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    1. Stars, Accidents, Confessions

      by , 09-06-2011 at 11:59 AM (A's Night Lives)
      1. I noticed that the stars were out of place. I could only find two recognizable constellations, Orion and Scorpio, which seemed to be approximately in their proper locations. I reasoned that the end of this dimension must be very near for the stars to be so disorganized. I was too disappointed to be afraid.

      2. I was riding in a vehicle with someone who kept getting in an accident. It was like we were stuck in a death loop. I knew what was going to happen each time but only a few moments before it happened. I never had enough time to warn the driver.

      3. Was at a small party in an unfamiliar basement. I kept looking out the window at the feet walking past it. I decided to leave. Before I could everyone gathered into a circle and started confessing their deepest secrets. One of the people confessed to have loved me since 5th grade. I didn't know what to say to this so I said nothing. When my turn for confession came I only admitted that I was bored and wanted to leave. Then I left. The person who confessed love for me followed me but always stayed behind.

      Updated 09-06-2011 at 12:02 PM by 49590 (spelling error)

    2. 28th shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 09-05-2011 at 02:32 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Whiterains dream

      i do a wbtb for a good hour at 8 then back to bed at 9. im back at this compound that i visit often. this time it starts of as half warehouse and half garden centre. i chat with some old work mates and eventually see my old boss. he offers me a job on the nightshift so i ask around the staff to see what the nightshift is like. i start to get a really good feeling about the place and decide that i will probably come back and do the nightshift for a bit at least.

      my old car is outside and i start to go to leave. as ido this 3 girls run out and tell me to stay. the location is now at the dead end at the end of my real road. i point up the road and say that im not going far and i have the house to myself so they should all come over for a party after work. they all throw their phone numbers at me and i keep them in my pocket. the whole thing made me realise that im much more comfortable talking to girls when there are no lads about. it was all so nice and the only bit of criticism i had was that "i could smell better" but even this was more of a joke between friends.

      i never quite manage to leave unsurprisingly. i get given the tour. the basement room is really light and alongside peoples beds lie massive flower and veg beds. underneath the carpet the ground feels like it has not been flattened at all. its odd but a very nice natural feel. we walk through into the back room of the basement which turns out to be this girls bedroom. i get a really good vibe about the whole place and start to see myself living there. she explains that it gets pretty cold at times but it doesnt bother me. we sit down on her bed.

      i think other people come to get us to complete the tour. parts of it are sketchy and the order is pretty mixed up though. at some point i watch an old video about the place. in the video, old mates from uni pop up. i cant believe that they have visited and this amazement only furthers my good feelings about the place. often i have been to this place before and it has something creepy about it but i tried to inspect it all just in case.

      back in some kind of common room and i finally get lucid. the people who run the joint come in and chat with everyone. now normally the boss is the creepiest thing about this place in the dream and this time they were also the worst thing about it. they were a couple of old men dressed in slightly fruity upper class wizard type stuff. cravats and funny hats type thing. they said something about getting me to do some work before i left which would have been fine, only they didnt address me in person. this happens alot to me even in real life and i think it is something to do with people being intimidated with my size. it was pondering things such as this that got me lucid as i relised this was an odd situation to be in.

      as these guys were the only downside i decided to test out how bad they were. i got the vibe that they may stop my car working or something else to keep me there so i tested it by going outside. it wasnt really like i was stopped from leaving, but people surounded me as i approached the door. as i was lucid i knew i could go anyway so i decided to test it out and show them at the same time. i said something like well i can just leave anyway by doing this. i tried to fade out of the dream by just dropping to the floor and relaxing. this slowly started to wake me up, while also conforming to me that i was in a dream and in no danger. as i felt the dream fade i suddenly jumped up and grabbed hold of it again. the people around seemed kind of wary, but they no longer tried to stop me.

