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    1. M.A.S.H. camp

      by , 10-24-2010 at 02:16 PM (Images In The Night)

      I'm in a M.A.S.H. camp. If you don't know what that is, its from a show i watched called mash. It was a korean war field clinic. Anyway, i'm looking down at my gun. I pull the slider on the side. I shoot a couple of bullets for fun.
      I realize i'm dreaming out of nothing. I find a woman. skipping the details. Afterwords i start just walking around enjoying the dream. I try to remember some dream goals, but all i can remember is going to the moon. I try to remember the task of the month, but realize i wouldn't have the title for very long anyway. I head ouside. Outside is the coolest thing, and i'll try to describe it my best. Its pretty dark out. I walked onto a porch with screened in windows. In the distance are flying little white dots that are circling around. I walk onto the ground now. The air feels cold and rejuvenating. I always love feeling senses in dreams. I look up looking for the moon, and am going to try to fly their. I look around and realize that i can't see a moon. The stars look amazing, and comets are flying around in space. I look another direction and see what looks like another galaxy. It was purple,blue,and black. It was just plain beautiful. Then unfortunately...
      My brother woke me up in the M.A.S.H. tent. I get angry at him and throw a stapler i think at him. He gets angry and says he didn't do anything wrong. I tell him he woke me up and i'm really tired. My mom is their also and tells my brother that i'm right, and it was wrong to wake me up.

      That was my dreams. I had more F.A. in this one but i just can't remember all of them. Most of the dreams were slightly earlier than when i actually got out of bed. So instead of forgetting them i made my own way to remember dreams. I put a keyword in my head that relates to the dream so i would remember it. For my first it was "zombie". For the second it was M.A.S.H.
      Tags: galaxy, gun, mash, sex, stars
      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    2. Getting Shot Hurts

      by , 10-15-2010 at 01:26 AM
      I was in some sort of shipping yard and i had a small machine gun. Bad guys kept peeking out of shipping containers so i shot them. After i did this for a while i ran out of bullets and went looking for some guns on the ground. While i was looking around a friend from school started shooting at me with a big ass gun. Evading a spray of bullets, i found a gun that looked the same as his. When i tried to shoot at him the gun wouldnt work so i tried to run away. I was too slow and he shot me a ****load of times in my back and ass cheek. It hurt a lot. After that there was a flash of what my back looked like then i woke up.
      Tags: gun, mw2, shot
    3. September 18 2010: duel, and scooby doo?

      by , 10-11-2010 at 11:13 PM
      I was dueling dan fino, and david k. but we were shooting paper targets that were next to each person. and I think I saw shaggy and scooby at one point in this dream.
    4. The shipwreck and being stranded with Galou

      by , 09-24-2010 at 09:23 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)


