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    1. First dream night in ages!

      by , 09-25-2012 at 08:34 AM
      After a couple of nights after logging back into Dreamviews, I had a couple of dreams last night


      1) My dad dropped me off at college in his car. It was a cloudy but bright day. The college had the same drop off point, except the part that I walked to from the car was completely different - it was similar to the courtyard area in my secondary school. When I got out to walk to the courtyard bit, Dad drove to the carpark, again similar to the one in secondary school and parked up. I walked towards my secondary school hall, which instead of having the normal roof had a blue tent marquee very similar to the NME and Lock Up tents at Reading Festival. Quite near in the tent, many people were crowding around two guys suspended above us at our head height somehow, writing names on a board of some sort. It first looked like a terribly organized sports team sign up, however it soon seemed to be some sort of request list for a DJ or for acts to play a festival. Everyone was shouting randomly names chaotically and the men, who were probably about 20, were just writing the ones they heard the most or with most clarity. I don't remember the names being shouted. Someone started to shout "LIL B! THE BASED GOD!!!!!", and a few people including myself started joining in. This was followed by people shouting for OFWGKTA or ODD FUTURE, GOLF WANG. My dad appeared behind me to the right around this time, and I thought if I joined in with the Odd Future chants it would impress him, so I did so I started shouting JAMIE XX, but no one joined in and I didn't notice the men taking any notice. So I continued to start shouting it every so often, until a man in front of my turned around to inform me that he put Jamie XX up ages ago. I was a bit embarrassed by this and thought I must have seemed really desperate. Suddenly reality was facebook (this seems to happen quite often ) and a girl wrote a wall post on the event saying that she wanted to buy me a drink! Everyone laughed at her including myself, although I was secretly pretty chuffed. I commented on it in the persona of a mentally disabled guy in my college who always flirts with girls in capital letters on facebook. It got 5 likes, and I was chuffed with this, but also felt like a bit of a dick to the girl who was just trying to be nice. Next thing I knew, everyone had left. I looked around me to see no one, but sort of knew that if I turned around, the girl would be behind me. I tried it, and in fact she was. She had medium length curly blonde-brown hair, was quite short in height and had large boobs She looked like my friend Tamara. I started chatting to her, however she was French and spoke pretty poor English. I thought she was just nervous but she was just quite illiterate. This created a really awkward situation as there was a strong feeling between us that we liked each other, but we obviously couldn't really express it. Suddenly I remember my Dad who was nearby, who speaks very good French, and thought I'd drag him over to make some conversation. I told her that he speaked French and she turned to him, and said something in french quite shyly and quietly. He understood her perfectly and replied perfectly, which was weird as he doesn't speak THAT good french and struggles to understand it. They were talking for a while and I thought I'd show that I wasn't overkeen by leaving briefly to go for a wee. The toilets were where the cafe food normally was in the hall. When I came back, I was very confused to see my Dad and the girl speaking about insurance and mortgages! I assume they were now talking in English because I can remember my Dad saying "You find the richest people you know, and take a £700,000 loan from them to pay for your house!"


      2) There was some sort of police academy crossed with a job seekers club situated in my kitchen. I don't know why I was given the impression that it was my kitchen, as it looked more like a small village hall or a staffroom than a kitchen. Everyone was sat on those awful brown plastic chairs including myself, facing the front. It was bright in their with internal light, and gave the dirty impression of a scout den or youth hostel.

      3) In real life, I really dropped a course at college and in return had to do a journalism club. I turned up to my first lesson of this club at a lunch time. I was sat towards the front of a classroom, once again in my secondary school It felt like it was either night time or just had no windows as the light was very orange and warm. The classroom was similar to one of the maths rooms at my secondary. I knew a couple of people in the class including my Polish friend Claudia, my Nepalese friend Akriti and a couple of people from my ex-Japanese class. I was waiting around whilst the teacher was getting ready, and more friends came along! Aiden and Layla from Japanese, Marko one of my best mates, and various others that I knew. The class seemed like a huge doss. The teacher - who was very, very attractive, young and by the looks of things a shit teacher - was just standing, watching everyone chat. She was quite tanned but definitely English, about 25 years old and quite tall. She looked like someone from my old drama group. Next thing I remember, we were watching some sort of educational video, whilst my teacher decided to get her boobs out from the top of her bra They were very fake and spherical, but were beautiful all the same
    2. Sun. Sep. 9

      by , 09-09-2012 at 06:08 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      I'm back at school, hanging out with my new roommates. First, we eat in the dining hall. I run into some awkwardness where I want to grab some food from a station, but there are other people trying to get around me, so I have to stand off to the side and wait.

      Later, we go back to the room. There will be five of us living here, so we all try getting into the bed to see if we will fit. We won't all fit if we lie side by side, so I try putting my pillow on one end of the bed, while the four others decide to put theirs on the other. Hmmm. It's a bit awkward with our feet getting tangled in the middle, and also I think it's weird that I'm the only one on this side. I try to explain it jokingly, saying that I'm lonely over here. Someone suggests that my roommates from previous years switch sides, and I find myself hoping that my old roommate will refuse: I'm already worried that he thinks I'm attracted to him.

      Later, I wander out into the halls for a while, then try to find my way back. I don't remember the room number, so I try a door at random. There are girls in this room, but also one of my roommates, so I'm not sure whether it's my room or not. I'm embarrassed to ask, too. Eventually my roommate comes to my rescue, telling me it's the next door over. As I go over to that door, I look around at the peeling paint and splintering wood in the building, and I realize that our house kind of got the raw end of the deal when we were moved over to this building.


      Spoiler for Videobomb:
      Gym Activities

      [Warning: This dream makes no sense. Lol. I think I was half awake for most of it.]

      A muscular announcer has just adopted a new stage name. He's discussing it with another announcer. They're throwing back and forth ideas for other, more awesome stage names that he could have chosen. One suggests "VenusMercury." The man admits he likes that one a lot, but he couldn't choose it because of trouble in some Chinese provinces named "Venus" and "Mercury." A map appears, showing that these provinces are at the western extreme of China. Then the video cuts to a field correspondent, hiking through the mountains in that area. She talks to the camera as she descends into a very, very deep crevasse in the earth. It's so deep that I suspect the video must be fake. Anyway, they reach the bottom, where there are two very long "flat escalators" (People Movers?) running parallel to each other in opposite directions. So you can ride them around in circles. They start doing an activity where the correspondent puts tape on the floor and the other person has to pick it up. Soon other people are playing the game, including myself. There are so many lines everywhere that it's ridiculous to imagine we'll get rid of them all. And you can't just erase them, because they're all outlined in black and you're supposed to leave the outline in place.

      After a time, I try picking up another line, but the gym teacher cuffs me on the shoulder. Apparently class is over, and the basketball team needs those lines on the floor for their practice. I stop. I just watch as the team comes in and starts practicing. I contemplate practicing archery. It would be cool to be able to shoot an arrow while doing a cartwheel. There are a bunch of little kids in the room, and sometimes they get in the way of the basketball players.

      I try to leave, but through the door there's just another gym. I'm not sure whether to try another door in the current gym or try another door in this new gym. I'm lost. I ask someone where the principal is, since chances are he'll be in his office, and if I walk in the opposite direction of the principal's office then I'll probably make it outside. The person points at a wall, and a green light appears. I know that the light is floating over the head of the principal. So I walk to a door on the opposite side of the gym. Now, I don't like the basketball players, so before I go, I make a bunch of bugs appear on the wall. Ten spiders, fifteen flies (to feed the spiders), and twenty bitemes. Hah! That should keep them busy. It'll probably also make the principal mad at me, but I'll be gone long before he gets here.

