a kid jumping up and down the fence, sticking some kind of small high tech device onto the fence. He gives me a familiar impression... like he was my kid or my past self, or something. I try to talk to him but he keeps sticking those things on the fence... so, using a small blast of telekinesis, I shoot them off. He starts flying around and I say,
      "I can fly too, you know!"
      And I start using my (now usual) technique to fly a bit; I can't do it nearly as well as I would like to, however. I was planning on catching him in flight but it seems like that won't happen so as I struggle to fly, I throw my hand towards him and blast him into a tree with telekinesis. I land onto the fence and there, I prepare for a good fight. With both of my hands I do a waving motion at my hip's height, creating some fire which burns around my arms.
      But before I can do anything else, off course, I wake up.

      Updated 09-15-2015 at 11:42 PM by 57825

    13. The Day 'Out'

      by , 09-15-2015 at 08:40 PM
      #3 ["Silly Teases"] ["The Other Glass"] ~Non-Lucid~ (My dream came true -excuse the pun)

      Uptown of a City - My brother and I were strolling in a misshapen city, occupied by 'enough' people. It was possibly between the hours of 12:00 P.M and 5:00 P.M, clouds were clearly present. My brother was engaging in discourse, but oddly with no one. I thought that rather strange, but suddenly I felt the heat on my face from the sun, distracting me from the thought. A skip in recall occurs here.

      Upscale Restaurant - Me and my brother were now in a well-to-do resturant, dress rather appropriate for the decorum. He was ordering two large glasses of high-quality fruit juice - this was well within the normal behavior of my brother. He proceed to taste the juice and it was to his liking - very much so that he urged me to try it. I recall him uttering: "This juice is top-notch, one the best".
      Now I was giddy at the thought on tasting it. However, no waiter was in sight. After much time, I was desperate to try it. So I got up and as I had done so I glimpsed upon a waiter near the doors of which entering, brings you into the kitchen.
      I began walking in that direction, but stupidly the waiter began walking toward the kitchen doors. So I ran after him even going so far as to shout "Stop!" perhaps annoying every bourgeois elitist bastard there. I needed to taste that juice, however rather unfortunate the waiter crossed into the kitchen. And as I opened the kitchen doors my recall ends, though I didn't wake in actual life.

      (I used expressive language, but I believed I stayed true to my recall. This dream was irritating.)
    14. White Fury

      by , 09-15-2015 at 08:38 PM (Nyctophilia)
      I stood in the dirt-floored traces of a wooden barn. There are stables all around me and a high ceiling which may surely be infested with bats amass. I stood in simple dark clothing, as I remember. There were chains around me, binding my arms and holding my wrists to my chest. My feet were weighed down with shackles, the rattling of the chains was incredibly loud.

      Behind me was a large brown horse, one whom I am familiar with in real life. One belonging to a dear friend. Yet, behold, in front of me there was a powerful white horse, one whom I have never met. There is steam pouring from the nostrils of the hoofed beast, and there is the presence of another friend whom I know in the waking world. I am given the concept that he has trained this horse to fight and it intends to kill the horse behind me and will stop at nothing to complete this. Even if that includes tearing me apart.

      The horse storms forward and I struggle in place. However, just in the instant before death, I rip the chains from me like paper, miraculously. The horse rouses on its hindlegs and I deliver a strong blow with my fist to its underbelly, knocking it down. I look back to observe the brown damsel-of-a-horse which I have saved from the snow-furred fury. To heartbreak, I find no one behind me. Not even tracks in the dirt below; only the still doors of empty stables.
    15. #219. Smoke

      by , 09-15-2015 at 06:31 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      It's about five in the morning. The early morning sun shines onto the gravel of the parking lot, casting long shadows.

      My brother and I sitting in a car. I'm in the driver's seat, but the car is parked, and the two of us are just looking at the houses on the street over.

      There's some kind of argument, and idly, I imagine a spark near one of the houses.

      Suddenly, there's smoke billowing from the windows of the house closest to the spark. Good job, me, bringing innocent bystanders into our argument.

      I jump out of the car, shouting "Come on!"

      My brother follows me to the house. I ring the doorbell twice -- come on, come on -- and a sleepy-looking woman answers the door.

      I point out the billowing smoke, and she thanks me for my concern but tells me that's it's normal.


      Later, I'm with my mom and brother visiting someone.

      "We should get back home," I tell my mom, looking at the approaching storm.

      The thunderstorm approaches at the speed of a semi truck, the first pellets of heavy rain hitting the ground in a continuous wave.

      "Too late," says my mom, and we duck to the floor of the room (which is on the top of the house) and I'm holding up a floor mat to try to shield us both from the mud splattering into the room.