      I was woken up at 6:00 by a noisy male student's voice. I opened the curtain and saw that a flat on the floor above and in front of me had its door open and light flooding out. A girl was standing on the deck and noticed me. i went back to sleep, ready to put my ear plugs on, but the girl must have asked to boy to shut up because the noise ceased. Thank you, unknown girl! The dream occured next.
      I was on a small ship leaving Central America for Europe. Not too far from the shore, I noticed several people in the water (over a dozen). None of them seemed to panic. It was weird. I hesitated to offer them to get on my ship because they were so numerous that they might cap-size it. There were other small ships and I wondered which they fell from.
      I soon realized that the ships (and the castaways) had been involved in some conflict between drug or illegal immigrant smugglers. I decided not to get mixed in because those people can be troublesome, but then I saw my friend Galou in the water. She was trying to hold on to her two young daughters.
      (In truth, Galou only has a 5-month-old baby boy)
      Then my ship disappeared (?) and I was in the water. I helped Galou by holding one of her girls. The sea took us to a tiny sand beach surrounded by rocky, sharp cliffs. The girls were not with us anymore, but that didn't distress us.
      We were tired and cold and hungry. A strange, chaotic rock formation sprouted out of the sand. We tried to find shelter in the rock chaos. I climbed on top of the formation. Two electric wires connected to a small light bulb. The night was falling, and I realized that the light was too weak to be seen from hypothetical rescue ships. However I had my laptop, and I thought to use to power to power it (because it's a magical laptop that can resist sea water!) and maybe send someone a email to tell our relatives that we have survived.
      When I got down from the rocks, Galou had prepared driftwood to light a fire. I made sparks with the wires to start the fire. Galou had collected seaweed to eat, but in a small cave we found canned food that had either been stocked here or that came from a shipwreck.
      We spent the night there. We were still scared of the smugglers, because, as witnesses to their dealings, we could be seen as threats.
      In the morning, we noticed one of the smugglers' ships coming towards our beach. Uh oh... We decided to try and climb the rocks to get away. Galou went to the west, and I went to the north, more or less along the shore. But since there were many boulders I felt like I could hide.
      Some gunmen landed on the beach. I hid behind the boulders but one of them saw me. I knew it was hopeless so I didn't move. He found me and shot me twice, once in the back (and the bullet went through my chest) and one in the bum
      (probably inspired by the horrible bruise I got on my backside falling down the stairs while moving furniture out an attic). It hurt badly but I realized I could perhaps survive my wounds, so I played dead. The gunman was satisifed and left.
      The rest of the dream is in 3rd person perspective as I follow Galou.
      Galou has managed to reach almost the top of the cliff. There's a half-ruined castle which we couldn't see from the beach. She is also pursued by the gunmen. Nearing the castle, she has to cross over a precipice on a single stone beam to reach safer grounds.
      She then tries to hide inside the castle, and realize that it's not empty. There's a nun living there. A cat nun from New Earth (Doctor Who)! The nun agrees to hide Galou. She tucks her in a shady corner.
      The gunmen get in and ask the nun if she's seen the runaway. She says she hasn't and pretend Galou is a statue, using her as a stand for her tray, as she offers the gunmen drinks.
      She has her servant bring the tray in. It's Jar Jar Bink,
      and I remember thinking as I watched his feet on the carpet (through Galou's eyes): that CGI is rubbish, it's scintillating!
      Later, after the gunmen are gone, I manage to get up (back in my own body) despite my wounds and limp back to the beach, were I am reunited with Galou.
    5. September 15, 2010

      by , 09-15-2010 at 06:51 PM (Requiem's DJ)

      Asleep In Class (non-lucid)

      I am back in high school, a poetry class. I lie my head down as I listen to students read their writing. I see flashes of my hand with multiple fingers and I remember that I can try and WILD. The feeling changes, and I am lying on my back now.

      "Requiem, no sleeping in class" the teacher said.

      "I am not sleeping. I am listening." I say. Then I focus on the wild. I think I feel some vibrations.

      My friend explains the the class that I am trying to WILD and tells them what it is. They are shocked.

      "We are going outside then." the teacher said and my friend shakes me back into the dream.

      The dream goes on for awhile, we walk though the halls, and down the steps, outside, and there are too many people out there and it ends.

      Looking for Prof. X (Part 1?) (wild)

      I know I was close to a wild, I reset my alarm and give it a try. Its been awhile. About 2 minutes or under I get waves of vibrations. I immediately begin to move my dream arms. I am thinking and visualizing the Prof.'s mansion. I am floating outside of my body without vision...I spin multiple times but nothing happens...I keep moving around and my vision, my room forms around me. (I should have used my tv/pc monitor to teleport). I climb onto my roof.

      I try to think I am on the mansion roof but look over the edge and me my yard. I lose vision. I spin agin and am in my room. I walk downstairs and out the back door.

      I fly high up into the air. Flying is easy but I concentrate on growing wings but nothing happens.

      I hear some music. I try to fly to the mansion but, I don't know, all I see is trees and the further I get from the house the music gets louder.

      I go back to my yard and see a small electronic device playing the music. It sort of looks like a weird mp3 player with a screen and mouse scroll wheel, it has 2 metal prongs and buttons. I pick it up and go into the alley.

      I try to use my mutant powers but nothing happens. My hand just sort of cramps up. I take the device, stick the prongs into my arm and press a button. It leaves to pen ink marks, nothing else.

      I continue down the road and see two fire fighters and fire trucks. They are frantically transferring equipment. I think of saving people but there is no burning building.

      "Where can I find Prof. X? I ask?

