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    1. 09-08-17 “Responding to the call – Guidance, Bridging & coming home”

      by , 08-09-2017 at 10:59 AM
      Yesterdays “opening of the lion's gate” in astrological terms had me set some intentions throughout the day. These were primarily poised in the directions of letting go of limiting fears and beliefs, while also opening up to the power deep within me, centred around my heart and solar plexus area. I accepted to work with energy, light energy, accepted whatever life needed of me I would oblige, despite fearing what this might be.

      In practical terms it involves committing deeper to the energetic and spiritual work in contributing to the world and its beings. This is fear provoking for me since it involves disclosing publicly to the world that I have strong spiritual and shamanic experiences.

      Ha! In a way this forum is golden as it is a sort of cheating platform to disclose secrets and try it all out.

      As of late – maybe the past 1-2 weeks I have experienced a tremendous kind of release. A release in limiting beliefs, physical fear sensations as well as attachments to concepts – particularly in the area of relationships and romanticism. I feel stronger, a resurgence in my confidence levels and a readiness to start giving more of myself to the world. It feels good saying “more” as I have also started recognising more and more that some of the voluntary conversations and modes of operating in the world for me are valuable contributions.

      Well that is enough context, on with the dreams:

      Dream (and waking visualisations) 1: “Sexual exploration”

      I find myself in a large living room. I am sleeping on the sofa, it is my father's brother and wife's house. It is in the middle of the night and I look up on the wall towards the massive television on the wall. I know that if I turn it on there will be porn on pretty much all the channels.

      I decide to turn it on, though before the image appears after having turned on the telly I turn down the volume all the way to minimum. I am a little surprised to find that there is still sound coming through, yet the sound isn't horrible so I allow the porn scene to keep running.

      It is an orgy of sorts. In particular I find my attention dwelling on a guy wearing a leather hood, while he is fucking a woman lying below him as he is standing up.

      I get aroused and go to the toilet to make preparations. While there I decide to try and observe how my arousal and dick respond to simply watching the porn without stimulating myself.

      I wake up

      As I am awake I find myself aroused and hard. I don't masturbate, but massage my perineum and find it interesting and somewhat easier than normal to circulate the sexual energy around my body. In particular I notice that I am extremely connected down the front, where I am in touch with my body.

      I then start focusing on Cille. I think of her “hole in the back” and I see how there are shadowy finger marks around the hole. So I visualise and start clearing the hole with fire, ask Raphael for help to seal the hole, which I do with the opposing triangles that compose the visual representation of the heart chakra.

      I further start healing Felix, if he wants to accept it of course, and ask for assistance in burning out the things he doesn't wish to see or that are preventing him from being happy and present in this life.

      Dream 2: “The magical island, climbing surface and an elven bridge”

      I am standing in a cave, which opens out over a big lagoon where in the middle is a small island. This island is composed mainly of steep cliff sides and a forest in the middle. Just before the main island there is a long, narrow rocky cliff side coming out of the water. The weather is bright and sunny, there seems to be a clear blue sky above the water.

      An arrow appears above us, and a small humanoid figure jumps up and catches it and slaps it in the cliff side above us, there are transparent fishing lines attached to the arrow. Following an elven figure swings across the gap between the cave and the water, maybe a mile or two. The elven figure is wearing green and orange and is like a ferryman, there to swings us one by one across the water.

      There is some talk about the attractiveness of the climbing cliff side – 700 metres facing the water of the island.

      There is some discussion that the journey has taken too long, about 4 hours and that it could be due to the elven “swinging ferry man” can only take on one passenger at a time.

      Dream ends.

      Dream 3: “Lost at sea, coming home”

      I am at sea in a dingy boat, lost and at the mercy of the sea. I am there with Mikkel L and we have been there for some time. It is mid day and we are drifting along the waves.

      We sail past a boat, which we initially hope can rescue us, but find that it is full of refugees and for some reason it doesn't even become relevant to be rescued here.

      I sarcastically remark that it would be a good opportunity to practice broadsiding this ship, opening up with all four canons on one side of our ship.

