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    1. 2 Cool Looking Rabbits/Girl Of My Dreams (22.8.15)

      by , 08-22-2015 at 12:03 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      2 Cool Looking Rabbits/Girl Of My Dreams
      I'm across the road of my old house, sitting down. A rabbit which is red comes up to me. It looks beautiful. It's red that is blended in with the original color. I see another rabbit, which is purple, and just as beautiful. The rabbits are inseparable. They follow one another by the looks of it. They go onto the middle of the road. I begin to worry, as I can hear a car coming from around the corner. The car goes over them, and I'm uncertain if any have been ran over. The man stops his car to check something, maybe he knew he almost ran over rabbits. He drives off and both rabbits are ok. Close call, I'm relieved.

      I'm sitting on the grass out front of my house, and the rabbits jump over the fence. I feel like it may not come back and feel sad. I look over the fence where the palm tree is, and I see REX, but he doesn't see me. I move out of sight before he sees me, as I didn't want him to get excited from seeing me. Moments later the red rabbit comes running over to me from out of a bushes. Im happy to see it and pat it. The purple rabbit comes over also. Soon after, they both leave back over the fence.

      I'm in a house and one of the rabbits comes to the backdoor. It wants to come inside, so I allow it in. Moments later, the other rabbit wants to come in also. I open the door, but it seems to not be open wide enough for it. It stands up like a human and turns itself sideways, and squeezes easily through the gap. There's people I know here as well, and I'm happy they got a chance to see the rabbits.

      I'm with a girl that's my partner. She's beautiful. I feel extremely lucky to have this girl, and feel I'm punching above my weight for sure. I'm in the backyard, under the veranda in my home. I come up behind her as she's sitting on a chair and hug her. She feels around and notices my penis is half effect. I'm pretty aroused right now. I look at old photos of her and appreciate on how lucky I am to have her. There's something about the way she looks, that I really like.

      We're in the bathroom, and my girlfriend and Brooke Ky are dressed to impress in their sexy get up. My girlfriend looks to have a bit of weight on, more then I expected. Brooke's ass looks more impressive, as I see them both pose. They begin interlocking there bodies and get a bit of pussy on pussy action happening.

      I'm standing outside and there is a cooking competition going on with some people I know. A judge is about to try the first recipe, which is a multi colored drink. They called it the crazy drink or something similar to that. As the judge poured it into a bowl, the mixture was quite thick and had a awesome color to it. The different colors looked like a multi layered gob stopper, if I was to cut it in half. I see some motorbikes go passed in the distance. It was the contestants. I see Jon Rick preparing his meal in front of me. The judge is combining everything together for the crazy drink, and I bit falls onto the ground. I pick it up and try it. It's pretty good. I wasn't sure if it was Jon's or the Crazy drink.

      I'm in a room which has been decked out for the contestants. It's like a big brother finale moment, where they have to sit In front of a screen and talk to the host etc.
    2. Iliona

      by , 08-19-2015 at 05:16 PM
      I'm in an in-between place - shallow pools of water, tall dark cliffs with broken statues and bronze mirrors, and a single whole statue: a hooded figure in a position that reminds me of Mary in the Pieta. One of the bronze mirrors I think of as still working after all - it shows an image of a woman from the turn of the century, and her image moves and looks at me. There's an association with 'a mother' here, though I'm not thinking of her as my mother. I can use her functioning mirror to escape. But first, there's a small vial here of brilliantly white light that I associate with 'love' in some way, which is needed for later, for something after I've escaped; it's the reason I came here.

      There's a house at the top of a cliff overlooking the sea, very pleasant, and with a forge attached. A friend of mine is working in the forge right now, helping out the man who lives here, a man who is brilliant at designing certain things but who can't work in the forge himself. Because of him, there's a sword of sorts that's been reforged - there's an association here with a legend about light, and the sword itself is yellow and semi-transparent - and I'm about to take it to a woman named Iliona. But I'm concerned about my friend working in the forge. The designer has just told me that the spirits have already released my friend from his vows to the hold - there's no need for him to help the designer with the forge anymore. But my friend says to me, "I took his brother from him. I can do this much."

