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    1. #110 - gang violence + killed in my dreams

      by , 09-06-2015 at 09:23 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream 1 - Gang violence
      I remember being on a sloping suburban street that curved around as it went uphill. I was hanging out with some friends from high school. Their families were there, and I noticed that they were a pretty rough folk. Most of them were Mongrel Mob members wearing leather jackets, drinking beer and just hanging out and stuff. They seemed so normal to be honest. I was standing by a white car just talking with my friend when I noticed a car driving slowly past.. They were looking out their windows at the people around me (I guess it was some kind of barbeque get-together) but they looked sinister as hell. I saw one get a gun out and point it towards everyone, they started shooting and I was absolutely terrified. I saw a bullet ricochet off the concrete near my feet and I huddled my head down and tried to crouch behind the car for cover. My friend wasn't too phased by the event, she had an expression that I interpreted as 'geeze their so lame, a driveby while we're partying? wankers'. The car drove off uphill and around the bend and I woke up.

      Dream 2 - Killed in my dreams
      I think at some point in the dream I was involved in some gang related murder, we killed a friend of Snoop Dogg's (Can't seem to remember it anymore). I was driving at night down a well-lit street, the orange glow from the street lamps lit the red-brick apartment buildings that were common in this lower class area. A car drove up next to mine with the windows rolled down, I look over and see Snoop Dogg. I know what's coming next, and I know there isn't any way I can escape. He gets a gun out and puts it to my chest, I try and explain it wasn't my fault but he clicks the trigger. A gasp of breath escapes, my mouth is open and I look down in shock to see the hole in my chest and blood flowing out. It felt so real, the profound feeling of death lingered. Then the dream reset.
      I see Snoop Dogg in the car next to me, I know what's about to happen. This time I explain "wait! I didn't want this to happen! How could anybody want that to happen?!? Nobody should have died, and there's nothing I can do to change what happened" the feeling of tears seem to well up inside me. Snoop Dogg lowered his gun, but I had made a crucial mistake. Snoop Dogg's friend didn't hear my plea. He appeared in front of me (somehow in my car he just popped up in the space where my legs go (I didn't seem to be in the drivers seat anymore as well)) and pointed his gun at me. Bang. A gasp of breath escapes, my mouth is open and I look down in shock to see the hole in my chest and blood flowing out. It felt so real, the profound feeling of death lingered.
      Next thing I know I'm awake.

      The last dream was pretty scary to wake up from, kind of shocked me.
    2. August 30, 2015

      by , 08-30-2015 at 09:49 PM
      Dream I:

      There's very little that I can remember from this dream, but Dakota and I were at another house. I believe that we lived there together. Anyway, there was a fire up above--it's very difficult to explain, but we could see the fire because it was like the first level of the house had a porch and so did the second, and you could see the second porch from down on the first. There was even a ladder to get to it. As I was saying, there was a fire up top, and when he and I noticed we began working to extinguish it. It was very isolated, though, and although we knew it could spread it wasn't at the time. I believe we did end up getting rid of it.

      Dream II:

      Either I was playing a video game or the dream was like a video game, because the objective was to save the king by defeating these levels.

      Throughout the dream I was somewhat conscious of my tulpa, Augustus, and I think I was wishing that I knew someone else who had a tulpa of their own. That being said, I couldn't afford much attention to Augustus because I was a knight for His Majesty, and it was imperative that I be the person to reach and save him before the others.

      Most of the levels were very easy, because although the enemies were shooting at me I was protected in some sort of vehicle, and therefore I was able to kill them off before they were able to do the same to me. On the last level, however, I was without any form of protection, and so they shot me several times. I died, but I kept trying again (which is why I think of this as a sort of video game) until I finally shot and killed all of them.

      Then, finally, I was near the king. He was at a Chunin Exams sort of place, and all of us (the knights) jumped out and tried to reach him first. I know that the rest of them were Naruto characters, but the only one I definitely remember was Tenten, who was dressed in more of a masculine style from the Renaissance era.

      She got to him first and somehow stopped the oncoming attack--I don't remember how. I remember that the king--who was a bit pale, with sort of longish hair that came to his shoulder blades--looked bewildered, totally confused. I remember feeling a bit of fear, because I wasn't the one who got to him first (what would he do with me?). But the king was just fine and amiable, and he did not hate anyone for not getting to save him. I suppose he was too grateful for Tenten to be hateful!

      After that, Tenten and I hung out a bit. I knew that she said she had a tulpa, but I wasn't sure if I believed her. I remember her cooking for me, though; I think she was trying to show me how to make something. Fire rose from the pan, and I had the distinct impression that her tulpa was right behind her, and I believed her.
    3. Battle at the Arcade

      by , 08-27-2015 at 02:58 PM
      I had forgotten about this dream when I woke up and I was sad that I didn't have any lucid dreams, but then I remembered it after trying to remember my dreams for a few minutes! I was sure glad that I did, this one was pretty fun even though I went a bit crazy for a minute, beating up a poor, innocent dream character. I wonder how many lucid dreams I completely forget about having.

      I was hanging out at an old school arcade, and it was quite popular! Very unusual for arcades these days, the last few I've seen were like ghost towns.
      I felt like I was in the 90's again, there were kids everywhere playing games and the atmosphere was very exciting and full of positive energy.