      Out in the horizon, far away, I see a sail ship – looking from the silhouette like an ancient Viking ship – and a small blotch of a ship. I hope that this is ships that can assist us.

      From a far distance the ship that started out as a small blotch shoots its cannons. One on one side of our boat and another on the other. I feel them as being warning shots, but I also feel afraid.

      As we approach the ship I realise it is the largest one I have ever seen. It is black and probably around 30-50 metres tall from the water. I wave my arms in surrender and declare an interest in wanting to be saved, all the while I think about how nice it would be if I had access to white clothing.

      Luckily the ship understands our gestures and predicaments and they start throwing down ladders we can grab onto. I find however that the ship is practically racing across the surface of the water in the opposite direction to our boat, but I nevertheless jump into the water and swim for the boat.

      I can't latch on to any of the ladders, but a door just above the waterline is opened, and a wooden entry plank is pushed out and I prostrate as I enter the ship in deep gratitude.

      I am met by the captain – Tim Smith – who asks me if it was Mikkel on the boat with me. I acknowledge the affirmative and Mr Smith continues to ask: “Is it true that he has a blog running about his journeys across the sea?”, to which I reply “yes” and then Tim asks “Has he written a book about it?”, “No” I reply.

      Then I see pages lifted up before me in a completely different scenario, sort of a beach bar with trees and sunshine in the background. On the pages a story is being written in bright red, it seems to be a draft from the blog to the book.

      Dream ends.

      There are a few interesting themes at play here.

      The first dream is highly sexual in nature, and incorporates both the animalistic nature – as displayed in the orgy – but also the renunciation of traditional friction based sex, as I attain pleasure through massaging my perineum and working with circulating energy. It is interesting that the man is hooded, representing a hidden aspect of myself that I have been trying to neglect – a yearning for the sexual exploration of the animalistic that I have particularly not mentioned to Cille, where I have emphasised the tantric, energetic unity aspect of sex.

      This aspect of a hidden yearning to explore is also symbolised in wanting to keep the volume down, so I am not noticed as I go on with my explorations. I have an instinctive feeling that this pertains to wanting this phase of my life to remain hidden from Cille.

      From an astrological point of view, this aspect of the dream seems to be an encouragement. There is an opportunity now to explore my sexual nature – again not being with Cille here being significant – in particular the more playful and kinky aspect of it. This is further symbolised by my approach towards it “wanting to observe what it does to me” rather than starting to masturbate straight away. It would seem like there is a gentle reminder to continue working towards embracing my sexuality and that it is coming up as a point of focus (which is also symbolised in the Elven figure, who acts like a bridge, dressed in Orange and Green – bridging the sexual/sensual chakra with the heart chakra.

      The second dream I see a lot of myself in the elven figure. A bridge between this and that world – symbolising my shamanic aspirations. The number 4 appear, which to me could be a pointer towards the four elements – accepting the spiritual – but also 4 quadrants of the mandala, and thus the complete and fully realised self. The fact that the number 4 appears as an irritation, that the journey is taking too long, point towards a disturbing element in my current workings. This I intuitively feel is related to how I worry about financial stability – which isn't to say that it doesn't matter, but that I am spending too much energy thinking about this instead of following my heart. There is a slightly greedy element to how the elven figure charges for the ferrying, which is an affirmative of this. I believe it points towards the fact that I want to open up more towards group oriented practices in my vocational life, as opposed to individual style therapeutics.

      I do find myself comfortable in the role as a bridge between worlds, serving as a guide between the somewhat disturbing emotions that can arise on the spiritual path (Orange) and in accepting and coming to grips with newer senses of identity in a loving manner (Green).

      Dream 3: This pertains to my acceptance of a more spiritual and energetic mode of operating and giving to the world. I have long been caught in the emotional flux caused by wanting to adhere to both a strict scientific and fluid spiritual identity – I have been lost at sea (emotionality) and seeing refugees (fleeing my call) can no longer serve me. Again I see the number 4 – as in broadsiding the refugees with 4 canons, which again points to the 4 quadrants of the mandala – here symbolising that I am no longer in the process of fleeing or escaping my true nature or my purpose with being here on the planet.

