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    1. I had my first lucid dream with just my second night with mild!!!

      by , 05-31-2024 at 03:21 PM
      I had a dream where I was suddenly running home from school like usual and at first I just thought I wasn't dreaming out of nowhere then I suddenly realized I was dreaming but I didn't let the awareness hit me yet then I let the awareness sink in and said a second time I was dreaming then I randomly helded on to this random girl who had red and black strips on her clothes and I felt her body then I woke up in a false awakening and saw a video on Youtube Shorts saying Kurumi sacrifice vs Sukuna but I was kinda semi lucid in the false awakening because I tried to use dream control to make Kurumi give me a handjob but I woke up for real this time.
    2. bad recall.

      by , 05-30-2024 at 01:41 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I remember barely anything over the past couple of days.

      2 dreams from the night before.

      both were of Jamie talking to a fake version of me. Can't remember what the fake me was saying but I remember Jamie saying, "No Robert! Doing that would break us up I'm not going to do that!" Is she referring to using my temptations via the voice, to explore her temptations? I won't say much but that's what's been happening.. not only do we have fake voices in our heads telling lies. now there's fake me and Jamie... in our dreams doing the same thing. The struggle is real. Well hopefully by now, we've learned our lesson, NOT to entertain the very thing she was warned about from my dreams...

      Last night

      Where is it?

      I was walking in a different town with a group of people. I kept seeing a sign for a piano store or something. It existed in a large shopping building. I had trouble navigating the place trying to find the store but got thrown out by security from accidentally entering a VIP area. I went in through another section and found the store. My memory fades after.

      Where is she?

      I was in the mall again. with a bunch of people. There was this place with a high tile ceiling. something happened to the roof and one section of the tiles fell. The rest of the ceiling was going to give way. I climbed up some corner to escape by the ceiling. I sat there looking at the people below wondering why they weren't leaving the room from the imminent danger. And where was Jamie, and how come I hadn't seen her in a dream in so long? This got me upset. "Come back Jamie." I said to myself and started crying. (My sad emotions are like 100x in dreams) I was almost expecting her to enter the room then, but I didn't want her to see me like this so I went further into the tunnel and woke up.
    3. Dream Journal Day 51: Night of Wednesday 22.05.2024

      by , 05-28-2024 at 01:16 AM
      I'm travelling through the Underground with my boyfriend (?). We cross a metallic grey, wide passage, leading from a tunnel to the escalators. White lights beam down from the ceiling and reflect off the walls. I walk behind him as we step onto the escalator. His broad back in front of me makes me feel safe.

      Later, I am with some friends, still in the same Underground station. We step off and escalator and walk through a short tunnel towards the platform entrance. I get a shock as we enter - almost the whole platform has crumbled away, leaving narrow irregular ledges that cling to the wall, bricks sticking out here and there below. We hold close to the wall as we inch along the platform, finding our footing with difficulty. I'm terrified of falling onto the tracks.

      Then I am in class, but not in a classroom. There's another, similarly dilapidated platform that we are inching along, murky water lapping almost up to the edge. I reach an unstable part with nowhere to place my feet - the next ledge is too far of a leap, and I know that the nearest foothold won't hold me. It's too small. I can't bear the thought of touching that water, so I crouch down against the wall in despair and refuse to move.
    4. Trying again

      by , 05-27-2024 at 04:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Been praying for lucids lately every night. It's starting to work. Also will be working in Cochrane for over a week with a friend. Hope it doesn't disrupt my usual routine.

      Lucid 1

      Was walking around in olds, but everything was slightly different when I became randomly lucid. I was in an alley and wanted to find Jamie. I saw 3 bikes. One looked like it might be a motorbike. Started riding it but had to pedal. Turned onto a main street and immediately saw Jamie coming my way on a bicycle. She was looking down .

      " Hey Jamie, do you really ride motorbikes? I had a lucid years ago where you were on one. "

      She stopped and recognized me. We were suddenly walking in a school hallway. A blond girl was coming our way. Jamie recognized her. Her eyes went really wide. She stopped the girl and said, "hey, you were in my dream. I'll tell you about it later." The girl just walked on.

      " Is that your Girlfriend?!?!?" I asked excited.

      "She's not my girlfriend..." Jamie said sounding pissed.

      " But, you and her.... Right? I saw that look, I know what it means."

      We were now in a locker room. Jamie started crying to herself. She became a white robot with a round head. The face was just a LED display for the eyes. She put her face in her hands weeping

      "What's wrong?," I asked.