      I saw a girl that I used to have a crush on when I was 13. I wanted to buy these peanut butter cups because I remembered (falsely) in the dream that she used to love them. I tried to buy a bag from the cashier guy there and he said it would cost $95 AUD!
      I tried to haggle a little bit with him and a group of about ten DCs joined me, including my childhood crush. The guy caved into the pressure and cut the price in half, but he most certainly wasn't very happy about it. He demanded that I should take another item on top of the candy as well, quite odd. I took a small gray comb that was sitting on the table and gave him money. He didn't give me the candy, instead he tore up a couple $20 notes and threw them on the counter for me, while counting in $20 increments as though he was giving me change.

      I pointed at his face and called him a dick, so he reached beneath the counter, pulled out a gun, and pointed it at my face.
      I looked at him and said, "Are you serious? You can't hurt me in my own dream."

      He shot me a couple times and it didn't bother me at all. I was afraid that he was going to hurt my childhood crush though, so I slowed down time. I could see his bullets moving through the air, creating ripples in their wake.

      I got up next to them and calmly watched them float by me. I pulled a couple out of the air and dropped them on the floor. He kept firing though, and he was trying to hit my crush. The bullets started moving faster too.

      I kept swiping them to the side so that they flew into the walls or into arcade games. Two of the bullets got past me though and went into the girl's leg and stomach. I made the bullets come out with my mind and then held my hand over her body to heal her. The guy did it now. I didn't want to hurt him before that point, but hurting that DC made me go a little bit dark.

      I punched the next bullet that he shot and it went zooming past his head, then I ran up to him at super speed and kicked him straight in the nuts. His face started to slowly get distorted from the pain.
      I then punched him square in the nose and it sent ripples all throughout his body, emanating from the impact point. The force of the blow knocked him downwards into the ground slightly. Woke up.
    4. A Shoot Out

      by , 07-20-2015 at 05:18 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #451 - DILD - 7:15AM

      Some goons are chasing because I have an item that is valuable to them. Two come at me and to shoot them both with pistol. I feel like this is a video game and I become lucid. I run through many doors and various rooms for quite a long time. I eventually come to a larger room and meet one of the bad guys head on. Knowing this is a dream an nothing can hurt me, I bum rush the man and put my gun to his temple. I am disappointed by the lack of sound and only see sparks spurting out the other side. Perhaps they are robots? I let this thought go as collect my thoughts as I dismiss whatever story line I was involved in. I realize that I had some goals in mind, but I can't seem to recall them. The effort of thinking on this causes the dream to collapse. I rub my hands to stabilize, but it is of no use.


      I lay awake for a while and think of some cool lucid dream goals. Staring at a ceiling fan and trying to walk up a rainbow. Perhaps one night I'll give it a go.

      #452 - DEILD - 7:46AM

      I fall into a non lucid dream of being a rapper on stage. I spout some freestyle nonsense and end up sounding a lot like Emenim. I wake up slightly and start to rub my hands with my dream body. I am surprised how vivid it feels so I get up out of bed. I am blind, but I remember that I put on my sleep mask to block out the day light. I try looking through the mask and find that I can partially see the room. This only works for awhile as I make my way outside. I very much feel the mask on my face, but never think to take it off in the dream. I am blind outside and the dream quickly collapses and I wake up.
      Or so I thought. It turns out to be a false awakening and I spend a lot of time trying to record my dream in my DJ without much success. I eventually wake up.
    5. Gunfights Galore (LD #23)

      by , 07-07-2015 at 07:15 PM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      July 4, 2015

      I am inside of a gas station type place. Some people have come in and tried to kill us with guns, but so far I have survived along with one other person who is with me. I open the door of the store and look outside. There is a river there along with lush vegetation at the banks of it. I see I boat pull up to the opposite bank of me and there are two people in it. They are being shot at and beg that the guy stops. One of the dudes uses the motor of the boat to block the bullets...but eventually the gunman gets close enough to them and takes them both out. I rush back inside the store and hide. The gunman comes in. I see my partner hiding behind a large metal box. I am so scared that I just dive into a closet at the back. It is pitch black in there. I an see the gunman coming towards my door because the door is slightly cracked open. I am praying that he goes away and I get lucky. He stops right in front of my door, looks around and decided no one is there, so he leaves. Then I'm outside at some camp thing with some friends of mine. It's at a single house in an open grass field with a forest surrounding it. We are all leaving towards our cars and I see two of my friends, C and T, get in a truck. There is another dude who I haven't seen before that gets in a truck behind him. For some reason I walk back over to the trucks and see what the other guy looks like. He looks exactly like T. I walked over to C to check if T was in the car because I thought he got in with him. I saw T and C in the same car however and I was very confused.

      "If you're here, then who is that?"

      I asked T. Immediately the copy of T smiled at me and pulled a gun out. He shot T and C in the head, then pointed his gun at me. Immediately I realized that this was a
      dream. I walked out from the left side of the car and acted all cocky.

      "You think you can do that?" I asked the kid. "Well then I can do this."