      There is an interesting theme in converting the blog/notes to a book, with the text being red as this could symbolise that financial security could come about through writing about the journey. The fact that it isn't me the journey is about could point towards the opportunities lying in writing about others, where both Cille and Nils are on the table.

      This session turned somewhat long, and I would like to cut it off by at least and hour. However it is the first time in a while that I write down my dreams and adding an interpretation didn't actually take as long as I recall.

      For the future group processes setting the context isn't going to be as extensive, as that will be done in process groups and dealt with through ongoing communication. Honestly 45-60 minutes of the time spent on this entry probably goes for procrastination on Facebook.
    2. Dream - Singing Makes Friends Become Fans & The Lazy Day & Dream Guide In Peril & Chaos At The Glen

      by , 06-26-2017 at 01:49 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 26 JUN - 2017

      Dream No. 141 - Separated Sections

      Dream 141 A - Singing Makes Friends Become Fans
      I forgot what happened at the very start of the dream. From the point where I do remember, I was asking for this random choir to be assembled. I eventually found out that they were having a rehearsal in my driveway. My friend JO was taking them and was getting them to listen to the song Panis Angelicus over and over again so they would no how to sing it. Eventually I came and took over the rehearsal. At first, I was going to ask them sing it but then I ended up singing it with them. Barely any of them were putting effort into the singing and instead, slowly left, one by one until there was no one left.

      Then the screen showed up in the sky again, the one where I go on Facebook. I was chatting and I said something which I forgot. WB then ended up replying “that's where Karla gets all her fans from <3 <3 <3”. HL then added “No she doesn't have fans, only family and friends”. Then I answer in chat “Actually, WB's right...” I forgot the end of that sentence. Then WB said something else but I've forgotten that too. Once the sky screen disappeared, I took a walk up the hill and there I saw HL standing on some balcony, looking lifeless. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 141 B - The Lazy Day
      This dream took place in my old house. My mum and I were in the dining room, talking about our plans for the day. My mum said she didn't want to go to Dandenong Plaza. I asked her why and she generally said that she was just too tired to go but I interpreted that as “she couldn't be bothered”. For some reason, I kept convincing her to go and so she eventually says to me, “are you planning a get together?”. I answered “no, if anything, I was only going to walk past today”. So then she caved in and said okay to going. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 141 C - Dream Guide In Peril
      My mum and were at Dandenong Plaza and were just on level 2 after having Subway. We were planning to go up to level 3 to get the henna but then my mum goes missing for some unknown reason. I started freaking out and begging to have my calls for help answered by Dreamy WB. Eventually, this little girl comes toddling along. It was in fact Dreamy WB but she looked like only a little 8 year old with these buck teeth and an adorable look overall.

      Not much happened before I didn't see her around either. At first, I thought she just vanished to help me invisibly but then that thought was soon replaced with the horrifying fact that she had gone missing too. Eventually, this boy appeared to help me that looked like he was around my age. He was tall, had spiky, white-washed blonde hair and was wearing a black coat... His name was Noah and he was claiming to be my boyfriend (in real life, I don't have a boyfriend) and replacement dream guide... He came to help me look for Dreamy WB. Every time I said something in a panic, he would always put his arm around me and say that everything would be okay.

      We eventually went to see if Dreamy WB was anywhere on level 3 but she wasn't. I then lead Noah to this emergency exit area, like these tight corridors leading to a fire door. At one point, there was a lift in the corridor network and so I told Noah to turn back and that we were taking an alternate route. When I finally found the way outside, a bad feeling hit me, almost like I knew that my mum and Dreamy WB were definitely in some despicable danger and I was going to be kidnapped soon. There was this unknown male voice saying to me, “You see? The lesson is never to leave the plaza”. I then woke up.