      "I'm okay... I just think I'm on my... My... My . P."

      "You'll be okay." I said cutting her off. " I think there's a healing spring by your dream home. You wanna go there?"

      " Really?" She asked, " okay."

      Before we could go
      I woke up.

      [B][Lucid 2[/B]

      I was in a Wal Mart parking lot when I suddenly became lucid. I wanted to find Jamie again and thought I could take a car. A strange vehicle pulled up. Just two car seats and two car wheels driving itself. I picked that one and it started moving. I remembered that counting made my lucids longer so I tried it. Immediately my vision stretched... I panicked and woke up.


      I was at some job with my family. No one was there suddenly. I got in my car. Didn't turn it on and it just started rolling downhill.


      Sex dream with Jamie... She was being mean saying she wanted to break up or something. " That's not me, Robert." The real Jamie pushed through a phantom one that vanished. Jamie looked flustered at what just happened.

      That happens with the head voice too. Other voices interfere. Her voice kept requesting lots of prayers. I can see why.
      Tags: car, jamie, robot
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. WTF

      by , 05-27-2024 at 03:35 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I had an entire entry for my dream journal and it didn't post. Wasn't saved in my history. I am NOT typing them again. Will try again tomorrow....
    6. 25-05-26 Yet Another Escape

      by , 05-26-2024 at 09:33 PM
      "Escape" seems like the theme of the week. Once again, we're a group of people, and we need to escape from somewhere before another group of hostiles arrive who would take us all prisoner. The others all managed to evacuate before they arrived, but I didn't. The "bad guys" (who were just people, dressed normally, just hostile to us for some reason) kind of congregated around me, interrogated me, investigated the area where we were holed up, but eventually they got distracted talking to each other. I used the distracted to walk to the exit unnoticed, then bolt outside. I found myself on a beach area (was I on a ship before?) and thinking I was probably safe surrounded by so many people. They'd never take me in such a public place. I took off into vertical flight, and gained some altitude. Transitioning into horizontal flight, I decided to head to the place we had previously designated as our rendezvous point in case we got separated. However, I struggled to keep altitude. I lost altitude until I was just a meter or so above the water surface. Sticking out my arm downwards (still traveling at fairly high speed), I could actually feel the water. I tried to regain altitude by sort of wriggling my body upwards, but it wouldn't work.
      Tags: escape, flight, flying
    7. 25-05-25 Telling Classroom of DCs they're DCs

      by , 05-26-2024 at 09:17 PM
      I'm in a narrow street of a major city. There are small restaurants everywhere. Sushi, pizza, street food generally. I think I already had a degree of lucidity because I remember seeing the foods advertised, thinking "that's a lot of calories", and also thinking I could eat it without consequence because this was a dream anyway. At one point I approached a place that sold candy. I decided to use mind control to force the DC shop owner to hand me a particular piece of candy from the counter. At first, he refused my command, incredulous that I would even make such a demand for free candy. I repeated the command, louder this time. I repeated it again and again like a mantra, until my voice became booming and deafening, and the DC was forced into obeying.

      In the next scene I found myself in what I think was a classroom. The scene had shifted without my input so clearly my lucidity and control weren't 100% and I was still mostly along for the ride. I think I was the teacher. The students, all sat in their seats facing me, were in their late teens. I started telling them that this was a dream. I went into detail. This was my dream, they were my DCs, figments/aspects of my subconscious, and if I were to wake up they would cease to exist. I told them that they were created in my image, just the way I was created in God's. Some demanded evidence. I demonstrated my powers by sticking my arm into a wall. Then, walking into a classroom wall (phasing), moving behind some of them, sticking my arm out of the wall, and tapping them on the shoulder. That surprised them! Their reactions to my "lesson" were interesting. Some went into denial. Some became visibly depressed, as they seemed to accept something they'd always known but chose to repress. Tragically, their fears of nonexistence came true as I eventually woke up, and their very existence became nothing more than a vague memory to me.
    8. May 26, 2024 11:3? am

      by , 05-26-2024 at 10:57 AM
      Yesterday I pulled a muscle in my upper back and chest area after I was breathing and running while making an unexpected movement and now I can barely move my upper body area.

      idk how it relates to the dream but it's definitely limiting my movements in bed.