      I put my hand down by my side and drew an imaginary gun from my imaginary holster. I pointed my fingers at the dude's head and yelled "BANG". A hole appeared on his forehead with a little bit of blood dripping down. His head fell over and hit the dashboard. I was proud of myself for pulling that off, but right as I was about to walk away the DC got back up and smiled again like he was just joking. He then aimed his gun and shot me in the head. I could see the blood dripping from my head and I was about to die but then I realized I couldn't die, because it was my dream. So we shot back and forth at each other a few times and then I started running away. There was green grass and green trees everywhere. In the field to my left was some trees that were white and skinny. They had a few branches sicking out and on the end of the branches was a green bush. Other than that the trees were bare. I thought the dude had disappeared, but when I turned around he was coming at me and laughing like a maniac. I continued to run and then remembered a trick I had learned in an audio here on DV. I turned around and waited for the dude to get close to me. He now looked like a crazy version of spongebob. I barely had enough time to visualize him soaring away as I punched him before he got on me. I hit him and he went up into the air, not as far as I expected him to go but he still went pretty far. I turned around forgetting about him and remembered my goal to fly. I ran over to one of the skinny white trees and began climbing so I could jump off it. There was perfectly round columns of wood going around the tree in a circle. It started at the ground and as you continued going around you slowly went up and up. After I had jumped on the first log I felt the dream fading. I then jumped to the second log and
      woke up.
    6. [04-05-2015]

      by , 05-04-2015 at 08:52 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Meeting of wizards

      I was standing on top of a platform, high above the ground. I was a powerful necromancer, meeting with a conjurer and elementalist.

      Running away from the police

      I went out of my home. I walked for a while, and found myself in an industrial street from VIII century. Suddenly I saw a minimap on the left bottom corner of my vision, and a star indicating that police is looking for me.

      I decided to run away. I saw that they already surrounded the area. The policemen were wearing blue uniforms with strange hats. As I ran away, they shot at me. Luckily none of their shots were succesfull. I saw an old Ford car, but decided to leave it there.

      Running towards an alley leading into slums, I found a gun lying on the ground, and took it. It was getting dark. I ran towards junkyard, and found a shelter that one of the homeless built before his death. I've hiddent there, preparing for a sudden attack.

      Suddenly I saw someone coming. He was wearing black suit, and holding a suitcase full of money. When I looked at him, text saying "russian drug dealer" appeared above his head. I panicked and shot at him, but somehow the bullet haven't hit him.

      Luckily, he just ignored me. After a short while of waiting, a soldier jumped on a parachute and landed close to me. He told me that he is a great general, and that if I want to live, I must accept his offer. He told me that I'm going to be a "Head Director Paladin".

      Dark Lord

      With group of my teachers we went inside some kind of crypt, buried underneath the school. It was dark inside, and there were many skeletons lying on the ground. Suddenly I recalled that I was there before, fighting with the undead. There were skeletons with huge swords, cloaked skeletons summoning other undead, and the dark lord himself.

      The dark lord was a skeleton, surrounded by field of strong, pale blue energy. Despite having no tissue or skin, it had long, dark curly hair. Trying to survive the encounter, I fought every way possible. I ran towards small chamber, leaving most of the undead on a corridor. They had to run towards the chamber, which let me fight them one by one.

      I took a huge sword out of my backpack, and slashed my way out. There was only the dark lord left. I knew that this particular undead is too strong to kill it with a mere sword. I focused and cast a "destroy undead" spell. Then my vision returned back to the school.

      I told teachers that I was there before, but none of them listened to me. They just wanted to take any valuables from there, and seal it from the world. I estimated that all the junk they took was worth two thousand dollars.

      When they went away to sell it, I entered the crypt. Suddenly I traveled back in time, and saw that it was a school cloakroom before. I looked around, and between closets I saw a girl sitting on a bench. She went out a while later.

      I looked again, and saw that there were some cats running around. I realised that the horror had something to do with the cats. Suddenly a horrifying music started to play. For a long time I chased those cats and freed them. When there were only two of them, a weird man appeared.

      It was an old, bald man with long, white beard. He was wearing grey suit. I took another cat, and went closer to him. He was holding a carving knife, and there was a cat sitting on the table. I asked "What's with this knife?" And the man stabbed the cat to death.

      This angered me. I let the cat that I was holding before go away. I found a cleaver lying nearby. I made a long, horrifying howl and threwn it at the man. It made an arc and hit him in the foot, cutting it in half. The man started to scream in pain.

      Then I realised, that I was responsible for all the foul ongoings there, as truly I was the Dark Lord.

      FA - in home

      I was sitting in an armchair. It was dark. I looked around and saw that my relatives were sitting nearby, and looking at me. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing. I took the phone - it belonged to my younger sister, and went back to my relatives. I gave the phone to my sister.
    7. (march 31, 2015) Squirrel hunt

      by , 04-01-2015 at 02:02 AM
      Late entry, but better than nothing.

      I was outside on a cool spring day, in someones back yard of their house. i was at the edge of their property where there was a chain link fence with some pine trees lining it on either side. the grass was well cut, but not very vividly green. it was later in the evening, the sun was going down, the orange rays of the sun going down across the land. I had a all black pellet gun, and was trying to shoot a squirrel that was on one of the trees. I missed a few shots but got up close an finally got it. it fell quickly. I picked it up and tossed it over the chain link fence. over the fence was an immediate slope down to the road and the squirrel fell in the open, i was worried some one would see and i hoped over to move it down into the bushes.

      very short, yet very vivid dream. remembering it feels as thoug i was there 5 mins ago.
    8. Fake Reality

      by , 03-10-2015 at 06:39 PM
      This felt like one of my longest lucid dreams yet. I went to sleep at around 11:30 PM, after taking sleeping pills, and woke up at about 4:07 AM the next morning and stayed awake until about 5:10 AM using the internet, printing a sheet, and trying to figure out what to do next before I go back to bed. I went back to sleep at around 5:20 AM and performed the WILD technique, I think. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. This is how it turned out.