      "He is hiding." The women said.

      I am sick and tried of chasing dream guides. I regretfully push her down in anger. "Tell me where he is!" I yell.

      The man firefighter pulls a gun on me. I grab his hand and turn the gun on him and pull the trigger, blood gushes from his nose and mouth and he falls.

      I see a fruit truck drive by and I wake up.

      Baseball Shooter (non-lucid)

      I am at a baseball game and we hear a gun shot. We see a moose on the ground and another trying to help it up. My teammates and I all go into the woods, we find ourselves in a sort of roller coaster cart and track chasing the hunter. There is a small gun fight when we have our shots, we hit him but he keeps fighting.

      He gets real close to our car and I fire several rounds into his chest.

      A man explains something about how it is wrong to kill moose.
    6. Robbery

      by , 09-14-2010 at 06:01 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:24:20 AM PDT
      Important: No

      My friend has a gun. He tries to shoot me. He is African American. My friends give me gifts because I'm about to die. B-3 gives me a shotgun. I tell her to put it together for me. I try to shoot him but missed. I lock onto him with my arm. Ring the police. They don't take me seriously. I let my friend go. He opens up the garage. A human powered car is there. We talk about it.

      Also. Something about a stepfather.

      Tags: b-3, black, car, death, gun, police
    7. September 11, 2010

      by , 09-12-2010 at 12:11 AM (Requiem's DJ)
      i think my recall hasn't been very good for awhile now because i don't challenge myself to try and remember anymore than the basic. i need to work on recall.

      A Team Mission (non-lucid)

      I am in an elevator with two other gentlemen. They are formally dressed and carrying guns. They say something about how we are actually inside somebody. I don't know, it didn't make much sense. I am also carrying a gun.

      The elevator bell dings and we move out. Location is a nice sort of hotel. The whole this is very Inception like.

      There is a gun fight with some rather fat cops. We easily kill them. MY ally has some sort of bot he calls into action that helps shoot them down.

      We proceed into a lower level warehouse. The place is flooded with a strong current. Strong enough to sweep you away. I make it across by jumping in front of boxes where the current is slowed. End.

      Drugz (non-lucid)

      I am at a baseball game with my family and some business men in suits. I take something but realize the game is about to end. I don't want anyone to see me, my face is swollen. An 'obvious' sign I am on something. I walk down to another field.

      The dream becomes extraordinarily vivid as I sit and mediate. I felt calm and aware, relaxed but not lucid. Or maybe I was lucid.

      That dissipated once my family caught up to me. "Why is your face so swollen?" m asks.

      I don't remember much else aside. I almost completely forgot this even happened.
    8. August 22, 2010

      by , 08-22-2010 at 10:44 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      I had a dream.

      Trick or Treating (non-lucid)

      The dream begins at my house and I am running and it is dark. There is a gun involved. But I go outside and the dream turns into trick or treating. I run up the street and follow 3 people. We go inside a couple houses. Nothing really odd happens. I take 2 pieces of a bowl marked "Please take what is Acceptable" I don't recognize the surroundings back out in the street and don't know the way home. I wake up.
    9. Cop partner, coworker meditation, acquaintance, and work applicant

      by , 08-11-2010 at 12:23 PM

      I'm a cop. We're in the middle of some operation. For some reason I don't have a gun, but I want one, and tell my partner this. I walk up to the higher up girl - long black hair - to ask for one without thinking, but she's in the middle of some important process with someone else. She has an imposing presence, I feel embarrassed for interrupting and back off.

      I'm working with a female partner... I'm on her back as we swim somewhere.

      Uh, something about a purple Godzilla-like creature... not sure where this fits.


      Perhaps the gun represents empowerment, but I'm too afraid to take it. This would reflect my current social life.

      Swimming on partner's back, depending on them... I was thinking about asking someone for support yesterday ("Ker"), perhaps that is a metaphor for that.

      - - -


      At the corner between home and work.

      One of my IRL coworkers, Li, is stretching and meditating, cross legged.


      My shift was right after hers yesterday, and I remember thinking she was very attractive. I assume the impression she left was the trigger.

      The meditation and stretching would seem to reflect a certain "divine" presence.