      The door leads to the back yard of the school. There's a playground nearby, but no one's around. It's a dark, overcast day, and it's drizzling. I walk along the side of the building towards the front.
    3. What did I do? (SDE Day 25)

      by , 09-08-2012 at 02:23 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      What did I do? (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking outside a replica of the section near the Blocker building in College Station, and I'm walking down the sidewalk to eventually turn left to get to the building. However, I think I needed to go somewhere else to the right instead, that's all I remember.

      LOL, note to self:

      - Set an alarm time to wake me up in the middle of the night for a better chance at dream recall instead of sleeping through all the way.


    4. College

      by , 09-04-2012 at 02:37 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I had a dream that I was going to college. It was like a graduation ceremony, though, except it was for the new students. They started by calling the names of the students who'd earned scholarships, then went on to call everyone else, one by one. There were seats in the front of the room, behind the official people calling names, facing the back, for all the students whose names had already been called. They were also higher up; the room was like an auditorium, where it's slanted, except the front of the room was higher up). It was really exciting when they called my name.

      After I'd been called, though, I remembered that I still had another year of high school... but then I just assumed this ceremony was for the students who'd been accepted and would be starting college next fall.

      In the next dream, my family and I had moved to a hotel in North Carolina, but I really didn't want to be there. The hotel was not very good, and I assumed the rest of the state was the same.

      I woke up from that dream and started writing in my dream journal. I'd written almost one page when I heard my mom call from the dining room to say that breakfast was ready. I told her I'd be out in just a moment and continued writing.

      ...then I woke up.
    5. Legend of Korra, and Leaving for College

      by , 08-28-2012 at 04:02 PM
      DREAM #1

      I’m on vacation somewhere with my family. We’re staying in this big, old house. I explore around the house, and I keep finding weird secret passages that lead outside.

      Later on, I check my computer and I find out that the second season of “The Legend of Korra” is going to start the next day.

      Then I guess it’s the next day, because I go to find a TV. When I find one, there are a bunch of other kids there. I guess they’re like my Korra-watching club from my college, but I don’t really take a close look at their faces. I guess the TV doesn’t work or something, because we don’t actually end up watching anything.

      I wander off to go see this performance that apparently is somehow related to “The Legend of Korra” … The performance is outside, and people just sit on random benches around the performers and watch. I can’t find a bench to sit on, so I just randomly walk around.

      Anyway, the play turns out to be like, the Ember Island Players basically. So, it’s really bad. There’s one girl in the play who just wanders off to the side and starts laughing because she realizes the play is really bad. And then her father, who is also in the play, starts yelling at her for ruining everything. But, then the play just continues.

      There’s a large group of people sitting on one bench, but then they all get up and leave. So I’m like, “Oh goody! A free bench!” So I rush over to it. But then I feel guilty about stealing the bench in case those people come back, so I just sit on the arm of the bench or something so I’m not really taking it. Some other girl comes over and sits down on the bench. And she and some other girl argue about who gets to sit on the bench … But, I’m not really paying attention.

      I also just stop paying attention to the play and start reading some book that I have with me. The book has a lot of illustrations … or maybe it’s a graphic novel or manga or something. I don’t recall what was in it, really.

      Eventually I leave and go back to my room in the house, and check my computer again and go on Tumblr. I see that people are posting all these clips from the new “Korra” episode. And I’m like, “AAH SPOILERS.” There appear to be like … pirates in it, or something. I decide I’m going to look up the episode later.

      My sisters tell me that we’re all going bowling at some apparently awesome bowling alley. But, the dream ends before we actually go there. Too bad.

      DREAM #2

      … Or this could be a part of the same dream? I’m not entirely sure.

      I’m at home. And, my parents decide I’m going to go back to college right away, even though I haven’t packed or anything yet. So, I try to start packing but I can’t find everything I need. So I’m just like, shoving random things in the car.

      I find some books that I’m going to pack … and then some weird thing happens, like I have a memory within the dream of buying those books. It was at some small bookstore, and I remember picking out books, and then shoving ones I didn’t want under a table or something, and feeling guilty about it … I don’t really know.

      Anyway, so there’s this closet where I’ve been storing a lot of my dorm room stuff over the summer (in real life), so in the dream I go looking for it. But I find that someone has moved a big dresser in front of it or something, so I can’t get it open.

      I start kind of panicking and realizing I don’t have time to pack everything. I go outside where my parents are waiting for me. Except, my mom looks like one of my great aunts and not like my mom, which is weird. But anyway, I start explaining to them that I don’t have time to pack everything, and that if I went now I’d just be alone on campus for like a week anyway.

      At first, they don’t seem to care. But then they finally say I don’t have to go back yet. But they still want to drive to campus just to look at the pretty autumn scenery or whatever.
    6. Mon. Aug. 27

      by , 08-27-2012 at 06:22 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      A bunch of my buds and I decided to go to the airport together. We've been delayed in various ways, so I'm relieved when one guy finally gets back with our boarding passes so we can head to our respective gates. I start speedwalking along a hallway. There's a stranger about to cut me off going around a corner (I'm squeezed between him and the wall), so I try to dart past him. The only trouble is, someone else tries to do the same on his other side, so we all end up crashing into each other and making a really awkward scene. I hurriedly apologize and start lecturing everyone about what a bad decision we both made there. The other guy apologizes also (as much to me as to the stranger, it seems), and I recognize him as a high school friend. But I'm desperate to vacate the scene, so I dash away again without saying hi. I feel bad about it, since I never got a chance to talk with him over summer break, either.

      As I walk through more hallways, I see a girl a bit younger than me trying out a kind of play microphone. From what I hear as I pass by, it changes your voice so you sound like a robotic alien.

      I reach a green tile ramp set into the middle of the floor; it's about twenty feet wide. I set down my things beside me and happily slide down it. There are lots of twists and turns, forking paths, and side hallways. I start to feel a bit confused about the layout of the airport. Once, I shoot off the end of a flat section and gravity doesn't work too quickly, so I crash lightly into a vertical wall a few feet farther forward. I'm frustrated that the ramp didn't work properly, but I'm not injured or anything. I continue going down. A girl comes sliding out of a side hallway, and I recognize her as a housemate right before we crash into each other. We both laugh about it. Behind me, I hear some people from the group I arrived with. They're talking about how it's later than they thought it was, and they were supposed to be at their gate quite a while ago. Upon hearing this, I realize that I'm not even sure what gate I'm supposed to be going to.

      Well, that kind of takes the fun out of sliding. I get off the slide and fish my crumpled boarding pass out of my pocket. It's the smaller part, the stub that ushers usually take when you go into the theater. I hope I still have the other part. But whatever, gate information should be on this part as well. When I look for the gate, I'm horrified to see that the terminal is specified not with one but with FOUR letters, which seem to follow a complicated pattern of upper and lower case. This airport is far more confusing than I feared. I have no idea where that terminal is, much less how to get there. I'm probably going to miss my flight.

      Uncomfortable Music

      There's a concert coming up, and I still need to practice the music. I pull it out and start working, but it's the most uncomfortable music I've ever played. I feel like I'm engaged in spiritual battle with some demonic entity, and the music is feeding it, making it stronger. I decide to stop practicing before the music kills me.

