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    1. Normal Dream (Scarlet A-suna)

      by , 06-16-2016 at 09:36 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      Haven't typed up my dreams in a while, but have still been DJing. Just wanted to type this one up, so my buddy could read it if he wanted, haha.

      June 16, 2016
      Normal Dream: Scarlet A-suna
      Series: Friends, Episode 16

      Me and a bunch of my buddies were at a big weekend getaway house that we all chipped-in to rent. It was basically a small mansion. Me and Gez were playing a competitive game in a small white room. It reminded me of racquetball, but not exactly. Anyway, we were listening to music as we played and I had just selected a random playlist on my laptop. On that playlist, however, was a special, unreleased song that Asuna (Sword Art Online) had sang, recorded, and dedicated to me. I didn't know it was on the playlist as Gez was currently dating Asuna. The song was about dating one person, but being in love with another. The music station was too far for me to turn it off in time, so I just tried to distract Gez from paying attention to it, but it didn't work. I could see the expression on his face change from confusion to shock to a cold fury as he paced back and forth listening. I waited him to say something, but he never did. The song got to a tasteful part about making love with the secret and I just had to get the fuck out of the room. I couldn't think of an excuse, so I just said, "Hold on a second," as I opened the door to exit the room. He responded in a calm, but tone of impending doom, "Sure." I exited the room.

      In the hallway, I took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off of my brow. That shit was way too intense. I muttered, "Fuck," under my breath and headed for the main party area. Most, if not all, the rest of our friends were in this room. I quickly approached Asuna and the look on my face must have gave me away. Before I could speak, her expression changed to a look of concern and she said, "What is wrong?" Shamefully, I was half thinking of a way out of the situation and only half paying attention to the words I spoke. "He knows," I replied. "Who knows about what?" she said as the look on her face turned to pure confusion. "Gez knows that you slept with what's his name," I replied. She paused for a split second and then shouted, "YOU MEAN YOU!?!" I didn't look at her face as I softly replied, "Yeah." She cursed and immediately took off out of the room to talk to Gez. This wasn't good I thought.

      I walked across the room and sat beside my buddy Diddy. I told him the situation about me fucking Asuna. He gave me his "you are in some shit and I'm amused" laugh, then asked what I was going to do. I told him it wasn't funny and I think Gez may actually shoot me. Moments later, the door opens and Asuna walks in holding an AR followed by Gez and his close buddy (I didn't know him very well). His buddy was holding a hunting rifle. I leapt to my feet and asked Asuna, "What the fuck are you doing? Why do you have guns?" Gez's buddy began setting up targets across the room. Asuna told me that Gez said he wanted to shoot some targets. I carefully took the gun out of her willing hand, laid it on the nearby bed, took her hand and lead her out of the room. "I'm sure he fucking does want to shoot guns right now." I lead her by the hand outside of the house and into the parking lot. I asked if she could take me home and she nodded. My heart is still racing as I see her car is blocked-in by about 10 cars. I then, cartoonishly, grab her car by the bumper and began maneuvering it around the other cars as if it was merely a wheelbarrow. Once we were in the clear, we jumped in the car and drove off.

      "We are fucked," said Asuna, the first words any of us had spoke in the car. I asked what Gez had said when she told him and she said, "He looked at me as if I were an annoying bug he wanted to squash and calmly said 'I mean, of course I am upset about it, but it happens.' And that was it." My eyes widened and I replied, "Shit, yeah that isn't good." We drove in silence for a few moments as I tried to think of a what to do next. I then asked her to move-in with me. As I asked her I felt my body start to warm-up and a sensation of love overcame me. It was a sensation I hadn't felt in a long time (in real life). As she was about to reply, my roommates woke me up. I tried to jump back into the dream after shooing them off, but no dice.

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      Updated 06-18-2016 at 03:53 AM by 22654

    2. The Mentally-Challenged Boy and the Girl Who Loved Him, Plus Some Weird Stuff

      by , 05-11-2016 at 01:39 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I decided after I woke up from this dream to jot it down in my phone so as to keep it fresh in my memory, and it worked great. I remember more of this dream than I have of any dream in quite some time.