      Anyways in my dream I was married to someone who strangely looks an awful lot like a family friend, and we had a child. I had recently updated my MacBook (like I did in the wake world) and installed Adobe Photoshop on it and it was actually working. Meanwhile my wife and some other dude are fighting over some sleeping music to play for our baby. I put a Mega Man Star Force meme over their conversation and was searching for the option to export the file as a MOV in Photoshop so that I could post it to my meme page, but changed my mind. Meanwhile I play the sleeping music in question out of curiosity, at some point my wife storms into the room in lingerie, teasingly calling me out for putting on the sleeping music and gets in bed with me. For whatever reason the guy she was arguing with was there too in the room who found it amusing too that I was playing that music and told the longest freaking anecdote about him listening to the Brein/BAF disclaimer music and a bouncer of the club recognising the sound but the guy refused to say his name to which the bouncer charged him extra entry money for gatekeeping. The guy then started an argument with the bouncer and the people in the queue started getting pissed off as well. It then turned out that the guy from the disclaimer music in question was actually performing in the club.

      I then woke up.

      smh bruhhhh my wife and I were waiting for you to leave so we could've had sex! Yet the thing I was more disappointed about in my dream was when I woke up and realised my updated MacBook Pro doesn't have Photoshop or any Adobe software on it :')

      Dream was in Dutch.
    9. Dream Journal Day 50: Night of Tuesday 21.05.2024

      by , 05-24-2024 at 10:24 PM
      A fruitful night.


      I'm at school, wandering around, up and down stairs, through empty corridors. No-one is around. All the stairways and passages seem much longer than usual.

      I stop on a huge landing at the bottom of the stairs, at ground floor level. The wall to outside is a large expanse of glass, shimmering panes from floor to ceiling. Outside is a raised platform paved with gravel, walled in to the left by another glassy extension to the building while the other two sides face into the open air.

      A girl comes up the stairs from the basement and pauses when she sees me on the landing. She is in uniform - a younger girl - and has a ponytail of bushy, light brown hair. We talk although I can't remember what about. Then she turns to the windows and says, boldly, "I'm going to go out on to the balcony!". I gasp. The balcony is off-limits to students because it gives a clear view into the staff room (the other room on the left) and we are not supposed to see in there. She pushes open a door in the glass and purposefully walks out. I feel terrified that she'll be caught. Suddenly, my perspective shifts: I'm on the other side of the staff room, where there is no balcony, standing slightly below the ground floor level and looking in. I see, through blue glass, rows of desks with computers and chairs. I am shocked to see that the room is completely empty.

      Later, I am in a brightly lit hallway on the top floor. Although there are no windows I feel very high up. I walk with another girl, who says she wants to find a bathroom - I know her, she is somewhat tall and has long blonde hair. The bathrooms are along this hallway. She says she doesn't like those tiny narrow cubicles, and prefers the wide ones, so I direct her towards one bathroom which has a few larger cubicles. She ignores me and enters the one next door, only to find every cubicle occupied. Annoyed, she returns, and we go in. It is a very bright and spacious room with white tile up the walls. We pass the sinks and turn the corner to see a row of five large cubicles, and several smaller ones opposite. A few are occupied - I see curly hair over the top of a door - but some are open, and she enters one. I hang about outside, waiting, leaning against the wall.


      The sun beams down on us as I cycle, with a group of others, around a gorgeous flower field. Just as I become aware of myself, I see I am crossing a broad flat wooden bridge - though no water in sight - and I look up. We are cycling over a 'path' of slightly flattened and crushed grass, which runs all round at the edge of the huge oval-shaped field. Long grasses are waving and among them crowd pink, purple, blue, red and yellow wildflowers, small, tall, pretty. The air has a sweet grassy smell and the sun shines down warmly, making the whole field glimmer. I think how it's been so long since I last cycled, but it's true that you really don't forget - it feels so free and easy, flying over the grass on my bike. Another girl passes me, lightning-fast and scarily close, causing me to lose my balance and veer over to the fence around the wide edge of the path.

      I stop right by the fence and put one foot on the ground. Here is dark green, cool and shady, with climbing and overhanging foliage winding around and above the fence and the trees outside it. The fence is white and curvy, two running rails with periodic posts sticking into the ground. Ivy clambers over it and obscures much of the metalwork from view. I lean over and see a deep, muddy ditch on the other side. I'm taking a moment to rest when another cyclist - a boy this time - comes barreling up the path and almost crashes into me. He stops himself at the last minute and proceeds to angrily yell at me: "Stop by the fence, idiot!" I cry back indignantly, "This is the fence! Can't you see?". He flushes red and rapidly takes off again.