      my thoughts turned back to the girls. i dug one of their numbers out of my pocket, i suppose to show the one who had given it to me that i was interested as they had all written them on distinctive bits of paper. on this scrap of paper was a whole note which i tried to read but cant really remember what it said. i think that is about it for recall but i kept going back to the same place after each awakening. the last 2 times i went back i remember walking around the place with this tall brunette. i remarked at how tall she was because she was almost as tall as me so about 6'3ish. i never like tall girls but she was amazing with this feline, supermodel type figure. she felt like she should be more my type than the girls i was with earlier but all i remember her saying was that i should probably go back to bed. the last time i went back i was back in the common room with this young asian couple who seemed slightly wary of my yet friendly enough

      quick reminder: WBTB WBTB WBTfckinBED!!!!! aahhhh!!! should be so easy but has been really tough lately and this one has broken a bit of a dry spell in style
    3. The Usual But Etymologically Unsatisfactory

      by , 08-21-2011 at 09:06 AM
      This is my first entry, and my first time in any sense attempting to record a dream, having had one.

      It's only recently I began remembering my dreams, and only that because of a brief reading about lucid dreaming.

      I'll start backwards because it'll help me remember:

      The final segment was my mother revealing some information about the downfall of a friend of mine's family. In real life this friend of mine I saw last night at a party and he is headed off to the Cayman Islands to teach Cello - maybe that was why he was in my head.

      It was just an oblique about the success of this guy's older brother, who displayed great academic achievement, as opposed to some of the other siblings who were more along the lines of great musical achievement. He was already publishing articles as head boy at the private school he went to - before the family collapsed. I suppose all this provoked in me was an extra sense of sadness at all the potential some of these kids had, and the distruption their various life trajectories underwent, as they ended up having their home life and family taken out from underneath them, and the effects this has had on them. All this was being told me on the day before a set of exams I had to do, which stayed with to the point I was sitting on the dewed grass of a green that was familiar yet unfamiliar of a university which was similar yet different to the one I went to.

      Then interestingly came a focus to my own home. Which was unrecogniseable and yet familiar. It was labyrinthine, with loads of rooms I had never seen before and yet which seemed vaguely familiar. One which sticks in my head was a cored nursery which was the only room which looked unused but was being kept for that purpose for some peculiar reason. Maybe because my mother still hopes sooner or later a cousin on or somesuch will bring a child over.

      Then comes the basement, which seems to have been where I was. It seems to have been some kind of a workshop for me. It was full of wooden cutout figures that had painted faces; curiously grotesque and horrific yet comical and almost funny as well. It was darkly lit and mostly cement, with a cool, almost wet sense to the air. A backdoor to the basement opened out to a dry desert road going around the side of a mesa. On a layby slightly below this road I was building a very large gattling gun out of rather ineffectual materials. In some cases there was metal, bullets, cables, things which in themselves seemed to overheat and break far too quickly. Meanwhile some important structural parts of the machine were being done in cardboard, and I didn't see how strange that was.

      Anyway that's it in reverse order.
    4. Robbers Searching For Cats

      by , 05-31-2011 at 01:10 PM (Just Dreaming)
      Robbers Searching For Cats: (non-lucid)


      I'm sitting in my room drinking water. The water has no flavor and I don't feel the glass touching my mouth, or the water going down my throat. I thought I heard a cat scratching on the door outside. The scratching sounded louder though. All of the sudden- the door came flying into the kitchen (the room that the door is attached to). I heard people yelling and realized we must be getting robed. I ran upstairs and to my left was opening to the attic. It was in the ceiling and all I had to do was hit it for a latter to fall. I grabbed the latter and went up it into the attic. It was really dark and I didn't like it.

