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    1. Mall at christmas time

      by , 03-29-2012 at 08:00 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was in the mall around christmas time. I walked past a store, and the owner came out. I was hoping she'd talk to me and give me a job, but she walked right past me to talk to someone else (whom I believe was my cousin). I thought "hey, she gets a job, but I'm the one who really needs one." The job involved painting food coloring on snow cones amongst children dressed in elf costumes at a candy store. I popped some runts into my mouth and walked on, meeting my brother at a square part of the mall. We walked together and I told him about what just happened. Then we came to a weirdly shaped staircase. There were christmas decorations covering it, and all of them moved. At the entrance was an angel that shook almost violently up and down. I wasn't going to go in there, but before I could say something my brother was halfway down. I ran around down the spiral/rectangle shaped staircase avoiding as many decorations as I could. At the end were two rectangular pieces of wood that moved right to left, blocking the path. I had to run past them. When I did, I heard a voice say "good job, you made it through the snowfield!" it sounded like mike Meyers.
      Tags: christmas, job, mall
    2. hungry animals; sports tickets

      by , 02-17-2012 at 03:23 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      It was a hot day. I was walking up a slope in a desert forest. The soil was grey and dry. There were pine trees, well-spaced, and shrubs and boulders.

      I somehow sensed an animal stirring behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see an animal I first thought of as a deer starting up from behind a boulder.

      The deer seemed to be afraid of me, so that it wouldn't move. So I turned around and walked away, hoping to calm the animal.

      The deer now rushed out from behind the boulder and past me, coming a little close. It was probably still afraid of me. It scared me a little, too. It was very big. I now thought of it as an elk, even though it was colored like a deer.

      I now turned to my left and was walking toward a path or road. There were no trees in this area, and the sun was bright. From behind a smaller boulder sprung another deer-like animal. This one was dark mahogany, almost like an elk. But it only came up to my waist.

      The little animal was really friendly. So I decided to pet it. It began licking me. But then it got too clingy with me. It began kissing and sucking my hand. I couldn't escape from the animal. It almost seemed to be coiling around me. And it was slobbering all over me.

      I knew people said that wild animals with rabies first act really friendly with people. I wondered if this animal had rabies. If it did, and it was slobbering all over me, if was probably exposing me to rabies.

      I managed to free myself from the animal. I was now on the path. There were a black man and woman on the path with me. Off to my left was a small, nice, wooden bridge that overlooked a wide, shimmering valley or gleaming lake.

      The woman was telling me how she was poor and hungry. She was trying to get me to give her money so she could get some food. But I had a feeling that she only wanted to feel me out to see if she could use me to get a lot of money.

      But the man told the woman to stop complaining and to get onto assistance. The man said that where we were, in South Africa (?), people could get really good food assistance.

      Dream #2

      I was watching a true-crime TV show, kind of like "Unsolved Mysteries," probably with my family. The segment was about some woman who had been murdered by her boyfriend.

      The murder was pretty gruesome. But, for some reason, what struck me more was how irresponsible and neglectful the woman had been in her life. I took as a sign of this the woman's obsession with collecting little "cute" toys.

      One of these toys stood up on a bookshelf. It was a little, black rabbit. I somehow knew that the rabbit was controlled by a stylus, as if it were something like a touch-screen Game Boy.

      I was standing -- somewhere -- with my sister. I was showing her that I knew how to play with these "cute" animals as well. The "cute" animal was basically a screen like an iPad screen, surrounded with white fur.

      I was now walking around outside with a tall, fattish white man. The man had stubbly cheeks and wore a baseball cap and a too-tight, pale yellow t-shirt. We were walking through some small mountain town that looked partly lke an old western town and partly like a modern town.

      The man and I were crossing some bridge from one section of town to another. After that we walked up a hill of buildings that kind of looked like Old West buildings.

      I was telling the man about my job. The man said that my job sounded pretty good. I started to worry that the man would think I was bragging and either try to cut me down or take my job away. So I thought I should tone down my enthusiasm.

      I told the man that the job was good for somebody like me because it was a project that was just starting out. It was good for people like me who had volatile emotions. I found it physically hard to say "volatile emotions."

      The man asked me what I meant. I explained -- while shrouding my head with a towel (???) -- that I could suddenly get angry really easily.

      I was still talking to the man when he veered us into some building that looked partly like an Old West saloon and partly like a modern cafe. I hadn't even quite realized we'd gone inside.

      The man veered off to the left and left me behind. He told me he wasn't trying to avoid me. But he just had something important to take care of. He went to the counter.

      I stood around for a bit, then decided that maybe I should get something while I was here. But I needed to get money first. So I went to an ATM just to the right of the counter.

      Just to the right of the ATM was a table at which sat three ladies. The ladies were all dressed like from the Old West. I felt like I owed the ladies something. So it didn't seem right that I should be getting money out of the ATM right in front of them.

      The man walked over to the table and I followed. Apparently the man and I had done something for the ladies. Now the man was looking for our repayment.