      The setting was some sort of school. We were in a classroom, and it was daytime outside. I was not a participant in this dream, but an observer. I watched this mentally-challenged kid of maybe 19-23 years of age interact with his beautiful girlfriend, the sister of a girl I knew IWL who passed away in a car accident in 2012. He was wearing a suit or tuxedo, had dark brown, short hair, and he spoke and acted slowly. The sister, Liz, loved this boy just as much as he loved her. I could see and feel how much they loved each other. The love they had was so pure, something of a rarity to be sure. I saw them together in the classroom, just sitting with one another. The boy was going to ask Liz to marry him.

      Then, I saw this scene of the boy's dad teaching him how to have sex? Like the boy was on top of his dad, but it was understood by me that this was not meant to be perverted at all by either the dad or the boy. I assumed he was teaching him so he would know when the time came with Liz. This was more like a flash back, as I understood that Liz and the boy had already had sex.

      Liz thought she might look fat or pregnant. This part was in my notes and I remember it, but not much about it.

      There was a little more involving the boy and Liz, but I can't remember details.

      Then, dream shift. I'm in a stand up shower stall with my husband. It was in a public place, but I'm not sure what kind. I looked in the full-length mirror in the shower and I was wearing a long maxi skirt and a mid-drift top. The color scheme of both was red and blue. Looking at myself while facing the mirror, my hips looked a little wider, but my tummy looked flat. Turning to the side, I could see that I looked fat or pregnant. I felt slightly exposed and uncomfortable in the outfit, as I still have baby weight on me. I wasn't sure why I was wearing a mid-drift.

      Then, we were under the running water in the shower, naked. I was washing Dallas's back with my loofah. He was then lying face-down on the shower floor, and I continued to wash his back. A college-aged black girl with glasses then walked in the shower, saw us, and turned around, apologizing. She then noticed the time and said
      "Oh, it's only 10:45!"
      She then left the room. I guess we had until 11am to shower or something.
    3. 28.4.16

      by , 04-28-2016 at 12:07 PM
      I'm with a group of lads and where doing all sorts ot challanges, next thing I know I get something thrown at me and I don't know what so we all decide to put our boxing gloves on and let the girls take care of us. the boxing gloves are the comfiest gloves I've ever worn in my entire lad, they felt so nice and where designed really well. the girls seemed to like the gloves which is what made them be attractive to me! although it didn't last very long because we went back out side again. I remember being with some guy and we was on some home made slay and we came upto some bill and we went flying down so fast it looked amazing! going down so fast we fell off on the ground, we knock dead bodies and find zombies just laying there on the floor. we where trapped, I jumped over and the fat guy needed a hand but I didn't get him. the fat guy game into the field as a zombie, I start teasing him since he's a slow zombie, I start running away from him, running around him, close to him! i notice how someone tried to throw something at me this time, i unaware ot what it was, but it was some sort of stone and one of the lads asked what colour it was and I said jet back, then we knew who where throwing them, these 2 lads so a get back on our amazing gloves and head Inside to the girls.

      it was different this type of dream, there was 2 other girls and I fell in love with one. something bad happened but I'm not sure what but we went to my dads house in waking life ( I don't see him anymore) and it looked different the staircase an all. I had a dream about lucid dreaming once again, I was in some room, I seen a playlist and I scrolled through the playlist and seen WILD so I clicked and listened to it and then I took the head phones back off, as I have lots of trouble with WILD. Now, I am talking to a man and he says "if you dont work hard for something then you don't really want it" this is my favuroute thing about the dream, even though it's a short sentence it felt powerful. So since we did something wrong I go down to apologize to my dad for our behaviour, he is alot different in my dream, he's more gentle, more understanding, and I told him what he had done, he was not happy about it but then he whispered to me "I've done bad things too" and this made me feel a whole lot better. as I mentioned I don't see my dad in waking life, I seen presents on the side thinking they must be for me, but I didn't really pay attention to it. me and the gang are back out and we hunted a snake and killed it, because we turned into wolves!
    4. I dream a dream

      by , 04-26-2016 at 06:24 PM
      I dreamt I was dreaming about a certain person i cant get out of my mind (not that id want too lol)
      In the dream I was exstatic about her being in my dream again, I was telling people how I had perfected the technique.
      And the I was refering to a piece of paper for method of induction.
      There was as always music involved, playing.