      One of the robbers said that he heard a cat go upstairs. I could hear him running and walking around up here. After he went back downstairs- I was getting tired of being up here. The next thing I remember was the fact that I was in the basement now. I ran under the stairs and hid myself so no one could see me.
    5. Random Fragments

      by , 05-29-2011 at 10:31 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      (I was actually debating calling this a fragment. It was just short enough and fragmented enough to be considered a fragment)

      In a room that was kind of like a basement a friend of mine and his little brother were there too. They were talking about some FPS game with a really weird name (I think it was called "dediciois"). A picture of a cartoonish wolf kept coming onto the screen of a nearby TV.

      I appeared in an art room. The lesson was strange. We dunked clay figures under water until they started to melt.
    6. Ghost Hunting

      by , 05-27-2011 at 10:29 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      Lucid: Green
      Nonlucid: Blue
      Notes: Black

      Vividness: 4/5
      Lucidity: 0/5
      controll: 0/5

      I was inside a huge house. There were several underground floors. The house itself was only 2 flora with a basement, but there were about six floors under the basement. All of the floors looked similar, beige carpet on the floors and walls. I walked down to the first basement floor and saw a bunch of guys frantically looking for something. They said there was a problem on the bottom floor. I, like an idiot, decided to check it out. Each basement floor was well lighted. Each floor except the floor before the lowest basement and the lowest basement floor itself had people looking for something as well. I walked down the stairs to the last floor. Upon arriving there a few ghosts (from luigi's mansion??) came out at me. Strangely I wasnt afraid. I just kinda walked upstairs like nothing happened. But these people obviously wanted to get rid of the ghosts, right? So I decided to help them. I went back to the first floor, but appeared outside the house somehow. There were a lot of people there, seemingly frozen in time. They were talking, but ignored everything around them, including me. It was really strange. I entered the house and saw someone I knew from geometry class. I told him not to worry about the ghosts, and that I could eliminate them if I found a vacuum cleaner and a flashlight. The dream ends here though.
    7. Jack's Flying Car

      by , 05-04-2011 at 03:33 PM (The book of mars)
      I'm walking through a lot of sludgy snow on all fours down the street. I put my thumb out at every car that goes by but no one picks me up. One car slows down. It's a pink see-through "car" made of cardboard. It doesn't pick me up but I follow it.

      I arrive at some shitty little house. The hallway is so tiny I must walk sideways through it. In the kitchen, I pour myself a big cup of smoothie. My mom's voice from somewhere comes out and says "That's all pineapple!", and taste it. It is.

      I open a door and see a bunch of kids playing outside in the back yard. I don't join them. I open another door and now I'm in my basement from my childhood house. My kitten (that I have in real life) sneaks down the stairs and my mom tells me to find her. I look around and become distracted by noticing my basement.

      It has fused my memory of the basement and the house, and there are stained glass bookshelf cases right next to the stairs. I walk into a room behind the stairs. It's a giant library with our big bookshelf case (usually in the dining room) in a largely empty room. There's a middle room next to this one with three bookshelves, all filled with just two series: One fantasy series my mom read, and another Peanuts-esque comic series my aunt read (it doesn't really exist). On one of the bookshelves in this room is a big collection of all the art Graeme Base (of Animalia fame) ever did.

      I look through a doorway and see a bunch of people and Heather standing around. I do a weird dance and end up on the floor and a girl next to Heather does the same dance. I walk into the first room again and now it's a gift shop in my basement. All of my friends are here on some kind of "field trip". I start reading some holiday cards which are in a case.

      My friend Justine comes up to me and says she's upset that she's so mean. I say "Yeah, you're an asshole, but I am too," and we talk about we are mean and wish we weren't. I end up hugging her and Heather comes over and seems unphased by it, which I'm glad about because it wasn't a sexual move at all.

      I go back to the card section and really want to steal a Harry Potter "card" that is actually a really thick notebook full of original sketches by the author. I imagine that there are cameras in my basement because this is now a store, but end up grabbing it anyway. It's time to go so everyone, including me, walk through a new doorway exit to the driveway.