      The head lady addressed the man. The lady was tall and stately, with a firm, shapely figure. She wore a dress with red and maroon stripes, a corset-like waist, and puffed-out sleeves. She had her greying hair up in a very fancy coiffure.

      The lady handed us two tickets as repayment. I looked at my ticket. It was white with peach-pink writing. It said that it was good for any one sporting event, anywhere in the world, at any time.

      The woman said she had discussed our repayment with her lawyer, and that this type of repayment balanced being the best for us and the most convenient for her. And since she'd discussed it with her lawyer, it was legally protected. So we shouldn't try to fight her for any other type of repayment -- such as, I guess, the money we'd probably expected.

      The man and I walked away. We were probably back outside. The man was disappointed at first. But then he said that this gift was actually good, and quite a feminine gift, because it balanced the boyish and adult sides of a man.

      I thought the gift was cheap, and I couldn't figure out why the man seemed satisfied with it. But, either as or after I woke, I began to realize that I could go to any sporting event in the world, at any time. I began trying to decide what sporting event I would go to.
    3. 01/30/12: Fragmented Memories

      by , 01-31-2012 at 02:11 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: Last night was a bit odd… I remember a lot of fragments of dreams that I'm not sure if they are connected or not, but here they are…

      When It Rains
      I am in a strange place, it is out in the middle of the wilderness. I don't recognize the place, though I might not since it is hard to see the surroundings through the pouring rain. It is also rather cold out, and I feel the wet rain penetrating through my clothes to my skin, I am feeling quite cold. I look around and I see a small tent not far from me and I realize I am supposed to sleep in there, so I go to the tent to try to dry off in it. I get in the tent and I realize it is no better than being outside. The tent is small and cramped, it doesn't seem to do anything to keep the cold out, and the worst part is the thing leaks so it is raining almost as badly inside as outside. I decide I won't be able to sleep here, so I head out of the tent. I will find an inn where I can rent a bed for a few gold. Hopefully I have enough… if not, I might have to pick someone's pocket to get the money for a dry bed for the night.

      To The Movies
      I am with my friend Alicia, and we are heading out of Tucson, going south. There is a movie theater down there and we are going to check and see if they will have a specific movie playing or not. We are traveling in a helicopter, the pilot lands in a flat area near a road. I see my car is there, so Alicia and I switch to the car and continue going. The theater is sure out in the middle of nowhere. When we finally get there we go to the box office and ask about the movie we're looking to see. The man in the box office doesn't even wait to hear the title, he says he knows nothing about any movies past this coming Friday… which I know to be tomorrow. He refuses to be of any help at all. Alicia is annoyed that we came all the way out here for nothing. I am also annoyed, but I add that at least we got a free helicopter ride out of it. Alicia agrees reluctantly and adds that it was her first trip in a helicopter.

      Nomad and MoSh
      I am in a strange place with Nomad and MoSh, and there are a couple other people there with us as well. I don't recognize them. We are in what looks like a small space capsule with seats on both sides of the elongated capsule. The room is about the shape of an elongated sphere, there is no way of telling which is the front or back or if it is even meant to move. I am sitting between Nomad and MoSh. The walls of the room are all padded with the same material that might be found in a padded room of a mental ward. There is a bright white light, but I can't see where it is coming from. Nomad seems excited about something, MoSh seems disinterested. I don't remember what we are doing or where we might be going, but I do get the sensation of motion as the capsule shoots straight up into the air. Nomad voices a loud and excited, "Here we go!" while MoSh just rolls his eyes and groans. I do nothing, still not sure what is going on, but I don't want to appear stupid and admit that.

      Blue Spirals of Madness
      I am in the living room of our house, I am working on my laptop doing some 3D modeling. The computer is working fine, so that doesn't trigger me to do a reality check. I decide I want to listen to an audio book while I work, so I switch to iTunes to select one. I select a Dean Koontz book to play and start the first track. I go back to my modeling, expecting the book to start, but nothing happens. I switch back to iTunes and I see that the video effects that I am used to seeing on Windows Media Player are playing but there is no sound. I don't really give any thought to the fact that iTunes doesn't have the video effects screen… The screen is showing blue circles expanding and contracting on the screen, it also seems to be stuck. It isn't changing. Damn, I hope I don't have a virus… I change the screen to go to the internet and the monitor goes dark. Shit! It is a virus! I immediately pull the plug on my external hard drives, fearing the data I may have already lost. The blue circles return to the screen, now they are in 3D somehow. They seem to be coming out of the monitor at me. Then I realize they actually are coming out of the monitor… The spirals surround me as I sit in front of my laptop, they are making me a bit dizzy. It feels like I am falling into the computer… falling into the monitor… but instead I fall into bed and wake up.