      Iliona lives in a small town, and as I'm walking down the hill into town, I'm openly carrying her sword in my hand. I'm met by a man who knows me well and his wife, Iliona's daughter, and they block my path, not trusting that I really am who I appear to be. I break the weapon that he's raised to me, and speak to him so that he sees I'm still myself. They let me through; they don't like it, but they defer to Iliona.
    3. Connections from dream to real life.

      by , 06-26-2015 at 11:59 PM
      I dream't of being in a place that looked like an open mall, but the walkway's were wooden and similar to a pier by the ocean. In hazy detail I remember there being an cul-de-sac like opening amidst the other shops where a dentistry was set up. It had one dentist , one assistant and was only big enough for one patient at a time. At first I was hesitant but went into the chair and said I needed a cleaning. The Dentist then got prepared and I thought to myself, I hope she doesn't think too badly of my teeth(since in my dream I apparently hadn't taken care of them in a while).

      As this was going on I looked up only to see a girl standing not too far from me. She was of Asian ethnicity with light brown skin as if gently kissed by the sun. Her black hair flowed like silk past her shoulders and her eyes were gentle but vibrant with life. Although I couldn't remember what she was doing I remember turning away from her gaze at first, too embarrassed that she may have caught me looking. Yet simultaneously I saw her do the same out of the corner of my eye. Every instinct told me to not look again as I could never imagine talking to someone so beautiful but I turned my head not knowing what would happen and our eyes met.

      I felt a connection so familiar and strong at that instant that it couldn't be described in words. I felt joyful as if I had found a long lost friend or love after years of isolation and anguish. She seemed to feel the same as she walked over and handed me a piece of paper that she had jotted her phone number on the back which for some reason or other also said "do not call until after 2:05pm".

      {{Even after waking I had this lingering sensation that somehow that person really exist. After reading other stories similar of people finding people in dreams that they had never met before in real life, I found this website and hope maybe I could try some ideas to search for someone who might possibly exist. I would appreciate any feedback anyone has of meeting someone in their dreams and then finding them in real life or any theories behind the science of this.}}
    4. Pentagram

      by , 06-26-2015 at 05:25 PM
      Started in some sort of room, with my mom and this cute girl. we were playing around traveling through different worlds and I kissed her. We became girlfriend and boyfriend and continued to travel and ended up in a bar. we met two other people in the bar that could use arcana. We all messed around with our powers and when my friends were playing bingo at the bar I used my magic with my pentagram necklace to make it stronger but something backfired and I messed something up, time, or perhaps even myself. I woke up soon after.
    5. Rewind..

      by , 06-02-2015 at 05:40 PM
      There was a machine that could read a human mind. How it works? You ask a certain question.. and the person does not have to answer it. The thought itself is enough. You aim the person with this machine.. and you have the answer. It is a powerful machine, and that is why some people are after it. They are already running the stairs to go higher into this old building. But on the floor where this machine is located, a boy lives. And he has special abilities. He can put anything out of the real life into a wall picture. And so, he used his power and this machine was projected to a wall painting. This guys could not take it.

      Now the scene changes.. i am in an old car in the middle of Italy. We are waving with a yugoslavian flag, and singing partisan songs. And the local italian people dont like this at all.. and the fight begins.. scene fades away

      Now i am in a dark room, with my friends.. we are drinking and singing songs, I am playing the guitar and we are arguing with a priest at the same time.. My ex takes my hand, and pulled me out of this room, away from this building. It is night time.. but many people are still walking the streets. We started to kiss.. with real passion.. we were burning hot.. starting to undress.. people were watching but.. it did not affect us very much.. we wanted to do more.. to get this passion out of our bodies.. we wanted to have sex somewhere.. but there were too many people around. And my ex said. " i truly wish, from my heart.. to turn the time around.. and find that boy.. who can put things into wall paintings.. because I want to put this moment into art.." And because she really wanted this to happen.. it did. The time turned around..

