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    1. The Rain Dog

      by , 09-11-2018 at 05:37 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm in my car with someone else driving it. I'm somewhat worried about the noise my car is making as it's moving as it sounds like the suspension is creaking. We are headed downtown to go to some kind of bar, but there is a lot of traffic. We squeeze through the tight street and weaving through the pedestrians crossing before finally getting to our destination and parking in a parking garage. We enter the building and make our way downstairs. There are checkpoints along the way that we're supposed to stop at and have barriers blocking the way, but we just hurdle them and keep going. Once we're downstairs, It feels more like a Biolife donation center than anything else. We are all waiting for a seat to be available, when people start bringing around drinks. Apparently, it's a sample of wine and it's brought out in a large chilled mug but very thick, so that the diameter of the actual volume to hold the wine is only an inch or so wide. It tastes really good though and I feel like having more. We leave the building soon after this, taking the same route back out. Later, I'm outside my house in the rain when I see a dog limping. It's soaked from the rain and looking for shelter. I run back home telling it to follow me so that I can grab a towel. I run to the garage to find an old towel and run back to find the dog sitting patiently at the front door. I let it in and start drying it off.
      Tags: car, dog, traffic, wine
    2. Club Rioting

      by , 09-11-2018 at 05:29 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm in a club with friends and many other people. For some reason, I get into an argument with some other people on the floor above me and I start yelling at them. Eventually, I start a riot with everyone gathered around and they all begin fighting. I walk away as this is occurring and leave the club. The way back out is through a small restaurant which is completely empty except for the bouncer who says goodbye to me as I pass by. When I exit onto the street, I realize this it's one of the clubs that I know, but the exit is on the wrong side.
      Tags: club, night, riot
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Lucid Chain, Flew Again! - September 11

      , 09-11-2018 at 04:00 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 11 2018

      I had two long and detailed NLs during the night, but after waking from each one, I couldn't remember anything*; I was pretty disappointed at my recall. It was around 4 in the morning and I had time to sleep in, at least until around 6:40. I decided to make the best of it. I got up and walked around, did some relaxation and tried to WILD for a bit with no luck. Finally I repeated my mantra only twice and went directly to sleep.

      I had a long non-lucid in my childhood home. It was night and I was in the kitchen, looking out the window. I could see a huge field outside. My dad was there, and we were planning something (resistance?). Scene transitions to a more brightly lit room, I have a toy typewriter that types in a brownish color on a clear sheet of glass or plastic; possibly the letters are cookies. I type "how to get rid of giant crickets" and think about cockroaches briefly (fear/loathing of these is starting to become a dreamsign). I think we were fighting against giant crickets in the dark house. I walk from the living room into a long kitchen area. It reminds me of the Oculus Touch VR demo I played about a year ago (with the little robot guy with the cartridges). There's a little kid sitting to the left of the kitchen where I enter; he's sitting and looking at some complicated instruments, similar to a plane or helicopter. However I get the understanding that they're for a car. I teach him about the controls and explain what they're all for. He's doubtful in his abilities and I reassure him.

      The scene shifts and the kid and I are in an airplane with the same controls. There may be another DC kid sitting there. I'm telling him to pull up, pull up, pull up! because we're flying really low almost touching an interstate highrise. Finally we're rolling on the ground, the wheels are touching the cement rails/guards on either side of the thing, I say pull up goddammit! He finally does and we're flying again.

      Scene transitions and I'm flying on my own, with just my body. Waves of pleasant vibrations are washing over my body and I feel the rushing sensation of the air. I become lucid! I look at my hands to confirm and then look around, and put my hands in a superman pose. I shoot forward! The sensation was insane. I fly for a little longer and then approach another bridge, veering up to avoid hitting it, but slowing down as I consider landing on it. For some reason I hesitate and doubt my ability to land effectively; the dream doesn't destabilize but I remember that I wanted to try spinning in a dream.