      Stealing Spree
      I am in a place I don't recognize, it is an office building of some kind. I remember I am there for an interview. I go to the receptionist and say I am there for my interview. She says she will let the boss know, so I sit down to wait. I ask the receptionist where the restroom is, and she directs me to a door. I go through the door and see it is not a restroom… it's a storage closet. I tell her that and she says it's ok, everyone does their business in there… um… yuck… I go into the room and sure enough it smells like a sewer. I look at the stuff being stored in there. There are many different things tossed into baskets with no organization at all. I look at some of them. There are many computer items there. Small cameras, jump drives, some things I can't identify but they look cool… so I start taking stuff. There is no organization, no way of telling how many of what is in there. I grab a couple jump drives, a couple miniature cameras, and a couple things I can't identify before the receptionist opens the door without knocking and says the boss is ready. I go to the boss' office and see a man sitting across the desk. He looks at me strangely and then announces I stink. Did I use the bathroom before coming here? Yuck! Go home, I won't be working here when I pee in a closet. I leave his office, a bit annoyed, but also excited to see what those computer components I stole are…
    4. Strange Island, Job, Tragety

      by , 01-29-2012 at 03:50 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Non-Lucid Lucid Comment

      Again a lie in today, which wrecked my recall. I'm sure I have more dreams that these but I just forget them after I wake up and fall back to sleep.
      Some weird dreams last night...

      Me and my family are going on holiday, for some reason I feel like we are going to magaluf.
      I remember being on a boat in a cabin made out of tree trunks, with my family.
      When we get to the island I go out to look for a job, I ask around a bar but there is no jobs there and they instruct me to look further down in the town.
      We head up to a pizza shop for some food, the pizza is strange and the toppings are inside the pizza. Nevertheless it's very tasty.
      The women working at the pizza shop asks me if I'm looking for a job, excitedly I sign up, I will be working Fridays.
      I go to talk to my brother who also was looking for a job, he says he has found a job as a standard bearer for a tribe. I don't like the sound of it and attempt to persuade him form doing so.
      I have to go pick up my brother from his job, something doesn't seem right and he is dead on the floor, I begin to cry and scream in pain. There is a man behind me laughing and I throw myself at him in rage.
    5. 01/19/12: Man on a Ledge

      by , 01-20-2012 at 06:01 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Man on a Ledge
      I am on top of a building looking out over the city, I have come up here to check out the view from the top of the office building where my new job is. I have finally found a job, though it isn't the exact job I was looking for. I look out over the city and then I see that I'm not alone there. There is a man near the corner of the building, standing right on the ledge. I wonder if he is considering jumping. I see that he has a little girl. He is holding her up in the air and laughing maniacally. Is he going to throw her over the edge?! I have to keep that from happening! I head towards the man to see if I can get him off the ledge. The man leans forward and falls from the ledge. I am close enough to grab hold of his belt to keep him from falling and taking the girl with him. I am surprised at my own strength as I pull him back from the ledge and onto the building. He says that was too close… he thought he was going to fall. I tell him I saw the whole thing, so don't bother lying. The little girl is crying, I am thinking I need to get her to safety and tell the authorities what the man was doing. He needs to see a shrink…
    6. 01/15/12: Underground Backups

      by , 01-15-2012 at 09:50 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Backing Up
      I am at work, somehow I ended up back working at a data center at a hospital again. Not the job I was looking for. I am feeling quite depressed that it seems my years of school have all come to naught. What a waste. I sit at the computer, staring at the reports detailing that all systems are functioning normally. I am at least glad for that. I can sit there and be depressed in peace. I am sitting there when a coworker comes in early for his shift. He asks how the backups went last night… oh, shit! The backups! I forgot totally about running the backups! How could I have managed to do that? I jump from the seat and rush out to put in the backup tapes, maybe there's still time to get them done…

      Caves of Darkness
      I am in a dark place, I am in a cave of some kind. It is pretty dark, but somehow I can still see well enough to find my way. I follow the cave for a while, not sure where I have to go to get out of the caves. Where is the exit? Is there even an exit? Well there has to be an exit, I got in there somehow… so I turn around and head in the direction it seems I just came from. That's the best chance of finding an exit. I come to a large underground chamber, and in the chamber there are strange creatures. I finally identify them as trolls. The trolls are lumbering around aimlessly, they don't seem to know what they are doing and are thus doing nothing. A troll sees me and lumbers right up in front of me. It does not attack me, instead it stands there and looks at me as if it has never seen a human before. Maybe it hasn't… The troll bends over and picks up a shiny rock and hands it to me. It smiles, or looks like the troll equivalent of a smile, and then walks back out into the large chamber and wanders around with the others.
    7. At Work

      by , 01-07-2012 at 05:15 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      At Work

      I was at a job. I was on an elevator. I hit the wrong button which bothered me. It didn't have any major implications, but it was a flub that seemed to bother me due to some kind of implication.

      I was wearing a suit. This would be a reflection from the first corporate job I ever had. As I got off the elevator, I stood tall. I walked with a crowd. I looked over and saw the ogf. We didn't speak; I just kept walking, but this really effected the mood.