      Interesting that it was at "the corner," to which previously only negative experiences were associated (mugging & deception, etc.) There must be some broader meaning to this location.

      - - -

      PART 3 - NIK

      Someone that I vaguely know, Nik... she seems younger and thinner than IRL. Portrayed as a "free spirited" character...


      The trigger for this must have been looking over some old (almost two years now) Livejournal messages yesterday involving this person.

      - - -

      PART 4 - WORK

      At work. Customer, older lady, late 40s/early 50s, says "Mutalisks are always good." Don't remember how the conversation turned to this...

      She wants to hand in another resume, says there's already two more of hers "in the cabinet" (where resumes are kept.) I wonder why she wants to hand in another if we already have two.


      Perhaps the "stupid question" and slight irritation is simply a reflection of the norm IRL.

      I ended up waking up at about 3:30, when I wrote everything down. Having a voice recorder would have been MUCH more convenient for this type of "middle of the night" recording. Unfortunately I forgot my MP3 downstairs.

      Tonight I will borrow my mother's electronic voice recorder and keep it by my bed - waking up in the middle of the night with dreams seems to be becoming more common.
    10. Bus Brawl, and Shootout

      by , 07-25-2010 at 01:43 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations
      i Inner Awareness, a Action, f Form, c Context

      Bus Brawl

      I was a kid again on the school bus ( f,c ). My friend M was there ( c ). We were arguing, I think. I beat him up quite badly ( a ). Everyone I knew on the bus was angry at me. I went to talk to the driver, and saw that it was M ( a,f,c ). I made fun of him and everyone was mad at me again ( a ).

      I was really upset, but didn't want to show it. I lay down on one of the seats and closed my eyes. Everyone was getting off the bus and I sat up and turned to T in the seat behind. He said he was getting off too, even though he was always the last to get off the bus and it wasn't time for him too ( a ). I got the impression that nobody liked me very much.


      I was just a spectator, and not present ( i ).

      There was a large open area. It was somewhere industrial. There were three groups of people. A group of three or four were in the centre of the wide open area. A group of two were couched by a wall, and another group of two were hiding just around a corner.

      Shots were fired. The first group of two were aiming their weapons at the group of people in the centre. However, I thought I noticed that one of them was pointing his gun to his right which would have been towards the other group of two people. In the other small group one was some guy lying on the floor, and the other was Patrick Stewart ( c ). He was wearing a blue jumper with a high neck and a black blazer type jacket. He had a silenced pistol pointing at the large group.

      After the hots were heard I saw Patrick Stewart had a bullet wound he wasn't expecting. He had shot someone in the central group. I could tell that he was wondering if he had been shot by one of them, but he examined the wound and determined that it must have come from his left somewhere.

      I remember looking at a map view of the scene with the people expressed as dots. However there were no landmarks of the surrounding scene. The dots were being circled, and I felt like I was trying to figure something out ( i ).

      The part where Patrick Stewart was shot replayed, but I knew it was a replay ( i ). I thought to myself that it was a cliffhanger and it would be revealed that he was shot from the left by the other gunman ( i ).
    11. Agents and death

      by , 07-15-2010 at 06:51 PM (Amen, the thunderbolt in the dark void....)
      I'm in some sort of place of education. I realize that, unfortunately, I am back in high school. I'm having a hard time grappling with the premise of the dream, but I am relatively sure that there was some sort of agent woman following me around. She's really beautiful dressed in all black, a tight form fitting black outfit with aviator sunglasses.

      I'm on a crowded street by the institution. I can feel her in the distance behind me, scanning and clinging to my every move. I see a trolly car, like the ones in San Francisco. Except, this one was brown instead of red - full of plastic people in business suits, sporadically placed people who didn't belong in the mesh of them all.

      She finds me. I realize that she is not an agent at all, she is Liz.

      We're in an old study of sorts. I'm holding a gun, as are several other people in the room. There is a man, he has a broad smile and a gun pointed to my face. He pushes me inside another study, we're alone now. We start firing shots at each other, but the bullets are so small that our skin just absorbs them. At this point, we're almost having a good time shooting each other. My gun runs out of bullets and I ask for another gun. I point and shoot, only this one is met with an explosion of blood. I scream and run to the man. He is wrapped in thick spider webs that almost form a cocoon in a spiral pattern around his body. I realize that he is Donald. "I'm your boy," he says, as the blood seeps into my hands and his body begins to fall apart in the pattern of the spider webs.