      I woke up in sleep paralysis, after desperately attempting to move my body up out of bed. It took me a while to realize it, meaning the demons, or whatever it was, would come in to the room earlier. I was laid on my back under my covers(even though the blankets were not actually on me). I closed my eyes and began visualizing myself escape the current paralyzed state and imagine myself leaving the bedroom. I never actually imagined going anywhere else but inside the home I was already in. The harder I thought about myself going through that levitating phase, the harder I had to keep it in my mind. I ended up losing my train of thought the first time, but the second time I tried imagining myself moving freely away from my dream bed, I immediately flew out of this levitation mode and quickly flew through the closed door in my bedroom, in hopes that whatever else was in there would not catch me.

      After making it out, and already becoming lucid, I decided to walk outside the home. I didn't really have anything to do so far, but to save me the sensations of bordem, I decided to go ahead and summon Sydney again, out on the parkway(which was all empty). I extended my right arm back and summon her. I pulled her out in front of me but I didn't actually sure what to do with her. Once we walked back in to the house, I noticed that two of the televisions were on inside the house; one in the living room and one in my parents' bedroom. My father was inside the living room and my mother was inside their bedroom. I also saw two kids walked in to the scene at the same time I did(they somehow where already in the house). One of them was a boy and the other one was a year, one who looked so suspiciously familiar.

      Me and Sydney followed the little girl and when she walked over to my mother inside her bedroom, I then realized that it was one of the children I helped back at a preschool a few years ago. She didn't look exactly the same, nor did it look like she had any of her traits come to think of it, but while dreaming, it really felt like we were finally meeting each other again after a long time. I'm not sure if I hugged her or not.

      Me and Sydney then walked back out of the house and walked around the front steps of the house for a small bit. I saw my dog there, along with his lover, at least that's what it looked like. They stuck very close to each other, walking around me and Sydney. My dog had a tendency to lick me every time he had the chance to. I didn't like it, but then again he was my dog, so I could never neglect him. He also had a tendency to drink water from anywhere, including the dirty brown water that was inside a small fountain next to the front porch. He drank it and didn't even care how dirty it was.

      After hanging around with my dog for a while, him and his lover left. Me and Sydney were now alone with each other. This was the best time to try and talk to her, especially since our waking life communications don't exit, they never did. I walked Sydney over to the wall next to the parkway and turned towards her. I looked in her eyes, closely observing her facial expressions and attempted to ask her a question hoping she reply with a somewhat real answer.

      "I like you, Sydney." I said.

      "I like you." she repeated.

      I continued telling her how I felt about her but she kept repeating what I said. After a couple times, it got annoying. I asked why she was copying me and eventually told her to stop copying me. She didn't want to listen to me. After asking her so many times, she did manage to tell me something irrelevant, but I forgot what she said. I then decided to leave Sydney here while I went venturing out the street I was in.

      Before I walked in to the street, the dream started to turn on me by fading away. I believed the sky was adding to it. It was so dark that many of the homes in the city looked haunted. I raised up both of my arms and imagined the skies to be lit with bright stars. After several attempts, all I did was turn midnight in to late evenings. The dream was practically blind by now. I resorted to the spinning technique as a last motive. I turned my body and turned it as much as I could, so I could feel the vibrations of my dream body move along a strong, consistent pattern to assist in achieving a better vision for the world. It surprisingly worked. Everything, including the skies, were clear. I was not only shocked, but amazed.

      I walked out on to the street and I already saw someone walking it. It was a stranger, someone that kept walking down this street consistently in the dream. They wore a pink/black decorated hoodie, so I had a little trouble recalling if they were male or female. I followed them out on the side of the street. I was walking behind them and felt the urge to do something I knew. I extended my right arm back and pulled out in front of me a metal hammer. What I wanted to do to this person was obvious, and I was going to do it whether or not there were people watching. Unfortunately, that person walked in to an area I did not want to walk in to. I decided to walk away and try my luck someplace else.

      On my way walked off to other houses on the street, I saw a police car driving off in to one of the parking lot of someone's home. I saw another one opposite of the same of the same home. The first one was going down in flames, which I'm not sure what happened, and the other cop car(and whoever else was in it) didn't seem to care that one of their pals' car was burning out.

      I walked over to different house on my right side of the street to see who I could kill in a discreetly manner. I noticed several mothers on the front lawns of their home working and taking the trash out. I focused on one that lived in a darkly lit area, followed by a lonely backyard parkway. I trespassed in to their home and walked up in to the shadowy trees and bushes. They were walking closer up to me and I waited for them to walk up in front of the shadows I was in. Once the got close enough for me to touch them, I swung the hammer heavily on to their forehead and unintentionally broke the hammer. The woman then started laughing at me for not being able to kill her. I gave up trying to kill someone else, so I decided to do something else with my lucidity.

      This was where things got interesting. I flew over near a small food market on the corner of the same street I just came out of. As I was flying on to the parking lot of this place, I summoned someone I didn't really intend on summoning before I went to bed. It was Madison, one of Sydney's friends. I held her hand until the both of us were on the ground. The reason I landed on to the parking lot of this small store was because there was going to be a special event taking place her in just a few more minutes. There was coincidentally two chairs already laid out on this parking lot. I sat in the left one and Madison, on my right. We were seemingly the first ones here. There were still a lot more people left.