      I was showing somebody pictures of a vacation. This was strange because I got to see 2 of the pictures, and in my experience, seeing pictures, art, hearing music clearly--are all difficult to do, and I consider them free art. In other words, if I wanted to write down the music or recreate a piece of art, I wouldn't have to be creative because it all came to me in a dream.

      So, the picture I showed the lady was of my daughter with a bridge in the background. It was a basic bridge over water. My daughter had told me she thought it looked like the Golden Gate bridge. I thought she was so smart to remember that bridge, even just the name, as I had been to S.Fran as a kid, but she never had, so she was reaching deep to remember a picture or a conversation or something.

      The lady then said that if she turns out to be really smart, she could pass all the tests in high school really easily, or win awards in high school, or something like that.

      Then I saw a manager type figure. I tried to show him the picture, but it was at the bottom of the stack and I kept going forward. The pictures were not good, but then I came to one really interesting picture.

      I was on an I-beam like 500 feet in the air. I was sitting on the beam hunched over and holding on scared, but I had no ropes on me. I showed him the picture and wondered myself exactly how I ended up agreeing to be on that I-beam with no ropes. It wasn't a ride on an amusement park, so it was kind of weird that I ended up on the beam.

      Updated 01-07-2012 at 05:20 PM by 41873

      Tags: job, ogf, pictures
    8. 12/26/11 Data Center, Lord of the Flies

      by , 12-26-2011 at 11:34 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Donut Data
      I am in my car and on my way to work. I have a job at a data center at a hospital. I didn't really want to take such a position again, but I felt I had no choice since I haven't been finding a job in computer or game design. I get to work and I park in a parking garage that seems much larger than it needs to be. I realize I forgot my lunch. I work nights, so it isn't really lunch, but I know I will be hungry. I also have no money. It's ok, I think, I'll just jack someone else's lunch. No one will ever know it was me. I don't stop to consider that the other person will be hungry or that there might not be anyone else's lunch available… I go to the data center and get ready to start working. There are other people there with me, but they are not computer operators. They are going about other business. I fill out a couple of forms I need to complete before starting the nightly backup. As I fill out the forms I wonder if I am getting it wrong. The form looks different somehow… In the data center I find a box of donuts being kept warm on the exhaust vent of one of the computers. I take two donuts. An idiot comes in and starts eating donuts in the data center, dripping jelly everywhere, including in the computers. I hear jelly sizzling inside the circuits, but nothing goes wrong. I head to get the backup tapes, hoping I can get a backup of the data and get out of there before the computers take a major jelly-induced crap.

      Lord of the Flies
      I am in a strange place, I look around and see it looks like the interior of a volcano or something… actually the entire area is filled with volcanoes. The sky is filled with black clouds and there are actual rivers of flowing lava coming from some of the surrounding mountains. The result is that the landscape is bathed in an eerie reddish glow. Somehow the air isn't choked with smoke, though, most of that seems to stay in the upper atmosphere. Maybe kept there by wind currents? There are cloaked people around me, eleven of them to be exact, standing in a circle around me. I realize I am lying on a bed of soft grasses and hay, and the people around me are chanting. It's as if I can hear a song playing in my head… Iron Maiden's "Lord of the Flies" is clear in my mind. I feel healing energy washing over me, and I know they are trying to help me feel better, I am feeling better already… more motivated, less depressed. I relax and let them do their ritual.

      I don't care for this world anymore
      I just want to live my own fantasy
      Faith has brought me to these shores
      What was meant to be is now happening

      I've found that I like this living in danger
      Living on the edge it feels... it makes me feel as one
      Who cares now what's right or wrong it's reality
      Killing so we survive wherever we may roam
      Wherever we may hide we've got to get away

      I don't want existence to end
      We must prepare ourselves for the elements
      I just want to feel like the storm
      We don't need a code of morality

      I like all the mixed emotion and anger
      It brings out the animal the power you can feel
      And feeling so high on this much adrenalin
      Excited but scared do you believe what we've become?

      Saints and sinners
      Something within us
      We are lord of the flies

      Saints and sinners
      Something willing us
      To be lord of the flies
    9. laying wetwall

      by , 12-03-2011 at 02:15 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was somewhere with a boss I worked for IWL until 2009. He might have been talking to me about coming back to work for him.

      I was then in another room, maybe the next room over from where I was with my old boss. The room was kind of unfinished. The floors may have been grey concrete. The walls may have been bare drywall.

      There was a beautiful woman, maybe in her late twenties, off to my left. She may have been leaning her back against a wall. Off to her right there was a window.

      The woman may have been considering whether to give me a job. As part of showing the woman my qualifications, I was lifting a piece of drywall onto the wall in front of me. I was setting it into a framing of widely-spaced brackets. The brackets were like copper-colored nails with their ends bent up at 90-degree angles.

      I wasn't actually, for myself, completing this task in order to get the job, even though I knew the woman was trying to determine whether she wanted me for the job. And I didn't want my old boss to think that I was going for this job. If he did think that, I believed, he'd start messing around and playing mind games with me.