      But now it's concert time, and I still haven't practiced. This is one of those orchestras where you only get a couple rehearsals and you only get the one concert, so if I don't do a good job on this concert, I may as well not be in the orchestra at all. So while we're all sitting on stage warming up, I try to get in a bit more practice. Realistically, though, it's too little too late.

      Climbing Rock

      One of the main attractions in this building is its indoor climbing rock. Its surface is rough but its shape is roughly ellipsoid, and its dimensions in meters are about 15 by 20 on the base, and 3 high. It's granite, or anyway some kind of gray stone. The sides are a bit steep, so the attraction is that it's challenging to get on and off of it, but once you're on top you can run around and play games with the other victors.

      I finally reach the front of the line, and I reach the top without incident. I don't have anything to do up there, though, so I just walk across to the other corner and try to find my way down. Turns out this side is much steeper than I expected. As I'm clinging to the rock, a building employee walks over and sticks something on my arm. I can't pick it up since I need my arms to hang on, so I use my forehead to try and press the thing more firmly to my arm. I'll look at it later. Anyway, I fiddle and shift around for a few minutes without making much downward progress, but then I notice that some "rungs" have been cut into this side of the rock a few feet to my right: rectangular gouges about two inches deep, spaced like the rungs of a ladder. I use them to get down, but then I start feeling like I cheated, and I start wondering whose idea it was to put rungs on the climbing rock, anyway. I see my old math TA standing nearby, so I ask him if there's a more legit way to climb down the rock in the place I had been trying to do it. He doesn't know, but during the course of the conversation I become convinced that for the sake of my own self-worth, I need to go back onto the climbing rock and try again.

      The rungs on the rock go all the way down to a hallway below the floor on which the climbing rock is located. I'm not allowed to go back up the rungs, so I'll have to find some other way to the floor above. There doesn't seem to be an elevator in sight, and I begin to wonder whether this building is designed to make it difficult to get back to that floor.

      I wander around for quite some time. In the process, I come across a darkened room with a bunch of merry-go-rounds or bumper cars or something spinning all over the place on the floor. I need to cross the room, but it'll be hard to do that without getting my shins severely bruised. Seriously, who thought this room was a good idea? I do some desperate dives and jumps and hops, and somehow I make it.

      At another time, I see something in the wall that looks like an elevator button, and I press it without thinking. A second later, though, I see that the windows in the sliding doors on this wall are showing me an underground tunnel, not an elevator shaft. This button must call a subway train. Horizontal transport rather than vertical. Sure enough, a train soon comes roaring up to the station. Ha ha, very funny, building designer.

      Finally I find some hallways populated by people, and I even recognize some of them. They're students from my university. I'm surprised to note that a lot of the girls look quite attractive. Isn't my school one of those where you're supposed to need a special pair of goggles for this kind of thing? Maybe that's not true! That would be cool. Anyway, I go into a room where some acquaintances of mine are having a baking party.

      Road Rage

      I accidentally drop a rubber duck behind a movie screen playing Finding Nemo. Damn it. I'm going to have to tow it out with my car. I get in and start zooming down the highway, swerving haphazardly between other cars and going just about as fast as my car can manage. Once, I start passing a car just as it starts passing the car in front of it. Meanwhile there's yet another car in the far left lane, so for a few seconds there are four of us cars driving side-by-side in a three-lane highway. I don't care. I'm angry. Eventually I decide it's time to turn around, so I pull one of those parking-brake 180s and shift gears without putting in the clutch. For a while I dodge traffic going in the opposite direction until I find myself on the right side of the highway, halfway between two lanes and tailgating both cars in front of me. One of them suddenly brakes, and I almost crash into it. That was a bit too close for my liking, so I try to give them a bit more space. But there are cars everywhere and I'm still trying to get things under control when I look up and there's a white screen with the word "Nemo" right in front of me and I swerve just enough to crash into the screen broadside, and the car comes to a halt. The rubber duck falls out, rolls behind the movie screen, and this time rolls all the way under the refrigerator as well. Damn it, now I'm never going to get it out!

      Party at Alex Day's

      Tonight is an orchestra rehearsal. It's the first one, but it might as well be the dress rehearsal, since we only get a couple of rehearsals before the concert. I decide I should wear concert attire, just to get used to it. I'm running late, so I resent the few minutes it takes to turn on my laptop and check my email to find the one where the conductor tells us what concert attire will be. By the time I'm dressed and outside, it's five minutes to seven. I can't remember whether rehearsal is scheduled for six or for seven, but in either case, I'm going to be late. I decide to go anyway, because even half a rehearsal is better than none when you only get two in the first place.

      Unfortunately, there's some car trouble. It takes a few minutes to work out, and then Dad and some of his friends give the car (in neutral) a push down the road. I start running down the road after it, trying to reach it before the road curves and the car crashes into the fence. I barely get there in time, diving into the car to cheers from the group still standing around my driveway. I dove too far, ending up in the passenger seat, so I climb back over to the driver side. I stick in the key and twist it, the engine comes on, and I turn the steering wheel. As I drive out of the neighborhood, I try to think of what else I need to do in order to get the car under control. Maybe I should turn on the radio?

      Later, I'm walking. I decide to take a shortcut through some buildings. It's a more direct route, but I'm not sure if there actually is a path all the way through. I go up some stairs, down some stairs, and through some arches. The buildings are made out of butterscotch-colored stucco (or plaster or something; I'm not sure what it's called). Suddenly I see an arch that opens onto an apartment full of people, including Alex Day and my sister! Alex invites me in, and we start talking. There's a really fun atmosphere at this party; I'm impressed. I wonder if Alex and my sister are dating. Just for fun, sometimes I answer Alex's or my sister's questions in Spanish. He invites me to stay, but I insist that I must be going: I've got places to be and work to do. My sister explains that Alex feels threatened by my productivity as a musician. Hmmm. Interesting.

      I ask Alex if he knows any way though the buildings so I can finish my shortcut. He doesn't, but he tells me I should ask Kim (Nieuwenhuis). "Her apartment's just upstairs," he says. "I spent a couple of days up there a while ago. It's one of the happiest places I've ever been." Well then. I guess I should go up there.

      Just then, a group of girls run past in the hallway outside. They're laughing and running upstairs, and I think I recognize Kim among them. "Kim!" I call, hurrying to the doorway. But either it wasn't her, or she didn't hear me. No one turns around.

      In any case, I think I remember this place. I think I've been here before. If memory serves, I should be able to go down this hall and around a corner and--yes! I'm outside! It should be easy to get to the concert hall from here. But then I realize that I've left my viola in Alex's apartment, so I have to go back for that. Somehow I start watching a new video of his that's based on a pun on his name: Alex Day vs. Alex Night, or something. There's a bouncing ball that turns into a bounding dog that turns into two smaller balls that Alex throws that turn into one bigger bouncing ball again, and so forth.

      • Watching an online advertisement for a cosmetic skin product
      • Posting on the DV forums. I was glad when I realized I was doing this, because that meant I was actually participating in the forums beyond just my introduction thread.
    7. A Machete to The Thumb, And Various Odd Happenings In My Room

      by , 08-27-2012 at 04:08 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was somewhere with my mom. We were inside, and I remember the colors being bright tones of purple, blue, and there was some darker red in there. She was showing me how to cut things with a machete. I don't like knives or things like that, it's kind of an irrational fear I posses in waking life, and apparently in my dreams too. I wasn't really too scared though, more just worried that she would slip up and hurt me. I kept thinking that a machete blade was so sharp, it would slice at the slightest contact.

