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    1. Charged For Over Time, Touching Girl & Backing Up Vehicle

      by , 05-12-2014 at 05:07 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Charged For Over Time (DILD)


      I'm clocking out from work, and I have to pay a fee for going over time.

      So I get out of this dream.


      Touching Girl & Backing Up Vehicle (DILD)


      I'm touching a girl in certain areas, got a little too into the realism of the dream. Dream shifts to where she's with some other guy, and I'm inside a vehicle trying to back up.
    2. 26 Apr: haunted house in New York

      by , 04-26-2014 at 01:56 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I'm visiting a friend who worked for a year in NY. She is almost ending her time there and divided between going back home or finding a new job there. But although she wants to stay, she is not sure about building a life there and fears this will happen if she stays longer. I understand and share with her my similar experience in Brussels. I also mention how much I have been dreaming about coming to this city, but always thought about it in terms of short vacation. Now, I've decided to also find a job here and experience it for one year.
      She shows me the room where I'll spend the night. Soon after, the wardrobe doors start opening by themselves as well as other anomalies. She warns me the room is haunted, but no big deal. I try staying there alone for a while, but it gets too crazy, with apparitions, shadows, scary noises and stuff flying around. I run to her and tell her she is crazy if she thinks I'll sleep there at night - I couldn't even if I tried. She doesn't understand my fear, it was never that scary to anyone else. She insists there's no space to sleep on the floor of her room and I decide to face the ghosts.
      I enter the room, the only thing I see is what appears to be one of my cats with a broken neck. I feel horrified and I pick him up. It transforms into a cat demon with shark teeth that tries to bit me, but I keep calm, hold him very strongly in my hands, say to myself it's all illusory. It disappears, but the room goes crazy again, with stuff spinning around, sounds and lights flashing in all directions. But I face it with a new confidence, projecting my strong light energy and it calms down. In front of me appears a couple with a son. She is latina and speaks spanish and he is brazilian and speaks portuguese. Apparently they were just trying to communicate with me, since I would understand their languages. They tell me they were murdered and just want someone to help them, so they start telling me their story. My friend comes in and just sees me talking alone. Looks at me in disbelief and turns away, understanding that something weird is going on and she doesn't wnt to be involved in it.
    3. Jail Time

      by , 10-03-2013 at 08:26 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was working my old job, but it was located where Bodyworks is. I walked up stairs, and it lead to what I thought, was my aunties house, but it wasn't. I must have been living there. Jade was living there also. I felt a little nervous thinking about that Jade was living here also. I walked into, what I thought was my room, and to my surprise, Jade was standing there. She said ''hi babes'' expecting it to be her friend Amy H. I said to her, is this your room?. She wasn't too happy with me barging in, and said that I was invading her personal space.

      I was walking with some people and I must have murdered someone . I was now in jail, and I was looking for a way to escape. I saw a soda water bottle, and was going to use the gas inside of that to blow my way out

      I was allowed to have time out of jail now and then.

      I think this was the same dream, but continued.

      I was going to head over to Natasha S's house. She had sent me a text message saying ''u come over or i come over. I've lost all my friends'' I wrote back ''yes''. I was riding my bike at night down the street, I think it was my home town, where the church is. I rode passed a lady, and she said something about her going to church. I came across another church, and could see someone through the glass in the distance. I rode through a park, which was very dark.
    4. Swam to freedom, walked to work

      by , 09-18-2013 at 04:14 PM
      The first part of the dream is kind of fuzzy. It involved mythological beings on an mountain island. We had arrived there with a sailing ship. I think I wasn't free, I was a slave or a captive. We talked with the beings who lived up on the mountain, they warned us about some kind of danger. I think I managed to escape, something about the ship sinking I think, and managed to swim to freedom.

      I ended up living somewhere down in the south of USA. I managed to get a job, but that was somewhere far up north. I had no idea how to get to this place, but I had more then two weeks before the job started so I just began walking. I started out in a big and what looked like a pretty old city.

      After I walked for a long time I got to a fairly big community. I got there on Monday, my work would begin next Friday. So I guess I had been walking for three days?

      I went to a restaurant and ate lunch. The owners turned out to be extremely nice people! We talked and I told them about where I would be going, and that if I didn't find a bus or something then I would hitch-hike the rest of the way. They said it was a shame I had to leave the same day, since every Monday they have a movie evening. They were normally renting movies, but every Monday they showed one for free. I said that I might just stay for the rest of the day then, I was weary from walking and to be able to relax for a day felt like a really tempting prospect.