      I spin counterclockwise, flapping my arms side to control my motion as if I'm trying to spin while swimming. The scene fades and I feel a new one being created although I don't see anything yet. I feel myself sort of fall into a pool of water. I'm in a secluded watery area. All around me there are reddish metal walls with seams and rivets. To the left there's more of an open area. I touch the wall and look closely at the rivets. I walk along the permiter of the wall to my right and then along the wall in front of me, and arrive at a tree with a thin trunk (maybe 6 inches diameter). I can't see any leaves or branches, and the trunk is straight with smooth bark, making me think it's a palm. I try to write my initials on the bark and I can't really see them show up, but I can see them fade (I guess because my fingers were wet?). I remember my coin totem and try to summon it from my pocket. I reach into my left pocket and there's nothing there, but I pretend there is. I pretend to flip the coin with my left hand, nonverbally making the "sheeeeen" sound that it makes when it flips. I catch it in my left palm and slap it onto the back of my right hand, and after a second I feel it there! I move my hand and there it is, looking exactly as it does in real life, except for some fake-looking black rust spots (this could have been because I found an obnoxious amount of mold on my provalone last night). I look at it for a bit, excited that I could actually summon an item from waking life. Unfortunately I forgot the entire purpose of it, to rub it for stabilization. Oh well, there's always next time. Also this whole scene exhibited a huge degree of detail and solidity compared to the flying scene, possibly because I formed it/entered it while already lucid rather than being a preexisting dream. Also, I think that in this area I was in, there was a cover of some kind.

      I walk the perimeter to the open area (to the left of where I initially was). I look to the raised area with some pebbles and trees/bushes in sort of a garden. The walls here look like red brick, and there's no cover above, I can see sunlight clearly. I look at a bush and see a doe walk out! She's in perfect detail, and is beautiful. Then she lifts a leg and pees on the bush. I laugh and
      wake up. As I'm waking up, I realize that there was beautiful, soothing music playing at this place, and I'm able to sort of recapture and hold on to it; then I realize that the music was formed partly by my fiancee's breathing.

      *Note: I haven't been keeping a physical DJ on days when my fiancee is working. She's a light sleeper, so the scratching of the pen on paper sometimes wakes her up and she doesn't get enough sleep on working days anyway.
    4. Comic Strip Strangeness

      by , 09-11-2018 at 03:11 PM
      Morning of September 11, 2018. Tuesday.

      Reading time: 1 min 6 sec. Readability score: 63.

      I still had traces of the flu during this period. Vestibular system correlation took on a rather odd form in the otherwise typical transition, an atypical combination of internal and projected awareness. I was semi-lucid but did not maintain focus.

      I enter the world of Barney Google and Snuffy Smith by liminal intent. Snuffy has a daughter of about my youngest daughter’s age. Snuffy’s daughter (fictitious as relevant to the real comic strip) walks through a doorway and my dream shifts rather than the doorway association serving as an exit. I then realize it is my daughter standing in the room in real life, but I shift back into the dream state.

      Now I am viewing a Hi and Lois comic strip. It features Chip and an unknown girl (partially based on a real comic strip I had just seen previously - see image). They are riding a subway. The girl is on Chip’s left, so this is a typical rendering modeling (in real time) of how I am sleeping with Zsuzsanna with her on my left. On the left of my view of the comic strip are a few odd sketchy characters with stop signs for heads (though otherwise drawn like a Hi and Lois character).

      The surreal comic strip is a result of my ongoing semi-lucid thoughts. Eventually, within a larger version of the comic strip, is an insert displaying the external movement of a real subway (like the film of a passing train, although I view its side as if from above). I say “look at that,” (even though the preconscious avatar is not visibly present) and wake slowly, feeling the illusory movement in my body.

      Updated 09-22-2018 at 11:14 AM by 1390

    5. The Internship

      by , 09-10-2018 at 07:53 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm sitting at a table with Trump and Clinton discussing the possibilities of an internship for me. They seem really excited about it and so am I. The pay in the Washington D.C. area is apparently 200 bucks an hour which I am stunned by. Before walking off, Trump gives me a fist bump and I follow a woman to where I will be working. She navigates through many hallways and finally reaches my work area. Apparently, it's with a game developer company that makes arcade games. All the games look really new and fun to play.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Waffles and a Drink

      by , 09-10-2018 at 07:50 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm in a bar/ restaurant looking to get some food. Apparently, they have really good waffles which they have displayed everywhere. I also see a strange combination of hollow waffle with molten nacho cheese on the inside. I order some waffles and sit down at a table . I had also ordered a drink form another place that resembled a Starbucks, but it had yet to be brought out to me. I walk over to the Starbucks about to ask where my drink is at when I see a wait list. Apparently, they're pretty backed up and they haven't gotten to my order yet. Eventually they do call my name and I get my drink.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Nonlucids - September 10

      , 09-10-2018 at 07:40 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 10 2018

      I tried to remember my dreams by color coding them in order of ROY G BIV.
      Red -- I memorized the letters MC, for both Minecraft and Main Character (don't remember why for this part). I vividly remember being on a sort of platformer stage made up of blocks. I was walking back and forth and talking to DCs, but walking a thin line either way as I did it. Finally I jumped too far and one of the blocks gave out. I almost fell but somehow "reset" myself. I remember there being cliffs behind me and some long grass or vines/ivy. The sky or "background" was orange.

