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    Lucid Dreams

    1. LD Even Before The Alarms!! Well - Lucid Fragments In Another Dream

      by , 01-29-2014 at 01:09 PM
      Soo - I gave it a stab and made around 20 intense RRCs in the daytime - and - tadaa!!
      Every single time I go to the toilet for example and other triggers - found to my embarrassment, that I have loads of toilets in my dreams.
      And I believe it worked almost specifically - with locking a door and myself in somewhere - that brought it over this time.
      I had never done more than 8 of the things before - shame on me.

      I was having a crazy dream - somebody was after me - a woman - and she wanted to infect me with a disease she had.
      Forgot, why she was so angry.
      And when I managed to lock myself into a room - I remembered to RC/felt somehow it was a dream.
      Nose plug - like also done every time with the day RCs - worked perfectly.
      But what came to my mind this time wasn't darts or TOTMs - but dutchraptors 5 lucid criteria.
      I knew that I was dreaming - I remembered these criteria - and decided to break through a closed window.
      First I touched the glass - and then I just pushed my lower arms through.
      What happened when I broke through was, that this window behaved, as if it had been a thin plastic foil with some metal-foil mimicking a mirror then.
      So then I was outside and hovering like 2 m over the ground - and wanted to make sure, I know there are no consequences to what I do.
      There was a group of people standing about - and I took a long stick from a tree - and poked them.
      I know..
      At least I didn't care, what they thought of me. They looked a bit afraid, asked what that was all about - but didn't leave.
      Well yeah - and I was on the one hand able to contemplate, that it constituted a failure not to do more - on the other hand - I couldn't bring myself to seriously hurt or kill somebody.
      With that I lost lucidity.

      But a bit later in the dream - again hiding from somebody in an enclosed space - once more lucid.
      Again - nose plug - worked a treat.
      Once I was out there and had roamed about a bit, though - a DC came along and told me I have to do this and that to solve a real-life problem - pretty convincingly - and I lost lucidity and went about doing what that person had said.

      When I woke up - I found out, this dream had started only 2 hours and a bit after me falling asleep.
      I put out the alarms then - but got to put them on earlier next night, I guess.
      non-lucid , lucid
    2. January 28, 2014 Lucid #4,"Prolonging Lucid Dream Attempt 1"

      by , 01-29-2014 at 04:31 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid #4 Dream, Lucid Dream , non-dream (Comments)
      Dream fragment 1 from 4:30am-5:372am"": I was walking with this girl down a street. She was saying something about going to the other side faster. Then we hopped on top of a bus station. She got bored of waiting and saw a train coming she jumped and I followed. We realized that it was transporting prisoners and I jumped out knowing that polices don't play. She stayed but their was someone else with her now. The guy that was on it ended up being on a Documentary that I was watching. He was crying about his stupidity. The music started and the screen started to fade as if it was ending. It then popped back up, and they are playing basket ball. I thought to myself let me see if I can participate with them and I reached out for the ball.

      As soon as I did that I became fully lucid. I started moving the basket ball back and forth creating pysical motion and thus the dream didn't end. I realized that I wanted to do something so I let go of ball. The dream started fading again so I started rubbing my hands together. The dream was constantly trying to disintegrate. I kept trying to maintain it. It went pitch black I thought to myself think about the sensation of your hands moving together. I came back into the dream. The dream was highly detailed. I can see the tiles. I tried touching the tiles and I saw this little baby face on one of the tiles. Their was four in one tile. I thought that is strange but I didn't care because I was lucid . I grabbed the basketball from the DC and they were asking me to give it back to them. I screamed at the dream, "THIS IS A DREAM AND i COULD DO WHAT EVER I WANT." I felt my voice come all around me, it felt good and refreshing. I had a thought of insecurity slip that said their is people around you. I responded I don't care this is a dream. I gave the basketball back to DC and they acted like nothing has happened. I thought what could I do. I was still dependent on my hand rubbing together and the dream has not stabilized. I wanted to fly but knew that it would wake me up. I wanted to do something big but I couldn't with out my hands. I thought what is the best way to minimize effort, without losing track of hand rubbing motion. I remember that I can conjure up things just by turning away and turning back. I also remembered when I had a training exercise for LDing in a partial LD that doors can be portals. I turned around and created a doors. These doors I envisioned would take me to places, somewhere exciting. Their was multiple doors next to each other. I went to one of them and it read, "STEWI" I laughed at it, and went in. I was inside of a library. I was amazed by something and I woke up.