      I suddenly noticed, as I lifted the sheet of drywall, that I was naked. My penis was erect, and it must have been touching against the drywall, which hurt.

      Now, instead of lifting a piece of drywall into the frame, I was lifting a white, drywall-sized towel into the frame. The towel was soaking wet. I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to get this towel into the frame. It was supposed to go into the frame just like the drywall would.

      I spent a while justifying the possibility of a limp, wet towel doing something like this. Eventually I could even see the limp wet towel in my mind's eye, acting just like a hard sheet of drywall.

      Updated 12-03-2011 at 03:11 PM by 37466 (changed "edges bent up" to "ends bent up")

    10. November 25, 2011

      by , 11-25-2011 at 07:46 PM
      I had to make a poster for my digital media class, and had to get some wrapping paper from school to cover it with. I was walking down into the drama room, and some guy was telling a teacher how one of his strings on his violin sounded weird. I thought of helping him fix it, but then kept walking.

      I went over to my friend Rebecca's house, and in the dream I was under the impression that she had kids. Her kids weren't in the room with her so I asked her where her kids went. She told me they were in the garage. I walked into her garage and instead of her kids being in there, there were cages filled with guinea pigs. Her dad was in there, and I asked him where her kids were. He said that he was putting them up for adoption, because it was too big of a responsibility for her. I yelled at him and said that should be something that Rebecca chooses on her own, and it's her choice what she wants to do with her kids.

      I was walking outside in some sand dunes, and there was a random bridge in the middle of the dunes. My friends and I made a group circle, and started putting money in the slits of wood in the bridge. I thought it was cool how 'creative' it was that my friends thought of that. The police came and turned on their flashlights, aiming it at our faces. They told us we couldn't be there, and we were going to be arrested. I texted my mom and step-dad and told them that I was getting arrested for no reason.

      I went into Jimmy John's to get a job application, and ended up being a server for the people waiting for their sandwiches. The staff drew my name out of a hat, and I won a new t-shirt. There was a huge group of kids in the store listening to a seminar. The t-shirt was a picture of me fallen on the ground beside a tree.

      I was participating in a swimming race, and it went alongside a really huge mountain. In one part, I had to balance on tin roller things and not fall in the water. Along the way, there was a woman and her mom, and the mom was assisting her in cutting her stomach open. I asked her to go to a doctor, but she ignored me.

      I was in a pink victorian house, and inspecting the room to see whether or not I liked it. The first room was pretty small, with only a bed inside it, but then I went down the stairs and there was only a door leading to the outside. The door didn't lead to any platform, just a drop down to the ground. I stated that I didn't like the door.
    11. Neon Stickers

      by , 11-08-2011 at 06:42 PM

      I'd just gotten a job at Best Buy. Like anyone on their first day of work, I walked around aimlessly not knowing what to expect, awaiting my orders. I ran into my friend, who was in line at a restock station with a cart to do the transporting. Seeming easy enough, I grabbed a cart too, but ended up in the wrong line, where people were waiting to return items. I had to be told this by a customer. When I get up to the employee giving away the items to be restocked, he looks at me and makes a comment on my appearance, how I'm the scraggliest looking employee he's ever seen. I apologize that its my first day and that tomorrow I'll be more presentable. He nods me off, and tells me he'll make my job easier and places two neon yellow stickers in the basket and sends me on my way.

      Not knowing what to do, I ask several employees. Each of whom laugh at me, as if to say "How could anyone be so dumb?" A girl walks up to me, young, beautiful, and my coworker, and tells me she'll show me what to do with them. She walks off into an open and outdoor area and explodes. The smoke from the explosion forms a dragon-like figure, fading shortly after.

      I'm now off work, but still in possession of the stickers. I'm at my friend's house and my girlfriend is there with him. I look at her puzzled and she informs me that she'll been cheating on me for quite some time with my friend. They mention how they'd thought it was obvious. Furious at my own ignorance and the betrayal of my friend and girlfriend, I begin to swing on my friend. He jumps into stance but it is no match for my blind rage. I get several good hits on him before I pick him up and slam him head first into the pavement, where he lays lifeless for a moment before motioning his defeat.

      My girlfriend, after seeing my passion for her, decides she wants me back. She's says everything she can think of to win my affection back, but it's no use. I pick her up, throw her in the pool, and leave. As I walk down the street downtown, I notice there is a concert event happening. I stop in and notice my friend standing there admiring the band. We share a cigarette.