      Blue -- don't remember, but remember I tried to associate it with something.
    8. Lucid and Flew - September 9

      , 09-10-2018 at 07:39 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 9 2018

      I was walking through a large paved road which felt like a walkway through a large park. It was a sunny morning or afternoon. The lawns on either side were lined with large oaks with twisting branches. There were passerby walking in either direction. Suddenly I became lucid and started running! I looked back and saw a DC. I turned around fully again, expecting to see a coworker from one of my college jobs*, and she was there! I was running backwards at this point to let her catch up, but for some reason couldn't stop or change directions, and instead had to run backwards, slower. When I reached her I made some conversation about the fact that I was dreaming, and she seemed thrilled. I took her hand and we started running together. We passed a few trucks (possibly ice cream trucks or food trucks) and signs, and I was able to read them clearly. I asked her whether she had ever flown before, and she responded that she hadn't, all she had ever done was float. I told her that that was a good start and we lifted off.

      I can feel the wind on my face and body and we're still holding hands (platonically). We weren't doing superman poses or anything specifically to indicate that we were flying, just setting my intention on a direction and going there. It was a great sensation. The oaks stretched even farther up now, and I bobbed and weaved through the twisted outstretched branches. I had a few near misses but overall had pretty good control.

      I decided to go higher than the trees and went skyward. At which point I could see in the top of my field of vision three or four wooden planks arranged like ceiling blade fans. I passed above the planks and at that point there were flat planes rushing past us. I looked down at my hands and while still holding my coworker's hands, I pushed my finger through my palm -- I felt some resistance at first but asserted "I'm dreaming" and was able to do it. Then I felt the dream stabilize a bit.

      As I looked back up, I saw that it was approaching dusk with a sunset in front of us. Underneath was a large wooden building with multiple levels with wraparound balconies. It reminded me of the restaurant I worked at for a while. I approached it and landed on the roof (it may have just been me at this point). I saw a small shack/building on the roof. Upon further examination it looks similar to a dollhouse made of craft wood -- I can clearly see the seems and the semi-gloss finish on the wood. The dream
      fades quickly.

      Note: I woke up from this dream at 6am on my left side.

      Summary of other NLs:
      I'm in a kitchen by a white door with glass panes near the head and the foot. The house reminds me of a classmate from my high school band's house. There were multiple locks that were complicated and kind of hard to turn. Once I turned them, my anonymous DC sidekick switched some small levers which had clear writing on them in a row. There is a silhouette outlined in the door and I think what lies behind it is a dark garage. I have a serious talk with my DC sidekick. We open the door and go through, and pass through the dark garage (felt ominous, there were other silent DCs there).

      I'm in a garden/walkway with a girl. We look up and see bright flashing in the clouds above. It takes a triangluar shape and turns into a spaceship with clear writing on it (reminded me for some reason of the writing on a bus or van). We run over hill after hill and past trees to keep seeing it. Each time we get it back into our field of vision it's more detailed. Finally we see that there is a ledge on the back of it and there are giant women sitting there. They send down some smaller but still giant women who fire beams at us. We run in the opposite direction and become extremely cartoon-like in our actions. I fuse with her and our arms and chest start spinning; there are now two copies of me, one driving the process and one fused with her. We fire beams back at the giants chasing us as we run down a dirt path in the garden. This dream repeats twice or thrice featuring different versions (ages, genders, ethnicities, other factors changed) of both me and the girl. Very vivid and very surreal.

      I'm at a store getting various items (I remember some onion bread buns in a bag that I got IWL from Walmart). I get some impulse items that I know my fiancee will be mad at me about. It's a pretty long dream as I go down the aisles. Finally I go down the clearance/general/jam aisle, where I find a stack of fresh papers. Underneath the papers I find some that I've drawn on (during my visit or my past several visits). I try to consolidate them as they're spaced out between blank pages. Someone passes me in the aisle and notices one full-color one I've done, I look up and say it's nothing, then look back down and it's even more polished and is the cover to a small booklet or magazine (maybe a doujin). I consolidate them all and tuck them into the bottom for safe keeping.