      Updated 01-31-2014 at 03:09 AM by 65865

    3. Heal the world

      by , 01-29-2014 at 02:46 AM
      Date: 21 Jan

      Entry 2/2

      I thoroughly review in head the previous dreams and get more insomnia

      Vaguely recall these two as I fell asleep afterwards.

      DILD: I am in this yard like it was in the past, much wider, etc. Know I am dreaming and think of music. It think there was happiness, confidence and possibly thoughts about something before this part.

      I start to sing or expect to hear a song. My subcon picks up a dream remix of "heal the world" by M. Jackson. I concentrate on making it sound like sung by a choir and hear the music loudly coming from everywhere and into me. Notice a few instruments too, really nice. I keep singing with the music but at some point I don't know the lyrics so that makes it hard for the music to continue. In addition, the more I become one with the music coming all around me, the more I lose sight of the yard and the dream and become blind. The dream soon fades.

      I may have a micro awakening or so, no review, continue sleepying.

      DILD:Don't remember the beginning of the dream. I am in this room, talking to bf and open and close a few doors, where I think about not locking them as it is a dream.

      Bf is going somewhere but before I can say anything else, he vanishes. There's a stick that I decide to leave outside, should I need it for defense? I also notice a strange gurgling sound coming from a pipe, find it interesting. I go back to the same room, there were lots of bed there before but now it's a single connected bed the size of four beds is covering most of the room.

      I remember I wanted to play with my ipad, so I try to summon it by drawing its shape with my fingers. It's funny because I do this instinctively rather than consciously. While there's a rectangular shape in progress, it isn't working to produce an ipad and on the bed just below my hands is my ipad so I grab it and try to stretch the frame. It happens, just as if I was dragging the image of a frame on a PC. I expand the screen to a TV size, then have to apply a bit more stretching as it does not stay in the desired shape for long. It gets small again. I think about trying to control the image.

      Then something happens outside and now there are two scary zombi-like DCs and they are about to enter the place. I try to close the door although know they will get in anyways. I decide to face them and affect them. Actually, I feel quite confident and no matter how ugly they are (especially one with something coming out of his mouth), I just feel positivity and so spread it to them. They become quite happy and we just hang in there like drunk buddies. I stare in the eyes of one of them, he feels like a phantom rather than real person and is not looking at me with any purpose/driving force. The dream soon fades.

      I black out before being able to journal and have a few other dream fragments.
    4. Candles

      by , 01-29-2014 at 02:26 AM
      Date: 21 Jan

      Entry 1/2

      Pre bed: 3mel

      Wbtb: 1/3 latte, had trouble falling asleep (external factors)

      At some point, I begin to feel energetic as has been occasionally the case, but interrupt the process by visiting the restroom. Finding a comfortable position is not easy.

      WILD: Finally, I turn to my lhs and remain still for some time. Then find myself staring at this DC woman with green blouse, it feels like I'm in.

      I make cautious movements, trying to get up from the same position I was sleeping, initially just move my head. A slight scene change, I am now in my old room. I begin rocking sideways, the way I did at the beginning of another ld. This makes me feel more comfortable/fit in my dream body. Then I fully get up. The dream feels slightly unstable and I head for the window, where I tear down the curtains and look outside.

      It is dark as hell, no light in the apartment and not a single light in the entire town. I remember to look at the sky - it's mostly clear, a slight mist and no stars at all. I look to my right and feel a bit creeped out. It is dark there. My worry is that I might summon something by habit. I recall I wanted to and shortly do breathing exercises. The effect is very powerful, I feel lots of saturated energy coming in and as part of me.

      I decide to get in and turn around, it is a bit brighter in the room. I head towards the switch and turn it on. No light. Then I concentrate on the bulb and try to make light radiate from it, there's some effect but the room does not get brighter. I imagine another lamp and try to do the same with similar results.

