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    1. Lucid Task of the Month Attempt: The Cook-Out

      by , 03-12-2013 at 01:04 PM
      I dreamed several dreams, and woke between each.

      *side notes
      *gaining lucidity

      #1 - I was having difficulty doing something. That's all I remember. Dream fragment.

      Woke. Did Reality Check. Attempted WILD; failed, fell asleep.

      #2 - I am in a house. I'm looking for a bathroom. There's no bathroom, because I didn't have enough in-game gold to buy an expansion. I discover that some of the red and white scented candles I've been buying were made by my cousin. He's been lying about having a regular desk job.

      Woke, used bathroom. Reality Check. Attempted WILD; failed, fell asleep.

      #3 - A wife and husband are fighting over their finances. The husband is unemployed or doesn't make much money, and the wife is burnt out and tired of working overtime to completely support them. The wife decides to make adult videos, and her best friend offers to help her. Her husband finds out and is extremely upset.

      Woke. Rolled over and fell asleep.
      I dream that I am riding a bus through a sweeping countryside. It appears that I am somewhere in New Zealand. The landscape is mountainous and verdant. It has just rained, the sky is full of gorgeous, radiant clouds, and it's is very beautiful (note: sweeping landscapes after a storm are actually one of my dreamsigns)

      It begins to storm violently, and I'm up in the mountains. I am both riding and driving the bus. It's storming like crazy, and the mountain road is winding and dangerous. I'm high up in the mountains now, going over a narrow bridge. The choppy water has risen to the very bottom of the bridge, and it churns dangerously. The bus hydroplanes, loses control, veers off the bridge. The bus is now an old cadillac. The bus now disappears from around me as I enter the water. Frigid water envelopes me as I sink, and places immense pressure on my body; I debate fighting it, or merely letting myself sink. I allow myself to be pulled under and away with the current.

      I wake up on a bus. I don't wake up on a bus; I am driving a car. I'm going to pick up a friend's dad. My friend is a chubby blond teenager wearing a Hulk Hogan shirt. We pick up his dad at a fast food restaurant that looks like McDonald's. He jokes about us being a software development team. He is actually a developer, himself. He looks really tired, and I ask him if he's been pulling long hours. He says, "Yes, and driving is a challenge. I'm practically cross-eyed." He decides to check his voicemail and starts swearing; apparently, his boss/team lead is asking for a whole bunch of ridiculous stuff that he can't possibly do on such a short deadline.

      I wake up on a bus. I have stretched out across the seats, and a little girl is commenting to her mother that I'm taking up too much space. I try to pull myself up into a fetal position to free up more seats. My friend and his dad are also on the bus. The landscape is the one as described before; the sweeping New Zealand landscape.

      I wake up and feel a bit irritated that my prior attempts at WILD have failed. I see light seeping in through my bedroom window and am a bit upset that it appears to be so close to morning. I'm also irritated that I didn't pick up on my most obvious dream sign.

      I fail to do a Reality Check. In retrospect, my bedroom window was INCORRECT. The curtain wasn't there. I shrug it off, telling myself that it's just another chance to try to WILD again. I settle down in bed (note: I am fairly certain this was a FA and I am actually trying to WILD from my FA, which is kind of hilarious because it actually works)

      #5 (?) -
      I begin to see something forming in front of me, very blurry - it is a field of large, smooth pebbles. I decide that it looks somewhat like a beach, or is close enough to make into one. I try to make it solidify, but it fights me. I try to imagine it as part of a landscape, but it remains a flat plane - almost like a pattern. It is supposed to be the ground, I understand, but it takes up my entire field of vision.

      I can feel it there - the dream is blurry, but it's forming. I don't want to lose it or lose consciousness, so I start actively trying to make it stabilize. I focus on the pebbles; they sharpen a bit, and then go all fuzzy again. I run my hands through the pebbles, then dive to the ground and shove my face into the pebbles. They're still fuzzy and immaterial, although I feel the ghosts of sensations from them. I enthusiastically rub my face back and forth in the pebbles. I feel like they're fading away and get upset, so in a moment of desperation, I lick the pebbles. They don't become any more material; they taste like grit and sawdust. I roll around on the ground like an idiot, grabbing handfuls of the ground and rubbing it into my face. I feel and smell dead leaves. Suddenly, there are dead leaves mixed into the pebbles.