      Dream 141 D - Chaos At The Glen
      My mum and I were planning to go shopping at The Glen. The main entrance to the carpark we usually go in was shut due to renovations of the shopping centre. My mum said there was another way we could get into the carpark. So she asked me to drive around the back and enter from supposedly Highbury Road. The road I was driving on was skinny and perhaps only a one way road, which we were driving the correct way which was a relief. Eventually, we had come across a thickly wired fence which was stopping us from going any further. I ended up sticking my hand out the window and successfully picking the lock with just my fingers. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - My Best Friend (Interact with any Dream Guide)
      >> Worked with Noah to try and find the missing DCs.
      - Call The Babysitter (Successfully summon Dreamy WB)
      >> Called Dreamy WB in distress, who came toddling up to me in the form of some small child.
      - You Must Be Kidding Me (Experience something in real life after having a dream about it)
      >> The main intention of events in the dream were eating Subway and buying henna... Did exactly that during the day today (writing this journal entry at night time).

      This dream was a real booster for those dream trophies. From now on, as well as writing down what the dream trophy is, I may write a sentence or two on how I think I achieved it.

      Also. Usually, the most dreams I've ever remembered in one night is 3 (So I've only been able to go up to C) but then I've smashed a world record here and have written down 4 (Up to D in my ordering system)! I wrote 2 dreams at 8:30 AM and then I fell back asleep after that and had 2 more, writing them down at my usual get up time, 10:30 AM.
    3. Dream - The Hairdressing Scam

      by , 05-25-2017 at 06:47 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 25 MAY - 2017

      Dream No. 119 - The Hairdressing Scam

      My mum and grandma took me to the hairdressers to get a haircut. It was when I sat down on one of the chairs next to a wall that the lady put some glasses on me and started doing all these optical tests on me. Then all a sudden, this lady who is doing my eye tests is yelling across the room at another customer. She yells something like “Stop disrespecting the need of the business!”. Only then did I realise that this wasn't a hairdresser. I felt scared that the lady would yell at me too but anyway, I said to my mum, “This isn't a hairdresser, it's an optometrist!”. My mum started crying from shock and I got out of the chair and walked out of the store with her. As we were walking away, my mum was making all these remarks at the lady. One I could remember was that we weren't giving any of our money away.

      So we joined my grandmother back in the mall and decided that they would go back to the car early and have their chips. I followed them down a strange looking street with all these op shops but I was distracted all these racks of jewellery and I soon completely lost them. I eventually came to an area that looked like normal housing suburbia and there I noticed a complex where the lift to the car park was. At first, I was thinking of going down by myself but when I stood and looked up at the big metal doors, I started freaking out and said to myself that I couldn't do it.

      I went outside and once had the idea that I would call for Dreamy WB to help me down the lift. I walked around all the streets, calling her name but nothing happened. A few times I'd call “Dreamy WB” with the loudest voice in dream history. In this dream, I found that my voice was very loud and clear and was not restricted in any way. Also, every time I called out, I found myself trying to imagine that she was behind a corner of an object and that she would eventually come out if I called her enough times. Still, there was no change and so I decided to call out for her by her alternate guardian name, Miss T. There still wasn't any response and so now I was panicking. I went back to calling out “Dreamy WB!” until I was back at the lift complex.

      I now noticed a ramp leading downwards as well but I still wanted to call her just to what would happen. Then this room, looking like a public bathroom, appeared next to the lift. All these young girls were coming out of it, including a handful of Killester girls amongst the unknown ones. Still, I couldn't see Dreamy WB anywhere. I went outside again to wait for her. Then when EL comes out, I ask her, “Where's WB?”, she tells me she's coming. It takes a while but WB is one of the last girls to come out of that bathroom and when she's outside, no one else is around anymore. I tell her I need her help. She said she would go with me but she had something else to do first. WB pulled out her phone and used one hand to text someone. She invited me to stand next to her and so that's what I did. I full on hugged her while she put her unused arm around me, while she continued texting. Once she was finished, we walked up to the lift complex but I woke up before anything else could happen.