      Maybe I can use some candles, so I summon three small blue candles and work hard to light them. I've always thought that lighting a candle should be easy in a dream, but it turns out not. I just can't imagine the fire I guess. The wicks get bigger and fluffier and the candles change to larger ones and I make some fire-like sparks with my hands, rubbing the wick, hoping it will catch fire and use the other candles to spread it. They appear to have a ghostlike fire now, but don't emit much light as I place them around. I am annoyed with my abilities, but feel that I just need to do some fire gazing irl to improve them.

      I retreat to the bed and examine the furniture. There's lots of stuff around and it looks as if I am back in this room. I wonder about how accurate the proportions are. It's exactly the same size. Most of the objects belong to the particular time frame when I lived there, but there is the blanket from our current home. Then a sofa from our old place appears for my amusement. I think about doing more breathing exercises (maybe just a few breaths?, not much done or effect) and contemplate on my life while living there. In the meantime, it is a much brighter day outside, when did that happen? Cool!

      At some point I notice that I am holding a melting candle in my hand and decide to extinguish it and put it aside, but somehow feel that this symbolic act means the end of the dream. Indeed, just a bit later, the dream starts to thin out.

      I think I did touch on my body very briefly, but it might have been a in-dream chain.

      DEILD/DILD: I eagerly wait for the next scene, wondering if it will be in the same place. I see (kind of like in third person) myself walking in bathrobe in this place. I'm in properly now and have the ability to look around and choose where I want to go. It's inside a building and I look at this open door which reveals a softly lit bedroom apartment. I briefly consider it, but prefer to go outside, so head towards the door. It seems that it is still winter, piles of semi-thawed snow and I am not properly dressed, but for once boldly go outside. I try to phase through the glass door, but it's solid so I just open it. As I pass through the back entrance of the building and yard I see that part of the yard is sunlit and feel happy about that. Maybe I will finally have the opportunity to look for a palace looking building once I get to the street. I also think about possibly being invisible, but not sure how to apply at this point.

      There are different levels of the side of the building, so I have to maneuver by climbing near a balcony to manage reaching the front of the building. I see a weirdly shaped gray cat there and wonder if it is a real cat and can see me (cats are supposed to see things like people possibly obeing), but it doesn't react like it would if that were the case. It's controlled by my thoughts and comes closer. There's something not very catlike in it, like another sort of animal I can't identify. I don't want to get too involved (and have it stuck to me like a blanket) so ignore it and think about finding the palace. There are only normal buildings around and I think I need to get in the middle of the street where I would get a clearer (trees here) view of the buildings and hopefully think of or see something appropriate.

      In the middle of the street and my mood is great, sun is shining brighter too. I do some sort of bounce where I float and remain mid air and then gently float up. Very pleasant feel. I come near this tree with very small bipinnate leaves (possibly closest to honey locust tree, but with thicker leaves), it looks very beautiful. I'm starting to lose height so wonder if I should use the nearby thin end of the branch to hold on to, but with the delicate tree leaves this is not going to be very nice for the tree. I prefer not to do any mess on the tree even if a dream tree.

      [mood change]

      In the meantime, I see two female DCs that I identify as bitches down on the street. My attention is directed at them, I want to and then do something to one of them. I briefly wonder why the hell do I have these desires with those bitches, one of them looks a bit like Rachel Weiss. Luckily, even after what I have done, I manage to control my impulse and don't get a sexy feeling. I think about my tasks again. I am now in what reminds me of my school but the building is kind of shifty/unstable. I think that maybe I should summon my dad and he will drop me off the palace. The dream fades.

      Updated 01-29-2014 at 02:30 AM by 61764

      lucid , memorable
    5. Drive in the car with my father

      by , 01-28-2014 at 08:21 PM
      I dreamed that I was in a car with my father and he was driving on a highway. Then we jump over a ramp from the road and were in free fall. Then the sceen slowed down and I realized it was a dream, I thought: "Oh this is a dream let's get out of the car and do something fun" and i tried to say the same to my father, telepathicaly. I didn't think of the fact that he was only a projection of mine Even though I knew it was a dream and wanted to get out of the car, I forgot that I was almighty and instead of just thinking another sceen(which I normaly can do, when I understand that it's a dream), I tried to climb out of the window.