      Updated 11-13-2011 at 09:23 PM by 33186

    12. School Chase and the problem of color-blind cooking

      by , 11-06-2011 at 03:53 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      This was my first dream I remember that involved a design which looked partially like a anime.
      Anime-Style: 3rd-Person view. Only 3 girls were still in the classroom, 2 of them were friends and were for some reason scared of the 3rd. The 3rd would always follow someone around, she seemed to be rather sad about the fact she was mostly rejected (she was looking rather normally, actually quite cute even). So the 1st stayed in the room while the 2nd would go outside to send two blasts in that would separate them so they that they could try to run. The 3rd didn’t give up though and tried to follow them as hard as she could, with a slightly disturbing voice she said something like: “this belongs to you”. She wasn’t trying to harm anyone though. They were running downstairs to get out of the school. The tiny pink bag the 3rd was trying to give them suddenly appeared at the handrails of the stairs. The 1st said out loud that she wouldn’t lose this race. For a moment I switched into the position of the 1st and felt the heavy g-forces of the race, strong enough to run along the wall for the last few stairs. Outside the 2nd said that the 3rd isn’t that bad.

      The dream switched directly over into another one with a liquid transition, the plot from before vanished, I was myself again and the anime style faded into something realistic. I was walking away from that school and there were 2 more guys there. One of the dudes talked about how he wasn’t allowed to do cooking as a job due to him being color-blind. The other said that his professor should have mentioned that. The first one said that on the contrary, they were always allowed to cook. I suddenly went another way across the dirt up to a big branch were a bunch of people were sitting on. I was fantasizing about how I could snap that branch to annoy the people, but the dream faded.
    13. 10/23/2011 and 10/24/2011 - 1) Fragment, 2) "Corner Store K.O."

      by , 10-27-2011 at 01:28 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment
      I had lost my job at AAA. I remember being really depressed about being back in the job hunting scene, in a horrible economy. Eventually, I had to go back to working at the shit-hole telemarketing place, I'd recently come from. Horrible, horrible dream.

      "Corner Store K.O."

      I was heading to a liquor store. The outside of the liquor store looked like the outside of the Bull Dog Pub, which is a little tavern at the corner of a small shopping plaza, near my old job. There was an old woman standing outside the door, slinging weed. I was gonna get some from her, but told her I had to get change first, and went inside. The inside of the store looked like any normal liquor store, and I walked around a bit, with a taste for tequila, trying to find a bottle of it. After a while, I found what I was looking for and went up to the counter, to pay.

      Standing in a short line of people, I was idly looking at the counter, and a slender, young white guy stepped away from it, after paying for his liquor. He already seemed to have a scowl on his face, but his mood apparently took a turn for the worst, when he noticed that I was looking in his direction. Deviating from his initial path toward the door, he glared at me intently, coming out with something along the lines of "what the fuck are you looking at, huh?" A little put-off by this, I think I simply shrugged my shoulders, or something. This enraged him even further, and he stepped in front of me, his eyes seeming as if he was trying to bore a hole through my skull.

      By now, his face was mere inches from mine, and he just started going off, saying something like "did I say I wanted you to fuckin look at me? I don't think so..." I had been trying to exercise a little restraint, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to respond. I said "wait, wait....so let me get this straight...just because you don't want me looking at you...you actually expect me not to look at you? Really?" with a quirk of my eyebrow. Someone in the line couldn't help but snicker at my question. The dude with the temper didn't find it all that funny. He glanced over at the person that snickered, then back at me, and completely blew up. He went into a full-on tirade, practically spitting his long string of curses and threats in my face, like some Drill Sergeant with a God complex.

      After a few short seconds of listening to this guy profess about how he was about to kick my ass, and holding in the urge to just fire back with some words of my own, I finally assessed that this guy was truly looking for a fight, and I wasn't about to let him throw the first punch. So, in the middle of his tirade, without giving a single bit of warning, I swung my right palm up and into the side of his head, smacking it to one side and directly into the stone wall that was to my left (his right). His head bounced of the stone with a dull thump, knocking him unconscious and dropping him to the floor. The man was only out for about five seconds and, seeing him groggily regain consciousness, I reached down and gently picked him up to his feet, brushing him off and saying "hey, man, are you ok? Wow. You just kinda blacked out there." He obviously had absolutely no idea what the hell had just happened. He looked at me with a bit of dazed gratitude, and staggered out the door.

      Just kind of laughing at the whole situation, I stepped to the counter and paid for my tequila. I got the change that I had intended to get, and walked out to meet the old lady on the corner. Instead of the old lady I'd seen, before, it was another old woman (whom I believe might have been in a wheelchair?), in her place. She said that she as 'taking over the shift' of the woman before her, and she sold me the bag.

      When driving away from the store, I vaguely remember something about seeing someone dressed as the Joker (if not, actually, the Joker) walking into the store.