      We were again in the room with the priest and the guitar.. singing.. and arguing. But music was playing backwards.. everyone thought whaaat is going on?? But only we know.. where is the catch.. Later we were in that car again.. and again the thugs came.. but now there was no problem.. because i knew exactly how the enemy will react.. so i beat them up very easily.. and then some agressive wild woman came.. and attacked me.. i dodged.. and hit her with one single strong punch into her kidney.. and i destroyed the kidney.. she was walking slowly away and she said that she must catch a plane, because she is on her way to vacation.. and i said.. dont go.. trust me on this one.. go to the doctor and you will live.. End of the dreams! too bad i have not reached that boy.. because i wanted to see how that picture of that beautiful moment would.. look like

      Updated 06-02-2015 at 11:24 PM by 10207

    6. Lucid Dreams

      by , 05-28-2015 at 06:01 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I got home early, before everyone else got up, and rather than go up to my room, I decide to nap downstairs on the couch. The stairs are loud, and I don't want to wake the dog and have the dog wake everyone. It's just an hour and a half before everyone normally gets up, so I'll just nap on the couch until I hear someone, then I'll go to my room and go back to bed. That's my plan.

      I find myself walking down a hallway, and come to an opening where I stand with a big group of people around a fountain or some other centerpiece. It occurs to me that I was just asleep on my couch, so I am definitely dreaming right now. Everyone looks at me. I look at everyone. The DCs look oddly familiar, but all just wait for me to do something. Rather than do anything, I just generate a loving feeling toward all of them. Then I make it stronger. I look at each DC again and feel a blissful tingling all through my body. It's like the more I love them, the stronger it gets. I enjoy this feeling for a while, then wake up.

      Well that was nice, but I'm still tired, and it's still early, I think I'll close my eyes and rest until I hear someone again.

      Now I'm standing up in my living room, and my sister (who is out of state) comes in, but 10 years younger than she is now. She's really upset at me for some reason. I'm not sure why. But I am sure that I was just laying down, and that she's older now, so I am definitely dreaming. I let her yell at me as I enjoy the relaxing peace of being in a dream where there is no reason to be offended, upset, or defensive about anything. I generate some love in my mind for my sister, and make it stronger and stronger until everything feels just amazing. She calms down, stops yelling, and I wake up again.

      I hear someone in waking life this time, and get up to move to my hammock in my room. I wonder if my plan to get up and move when I heard someone was the main reason I had these lucid dreams, or if it was just due to the easy circumstances within the dreams themselves such as remembering I was just laying on the couch and now I'm not, or that my sister is in fact older than a toddler now. Maybe the plan to wake up at the first sign of noise put me in a lighter state of sleep that is more conducive for lucid dreams. I don't know.
    7. Rain

      by , 05-03-2015 at 09:40 PM
      Night of May 3, 2015. Sunday.

      I move directly into a very vivid lucid dream while still half-awake as I often do after watching or mentally exploring the hypnagogic visionary realms - and eventually am within my dream body with little effort. The first thing I focus on (for a longer period of time) is the silhouette of an old wagon wheel (probably stuck only about one-third or less into the ground), which had been near the “portal” as some sort of “signpost” of sorts (probably a good lucid dream trigger depending on where you live). Other than that, there is mostly only rain visible. I do eventually see human forms (mostly female, some carrying parcels) moving about now and then, but they are not running or ducking from the rain, yet which is so heavy, it is hard to make out any significant details. I feel very good and very peaceful and relaxed even as I contemplate finding my beautiful wife’s feminine form to indulge in sensuality and love-making with in the middle of the “street”, which is actually much like the main set of “Gunsmoke” (the old long-running television series) from what I can tell. Because my physical form is somewhat ambiguous, I can move in different ways from place to place, sometimes in-body, sometimes disembodied (with far more control than I used to have). The imagery seems to go from grayish to subtle lines of gold at times.