      They were also in charge of the community's bus service, which meant that they from time to time drove a trip around the town in a big van and picked up people along the way. I decided to ride with them, I wanted to explore the town and above all find a place to sleep for the night. I got off in front of a mall that I explored, it was really big. I was amazed how this community could have such a big and high quality mall. I remember seeing a jewellery shop, and that there were fancy carpets on the floor.

      That is all I can remember. This was a unusually vivid dream. I kind of miss that community, it seemed like such a nice place! I think I add it to the list of dream locations I should revisit.
    5. Go Longhorns!

      by , 08-13-2013 at 02:00 AM
      Date: August 12, 2013
      Method: WBTB & MILD only
      Total hours of sleep time: 7-8 hours (WBTB 10 minutes)

      Dream 1
      I was being interviewed for a teaching position by a woman and I had to pretend I was teaching a Psychology course. I had the students do a group activity and while they were working on this activity, I thought that it would be a good idea for me to get on the computer. Well, I got distracted on the internet and by the time I realized I was suppose to be back teaching, the woman came back and told me just to go home (do you think she wasn't impress by my internet surfing skills??? )

      Dream 2

      I was being 'courted' by this really cute guy at the grocery store. He as stocking groceries when he caught my eye. I had on an outfit that had the University of Texas Longhorn logo all over it and he asked me what does the logo mean. For the life of me, I couldn't tell him what the logo meant. The only thing I could tell him was, "I'm from Texas."
    6. Alcohol experiment.

      by , 04-21-2013 at 02:10 AM (Raven's Roost)
      Can't figure out how to edit old DJ entries so I guess I'll just post a new one altogether.

      If you haven't read my last post briefly explaining this, check it out here.

      Vividness: Slightly foggy but mostly clear.

      Lucid?: Nope.

      # of remembered dreams: 1


      In the only dream I could recall, that happened between 9AM and 10:30, I was in a small team of thieves very similar to The Italian Job. Small teams have been a reoccurring theme the past two nights - wonder if that is trying to tell me something. We were tasked with not stealing a safe or a statue or a diamond - but a person. A businessman of some super high importance. After researching his lifestyle, we deemed it would be impossible to capture him. There was no way on earth. "No way on Earth?" I thought, suddenly having an idea.

      We would steal him off of a plane.

      Cut to the theft. The businessman is flying in his private jet, when suddenly two Apache helicopters fly up on either side of it - this is us. A chill black dude flies one, and a really cool girl with a rasta hat on pilots the other. I'm on a hook gun in the Apache with Rasta girl, and someone else mans that one on the other heli. As the plane begins to try to land, we shoot our hooks and they stick to both wings. Right before it touches down, our Heli's heave upwards into the air, and the plane is ours.

      The air traffic control tower sees this, and they begin to fire rockets at our helicopters - evidently standard procedure in DreamLand as our pilots seem to expect it. They also send out three or four fighter jets on to our tail. To lose them, we see a gigantic tunnel that goes through a mountainside. The fighters are right on our tail, and in a last minute decision we fly two helicopters and a private jet through an automobile tunnel narrowly missing cars and the ceiling. We manage to lose them, however, and we sell the businessman for tons of money.

      Then I end up at a beach, placing bear traps in the shallow depths.... Yea.

      So, alcohol seemed to prevent any dream recall until I had sobered up substanitally around 9am. After that, dream quality was hazier than normal, and a bit disjointed. I had a FA after placing bear traps, but it was really brief and I was too exhausted and new to take control.
    7. Unreasonable expectation and lack of confidence

      by , 04-07-2013 at 01:32 PM
      Two work related fragments, one about my actual current job and one in a different job setting, both about database work:

      In my actual current job I dreamed that I had taken over a task and the person requesting it changed to unreasonable expectation: wanted it done by a precise time every week, and this task required me to request DBA to run a script which I do not have access permission to run, and thus to mining was not in my control, and yet the expectation seemed to be that I would be responsible. Out of some reason in my dream this script had to be run manually and could not be automated to ensure precise timing. In my current job precise timing does not matter like that in waking life. The request seemed petty.