      Updated 01-28-2014 at 08:30 PM by 67658

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. First LD in years. Snow and Flying!

      by , 01-28-2014 at 06:09 PM
      I have been practicing KingYoshi's ADA for the better part of a month and writing in my DJ daily. I remember 4-8 dreams per night with moderate to great detail. A month ago I maybe remembered 1 dream per night with minimal detail.

      I was driving down a highway heading home. There were several other cars on the road. It was night time. I got stuck behind a slow red truck. I remember how bright it looked with my headlights shining on it. I then got sick of driving behind it and moved over a lane and passed it.

      I am driving for what seems like a while not really thinking about it or where I was. I suddenly question where I was because it seemed that I was way passed Portland heading east. The road was very dark and narrow. It was two lanes. A consistent line of trees was overhead, they curved over the road completely. My headlights shined brightly on them revealing a brilliant green.

      I decided to stop the car and look around to figure out where I was. The ground was now covered in snow. I went over to the passenger side of the road and looked over. The edge of the road dropped off about 50ft straight down. There was a nice long house below with an enormous truck parked in front of the house. It was a white truck; a dually. Everything was completely covered in snow. The moon was high above illuminating the house. The moonlight also made visible a very large lake behind the house. The water was very reflective of the moonlight.

      I then decided that I needed to head back home so I started walking back the other direction in the snow completely leaving the car behind. All of a sudden there was a turn off the road to my left that lead into this dark neighborhood.

      I then realized that I was naked and walking through snow, except that I did not feel the cold at all which granted me instant lucidity. I did not need to perform a reality check. I immediately jumped up into the air and closed my eyes, willing myself to keep ascending. As soon as I realized that I was working I shouted, “Yes!”, and was very excited. I got extremely high very quickly; several thousand feet up. I could sort of see the clouds below.

      I was flying in all directions and could very vividly feel my body and how the g-forces felt against it, turning my stomach. I felt the air against it but again it wasn't cold. I had a fleeting desire to go see Emma Watson for some reason, but I realized that I couldn't actually see anything and hadn't been ever since I closed my eyes.

      I tried to stabilize the dream by looking at my hands. I moved my hands in front of my face. It felt difficult; it felt like I was moving my IWL hands. My hands and wrists looked very ghostly, like half there; a really strange effect. They were slightly distorted and wavy. I couldn't get them clear and they felt really tingly. It felt like I was really close to waking because I thought I was really moving my arms. I felt the dream slipping away and I woke up.

      Updated 01-28-2014 at 06:18 PM by 67675 (Typo)

      lucid , memorable
    7. Late nap WILD, DILD and DEILD

      , 01-28-2014 at 02:36 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Woke up at 5:40 am, tried to take a nap, but just as walling asleep, was woken up. Tried second nap at 1:30pm.

      I got a WILD via falling backwards sensation. I'm sitting in a long row of chairs, I push my head and my body backwards and get into LD. I'm hovering above ground in a town at nigth. I look at at a clock tower and it's around 11:35. I look at the moon and it has a clock face on it too. Time is different than on the tower. I attempt to memorize it and check when I wake up.

      I start flying towards the moon, figuring now is a good opportunity to finaly get there. But change my mind, thinking, I don't want to lose lucidity. So I fly between some office buildings. I can start and stop, slow down, anytime I wish. I'm happy about this, because normally I'm out of control.

      I wake up and I'm thinking, great, this was a several minute long LD and I'm happy and bummed out at the same time. Something prompts me to look at my hands and my fingers are a mess. I realize I'm dreaming. I see a DC and I'm so excited. I can finally talk to a DC. So I stop him and we start to talk. I notice his logo on his polo shirt. He is dressed in yellows and greens. Something comes over me and I'm thinking sex again. I don't wanna, but things start to stir and I can't stop it. I'm waking up and I know it, and cursing at myself for allowing it to happen.