      I resume cycling, though stop regularly by the fence. At one point, I look over it and see rushing water. Its calming sound washes over me as I pan my gaze across the field.


      School again. I am in French class, in our little room at the top of the main building. We are all chatting and gossiping with the French teacher as we often do. I start telling her about when I saw into the staff room and it was empty - and I see her expression growing almost murderous...


      Leaving my house, on a rather grey day, I turn to see one of the neighborhood cats sitting in the street a little further up. He's a friendly black cat (and very fluffy) so I head over to say hello. I crouch down to stroke him, and he stands, turning his head towards me while raising his fluffy tail in the air - exactly like a picture of him my dad sent me last week.

      Really happy with these dreams - it's rare that I remember so many. And cat! I love dreaming about cats.

      It's starting to get really quiet around here so I hope all the people who haven't been online recently will be back soon. I'm missing having everyone's DJs to read
    10. RIP

      by , 05-24-2024 at 03:20 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I don't know if any old-school dreamviews members are still around. But, I regret to inform you all that former DV member: Cacophony (Chloe Rose) has passed away from stage 4 cancer. I used to interact with her a lot on DV maybe 2009'ish? She leaves behind a young daughter. Kind of hit me hard today for an hour or so... anyone younger than me or in my age group when they pass... I count myself lucky. We attempted to share dreams for a short stint. She did tell me I actually dreamed of something she did in waking life, she said hoped my strange skill takes me places.

      Also, Possible Jamie sighting again. I was in olds, had to take a detour and while turning caught a girl in a maroon car beaming at me. Hair tied back or in braids. Face: familiar. It was hard to tell because it was only a split second. Hard to tell because when it comes to Jamie, The universe likes to fuck me in the ass... literally.

      Anyway dreams.

      New girlfriend

      I'm with Jamie at a highschool. She somehow convinces me to get a new girlfriend or something. It's some slightly chubby girl. later we are "going out." I kiss her goodbye at the end of the school day. The kiss doesn't feel right at all... but I say as I'm walking away. "Goodbye my girlfriend!". She just stares at me dumbfounded or something. I walk away with Jamie and say, "She didn't even respond." Jamie said, "She's not the right one then."


      I'm going from a top floor of a large building to downstairs through a series of rooms set up like an obstacle course. I breeze through most of it pretty easy. On one floor the memorable part was running into two cheetahs. They were really friendly though.


      some dream about a new job or something. can't remember.

      Almost lucid

      I was with Jamie somewhere... had a False Awakening. I was in a bedroom that felt like it was mine. There was some obscure music playing. it sounded like Classic rock, but with grunge. I remember thinking the song was annoying. Then it stopped and I heard a radio guy talking. It sounded like Gibbrish and then it ended. Saw a weird panting on the wall. It kept changing shape. I was about to be lucid but woke up.


      Me and Jamie are walking in a white area, By a wall there's a 3 foot high troll... it's female with blond hair but a wierd face. Jamie says, "Hey, I think that might be your girlfriend." I stop and ask the troll, "Who is your boyfriend?" The troll I think is going to point at me but it points to the floor between my feet. I took it as a Yes and picked up the troll to give her a hug.

      FA, The troll is on top of my in my bed. I jump up in shock and it makes me wake up for real.

      Why is Jamie trying to get me a new, "Girlfriend." in dreams. I already have Asuka, and Jamie... Is she testing telepathy again trying to make me say a key phrase? Well STOP it. I'm not an experimaent... Kinda miss the affecionate dreams.
    11. Dream Journal Day 49: Night of Monday 20.05.2024

      by , 05-23-2024 at 12:55 PM
      From a station somewhat close to my house (about 20 mins on foot) I take a train to see my friend. The platform extends out from under a tunnel of square white arches, and it's bright with daylight, but everything seems to get darker and narrower once I step onto the train and the doors close.

      I get off at 'Westminster' after a half-hour ride*. Her house isn't far - next thing I'm there. It's much larger than her real house. She opens a huge black front door to let me in and we walk through a long, high hallway to the kitchen and dining room at the end. After a bit of chatter I open the fridge as if it's my house and rummage through to see what we could have for dinner. Chicken and chips, I suggest - and ice cream. 'Ice cream?' she repeats sceptically. 'Well,' I reply, a little embarrassed, 'I guess we don't need that.'

      We make dinner and proceed with plates down another long, white corridor, into a vast and bare living room. The ceiling is double height and the walls are panelled and painted white. There is a white sofa in the middle of the room and a TV against the opposite wall. (Seriously this is all - IRL her house is a MESS) We settle down to watch together, chatting meanwhile.