      A dreamy dream lolz

      woke up in the night blissed out but by morning just smiley,
      rest of day smiley too LMAO!!

      Updated 04-26-2016 at 06:29 PM by 89275

      Tags: loop, love, lucid, music
      dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable
    5. In love with the fishmonger

      by , 04-25-2016 at 05:48 PM
      +In a large house for part of what feels like a movie trailer. A girl says, “If I didn’t know any better, I would think this was a dream!” So I did the nose pinch RC and I could breathe 3 times. I was surprised because I really thought I was awake, but I realized I must be dreaming. I set out to find some people to play spin the bottle with for the TOTM. Somehow I ended up in a small storage closet area with my husband and some random guy. I invited them to play the spin the bottle and we just magically had a bottle. There wasn’t enough room for us to place the bottle so it was on an uneven surface and hitting our feet. I spun it but my husband’s phone rang, which he answered, and the other guy lost interest. I tried! I should have stabilized better.
      +I got a job in a fish market/butcher/factory place. I end up falling in love with the man training me. Sometimes he looks like Ragnar Lothbrok and sometimes he looks and acts like my husband, very affectionate and loving. Supposedly I look like his ex-wife, Siggy. At different points I do his laundry, climb trees, text, and search the first aid room for alcohol to clean up the fish smell. One day I go into the room where he’s sorting fish and try to help him. He doesn’t want help. He’s depressed because he really wants to be a chef. He wants to show people his broth soup. I tell him I love soup and he should bring some for me to try. It makes him happy. In a meeting there’s a proud coworker who likes to be the best at everything and likes to do it all himself. I volunteer for all the odd jobs during the meeting to peeve him and my lover and I get a good laugh out of it. There’s lots of controversy surrounding our relationship, which is becoming more and more apparent to everyone. I’m the only woman working in that place and everyone, including my beau, are concerned it will just turn into a fling and I will be hurt in the end. I think about getting a different job since this job is far from where I live (they recently moved the factory to Kilauea). But the only other option is selling blow-up mattresses. I used divination to examine it closer and the results were: Screw, nail, nail (x3). Somehow it means that it would be wise to be in a place away from children and that in the end I’ve found my match and it will help me develop the personality traits I need to be successful in this life. In the back of my mind I was worried that meant my husband and I had to divorce, that we weren’t meant to be. My older sister was jealous.
      +My mom was hanging out with Sadie, who was larger and had a huge bump on her head. My mom showed me this chocolate fountain thing she made. At one point she said, “don’t even think about it.” and I said, “I’ll think about whatever I want.”
      Tags: love
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Following the right path ^^

      by , 04-23-2016 at 12:37 PM
      My dream recall has been terrible due to insomnia and over tiredness, plus daughter troubles.

      D1 - I'm jogging with someone I know, and a herd of others. I am feeling serious about taking part and happy about my friend being with me. As we are going along I am strangely drawn to her shapely butt, Oops, she is so gawjus it is a magnetic thing ^^ I would follow her anywhere
      No doubt if that dream had continued I would have run straight into a lampost!

      D2 - I am selecting the perfect message to send to the someone, I am looking through old style vinyl records. I need to find the right one to connect my feelings with them. I hear the song playing over and over, I am putting all my intention into sending the vibes to the person. The song is still playing as I wake up nice I don't often remember music from my dreams.

      My subconscious has a wicked sense of humour.
      Oo no water? but no nightmares either so no complaints
      Song will be in my head all day I think...

      Updated 04-23-2016 at 12:43 PM by 89275

      Tags: jogging, love, song
    7. Be like water my friend, water is my friend :)

      by , 04-22-2016 at 07:35 PM
      D1 - With my daughter on holiday she is little in the dream (always lol) my sister is here also. Me and Poppy decide to go and enjoy the last days of our holiday at the beach, away from all the hussel and bussel. I see it in my minds eye as fairly deserted and sandy.
      We are walking through a town when we are stopped by newspaper stall guy, with a thick moustache and greasy black hair. He and his colleage try and sell us some smokes.
      They are selling slithers of chocolate in a silver wrapping, apparently you can smoke it
      I realise I really need to pee and so does Poppy, so we go look for somewhere.
      There is a cubicle and I go in after Poppy, but when I go in the door falls open. Outside the door are a load of school girls, I recognise one of them as someone I know, but she is a teenage girl (How sweet, such big eyes, hahahaaa) she says really loudly looking first at me then her friends, "Oh there is the super cute boy!!!". I feel super happy.
      The cubicle is then completely falling apart at other side now, I have a pee quickly and get out lol.