      I'm in a row of chairs again, trying to push my head forward to get a different sensation and I get into LD again. Wake up right away though.
    8. Wings and clockwork

      by , 01-27-2014 at 11:44 PM
      There's a girl walking up a narrow attic staircase that she very much doesn't want to go up. There's something that looks like a child at the base of the stairs, forcing her to go up and see 'mother.' 'Mother' is something that this girl has fed people to before, but she's never gone up the stairs herself. Now she's failed the pair somehow. Whatever's at the top of the stairs feels nightmarish enough that I decide I don't want to see this, and take just enough control to back out of the scene. There was some resistance, and it felt like a race against time, whether I could get out before the girl got to the top of the stairs.

      I'm standing somewhere airy, white walkways, a few white walls, mostly open space. There are a few pages on the ground, a story I was reading, but I feel too on edge to focus on it. I put my back to a wall, that helps.

      The Magician on a city street with a little girl. He's saying, "Countless thousands of worlds, or (something, along the lines of 'a few') worlds and those you know." She asks what he means, and he says nevermind, but he's talking about the price for what he's about to do for her; something's going to be lost. He doesn't want her to feel guilty over it, so he doesn't explain the details. He raises his staff and these gold shapes form in the air around them - flat, curved, with sharp points, something like a tribal tattoo come to life, I have vague associations with wings and clockwork (they do resemble stylized wings, but no clue what the clockwork association's from) - and then their surroundings seem to shatter, taking them somewhere 'between worlds.'

      Memory gaps and vague fragments after that: those same two characters standing in front of images like holograms, representing people that little girl knew, but the images are fragmentary, like they've had pieces digitally erased, leaving a bit of hair or a corner of a dress hanging in midair, but never any faces. Something to do with the importance of the little girl remembering "Rose," but there's a trick to it - she knew someone who was called Rose, but who also used another name, and it's that other name she really has to remember. Four knights, two in red and two in blue, male and female, and the man in blue has some message to do with the kid's father and something about a doll.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      I'm playing some kind of game based on Middle-earth - there's no sense of me physically playing a video game or the like, I seem to physically be there and it seems to be a real place, but I think of it as a game. At the moment I'm trading in some weapon and given a new selection to choose from. It's mostly swords and daggers. I choose a staff. This alters the way the game is played, although I hadn't realized it when I made that choice; it removes me from the fighting and instead allows me to travel freely, flying over the countryside, exploring the world, unlocking all the elven settlements that were otherwise hidden. I won't be able to continue the storyline this way, but it has its appeal.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      A movie about robots, filmed in first person POV, full of scenes designed to make you feel sympathy for the robots, even while the robots themselves remind you that they're just tools and there's no need to feel concerned.

      Belle and a newly-human, rather fragile-looking Rumpelstiltskin have been traveling somewhere and are now in some dimly-lit house where they're finally meeting with Rumpelstiltskin's son. (His personality's so different from Bae's that I hesitate to use the same name for this dream version.) Belle and the son talk while Rumpelstiltskin's sort of collapsed in a chair, Belle's next to him, the son's on the second floor and looking down at them over a railing; she seems suspicious of him. It seems they've met before, in a shared dream, and something that she saw in that dream is making her suspicious of him now. He warns her not to take shared dreams too literally, as other associations tend to leak in.

      Updated 01-27-2014 at 11:50 PM by 64691

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    9. Lucid dreaming?

      by , 01-27-2014 at 11:15 PM
      It was some months ago that i woke up i guess in my dream, saw the digital clock and it showed some weird numbers, i looked away and looked at again and it had no numbers on it. I started to walk down the hallway in my house. That was all i remember of that.
    10. Feeling very good on kava kava

      by , 01-27-2014 at 08:16 PM
      *The started with the arrival of Bryan and wife to drop her child for us to baby sit.
      As soon as they settled in the kitchen I just couldn't wait to explain to them how amazingly relaxed and happy I was on kava kava.Then I walked to the window imagining how awesome my day is going to be feeling so relaxed and clear. Something occured to me, I don't have any kava, this must be a dream I thought!