      I look up. There's more landscape forming! I see fuzzy green. I feel like this is like the edge of a lake or swimming hole. I stumble to my feet and pick leaves out of my hair.

      The world suddenly solidifies, as my lucids often do - everything goes from a blurry mess to absolute perfect clarity. I am now on the edge of a small lake or swimming hole, on an artificial beach. I'm at a cook out!

      There are tons of people milling around. The dad from my prior dream is grilling food, and there are a bunch of fat guys in tank tops drinking beer out of a cooler. There is a little girl in a purple swim suit playing with the sand. She has a toy shovel and those little plastic sand castle molds, and she's making a castle. She has white-blonde hair that curls in little ringlets around her ears, and blue eyes. She looks like she's maybe 3 or 4, and she's adorable. There is also a black and white Border Collie lying on a red and white checkered blanket next to a guy in a t-shirt and his kids. The dog is panting, because it's hot outside.

      The swimming hole has a tall, metal slide where you can slide into the water. The sky above, unlike 99% of my lucids, is vivid blue and brilliantly clear - this is a hot summer day, probably July or even August.

      I clap my hands together and yell out loud "YES! Finally!" I immediately run up to the dog and pet her. Her fur is thick and somewhat coarse. I scratch between her ears. She's very friendly, and enjoys the attention. As I scratch her behind the ears, I recall my lucid task.

      "I need to destroy something right away!" I tell the dog. I had decided on Simple Task I, which was to destroy an object by any means.

      I look around. One of the first things I see is the little girl's sand castle mold, but even thought she's a dream character I feel kind of bad about that. I see a plastic drinking cup with Vash the Stampede on the side of it (I haven't watched anime since the 90s, I don't know where that came from) but decide it's too solid/not interesting. There's an array of picnic stuff - plates, cookware, food, etc. I settle on the one thing that I feel is out of place: an empty carton of half & half.

      I point at it and try to make it explode. Nothing happens. I get angry and pick it up and throw it, yelling, "This is MY dream!" It still does not explode. I chase after it, scoop it up, and tear it into several pieces. I begin to throw the pieces at the two fat guys who are sitting in plastic lawn chairs and drinking beer. They think this is hilarious.

      I hear the little girl calling to me from behind me. She is running toward me, waving a huge syringe. One of those big, scary-looking ones they use to inject things into your rump. It's almost as big as she is (and for some reason, empty). I laugh and launch myself into the air, hovering above her. She runs around below me, waving the syringe. I rise higher into the air, using swimming motions, and taunt her. She begins to climb the ladder to the slide, which has now somehow gotten higher and scarier-looking and is turning into a bridge.

      The dream fades, and I wake up. It is 3 a.m., which means that it couldn't have possibly been light outside last time I woke up.

      Updated 03-12-2013 at 01:20 PM by 32101

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month
    2. Bike Ghosts

      by , 03-11-2013 at 04:00 PM
      Original entry dated Feb. 16, 2002:
      Regarding several dreams taking place over a period of time:

      I had a dream that D__ and I went to buy a new bike. I was gonna trade in my old one. I wound up with a pink one with this weird little engine-thing attached. Anyway, where we lived was this scary supernatural world. Like, the laundry room - nobody went in after dark. If you opened up three of the washers, you'd find creepy, on the verge of horrifying, things. But if you opened the fourth washer, you saw something so incredibly and awesomely terrible that NOBODY was willing to go anywhere NEAR that washer (much less open it). There was a little girl ghost in a bonnet who would wander around collecting change for my laundry for me, and I always warned her not to go into the laundry room at night, and to go nowhere near the fourth washer. Anyway, back to me. There was this weird... like... demon overlord dude who masqueraded as an eight year old child with ice-blue eyes and white hair. When the kid died through some freak accident, he decided that he was gonna make the world a really shitty place. He specifically tried to hurt my friends and me. There was also a house called "Harriet's House", which was a museum of sorts. It was now a Londonesque sort of home, but used to be an asylum type place with torture chambers. People would go on tours through there, but were warned before they did. The proprietor was a tall African American lady with her hair drawn back in a bun. She wore a brown sort of pilgrim-looking dress. The rest of the dream was pretty blurry.