      Updated 05-25-2017 at 07:05 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. washed out

      by , 03-01-2017 at 07:36 PM
      I'm taking a bath when my partner leaves flat. I have to quickly get ready but have no car keys or anything as she has taken them.
      There are some birds , a bit like flamingoes stuck in a sexual embrace Oo.
      Next I am in a park at i'm now a child. It is some kind of play centre but it is lashing rain and there is nothing to do, All my stuff gets wet and im feeling tired but there isn't even anywhere to sit down that's dry.
      I leave and get the tube and go into a dentists (?). There are two dentists and chairs on a split level room with stairs (everything white as usual).
      I kiss the bald dentist on the forehead, he looks pissed off and I leave.
      Last I enter a clothes shop where there is a lady with long curly fair hair, glasses and a long bead necklace.
      I go up to her and hug her then start sobbing uncontrollably.

      it feels like a release, it feels good.
      Tags: lost
    5. Heartbreak

      by , 11-06-2016 at 12:23 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I dreamed of a guy I dated but who ultimately rejected me. We were talking in a cafe or some place. It was a lighthearted talk about what happened and about how he was already dating the other guy and me asking why we dated (or tried to date...?) anyway. It was really light, and I forgot most of it when I woke up, thanks to a raging headache and asthma attack threat.

      Now, it just hit me full force and I can barely write this down.

      Other details: It was evening. It was in some familiar place but can't remember exactly where. There was a train and bus station. Somehow I got lost going home or at least going away from that place.
    6. 16-10-20 RV on Island, Lost on a Train

      by , 10-20-2016 at 02:03 PM
      I think we were on an island, a barren, dry, and deserted island. There's three people in an RV, roaming around the island. I'm not a character in the dream, rather the "camera" - like I'm watching a movie. There are two males, one older man and a younger one, and a young woman. I expected the older man of being a traitor and wanting to kill the others. He had the younger man digging a hole (looked like a grave) and I thought he was digging his own grave. But then came the plot twist, the young woman showed up, pointing her pistol at him. Turns out both the woman and the older man were traitors!

      I'm on a train in a foreign country. I realize I've taken so many trains, I'll never find my way home again. At some point, the train braked really hard, and I fell. There were others on the train I knew.

      A some point we were still on the train I think, watching TV. In the movie we were watching, someone said they would have to kill the babysit, and some other guy. *REDACTED*
    7. Child Beeps Webs Lost

      by , 09-18-2016 at 04:23 PM
      She's a Child: My twenty something friend is messing around with a very troubled 17 year old. Every time he brings up her name I reply with, "She's a child. Send her home to her parents. Tell her to finish high school. Tell her you're not buying her alcohol anymore. If you really do care for her prove it by trying to help her, not by taking advantage of her. She's still a child."
      Needless to say, this dream was mostly the pair of us arguing.

      Barbershop Beeps: I am an old man with very long and very straight white hair, which is my pride. I have a friend who looks like Magneto. We go to a barbershop to get our hair trimmed. The staff send us to separate sides of the shop. It feels like they are up to no good. To convey my suspicions to my friend by talking to him in Morse Code by verbally beeping. It is me in the barbershop chair saying, "Beep. Beep. Beeeeeep. Beep. Beep." And my friend beeps back. We continue to talk in this manner.

      Cleaning Cobwebs: My apartment is full of cob webs. It is like I have been gone for a very long time. I need to clean up because someone is using my place to have a bikini waxing party. (are those real?) As I am sweeping down spider webs I find one very large spider with very long legs. It shakes its front leg at me as if admonishing me for destroying its friends' webs. I leave this spider be but sweep away the rest. If the ladies don't like the long legged spider they can take their creepy party elsewhere.

      GPS: fleeting dream of being lost in the woods and my gps going crazy
      (watched Blair Witch last night)

      Updated 09-18-2016 at 04:25 PM by 91601

    8. Lost in a book

      by , 07-22-2016 at 09:19 AM
      My dream I had last night was weird.

      I was walking through the woods. I walked down a path then at the end of that there were more paths leading off it. I just keep walking and then running I was lost. A horrible feeling was in my stomach where am I? What am I doing here?
      I came across a person called Marlin. He was super nice yet weird. I was thirsty so he gave me a drink then I collapsed.
      I woke up in a dark room I could hear voices where am I? Why?
      The men sounded like they were talking about me god knows why. My wrists were hurting they were tied behind my back tightly.