      I get in a car that Jack's driving and my brother Holden is supposed to be sitting next to me. He gets in for a second but leaves. Jack doesn't know that he left and speeds off. Time lapse to us driving on a main road in my town. I say "Jack, pull over here, Holden's there," and we do. I tap on the glass of my window and Holden looks up. We're on the other side of the road, though. He has an air of superiority so as he walks through the busy traffic, all the cars stop for him, some of them dangerously close to running him over (but he doesn't seem to mind at all).

      He goes to the sidewalk next to the car and starts running. He is challenging Jack to a race to wherever our destination is. Jack takes offense to this and starts speeding to make sure he wins and runs every red light. I'm kind of panicking and as I get more and more afraid, the car goes more and more out of control. Soon we have so much speed that the car starts to fly.

      We are in the air and I see we're going to land in a really bad place, in between some buildings in like a hedge or something. It seems really dangerous. We land....and I lose the dream.
    8. Questionable Lucid and Fragment I don't Care about.

      by , 05-03-2011 at 11:43 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:07 AM by 44350

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Yet more fragments (I hate stress for this!)

      by , 04-20-2011 at 11:41 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:11 AM by 44350

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Non Lucids.

      , 04-06-2011 at 08:45 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Key: Non Lucid Lucid

      Army Dream
      I was in the army. I was on some mission in Sweden. I was a sergeant and me and some other guy, I think his name was Sergeant Adam or something like that, were in front of a building crouched down and then it blew up. Earlier I was talking to Sgt. Adam on a walkie-talkie, that's how I know his name. Then I was at my Gramma's house in the basement with my cousin. When I walked down there, there were 2 sodas so I grabbed one. One of them was Diet 7UP and some other one which I grabbed. Then I was telling him about my job in the army and how much I got paid. I had to go up the stairs to see what my pay was, the first time I checked and told him, it was 400,000 dollars. Then I went up again and it said my share was 2.5 milion.

      Mom Dream
      My mom was younger and she was at some window. She saw a guy and he said something about her being a newbie. Then he touched her hand and she giggled like she had a crush on him. Later she was really mad about something, I can't remember what but she threw something like a small tuna on the ground.

      Wheelchair Dream
      This guy was helping someone get across the street. They were in a wheelchair. So he waited for just the right time and he pushed the person into the road and a silver Volkswagen just missed the guy.

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 10:07 PM by 42776

    11. confronting the torturers

      by , 03-30-2011 at 11:39 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      A group of young men sat in a basement room like in some kind of church or school. The walls may have been red bricks. There were windows high up on the walls, letting in plenty of natural light.

      The young men sat in a group of folding chairs arranged in a triangle near the left wall of the room. A group of older men entered the room. They sat inn a triangle of folding chairs opposite the men. I saw all this as if my eye level were at about seat-level with the chairs and as if I were between the two triangles of chairs.

      The young men had apparently served during some war in the role of torturers. These young men had actually tortured the old men. But now the two groups were supposed to make peace and be friends.

      One of the young men asked the old men a kind of silly question about art or movies. One old man didn't want to hear it. The old man was kind of short, with tough, tan skin, and thinning, grey-white hair. He wore a grey blazer and slacks and a maroon sweater. He began shouting at the young man, didn't he think anything he'd done was wrong?

      I now got a good view of the young men for the first time. They all projected a feeling of being very beautiful, though they were all actually kind of plain looking. Yet this feeling of beauty also created a scary feeling of calm, methodical cruelty. The men all had books in their laps, different books, as if they had each been independently reading before the old men came in.

      One of the young men, a tall, pale man with thick-rimmed glasses, frizzy, black hair, and stubble, and wearing a kind of loose, pudding-yellow sweater, asked the old man a question. The young man had a pencil, as if her were going to write notes in his book.

      Somehow the old man and young man got into an argument that implied that now the old men had been the torturers while the young men had been tortured.

      The young man asked, "Why did you gather all of us up? Why did you carry us away?"

      The old man said, "Because you looked guilty."