      My mom was showing me some way to cut where you threw it in the air and it would come back down. When she did that, it grazed my left thumb. It didn't hurt, and I looked at my thumb and didn't notice anything immediately weird, but then I saw a slight line that went all around the pad of my thumb. I told my mom I needed to go to the hospital right away. I touched the cut part of my thumb, and it was barely attached. It then started to ooze some blood out the sides of the cut. Then I noticed the pain. I held the piece of my thumb to the rest of it, worried it would fall off and I wouldn't be able to save it. I knew there was a time limit on reattaching digits and limbs, and I wasn't about to let that piece of my thumb go.

      We were then at the hospital, which had the same color scheme as wherever we were before, and we went up to the counter. I was holding my thumb, and telling the ER nurse that we needed to get in quick. I hoped she thought it was enough of an emergency to send us back right away.

      Thankfully, she did. We were sent back, and my mom told me that they would put this clear gel stuff around the cut that would "dissolve part of the nerve". I thought they were going to kill my thumb, but I think it was designed to seal the wound quickly, kinda like a heavy-duty liquid band-aid.

      I sat down, and a man with messy brown hair that was a bit shorter than mine and a mustache sat across from me and started to doctor my thumb. I couldn't watch as he lined the cut with the gel. My mom was sitting to my right getting the same thing done by a woman doctor I think. She didn't have a cut though, so I wasn't sure why she was doing it. Oh well.

      When the doctors were done, we got up. My mom showed me the veins in her wrist, and how the medicine was causing some of them to look a white-ish clear color. I then put my wrist out and noticed the same thing. Apparently, that was a normal reaction to the medicine.

      I looked at my thumb, and it looked like it was healing well enough. No blood, and I could barely see the cut anymore. Then, I saw my cat underneath a kitchen table and some chairs, and she was messing with something that apparently was supposed to be my thumb, but looked nothing like it. It was this small white thing, maybe it was the cat's paw or something. At any rate, part of it came off, and some string thing extended from it, like that's what was holding it together. I then saw that the pad of my thumb has fallen off, leaving an indention where it had been before. Well crap, that sucks. I accepted it, however, since there really wasn't anything else I could do about it. I examined the thumb, and it looked like someone had just scooped a bit from the middle. It still had the lines and creases of a fingerprint. I felt alright about it, I knew it was something I just had to get used to.


      I was in my room, and my mom came in and started to look through my stuff since the people painting our house had to do something in my room (IWL we are having the house painted). I went into my closet and watched her do it, hoping she wouldn't get into my top dresser drawer where my pipe was. She then headed over there and asked something about the dresser. My POV then switched to me being behind the dresser. She started to open the drawer, and I ran out and shut it, saying
      "You don't want to look in there. Please don't look in there."
      She didn't argue or anything, she just opened another drawer instead.

      Then, I remember walking out of Peck Hall, a building at my old college, and I was with some other people, my friend JT being one of them. He had his arm around me. In front of me, I saw the back of a girl in a cute black sun dress with grayish flowers on it. She was wearing a headband in her straight blonde hair. It looked just like my good friend Kacey, whom in waking life moved away to another town last year. I asked JT if it was Kacey, and he said no. I knew it couldn't have been anyway. We kept walking.


      I remember a brief fragment about Gabriel texting me saying he was busy or something.


      I was in my room again, looking at some painting that The Sandman apparently did, of an Indian girl getting fucked by a white dude on my bed by the closet...I could hear him explaining it to me. It wasn't his original plan to paint that, he had just started to paint a hand on the closet door, and he was inspired to paint two people fucking. Lolwut.

      Then, there was some weird black contraption in my room. It was a dolly that the painters were using to carry packages or heavy loads, but at first I thought it was a weird sex toy. I touched something that protruded from the center, which I assumed was used for, well, sexual purposes. Hmm...interesting. I then saw the wheels and realized what it really was.

      I then saw this guy laying on the floor next to this girl I had some classes with in waking life named Natalie. At least I think it was her. Anyway, she was giving this guy shot after shot in the leg, right where it bends, a little below the side of the knee. They were supposed to be steroid shots or something. Natalie was giving the shots like a professional nurse would. They were talking as she gave him the shots. I said something about my mom getting steroid shots in her shoulders for her pain. He would occasionally say it hurt, but they would keep talking.

      She finally finished giving him shots. I have no idea how many he gave her; it was quite a few. I saw the part of his leg that was getting the shots was slightly swollen in the spots the needles had gone in.

      I finally got to sleep last night after struggling for hours to do so. I take ambien to sleep now, and I guess I've built up a tolerance, or this batch just sucks. Either way, it's not helping me sleep right now. I had to take an allergy pill to even have any hope I would fall asleep, which I obviously finally did after sitting up half the night watching documentaries on Netflix. Hoping that a visit to the doctor will straighten out the sleeping meds problem. I do eventually need to get off the Ambien, and I will once my life slows down a bit.

      Updated 08-27-2012 at 04:37 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Sat. Aug. 25

      by , 08-25-2012 at 06:33 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      A large group of students slowly makes its way across campus, myself among them. I wish we were moving faster, but my heavy backpack makes it difficult for me to pass anyone. Fortunately, when we reach the courtyard outside of our destination building, a lot of the group stops to socialize--they're not actually committed enough to go all the way up to the destination room. I'm able to pull in front and lead the dozen or so of us who are left.

      As we start ascending the stairs, I realize that I don't remember which floor we're going to. It's been a while since this group last met, you see. I ask the people behind me, but they don't remember, either. On a landing halfway between the fourth and fifth floors, the stairs stop, and we'll have to ascend the rest of the way on a tight-rope, with just one other rope at about chest height to hold onto. Then I remember that our floor is the first possible floor above this point. But it's not the fifth floor, because there's a message printed along the bottom of the wall up there that says something like "This is a false door." So we won't be able to go through that one. That means we have a floor and a half of tight-rope walking to do, which is a bit scary but not impossible.

      I head out onto the rope, and the group follows me. Halfway to the fifth floor, the girl behind me slips, screams, and throws her arms around me from behind to catch onto the rope in front of me. Her feet are dangling in midair. I just try to hold on as solidly as possible so she can depend upon me for support. She sounds very scared, so I also try to reassure her that it's not very far to the sixth floor, and I start to walk her through getting her feet back under herself. She gets her feet back on the rope, but she needs to get her hands back behind me as well in order for us to advance. I tell her to do it one arm at a time, but it turns out that we're actually holding onto a vertical rope which I'll first need to move behind my own body. So I have to do some balancing of my own, but eventually we manage it and continue on up.

      Starting at the fifth floor, there's a four-inch-wide strip of wood running along the walls that we can use to stand on, rather than standing on the tight-rope. It's much easier that way, and without further incident, we arrive in the room on the sixth floor. A couple of old women are waiting for us inside.

      Orange Soda

      When I open my locker at the gym, I'm surprised to find it stuffed full of soda pop and food. I remember I left that stuff in there a while ago, and since this is only about the second time I've used my gym locker this term, I guess I haven't had time to remove it yet, or even had a chance to remember that it was there. In any case, it's time to start taking this stuff home. My backpack can't fit it all at once, so this will take at least three visits: one for the orange soda, one for the root beer, and one for all the food. In addition to the orange soda, this time I also pack my dream journal. I'm a bit confused that it's there--I've been using it recently, haven't I?--until I remember that I've been carting it back and forth daily using my gym bag. It's high time I took it home permanently.