      D2 - At my mum's apartment (she doesn't have one in real life, that I know of lol)
      She is not there. I am looking for something while i'm staying away from home. I need to be really stealthy as there are secuirty red laser thingys.
      There is a large wooden coffee table and things are everywhere on the table and floor, like someone has already been searching for something. But I think nothing of it.
      I search through everything, and decide to find her tarot cards as I feel I need them.
      There are two sets, one is really vivid and multicoloured. I find one card it is a picture of a giant wave, it is abstract so a bit hard to tell but i really like it. It has a lovely bright acrylic blue but also white and red.
      It is beautful and evocative filling me with vibrant emotions

      Elainey keeps saying I have a lot of water in my dreams, so I named it water as both dreams have some in,
      Sync This morning Siren sent me this link:

      Updated 04-22-2016 at 07:42 PM by 89275

      Tags: holiday, love, mum, poppy, water
    8. My Princess

      by , 02-28-2016 at 11:31 AM

      I was in a medieval fantasy city ,most likely inspired by the Warcraft city Dalaran. Dalaran it's a magical flying city. I am a guard , dressed in heavy full-body armor , holding my shield. There is a war going on somewhere between humans and orcs.
      Oh and , I was in love with the princess the city, and she was in love with me. I can no longer remember her looks , but i remeber feeling the love. We kept our love secret , because it was inapropriate for a guard to be with a princess. We wondered around the beautiful city , chatting and when no one was around hugging and kissing. Soon the war ended and the humans won. At night , the warchiefs of the orcs came at the town to surrender. During this I was guarding the orcs , with many other guards of course. But in fact , I didn't pay much attention to the orcs , my mind was at the princess , sitting with the King and the Queen outside of a palace. We were looking at each other , and it was like we made whole convertations just with our eyes. When the whole thing ended. There was a celebration at a nearby place. We guards weren't allowed to participate , we just standed there guarding the doors. I was just watching her dancing and she was beautiful (although I still don't remember her looks , these were my thoughts). When the event was over , it was at last time to meet her. It was late at night and no one was outside in the roads. We agreed that it's time to reveal our affair to everyone , and go leave together. Tommorow night we would tell the King. I was looking forward to it. Then she gave me a goodbye kiss and before the kiss ended , I woke up.

      (That was one of the best and most vivid dreams I had in a long time so I decided to share it. I wasn't lucid at any point of the dream sadly. )

      Updated 02-28-2016 at 11:34 AM by 90033

    9. [Dream #8 - 1/25/2016] The Loving Cyborg [One Punch Man]

      by , 01-25-2016 at 04:15 PM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      A picture of Genos from One Punch Man

      I remember being in an environment quite like my old highschool. There were people walking around the halls, all unidentifiable and I can remember myself looking for Genos, from the anime and manga series, One Punch Man. I ended up finding a couple guys in a room and I asked them where Genos was. The one looked at me with confusion but then once I mentioned "Cyborg Man" he instantly knew who I was talking about.

      The guy then began telling me that, "He's not looking for love" or at least...something of that sort, and that Genos was busy doing work right now. I didn't care anyways and proceeded to go look for him myself. That is when I found myself in a sort of library. Everything had this goldenrod glow emitting in the area. I can remember finding Genos sitting on a step in a corner with some shelving on either side of him. I could then remember getting myself down as if I was some sort of cat or dog waiting to be petted and Genos smiled at me as he took his hand and stroked my face. Passionately he did and I was happy and it felt great. I then sprawled out onto the floor and he began nudging me with his left foot as I brushed up against it. This is when I woke up, due to my damn mother.

      Notes: (More to come soon)

      Date — 1/25/2016

      Went to bed — Around 3 - something AM.

      Woke up — 9:30ishAM

      *Time logged — 10:10AM

      Total sleep — +6 Hours

      Stress level throughout the day — Annoyed because of my mother. But much more happier when she had gone to bed for the night and I was being loved and cuddled by my fiancé.