      Two Donalds walk in the room and tell me not to worry because there are many of them, and I'll always have one. I'm too upset to comprehend this, and tell them that it doesn't matter, that I can't let any Donalds die.
      nightmare , non-lucid
    12. Random fragment and a series of DEILDs

      by , 07-10-2010 at 08:54 PM (Hidden's Dream Journal)
      My mouth rotted. I brushed my teeth like a crazy person, and it went away, but when I looked in the mirror my face was covered in green spots.

      Picnic at school
      I had joined a group. It was sort of like being vegetarian, only you weren't allowed to wear cotton. I was getting ready for school, but I was having issues finding cotton-free pants. Apparently I hadn't thought this through very well beforehand. I went to the bathroom and saw that Gracie was eating our of the litter box and pooing in the tub (which we had two of, for some reason). This was quite aggravating.

      I went to school. B asked me why I was freaking out about the summer homework since we had all summer to do it. She bragged for a while about her amazing planning skills and how she wasn't freaking out because she knew exactly when she would do the homework. I told her that a month can go by really quickly, thinking of lucid dreaming.
      (I try to have at least 5 lucids per month, and often find myself near the end of the month with only a couple because up until then I'd thought I had plenty of time.) Apparently we needed a pass so we would be allowed to go to class, but I'd been absent the day before so I didn't have one. B asked me to go on a picnic with her family. I wondered why she wasn't going to class, but then figured she had a prep.

      On the way to where we were going to have the picnic, I met up with a group of people who acted like they knew me and we were friends, but I'd never seen them before. They took my phone and walked off. I wondered if I would ever get it back, seeing as I didn't really know them. Then I saw that my friend A was with them, so at least I'd be able to track her down.

      I went to a field, where B and her family were setting up for their picnic. We moved some chairs so they would be around a table and sat down.

      Dolphins! (DEILD)
      I decided to DEILD, and found myself back at the field where we'd been eating lunch, only now it was underwater. There was calm music playing. I was lying down on the grass, waiting until I was sure the dream was stable before I moved. A dolphin swam by and up to the surface. The dream looked like 3D video game graphics. Decent ones, but obviously fake. I think I briefly became a dolphin and swam to the surface before waking up.

      Skiing on Pavement (DEILD)
      I'd intended to go back to dolphin land, but instead I ended up on a ski slope with a road on one side and a city on the other. I was skiing uphill, so I turned around. Once again, it all looked animated. I looked at a dog running along the road, then stopped and looked down at the snow. When I looked back at the dog, it was like real life. I kept going. Someone said that this was Tokyo, and even though it looked nothing like Tokyo, I thought, Good, that means I'm already in Japan. Then I realized that I was just going to open a portal anyway, so it didn't matter where I was.

      I was a series of swimming pools on my right, which looked epic. I jumped, using my skis to launch myself. It was awesome. I hovered at around tree level near the pools. There were several big, circular robot things in the water having a race and shooting at each other. I decided to ski past on the concrete. Although it was a restricted area, no one seemed to notice until they looked at the finish line pictures. "Wow, how did someone get up this high?" I heard one of them ask. "We should find this person!"

      Idiots, I thought. Now what else was I going to do? Oh right, light sabers!!!

      Just shoot the kids (DEILD)
      I was lying down on the floor, looking out the window at some plants. Again, the visuals were crappy and music was playing. I didn't want to risk moving, but I could hear voices behind me. My POV turned around on its own, and I saw a mother pointing a cardboard gun at her daughter. The mother was threatening to shoot her daughter on the left. The daughter shouted "nooo!" and I wondered what was wrong with that mom until I realized that they were just kidding around.
    13. NYC Police

      by , 06-22-2010 at 03:55 PM
      I was a New York City police officer. I pulled up to a Subway to get something to eat. It is a rule that cops have to keep there car running so we just got out and walked inside. This next part makes me think that the rest of the dream is semi-lucid When we walked in, there were 4 gangsters inside. I think I was semi-lucid because I knew that it was a dream and that when they walked out, they were going to steal my car. I even told my partner as we were walking in they were going to steal our car. I even grabbed my gun and was going to pull it out, but remember that they hadn't done anything and I shouldn't make a scene. So they walked past us and went outside. I watched every little thing that they did, so I could react the second they got in my car. But it looked like they got in their own car. So I stopped paying attention for a split second and as soon as I turned back around, I heard tires screeching.