      Updated 10-27-2011 at 05:53 AM by 2450 (typos)

    14. job.

      by , 09-30-2011 at 10:10 PM
      i was out in some parking lot walking to my new job. i was holding a baseball helmet. when i walked in i put the helmet on and randomly started to walk around. i went over to the gaming area and just stood there for a while. i got bored and didnt know what i was supposed to do so i walked back out to the parking lot to some car. there was some people saying i will get fired if i dont go back in. so i walked back into the place. this time the place was a fancy dinner eatery. i still had the helmet in my hands. i walked around for just a little then i saw the manager. i stopped him and asked him what i should do. he said go work the kitchen. i was now in the kitchen. i had some dirty cover all in my hand.(no clue how the got there) so i threw them in a corner, same with the helmet. i walked over to a counter and just watched some people wok. then i started to cut some spring rolls with salad in them. i did that for about a minute then someone said i was not good at that and i nned to go serve people. i waited for some food so i can go serve some people then i woke up
    15. So Much Harry Potter

      by , 08-11-2011 at 04:42 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      08/05/11 Friday
      I am in school, I know it is Friday, and I am impatiently waiting for the class to come to an end so I can go home. I fidget in my seat, willing the time to go by more quickly, completely ignoring the paper in front of me. I have all weekend to do that homework, there's no hurry. Something hits me in the back of the head, it is a wad of paper. I pick it up and look at it. There is a note scrawled inside that says, "You are having a cow." Wtf? I look around the room and see there is a boy a couple rows back from me looking at me. He points at me and mouths the word 'cow' very clearly. Weirdo… The bell finally rings and I get up to leave. I brush up against someone as I'm gathering my things and she gives a mock scream. She says something contaminated touched her and she needs to be disinfected before she catches whatever it is that makes me so gross. Another idiot. I already know for a fact that the school is full of idiots. I ignore the idiots and leave the classroom, heading for home. In front of the school there is a group of five boys picking on one boy. Bunch of cowards… I head over to the group, I recognize the boy getting picked on… and I know I don't like being picked on, so neither does this boy. One of them, a particularly fat one, is saying the smaller boy probably wets the bed, how pathetic is that? I comment it is about one tenth as pathetic as a group of five idiots picking on one person. The fat one turns around and says no one asked me, so get lost. I apologize for my mistake… six picking on one, since the big one is clearly fat enough for at least two boys. The fat kid says he isn't fat, he has big bones. I say wow… he'll never have to worry about breaking a bone, then… those bones aren't big, they're HUGE! The fat kid says he's not opposed to hitting a girl, so get lost before he beats me along with Potter. I say I'm not opposed to kicking him in the… wait… Potter? Harry Potter? He looks at me blankly. Does that make you Dudley Dursley? Yeah… who wants to know? I tell him I read about him in a scientific journal… the first known human being to exist with absolutely no brain at all! He says that does it, I'm going to get pounded. He takes a swing at my face, I catch his fist in my hand and twist it over into a very uncomfortable position. He lets out a cry of surprise and a bit of pain. I tell him he has one chance to run home to his mommy before I kick him in the nuts so hard they get lodged in his fucking nostrils. Someone is coming, it is a teacher, asking what is going on here. Everyone is instantly on their best behavior. Dudley whispers to Harry that he will get it later on… and then to me that I will get it tomorrow. Um… tomorrow is Saturday, retard… I won't be seeing you… Harry says that was worth it to see Dudley get shown up by a girl. I invite him to come to my place. He says he can't come home with me every day forever. I ask why not, my dad won't mind. And it's not like his aunt and uncle give a shit… He can't argue with that, and we head back to my place together. I tell him there is a technique to being able to fight people like Dudley… and I know someone who can teach him if he wants to learn. He seems very interested.

      08/06/11 Saturday
      I am in the back yard of my own house, though it is not the house I live in now, it isn't even a house I recognize. My father is there with me, in fact, my father is James Hetfield from Metallica. Also there with me are Harry Potter and Vegeta from Dragonball Z. Hetfield goes into the house, leaving Harry and me there with Vegeta. Vegeta is giving us a martial arts lesson. He says it doesn't matter how large your opponent is if you know the right techniques to handle ourselves. So we spend a while out in the back yard working on exercises to get in shape and martial arts techniques. I am thinking I am at least getting some exercise for a change, and maybe this time I will even be able to stick with it. Somehow, even though Vegeta and Harry Potter are there with me, and James Hetfield is my father, it never occurs to me that I might be dreaming until I wake up.

      08/07/11 Sunday
      I am in the back yard of a house that is clearly not one of the places I have ever lived in my waking life, but it is familiar to me as my home. This entire dream consists of practicing martial arts with Harry Potter, Vegeta is the instructor. For some reason it never once occurs to me to do a reality check…

      Note: In spite of doing reality checks periodically during the day and telling myself to do them when I am dreaming, I never seem to do them anymore. If anyone has any ideas on how to get back into the habit it would be really helpful, I used to have frequent lucid dreams and now they're gone…