      Suddenly I look around to discover that all of the lights are off. I've been here so long that by now it's after hours and all of the employees are gone. Part of me thinks that this is cool, but another part wonders if an axe murderer hasn't also sneaked in after hours to kill me on my way out the door.

      I make it back to my house and announce to Mom that I've brought home a lot of orange soda. We both sit around the coffee table and I start taking it out. The first one I remove is open and half empty. "I forgot some of them were open!" I say. I really hope I haven't spilled soda all over my school things. "I guess all of them were open," I observe, as I take out the rest of the cans. There are several wet spots on my binder from spilled soda, but none larger than a dime.

      Under Construction

      Taking a shortcut through the math department, I see a giant pile of dirt in one of the hallways. Apparently part of the building is under construction. I follow Prof. S up and down a short staircase that goes around the dirt. Prof. S walks into a classroom. I'm curious what he's doing this late in the evening, so I peek in the windows. It looks like there are a lot of professors and older students in the room--must be some kind of advanced seminar. I decide it's time to get moving again.
    9. Lightning Storm and Back-to-School Madness

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:30 PM
      Two dreams from last night ... Both of them pretty long, neither of them lucid. But they were pretty memorable and detailed, at least.

      DREAM #1

      Time: 1:05

      I'm with my family. We're staying at a huge house in Cape Cod with really large windows. In part of the dream I have to sleep somewhere weird like on a chair in the kitchen. I wake up there and think it's the middle of the night, but then my mom is in the kitchen and tells me it's 7 AM. Everyone else in the family is in the living room, which is joined with the kitchen, watching TV.

      Then there's a huge lightning storm outside. I stand next to Milo (my little brother), and we watch the storm. We can see the ocean from our house, and it's getting closer and closer. Waves start coming in under the door, and Milo starts screaming and freaking out. I keep yelling at him to calm down, but then I'm secretly worried that the house is going to collapse.

      So we all run around the house for a while, admiring all the beautiful lightning outside, and stuff.

      After the storm is over, my mom is telling us about how there's going to be a photography competition for people who took pictures during the storm. My sisters and I plan to go to the awards ceremony for this contest, because apparently there are going to be cute teenage boy photographers there or something.

      I'm sitting on top of a large bouncy ball during this conversation. The ball has a map of the world on it, drawn in blue and white.

      My dad walks in and hands me a really beat-up envelope with green Crayon drawings on it that I assume were drawn by Teddy (my other little brother). Inside is a letter telling me I got into Ithaca College. For some reason everyone in my family seems to find it hilarious. It's either because the letter is old or because it got sent really late, after I've already been through a year of college. Don't know. Anyway, I feel disappointed because I thought the letter would be something more important.

      Side note: my sister woke me up from this dream asking if I was okay...apparently I was moving around a lot during the last 30 seconds of the dream or so, and she thought something was wrong with me. Ah haha.

      DREAM #2

      Time: ~7:30

      I return to Hampshire (where I go to college). When I get there, none of my friends are living in the same hallway as me like they’re supposed to. So, everyone else is a complete stranger.

      I go into one girl’s room. I sit on her bed with her. She has really curly brown hair. She asks me what I’ve been doing lately, and I tell her I’ve been doing a lot of writing and drawing.

      No one else in our hallway is there, because apparently they’re all on “Project Runway” and are off designing clothes all day, and don’t come home until late at night.

      The curly-haired girl and I decide to go to some party or something that’s going on. It’s this outdoor event where everybody is sitting at round, black tables on some kind of patio or something. There’s a guy giving a speech, and everyone gives me and the curly-haired girl mean looks because we walked in on the middle of the guy’s speech.

      The girl and I sit down at a table. The guy giving the speech says that there should be a bowl of fruit at the center of our table, but the bowl on our table is empty. When I look around, I see that all the other tables have huge bowls of blueberries and strawberries on them. The curly-haired girl is very upset that we don’t have any fruit.

      After that, I go to talk to my mom and Fiona (my sister) who are apparently also there. They’re standing next to this pile of what looks like Spanish rice, with tiny mussels in it. It looks really nasty, but my mom says we have to eat some of it. I pick up a handful and eat it, and discover that the mussels just kind of taste like black beans or something, so it actually tastes quite good. So, I keep eating the stuff. For some reason, as I’m eating I think about a time someone apparently told me that you could survive if you only ate three grapes a day––which I’m pretty sure is not true, but in the dream I’m like, “That’s such a fascinating fact!” Fiona is still reluctant to eat the rice, but she eats some of it anyway.

      I decide I’m going to go make a sandwich, because apparently there are sandwich-making materials around. I have difficulty finding two pieces of bread, for some reason. The bread is kind of dark … whole wheat, I guess? I put several pieces of orange-colored cheese in the sandwich––and I want to find some turkey, but I can’t find any.

      I find a row of fruit, and I’m excited because I decide I really want some fruit. There’s a different set of tongs for each kind of fruit. I want strawberries, but the strawberries don’t seem to have their own set of tongs––so I use the ones that are supposed to be for cheese. Some lady––who looks like my 11th-grade Chemistry teacher––comes up to me and starts yelling at me, saying I’ve made the strawberries taste like cheese or something. I also feel guilty because I realize that, if someone was allergic to strawberries, they can’t eat any cheese now.

      I go to look for some coffee, and I find that there aren’t many coffee cups left. There’s this hippy-ish guy with a long, pale beard cleaning out all the coffee mugs in a sink, but he’s not doing a very careful job. He’s just kind of carelessly rinsing them out and putting them on the counter. I pick up a mug that he just rinsed out, and it still looks dirty. But the other mugs left are weirdly-shaped and I don’t want to use them.

      And uh, that’s all I can remember.
    10. Sun. Aug. 19

      by , 08-19-2012 at 08:34 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      [I must have woken up after just about every REM cycle last night. Not sure how I pulled that one off.]


      Some of my cousins arrive for a function my family is hosting. They brought cupcakes--chocolate and one other flavor. They ask which flavor I prefer, because somehow the arrangement of cupcakes in the baking tin will reflect the seating chart for the event. I reply, "Probably chocolate."

      I've agreed to contribute to the evening's entertainment by playing a short (two page) piano solo by Gershwin. I know I haven't played piano in ages, but everything on those two pages looked sightreadable when I glanced over it a while ago. However, when Dad discovers my plan, inexplicably he freaks out. I guess he's really concerned that I'll embarrass myself in front of the relatives. It's annoying, though. In fact, Dad's been annoying me a lot lately. For instance, he's recently gotten it into his head that he should learn to play piano himself, and he expects me to sit down with him to prepare piano duets. That does not sound like fun at all.

      The previous group finishes performing, and now it's my turn. I figure the crowd is busy socializing, and they won't mind if I take a minute to look at some of the tougher chords. But to my horror, I open the music and discover a third page. What I thought was the end of the music is just a thin double bar! The third page isn't unplayable, but it has a lot of fast arpeggios over several octaves which will be very, very difficult to sightread. I probably should have taken a closer look at this. I start to feel uncomfortable about the amount of time I've delayed, now; the audience is probably getting impatient.

      John Green the Sponsor

      I've just finished TAing for today for a two-week class for math teachers in primary education. I and the teacher for the class spend a few moments calculating in percentages how close we are to finishing the class. It's towards the end of the second week.

      It's dark outside as I walk through the quadrangles on my way home. On the way, I pass someone who looks exactly like John Green! I didn't know he was in Chicago! But I pass him without getting the courage to ask for an autograph. Mere steps later I consider turning around to chase after him, but I don't.