      I can't remember our conversation, though I recall it was interesting. Later, I leave, heading through yet another winding corridor through this maze of a house back to the front door (now, it's white). She unlatches the door and pulls it open for me as I step out into the dark chill night. I take the train home again - it's dark and eerily quiet - and finally shut my own front door behind me with a sigh.

      I remember, later on, my mum appearing to rant at me about how I can't just keep coming and going from my friend's house every week. I ignore her.

      *This is not where she lives, nor can you get there from the station where I was - besides, I always walk to her house.
    12. May 22, 2024 10:1? am

      by , 05-22-2024 at 09:53 AM
      I was watching this scene from the Belgian TV show Samson & Gert where the two meet in an apartment full of single beds and couches with Gert's girlfriend who looks like Mr Bean's date while she's studying. Her roommate walks in and strikes a conversation with Gert while she sneaks out of her own apartment. Gert is hinting at Samson to talk with the other dogs. Meanwhile I'm watching them interact while multiple people sit on the couch with me. This girl in particular borrows my phone charger and tries talking to me while I vaguely and shortly respond because I was focused on the Samson & Gert situation. She then leaves and passive aggressively points out my lack of enthusiasm of talking to her, expressing she was looking forward to getting to know me better. As I look at her, I start to realise she's pretty cute and tell her we can have a proper talk along with some drinks together, which she rejects before leaving. As I sit down, a girl from theatre school whom I did a magician act with once, comforts me. As I walk people home, I come across another theatre school classmate who asks me if I can return the backpack to the theatre school classmate who's student dorm I visited once. As I walk through the apartment complex, I hear about the student's campaign to raise funds and awareness for special "sleeve phones" that Spanish businessmen use apparently as they are shown talking to their jacket sleeves.

      It's late at night, I Google some bus rides to Utrecht as I'm around Southern Amsterdam and the classmate gives me a message while talking to me like it's therapy. I struggle to maintain proper balance as he keeps massaging me. He whispers something to me, "uncontrollable" or something and I wake up feeling a little seasick and nauseous.
    13. Bad recall

      by , 05-20-2024 at 04:16 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Had some issues sleeping the past few nights. But I had one fragment.

      Had a rough day with Jamie's ( voice) today...

      Forgot to mention last entry. I had two fragments of Jamie practicing hairstyles on a dummy or something.


      I was in a classroom or library with Jamie. There was a large white computer tower or something. It was really sleek, like a ps5 . Jamie went over to touch it.

      Last fragment was something about asuka and Jamie in my house.
      Tags: asuka, jamie
      non-lucid , side notes
    14. 24-05-19 Escape, Flying Away w. Soundtrack

      by , 05-19-2024 at 10:03 PM
      I was in a bizarre place. A series of rooms, hallways and stairways, but with an open ceiling so you could see the sky. I was with multiple other people, all trying to escape. I think we had to pass the same area multiple times, but in a different "cycle" so it would look slightly different every time, with traps in different places, obstacles moved slightly, etc. In the final cycle, entire parts of the floor turned to lava. I think one of the guys I was with was Ed Harris? We went up a stone spiral staircase, and reached the exit. By this point, I had gained a subconscious awareness that this was a dream, and that the plot had come to an end. But not full lucidity. I started flying, going straight up and looking down. From a respectable altitude, I could see all the landmarks we'd previously visited during our escape. There were strange, orb-shaped luminescent structures. I think it was a bit misty, too. There was a rousing, inspiring soundtrack playing as I ascended. I felt on a subconscious level that I was the one "generating" the music - again some degree of lucidity. I even caught myself marveling at the fact that this musical composition did not exist, and I completely made it up in real-time. I decided to go higher, into space, so I stretched out my arms to reach for the heavens, and with one extra burst of acceleration flew upwards until the sky got black and starry. While I did this, the soundtrack hammed it up even more, and got even more epic.
    15. 24-05-XX Showing Off, Weird Confidence

      by , 05-19-2024 at 09:47 PM
      I remember almost nothing. Maybe a road, and a bunch of people walking along this road to an unknown destination? During the dream, I figured out I could fly, so I did a bunch of stupid stunts and showing off. But the part that puzzled me the most in retrospect, is when I approached a girl I liked, and actually asked her on a date...? I felt such unbelievable confidence, it was unlike anything I've ever felt in the real world.
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