      Then I awoke and realized it was a dream. then later that morning I realized that the dream was inspired by the book I was reading. So weird.
    9. 16-07-16 Collecting Seashells, Underwater Cannibals, Lions

      by , 07-17-2016 at 03:25 AM
      First dream was me on a tropical island, scouring the beaches for seashells. There were 7 or 8 specific seashells I had to collect on the island. I found one, and a similar-looking one next to it. I wondered if I could "fool" the system by just taking random shells that looked similar enough to the ones I had to collect. I put the shell in my jeans pocket, and the other one in the smaller pocket below it. At some point I somehow gained Thor's hammer, Mjölnir. I figured it would be a great way of getting around faster. I tossed it, and was pulled along behind it into the air. It went fast, like really fast. I was afraid that coming down would hurt for a second, but gained courage to go higher and faster. I almost overshot the island. In a later scene, the island was a kind of reality show I was watching, and Evangeline Lilly (Kate in "Lost") was joining the show. The person I was earlier was now Matthew Fox, who played Jack on Lost. I anxiously awaited the reunion.

      Okay, how to put this... I was with a people who flew a kind of double-decker airplane, except it "flew" on and under water, not air. The pilot would be submerged below the waist. At one point, the "plane" went under water, and I was worried I would drown for a moment. But for the rest of the dream, which was all under water, I never once had issues breathing. Near the bottom of the ocean (we were swimming now, no more vehicles), I saw several of our "team" grabbed by a huge, featureless worm-like creature. It tore the man in half, and proceeded to rip apart the others, too. Then, the monsters turned out to be simply very big humans (twice the size of the average human) living underwater, and they ate humans as part of their diet. I conversed with one of them, and expressed my outrage/discontentment with them eating other sentient beings.

      I was with a large group of people walking through a park or garden-like area. I think someone commented it was a shame we didn't see any lions, because I pointed out I had seen a white lion just a little bit down the road we came from. They went back, and sure enough, there it was. The crowd was dumb, however, and got too close and too bold, trying to take pictures of the wild animal. It attacked, and started killing people (or trying to, anyway). I fled with the rest of the crowd. In the next scene, I was alone (I think) with several (regular, not white - also these were females, no manes) lions. Somehow, I knew I was invisible. I snuck to a small concrete stair leading to a higher level of the garden, and hid underneath - as I was afraid they would still bump into me, or smell me.

      I also think I had a dream featuring the full *REDACTED* of *REDACTED*, and I believe I interacted with some of them, but this incident has been completely forgotten.

      There was more to these three dreams, much more - but many details have been lost.

      Updated 07-17-2016 at 03:26 AM by 17412 (Title too long.)

    10. Tent City and Train Station

      by , 07-03-2016 at 06:16 PM
      I was talking to a person that Ive never met before but we were talking about how we were each other’s soul mates, how were were the perfect person for one another. He was very young looking, brown hair, deep blue eyes. It felt like we had literally just met, reveling in each others presence, but like we knew for certain that we were connected.

      Staying a tent city, had my dog and my cat. Each one kept escaping my tent periodically. Once I found my dog in a park with other dogs and wild animals running around. Once I found her in a store next to a stuffed cheetah or other large cat. The tents ere large, perhaps 10-person tents. Ailing closely next to one another, with paths for walking paths in between rows of tents. Sort of reminded me of a fantasy film, like this is just how people lived. There was a large tan stone castle or building nearby.

      fragment- strange gathering.

      I helped a man find/ save his wife. I remember running slightly behind him as he caught to her, they embraced and then continued running, me following. Were were supposed to jump on a train together but I missed the train and was left behind at this remote station at night in a foreign country.

      I didn’t sleep well, but was in bed for a while so I woke up feeling rested. I think there were a lot more dreams that I forgot.
    11. Tests, Tests, and More Tests

      by , 06-17-2016 at 05:29 AM
      It was the last day of high school, and we all had had a week-long break before hand (or perhaps it was two or three weeks). Everyone needed to find their home rooms, and once the bell rang a final exam would be administered. Because we had been gone for so long (and at my school we only went to home room three or four times a school year), I was having trouble remembering where mine was. I looked into one and seen Jacob C. and Metal, and decided to give it a shot. The man that was the teacher called role--I remember that Metal was making a reverse list of sorts, because he was hoping that that was my home room after all, and so every name that was called, he'd write it down. Finally the man was done and when I realized that he definitely hadn't called me, I got up to find another room.