      Another fragment this one from a job which I neither have nor have had yet, also required running a script with data administrator permissions, but in this dream I actually had the database permissions to run it. My boss assigned the task to me, and person requesting it wanted someone else to run it as routine and me just as backup. Why? Because this other person had routinely run such scripts before, whereas I had not. I argued that what's so hard about running a preprepared script: you open it up, and press Execute. Person requesting it: yes, but have you run such a script before? Me: No, because I have not had these permissions before, but I have run many other scripts, and it works the same way. Also even before I had the permissions I had full understanding of what such a script does just no permission to run it. I did not persuade the other person.

      Side note: I just had two job interviews which did not result in job offers, and thus I continue my job search. Self confidence is essential to a successful job search, and I struggle with it at times.

      Interpretation: Even though in both dreams the requestor is an external person, I think that in actuality what those dreams are about is myself having unreasonable expectations of myself and blaming myself and not having enough confidence in myself - being too hard on myself and not self-assured enough.

      Interestingly enough every job search I ever had went like that, and I am not successful until I accept myself, and thus present myself in a way that others can accept as well. The question is just how quickly will that happen this time.

      Updated 04-07-2013 at 01:47 PM by 61501

      non-lucid , side notes
    8. Get a job, and literally get lost

      by , 03-17-2013 at 06:40 PM
      I was standing outside a soon to be restaurant in a commerical district in Winter Park. I'd check up on it every now and then, to see if anything physically changed with the resturant. Eventually, lights slowly flickered on, and I planned that as soon as the manager came out and walked around, I'd ask her if I could apply for a job there. I was very excited, but I kept to my patience, and after while, I saw her. I walked inside, introduced myself, and asked if I could get a job application. She didn't have one, but she did have a notepad with names of previous people who appilied, and she told me to right my name and phone number in one of the boxes. Once I did, she asked for my lisense and stuff, and I told her I lived very close by. She then told me to right a taxi number down, and I did something like (407) 777-7777 and in real life, there actually is a taxi company that uses 777-7777 in its number, which is pretty cool, since I've actually never known how to call a taxi, and through a dream, I now know how! Afterwords, a taxi came to pick me up, and I ended up being the driver.

      I was on the highway, and I was on the far left side, and my exit was coming up, but it was nearly impossible for me to get to the right and take the exit. I missed it, and thought, "I'll just catch the next one, but the next exit became a bridge that crossed over the highway, farther away from where I needed to be, so I kept taking the main highway, and It came to a toll road, so last minute, I took the nearest exit, which went into an open field, and stopped. Turns out, Cat, Matt, Jessica, Michael, Jared, and some other familiar faces made the exact same mistake, and that apparently they all had their own cars, and were following me.

      We decided to walk to the toll booth lady, and explain what happened, and she said she'd give us $3,000 dollars to pay the toll, and then I woke up
    9. 03/12/13 A Job and Horn of Eld

      by , 03-13-2013 at 12:31 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      I Got a Job
      I am in a computer data center. I have a job here. It is time to run the nightly backups. There is one of the backups that I don't know how to run yet. One of my coworkers leads me back to the data center to the appropriate server. There is a tape drive there and my coworker has the appropriate tape for the backup. She shows me where a series of the tapes needs to be inserted. She inserts the first sequence and I insert the second sequence. I look around the place to see where the rest of the servers are. I ask my coworker about them. She says we keep servers secure for many other companies. I see servers with names on them I don't recognize. I see a server marked Abstergo. I do a double take at that. I ask my coworker if that is for real. She says they all are real. I decide that is too weird. I do a reality check by pinching my nose and I can still breathe. This is a dream. I find this annoying since I'd thought I had a job finally. I think about what I want to do. I think about the task if the month to break stuff. I could trash the Abstergo server. I pull the tower of CPUs over with a crash. My coworker asks what I am doing. I tell her I'm giving Abstergo a headache... damn Templars... She asks if I'm crazy and picks up one of the fallen CPUs. She seems relieved that it is still plugged in and working. I pick up one of the other CPUs and slam it to the ground. My coworker says she is going home. When pissed off Abstergo people arrive she will be somewhere else. Oh, and I am sooooo fired. And I'll have a bunch of pissed off Abstergo people after me... what am I working for, the Assassins? Pissed off Templars after me... I tell her that's nothing new. Great, she says... a fucking Assassin in the data center. She says smash away, she quits. I smash a second Abstergo server before I wake.