      I also had a dream that I worked for a company that produced video-games. We were in direct competition with another company that an ex-friend of mine worked for. It all sort of sucked. It wasn't so much scary as really depressing, and I can't remember most of it, except that the rival company stole our hit title idea.
    3. 7th Mar 2013 Short DEILD and Weird fragmented dream

      by , 03-07-2013 at 02:34 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from non-lucid naps, dunno why my recall from naps is so fragmented recently. Also yay for somewhat successful DEILD.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I recall being home, near exit door, arguing about something with family and then eating huge amount of honey mixed with something else.

      I woke up with closed eyes after that dream and decided to try DEILD. After a while of not-moving and trying to imagine last scene from the dream i heard weird noise and some dream scene started 'spinning' into view, i recalled scene from the end of previous dream again and now the proper scene was 'spinning' into view. I was in place but dream scene itself was frozen in place and it was hard to move, then it faded out shortly.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was weird 1-2 year old child that i have found at home.
      Then later there was something about two people trying to fish out the dragon out of some river. Suddenly i was one of them and there was some trick that to fish out the dragon it was needed to get fish and prepare it in some specific way. We were both failing and then dragon appeared from the river and just flied away. It was green chinese dragon.
      Then i was myself again and i was returning that child to some demon family he was from apparently. They looked like normal humans except their skin color was grey. We then talked about why people hate them, and that dragon was there as well. Shortly we were all watching some cartoon about some lumberjack bears or something.
    4. Magic, It Happens

      by , 02-23-2013 at 05:13 PM
      We were at a place that resembled Hot Topic, but it wasn't a store, it was the home of a race, a race that horded mainly magical objects. I was there with Kyle and another boy, perhaps Tristan or Linkster, and some others may have been with us at some point.
      The "people" living there, though human in appearance, were certainly something else, something alien. They started out as hospitable as could be, but quickly proved to be manipulative and devious. They would not let us leave.
      We had to fight our way out, or rather, I did. Kyle and friend made it outside and I then proceeded to make several trips back to retrieve our belongings as well as some others that looked useful. Kyle had a huge pile of what appeared to be trading cards which the race's leader had taken, presumably because of their magical properties, and the stupid things took me two trips to save. Kyle was relieved to see them, but he was being too useless for me to care.


      A child needed to be created. In a bathtub was a clear liquid in which he would be born. Next to it were two loofahs, one of which contained the DNA of the parents, and one of which contained unknown DNA. I placed both into the tub, but nothig happened. A young man who was with me stepped into the tub. I knew him, but I don't believe I've ever seen him before in my life. He knew, apparently, how this worked, and had Will step into the tub with him. I closed the curtain, because often in dreams what keeps things from working is that I'm staring at them. A few seconds later though, Will told me to open the curtain, that I had to see it. I did, and before my eyes a child of about four was growing out of nowhere. It was amazing to watch. Another few moments of this and it was finished. A strong little blonde boy stood there in the tub. The young man said that he was made from four different people's DNA, but that he was to be my brother.


      I can fly. I can always fly. It's my favorite thing to do. In a field with my friends I was demonstrating my skill, and trying to teach them.
    5. My second family

      by , 02-13-2013 at 12:38 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      So for a while I've been attempting to visit a second family that I've daydreamed about and thought about a lot in a lucid dream except I haven't become lucid In such a long time yet.

      When I feel asleep the dream started out where I was drifting through one of my relatives house where some of my family was together. By looks, it was one of my uncles who was talking to my mom's sister about her son and how great he was and all the little things he grew up with this boy. He was speaking in past perspective because he was still with his wife who who is no longer with in real life and his son wasn't born yet.
      There was lots of dialogue about this aunt's son and how great it was to be around him and growing around him but then I kind of drifted within the dream when my uncle was talking about this cousin of mine. I started thinking about the family I would like to raise and how fun they would be to teach and the memories we would share. I then saw this little boy looking at me through a mirror that he was dancing in. He appreciated my presence and started waving his arm in a robotic dance kind of movement like I did when I would dance as a child. I didn't recognize this little boy from anywhere but felt very warm about him. He had dark green eyes with a faded blue tint and when he smiled at me through the mirror my heart melted. I don't know who this DC is but he was really something else.
    6. AC's Baby Boy

      by , 01-21-2013 at 12:06 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      IWL, AC is my office mate at work. She is about 8 months pregnant.