      As soon as the realization hit me Bryan took off running out the front door. In real life he is a really skeptical about anything beyond the materialist world view. So I took off after him to prove the powers of lucidity haha! I caught to him outside and said check this out as I started flying. He looked with a very confused look on his face saying, do I need to call the police? I flew away from the scene all together. I remembered the method of teleportation that was my goal in the first place. I swooped down unto someone patio looking for a door to use as my portal. I reached into my pocket to manifest the phone I was going to use to project myself to other location. I tried about three times until I noticed a picture on which I picked up. Guru Padmasambhava appeared with in the picture and I woke up.
    11. Eventful lucid dream

      by , 01-27-2014 at 04:02 PM
      *Asking a lady for directions on how to get to a party with in a creepy empty school.
      *Practicing the deity yoga of Chenrezik.
      *Flying around exploring a brightly lite city, ran into my brother and browsed a strange store.
      *Took a pretty girl flying as I held her in my arms enjoying the romance.

      There is allot more that happened this is just the highlights. Only if I had a higher degree of lucidity I would chosen better things to do.

      Updated 01-27-2014 at 08:19 PM by 54557

    12. I damn myself!

      by , 01-26-2014 at 06:53 PM
      The most awkward thing happened to me a few days ago.

      I was actually surprised at myself after this dream occured. I had the most obvious dream sign ever and I still didn't manage to become aware/lucid. I had more than 5 fingers on each of my hands and all I did was look at them and I have no idea what happened afterwards.

      And then after a few days, something strange happened as well.

      I was in a dream, I actually became aware, I was lucid and I didn't get excited but my dream was fading away slowly and I could hear myself breathe and I thought okay that was it. But I think that it was just a FA because I don't remember waking up tbh.


      The thing is that my dream recall is getting better. Getting lucid is apparently becoming easier and easier, but there's one thing I've noticed. It's easier for me to become lucid when I'm at my chalet on the mountains. I don't know why but nearly all of my lucid dreams have happened there.
    13. Exploring a huge house

      , 01-26-2014 at 03:22 PM
      I was having trouble falling asleep after the last dream and was twisting and turning in bed for a while until I realized I had seen 2 dreamscapes form but not stabilize - one was a video game and the other I don’t recall. So this made me think that this is probably a good time to try to WILD and after a while I find myself in the dream although I don’t recall how I got there and I don’t remember actually entering the dream. I think more happened before the point from which I recall the dream but i just don’t remember it. Anyway I find myself walking through a house and exploring the rooms. I am going through some room where it’s kind of like a mini labyrinth and I have to make right turns like 3-4 times and as I get to the end I imagine findning and hot girl at the end but there is nothing there. I keep searching and I come to a room that is sort of split up in two parts and is also very much like a labyrinth and I hear a shower running. I go through one part of the room and come to a bathroom where the running shower sound was coming from and in there I find a tall black woman with light skin and she is turned away from me. She has a nice ass and then she turns around and her face is pretty ugly. I tell her "sorry, I am mistaken" and I leave. I feel my dream starting to destabilize but I want to get to the door leading out of here before restabilizing. I get in front of the door and I start spinning. Once I stop I open the door but it feels like I need to spin in the other direction a bit and I do like half a spin to stabilize and I’m good to go. I keep looking through the house and the next room I come to is empty and there is a black desk standing in this room that looks like an office. I decide I want to break this desk with just my bare hand. I slam my hand down on it but it does’t break...fortunately it doesn’t hurt me either. I then think that I should have no problems breaking this desk with my hand so I try again and in fact I don’t even hit it as hard and this time it breaks in half but my arm doesn’t go all the way through. So the desk is sort of broken but the two parts are still held together slightly. I think I just push my arm through it to break it. As I’m heading out of the room I see a lot of clatter and there is some object that’s close to the exit and I move it telekinetically...well it only moves a little and not as much as I wanted to...I intended to just shove it out of the way completely and it moved maybe a few inches. I walk out of this room and keep going through the house but now I’m starting to feel my breath being hot and heavy and it makes me think that my real body is in bed and I have the covers over my nose and mouth and in fact I start feeling the covers get wet with saliva and I have trouble breathing. I do my best to ignore it and I think I try breathing through my mouth and my nose gets congested. I’m able to keep going though, but thinking retroactively I should have just completely ignored these sensations of my real body. Anyway, next I get to a room that is sort of open and not surrounded by walls completely and in fact I can see way outside this room but I realize that what I’m seeing is not fully formed and my dream is destabilizing. I start spinning to stabilize the dream and I decide to actually just teleport out of here and go where there are a bunch of SOIs. As I continue spinning everything goes black and I’m in this void spinning and I feel my feet still going in the motion to make me spin. I continue spinning for maybe 5-10 seconds waiting for a dream to form but I wind up waking up. Interesting to note that my blanket was not covering my nose and mouth and I was lying on my belly with the side of my face on the pillow and nothing was obstructing my breathing.
    14. Fishing gets weird and a DC tells me that I'm dreaming