      The Horn of Eld
      I am with a small group of people, we are all gathered together and talking. I recognize some of the people. I recognize MoSh, Roland, Eddie, Susanna, Jake, and Oy… but there are other people I don't recognize. Everyone is talking. After listening to the talk for a bit I realize the other people are from the calla in Wolves of the Calla from the Dark Tower series. They are talking about the so-called wolves that come to take their children, then they tell how the children are sent back ruint. These ruint children are severely mentally disabled, and they only live until they are about 30 years old when they die a rather nasty death. It is clear that some of the calla people would like us to help them, though one of them seems reluctant to accept help. He seems to think that resisting the wolves will just result in more people being killed. He insists they just take one of each set of twins, so they should be thankful for the children who are left whole. There is more talk going on, but my mind ends up wandering, I have a tendency to lose interest in long periods of talk. I look around at the people and I do notice that Roland has the Horn of Eld hanging from his belt. Apparently when I told him to hang onto it in a previous dream he did so. I have a feeling the Horn of Eld will play a key role in setting right whatever is wrong with the Dark Tower. The talk goes on for a while longer, and I find myself wanting to get up and leave, but I just stay there until I wake.
    10. Murder Scene, Target 2

      by , 03-02-2013 at 09:03 PM
      I must have forgot how this scenario started. I only remember becoming lucid and then remembering.

      At the Target store, I was first lucid when I was walking around the mall at the furniture section. The store was set out so differently. Around this area, I found someone interesting me. She was a girl and she was all alone just looking at the items on the viewing tables. I wanted to try and kill her but there was something that just didn't feel right. I don't know what it was, so I left that area. I also remember rubbing my fingers on to one of the viewing displays to try and get a good feel from the lucid experience.

      I walked back up front to the store where I found someone I just had to murder. She was someone whom I never met before. There were a lot of people around watching, but I didn't hesitate to strangle her with my bare hands.

      I walked up to the woman, grabbed her and started beating her to death with my right hand. She showed no resistance against me but after a few hits, I stopped and remembered that I was still lucid and I could do some other good things. I let this woman go and slowly walked out to the front of the store. Walking out of the store was a little bit hard for me only because I usually lose lucidity when I walk in to new areas. It didn't happen this time though.

      I walked outside under a big roof next to the store. There was really no where for me to go so I walked to a group of people sitting in a table in the area and started talking to them. We seemed to have a nice, friendly conversation, until a teenage girl walking towards me sat with the group.

      Spoiler for Contains Sexual Activity:
    11. Lucid? Restaurant, Germany, graveyard.

      by , 02-25-2013 at 08:43 PM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      Well, the first thing I remember is [color="darkslateblue"]being at this one little shop that's close to my home. I was bugging the owner about getting me a summer job there, but he only told me that they don't need any help. I decided to stick around anyway, in case he changes his mind.
      The shop turned into a small restaurant, there was a staircase in the middle of the room and there were tables here and there, I saw a couple sitting at a table. The whole room was darkish, seemed like it was only lit by candles.

      I walked past the couple, on a trail that brought me to a high building. I heard German, I assumed I was in Germany. The building had this arch and under the arch there was some little sculpture. Giving the sculpture something of value apparently brought you luck.
      The grass around the arch was green, a very nice and vivid green. There were people sitting on the grass, chatting.

      I continued walking the trail, it brought me to a very small, dim room. The windows were slightly foggy, but I could still see the enormous graveyard surrounding the tiny room. I went closer to a window to read the name on a tombstone, but then I saw my reflection in the window and it made me jump. :|

      I left the room right away, went back to the restaurant. It was all grey and dark, no lights this time. No people either.[/color][color="seagreen"]
      I sat down on the..3rd or 4th step of the staircase and stared at the room through the handrail spindles. I was sort of angry, the dream was so boring. Just for the heck of it, I tried to use telekinesis to smash some large object into the fireplace.
      Nothing happened.
      I was bummed, I tried breaking one of the wooden spindles. I broke the first one. Then the second. I think I broke another one. After that I stood up and quickly made it to my kitchen, looking for a wine bottle to break. Checked if it was empty..[/color][color="darkslateblue"]and then changed my mind because it would make a mess.[/color] >__>

      Yeah nice going. You tried to smash something big into a fireplace, but breaking a wine bottle's just too much.
    12. Losing My Job; Airplane Crashing; Meteor EOTW; Selling Cable

      by , 10-30-2012 at 02:48 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was crying because I was going to lose my job. I found myself in a strange office. I was about to throw up because of my situation. I was going to throw up behind my chair, but I looked out a window to see if I was being watched on camera. There were cameras lined up every 6 or 8 inches at the crown molding of the office, so I didn't throw up.