      The bell hadn't rung yet, which was just my good luck. Standing in the hall way were a couple of other teachers, and with them was a mobile table of sorts that carried all of the tests. One of them tried to go ahead and give me my examination, but I told them that I needed to find my home room first. I could tell that they weren't pleased, but they told me to hurry and didn't ask any more questions. ("They" were a bit shorter than me, older, and had white hair, but I can't remember what their gender was supposed to be, or anything else about them, really.)

      Mrs. Tear's class was just right across the hall, so I stopped there first. Everyone was already seated, so I went straight to her desk and asked her if I was on her roll call; she checked, told me I was, handed me my test, and so I sat down and did it. It was difficult.

      After that, I was driving to college with my mom. At some point she pointed out that the people in front of us were having car troubles (I can't remember what with), and so I rolled down my window and asked them what was wrong, if there was anything that we would be able to do. I then just got out of the car and conversed with them. We were getting along well, but then their little boy asked me if I could go ahead and leave. I agreed and when I turned around I seen that there was a car behind us, waiting for me to move. I rushed in, told the people goodbye, and then drove away.

      Once we got to the college, it was my mom who was needing to take a test. It was a very short thing, but I needed to help her a bit. The last question either had to do with my dad, or her answer had to do with it. She didn't like the test-makers, because she felt that they were too intrusive in her personal life.

      Finally we're back home, and I can fly through things! I float through walls and through people--floating through people is a bit more difficult, though, because I have to first will myself to be invisible before I do it. I remember laying down on the couch in the living room for a time before getting back up again.
    12. Can't Find My Way

      by , 06-15-2016 at 12:16 PM
      June 14, 2016: #1 of 3: I find myself waiting for a preoperative patient at the nurses desk outside of the operating room holding area. I greet and shake hands with P**** R***. I grow bored waiting for the patient to arrive so I decide to go to my car in the parking lot to listen to some music. As I settle into my car I realize that my beeper has a broken button and is probably not operational.

      I suddenly grow concerned that I might be late in my arrival to the operating room. I struggle to find the correct entrance to the hospital. I wander around an area that closely resembles the outside garden area of the Home Depot and another area, seemingly indoors, which has corridor after corridor of home goods for sale, almost like a Target, Walmart, or grocery store. I asked several dream characters for directions into the hospital, but no one is particularly helpful.

      After a great effort and much fretting, I finally arrive at the doctor's lounge. I realized that I have dried blood on my right wrist from the prior case. A discussion ensues with the dream character who is evidently an anesthesiologist. As I wash off the blood I remark how easily body temperature blood can get on your skin without you realizing it. I wake. The time is 3:23.am.

      Updated 06-15-2016 at 12:36 PM by 68799

    13. the universe melds

      by , 02-23-2016 at 09:35 PM
      D1 - fringle the magician is making magic, his old friend mouse-fringle makes magic on the same wavelength causing a overlapping of waves of energy, enveloping all.
      Someone is bending to get through a white doorway.
      D2 - Staying on holiday in italy, trapsing through the streets, as staying away from the centre means the food is lousey.
      Everyone we meet is planning on moving as we head through the busy streets. Nice houses but we are quite lost if we venture further, but we are drawn despite the danger.
      D3 - ?
      Feelings of acceptance and non-resistance on coming out of third dream.
      By the time I came out of the third dream, i had strong feelings of acceptance and non-resistance, to everything.
      The dream and me were one entity, on waking the world and me were one entity.
      I now experienced what it meant to say that lightning and a drop of rain were one. All was the same essence. All me.

      I hope you can understand my feeling, my sensation at the time.
      The feeling you get when you get to slip back and the duvet for some extra sleep but without the exited emotion about the extra sleep and without the worried emotion about having to eventually get up. Just a lovely syrupy feeling like the world is one big glob of golden honey.