      AC's Baby Boy
      I'm at work and AC has just returned from maternity leave. She has brought her son to work. His name is Parker. He should only be weeks old but in this dream he can crawl and has a full head of hair. He crawls around the floor behind my chair. I'm careful not to roll my chair back for fear that I would run him over.

      I start to become skeptical of the situation. Parker is older than I expected. He shouldn't be able to crawl yet. I look at the date on my computer. It says 7/31. July? I thought it was February? (It's actually January, but close enough) I must be dreaming. Wake.

      AC At Work
      This may have been a continuation of the previous dream or a different one. I remembered both in the morning.
      I am not lucid but in the dream I am aware that the previous dream was a dream. I am back at work with AC. I tell her that I had a strange dream last night about her and her son. She is intrigued and we laugh about it.

      But sure enough, Parker is again in this dream and he's even older. He seems about 2 years old. He's walking around the office in overalls with a kitchen pot for a helmet. He's banging sticks and singing. Annoying kid stuff. I try my best for focus on my computer.

      Then AC asks me for help with her computer. She wants to configure some program to open two projects at once. She says she learned it from a tip for new mothers to help manage their new child. She shows me a post-it note where she has written the instructions. She tried but it's not working and turned to me.

      I look at the note and recognize what it does. I check the program and she seems to have done it correctly. I take AC to another office down the hall. In a drawer she finds a floppy disk which we insert into an older computer in the room. I tinker with the same program to get it to work. We go back and forth from our office to this other office. I finally figure out that the folder paths needs to be relative, not absolute. Then the owner of the other office enters and is surprised we are in there. I say we were just borrowing something and leave. The program works.
      Tags: child, computer, work
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. 18/12/2012

      by , 01-04-2013 at 12:46 PM
      This night I had a very profound dream.

      I was at some kind of festival in a field, there was a tent, within this tent were simple tables, square bales of hay, and through the middle was a large electrical cable with a thick plastic cover. Next to the cable was a table, sat at this table was my eldest sister (my sister dearest to me), she had carelessly thrown a cigarette butt onto the plastic cover of the cable. The cable began to melt and catch alight and sparks started to fly. I hurried to the cable and tried to put the fire out.

      The next thing I know I was sat opposite my sister at the table. My sister was trying to tell me something that had happened to me as a child, something terrible. She seemed very distressed by it and kept saying "I'm so sorry Rob, I'm so sorry.". She did not know how to begin telling me.

      Just as she was about to get the words out of her mouth a small child came up to the table and so my sister had to change the conversation to something cheerful and not depressing to pretend everything was okay to the child "..And then we cleaned up the mess and everything was okay.".

      As the child went away, she started to say that she was sorry and that she was going to tell me now. I was then awoken by my alarm clock.

      This dream left quite a big mark on my mind for a while, I've been trying to figure it out but I can't.
      I think it might be about a repressed memory that I have had as a child but I have no idea what it could be.

      End of journal.
    8. Look What You Did To Her

      by , 12-12-2012 at 11:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Look What You Did To Her (Non-lucid)


      Apparently, I'm with Wonder woman and Batman, and we're assigned to kidnap a girl who's probably about 3-4 years of age. There's a chariot we have to go on in order to escape, and we have to align it into a door entrance, and close it before the people try to get their child back.

      I don't know why we're assigned to do this, but we managed to successfully get into the building. However, the people came in as well, and before I make them try to take the girl away, I stand up, picked up the girl's head.....

      I think I broke her in half and said,

      "Look what you did to her."

      She immediately transforms back to her normal state, and she agrees with what I said. She felt scared and angry at the people trying to save her. But honestly, I think these were bad people.

      I can't remember anything else.