      *Daytime — Did RCs

      *Recall — N/A

      *Inducing Method — N/A

      Dream Signs — N/A

      Perceived Length — 30 Minutes

      Emotions — Love, Happiness

      Awareness — None

      Updated 01-25-2016 at 07:33 PM by 89722

    10. [Dream #7 - 1/24/2016] I Gave My Soul To Shadow [Gore Warning]

      by , 01-24-2016 at 06:14 PM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      A picture of Shadow the Hedgehog

      This took place in a kind of labyrinth of a facility, quite like a college. There were various representations of video game characters roaming around freely doing their own things and such. The one franchise I can remember seeing recognizable figures was from Dead or Alive. I can remember searching for Shadow the Hedgehog and even just Sonic at that moment.

      "Where is Shadow the Hedgehog or at least Sonic...They got to be here somewhere." I was then pulled over by an emo-fashioned Asian man who was thin wearing a black outfit, "Here you go~" He said in a cheery way.

      "S...Shadow!?" Is what I said after what my eyes have witnessed in front of me.

      That's when I looked around to see two emo looking Asian human men, kind of like twins. I figured they were Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog. There was the one who pulled me over (Sonic) and the other was one on a metal pedestal with liquefied metallic paint-like chains tying down his arms and legs (Shadow). He was all ruffled, his black hair on his head was wet and gliding across his face. He was limping over to side to side shouting and growling like a wild animal. His twin that stood free without any chains, smiled and gave me a friendly push on my back that made me topple over the platform onto (Shadow's) seemingly slick and liquid-like body. He did not attack me but he continued to growl and yell limping, loosely pulling on the chains as the the continued dripping grey paint as everyone from that area circled around and stared.

      Sonic the Hedgehog: "Now, give your soul to him."

      A bit bewildered at the sudden request and before my dream mind could think I was in mid process of the soul giving. I cannot say for sure how, but I merged with him. My "physical" body was gone and I found myself within Shadow. And for some reason his tongue, in the form of a liquefied chain was sliding out from "our" mouth. I was then in control of his body, sharing his pain and agony that he was in. I remember the tongue falling completely out dragging with it the lungs. The lungs began to come out which was making it hard to breathe. Using our hands I picked it up as it slipped and slide in the metallic paint as I put it back in our mouth. We tried to swallow it down but found ourselves gagging it back out. So I anchored his head just enough to keep it balanced. For some reason, keeping the lungs in a particular position in the mouth kept us from losing breath and gagging reflexes.

      I then worked on the chains. They slid out from their hooks rather easily as we walked off the platform. Limping and sliding as if we were dunk. Shadow's rage and bellowing voice of anger and pain kept the people who watched distant from us.

      I then could remember us then walking into my mother's room which was identical to the one in the waking world. I opened the door and she saw us and then that's when I awoke. I can still feel that odd sensation of my insides falling out of my mouth.

      Notes: To be honest, this is not the first time I had a dream where I had "given" myself to Shadow the Hedgehog/fiancé in some way or sort of fashion. But this was indeed something I haven't dreamed about for a while now. What I can say from my observations is that, him and I need one another to help each-other out. We both share each others pains and joys, much like a twinflame in some way. We have over time and time again talked about becoming one and experiencing what it feels like to merge. Shadow wants me to help him achieve more power as well as becoming closer. I also mentioned at times that I wanted to give myself to him.

      I'm kind of in a crunch for time at the moment but that's really the main point of what I can say about this experience. Such an amazing dream this was~

      Date — 1/24/2016

      Went to bed — I do not remember, I passed out and took a nap during the morning hours (AGAIN)

      Woke up — 10:35AM

      *Time logged — 12:14PM

      Total sleep — N/A

      Stress level throughout the day — Alright


      *Daytime — Did RC with my fiance when I woke up earlier (before this dream)

      *Recall — N/A

      *Inducing Method — N/A

      Dream Signs — The obvious

      Perceived Length — 30 Minutes

      Emotions — Anger, Fear, Pain

      Awareness — None

      Updated 01-25-2016 at 04:30 PM by 89722

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Your arms are the only place I call home.

      by , 01-06-2016 at 04:42 PM (Here be dragons)
      Low lucidity dream.