      Inside a building, I run into one of my students from a previous summer math program. We talk for a bit, but we both have to be getting somewhere, so he leads the way out of the building. The building's door is rather heavy, and I feel bad that he tries to hold it for me. The pathway outside is narrow. I follow it into a smallish quad that's packed with people. I learn that it's called "Jones Quad," and it's a popular after-hours gathering place for students. I also know that I've been this way before. A girl from my house waves at me from inside a pack of her friends. I wave back--rather saucily, to my own surprise (namely, by lifting my left hand and repeatedly bending and unbending the last two knuckles of each finger simultaneously). Someone else waves at me, but I don't recognize her, and she makes a disappointed grimace. I run into someone else from my house and we remark upon how many housemates seem to be on campus tonight, despite the fact that it's the middle of summer.

      It occurs to me that the John Green I saw might just have been a very close look-alike to the famed vlogbrother. I decide that I should go find him again and look more closely. As I wander around, something weird happens with the lights and the music in the building, and I guess that must mean it's about to close down for the night. No one seems in a hurry to leave, though. When I come back a few minutes later, everyone's still there, though they leave soon thereafter.

      Back outside, I walk around a street corner and see a pizza place across the street. On a screen above the building, an advertisement plays. It's this same John Green guy. He's basically sponsoring the pizza place. I guess the pizza company must have heard about the Pizza John shirt and decided to capitalize on it. I still can't decide if the guy is actually John Green, though. It seems unlikely that he would do something so commercial.

      Locker Checkout

      It's the Saturday after finals week, and I'm trying to do my last bit of packing before going home. I've been storing some stuff in a locker on campus, so I head over to the building to pick it up. To my dismay, the building is locked. Apparently Friday was the last day to remove your belongings from this building. I spend a few minutes mentally cursing the idiot who thought that was a good idea, but then I decide I'd better try to do something about the situation. Using cleverness, I'm able to reach the first of my two lockers, which contains a fairly new car battery. I've been switching this one in and out with my car's old battery. Only, it seems like doing the swap would be a fairly complicated operation, and I can't remember ever having done it before. Oh, well. I must have known how at some point, and it's just been so long that it's slipped my mind temporarily. It'll come back, I'm sure. I put the battery in my backpack.

      Unfortunately, the second locker is definitely unreachable. I check the building's hours, and unfortunately it won't open again until long after I've left town. By that time, they'll probably have thrown out my stuff. "My stuff" includes my Tae Kwon Do uniform, so I definitely don't want this to happen. Then I suddenly notice a sign on the window proclaiming the location and hours of this department's interim office. It's open today! Until 4:00! I hurry in that direction, checking the time. It's 4:11. Just my luck. Well, maybe there will still be someone around. My mom hurries to follow me.

      I enter my target building to find a stark concrete entryway with stairs going both up and down, and hallways going in a few different directions. For a moment I'm disoriented, until I remember that the interim office is in a basement room. I go down the stairs, which twist and turn a few times before depositing me in a hallway only slightly more furnished than the original one. Along the wall to my right, dozens of cardboard boxes have been haphazardly stacked. Incredulous at my good fortune, I run down the row of boxes until I find one that's been labeled with my initials: last initial first, then first. Opening the box, I find my Tae Kwon Do uniform, along with everything else that's supposed to be there. Well, that's a relief. But I should probably talk to someone before taking it, else they'll think I stole it, and I'll be in trouble when I come back next term.

      I continue down the hallway into the interim meeting room, which is actually a concert hall. That's kind of funny, but unfortunately I don't see anyone in the room except a female custodian up on stage setting up the ghost light. I turn back and try searching the hall in the other direction. I manage to flag down a dark-haired woman just on her way out the door. She seems to know me from somewhere, and it turns out she's coincidentally the one who's been answering my questions over email about Study Abroad. She tells me she's not the one to talk to about locker checkout. Fortunately, she says that the right woman to talk to is still in her office; it's right back there in the direction I've been going.


      It's the day after finals week, but some of us are still hanging around to hang out. A girl from my high school class invites me to visit the forest with a group of friends.

      "What forest?" I ask. You'd think I'd know the forests around here by now, so I'm a bit embarrassed by my question. Oh well.

      She replies with the name of the forest, which I don't recognize. I agree to come anyway, and we head out. Soon after, we enter a restaurant on the outskirts of campus. While we eat, some housemates start planning what they're going to do to earn points for a big school competition which started today. For instance, apparently this restaurant (or the hotel it's a part of) is a sponsor for the event, so you get a points multiplier for eating here. I wonder why it was decided to hold the event after the end of Autumn Quarter, when there are so few people around. Vaguely I recall that it has to do with avoiding conflict with a big Study Abroad event happening in the middle of Spring Quarter, but that still doesn't explain why they didn't decide to do it during Winter. Oh well.

      We leave the restaurant. Most of the group is heading back to campus from here, but I take a different path, one that leads toward the forest. At some point, I'll have to cut across the grass. But the grass is actually flooded quite deeply with water. The water's clear, but due to refraction it's difficult for me to tell quite how deep it is. Would this be an okay place to wade across? Tentatively, I start lowering my foot into the water. But even by the time the water reaches the top of my knee-high waterproof boots, I still haven't touched bottom. I retract my foot.

      My friends are calling to me from across the water, telling me to go around the way they did. Yeah, their way was probably smarter. Meanwhile a boy from the group that decided to stay on campus is trying to tell me not to wade across anywhere, because it's all too deep. But I don't listen to him, and when I try the route my other friends suggested, the water's only about a foot deep.

      All three of us are in werewolf form (from Skyrim) with the silver pelt and claws of an Ancient Behemoth (from Heroes III). I splash up to them and I attempt a growl. It is rather feeble, and one of the girls giggles. I introduce myself to her, and she shakes my hand, although she points out that she thinks we've met before. "No doubt we have," I reply.

      Jumping Ahead

      My dad and I have been taking turns playing a 3-D platform game while one of my high school friends watches. The gameplay of this game is a lot like rock climbing. You have to move each arm or leg individually, trying not to put too much strain on any one of them for more than a split second. We're trying to get to the top of an outcrop that has a sort of half-enclosed tunnel zigzagging up its vertical face. There's this one tricky spot where you have to jump over a gap, but one of the most attractive handholds actually attaches to a section of rock that swings down on a hinge. It can really upset your balance if you're not careful. Also, in order to get enough height, you need this section of rock to stay in its upright position.

      I try it for a while without much luck, then hand it over to Dad. My friend points out that we don't actually have to go up this way; there's an easier place to ascend a little bit farther along this switchback. But I'm kind of stubborn, and I'd just like to prove that it can be done this way, even if it's not what the game's designers intended. Unfortunately, it proves to be a bit too much for Dad, and he falls off the edge to his (cartoon-style) death. That means we have to start over from the beginning of the level, which is frustrating, because I really thought I would get past that section on my next try.

      But Dad's bored of this level, so he jumps way ahead in the game to the last level he did on his own. That's his style: don't bother with continuity; as long as you finish all the levels eventually, you're golden. Oh, well. The level selection screen is itself a 3-D environment, and the levels are yellow dots lined up in a path laid out along the ground. He realizes that he needs to buy a new "computer," since he lost the old one when he fell. When he does, the dots change to yellow rings, rather than filled circles. Also, two new "assistants" run in from the side of the screen, get a powerup of some kind from his character, then run off again.