      I'm in a large bathroom with long white counters and four or five sinks stretching out to the right and left, separated by double doors. I'm at the sink closest to the door on the right counter. The stalls are behind us. There are some middle-aged men holding bags and placing their miscellany on the counters, it looks like stuff you would get in those cap-balls from the 25 cent machines (where you turn the handle). Mixed in are brass gears and writing utensils.

      *With my ability to summon DCs, it seems like I pretty much pick them at random; I haven't thought about these people in years but for some reason my lucid mind thinks "Gee, I would love to see X random acquanitance." I suspect that as I get better about remembering dream goals and incorporating my awareness of waking life, I'll be able to make more logical/planned decisions within my lucids.
    9. Dream - Struggles Ahoy & Dr. Volt's Practice

      by , 09-10-2018 at 12:22 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 10 SEP - 2018

      Dream No. 420 - Separated Sections

      Dream 420 A - Struggles Ahoy
      I don’t remember how this dream started. From where I do remember, I was at a completely unknown area and the composition of the first scene almost made no sense. There were these two middle-aged women that claimed to be the school nurses but they were doing something completely different in this dream. These nurses claimed that they were trying to help me, by the command of my parents, get a grip on my fear of lifts… But I didn’t see how they were helping me at all.

      They were being really mean, yelling at me and forcing me to go into one even though I wasn’t ready. I kept trying to fight them but the nurses would get meaner and meaner. At one point, they almost pushed me into a lift but I fiercely fought back and thankfully didn’t end up in there. In my mind, I was fuming, thinking to myself, “Where’s the actual good help from 18-Volt?” but in the actual dream itself, I mentioned nothing of him… I was too busy fighting off the nurses the whole time

      In a later scene, I was in this unknown but beautiful grassed area, like it was just on the edge of some forest. I was apparently with some other group on a school on a school camp but I forgot specifically what was going on. One of the girls resembled the appearance of someone I knew from my high school bur at the same time, it wasn’t her. The girl was talking to me about stuff and I said that I would show her something as a base on proving myself with a certain concept.

      I then started calling out for Dreamy WB. Unfortunately though, there was no response. At first I though, “Oh, she’ll come”, but after nothing happened a few times, this was becoming concerning… There wasn’t even a perception of energy around. I decided to integrate a few sentences into the calling process, specifically stating what I needed her for. Still, this didn’t work.

      Weirdly now, the girl was becoming really nasty with a really violent look in her eye. I could see around the place that the other people walking around had a slashed scar on their hand. I asked the girl what this was about and this is where instead of answering me, she grew to look worse. I thought to myself now, “I’d better be staying away from this girl, she’s dangerous”. No matter though how much I tried to avoid her, she would always stick with me.

      My calls for Dreamy WB still weren’t working one bit and so I was getting extremely worried and absolutely freaked out. I noticed that the girl had some sharp plastic instrument into her hand was getting concernedly closer and closer to me… I would back away but she would just get closer. Then, when she was close enough, she made a move and stabbed me in the hand! I felt like screaming but I didn’t. Instead I gasped and saw the huge line scar now developing on my hand… Now I know where it came from. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 420 B - Dr. Volt's Practice
      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was walking with my mum into a house that acted as a clinic. When we stepped inside I told her that this guy would definitely help her to relieve the symptoms that she had. I said to her, “You’ll see mum, Dr. Volt is very good at what he does. I mean, although it costs $239 for a consultation, it’s worth it, you’ll be coming back less often than if you were to see someone else”.

      Then 18-Volt (I will call him Dr. Volt in this dream) came to call my mum in, he was in his WarioWare Gold appearance. While they were still outside in the vicinity of the waiting room, Dr. Volt had some of this powdered substance in a spoon as a well as a capsule and a glass of water and fed these things to my mum. Then she followed him into his consultation room where I believed he was going to be giving her some kind of massage.

      In the next scene of this dream. I was in a supposedly distorted version of Eastland Shopping Centre, in the undercover car park. The escalators to the shops had stopped working and so I decided to help all these people reach the shops so they didn’t have to go a different way. I walked up the non-moving escalator (travelator) and when I got to the top of it I pushed my hand against the rails and this actually made it move for a short while.

      I did this lots of times to get all the people up. Once everyone was on the same level as me, I worked from the bottom of the next escalator to get them up to the level of the shops. I then turned my attention back to the lower escalator and as I thought more people wanted to come up, it was actually all these weird objects. After a while of dealing with these weird objects, the dream ended.