      I went down stairs never having found out if I lost my job. Down stairs I saw several people wearing special Swat type uniforms. There were 3 different types of uniform, all of a similar but different type of riot police type uniform.

      One of the head people was a lady. She was outside in a car, and when she pulled off, she took part of the building with her. It was attached to, and part of her car. It made it so that there was no trace that the building had ever been there.


      I was in an airplane. We were crashing. People were sliding all over as there was no conventional seating.


      I was outside. There was a meteor going across the sky. I moved to a clearing in the trees to see it better. The sky was full of like 10 meteors. It seemed as though the sky was on fire. It was the end of the world. That was a wild visual.


      I was selling some time of Cable service with M. S. I was looking for a certain apartment. The apartments didn't have numbers, but I had a hand held device that told me the address of each apartment as I passed the door.

      I was trying to sell to a blond lady. I tried 3 times over a couple days to sell her. I finally told her that I would sell someone else. "I'm not going to keep selling you if you don't want it."

      I then went to another job. I was nervous I wouldn't be able to sell the next person either. I drove and had a false memory that I'd been to a house where I might have turned left, but I was turning right.

      As I was trying to sell at the next apartment, M. S. asked if I had a calculator. I told him I did. He said he had about a hundred, and that some people had more than two hundred. He said that his were all the same--they simply broke up numbers differently.
    13. To play - or not to play.

      by , 08-04-2012 at 10:59 PM (Mysteries of my subconscious)
      Backstory: So recently I've been really confused as to whether or not I want to play football again this year in high school, and I'm scared to confront friends and coaches about it. I have a tough academic schedule ahead of me, and I want to get a job.

      So I went to school and I saw the football team practicing in the middle of the courtyard. (weird, I know.) I went up to a friend named Diego who also decided he wasn't doing it this year. So I was just asking him if I should and he didn't even respond to me. So I went up to watch the practice, and nobody said anything to me, until one guy told me to get over there and do some of the drills. I did. I enjoyed it. I began to walk away into the school and then woke up.

      My subconscious is trying to make me play football and I don't like it! But I do...
    14. Followed

      by , 07-26-2012 at 08:55 PM (Hey, Look... A Dream Journal)
      around 9:00am


      Apparently I was in a building which was where my job was situated, except it wasn't because I didn't work in this building. My apparent Supervisor came in and said that we had to do a team building exercise. Myself and another guy started fighting, for no reason whatsoever, great team work, eh? I flipped us over his chair, I had his neck in a headlock and next thing I know I am walking home. It is light at this point and I get a phone call from one of friends. He asks me If I want to play football, I say maybe. This girl comes up to me, she had old fashioned clothes and a short hairstyle. She comes up to me, while I'm on the phone, and starts shouting, shouting at me for no reason. She makes it so I can't hear my friend on the phone and eventually he gets tired of me not replying and hangs up. And it cartoonish fashion, I ran away from her, but she followed me and kept shouting with her hand in the air.

      After I ditch her, I continue my journey home. I get the feeling someone is following me, I then see three guys walking towards me. I notice that the two to the side of the man in the middle is dragging him. He looks dead, so instead of walking towards him, I take walk through the park. It is now pitch black, and I'm walking behind this couple. I look to the side and the two guys dragging the body are still following me. I notice it is very foggy now, it was like something out of Alan Wake. I notice I have a flash light so I shine it around the area, and don't notice anything wrong, so I continue on my way.
    15. Hiring Lawyers

      by , 05-12-2012 at 07:54 AM

      I'm at a meeting of a company. They're talking about hiring lawyers. I'm not concentrating very well, I'm mostly paying attention to the static in the visual field. This is a meditation I might actually do in a really boring meeting.


      I'm a lawyer, in court defending someone against the company. The company people give a rating to all the lawyers in the room that they haven't hired yet. I get a C, which apparently is not bad at all. Then they say, in the middle of the session, that they wish to hire me.
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