      The young man asked, "How could we look guilty?"

      The old man said, "You know, your looks. You look like a certain type."

      I may have figured in my dream or just waking up from my dream that the old man meant "the Jewish type."
    12. Bunny

      by , 02-21-2011 at 02:33 AM (My Sleepy Mind 2010/2011)
      Original Date: 12/10/10
      Type: Ordinary - Non Lucid
      This started in a field with snow and frost and pumpkins. Some of the pumpkin stalks had been burned. I was with someone, a guy. He walked to the left and I continued to walk straight. I saw a rabbit with some gray on his nose, sitting on a stump. I went over to him, laying on my right side and put my hand out to let him smell it and he did. Then I was brave enough to touch and pet him. He darted away up a hill, and the grass was now green and visible. He came back and I pet him some more and he ran again, this time I followed him. Up the hill he had run to a house, one that I remembered, it was very old and no one lived there. There was a huge sunroom, with shining through the first and second floor screens. And off to the side was a door with a walkway leading to maybe the driveway. My boyfriend followed and I told him this was the perfect house. We looked at the sign and it said it was part of the pizza beside it. We went inside and then I was with my stepmom and my dad. I found an inlet with wooden walls and upon pressing the wall a door leading to the basement popped out, I showed my stepmom, then continued on in the house. We walked up the wide staircase, dad was ahead of us, and my bunny was back, he was on the stairs with dad. At the top there was a door and a hole in the banister where the stairs would continue going up but they just stopped and dropped off. The bunny just turned like he expected more stairs and fell down to the lower lever below, we chuckled. I darted past my dad on the stairs to go into the door first, inside was the attic and it was huge! There were 3 very large beds and stuff was scattered everywhere, the beds had bedding on them but were mismatched and not made. Then I realized that the steps were the only thing to lead to this, no other doors, so I went downstairs to search for other rooms. With my stepmom, we found another room, which I think was similar to a bedroom. The cool part was that there was an opening in the ceiling, that was like huge wide steps. Using my forearms, I hoisted myself up and realized this took us back to the attic. Then I was back downstairs and wanted to show my father the basement. When we went down it was pretty decent, not terrible old, a little messy. While down there for some reason my dad captured my bunny and submerged him in liquid to preserve and do tests on him. I was very upset, I saw my bunny's face staring back at me through the jar. Then my dad took him out and wanted to put another chemical on him. I was boiling mad! The poor rabbit had only about 4 hairs left on his body, he was blue and then he looked orange. At one point a thought had gone through my head to leave the bunny there as we walked out the door. And I felt very horrible for this, then I thought I never should have gone to pet him. I was very sad.

      This was sad, I felt like it was my fault and that I lost something precious, because it was a life. The house was familiar to me in some ways, maybe dreamt of it before.

      Objective Context:
      I discussed houses with a coworker. My boyfriend told me he wasn't ready to be married anytime soon. Work drama/stress. Still needing to study. I was telling boyfriend about my house pet spider Max.

      Age of Dream Ego: 26

      Associations to Dream Setting:
      This was a familiar place to me, the house, I visited it before. The outside was relaxing and had great potential, but it was a neglected fixer upper house.

      Happiness, discovery, reluctance, curiosity, excitement, disappointment, anger and loss.
    13. great-grandfather's bed; perverted phone

      by , 01-29-2011 at 03:32 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      My nighttime discipline has been terrible lately! Last night, I spent too long watching the Girls' Generation "Visual Dreams" video and some anime stuff on YouTube. It wrecked my dream recall.

      One thing before I do the dreams. At the Japan Society in NYC a series is currently running showcasing the work of the director Sabu.

      On Wednesday I watched Sabu's film Monday. The plot of the story revolves around a businessman who wakes up after having been drunk for two days. He slowly recalls all the things he did while he was drunk.

      The story reminds me of waking up and looking back on a dream. But at a certain moment the main character takes charge over his actions. At this moment, the "dream" stories become more like lucid dreams.