      Dream Tasks
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have all members on the dream guide team obtain and apply knowledge on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No)

      - Start the dream off with a dream guide already present (Achieved? No)

      Dream 420: Results (Competition #7)

      420 A

      Competition Night: 9
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      420 B
      Competition Night: 9
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: 18-Volt
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 7.5
      Calculation Details:
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
      - Have A Dream Guide Automatically Appear (0.5)
      - 5-Day Recall Chain (5.0)

      + Previous Total: 34.5
      Total Accumulated Points: 42.0
    10. Dream - Too Quiet Then Too Loud

      by , 09-10-2018 at 12:15 PM
      Date of Dream: SUN 9 SEP - 2018

      Dream No. 419 - Too Quiet Then Too Loud

      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was back in some sort of a primary school class but the teacher was no one I had in real life. It was craft time and I remember decorating something with all of this shaker glitter. The colours I decided to use were pink, gold and green. I can’t remember what the specific item was though.

      The next scene took place at my old house. Apparently my grandfather had just passed away and my family were supposed to be leaving for his so called “memorial service” at 1:00 PM. I had a few things that I still had to do though, I still wasn’t ready. The guy that was the funeral director was standing at the front door along with my brother; my brother looked impatient and the funeral director either looked bored or like he couldn’t care about life.

      I ended up walking to the bathroom but I didn’t flick the light switch just yet. I was worried that the fan was going to come on as well and it was going to be loud. As I got seated onto the toilet bowl in the dark, I whispered, “18-Volt...”, then flicking the switch. Whispering to 18-Volt must have worked as the light switched on but the fan didn’t… Which I thought was somewhat odd though because they were both connected to the same switch.

      There was this set of knobs on the wall next to me and apparently one of the knobs would adjust the volume of the fan. I decided to turn the knob to see what would happen and then this visible white fan was placed behind me and when it started spinning, it was loud as heck. I got myself up as quick as I could and ran out of there.

      I then went back to the front door of the house but my family still had to wait as I had to put my shoes on. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream Tasks
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have all members on the dream guide team obtain and apply knowledge on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No)


      - Start the dream off with a dream guide already present (Achieved? No)

      Dream 419: Results (Competition #7)
      Competition Night: 8
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 1.0
      Calculation Details:
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)

      + Previous Total: 33.5
      Total Accumulated Points: 34.5
    11. Dangerous Lake

      by , 09-10-2018 at 11:36 AM
      Morning of September 10, 2018. Monday.

      Reading time: 1 min. Readability score: 63.

      Natural melatonin is still present during my last dream of the sleep cycle, and I am still recovering from residual flu, so water induction is rendered as a lake with problematic associations.

      I am locked in an undesirable scenario that features villains trying to recover weapons and explosives from the lake. (This likely relates to my immune system and natural melatonin as associated with being an antioxidant and probably the glymphatic system, which operates as such during sleep.) I get the impression they will take over an entire town or state soon if they succeed.

      I stop most of them with a rifle. One man seems to have a bulletproof vest, as he is not affected by being shot. However, a sea serpent gets him from behind. I attach a naval mine to one villain, which pulls him down to the center of the lake. I push some villains back into the lake, and they do not resurface.

      In the last scene, there is one villain left who climbs down a big hill. There is a smaller naval mine on shore. He blows himself up as soon as he tries to move it.

      On one level, I can sense my anticipation as related to my subliminal awareness of being in the dream state (as is often the case) and the ability to manipulate my dream’s outcome. It is not the same as lucidity as I am not viably aware I am dreaming. (Lucidity and dream control are independent of each other, despite popular misconception.)

    12. xxxvi.

      by , 09-10-2018 at 11:03 AM
      Non-dream stuff - woke up only at roughly 10:20 again and had to answer the door as well. Was having a weird non-lucid, but quite many details lost.

      In the first half of this sequence there were twisty roads down a forested mountain; it was a pine forest. Then I remember seeing a digital map, with a few roads going to a specific place that was being highlighted.

      Then I remember me and my partner were in the car but I could see through third-person view and we were getting on a motorway suspended over the ocean and we were speeding; there was at least one truck and a few other cars as we got on the motorway and then it sort of curved for a little bit, before we started going quite fast and the road went straight again, and it turned into aggressive ups and downs (with inclinations greater than 40 degrees). It was night and in the distance there was a sunset, in the horizon, where the road seemed to go.