      Updated 12-12-2012 at 11:48 PM by 47756

    9. The Castle on the Island

      by , 11-30-2012 at 12:03 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      12:51 pm

      NOTES Drank apple + carrot juice

      3:00 pm

      MILD, watched Dante's Cove, read Tibetan Yoga. I daydreamed about taking a bus back in Negros, thinking that being in Manila is just a (day)dream I was having while in the one-hour bus ride. It was kinda depressing, and I thought of how I am actually sitting in the bus, and me lying on the bed here in Manila is the dream. Then I tried pushing my finger through my palm; it went through. I tried again, same result. I was happy. I looked at the people around the bus. They have strange faces. Masks. White alien masks. I went down the bus and ran and ran, without stopping. I just kept on imagining running around, encountered a 3-foot tool, red, worm-like creature with a hole for a mouth. I jumped into the mouth, and the running kept going. Fell asleep.

      4:55 pm - wake up


      I was in an island with other people. We were scattered across different islands. I asked a girl how were her parents. The answer was vague, but she actually meant they just saw each other in a different island.

      We were guarding a castle near the sea. There are invaders. We are doing our best to keep them off. My allies in the castle were able to create a huge machine-monster to fight the enemy's monster-giant. I climbed down to give them ideas. The archers on the walls are good, but they're vulnerable from flyers and other arrows. I suggested (hingal) to cover them from above, attach magnets near them to minimize arrow damage, and build spikes to discourage flyers from coming closer. They nodded, but I felt they're not gonna implement it.

      I looked around, and at the 'back,' there are huge gates and walls. There's a local family passing by. Peru or Peruvian came to mind. Their child was able to fit through the bars and climbed inside. The few guards in the area caught her and brought her out. The panicked family outside began to leave in a hurry after they have their daughter, talking in a panicked language (unfamiliar language; probably Peruvian as well?). The guards signed to them to please don't talk about this area. It's a very vulnerable spot. I thought they shouldn't have let them get away alive at all. I got annoyed at the other officers for being careless. The area is largely blocked off by a huge forest, but there's no telling when the enemy will discover this vulnerable spot. I plan for the immediate strengthening of the location.
    10. Underwear Lucidity, Daughter Fragment, and Walking Around Topless

      by , 11-15-2012 at 04:28 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was standing in my closet, looking through some clothes, when I came across a pair of black panties hung up. Hmm...odd. I don't have any hanging panties. I decided to test to see if I was dreaming, and thought to myself "I'll find another pair of black panties in here." Lo and behold, the next thing I came to was another hung up pair of black panties that looked slightly different from the ones I first found. I'm dreaming!

      I decided to keep on making panties appear, just to test my abilities. It kept on working, over and over, and each pair was black, but a different style. Some had bras hung with them.

      I then turned and looked in my full-length mirror. I was wearing a white bra. I decided to see if I could make the black underwear appear on my body. I concentrated, but all that happened was my bra turned pink. Close enough for now.

      I walked around doing other things in the house for a bit, but nothing exciting. I was mostly trying to hold my focus on the dream so I wouldn't lose it. At one point, I did somehow go back to the closet, and had to retest the lucidity the same way I did before by making the underwear appear.


      I had a small daughter, probably only about 1 or 2 years old. I protected her from something, though I don't remember what.

      Also, I think in the same dream, I dreamed I was watching this couple, a black man and an Asian woman, who were about to get married, and their friends booked the church for a wedding on the same day at the same time. It was some big to-do, and people got mad, kind of like you would see in a romantic comedy. At the end of the dream, I saw the black man and Asian woman again, but they were sort of disguised. They were at the church trying to do something about the double-booking.


      I was in London, working at a department store with some people that came with me, I remember one for sure being a guy. We had literally just gotten hired on that day. I was wearing a purple polo that reminded me of a purple version of my old Subway shirt with my clothing underneath, which happened to be a plain red shirt I had some years ago IWL. We also had these mini microphones clipped onto our shirts.

      I walked out, and there were these long counters where people would check out, kind of like the one I saw in my dream two nights ago. In fact, I made that connection during the dream last night, thinking I had just dreamed about the counters. There were many women, mostly small Asian women, manning the registers and checking customers out. The environment seemed very bland, everything being shades of white.