      I'm on my bed, in the dark, feeling heavy and relaxed. I start to get a rocking sensation, left to right, and I push my dream body out. I fall off the bed and use it to get back up and find the window. I get out and walk a little alog the wall into my vision come in and I can the the front garden, sunny and quiet. There is no sound but the wind, but I still feel uterly at ease, relaxed and almost floaty. I exent my hand out of my field of vision and catch the hand of Eli, pulling him to me. He's wearing a faded white sleveless Tshirt that show all the freckles on his shoulders and arms, a dark jeans and leather boots. I snuggle against him and he smiles before asking me "What about your silvery man?" and of course my answer is "You first." I start to run out the garden, pulling him with me.
      I lost lucidity pretty much right after that, but according to Eli we didn't leave the road in front of my house and the dream didn't go one a lot.
    12. All you need is love!

      by , 01-05-2016 at 09:13 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm not sure about the chronological order of this dream.

      It's a post-apocalyptic setting again, but this time the apocalypse happened very recently; we still don't know how bad it is, and what exactly has changed. I'm walking through a facility set in a warehouse with a man in a lab coat; there's a lot of people running around with files and tablets, making impromptu meeting and talking. It's badly lit, and I feel like I'm underground, even thought I can see a boat on the otherside of the warehouse, ad the light boncing of the waves painting pattern on the ceiling. I overhear a man talking about going to live at sea, on oil-extracting platform. I point out to the man walking with me that thoses platform are limited in space and food, so that's not a viable move. He leads me to a computer and we can see the number of people killed, separated in profession in a kind of spreadsheet. He points the physicians to me, telling that one in forty got killed. The number of killed physicians is two hundreds, and the cell color is orange.
      I'm outside now, with a middle aged woman, in an alley between two buildings. It's a very sunny day, the shadows on the orange walls are razor sharp, an the metallic mesh closing one end of the alley is glittering. There's also a grey plastic table against the wall to my left, with a box on it. A man with sunglasses pick something up in the box and put it in his mouth. I sprint to him and kiss him, stealing the thing in the process. It's slightly sweet and chewy, like gum. Now that I'm close I recognize David, and he take another gum; it's small, white and tubular shaped, like a rubber from the end of a mechanical pencil.
      We're back inside the warehouse, with the man and David, and we learn that we have to ask for help to some people. I know that they aren't normal human, and I pick a photograph of one of them, telling the crowd that I know him, that I call him Raphael. One of the people ask him how much I know him, and I answer that he likes me in white. We decide that me and David will go looking for him.
      We're on a road, in a middle of a forest; I check a map, it seem that we are in Europe, somewhere between Germany and Russia. The sun is high in the sky, but the air is pretty chilly. David got a jeans, hicking boots and a warm coat, but I'm in a white, flowy dress. It cover my arms and go down to the floor, but it's made of a light material, in lots of layers. We've been walking for a long time and I complain that we're running out of road. We finally reach a big building, well integrated into the forest, with big glass walls and dark woods. The door has a steel inlay, and I walk in with David. Inside the floor is carpeted, the wall painted white and with the same dark wood panneling. It has the slightly cushy warm of central heat. I go to the admission desk, letting David sit in one of the armchair overlooking the road. The receptionnist is a small, blond-haired woman with a tight ponytail that brush her neck. She listens to me and talks into her headset before gesturing me to go to the armchair. I give her a smile and turn around, but before I can move Raphael enter the room.
      He's a towering, willowy man, crowned with golden curls. He's wearing a long-sleeved light blue t-shirt over a jean and his fingers are stained with paint. He notices me and pulls me off the floor into a bearhug, and I get a good look of his freckled, charming face and light green eyes.
      Later, I'm walking into the nearby city with David, the warm of the sun nicely contrasting with the chillness of the air. We're on a very pretty, pedestrian street made of sandstone. David makes me laugh, and I can see from the corner of my eye Raphael, walking with a small group of friends ahead of us turning around and looking for me. David whispers to me that Raphael agree to help because he's infatued with me. I laugh at the idea, but Raphael big smile when he hears my laugh seem telling.