      There aren't any extreme special effects. But I think the film, in itself, is very good. And I think it's also good as a metaphor for the dreaming and lucid dreaming processes.

      Anyhow, I want to suggest that anybody in or near NYC go to the Japan Society to check out some of Sabu's films. Sabu is there to introduce each film and do a Q&A. So that's also incredible.

      Dream #1

      I was in my great-grandmother's backyard on a sunny day. My great-grandmother was still alive. My family may have been near me somewhere. My great-grandma was talking to me, possibly standing very close to me, or possibly through some kind of telepathy.

      I was now in my "great-grandma's basement." I stood before a bed that was covered in deep blue sheets. My great-grandma told me something about my great-grandfather. I got the feeling that this may have been the bed my great-grandfather had died in.

      My great-grandma now told me that I had to lay in the bed. It was as if I was going to be in town for a while, and that I would have to stay at this house while I was here. So I'd be using this bed.

      The bed was now different. The previous bed didn't have any headboard. But this bed had a very fancy headboard of nice wood. The bed also had blankets. In fact, the bedding appeared to be a very nice, homemade quilt with mint-green squares alternating with white squares with pink flower (?) designs on them.

      I was a little afraid to lay in the bed. I felt like it had been empty for so long that maybe bedbugs had started to live inside of it. I thought I would check the bed for bugs. But I knew my great-grandmother was somewhere around me. I didn't want to check the bed in front of her and offend her by implying that she had neglected the bed.

      Dream #2

      I was in some museum or art gallery. I was in a room, possibly laying face down on a cushioned bench that was backed up against a wall. My head kind of hung down over one end of the bench. This specific room was spacious but small, kind of dimly lit, with white walls and possibly some thin carpet.

      There had been some big art exhibit opening. The opening included some kind of presentation by the artist, a woman who kind of looked like Laurel Nakadate. Now everybody was milling around or leaving. Most of the people looked like somewhat wealthy business people.

      The artist woman leaned against the wall near the bench on which I lay. I was playing with some device like an iPhone. All the icons on the phone were squares with a swirly pattern of pinks, browns, and oranges. I was scanning through a number of different icons.

      The artist said something to me like, "I could never figure out how those things worked. You seem to know it pretty well. You must be smart."

      I figured from this that the artist couldn't afford to own an iPhone. I let her look at mine, so she could figure out how to use it. But as soon as I handed it over, I felt a little bit of anxiety. I knew I had a lot of really wacky porn sites still up on my internet. I hoped that she wouldn't look through my internet history.

      The artist, did, however, end up scrolling through my internet history. As the artist continued using the phone, the phone became something like a sit-down driving game like you would see in an arcade. The artist was sitting inside the game, scrolling through my internet history, which was a black screen, with old, pixellated, dim-white lettering. The room also became dim, like an arcade.

      The artist, thankfully, kept scrolling down to sections full of internet searches I'd apparently done for really fancy recipes. Also, there seemed to be some sections where I'd taken pictures of these fancy dishes I made.

      The artist may have made some comment about how nice it was that a guy actually put effort into making all these delicious meals. That comment made me even more afraid of the artist finding the porn sites.

      I thought that maybe I'd get lucky and that the artist might not happen upon any of the porn sites that I'd looked at on my phone. But she eventually did. The porn sites in question were apparently of me, all by myself, on my bed, masturbating or dressed in women's underwear.

      At some point the arcade game version of my phone became my phone again, although at certain times the views were coming straight into my head, as if I were just imagining them all. The artist was gone, although I may have heard her talking to me, as if I were hearing the conversation telepathically or through "memory-phone."

      I now stood before a bed in an almost completely dark room. I may have thrown the phone on my bed. I still had the weird photos of me running through my head. Eventually I got on the bed, standing on my knees.