      There is eventually what I first very briefly perceive as a very light hypnic jerk in my left leg (though it is more like a wave of extreme pleasure evenly moving through it), that takes me out of my dream body (though the imagery is still there as I am conscious again). This feeling is so ecstatic that I actually sigh “wow” fairly loudly and my wife (in real life) asks me what happened. From there, I mostly fall back into wandering the “Gunsmoke” set in very dense rain, which becomes more and more of a darker yet golden infusion.
    8. House Fishing and Hugging a Seagull - Feb 27, 2015

      by , 02-28-2015 at 06:26 PM
      Here are a couple of lucid dreams I had last night. They weren’t of very high vividness and clarity (more like waking world), but they were nonetheless fun and interesting.

      This is a dream induce lucid dream (DILD). One of my dream signs is fishing, so when I was standing on a dock fishing, I realized I was dreaming! As soon as I became lucid, I appeared in my mom’s kitchen, still holding my fishing rod. I was really enjoying fishing, so I wanted to do some more. My mom was standing at the kitchen sink, then she turned and smiled at me, and then I went off looking for a place to fish. I walked into the living room, and imagined there should be water under the area rug, so I rolled back 5 feet of the rug, and there was water! I quickly dropped my bait line into the water hole, lowered the fishing line down until I felt the bottom, which was at about 12 or so feet, and I started to jig off the bottom. Hey, wouldn’t that be awesome to have a fishing hole in your living room! Suddenly I felt a couple of nibbles on the line, and then I pulled the rod upwards to snag it. This fish dragged the line sideways under the floor. I reeled it in, but it was only a 12 inch pike, so I released it. After I released it, the fishing hole closed up, and there was only hardwood flooring. Hmm, where should I try next?

      I was determined to do more lucid dream fishing, so I walked over the hallway and cast my bait all the way down to the end, while I imagined the hallway turning into a river. The bait landed on the floor, but still no river. I slowly reeled it in while I focussed on there being a river. Just then, my wife walks up behind me and asks what I’m doing? I told her, “Not now honey, can’t you see, I’m trying to catch some fish here!” Unfortunately, I think I lost lucidity at the point, and I don’t remember what happened next.

      In this second lucid dream, it was awesome, and I voice recorded it after it happened, but then later in the night I accidently deleted it, and now I can only remember part of it, dang it anyway! Here’s what I remember. I was flying down a ski hill in the vertical position, about 5 to 10 feet above the slope, beside a friend, who was also flying. My friend was about 5 feet to the left and we were traveling about 15 mph, at night, enjoying the beauty of the scenery and starlit sky. Then a seagull came flying right over my head from the rear, only missing me by inches, then it turned around and mad another close pass. I raised my arm for it to land, but instead, it landed on my head! Typical bird!

      We travelled like this for about a hundred yards, but its claws were digging into my head, and it was a bit annoying, so I raised my forearm up to it, so it would climb on, and it did! A short while later, I started to hug the seagull, and I could feel love radiating from this bird! I was getting all these memory flashes (can’t remember of what). My friend flew in a bit closer and raised his forearm for the seagull, so I carefully passed him the bird. The seagull climbed onto to his forearm, and it started to grow bigger and it began to morph into a person, but then it returned to bird state. When we got to the bottom of the ski slope, the bird flew away, and we decided to land and go inside the ski chalet. I don’t remember what happened after that, but I have memory fragments of my daughter being there, and it was a happy time!
    9. Strange Stuff...

      by , 01-10-2015 at 05:38 PM
      I've gone into a supermarket to buy a hairclip - my hair is super long and thick like a lion's mane. I feel like it actually looks really good on me! I also feel like I'm in a foreign country. I make some kind of joke to the cashier girl. I also want something to eat - the girl suggests some milk. I think, how can I have something to eat if I have milk? She seems to be suggesting milk is food...