      I then was in the back with I think the guy who came with me. We were chatting and laughing, just having a good time. Our microphones kept on cutting in though, and the whole store would hear some of what we said and some of our laughter. I kept trying to stop it, but I was having a lot of fun, so I didn't worry a whole lot, though I knew we'd probably get in trouble.

      Which we did. Some guy, I guess our manager, came by and said
      "No talking!!! You're going to get fired."
      Shit. Well I guess we better shut up then.
      We were then behind the counter again, and everyone was working in silence. The "no talking" rule was very strict. It was just so...boring! And way too strict. I asked someone if we really weren't allowed to talk to each other, and they said yes, so I said
      "Well, I'm out of here then!"
      I walked out from behind the counter, quitting my job and feeling absolutely no remorse over it. I went to take off the purple polo, and ended up taking off both that and my red shirt as well. I also didn't seem to be wearing a bra, so I was completely topless.

      And for some reason, I didn't really care. Whatever!

      I walked back through the door to behind the counter, I guess to get my things or something, and barely covered up my breasts with my arms; you could definitely still see nipples. I was not taking that much care to hide them. I yelled
      "I'm topless!" to warn people that there was a topless woman coming through.
      The guy I was with said something to me about it all, sounding concerned that I had quit and was now walking around topless, and I just shrugged it off I think. I actually felt really good about myself during the quitting and walking around topless.

      I did have a thought that I'd get in trouble for some kind of public indecency thing, but I never did.
    11. like a child

      by , 10-27-2012 at 08:06 PM
      i was the mother of my one sibling....and we went to a thanksgiving dinner......and the walls moved and room order changed a bunch....and the adults yelled at me for not acting like an adult and said i had to pick if i were an adult or a child and i couldn't be both.....and that i was acting like a child by talking to kids like they were on my level and not beneith me and telling them the truth....and i went the the bathroom and couldn't figure out where to pee because it looked like 3 fountain things and a tub....but the path outside was pretty.......you know the shadows waves make on the ground below really clear pools and shallow lakes and stuff?......the walls were made of that

      i also had a dream that i had to go back to kindergarten......and they gave me a bad grade on coloring because i couldn't stay in the lines......but i kept trying to tell them that my hands shake and i'm doing thing best i can....but they kept yelling at me to try harder
    12. [Pedophilia in a Dark Place]

      by , 10-15-2012 at 12:33 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Thursday, October 11th, 2012]
      (I had just fallen asleep from waking up the first time. Before this dream, I had the Carnival dream.)

      There was an odd man and a teary-eyed child walking up a quiet path to a large cave.
      At the top of the path, the man shoves the kid inside, after stripping his clothes off and assures him, "It'll be all right, go inside. I'm going to help you. This has to be done."
      The bare child has no choice, really. He lacks sureness in his feet, as he walks into the cave, almost as if he's afraid to fall from a cliff. It was so dark, you really couldn't tell if there was a dropoff or not. The kid takes a little, but now he's in the center of the cave. You can see him hunched into a ball somewhere in the dark with your dim nightvision that no one else but us has. The man wants to do this where no one will find them.

      Suddenly- I'm the boy. I see nothing but pitchblack. The light from outside doesn't enter this cave. "I'm coming in~" a whisper violates the silence, but is carried along like a screaming wind. I take a step backwards- but I hear my footsteps crunch in the sand a few times. I stop and listen- I hear
      a "crunch... crunch... crunch... crunch..." at such an irregular beat. Something is different now and off- my skin began to crawl. The cool air suddenly became so cold, it hurt my skin. The crunching is growing closer and closer and closer. It had to be less than a yard away... I throw up my hands in pure terror in a pathetic attempt at self-defense. I touched nothing- just waved my arms around quietly.

      Then someone SEIZES my hands violently and shoved them down to my side. They lean their face closer to mine. I became semi-lucid- just in time to witness some... THING... with a sunken face staring at me dead in the eyes with soulless milky-black charcoal eyes. The face quickly morphed into Alex.

      "Do you wanna see my noon?" she whispered through the dead silence of the cave. "Do you wanna see my noon?"