      , 01-26-2014 at 03:19 PM
      I’m fishing at the small lake upstate near the bungalow colony we used to go to years ago. I first catch a little fish and then continue fishing with a regular fishing rod without a spinning. The line is very short and I can barely cast it into the water so I move down some rocks to get closer tp the water. The water looks really muddy but as I cast my line I’m able to see the fish in the water attacking the bait. First it’s small fish that swarm the worm on my hook and then a bigger fish comes and bites. But as I’m pulling it out it seems that my bait is now a fish and the other fish has it by it’s tail so I know I can’t get it out as it’s not on the hook yet. After a while of this I get a a fish on the hook and I try pulling it out but I can’t. I pull the fishing rod up as much as I can but the line now seems too long and I grab the line with my hands and start trying to pull it in. After a little while of struggling with the line I see the contour of the fish in the water and it is humongous...looks like a shark. There is someone behind me and I call them over to look at it. After a while the line is no longer in the water and now it’s above ground and I try follow it to my fish. I wind up going over some fence and up on the roof of some house and track the line down some pipe that goes down into the house. I open a part of the pipe but then this kind of freaks me out a little and I leave it alone and then I get off the roof and now I’m walking out of some room in the house and behind me there is a DC (probably the same one from before) and I say something like this is really weird and he says that this may be a dream (this is the first time a DC has ever told me this might be a dream). All of a sudden I realize that this is probably true and I look at my hands and on my right hand I think I have 6 fingers and I know I’m dreaming. I think I go to give the DC a high five and then I start rubbing my hands but after a few seconds I wake up.
    15. My First Alarm DEILD!!

      by , 01-26-2014 at 01:55 PM

      Soo happy!!
      From Friday to yesterday I managed to happily sleep through my alarms - darting-party effect, I guess..
      But last night - the second I heard worked exactly as it was supposed to.
      I use this: Alarm Clock Bud Pro for IPhone
      Caught me in a dream, I forgot now - heard the alarm - waited it out - and then:

      It was weird - my face was directed to the bed - and I suddenly had the impression I can look through my eyelids a bit like through a camera-seeker - and saw the ground, which was covered in decorative pebbles.
      And I made that clearer and bigger and suddenly wuusch - I was there!!
      It was not a long one - and I also didn't have something prepared to think of - but it came to my mind, that theoretically I wanted to play darts some day lucidly.

      But I stood there and decided to first of all just observe and walk about.
      Which I did - and sat on a bench, next to a tree.
      There were thousands of ants circling the trunk at the base and it got more and more - and I thought - naa - if I go on watching crawly things - that could turn out nasty (was starting to feel so).
      So I got up.
      Clarity and vividness could have been better all overall - but when I kept my attention somewhere - it got better - there.
      I came to a big villa - found it looked interesting - and went in.
      Very beautiful old fashioned house with a lot of wooden panelling and paintings and a huge wooden staircase.
      I met a woman upstairs in one room, who first was one - and later changed into another person - both known to me/friends irl - and we talked for a while - intense.
      In a way - my lucidity was a bit dampened through our exchange - I knew, it was a dream, still - but on the other hand I took the interactions pretty seriously.

      Then I had a dream-urge to go to the toilet - at that moment, lucidity rose - and I thought - lets see if it helps when I go relieve myself on a dream-toilet.
      Which I did - and it didn't help - so I gathered, I must be indeed needing a toilet irl.
      And let it happen to wake up.
      Only to find out - still having an urge - that I didn't need either toilet nor urge - and the urge went away..
      Sorry guys and gals - but I find that sort of note-worthy..

      Updated 01-27-2014 at 06:15 PM by 66050