      As we waited, I decided to go ahead and summon a bag of chips(seeing how you don't gain weight in dreams). They were my personal favorites - Cheddar Ruffles. I grabbed some of them to munch on and then handed the bag over to Madison. She ate some with me. The taste felt almost the same, but not vividly. It wasn't strong enough for me to actually set one of my intentions to summon them before going to sleep some other night. Me and Madison both sat there as people quickly started piling up.

      The seats began filling up quickly. Many of the seats in front of us were already filled. Some of the individuals attending this ceremony were young and some were old, but not too old. As me and Madison were eating our food, I noticed a young male staring at the food we were eating. This guy looked a lot like my best friend I used to hang around with during high school. I'm not sure if it was him, though. He never bothered greeting me and I never bothered greeting him. I assumed in forgotten all about me.

      The parking lot was full by the time the one's responsible for this ceremony put up the red/white decorations scattered all over the place. I turned over towards Madison and gave her a small kiss on the lips, which was a little tasty seeing how she still had the cheddar Ruffle powder taste on them. Madison was my date for the night, but I'm not even sure if she knows it.

      Eventually, the staff presenters walked up in front of the large crowd of audience in the parking lot. They went on talking about whatever it was they meant to talk about. I don't have any recollection of what they were trying to speak out. That wasn't the purpose of this perfect moment I held in delight as I sat there that night with Madison. As I sat there, surrounded by so many cheering individuals, most of which were strangers, I felt it'd be the best time to expand my relationship with Madison to something intense. I extended my right arm back and summoned a small black case holding a valuable item inside. I pulled out the box in front of me and held it discreetly in both my hands as I got down on the ground with one left knee in front of Madison. I held the box out in front of her and opened it up as I spoke out those four dazzling words, Will you marry me?

      The audience cheered with "awes" and applause. Madison was caught by surprise. I waited for her reply but after the audience began cheering less, Madison then went on to say something along the lines of, while smiling, It's too early. I was shocked, but as long as the two of us could keep together for a little while longer, it'd eventually be a possibility. The ceremony was over by now and everyone started getting up out of their chairs and walking towards the exit. Me and Madison both got up out of our chairs. I held her in my arms in front of me very closely. At that moment, I just noticed she wore a red. glittery dress. We then both walked out towards the exit, after being escorted, and walked in to what seemed to be a casino.

      Me and Madison departed ways once we entered this new scene. At the beginning on this small hallway, the one we were escorted to, I broke out a few dance moves behind some of the girls I was walking behind with. I think I was dancing to Uptown Funk, but I'm not quite sure. I followed these three girls until we reached the bigger part of the casino - the lounge. This area was big but not too big, and not too small either. There were slot machines on my right side, a set of tables just outside the small hallway I just walked out of, and a small bar to me left, one where Jay-Z happened to be in. Perhaps Jay-Z enjoyed bar tending more than making music. That is what I thought. I also saw two older men sitting just outside the hallway near the tables. I remember summoning a Berreta to see if it couldn't fire actual bullets this time. Instead, I fired off one plastic bb and I also had to reload the gun, which would eventually become harder to pull, at which then I decided to better yet throw the gun at the hairless man who didn't mind me throwing it at him.

      I saw a few others things in the dream. I tried setting the place on fire by using a small box of match and throwing it in small cups of gasoline(what I thought) scattered around the room. The fire would sometimes extended as far as where I was holding it but didn't feel a thing.
    9. Fake

      by , 03-07-2015 at 10:18 AM
      I woke up at about 7:00 AM in the morning, debating whether or not I should go back to sleep or to begin going about my day. I decided to dose off to sleep.

      I woke up in paralyzed in sleep, again. I didn't need to look around the room to notice. All I needed to know was the sudden change in emotions that were building up inside my body. I couldn't move. My hands and arms were the only source of strength I could use to try and rise from bed, but once I did, the force on my chest prevents me from doing so. After becoming consciously aware of my current state, I immediately let my mind sink in to the realm of the dream world. I closed my eyes and calmed down my nerves. For a few seconds, I avoided the thoughts of nearby terror. I imagined a place where I would be summoned in lucidity - the home living room.

      My mind then began changing the outcome of this paralyzing fear. My body, as I felt, hovered just slightly over my bed and began tilting out towards the exit door located in front of my bed. My mind was doing good. There was nothing that could have prevented me from escaping sleep paralysis. I gradually went hovering faster throughout the door of my bedroom and the dream then started to take place.

      Suddenly, I ended up in my living room. The ceiling lights were on, all four bulbs. I stood standing in the middle of the somewhat small room and observed what was around me. I felt a strong sense of lucidity. Not only that, but vividness, a very strong fell of it. There was no one else in the room, though it felt like it. At that very moment, I decided to do what I can with the dream world and utilize it in any way I can to escape my waking life.

      I wasn't motivated to perform anything in the dream, not as much as I once was, but my memories of Sydney reminded myself of how much I loved lucid dream and that was the first thing on my mind. I summoned Sydney, extending my right arm back and pulling her out in front of me. The rest was unknown, or unable to remember. I then appeared outside, out on the street. I saw these few individuals and decided to follow them. Their path led me to a small party happening on the front yard of someone's home.