      Anyway, it's time to pay and I realise I have only my UK credit card so it won't work in this country...
      She says no problem, she'll sort me out.

      She sets me up with a bedroom under the shop to stay in while I'm in the country since I haven't any money to pay for a room somewhere else.

      I find myself walking around inside a large complex. I have no shoes on - the girl said I need to go downstairs to get some. I realise now that downstairs is a shopping centre - she meant for me to buy shoes, but how can I when I can't remember where I put my wallet? (Now the reason I can't buy things seems to be because I haven't got my wallet.)

      The girl falls in love with some douchebag. People are giving me advice about it, saying maybe her and I will be just friends! This doesn't make any sense to me because I didn't feel anything for the girl, so being friends was totally fine with me.

      Then the girl has to take her flights out of the country - if she doesn't, she'll never have enough money to pay her debts off.

      The people in the room (3 girls, 3 guys including me) are telling me this: she stole a shop so she wouldn't have to get her flights but could still pay off her debts and stay with the douchebag she was in love with. Everyone is flabbergasted by her stupidity seeing as the dude is a douche.

      One of the girls starts talking about her feelings; the other 2 guys in the room immediately turn away from her and start talking, as though they are too good for this "girl-talk". I notice this and feel obliged to turn my head towards her, quite close actually, and listen carefully to what she has to say...

      I am fighting some boss now - I think it's the douchebag, but he's also got something to do with Jesus. His only attack is to try suck me into his suction pad like a hoover. I counter this move a number of times by casting my spell at him every time he's about to do it.
      I beat him, however he then cheats by keeping the suction pad right beside me and making it bigger and bigger whilst backing me into a wall. I get sucked in, now in a 3rd person view. The boss then flies off with me inside, over a building...

      But of course, being Snake from Metal Gear Solid, I escape - I roll out of the flying hoover thing onto the roof, to which I exclaim to my brother: "Well it's Snake, OF COURSE he escaped! Hahaha!".

      I find myself in a bonus level - clones of Snake appear and attempt to destroy him. They glitch and twitch in such a way that makes me feel a bit uneasy about them, but Snake has no problem in dealing with them.

      I wake up.
    10. Love for a DC as I've never known in real life

      by , 11-29-2014 at 05:58 PM
      November 28, 2014: I am a naval officer on a destroyer or battleship. While the crew and I slept an earthquake or some type of natural catastrophe causes an entire Caribbean island to sink below the water about 6 feet, sinking several of the fleets ships that were moored there, but not ours. There was also a tidal wave associated with this event that damaged two ships which were out at sea. Those two ships, heavily damaged and looking old and rusted are steaming their way at a good speed towards the sunken island port. No one is at the helm. They are out of control. One runs aground in the shallows where the island used to be, and the second one (quite by accident) travels through a channel towards an interior island port - or at least where one used to be before it sunk an additional six feet. Still, it is a dead end, and it too eventually grounds itself, causing the crew to jump off onto a sandy just-above-sea-level beach.

      On my ship there is bedlam. People are trying to squeeze past each other through the narrow ships corridors. I am in the company of my girlfriend, an absolutely gorgeous, tall, thin, quiet blonde woman of about 28. She is utterly serene. We are far beyond simply being in love...we are true-to-life soul-mates. The pure, genuine love that she feels for me and I feel for her is unparalleled and has never been matched in real life. She is topless, with her right breast tucked with perfect comfort into my left chest and armpit as my left arm circles her back with my hand resting on her left hip. Neither of us wants to be anywhere but where we are at that moment despite all that is happening. Naomie Harris, in the guise of Tia Dalma from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean is in the corridor with us. She looks at us and speaks to us in her movie character voice: “What ‘ave we ‘ere? True love is what dat be...no doubt in dat...no doubt a’ tall.” She is absolutely 100% correct. I perceive the POWER of this love into the deepest depths of my being down to the cellular level. This is a sensation I have never known in my waking life. It is amazing...ineffable...defies description. If you could feel this sensation in real life you would be instantly addicted.