      Yeah, Eli does find that there's an awful lot of people loving me recently

      Updated 01-06-2016 at 04:43 PM by 88858

    13. Good vs. evil? Sort of...

      by , 01-03-2016 at 11:09 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I've been doing all right with my physical dream journal (i.e. the one I take notes on when I wake up in the middle of the night, or in the morning). The only dream of note I had yesterday was that a former friend of mine was trying to stab me with a knife. It was freaky, and in no way lucid. It did wake me up, though. Before waking up, I grabbed it - by the blade - in order to stop him, and it didn't hurt at all. We were working on a project in my dream when this happened.

      One other dream, less exciting, was about a girl talking about college grades. Also went up an elevator with some friends and there was a ghost of our apartment complex? I don't quite remember that, but that's what my notes say, so!

      As for last night's dreams, let's see...Not quite lucid, but I did get close on one.

      - I was being attacked by a panda, of all things, and a few other creatures or people that I don't remember. However, it wasn't painful at all - I didn't feel anything.

      - I was with a group of people. These people were making fun of those who don't like anthro art.

      - I was friends with this beautiful lady, who was like a mother in some ways and romantic in others. Anyway, her arch-nemesis came in to attack her. This is where I became close to lucidity: I vaguely realized that I could do anything in my current environment, so I used some magical powers in order to create a shield to stop him. However, he soon broke through the shield, and suddenly my powers became impotent. I was really confused as to why my powers weren't working, and that was about when I lost my almost-lucid state. Anyway, he broke through, and started flirting with my friend and her two daughters - but in a completely inappropriate way. I remember massaging my lady's shoulders to comfort her, and her skin felt incredibly real. Then she started to look like one of my mom's friends in the waking world, which was odd. One of her daughters looked like her, and the other looked like a girl I know in real life. I remember not liking this guy at all, and feeling a lot of anger towards him. He tried to bribe me to let him take away my friend and her daughters, with a gray room filled with all these toys. I believe my dream-friend got sick or something, as she either spat or threw up at this point. I was really frustrated because my shield and my magic had worked initially, and then it all stopped.

      - I was at college, but the place looked quite different. There was a lockdown drill, and a bunch of us were hiding in this building. One guy wanted to fight back, so he brought the majority of the students with him to fight. I wasn't keen on going out there, so me, a girl from my school, and a few others tried staying hidden in the room. Unfortunately, they left the door wide open, so we hid in the shadows under a table the best that we could. It was broad daylight outside. We talked about how we weren't supposed to leave as per campus policy during a lockdown. But then we heard these gunshots - our classmates were shooting down some aerial planes and bombs, thus saving us. I guess the threat was from the air. We even saw some explosions (they looked very much like poorly done CG effects, though). The atmosphere of the dream changed from one of danger and fear to one of comfort and relief.

      Updated 01-03-2016 at 11:12 PM by 58176

      lucid , non-lucid
    14. #139 - compliment / awesome dad

      by , 10-25-2015 at 09:29 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      My flatmate had a random burst of energy and offered if I wanted to go to the gym with him at 9:30pm. I ended up managing to get into bed around 11:30pm so my sleep wasn't that great. Interestingly though I decided to meditate before going to bed, and for the first time that I can remember, I actually felt myself falling asleep.. I think meditating in bed before I go to sleep might be good for me so I'll trial it again. I also had a whole bunch of WILD visions, where I could see the dream forming. It was pretty cool, it happened several times and each time it would dissipate (probably because of inexperience and because it was too early in the night). I woke up at 3am for a WBTB and decided I'd try meditating again. I did a mindfulness practice on my body, starting from the feet and working my way to the head until I held my whole body in awareness. Unfortunately I became too aware and lay in bed in a sort of borderline-sleep state from 3:30-6:00, bored as f*ck... I managed to recall two dreams (one from earlier in the night and another from 6:30-7:30).