      Then, a cavernous-like place, with dim red light, this was where the map was highlighting before; this was like some nexus point between dimensions, and there were some creatures that chased me, or perhaps more accurately followed me, since they weren't energetically chasing after me. At the end there was a room. A mostly square room, with a skylight, and a door that shut behind me, which I remember looking at; it was a wooden door and it had 3 things like badges or medals hanging off it. I remember they were a dark blue colour.

      The skylight took up a large area of the ceiling and some sort of daylight came through, as if it was a cloudy day. This room was the actual nexus, it was somehow implied to me during the dream. Then next to where I was in the room, there was a counter to the right and on it was a miniature dresser, and on that, a black cat's head. The head was alive, simply disembodied, and spoke or something. But the cat was mean somehow, and for some reason I remember rubbing my elbow on the cat's face, watching it do those amusing faces when cats don't like something.

      Some part of the dream related to this nexus repeated itself.

      • Because I remember so little detail, the most impressive thing from the dream was perhaps the room with the skylight.
      • There were only two doors in that room, one being the one I entered from, and another being on the wall to the left. While the room was square or rectangular, it had a sort of cut at the far right corner, like for a pillar.
      • There were other things atop that counter the cat was also on, but I can't remember them. The middle of the room was empty, as I remember seeing most of the daylight on the floor.
      • I'm not sure what the (waking) context is for this room and its contents. The cat head is probably the most bizarre thing I've dreamed recently, and simply because I have no context whatsoever for its appearance.
      • The context of the suspended motorway and the roads is probably from playing a bit of Fallout last night. I always like the suspended highway lanes in the game universe.
      • The cavern's context is probably also from last night, because the last thing I did in the game was go around hunting Deathclaws, which usually live in highly radiated areas, and sometimes dark caves.
      • The pine forest reminds me of the greatwood forest I saw when I was in California some years ago.
    13. 18-09-09 College

      by , 09-10-2018 at 12:53 AM
      I was in a corridor of what appeared to be an office building, making out with a REDACTED sex doll. The doll was very advanced and had a weak form of AI. More of a robot than a doll. I quickly hid her under a table because I knew the people who worked in the office would return.

      In another scene, I was with a bunch of college students. I was doing front flips (I could never do that in real life). Not far away, a band of college cheerleaders were practicing. At some point, I asked one of the guys where to find 'building F'. I had to be there for class, I guess. I went outside and saw that it was night. I started flying. My powers weren't fully developed yet, but enough for me to show off by flying low over people's heads (sigh). I glided down a hill and found a large bear cage. Well, more like 'bear habitat'. Like in a big zoo. I flew above it, and landed on a tree inside the habitat. Only then did I notice the bear. My powers weren't strong enough yet and I didn't trust my ability to fly up out of there. I felt a little stuck.
    14. 18-09-08 Russian Nuclear Attack

      by , 09-10-2018 at 12:45 AM
      I saw multiple mushroom clouds on the horizon. I felt the usual terror. I ran inside and saw a strategic map of the world on TV (news broadcast). Multiple missiles were flying back and forth. Russia was one of the aggressors (I was hoping they weren't). Even when surrounded by detonations, I still hoped it wasn't Russia. They have thousands of nukes and if they fired them it'd surely mean the end of civilization.

      I'm going to start labeling 'outbreak of nuclear war' dreams as 'nightmares'.
    15. Annoying guy

      by , 09-09-2018 at 10:18 PM
      Annoying guy

      I had a school’s project with a guy that had a crush on me which I didn’t like. At all. We needed to get some information and needed to ask different people that was working in skyscrapers. In the elevator the guy was talking endlessly about our future and how he wanted us to live and such. Me on the other hand was very uninterested in what he had to say and was barely paying any attention to him. When we finished the interview with the people and we took the elevator to get to the first floor from being on like the twenty fifth or something. There were seats so we were sitting down and he would try to lean his head on my shoulder which I didn’t appreciated at all. I didn’t wanted to touch him and I didn’t want him to touch me somehow so I poked his head with a pen. All he did was mumbling something about how much he loved me and he was sure I felt the same. That’s when I had enough and went to my childhood friend and asked her if we could be in the same group so I could kick out the guy. But instead of joining me, my friend changed her partner instead so I got hers. I was very disappointed and went with this other girl who seemed to be a perfect match to the guy.

      Note: Must say I was deeply annoyied during the dream. This guy that was my classmate, would talk about us, like there even were an "US" to begin with, every time he got the chance to speak with me alone. This would go on for around 5 years. Still haven't had my chance to reject him tho.

      Updated 09-09-2018 at 10:24 PM by 95361

      non-lucid , nightmare