      He selects the level he wants. A bunch of enemies start running at him from all sides, so he starts beating them up using combos. Somehow he discovers a new combo--something like "knee in the face, punch, power kick"--which sends the unfortunate recipient flying backwards for about fifty meters. He encourages me to try it, but I have trouble until I realize that I'm doing a regular kick. For a power kick you need to hold down R1 at the same time. I feel a bit overwhelmed, but it's kind of fun once you figure it out. The animation's also cool because my character looks like a Star Wars bounty hunter.

      Later, we're part of a larger party in the middle of a battle, trying to help the weaker members level up. This involves passing around 5-foot playing cards from character to character, which we all hug to our sides using our arms. The cards also double as protection from enemy characters, so there's some strategy involved in how you distribute your cards. Unfortunately, I'm running low on cards right now, and a thickset, bald thug is advancing on me in a rather intimidating manner.

      • dictating to my dream diary in Spanish
      • other various false-awakening-dream-journal-writing
    11. Back to school (and weirdly excited).

      by , 08-14-2012 at 04:29 AM
      Back in high school.

      All was the same as it is now -- I'm twenty, I'm a high school graduate, and I'm unemployed, so going back to school seemed like a good idea somehow. My first class, I'm not sure what the class even was, but I opened up my textbook and it was full of Kpop artists. I remember scanning the pages and found pictures of all but one member of 2NE1 (Dara). Whatever assignment we were supposed to be doing, I didn't hear the instructions over, so I just flipped through the textbook and read for my own pleasure. Not super important, but there was a mention of Clint Eastwood in that textbook that featured mostly Kpop stars, so yeah, that's interesting.

      After that class, I carried my purse, my bookbag, and one textbook out with me. As I was walking through the halls, I saw a girl with whom I'm no longer friends in reality, but was close friends with since I was in sixth grade and during high school. I tried my best to ignore her, pretend to be looking off in another direction and not notice her crossing my path. I happened to drop my textbook by accident, which happened to be a good distraction. To my next class, I found some people I knew, people I went to school with who were graduates like me, and I asked them, "Why are we here when we've already graduated? How is being here going to benefit us any?" I don't remember their answers, but I believe it was supposed to make finding work easier somehow.

      In my next class, which took place in the school library, there were several people, most of which were not yet graduates. I noticed the tables at which we were sitting (or at least mine) was either too tall or the chair was too short, so the surface came up to my chest and it was too high for me to write comfortably. The teacher was kind of a dick and wouldn't shut the hell up about how texting isn't allowed in class and a bunch of other stuff to which I wasn't listening. He then asked that if anyone had any questions, they write them down on a sheet of paper to be turned in to him. As I was writing my question, again, "How is attending high school for another year going to benefit those of us who have already graduated?" he read it over my shoulder, and seemed so thrilled. "You've already graduated?!" to which a fellow real-life graduate of mine raised her hand and said, "Yeah, me, too!" He said, "Well, okay, we've got some special jobs for you girls then," but didn't really get to telling us what they were.

      Here's where it gets... more weird. I'm not sure, but I think I might have been walking home. I was walking through a familiar field of trees that, in reality, exists right out front of my elementary school, just across the street from my apartment. As I was walking, there was a large dinosaur in my path, and some younger students were in danger of him, so I had to fight him off (I think I had a whip or some other type of melee weapon). I had some help fighting him, but I can't remember from whom. Either small wild dogs, or small tame dinosaurs. After fighting him to the death and receiving thanks for saving those kids, I continued on my way. I sat at the edge of the road outside that field, I think waiting for someone to pick me up, and the girl I mentioned in the first portion of the dream, the one who, in reality, was my best friend and no longer is, she came down to sit next to me. We were talking and became friends again, but we were still discussing, "Why are we here? You and I are twenty and have already graduated, so why are we here? Isn't it weird?" Of course, again, I didn't really find an answer.

      The rest of the dream is either really fuzzy or it made so little sense that trying to type out the events will seem counterproductive, but I'll sum it up by saying:
      - I got in a cab, there was a fellow student in the front seat and I sat in the back.
      - He had a huge crush on me, I guess because I was already a graduate, I was older than most kids there, and I seemed smart because of it.
      - He tried convincing me he was also a graduate there and he was twenty-five, but I didn't believe him.
      - Through some transition I can't remember or explain, I was no longer in the cab, but I was home, trying to make strawberry smoothies.
      - I heard some kind of alarm coming from another apartment that I had never heard before, and it sounded serious. My sister went to check it out, and when she didn't come back, I went to check it out.
      - I think the alarm was because a storm was coming or something, but my Mom's cat had followed me outside and found his way in a neighbor's apartment, so I spent the last bit of the dream trying to get him out without alerting my neighbor to the fact that I was intruding.

      And then my boyfriend woke me up, so that's where my dream ends. I feel like I should note that, unlike most dreams where someone goes back to high school or to an old job, this one wasn't stressful at all. I was confused as to why I was there, but I was actually really, really excited that I might be able to so easily further my education, and that everything I would be tested over would be stuff I already knew. It was just going to be so easy, and I was really looking forward to it. I'm wondering whether it relates to my recent consideration of going to beauty school. Anyway, the constant questioning of "But why am I here?" might have been a split second of lucidity, and then something followed every time and distracted me from my questions (though obviously not permanently).
    12. Mon. Aug. 13

      by , 08-13-2012 at 05:41 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Atomic Scale

      I'm playing a game similar to Heroes III, except sometimes when you hover over certain places on the map, it will tell you that there's progress in the story to be found if you visit that location. I notice I've almost missed one of these, so I go back and visit it. To my surprise, a new area starts loading (like in Skyrim). Once we're inside, the game is in real-time 3D rendering and I'm traveling with a party (like in Baldur's Gate). We're inside. A male voice echoes through the stone rooms, telling us that for our next test, we have been shrunken down to the atomic level, and we must investigate the experiments happening here. It points out a small, cartoonish worm in a hat over by one corner, which is somehow responsible for the orderly functioning of the universe.

      The voice also points out an object on the wall, and warns it not to touch it--but we already have. The voice explains that if we do (which we have), water will start attacking a specific member of my party (which it does), trying to cause him to slip into one of the bottomless pits scattered here and there around the building. Certainly, the water makes things difficult for us as we try to make our way down the hallway. I consider re-loading the game, now that I know better than to touch that object. However, in the spirit of role-playing, I decide to try to tough it out. There are other people down here with us, carrying out experiments in side rooms off of the main hallway. I'm not sure whether or not the game is trying to teach us about real-life science.

      College Ceremonies

      All the students in my year and my house at my school are gathered in a room for a traditional ceremony. Everyone starts by sitting down in desks, but gradually we get up to start dancing at the front of the room. Some people are too embarrassed to join in. Eventually the RHs try to command them to join, but that doesn't really work and it just makes things more awkward. So instead these students are told to get down on all fours and stick their heads inside of a half-scale cardboard model of a car, and start making "moo" noises. That seems ridiculously humiliating to me--hopefully it will make more sense in the context of the larger ceremony. But still, I think certain events have been done out of order. (The female RH seems to agree with me; she looks very uncomfortable right now.) Meanwhile the rest of us (myself included) are given pink roses. We're supposed to crowd around this car as well, so they can take a picture.

      Somehow I get confused and lost. I end up in an outer hallway, alone. It takes me a bit to find my way back to the original room, since there are some big windows between rooms that make it unclear where the actual doors are. Once I'm back, I spot a friend sitting at a table, but everyone from my year is gone.