      People were talking on the radio, all I heard was words, people talking talking they didn't realise that it didn't matter what they said it was just sounds, They had talked yesterday and everyday of their lives, they're was no resolution to be had through words, they just generated more, like thinking just making more thoughts. Just a noise going on forever, talking was fine but not nonsensical talking.

      Anyway the feeling enveloped me further, and I was in a kind of beautiful daze as I had a shave, my mind was clear.
      In the shower I felt a breeze, as it was a chilly morning, the wind felt like it was a part of me. The water that rained down on me was also part of me.
      It was wonderful, but such a calm warm feeling. Just a constant emotion, if it could be called that, unbroken.
      Then thoughts tried to make ther way into my mind, my ego was returning, as soon as I started to fear this feeling would depart.
      So I experienced first hand that the ego is generated by fear.
      Tags: food, holiday, lost, magic
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Welcome to the underground

      by , 02-13-2016 at 06:36 PM (Here be dragons)
      Got lost in a big city of old stones and neons light.
    15. #179 - Trainer / Starry sky / Hiking in the bush

      by , 12-12-2015 at 10:01 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC1) 02:12
      Dream fragment - I remember having some images flash through my mind but I couldn't tell what they were properly.. Maybe something about being in the woods, perhaps a pine forest?

      SC2) 04:14
      Dream 1 - Trainer
      I'm in a barren place which is somewhat dark due to the heavily overcast sky. In the distance there is a person who is my trainer or friend and I can zoom in and out of him. I zoom in and adjust my workout routine then zoom back out. I think something happens and I need to adjust it again so I zoom back in and out. I know I'm dreaming as I'm doing all this and I feel like it's an nREM dream.

      Dream experience: 0 (pretty lame)
      Dream awareness: 3 (even lower than the second dream but still lucid)

      SC3) 05:18
      Dream 2 - Starry sky
      I was in a dark and barren place at night again, I think somewhere nearby there was a lone petrol station by a road. It was like I was in the desert or something. I become lucid and realize that there's no way to control this dream so I decided to try and enjoy what was already happening. I look up into the sky and see a beautiful starry sky behind clouds of violet and orange, as if the clouds themselves were ascending to become nebulas in our solar system. I felt my body just start fling around backwards and all over the place while I was looking up, the world was spinning around me. I could feel the wind on my body as this was happening, and I noticed my vision grow dim and the sky seemed to fade away. I then focused on the wind tingling against my body, it was so sharp and vivid that when I focused on it I felt like my body had an immediate sense of excitement shivering all through it. This was the last thing I felt as I woke up straight after.

      Dream experience: 5 (the sensations and sights were really quite powerful but it was still too short and no control)
      Dream awareness: 3 (low level lucidity)

      SC5) 07:35
      Dream 3 - Hiking in the bush
      I remember hiking uphill with some people. The route we were taking was off the trail and we somehow knew roughly where we were supposedly heading. I remember reaching our destination and we went around it and up the side to the top of a hill. On this hill I think we felt like we had no way of getting back home. After we sit around on the hill for a while I announced that I was going to head back and find a way home, my memory is pretty good so I roughly remember the route we took. I didn't expect anyone to come, and surprisingly some people actually stood up and decided to follow me. I felt a little touched by this . I walk down the hill with the others following me and look across to the forests' edge which we had emerged from. I saw the stony area which we had traversed to get here and told everyone that's where we came from. I then saw a pathway, hmm strange? We could probably take this trail back? I look around for a sign to get an idea for where it heads and see one off to my right. I can't really remember what it said though.. One of the girls following was a bit of an airhead, and didn't like that I was leading the way. She said that we should go around the hill and proceeded to prance off in that direction. Oh my god >_< that's the way we took to get on top of the hill you idiot . This annoys me a bit since she seemed to have forgotten that fact :/ I think I wake up after that though.

      Dream experience: 3 (not very vivid or interesting)
      Dream awareness: 1 (not very aware)

      I also had another dream which I recall was really sexual but I can't remember anything about it

      Updated 12-12-2015 at 10:15 PM by 71238

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
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