      She stares me dead in the eye with a blank expression on her face. Then she slowly opens her mouth wide- and two fists pushed together... slowly crawls out of her open mouth as if someone inside was pushing them out. They began to open and creep towards my face to grab it.


      (Imagine making two fists in front of you like you're holding a steering wheel tight. Push your hands together like that. Then, holding the bottom of your hands together where it joins the wrist imagine them opening and unrolling like a flower. That's how she tried to grab my face.)

      <I woke up.>
    13. May 5th 2011

      by , 10-13-2012 at 01:29 AM (Voyages of a Skywalker)
      It was Brian's birthday and we were at my old pre-school. We were sitting on couches surrounding a large rectangular pool. I wanted to sit by him but there wasn't any room for me so I chose a couch to myself. I went to go swimming but there were four or five large basketball players about to start a swim race. I was confident I would be faster than them so before they took off I jumped or dove in a ways down. Diving in the water was much more shallow than I anticipated. I nearly hit my head on the bottom. When I came up one of the basketball players was saying rude things to me. Telling me I didn't belong. Brian was asleep on one of his lady friend's laps when I returned so I went to find some food. A very nice waitress offered me caviar and something to scoop it up with that looked like tiny, purplish/blue clam chips. I am finally feeling a little better when her manager loudly whispers to her that
      I've taken too much.
      I tell him
      I can hear him.
      I'm supposed to take seven to eight but apparently i have taken nine or ten. I ask him ,
      “How on earth is someone who has never eaten caviar know the proper way?”
      I also imply that he thinks he is better than me. Now we are beginning a mischievous task. I'm not aware of it, but I go along. They've started off already, deeper into Peninsula School. Not leaving me any time to gather my belongings. It seems they're always just around the next corner. There is a small boy in a wheelchair whom I know cannot move too much. I see him roll forward and begin to call his guardian when I see him look at me and gegin to roll back into place.

      EPIPHANY; While typing out this dream (journal to computer) I thought about how during the entire dream I am suffering. One blow after another. Then I meet this young child who appears to have little to nothing. What is this saying to me?


      Updated 10-13-2012 at 03:34 AM by 40320

      lucid , memorable
    14. Night of 9/29/12

      by , 10-01-2012 at 01:37 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I've been gone WAY too long. But I've missed lucid dreaming, so now that I'm in college I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

      [Escape from Mary's World]
      Through some twisted turn of events, I become trapped in a horrific world governed by an evil little girl named Mary. I am with two other people, my dream dad and a boy similar to Prince Soma from Kuroshitsuji. We spend a very long time attempting to escape the world, but the only exit is blocked. The rest of the world is comprised of a small expanse of forest that extends behind Mary's mansion.

      After days of searching, the boy I'm with finally finds a special key. We know that this must be the secret to escape, so we barge into Mary's house. As soon as we set foot through the door, we are ambushed by evil dolls and headless mannequins. Armed with giant hedge clippers, I violently mutilate each of my enemies. At one point, Mary throws an entire dresser at me, which I barely manage to evade. My friend accidentally drops the key during his own fight, but I pick it up just as I figure out that it must fit the locket around Mary's neck. It's the key to her heart, I realize. I manage to put the key in the hole and turn it--- the locket breaks.

      Suddenly, Mary turns into a doll and shatters like glass. At her death, the entire world begins unwravelling, leaving us little time to hurry for the exit. I wake up just as we make it to the door.

      Updated 10-01-2012 at 01:45 AM by 47876

    15. August 21, 2012 - "Battle At Night"

      by , 08-25-2012 at 04:03 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      NOTE: Used subliminal audio 1 by ninja in DV. Jasmine tea before sleep. Reverse day recall.


      Dark. Lightning. People fighting. Super powers. A small child with super strength. A giant cross. Night. Fighitng another being with a giant cross. "I" threw the giant cross at him. After fight. Dad stays behind. "I" was unconscious for a few days. The strong woman. is there.

      Walking. Night. LRT station. Morning. Walking down the street. A school. Roman type. Architecture. Some people. Formal clothing. Yellow. Golden. Inside building. A guy in tux. Looks lost.
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