      One of the first things I wanted to do here was to summon a pistol and shoot anyone who might have been an enemy. It turned out, one of them was sitting on the parking lot of the front yard. He was up to something, I just wasn't sure what. I walked slowly past him and slowly tilted my head over to see if he was doing anything suspiciously. I pulled my gun out and moved over to a quiet area. He then moved over deeper in to the backyard of the house. That's when I pointed my gun at him and squeezed the trigger. Surprisingly, nothing happened. What I thought was a overpowered weapon was now an air soft gun. I had to keep pulling the top loader part of the gun back to keep shooting the plastic bb's at him. He then started panicking and ran towards the back yard.

      I ran over behind a set of pillars and summoned an assault rifle, one without bb's. I aimed it at him and started firing. Everyone else at the party ran around in panic. There were a few other individuals standing behind me, one's who wanted to help. I summoned a few weapons for them, in hopes that they would assist me in stopping the bad guys. Bullets went flying over everyone's head, all without any sound coming from the opposite side.

      The criminals then started running back out on to the front yard and running towards the street. Me, along with almost everyone else at the party, including unarmed ones, were all still at the residence. I stood out and ordered everyone to go after the criminals and demanded all to attack. The whole crowds of people then stormed out on to the street towards the direction of the criminals. Change, however, took its toll on me. Before I knew it, I stood on the sidewalk of a street where the only humans left were me and my small group of armed individuals.

      The mood got quieter, softer. The noise left the dream world and the criminals we were all chasing were long gone. Me, along with my group of about 10 people, walked on the sidewalk, hoping something better would come up for us. I stood behind the larger numbers, walking next to an unknown guy. I talked to this guy just like I would to any one around my age. At one point, I brought up Sydney. I even summoned her. I extended my left arm back and summoned her. She stood right by me as I stared at her, almost as if she knew me. This is not true in waking life. I woke up happy.
    10. Dreamer Vs. Dream Guide (LD #166)

      by , 02-05-2015 at 03:37 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I dreamed of my old family beach resort. That is strange, I haven't dreamed of that place in a long time.

      I was in my art history class. I had forgotten to do the homework. We still had [a large amount of time] before class to do the work. I thought about trying to do it, but instead decided to get up and leave class.


      I somehow found myself in a martial arts/combatatives shop. They sold everything relating to fighting here. Guns. Bows. Swords. I remember seeing some of the weapons on the wall and thinking I wanted to get one. I knew that I was in some sense or another 'allowed to'.

      The front room of the store was cramped with all the weapons and gear. I made my way into the back room that was almost completely empty.

      I then ran into a group of about a dozen martial artists, proudly wearing white uniforms and black belts. They asked me how good I was with a bo staff and gave me one. I started spinning it around, as I did telling them that I've never had any formal training or practice with one. I just used to have a stick and I would use it for play.

      They then asked me if I found it funny when I was teaching new students if they got [two similar stances] mixed up. I told them about how (IWL) I've been attending Taekwondo lessons for four years, and I still got [those stances] mixed up sometimes. Because I was making mistakes and open to learning I didn't find it annoying.

      They didn't seem to happy with this answer and left me there.

      Then the shop owner came up and told me that I was here because someone had challenged me to a fight. He said that he couldn't tell me who because my challenger had chosen to remain anonymous until the fight.

      I asked him what the rules of the fight are. He told me that it was totally open. Any moves were fair-game. The only rule is I am not allowed to bring other people in with me.

      He gave me a different outfit, a black martial arts uniform and told me to head up to [some cave] where the battle would take place.

      I teleported outside. I became lucid around here and realized that I wanted everyone to hurry up and get this fight on, with all the short-lived
      lucidity I've been having, there was no way we were going to see some action.

      The cave was out in a snowy tundra in the mountains. The only way into the cave was a rope bridge. It seemed to be made out of these tough vines of some sort. I couldn't really tell. It led into a cave. Inside the cave was mostly filled with water. (Very cold water, since tundra and all) but there was a small platform, about 20ft around in the middle that the bridge connected to. There were a couple of waterfalls coming into the edge of the cave and a couple of holes in the ceiling where sunlight shown through like a spotlight onto the main floor.

      There was another bridge that came from the opposite side of the cave. There were all of these people on the opposite side that were watching, including the guys that were in the back of the shop from earlier. It didn't take them long to send their opponent across. Some of them had even set up tents and what not.

      So, you already know I was supposed to fight Manei, my very own dream guide. But I didn't know that just yet. (TBH I didn't pick up on it until halfway into the fight.) Because when she came across, I hardly recognized her. She had cut her hair short (not really short, just short enough to lay flat on top of the head.) She wasn't wearing her headband. Though I guess what threw me for a loop was the idea that Manei had picked a fight with anyone. She's always given me the vibe that she was something of a pacifist.

      But the reason I didn't recognize her was the fact that her energy/aura that I usually felt seemed completely absent. It was strange, and I am still not 100% sure that the character that I fought was her.

      She tried to taunt me into attacking first, but I remained quiet and motionless. Eventually she just charged right at me, winding up for a big punch right in the face. It was like facing down a charging bull.

      I simply sidestepped and tripped her with one foot as she came in. I honestly did not expect that to work at all. She fell forward but managed to catch herself. She got to her feet ready to fight again. She went in for a couple kicks. I noticed that her form was horrible, she wasn't guarding her body and seemed off balance.