      "Are you . . . privy to the plans of the RHs?" I ask her, hesitantly.

      She says yes, so I ask her what I'm supposed to be doing right now. She says something about ceremonially dropping the petals of the rose, and suddenly I'm overwhelmed by the symbolism of it all. Without a word, I walk straight back into the hallway, and sit in fetal position, leaning against the left wall. People I don't know are walking past me, but I don't care. After a few moments, I hear my friend come out and sit down next to me. I feel a bit ashamed to realize that that's exactly what I wanted to happen. She asks what's wrong, and I start moaning about not knowing the point of this ceremony or of life in general. I know I should try to be more mature, but I guess I just hope she'll solve all my problems for me. But no, she refuses to be cast in that role. Without a word, she gets up and walks back into the room. I notice that she somehow walks through one of those glass windows that confused me so much before. I walk up to the window and test it for myself. It turns out there's not a window there at all. Weird.

      Mock Warm-Up

      I'm warming up with an athletics club. The instructor is leading us in dynamic exercises back and forth across a stretch of lawn outside. He asks us now to go the entire distance in just two one-legged hops. Bit of an absurd request, but we do it anyway, no problem. Somehow this particular stretch is a parody of a recent Olympic sprinter who thinks a bit too much about himself. We laugh. Later, we're given a rather complicated series of exercises that we're supposed to repeat for a while on our own count, though we're still supposed to stay together as a group. Somehow I notice that I've gotten ahead of one of the two other guys still exercising, so I wait with the third guy while the second catches up. This exercise will be more impressive if we do it together.
    13. Waterslide College, Island Fun

      by , 08-09-2012 at 02:49 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Waterslide College (Non-lucid)


      I remember coming to visit some kind of dorm. They were having a party in there. I was with Sam and my friend Julia. Once we walked in, I saw the entrance to a waterslide on the other side of the room. Well it wasn't really an entrance, it was an exit.

      There were a lot of people in here having fun. I remember seeing a weird creepy guy (the guy in the new Footloose that offered the main character a smoke), and he offered us some kind of yellow concoction. I remembered hearing a guy yell to him, "Hey! Be nice!"

      The dean walked through the doorway. Everyone stopped and stared. As fast as they could, they ran through the waterslide exit, into which we found that there was a secret waterslide entrance that led out of the dorm. We took it, and it was pretty cool. Once we got out, we found out that this college was full of waterslides. You traveled by water, pretty much. We walked along the water path behind the people that had the party. There was a huge "hole" in the ground, but it was actually several waterslides joined together forming the outside of the hole, and a pool of water in the middle. On the outside of this hole was a lazy river all around. Pretty cool.

      Somehow being here, I got lost from Sam and Julia. I panicked, not knowing what to do. I overheard a person of authority (probably a teacher) say that the water was getting rough in certain dorms. (Like where you saw the waterslide exit in the dorm)

      I gasped. I had to find them, they didn't know.

      I got out of the water and looked around. There were so many waterslides I couldn't find the right one that led to that specific dorm. So I ran on the street looking for that dorm. I finally found it. I ran around to the side of the building, and sure enough, the entrance for that waterslide's water was covering the hole, so you would just be swimming if you tried to slide down. I looked around for them. Sam and Julia were standing on the ledge right when you slide down. The ledge was about 3 feet below the asphalt that I was standing on.

      I grabbed Samantha's arms and pulled her up, and we did the same for Julia.

      Then the dream ended.

      Island Fun (Non-lucid)


      I remember being on some kind of tropical island that was raised up from the ground. If I looked out towards the water, all I could see was water, no land in sight. But this tropical island was pretty big. It was populated.

      I wanted to jump off of the island into the water, but I was kind of afraid to. So I took a running start. I jumped off and landed into the water from about 20 feet in the air. It was fun. I got scared for some reason, probably about the sea creatures. So I swam back to an island that was more closer to the ground, and climbed up on it. It was one of those very small circular islands like you see in cartoons. It wasn't made of sand though, the bottom of all of these islands were made of rock.

      I climbed back up using smaller islands as "stepping stones". I eventually found my way back to the top. I remember that I made a friend there. He was a talking crab/lobster (Sebastian?) who had a little human qualities about him.

      I decided to jump off again, this time grabbing my friend. He was the size of my hand. I ran towards the edge, and leaped off once more. Falling into the water, I started to swim back to the smaller island. But something weird had happened. The current around the smaller islands overlapped with the current from the sea, making a small waved wall about 2 feet high streaming continuous water. I tried to swim through it, but it kept pushing me back. I swam down the little wave wall looking for a smaller entrance, and sure enough there was a smaller one. I swam towards it. There was a palm tree right next to it, in which I could "boost" myself over the current wall. So I did, and made it! I made it back onto the small island. It was about dusk now. I realized by now that my friend was no longer in my hand. I thought about going to to find him in the water, but I was afraid I would get stuck. He was a crab, anyways.
    14. Can't remember much...

      by , 08-09-2012 at 08:02 AM
      Dream 1

      I was worried that someone might not return because I somehow managed to predict the future.

      Dream 2

      I was struggling in my chemistry class, but it was more like maths. Then one group spilled a lot of Hydrochloric acid over the floor and the teacher got really angry. Not long after, when the lesson was meant to end a few kids walked out. The teacher said they couldn't leave because they hadn't finished the work, they went off anyway.
    15. College Appointment

      by , 08-05-2012 at 07:08 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      College Appointment (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a room, and it seems to be a hotel, and not my apartment. It seems my mother and father are both in here as well...looool.

      Anyway, while I'm looking through some random papers, I think it somehow reminds me of the appointment that I can set up to switch my classes before the year starts. I think I'm going inside of a room to change or something, and my father passes by, and I tell him that I have to go somewhere to find what classes I need to change.

      I thought he would say something negative, but it seems he keeps clear and just nods. I think my mother gets worried about the funding that I'll be getting for college. I get annoyed by this quickly, and I find some small random video clip that should convince her to ease her paranoia.

      The same clip involved Elie from Rave Master, and then some random female voice declaring that college funding isn't really all that bad or something like that. I tell my mother to listen to that video clip when she can, and she leaves.

      I noticed the carpet is red, and there are two beds as well, and the walls are white as well.

      This is the part below I'm confused on whether or not it belongs in this dream plot.

      It automatically changes to night time, and I'm riding my bicycle along the bicycle lane slowly. I reach an intersection, and look left and right for any cars coming, but it's clearly obvious that this place is empty of traffic.

      Even the traffic lights have shut off, but I still make sure to check. There's a few randomly generated DCs walking on the sidewalks as well, and for some I had a weird hunch would look similar to people in waking life if I paid attention to their presence.

      I turn to the left, and keep riding until I get on the street that will lead me to the Sbisa building. The dream setting suddenly gets brighter. I go into a random building, and it's a long stairway going up. I go up a few levels, and then see a girl with black hair. She's wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, she's petite, and is Hispanic.

      She looks a lot like a girl named Olivia that rode the same buses I did in Middle School and even in High School. She's chasing boys, literally, but I don't know what factors she's using to do so in the first place. I feel bad for her in a way, and I quickly went up to her, put my hand slowly on her shoulder and declared that she shouldn't put herself in a position like this.

      I know I felt bad for her, but I don't think my words matched to the situation, but either way, I smiled at her, even though she didn't look at me, and I walked away.

      After that, I can't remember anything.

      Updated 08-05-2012 at 07:36 PM by 47756

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