      So we dropped everything and ran outside but the car was already pulling put of the parking lot. We didn't have a car to chase them down with! Right when I thought that, a girl with long, brown hair comes zooming up in a little, red ford ranger. She gets out and I remember that she was extremely pretty. She gets out and tells us to take the car and go chase them down. She also gives us some ammo for our guns. So we both get in and I'm the one driving. We pull out and zoom down the road. Theres a bunch of traffic, but I can see them way up the road zooming in and out of traffic. So we keep driving and get stuck behind two very large bicycles. They have normal frames, but abnormally large wheels!

      So I zoom past them and get to a end to the road and I can either go left or right. Since we're in a hurry and I cannot see them anymore, I have to make a quick decision. I picked left, and we go around but theres still no sign of them. So we go around and are driving kind of slow because we're looking for them. We come to an intersection and there they are! But they don't have the car, they are just walking down the street. So we pull up next to them, and jump out of the car. I yell, "Don't move, or I will shoot!" And they keep walking. So I repeated myself and they kept walking. So I finally shot the first shot. And then, a little war ensued. We were both shooting at each other but no one ever hit anyone. After 20 or so shots were fired, they ran over across the street to an old, dilapidated building. They ran up the stairs and at the top, there was a sort of gate. They shut the gate and were on the porch.

      All but three went inside so I shot at the guy standing on the front porch. I shot once and missed. So I ran behind a car to take cover. Then I aimed back at the guy and took a very careful shot. I aimed and fired and shot him right in the heart. Then I fired another right after that and hit him in the abdominal area. I saw the two spot where I hit him start to soak up with blood. I got on my radio and called for medical support. One of the gangsters came outside and was furious that his friend was shot and looked around and started shooting at us. We shot back but no one was ever hit. He ran back inside.

      The dream ended with a scene of dice being thrown and some poker chips and a narrator's voice saying, "I've never been much on the crazy side, only smoke half a pack a day." and the dream fades out.

      I am sure this is what a "semi-lucid" dream is because while I don't remember being fully conscious during any part of the dream, I'm pretty sure I was aware I was dreaming. And even though I wasn't actually controlling the dream, most the things that happened in the dream, I thought of in advance. EG. When the car was stolen, I needed a car an the pretty girl showed up. Or when I knew that they were going to steal my car before they actually did it.
      Tags: city, gun, shooting
    14. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:58 PM
      104: 5.26.10; 7:07AM Part 1: Stained Glass Transformation + Dreamguide? (DILD)


      I had a rather lengthy and detailed dream, so I'll try to recount as much as I can remember.

      I was in a cafeteria with giant windows on one wall to let sunlight in.
      I became lucid at some point and tried shooting the windows, which produced no results. I realized that I didn't want to waste the dream trying to shoot stuff, so I ran toward the windows, wanting to make them stained glass. I lost lucidity here and the dream transitioned to put my somewhere else.

      I recall waking and thinking that I'd run into a dreamguide in this dream, but I fell asleep while trying to recall the details, and now don't remember anything of the dreamguide, except that it wore white clothing, or was at the very least associated with the colour white.
      Tags: dild, dreamguide, gun
    15. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:52 PM
      98: 5.18.10; 8:21AM Part 2: Magic Stove. (DEILD)


      I began waking from the previous dream and remembered wanting to go lucid. I did a DEILD after adjusting my legs quick and visualized, putting myself behind what appeared to be my stove. I wanted an M4 assault rifle to appear behind it - but no luck. Then I figured it was because I had clear view of where it would be, so the solution was to expect it to appear within the stove itself, somewhere in the back of the appliance. I reached into a slot in the back and pulled it out successfully, and woke up.
      Tags: deild, gun
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