      When she moved in for a punch I was able to duck under her. I was coming around to elbow her in the back when I realized that I was fighting Manei, and what I was about to do could really hurt someone. I tried to think of another way that I could end this fight quickly without really hurting her. I for some reason thought of how in Avatar, that one girl (Ty Lee was it?) can Chi-Block her opponents and paralyze them without hurting them.

      I threw a couple of random quick jabs to her back and (Because lucid dream) it worked. Her right arm was completely paralyzed, hanging limp at her side. She came around with her left and tried to punch me. I grabbed her with my left and twisted her wrist around so that she was off balance. Two more jabs with my right arm and both arms were paralyzed.

      I stood back and looked at her. Her hair was long now, but undone and messy. For some reason the dream became really detailed here. I could see every detail in her. Her facial expression, full of aggression. Her arms, that she was already starting to get feeling back in them. She was opening and closing her fists. I could even see her breath in the cold air of the cave. The cave itself became more detailed too. I could now hear the waterfalls and see little crystals inside the stone floor.

      The fight dragged on for a few minutes of interlude combat. She didn't manage to land a single solid hit, despite giving it her all. I didn't land many hits either, I was being very careful not to hurt her.

      After awhile, She didn't want to fight anymore, she wanted to wrestle. I put my hands into my pockets. She ran right at me ready to grab me and take me to the floor. When she got in close, I jumped back, and landed on my back, feet in the air. She jumped for me and I kicked her up and behind me. I heard a splash sound. By the time I got up I saw the spot in the water where she had gone in.

      I began to notice that she wasn't coming back up. Either that kick or the cold water had knocked her out.

      "Huh... man... that water looks cold!"

      I jumped in and fished her out. Despite being fully lucid, she seemed impossibly heavy and I was barely able to lift her out. I managed to get her back up onto the arena. She coughed up a bunch of water.

      For some reason or another, I had to carry her across back to her family. And my oh my, I wish I had a smaller dream guide. One of the martial arts guys came over to me, the oldest and most experienced. He told me that it was customary for dream guides to fight their dreamer at least once. He gave some reasoning behind it, but I didn't find it very valid, or think that it applied to me and her.

      He also told me about how you might expect that most of the time the guide would win, but in reality it is actually about 50/50. In most cases it really depends on the personality of the dreamer/guide rather than their position.

      The last thing that I remember was her little sister of about six years old (or who I assumed was her little sister) running up and asking if she was okay. She had gone unconscious again. I told her that she would be fine. The dream ended and I woke up.

      Updated 02-05-2015 at 03:40 PM by 53527

      memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    11. Weird ETs

      by , 01-31-2015 at 06:43 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Weird ETs (Non-lucid)


      Full Dream (+1)
      I was in a big house and I think I was staying over night. The house had like three or four stories and pretty much my entire family was in there. I was feeling homesick so I wanted to do some star gazing. As I was climbing the stairs, I heard my that calling me. He pointed at the sky and told me, "You are psychic like me, so I am sure you can see this in the sky. As I looked up, I saw:

      I felt pretty amazed, all four squares were alien crafts moving and I could communicate telepathically to them. I spend a while with my dad gazing and chatting about other planes of existance.

      After a while, the dream shifted and I was in some sort of major extraterrestial building research. There were actual ET beings here and I was thrilled in exploring this place.

      While I was exploring it, my wife told me to go to the hidden chambers and try to get some interesting information. As we were exploring the facility, out of the blue
      I turned lucid. I knew I was dreaming (+10) and just to double check I did a RC (+1) which it failed. I told my wife (+2), "Don't worry, it is just a dream, nothing will happen." It seems that some sort of emergency was going. My lucid was extremely low quality and I could not focus properly, I was barely holding lucidity about this one.

      My wife told me something about intergalactic sex, but I felt bad disrupting the beautiful ET energy (loosing lucidity.)

      As I went outside, I was wondering if I could take stuff out of the dream, in waking life. My wife told me to go to produce store and see how it felt to do a robbery in a dream. I imagined I had a gun in my poket and I was able to pull one
      (+4) but at this point in the dream I was loosing focus fast until I either went to no lucid or woke up.
      Tags: craft, ets, gun, wife
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. More Sleep Schedule Correction (LD #163: Matrix)

      by , 01-29-2015 at 02:11 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Went from 12:30 (last night) to about 11:45. I woke up very early this morning too.

      -Uncle Iroh was missing three fingers and a thumb on his right hand.

      -Something to do with Minecraft

      -I was in this strange environment where there were these pillar-like mountains, something like the mesas in the American southwest. Everything was made out of reddish stone. The sky was orange/red as well and there were a bunch of Jupiter/Saturn clones in the sky.

      I was sitting in a small cafe/resturant with Neo and Morpheus. Kind of getting big boy or coney island vibes. Nothing fancy, but no fast food place either. There were agents after us and we had to defend ourselves. For some reason the 'agents' were Trinity clones rather than Agent Smith.

      I became lucid at one point and started fighting back. I can't recall what triggered lucidity. Everyone else ran running and screaming out of the cafe. Even the other Matrix characters.

      The agents seemed pretty easy to defeat. I recall having basic punch/kick fights to defeat a few.