      My duty at this time and under these circumstances is to try and find the captain. I believe he has either jumped or fallen overboard, so I jump down and initially land on what appears to be our ship’s dive platform a few feet above the water line from which I can gaze into the gorgeous clear blue-green Caribbean water. From there I wade onto a narrow beach of white sand and continue to look into the water for portions of the sunken island, ship parts, or fellow sailors. I wake.
    11. Perfect Girl

      by , 11-25-2014 at 11:35 PM
      I remember going to an interview for Activision for some game testing, once I was there I rushed to the men's restroom where I started to take a piss in the urinal. The place weirdly structured and it made me completely exposed if someone came in, someone did and it was a beautiful redhead, medium height with a cunning smile on her face, as I watched her come in I managed to miss a shot and splash her a bit with my piss (lol), I didn't notice at first but she looked at me and said something like, you know you could be fired for what you just did, and I said, did I just pee on you, she nodded. I was embarrassed, but she said it wasn't so bad and looked at my junk and said that it was quite decent then left the place. I was confused.

      I'm not sure what happened next but I was in a classroom with her and some other guy, we were chatting as far as I remember. At this point we were in a MMO which looked just like real life, I remember finding out I was on an OCE server and told her I wish she'd come on US East, then I asked her where she lived, she was in New Brunswick, I asked her why'd she choose to be on OCE servers and she told me she had no clue. She started chatting with the other guy who looked like a huge orc in WoW and I just laid down and started to let my mind drift away. (The fact that she said she lived in NB kinda shocked me since I just ended a relationship of 4y because my ex-gf moved there and I decided I didn't want to follow, I remember being sad in my dream because of this) Once I was done drifting away I asked them if we should go get some ice cream, we all agreed and started to move.

      (Note that I was strongly atracted to that girl but nothing actually happened yet, beside us being pretty at ease with each other and her calling out my junk earlier)

      We were eating ice cream now and she started to be flirty with me, I kinda played back and then as I took the last bite of my ice cream she asked if she could taste it, I said sure and we just straight up make out, it was awesome (this is a scene from Oliver, stoned. Where the girl smokes weed for the first time, its a cheesy movie but I watched it the day before, now that I think about it the girl had a similar figure has the girl from the movie)

      Anyway sometimes after that we started getting chased by some NPCs which we fought and and as we ran away, we "farmed & explored" in the MMo until I woke up.

      I don't remember her telling me her name but when I woke up I remember writing it down and it was Evelynn, I have no acquaintances with that name and I felt pretty shitty when I woke up because I felt like I lost someone I had very strong feelings toward, it was just some sincere and unconditional love towards her even though we just met.

      Updated 11-25-2014 at 11:52 PM by 22414

    12. Lover's Quarrel

      by , 11-12-2014 at 07:13 PM
      This is a dream that I neglected to write down immediately, consequently details were lost. I was in the art building at my college in Johnson County. There I saw Damara Megido. The Slipknot song "Snuff" began to play as Megido turned away her estranged Matesprit, Rufioh Nitram. Those familiar with the Homestuck comics would know what this is about. Rufioh cheated with someone else but unlike in the comic, Rufioh was here to try and get her back but Damara was having none of it. The song that was playing in the background fit perfectly with what Damara was trying to get across. I could the words very clearly as I began to awaken:

      So save your breath, I will not care.
      I think I made it very clear.
      You couldn't hate enough to love.
      Is that supposed to be enough?
      I only wish you weren't my friend.
      Then I could hurt you in the end.
      I never claimed to be a saint...
      Ooh, my own was banished long ago
      It took the death of hope to let you go