      08/08/11 Monday
      I am in bed and waking up, the alarm is going off, I don't want to get up… it is too early… why is my alarm going off now?! I sit up and look around the room, there is some light coming in the window, but it is clearly still early in the morning. I drag myself out of bed and get dressed before dragging myself out to the other room. Someone speaks to me from the door, says this is the last week of school, come on, get out of bed. School… wtf? I have school? What is going on? I sit up and get out of bed, not sure what to think. I get dressed and when I go to brush my hair I see I am about 11 years old. My mind just falls into the routine of going to class now, all thoughts of dreaming gone. Eat breakfast, walk to school. I am walking to school with Harry Potter, who apparently spent the night at my house last night. The entire time I am walking to school I get the strange feeling that someone is watching us… following us… am I just being paranoid? Nope. About half way to school a group of five boys blocks our path, one of them is Dudley Dursley. They seem ready for a fight. Dudley says no one humiliates him in front of his friends… I say no need to, he makes a complete fool of himself on his own. He turns red and says he's going to pound me… then he comes at me. I use leverage and strength I didn't realize I had to flip him over and onto his back, then I step on his fat neck. Try that again I'll rip your dick off and shove it so far up your ass that you're giving yourself a blowjob! All five of them look shocked that a girl just did that. While they are shocked, Harry and I continue to school where all my classes go predictably boring. My last class is over, and I am ready to head home… but wasn't I supposed to meet Harry and walk home with him? I look around for Harry for a while, then I finally find him. I'm not sure what made me check… but I find him in a dumpster. He has had his ass kicked… by Dudley and his gang, no doubt… I help Harry out of the dumpster, at first he is mad at me, saying Dudley was beating him because of me, then he is upset, saying he tried to use Vegeta's techniques, but they didn't work… I tell him it takes time to train to fight. I focus on healing a couple of his injuries… the healing works. We walk home together, I am plotting revenge on Dudley, but Harry wants to learn to fight and take care of things himself.

      08/09/11 Tuesday
      I wake up in bed and know right away that it is time to go to school. Time to get up and get ready to go. I pull myself out of bed, I currently have no awareness of my normal waking life, and no idea that I could be dreaming right now. I come out of the bedroom and have breakfast, I don't want to go to school, I never do, but this is the last week. Yay! I am walking to school with Harry Potter, and it feels like we're being watched. This seems to be a common occurrence now… nothing happens before we reach class, though. No one shows their face. I wonder if it was Dudley and his goons, and they are too cowardly to show their faces. Most likely. Classes today are preparation for the final exams, so there isn't much time to think about anything else. I get really bored with going over material for final exams and I end up doodling again, though this time I am more careful about getting caught. I am doodling plans for a puzzle game I have had in mind, though I am not entirely sure what I plan on doing with the idea. I will figure out that part once I have the idea finalized.

      08/10/11 Wednesday, Dream 1
      I am in an office, I am there for a job interview. I have no memory of how I got to be there, and I can't even remember what job I am interviewing for. Of course this results in me being about ten times as nervous as I usually am at an interview, and that is never a good thing. I look around the office a bit, it is a really fancy office. I am there by myself, I wonder when the person interviewing me will arrive. I get nosy and look around on the desk. It is a massive mahogany desk, clearly an antique… it is well polished and there are many items on it. I note the items consist of some antique looking pens, a couple bottles of ink, several rolls of parchment, and what is most notably absent is a computer of any kind. Actually there is nothing electronic at all. Weird. I sit there and wait for a few minutes until the door finally opens and a man walks in. I do a double take as I recognize the man, it looks like Professor Dumbledore. I am doing a double take when he comes over and says he's sorry to have kept me waiting, there was some urgent school business to attend to. He introduces himself and says he is pleased to meet me, Quintus has told him a lot about me. Quintus? I am wondering who Quintus is, Dumbledore continues. He says Quintus has said I have held such positions before and performed admirably in them, and he is inclined to believe Quintus since they have been friends for so many years. Who the fuck is Quintus?! I am struggling with this question, but Dumbledore doesn't seem to notice, he keeps talking. I am hardly hearing what he is saying, though I am somehow answering, not even aware of my answers. Finally I am leaving the office, and Dumbledore is saying he is required to speak with someone else, but he really feels he has already made his decision. I wish it was that easy to get a job in my waking life…

      08/10/11 Wednesday, Dream 2
      I am in school, I am taking a test. It's a final exam. In this dream I spend the entire day going to two different classes and taking final exams, then the school day is over. I get to go home early, though the idea is for me to go home early and then study for the final exams still to come tomorrow. What fun, I am so glad class is almost over for the summer. Outside of the school I meet up with Harry Potter, and we are walking home together. Harry says something about that he really should go home one of these days… he can't move in with me permanently. I ask why not, as long as my dad doesn't care… and it seems pretty clear that his aunt and uncle don't give a shit. Harry says the Dursley's would probably be glad to get rid of him. I say then the problem is solved. Unless someone complains, there is really no reason he can't just stay with me… unless he really prefers living with the Dursleys. He said no, he would not prefer that. I say let's get home, I need to do some studying for our final exams tomorrow. Maybe we can help each other out. Sure, sounds great. The whole way home I can't shake the feeling we are being watched, though I never see any sign of anyone following us. I wonder if Dudley might be a problem… it seems Harry notices me being paranoid. He says if I'm looking for Dudley, don't worry, Dudley is still back at school trying in vain to finish a final exam… when he probably got stuck on the first question, the one where he's required to put his name.
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