      I started looking for more interesting ways to fight them. I picked up a table and threw it at one. It fell out the window. I became aware of the fact that we were not on ground level.

      I remember the most interesting one was the one that I picked up with a psychic grab and crushed so small she actually collapsed into a miniature back hole that sucked up some chairs/tables/food around her, then dissipated after a few seconds.

      The 'Final Agent' came out that was supposedly the original, and would be the most difficult to defeat. She looked shorter and fatter than the others and carried an Uzi. She fired on me. I remember all of the bullets just fell off of me. I even caught some in my hand. This looked strange as it seemed to happen in slow motion and I saw a shock wave spread through my hand every time I caught one.

      When she emptied the mag, I examined the bullets that I had caught. They felt warm from the gun. I then (without moving my hand) thought to fling them back. They all fired off, like a shotgun, back at my opponent and, well they should have killed her.

      She then told me that she was not merely human... but rather...

      She unzipped her leather outfit, and had nothing underneath. The moment I started to examine her body, I noticed it looked fake. Once the tight matrix leather was off, she started to unzip her skin starting from the head to reveal that she was in fact a terminator-like robot.

      (Terminator-Matrix Crossover, somebody get on that)


      I was at home, still lucid. My dad asked me what I was doing. I told him I was dreaming and was going outside to fly. I went outside. He responded with some curse words and begrudgingly told me to do whatever I wanted. It was a gray cloudy day.

      His negativity seemed to be weighing on the whole dream though. I couldn't fly. I then thought that I might want to pursue him, find out why in my LD's my father is always such a negative influence.

      I instead had a false awakening, but forgot the content of it.

      Updated 01-29-2015 at 03:53 PM by 53527

      lucid , dream fragment
    13. 11-26-14 Salivating bad guy

      by , 12-04-2014 at 08:50 PM
      Someone was making a new version of Lord of the Rings. it was turning out horrible. The orcs were basically people dressed up in chimpanzee suits. Sauron was a huge ugly monster and he had a wife. He ate his own spit.

      I was sent to live in a bookstore. There was an all-boys' section. As sort of a personality test and to see if I had what it took to live there I had to fight a Pokémon boss battle. I did horribly. Some obese teenager pushed me over from behind. I remember being a bit surprised by that.

      A screaming man came riding over a hill on a tractor and started shooting maniacally at me with a machine gun. I ducked underneath a car for protection and started saying my prayers.
    14. Cop research

      by , 11-24-2014 at 08:31 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Cop research (Non-lucid)


      This was a long dream that I had no time to write out in the morning, and sadly, been busy all day up to now, dinner time, with little recall left from the dream.

      I was teaching psychic abilities to some students at my home.

      Something related with two females and I went out with one. There were a lot of cops and they were taking people to jail, people who was on drugs and they would research for drugs. I wondered if they would find drugs in my room, even though I knew I had no drugs at all.

      I was visiting jail for some reason and someone threaten me. I found an uzi gun and I pointed at some people, but I had no intents to kill. Cop cars arrived and I wanted to be at peace. Dropped the uzi and told them I was defending myself. They heard to me and they did not press charges.
      Tags: cop, drugs, gun, jail, uzi
    15. Coles and Town Shooting

      by , 11-02-2014 at 09:05 AM
      1st. I remember walking down a street and there was this large brick building, I went inside and I had to go past the lobby even though no one was there I still felt like it was a big deal. When you walked through the lobby doors the was a very gradual slope or possibly just long stairs, there were windows on one side and the flooring was just a really shitty red carpet that you would find in old(ish) buildings. At the end of the stairway there was a large are although nothing too big. There was a class room directly opposite of the stairway and next to it a door. I didn't expect there to be a class there and just wanted to leave now, but I soldiered on (Dream Neason is such a trooper!). This led to another hall with steps at the end, tonnes of Coles logos on the walls (because why not??) And then a turn to another door, when I tried to open this door it was locked so I headed back. As I was walking through the small hall door way Jake Sut walked through and scared the shit out of me.

      I then ended up going to the plaza after that, it was partially empty and some parts were even decorated for Christmas as I was walking through there was this weird circle elevator although it only led to a platform about a metre of the floor. An old couple then walked by and went up the down escalator. I went to do the same but every time I tried it would speed up and at one point my feet were scraped against the bottom of the escalator, so I had to walk around and go up the up escalator but once I was up I realised that it was fucking pointless and continued to wander around the plaza until my dream ended.

      2nd. I’m not sure how exactly this dream started although I remember there being lots and lots of hype around a certain person. He claimed he would kill the whole town. There were literally hundreds of police in the surrounding area. At some point I ended up going home to my room. The lights were off and the curtain was shut although I still had this weird fear that I was in aim and could be taken out at any moment. Often I would turn the lights and blinds off although they’’ My dad would always come in to check on me although one of the times I had this weird sense of deja-vu one of the times, so strong that I knew he was in the kitchen and that my dad knew he was the murderer. I walked out to the kitchen and he was sitting in a lawn chair.

      Despite the fact that I knew he wouldn’t hurt me I was still fucking scared out of my mind. He gave me a beer and told me to drink, it tasted like a liquified potato disguised as a beer. He talked to me about other stufff and then decided to leave and get back to business. As soon as he walked through the door the police swarmed our house and arrested him. They asked him a few questions although I can’t remember what the answers to them were but I remember he got a few people laughing, soon after I woke up.
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