      Well said Damara and good luck...to the both of you.
    13. Hero

      by , 10-28-2014 at 01:27 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am in grad school walking up an escalator. There is a young, beautiful woman next to me. I know that she is going to be shot by a man at the top of the escalator but I do nothing to stop it. I get a do-over to try and do the right thing. We are back on the escalator and I see the man aiming the gun at the woman. I play the whole scene out in my head where I am the hero that puts my arms in front of the bullet, saving the woman - but I don't have the courage. Apparently running the scene through my head is enough to stop the bullet. Somehow all the people around know that it was me that stopped the bullet and I am a hero.

      Dream 2:

      I only remember fragments unfortunately but I had a strong feeling of love when I woke up. A really nice girl helps me find a restaurant in Westwood - we are in love.
    14. Talking Cat

      by , 10-23-2014 at 12:49 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am at a fancy dinner or wedding with my wife. The food and service sucks but I still leave a huge tip.

      Dream 2:

      I am in lab with TA and DM working on new methods. DM has a primitive dilution machine. We put concentrated sample in A1 of a 96-well plate and the machine serial diluted the sample into all of the other wells. MM is also there and it is the morning of the layoffs. I left my blot at room temp on the shaker overnight by mistake. I am interviewing for jobs remotely. DM has some of his friends vouch for me - one of them in Jonathan Schoop from the Orioles.

      Dream 3:

      I am watching a baseball game. Trout hits a lazy fly ball to right field. The right fielder goes back to the wall, times his jump well but still drops the ball. Trout wasn't running hard but gets a triple out of it.

      Dream 4:

      I am watching a commercial on tv. There is a guy driving a Prius. You think he is very good for the environment. He pulls over to the side of the road and takes out a big hose and puts it in the sewer. He dumps all of the crap he used to do into the sewer. Clouds gather and a corvette explodes out from the hose. Not sure why but this was hilarious in my dream and right when I woke up.

      Dream 5:

      I am taking a cat to see a doctor. I go through an old, run down building with lots of bums. There is fire/lava around. I get to the room with the doctor at the end of the hallway. It is a very large and dark room with an uncomfortable table in the middle. The doctor is Einstein. (I think he shows me the commercial I describe in dream 4) There is a screen above the table showing streaming stock tickers and prices. DOW is up and EBAY is down for the day. I have a very strong bond with the cat. She (the cat is female) is getting molars pulled. After getting them pulled she says that her leg hurts now. I fear for the cats life because I have realized that I love her deeply. I look at her leg and am relieved to find that it is just a growth. I communicate to the cat that everything will be ok and I was shocked when the cat understood me and communicated back somehow. The cat now turns into a beautiful woman who I have apparently always been in love with (in past lives too). The feeling of love is indescribable. The woman looks like a girl I knew from way back named Emily. We go outside of the doctors room onto a dock next to a huge lake. I playfully push her into the water and jump in after her. We hug for what seems like an eternity.
    15. 10-16-14 Grandpa's Gross-Out Homestyle Chocolate Pudding

      by , 10-16-2014 at 06:41 PM
      I was sitting on a propane tank in grassy church parking lot under a tree. One of my friends was sitting next to me, and this girl sat on my other side. She put her arms around me and sat on my lap.

      There was a potluck after church, and my grandpa had decided to make something for it. He made what he called "chocolate pudding". It was made of a mixture of baked beans and white confectionary baking chocolate, blended together. It was awful!

      After church, we couldn't find grandma. She appeared to have slipped out during the sermon. :p After looking a long time, I found her in a house next to the church having a pizza party with a bunch of her friends. They were quilting too or something. And we were like, "Grandma, what are you DOING here?"

      My dead father and the rest of my family were travelling cross country and it was extremely hot. I was afraid our car would overheat.

      I dreamed I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to WILD, but I gave up.
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