      (Side notes: Dream #2 implies that I look for porn and fancy recipes on the web. This is wrong. I don't look for fancy recipes. But I probably should, because I think cooking is really cool.)
    14. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 11-26-2010 at 05:00 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      Beaten (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      Standing defiantly in my poorly lit basement, I shield myself with all the blue, formless energy I can muster without Bankai, but the black, cloud-like entity's ferocious assault finds its way through my barrier, and I can't do anything as its dark, heavy energy (three times the strength of my own) buffets me, overwhelms me; soon we find ourselves in the court outside my house, but before I can do anything worthwhile I wake-up, shaken by the experience.

      Updated 11-26-2010 at 05:04 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    15. Sugar tree, job troubles

      by , 11-10-2010 at 12:44 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a bedroom which may have been my bedroom with a pretty woman. The room was warmly lit and it seemed to have pink coloring in certain parts. The woman wore a white tank top with pink straps.

      The woman sat on the floor, explaining how she was new to this town and how she needed certain things. These things weren't necessities but were rather like items for fun. Maybe they were tickets to shows, or something like that.

      She might have been planning to sell the tickets once she got them. Her plan might possibly also have included befriending men to get them to gibe her these tickets for free on a regular basis, then turning around and selling the tickets above face value.

      I was now walking through a pine forest. The forest seemed clean, too clean, almost like a stage forest. The trees were tall and deep jade-green. The forest was shady.

      Somehow I discovered something about the branches of the pine trees. It was like they were all dripping a clear, sugary syrup.

      I was somewhere, possibly back in the room, trying to explain to the woman that she didn't need all the stuff she thought she needed. The trees produced food, and that could sustain her. But the woman wouldn't listen to me. I wasn't talking about the same thing as she was talking about. She didn't want only sustenance. I tried again to explain to the woman what was going on with the trees, what they were producing.

      I was in the forest again, floating up through the trees. Beyond the trees was a tree-like structure in the sky, all made out of the clear, sugary syrup. The syrup was solid enough to form a lattice-like structue. I saw a couple of "my friends" (both male or one male and one female) sitting on a couple of seat-like parts on either side of this tree.

      As I approached the tree the syrup became like drops, raining down on me. I opened my mouth to try and catch the drops.

      Dream #2

      I was in a room that looked like a room in a house that had been converted into an office. The place was very cluttered with paper and old office equipment. There were desks for at least two workers.

      I had possibly done something dumb at my job. I was listening to a voice message from "my CEO" (!) about what a bad job I'd done. The CEO's voice was mellow and rambling, but a little bitter. I got up from my desk and walked away.

      I came back. The voice message was still going. The guy who sat in the desk next to me -- a bunch of old, unused office equipment served as the partition between us -- told me, "Man, you're in trouble. This guy's saying a lot of bad stuff about you. I think he's gonna try to make you stop working here."

      I thought that could be true. The CEO could be trying to make it look like I was trying to quit my job and go work somewhere else. Then he could fire me for that. But I didn't care. I just kept listening to his strange mellow, rambling, bitter voicemail.

      Eventually the voicemail became something about how everybody in the office was quitting. The voicemail then became something like an online news show about everybody in my office quitting.

      I walked out of this room and into another room. I was apparently in the basement of this house. The place was cluttered with household items and office items. In one big room, a bunch of workers were gathered around on a couch, eating pizza and watching TV.

      I went into another room. Some tall, thin, pale, white man with a thin beard and wearing a casual sweater and slacks, told me about a number of people who were quitting. This apparently included the CEO.

      The man and I walked through a hallway with another man, talking about how unfortunate it was that everybody was quitting. We were now in a kitchenette near the stairs up to the ground floor of this house.

      The two men, who were gentle and easygoing, opened the fridge and started pulling out pizza. At this point, I may have seen from the viewpoint of a child. I thought that I was hungry, too, and that I would also like to have some pizza. But I also felt bad for wanting pizza, as if I'd eaten too much already.
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