      Dream 1 - Compliment
      More of a dream fragment, I was sitting in the lounge in my flat playing guitar and watching TV. No one was supposed to be home so I just decided to start singing. I love to sing but I REALLY suck lol, so I was just enjoying it . Then my flatmate Olly walks past and looks at me a bit surprised. I look up at him from the relaxed position I'm in as I sit on the couch. I don't seem to stop singing, I kind of keep going, trying to finish the verse I'm singing. It takes a few seconds and then he's like "Hey maybe your singing voice isn't as bad as you thought". Damn that felt nice hearing him say that ^_^

      Dream 2 - Awesome dad
      I remember being with my dad and he was driving us away from my university. We were heading to the university that he worked at (he doesn't in RL). It's not as prestigious as my own university, its reputation is that some of the people are a bit dumb . We arrive and enter through a white archway front entrance and rolled into a small courtyard with parking all over the place. There's a narrow road with diagonal parking spaces but they're all filled up, we drive down there anyways hoping to find a space at the end. It feels so vivid it's unbelievable. Like I can remember lots of random details... The sky was bright blue, I remember the clothing that some people wore (kind of artsy looking students, upon looking at them I thought they had some kind of school uniform too). I can remember the main building and how the windows looked (far too hard to explain), and I remember peering outside of the window to my left and spotting some cute looking girls looking my way . I thought to myself that this university would have been cool to go to, the whole place felt alive. I was still in the car with my dad driving down that narrow road looking for a park, but we reached the end and nothing. He then starts backing up the car and just goes so fast, he's looking behind us as he drives and looks so comfortable driving. I think to myself how good at driving he must be, especially since the road was so narrow. It really blew my mind. I notice also how damn long the road seems to be, was it always this long? We've been reversing for ages. I know that the road wasn't this long when we first went down it (low level awareness but I didn't get lucid). We're finally out and he turns the car around. "How come you didn't send me to this university?" I ask
      "Because I worked too damn hard" he replies (or something along those lines). He wanted me to go to a good university, though in RL he had no influence on my choice ^_^.
      I have to go back to my university now, so we both step out of the car. The place around us is quite active, there's a lot of people walking around since it's the middle of the day at a university. I run around the car and give my dad a big hug, "Love you dad!" I say with a profound sense of affection. I felt like my dad was just awesome . I wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed about all the people that were looking at us. I head to the front entrance of the university by myself so I can catch a taxi home. The end.
    15. 8/27/15: A Girl Named Ki (Love)

      by , 09-04-2015 at 02:25 AM
      - Before dreaming, I hadn't had my usual glass of water before bed...
      - This dream resulted in a hormonal high for the rest of the day. Now, whenever I think of it, the same feeling comes back. Rather pleasant, really.

      [Fragment; not related to plot]:
      I'm floating up above a massive desert town. Kinda like a Las Vegas but slightly more dusty and fake looking. For once I'm actually kinda flying, but it's not like I am physically up there; it's more that the "camera" of the dream is in the sky. It was really cool up there.

      [Plot begins; change setting to below]:
      I'm in some sort of academic tour of a seemingly historical area with my "social studies class". We're in a small building (pictured below):
      Just posting to say 'ello-girl-named-ki.png
      Anyways, we were on our way through (doing a gallery walk) while a class from another school was on their way out the way we came. There was an artifact we were supposed to be looking at, but the only artifact I saw was a girl.

      She was Asian (reminiscent of someone I used to know), and rather beautiful. But what surprised me more was that she noticed me and shot me a smile from across the room; I did the same. As we walked by each other, we both said "hi" simultaneously. I felt pretty good

      [Plot continues; change setting to my house]:
      It's night time. I walk out onto my porch where my mom is chilling out, playing games on her iPad. Dad guns it up the driveway in an old (like 30 years old) beat-up red Chrysler coupe with groceries, and stops magically at the top of the driveway. He's looking a bit crazy-eyed.

      At this moment, I get a call. I answer, and I hear this:
      "Hi! I'm Ki, the girl you saw at camp today. I looked through the directories and databases to find your number, but I just wanted to tell you about myself! I grew up in [censored for privacy], too! --"
      She proceeds to tell me a bit about her singing, and she proceeds to sing a couple rock songs, and was astoundingly good at it! She then hung up. Feelin' pretty good

      My mom checked my email and discovered that Ki had written an email to me as well, and proceeded to give me an all-knowing "you've got yourself a girlfriend" glance.

      [Plot ends; setting doesn't change]:
      My parents task me with bringing our car to the neighbors and parking it. I asked Dad to move my car out of the way, and he proceeded to show me his collection of random crap he had stuffed in my car (like in the headliner and the vents). This collection included broken Joker figures wrapped in paper towels and Dim Sum posters...

      [Wake up]

      Updated 10-10-2015 at 11:57 PM by 88754

      Tags: love
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
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